Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Language Education
By: Winanti 06202241030
Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat (QS. Al Mujaddallah : 11) Perilaku yang baik itu ada di atas ilmu (Winanti)
This thesis is genuinely dedicated to the most important people in my life: my mother, my father, my three sisters and my brother. I love you all.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. All praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty, the all Hearing and Seeing, the Giver and the Bestower…thanks God for this biggest and happiest moment I ever had along the way of my life. I would like to thank many people who have supported, encouraged, and inspired me to complete this thesis. First and foremost, thank you so much to my mother and father, for their priceless love, prayers, support and patience and the great struggle to give me a life. I also would like to thank my great consultants, both Pak Suhaini M. Saleh, M. A. and Bu Anita Triastuti, M. A. for their expertise, wisdom, and continuous encouragement in guiding me step by step through the whole research process. I would like to address my deep and sincere gratitude to all lecturers in English Education Department who generously profound knowledge during my study in this university. I also would like to thank Bu Tuti Widyastuti, Mbak Wid, and Hari, who had shared much time, help, and assistance during the time of my data collection in SMA 2 Wates, I am very much indebted to them. A lot of thanks also go to all my research participants, students of XI IPA 3 and IPS 1, during interviews and observations, for their enthusiasm and active involvement in my research. I owe special thanks to my sisters and brother (Mbak Sih, Mbak Lik, Dekwid, Masnang) … my dear Yogi who have given me unconditional love and strong support in every way they can make, for the laughter and togetherness. I also would like to thank my friends, especially ones who belong to PBI/06 of class B for their support, best friendship and shared experiences. I love you all. Thank you very much to all of the people who have helped me during the completion of the study that I cannot mention one by one. I realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. However, I hope that it would be a contribution to the practice of English teaching and learning process, especially the one in SMA 2 Wates.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... ii RATIFICATION ............................................................................................ iii PERNYATAAN .............................................................................................. iv MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURE ......................................................................................... xi LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... A. Background of the Research ................................................................. B. Identification of the Problems ............................................................... C. Limitation of the Problems .................................................................... D. Formulation of the Problem .................................................................. E. Objective of the Research ...................................................................... F. Significance of the Research ..................................................................
1 1 5 7 7 8 8
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .......................... A. Literature Review .................................................................................. 1. Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Language in Indonesia. 2. Approach and Methods in English Language Teaching ................... 3. Contextual Teaching and Learning ................................................... 4. The Soft Skills ................................................................................... 5. The Soft Skill Development .............................................................. B. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................ C. Analytical Construct .............................................................................
9 9 9 15 19 23 26 30 31
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY .............................................................. A. Research Design .................................................................................... B. Research Setting .................................................................................... C. Instruments of the Research .................................................................. D. Data Collection Procedure .................................................................... E. Data Analysis Technique ....................................................................... F. Trustworthiness ...................................................................................... G. Research Procedure ...............................................................................
33 33 34 35 36 37 38 38
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION ................... 40 A. Research Finding ................................................................................... 40 1. English Teaching and Learning among the Second Year Students of SMA 2 Wates in the Academic Year of 2010/2011 ...40 2. The Contribution of English Teaching and Learning towards Students’ Soft Skills Development ........................................... 52 a. Social Interdependence in a Group ................................ 53 b. Group Cohesion ............................................................. 56 c. Students’ Communication Behavior in Learning ........... 58 3. The Principles of English Teaching and Learning towards Students’ Soft Skills Development ........................................................... 66 4. The Supporting Conditions of English Teaching and Learning towards Students’ Soft Skills Development .............................. 75 B. Discussion ............................................................................................. 76 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ...................................................................... A. Conclusion ............................................................................................ B. Implication............................................................................................. C. Suggestion ............................................................................................. References ...................................................................................................... Appendices ..................................................................................................... A. Classroom Observation Guide .............................................................. B. Field Notes ............................................................................................ C. Questionnaires ....................................................................................... D. Interview Guides ................................................................................... E. Interview Transcripts ............................................................................. F. Field Note Analysis .............................................................................. G. Teacher’s Procedures and Students’ Actions ....................................... H. Lesson Plans .......................................................................................... I. Letter of Permission ...............................................................................
81 81 82 84 86 88 88 90 105 113 115 135 143 146 151
1. Characteristics of Dimensionality .......................................................... 23 2. English Teaching and Learning in the Classroom…… ......................... 41 3. Questionnaire Blueprint on English Teaching and Learning ................................................................................................ 4. Social Interdependence in a Group ........................................................ 5. Questionnaire Blue Print of Social Interdependence in a Group ........... 6. Group Cohesion ..................................................................................... 7. Questionnaire blue print of Group Cohesion .........................................
42 53 54 56 57
8. Students’ Communication Behavior ...................................................... 9. Questionnaire Blue print of Students’ Communication Behavior ......... 10. Positive Responses on Group Work Based on Interview Data ........... 11. Negative Responses on Group Work Based on Interview Data ...........
62 64 73 74
1. Analitycal Construct............................................................................ ..32
1. Classroom Observation Guide ............................................................... 2. Field Notes ............................................................................................. 3. Questionnaires ........................................................................................ 4. Interview Questions (Student) ............................................................... 5. Interview Questions (Teacher) ............................................................... 6. Interview Transcript ............................................................................... 7. Field Note Analysis ............................................................................... 8. Teacher’s Procedures and Students’ Actions ........................................ 9. Letter of Permission ............................................................................... 8. Lesson Plans ...........................................................................................
88 90 105 113 115 116 135 143 146 151
AN ANALYSIS OF THE SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING AMONG THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMA 2 WATES By Winanti 06202241030 ABSRACT This research is aimed to describe the support of English Teaching and Learning process towards the soft skills development by analyzing the implementation of English Teaching and Learning in SMA 2 Wates in the academic year of 2010/2011. Employing both qualitative and quantitative methods, the participants involved in this research were three English teachers and 25 students of Class XI IPA 3, engaged in the classroom observations, questionnaires, and semi-guided interviews. The main research instrument was the researcher herself, conducting the research procedure which has been done respectively: analyzing data gained from the field notes, categorizing, choosing and deciding focuses of the research, sharpening and strengthening the focus through interviews and the last, distributing questionnaires to select categories to be formulated in the finding. The development of soft skills cannot be measured statistically but using the LikertScale, the quantitative data were used to get the information on students’ responses (the percentages and frequencies) on the four sections of questionnaires: English Teaching and Learning in SMA 2, Social Interdependence, Group Cohesion, and Communication Behavior. The findings indicate that the implementation of English Teaching and Learning where the teacher’s procedures were intentionally aimed to emerge active learning (centered on the learner as the doer) gives significant support towards the students’ soft skills development. Cooperative behavior shown by the students in responding to teacher’s procedures has successfully resulted in the acceptance of differences within group and the appreciation both from the teacher and among the students. The average from each category of social interdependence indicates that most of the students positively responded to cooperative category, with the highest average 90 followed by 77.5 average of competitive category and the least average of individualistic category, 56. It means that the students already search outcomes that are beneficial to all group members in learning as in group-work where students prefer to learn with peers rather working alone or in competitive condition that they like to be involved in the process of transferring knowledge and sharing ideas within the groups. Thus, cooperative condition can lead to greater interaction which results in less tension, less boredom, and more enjoyable classroom.
A. Background to the Research According to Richards (2000:1), English in different parts of the world where it is not a native language may have the status of either a “second” or “foreign” language. In the former case, it is a language that is widely used and learners need to acquire English in order to survive in society. In the latter case, as in Indonesia, it may be taught as a school subject but has restricted uses in the society. Brown (2001:3) also states that English has a place as a Foreign Language (EFL) if it is taught in countries where English is not a major language of commerce and education. In the light of those definitions, it can be said that the place of English in Indonesia is as a foreign language which is neither used as lingua franca nor medium of instruction. Students rarely use it outside the classroom even during the teaching learning process when they have this lesson in the classroom. In this condition, English teachers and the students may find it difficult to have English instruction, to teach and to learn the language. The national education is aimed at elevating the intellectual life of the nation and to develop a whole Indonesian person, one who is devout and God fearing, with high morality, possessing knowledge and skills, who is physically and mentally healthy, who is of stable personality, independent, and has a deep sense of responsibility toward the society and the nation (Article 4 of the Law No. 2, 2003 on the National Education System). In line with the
law, efforts have been made by the ministry to successfully achieve the goals like frequent curriculum revisions, recent program on International Standard School (SBI), relief fund for the school operation (BOS), students’ grants, and other policies in education. Those efforts are made in order to improve the quality of our national education system, including the English instructional system in all levels of education in Indonesia. Despite all efforts that have been made to improve situation, the proficiency of English for secondary school graduates still creates disappointment among teachers themselves as well as parents. The unsatisfying quality of English in Indonesia of course is related to various different variables. Based on the status of English in Indonesia, learning English can be said as learning a foreign language. To keep up with the development of science and technology, and the demands of globalization, the government has decided that English is to be taught in the secondary education as the compulsory subject which covers the middle schools or junior high schools and senior high schools in Indonesia. In elementary schools, English is considered as a local content subject, which means that not all schools include English in the curriculum. As stated in the local content syllabus, English is the first foreign language in Indonesia that is considered to be important for developing strategic aspects of life (science, technology, art, culture) and for improving the quality of the international relations among nations. The literacy goal of English teaching in Senior High School is to equip the students with sufficient English
proficiency. This condition leads to some general ideas about learning English in Indonesia. The result of teaching English in secondary schools is still far from being successful. Some observations have indicated that it has not reached the declared goal. Some factors might have contributed to this situation, such as the big number of students in every class, the low quality of the teachers, the lack of facilities and appliances, low motivation and interest of the students, and class management which is not good enough to support the teaching and learning of English. Based on the rationale as stated in the act as follows: Education is a conscious and planned effort to achieve the learning condition and learning process so that learners can actively develop their potential to posses (a) the strength of spiritual and religious, (b) selfcontrol, (c) personality, (d) intelligence, (e) morals, also (f) skills which are needed by them, the society, and the nation (Act of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20, year 2003 on National Education System, p.3), the area that is mostly concerned to achieve is dealing with soft skills development. It is clearly mentioned that our national education system aims at developing self-awareness of the learners not only their intellectual academic potential but also their interpersonal skills (soft skills) which exactly become the heart of the implementation of our national education. The soft skills development indeed lacks attention during the teaching and learning process done in the classroom. Teachers often more appreciate academic achievement rather than any progress that the students made on their soft skills development during experiencing the teaching and learning process.
Another concern deals with disruptive and uncooperative condition in the classroom that can be minimized by implementing strategic method in the teaching and learning process designed by the teachers. The development of soft skills can be facilitated by providing students with Communicative Teaching and Learning for this kind of approach consists of a lot of communicative aspects of learning. Students can actively involve in and experience the teaching and learning process. How English Teaching and Learning can affect the soft skills development can be explored by closely observing the teaching and learning process that happens in the classroom. Based on common phenomenon that teachers face while having an English course in the classroom, couples of English sessions were observed to get closer to the real condition, to see how students process the knowledge and how this kind of process influences their soft skills development. Finally, by integrating the soft skills development and the teaching and earning process, it can make students become more open-minded and tolerant that they will posses high level of good interpersonal abilities, the way they behave in the society. By equipping students with such mutual skills, schools can prepare them better to be honest, kind, and well-educated people as they experience learning in CTL. In this research, the data will be analyzed based on both qualitative and quantitative method. The concern is put on the students’ soft skills development; how they respond and react to every single experience they get during the teaching and learning process in the classroom and to capture what
aspects are significant to deal with the concern. The data from field notes will be the basis for the researcher to do an analysis and to present it as a complete description of students’ soft skills development during the English Teaching and Learning (ETL) at SMA 2 Wates. B. Identification of the Problem Numerous problems arise during English teaching and learning in the classroom which cover all the learning components: the teacher, the students, the learning materials, the time allocation, school facilities, and the environment. The researcher observed couples of the teaching and learning process in SMA 2 Wates, and identified some problems dealing with those learning components, based on what happened in the field. Firstly, the existing problem mainly deals with teaching style, the way the teacher manages the learning activities. In Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), the teacher acts as the facilitator, prompter, and controller in the classroom. Teachers are not the only resource, so that they encourage students to think creatively, be more independent, and have intrinsic motivation to discover knowledge. What found in the field is the fact that the teacher always tried to explain the materials as detailed as possible, commonly known as “spoon-feeding” education system, or tend to be “teacher-centered” approach in teaching. The second problem is closely related to students’ involvement during the teaching and learning process. They tend to have low involvement and lack of attention to the lesson. Students seldom asked questions or commented on
teacher’s explanation. They seemed to focus only in getting good marks and became “exam-oriented” students, eventually careless about acquiring knowledge, which should be the aim of education. The next problem is related to the media and the materials. Even though English textbooks in the library did not support the newest curriculum, they were still used by the students in the classroom. There were limited units of computers that supported the students to gain unlimited sources in learning. Every class was already facilitated with a desktop, but it was rarely used by the teachers because some of them were not familiar to operate it. Another problem is the time allocation for the students to have English subject in one meeting which is less effective. Students had to move from class to class for this school has implemented a “moving class” system. The problem is that there was only one class for one subject so that “crash” on the schedule often happened among the teachers. Finally, another factor that influences a successful classroom is the environment both physical and social environment. The physical conditions of the environment are school condition and the natural features (its geography) while the social environment is human relationship in and out side the school. Disruptive and uncooperative condition in and out side the classroom can disturb the teacher and students to achieve successful teaching and learning process. The problems that deal with learning components in the teaching and learning process above give a general description about how the
implementation of English Teaching and Learning is important to support the students’ soft skills development. Therefore, actual information of the English classroom teaching and learning process is needed in order to get clearer description of the research concern. C. Limitation of the Problem Based on the identification above, it is impossible to solve all of the problems appeared in the field of English teaching and learning. Since it is scientific writing that needs much focus on each study and to make it more effective, this research concerns only on the implementation of English Teaching and Learning and its contributions towards the soft skills development of the students. In line with the focus of the research on the soft skills development, the teaching and learning process was observed to analyze the skills in within the implementation of English Teaching and Learning in the classroom as well as the supporting condition towards the soft skills development. D. Formulation of the Problem Based on the identification, the researcher proposes to put forward the following research questions: 1. How is English Teaching and Learning managed by English teacher? 2. How does the implementation of English Teaching and Learning give contribution towards the soft skills development? 3. What are the principles of English Teaching and Learning that give major contributions to students’ soft skills development?
4. What are the conditions of the English Teaching and Learning process required for developing students’ soft skills like? E. Objective of the Research In reference to the formulation of the problem above, this research aims to describe the implementation of English Teaching and Learning and analyze its contribution towards soft skills development. F. Significance of the Research The researcher expects two beneficial results at the end of the study. 1. Theoretically, it aims to provide referential and beneficial contributions either on the development of the quality of English instruction for the researcher or for the social improvement. 2. Practically, it is useful to expand personal existing knowledge and experience of the researcher in the field of analyzing the English instructional at school, identifying how the implementation of English Teaching and Learning contributes towards the soft skills development of the students. In broader practice, the research aims to present a description on the implementation of the English Teaching and Learning and analysis of its contributions towards the soft skills development.
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW AND CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK There are three parts discussed in this chapter. They are literature review conceptual framework, and analytical construct. In the literature review, some relevant theories and research studies were discussed which later served as a bridge between the research and education in the conceptual framework, with which also drawn to construct analysis based on the formulated problems. A. Literature Review 1. Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia As having been explained in the previous chapter, English is a foreign language in Indonesia. It means that students who learn the language will have to transfer their knowledge and skills about learning something in their own language to learning the thing in English. If students know how to read in their own language (Bahasa Indonesia), they can transfer their reading skills to reading in English, and so as the other three basic skills, listening, speaking, and writing. In the practice, students may find difficulties, especially when their language level is not high. Teachers need to check which sub-skills their students are good at and vice versa and also to help the students learning the four major skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking appropriately. a. Teaching Reading Reading is a receptive skill like listening. It is important for the teacher to make reading easier to do. Teachers need to help the students to understand word meanings, see the pictures the words are painting, understand the argument, and work out if they agree with them. Those activities can
successfully make reading easier to learn so that students do not just forget the information they get quickly. There are six principles behind the teaching of reading as proposed by Harmer (2007:70): 1. Principle 1 Reading is an incredibly active occupation that the students have to do it through meaningful experiences (practices). 2. Principle 2 Students need to be engaged with what they are reading (the reading text) so that they will be interested in and take the benefit from it. 3. Principle 3 Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just the language. The meaning, the message of the text is important and the teacher must give students a chance to respond to that message in some ways so that they can express their feelings about the topic. 4. Principle 4 Prediction is a major factor in reading. Hints, such as titles/headlines, the photographs, the book cover will make students better and more engaged readers. The moment they get this hint, their brain starts predicting what they are going to read, expectations are set up and the active process of reading is ready to begin.
5. Principle 5 Match the task to the topic. Once a decision has been taken about what reading texts the students are going to read, the teacher needs to choose good reading tasks. 6. Principle 6 Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full by integrating reading text into interesting class sequences, using the topic for discussion and further tasks, using the language for the next writing task, and so on. From the above points, reading can be said as a receptive skill but it certainly is an active one. Reading is a complicated process which involves understanding letters, words, and sentences, understanding the connections between sentences (coherence and cohesion), understanding different text types, making sense of the text through our knowledge of the world and using the appropriate reading sub-skills. b. Teaching Writing Writing as the other three basic skills, reading, speaking, and listening, includes several factors which should be taken into account in its teaching to students of English as foreign language. Some of those factors are: 1. The type of writing Teachers can vary the types of writing from simpler to more extended tasks which are more challenging and more complicated in terms of grammar and the compositions. The writing tasks for elementary students will be quite
different with the ones for Junior High School even Senior High School students. 2. Students’ interest Another factor which can determine the choice of the writing tasks that the students enjoy to do is their interest. At this point, teachers need to choose writing tasks which are generally useful, but more important, students are likely to enjoy doing the tasks. 3. Students’ age and the language level When teachers set tasks for their students, it is important to make sure that students have or can get enough language to complete the tasks, what language the students have at their command and what can be achieved with this language. At this point, by considering those factors in teaching writing, teachers’ decisions will be based on how much language the students know, what their interests are and what the teachers think will not only be useful for them but also motivate them. c. Teaching Listening Exposure to language is a fundamental requirement for anyone who wants to learn it. Listening helps students acquire language subconsciously even if teachers do not pay attention to its special features. There are some characteristics of listening which differentiate it from other skills. Listening requires general comprehension before students get into more specific details, The tape goes at the same speed for every student while language study like
speaking practice and reading may vary, in which individual students can speak and read at their own pace. Listening is special too because it is spoken language which tends to be informal in major. The tone of the voice, the intonation that the speakers use, rhythm, and background noise will help students get the main idea or the meaning of the speech act. Listening material depends on its level as in teaching writing, and the kind of tasks that go with certain audio player. Harmer says (2007:98) that some authentic materials are useable for the beginners such as pre-recorded announcements and telephone message provided that the questions they are asked do not demand detailed understanding. More difficult material may be appropriate for higher level students such as scripted material provided that it is interesting and subtle enough and which is appropriate for them. Despite all of those principles in teaching listening, teachers need to be aware of the fact that listening is a skill and students will comprehend it better the more they practice it. d. Teaching Speaking At this point, teaching speaking to students of English as a foreign language means that the students use any and all the language at their command to perform some kind of oral tasks. Speaking tasks should provoke the students to do so. There are three basic reasons why encouragement is important according to Harmer (2007):
1. Rehearsal It is different from practice in which more detailed study takes place. By getting students to have a free discussion, it gives them a chance to rehearse pronouncing any vocabulary, expression used either in or outside the classroom. Rehearsal is a way for students to “get the feel” of what communicating in the foreign language feels like. 2. Feedback Feedback can come from both teachers and the students. Teachers can see what language problems students have; students can find a particular kind of speaking and what they need to do to improve it. 3. Engagement Speaking tasks should be intrinsically enjoyable for the students so that they can be highly motivated to participate in the activities. Foreign language learners as students of Senior High School in Indonesia, especially at SMA 2 Wates, may need time to take in and process all the new language they hear before they can produce it in speaking. Because speaking is a complex skill, students in the classroom need a lot of help to prepare certain speaking performance, e.g. practice of necessary vocabulary, time to organize their ideas and what they want to say, practice in pronouncing new words and expressions, practice in carrying out a task, before they speak freely.
2. Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching There has been a continuous debate about how to describe the process and what the best way of learning and teaching language is, including the teaching and learning English as one foreign language in Indonesia. There are some traditional language learning techniques that have been used for many years, but the following teaching models have the strong influence on classroom practice and which teachers and trainers still refer to them (Harmer 2001). Larson and Freeman (2000) proposed that the goal of most of the methods in language teaching is for the students to learn to communicate in the target language. A shift in the field of English instruction from a linguistic structuredcentered approach to a communicative approach stresses on making communicative competence the goal of language teaching by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. While some traditional teaching models emphasis on teachers as the center of the learning (the teacher-centered instruction), current communicative approaches as CLT procedures requires teachers to acquire less teacher-centered classroom management skills which provide greater opportunities to the students to experience the learning itself. a. PPP This stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production in which the teacher presents the context and situation for the language and then explains and demonstrates the meanings and forms of the new language. PPP is effective
for teaching simple language at lower level but it becomes less appropriate when students already know much about the language. In this procedure, the teacher introduces a situation which contextualizes the language to be taught. The language is then presented. The students practice it using accurate reproduction techniques such as choral or individual repetition, drilling, etc. Later, the students using the new knowledge make sentences of their own which referred to as production. Recently, teachers vary their PPP as alternatives on it by joining the three phases where together with the students, they can decide at which stage to enter the procedure. b. Task – Based Learning Nunan defines a task as a piece of classroom work which involves learners in using target language while their attention is focused on meanings rather than forms (Richards and Rodgers, 2001). It is an activity or a goal that is carried out using language such as making telephone call, writing a letter, etc. In this model of teaching, the emphasis is on the tasks rather than the language. It will be noticed that TBL sequences fit into language description, where language automation is the first goal and study comes later if and when appropriate. TBL draws on several principles that formed part of the communicative language teaching. Language learning is believed to depend on immersing students not merely in “comprehensible input” but in tasks that require them to negotiate meaning and engage in meaningful communication. The key
assumptions of task-based instruction summarized by Freez (1998:17) as quoted in Richards and Rodgers (2001) are the following: -
The focus is on the process rather than product
Basic elements are purposeful activities and tasks that emphasize communication and meaning
Learners learn language by interacting communicatively and purposefully while engaged in the activities and tasks
Activities and tasks can be either; those that learners might need to achieve in real life or those that have pedagogical purpose specific to the classroom
Activities and tasks of a task-based syllabus are sequenced according to difficulty
The difficulty of the task depends on a range of factors including the previous experience of the learners, the complexity of the task, the language required to undertake the task, and the degree of support available
c. Communicative Language Teaching There are two main strands of CLT. The first is that language is not merely about grammar. It also involves language functions, such as inviting, greeting, parting, etc. Students need also to be aware of the need for appropriateness when talking and writing to people in terms of the kind of language they use (formal/informal, tentative/technical, etc). The second strand of CLT developed from the idea that if students get enough exposure to
language and opportunities for its use and if they are motivated then the language learning will take care for it self. The focus of this teaching model is on what is so called as automation. The communicative approach starts from a theory of language as communication (Hymes, 1972) referred to as “communicative competence; it is the knowledge, the skill, behavior, and value to be employed, whether it is feasible, appropriate, or done in particular speech community. Similar point of view is that the focus of CLT is on communicative and contextual factors in language use as in broader socio-cultural context of its use which included the participants, their behavior and believes the object of linguistic discussion, word choice advocated by Malinowski and Firth. There are four dimensions of communication competence as proposed by Caviak and Swain (1980), which includes: 1. Grammatical competence that is knowledge of the grammar, vocabulary, phonology, and semantics of a language. 2. Sociolinguistic competence that is, knowledge of the relationship between language and its nonlinguistic context, knowing how to use and respond appropriately to different types of speech acts, such as requests, apologies, thanks, and invitations, knowing which address forms should be used with different persons one speaks to and in different situations, and so forth. 3. Discourse competence (sometimes considered part of sociolinguistic competence), that is knowing how to begin and end conversations.
4. Strategic competence, that is, knowledge of communication strategies that can compensate for weakness in other areas. As what has been said by Richards and Rodgers (2001) to link with those common
characteristics of them lead to form a significant component of teacher preparation programs. One of them is that approaches and methods can be studied not as prescriptions for how to teach but as a source of well – used practices, which teachers can adopt or implement based on their own needs. 3. Contextual Teaching and Learning The concept of Contextual Teaching and Learning has been proposed by John Dewey in 1916 (Brown, 2001) which assumes that the curriculum and methodology in teaching should be based on the learners’ experiences and their interests. Dewey disapproves that the focus of instruction on the academic and intellectual development is isolated from the personal and interpersonal (soft skills) development. Teaching and learning should be linked to the student’s daily life that they can contextualize the language they learn in the classroom. In order to achieve successful classroom, Harmer (2007: 155) has discussed several aspects that the teacher can do to ensure a successful- oriented environment. They are behavior norms, discussing the norms, negotiating the norms, reviewing and revisiting the norms. When students are engaged and experiencing success in the teaching and learning process, problem behaviors, such as behaving badly, disrupting lessons or creating barriers between themselves and their teachers will rarely
occur. In the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning, when students behave disruptively and uncooperatively, the task of the teacher is finding out what the problem is. Later, Eyring in 1991 (Brown, 2001: 238) uses the term experiential learning to refer to this concept of Contextual Teaching and Learning. She argues that by implementing experiential learning which includes activities that engage both the left and the right brain processing the students can get opportunities as they work on more complex or higher level of cognitive as well as affective and psychomotor skills in the activities (for examples, problem-solving, project work, etc). Experiential learning is an emphasis of the two substantive principles of effective learning principles proposed by Dewey which are active experimentation that one learns best by doing and the other principle, inductive learning by discovery activities strategies that enable students to get involved in their own learning. Latief (2007:7) points out seven basic elements indicating the Contextual Teaching and Learning in his speech for his doctorial dissertation title. Those seven basic elements are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Constructivistic Questioning Inquiry Modeling Learning community Authentic assessment, Reflection
Those elements are connected each other and the first point that is constructivistic becomes the main element which underlying the rest elements. In addition, there are some strategies to be implemented in CTL: 1. Problem-based CTL can begin with a simulated or real problem. Students use critical thinking skills and a systemic approach to inquiry to address the problem or issue. 2. Using multiple contexts Theories of situated cognition suggest that knowledge can not be separated from the physical and social context in which it develops. How and where a person acquires and creates knowledge is therefore very important. CTL experiences are enriched when students learn skills in multiple contexts (i.e. school, community, workplace, family). 3. Drawing upon student diversity On the whole, student population is becoming more diverse, and with increased diversity comes differences in values, social mores, and perspectives. Team collaboration and group learning activities respect students’ diverse histories; broaden perspectives, and interpersonal skills. 4. Supporting self-regulated learning Ultimately, students must become lifelong learners. Lifelong learners are able to seek out, analyze, and use information with little to no supervision. To do so, students must become more aware how they process information, employ problem-solving strategies, and use background knowledge. CTL experiences should allow for trial and error; provide time and structure for reflection; and
provide adequate support to assist students to move from dependent to independent learning. 5. Using interdependent learning groups Students will be influenced by and will contribute to the knowledge and beliefs of others. 6. Employing authentic assessment CTL is intended to build knowledge and skills in meaningful ways by engaging students in real life, or "authentic" contexts. For CTL to be effective, all strategies must be present in the teaching and learning experience. The teacher can design activities in the classroom which suit with the classroom dynamic to facilitate learning. Johnson (2002:25) states that the CTL system is an educational process that aims to help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subjects with the context of their personal, social, and cultural circumstances. To achieve this aim, the system encompasses
connections, doing significant work, self-regulated learning, and collaborating, critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, using authentic assessment. One indicator of having Contextual Teaching and Learning in the classroom is that the aspect of dimensionality as stated by Rozenholdz & Simpson, 1984 in Schunk (2009: 255). Classroom characteristics that indicate
dimensionality include differentiation of task structure, student autonomy, grouping patterns, performance evaluation as drawn in the table below: Table 1: Characteristics of dimensionality Characteristics Unidimensional Differentiation of Undifferentiated; students task structure work on the same tasks Student autonomy Low; students have few choices Grouping patterns Whole class; students grouped by ability Performance Students graded on the Evaluations same assignment; grades are public; much social comparison
Multidimesional Differentiated; students work on different tasks High; students have choices Individual work; students not grouped by ability Students graded on different assignment; less public grading and social comparison
From the two dimensions, it can be said that multidimensional classroom is more likely to represent CTL for it can motivate the students by its features which are more differentiation, greater autonomy, less ability grouping, and more flexibility in grading with less public evaluation. 4.
