Name: Date of Birth: Marital Status: Nationality:
Peter Andrew Sherwood 30 September 1948, Budapest Married Júlia Kalinová, 1983; one daughter, 1989 British
Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Campus Box 3160, 421 Dey Hall Chapel Hill North Carolina 27599-3160 USA Fax: 1-919-962-3708 E-mail:
[email protected] (departmental phone line: 1-919-966-1642 departmental e-mail:
[email protected])
EDUCATION Manchester Grammar School, England (1960-1966); University of London 1970 (BA, first class honours), 1976 (Diploma in Linguistics) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2008-
University of Cambridge: visiting lecturer, 1999
(OUTSIDE U.K.) University of Szeged, Hungary: visiting lecturer, November-December 2006 University of Rome: visiting lecturer, November 1995 University of Debrecen, Hungary: visiting lecturer, March 1995 University of Budapest: visiting lecturer, January 1994 HONORS 2011: János Lotz Medal of the International Association for Hungarian Studies 2007: Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic 2003: G. F. Cushing Prize of the British-Hungarian Fellowship (London) for “outstanding contribution[s] to Hungarian linguistics, literary translation and for fostering appreciation of Hungarian culture in Great Britain” 2001: Pro Cultura Hungarica Hungarian State Prize for contributions to Anglo-Hungarian relations 1998: Prize of the Hungarian Milán Füst Foundation (ASch 12,000) MEMBERSHIP OF EDITORIAL BOARDS Officina Hungarica, Budapest, 1999American Hungarian Educators' Association E-Journal, 2011Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok [Studies in General Linguistics], Budapest, 2012MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Literary Translators’ Association Linguistic Society of America American Hungarian Educators’ Association British Hungarian Fellowship (London), Executive Committee member International Association for Hungarian Studies, Budapest Philological Society, London
20092008-2010 20081996-2007 19751971-
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, Helsinki
indicates that a paper was given and subsequently published (see Publications) indicates that a paper was given indicates that a brief contribution was made
American Hungarian Educators' Association Annual Meeting New Brunswick, NJ 2013 American Literary Translators' Association Annual Meeting** Rochester, NY 2012 American Hungarian Educators’ Association Annual Meeting** Brooklyn, NY 2012 American Hungarian Educators’ Association Annual Meeting*** Cleveland, OH 2011 American Literary Translators’ Association Annual Meeting Philadelphia 2010 American Hungarian Educators’ Association Annual Meeting Szeged 2010 American Hungarian Educators’ Association Annual Meeting *** Berkeley, CA 2009 American Hungarian Educators’ Association Annual Meeting Pittsburgh 2008 (Organizer) 70 Years of Hungarian Studies at the University of London*** UCL-SSEES London 2007 35 Years of Hungarian Studies at Szeged University** Szeged 2006 Resistance, Rebellion and Revolution in Central Europe: Commemorating 1956*** UCL-SSEES London 2006 (Organizer:) Europe’s József. An international one-day conference to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Attila József UCL- SSEES London 2005 Sándor Márai Conference *** Darwin College Cambridge 2004 Budapesti Uráli Műhely 4: A grammatizálódás** Budapest 2003 Fifth Mendel Friedman Conference on Yiddish Studies: The Yiddish Presence in European Literature*** Oxford 2003 Uralic/Indo-European Contacts in Language and Literature*** Groningen 2001 Ninth International Congress of Finno-Ugrists*** Tartu 2000 Another Transition: 1945-1948 in Eastern Europe*** SSEES London 1998 ELSA 97 Conference (Hungarian as a second language: socioand psycholinguistic issues)*** Debrecen 1997 Finnisch-Ugrische Sprachen in Kontakt*** Groningen 1996 Fourth International Congress of Hungarian Studies*** Rome-Naples 1996 Annual Conference of the International Centre of Hungarian Studies** Budapest 1996 Eighth International Congress of Finno-Ugrists*** Jyväskylä 1995 Annual Conference of the International Centre of Hungarian Studies*** Budapest 1995 Annual Conference of the International Centre of Hungarian Studies*** Budapest 1994 Sixth International Congress of Hungarian Linguists** Eger 1994 Genocide and Rescue in Hungary, 1944 London 1994 Ninth Annual Conference of the University of Waterloo Centre for the New OED and Text Research Oxford 1993 Euralex Workshop in Practical Dictionary-Making Oxford 1993
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE Conflicts of National and Ethnic Identity*** East European Literature in Transition* SSEES First Colloquium of Western Centres of Hungarian Studies* Seventh International Congress of Finno-Ugrists*** International Conference on Language Revival** SOAS First International Conference on the Teaching of Hungarian Studies*** Third International Congress of EURALEX, the European Association for Lexicography*** Fifth International Congress of Hungarian Linguists*** Fourth International Congress of Hungarian Linguists*** First International Congress of Hungarian Studies*** International Seminar of English and American Studies*** Anglo-Hungarian Seminar on 20th Century Hungarian Literature** Third International Congress of Hungarian Linguists*** Fourth International Congress of Finno-Ugrists Second International Congress of Hungarian Linguists
Amsterdam London Paris Debrecen London
1992 1992 1990 1990 1990
Budapest 1988 Budapest 1988 Szombathely 1983 Budapest 1982 Debrecen 1978 London 1978 Nyíregyháza 1977 Budapest 1975 Szeged 1972
BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS A Concise Introduction to Hungarian London: School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. 1996. 139 pp. SSEES Occasional Papers, 34. ISBN 0 903425 57 2 ☛ Reviewed: M. Kontra in: Modern Nyelvoktatás (Budapest) VII. évf. 2-3 sz. 2001. szeptember; 102104. The BUDALEX Guide to Hungarian [Distributed at the Third International Congress of the European Association for Lexicography, EURALEX, Budapest 4-9 September 1988]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1988. 12 pp. DICTIONARIES (CO-)EDITED Oxford angol-magyar szótár nyelvtanulóknak [English-Hungarian Wordpower Dictionary]. Janet Phillips (publisher’s editor), Peter Sherwood (senior editor). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2002. 768 pp. ISBN 0 19 431531 2. New (revised) impression. 2003. Third impression 2004. Fourth (revised) impression 2006. Reprinted 2007, 2008. Sixth edition, Tenth printing 2010. ☛ Awarded ‘Outstanding Hungarian Dictionary’ prize by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on the Fourth "Day of the Dictionary" in Hungary, Budapest, 17 October 2007. See Duna TV @, and MTV @ at c. 22 minutes into the programme.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE A Concise Hungarian-English Dictionary. Tamás Magay, László Országh (1907-1984), „Contributing Editor” (de facto co-editor) Peter Sherwood. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó/Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990. 