Chapter IV Finding and Analysis A. The kind of a person does Tito describe himself to be in How Can I Talk If My Lips Don’t Move The character in this novel is Tito gets autism but his physical appearance is not showing. According of Theo Peeters statement that autism is abnormal growing or annoyed before 3 years old as be showing by delay or abnormal function in sign little bit there are social interaction, used language in social growing, used language in social communication, symbolic or imagination game. (2012:3). in this novel, Tito is round character because he has many changes in his life. In the past time, he cannot do something as write, communication, use cloths, etc and now, he can write, communicasion and use his cloths by himself even he has many knowledge in his mind so he can make a story or poems. Round character is refer to the one who often change- learn or become enlightened grow or deteriorate (Kennedy and Gioia, 2005:92). Tito is mayor character in this novel because he is important character. He makes this story grow up because this story is his experience in his life as DiYanni notion that Mayor Character is a character at the center of the narrative act or topic (2001:55). Tito cannot speak when he was two or three years old. He likes moving his hand and just interesting one object. When, he and his mother go to psychology. The psychology tells to him to play with that toys but he not do it because he not interested with thing if he do not know how to play it. He interested with his moving hands so he avoid the toys and moving his hands more and more.
“Aku tidak tertarik dengan benda-benda yang tidak kuketahui cara pengunaanya.” (P.31) Although, his mother try to bring him near to the toys but Tito always run and come to the mirrors and play with his hands because Tito was interested with his hands reflection in the mirror. Actually, Tito can use that toys as throw this toys as the rain or moving that toys but Tito not interested so he cannot play that toys. This is psychology reasons to diagnosis Tito gets autism. “Dan karena aku mengibas-ngibaskan tanganku, karena aku tidak menaggapi balok-balok itu, karena aku tidak berbicara, dan karena aku tidak menirukan dirinya, diagnosisnya adalah autisme.” (P.3233). This can conclude that autism can showing before three years old. The characteristics are moving hands, repetitive behavior, trouble communication and limited interested. For that statement is show that Tito understands if he gets autism because he hear from the physicolog statement about autism so he make conclusion why he cannot speak because he gets autism. “Akhirnya aku tahu kenapa aku tidak berbicara. Itu karena aku autis.” (P.33) Tito cannot use his two senses together but he must choose one sense to use. According of the DSM-IV (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) statement, that autism placed in pervasive development trouble. The characteristics are having dominant trouble in understanding, language, motorist, and social interaction. Pervasive development trouble connected with qualitative trouble. This trouble caused development slowness or secondary disablement includes sensory and motorist. In
this case, Tito gets secondary disablement so it makes Tito cannot use his senses together. “Aku bisa memusatkan semua konsentrasiku hanya pada satu indra, dan itu adalah pendengaran.” (P.7). “Saluran indrawiku yang dominan adalah pendengaranku.” (P.232) According of statement above Tito cannot use his two senses together and sense of hearing is dominant. He can focus his entire mind just use one sense and it is sense of hearing. If he chooses his sense of hearing when he screams, his eyes will close so he cannot see his around. With his sense of hearing, he can identify someone just use their voice. However, if he meets someone and his mother want Tito to identify that someone, just used his sense of sight, he cannot identify him or her. “Aku mungkin tidak akan mengenalinya dari wajah, tapi aku tentunya akan mengenalinya jika aku mendengar suaranya.” (P.131). It shows that sense of hearing is dominant. To identify someone face, Tito connected that face with a meeting in the last time. However, he cannot identify before hear their voice.When he meets Mr. Rao. He cannot know is Mr. Rao, before he hears his voice and connect in the last situation when he meets Mr. Rao. “Hanya ketika mendengar suara Mr. Rao-lah, aku akan teringat momen tepat yang terjadi pada hari Minggu itu di Cabbon Park. Wajah itu cocok dengan suara dalam kisah rumput dan dedaunan itu.” (P.130). In his life, Tito has many obsessions. His obsessions are tray to use escalator, seeing the sun, go to with bus and other obsessions. He wants to try something when he fells he like it. When he goes to London with his mother, he used escalator for first