The Soft Skills
Soft skills are commonly defined as “people skills” (Parsons and Nasser, 2010). Those skills can be divided into two categories, personal skills and interpersonal skills. The personal skills include these 7 attributes: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
optimism common sense responsibility a sense of humor integrity time-management motivation
Meanwhile, interpersonal abilities are: a. b. c. d. e. f.
empathy leadership communication good manners sociability the ability to teach
Soft skills can be said to incorporate all aspects of generic skills that include the cognitive elements associated with non-academic skills. Soft skills are identified to be the most critical skills in the current global job market especially in a fast moved era of technology. The reorientation of education which is one trust of education for sustainability also relates the importance of these so-called soft skills. Based on the research findings obtained, Rod (2010) have identified and chosen seven soft skills to be implemented in all institutions of higher learning. They are: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
Communicative skills Thinking skills and Problem solving skill Team work force Life-long learning and Information Management Entrepreneur skill Ethics, moral and professionalism Leadership skills
Each of the above soft skills comprised several sub-skills. These subskills are divided into two categories of implementation. The first category describes the soft skills that every individual must have and the second category represents soft skills that are good to have. Despite the emphasis being put on the soft skills that must be present (must have), it is also encouraged to inculcate the soft skills that are good to have. All elements of
soft skills must be acquired by each individual student and evaluated effectively and comprehensively. Individuals must be taught the interpersonal and small-group skills needed for high-quality cooperation, and be motivated to use them. It can be implied from the study conducted by Archer-Kath, Johnson, and Johnson (1994). They trained individuals, who are students, in the social skills of praising, supporting, asking for information, giving information, asking for help, and giving help. The more socially skillful individuals are, the more attention teachers pay to teaching and rewarding the use of social skills, and the more individual feedback people receive on their use of the skills, the higher the achievement tends to be in cooperative groups. When individuals were taught social skills, observed by the teacher, and given individual feedback as how frequently they engaged in the skills, their interpersonal relationships became more positive. From the findings not only do social skills promote higher achievement, they also contribute to building more positive relationship among group members. Lewin states in Johnson and Johnson, that the essence of a group is the interdependence among members (created by common goals), which resulted in the group being a “dynamic whole” (2009:91). There are three ways in which interdependence can be structured in a situation according to Deutch (1949a, 1962); Johnson (2003); Johnson and Johnson (1989) in Johnson and Johnson (2009). They are positive interdependence (cooperation), negative interdependence (competitive), and no interdependence (individualistic). All
those three types are still closely related to interpersonal relationship which leads to the mutual interaction among group members, group cohesion. Whether communication among group members run in one-way or two-way communication, it depends on the process or its procedures. The difference is on the communication effectiveness. One-way communication is less effective than two-way procedure for it hinders message receivers to take part and give feedback in the group. 5. Building Character Education (The Soft Skills Development) In line with one of the ten basic principles of The Living Values Education from the association for Living Values Education International (2009), it is stated that education is not only subjects on the curriculum. Primarily, it is pedagogy, an educational philosophy and practice that inspires and develops positive values in the classroom. The teaching and learning process which is based on the values and guided reflections support as a process of giving meanings and contributions for the development of critical thinking, imaginations, concepts, self awareness, and the soft skills, both personal and intra-personal, and also respect, appreciation to others. According to Duke (2009), the Head of the Association, he states that teachers are responsible for developing the cognitive aspects and more on the development of the soft skills. In addition, education will not be effective and successful unless it refers to the positive values as follows: appreciation, responsibility, integrity, tolerance, justice, love, and honest.
In reference the education in many developed countries as in Europe and USA that building character in education is necessary in order to prepare students to be ready to face the real challenges of work fields. According to the Character Education Partnership (1993), character education refers to the deliberate effort by schools, families, and communities to help young people understand, care about, and acts upon core ethical values. Lickona (1996: 93) argues that all schools should be engaged in character education for three compelling reasons. First, good character helps students become fully human and more capable of work and love by building strength of mind, heart, and will. Next, Lickona believes that schools are better places, "when they are civil and caring human communities that promulgate, teach, celebrate and hold students and staff accountable to the values on which good character is based". Other characteristics of effective teaching which helps to foster employability skills (including soft skills) development include the use of multiple teaching and learning strategies, use of active learning techniques, provision of prompt feedback and respect for diverse talents and ways of learning as proposed by Cameron, 1993; Chickering & Ehrmann, 1996; Chickering & Gamson, 1987 in Kwok (2003:12). A positive classroom environment, promotion of critical thinking skills and use of higher-order thinking skills such as synthesis and analysis (Bloom, 1956) are other ways to maximize student learning and enhancement of job preparation skills as well (Chickering & Gamson, 1987).
Effective teaching practices, such as promoting active learning as in Contextual Teaching and Learning, using multiple teaching strategies, and providing prompt feedback all contribute to the soft skills development of students. Thus, if the outcome of an educational process is to be respectful, tolerant, peaceful, honest, and responsible world citizens, then the way to achieve is through bringing up the positive values so that the students may possess high quality on their soft skills development within the teaching and learning process happens in the classroom. SMA 2 Wates has been an International Standard School (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) since the Academic Year of 2009/2010. This school also applied the “moving class” system that the English classroom was used by all students of Class X, XI, and also XII. This situation was difficult to manage as the English teachers often had the same schedule. Another point that deals with the English teaching and learning in SMA 2 Wates is that this school cooperates with an educational institution (Higher Learning) to conduct speaking and listening classes. These two skills are delivered by tutors from the institution that the teacher concerns more in Reading and Writing. It can be said that difficulties of conducting English instruction in this school were mostly caused by the low motivation and other uncooperative behavior of the students to involve in the process. They did not show enthusiasm to learn and tend to spend their time to study English as a routine, getting the materials for today’s meeting from their teacher and then simply forgot to recall until the next meeting. Interaction rarely happens in a good
communication between the teacher and the students or among the students in the classroom. The teacher focused more attention to reading and writing which led the students seldom practiced to use classroom English. Another thing is that the activities during the lesson were quite similar that those can lead boredom. This was worsened by the fact that only few students are really aware of the process of learning itself because most of them focused only on getting good marks, sometimes without considering how to achieve the goal and still do cheating. Problems mostly occurred dealing with the situational factors both internal and external factors, which related to the physiological and physical factors of the students. In teaching, there must be a good communication, two-way or possibly multi-way communication among the participants. Interaction takes place not only by the teacher but also between the teacher and the students or among the students. All components that are involved in the process should be taken into consideration. One strategy or method in facilitating the intended goals can be done through Contextual Teaching and Learning in the English instruction. This underlines the importance of developing good interpersonal abilities that must be paid to the relationships within the school community and what characterizes those relationships. It is clear now that soft skills play the important roles, that values must be seen to lie not only at the heart of the educational content, the “what”, but also at the heart of the educational process, the “how”, the way in which education takes place in balancing concept and implementation as proposed by Hidayah (2009).
B. Conceptual Framework The process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Indonesian context involves some difficulties in its implementation. With so many factors need to be taken into account before a teacher plans to have an English instruction in the classroom, it is no doubt that problems often appear during the process. From the review of theories in English Language Teaching, there have been several teaching models (approaches) which have had strong influences on classroom practice and which teachers and trainers still refer to. One of those approaches is Contextual Teaching which is closely related to the latest teaching model, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). According to contextual learning theory, learning occurs only when students (learners) process new information or knowledge in such a way that it makes sense to them in their own frames of reference (their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and response). This approach to learning and teaching assumes that the mind naturally seeks meaning in context—that is, in relation to the person’s current environment—and that it does so by searching for relationships that make sense and appear useful. Contextual Teaching and Learning means an educational process that aims to help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subjects with the context of their daily lives, that is, with context of their personal, social, and cultural circumstances. Many strategies can be used in classrooms which are based on the principle of CTL, such as authentic material, the concept of stimulus response, Questioning,
Collaborative learning (problem-based learning) modeling, and others. In applying these, the teachers of English need to fully understand the principles of CTL before putting them into practice in class. Soft skills can be said to incorporate all aspects of generic skills that include the cognitive elements associated with non-academic skills. Soft skills are identified to be the most critical skills in the current global job market especially in a fast moved era of technology. The reorientation of education which is one trust of education for sustainability also relates the importance of these so-called soft skills. In line with recent program issued by the government on character building, research on this area (soft skill) is still rarely held and linked with the process of teaching and learning, including English in Senior High School. This research needs to be conducted in order to get descriptive information about the soft skills development in the English Contextual Teaching and Learning of the second year students at SMA 2 Wates in the academic year of 2010/2011. C. Analytical Construct The figure below captures the whole parts of discussion in this research. It presents how data gained in this research were analyzed to answer the four research questions mentioned in the previous chapter of formulation of the problem.
32 C. Analytical Construct Teaching Techniques and Learning Activities 1) Making meaningful connections
2) Doing significant work
Teacher’s procedures
Students’ Actions
3) Self-regulated learning
4) Collaborating
Contextual Teaching and Learning
Cooperative Learning Behaviors
5) Critical and creative thinking
6) Reaching high standards
7) Nurturing the individual
Soft Skills Development SI (Social Interdependence) GC (Group Cohesion)
8) Using authentic assessment
CB (Communication Behavior)
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research methodology employed in this study. The research applied both qualitative and quantitative methods, followed by the research setting; which presents some information about the school profile, where the research had been conducted, and also the subject participating in the research. The instruments include observation guidance, questionnaires, and also interview guidance with the English teachers and the students. Data collection procedure, data analysis technique, trustworthiness, and the research procedure are discussed respectively.
A. Research Design This research applies the principles of both qualitative and quantitative researches for it aims to describe the implementation of English Teaching and Learning and analyze its contributions toward the soft skills development. It concerns description of events and interpretation of meanings which is characterized by intensive study of events and interpretation of meanings as cited by Erickson in Schunk (2009:5). Qualitative research is useful when the researcher is interested in the structure of events rather than in their overall distributions, when the meanings and perspectives of individuals are important, when actual experiments are impractical, and when there is a desire to search for new potential causal linkages that have not been discovered by experimental methods. 33
To arrive at the answer, two sub-questions have been prepared. The first is to define the implementation of English Teaching and Learning in the classroom and the second is to analyze how the implementation affects the soft skills development. The literature review presented on the previous chapter serves as the scientific foundation for the analysis.
B. Research Setting This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Wates from 18 August – 23 October 2010 among the 25 students of Class XI IPA3 as the subjects of the research and the researcher herself as the observer, whose role is the primary instrument to collect the data. The school is located at Jl. Bendungan 22, Wates, Kulon Progo which is quite strategic for it is close to the other schools (SMK Veteran) and SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Wates in the west, SMP 2 Wates in front of the school and the police station, also the Military Headquarter at the ward of Bendungan in the East. This school has run a program on RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf International) since the first semester of the academic year of 2009/2010. All elements of the teaching and learning system in this school have been prepared to achieve the International Standard including the teachers, the facilities (learning media and materials), the students and other supporting aspects of the school system.
C. Instruments of the Research In line with the aim of the research, observation guidance, questionnaires, and interview guidance were used to collect the data. Semi-guided interviews with students and also the English teacher were done to know their responses on the implementation of English Teaching and Learning and to ask them some questions on their perspective of its contributions toward the soft skills development. Aside from these, observation covered the target setting and all the happenings dealing with the teaching learning process in the classroom. In this observation, the principles of implementing contextual learning in the classroom were studied and identified and linked to key areas closely related to the aim of the research, which areas were considered to support the soft skills development and which ones assumed to obstruct it. The questionnaires implemented in this research were of closed-items including four sections which were adapted from some basic concepts of group theory and group skills by Johnson and Johnson (2009: 116). A set of questionnaire was addressed to 25 students of class XII IPA 3 and used to collect the data of learning activities implemented by the teachers in the classroom. To know their preference, the questionnaire was in the form of Likert scale as written in MacMillan and Schumacher (2001:198). The options for each activity are always, often, sometimes, seldom, and never. In answering the questions, the students circled one of the options that they preferred to apply.
The data from the questionnaires were then analyzed by calculating students’ answers and grouping them into three responses: positive responses, abstains, and negative responses. Positive responses were analyzed by calculating the students’ answer in option 5 (always) and option 4, (often) for each item. If they circled these options, it means that the students frequently applied the activities. Abstains were analyzed by calculating the students’ answer in option 3 (sometimes). It means that their answers cannot be classified into positive or negative responses. It also means that the researcher cannot decide whether they preferred to apply the activities or not. If the students circled on option 2 (seldom) and option 1 (never), it means that they did not prefer to apply the activities so this group belongs to negative responses.
D. Data Collection Procedure To get the data related to the research topic, observation, note taking, and interview the English teachers and some students, a set of questionnaire was also distributed to find out students’ perceptions and their personal feelings on the implementation of English Teaching and Learning. Firstly, the English Teaching and Learning process in the classroom was observed. The results were in the form of field notes. Secondly, the field notes were then verified by conducting semi-guided interviews with the English teachers and some students. At last, questionnaire was used as the data gained should be valid so
that the researcher needs to crosscheck when doing the triangulation of the data. E. Data Analysis Technique The aim of this research is to describe the implementation of English Teaching and Learning and analyze its contributions toward the soft skills development at SMA 2 Wates. This research applied both qualitative and quantitative methods that the data were in the form of language (words) and number of percentage as well as frequency. After having all the 3 instruments done in this research (observation, questionnaire, and semi-guided interview) the next step was analyzing the data gained from the observation by focusing on the field notes. A detail description of what is happening and all the happenings from greeting to closing during the teaching learning process in the classroom was made by the field notes. Besides, a conclusion on the results of in-depth interview as well as questionnaire was also taken into account to enrich and strengthen the way the researcher analyzed all the data gathered inductively. The process of data analysis was done through these following steps: 1. Putting all the data collected from the observation in the form of words, phrases, or sentences into field notes. 2. Reading each card carefully based on the meaning to look for similarities and differences. 3. Categorizing the data from field notes and labeling each category. 4. Choosing and deciding the focus of the research.
5. Sharpening and strengthening or moving the focuses to get fixed categories by doing semi-guided interviews with the English teacher and the second graders. 6. Developing the focuses by distributing the questionnaires. 7. Selecting categories to be formulated in the findings.
F. Trustworthiness To make data valid, the triangulation which refers to the combination of data/information from three different sources or perspectives were done. The data from the observation were combined and compared with the data gathered from both questionnaire and semi-guided interview (by doing kind of crosschecking among the three instruments).
G. Research Procedure The research procedure includes general framework of conducting qualitative research as a grounded theory which is adopted from relevant qualitative research conducted by Lake and Billingsley (2000). There are two questions to discuss in the analysis in seeking an answer to the research question. The first question is: what is the English Teaching and Learning in the classroom like? The second is: how English Teaching and Learning can give contributions toward the soft skills development? In order to answer the first question, the researcher observed the implementation of ETL from teacher’s and the students’ perspectives and the
next step was doing an analysis on the data in order to identify the principles which contribute to the soft skills development of the students. The researcher wants to explain how the implementation of English Teaching and Learning contributes towards the soft skills development and then conduct in-depth interviews with both the teacher and the students to get their perspectives. In sum, the researcher also identified several factors of implementing ETL as contributing to the soft skills development. In addition, to discuss what principles lead to its development, the researcher discussed how disruptive and uncooperative condition in the classroom can be reduced by implementing ETL that the researcher generated tentative explanation on the soft skills development based on the data analysis.
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents and discusses the findings of the research. The research was conducted to answer the four questions as mentioned in the formulation of the problem. They are how English Teaching and Learning is managed by English teacher, how the implementation of English Teaching and Learning gives contribution towards the soft skills development, what principles of English Teaching Learning give major contributions to students’ soft skills development, and how the conditions of English Teaching and Learning required for developing students’ soft skills are like. A. Research Findings 1. English Teaching and Learning among the Second Year Students of SMA 2 Wates in the Academic Year of 2010/2011 Based on the students’ responses, data concerning the development of soft skills in the teaching and learning are categorized into three categories: positive responses, abstains, and negative responses. There are 21 items in Section A which include theory and practices on English Teaching and Learning. Table 1 below shows the percentage and frequencies of students’ responses in which it can be seen how English teaching and learning was conducted in the classroom.
Table 2: SECTION A. English Teaching and Learning in the Classroom Number of responses No.
English Teaching and Learning
The important goal of studying is being able to do something; not just to know it. Learning English is more meaningful when it links the materials to both personal and social context of the students. Problem – based learning facilitates students to think critically.
Positives (%)
Abstains (%)
Negatives (%)
100 (25)
72 (18)
28 (7)
72 (18)
28 (7)
Student diversity is valued by the teacher and the students themselves.
72 (18)
24 (6)
4 (1)
Tasks mean to enhance students’ autonomy in learning.
40 (10)
44 (11)
16 (4)
Students are accustomed to study and work in groups, to share knowledge and to decide focus in learning. Authentic assessments support students with enriched learning experiences. Students feel free to get involved in the whole or group discussion.
68 (17)
28 (7)
4 (1)
64 (16)
32 (8)
4 (1)
80 (20)
16 (4)
4 (1)
7. 8. 9.
Learning within groups is more beneficial than individually.
76 (19)
20 (5)
4 (1)
Differences among students give chances to respect each other.
92 (23)
4 (1)
4 (1)
Students consult their teacher to solve problems in learning.
52 (13)
48 (12)
Students need to know the right learning strategy for them and to reflect strengths and weaknesses in order to maximize their achievement. Students get involved in deciding what topic or theme to be discussed in groups.
76 (19)
24 (6)
72 (18)
28 (7)
Number of responses No.
English Teaching and Learning
Positives (%)
Abstains (%)
Negatives (%)
Students actively contribute in the teaching and learning process.
76 (19)
24 (6)
Learning occurs in and out side classroom.
92 (23)
8 (2)
Classroom teaching makes students love the process of learning as well as its result. Assessments by the teacher cover all aspects which do not base not just on the paper-test. Speaking is stressed on the students’ communication skill in real life context. Students feel free to ask whenever they have difficulties in learning.
40 (10)
44 (11)
16 (4)
88 (22)
12 (3)
80 (20)
20 (5)
76 (19)
24 (6)
80 (20)
20 (5)
88 (22)
12 (3)
389 18. 52
122 5. 81
14 0. 67
2. 67
17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Students are confident to have performance both in group-size and class-size. Selected topic or theme is adjusted with student’s daily life. Sum Average Percentage
Table 3: Questionnaire blueprint on English Teaching and Learning No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Orientation Basic concepts on CTL Students’ engagement in learning Group – work Learning process and out come Real life communication
Item no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12 5, 19, 11, 14, 6, 8, 20 16, 17 13, 15, 18, 21,
Data concerning students’ responses have shown that the majority of respondents (74. 08 %) are of positive category followed by those at abstains category (23. 24%) then by those at negative category (2. 67%). This starting point leads to the discussion on how these 21 items link to the implementation of ETL in the classroom. The researcher then grouped some ideas under the same principle to ease data analysis as having been drawn in the blueprint of the questionnaire: theoretical and practical views on ETL. 7 out of 21 items in this section were addressed to know how students respond to some basic principles of ETL whereas the others were meant to capture the more practical implementation of English teaching and learning. From the data, the average indicates that the difference of responses among positive, abstains, and negative is very significant. One of the categories, which is positive category, has the average percentage score more than a half or upper 50 % (see Table 1) that is 74. 08 %. It means that most of the students have positive responses towards the 21 listed ideas around ETL. All respondents which are 25 students of Class XI IPA3 gave positive responses toward A1 (the objective of learning). It means that they want learning as an active process in order to comprehend knowledge so that it can be more applicable in their daily life context as cited from field note 5 (“Have you ever watched 3 idiots? What is your aim in learning? It is not just to get a good mark but the more important thing is that it devotes you to be a better person”).
This item is closely related to term “learner-centered” instruction where students become the core of learning and the teacher’s role is facilitating such condition to occur in the classroom. Moreover, the students also showed supports in accordance with other principles of Contextual Learning: meaningful learning, problem-based learning, authentic assessment, collaborative learning, valuing diversity, respecting one another, and the last achieving high standard in learning. The average of this support is still high (75. 3 %). It can be said that theoretically, students strongly agree with the implementation of ETL in the classroom for they showed positive responses towards its principles. Practically, how English teaching and learning process managed in the classroom was captured by some items (no. 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21) in this section. These 14 items can be grouped into some basic ideas: group-work, students’ involvement, and learning cite. 19 out of 25 students gave positive responses (72 %) towards students’ diversity. It means that the teacher and the students are already aware of such learning condition where they see those differences as mutual sources in learning, not as obstacles for them. Therefore, 92 % responses positively agreed that differences among the students can lead them to better appreciate and respect one another. Aside from this, in selecting topic whether in class or in group discussion, students also have their own decision, they are free to decide what topic or theme they are going to have in the discussion, and adjust the topic with their interests. The teacher’s role at this time is to facilitate students to orally
practice certain language function with their partners and provide them chances to rehearse it again and again until they can well perform the language as it can be seen from field note when the teacher assigned students to prepare their performance for speaking a week before. As having been shown in the table, students gave positive responses in accordance with learning involvement. This principle can be drawn from item no. 13, 18, and 20. They showed interest when they voluntarily answered teachers’ questions and gave relevant comments on the explanation as found in following note; the students by turns, answered Task 2 of reading comprehension orally (Appendix 9, field note 56). Besides, some of the students sometimes asked the teacher whenever they had problems in getting the idea. Apart from the fact that students were actively engaged in the teaching and learning process, for some reasons, they preferred to share problems in learning with classmates as what will be discussed next in the result of the interviews, R: Trus kalo mengalami kesulitan belajar biasanya tanya ke siapa? S: Ya..tanyanya ya ke temen. [Interview 5] (R: If you have any difficulty in learning, whom do you usually ask? S: Well, I ask my friend.)
Students’ responses to active learning as seen in no. 6, 8, and 20 are positively high. The students showing interest for up to 50 % responses agreed that through class discussions and its variations such as pair-work, smallgroup or large-group activities, they can share knowledge and focus on learning. Most of the students (76 % responses are of positive category) agreed that group-work gives more advantages rather than individual work.
The interview data later present some positive and negative responses on group-work. R: Tadi yang barusan speaking performance, kan kerjanya bareng-bareng tu dek, dalam kelompok. Lha itu gimana, suka ga’? S: Suka lah.. R: Soalnya? S: Soalnya...bisa bareng-bareng jadinya seru, ga’ grogi. Bisa sama kelompoknya, belajar ngomong B. Inggris. Kalo ada yang ga’ bisa tanya sama kelompoknya. [Interview 06] ( R: You have had a speaking performance with your group just now, how do you feel? S: I enjoyed it. R: Why? S: Because, it is more enjoyable to work in a group, less nervous. I can practice my speaking in my group. If I have problem I can ask my group.)
From the finding on the implementation of ETL in the classroom, students of Class XI IPA3 showed positive responses to some basic principles both theoretically and practically. They agree that those strategies in language learning generate more successful classroom instruction occupied by the teacher and students. The students did not know what contextual learning is about, as in the beginning of the interview session they did not share enough information about it. R: Pembelajaran Berbasis Konteks, Dek. Sebelumnya pernah dengar? Atau mungkin tau? S: Pernah, tapi ga’ tau mbak, ga’ dong kalo njelasin.[Interview 5] (R: Contextual teaching and learning. Have you ever heard this before, or maybe you know it? S: Yes, but I don’t know what the meaning is and I do not have any idea to explain)
On the second chance, the researcher added some notes by finding out students’ knowledge on what “learning by doing” is. This question is addressed to help the students gaining more information on what CTL is.
R: Tentang learning by doing? Menurut adik gimana? Atau seperti apa to? S: O..ya. Learning by doing itu menurut saya belajar itu dengan e..menerapkannya secara langsung..Jadi nggak usah bertele-tele, langsung diterapkan.[Interview 9] (R: What do you think about learning by doing? Do you have any idea? S: OK. Learning by doing, I think that it is to learn by…applying something directly, so it is directly stressed on the implementation.)
Students know actually some basic principles of CTL even some of them had experienced it in their learning by consciously practicing and using English to communicate with native speaker. Students can make use of learning sources around them as seen from the transcript below: R: Kalo untuk speaking? S: Kalo speaking, saya masih… belajar. Belajarnya itu dengan saudara, kebetulan pakdhe saya itu orang Belgia. Jadi kalo berkomunikasi saya sekalian sambil memperlancar.[Interview 9] (R: What about speaking? S: mmm…speaking, I still learn it. I learn English with my family. Fortunately, my uncle is Belgian, so I can practice my English while communicating with him.)
Derived from the interview data, it can be said that students are not too familiar with the term “CTL” but they share their own experiences in learning which are based on its principles. CTL is not very popular among the students, but in some points, they have implemented some basic principles as having been discussed previously. Students also shared their preferences on the way the teachers deliver the materials in speaking, listening, reading, as well as in writing. From question number 4, it can be said that every student has his/her own preference in
learning English as they also have their own reason why they are more interested in a certain skill, for example in speaking: R: Mm..ya. Ini dek pertayaan no.4 kan ada listening, speaking, reading, writing yang menurut adek paling nyaman dipelajari kalo di kelas itu yang mana? S: Yang speaking dong. Masalahnya kalo speaking kan e..gimana ya. Melatih kita buat ngomong Inggris ini itu sehingga melatih kreativitas, cara ngomong kita, trus grammar-nya juga terlatih biar tambah PD ngomongnya, kalimatkalimat gitu..kalo aku [Interview 4] (R: OK, this one is question number four. There are listening, speaking, reading, writing. Which one is your favorite skill to learn in your classroom? S: Speaking. I think that it can train us to be more fluent to speak English. It trains our creativity, the way we speak, also the grammar so that we can be more confident to utter the good sentences)
Some of the students prefer listening to other skills because they know how the words are pronounced correctly by listening to some authentic materials from the audio as explained below: R: Menurut adik, dari keempat skills itu lebih yang paling mudah dipelajari yang mana? S: Yang listening. R: Gitu. Kenapa? S: Kalo listening kan bisa ngetauin kayak cara-cara ngomong nya, gimana. R: Jadi pronunciation yang asli dari native speaker nya gitu ya. S: Iya, mbak.heeh. [Interview 5] (R: In your opinion, which one of the four skills is your favorite? S: Listening one. R: Ok, why? S: We can get the correct pronunciation through listening, for example how to say a word correctly by the native speaker. R: So, do you mean authentic listening material can help you learning the pronunciation? S: Yes. That’s right.)
The teacher has provided various inputs for listening such as monolog, dialog, from both native and non-native speakers who shared experiences on “Studying Abroad” taken from BBC London (see appendix, field note 1) and other learning sources.
A few of the students were interested in writing as
they said that learning to write good English sentences is more complicated especially when we they have to deal with grammar. R: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Nah, yang ngerasa paling nyaman belajar kalo pas di kelas itu yang apa dek? S: Kalo saya speaking dan reading. Kalo speaking itu..e, nglancarin bicara kita, kalo speaking itu kan tidak begitu rumit seperti writing kan harus bisa tau grammarnya betul, gitu..sepertinya. [Interview 8] (R: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Which one is more comfortable to learn in your classroom? S: I prefer speaking and reading to others. I can practice speaking to be more fluent and that speaking is less complicated than writing, especially when I have to deal with the grammar)
From the students’ responses on their preference, the researcher then observed the most wanted subject to learn, which is speaking. The students enjoyed to practice English in more active situation so that they were not bored. It is also found from the observation that the teacher often employed communicative teaching like whole or group discussion, role play, in which they can provide the students with lots of practices on oral skill communication and involve the students’ participation at the same time. One number of interview questions is dealing with the use of technology, especially the computer as one sophisticated aid in language learning. The researcher would like to find out how technology has been influencing the students in learning; whether the students often use it or not in the classroom activities. The technology provides unlimited sources which can be easily and directly brought into the classroom learning. The accessibility of technology also facilitates learning across the 4 major skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The researcher attempts to draw students’ views on the support of technology in English language learning. Most of the students assumed that technology is very useful and helpful for them especially in writing. R: Peran teknologi sekarang Dek, dalam belajar B. Inggris, seberapa membantu? S: Sangat ya, menurut saya. Soalnya kalo saya proses belajar B. Inggris tu lewat dengerin musik, sama dengerin itu..apa,, nonton film. Jadi sangat penting kalo masalah internet, itu cuman buat nyari-nyari tugas aja. R: Biasanya lebih ke tugas menulis ya Dek,? S: Iya, seringnya gitu, kayak buat itu, cari-cari apa, narrative teks kayak gitu. [Interview 7] (R: This is about the role of technology, how helpful is technology supporting English teaching and learning process? S: I think it is very helpful because I usually learn English through listening to music, and also watching movies. So, technology like internet, for me is very important. It can help me doing some assessments, for example to find some texts, etc. R: Is it more frequently used in writing? S: Yes, for example looking for narrative text, etc.)
The students used internet to find some information like narrative text, report text, before they had to compose one of the text types assigned by their teacher. Thus, internet as one technology is important not only in providing authentic resources but also in supporting students’ autonomy in learning. Students can dig up as much information as they like without merely relying on the teacher’s explanation. Technology – based instruction is more interesting than the conventional one. The students are less bored because they can see, hear, and explore lots of knowledge with the technology to adjust their interest as can be seen from the transcript below: R: Nah, sekarang peran teknologi dalam belajar B. Inggris itu menurut Adek, gimana? S: O..kalo saya sering sekali. Saya itu inspirasi belajar B. Inggris itu pertama dari nonton film-film luar itu, saya liat B. artinya itu apa ya? Saya buka kamus. Ya sering kalo saya belajar ya dari itu. R: Kalo untuk internet, buat ngerjain tugas, pernah?
S: Itu sering juga. [Interview 8] (R: Well. Ok now. What do you think the supports of technology in English learning? S: I often use it. It had inspired me to learn English since the first time I saw some Western movies. I learnt English by looking at the subtitle, and then checked some words in my dictionary. I often learn English in such a way. R: What about internet. Do you also use it? S: Yes.)
