Nieuwskrant van de Federatie van NZ Netherlands Societies ISSN 2230-3456
Juni/Juli 2014
Achttiende Jaargang - Nummer 4
Auckland Hamilton Rotorua New Plymouth Wanganui Wairarapa Palmerston North Wellington
Van de Voorzitter
Pa g i n a 2 :
We have celebrated our first Kingsday in New Zealand on the 28 April 2014. The Va n d e Vo o r z i t t e r turnout in the main centres was not as great as the year before with the inauguration Va n d e D u t ch (troonwisseling) on the 30th April 2013.The celebration has also taken a more Connection entertaining format with the choir singing or a band playing and entertainment for the children. Pa g i n a 3 : The Federation Klaverjas Cup is this year again organised by the Taranaki Society - the Va n d e S e c ret a re s s e results will be published in the next Schakel. The ring-in Klaverjas competition has been Va n d e Net h e r l a n d s cancelled for this year because no club has come forward to organize this event. We S o c i et y Wa n g a n u i will put this item on our agenda for discussion at our next Annual National Council Meeting (ANCM) October 2014. Pa g i n a 4 : At the end of June 2014 our Ambassador and Patron of our Federation His Excellency Va n d e Net h e r l a n d s S o c i et y Wa n g a n u i Arie van der Wiel is ending his 4 year term in New Zealand and will be returning to The ve r vo l g Netherlands for retirement. It has been a pleasant four years to have worked with him and now we wish him and his wife Mathilda a long and healthy retirement with their Pa g i n a 5 : family and friends. Ko n i n g s d a g 2 014 The Societies that have had their AGM, will their secretaries please inform our Federation secretary about any changes in their committee line-up with all the relevant Pa g i n a 6 : information. 5 0 Ye a r s i n N Z Kees Dorresteijn p a r t 2 0 by Ke e s
D o r re ste i j n
Pa g i n a 7: 5 0 Ye a r s i n N Z p a r t 2 0 by Ke e s D o r re ste i j n - ve r vo l g O p s p o r i n g ve r z o ch t Pa g i n a 8 : Ad d re s s e s S o c i et i e s D e We g K w i j t C o n t a c t s E xe c u t i ve s
Van de Dutch Connection There have been some changes within the Dutch Connection Trust. I stood down as a treasurer and Trustee for logistic reasons. Four of the Trustees live in Auckland and Joost de Bruin is the liaison officer who lives near Foxton. Meetings are held either in Auckland or in or near Foxton. Obviously I could not attend all the meetings. I have now taken on the role of local (WAIKATO) museum coordinator outside the Trust. With the fundraising now in progress I felt that, although I have bookkeeping skills and certificates, I am not an accountant. Yolande van de Wetering will do the financial administration now; she has access to an accountant. However I remain involved in the whole project. It is at the present the best the Dutch Community can offer to New Zealand and our off springs to show where their families came from and how they settled in New Zealand and also what the Dutch have achieved in New Zealand. If you have any articles we can use, which can be stored or be present in our Museum please feel free to contact me. Even if it is outside the Waikato I will endeavour to find a place. I can already tell you we have got plenty of books and magazines. However there are some exemptions of course. Articles older than 75 years might be useful. We are merely looking for articles, goods etc. people took to New Zealand. And all the articles need a story i.e. who bought it and where, price paid for it, used it, how old it is etc. I do have limited space at home. Any large items, i.e. solid furniture, have to be stored somewhere else. The Trust is renting a storage room in Foxton. Greetings, Kees Zegwaard Ph. 07 823 3407 email:
[email protected]
The editor always acts in good faith when publishing material supplied by others and does not accept any liability for inaccuracies or for unsubstantiated statements, and reserves the right to hold over any material which could discredit the name of the Federation, or which contravenes any New Zealand laws pertaining to that material or which due to lack of space, cannot be placed in the current or requested issue. “De Schakel”