time. He fells amazed with escalator so he expect he can use escalator more and more. His hope being his necessity so he wants to use escalator every day. After went school or when he was get up from his sleep, he want go to Hollywood Highland to use the escalator. “Pada hari-hari ketika aku akan berharap bisa menaiki semua eskalator hanya untuk “mencoba-coba”. Seperti yang kujelaskan pada ibu. Ibu berkata bahwa hal itu cenderung merupakan obsesiku ketimbang “mencoba-coba”. Kemudian menaiki eskalator menjadi lebih dari sekadar kegiatan “mencoba-coba.” Itu menjadi sebuah kebutuhan, seperti menggosok gigiku.” (P.57). If Tito fells comfortable with something, he will enjoy. When he fells enjoy, he will fell addicted and if fell addicted he will need to do this. He will visit or doing when although the condition is bad, he will do it. Usually he will urge his mother or his assistant to company him to go to bus station or go to anywhere to do his entire obsession. He will angry or panic when he cannot do it. “Bagaimana jika dia tidak mau? Maaf-maaf saja nih, tapi aku akan mengamuk, dan hal ini diluar kendaliku.” (P.222). If Tito panic or feel not well, he will move his hands. He tries to decrease his panic with his moving hands. When Tito moving his hand, his mother and assistant know that, he gets panic. “Aku melihat kedua tanganku mengibas-ngibas, berusaha mengenyahkan kungkungan malam yang mencengkeram pergelangan tangan dan jemariku.” (P. 216). His obsessions influence his attitude so he will move his hands, panic and angry. His obsession as a smoker, smoker knows cigarettes is poisons and make some diseases but he cannot to avoid. He still smokes more and more. Tito obsession is growing
until him adult but when he adult, he can calm that situation with screams slowly. Tito is clever child. Tito know why his obsession influent his attitude. He tries telling the process used neuroscience theory. “Suatu obsesi dimulai de caudate nucleus dalam otak. Dari caudate nucleus, impuls dikirim ke prefrontal contex. Dari prefrontal cortex, impuls dikirim ke cingulate contex. Impuls dari cingulate contex dikirim balik ke caudate nucleus, dengan begitu lengkaplah siklus ini. Siklus akan terus berulang dalam otak. Jadi suatu impuls obsesif tidak mudah untuk dialihkan perhatiannya.” (P.223). From that statement, it can concluded that Tito is clever child. Although he gets autism but he has many knowledge. It shows that autist not stupid all but any autist have high IQ than normal people. Theo Peeters say in his book “Dua puluh persen penyandang autisme dianggap memiliki IQ rata-rata atau diatas rata-rata” (2012:21). Tito include in autist that has high IQ so he can memorize all knowledge. Tito can know and have knowledge is from his mother because his mother always tells him about knowledge. She tries to teach Tito more than one time in a day so Tito can memorize all knowledge in his brain. Tito knows about saints, grammatical and knowledge. This is statement which show Tito has much knowledge: “aku menghafalkan kata-kata Ibu karena sering diulang-ulang. Bahkan, sebelum berumur lima tahun, aku bisa menggambarkan kata-kata gravitasi, daya, dan akselerasi karena Ibu menjelaskan mereka padaku secara konsisten dan penuh dedikasi.” (P.12) “Aku tumbuh besar dengan terbuka pada karya-karya karangan Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hardy, dan Dickens,...” (P.231-232). Tito can memorize knowledge before five years old. He knows the works of Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hardy and the works of Dickens. If he has not high IQ, he cannot memorize that knowledge because normal autism IQ is less than fifty. Theo
Peeters statement that autism learns with memorize is to be correct. Tito believe he can write his imaginations in a story or in poetry is cause his knowledge. He likes knowledge because it can make his imaginations rich of any reasons and he can answer all imaginations with his knowledge as saints and philosophy. Tito was being popular in social community because he is clever but he cannot speak, like moving his hand and can play jigsaw puzzle. Many his neighbors think that Tito is clever but his mother more spoils him so he always scream and do bizarre behavior. “Beberapa berkata bahwa aku pintar, sementara yang lain berkata bahwa aku pintar dan terlalu dimanjakan. “Hanya anak-anak manja yang bisa menjerit dan menarik begitu banyak perhatian.” (P.174). “Aku segera menjadi terkenal dikota kecil itu sebagai “Bocah yang tidak bisa bicara, tapi bisa menyelesaikan jigsaw puzzle.” (P.175). Tito does communication and writes when he was six years old. He can speak but people cannot understand. He use paper and pencil to show what he talk, to give suggestion or show his afraid. In the first time, he cannot use pencil. He always makes it unexpectedly but his mother help him to use his pencil correctly. His mother teaches him to make a word. She always teaches him more than one in a day. So he can write now and all the want is realize in his writing. At the time, he goes to store. He tries to choose cloths and he writes his expectation in his writing. “Karena aku bisa berkomunikasi, aku ditanyai warna apa yang kuinginkan. Aku akan merinci pilihan pakaianku yang bermotif garis-garis, kotak-kotak, atau beberapa warna, pokoknya yang diminta oleh suasana hatiku untuk kutulis.” (P.93).