Apart from the fact that it is good to have connection between learning and technology, some of the students found that using internet too much is addicting, even that the internet can decrease creativity as the students can possibly copy and paste other people’ work easily, instead of learning something. R: Ok, kalo yang no.4 ni peran teknologi dalam belajar dek. S: Menurut saya kalo peran teknologi itu..ada ya. Seperti misalnya, kadangkadang itu kalo mau bikin tugas itu kadang-kadang pake transtool pake google translater ato minimal pake alfalink. R: Kalo misalnya ada tugas bikin paper sering nyari di internet ga’ dek? S: Tergantung. Kalo menurut saya misal bisa dibuat sendiri mending dibuat sendiri. Soalnya kan karya kita sendiri.Tapi kalo dah mentok mungkin cari. [Interview 1] (R: Ok, this question is dealing with the use of technology in learning, what do you think about it? S: I think that there are some supports of technology in learning, for example, sometimes we use trans-tool and Google, or at least Alfalink in doing any assessment from the teacher. R: What about making a paper, do you also use internet? S: It depends on the task itself. If it is possible for me to make it myself, I think it is not necessary, but if I do not have any idea, well, it is ok to do browsing)
From the above matters, the use of the internet as one of the technological aids in the teaching and learning English has its potential benefits for language learning as well as potential problems. It is the teacher, not the technology who determines the quality of learning that takes place in the classroom. Thus,
the teacher needs to manage focusing on the goals and some basic pedagogical requirements before asking the students to work with the tools. 2. The Contribution of English Teaching and Learning towards Students’ Soft Skills Development The research concerned the three domains of soft skills. They are social interdependence in a group, group cohesion, and communication behavior. These three sub-skills are in the area of interpersonal skill which is skill that is related to other people as having been reviewed on Chapter II. It is easy to conduct since those three skills can be explicitly observed and recorded by the researcher during classroom observation. Communicative teaching was analyzed based on the data which were noted from couples of meeting of English teaching and learning process in the classroom. The researcher pinpointed several aspects of each meeting which included the types of tasks, the teaching techniques, and the learning assessment the students dealt with. As having been noted, there are some strategies that the teacher did to support the students, mainly to help them become more aware of the learning, to fully and actively involve in its process. Both individual and group works have been managed in the practice so that the students experienced different atmosphere as they employed different actions towards the two techniques. Direct and indirect feedback was addressed at any stages by assigning more guided and semi-guided tasks in the learning practice and freer tasks in the production. Thus, teacher’s control varied in every stage and that grammar is not deductively taught.
To discuss these three skills, the researcher had distributed a set of questionnaires which include social interdependence in a group (Section B), group cohesion (Section C), and communication behavior (Section D). Besides, data from field notes were also used to support similar focus of the discussion as well as interview data. Each questionnaire covered several strategies employed by the students during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. From the responses, the researcher attempted to find out effective strategies that students preferred to take in a group. a. Social Interdependence in a Group This section of questionnaire was used and adapted from the same concern on social interdependence (i.e. cooperation). There are 11 items which can be grouped into three areas: competitive, individualistic, and cooperative. Positive interdependence among group members contributes to students’ soft skills development for students experience learning as a member of society not as individual. Table 4: SECTION B. Social Interdependence in a Group
No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Social Interdependence in a Group Students compare self-ability with others to see who the best is. Students prefer working individually. Students share ideas and resources with others. Students are motivated to see who can do the best job.
Number of responses Positives Abstains Negatives (%) (%) (%) 20 (5)
52 (13)
28 (7)
20 (5)
32 (8)
48 (12)
48 (12)
48 (12)
4 (1)
40 (10)
40 (10)
20 (5) (continued)
Social Interdependence in a Group
Students learn lots of important things from others and their surroundings. Students want to do better than others. It bothers students when they have to work in a group. Students help one another to do a good job. Students are confident to out perform their potential in front of others. Students would rather work alone than work together in a group. Students believe that they are more productive when they work with one another. Sum Average Percentage
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Number of responses Positives Abstains Negatives (%) (%) (%) 68 (17)
32 (8)
44 (11)
32 (8)
24 (6)
36 (9)
64 (16)
72 (18)
12 (3)
16 (4)
32 (8)
44 (11)
24 (6)
16 (4)
20 (5)
64 (16)
28 (7)
52 (13)
20 (5)
97 8. 82 35. 27
100 9. 09 36. 36
78 7. 09 28. 36
Table 5: Questionnaire Blue Print of Social Interdependence in a Group Orientation a. Cooperative b. Competitive c. Individualistic
Item no. 3, 5, 8, 11 1, 4, 6, 9 2, 7, 10
Total 360 310 168
Average 90 77, 5 56
The researcher divided this section of questionnaire result into 3 categories: cooperation, competition, and individualistic category. The average from each category of social interdependence indicates that most of the students positively responded to cooperative category, with the highest average of 90 followed by 77.5 average of competitive category and the least average of individualistic category, 56. It means that in terms of social
interdependence among groups, the students already search outcomes that are beneficial to all group members in learning. They shared a situation of classroom where individuals perceived their goals if and only if the others in the group also reached their goals. Positive interdependence in the classroom occurred when the students shared ideas and resources one another, and felt confident to perform the students’ potential in front of others once they worked in groups. Competitive category is identified when the students are motivated to compare their personal ability to others to seek the best among them. Moreover, the students were encouraged to out perform in front of others as 77.5 averages of the students’ responses are of this category. They are likely to search outcome that is personally beneficial but may disturb other members in the group. When the students’ goals are negatively interdependent (competition), their actions will tend to obstruct the success of others. In competitive situation, the students’ actions do not substitute for one another as they refused to be influenced by others. The least average among the three categories is 56 of individualistic category. This indicates that little interaction occurred among the students in learning. It also indicates that no interdependence perceived by each student that she/he can reach her/his goal, regardless of whether other students attain or do not attain their goals. Individualistic group is identified when the students spent a lot of time working by themselves. It might not bother them to work in groups as the students would rather work together than work alone
in individualistic situation. Table 4.2 also shows that only few students agreed to search an out come that is personally beneficial without concern for the out comes of others. b. Group Cohesion It has been reviewed from the theory that group cohesion is mutual attraction among group members of a group and the resulting desire to remain in the group. This section covers several ways of increasing group cohesion which determine how students behave in a situation where it is closely related to high level of cooperative interaction among group. Table 6: SECTION C. Group Cohesion
Group Cohesion
Students make sure that everyone enjoys being a member of the group. Students discuss ideas, feelings, and reactions to what is currently taking place within the group. Students show acceptance and support while other members have different views. Students make all group members feel valued and appreciated. Students include all members to participate in group activities. Students are willingly to be influenced by other group members. Students dare to take risks to express new ideas.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Number of responses Positives Abstains Negatives (%) (%) (%)
52 (13)
40 (10)
8 (2)
48 (12)
36 (9)
16 (4)
64 (16)
36 (9)
80 (20)
20 (5)
68 (17)
32 (8)
84 (21)
16 (4)
44 (11)
40 (10)
16 (4) (continued)
(continued) No. 8. 9.
Number of Responses Group Cohesion Students express liking, affection, and concern for other members. Students appreciate and support individuality and personal view. Sum Average Percentage
Positives (%)
Abstains (%)
Negatives (%)
52 (13)
32 (8)
16 (4)
80 (20)
20 (5)
143 15. 89 63. 55
68 7. 56 30. 22
14 1. 56 6. 22
Question no. 1 describes a general attempt to keep cohesive high, questions no. 2 and no. 3 related to the expression of ideas and feelings and the support for others to express ideas and feelings; such as personal participation which is essential for cohesiveness and for the development of trust. Questions no. 4 and no. 8 also focus on support for; and liking of, other group members. Question no. 5 refers to the inclusion of other members, and question no. 6 takes up ones’ willingness to be influenced by other members while questions no. 7 and no. 9 center on the acceptance of individuality within the group. The researcher has divided some items into the same categories as can be seen below in the questionnaire blue print: Table 7: Questionnaire blue print of Group Cohesion No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Description General attempt to keep cohesion high The expression of ideas, feelings and the support for others Inclusion of other members One’s willingness to be influenced by other members The acceptance of individuality within the group
Item no. 1 2, 3, 4, 8 5 6 7, 9
From the table, it can be seen that most of the students responded positively toward those several ways to increase group cohesion. No one of the students responded negatively as can be seen in items no. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9. It means that only few negative responses are shown in the table for up to 50 %, the total are of positive category achieving 63. 55 % followed by 29. 33 % of abstains category and then the least percentage, 6.22 % negatively responded to strategies in order to increase group cohesion. Positive responses were given to almost all items from number 1 to 9. Students often gave support to each other and that 84 % of the students are willingly to be influenced by other group members while 80 % responses are showing value and appreciation among group members and also towards individuality and personal view. c. Students’ Communication Behavior in Learning Communicative behavior is very important to create conducive situation for the classroom teaching and learning. This research intends to find out how the students interact to one another particularly when they work in a group as later discussed in the questionnaire number 3 and also how often they interact with their teacher either inside or outside the class. This research tried to dig up more information on communication behavior not only the frequency of communication between teacher – student but also to figure out how students usually face their problems in learning, for example whom they prefer to ask for help when they have something to ask or they possibly need to consult their work.
From the interview data, it can be said that most of the students (8 from 10) preferred to share problems in learning with their classmates. When they were asked why it is so, they simply said that yes, it is more convenient to share their difficulties in learning with friends because they can freely express what they feel without thinking of the language itself. The students said during the interview they felt comfortable just to sit and chat with peers, at anytime and anywhere whether in the classroom, canteen, even after school or outside the school. Peer-communication can be more open and trusted rather than teacher – student communication in some cases as having been recorded below: R: Seberapa sering berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris? S: Kalo komunikasi jarang nggak sering juga nggak. Cuman pas dijam-jam pelajarn B. Inggris saja, kalo cuman tanya tugas apa itu..nanya. R: Kalo misalnya pas diterangin kok ga’ jelas biasanya lebih dulu tanya ke siapa? S: Tanyanya ke guru. Pertama tanya ke temen kalo temennya ga’ bisa jawab baru ke guru. [Interview 7] (R: How often do you have consultation with your teacher? S: I only do that in the classroom during the lesson, if I have problems about a task to do then I ask. R: What if you don’t get the idea during teacher’s presentations, whom do you ask for the answer? S: First, I ask the teacher,..mmm first classmates, and if they don’t know then I ask the teacher.)
This point of view leads the researcher finding out the reason why students rarely consult their problems in learning to their teacher. Most of the students who participated in the interview (up to 80 %) said that they rarely ask the teacher during classroom session but in some cases, as quoted from the interview transcript below: R: Lanjut dek, seberapa sering berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris, atau konsultasi mungkin?
S: Kalo di dalam kelas itu kayaknya..kurang ya. Kurang ada komunikasi soalnya kan gurunya lagi nerangin ngajar jadi kalo mo tanya-tanya itu malah takut gitu. Tapi enakan di luar kelas, malah gurunya yang komuniksi sama saya. R: Oya, pas kenapa itu dek? S: Pernah pas buat ..waktu itu kan ada soft copy tugas..itu dulu malah dikasih tau. Mbak kamu itu, kurang di sini nya, coba di liat lagi, kamu gi, gini..sebenarnya sudah bagus tapi diamati lagi. R: Kayak gitu, berarti gurunya lebih dulu ngasih masukan? S: Iya. [Interview 4] (R: Next, now, how often do you have consultation with your English teacher? S: I think I rarely do it. There is limited chance because the teacher is explaining the materials so we feel rather afraid when we have to cut it, to ask questions. I prefer to wait until the class finished even the teacher once told me more out side the classroom. R: Really? In what case? S: Yes, once I had to submit a task in soft file, I was told by the teacher to do like this or you need to check again this part or it is good but please try to pay more attention. R: So is it the teacher who first time gives some advice? S: Yes).
Some of them get feedback during the task completion even it was the teacher who actively monitored the students’ progress. This attention clearly shows that the teacher already has the role as a “counselor”, not only during the classroom teaching but also outside the class. Meanwhile, there are also students who preferred to solve problems in writing, for example, how to construct a good sentence by reading books or using the search engine from the internet. R: Seberapa sering Dek, berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggrisnya? S: Jarang ya. Soalnya saya itu kalo kesulitan dalam mempelajari B. Inggris tu cenderung mencoba menyelesaikannya sendiri..tidak menggantungkan orang lain. R: Bagus Dek. Jadi bisa lebih mandiri ya, kan? S: Iya. [Interview 9] (R: How often do you communicate with your teacher? S: I rarely do that because when I have something to ask in learning English I prefer to get the solution by myself, and do not rely on someone else. R: Great! So you think it is more independent, right? S: Yes).
They said that they felt satisfied whenever they can finish any challenging task or materials found during the learning process. It is very good because from such activities students become more aware of the learning process itself. What they get from their own effort (for example reading books in order to get certain information from it) is more meaningful and for their success in learning. This act is called autonomous learning as what CTL proposed previously. Although it is not easy to come on this stage, for only a small number of students have such awareness, the teacher as learning facilitator needs to provide opportunities by developing more challenging tasks which can effectively improve students’ communication behavior. Students’ communication behavior in learning varies and depends on their own preference mainly related to their learning style. Most of them do not directly consult or ask their teacher rather, they prefer to share problems in learning with classmates. If it is hard to get the solution from friends, the students then meet the teacher and solve the problems. The influences on communication behavior include cooperative and competitive contexts which belong to social interdependence as having been discussed previously in section B. This section deals with several actions to describe students’ behavior in group communication; one-way versus two-way communication procedure, asking and giving feedback during group discussion, receiving skills, and participation among group members. Students’ responses varied from highly positive to negative. In some points, students tended not to show their preference for neither behaving positively
nor negatively. They were abstains to respond to some communication strategies taken during group discussion. Table 8: SECTION D. Students’ Communication Behavior
Communication Behavior
As a group-leader who was giving a set of instructions while other group members have no idea, I would restate the instructions clearly and precisely and then move on. As a group member, I would keep silent and later ask another group the instruction that I did not understand. As a group-leader who was giving a set of instructions while other group members have no idea, I would encourage the group members to ask questions until I was sure that everyone understood what they supposed to do.
5. 6. 7. 8.
As a group member, I would immediately ask the group-leader to repeat the instruction and answer my question until I was sure I understood what to do. I let other group members know whether I approve or like of something they say or do. I let other members know that I get disturbed or irritated by or opposed something they say or do. I care about other group members’ feelings and reactions of every action that I take. I welcome other group members’ supports and objection during group discussion.
Number of responses Positives Abstains Negatives (%) (%) (%) 64 (16)
24 (6)
12 (3)
60 (15)
40 (10)
52 (13)
36 (9)
12 (3)
72 (18)
28 (7)
16 (4)
72 (18)
12 (3)
20 (5)
32 (8)
48 (12)
40 (10)
52 (13)
8 (2)
68 (17)
32 (8)
(continued) Number of responses No.
Communication Behavior
I make sure that I understand what other group members mean to say before agreeing or disagreeing. I paraphrase or restate what other members have said before responding. I keep thoughts, ideas, and reactions during group discussion. I make sure that the rest of the group members know all the information I have shared during the discussion. Sum Average Percentage
10. 11. 12.
Positives (%)
Abstains (%)
Negatives (%)
28 (7)
68 (17)
4 (1)
32 (8)
52 (13)
16 (4)
44 (11)
56 (14)
48 (12)
48 (12)
4 (1)
125 10. 42 41. 67
132 11 44
43 3. 58 14. 33
The first two questions refer to one –way communication procedure while the next two questions refer to two-way communication procedure. Question no. 5 and no. 6 focus on the willingness to give feedback to other group members on how students are receiving and reacting to their messages. Question no. 7 and no. 8 refer to the willingness to ask for feedback about how other group members are receiving and reacting to the messages. Question no. 9 and no. 10 focus on receiving skills and the last two questions relate to the willingness to contribute and send messages about the group’s work.
The blue print below draws those actions as the following: Table 9: Questionnaire blue print of Section D No.
Whether it is communication.
Your willingness to give feedback to other 3, 4 group members on how you are receiving and reacting to their message Your willingness to ask for feedback about 5, 6 how other group members are receiving and reacting to your message. Receiving skill 7, 8
4. 5.
Item no. or
two-way 1, 2
Your willingness to contribute (send) 9, 10 relevant messages about the group’s work.
Responses on whether it is one -way or two – way communication tend to be more positive of two –way communication procedure as both the leader and group members freely exchanged ideas and information. Although up to 50 % responses are of positive category, the percentage on two-way communication procedure is achieving 70 %, which is greater than the one of one-way communication procedure which is achieving 64 %. No one of the students showed negative response on this procedure while 12 % responses appeared in one –way communication procedure. It can be said that the students preferred to distribute participation by directly resolved problems or feelings of resistance at the moment so that the communication among group members and also the group leader can be more open and more effective.
Another aspect of communication behavior is dealing with the strategy to give and ask feedback during group discussion. The result indicated that the students preferred giving to asking for feedback from other group members. During the discussion, the students often asked for others’ support and objection where 68 % (up to 50 %) responses are of this category. Students even did not show negative response (0%) to welcome and ask for feedback from other group members. On the other hand, 72 % students’ responses are abstains to give feedback, when they had to show approvals and objections on what others saying or doing. 20 % responses are of positive category on asking feedback during group discussion while 48 % are negative and most of the students are abstains to ask feedback from other group members. High percentages are of abstains category which is achieving 68 % when students responded on receiving skills. Hence, higher percentages are of positive category rather than negative ones. Students rarely checked whether they really understood or not the messages that they received from other group members. The last aspect is dealing with students’ willingness to participate in group discussion. From the table, it can be seen that most of the students positively responded to actively take part in the discussion, to share thoughts, ideas, and make sure that the rest of the group members can grab the information clearly.
3. The Principles of English Teaching and Learning towards Students’ Soft Skills Development The researcher has observed the teaching and learning strategies employed by the teacher and students during 12 classroom periods of two different classes, XI IPA 3 and XI IPS 1. From the field note, data related to those strategies were selected from the raw data and then analyzed by categorizing the data into two different categorizations, teachers’ procedures and students’ actions. After categorizing the data from the field notes, the researcher reviewed again the eight elements of CTL as cited from Johson (2002:65) and then linked those eight elements to teaching and learning strategies employed by both the teacher and students. Those eight principles of CTL are: 1. Making meaningful connections 2. Doing significant work 3. Self-regulated learning 4. Collaborative learning 5. Critical and creative thinking 6. Nurturing the individuals 7. Reaching high standards 8. Using authentic assessment To discuss what elements of CTL are present in the teaching and learning process, the researcher attempted to link in between those two aspects. Making meaningful connections has to do with some tasks or learning activities that the students had in the classroom. Did the teacher already connect the tasks with real-life context or situation? From the filed note, the researcher found that in some cases for example, when students had to report
an event in their surroundings individually, the teacher attempted to relate the students report on local culture. It means that the students learn, not only how to write a good report but also aware of their own culture. This is important to develop students’ soft skill, to show respect and their pride of Indonesian heritages. Another example is that in speaking, the teacher also related certain language function with the prior knowledge that students already had. For example in group discussion, the students discussed recent issues or happenings from their environments, to show whether they agree or disagree toward certain topic of the discussion. Doing significant work means that the students clearly understood what they are supposed to do with the task. By doing significant work, the students can apply the knowledge and then relate it to their daily life. It is quite similar with the first element in which both stressed on active learning where knowledge can be more practical and applicable in students’ daily life. In this point, the students preferred to refer to their past experiences. For example, in speaking, the students used one expression of satisfaction and said: “Soto Gobyos” is very delicious. I like it very much. It means that the students related learning with the real situation in their surroundings. It can be said that the students indeed did significant work in their learning. Self-regulated learning can be seen from how the students responded to the teachers’ procedures. This element of CTL closely related to students learning autonomy. From the field note, the researcher found that this rarely happened
among the students because they still lack of such skill to gain and process knowledge themselves. In fact, the students did not express high level of their own characters in learning. They sometimes followed others’ views and still relied on teacher’s explanation. Apart from the low self-regulated learning, the students were confident to take part during the teaching and learning process as it can be seen on the following notes: -
Students voluntarily wrote their sentences on the white board. (Appendix 9, field note [17])
All groups performed a role play confidently. (Appendix 9, field note [29])
The students expressed different ideas during speaking activity. (Appendix 9, field note [67]) Collaborating, as in cooperative learning, involves teaching techniques and
learning strategies employed by both the teacher and the students where it implies characteristic of learner-centered instruction. The students worked in groups or pairs to share information and come to each others’ aid. From the field note, the researcher has categorized students’ actions which dealt with such learning strategies. As can be seen in the table, the students had a role play during speaking class (language function: asking and giving opinion) (Appendix 9, field note [23]). They had to perform a role play in speaking, where in group of three to four; the students had different ways of thinking strategies in learning but still had to play the roles The teacher often asked students to work in pairs or groups during classroom session in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. When students worked in pairs or groups, they looked more enthusiastic and enjoyed doing
certain task. Such learning technique gives more advantages rather than its problematic challenges. The researcher also discussed students’ positive and negative views on group work later on the interview data. Critical and creative thinking play important roles in the teaching and learning process where they require students’ self-confidence and deep understanding in delivering or expressing ideas. They can increase students’ curiosity in gaining knowledge so that the students have questions to ask to their teacher during the learning process. Apart from the fact that it is important for students to be critical and creative, they preferred to share their problems with classmates as discussed later from interview data. The researcher found that students rarely worked with such systematic process of typical problem solving or decision making activities. The students were confident, but in certain situation or condition especially when they had speaking assessment. Nurturing the individuals is an important demand in ETL. It is a must for the teacher to recognize each individual personally in order to know student’s characteristic in learning. In fact, the English teacher whom the researcher interviewed with found it is the most difficult part in managing classroom instruction where she had to recognize all of the students from the five classes one by one. The researcher pointed some notes from both the teacher and the students which dealt with this element of contextual learning. From the table, it can be seen that in speaking, the teacher as well as the groups gave feedback to the groups who had a performance. It means that the teacher and the
students shared information to each other for the shake of better accomplishment. Another example can be seen from the similar case, not only in speaking, where students also gave corrections to others’ writing. Students gave feedback on their friends’ writing. (Appendix 9, field note [35]). Other students continued doing the task in their own note, some of them gave feed back for their friend who was writing down the answer in front of the class; (checking spelling) for example: elepant → elephant etc (Appendix, field note [39]). Hence, nurturing individuals can also be seen from how the students interacted to each other. For example, some students shared their dictionary or Alfalink. They helped and supported one another to finish the task. Using authentic assessments aims to challenge the students to perform and apply knowledge and skills they obtained during classroom learning into the real situation. It provides chances for the students to show what skills they occupied during learning process. From the table, the use of internet, any magazine, newspaper, and other authentic materials as the learning input can broaden students’ view of the learning itself. They can learn from any source which simply matters found in their real life. In writing for example, the teacher asked the students to write a report or narrative which closely related to any topic they might find from the daily life. For example, one student wrote a report on “Merti Desa”, one local cultural heritage which was annually held in Kokap to celebrate and welcome 1 Muharram among Moslem
people. It means that the teacher has integrated students’ learning with their surrounding. In this case, based on the data gained from field notes, the researcher assumed that the teacher used authentic assessment as well as the more traditional one such as the grammar-test. In one case, during reading-writing class, the teacher taught grammar intensively when she presented activepassive form while teaching about the narrative text. She also commented on students’ writing which was also still poor in terms of grammar mastery. In addition, during interview, the teacher mentioned some criteria on students’ speaking performance which includes fluency, grammar, content, and confidence. The teacher noticed not only on the communication aspect but also on the language accuracy, how the students performed the target language fluently and accurately. There are two types of assessments used by the teacher as stated in the curriculum: structured and un-structured assessments. Structured assessment include tasks where students comprehend the knowledge by some guidance from the teacher as in reading and listening comprehension, filling the blanks in writing, arranging jumbled paragraphs, etc. In addition, un-structured assessment includes tasks with less guidance, freer in terms of teacher’s control and which focus on students’ creativity to integrate all skills in learning. For example in writing, as discussed previously, the teacher asked students to write a report based on actual events or happenings which occurred in their surrounding. Besides, the students also had to work in group of 3-4 in
speaking test. They were free to select any topic during the performance. The point is that the students can show some expressions; how they performed the language they have learnt before. In order to achieve high standard in learning, SMA N 2 Wates has made some attempts for this school is approaching international standard or SBI since the last two years, in 2008. Improvement has been made in all aspects of the support services which consist of all elements in the school that are related to the instructional process in the classroom. This school also conducts several tests for its candidates, during the enrollment, to select quality input through some interviews. Another attempt to maintain the teaching quality is made by sending some teachers to get higher qualification degree on their education. Besides, the school also facilitates the students with the learning support in terms of the use of technology in learning by providing internet connection in the library as well as in the computer laboratory. These facilities can help students to always up date information and unlimited sources in learning. To get some background knowledge on the main discussion in this research, which is the soft skills, the researcher asked the students to share their opinion. Surprisingly, none of them can successfully define what soft skill is. It is very disappointing at the first time but the researcher then elaborated students’ perception on soft skill by indirectly asking them some related actions which can illustrate their responses to some learning strategies mainly group-work.
Group-work indicates positive contribution to succeed ETL in the classroom. One basic element of contextual learning is the presence of collaborative learning which can be seen from how group-work as one teaching technique benefits for the students’ soft skill development. Groupwork requires good communication skill among the group members. Thus, group-work means as an indicator of how the students employ their soft skill especially their interpersonal skill in group communication. The researcher attempted to discover students’ views on group-work whether they get benefits or not from this learning technique. From the students’ responses, most of them stated that group-work implies some beneficial effects to support learning. The researcher has drawn some positive and negative responses on group-work based on the interview data. Table 10: Positive Responses on Group Work Based on Interview Data No. 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Positive Responses Students can share opinion, knowledge, as well as information among group members. Students can directly practice speaking with partners in a group and more real like condition. Students can be more cooperative. Group-work can avoid students from boring Students can help each other through groupwork. Group-work can decrease anxiety.
Interview data [12], [15], [16] [05], [17]
[13] [06] [03], [06] [06]
Table 11: Negative Responses on Group Work Based on Interview Data No. Negative Responses Interview Data 1. Group-work is potential to create noise. [12] 2. Some students are passive, whereas others [01] may dominate. 3. Group-work tends to be difficult to control. [16], [18] From the above chart, it can be said that the students are likely to work in a group, especially when they have speaking class. They showed positive responses more than the negative ones. Group-work creates opportunities for the real-like conversation to happen. Students can be more creative, as quoted from an interview with the teacher: R: Terakhir, e..bagaimana Anda menilai ”group-work’ apakah efektif atau bagus atau tidak efektif, gimana? W: Kerja kelompok..e, untuk masalah language learning kalo misalnya untuk practice seperti speaking dialog, itu efektif misalnya interviewing, itu bagus ya. Itu bisa melatih siswa untuk gimana ya, Practice English in almost reality-like. Ya kalo ada in group, mereka dikondisikan kayak belajar dalam keadaan real kan, ada partnernya, beda seperti kalo dalam..e, sendirian. Take and give-nya natural. [Interview 12] (R: For the last now, what do you think of group-work? Is it effective or not to apply? S: in language learning, for example speaking practice, as performing a dialogue, I think group work is effective. For example interviewing, it is good. It can train students to ..mmm practice English in almost reality-like. In groups, the learning classroom adjusts to the real conversation so that the students had their real partners when speaking and not as individual).
While most of the students said so, some of them also expressed their negatives views on group-work. That is why the teachers need to pay more attention on those inconveniences so that group-work can positively contribute toward students’ soft skill development.
4. The Supporting Conditions of English Teaching and Learning towards Students’ Soft Skills Development The students enjoyed having an English classroom where they can contribute and are actively involved in the instruction. They prefer cooperative condition to support their learner rather than competitive and individualistic learning condition as having been discussed previously in section B of social interdependence. From the interview data, the researcher has listed several learning conditions in which the students are intentionally to be in. Most of the students preferred to have livelier classroom activities where they can practice their English actively. More attention is stressed on the students themselves. The students assumed that classroom condition affects all of the teaching and learning process. Problem behavior rarely occurs in successful language classroom. For this reason, the teacher together with the students cooperatively created conducive environment in the classroom. Some of them are: -
more opportunities on class/group discussion
clearer and more understandable teacher’s presentation
having patience/good self-control or discipline
cohesive peers in learning
less anxiety during classroom session
attractive learning activities
given responsibility in learning
clear progress made in each meeting
discipline and well-organized classroom situation
high appreciation on students’ creativity
greater involvement of students in learning
use classroom English frequently
B. Discussion Data from observations as well as interviews describe how teacher’s procedures in teaching run in the classroom cause students’ actions in learning. Research finding indicates that active learning (centered on the learner as the doer) like asking students to work in pairs or groups, having whole class or group discussion, and group performances can maintain greater students’ involvement which result in livelier classroom situation. Section A covers principles of both theory and practice around the implementation of ETL in the classroom. 73. 9 % responses are of positive category. It means that most of the students have positive responses toward ETL. The average data indicates that the different responses among positive, abstains, and negative are very significant. Theoretically and practically, the students have shown supports toward principles of ETL, mainly highly represented by 76 % responses indicating that group-work and other cooperative strategies can create more successful classroom instruction as they give more advantages rather than individual work. Soft skills are defined as skills which are closely related to other people, how individual manage to engage and make connections through these skills in social context of communication. In classroom teaching and learning, both the teacher and the students are involved in a circumstance where they occupy their ability, not only in the level of technical ability but the more important is the soft skill itself. It is pointed by a fact that according to a research conducted in United States, success in someone’s life requires great amount of
more than just knowledge and technical ability (the hard skill) but the more important point, success is determined by someone’s ability to self-manage each decision that he/she makes to behave in such a way as what other people and the environment are expecting (the soft skill). The next three sections of the questionnaire (Section B, Section C, and Section D) include the three domains of soft skills. They are social interdependence, group cohesion, and communication behavior. These three sub-skills are in the area of interpersonal skills (the soft skills) where each of them covers several strategies employed by the students during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Section B attempted to find out effective strategies that the students preferred to take in a group, whether they belong to competitive, individualistic, or cooperative learners. Previously, it has been noticed that positive social interdependence among group members contributes to students’ soft skills development for they experience learning as a member of society not as individual. The students shared ideas, helped one another even felt motivated and believed that they are more productive when they worked with one another although not in quite big percentage (28 %). On the other hand, 64 % (more than half responses) are negative that they would rather work alone than work together as a group. In other words, it can be said that the students preferred not working individually but working in a more cooperative condition.
