AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK FOR ELEVENTH YEAR STUDENTS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ON THE BASIS OF THE 2013 CURRICULUM Umi Sholihah* AbstractThis article presents the results of the research about an Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of Senior High School on the Basis of the 2013 Curriculum. The research was qualitative research with descriptive method as the proper method. The object of the research was an English textbook for eleventh year students of Senior High School based on the 2013 Curriculum, with the title Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1, published by The Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. The data of this research are the textbook contents, the approach and methods available on the English textbook. The researcher uses a documentary analysis as the technique of collecting the data. For the technique of analyzing the data, the researcher uses the descriptive analysis to interpret the data. In giving the percentage, the researcher uses “Criterion Referenced Evaluation” to percentage how far the textbook develops the content which suitable with criteria of the 2013 Curriculum textbook and to percentage how far the textbook applies approach and methods in the English textbook. The research findings reveal that from percentage of the data, that 100% of the textbook content means that this percentage belongs to very good category. It implies that the English Textbook follows the demand of the 2013 Curriculum. Besides, from precentage of approach and methods, that is 80%, it means that approach and methods suggested by the 2013 Curriculum which are developed on the English textbook are good enough. The approach and methods which are developed in the textbook are scientific approach, discovery learning, problem based learning, and project based learning. Key Words: English textbook, syllabus, 2013 Curriculum. THE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY According to UU Sisdiknas No 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal 3, Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional adalah berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. To support the goal of National Education, education needs something to guide the teaching –
planning, implementation, evaluation, management, and administration of education programs. Based on Inpres Nomor 1 Tahun 2010, it states that percepatan pelaksanaan prioritas pembangunan nasional adalah penyempurnaan kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran aktif berdasarkan nilai-nilai budaya bangsa untuk membentuk daya saing dan karakter bangsa. Educational curriculum in Indonesia has been changed several times. Following are the curriculum development in Indonesia.
learning process. Basically, curriculum is the core to answer its need. Curriculum concerns with the
* Program Studi PBSIng, FKIP, Unwidha Klaten
Magistra No. 95 Th. XXVIII Maret 2016 ISSN 0215-9511
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of.... Table 1. Curriculum Development in Indonesia
Year 1947 1964
Curriculum Rencana Pelajaran ? Dirinci dalam Rencana Pelajaran Terurai Rencana Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar
Kurikulum Sekolah Dasar
Kurikulum Proyek Perintis Sekolah Pembangunan (PPSP)
Kurikulum Sekolah Dasar
1984 1994 1997
Kurikulum 1984 Kurikulum 1994 Revisi Kurikulum 1994
Rintisan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK)
2006 2013
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) Kurikulum 2013
In 2013, the curriculum has been changed with an integrative thematic concept applied to Elementary, Junior High, Senior High, and Vocational School. That changes in the Indonesian educational system curriculum was an absolute necessity because of the assumsion that right now, many students do not have character, tolerance, and empathy for others. The need for augmentation was in response to concern that students were becoming overwhelmed with the workload, and that instances of student violence were increasing as a consequence. Government officials
better citizens and that it could only be achieved by instilling character and a greater sense of morality. The new curriculum could be used to improve religious tolerance as education, should not only make people smart but also to train Indonesians to be mentally tough, physically healthy, tolerant, and willing to live in harmony with others with different religious, race, and tribes. Under the previous curriculum (KTSP – School-Based Curriculum), teachers had to design their own syllabus after identifying the needs of their students. The teachers also have to find and select many kinds of teaching sources from books, internet, newspaper, magazine, and any other sources that suitable with their materials. This process requires teachers’ creativity and commitment. Some teachers might be burned out due to their heavy workload. But at least this system encourages teachers to teach what is needed for their students to work creatively. Unlike the previous one, the 2013 curriculum will be IT – based. Minister of Education and Culture has set up a website to oversee the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. The website provides details of curriculum implementation, including teachers guide and subject materials. The newly introduced curriculum of 2013 comes in a package. The government provides the curriculum in a package with its syllabus. Besides, the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum is hopefully easy to be applied by giving textbook from the government. The function of textbook, especially English textbook, is very important. Beside it provides information of knowledge and skills, the textbook also consists of learning guiding in the form of activities which guide the students to achieve the competency.