Juni/Juli 2014 - 2 The one and only Dutch farmers handkerchief. Available as a handkerchief and so much more....! Visit our webshop:
Van de Secretaresse King’s Day – Koningsdag – was lustily celebrated by the clubs, from what I’ve read in the clubs’ newsletters; we in Wellington had our celebrations in The Rock, at Ngauranga and although there were fewer people than at past celebrations, this was the best one I’ve been to. This was also the last King’s Day in New Zealand for our present Ambassador, Mr Arie van der Wiel and his wife Mrs Mathilde van der Wiel-van Heugten, as their posting ends this month. Mr van der Wiel has been an ambassador who has visibly and actively supported the Dutch community, and we are very grateful for his support. Most clubs have now had their AGM; there will be new faces and others will have resigned after – in many cases – years of service to their club. So we all settle in to another year of work for the good of our Dutch communities. I’m happy to report that I’ve heard of someone who makes sjoelbakken; his name is Kelvin Bowling, he lives in Levin and can be phoned on 06 368-5526. Thank you Ria for emailing me about this! I’d like to hear from anyone who knows the whereabouts of Alida Altena (married name possibly Grey/Gray? –her husband may have been a taxi driver), who, if she is still alive, will be 85 years of age. Her sister is looking for her. The sister’s family has already searched for her by phoning people by the name Altena all over New Zealand and none of those could help. Also looking for Jacqueline Houban-Can in connection with a biography that’s being written about Boukje de Wit. Please contact me if you can help – 04 971 7571 or
[email protected] The Federation’s ANCM will take place in Rotorua on 18 October. A reminder was emailed to all affiliated clubs’ secretaries that any remits will need to be published in the August issue of De Schakel; please make sure I have them by the 18th of July. Best wishes,
Anne-Marie Knibbeler
Van de Netherlands Society Wanganui Wanganui Winter 2014 Deze tijd van het jaar moet ik dikwijls terug denken aan mijn emigratie aanvraag in de jaren 50. Men vertelde mij, je kunt je wintermantel wel hier laten, die zul je niet nodig hebben, Nieuw Zeeland is sub tropish ha-ha. En nu is het nog maar Mei. Want zeg nou zelf, we zijn een beetje bekaaid van onze zomer afgekomen. Niettemin wat zijn we bevoorrecht. Als we zien naar die akelige toestanden met de boot vluchtelingen. Ze denken naar een beter land te zullen gaan, maar zijn niet welkom. Ze hebben een grote kans voordien te verdrinken. Als ik die toestand zie op TV dan staat het huilen me na. We klagen dan wel eens, waarom? We hebben huizen om in te wonen, een overvloed wat eten betreft, kleding om ons cool of warm te houden. Riena Hagenaars gaf ons dit gedicht. Wel iets voor de Schakel dacht ze. Afgelopen 9 April hielden we onze AGM. Er is noemenswaardig niet veel verandering in de committee. We hebben Han Hagenaars bereid gevonden Vice Precident te zijn. Sis heeft de taak als president weer op zich genomen, maar vond het nodig iemand achter zich te hebben die in geval van nood, zou kunnen invallen. Committee is nu als volgt: Sis Huijs President, Han Hagenaars Vice President, Riekie Dykstra Secretary, Elly Mete-Kingi Treasurer. Committee: Doro van Elswijk, Connie Prior and Phill v/d Broek. “De Schakel”
Juni/Juli 2014 - 3
Van de Netherlands Society Wanganui DIT IS UW ORGEL HEER. Dit is uw orgel Heer, dit is uw kerk. k’Loop zo maar binnen Heer, net van mijn werk. Niet voor de priester Heer, of het antiek. Ik kom alleen maar Heer, voor de muziek. Is’t be zwaarlijk Heer, dat ik hier zit, maakt’t wat uit, o Heer, dat ik niet bid. ‘k Ben niet protestand, niet katholiek, ik kom alleen maar Heer, voor de muziek.
Ik kom hier vaker Heer, haast elke week. Nooit bij een Zondagdienst, nooit voor een preek. Als je alleen bent Heer, zonder publiek, nou dan geniet je meer, van de muziek! Ik had een rotdag, Heer, ‘t lukte niet best, ‘k werd door collega’s Heer, ook nog gepest. t’ Komt door ‘t orgel Heer, door uw trompet. Ik kwam haast ongemerkt, tot een gebed!