Section C covers several strategies of increasing group cohesion which represented how the students interacted to each other, to stick together as a group, how they behave in a situation where it is closely related to high level of cooperative interaction among group members. Most of the students’ responses are of positive category where they showed attempts mainly taking one’s willingness to be influenced by other group members (84 %). This is an important point because it is difficult as having been observed by the researcher during the teaching and learning process, that students can show acceptance of individuality within the group. Another remark is that positive responses presented on the table were shown by the students and this means that they already possess self-awareness of pertaining unity in diversity. The students often give supports to each other in which they are willing to be influenced and show values as well as appreciation among group members and also toward individuality and personal view. Section D covers several actions to describe students’ behavior in group communication. One number of influences on the effectiveness of group communication is whether the group is primarily cooperative or competitive. From the finding presented previously, the students tended to be more positive of communicating in two-way procedure where interaction among group members is more open because they can freely exchange ideas and information. Such communication procedure encourages students to participate and engage more frequently in group discussion although it is no doubt that the students used both one-way and two-way communication
procedures. In some cases, views of them still hardly took part in group work and other cooperative learning activities. This condition leads to students’ preference where they tend to ask for feedback from other group members rather than to give feedback. In line with such matter, there is a slight difference on the percentage in between sending and receiving skills. The students rarely checked whether they really understand or not the messages that they received from other group members. Hence, most of them positively responded to actively take part in group discussion, to share ideas, thoughts even though they are less motivated in giving feedback. The more cooperative the classroom condition is the more effective communication tends to be. To discuss what elements of contextual learning are mostly present in the teaching and learning process, the researcher attempted to link between those two aspects. Research finding which is derived from field notes has remarked that collaborating as in cooperative learning which involves teaching techniques and learning strategies employed by both the teacher and students is considered to be the most contributing element towards students’ soft skills development. Besides, there are also physical factors which influence successful teaching and learning in classroom. The interview data indicates that the students felt comfortable when the language learning (Listening, speaking, reading and writing) is supported and assisted with technology such as the use of computer in English instruction.
Most of the students assumed that the use of such accelerated aid is very useful and helpful for them. The use of technology has potential benefits for language learning as it provides more authentic materials, more varied and unlimited sources. Appropriate use of the internet can support student’s autonomy in learning as well as interest. It is the role of the teacher to optimally bring the benefits and limit potential problem of using technology in classroom teaching and learning.
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION AND SUGGESTION This chapter deals with three parts namely conclusion, implication and suggestion. The first part presents the conclusions derived from the study. The second part presents the implication based on the conclusion, followed by suggestions for the teacher, the students, and further researcher. A. Conclusion Based on the research finding, four conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1. The implementation of English Teaching and Learning contributes towards the students’ soft skills development in the teaching procedures by having more communicative classroom teaching with which support students’ cooperative in learning. Teacher’s procedures run in the classroom determine students’ actions in learning. Research finding indicates that active learning (centered on learner as the doer) like asking students to work in pairs or groups, having whole class or group discussion, group performances, can maintain greater students’ involvement which result in livelier classroom situation. 2. The communicative teaching gives contribution toward the soft skill development trough in which its eight principles provide opportunities to develop skills on the language competencies (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). As have been discussed previously, contextual learning links students’ actions in responding to teacher’s procedures in developing students’ interpersonal skills (the soft skills) mainly dealing with cooperative learning 81
behavior; the acceptance of differences within the group and the appreciation both from the teacher and among the students. 3. Cooperative learning is mostly present in the teaching and learning process in which it contributes to build students’ soft skill for they have shown positive responses on such learning strategy as in group-work where students prefer to learn with peers rather working alone or in competitive condition that they like to be involved in the process of transferring knowledge and sharing ideas within the groups. 4. The cooperative condition of English teaching and learning is required for developing students’ soft skills in terms of social interdependence in a group. It includes teacher’s discipline, attitude, and approach in the teaching (sympathetic and unsympathetic approach) which also influence the learning condition in the classroom where the students can involve in the process with less tension and anxiety. The teacher who is familiar, friendly, and enthusiastic will influence students’ attitude so that they will be happy and enthusiastic to learn English.
B. Implication Establishing situation likely to promote communication is one major responsibility of the teacher of English Language Teaching. As the main purpose of the language teaching is to enable the students to communicate in a target language, varieties of learning activities which provide many opportunities to exchange among the students need to be developed during speaking class as well as listening, reading, and writing. Instead of having
very structured role play (students are told who they are and what they should say) for example, the teacher can set less structured one where students can use different forms to express certain function, for example in giving and asking opinion, etc. Giving students more choice in learning can motivate them to study English since they feel comfortable to share ideas and express opinions. Nevertheless, in terms of communication behavior, as having been discussed in section D of the questionnaire, the students rarely checked whether they really understand or not the messages that they received from other group members. This condition implies the lack of communicative exchange to occur during classroom speaking. Integrating aspects of interpersonal skill (social interdependence, group cohesion, communicative behavior) into learning will be more successful when it is carried out in small group because of the allotted time for the students to interact to each other. Therefore, various configurations such as pairs, triads, small groups, and whole group can be useful strategy to minimize noise, stress, and anxiety to develop good cooperative strategy among students as well as developing the soft skill in learning. Finally, student security is enhanced by the many opportunities for cooperative interactions with their fellow students and the teacher.
C. Suggestion Based on the above conclusion and implication, there are some suggestions that might be useful for the shake of better implementation of English instruction. Some related suggestions are presented and addressed especially to English teachers, the students, and further researchers who intend to conduct typical research on the soft skills. 1. To English teachers Teachers can vary the teaching techniques implemented in the classroom which provide students with many opportunities so that they can think more critically and creatively to meet challenges. More communicative activities in learning such as problem solving task and decision making task can facilitate students to involve in the process and interact to each other more intensively. It is crucial now for teachers to concern not mere on the content or the materials (descriptive knowledge) but more important develop skills (procedural knowledge) not only the hard ones but also the soft skills through CTL where students can experience learning to find meanings in every single action they take by connecting what they learn with the context of their surroundings. 2. To the students As research finding indicates that students prefer to ask for feedback rather than giving feed back, openness is required for the groups to ease them achieving goals. In terms of communicative behavior students tend to abstain in responding on such communication skill such as paraphrasing, describing
what they do and feel. Another important point is that they can cooperatively create conducive circumstance in the classroom so that problem behavior rarely occurs to succeed language teaching and learning with which mainly dealing with noise. A successful classroom demands a good discipline even in difficult situations as maintaining classroom discipline is not only the task of every teacher but every student also plays important role to establish it. 3. To further researchers This research study limits the area of soft skills in three aspects: the social interdependence, group cohesion, and communicative behavior occurred during group-work which focused more on students’ actions. Interactions between students and the teacher still lack attention and also the patterns of typical interactions are not detailed presented yet. It is expected that more researches will later be conducted focused on the soft skills development as well as building character in education.
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MacMillan, James H and Sally Schumacher. 2001. Research in Educational Research (7th edition). New Jersey: Pearson Educatio, Inc. Hafidh Mudhofar. 2008. Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Untuk Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Program Linear. Faculty of Teaching and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Received from pdf. http: //A410040191.pdf Richards, Jack C. and Renandya, Willy A. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching. An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Richards. Jack C. and Theodore. S. Rodgers. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rod. 2010. The Important of soft skill Development in Education. Received from: Sharma, A. 2009. Importance of Soft Skills Development in Education. Received from: Bambang Sugeng. 1997. Instructional Technology: Planning Procedure for Language Education. Yogyakarta: FBS IKIP TeachNet. What is contextual teaching and learning? Received from:
General Information: Teacher : ____________________________________________________________ Observer : ____________________________________________________________ Date : ____________________________________________________________ Time : ____________________________________________________________ Classroom : ____________________________________________________________ Focus of the Observation: 1. Who is conducting most of the talking? Is it the teacher or the student? 2. How does the teacher teach generally? Using what methods? 3. How does the teacher interact with students? Is there any interaction between the teacher and students? 4. How does the teacher ask and respond to the students’ questions in class? 5. What language activities does the teacher organize in the classroom teaching? 6. Is there any group work or pair work in the classroom teaching and learning? 7. Is there any translation exercise in the classroom teaching? 8. Is there any oral English practice in the classroom teaching? 9. How is English used in Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking classes? 10. How much is English used in Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking classes? 11. Is there any authentic assessment that the teacher used in the classroom teaching? 12. Does the teacher give enough attention to students? Does she/he give personal care for the individual in the classroom? 13. How does the teacher relate the material being taught with the context of students’ daily lives and experiences?
14. How often do students work together/in group? 15. Do students have choices to adjust the activities with their preference/ interest? 16. How is students’ diversity treated by the teacher?
2. FIELD NOTES FIELD NOTE 1 Teacher : Miss. Widya (B) Day/Date : Friday, 20 August 2010 Time/Place : 09.00 A.M – 09.40 A.M/Language Lab. Language Skill: Listening Class : XI Science 3 Pagi ini guru mengajar listening di Lab. Bahasa, Guru B dan Guru C. Siswa yang hadir pada hari ini sejumlah 23. Guru C memimpin doa sebelum pelajaran dimulai (“Good morning everybody. Let’s pray shall we—praying— how are you boys and girls?”) kemudian mengecek daftar hadir dengan memanggil siswa satu persatu. Sesudahnya, guru membagi kelas menjadi 2 kelompok, (setengah ke atas dan setengan ke bawah). Kelompok pertama terdiri dari 12 siswa bersama Guru B belajar listening dan tetap tinggal di dalam Laboratorium, sedangkan kelompok kedua yang terdiri dari 11 siswa akan belajar speaking dengan Guru C menuju serambi musholla. LISTENING ACTIVITY 1. Guru B sebelumnya memberitahukan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pada hari ini, yakni melengkapi sebuah teks berjudul “Studying Abroad in United Kingdom” dengan mendengarkan rekaman audio versi lengkapnya bersumber dari BBC London. 2. Guru menanyakan beberapa hal ke siswa seputar topic yang akan dibahas (having a preliminary discussion – “Do you want to study abroad someday?”) 3. Beberapa siswa ada yang menjawab yes, beberapa siswa tidak menjawab dan ada pula yang menjawab no. 4. Guru B memanggil satu siswa dan bertanya tentang cita-cita siswa tersebut– “What are you going to be?” Sekali lagi guru meminta siswa untuk focus ke topic yang akan diperdengarkan (led students’ attention to get focus on the topic.) [1] 5. Guru membagikan teks lalu mulai memutar rekaman lewat komputer desktop. 6. Siswa mendengarkan rekaman tersebut kemudian mulai mengisi titik-titik pada teks (13 nomor) untuk melengkapi teks yang dibagikan. Penutur berasal dari China, bernama Lin sehingga cukup mudah ditangkap oleh siswa apa yang diucapkan karena memang bukan penutur Bahasa Inggris asli. 7. Setelah memutar rekaman untuk yang pertama kali, guru B menjelaskan perbedaan antara L1 (first/mother tongue language) dan L2 (second language). Guru menjelaskan bahwa dalam rekaman apa yang dialami Lin sebagai penutur L2 sama halnya dengan posisi Bahasa Inggris di negara
kita, sebagai Bahasa asing (foreign language) atau ada pula yang menyebutnya sebagai L2. [2] 8. Guru B memutar rekaman audio untuk yang kedua kalinya kemudian meminta siswa untuk mengecek lagi jawaban atau isiannya. 9. Setelah pemutaran yang kedua, guru mengecek kualitas reakaman apakah sudah jelas atau terlalu cepat, apakah mudah atau sulit dipahami [3] 10. Siswa menjawab: “Not yet miss..”susah miss, 11. Guru untuk yang ketiga kalinya memutar rekaman audio. 12. Pada pemutaran yang terakhir, teks yang belum lengkap ditampilkan lewatLCD projector. Setelah memastikan bahwa seluruh siswa selesai menjawab, guru memimpin diskusi kelas melengkapi teks tersebut. 13. Penjelasan tentang grammar diberikan hanya jika siswa mengalami kesulitan atau saat menemukan form yang menjadi bahasan dalam teks (grammar explanation was given to students as necessary.) [4] Teks ditulis dalam past form. Guru mengambil contoh beberapa verbs kemudian melakukan drilling, meminta siswa menirukan pengucapan kata-kata tersebut dengan benar. 14. Guru mengetik jawaban siswa pada teks yang masih ditampilkan di depan, dan meminta siswa yang lain untuk memberikan koreksi pada jawaban yang masih salah. [5] 15. Guru kadang-kadang membetulkan jawaban siswa e.g.: (……..and as my English improved, I met/made friends with more people on y course.) Is it met or made?? Kemudian me-recheck jawaban dengan memutar ulang bagian yang masih salah. 16. Guru sekali lagi meneliti jawaban siswa [7] e.g.: as → “What is the meaning of as in this sentence (I found it difficult as I didn’t know anybody here.); penggunaan “as” dalam makna yang berbeda. 17. Siswa mulai mentranslate kalimatnya, sebagian membuka kamus dan ada pula yang menggunakan Alfalink. [8] 18. Saat diskusi berlangsung, guru memotivasi siswa untuk bisa terus mengejar apa yang menjadi impian mereka, agar berani untuk memiliki cita-cita setinggi mungkin. [9] 19. Media belajar dilengkapi dengan e-dictionary (CLD). Guru menggunakan fasilitas ini untuk menunjukkan siswa bagaimana menemukan makna juga sinonim dari kata “tutorial”. 20. Guru memberikan pujian dan mengapresiasi siswa yang mau secara sukarela mejawab dan memberikan pendapat serta aktif terlibat dalam diskusi dengan mengucap: Smart student! Good job! Excellent! Great! etc.[9] 21. Setelah menemukan jawaban benar dan melengkapi teks, guru mengecek pemahaman siswa dan menawarkan kesempatan untuk bertanya. “Any question?” 22. Guru mengecek lagi pemahaman siswa dengan menghitung rerata siswa yang bisa menjawab benar: “Who got 13 correct answers?” Who got 12 correct? 11,10,….etc
23. Sekali lagi, guru memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk menyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi: “Do you find any difficulties? Difficult words?”[10] 24. Bel tanda jam pelajaran selesai berbunyi. Guru menutup pelajaran hari ini.
FIELD NOTE 2 Teacher : Miss. Widya (B) Day/Date : Friday, 20 August 2010 Time/Place : 09.53 A.M – 10.30 A.M/veranda of the Mushola. Language Skill: Speaking Class : XI Science 3 1. Guru memulai pelajaran dengan terlebih dahulu memperkenalkan topic yang akan dipelajari hari ini yang masih berhubungan dengan apa yang siswa peroleh dari kegiatan listening sebelumnya. “Studying abroad”. 2. Guru memberikan sebuah model bagaimana meminta pendapat siswa apa yang mereka ketahui tentang sesuatu hal: “What is Lin’s opinion about studying abroad?” 3. Guru memberikan penjelasan ke siswa beberapa informasi yang berhubungan dengan topic yakni menyebut nama-nama universitas terkemuka dan suasana belajar di negara-negara maju seperti di Eropa, dll. (Cambridge, Yale, …..) → Preliminary discussion. 4. Guru menanyakan beberapa ekspresi yang biasa digunakan saat meminta dan memberikan pendapat: “You often need others’ view/opinion, what will you say to your friend? How do you say your opinion to others? What expressions you probably use? 5. Beberapa siswa menyebutkan contoh ekspresi yang mereka ketahui: What do you think of, what do you feel about?...etc. I think….., In my opinion, …….etc(materi yang sudah disampaikan pada pertemuan sebelumnya). 6. Guru meminta siswa untuk memberikan pendapat dengan menggunakan ekspresi yang dimaksud pada topic “Studying abroad” (The advantages and disadvantages) 7. ………………silent period. 8. Guru memotivasi siwa dengan memberikan point + kepada siswa yang secara suka rela bisa memberikan pendapat dengan ekspresi yang tepat. [11] 9. Satu persatu siswa mulai tertarik untuk ikut memberikan pendapat tentang “Studying abroad”. 10. Hampir semua siswa (11 siswa) mendapat gilirannya masing-masing, menyampaikan pendapat mereka dengan menggunakan ekspresi asking and giving opinion. Hampir semua siswa menyampaikan pendapat dengan ekspresi yang sama (What do you think of …?), kurang bervariasi. 11. Guru meminta siswa yang lain untuk menggunakan ekspresi berbeda (What do you feel about ….., what is your opinion? etc.
12. Selama speaking berlangsung, jeda seringkali muncul saat siswa kesulitan mencari kosakata Bahasa Ingrris yang tepat untuk mengungkapkan maksud, apa yang ingin mereka sampaikan sehingga kadang terjadi: We can …….e,…menambah We can …….em,….we can bertukar, dan yang sejenisnya.[12] 13. Guru membantu siswa dengan cara memastikan kata yang dimaksud (meng-clarify): “Do you mean this? Is it …..? and so on. [13] 14. Guru seringkali memotivasi siswa untuk mau ikut terlibat dalam speaking: “Gak harus bagus, gak harus panjang kalimatnya... You don’t have to be such fluent. Come on guys, speak up! [14] 15. Disela-sela practice, guru memberikan pengetahuan tentang culture gap (perbedaan budaya antara negara-negara timur, termasuk Indonesia, dan negara-negara barat.) 16. Dalam diskusi, kadang muncul kesalahan penggunaan grammar: In there…., different with me….., 17. Guru memberikan penawaran kesempatan kepada siswa yang belum ikut beropini: “ look sleepy. Think Yuli! What happen to you?”[15] 18. Siswa tersebut menjawab dalam Bahasa Jawa: “memeng.” 19. Guru: “Why are you memeng? No Javaness, ok. What did you do last night?” Guru memberikan peringatan (masukan). 20. Guru:”OK, next! Who haven’t take turn?” 21. Salah satu siswa mengangkat tangan dan mulai memberikan opini tapi sangat pelan (hampir tidak terdengar). Siswa yang lain sibuk dengan temannya dan tidak memperhatikan. Suasana kelas menjadi sangat ramai. 22. Guru:”Everybody, listen to Rondiyah!” Help her to finish her sentence.” 23. Setelah semua siswa mendapat giliran, semuanya berpendapat, guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kesimpulan, beberapa keuntungan dan sisi negative belajar di luar negeri. 24. Kali ini siswa lebih lancar dalam mengemukakan pendapat mereka, dan semua aktif terlebat dalam speaking, menyampaiakn pendapat masingmasing. [16] 25. Guru:” OK, now make a group of 3-4. Have you chosen your own topic?(penugasan minggu yang lalu) [17] 26. Siswa:” Yes…… 27. Guru:” Please, discus with your group. I’ll give you 10 minutes to prepare. Each group will have the performance after finish” [18] 28. Guru mengawasi jalannya diskusi kelompok sambil sesekali mengingatkan siswa untuk tidak berbicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Jawa.[19] 29. Salah satu siswa sibuk bermain HP (sms-an) dan tidak focus pada topic diskusi. 30. Guru:” Stop posing like that and keep your phone, Yuli.” 31. Bel tanda pelajaran usai berbunyi. Guru menutup pelajaran dan meminta siswa untuk melaporkan hasil diskusi pada pertemuan selanjutnya.
FIELD NOTE 3 Teacher : Miss. Widya (B) Day/Date : Thursday, 26 August 2010 Time/Place : 10.00A.M – 10.40 A.M/Language Lab. Language Skill: Listening Class : XI Social 1. Guru membuka pelajaran hari ini: “Good morning boys and girls?” Where are the others?” 2. Guru kemudian mengecek daftar hadir:”Who’s absent today?” Beberapa siswa terlambat masuk kelas, dan ada lagi beberapa siswa yang ijin mengikuti kegiatan pemgembangan bakat dan minat di luar (pelatihan gitar klasik) sehingga hari ini siswa yang hadir hanya sejumlah 15. 3. Tidak seperti bisanya, kelas tidak dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok. Semua siswa melakukan kegiatan Listening maih dengan topic: “Studying Abroad” sama dengan kelas sebelumnya. 4. Suasana kelas ramai, dan siswa tampak belum siap mengikuti pelajaran. 5. Guru: “Bagas, what are you doing?” Igna?” 6. Guru menegur beberapa siswa yang sibuk tidak menyimak penjelas guru dan masih bermain HP dan laptop. 7. Sekali lagi guru memfokuskan perhatian siswa: “Good morning guys? Are you listening?” Okay, today we will have listening activity.” Guru mulai membagikan teks yang akan dilengkapi nantinya dengan menyimak rekaman yang akan diputar. “Please, do not write anything, just keep it clean. Thank you.” 8. Siswa A: “Wah…mbok sekali-sekali Miss, dikasihkan.. 9. Guru:”Just write only the answers, number 1-13 on your note, and don’t waste your paper. It can prevent our planet from global warming. I’ll leave one copy after the class for you all to copy. OK? 10. Siswa kembali ramai. Mereka menyiapkan buku catatan, mengambil pena, serta secarik kertas. 11. Guru:” Be quick guys and listen carefully. Guru menghitung mundur 7-1 agar siswa segera bersiap. 12. Guru mulai mengoperasikan computer yang ada di depan ruangan untuk memperdengarkan rekaman. Salah satu siswa sukarela membantu guru mempersiapkan LCD projector untuk menmpilkan teks dilayar depan. [20] 13. Siswa masih terlihat sibuk, kelas masih ramai. Guru sengaja mengejutkan siswa dengan memaksimalkan volume sehingga siswa jadi lebih siap dan focus mndengarkan. (kind of a shock therapy). 14. Guru:”Are you ready to go?” 15. Siswa:”Go where? 16. Guru:”Are you ready for the listening? Listen carefully” 17. Siswa:”Oooo…, yes” 18. Siswa menyimak dan mendengarkan dengan serius, suasana kelas tenang. ”Repeat Miss, repeat…repeat, diulangi, terlalu cepat..
19. Guru:”How many numbers you’ve got?” Please use your own ear. Jangan tengak-tengok. No cheating. 20. Guru sekali lagi memutar rekaman, memberikan kesempatan untuk kedua kalinya. 21. Guru: “Finish?” 22. Siswa:”Not yet, no.3 belum, no.5… 23. Guru:”OK, this is the last playing. Finish or not later we’ll discuss the answers no.1-13” 24. Guru:” Ok. Agung no.1, please.” 25. Agung:”China.” 26. Guru: “How do you spell it? Please, Mr. Hari type the letters on the screen.” 27. Agung;”Opo mbak? Diulang.” 28. Guru:”Don’t use opo mbak; use excuse me, use pardon..NO, opo mbak! OK?” 29. Agung:” C-H-I-N-A” 30. Guru:”Any other answers?” Different answer?” 31. Cita:” pake E.. 32. Guru:”like this one? C-H-I-N-E? 33. Agung:”…wrong. orang nya.. Chinese 34. Guru:” Good. Agung’s answer is already correct. 35. Guru: “OK, Nisa no.3 36. Nisa:” finish, F-I-N-I-S-H” 37. Guru:”Is there any other opinion? 38. Bagas;”Finished, pake –ed” 39. Guru:”OK, I’ve just…..what does it mean?” 40. Bagas:”Baru saja.” 41. Guru:”OK. Good!” 42. Guru:”Next number, Roni.It’s your turn. 43. Roni:”met”M-E-T 44. Guru:”Every…is it MET or MADE?What about you, Dedi? 45. Dedi:”Made..made in China.. 46. Guru:”OK, what does made friend mean?Do you made friend from clay? Or what? 47. Guru:”Who is correct for MADE?” 48. Empat siswa menjawab benar. 49. Guru:”Next number…12. There are two different answers. From bagasexperience, whereas Agung-experient 50. Guru mencari kata yang dimaksud dari Kamus Oxford dan menampilkan hasil pencarian di layar depan. 51. Guru:”Not found for experient. OK Agung, please don’t create a new word. 52. Guru:”Igna, keep your self-phone and answer the last number.” 53. Igna:”Travelled” 54. Guru:” with –ed or not? Again, teacher C played this part of the audio. 55. Igna:”with –ed,
56. Setelah mengecek pemahaman siswa dari Listening tersebut, “Who got 13 correct? 12 correct?11?...etc, guru menutup kegiatan listening pada hari ini. Bel tanda jam pelajaran selasai berbunyi.
FIELD NOTE 4 Teacher : Mr. Hari (C) Day/Date : Friday, 27 August 2010 Time/Place : 10.00A.M – 10.40 A.M/veranda of the musholla Language Skill: Speaking Class : XI science 3 1. Guru me-review materi minggu yang lalu, asking for and giving opinion. [21] 2. Guru:” Please tell me some expressions usually used to ask for and give opinion, anyone?” 3. Bobi:”What do you think of…. 4. Guru:”OK, Good. Other expressions? 5. Siswa satu persatu mulai menyebutkan beberapa ekpsresi yang sering digunakan untuk meminta dan memberikan pendapat. 6. Guru membagi 14 siswa kedalam 4 kelompok. Pertama-tama, guru meminta siswa untuk berhitung: 1, 2, 3, 4…dst diulangi sampai semua siswa mendapat giliran dan siswa dengan nomor yang sama berada dalam kelompok yang juga sama. [22] 7. Kegiatan speaking pada hari ini adalah role play. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk mencari topic (bebas) juga memberikan alternative topic, sehingga siswa bisa memilih untuk menggunakan topic sendiri atau juga bisa dengan topic yang diberikan oleh guru (In the Computer lab, In the Cafetaria, In the parking area, or In the mosque).[23] 8. Kebanyakan siswa lebih memilih menggunakan topic pilihan mereka sendiri (School Library, Shopping at Traditional Market, Going to the Beach, and only 1 group picked provided setting: at the cafeteria. [24] 9. Siswa bekerja dalam kelompok dan mendiskusikan bagaimana mereka akan menampilkan topic masing-masing. Sebagian dari mereka kadang masih berbicara dalam Bahasa Jawa dan Bahasa Indonesia. [25] 10. Guru mengingatkan para siswa untuk berdiskusi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Dan menyarankan mereka untuk saling membantu dalam kelompok apabila kesulitan menemukan kata yang dimaksud dengan bertanya kepada teman, “What is …in English? etc. Siswa juga bisa menggunakan gambar untuk menyampaikan kata yang dimaksud, misalnya menggambar benda tertentu atau situasi tertentu. Dengan cara demikian komunikasi menjadi lebih lancar dan yang lebih penting lagi tidak terjadi salah pemahaman makna selama komunikasi berlangsung. [26] 11. Ada bebrapa siswa yang membuat catatan, mencatat kalimat –kalimat yang nantinya diucapkan (membuat semacam dialog)..
12. Guru:”You don’t have to make a draft or take note. Mistake is not always mistake. [27] Just speak. 13. Waktu yang disediakan untuk mempersiapkan performance: 10 menit 14. Guru:”Have you finished?” Are you ready to have performance in front of here? 15. Guru:”Don’t forget to tell your friends, who you are in that play.” 16. Setalah lebih kurang 15 menit, guru meminta siwa untuk tampil ke depan, secara acak. Group 3: kurang keras sehingga isi dari percakapan, apa yang hendak disampaikan kurang jelas ditangkap oleh guru dan siswa yang lain. Group 2: penampilan terlalu singkat dan percakapannya pendek-pendek kurang dari waktu 5 menit. Group 1: siswa menjalankan peran dengan baik, dihayati, semuanya terlibat dan percaya diri (suara keras, jelas sehingga mudah dimenegrti maksud yang ingin disampaikan ke pendengar) Group 4: menghibur karena disisipi humor sehingga semua memperhatikan 17. Feedback diberikan oleh guru dan juga siswa setelah semua kelompok telah tampil. [28] 18. Ide sudah menarik tetapi kebanykan siswa masih bermasalah dengan grammar. Misalnya: You are stronger? Rather than saying Are you stronger? 19. Semua kelompok cukup percaya diri untuk tampil di depan teman-teman dan guru. Mereka bisa menikmati performance saat berperan dan bisa saling memberikan dukungan , menghibur yang lain sambil secara langsung praktik speaking in English. [29] 20. Semua siswa baik laki-laki maupun siswa perempuan bisa bekerja sama adengan baik. [30] 21. Bel tanda pelajarai selesai berbunyi. Guru menutup pelajaran hari ini: “That’s all for today, thank you. Everyone, pray do.
FIELD NOTE 5 Teacher : Miss. Widya (B) Day/Date : Friday, 27 August 2010 Time/Place : 10.00A.M – 10.40 A.M/ Language Lab. Language Skill: Listening Class : XI science 3 Student : 19 Ss 1. Guru memberi salam, membuka pelajara hari ini: “Good morning boys and girls. How’s life?” 2. Guru menampilkan teks lewat LCD projector (listening script with some blanks) dan meminta siswa untuk menemukan arti kata sulit yang ada dalam teks. .
3. Siswa menyalin teks dan membuka kamus untuk menemukan arti kata sulit. 4. Salah satu siswa menanyakan arti kata read 5. Guru melempar pertanyaan ke kelas, baru kemudian membantu mencarikan arti kata tersebut. 6. Guru memutar rekaman untuk pertama kalinya dan menanyakan berapa kata yang sudah terjawab. 7. Guru sekali lagi memutar rekaman, memberi kesempatan kedua kalinya. ----------------------- Announcement from OSIS member recruitment. 8. Suasana kelas menjadi ramai. 9. Guru: “Ok student, have you finished? 10. Siswa: “Not clear, miss. Kata-katanya gak jelas. 11. Guru memutar lagi rekaman dan meminta siswa lebih cermat dan fokus pada kata yang belum dijawab. 12. Guru menanyakan apakah siswa sudah selesai semuanya: “finish?” 13. Siswa: “No…. 14. Guru: “Please focus on the blanks… You should also guess the missing word by its meaning. Notice also the previous sentence, so this is not 100% listening (Guru membagi beberapa tips dalam listening). [31] 15. Guru: “This is the last playing, pay attention!! 16. Boby menggunakan Alfalink (meminjam temannya). 17. Guru: ”Ok, lets check no.1, wiwin please… 18. Wiwin: “Scholarship” (tidak begitu jelas, ragu-ragu). 19. Guru: “Spell it, look at me.. not your friend. Be confident with your answer. 20. Wiwin: “S-C-H-O-L-A-R-S-H-I-P 21. Guru: “Good..that’s what I mean. Who got it correct? 5 siswa menjawab benar. 22. Guru: “Next number, Excellent, what is Ph.D ? 23. Guru mengecek kata tersebut dengan melihat menampilkan hasil pencarian kata Ph. D di layar depan. 24. Guru: “Told. Next, Linda, what’s your answer? 25. Linda: “Rather-than 26. Guru: “Have you ever watched 3 idiots? What is your aim in learning?. Not score but it devotes you to be a better person.”[32] 27. Guru: “All correct? Please raise your hand. One correct, 2 correct , 28. Guru mengecek kemampuan siswa memahami teks (Students’ comprehension. –average-) 29. Guru menayakan kesulitan –kesulitan yang munkin dijumpai siswa selama litening: “What makes it difficult for you? [33] 30. Siswa: “Bahasanya, dialect nya. 31. Bel tanda pelajaran selasi berbunyi, waktu habis.