From statement above, it can conclude that Tito cannot speak but he can communication use his writing. He can show all in his writing. Tito can write because he try hard and it is because his mother and his assistants. Because repetitive and exercise, Tito can write many words fluently. When he was eleven years old, BBC and National Autistic Society invite him to go to England. Lorna Wing, Judith Gould and Beate Hermalin give him assignment. Then Tito writes his answer and his thinking so they believe if Tito can write by himself. In addition, because his ability and his knowledge, they believe Tito is different with another autist and he being new icon in autism case because he cannot speak but he can write. Then his first book published by them. “Dan para peneliti itu mempercayaiku, buku pertamaku, Beyond the silence (di Amerika Serikat berjudul The Mind Tree), diterbitkan. Tidak hanya karyaku yang diterbitkan, aku juga diberi tahu bahwa BBC membuat dokumenter tentangku, Tito‟s Story, yang menenagkan Emma Award di Inggris.” (P.207). Tito has many therapists in talk and language skills in All India Institute of Speech and Haring in Mysore. They give Tito motivation and teach him in many time to make Tito can write, communication and can do anything with himself. Before, Tito cannot eat rice because it is so soft but his therapists teach him to eat rice. He cannot use his cloth with himself but when he fell comfortable, he can do that. In the first time, he learns to use cloths. His therapists help him to use. When he able uses cloths, his therapies try to teach him use T-shirt. Tito is not comfortable with T-shirt so he choose cloth than T-shirt although he dislike T-shirt, he can use it with himself.
His ability is because he always tries hard and repetitive in much time but if Tito gets stress, he cannot learn anymore. “Karena aku tidak pernah bisa belajar apapun jika merasa stres.” (P.53). “Pada mulanya, aku mengenakan bajuku seperti seseorang yang mengalami gangguan penglihatan karena aku tidak bisa melihat tugas baru apapun. Aku belajar untuk melihatnnya saat aku sudah mulai menjadi terbiasa dengannya. Setelahnya, aku memasukkan dan mengeluarkan kancing dari lubang-lubang itu sambil melihatnya.” (P.91). Tito can memorize all events in his life. He can memorize events when he was child. He memorizes with use his perception because his perception is important to save his memorize. He likes memorize all events from factual memorizing or include facts. Save factual memorize is not use emotion so all is fact. He connects his statement with his knowledge, as saints because saints are cannot change so this statement will full of fact. He can memorize all events when that event is amazed for her and there are any connections with his sense. “Aktivitas indraku yang terlalu kuatlah yang menyebabkannya. Faktor tersebut memuatku mengingat beberapa aspek tertentu saat diriku masih muda, walaupun terkadang aku tidak bisa mengingat siapa yang baru saja kutemui kemarin.” (P.103). It can be concluded that Tito is clever and being new phenomenal because he gets autism but he can write, communication and has many knowledge. In the last time, he cannot do anything but his mother and his therapist help him to do that. Tito has high IQ than autist. It shows with his knowledge. Tito has many obsessions in his life also if he fells comfortable with his obsession, his obsession will be his necessity.