DC Lewis heeft dit op muziek gezet in 1970. U kunt het beluisteren via youtube: Ons Koningsfeest was weer geslaagd, zoals je aan de foto’s kunt zien. 11 Juni om 12 uur dinner op ons bekende plekkie The Brickhouse. Connie is weer bereid om dit te organizeren. Haar telefoon nummer is 2130545, laat haar even weten dat je komt zodat ze op tijd kan bespreken. Naast het Brickhouse kun je voor 2 uren parkeren en dat kost je $1.oo. En dan nog een datum om vrij te houden: 13 Augustus, maar daar lezen we in de volgende Schakel wel over. Ayse en Richard We wensen jullie een heel goede reis toe en een fijne vakantie in Nederland. van al de Dutchies in Wanganui. Groetjes aan een ieder, keep warm and out of trouble. Groetjes, Riekie
Advertentie “At Sluithek B&B we focus on older migrants from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa who migrated in the fifties and sixties and now want to see their relatives. Leusden is ideally located in the center of the country and thus provides an excellent base for family visits. For them Sluithek B&B can be their temporary home in the old country.” The website of the B&B is: “De Schakel”
Juni/Juli 2014 - 4
Koningsdag 2014
“De Schakel”
Juni/Juli 2014 - 5
50 years in New Zealand by Kees Dorresteijn - part 20 In 1998 Dawn and I booked another trip to the Netherlands. This came about because when we were in the Netherlands the first time in 1976, my second brother’s daughter was 5 years old at that time and she was very proud of that. If we were going out somewhere, for instance like an amusement park and children under five would be free, my brother would say that she was four years old and also if children had to be over five to be allowed on some rides my brother would say that she was six years old. On hearing that her father was not giving them her proper age, she would pipe up with a loud voice to say that she was five! I told her then that we would come to her wedding when she was going to get married and yes, she never forgot that I had promised her that. Dawn was looking forward to this Dutch wedding, because this would be our first time to be part of a family wedding in the Netherlands. I must say the wedding did not differ much from the weddings in New Zealand. The difference in the wedding ceremony was that at first being married before the law and next a church blessing ceremony followed. A four piece band was entertaining the guest for the evening and to Dawn’s surprise for the whole evening only one Dutch song was played. The month before our trip to the Netherlands, our daughter-in-law gave birth to another baby boy - that made it son number three for them. The following year I was re-elected as president of the Wellington Netherlands Society, after a spell of two years, and also re-elected president of the Federation of the NZ Netherlands Societies. We also received news from the couple whose wedding we had attended that they would like to pay us a visit in New Zealand - perhaps you could call it a delayed honeymoon. Once they were in New Zealand we did some more sightseeing through New Zealand and we visited the Auckland sky tower and had dinner at the orbit restaurant. The building of the sky tower started in 1994 and the official opening was in August 1997. When we were in Taupo our niece’s husband was game enough to do bungy jumping, something I have never been prepared to tackle. In June 2001 Dawn and I were awarded the Olivier van Noort medal in Silver. The Ambassador presented us this medal on behalf of the committee of the Netherlands Emigration Fund. The presentation was done after we had our Dutch Christmas church service and in the speech from the Ambassador she said that this was the first time that an Olivier van Noort medal was presented to a married couple. At that time Dawn had contributed already a fair amount to the Wellington Dutch Society and continued to do so as secretary and also being the editor for our local magazine. In 2001 Dawn and I had another trip to the Netherlands. This time Dawn’s sister and her husband came with us. The highlight of this trip, besides being with my family again, was a five-day canal