FIELD NOTE 6 Teacher : Mrs. Tuti Widiastuti Day/Date : Friday, 24 September 2010 Time/Place : 10.30A.M – 11.35 A.M/ Ruang Bahasa Inggris Language Skill: Reading, Writing Class : XI IPA 1 Student : 25 Ss Peneliti memasuki Ruang Kelas Bahasa Inggris pada pukul 10.20 WIB bersama dengan guru mata pelajaran dan mengambil tempat duduk di baris belakang. Ruangan masih sepi karena saat pergantian jam sebagian siswa masih berada di kantin dan sebagian lagi berada di perpustakaan. 1. “Good morning class........mana yang lain? Di sms temannya suruh masuk.” Guru masuk kelas dengan membawa setumpuk LKS dari perpustakaan. Guru memperkenalkan peneliti kepada para siswa dan menjelaskan tujuan observasi. 2. ”Suppose your class is your home. Silakan no.21 -25 piket, disapu dulu kelasnya. Siswa yang lain satu persatu mulai masuk kelas. 3. “Please open your LKS page 17. Siapa yang sudah mencari text? Guru mengecek penugasan yang diberikan sebelum nya. 4. Beberapa siswa, kebanyakan siswa putri sudah mengerjakan tugas. ”Tapi ada yang sama Bu.......” 5. ”I want you to paraphrase your text; please write down your summary on the white board.” 6. Sebagian siswa putra terlambat masuk kelas. 7. Salah satu siswa (putri) menuliskan paraphrase nya (The Frog Prince) ke depan. 8. Ok, now. Who wants to retell a story in front of the class? Any volunteer? Guru menawarkan kesempatan pada siswa untuk tampil ke depan (speaking performance) selagi menunggu Putri selesai menuliskan ceritanya. 9. Salah satu siswa putri yang lain maju dan menceritakan kembali cerita narasi yang berjudul ”Sangkuriang” 10. Setelah selesai bercerita di depan, siswa mengumpulkan text asli ceritanya ke guru mata pelajaran. 11. Satu persatu siswa bercerita di depan kelas (mayoritas putri). Siswa yang lain menunggu giliran sambil menghafalkan text narasi masing-masing. 12. Sebagian siswa putra mulai ramai. Guru mendekat, menegur salah satu siswa yang tampak mengantuk. ”I think you’re sleeping.” 13. ”Let’s discuss your friend’s writing here. Look at the white board!” 14. “Who can correct the verbs? I’ll give you one point for one correction. Ada yang bisa membetulkan?Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengoreksi hasil pekerjaan teman nya di depan. [34] 15. Siswa tampak antusias dan mulai berdiskusi dengan teman terdekat mencari bagian karangan yang salah untuk kemudian membetulkan nya. [35]
16. “Now, let’s continue our writing activity today. Please open your LKS on page 78. Please repeat after me.” Guru drilling beberapa kata kunci. [36] 17. Guru menjelaskan secara singkat tentang grammar (past form) dalam karangan narasi. 18. Instruction: Write a story based on the pictures and the keywords (argue, river, strong, quick, climb up golden fruit, owl, come back, pick, together) There are six serial pictures. [37] 19. Setelah kurang lebih 10 menit, guru menyuruh salah satu siswa (suka rela) untuk menuliskan kalimat yang sesuai dengan situasi pada gambar no.1 disusul siswa yang lain menuliskan kalimat untuk situasi no.2 dan seterusnya. [38] 20. Siswa yang lain melanjutkan mengerjakan di buku masing-masing, sebagian siswa memberikan ralat untuk teman yang menuliskan di depan (terutama seputar spelling) misalkan: elepant → elephant dst. [39] 21. Bel tanda selesai berbunyi, guru meminta siswa untuk melanjutkan tugas di rumah dan menunjuk ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa. Pelajaran pada hari ini selesai.
FIELD NOTE 7 Teacher : Mrs. Tuti Widiastuti Day/Date : Saturday, 25 September 2010 Time/Place : 10.30A.M – 12.15 A.M/ Ruang Bahasa Indonesia Language Skill: Reading, Writing Class : XI IPA 3 Student : 25 Ss 1. Guru memasuki ruangan bersama dengan peneliti 10 menit sebelum siswa masuk kelas. Peneliti membantu guru mempersiapkan boardmarker (mengisi tinta) dan mengambil LKS di perpustakaan. Sebagian besar siswa belum masuk kelas dan masih berada di Ruang Matematika. 2. Guru memulai pelajaran tepat pukul 10.30 AM meskipun baru sebagian siswi siap mengikuti pelajaran. 3. ”I’d like to ask you some questions, be ready to answer these questions…Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mereview kembali materi yang telah disampaikan pada minggu sebelumnya. 4. “Raise your hand, and tell me the answers, Ok? Can you mention them? Guru membacakan satu paragraph dalam satu text narrative; siswa menebak bagian text yang dimaksud (organization of the text). [40] 5. “…from the passage what form you use in narrative? Guru sekilas menjelaskan tentang”past form” 6. ”Anyone can tell the class, what did you do last night?last week?yesterday? 7. Siswa secara sukarela maju menuliskan satu kalimat ke depan menggunakan adverbs yang dimaksud. (Yesterday, I went to buy a ticket at the airport); (I hoped my uncle call me last night.) Guru menunjukkan
bagian yang salah dan memberikan feedback secara langsung dengan menyuruh siswa yang lain memperbaikinya. [41] 8. Guru memberikan semacam kuis (vocabulary) dengan menyuruh siswa mencari persamaan kata (sinonym) yang terdapat dalam text narrative. [42] - hope - need - effort - look for - obvious - emerge - opportunity - stomach 9. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk mencari arti kata-kata tersebut dalam kamus (secara berpasangan). [43] 10. ”Please repeat after me,” Guru meminta siswa untuk secara bersamasama mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut (drilling) [44] 11. Saat guru sedang mengajar, beberapa siswa datang terlambat. Banyak siswa yang absent pada hari itu karena ijin mengikuti kegiatan di luar (tugas sekolah) dan sebagian sakit. 12. Guru memberikan penugasan di rumah (PR) dari LKS, hal 18. 13. Guru membagikan satu text narrative, bukan dari LKS berjudul ”Sangkuriang dan Dayang Sumbi” 14. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk membaca nyaring paragraf 1 dan kemudian menceritakan kembali inti paragraf yang dibaca dengan kalimat sendiri (dalam Bahasa Indonesia) demikian seterusnya sampai dengan paragraf terakhir. [45] 15. Karena siswa masih kesulitan untuk bisa menceritakan secara langsung, guru meminta siswa untuk bekerja secara berpasangan dan mengerjakan latihan A.1 (T/F statements about the text) [46] 16. Guru memberikan batasan waktu 10 menit + tambahan waktu 5 menit 17. Setelah mendiskusikan jawaban Latihan A, guru meminta siswa bekerja dalam kelompok untuk berdiskusi, menentukan satu judul narasi (1 kelompok berbeda judul dengan kelompok yang lain). [47] 18. Siswa menanyakan beberapa hal tentang penugasan kelompok (boleh dari internet/yang lain, panjang text min. berapa hal, text nya boleh dari luar atau harus Asli Indonesia,dll) [48] 19. Bel tanda jam pelajaran selesai, beberapa siswa masih sibuk ramai. Guru meminta siswa untuk tenang, dan bisa mengkonsultasikan tugas tersebut di luar jam pelajaran. [49]
FIELD NOTE 8 Teacher : Mrs. Tuti Widiastuti Day/Date : Jumat, 01 October 2010 Time/Place : 08.00A.M – 09.10A.M/ Ruang Bahasa Inggris Language Skill: Reading, Writing Class : XI IPS1 Student : 20 Ss 1. Guru dan peneliti masuk ruang kelas pukul 07.45. Karena jam pertama digunakan untuk upacara peringatan Hari lahir Pancasila, hari ini satu jam pelajaran hanya 35 menit. Pelajaran dimulai ada pukul 08.00. 2. Guru membuka pelajaran:”Assalamu’alaikum....good morning class.” 3. “Mas Dedi, lead your friends to pray before we start our lesson today. Salah satu siswa memimpin berdoa. 4. “How are you today Mas Igna? (Bagas dan Ignatius terlambat masuk kelas.) 5. ”OK everyone. Now listen please, do you know “Fable?” What type of text is Fable?” ---Narrative. Can you tell the class any information about Narrative text? Guru meminta siswa untuk berbagi informasi seputar teks Narrative. (Eliciting) [50] 6. Guru membagikan copian teks Narrative berjudul Godilocks and the Three Bears. 7. Guru meminta siswa untuk menemukan synonym beberapa kata dalam bacaan (Finding synonym from a text.) ----surprised, moreover, pieces, etc. “What are the synonyms of these words?” [51] 8. Task 1: Choose the most suitable word for each blank in the passage below. Each word can only be used once. Mind the changes of verbs if necessary number 1 to 10. 9. “Repeat after me.” (pronunciation drilling) Guru meminta siswa menirukan, mengucapkan beberapa kata kunci dalam bacaan: upstairs, porridge, surprised, lay, wake, else, feel, upset, taste, jump. [52] 10. Siswa yang tadinya duduk di baris belakang pindah ke depan karena instruksi guru kurang jelas. [53] 11. Siswa ”voluntarily” menuliskan jawaban ke depan. (Leni, Yatra, Citra, …satu persatu siswa mengerjakan Task 1.) [54] 12. Siswa membaca nyaring paragraf dalam bacaan kemudian menerjemahkan. (Berpasangan dengan teman 1 meja, satu membaca, satu menerjemahkan) [55] 13. Task 2: Answer these questions. (siswa menjawab soal no 1 – 4 secara lisan, oral reading comprehension.) [56] 14. Setelah Task 2 selesai, guru meminta siswa menemukan nilai moral (moral value) dalam teks narrative ----- don’t get into someone’s house without permission, never [57] 15. Guru menunjukkan sebuah gambar beruang (the Pooh). Siswa diminta mendeskripsikan gambar tersebut ke depan. (speaking performance)[59]
16. Task 3: Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B. (no. 1- 20) 17. Siswa diminta bekerja berpasangan dengan teman sebangku. Boleh membuka kamus. [60]
FIELD NOTE 9 Teacher : Miss. Widya (TB) and Mr. Hari (TC) Day/Date : Sabtu, 02 October 2010 Time/Place : 10.30A.M – 12.15 A.M/ Language Lab. Language Skill: Listening, speaking Class : XI IPA 3 Student : 20 Ss 1. TB membuka pelajaran pada hari ini. Siswa tidak dibagi dalam kelas speaking dan listening seperti biasanya karena sebagian banyak yang ijin mengikuti lomba futsal, dan tugas camping dari sekolah.”Assalmu’alaikum...where are the oters?” Ayo...duduknya jangan di belakang, depan di isi dulu. 2. Guru checking attendance list. 3. TC:”Take out your paper everyone, we are going to listen to ‘What a Wonderful World” ( a song by …………) 4. Siswa sebelumnya mencatat lirik lagu with some blanks (no.1 – 14), shown on the big screen. 5. TB memutar lagu untuk kesempatan pertama, sebelumnya menjelaskan apa yang akan dipelari hari ini (expressing satisfacation and surprise), siswa mendengarkan sambil menyimak lirik yang telah dicatat. 6. TB:”Have you finished?” ------“Ulang lagi ya Mis. no. 4 belum, no. 5 , no. 9. “Okay, listen carefully”. 7. “This will be the last chance for you (once more playing). Are you ready?” 8. TB:”No berapa yang masih belum? Guru hanya memutar bagian lagu yang belum telengkapi, no.9. 9. ”Is there any difficult word?”, Ayo Ridwan, jangan sibuk sendiri, perhatikan. Kamu sudah belum? 10. Guru menanyakan arti beberapa kata pada lirik, mencari perbedaan kata blessed dan sacred dalam kamus (CLD) ----synonymous--11. TB memimpin diskusi kelas menjawab no.1 – 14. TC menampung semua ide dari siswa, dan mengetik jawaban (on the big screen): 1. see 3. Blue/bloom 4. Sky’s/sky/skies 9. Shake hand/shaking hand/shake hands 12. They’re learn/they learn……dst. “Any other idea?” [61] 12. Setelah semua no terjawab, TB mulai dari awal memberikan koreksi jawaban yang salah sambil memutar bagian lagu sesuai no. soal 13. “What does it mean by ……the bright blessed days and the dark sacred nights?” guru meminta siswa mengartikan beberapa bait lagu, mengecek pemahaman siswa terhadap isi lagu. 14. “Who got all the answers correct? 13 numbers correct? 12?...dst.
-------------satu jam pelajaran untuk listening activity, berikutnya speaking class oleh Mr. Hari-----------15. Masih berkaitan dengan lagu sebelumnya, “What a Wonderful World” TC menayakan beberapa hal tentang perasaan si penulis lagu (the witer of the song) ” What do you think the feeling that the writer of the song had?” (eliciting) [62] 16. “The singer feels satisfied. TC menjelaskan penggunaan expression of satisfaction. 17. Guru meminta siswa untuk memberikan contoh ekspresi yang dimaksud dengan memberikan situasi yang berbeda (misalnya for competiton....,dst, siswa kemudian menyebutkan ---- good, great, super, amazing, marvelous, [63] 18. TB memunculkan 13 expression of satisfaction (on the big screen) --Great, terrific, super, fantastic, that’s good, marvelous, that’s wonderful,’s a good news, I’m very pleased, I’ very delighted, smashing, how splendid, etc. 19. TC:” Okay, repeat after me. (Drilling pronunciation) 20. TC:“Any other? Ss---Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah…”Very good” [64] 21. Instruction: Think of something that makes you feel satisfied, about your favorite food maybe. I’ll give you an example: Last night, I watched Titanic movie. It was very interesting. It was fantastic. 22. TC:”OK? Now please, everyone, I’ll give you few minutes. Start from you, Winda, and Winda will choose the next speaker. Are you ready?” 23. Winda:”Soto Gobyos is very delicious, I like it. It’s super! [65] 24. Winda lalu menunjuk teman yang lain, dan seterusnya, dan seterusnya. 25. Siswa secara bergantian menggunakan expression of satisfaction dengan situasi yang berbeda-beda. [66] 26. Bobi menunujuk Saiful, karena belum siap dan grogi Saiful sampai berkeringat. Guru meminta Bobi menunjuk teman yang lain dulu dan memberikan kesempatan lagi pada Saiful di akhir. 27. Semua siswa dapat dengan lancar menggunakan expression of satisfaction dan memberikan contoh penggunaannya dalam kehiduan sehari-hari. [67] 28. The bell was ringing. The teacher closed the meeting. “That’s all for today, thank you..
3. QUESTIONNAIRES Questionnaires Nama
No. Urut
Questionnaires ini disusun untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai persepsi dan sikap siswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris secara kontekstual terkait dengan perkembangan soft skills (group work-oriented). Informasi yang didapat akan digunakan sebagai bahan data penelitian dalam skripsi yang berjudul ”An Analysis Of The Soft Skills Development In English Contextual Teaching And Learning among the Second Year Students Of SMA 2 Wates”. Informasi yang teman-teman berikan akan sangat berguna dan penting bagi keberhasilan penelitian yang dilakukan dan sama sekali tidak berpengaruh terhadap hal-hal lain di luar keperluan penelitian. Oleh karena itu, kesungguhan dan kejujuran teman-teman sekalian sangat dihargai. Atas perhatian dan kerja sama teman-teman dalam mengisi questionnaires ini saya ucapkan terima kasih. Winanti Mahasiswi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ’06 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Questionnaire 1 Bagaimanakah prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran kontekstual telah diterapkan di kelas anda? Untuk setiap pernyataan berikut ini, lingkari hanya satu nomer saja (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) yang paling sesuai dengan pendapat Anda seputar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggri. Mohon diisi berdasarkan pemikiran anda saat ini, bukan jawaban yang mungkin diharapkan oleh peneliti. Lingkari nomor yang sesuai untuk tiap pernyataan berikut. 5 = sangat setuju (SS)
2 = tidak setuju (TS)
4 = setuju (S)
1 = sangat tidak setuju (ST)
3 = netral (N)
Questionnaire 1 Pembelajaran Kontekstual dalam Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Pernyataan Esensi belajar yang lebih tepat adalah “ agar bisa melakukan” bukan sekedar ”agar tahu”. Belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih bermakna apabila materi yang dipelajari berhubungan dengan lingkungan personal dan sosial pembelajar (kontekstual). Pengajaran berbasis probem (problem-based learning) merupakan salah satu strategi belajar yang melatih siswa berpikir kritis. Kebhinekaan siswa diperhatikan dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas. Tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh guru memberdayakan siswa untuk belajar sendiri (belajar mandiri). Siswa dibiasakan saling belajar dari dan dalam kelompok untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan menentukan fokus belajar. Penilaian autentik (baik berupa tugas individu, kelompok, portofolio, presentasi, penulisan makalah,report, dll) mendukung siswa dengan beragam pengalaman belajar. Siswa memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk berdiskusi, bertanya, mencari tahu dan terlibat dalam pemecahan masalah saat belajar. Belajar dalam kelompok memberikan banyak manfaat dari pada belajar secara individu. Perbedaan yang ada pada tiap individu memberikan ruang untuk
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
menghargai dan saling menghormati sesama. Siswa berkonsultasi dengan guru mata pelajaran tentang kesulitan belajar sehingga dapat membantu mengoptimalisasi potensi diri. Siswa perlu mengetahui strategi belajar yang tepat serta merefleksi kelebihan dan keterbatasan belajar untuk mencapai standar tinggi. Siswa terlibat dalam pemilihan tema/topik yang dibahas dalam diskusi kelompok/kelas. Siswa diajak terlibat secara aktif melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran. Pembelajaran terjadi di dalam dan di luar kelas (lab., perpustakaan, halaman sekolah). Pembelajaran di kelas membuat siswa mencintai kegiatan belajar (proses belajar) sama pentingnya dengan hasil pembelajaran yang dicapai. Penilaian oleh guru dilihat dari berbagai aspek bukan dari hasil ulangan harian saja. Pembelajaran speaking lebih menekankan pada keterampilan berkomunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari (daily life context). Siswa aktif bertanya apabila menemui kesulitan saat belajar. Siswa percaya diri menyampaikan gagasan/ide dalam diskusi/kelompok. Tema/topik yang dipilih dalam diskusi disesuaikan dengan konteks/setting yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
Questionnaire 2 Keterkaitan Sosial dalam Kelompok Berikut ini merupakan peryataan-pernyataan seputar keterkaitan sosial dalam konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Tulislah nilai (score) yang sesuai untuk setiap pernyataan berikut: 5 = selalu (SL)
1 = tidak pernah (TP)
4 = sering (SR)
2 = jarang (JR)
3 = kadang-kadang (KD)
No. 1.
2. 3. 4.
6. 7. 8.
Pernyataan Saya suka membandingkan kemampuan yang saya miliki dengan teman untuk mengetahui siapa yang terbaik diantara kami. Di kelas kami, siswa cenderung memilih untuk belajar secara individu (sendirisendiri). Di kelas kami, siswa suka berbagi ide dan sumber belajar satu dengan yang lain. Di kelas kami, siswa termotivasi untuk mengetahui siapa diantara mereka yang terbaik yang bisa menyelesaikan tugas dari guru. Di kelas kami, siswa mendapatkan informasi dan pengetahuan belajar baik dari guru, teman, serta lingkungan sekolah. Di kelas kami, siswa termotivasi untuk bisa menyelesaikan setiap tugas lebih baik lagi dari teman yang lain. Di kelas kami, siswa terganggu saat harus menyelesaikan tugas tugas secara berkelompok. Di kelas kami, siswa saling membantu secara positif untuk bisa mencapai hasil yang maksimal dari setiap penugasan yang diberikan oleh guru. Di kelas kami, siswa merasa percaya diri
10. 11.
saat harus tampil di depan teman yang lain atau di depan umum. Di kelas kami, siswa lebih suka bekerja secara individu daripada berkelompok. Di kelas kami, siswa percaya bahwa mereka dapat lebih aktif dalam menyampaikan gagasan/ide,meminta dan memberi informasi pada teman yang lain saat bekerja dalam kelompok.
Questionnaire 3 Kekompakan Kelompok Bagaimana perilaku Anda dapat mempengaruhi kekompakan dalam kelompok? Apa yang akan Anda lakukan ketika Anda ingin meningkatkan kekompakan dalam kelompok belajar Anda? Bagaimanakah Anda mendeskripsikan sikap Anda dalam meningkatkan kekompakan kelompok? Pernyataan berikut ini dapat merefleksikan sikap Anda dalam upaya meningkatkan kekompakan kelompok. Nilailah kekompakan anda dalam kelompok dengan melingkari angka yang sesuai untuk masing-masing pernyataan. 5 = selalu (SL)
1 = tidak pernah (TP)
4 = sering (SR)
2 = jarang (JR)
3 = kadang-kadang (KD)
No. 1.
Pernyataan Saya berusaha meyakinkan setiap anggota kelompok agar merasa nyaman saat bekerja dalam satu kelompok. Saya mendiskusikan ide/gagasan, apa yang saya rasakan serta reaksi-reaksi saya terhadap apa yang sedang berlangsung dalam kelompok.
Saya berusaha menunjukkan sikap terbuka dan mendukung ketika anggota kelompok yang lain menyampaikan pendapat ide/gagasan yang berbeda.
Saya menunjukkan rasa suka, peduli, dan serius dalam menanggapi reaksi-reaksi anggota kelompok yang lain.
Saya menghargai dan mendukung gagasan individu dalam kelompok.
Saya menghargai/mengapresiasi semua gagasan anggota dalam kelompok belajar. Saya berinisiatif mengajak anggota kelompok untuk ikut terlibat dalam diskusi dan aktif berpartisipasi. Saya bersedia menerima saran atau masukan dari anggota kelompok yang lain dan tidak memaksakan pendapat. Saya berani mengambil resiko setiap kali menyampaikan gagasan/ide baru dan apa yang jujur saya rasakan sekarang saat bekerja dalam kelompok.
Questionnaire 4 Sika berkomunikasi dalam kelompok Seperti apakah sikap berkomunikasi Anda dalam diskusi kelompok? Bagaimanakah Anda akan mendeskripsikan sikap/perilaku Anda dalam berkomunikasi? Nilailah sikap berkomunikasi anda dalam kelompok dengan melingkari angka yang sesuai untuk masing-masing pernyataan. 5 = selalu (SL)
2 = jarang (JR)
4 = sering (SR)
1 = tidak pernah (TP)
3 = kadang-kadang (KD) No. Pernyataan SL SR KD JR TP 1. Apabila saya menjadi ketua kelompok yang anggota kelompoknya sama sekali tidak memiliki gambaran mengenai tugas yang 5 4 3 2 1 diberikan, saya akan menjelaskan penugasan sedetail mungkin kepada seluruh anggota kelompok baru kemudian melanjutkan diskusi. 2. Apabila saya menjadi ketua kelompok yang anggota kelompoknya sama sekali tidak memiliki gambaran mengenai tugas yang 4 3 2 1 diberikan, saya akan memotivasi anggota 5 kelompok untuk bertanya sampai saya yakin bahwa setiap anggota kelompok mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan. 3. Apabila ketua kelompok memberikan sejumlah instruksi kepada seluruh anggota kelompok 5 4 3 2 1 sedang saya tidak paham, saya bertanya kepada anggota kelompok yang lain instruksi yang dimaksud. 4. Saya sebagai anggota kelompok, apabila ketua kelompok memberikan sejumlah instruksi kepada seluruh anggota kelompok sedang saya 5 4 3 2 1 tidak paham, saya segera bertanya kepada ketua kelompok dan memintanya untuk mengulang serta menjelaskan kembali instruksi tersebut. 5. Saya membiarkan anggota kelompok yang lain tahu bahwa saya setuju/mendukung gagasan 5 4 3 2 1 dan tindakan nya selama diskusi berlangsung. 6.
Saya menunjukkan rasa tidak suka ketika saya merasa terganggu atau merasa keberatan atas ide-ide (gagasan) yang berseberangan dengan
9. 10
Saya mengerti dan memahami apa yang dirasakan dan bagaimana anggota kelompok yang lain menanggapi sikap/tindakan yang saya lakukan. Saya bersikap terbuka terhadap anggota kelompok lain dalam menanggapi setiap sikap dan tindakan yang saya lakukan selama diskusi. Saya memastikan diri saya sendiri bahwa saya mengetahui dan mengerti inti/maksud pembicaraan anggota kelompok yang lain. Saya menyimpulkan dengan kalimat saya sendiri (mengulang pernyataan) pendapat yang telah disampaikan oleh anggota kelompok yang lain sebelum memberikan komentar/tanggapan dalam berdiskusi. Saya menyimpan pemikiran, ide-ide, tanggapan serta apa yang saya rasakan sendiri dan tidak mendiskusikannya dengan anggota kelompok yang lain. Saya memastikan seluruh anggota kelompok mengetahui informasi yang saya sampaikan selama diskusi berlangsung.
5. INTERVIEW GUIDE (UNTUK SISWA) 1. Apakah Anda pernah mendengar istilah “pembelajaran kontekstual”? Menurut Anda, bagaimanakah yang pembelajaran kontekstual itu ? 2. Apakah Anda pernah mendengar istilah ”soft skill”? 3. Listening, speaking, reading dan writing. Menurut Anda, manakah dari keempat learning skills tersebut yang paling menyenangkan, atau yang paling mudah dipelajari? (contoh kegiatan di kelas/yang sering dilakukan) 4. Bbagaimanakah peran teknologi dalam proses belajar Bahasa Inggris menurut Anda? Seberapa sering Anda menggunakannya? 5. Bagaimana komunikasi siswa dengan Guru Bahasa Ingris (seberapa sering Adik berkomunikasi), baik di dalam ataupun di luar kelas? 6. Apakah Anda suka/tidak suka saat bekerja secara berkelompok?Berikan alasan (baik dampak positif dan negatif nya) 7. Aktivitas belajar yang Adik sukai saat belajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas? (berikan contoh) 8. Bagaimanakah sikap Adik saat mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar? Apakah bertanya pada teman atau guru atau bagaimana? 9. Harapan Anda, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris seharusnya (idealnya) seperti apa? Saat ini kira-kira berapa persenkah pencapaian Kelas Bahasa Inggris Anda?
6. INTERVIEW GUIDE (UNTUK GURU) 1. Seberapa komunikatif- kah metode mengajar yang Ibu terapkan? Teachercentered or learner-centered? 2. Menurut Ibu, perlu kah siswa mengetahui tujuan pembelajaran? Mengapa? 3. LEARNING BY DOING. Apa pendapat ibu mengenai metode belajar tersebut? 4. Bagaimana Ibu menyikapi perbedaan – perbedaan pada diri siswa, terutama dalam hal minat/interest? 5. Menurut Ibu, skills apa saja yang penting dimiliki siswa untuk menunjang karir mereka di masa depan? Selain aspek kognitif – alasan: ................................. 6. Media pembelajaran apa saja kah yang sering Ibu gunakan selama megajar? 7. Sudah kah Ibu mengajak para siswa untuk melakukan hal di bawah ini: a. bekerja sama (dalam hal ............................... b. sailing menghormati (dalam hal ....................... c. berbagi kesuksesan (dalam hal ................................ d. mendegarkan pendapat orang lain (dalam hal ........................... e. bertanggung jawab (dalam hal ...................................... 8. Contoh authentic assessment yang Ibu terapkan dalam evaluasi belajar? 9. Bagaimana cara Ibu mengajar para siswa agar berpikir kritis dan kreatif? (cara anda menanamkan pemikiran kreatif pada anak) 10. Apakah Ibu menyediakan waktu tertentu/khusus bagi siswa yang mengalami masalah dalam belajar? (personal cara yang dilakukan) 11. Bagaimana cara Ibu mengaitkan materi belajar dengan konteks kebutuhan siswa? 12. Seberapa mandiri kah menurut Ibu para siswa anda belajar dan memperkaya pengetahuan?
7. INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS Interview 1 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Dedi : Winanti : XIS1 : Thursday, 21 October 2010 : Language Laboratory
R: Dek Dedi, tanya-tanya bentar ya? Masih sibuk ga’ dek? S: Bisa kok mbak, tanya pa ya? R: Kalo pembelajaran berbasis konteks tau ga’ dek? Yang seperti apa pelaksanannya? S: Wah, nggak e mbak. R: Kalo soft skill? S: Itu keterampilan Bahasa Inggris po mbak. R: Ya, ini ja. Dari keempat skills ini listening, speaking, reading, sama writing, yang paling nyaman mana dek, dipelajari? S: Reading, saya suka membaca buku trus bisa dapet kata-kata yang baru kalo bisa tau artinya seneng mbak. R: Ok, kalo yang no.4 ni peran teknologi dalam belajar dek. S: Menurut saya kalo peran teknologi itu..ada ya. Seperti misalnya, kadangkadang itu kalo mau bikin tugas itu kadang-kadang pake transtool pake google translate ato minimal pake alfalink. R: Kalo misalnya ada tugas bikin paper sering nyari di internet ga’ dek? S: Tergantung. Kalo menurut saya misal bisa dibuat sendiri mending dibuat sendiri. Soalnya kan karya kita sendiri.Tapi kalo dah mentok mungkin cari. R: Yang np.5 sekarang seberapa sering adik berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris? S: Sering ya. Soalnya kalo aku ga’ dong itu langsung tanya sama Bu Tuti, gitu. R: Trus gimana tanggapannya? S: Ya..langsung dibenerin. Misalnya kalo lagi latian-latian itu saya suka coba mengerjakan, trus tanya; ”Bu ini gimana Bu, sama Bu Tuti itu lalngsung dibenerin jadi kalo dikumpulin nanti nlainya bisa dapet 100. R: O..secara keseluruhan ibunya welcome gitu kan dek. S: Ya iya, tapi kan jarang ada anak yang mau kayak gitu mbak. R: Wah, bener ni brarti rasa ingin taunya patut dicontoh. Trus suka ga’ Dek Dedi kerja kelompok? S: Ga’ terlalu suka. Soalnya kalo kerja kelompokitu biasanya itu malah tugas yang paling berat itu ke aku e, kayak yang tadi speaking yang bikin dialog aku mbak, jadi sebenernya ga’ adil mbak kadang kayak gitu. [01] R: Berarti dampak negative mungkin itu ya dek..Ok S: Iya, tapi kalo yang enak itu partnernya itu bagus, kayak pas Bahasa kemarin itu sama Novita bagus banget partnernya. R: Klop gitu? S: Iya, mbak.