Moreover, if cannot do his obsession, he will panic and angry so the moving his hand is the way to make him fell calm.
The Tito’s Mindset Formed In Novel How Can I Talk If My Lips Don’t move. According of Encarta electronic dictionary in the secret of mindset by Adi W.
Gunawan Mindset is beliefs that affect somebody‟s attitude; a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determine somebody behavior and outlook. It means mindset is source from belief and it will be influence of attitude as in Tito cases. Tito is autist child and he has different mindset and imagination with normal child but actually all human mindset is from belief not only normal or autism but all. Autists have different way to learn about this world. They learn with remember method because they get trouble with they have trouble in their growing and it placed in pervasive growing trouble category. The characteristic of pervasive growing trouble are dominant trouble in difficulty cognitive learning, language, motor (movement), and social interaction. All their belief is be theirs mindset although it is fantasy because autist can differentiate between fact and fantasy. As in this, Tito cases: “Aku akan berdiri di depannya karena percaya bahwa cermin itu ingin menceritakan sebuah kisah kepadaku. Dan aku percaya bahwa cermin itu ingin menceritakan sebuah kisah padaku karena aku pun ingin bercerita padanya sebuah” (P. 1). Based on text above Tito believe that mirror as human can do social interactions and tell a story to him and he is also tell a story to the mirror. Tito considers that the mirror be his friend so he care and he want to tell something to the mirror. This belief
being Tito mindset that mirror can do social interaction so he always want to stand up and see the mirror more and more. This is different with normal belief. If people stand up in front of mirror, they just want to see their looking or its reflection but Tito is different as he said: “Aku berdiri di depan cermin, bukan untuk menggagumi pemandangan yang dipantulkan. Aku juga tidak akan berdiri di cermin untuk melihat seberapa rapinya rambutku.” (P.1) As explanation above, Tito did not stand up front of the mirror for seeing reflection of nature or for seeing his looking but he just want to hear a story from the mirror because he belief mirror can tell a story with him and he will tells a story also. This is difference between normal people and autist. If we see with normal thinker, this is abnormal but it is autists. They are life with themself. They have many imaginations also but their imagination is different with normal people because normal people can differentiate between fact and fantacy but not for autists. When Tito believes the mirror can tell a story to him because he want to tell story to the mirror also. He has a conclusion if he tells a story to the mirror so the mirror will tell a story to him. He will think about the sky and believe the mirror can hear his explanation and show to his about the sky. “ aku akan percaya bahwa cermin itu mendengar pemikiranku dan menunjukkan padaku mengenai langit yang miring itu” (P.1). That quotation indicated Tito believe if the mirror can do interaction as human like tell a story, hear and showing something to his being strong. This is influence his attitude, act and behavior so he always stand up in front of the mirror in long times.
Ady explain this concept that “Belief mendasari segala keputusan, pilihan, sikap, tindakan, dan perilaku kita.” “begitu belief terbentuk, semakin lama akan semakin kuat effeknya, hidup kita selanjutnya praktis hanya menjalankan apa yang telah “tertulis” dalam belief. (Ady, 2008:61). So can be conclude that all provide a basis of attitude, act, and behavior is belief or can call mindset because mindset is belief itself. “Aku tahu bahwa cermin mendengarkan semuanya karena hanya ketika aku berdiri didepannya, aku bisa mendengar dinding dan lantai berbicara.” (P.2) Therefore, he always wants to stand up in front of the mirror more and more. If it connectional with Theo Peeters notion about imagination especially in Echolalia expressions this action or attitude is included do something just for happiness only because it has not effect if Tito does not do this attitude or behavior but this is only affect from his belief so he do it. Tito cannot speak when he was two years old. His mother tells to him if he try hard, he can to speak. That time Tito imagination that he hears a story in red and green color. His mother voice makes him afraid because his mother voice deletes the story so he cannot continue his imagination. Then Tito thinks about the mirror that the mirror cannot reflection voice from the sound and he applies his mother statement to the mirror. “Cermin itu tak akan pernah merefleksikan suara-suara yang tercipta dari bunyi. Tapi aku tahu bahwa cermin itu bisa melakukannya jika dia berusaha cukup keras” (P.5). Tito believe that the mirror as him. If the mirror cannot do something, so it must tray hard. In first session is clear that Tito believe the mirror as human so all his hearing