boat journey from Amsterdam, Aalsmeer, Leiden, Delft, Gouda, Rotterdam and back to Amsterdam. I can recommend to anybody that is planning to go to Europe to also book for a canal boat trip. There are several trips to choose from, also in England. We had booked the whole boat, 15 of us; Dawn and me, Dawn’s sister and husband, my brothers and sister and their spouses. The skipper, his wife and his mother-in-law looked after us, breakfast, lunch and dinner - we even had morning and afternoon tea and supper if we were on board. When we stopped at places we could go ashore and explore and the skipper asked us at the start of the trip for our favourite drinks, alcoholic or otherwise and he had stocked up the fridge and we could help ourselves and pay at the end of our journey for whatever we had used. Dawn and I even celebrated our wedding anniversary on this canal boat trip. It is very relaxing and it gives you a good view over the landscape, I give it at least a 9. We have done many boat trips in the Netherlands; Amsterdam; on the river Rijn and Lek; IJsselstein to Oudewater and when we were in the Netherlands again in 2005 we went from Utrecht to Breukelen on the Vecht. “De Schakel”
Juni/Juli 2014 - 6
50 years in New Zealand by Kees Dorresteijn - part 20 - continued In 2004 after being president of the Wellington Society and also the Federation of the New Zealand Societies for 5 years, I felt that it was time again to step down and get some fresh ideas from somebody else. The trip to the Netherlands in 2005 was not all pleasure because the reason we went to Holland was when we got the news that the daughter from my oldest brother and his wife had terminal cancer. It was good that we have been able for their daughter and the family to have some outings together. She died in December that year at a young age of 47 leaving a husband and a young family of three children behind. In 2006 I was elected as president again for the Wellington Netherlands Society and in that year we had a visit from our crown Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima. During their visit in Wellington Prince Willem Alexander officiated at the rededication of the placing of the sculpture, (Zeehaen and Heemskerck) at the Parliament Buildings. This sculpture was in 1992 officially unveiled by Queen Beatrix in Frank Kits Park, the place where many of the Dutch emigrants set foot in their new country. The sculpture had some fragile parts and therefore it did not take very long before it got damaged and had be brought to a foundry in Lower Hutt (Petone) to be fixed, After some discussions it was decided not to return the sculpture to its original place and it was decided to have it placed in the Maritime Museum, until it had to be moved again because of the restoration of the museum. The next place was in the Event Centre (sport centre) where it was placed on casters so it could be moved when it would take too much valuable room for special functions. The result was that once it was moved out of site it was not put back in its place which was to the disappointment of the Dutch community. The next place it was decided on was to place it at our National Museum (Te Papa). It was placed in the lagoon without the plinth and it looked very nice to see the sculpture of the two ships in the water and safe from any vandals. Sadly, the management of Te Papa found it was deteriorating and not within the rules of the museum and it was back to the drawing board. In 2006 it was back on its Plinth and placed in the corridor at the Parliament Buildings. Story to be continued in Part 21
Celebrating 60 years Wellington Dutch Club
Vakantie in Nederland
Lelystad Comfortabele appartementen en kamer te huur, met TV, telefoon en internet; 45 min. van Schiphol en Amsterdam. Huur, 1 pers. vanaf €28 euro per nacht. Huur, 2 pers. vanaf €44 euro per nacht. incl. lakens en handdoeken. Korting bij een langer verblijf en 60+ korting. Brochures en foto’s: Ria Luikink-van Uum Moezelstraat 12 8226 LA Lelystad, Nederland. Tel: + 31 320 254316 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: “De Schakel”