1144 pp. (not co-published with OUP): Second edition, 2000. Third edition, 2009. Fourth, revised and expanded edition, 2010. 1268 pp. ☛ Reviews: Eyvor Fogarty Professional Translator and Interpreter (London) No. 3 1990, 43-44; R. J. W. Evans Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 69 No. 4 (October 1991), 688; Jeffrey Harlig Slavic and East European Journal (USA) Vol. 36 No. 3 (Fall 1992), 376-378. Miklós Kontra Budapesti Könyvszemle (Budapest) Vol. 5 No. 3 (Autumn 1993), 377-380. Walraven van Nijmegen ( [link now broken] << This is one of the friendliest and most comprehensive bilingual dictionaries I've used in any language.>> BOOKS CO-EDITED László Péter, Martyn Rady, Peter Sherwood, eds., Lajos Kossuth sent word... Papers delivered on the occasion of the bicentenary of Kossuth’s birth. SSEES Occasional Papers, 56. London: Hungarian Cultural Centre and School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. 2003. 263 pp. ISBN 0-903425-67-X Mátyás Sárközi, ed.; second edition, revised by Peter Sherwood, Hungaro-Brits: The Hungarian Contribution to British Civilization. London: Hungarian Cultural Centre. 2008. 72 pp. [No ISBN] TEACHING AID EDITED Phrasal Verbs: Tanuljuk meg a 100 legfontosabbat! [The 100 most important phrasal verbs of English for Hungarian students]. Janet Phillips (publisher’s editor), Peter Sherwood (senior editor). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. 122 pp. ISBN 0 19 431608 4. CHAPTERS ’Living through something: notes on the work of Imre Kertész' in: Ritchie Robertson, Joseph Sherman, eds., The Yiddish Presence in European Literature: Inspiration and Interaction. Proceedings of the Fourth and Fifth International Mendel Friedman Conference. Legenda Studies in Yiddish, 5. European Humanities Research Centre. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 2005. 108116. ISBN 190 0075 5831
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ‘The label pre-socialist in Hungarian lexicography of the 1950s’ in: R. B. Pynsent, ed., The Phoney Peace. Power and Culture in Central Europe 1945-1949. London: School of Slavonic and East European Studies/University College London. SSEES Occasional Papers, 46. 2000. 406-442. ISBN 0-903425-01-7 ‘“A nation may be said to live in its language”: some socio-historical perspectives on attitudes to Hungarian’ in: Robert B. Pynsent, ed., The Literature of Nationalism. Essays on East European Identity, London: SSEES/Macmillan. 1996. 27-39. ISBN (UK ED) 0-333-66682-8 ‘Hungarian’ in: A. J. Walford, J. E. O. Screen, eds., A guide to foreign language courses and dictionaries, third edition revised and enlarged. London: The Library Association. 1977. 260264. ARTICLES AND PAPERS: PEER-REVIEWED 'Eszik, megeszik, de főleg megesz, és ami körülöttük van' [Notes on the verb "to eat" in Hungarian] in: Argumentum. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó. Vol. 9. 2013. 294-300. ISSN 1787-3606 Available [only] online: ‘Translation criticism: linguistic notes towards a prolegomena with special reference to Hungarian literature in English’ in: Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2012. XIII. évfolyam 1. szám. Pécs: PTE BTK. 2012. 153-160. ISSN 1585-9673. Available online: ‘''Országh's Third'': Working with Tamás Magay on the Third Edition of László Országh-Tamás Magay (eds.) Concise Hungarian-English Dictionary/Magyar-angol kéziszótár (1990). A memoir.’ In: Szavak pásztora. Írások Magay Tamás tiszteletére. Szerk.: Pintér Tibor, Pődör Dóra, P. Márkus Katalin. Szeged: Grimm Kiadó. 2012. 186-190. ‘Hungarian (Magyar) Literature’ in: Timothy L. Gall, Susan Bevan Gall, eds., The Lincoln Library of Essential Information. 44th edition. Cleveland, OH: The Lincoln Library Press. 2012. 384-385. ‘Language about Language: Notes On The New Hungarian Media Laws.’ In: AHEA: E-journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 4 (2011): ‘The German and English versions of Sándor Márai’s A gyertyák csonkig égnek’ in: Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Louise O. Vasvári, eds., Comparative Hungarian Cultural Studies. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press. 2011. 113-122.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ‘Értelmezések a magyar mint idegen nyelv elméleti és gyakorlati oktatásában: a magánhangzó harmónia’ in: István Csernicskó et al., eds., Utazás a magyar nyelv körül. Írások Kontra Miklós tiszteletére. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó. 2010. 268-272. ISBN 978-963-9902-64-0 ‘Hungary’ in: “East-Central European Literatures Twenty Years After” in: East European Politics and Societies 23, [November] 2009. 564-566. ‘Explanations in the theory and practice of teaching Hungarian as a foreign language (HFL): the example of vowel harmony’ in: Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2009. X. évfolyam. 1. szám. Pécs: PTE BTK. 2009. 50-55. ISSN 1585-9673 Available online: ‘Egy Márai-regény fordításának nyelvészeti problémái’ in: Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2008. IX. évfolyam. Pécs: PTE BTK. 2008. 124-134. ISSN 1585-9673 Available online: ‘On the importance of reading the actual lines and not between them: Ferenc Juhász’s poem Évszakok (1957) in the shadow of its English versions’ in: László Péter, Martyn Rady, eds., Resistance, Rebellion and Revolution in Central Europe: Commemorating 1956. Papers from a conference held at SSEES University College London on 21-22 September 2006. London: Hungarian Cultural Centre and School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. 2008. 297-304. ISBN 978-0-903425-79-7 ‘A múlt mint előjáték? A hungarológiai stúdiumok hetven esztendeje Londonban’ [The Past as Prelude? Seventy Years of Hungarian Studies in London] in: THL2: Journal of Teaching Hungarian as a Second Language/A magyar nyelv és kultúra tanításának szakfolyóirata. Budapest: Balassi Intézet. 2008/1-2. szám. 5-17. Co-authored with Eszter Tarsoly. Available online: ‘A jövő idő kifejezése a magyarban [Expressing the future in Hungarian]’ in: Tamás Magay, ed., Félmúlt és közeljövő. Lexikográfiai füzetek, 3. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 2007. 109-118. ISBN 978 963 05 8559 0 ‘A magánhangzó-illeszkedés tanítása [Teaching Hungarian vowel-harmony]’ in: THL2: Journal of Teaching Hungarian as a Second Language/A magyar nyelv és kultúra tanításának szakfolyóirata. Budapest: Balassi Intézet. 2007/1-2. szám [2008]. 25-31. [NB many misprints] ISSN 1787-1417 Available online:
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ’Hungarian has no future...’ in: Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2006. VII. évfolyam. Pécs: PTE BTK. 2006. 39-43. ISSN 1585-9673 Available online: ‘“The Duck-Billed Platypus of Hungarian Grammar”? Notes on the teaching of -NAK/-NEK’ in: Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2005. VI. évfolyam 1. szám. Pécs: PTE BTK. 2005. 76-83. ISSN 1585-9673 Available online: ’On not squaring the circle: some diagrammatic representations in the teaching of Hungarian as a foreign language’ in: Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2004. V. évfolyam. Pécs: PTE BTK. 2004. 144153. ISSN 1585-9673 Available online: ‘Towards the grammar of intimacy: some associatives and duals in Ugric’ in M. Bakró-Nagy, K. Rédei (eds) Ünnepi kötet Honti László tiszteletére. Budapest [:MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézete]. 2003. 357-362. ISBN 963 9074 34 9 ‘Ob-Ugric literature in English: A case study in indirect contacts’ in: R. Blokland, C. Hasselblatt, eds., Finno-Ugrians and Indo-Europeans: Linguistic and Literary Contacts. Proceedings of the Symposium at the University of Groningen, November 22-24, 2001. (Studia Fenno-Ugrica Groningana, 2). Maastricht [: Shaker Publishing]. 2002. [2003]. 343-349. ISBN 90-423-0214-3 ‘“Certaine Hungarians travellinge throughe the contrye”: Hungarians collecting money for their ransoms in the England of Elizabeth I’ in: Gábor Ittzés, András Kiséry, eds., Míves semmiségek/Elaborate Trifles: Studies for Kálmán G. Ruttkay on his 80th Birthday. (Pázmány Papers in English and American Studies, 2.) Piliscsaba: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem. 2002. 423-427. ISBN 963 9296 60 0 ‘Derivability from ethnonyms: notes on the Hungarian derivational suffix =SÁG/=SÉG’ in: E. Helimski, A Widmer, eds., Wǔśa, wǔśa – Sei gegrüßt! Beiträge zur Finnougristik zu Ehren von Gert Sauer dargebracht zu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag. Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica, Band 57. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 2002. 315-322. ISBN 3-447-04554-X ‘Hungarian as L2: some problems as seen from abroad’ in: Hungarológiai Évkönyv 2002. III. évfolyam. Pécs: PTE BTK 2002. 21-30. ISSN 1585-9673. Available online: also at:
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ‘Definiteness in the Ugrian Languages’ in: T. Seilenthal, Anu Nurk, Triinu Palo, eds., Congressus Nonus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum 7-13. 8. 2000 Tartu. Pars VI Dissertationes sectionum Linguistica III. Tartu: Trükk OU PAAR. 2001. 185-187. ISBN (Vol. VI only) 9985-9285-7-1; (set) 9985-9285-0-4 ‘Tested Remedies: Manuscript folk medical notes in a copy of Apáczai Csere’s Magyar Encyclopaedia (1653) in London’ in: István Monok, Péter Sárközy, eds., La civiltà ungherese e il Cristianesimo Vol. I. Nemzetközi Magyar Filológiai Társaság-Scriptum Rt.: Budapest-Szeged. 1998. 265-271. ISBN (Vol I. only) 963 8335 54 8 ‘Crater into well: sex and violence in Dezső Kosztolányi’s Édes Anna and its English translation’ [abridged and revised version] in: Translation Review (University of Texas at Dallas) 55 (1998). 34-38. ISSN 0737 4836 ‘Crater into well: sex and violence in Dezső Kosztolányi’s Édes Anna and its English translation’ in: Hungarologische Beiträge (Jyväskylä) XI. 1998. 51-66. ISSN 1237 1223 ‘Alkalmazott nyelvészet a tanulói szótár felépítésében (Igekötős igék a londoni magyar tanulói szótárban)’ [Applied linguistics in the learner’s dictionary (Verbs and co-verbs in the Learner’s Dictionary of Hungarian, London)] in: Hungarológia 9 (Budapest) 1997 [1998]. 154-160. ISSN 1217 4343 ‘The Death of Tavda Vogul: notes on the nature and extent of Russian influence’ in: Sirkka-Liisa Hahmo, Tette Hofstra, László Honti, Paul van Linde, Osmo Nikkilä (eds.) Finnisch-ugrische Sprachen in Kontakt. Vorträge des Symposiums aus Anlass des 30-jährigen Bestehens der Finnougristik an der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 21-23. November 1996. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing. 1997. 209-216. ISBN 90-423-0019-1 ‘Ob-Ugrian “consume”’ in: Nyelvtudományi Közlemények [Budapest], 94. (1994-5) [published March 1997]. 119-131. ISSN 0029-6791 ‘Megjegyzések a tavdai vogul végnapjairól’ [On the last days of Tavda Vogul] in: Heikki Leskinen, Sándor Maticsák, Tõnu Seilenthal, eds., Congressus Octavus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Jyväskylä 1995. Pars IV. Sessiones Sectionum. Syntaxis et semantica & Contactus linguistici et status hodiernus linguarum & Cetera linguistica. Jyväskylä: Gummerus. 1996. 244-248. ISBN (This volume) 952-90-7371-2 ‘Váltságdíjgyűjtő magyarok a XVI. századi Angliában’ [Hungarians in sixteenth-century England collecting money for their ransoms] in: Hungarológia 7 (Budapest) 1995. 114-117. ISSN 1217 4343
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE “Isn’t ‘Országh’ the Hungarian for ‘dictionary’?” Memories and letters of László Országh’ in: Lehel Vadon (ed.) Emlékkönyv Országh László tiszteletére. Eger: Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola. 1993 [1994]. 343-360. ISBN 963 7752 18 8 ☛ Cited: M. Kontra 'Országh László életművének néhány tudománytörténeti vonatkozása' in: Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 94 (1994-1995); 217, 219 (with T. Váradi) ‘A londoni magyar tanulói szótárról’ [On the London-based Learner’s Dictionary of Hungarian] in: Hungarológia 4 (Budapest) 1993. 101-113. ISSN 1217 4343 ‘How to be a Hungarian. Some problems of meaning, reference and style in Hungarian discourse on ethnicity’ in: Studies in Cultural Interaction in Europe No. 3 (Amsterdam). 1993. 23-33. ☛ 'essential reading for the understanding of the current Hungarian metalanguage on ethnicity' (M. Kontra) in: H. Goebl et al., eds., Kontaktlinguistik-Contact Linguistics-Linguistique et contact Vol. 2. (Berlin-New York 1997); 1721, 1723 ‘Kis magyar csengéstan’ [The metalanguage of Hungarian ethnicity] in: Budapesti Könyvszemle Vol. 5 No. 2 (Summer 1993). 240-242. ‘Magyar stúdiumok Londonban’ [Hungarian studies in London] in: Hungarológia 1 (Budapest) 1993. 111-121. ISSN 1217 4343 ☛ Reprinted: Béla Giay, Orsolya Nádor, eds., A magyar mint idegen nyelv-Hungarológia. Tankönyv és szöveggyűjtemény. Budapest: Janus/Osiris. 1998. 321-325. ‘Two performance sources for metrically orphan lines in Vogul folk-poetry’ in: Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen (Hamburg) 14/15 (1990/1991) [1992]. 13-19. ‘Zoltán Gombocz and historical semantics’ in: J. Kiss, L. Szűts, eds., Tanulmányok a magyar nyelvtudomány történetének témaköréből. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1991. 593-601. ☛ Cited: H. Stammerjohann, ed., Lexicon Grammaticorum (Tübingen 1996); 352. (S. Károly) ☛ Cited: Gombocz Z. Jelentéstan és nyelvtörténet (Budapest 1997); 228, 236, 246 ☛ Cited: Sándor András Kicsi Gombocz Zoltán 1877-1935. Életrajz és pályakép. (Budapest 2006); 191. ‘Nyelvtan, terminológia, nyelvtanítás: nyelvleírás és pedagógia összefüggése két terminus technicus példáján’ [Grammar, terminology and language teaching: the link between descriptive linguistics and teaching as exemplified by two technical terms, ‘plural’ and ‘possession’] in Orsolya Egyed et al, eds., Hagyományok és módszerek. Az I. Nemzetközi Hungarológia-Oktatási Konferencia előadásai. Budapest: Nemzetközi Hungarológiai Központ. 1990 [1991]. Vol. II. 104-120. ‘Ob-Ugrian “sleep”’ in: L. Jakab, L. Keresztes, A. Kiss, S. Maticsák, eds., Congressus Septimus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum. Sessiones Sectionum. Dissertationes Linguistica. Debrecen: [University Press]. 1990. 308-313.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ‘Grammar in the bilingual dictionary, with special reference to English and Hungarian’ in: T. Magay, J. Zigány, eds., BUDALEX 88 Proceedings: Papers from the Euralex Third International Congress, Budapest 4-9 September 1988. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1990. 129-140. ☛ Noted: Eurasian Studies Yearbook 65 (1993). 187. (J. Harlig) ☛ Cited: R.R.K. Hartmann, Gregory James, eds., Dictionary of Lexicography London and New York: Routledge. 1998. 64. ‘Ferenc Békássy 1893-1915’ and ‘Géza Gyóni 1884-1917’ in: Tim Cross, ed., The lost voices of World War I. An international anthology of writers, poets and playwrights. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 1988. 346-7, 348-9. ‘Phonological theory and the teaching of Hungarian as a foreign language’ in: J. Kiss, L. Szűts, eds., A magyar nyelv rétegződése Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1988. 874-878. ☛ Recommended: Orsolya B. Nádor, Béla Giay, eds., Ajánló bibliográfia a magyar mint idegen nyelv tanulmányozásához (1945-1988). Budapest, 1989; item 1226 ‘Nyelvtipológia és a modern magyar költészet angolra fordítása’ [Language typology and the translation of contemporary Hungarian poetry into English] in: M. Béládi et al, eds., A magyar vers. Budapest: Nemzetközi Magyar Filológiai Társaság. 1985. 435-440. ‘Bilingual dictionaries and bilingual grammars. Some reflections on English and Hungarian materials’ in: Angol Filológiai Tanulmányok/Hungarian Studies in English (Debrecen) XIV. 1981. 93-107. ☛ Recommended: Orsolya B. Nádor, Béla Giay, eds., Ajánló bibliográfia a magyar mint idegen nyelv tanulmányozásához (1945-1988). Budapest, 1989; item 754 ‘On the level of syllable structure in the historical phonology of Hungarian’ in: S. Imre, I. Szathmári, L. Szűts, eds., A magyar nyelv grammatikája. Nyelvtudományi Értekezések 104. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1980. 691-693. ‘William N. Loew, a magyar irodalom amerikai fordítója’ [WNL, an American translator of Hungarian literature] in: S. Scheiber (ed.) MIOK Évkönyv 1979-80. Budapest: MIOK. 1980. 340-345. ‘An Englishman’s sixty years in Hungary. [A biographical sketch of the lexicographer Arthur Yolland with a bibliography of his work]’ in: Országh-Festschrift: Angol Filológiai Tanulmányok/ Hungarian Studies in English (Debrecen) XI. 1977 [1978]. 83-93; XII. 1979. 232-3. ☛ Recommended: Orsolya B. Nádor, Béla Giay, eds., Ajánló bibliográfia a magyar mint idegen nyelv tanulmányozásához (1945-1988). Budapest, 1989; item 29 REVIEW ARTICLE: PEER-REVIEWED ‘A kétnyelvű gyerekszótár: szempontok, gondolatok, gondok’ [An English-Hungarian/HungarianEnglish dictionary for 7 to 12-year-olds: problems and perspectives] in: Modern Nyelvoktatás (Budapest) XIV. évf. 4. szám. 2010. december, 60-71.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ARTICLES AND PAPERS: NOT PEER REVIEWED ‘Ugye “Országh” azt jelenti magyarul, hogy “szótár”? Emlékeim Országh Lászlóról, néhány levele kapcsán’ [A revised and updated translation of: “Isn’t ‘Országh’ the Hungarian for ‘dictionary’?” Memories and letters of László Országh’ (1993 [1994], q.v.)] in: Lehel Vadon, ed., In memoriam Országh László. Eger: Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Amerikanisztikai Tanszék. 2007. 241-258. ISBN 978 963 9417 73 1 ‘Országh-Világ: A memoir’ in Angol-magyar kéziszótár. Jubileumi kiadás Országh László születésének 100. évfordulójára. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 2007. 15-17. ISBN 978 963 05 8520 0 ‘Magyartanítás a londoni egyetemen’ [The teaching of Hungarian in the University of London] in: Nyelvünk és Kultúránk (Budapest) 38 sz. 1980. március. 60-66 [with János Rapcsák] ☛ Recommended: Orsolya B. Nádor, Béla Giay (eds) Ajánló bibliográfia a magyar mint idegen nyelv tanulmányozásához (1945-1988). Budapest, 1989; item 171 SHORTER PIECES (THOSE PEER REVIEWED MARKED pr) “Rage, rage against the dying of the light”: Lóránt Czigány 1935-2008 [memoir]. The Hungarian Quarterly (Budapest). Vol. XLIX. No. 192. Winter 2008. 172-174. Kertész: an introduction' in: Vivienne Menkes-Ivry, ed., Magyar Magic -- Hungary in Focus November 2003-November 2004. Souvenir Programme. London: Hungarian Cultural Centre. 2004. 61-62. ‘Egy hónap magyar irodalom Londonban [A year of Hungarian literature in London]’ in: Élet és Irodalom (Budapest) 13 July 2001. 11. ‘Hungary, Hungarians, and the Hungarian language’ in: T. Unwin (ed.) A European Geography. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman. 1998. 41-43. ISBN 0 582 29485 1 pr ‘Magyar’ in R. E. Asher (ed.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics London: Pergamon Press. 1993. 2344-2346. pr ‘Magyarok I. Erzsébet udvarában [Hungarians in England in the time of Elizabeth I]’ in: Korunk (Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca). 1981. február. 137. ‘Hozzászólás Fabó Kinga “A névtan helye a társadalomtudományok között” című cikkéhez’ [A note on the phonology of Hungarian place-names] in: Névtani Értesítő (Budapest) Vol. 3. 1980. 56. ☛ Discussed online at ‘How far still the dawn. Six Hungarian poets visit Britain’ in: New Statesman (London). Vol. 99. No. 2556. 14 March 1980. 404. Archive film (in Hungarian) of the visit of the poets:
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE Articles on Hungarian language, literature and individual Hungarian authors in: Everyman’s Encyclopedia, sixth edition. London: J. M. Dent. 1978.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE PUBLISHED TRANSLATIONS, from Hungarian into English unless otherwise stated BOOKS FICTION Noémi Szécsi The Finno-Ugrian Vampire. /A novel/. London: Stork Press. 2012. 233 pp. Paperback: ISBN 978-0-9571326-6-5; eBook: ISBN 978-0-9571326-7-2. ☛ Reviewed by Tibor Fischer: The Guardian (London), October 13, 2012. ☛ Reviewed by M. A. Orthofer: The Complete Review, October 14, 2012: The Guardian review and other reviews and blogs @: ☛ Reviewed by Ottilie Mulzet: ☛ North American edition: London and New York: Marion Boyars. 2013. 232 pp. Paperback: ISBN 978-0-7145-3155-7; eBook: ISBN 978-0-7145-2330-9 Miklós Vámos The Book of Fathers. /A novel/. London: Abacus (An imprint of Little, Brown Book Group Ltd.). Trade paperback. 2006. 474 pp. ISBN 13: 9-780349 119304; ISBN 10: 0-349-119304, ISBN: 978-0-349-11931-1 [paperback format reissue, January 2007. Fourth printing, June 2007]. ☛ American [trade paperback] edition: New York: Other Press. 2009. Second printing, 2010. ☛ Reviewed by Jane Smiley in New York Times Book Review, October 25, 2009; p. 12. ESSAYS Béla Hamvas Trees. [Six Essays]: Szentendre: Editio M. 2006. 66 pp. ISBN 963 85878 9 X ☛ One essay available online at ☛ Reviewed by Thomas Nydahl in Kristianstadsbladet (Sweden), 6 July 2007. NON-FICTION György Nanofvszky (editor-in-chief). The Finno-Ugrian World. Budapest: Teleki László Foundation. 2004. 550 pp. ISBN 963 7081 01 1 Erika Törzsök (ed.) Caught in the trap of integration. Roma problems and prospects in Hungary. Budapest: Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research. 2000. 139 pp. ISBN 963 00 3539 1 Domokos Moldován’s four film-scripts Love spells and death rites in Hungary. Institute of Contemporary Arts/Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó. 1986. 205 pp.