R: E..kalo aktivitas belajar yang disukai? S: Metodenya itu..kayak siapa ya..kayak anu, guruku SMP dulu. R: Iya? Kenapa Dek? S: Jadi sistemnya itu diajar dikasih tanggung jawab tertentu setiap minggu..e, setiap pertemuan itu harus ada target hafal 10 verb1, 10 verb2 , 10 verb3 sama artinya juga. Jadi kalo ada target gitu kan kita bisa meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam B. Inggris. Jadi.. R: Memotivasi gitu, ya? S: Iya, jadi siswa itu punya tanggung jawab jadi kalo kita hafal sampai sekarang masih bisa hafal. R: kalo..misalnya.tadi dah dijawab sih, kalo mengalami kesuliatan dalam belajar? S: Biasanya kalo mata pelajarannya gurunya itu...anu, welcome suka..gurunya itu..agak gimana atau ga’ kemungkinan diajak konsultasi enak ya langsung tanya kalo sama temen itu ya, kadang-kadang. R: OK, yang terakhir. Harapan Dek Dedi dalam belajar B. Inggris di kelas itu pengennya seperti apa? S: Seharusnya menurut aku itu harus tertib ya, situasi kelasnya itu..harus disiplin. Soalnya itu kalo disuruh tepat waktu itu kadang-kadang pada ga’ mau sama keaktivan siswanya itu juga harus diapresiasi. Jadi gini, siswa itu aktif ga’ Cuma gurunya yang aktif. Gurunya harus ngerti, jadi kita kan merasa apa ya punya motivasi, kalo aku aktif nilainya lebih bagus dari pada yang nggak, mungkin gitu. R: Keren Dek, terima kasih.
Interview 2 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Johan : Winanti : XI S1 : Thursday, 21 October 2010 : Language Laboratory
R: Met siang Dek…, dengan dek siapa ya? Mo interview bentar bisa ya? S: Johan mbak, boleh. R: Adek pernah ga’ tau istilah pembelajaran kontekstual? S: Belum R: Kalo soft skill pernah tau? S: Apa ya mbak..belum pernah juga. R: Ya, kalo ini ada lisrening, speaking, reading sama writing yang paling nyaman dipelajari saat di kelas yang mana? S: Lebih enak mendengarkan. R: Mendengarkan ya. Next ini seputar peran teknologi dalam belajar bahasa, seberapa sering menggunakannya? S: Ya sering. Biasanya kalo suruh buat ..suruh buat apa ya, karangan gitu biasanya cari contoh karangannyadari internet, atau buka kamus elektronik gitu.
R: Yang no.5 seberapa sering berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris baik di dalam saat pelajarn atau di luar kelas? S: Kalo sama guru kayaknya jarang e. R: Jarang? Kalo misalnya mengalami kesulitan belajar itu trus gimana dek? S: Iya, mungkin kalo ga’ jelas tanya temen dulu kalo temennya ga’ tau ya tanya.. R: Mm, bagaimana dengan kerja kelompok? Suka ga’ dek speaking kayak yang tadi itu? S: Ya..suka. Soalnya apa ya, jadi ga’ mikir sendiri. Ntar bisa tanya ke tementemen kerjaannya dibagi-bagi bisa cepet. [02] R: Terus, ee..gimana harapan Adek pembelajran B. Inggris di kelas pengennya seperti apa? S: Ya...mungkin dibiasain B. Inggris gitu..di kelas ato sama temen-temen gitu ..jadi biyasa. R: OK, dek. Gitu aja, makasih banyak.
Interview 3 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Vita : Winanti : XI S1 : Thursday, 21 October 2010 : Language Laboratory
R: Dengan dek siapa? Met siang dek.. S: Met siang, Vita mbak. R: Pernah dengar ga’ dek, pembelajaran berbasis konteks? S: Belum pernah. R: Kalo soft skill tau ga’? S: Kayaknya kalo udah lulus itu, lulus kuliah itu harus bisa bersaing biar dapat kerja, gitu kan mbak? R: Bisa. Ini dek,sekarang dari listening, speaking, reading, writing yang paling nyaman dipelajari yang mana kalo menurut adek. S: Listening. R: Listening, ya. Kenapa dek? S: Soalnya kan listening itubiasanya kan pembelajarannya ada yang mendengarkan musik. Saya kan suka mendengarkan musik, jadi saya suka. R: O, iya. Kalo speaking? S: kalo speaking, ya lumayansuka soalnya kan kalo mosalnya mau nyanyi-nyanyi lagu B. Inggris itu kan speaking juga. Jadi ya pake, ya..suka. R: OK. Kalo peran teknologi dalam belajar dek, sering ga’ ngenet-ngenet gitu? S: Sering. Soalnya kalo suruh nyari karangan atau cerita-cerita buat makalah juga itu kan contohnya banyak sekali.Gampang diakses. R: Hm..e, sekarang seberapa sering berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris? S: Kalo di luar kelas ga’ pernah kalo di dalam kelas, ya..lumayan. Misalnya ada yang belum jelas..ya tanya. R: Gitu, trus tanggapan gurunya seperti apa dek?
S: Ya..kadang-kadang kalo saya tanyaga’ bisa itu pernah disuruh cari sendiri dulu, tapi ya..gimana lagi kalo ga’ jelas. R: OK..e, suka ga’ kerja kelompok kayak yang tadi ada speaking performance? S: Suka, soalnya kerjanya bareng temen-temen ada yang bantuin gitu. [03] R: Next..kalo mengalami kesulitan? S: Biasanya..tanya sama temen, pernah cari tau sendiri juga, baca buku atau caru di intrenet. R: Sekarang yang terakhir harapanya dek, pengennya pelajaran B. Inggris di kelas itu kayak apa? S: Harapannya sih lebih menyenangkan, ya..lebih banyak musiknya,’ ngebosenin, ga’ terlalu sepaneng ato gimana ga’ tegang. R: Tanggapan untuk yang aktivitas baik listening, sepaking, reading, writing? S: Kalo menurut aku sudah lumayan bagus, menarik belajar yang listening speaking, yang ngajar masih muda-muda, hehe. R: Thank you so much Dek Vita. S: Ya mbak.
Interview 4 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Leni : Winanti : XI A3 : Thursday, 21 October 2010 : Langugae Laboratory
R: Bisa ngobrol sebentar ga’ Dek? Dengan dek siapa? S: Iya, Leni Mbak. R: Dek Leni pernah denger ga’ ”Pembelajarn Berbasis Konteks”? S: Pernah. Pembelajaran kontekstual itu kan berdasarkan teks-teks gitu ya. Jadi kalo menurut aku tu..gurunya..ada..ada sumber teksnya, jadi gurunya itu nerangin. R: OK. Kalo soft skill juga sudah pernah dengar sebelumnya mungkin? S: Belum kayaknya kecakapan hidup ga’ mbak? R: Mm..ya.Ini dek yang no.4 kan ada listening, speaking, reading, writing yang menurut adek paling nyaman dipelajari kalo di kelas itu yang mana? S: Yang speaking dong. Masalahnya kalo speaking kan e..gimana ya. Melatih kita buat ngomong Inggris ini itu sehingga melatih kreativitas, cara ngomong kita, trus grammarnya juga terlatih biar tambah PD ngomongnya, kalimat-kalimat gitu.. [04] R: Kalo reading, writing? S: Enak sih. Itu apa..dari teks-teks gitu tapi kalo menurut aku lebih enak yang speaking. R: Selanjutnya Dek, peran teknologi dalam belajar, menurut adek seberapa membantu?
S: Iya, kalo internet itu bisa membantu aku 80%, mungkin kalo disuruh nyari tugas ini,, silakan nyari teks narrative itu kan kita nyari sumber narrative nya dari internet atau baca-baca buku. R: OK. Itu biasanya penugasan dari Bu Tuti ya? S:Heeh. R: Lanjut dek, seberapa sering berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris, atau konsultasi mungkin? S: Kalo di dalam kelas itu kayaknya..kurang ya. Kurang ada komunikasi soalnya kan gurunya lagi nerangin ngajar jadi kalo mo tanya-tanya itu malah takut gitu. Tapi enakan di luar kelas, malah gurunya yang komuniksi sama saya. R: Oya, pas kenapa itu dek? S: Pernah pas buat ..waktu itu kan ada soft copy tugas..itu dulu malah dikasih tau. Mbak kamu itu, kurang di sini nya, coba di liat lagi, kamu gi, gini..sebenarnya sudah bagus tapi diamati lagi. R: Kayak gitu, berarti gurunya lebih dulu ngasih masukan? S: Iya, R: Tadi yang speaking performance seneng ga’ dek work in group? Berkelompok gitu? S: Suka. Jadi itu karna aku dari awal suka speaking, kalo speaking biasanya sama partner gitu mbak jadi enak. Bisa tanya-tanya juga, ada ide, asik ga’ bosen. [05] R: Aktivitas belajar yang paling disukai di kelas dek, misalnya? S: Jadi awal-awal itu diterangin trus ada contoh-contohna habis tu ada prakteknya lalu baru soal. Lebih ke prakteknya. R: Dek Leni, saat mengalami kesulitan belajar biasanya tanya ke siapa? S: Tanya kakak kelas dulu, eh salah. Temen dulu baru kakak kelasnya, kalo misalnya ah ga’ tau ya udah tanya gurunya. R: Selanjutnya, harapan adek pembelajaran B. Inggris di kelas itu pengennya seperti apa? S: Eee..ya seperti tadi. Menyenangkan gurunya, asik, trus temen-temennya juga kompak. Ya pokoknya seimbang. R: Ok, Dek makasih ya..waktunya.
Interview 5 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Maliga Ibnu : Winanti : XI A3 : Friday, 22 October 2010 : Musholla
R: Siang Dek..wawacara sebentar, lag sibuk ga’? S: Iya, mbak. Tak bantuin biar cepet selesai, hehe R: Pembelajaran Berbasis Konteks, Dek. Sebelumnya pernah dengar? Atau mungkin tau? S: Pernah, tapi ga’ tau mbak, ga’ dong kalo njelasin. R: Emm. Kalo soft skill, pernah dengar?
S: Kayaknya baaaru ya mbak, kayaknya belum e. R: Ok, ini saja. Dari 4 skills berikut ini ada listening, speaking, reading, writing. Yang paling nyaman belajarnya di kelas yang mana Dek? S: Gitu. Kenapa? S: Kalo listening kan bisa ngetauin kayak cara-cara ngomong nya, gimana. R: Jadi pronunciation yang asli dari native speaker nya gitu ya. S: Iya, mbak.heeh. R: Kalo speaking suka ga’? S: Mm, lumayan. R: Peran teknologi dalam belajar B. Inggris, terutama yang adek rasakan apa saja? S: Makainya sering kalo disuruh nyari tugas, sama kalo nransletin itu dari Indonesia ke Inggris pake bantuan internet trus kadang-kadang Oxford. R: Selanjutnya. Seberapa sering adek berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris? S: Ga’pernah. R: Ga’ pernah? S: Nggak, R: Trus kalo mengalami kesulitan belajar biasanya tanya ke siapa? S: Ya..tanyanya ya ke temen. R: Ke temen dulu ya. Ok, seperti tadi ada speaking performance di depan itu kan berkelompok. Adek suka ga’ kalo kerja kelompok gitu. S: Kadang ada suka nya, kadang ada nggak sukanya. R: Ya..Yuk sebutkan suka dukanya S: Sukanya tu...asik aja. Trus kalo ga’ sukanya itu dapat pas lupa blank..itu..terus grogi banget e mbak. R: Iya, yang terakhr nih Dek. Harapan nya dalam pembelajaran B. Inggris tu pengennya seperti apa kondisi kelas, atau mungkin, gurunya, atau aktvitasnya mungkin. S: Kalo pengen nya tu, gurunya tu asik gitu, trus mudah dipahami kalo nerangin ga’ gampang marah-marah..kayak gitu-gitulah R: Kalo temen-temen nya dek di kelas XIS1 ini sudah kompak? S: Kadang-kadang. R: Yak, okay. Makasih ya. S: Sama-sama mbak e.
Interview 6 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Maharani : Winanti : XIA3 : Friday, 22 October 2010 : Language Laboratory
R: Met siang dek, sori nih bisa interview bentar ga’ dek? S: Lama ga’ mbak? R: Bentar ja, 8 pertanyaan. Ok, ya? S: Yup.
R: Pernah denger sebelumnya ga’ dek, ”Pembelajaran Berbasis Konteks”? S: Apa ya mbak? Kontekstual? Pake teks-teks gitu bener ga’ mbak? Ga’ tau nek salah. R: Oo, ga’ papa. Kalo soft skill?Adek tau? S: Juga belum mbak. R: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Yang paling nyaman belajar nya kalo menurut adek yang mana? S: Writing, menulis. R: Kenapa dek, kalo boleh tau? S: Soalnya tau penulisan Bahasa Inggris nya yang benar itu kayak gimana gitu. R: OK. Kalo tugas menulis sama Bu Tuti itu biasanya koreksinya gimana gimana? S: Biasanya tu, struktur, pola-pola kalimat nya. R: Grammar nya? S: Iya. R: Trus langsung dikasih tau atau mungkin dicatat dulu, atau gimana dek? S: Nggak sih, mungkin kalo tugas. Besok baru dikasih tau. R: Peran teknologi sekarang dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, seberapa membantu menurut Adek? Apa sering menggunakan nya? S: Ga’ sering sih. Mungkin kalo disuruh nyari tugas, misalnya teks narative, descriptive, atau yang lain itu baru nyari. R: Mmm...ya. Yang no.5 sekarang, seberapa sering dek, berkomunikasi dengan guru B, Inggris? Baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas? S: O..ya.Lebih apa ya, pas writing, reading jarang ya jarang kalo sama Bu Tuti tapi kalo sama Miss. Widya itu iya, lumayan sering. R: Tadi yang barusan speaking performance, kan kerjanya bareng-bareng tu dek, dalam kelompok. Lha itu gimana, suka ga’? S: Suka lah.. R: Soalnya? S: Soalnya...bisa bareng-bareng jadinya seru, ga’ grogi. Bisa sama kelompoknya, belajar ngomong B. Inggris. Kalo ada yang ga’ bisa tanya sama kelompoknya. [06] R: Ok. Jadi gimana tadi? Performance nya menurut Dek Diah, sudah kompak belum teman-teman nya, 1 kelompok? S: Sudah lumayan kompak kok. R: Nilai nya 1-100, kira-kira? S: Nilainya..berapa ya.. 80 lah.he..he R: 80 berarti dah kompak ya tadi aku liat. Nah, sekarang aktivitas di kelas dek. Maksud nya metode yang digunakan guru yang Dek Diah sukai? S: Kalo gurunya...pas ngapain ya. Pas ada diskusi, tanya jawab. R: Kalau mengalami kesulitan tadi, tanya na ke siapa dulu, ke temen dulu atau langsung ke guru? S: Iya, ke temen dulu. R: Harapan adik, terakhir, harapan nya pembelajaran B. Inggris di kelas itu pengen nya seperti apa? Gurunya mungkin, atau aktivitas nya? S: Harapan nya, tu...dalam belajar B. Inggris tu gurunyakalo pas nerangin jangan cepet-cepet, lebih jelas lagi. Jadi sebagai muridbisa lebih mencernapelajaran B.
Inggris. Sebenarnya sudah bagus, tapi ditingkatkan lagi, biar nilai ulangan nya bisa bagus. R : O, iya. Okay, makasih ya Dek, waktunya. S: Iya mbak..
Interview 7 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Devavani : Winanti : XIA3 : Saturday, 23 October 2010 : Musholla
R: Dengan Dek siapa dulu namanya? S: Devavani, R: “Learning by doing, sudah pernah tau belum Dek sebelumnya? S: Pernah, pernah denger, menurut saya belajar sambil jalan. Melakukan sesuatu yang siswa awalnya belum tau lalu seorang atau anak tersebut mengetahui atau mendapatkan informasi sambil jalan..sambil melakukan. [07] R: Kalo soft skill sudah tau? S: Belum. R: Di sini ada 4 skills ya, listening, speaking, reading, sama writing. Nah, yang paling nyaman untuk dipelajari di kelas itu pas pelajaran yang mana Dek? S: Nyaman semua sih. Tapi kalo lebi...lebih enak itu reading sama listening. R: Oya, reading sama listening alasannya kenapa Dek? S: Kalo alasannya, kalo reading itu ga’ harus menghafal, apa itu tulisan-tulisannya gitu, Kalo listening ya..sama. ga’ harus nganu..sebenarnya sih sama-sama penting semua tapi kalo aku lebih enaknya itu. R: Peran teknologi sekarang Dek, dalam belajar B. Inggris, seberapa membantu? S: Sangat ya, menurut saya. Soalnya kalo saya proses belajar B. Inggris tu lewat dengerin musik, sama dengerin itu..apa,, nonton film. Jadi sangat penting kalo masalah internet, itu cuman buat nyari-nyari tugas aja. [08] R: Biasanya lebih ke tugasmenulis ya Dek,? S: Iya, seringnya gitu, kayak buat itu, cari-cari apa, narrative teks kayak gitu. [09] R: Sering ga’ Dek dikasih penugasan, di luar kelas tugasnya itu buat di rumah tapi kelompok? S: Ya...pernah. Ya kalo buat diskusinya biasanya kalo ketemu di mana itu jarang, kebanyakan cuman diomongin pembagian tugasnya di sekolah pas istirahat atau pulang. Kalo ada yang ditanyakan dalam kelompok sms-an. R: O..gitu berarti teknologi juga itu ya.. S: Hehe. R: Seberapa sering berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris? S: Kalo komunikasi jarang nggak sering juga nggak. Cuman pas dijam-jam pelajarn B. Inggris saja, kalo cuman tanya tugas apa itu..nanya. [10] R: Kalo misalnya pas diterangin kok ga’ jelas biasanya lebih dulu tanya ke siapa?
S: Tanyanya ke guru. Pertama tanya ke temen kalo temennya ga’ bisa jawab baru ke guru. [11] R: OK. Sekarang untuk belajar kelompok. Adek lebih nyaman sendiri/in-group? S: Ada beberapa hal yang nyaman ada yang nggak. Kalo nyamannya bisa ada banyak informasi, pertukaran informasi..tapi kalo ga’ nyamannya itu kebanyakan ngobbbrol e..kalo kerja kelompok dan temen kelompoknya itu banyak malah nganu,..jadi ngobrol nggak jadi ngerjain. [12] R: Terakhir dek. Harapannya adek untuk pembelajarn B. Inggris sendiri di kelas itu pengennya seperti apa? Gurunya mungkin yang kayak gimana atua aktivitasnya.. S: Harapannya sih, kalo bisasedikit sedikit pake Inggris, tapi ada beberapa hal yang perlu diartikan..lalu ga’ harus diktator, gurunya..harus gimana..lebih bisa membuat siswa lebih kreative aja. R: Terima kasih......
Interview 8 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Rino : Winanti : XIS1 : Saturday, 23 October 2010 : Musholla
R: Siang Dek..siapa namanya? Bisa nggak diinterview bentar ja? S: Rino, mbak. Ya.. R: Kalo ”Learning by doing” sudah pernah tau belum Dek, itu kayak gimana? S: Learning by doing itu kalo saya belum mendengar tapi kan mungkin sudah melakukan. Kalo istilahnya itu aku ga’ tau. R: kalo soft skill, sudah pernah? S: Soft skill sudah pernah, tapi cuman dengar kalo itu apa saya belum tau. Saya waktu itu di Gl;obal Lingua, dulu kan di sana itu cuman denger-denger soft skill tapi pas itu belum sempet tau lebih lanjut lha saya sudah keluar. R: Kay, now. Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Nah, yang ngerasa paling nyaman belajar kalopas di kelas itu yang apa dek? S: Kalo saya speaking dan reading. Kalo speaking itu..e, nglancarin bicara kita, kalo speaking itu kan tidak begitu rumit seperti writing, gitu..sepertinya. R: Biasanya untuk di kelas aktivitas nya ngapain Dek, kalo pas speaking? S: Ya..percakapan; praktik dialog seperti itu. R: Nah, sekarang peran teknologi dalam belajar B. Inggris itu menurut Adek, gimana? S: O..kalo saya sering sekali. Saya itu inspirasi belajar B. Inggris itu pertama dari nonton film-film luar itu, saya liat B. artinya itu apa ya? Saya buka kamus. Ya sering kalo saya belajar ya dari itu. R: Kalo untuk internet, buat ngerjain tugas, pernah? S: Itu sering juga.
R: Emm..seberapa sering adek berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris? S: Untuk kelas I, sering..sering sekali, tapi untuk kelas II iniya tidak, sudah jarang. R: Biasanya tanya apa Dek? S: Misalnya pengen tau tentang kalimat-kalimat, ya..tentang itu. R: Sekarang Dek, untuk bekerja secara kelompok. Suka ga’? S: Kalo saya suka sekali karna bisa bangun kerja antar kelompok, jadinya meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam belajar B. Inggris. [13] R: Selanjutnya..apa ini, e..kalo mengalami kesulitan biasanya gimana? S: Kalo saya tanya temen. Soalnya itu kan tapi dia itu sudah lulus. Kan dia itu memang yang ngajarin B. Inggris saya, waktu saya..ya saya inspirasi belajar B. Inggris dari dia.Kalo nggak saya ke Global Lingua tempat saya les, dulu. R: Sekarng terakhir, untuk harapannya? S: Itu harusnya komunikatif antara guru dengan murid. Tidak guru itu ngomongnya..lebh jelaslah, kan sekarang itu kan guru kadang bicara itu seperti bicara sendiri, kalo di depannya itu banyak murid-murid. Jadinya antara guru sama murid itu dekat. R: Interaksinya? S: Iya, R: OK. Thank you...
Interview 9 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Yuli : Winanti : XIA3 : Saturday, 23 October 2010 : Language Laboratory
R: Maaf..Dek, bisa dilanjutin yang tadi ya, belum jadi. S: Okelah mbak.. R: Tentang learning by doing? Menurut adik gimana? Atau seperti apa to? S: O..ya. Learning by doing itu menurut saya belajar itu dengan e..menerapkannya secara langsung..Jadi nggak usah bertele-tele, langsung diterapkan. R: Kalo untuk speaking? S: Kalo speaking, saya masih… belajar. Belajarnyaitu dengan saudara, kebetulan pakdhe saya itu orang Belgia. Jadi kalo berkomunikasi saya sekalian sambil memperlancar. R: Ok. Selanjutnya, adaistilah soft skill, adek mungkin pernah dengar sebelumnya Dek? S: Belum. R: Kalo listening, speaking, reading writing, yang paling nyaman belajarnya kalo menurut Adek di kelas itu yang mana? S: Kalo saya lebih suka reading. Ya…soalnya, gimana ya…saya tu belajar B. Inggris tu agak terpaksa ya. Soalnya saya itu sukanya main game. Jadi kalo main game kan kebanyakan tau B. Inggris, jadi saya secara tidak langsungya suka reading.
R: Peran teknologi sekarang, dalam belajar gimana? S: Ee..iya, sering. Kalo ga’ ada referensi carinya ke internet. Jadi menurut saya itu sangat sangat membantu ya. Meskipun masih ada atau banya kalimat yang kadang-kadang baru dan ga’ tau. R: Seberapa sering Dek, berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggrisnya? S: Jarang ya. Soalnya saya itu kalo kesulitan dalam mempelajari B. Inggris tu cenderung mencoba menyelesaikannya sendiri..tidak menggantungkan orang lain. [14] R: Iya. R: E, kerja kelompok suka nggak? S: Saya sebenarnya ga’ suka e, kerja kelompok itu. Alasannya itu kalo…cenderung temen-temen saya itu disuruh kerja kelompok itu malah ga’ kerja, cuman ramai saja. Jadi mending kerja sendiri-sendiri. Seperti itu, kalo belajarnya ya mending sama temen-temen. R: Jadi belajarnya bersama-sama dalam kelompok, tapi kerjanya sendiri, gitu? S: Iya. R: Oiya, seperti tadi ada speaking performance, harus kerja dalam kelompok itu berarti kurang suka? S: Iya, soalnya gimana ya. Speaking performance, e..kalo menurut saya itu ya, kalo belajar sama speaking itu kalo yang memang belum menguasai betul itu nanti dampaknya juga mempengaruhi ke depannya. Gitu, R: Yak, selanjutnya aktivitas belajar yang paling disukai kalo di kelas? S: Aku diskusi ga’ terlalu, jadi cenderung kalo gurunya itu..e, yang bikin saya nyaman itu njelasin dikit trus latian, terutama rading. R: Harapan Adek, pembelajaran B.inggris di kelas pengennya seperti apa atau gurunya, mesti gimana? S: Kalo saya itu harapannya itu ya..situasi itu tidak selalu terfokus pada teorinya, jadi lebih cenderung praktek langsung B. Inggrisnya, itu ga’ usah bertele-tele. R: Banyakin praktik gitu? S: Iya, banyak praktek tapi kalo ada kesalaha juga harus dibetulkan secara teori. R: All right, met belajar lagi ya.
Interview 10 Student Interviewer Class Day/Date Site
: Eni Yuni : Winanti : XIA 3 : Saturday, 23 October 2010 : Musholla
R: Bisa dimulai ya Dek…pernah tau ga’atau dengar istilah “Learning by doing”? S: Nggak. R: kalo yang ini Dek, soft skill pernah dengar? S: Juga nggak, mbak. R: Ya…ini saja sekarang. Listening, speaking, reading, writingyang Dek Hajar paling merasa nyaman kalo pas di kelas itu yang mana?
S: Kalo menurutku semuanya juga nyaman, Miss. Kan semuanya juga membutuhkan ya. Listening, speaking, reading, writing juga saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. R: Kalo speaking? S: Kalo milih aku suka mendengarkan, kan melatih pendengaran kita. Kalo ada yang ngomong B. Inggris trus kita menjawabnya juga, jadi suka semuanya. R: Peran teknologi dalam pembelajaran B. Inggris gimana menurut Adek? S: Apa? R: Ya...seberapa membantu Adek belajar dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi? S: Sangat berperanlah. Misalnya tadi pas listening juga kan bisa pembelajarannya itu pake yang dari komputer. R: Kalo internet, Dek? Seberapa sering menggunakannya? S: Kalo internet sih saya sering tapi lewat HP. Tapi ga’ ngerjain tugas kalo ngerjain tugas itu pas..jarang, paling sebulan 1x. R: Seberapa sering berkomunikasi dengan guru B. Inggris? S: Kalo ada pelajaran B. Inggris ya itu. Komunikasi saat pelajaran.. R: Kalo misalnya mengalami kesulitan Dek? S: Kalo ga’ sama temen, kadang-kadang guru tapi jarang. R: Selanjutnya kalo bekerja secara kelompok gitu suka ga’? S: Suka, kan beerja scara kelompok itu bisa..apa..bisa tukeran pendapat siswa yang satu dengan yang lain. Kemudian kalo ada yang salah itu bisa dibenarkan temannya. Bisa tanya pendapat temen. [15] R: Yang terakhir ya Dek....harapan untuk pembelajaran dikelas itu pengennya seperti apa? S: Pengennya ya..seneng, trus murid-muridnya itu bisa jelas, dalam apa, pembelajaran yang telah diterangkan oleh gurunya. Trus kalo tanya itu, kalo muridnya tanya gurunya itu jngan langsung gertak dulu tapi didengarkan dulu. R: O, ya. Makasih ya...Dek.
TEACHER Interview 11 Teacher : Mrs. Tuti Widyastusti, S. Pd Date : Thursday, 22 October 2010 Site : English Room R: Permisi..... Bu Tuti, bisa wawancara sebentar ga’? T: Bisa, mbak gak papa. R: Kalo ”Learning by Doing” bagaimana pendapat Ibu menegnai metode belajarnya yang seperti apa, mungkin… T: Kalo menurut saya itu learning by doing itu, belajar tapi langsung. Jadi siswanya itu lebih banyak prakteknya, lebih aktif dari gurunya. Menurut saya itu. R: Kalo untuk penugasan sendiri biasanya, terutama yang take-home assignment gitu Bu, yang diberian kesiswa seperti apa? T: Itu ada 2 macam, Itu ada yang...penugasan terstruktur dan penugasan yang tidak terstruktur, yang mandiri. Yang terstruktur itu..biasanya hampir sama gitu, penugasannya itu hampir sam. Misalnya ga’ sama tapi jenisnya itu sama tapi kalo yang mandiri itu anak bisa diberi tugas, anak satu dengan yang lainnya itu tidak sama tapi..anunya,ya juga sama tapi yang didapat itu tidak sama, produknya berbeda, berkreatif R: Kalo...aspek yang dinilai biasanya, misalnya pas speaking kalo siswa pas ke depan tu yang diamati aspek apa saja? T: Kalo saya tu...anu mbak, fluency, vocabulary-nya, isi itu content-nya, sam kalo grammarnya ga’ bagus itu juga biasanya tetap mempengaruhi. Tapi munglin lebih ke isinya kalo sudah bisa tersampaikan giu ya sudah R: Kalo untuk writing sendiri biasanya gimana Bu? T: Kalo untuk writing biasanya, apa ya termasuk vocabulary, lalu grammar, lalu sesuai ndak sama yang diperintahkan. Misalnya narrative....apa report, itu sudah memenuhi bagian-bagianteksnya belum, itu R: Ini selanjutnya bagaimana Ibu mengapreasiasi siswa yang aktif gitu misalnya siswa aktif trus apresiasi gurunya apa atau dalam bentuk nilai atau apa mungkin Bu? T: Kalo siswa yang aktif itu bisanya kalo saya itu lebih...lebih itu..dalam nilai psikomotoriknya itu lebih banyak dari pada yang ga’ aktif. Kan ada yang penilaian itu masuk ranah psikomotor, afektif apa kognitif.. R: Emm ...kalo untuk group-work, pendapat ibu apakah kerja kelompok itu bagus atau efektif tidak diterapkan di kelas? T: Kalo menurut saya itu tergantung situasinya. Tapi kalo group-work itu sebetulnya bisa menolong anak yang..apa itu..mungkin kurang bisa dibantu dengan anak yang pandai, saling membantu. Tapi ga’ efektifnya itu kalo nganu..apa kadang-kadang yang diharapkan tidak sesuai dengan apa ya..dengan kenyataannya. Itu jadi kesulitan mengontrolnya. [16] R: Ini tentang sumber belajar sekarang Bu, mungkin bisa disebutkan dari mana saja?