Opsporing verzocht Hallo, Mijn naam is Rietje Bos-Altena, en ik ben op zoek naar mijn zuster Alida Altena. Zij is 15 juli 1929 geboren te Hilversum, en geémigreerd naar Nieuw Zeeland. Zij is even terug in Nederland geweest omstreeks 1990, en toen weer terug gegaan. Sinds die tijd ben ik het contact kwijt geraakt met haar. De enige informatie die ik nog heb, is dat ze met een taxichauffeur getrouwd zou zijn met de naam Grey (of zoiets) Ook zou haar laatste woonplaats Wellington of Auckland kunnen zijn. Ik weet dat de informatie erg summier is, maar zou u mij (op weg) kunnen helpen? Ik wacht uw antwoord in spanning af. Met vriendelijke groet, Rietje Bos-Altena, Hilversum, Nederland
email adres:
[email protected] Juni/Juli 2014 - 7
DUTCH CLUB WHANGAREI (INC.) A van der Heyden 2 Sutton Close, 15 Puriri Park Road Maunu - Whangarei 0110 ph. (09) 430 8487 email:
[email protected]
Mocht U op de een of andere manier de weg zijn kwijtgeraakt en/of wanneer U hulp nodig heeft dan kunt U bellen:
N.Z. NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE AUCKLAND (INC.) 26 Katavich Pl., Mt.Roskill Auckland 1041 Rita van Pelt email:
[email protected] ph. (09) 620 4226
N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. WAIKATO (INC.) P O Box 9252, Hamilton 3240 Wies van den Berg ph. (07) 827 9395
[email protected]
ROTORUA NETHERLANDS SOC. (INC.) P O Box 1526, Rotorua Jo Harvey Ph. (07) 348 2280 email:
[email protected]
N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE WANGANUI 12 Dorset Road, Wanganui Riekie Dijkstra Ph. (06) 345 2420 email:
[email protected]
CHRISTCHURCH (03) Corrie Kokshoorn 332 1234 Tini de Winter 352 5317 DUNEDIN (03) Olga Kitchingman 473 8216
HAMILTON (07) Jos Jongenelen 827 3313 Willy Kleijburg 854 0868
KAIKOURA (03) Bep & Chris Heuting 319 6036 PALMERSTON NORTH (06) Gretha van Brakel 358 8421 Jo Bos 350 3097 ROTORUA (07) Ina Kroese 347 0251 Anneke Meerkerk 357 4273 TARANAKI (06) Jo & Roel Hoogenberg 761 7172 WELLINGTON (04) Paula en Ton Klaassen 477 0514 Mary Boonen 237 3925 WANGANUI (06) Cis Huijs 344 1121
N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. ORANJE TARANAKI (INC.) 29c Fenton Street, Stratford 4332 Riet Weel ph. (06) 765 0343
[email protected]
N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOC. MANAWATU & DISTRICTS 621 Ferguson Street, Palmerston North 4410 Greta van Brakel ph. (06) 358 8421 email:
[email protected]
N.Z.NETHERLANDS SOCIETY WAIRARAPA 33 Fleet Street, Masterton Harry Wientjes ph. (06) 377 0051
WHANGAREI (09) Sien v.d. Veeken 437 7947 Cathy Verkuylen 437 0822 Guus & Riki Karels 438 2363
If you have copy for “De Schakel” please make sure that it reaches the editor no later than 21 July 2014 De Schakel will be available on the Federation’s website in the last week of May
ISSN 2230-3456
The Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc. was founded in 1966 It is governed by the National Council, a body of the Affiliated Societies, who meet once a year at the Annual National Council Meeting, which is held usually in October and each year in a different centre in New Zealand. The day to day well being is in the hands of an elected committee comprising, at present, of the persons listed below:
PRESIDENT Kees Dorresteijn 26 de Menech Grove Avalon - LOWER HUTT 5011 ph. (04) 938 2378 email:
[email protected]
SECRETARY Anne-Marie Knibbeler 21 August Street Lower Hutt 5019 ph. (04) 971 7571 mob. 027 951 5770 e-mail:
[email protected]
VICE-PRESIDENT NORTH ISLAND Albert Ruijne 15 Liam Place Halfmoon Bay AUCKLAND 2012 ph. (09) 940 9475
[email protected]
VICE-PRESIDENT SOUTH ISLAND Marian Martens 173 Walkers Road RD 7 Rolleston Christchurch Ph. (03) 347 8337 email:
[email protected] TREASURER Tonny van der Storm BA PO Box 75 PALMERSTON 9443, OTAGO e-mail:
[email protected]
EDITOR “DE SCHAKEL” Reina Vijselaar 9 Chandler Crescent Clyde 9330 Central Otago ph. (03) 449 3387 e-mail:
[email protected]
NETHERLANDS SOC.WELLINGTON (INC.) P O Box 30060, Lower Hutt 5040 Anne-Marie Knibbeler ph. (04) 971 7571 email:
[email protected]
NETHERLANDS SOC. CHRISTCHURCH (INC.) P O Box 1211, Christchurch 8140 Marina Wylaars-McGurk email:
[email protected]
“De Schakel”
Juni/Juli014 - 8