Kázmér Nagy St. Margaret of Scotland and Hungary. Glasgow: John Burns & Sons. 1973. 63 pp.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE REMAINDER LISTED BY GENRE POETRY Three poems by Krisztina Tóth in: Györgyi Horváth, Anna Benedek, eds., Hide and Seek. Contemporary Hungarian Literature. Budapest: József Attila Kör. 2004 [2005]. 87-91. ISBN 963 2171 80 2 (Three out of five poems translated for her reading at the Hungarian Cultural Centre, London, 13 September 2002). ☛ One poem, Shadows of Budapest, reprinted in: Jean Boase-Beier, Alexandra Büchler, Fiona Sampson, eds., A Fine Line. New Poetry from Eastern and Central Europe. Todmorden: Arc. 2004. 209-214. ISBN-10: 1900072971, ISBN-13: 978-1900072977 ☛ “[Tóth is] a major poetic voice […] overall, Sherwood’s verse convinces.” Francis R. Jones, Modern Poetry in Translation, Series 3, Issue 3 – 2005. Two translations available online: Six poems by Zsuzsa Takács. For a poetry evening at the Hungarian Cultural Centre, London, on 25 February 2003 [in-house publication by the Centre] Seven poems by Bálint Balassi in: Adam Makkai (ed.) In Quest of the ‘Miracle Stag’. The Poetry of Hungary. 2nd, rev. ed. Chicago: Atlantis-Centaur and Framo Publishing/ Budapest: Tertia. 2000. 92-95, 98-99, 103-108. [with Keith Bosley] ISBN (AtlantisCentaur) 0-9642094-9-7 Translations of 12 poems by Attila József in: Thomas Kabdebo (ed.), Attila József poems and fragments, Budapest: Argumentum, and Maynooth: Cardinal Press. 1999. 139-144. ISBN 963 446 113 1 (Argumentum)/1 897922 06 X (Cardinal Press). Bálint Balassi’s poem ‘Vitézek, mi lehet...’ in: Péter Dávidházi et al. (eds.) The Lost Rider. A Bilingual Anthology. The Corvina Book of Hungarian Verse. Budapest: Corvina. 1997. 1721. [With Keith Bosley]. ‘Four Hungarian Oral Poems’, with notes, in: Kai Nieminen, Sirkka Kurki-Suonio, Pekka Suhonen (toim.) Matti, tässä nämä. Onnittelukirja Matti Suurpäälle 3.11.1997. [Helsinki:] Gummerus. 1997. 219-225. [With Keith Bosley] György Ligeti 'Four early folksong settings (1946-1952)' (translation of texts) in: Programme booklet for the London Sinfonietta concert at the Barbican Centre, London, on 9 December 1994.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE 87 poems and extracts from poems in Hungarian, Vogul (Mansi) and Ostyak (Khanty) in: Lauri Honko, Senni Timonen, Michael Branch (eds), Keith Bosley (trans) The Great Bear. A thematic anthology of oral poetry in the Finno-Ugrian languages. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. 1993. [with Keith Bosley]. Six poems by János Pilinszky in: János Pilinszky Wüstenei der Liebe/The Desert of Love. Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó. 1992. 67-84, 115. ‘The ballad of Anna Molnár’ in: Nicholas John (ed.) The stage works of Béla Bartók. Opera Guide series, no. 44. London: John Calder/New York: Riverrun Press/London: English National Opera. 1991. 23. [with Keith Bosley] Rimma Dalos: Four poems from the Russian in: György Kurtág’s ‘Requiem for the beloved, Op. 26’ issued in programme booklet for A Kurtág Portrait (Almeida Theatre, London) November 1989. [with Julia Sherwood] Three poems in: György Kurtág’s ‘Three old inscriptions, op. 25’ issued in programme booklet for A Kurtág Portrait (Almeida Theatre, London) November 1989. Franz Kafka: extracts from the diary and the notebooks, for György Kurtág’s ‘Kafka Fragments, Op. 24’ in: Almeida International Festival of Contemporary Music and Performance, Supplement to Festival Programme. London. 1988. 4 pp. [with Julia Sherwood] Amy Károlyi: 6 poems, with Kobayashi Issa’s Haiku. In: György Kurtág ‘Seven songs, Op. 22’, issued in programme booklet by the Arts Council, London, autumn 1986. Rimma Dalos: 15 poems from the Russian. In: György Kurtág ‘Scenes from a novel. 15 songs to 15 poems by Rimma Dalos, Op. 19’. Budapest: Editio Musica 1985. [with Julia Sherwood]. Attila József: 21 poems. In: György Kurtág József Attila Töredékek/Fragments, Op. 20. Budapest: Editio Musica. 1984. Re-issued in booklet with CD: György Kurtág Works for soprano Hungaroton Classic HCD 31576. Budapest 1994: 4-6, 18-24. Translations of 23 poems by Péter Bornemisza, Bálint Balassi and János Rimay in: T. Klaniczay (ed.) Old Hungarian literary reader: 11th-18th centuries Budapest: Corvina. 1985. 146-147, 159-181, 187-197 respectively. [with Keith Bosley]. One Balassi translation available online:álint/A_darvaknak_szól/en/1980Poetic_Invention%3A_To_the_Cranes Translations of Hungarian poems in: Poetry of Europe, programmes 6 and 7 BBC World Service (London) 2/3/5 June, 16/17/19 June 1981. [with Keith Bosley] Eugene [Jenő] Heimler’s poem ‘After an eclipse of the sun’ in: Howard Schwartz and Anthony Rudolf (eds) Voices within the Ark. New York. 1980. 997-998. [with Keith Bosley]
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE Translations from the work of the poets János Pilinszky, Sándor Csoóri and László Marsall in: A. Tezla (ed.) Ocean at the Window. Hungarian Prose and Poetry since 1945. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1980. 120-149, 287-289, 349-351, respectively. Three Pilinszky translations available online: 02-Eine_kleine_Nachtmusik %BCnnep%C3%A9lye/en/2093-The_nadir_celebrated [into Hungarian] Avant-garde poetry by Nanao Sakaki, Bill Berkson, Joanne Kyger and Reidar Ekner in: Mozgó Világ (Budapest), No. 1. 1979. 90-93. Translations of Vogul and Kamassian poetry in: K. Bosley (ed) The Elek Book of Oriental Verse. London: Paul Elek. 1979. 171-175. [with the editor]. Kamassian poem also published separately by Anthony Rudolf at the Menard Press, London, in 1977. György Somlyó’s poem ‘A story about music’ (Mese a zenéről) in: ARION 5 (Budapest). 1972. 31. DRAMA Olga Diószegi’s one-act play Mrs Hoffer’s Cat in: Index on Censorship (London) Vol. 17 No. 5. May 1988. 31-35. Available online: OPERA LIBRETTO Libretto of Vivaldi's Il Tigrane, performed by the Budapest Chamber Opera in St. James's Church Piccadilly, London, on 29 October 2004 and printed as sleeve of the CD, Hungaroton HCD 32320, released simultaneously SHORTER PROSE [from Polish] Extract from Hubert Klimko-Dobrzaniecki's novel "Greeks Go Home to Die" in: B.O.D.Y. 2013. [with Julia Sherwood] [from Slovak] Extract from Vít'o Staviarsky's novel ''Kale Shoes/Kale topanky" in: Slovak Literary Review (Bratislava) Vol. 18. No. 1 (June 2013). 6-8. [with Julia Sherwood] Béla Hamvas's essay ''A kínai tusrajz/The Chinese ink drawing'' in: Mária Marghescu, András Herpai, eds., Művészet és tér/Kunst und Raum/Art and Space. Graphical Works by Miró,
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE Chillida, Tapies, Uecker and their Contemporaries. Szentendre: Ferenczy Múzeum 2013. 12-14. ISBN 978-963-9590-64-9 Gábor Deutsch's short story ''Minus Money'' and Gábor T. Szántó's short story ''Let the Survivors Check in First, Please!'' in: Deborah Dash Moore, Nurith Gertz, eds., The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization. Volume 10: 1973-2005. New Haven and London: Yale University Press/Lucerne: The Posen Foundation. 2012. 168-170, 238-240 (respectively). Dezső Kosztolányi’s short story “Boldogság/Happiness” in: [15] July 2011 [from Slovak] Extracts from Pavel Vilikovský “The Autobiography of Evil”, and Márius Kopcsay “Bear Rock” in: Slovak Literary Review (Bratislava). Vol. 15. No. 2. (2010). 9-13, 17-19 [with Julia Sherwood]. Tamás Majoros’s short story ’The Hole’ in: Cencrastus (Edinburgh) No. 81. 2005. 21-26. [into Hungarian] Rachel Beckles Willson's essay 'Who is Peter Eötvös?' in: Max Nyffeler, Michael Zwenzner, eds., Péter Eötvös München: G. Ricordi. 2003. 35-38. Extracts from the diaries of János Pilinszky, translated for Béla Kondor’s setting of them, premiered at the Hampstead Theatre, London NW3, on 27 August 2000. [in programme note] Translation of two pieces by István Örkény, to music by Zsolt Serei, in Programme for the performance in Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire, 23 June 2000. András Kovács’s article ‘Jews and Hungarians: Group stereotypes among Hungarian university students’ in East European Jewish Affairs (London) Vol. 23 No. 2 (Winter 1993). 