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Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9 Siok G Lt. 13 dan 3 serta Siok F Lt. Dasar Telp. 3823355 Fax. (021) 3848850 dan Fax. (021) 3823253 JAKARTA10110
NOTADINAS Nomor ; ~'1Q I ·01"2Kepada Yth. Dari Sifat Lampiran Hal
Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi OKI Jakarta Kepala UPT Jakarta Smart City Segera 1 (satu) berkas Undangan Sebagai Pembicara pada Breakfast Dialogue OpenGov Asia
Sehubungan dengan undangan sebagai pembicara pada Breakfast Dialogue dari OpenGov Asia, dengan ini kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
1. Breakfast Dialogue adalah acara diskusi terbuka dalam rangka memberi kesempatan bagi Pemerintah Daerah berbagi informasi dengan rekan-rekan internasional. Undangan ini diperuntukan hanya kepada lembaga di Jakarta yang terpilih melalui tim Editorial OpenGov. 2. Breakfast Dialogue akan diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis tanggal 29 Oktober 2015 di J,W Marriott Hotel pukul 08.00 s.d 10.30 pagy ./ 3. Acara akan diawali dengan pengenalan singkat yang disampaikan oleh tim OpenGov, kemudian 10 menit kedua akan diberikan kesempatan kepada Bapak Ii Karunia sebagai pembicara, 10 menit selanjutnya akan diisi oleh Peter Harrison. Acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya-jawab interaktif dari para peserta acara. 4. OpenGov mengharapkan kesediaan Bapak Ii Karunia untuk menjadi pembicara bersama-sama dengan Peter Harrison, Head of Infrastructure & Support for the Department for Child and Protection and Family Australia bagian Bara!. Demikian disampaikan, mohon arahan lebih lanju!. Atas perkenaan Bapak diucapkan terima kasih.
.2\ September 2015 Kepala UPT Jakarta Smart City Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta,q
Setiaji NIP 197406081998031003
Tembusan: Sekretaris Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta
61'13 $
OPEN GOV OpenGov Asia invites you to join us at the Dialogue with Peter Harrison Head of Infrastructure & Support
16'h September 2015
Dear Mr. Ii Karunia. This is a formal invitation for you to come and have a breakfast dialogue with Peter Harrison. who is being brought to Jakarta to share information on Unified Communication and be a Keynote Speaker. I have spoken with Setiaji and the Smart City Team prior to approaching you.
Our structure is unique and so if the format. We start with a quick introduction and then we offer 10 minutes to you. our local keynote. and 10' minutes to Peter. our international keynote to set the tone. Then we open it to the delegates via questions on the screen to which they vote real time via a voting device. This sparks the dialogue and makes the session very interactive.
Mr. Harrison is the Head of Infrastructure & Support for the Department for Child and Protection and Family in Western Australia. The department is the 5'" largest in the State and the offices are spread over 2.5 million kilometres.
This invitation is limited to a few select agencies in Jakarta based on a short list from the OpenGov editorial team. There is no cost involvement. The dialogue gives local government a chance to hear what their international peers are doing.
The dialogue starts at 8.00 am and will finish by 10.30 am. It's incredible how much content can be shared over this time and our attendees have found this highly beneficial in countries such as Singapore. Malaysia. Australia and New Zealand to name a few.
I am attaching a brochure for you and your team to review. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mohit Sagar Group Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief Di rect: (+65) 6303 0681 Mobile: (+65)81111400
OpenGov is a content provider that creates platforms. enabling government from around the world to share and exchange ideas on their use of technology in this digital age. We are a team that has revolutionised the traditional conference platform. having developed a method to return real and tangible value to the delegates that attend. By creating an environment that enables and enhances true collaboration and knowledge exchange. OpenGov enhances the experience which provides true insights from lessons learnt.
Due to the ever changing digital environment. CIO's struggle to keep up with all these changes. To assist these CIO's. OpenGov has embarked on a journey of exploration. finding solutions and best practice examples to assist CIO's in bridging this knowledge gap throughout Digital Platform. OpenGov has organised many types of events. These events being small training seminars. large scale conferences and industry based exhibitions. They specifically focus on Government. in the areas of Public Sector ICT. Health care and Education. To add further value to these events. we have included private sector representation. which has further expanded on our knowledge based and understanding in the delivery of services to our citizens. Our tag lines says it all -> OMG Open My Government! www.opengovasia.com