T: Sumber belajar itu ada yang dari perpustakaan itu yang terbitan Erlangga, itu anak wajib pinjam untuk di rumah, kan itu ada kuncinya mbak jadi kalo di sekolah itu suka nggampangke,,trus kalo latihan-latihan itu ada LKS juga, sama yang audiovisual itu film-film, kadang juga pakai lagu dari internet itu anak bisa cari juga buat referensi belajar. R: Kalo KKM Bahsa Inggris sini berapa Bu? T: KKM B. Inggris untuk SMA 2 Wates itu 7,5 R: Kalo untuk mata pelajaran yang lain itu sama atau berbeda? T: Yang mata pelajaran lain itu ada yang sama ada yang lebih. Itu tergantung gurunya mau nya berapa asal siswa bisa dan tidak di bawah yang standar dari sekolah.
Interview 12 Teacher Date of interview Site
: Miss. Widya : Saturday, 16 October 2010 : Language Laboratory
R: Siang mbak...bisa interview sebentar? W: Iya, boleh. R: Ok. Yang pertama sekali pertanyaannya seputar ”Learning by doing” itu yang seperti apa mbak, menurut Anda? W: Learning by doing ya. Klo dalam kaitannya belajar bahasa ya..otomatis ya siswa harus, bukan cuman e..apa namanya. Belajar B. Inggris dengan menulis tapi tujuan utamanya komunikasi ya berarti mereka harus berkomunikasi secara langsung bukan cuman apa namanya, membaca, menulis dan mendengarkan apa..ceramah dari guru ya. Jadi langsung praktek sama temen-temennya denagn keadaan..kondisi yang mungkindibuat, e…seperti nyata, seperti itu ”Learning by doing”. R: OK. Sangat jelas mbak. Selanjutnya mengapresiasi keaktivan siswa, bagaimana Anda di kelas terutama kalo siswanya aktif gitu biasanya...rspon atau tanggapan gurunya sendiri sperti apa? W: Ya..dengan kata-kata: good, greate..ya gimana, terus jadi e…pendapatnya ditanyaya dia mau bicara ya..kita apresiasi, kita dengarkanterus kita..apa..respon ya, misalnya dia ngomong apa ya kita tindak lanjuti misalnya ya…memberi pertanyaan lanjutan, atau meminta temen-temen nya mengasih feedback. Kayak tadi jadi lupa to…mengapresiasi keaktivan siswa ya seperti itu. R: Ya, tambah sedikit mbak, e...kalo untuk memotivasi yang ga’ aktif? W: E..memotivasi yang ga’ aktif, sebenarnya masih dalam ”in question” juga sih. Semoga reserach ini bisa menemukan cara yang efektf untuk e..memotivasi siswa yang tidak aktif. Itu. Soalnya biasanya problem di kelas ya..itu tadi. Siswa yang aktif ya aktif, yang ga’ aktif ya ga’ aktif. Dan mereka menjadi seperti terbelah menjadi dua. Gitu kalo yang aktif ga’ usah diminta aja udah aktif kalo yang ga’ aktif ramai sendiri..kadang-kadang sudah distimulasi dengan misalnya ngasih, apa
namanya misalnya pertanyaan ke yang ga’ aktif. Tapi ya sama aja hasilnya ga’ bisa menjawab dan e..apa namanya seperti mentok di situ. R: Ok. Sekarang masalah penilaian ini, unutuk yang speaking gimana? W: Kalo pengambilan nilai kalo listening tentu saja misalnya kita kasih lagu terus ada blank-nya, terus kalo nggak ya..itu ada SBS nanti dikasih seperti comprehension questions kalo listening biasanya dari keseharian itu kita pantau ya. Anak-anak kan kalo anaknya dibagi dua maksimal 16 kan jadi mungkin ya kalo 16 anak hafal semua, nama-namanya. Jadi hafal..o..inianak ini gimana, e..kopetensinya di speaking, di listening. Kalo..apa e.ngomongnya udah lancar atau belum kayak gitu. R: ya, tadi yang listneingya. Kalo untuk speaking? W: Ya...dari keseharian juga, kita nilai kesehariannya sama kalo misalnya ada..setiap hari kan ada practice, dari practice itu kita liat kesehariannya gimana gitu.. R: Jadi diliat prosesnya ga’ cuman dari nilai ulangan saja, begitu? W: Ya, itu maksudnyakita amat-amati dan kita masukin dalam apa namanya penilaian..apanamanya ya diperhitungkan juga lah. R: Ok, sekarang yang take-home assignment? W: Take-home assignment kalo saya, lumayan jarang. Tapi kalo..ya, ya bukannya ga’ pernah. Tapi lumayan jarang. Misalnya kalo take home itu, misalnya ada..e, terutama kalo masalah grammarya. Anak-anakitu misalnya menggunakan”should” sama ”would” apa..apa gitu saya biasanya suruh bikin kalimat 10 atau 9 ya sekitar itunanti di rumah mereka suruh buat bedanya, misalnya antara using ”have ” dan ”has”. Mereka suruh buat kalimat 10 yang subyeknya tentang family mereka, jadi keluarga mereka harus apa ajdi taumana yang pake ”have ” mana yng ”has”. Jadi kalo grammar apa segala macam itu diselesaiin di rumah,take home atau kalo ga’ ya..misalnya mereka harus nyari referensi seperti misalnya mereka harus apa cari tau misalnya cari teks, e..apa namanyamembicarakan tentange, isu terhangat. Misalnya opini, ya..atau apa namanya e..tentang e, ya biasanya opini atau comparing something. Gitu mereka dari rumah sudah minggu sebelumnya sudah diwanti-wanti kalian cari topik 2 atau gimana untuk dicompare- kan di depan. R: Jadi kalo di kelas itu jarang bahas grammar? W: Kalo untuk pembahasan panjang lebar nggak ya. Kita ngajar grammarnya mungkin Cuma sedikit. Misalnya kalo misalnya yang pake ”has” atau ”have” harusnya has langsung dibenerin aja. R: Sumber belajar mungkin bisa disebutkan dari mana saja? W: Banyakan internet. Kalo buku itu..ini, Function in English. Kalo internet banyak ya, BBC English, trus ……,……………SBS juga, kalo SBS itu sudah disediakan jadi sumber keseharian, kalo yang dari internet biasanya itu. R: Student-Learning-Autonomy. Seberapa mandiri siswanya di sini, dari kacamata gurunya mungkin? W: Sebenarnya itu, relatif ya. Anak-anak di sini itu sangat plural ada yang emang ke sekolah niatnya belajar, ada yang ya macem-macem lah siswa itu tapi belum begitu bisa mandiri. Kadang mesti dibujuk dulu atau sering dikasih motivasi, tapi kalo yang udah mandiri ya enak.
R: Nah, untuk memotivasi siswa agar PD terutama kalo dalam speaking, gitu gimana? W: E..saya biasanya bilang. Jangan,..apa namanya menekankan kalo..kita itu boleh dn sah-sah ja, halal.kalo melakukan kesalahan dan kalo mereka salah, saya bilang kalo jangan khawatir kalo salah, nanti cuman dibenerin aja lalu kesalahan..and then you learn from the mistakes, mean that mereka di..apa namanya, mindset-nya diubah gitu, kalo kesalahan itu tu buat pelajaran bukan buat dihindari. R: Ok, langkah-langkah pembelajaran secara singkat, mungkin bisa dijelaskan dalam sekali tatap muka? W: Biasanya ..ya..pertama ya listening, kalo udah listening e..mereka sudah mendapatkan apa namanya e..main..e..apa namanya, language function-nyayang mau dipelajari misalnya, greeting ya udah nanti dari listening trus dipraktekkna ke anak-anak kayak gitu ja. R: Jadi production pas speaking? W: Iya, production pas speaking. Jadi memang dihubungkan agar anak tidak bingung, materi yang dari listening sama speaking. R: Terakhir, e..bagaimana Anda menilai ”group-work’ apakah efektif atau bagus atau tidak efektif, gimana? W:” Kerja kelompok..e, untuk masalah language learning kalo misalnya untuk practice seperti speaking dialog, itu efektif misanlya interviewing, itu bagus ya. Itu bisa melatih siswa untuk gimana ya, Practice English in almost reality-like. Ya kalo ada in group, mereka dikondisikan kayak belajar dalam keadaan real kan, ada partnernya, beda seperti kalo dalam..e, sendirian. Take and give-nya natural [17] R: Yang negative nya mungkin? W: Negative nya ya...kalo biasanya ga’ semua anak itu berpartisipasi tereutama apa namanya...anak-anak yang motivasinya kurang. Memang ada beberapa anakyang ke sekolah motivasi belajarnya itu kurang dan mungkin dengan research ini mungkin akan ditemukan nantinya partisipasi ana-anak yang kurang termotivasi. Itu bagaimana memotivasi kalo sekolah itu kebutuhan mereka dan belajar itu juga. R:.iya, terima kasih atas kesempatannya,
Interview 13 Teacher Date of interview Site
: Mr. Suharyanto : Saturday, 16 October 2010 : Language Laboratory
R: Selamat siang, bisa wawancara sebentar Pak? H: O...bisa, bisa mbak. Mo tanya apa ya? R: Ini pertanyaannya seputar pembelajaran B. Inggris ya. Mungkin nanti jawabannya disesuaikan saja untuk yang listening sama speaking tok, gitu. ”Learning by doing” itu, sepengetahuan Andaseperti apa pembelajarannya? H: Menurut saya, learning by doing kan dari kata learning dan doing. Learning kan artinya belajar, Melakukan..e..materi itu diaplikasikan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Jadi bener-bener dilakukan . Umpama masalah speaking dan listening. Jadi bener-bener mendengarkan bisa musik, nonton film, kadangkadang juga mendengarkan percakapan orang Inggris asli. Jadikan langsung praktek istilahnya. R: Ok, sangat pangjang dan sangat jelas sekali. Terima kasih. Yang ke-2 bagaimana mengapresiasi keaktivan siswa, tadi seperti yang sudah sempat saya tanyakan? H: Jadi kalo ada siswa yang aktif itu kita apresiasi dengan apa itu istilahnya itu..e, kalo di sini, apresiasinya berupa sebuah nilai tapi mungkin ya di sini lebih ke..bukan nilai secara apa..., nilai tertulisnya ya tapi kita bisa ...skornya kan kita bisa hafal kesehariannya itu seperti apa . Kalo keseharian nya itu aktif, mungkin nanti kalo ada dalam e...kita akan jadikan itu pertimbangan untuk masalah nilai. Jadi tapi mungkin tidak secara langsung kalo aktif dapat nilai 8 itu nggak, tapi kalo anaknya itu aktif tapi kok nilainya mungkin....kurang jadi nanti mempertimbangkannya dengan keaktifan itu. R: O..gitu Pak. Kalo misalnya pas speaking gitu ada yang aktif itu sering ngasih poin-poin atau dapat plus atau minus gitu ga’ Pak? H: O..kadang-kadang pernah tapi tidak setiap hari. R: Yang ke-3 ini tadi masalah student diversity, itu kebhinekaan siswa ada yang low, quite high, seperti itu gimana? Menyikapinya? H: Dari kelas ini memang di awal kita kan sudah membierikan yang namanya “placement test”. Jadi placement test itu kan kita mencari skor, berdasarkan kemampuan dasar berbahasa Inggris terutama speakingdan listening. Jadi, e..kita kelompokkan, kemudian satu kelas itu kita kelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok. Yang kelompok1 itu, dicari skornya yang tinggi ke menengah . Kemudian kelompok ke-2 itu dari menengah ke bawah. Tapi itu hanya untuk peneglompokkan saja, untuk materi, treatment, dan semuanya itu sama, Nah, R: Kalo untuk yang tadi placement test, itu seperti apa test nya? H: Placement test berupa test TOEFL. Jadi seputar litening, reading, dan structure. R: OK, kalo yang kebhinekaan dalam arti pencapaiannya mungkin kalo pas ujian itu ada semacam remidi-remidi? H: O…ya. Kita ada remidi kalo ada siswa yang tidak mencapai KKM atau nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal itu yaa.. kita memberikan remidi. Itu kan bertujuan
untuk...bukan mengatrol ya, tapi untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk memperbaiki nilai. R: Biasanya seperti apa remidinya? H: Remidinya untuk sementara ini belum, kan baru pertama kali ini mo midtest. R: O, ya. Selanjutnya tadi take-home assingment-nya? H: Oh..take-home assignment itu kita jarang ya. Soalnya kita kan lebih ke praktik langsung di kelas dan juga di luar untuk yang speakingnya. Kalo di dalam kan pake audio itu yang listening, kalo take-home assignment itu mungkin kita ada beberapa seperti membuat dialog, kan di rumah kemudia ndi sekolah langsung praktik. Nah, itu ada, tapi tidak setiap hari. R: Jadi buat persiapan untuk speaking performance kayak yang tadi itu? H: Ya, jadi istilahnya itu di...memberikan materi berupa conversation. Apa..kok conversation, ekspresi-ekspresi itu kan kadang-kadang waktunya kurang, jadi ya untuk besok kita memberikan prakteknya mungkin bisa di rumah. Mereka disuruh membuat dialognya kemudian pertemuan berikutnya baru istilahnya itu tindak lanjut dari tugas rumah mereka yang membuat dialog, prakteknya di sekolah. Seperti itu, R: Next..ini mungkin bisa disebutkan sumber belajar atau mungkin bahan ajar yang dipakai itu biasanya diambilkan dari mana, khususnya untuk listening dan speaking sendiri? H: Oh..banyak sekali sih ngambilnya. Pertama mungkin dari speakingnya ya. Kita menggunakan SBS itu singakatan dari ”Side by Side” atau mungkin juga dari LTS, itu jusa satu software listening. Di sini juga 2 berarti itu yang software. Kemudian kita juga mencari di internet. Ya..mungkin lagu-lagu dan juga musik atau juga film. Kalo untuk film mungkin kita bisa mencari di rental. Itu bisa..itu yang listeningnya. Sekarang untuk yang yang speaking kita ada buku ya, ”Function in English”. Jadi ekspresinya itu kita ambil dapat dari Function in English dan juga..ada buku-buku pendukungnya ya...judulnya ga’ hafaf kalo satu-satu, ya itu. Listeningnya juga banyakan dari internet kita. OK, ada lagi? R: Selanjutnya ini untuk speaking dan keterampilan berkomunikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bagaimana mengajarkan speaking yang materinya ada dikaitkan dengan real, sama yang ditemukan keseharian gitu, ada ga’? Aktivitas speaking di kelas biasanya ngapain? H: O...gitu. Jadi untuk mengaplikasikan speaking itu biar sesuai dengan keseharian siswa,begitu? R: Iya, H: O...saat ini kan dari kita ada silabus jadi ya materinya kita kan juga udah ada..silabus itu kan sebagai patokan kita untuk mengembangkan materi dengan contoh-contoh yang pertama mungkin greeting, atau dari inviting kemudian, making appointment, dsb. contoh-contoh Nah... dari e..silabus itu kan kita kan sudah e...tinggal mengaplikasikannya saja agar mereka bisa menggunakan untuk keseharian seperti halnya yang simpel itu kan greeting dan juga inviting atau making appoinment. Kan mereka kan misalnya kalo di sekolah itu kan anak baru ketemu dengan yang lain greeting, dsb. Kemudian kalo yang lain making appointment, atau apa itu namanya..inviting, itu kan juga mereka sering buat
janji diaplikasikan, jadi....ya, dari pengajaran itu kan mereka bisa langsung aplikasikan mengundangnya. R : Ok, untuk kegiatan speakingnya itu biasanya sendiri atau sering in a group? Itu seringnya gimana? H: Oh, kalo saya pribadi itu bertahap ya. Pertama kita memberikan input dulu berupa ekspresi-ekspresi kepada siswanya. Nah, setelah itu cross check pada tiap siswa..satu-satu itu saya memberikan kesempatan, semuanya harus ngomong. Jadi untuk satu-satu dulu, mereka, ya mungkin contoh saya tanyai satu-satu dengan menggunakan ekspresi tertentu...biasanya itu mereka ngomong dulu, nah. Jadi mereka itu sudah bener-bener ngomong. Setelah itu baru mungkin, trus diaplikasikan sesuai dengan kehidupan sehari-hari kan mereka sering berkumpul atau bergaul dengan temannya, setelah itu dibagi kelompok kelompoknya jadi, mereka bisa membuat percakapan seperti itu. R: Topiknya sekarang. Biasanya siswa memilih sendiri atau guru yang menentukan? H: O...kadang menentukan sendiri, saya beri kebebasan kepada mereka itu kadang lebih panjang biasanya durasinya. R: Selanjutnya, -Student Learning Autonomy-jadi lebih ke kemandirian siswa dalam belajar. Menurut Anda, siswa di kelas ini atau juga yang IPS itu siswa sudah cukup atau belum mandiri? H: Oh, kalo secara kemandiriannya, mungkin e..sedikit. Saya masih bilang mereka belum, masih butuh dibimbing terutama kita dorong, beri motivasi agar biasa ga’ mengandalkan gurunya, rasa ingin taunya, juga kan seperti tadi kelompok ada speaking performance itu harus bisa tanggung jawab sama tugas di kelompoknya, sama temennya. Itu mungkin satu bentuk cara membangun kemandirian siswa. R: Ini..Pak, untuk yang e..confidence. Student confidence kalo speaking itu udah aktif, PD atau ada yang malu-malu atau seperti apa? H: E.. itu sesuai dengan kalo misal kepercayaan diri itu juga kan dari segi anunya..ya kemampuan, apa namanya itu... R: Individunya? H: Kemampuan juga kan berbeda-beda. Jadi ga; semua siswa itu PD ga’ semua siswa itu pemalu. Nah, kadang-kadang juga ada yang PD tapimungkin kompetensinya kurang atau ada juga yang malu-malu tapi sebenarnya dalam hati dia itu bisa, pinter. Jadi mungkin macem-macem yang di situ ya. R: Ya....sekarang yang terakhir langkah-langkah pembelajaran, secara singkat dalam satu kali pertemuan Anda biasany? H: Oh, pertama kita memberi input listening. Nah, dengan itu siswa mendengarkan beberapa dialog, dari dialog itu mereka kita suruh, diminta untuk memfilter atau mengambil apa, maca-macam ekspresi yang ada dalam e..conversation atau listening tersebut. Nah, setelah itu kan mereka masuk ke speaking. Dari speaking itu merupakan pengembangan dari listening itu ekspresi-ekspresi yang mereka dapatkan dari listening kemudian kita tekankan dengan memberikan ekspresi-ekspresi dalam speakingnya. Nah, setelah itu baru mereka mempraktekkan secara konkret.
R: Ya..kalo masalah group work itu..kerja kelompok menurut Anda banyak dampak positif ataukah efektif atau tidak? H: Oh, gimana maksudnya? R: Kalo menurut Anda pribadi itu kerja kelompok bagus ga’ diterapkan di kelas? H: O, bagus. Kerja kelompok itu bagus kalo menurut saya. Kan kerja kelompok itu pertama kita tidak hanya melatih siswa dari materinya saja tapi juga mereka lebih kemandiriannya dan juga kerja samanya sesama temannya. Salah satu sisi positif kan pembentukan karakter siswa unuk bisa bersosialisasi, bekerja sama dengan temannya. Nah, untuk menilainya sendiri berhubung kita masih apa ya, salah satu contoh kalo untuk group work speaking, kalo kebanyakan dari listening kita individu ya tapi kalo speaking kan ada dalam group jadi kalo secara penilaian kita masih individu. Mereka tampil speaking, dalam kelompok. Mereka ..apa, berdialog, saat perform kita kan menilainya per anak tidak secara kelompok. Nah..jadi mereka bisa..tapi secara proses mereka kelompok tapi untuk penilaian kita ambil secara individu. R: Yang ga’ enaknya mungkin kalo dari group-work? H: Oh, kalo mungkin dari sisi negatif itu controlling siapa yang bener-bener kerja, kadang-kadang kan seperti itu tapi mungkin ya...kita positive thinking aja..[18] R: Terima ksih banyak Pak....sudah meluangkn waktu.
8. THE FIELD NOTE ANALYSIS Day #1 Skills: Listening, speaking 1) Techniques: The class was divided into 2 groups. The first group (12 students) had listening and the second group 913 students) had speaking outside the language laboratory. For the listening session, each student had a headset. The teacher drilled some pronunciation before she played the recording from the desktop three times. - The students were listening to a monologue on “Studying Abroad”. “ (1st playing) - The students were listening and taking notes. (2nd playing) - The students were completing the text and checking their answers. (3rd playing) Students had follow-up discussion after listening later when they had speaking class. 2) Tasks: The students worked individually to complete some blanks, answer some questions based on what they have heard (listening comprehension) and had a class discussion to check the correct answers. 3) Assessments The teacher checked students’ listening comprehension, led a class discussion, and gave indirect feedback Day #2 Skills: Speaking 1) Techniques The teacher asked the students to mention some expressions they have learnt on the last meeting on asking and giving opinion (eliciting, reviewing last week materials).The class had a preliminary discussion based on the recording they had in listening (What is your opinion on Lin’s experience? You often need other’s view/opinion, what will you say to your friend? How do you say your opinion to others?). The teacher modelled some common expression used to ask and give opinion: - What do you think about …….? - What is your opinion on ……? - What do you feel about …….?
Notes: - The class had a preliminary discussion before practice; (Do you want to study abroad someday? What are you going to be?) in order to lead students’ attention to get focus on the topic. - The teacher showed compliments, commented on successes and mistakes. - The teacher rechecked students’ answers (Is it “made” or “met”? etc) - Pausing the recording after each answer is important to emphasize students’ listening comprehension.
Notes: The teacher motivated/ encouraged the students to speak up their opinion by giving equal chance so that each student got involved both in the class and group discussion. - At the end of the discussion, each group should paraphrase/ make a conclusion about the advantages
2) Tasks The teacher had the students to take turns asking and giving opinion about “Studying Abroad” (the topic was limited on the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad) The teacher asked the students to use different types of asking and giving opinion (controlled-practice). The teacher clarified students’ utterances anyhow they got problems with the vocabulary (Do you mean this or this? Is it ….or ….?) 3) Assessments - The students worked in group of 3-4. With their own choice they had a small discussion based on the selected topic (small group discussion which is freer in terms of teacher’s guidance). The teacher appointed a member of the group to be the “reporter” who reported the result of the group’s discussion. Day #3 Skills: Listening 1) Techniques The teacher asked the students to write down some words as shown on the big screen, after that presented a text with some blanks. The students were listening a monologue of someone’s experience (personal experience). After three times playing, the teacher led a class discussion. The teacher invited volunteers to answer, typed their answers on the screen until the text was complete. Different answers were all typed to be checked for the best to fill in the text by checking them in the CLD. 2) Tasks - The students worked individually to complete the text, filling some blanks and then they had a discussion with a partner before telling the class their opinion on what the speaker felt about his experience. 3) Assessments - The teacher checked students’ listening comprehension, had the students to work in pairs to paraphrase what they have heard and expressed their opinion on it. Day #4 Skills: Speaking 1) Techniques The teacher recalled last week materials (asking the students some common expression on asking and giving opinion). After they got the expressions, the
and disadvantages of certain topic. The teacher monitored students’ language during small group discussion, to ensure that the students did not make too much interference of L1 both using Indonesian language and Javanese.
Notes: - The teacher directed students’ attention using the expression of asking and giving opinion (English is not only to be taught but also as a mean to teach the language itself.) - The teacher elicited vocabulary (write some key words on the board) and modeled correct pronunciation.
Notes: - The teacher told the students to describe a word in English or use a picture rather than
students were asked to count themselves off 1, 2, 3, 4 and form groups based on each number. The students with the same numbers belonged to the same groups. The student had a role play. 2) Tasks - The teacher provided some topics (the settings): in the computer laboratory, in the canteen, in the mosque, in the parking area, etc). The students were allowed to decide their own topic which in fact, most of them did it. Only one group picked the provided setting; in the canteen. The students’ topics were school library, shopping at traditional market, and going to the beach. 3) Assessments - The students had a role play where they had to include expressions of asking and giving opinion (speaking group performance; 15 minutes preparation).
directly switched the word into Indonesian language to minimize L1 interference. For example when they said “We can ee…menambah, or We can ….ee…bertukar” etc or. Hence, the students might say: What is … English? How do we say …. in English? to get the picture of what thy were going to say. - Feedback was given to the groups after all they finished their performances, both from the teacher and from other groups. - The ideas/the topics were quite good but the grammar still became the problem when students said; for example “You are stronger? instead of saying “ are you stronger?”, etc. - The students felt confident even they could entertain the class as other students laughed while one group was acting out and making jokes. A role play can be very entertaining when all groups can work cooperatively without differentiating their partners whether males or females.
Day #5 Skills: Listening 1) Techniques - The teacher showed the listening script with some blanks and then asked the students to write down and work with the dictionary to find the meanings of some difficult words before listening to the recording. - The teacher played the recording three times. - After the 2nd playing, the teacher shared some tips to focus only on the missing words that left (You should also guess the missing words by meanings, considering the contexts. Notice also the previous sentence, so this is not 100% listening). - The teacher led classroom discussion by inviting some students to give their answers and checked the spelling at the same time (“Spell the word please. Look at me not your friend. Be confident with your answer, okay?) 2) Tasks The students were asked to listen carefully to the recording and then filling the blanks to complete the text. 3) Assessments - The students worked individually to complete the text. Day #6 Skills: Reading, writing 1) Techniques - The teacher asked one student to write down an example of narrative text on the board, paraphrasing the story in her own words (take home assignment from the previous meeting). While waiting the story on the board, the teacher invited some students to perform a monologue as their assessment; continuing the last meeting on spoken narrative. - After having the monologue, the students submitted their text to the teacher. As the students finished writing the story on the board, the class discussed the writing. - The teacher asked other students to give comments; (the text organization, the grammar, the vocabulary, punctuation). - The students who successfully corrected their friend’s mistakes got point plus (+/++/+++) from the teacher. The students looked enthusiastically to engage
Notes: - At the end of the meeting, the teacher reflected today’s material by asking the students which part of the listening activities they still got confused with (the dialect, the speed, the pronunciation, etc) - The students were told to be aware that they did not need to understand every word they heard in order to complete the text.
Notes: - The teacher pointed out successes and correcting errors and commenting on interesting vocabulary with the class. - The teacher explained the meaning of difficult words by using pictures in the unit, any illustration and drawings.
in the discussion. - The teacher directed students’ attention on the organization of a narrative text and the past forms found in the text. 2) Tasks - In the practice, the students were asked to work with a serial picture, to arrange them into a good story. They had to write sentences based on the pictures using some key words on each picture. - After 10 minutes, the teacher invited some students to take turns writing their sentences on the board based on the right order of the pictures to make a good narrative text. 3) Assessments - The students were asked to write sentences (in past form) using the words they have learnt from today’s class. - determined - compassionate - evil - wise - generous - loyal - brave - discipline Day #7 Skills: Reading, writing 1) Techniques - In the beginning of the lesson, the teacher elicited some vocabulary, several questions about narrative reviewed materials from the previous meeting. - The teacher read a paragraph of a narrative text and asked the students to guess which part of text organization it was. - The teacher directed students’ attention on the past forms; (Anyone can tell the class, what did you do last night? Last week? Yesterday? Explaining the adverbs of time which indicated past tense). - Vocabulary quiz, and also small group discussion. 2) Tasks - The teacher asked the students to write a sentence using the given adverbs which referred to the question “What did you do last night, last week, yesterday, etc. (using past tense). - Some students were asked to write down their sentences on the board while other students were asked to give comments. - The teacher distributed copies of a narrative text entitled “Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang”.
Notes: The students continued writing the passages at home (takehome assignment) because of limited time.
- After that, the students were given a list of words. They had to find the synonyms of the words from the text. - hope - need - effort - look for - obvious - emerge - opportunity - stomach - The teacher asked the students to take turns; reading aloud the passages and asked them to retell the class the main idea of each paragraph using L1. - The students were not ready that the teacher asked them to work in pairs to finish the Task A.1 (T/F statements; checking reading comprehension). - In the production, the teacher divided the class into groups (each consisting 4-5 students) to reconstruct the passage the have read (another reading text). As a class, they were asked to compare the versions produced by different groups. 4) Assessments - Reading comprehension (T/F statements) - Group-work (after reading the whole text, the teacher asked the students to submit it, and then asked the students to reconstruct the text) Day #8 Skills: Reading, writing 1) Techniques - The teacher elicited the students (Do you know fable? What type of text is it? Can you tell the class its characteristics? - The teacher distributed copies of narrative text entitled “Godilocks and the Three Bears” - The teacher introduced some words and asked the students to find the synonyms from the text. - Pronunciation drilling (the teacher asked the students to repeat in chorus). At first, the teacher modeled the pronunciation and then had halves of the class repeat; or rows; or column of students repeat. Sometimes the teacher also called students’ names to repeat. - The students were asked to find the moral values from the text (group discussion). 2) Tasks - The students were asked to choose the most suitable words for each blank in the passage. They might change the verbs if necessary. - The students orally answered question no.1-4
Notes: - The class had prereading discussion to set the scene (directing students’ attention to the topic) - The students had only couple minutes as the first hour has been used to celebrate “Hari Kesaktian Pancasila” the student had the ceremony.