from someone will apply in the mirror as explanation above. This quotation bellow, show about Tito believe that the mirror as human can do activity. When his mother shows to him, some tricks can do if the mirrors face to face. That mirrors make unlimited reflections. Tito can see all reflections and he amazed. His belief that the mirrors communication used reflections language. “Aku melihat dua cermin berinteraksi satu sama lain, bukan dalam bahasa biru, putih, kuning, atau coklat, tapi dalam sebuah bahasa yang sungguh-sungguh baru. Cermin-cermin tersebut berinteraksi dalam bahasa refleksi, sesuatu yang tidak akan mereka bagikan padaku.”(P.17). It show Tito‟s belief is being strong so all happen with the mirror connected as the mirror interaction. Tito amazed with that reflections and he believe this is new reflection language. Tito believe the mirrors mutual tell secret story as a family. Autist learns with memorize method. They remember all in this world. What are they hear or see being their belief as Theo Peeters explanation “Para penyandang
kesinambungan dalam menemukan dunia yang dapat diprediksi/diduga”. (Theo Peeters, 2012:185-186). As in this case is show, that Tito memorizes all he hearing when he hear someone tell to him the manner to speak. If he thinks is true, it can be his belief. “Kau perlu berbicara kata-kata dasar padanya dulu,” suara-suara itu akn memberi tahu ibu. Kata-kata dasar melibatkan serentetan kata seperti dada, mama, kaka, baba, dan seterusnya” (P.6).
“Hanya setelah dia menguasai kata-kata itu, dia baru bisa mengikuti penjelasan seperti, „cobalah berusaha keras untuk berbicara‟.” Aku akan mendengar kata-kata mereka dalam suara penyakit kuning mereka.”(ibid). This is being Tito belief if want to able to do something must can and know about that words like dada, mama, and kaka. So he think about the colour of that words so he stand up in front of the mirror and try to call that words, the mirror can showing the colour with it reflection. Tito realizes that mirror can reflection that words as him cannot speak about that words. He remembers about his mother and people words that he can speak if try hard. Therefore, he believes if mirror try hard to reflection that words so it can reflection words. “Aku segera menyadari bahwa cermin itu tidak bisa merefleksikan warna kata-kata dasar itu. Hanya setelah cermin menguasai bagaimana merefleksikan kata-kata dasar, barulah dia bisa mengikuti penjelasan lain seperti, „Cobalah berusaha keras untuk merefleksikan‟, aku menyimpulkannya” (P.6). It can conclude that autisms learn with memorize. Tito remembers the rule as the statement above. He remembers rule of people and mother words, what are the steps and he believe that step is true and it is be his mindset that it is a manner how is to speak first. So in his memorize if want to able to do anything must try hard. Tito thinks that one experience will be next experience. Moreover, every experience in his mind as a natural phenomena and decide as the rule of nature. As in this statement: “Jika aku melihat seekor burung di sebuah pohon, tepat pada saat itu aku juga melihat seorang lewat di depan gerbang kami, aku akan menyimpulkan bahwa setiap kali seekor burung bertengger disebuah pohon, seseorang perlu berjalan menyeberangi jalanan.” (P.8).
Tito memorize that rule if he see a bird in the tree, someone must cross the street. He thinks this is the rule of nature so not anyone can change the rule. This rule be Tito belief and be his mindset. Sometime, when he sees a bird but no someone cross the street, he will panic and confuse because autists do not want if the rule is change. It is can show in this statement: “Bagaimana jika keduanya tidak terjadi di saat bersamaan? Well, aku akan merasa panik dan menjadi begitu gelisah sehingga bakal menjerit.”(P.8). If seeing from echolalia expression Tito want avoid from failure. He wants not fail to learn this world. So in his memorize if he see a bird in the tree, someone must cross the street. Autists understand this world with tight way so all must in same condition as they feeling before. Conditions cannot change suddenly because if any change they will get trouble. When his mother tell about snow white and her stepmother, the queen ask to the mirror about her beauty every day. Tito thinks about beauty and beauty color. If compared with normal thinker, normal people never think about beauty color. They understand about the beauty word just with explanation but not think about it, what the meaning of beauty. In Tito mindset, he believe that just mirror know about beauty because he remember the queen always ask to the mirror about her beauty. In this case, show that autists cannot differentiate between fact and fantasy. Tito does not know that snow white and her stepmother is fantasy but he just belief that story is true.