51-59. Gábor Demszky’s article ‘The censoring reflex’ in: Index on Censorship (London) Vol. 17 No. 5 May 1988. 28-30. Available online: 'An eyewitness reports from Braşov' in: Index on Censorship (London). Vol.17. No. 4 April 1998. István Bibó ‘Statement to the nation’ in: Voice of Solidarity (London). No. 122. October 1986. 19. György Krassó’s article ‘A chronicle of repression’ in: Index on Censorship (London). Vol. 15. No. 5. May 1986. 12-14. Domokos Moldován’s film-script ‘Hungarian Love Spells’ (Szerelmi varázslások) in: Acta Ethnographica Hungarica (Budapest) Vol. XXX. 1-2. 1981. [1982]. 166-173.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE Articles for Stanley Sadie, ed., Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Sixth edition. London: Macmillan. 1980. (i.a. on Paul Arma, Bónis, Hoffgreff, Sándor Jemnitz, Hans Koessler, Magyar Kórus, Rózsavölgyi és társa, Rozsnyai, Táborszky, Dénes Zoltai) Two articles for an exhibition catalogue: J. Brendel ‘The Bildgedichte of Lajos Kassák. Constructivism in Hungarian avant-garde poetry’ and T. Aknai ‘Sándor Galimberti’s Amsterdam, a major Hungarian painting of the 1910s’ in: The Hungarian Avant-garde. The Eight and the Activists. London: The Arts Council. 1980. 28-30, 31-37. Together with a ‘translation’ of Lajos Kassák’s Bildgedicht No. 18, shown at the exhibition. Attila József: prose extracts in: ARION 9 (Budapest). 1976. 26-27, 53-54. Domokos Moldován’s film script ‘You will die the death of deaths….’ (Halálnak halálával halsz…) in: New Hungarian Quarterly (Budapest) No. 60. Winter 1975. 211-220. Domokos Moldován’s script outline ‘Elements 1-3’ (Elemek 1-3) in: ARION 8 (Budapest). 1975. 95-98. Two journalistic articles, ‘Scientific Research Institutes’ and ‘The 1970 Floods’, in: HUNGARY 72. Budapest: Pannonia Press. 1972. 120-133, 190-198. Zsigmond Móricz’s short-story ‘A grammar-school education’ (A stipendium) in: Ulula (Manchester). No. 529. Spring 1967. 24-25. Ferenc Herczeg’s short-story ‘The frogs’ (A békák) in: New Writing (Manchester). Spring [1967]. 7-9.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE UNREFEREED ORAL PRESENTATIONS (PUBLIC LECTURES, TALKS, BROADCASTS) generally unpublished, unless otherwise noted Lectures by invitation at ELTE University of Budapest (1: on bilingual lexicography) and the University of Pécs (3: on Hungarian Studies in the UK and the USA, translation criticism, and Hungarian semantics), 17-20 October 2011. Inaugural Lecture of the László Birinyi, Sr., Distinguished Professorship in Hungarian Language and Culture at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 'An Island of Sound and the Tell-Tale Peephole', 8 November 2008. [unpublished; text available] ‘Past as prelude? Hungarian studies in London since 1848-9’, at the Conference to celebrate 70 years of Hungarian at the University of London, SSEES UCL, 21 September 2007. [a revised Hungarian version, co-authored with Eszter Tarsoly, has been published] ‘Hungarians in England in the time of Elizabeth I’ at Lewes Hungarian Society, 20 April 2007. (
Lectures on the Teaching of Hungarian as a Foreign Language, University of Szeged, NovemberDecember 2006. ‘Magyartanítás Londonban’, at the 35th Anniversary Conference of the Department of Hungarian Studies, University of Szeged, 9 December 2006. ‘A magyar nyelvtan kacsacsőrű emlőse? –NAK/-NEK külföldieknek’, at the Department of Hungarian Studies, University of Szeged, 7 April 2006. [a version has been published in English] ‘Van-e jövője/jövő ideje a magyarnak?’, at the Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 6 April 2006. [versions have been published in English and Hungarian] Hungarian language ‘taster’, at The Language Show, Olympia, London, 6 November 2005. ‘Márai in English: translations and perceptions’, at the Oxford Hungarian Society (Oriel College, Oxford), 25 May 2005 ‘Facts of language and perceptions of literature: an example from the German and English versions of Sándor Márai’s novel A gyertyák csonkig égnek: Die Glut (tr. Christina Viragh) and Embers (tr. Carol Brown Janeway)’, at the Márai Conference (Darwin College, Cambridge), 6 April 2004. [Hungarian and English versions have appeared] ‘An introduction to Imre Kertész’, at the Purcell Room, South Bank, London, as part of the Day of Hungarian Jewish Culture, 30 November 2003.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ‘Living through something: an introduction to the work of Imre Kertész’, at the British Hungarian Fellowship meeting at the Hungarian Cultural Centre, London, 16 October 2003. [a version has been published] ‘Márai and Kertész’, at the Oxford Hungarian Society (Oriel College, Oxford), 29 April 2003. ‘Definitely belonging in Europe? Two major developments in the Hungarian language over the last millennium’, at the Hungarian Seminar (SSEES UCL) (London), 6 December 2000. ‘Jewish themes in postwar Hungarian literature’, at the Institute of Jewish Studies open lecture series, University College (London), 13 November 2000. ‘Harmless drudges? The new edition of the Országh dictionaries of English and Hungarian’ at the Hungarian Seminar (SSEES UCL) (London), October 1999. Notes on the history of Anglo-Hungarian lexicography, at the Embassy of the Hungarian Republic (London), 10 December 1998. On the life and work of the late Professor G.F. Cushing, at Oxford Hungarian Society (Old Divinity Schools, Oxford), 10 November 1998. ‘Bridging the Gap: Between grammar and lexicon in Hungarian’, at the Hungarian Seminar (SSEES) (London), 25 February 1998. ‘Hungarian in London’, at the British-Hungarian Society (London), 15 December 1997. ‘MAJD: nyelvtan és szócikk találkozása a Londoni Magyar Tanulói Szótárban’, at the Annual Conference on Hungarian Studies, Budapest, 31 August 1996. ‘Dictionaries of English and Hungarian: past, present, and future’, at the Oxford Hungarian Society Brasenose College, Oxford, 21 February 1996. Lectures on Hungarian and Ob-Ugrian, at the University of Rome, 25-30 November 1995. Lectures on Hungarian, English and Vogul, at the University of Debrecen, 23-26 March 1995. Lectures on translation theory, translation practice and contrastive grammar, at the University of Budapest, 3-9 January 1994. ‘Ideology and reality in the Hungarian language revival’, at the International Conference on Language Revival School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 7-8 June 1990. ‘Jerry Payne új Colloquial Hungarian című könyve’ [Jerry Payne’s new ‘Colloquial Hungarian’], broadcast on the BBC Hungarian Service (London), January 1988.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE ‘The art of dictionary making. Revising the Országh dictionary’ at the British-Hungarian Fellowship (London), 10 February 1987. ‘Tradition and innovation in contemporary Hungarian literature’ at Hungarian Arts in Glasgow, The Third Eye Centre (Glasgow), 27 October 1985. ‘A magyar nyelv tanítása Angliában’ [Teaching Hungarian in England] on the BBC Hungarian Service (London), 15 March 1981. ‘Towards a linguistic context for the poetry of Endre Ady’ at the Anglo-Hungarian Seminar on Twentieth-Century Hungarian Literature, The Great Britain/East Europe Centre (London), 12-13 May 1978. ‘Four contemporary Hungarian poets’ at The Great Britain/East Europe Centre (London), 28 January 1976. INTERVIEWS BROADCAST ON KOSSUTH RADIO (BUDAPEST) 5 JULY 2009, TEXT AT: HTTP://WWW.MR1-KOSSUTH.HU/HIREK/RADIO-100723/BALASSIT-ES-HAMVAST-ISFORDIT-A-LONDONI-IRODALMAR.HTML AT UNIVERSITY OF PÉCS, OCTOBER 2011: REVIEWS, of books, unless otherwise stated 91. Carol Rounds and Erika Sólyom 'Colloquial Hungarian'. Second, revised edition. (London and New York, 2011) in: AHEA: E-journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 5 (2012): 90. Klára Sándor 'Nyelvtörténet és hunhagyomány (Budapest, 2011) in: AHEA: E-journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 5 (2012): http:/ 89. George and Mari Gömöri eds., 'I lived on this Earth: Hungarian poets on the Holocaust' (London, 2011) and János Pilinszky 'Passio -- Fourteen Poems translated by George Gömöri and Clive Wilmer' (Worple Press, 2011) in: Times Literary Supplement (London), 9 November 2012, p. 21. 88. Ivan T. Berend 'History in My Life: A Memoir of Three Eras' (New York and Budapest, 2010) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 90 No. 2, April 2012. 347-348. 87. Vladimir Solonari 'Purifying the Nation: Population Exchange and Ethnic Cleansing in Nazi-Allied Romania' (Baltimore/Washington DC, 2010) in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Washington, DC) 26, 2012 (Spring). 156-158. Available online @:
86. Andrei Oișteanu ‘Inventing the Jew: Antisemitic Stereotypes in Romanian and Other Central-East European Cultures’ (Lincoln, Nebraska, 2009) in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Washington, DC) 24, 2010 (Fall). 324-327. Available online @
85. 'The Translator's Plight': Zsigmond Móricz (translated by Bernard Adams) Relations (Budapest, 1997, 2007) in: The Hungarian Quarterly (Budapest) Vol. 50. Spring 2009. 141-145. 84. Louise O. Vasvari and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek (eds.) ‘Imre Kertész and Holocaust Literature’ (West Lafayette, IN 2005) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 86. No.4. 2008. 715-6. 83. György Gömöri ‘Magyarországi diákok angol és skót egyetemeken 1526-1789/Hungarian Students in England and Scotland 1526-1789’ (Budapest 2005) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 85. No. 3. 2007. 581-2. 82. George Szirtes (ed.) ‘Island of Sound’ (London 2004) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 30 April 2004. 24. *[Translated into Hungarian in part: Élet és Irodalom (Budapest) 16 July 2004] 81. Carol Rounds and Erika Sólyom ‘Colloquial Hungarian’ (London and New York 2003) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 82. No. 2. 2004. 315-6. 80. Katalin É. Kiss ‘The Syntax of Hungarian’ (Cambridge 2002) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 81. No. 4. 2003. 712-3. 79. László Kontler ‘Millennium in Central Europe: A History of Hungary’ (Budapest 1999) in: English Historical Review (Oxford) Vol. CXVII. 473 (September 2002). 947. 78. Mátyás Sárközi (compiler) ‘Budapest’ (Oxford/Santa Barbara/Denver 1997) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 78. No.1. 2000. 186-7. 77. Bryan Cheyette (ed.) ‘Contemporary Jewish Writing in Britain and Ireland. An Anthology’ (London 1998)’ in: Times Literary Supplement (London). 26 June 1998. 36. 76. Bryan Burns ‘World Cinema 5: Hungary’ (Trowbridge & Cranbury NL 1996) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 75. No. 4. 1997. 734-5. 75. Ivan Klíma (translated by A.G. Brain) ‘The ultimate intimacy’ (London 1997) in: Times Literary Supplement (London). 31 October 1997. 26. ☛ Available on e-notes:
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE 74. László Kósa (ed) ‘Die Ungarn: Ihre Geschichte und Kultur’ (Budapest 1994) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 75. No 3. 1997. 545-6 73. István Csernicskó and Tamás Váradi (eds) ‘Kisebbségi magyar nyelvhasználat’ (Budapest 1996) in: Journal of Sociolinguistics (Oxford) 1/3, 1997. 461-2. 72. Péter Nádas (translated by Ivan Sanders with Imre Goldstein) ‘A book of memories’ (London 1997) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 18 July 1997. 23. 71. Bob Dent ‘The Blue Guide to Budapest’ (London 1996) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 75. No.2. 1997. 386-8. 70. R. Meister, D. Todor, eds., ‘Az Izraelita-Magyar Irodalmi Társulat kiadványai (1895-1914)’ (Cluj 1995) in: East European Jewish Affairs (London) Vol. 26, No. 1 (1996). 118-120. 69. ‘The Oxford-Duden pictorial Hungarian-English dictionary’ (Oxford 1994) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 74. No. 2. 1996. 271-2. 68. James Naughton, ed., ‘Traveller’s literary companion to Eastern and Central Europe’ (Brighton 1995) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 8 March 1996. 37. 67. Sándor Scheiber, ed., ‘Magyar zsidó hírlapok és folyóiratok bibliográfiája’ (Budapest 1993) in: East European Jewish Affairs (London) Vol. 25 No. 1 (1995). 105-107. 66. Jonathan Wilson ‘The hiding room’ (London 1995) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 17 November 1995. 27. 65. Miklós Kontra (ed.) ‘Tanulmányok a határainkon túli kétnyelvűségről’ (Budapest 1991) in: Multilingua (Berlin-New York) 14-2 (1995). 213-218. 64. E. Molnár Basa (ed.) ‘Hungarian Literature’ (New York 1993) in: Modern Language Review (London) Vol. 89. No. 4. Dec. 1994. 1054-6. 63. Ivan Klíma ‘Waiting for the dark, waiting for the light’ (London 1994) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 18 November 1994. 21. ☛ Available on e-notes: 62. Miklós Kontra (ed) ‘Társadalmi és területi változatok a magyar nyelvben’ (Budapest 1992) in: Sociolinguistica 8 (Tübingen) 1994. 142-143. 61. Arnošt Lustig ‘Dita Saxova’ (London 1994) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 12 August 1994. 22. 60. Abdulrazak Gurnah ‘Paradise’ (London 1994) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 11 March 1994. 22.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE 59. ‘Képes Diákszótár’ (Budapest 1992) in: Studies in Cultural Interaction in Europe No. 3 (Amsterdam) 1993. 107-109. 58. Aidan Higgins ‘The lions of the Grünewald’ (London 1993) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 26 November 1993. 21. 57. Imre Kertész ‘Fateless’ (Evanston, Ill. 1992) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 15 January 1993. 21. ☛ cited (6 November 2004) 56. Miklós Kontra and Tamás Váradi (eds) ‘Studies in Spoken Languages: English, German, FinnoUgric’ (Budapest 1992) in Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 70. No. 4. October 1992. 737-738. 55. George (György) Konrád ‘A feast in the garden’ (London 1992) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 30 October 1992. 19. 54. János Thuróczy ‘Chronicle of the Hungarians (1488)’ (Bloomington 1991) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LXX No. 3. July 1992. 567-568. 53. Moses M. Nagy (ed.) ‘A journey into history. Essays on Hungarian Literature.’ (New York-BernFrankfurt a.M. 1990) in: Modern Language Review (London) Vol. 87 Part 2. April 1992. 544. 52. George Steiner ‘Proofs and three parables’ (London 1992) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 20 March 1992. 20. 51. Howard Baker’s play ‘A hard heart’ at the Almeida Theatre (Islington, London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 20 March 1992. 19. 50. Mihály Füredi and József Kelemen (eds) ‘A mai magyar nyelv szépprózai gyakorisági szótára/The frequency dictionary of modern Hungarian fiction (1965-1977)’ (Budapest 1989) in International Journal of Lexicography (London) Vol. IV No. 1. Spring 1991. 68-77. 49. Dezső Kosztolányi (translated by George Szirtes) ‘Anna Édes’ (London 1991) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 13 December 1991. 21. 48. Irén Annus ‘Build your Hungarian. Language Coursebook I.’ (Szeged 1990) in: Studies in Cultural Interaction in Europe (Amsterdam) No. 2. 1990. [1991]. 129-132. 47. Mladen Materić’s piece for theatre ‘The Closing Number’ at the Hampstead Theatre (London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 29 March 1991. 16. 46. Josef Skvorecky ‘The miracle game’ (London 1991) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 8 March 1991. 19.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE 45. Tamas Aczel ‘The hunt’ (London 1990) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 7-13 December 1990. 1327. 44. David Edgar’s play ‘The shape of the table’ at the National Theatre (London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 23-29 November 1990. 1267. 43. Václav Havel ‘Disturbing the peace: a conversation with Karel Hvížd'ala’ (London 1990) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 23-29 November 1990. 1262. 42. Jerry Payne ‘Colloquial Hungarian’ (London 1987) in: Hungarológiai Hírlevél (Budapest) 1990. 1.-2. szám. 57-59. 41. Václav Havel’s play ‘Redevelopment’ at the Orange Tree (Richmond) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 28 September-6 October 1990. 1034. 