(reading comprehension). - The students were asked to find the moral value of the given text. 4) Assessments - Reading comprehension (question no.1-4) - Group discussion to find out the moral values behind the text. Day #9 Skills: Listening, speaking 1) Techniques - The class had a preliminary discussion. The teacher set the scene; directing students’ attention on the topic of what they were going to listen (expression of satisfaction and dissatisfaction). - The teacher elicited vocabulary; she typed some key words on the board and asked the students to find out the meaning of each. - The students were listening to a song entitled “What A Wonderful World” - In the presentation, the teacher introduced some common expression both showing satisfaction and dissatisfaction then he asked the students to add some other expressions. He presented the list of the expressions on the big screen. - The students were asked to complete its lyric. The teacher paused the recording after each answer. - After listening the recording several times, the class discussed what the singer felt based on the lyric. 2) Tasks The students were asked to fill in some blanks to complete the lyric (Listening comprehension). - The students were asked to understand the meanings behind the lyric, for example …..the bright blessed days and the dark sacred nights, what does the line mean? - The teacher asked the students to take turns using the expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. For example, student A, based on his experience uttered; Last night, I watched Titanic. It was a great film. I like it. He then appointed his friend (student B) to do the same, and so on. - The teacher asked the students to think of something that made them feel satisfied or dissatisfied (It can be any of their favorable thing; food, movies, sport, anything).
Notes: - The teachers were quite often complimenting students’ participation (great, very good, smart student, etc) - Follow up discussion allowed the students to personalize the information, for example asking the students “When and where, or in what situation do you use this expression Marvelous, Super, Oh no..etc
4) Assessments - Listening comprehension - Paraphrasing some lines of the lyric, orally - Taking turns to use the expressions of showing satisfaction and dissatisfaction based on the students’ experiences.
Teachers’ procedures
The teacher gave some feedback after all groups have performed a role play. (S/L) The teacher gave some tips during listening activity. (L/S)
The teacher invited the students who had problems to consult after the class finished. (L/S/R/W) The teacher often asked students to work in pairs or group during classroom session. (L/S/R/W) The teacher asked one student to read one paragraph of a narrative text loudly, and then told the main idea to the class. (R/W) The teacher asked students to find the meaning of some key words from dictionary (in pairs). (R/W) The teacher gave a quiz (vocabulary) by asking the students to find the synonyms from a narrative text. (R/W) The teacher elicited the students by reading one paragraph of a narrative text and then asked the students to guess which organizational of the text it was. (R/W) The teacher asked students to share any information about narrative text in the
Field note [28]
[49] [43] [46] [47] [60]
Students’ actions All groups performed a role play confidently. (S/L) All groups took turns to give feedback on the role play after the performance. (S/L) Students both males and females can cooperate well in a group. (W/R) Students asked some points related to the writing assignment. (W/R) Students voluntarily wrote their sentences on the white board. (W/R)
The students guessed the part of the text organization of a narrative text. (R/W) Any of the students moved from the back to the front row because he could not catch clearly what the teacher said. (L/S/R/W) The students by turns, answered Task 2 of reading comprehension orally. (R/W)
The students expressed different ideas during speaking activity. (S/L)
Field note [29]
beginning of the lesson. (R/W) The teacher led the students in pronunciation drilling. The teacher asked the students to repeat pronouncing some key words of a narrative text. (R/W) The teacher asked the students to find some moral values of a narrative text. (R/W) The teacher received all the ideas and to check students’ listening comprehension and to lead classroom discussion. (L/S) The teacher checked students’ listening comprehension of a song by asking them to tell the class the idea or feeling that the writer wanted to share. (L/S) The teacher asked the students to give examples of certain language function by providing them some different situations or contexts. (S/L) The teacher often asked for different ideas: any other idea?(L/S)
[36] [44] [52]
The teacher used pictures in writing activities. (R/W) [37]
The students by turns, practiced to use the expression of satisfaction of some different situations or contexts. (S/L) The students had a role play during speaking class. (language function: asking and giving opinion) (S/L) Students gave feedback on their friends’ writing. (W/R) The students are more fluent, they freely speak their ideas and all students in group actively engage in speaking, to express their own point of view. One student voluntarily helped the teacher preparing the LCD projector. The students one by one they practice to use expression of satisfaction in different situations. Most of the students prefer to choose their own topic (School Library, Shopping at Traditional Market, Going to the Beach, and only 1 group chose provided setting: at the cafeteria.
The teacher provided a model of expression before giving freer task in speaking. E. g: Last night, I watched Titanic. It was very interesting. I like it very much. (S/L) The teacher asked the students to write a sentence on the white board based on the serial pictures. (W/R)
The teacher asked the students to check their friends’ writing. (W/R) [39]
The teacher directly gave feedback on students’ writing. (W/R) [41]
Students voluntarily wrote their answer on the board in front of the classroom. (Leni, Yatra, Citra, ..etc)
The students loudly read paragraphs of the text and then translated them in pairs with tablemates (one student read one paragraph, the other one then translated it.) Other students continued doing the task in their own note, some of them gave feed back for their friend who was writing down the answer in front of the class; (checking spelling) for example: elepant → elephant etc. The students worked in groups and discussed how they would perform their own topic. Some of them sometimes still spoke either in Indonesian or Javanese.
LESSON PLAN SMA N 2 WATES Subject Grade Skill Time Allocation
: English : XI IPA : Writing and Reading : 2 x 45 minutes
A. Standard Competence Reading : 5. Comprehend the meaning of short functional written text and simple essay in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in daily life context and for accessing knowledge. Writing : 6. Express meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in daily life context. B. Basic Competences Reading : 5.2 Respond the meaning and rhetorical step essay written text accurately, fluently and understandably in daily life context and for assessing knowledge in the form of narrative. Writing : 6.2 Express the meaning and rhetorical steps accurately, fluently and understandably by using written language variety in daily life context in the form of narrative. C. Indicators: 1. Students are able to identify the text structure 2. Students are able to identify the topic and detailed information of the text 3. Students are able to write sentences using past form. 4. Students are able to write narrative text D. Learning Objectives: 1. The students can find the topic and detailed information of the text 2. The students can identify the structure of the text 3. The students can write narrative text E. Learning Activities 1. Pre-activity Teacher Students - Greeting the students - Responding teacher’s greeting - Praying - Praying 2. Whilst-activity Teacher Students - Attracting students’ attention by asking some questions related to the - Giving response to the teacher topic will be learned. - Connecting the activities with the instructional in the lesson. Teacher Students
Presentation - Explaining about past tense (recall students’ memory of past tense lesson) - Paying attention to the teacher’s Modeling of text - Showing an example of narrative text explanation - Explaining about narrative text (the generic structure, the language) Practice - Asking the students to read a narrative text given in the presentation and answer the questions - Discussing the students’ answer - Asking the students to work in pairs and rearrange a jumbled narrative text then asks them to identify the structure of the text
- Reading the narrative texts given by the teacher and doing the exercises then discussing their work with the teacher
Production - Asking students to write a narrative - Writing a narrative text. text. 3. Post-activity Teacher Students - Asking questions to the lesson they - Giving the conclusion have learned - Reflection - Praying - Praying - Responding the teacher’s leave- Saying goodbye taking F. Media 1. Power point 2. LCD 3. White Board 4. Marker 5. Students’ worksheet G. Source Priyana, Joko. 2008. Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Student X. Jakarta: Depdiknas H. Evaluation The evaluation is in the form of finding appropriate information based on the given narrative text and making a narrative text. I. Scoring Guide Evaluated aspects Score
Grammar 0-5
Coherence &cohesion 0-5
Content 0-5
Diction 0-5
The maximum score is 20 points. Students’ score =
total score x 100 maximum score
J. INSTRUMENT 1. Past Tense Simple Past Tense - It is used to express that something happened, took place or was finished at some time in the past. - It is used to indicate that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. Time markers Yesterday, last (week, month, year), …ago. Pattern a. Subject + Verb(ed)/Verb-2 e.g: One morning I got up with the feeling that the day was going to be an unlucky. I rushed into the bathroom. b. Subject + [was/were] + complement e.g: I was so upset by the incidents. I was on my way home when something hard hit me on the head. 2. Social function : to amuse, entertain and to deal with an actual or vicarious experience in different ways; narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution. 3. An Example of Narrative Text:
Kyai Jegod Once upon a time there was a king who ruled Mataram Kingdom. His name is Amangkurat IV. He was the grandfather of Sultan. He often meditated in a nearby forest, called Garjitawati. One day, when a gardener was gathering grass for his cattle in the forest, he looked for some water because it was so hot. He found a small pond and when he was going to drink some water from it, a dragon came out of the underwater, but it was so friendly to him. The dragon said that if Sultan wanted to build his palace, it was supposed to be located in that forest. Then it disappeared.
Then Sultan started to build the palace in that forest. He demanded strong and old woods and the forest where those woods lied was said to be home of genies and spirits. His lumberjacks could not find anything to eat and the only thing they could have were some rice and water for three days, or sometimes they could not have anything. Then Sultan ordered that the main pole in the palace’s hall had to be built from special wood, which would give strong impression. One night, a servant who was sleeping in the forest heard loud and deep voice. The voice introduced itself as Kyai Jegod. The servant saw that Kyai Jegod was an old, tall, and massive tree. He said that he would voluntarily let himself be cut to make the main pole so that he could stay inside it forever. The servant told it to Sultan and Sultan let Kyai Jegod stay inside it forever, while Kyai Jegod became the protector of that palace since then. Adapted from: Texts Once upon a time there was a king who ruled Mataram Kingdom. His name is Amangkurat IV. He was the grandfather of Sultan. He often meditated in a nearby forest, called Garjitawati. (paragraph 1) One day, when a gardener was gathering grass for his cattle in the forest, he looked for some water because it was so hot. He found a small pond and when he was going to drink some water from it, a dragon came out of the underwater, but it was so friendly to him. The servant saw that Kyai Jegod was an old, tall, and massive tree. He said that he would voluntarily let himself be cut to make the main pole so that he could stay inside it forever. The servant told it to Sultan and Sultan let Kyai Jegod stay inside it forever, while Kyai Jegod became the protector of that palace since then.
Structure of Narative Text o
Orientation describes scene and introduces the participants of the story.
Complication begins when there is a problem encountered by the characters.
Resolution is the part in which the characters find the resolution.
English Teacher,
Tuti Widyastuti, S. Pd NIP. 19760901 200312 2 003
LESSON PLAN Education Institution Subject matter Class/semester Time allocation
: SMA N 2 Wates : English : XI/1 : 2 x 45 minutes
A. Standard of Competence - Reading Understanding short functional text and simple essay in daily life and knowledge usage in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition - Writing: Expressing meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily life. B. Basic Competence - Reading Responding meaning and rhetorical steps of written text essay in daily life and knowledge usage accurately, fluently, and understandably, in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition. - Writing Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps of written text essay in daily life and knowledge usage accurately, fluently, and understandably, in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition. C. Indicators a. understanding the rhetorical steps of a narrative text b. writing a narrative text based on the students’ experiences using the right rhetorical steps of narrative text. D. Learning Objectives a. Students know and understand the rhetorical steps of a narrative text. b. Students can use past tense in writing a narrative text. E. Material Narrative text. F. Teaching-Learning method Presentation, question-answer, discussion, and practice. G. Media White board and marker Reference book Students worksheet H. Sources James, Peter. 2008. Real English 1 for Senior High School Grade X. Jakarta: Esis. I. Teaching-Learning Activities a. Pre-activity - Teacher greets the students and checks the students’ attendance.
- Teacher gives apperception to the material being given (giving questions which lead in to the material, about legends/narrative texts) b. Whilst-activity - Teacher gives a narrative text to the students. - Students are asked to read the narrative text. - Students are asked to find out the rhetorical steps (generic structures) of the narrative text in pairs. - Teacher explains the generic structures of the narrative text. - Students are asked to answer the questions based on the narrative text given before. - Students and teacher discuss the answers in the class. c. Post-activity - Teacher resumes the activities during the lesson. - Teacher gives the follow-up activity to the students by giving them home work to write a narrative text based on their own experience. - Teacher closes the lesson and saying good bye. J. Formative Evaluation The evaluation is in form of answering questions and making a narrative text. K. Scoring Guide Table of scoring guide in writing test
Content (0-5 point)
Diction (0-5 point)
Coherency & Cohesiveness
1. 2 3 4 5 - The maximum score is 20 points. total score - Students’ score =
x 10 maximum score
(0-5 point)
Structure & grammar (0-5 point)
WORK SHEET A. Read the following text. Gurdeep’s Restaurant It was Saturday afternoon. Gurdeep was in the local supermarket buying things for the restaurant. When she went to the check out to pay, she saw her friend Jess. ‘Hi, Jess!’ ‘Hi, Gurdeep’ ‘I forgot you work here on Saturdays,’Gurdeep told Jess. ‘Yeah, it’s a pain, but some of us have got to earn our keep. We don’t all have rich families you know!’ replied Jess. ‘My family isn’t rich. In fact we’re totally broke at the moment. We’ve got to get restaurant open so we can start getting some money in,’Gurdeep said. ‘When do you think you’ll be able to open?’ asked Jess. ‘Well, that depends on the Enviromental Health Department. They’re going to inspect the restaurant on Monday. If we pass the inspection, they should give us the license we need to open. That’s why I’m here. We’ve run out of disinfectant,’ explained Gurdeep. ‘So, what do we have here?’ Jess asked as she looked into Gurdeep’s basket. ‘Oh, Mr Muscle Kitchen Cleaner. What an excellent choice for your brothers!’ laughed Jess. ‘Yeah. They think they’re real muscle men!’ replied Gurdeep. ‘Well, the males of the species always think they’re so strong, don’t they?’ ‘You can say that again, Jess!’ ‘Well, the males of the species always think they’re so strong!’ repeated Jess. ‘Oh funny, ha! ha!’ said Gurdeep with a mocking laugh. As Gurdeep walked back to the restaurant from the supermarket, she was deep in thought. It was only a few weeks age the she had moved to this new town in the south east of England. But she had already felt so much at home here. She had already made some very good friends. Gurdeep wondered to herself, ‘Could things really be different here? Will we really be able to put the horrors of the past, behind us?’ And so it was Monday. It was ‘D-Day’. An officer from the local Environmental Health Department was going to inspect the restaurant and decide if it could have an operating license. To pass the inspection the restaurant would have to meet the local council’s standards for cleanliness and food hygiene. The Environmental Health Officer arrived at 10 am. He put on a white overall and hat and began inspecting the kitchen. The extra Mr Muscle had clearly worked because the kitchen passed the inspection with flying colours. Then, it was on to the food storage area. The Environmental Health Officer even used thermometer to check the temperature that the meat was being stored at. You see, if the meat was not being stored at the right temperature,
bacteria could grow. And if this happened, the restaurant’s customers would get food poisoning. This was not something that the Environmental Health Department could allow. Tuesday morning came and Gurdeep arrived at school as normal. ‘Hi, Gurdeep. How did the inspection go yesterday?’ asked Jess. “Oh, it went really well. We’ve got the license and we’re opening tonight!’ replied a very excited Gurdeep. ‘Hey, did you hear that everyone? Gurdeep’s restaurant is opening tonight!’ Jess shouted to her friends. ‘That’s great!’ Gurdeep’s friend Claire said. ‘Hey, does teat mean we can get some free curries?’ asked Ben. ‘No, but I bet you cab get Gurdeep to cook you a curry if you play your cards right!’ teased Mark. Gurdeep smiled and then said, “I can’t let you have free meals in the restaurant. But we are giving a discount of 20% off the price of all meals for the first two weeks. Here are some leaflets about the restaurant. Can you help me by giving them out to people?’ ‘Sure!’ everyone replied. B. Discuss with your partner what do the following phrases mean? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
To earn our keep. Totally broke. The males of the species. D-Day. Pass with flying colours. Play your cards right.
a. b. c. d. e. f.
Men and boys. Earn enough money to live on. Be successful at getting something you want. A very important day. Have no money at all Get a very good result.
C. Answer the following questions based on the text. 1. Based on the text, which paragraph is the ‘orientation’? ______________________________________________________ 2. What are the opening words of the orientation in the story above? ______________________________________________________ 3. What problems or complications arise in the story above? ______________________________________________________ 4. How are these problems or complications resolved? ______________________________________________________ 5. What example is there in the story of an ‘internal’ problem or complication? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 6. Is this ‘internal’ problem resolved? ______________________________________________________ 7. What is the main tense of the story? ______________________________________________________ 8. What is the main tense of the dialogues? ______________________________________________________ 9. What words are used to say which characters spoke? ______________________________________________________ D. Write your own narrative text based on your experiences at home. Use the narrative structure that has been explained before. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ E. Follow- up Activity (Pair-Work) Work out the correct order for the parts of the story, use your own words to tell the story again to your friends.
: English
Class/semester : XI IPS/2 Text Type
: Narrative (Monolog)
: Travelling
: Listening, Speaking
Time Allocation: 2 × 45 A.
Standard competence: 3. Understanding the meaning of short functional and monolog text (narrative + review) in the daily life context
Basic Competence: 3. 2 Understanding and responding the meaning of monolog text using spoken form accurately and in acceptable way related to the daily life context in narrative and review text
Indicators: 1. Students can tell a story based on their own experience 2. Students can review on the topic they listen from friend’s stories 3. Students can summarize basic information in the story
Learning Objectives: After listening to a short functional monolog text (review) students of Senior High School, third year, second semester, will be able to: 1. Recall a story based on their experience about traveling 2. Review the story told by their classmates spontaneously 3. Use past form in reviewing the story 4. Summarize the information of the story in their own words
Teaching Learning Method: Presentation, Practice, and Production
Teaching Learning Strategies: 1. Opening activities (± 10 minutes)
a. Introduction to the topic will be discussed by asking the students to recall a story based on their own experience b. Explaining learning objectives to achieve 2. Main activities (± 70 minutes) a. The teacher gives turn to the students to tell a story in front of the class voluntarily b. Listening activity c. In groups, students review the stories, share and compare their work with friend (25 minutes) d. Each group should present their discussion on the review and give opinion about the story 3. Closing activities (± 10 minutes) a. The teacher asks student’s difficulties during the discussion b. Assigning students to listen to any event on TV, at home G.
Teaching Learning Materials Narrative text taken from any source (magazine, book, internet)
Assessment I.
Indicator, Technique, Form, Example
Identify all
Written test,
Read the text
information in
and then answer
the narrative
the question as
(oral test)
guidance to
presentation) II.
your discussion
Assessment Instruments A. Listen to the story carefully and write down necessary information (the teacher reads a story about travelling and then demonstrates how to review the story spontaneously). Students make list of statements about the story (at least 5 correct information)
o o o o o
What happened in this story? Where did the story take place? Who is/are the character(s) in the story? What happened at the beginning of the story? How did the story end?
B. Listen to your friend’s story and make a review based on the story. Work in groups to discuss the content of the story. After that, present your summary of the discussion in front of the class (Class is divided into groups, each consists of 4-5 students). C. Listen to any program on TV or radio and then review based on the information! III.
Assessment Guidance
A. For point A, every correct information scores
B. For point B every good performance scores
C. For point C every good work scores
Total maximal score
a. 2 × 5 = 10 b.1 × 10 = 10 c. 1 × 10 = 10 = 30
Maximal score
= 100
Student score
= original score × 100% : Total score =?
Assessment column
No Explanation
Every correct information with appropriate
Every correct information with un correct
grammar No answer B
Every good performance ( correct pronunciation, grammar, diction, complete
structure, and information Every good performance (correct grammar,
diction, complete structure, and information) but un appropriate pronunciation Every good performance (correct pronunciation,
diction, complete structure, and information) but un appropriate grammar 4
Every good performance ( correct pronunciation, grammar, complete structure, and information) but un appropriate diction Every good performance (correct pronunciation,
grammar, diction, but in complete structure and information Not perform
For and behalf of: Wates, January 2010 English Teacher,
Tuti Widyastuti, S. Pd NIP. 19760901 200312 2 003
LESSON PLAN SMA N 2 Wates Grade Skill Time Allocation
: XI : Speaking & Listening : 2 x 45’
B. Standard Competence Speaking : 3. Express meaning of transactional and interpersonal dialogue in daily life context. Listening: 1. Comprehend meaning of transactional and interpersonal dialogue in daily life context B. Basic Competences Speaking : 3.1 Express the meaning of formal and informal transactional and interpersonal dialogue accurately, fluently, and understandably by using simple spoken language variety in daily life context and involving the expression of showing happiness. Listening: 1.1 Respond the meaning of formal and informal transactional and interpersonal dialogue accurately, fluently, and understandably by using simple spoken language variety in daily life context and involving the expression of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. C. Indicators: 1. Students are able to respond the expression of showing satisfaction and dissatisfaction. 2. Students are able to express what they feel about certain situations (satisfied or dissatisfied) D. Learning Objectives: 1. The students can mention the expression of showing satisfaction and dissatisfaction. 2. The students can express their feeling of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in daily life. E. Learning Activities 1. Pre-activity Teacher - Greets the students - Prays
Students - Respond teacher’s greeting - Pray
2. Whilst-activity Teacher
- Attracts students’ attention by playing - Listen to the song carefully. a song that consists of an expression of showing satisfaction entitled “What a Wonderful World” by. - Connects the activities with the instructional in the lesson by asking - Respond to the teacher’s questions. some questions about the song. Presentation Teacher - Shows some expressions that show satisfaction and dissatisfaction. - Asks the students to repeat the expressions - Explains the use of expression showing satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
Students - Pay attention to the teacher. - Repeat after the teacher. - Pay attention to the teacher.
Song lyric (shown the lyric with some blanks through LCD projector) WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD Songwriters: Thiele, Robert; Weiss, George David; I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom, for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world I see skies of blue, and clouds of white The bright blessed day, dark sacred night And I think to myself What a wonderful world The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces, of people going by I see friends shaking hands, sayin', "How do you do?" They're really sayin', "I love you" I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know And I think to myself What a wonderful world Yes, I think to myself What a wonderful world Oh yeah
Expressions of showing satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Expressing Satisfaction
Expressing Dissatisfaction
•I’m satisfied with ….
•I’m not satisfied with ….
• I’m satisfied at ….
• It isn’t very nice.
• I’m glad with what you’ve done. • It’s really not good enough. • It’s really satisfying.
• I’m dissatisfied by ….
• Everything was satisfying.
• It’s dissatisfying. • Oh no.
Practice Teacher
- plays a recording, a dialogue which - Listen to the recording. includes
dissatisfaction, 3 times. - fill in the blanks to complete the lyric, - asks to fill in some blanks to complete individually. the lyric (Listening comprehension). - asks to understand the meanings - answer the questions behind the lyric, for example …..the bright blessed days and the dark sacred nights, what does the line mean? - gives some questions to the students based on the listening.
Production Teacher Students - asks the students to take turns using - Make a dialogue and perform it. the expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. For example, student A, based on his experience uttered; Last night, I watched Titanic. It was a great film. I like it. He then appointed his friend (student B) to do the same, and so on. - asks the students to think of something that made them feel satisfied or dissatisfied (It can be any of their favorable thing; food, movies,
sport, anything).
In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate in the following situations. Then perform it. 1. 3. Post-activity Teacher - Gives the conclusion/reflection - Prays - Says goodbye
Students - Give feedback - Pray - Respond the teacher’s leave-taking
F. Media 1. Laptop 2. Picture 3. Students’ worksheet G. Source Look Ahead. An English Course for Senior High School Students Year X. M. Sudarwati, Eudia Grace. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga. 2007. Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students X. Jaka Priyana, et al. Jakarta: Departement Pendidikan Nasional. 2008. H. Evaluation The evaluation is in the form of dialogue performance. I. Scoring Guide Evaluated aspects Pronunciation Accuracy Fluency Content Score 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 The maximum score is 20 points. Students’ score =
total score x 100 maximum score Wates,
Juli 2009
English Teacher,
Dwi Nurrahmawati, S.Pd. NIP. 19760901 200312 2 003
LESSON PLAN Name of the school
Subject matter
: English
: XI/1
Time allocation
: 2 x 45 minutes
Main skill
: Listening, Speaking
L. Standard of Competence - Listening: 1. Understanding meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life - Speaking 3. Expressing meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life. M. Basic Competence - Listening 1.1 Responding meaning in formal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (to socialize) conversation using simple spoken language accurately, fluently, and understandably, in the form of asking and giving opinion - Speaking 3.1 Expressing meaning in formal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (to socialize) conversation using simple spoken language accurately, fluently, and understandably, in the form of asking and giving opinion N. Indicators
At the end of the lesson, the students are: a. able to pronounce the expressions of asking ad giving opinion accurately b. able to use the expressions of asking and giving opinion appropriately O. Learning Objectives a. Students know and understand the way to ask and give opinion accurately by considering the situations (when, where, and whom they have the conversation with). b. Students can pronounce the expression of asking ad giving opinion accurately. P. Procedure 1. Opening
2. Warming up Attracting students’ attention by asking some questions related to the topic will be learnt. Do you want to study abroad someday? You often need other’s view/opinion, what will you say to your friend? How do you say your opinion to others? 3. Presentation
The teacher writes some key words that the student will listen from
the recording on the board and asks the students to find their meanings in the dictionary (pair-work)
The teacher shows the text with some blanks on the big screen
using the LCD projector
The teacher models correct pronunciation of the words.
The teacher introduce expressions used to ask and give opinion:
Asking for Op
Asking Opinion
Giving Opinion
• What do you think of …? • What are your views? • What is your opinion? • Is it right what I’ve done? • What about …? • How about …?
• I’m convinced that …. • I reckon …. • I consider that .... • According to the expert, I …. • In my opinion, .… • I think
4. Practice 1.
The teacher plays the recording three times: a. The students are going to listen to a monologue entitled “Studying Abroad”. (1st playing) b. The students are going to listen and take notes. (2nd playing) c. The students are going to complete the text and checking their answers. (3rd playing)
2. The students work individually to complete some blanks, and answer some questions based on what they have listened (listening comprehension). 3. The class has a follow up discussion after listening; they have speaking practice using the topic from the previous listening activities. 4. The teacher has the students to take turns asking and giving opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad (controlled-practice activity). 5. Production
The students have a small discussion in a group of 3 - 4. They decide a case which will be the topic of the discussion.
The students have a role play where they include expressions of asking and giving opinion (speaking group performance; 15 minutes preparation).
The teacher appoints a member of the group to be the “reporter” who will report the result of the group’s discussion to the class.
6. Closing
Give the conclusion
Q. Teacher’s and Students’ activities Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
1. T elicits the Ss knowledge of asking and
1. Ss gives responses to the T
giving opinion
2. T introduces some key word the students
2. Ss listen and repeat the
are going to listen (write them on the
pronunciation and then work with
board), models and drills correct
the dictionary to find the
meanings of the words.
3. Asks the Ss to do the exercise
3. Ss do the task by themselves.
(completing the monologue)
4. Ss take turn using the
4. Asks the Ss to work in groups and
expression of asking and giving
practice speaking using the expression
opinion. Each group works with a case to be discussed and report the result to the class.
5. Gives Ss review what have been learned.
Ss listen the teacher reflection.
R. Media
White board and marker
Reference books
A computer desktop and LCD projector
A set of listening
S. Scoring Guide/Assessment Aspects
Fluency (1-10)
Pronunciation (1-10)
Total score - The maximum score is 30 points. total score - Students’ score =
x 100 maximum score
Content (1-10)
T. Sources Blundell, Jon, et all. 1982. Function in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Listening materials: (a monologue entitled Studying Abroad, taken from BBC London) STUDYING ABROAD Hi, I’m Lin. And so I once again left my study --------- experience with a fantastic sense of -------------- and enthusiasm, but also with the goal to do it again, and to fine tune the -------------. However, graduation from college complicated things. I no longer was ------------ to participate in organized study abroad through my university. My new goal became to find a job abroad. I went at it with enthusiasm, but met with only difficulties. I found that getting a work ------- — especially in Europe— was complicated, and working without one was illegal and ---------. I applied for many jobs in Europe, but was told again and again that I needed a visa in order to work. Of course the catch-22 is that I needed a job to get a visa. There are many options for work and internships, but after reviewing the positions ------------ and my career goals, I decided to enter graduate school in the U.S. instead of going abroad -----------------. I faced the same problem as before—that it is difficult to get a work visa in Europe. After some investigation, however, I found a government program that allows North Americans to teach English in Spain, offering a small salary, health insurance and a visa. I was lucky enough to secure a position in a bilingual high school only 45 minutes from Seville. This is my current position, and I couldn’t be -----------. I am learning about the Spanish school system, seeing how a bilingual program works, -------------- language learning daily, and helping students learn and have fun in English. The experience was a bit overwhelming to take on during my first year. It was eye-opening.
A. Look up your dictionary; work in pairs to find the meanings of these words. - COMPLICATED - FINE TUNE - WORK VISA - ABROAD - ILLEGAL - APPLIED - CURRENT - SECURE - OVERWHELMING B. Questions.
1. What do you think of Lin’s experience? 2. How old was Lin when she needed a job to get visa? 3. Do you think that Lin was happy to a get her position in a bilingual high school? 4. What does “eye-opening” mean? C. Follow up discussion Why do people like studying abroad? Why do not they like studying abroad? What about you? Discuss your opinion with a partner using the expression you have learnt in this unit.