“Kupikir wanita memiliki semacam benda bernama “kecantikan”, dan ibu tirinya Putri Salju, sang ratu, mempunyai benda bernama “kecantikan” yang lebih besar dibandingkan para wanita lainnya. Dan aku yakin cermin- cermin yang dapat berbicara, tahu siapa orang yang memiliki benda bernama “kecantikan” yang terbesar di antara semuanya.” (P.12). It can be concluded that Tito memorizes the rule in the snow white and her stepmother story. The rule is the mirror can show their beauty because the queen always asks to the mirror about her beauty condition every day. His mother always repetitive this story so Tito believe this story is true so he think the mirrors just know who are people have thing that the name is beauty. Autist cannot difference between fact and fantasy. All Tito hear and see it will be his belief and then be his mindset although it is fantasy. If seeing with echolalia expression, this is Tito way to learn about beauty word with ask to the mirror about what is beauty. In another case, Tito say beauty is from skin. This is conclusion take from his imagination. He imagines how if woman has skin as in statement below: “Seorang wanita terlihat cantik karena dilapisi oleh kulit. Jika aku mengekspos anatomi si wanita yang terdiri atas otot, tulang, dan organ-organ vitalnya, aku mungkin tidak bisa lagi melihat kecantikannya”.(P.18). From that statement is show that Tito has critical thinking so he wants to know deeply and all their thinking must correct. Tito has critical thinking about skin because he thinks skin make women beautiful even he imagines how is women have not skin. Tito can find the answer with his statement that skin make women look beautiful because he think many thing in the world is very beauty but it is still secret majority.
In Tito‟s belief that all thing as human. He used his imagination when Tito takes hand mirror from his mother. Every day he will aim one mirror with another mirror. Tito interested with mirror reflection so he imagines that the mirrors do interaction, compare their reflecsion and communication. Tito tries to enter in that reflections with his imagination when blue colour reflecsion in one mirror is reflected in another mirror so the reflecsion be unlimited. “Aku membuat warna-warna itu berkelahi satu sama lain. Terkadang aku membuat warna-warna itu berbagi rahasia mereka dengan angin.”(P.18). Because the reflecsion of blue clour is unlimited, he belief that he make the colours fighting with another. If seeing from echolalia expression, the statements above showing Tito‟ imagination just for happiness only. He is interested with mirror reflection so he tries to learn about what is he seeing. He learns with compare reflection from one mirror with another mirror. He sees color from one mirror and reflected with another mirror so it make an unlimited reflection. It is make he thinks that he make colors fighting. One day, Tito realizes when someone speaks, their lips are moving then they produce voice. He sees his mother lips are moving when she sings a song to him. He makes conclusion that voice will produces when lips move. He goes to the mirror and see his lips moving then he realize that his lips does not moving. “Tidak heran aku tidak berbicara. Bagaiman aku bisa berbicara jika bibirku tidak bergerak? Aneh sekali! Orang-orang tidak mengerti fakta sesederhana ini!” (P.19).