40. Trevor Griffiths’s play ‘Piano’ at the National Theatre (London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 17-23 August 1990. 874. 39. Krzysztof Kieslowski’s televised film series ‘The Ten Commandments’ (BBC2, London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 3-9 August 1990. 824. 38. Janos Nyiri ‘Battlefields and Playgrounds’ (London 1989) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 8-14 December 1989. 1369. 37. Arthur Schnitzler’s play ‘Summer Breeze’ at the Gate (Notting Hill, London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 10-16 November 1989. 1240. 36. Ödön von Horváth’s play ‘Judgement Day’ at the Old Red Lion (Islington, London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 9-15 June 1989. 638. 35. Joshua Sobol’s play ‘Ghetto’ at the National Theatre (London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 12-18 May 1989. 514. 34. Milán Füst (translated by Ivan Sanders) ‘The story of my wife’ (Feleségem története, London 1989) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 10-16 March 1989. 255. 33. Márta Mészáros’s film ‘Diary for my loves’ (Napló szerelmeimnek) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 17-23 February 1989. 167. 32. Dezső Tandori (translated by Bruce Berlind) ‘Birds and other relations’ (Princeton 1986 [1987]) in: Modern Language Review (London) Vol. 84 Part 2. 1989. 543. 31. ‘Hungarológiai Értesítő’ (Budapest 1987) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 67 No. 1. January 1989. 133-134.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE 30. Jerry Payne ‘Colloquial Hungarian’ (London 1987) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 66 No. 4. October 1988. 633-636. Reprinted in: Hungarológiai Hírlevél (Budapest). 1990. 1-2. szám. 57-59. 29. R. L. Braham and B. Vago (eds.) ‘The Holocaust in Hungary: Forty years later’ (Boulder, CO 1985) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 66 No. 4. October 1988. 648-649. 28. Berki János mesél cigány és magyar nyelven/Tales of János Berki told in Gypsy and Hungarian’ (Budapest 1985) in: International Folklore Review (London) Vol. 6. 1988. 126-127. 27. Károly Rédei ‘Zu den indogermanisch-uralischen Sprachkontakten’ (Wien 1986) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. 66 No. 2 April 1988. 262-263. 26. ‘Hungarian Studies, Vol. I, No. 1’ (Budapest 1985) in: Modern Language Review (London) Vol. 82 Part 2. 1987. 542. 25. Tom Stoppard’s play ‘Dalliance’ (a version of Arthur Schnitzler’s Liebelei) at the National Theatre (London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 13 June 1986. 651. 24. Péter Király (ed) ‘Typographica Universitatis Hungaricae Budae 1777-1848’ (Budapest 1983) in: Modern Language Review (London) Vol. 81 Part 2. 1986. 543-544. 23. Ádám T. Szabó (ed) ‘Volksballaden aus der Moldau und Siebenbürgen/Moldvai csángó és erdélyi népballadák.’ (Budapest 1982) in: International Folklore Review (London) Vol. 3 1983 [1985]. 156-157. 22. Alexander Ostrovsky’s play ‘The Diary of a Scoundrel’ at the Orange Tree (Richmond) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 15 February 1985. 172. 21. Tom Stoppard’s play ‘Rough Crossing’ (adapted from Játék a kastélyban by Ferenc Molnár) at the National Theatre (London) in: Times Literary Supplement (London) 9 November 1984. 1284. 21. The February/March 1984 issue of the samizdat A Hírmondó (Budapest) in: Index on Censorship (London) Vol. 13 No. 4. August 1984. 18-19. 20. Miklós Kontra ‘A nyelvek közötti kölcsönzés néhány kérdéséről, különös tekintettel ,elangolosodó’ orvosi nyelvünkre’ (Budapest 1981) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LXI No. 2. April 1983. 312-313. 19. Nathaniel Katzburg ‘Hungary and the Jews: policy and legislation 1920-1943’ (Ramat Gan 1981) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LXI No. 2. April 1983. 296-297. 18. Dieter P. Lotze ‘Imre Madách’ (Boston, Mass. 1981) in: Modern Language Review (London). October 1982. 1006-1007.
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE 17. Miklós Szabolcsi ‘Attila József: Leben und Werk’ ([East] Berlin 1981) in: Modern Language Review (London). July 1982. 767-768. 16. János Kenedi ‘Do-it-yourself: Hungary’s hidden economy’ (London [1981]) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LX. No. 3. July 1982. 475-476. 15. Ferenc Fabricius-Kovács ‘Kommunikáció és anyanyelvi nevelés’ (Budapest 1980) in: Hungarian Studies Review (Toronto) Vol. IX. No. 1. Spring 1982. 92-94. 14. Thomas Kabdebo ‘Hungary. World Bibliographical Series, 15’ (Oxford and Santa Barbara 1980) in: Solanus (Leeds [?]) No. 16 July 1981. 38-43. 13. Andrew Kerek ‘Bibliography of Hungarian linguistic research in United States and Canada’ (New Brunswick 1979) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LIX No. 1. January 1981. 79-80. 12. Béla Kálmán ‘The world of names’ (Budapest 1978) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LVIII No. 2. April 1980. 269-270. 11. Tamás Hofer and Edit Fél ‘Hungarian folk art’ (Oxford 1979) in: New Statesman (London) Vol. 98 No. 2540. 23 November 1979. 620. 10. Sándor Scheiber, ed., ‘MIOK Évkönyv 1977/1978’ (Budapest 1978) in: Journal of Jewish Studies (Oxford) Vol. XXX No. 2. Autumn 1979. 260-261. 9. Loránd Benkő, chief ed., ‘A magyar nyelv történeti-etimológiai szótára, I-III’ (Budapest 1967-1976) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LVI No. 2. April 1978. 292. 8. László Országh ‘Angol eredetű elemek a magyar szókészletben’ (Budapest 1977) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LV No. 4. October 1977. 574. 7. Sándor Scheiber (ed.) ‘MIOK Évkönyv 1975/1976’ (Budapest 1976) in: Journal of Jewish Studies (Oxford) Vol. XXVIII No. 1. Spring 1977. 102-103. 6. Congressus Quartus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum…. (Budapest 1975) in: Slavonic and East European Review (London) Vol. LIV No. 4. October 1976. 624. 5. Sándor Scheiber ‘Folklór és tárgytörténet’ (Budapest 1974) in: Journal of Jewish Studies (Oxford) Vol. XXVII No. 1. Spring 1976. 102-103. 4. Sándor Csoóri ‘Párbeszéd sötétben’ (Budapest 1973) in: Hungarian Book Review (Budapest) Vol. XVII No. 1. January-March 1975. 27. [Reprinted from Books Abroad (Norman, Oklahoma) August 1974].
PETER SHERWOOD: CURRICULUM VITAE 2. György Moldova ‘A változások őrei’ (Budapest 1972) and 3. Lilla Wagner ‘A negyedik Petőfi’ (London 1972) in: Books Abroad (Norman, Oklahoma) Vol. 47 No. 4. October 1973. 802-803, 804-805. 1. Sándor Weöres and Ferenc Juhász ‘Selected Poems’ (Harmondsworth 1970) and Ferenc Juhász ‘The boy changed into a stag. Selected poems 1949-1967’ (Toronto 1970) in: The Hungarian PEN/Le PEN hongrois (Budapest) No. 12. 1971. 101-103.
MISCELLANEOUS: NOT PEER REVIEWED Language advisor/reviser of Endre Bojtár’s translation: György Soros A lehetetlen megkísértése. A kelet-európai forradalmak és a Soros alapítvány. Budapest: 2000 könyvek. 1991. 250 pp. Language advisor/reviser-proofreader for Universal English/Stage I. (Hungarian version). Colnbrook: X-ling Press. 1991. Language advisor/reviser-proofreader for Universal English/Stage II. Colnbrook: X-ling Press. 1991.
(Hungarian version).
Language advisor/reviser of translations for László Nagy Love of the scorching wind. Selected Poems. Budapest: Corvina/Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1972. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& TEACHING RECORD AT UNC CHAPEL HILL HUNG 407 Structure of the Hungarian Language 2010 (2hrs/wk) SLAV 425 Holocaust Cinema in Eastern Europe 2010 (3hrs/wk, plus screenings) now: SLAV 281 Holocaust Cinema in Eastern Europe 2012 (3hrs/wk, plus screenings) SLAV 425 Vampires & Empires: An Introduction to Transylvania 2010 (3hrs/wk) HUNG 411 Hungarian Literature in Translation 2009 (3hrs/wk, plus occasional screenings) SLAV 198H East European Literature 2008 (3hrs/wk, plus occasional screenings) HUNG 280 Hungarian Cinema since World War II 2008, 2009, 2011 (3hrs/wk, plus screenings) SLAV/PWAD 467 Language and Political Identity 2011, 2013 (3hrs/wk)
LANGUAGE TEACHING: HUNGARIAN 401, 402, 403, 404 (one or more every semester since Spring 2008)