Theo Peeters theories that autist learns with memorize to be right for Tito. In this biography show that Tito learns with memorize as in that case above. Tito memorizes what he sees. He sees the sound produce when the lips are moving. His mother lips moving when she sings a song and people lips when they speak. Therefore, he makes a conclusion that he can speak because his lips is not moving. This belief be his mindset if want to speak must moving lips. His mindset applies to the mirror and he realizes why the mirror cannot speak. “Dan kenapa cermin tidak mau berbicara? Cermin tidak berbicara hanya karena dia tidak punya bibir untuk digerakkan.” (P.20). It shows that Tito has high imaginasion about the mirror and try to find why he mirror cannot speak. He learns with himself and collect facts so it being a conclusion. He collects the facts from seeing and applies to him and the mirror. He knows the mirror has not lips because he see the mirror after know that voice produce by moving lips so he makes a conclusion that the mirror cannot speak because it have lips. In another statement Tito believe that the end of number is three because he hearing his parents, someone always count number and ending in three number when they request to Tito do something as jumping, run and another activity. “Mereka akan memulainya sambil berkata, “ayo mulai… satu … dua … dan- dan-dan … tiga!” dalam gaya yang rutin sehingga aku dapat mengantisipasi angka terakhir yaitu “tiga””.(P.28). His belief about the ending of number is three make his firm belief being strong because he collects facts with see. He sees a fan in his room and count that the fan has three parts and count as his parents do. This event was happen when Tito was before
three years old. In this age is very important to the children as Ady explain that “Pada masa awal kehidupan seseorng anak manusia, khususnya tiga tahun pertama, pikiran sadar anak belum berkembang. Pada periode ini anak akan beroperasi murni hanya dengan mengunakan pikiran bawah sadar.”(Ady, 2008:32). It can be concluded that children before three years old use unconsciousness thought and all experience or imprint get from their sense will be memorize 100%. According of Konrad Lorenz, imprint is a significant event from the past in which you formed a believe or a cluster of believe. Therefore, imprint can influence attitude, thinking and behavior. This is can conclude that Tito‟s imprint is get from repetitive information from his parents who count number ending in three numbers. He remembers and always thinks that ending of number is three. This cases like with mirror case. Tito belief his shadow is his best friend because he always find his shadow where he are. His shadows like human do activity and have emotion when Tito thinks his shadow wanted to walk. In another day, Tito believes that his shadow need exercise this supported in statement below: “Pada hari yang lain, di beranda, aku terus meloncat ke atas dan ke bawah, hanya untuk membuat si bayangan berolahraga. Aku tidak berhenti melompat-lompat, walaupun Ibu berusaha mengalihkan perhatianku. Ibu tidak menyadari bahwa bayanganku butuh olahraga.”(P.24). From the statement above, it means that Tito cannot different fantasy and fact. He believes his shadow like human do exercise. Belief means mindset and this is influent his attitude as jumping when he belief his shadow need exercise.
Tito likes moving his hands every time. He fells amazed to do that and seeing his hands reflecsion in the mirrors in psycholog room. Tito want not do anything when a physicologist want he to do something with that toys. Tito very excited with his hands reflecsion so he always moving his hands. When physichologist diagnosed Tito is autism because he moving his hands, cannot respond and imitate physichologist instruction and cannot speak. Then he grouped anything in autism word according of physichologist statement about autism. This is show in statement below: “Aku membuat daftar panjang mengenai benda-benda yang kukira memiliki autisme. Tirai-tirai yang melambai diembukan angin, dedaunan besar dan kecil yang sedikit berdesir ketika diembus angin karena posisi mereka menggantung, kertas-kertas, atau halamanhalaman sebuah buku yang terbuka dibawah kipas angin, kuklasifikasikan sebagai autis.”(P.33). Tito makes a conclusion about autism after hear from phsycologist explanasion. He collects facts from his seeing. He collects all thing that he see is moving as leave, papers etc because he see it is moving so he called that all is autism chategories. Moreover, he makes a conclusion not only for moving criteria but also from some aspects. “Benda-benda tersebut terkena autisme karena mereka melambai, tidak akan merespon balok-balok apapun, tidak bicara, dan aku yakin mereka tidak akan bisa menirukan si psikolog.” (ibid). In conclusion, Tito is autist child who cannot speak and always do repetitive behaviour. Tito learns with memorize all he hear and see and all his believe be his mindset. Tito cannot difference between fact and fantasy so he thinks that mirror and his shadow as human do activity like communication, tell a story, hear and do something. Tito learns his word with different way. He collects facts and then makes
a conclusion. His imagination so many although like as bizarre but all have many meaning. Tito want all is correct and cannot be change if the rule is change he will panic, this is effect of his memorize.