asserted that students needed to learn how to become
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An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
As an English teacher, he or she cannot avoid using a textbook which is important in giving instruction at school. It is not only the teacher but also the students who use the textbook. Brown (1994: 145) argues that the most obvious and most common form of material support the success of teaching learning process. Teachers can teach the material well if there are appropriate textbooks guiding the teaching learning process, not only inside but also on the outside (extra curricular) of the classroom. Teachers and students can build and develop their communicative competence better if they use qualified textbooks which provide and support the material needed. The textbooks should hold a main instrument to do the curriculum which has been arranged before. Automatically, the textbooks should be suitable with the syllabus. Unfortunately, soon after the implementation of 2013 curriculum, that all schools are given textbooks for teachers and students from the government; there are many teachers and students that are difficult to use those textbooks in their teaching and learning process. Based on the interview done by the researcher, some of them say that the textbooks, especially English textbook is difficult to understand for the students. The building skills and exercises in the
Education and Culture of Indonesia, with the title Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1. THE THEORIES A. Curriculum 1. The Definition of Curriculum Nunan (1998: 14) states that curriculum is usually used to refer a particular program of study. It refers to all aspects of planning and managing of education program. Olivia argues that curriculum is a set of subject, course of study, program study, a series of experiences undergone by learners in school, everything that is planned by school personals (Olivia, 1997: 5). According to Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal 1 Ayat (19) tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tertentu. Based on this definition, there are two dimensions of curriculum. The
textbook are difficult to be applied. Even, some of the materials are different with its syllabus. So, the teachers are confused to choose which one that should be used; the materials in the textbook given by the
first is planning and arrangement of the goal, content, and material of the study; the second one is the way or method used in teaching
government or the syllabus that suitable with the curriculum.
Based on some definitions above, the
Considering the problems, the researcher analyzes the textbook used by the eleventh year students of Senior High School on the basis of the 2013 Curriculum, published by The Ministry of
learning process. researcher states that curriculum is the set of instructional strategies planned to be applied on the teaching – learning process. The existence of the curriculum is very important in education because it is a guide to the teaching
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An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
– learning process conformed to the plan arrage before.
peserta didik menerapkan apa yang dipelajari di sekolah ke masyarakat dan memanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai sumber belajar;
Developing the 2013 Curriculum is continued step of developing Competence – Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Berbasis
attitude competence, knowledge, and skill cohesively.
merupakan bagian dari
masyarakat yang memberikan pengalaman belajar terencana dimana
2. The 2013 Curriculum
Kompetensi) in 2004 and School – Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan / KTSP) in 2006 that include
c. Mengembangkan sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan serta menerapkannya dalam berbagai situasi di sekolah dan masyarakat;
Accor ding to UU 20/2003, Tema
d. Memberi waktu yang cukup leluasa untuk
Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 adalah kurikulum yang dapat menghasilkan insan
mengembangkan berbagai sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan;
indonesia yang produktif, kreatif, inovatif, afektif melalui penguatan sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan yang terintegrasi. So, the 2013 Curriculum emphasizes some aspects, namely: graduate competence (kompetensi lulusan), contents, structure, process of learning, process of evaluation / assesment, syllabus, and textbook.
e. Kompetensi dinyatakan dalam bentuk kompetensi inti kelas yang dirinci lebih lanjut dalam kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran; kompetensi inti kelas menjadi unsur pengorganisasi (organizing elements) kompetensi dasar, dimana semua kompetensi dasar dan proses pembelajaran dikembangkan untuk mencapai kompetensi yang dinyatakan dalam kompetensi inti;
3. Characteristics of the 2013 Curriculum According to Lampiran Permendikbud Republik Indonesia Nomor 70 Tahun 2013
Curriculum is designed with following
Kompetensi dasar dikembangkan didasarkan pada prinsip akumulatif, saling memperkuat (reinforced) dan memperkaya (enriched) antar mata pelajaran dan jenjang pendidikan
(organisasi horizontal dan v ertikal).
tentang Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/ Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan, the 2013
a. Mengembangkan keseimbangan antara pengembangan sikap spiritual dan sosial, rasa ingin tahu, kreativitas, kerja sama dengan kemampuan intelektual dan psikomotorik;
Magistra No. 95 Th. XXVIII Maret 2016 ISSN 0215-9511
4. The Aim of the 2013 Curriculum Based on Permendikbud Tahun 2013 No. 70, the aim of 2013 Curriculum is preparing Indonesian people to have life skills as person and citizen with good faith, productive, creative,
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
Kompetensi inti. Kompetensi Dasar dikembangkan dalam konteks muatan
innovative, affective, and take a part in society, nation, state, and world civilization.
pembelajaran, pengalaman belajar, mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah sesuai
5. Curriculum Structure a. Core Competence (Kompetensi Inti)
dengan Kompetensi inti.
Based on PP Tahun 2013 no. 32, it Base competence is devided into four groups by grouping core competence as
states that Kompetensi Inti merupakan tingkat kemampuan untuk mencapai
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan yang harus dimiliki seorang peserta didik pada
1) Group 1: base competence group about spiritual attitude in describing KI-1;
setiap tingkat kelas atau program yang menjadi landasan pengembangan
2) Group 2: base competence group about
Kompetensi dasar.
social attitude in describing KI-2;
The formulation of Core Competence are
3) Group 3: base competence group about
discribed as follows:
knowledge in describing KI-3;
Kompetensi Inti-1 (KI-1) untuk kompetensi inti sikap spiritual;
Kompetensi Inti-2 (KI-2) untuk kompetensi inti sikap sosial;
c. Process Standard Here are competence gradation based on PERMENDIKBUD NO 65 TH 2013 tentang Standar Proses:
Kompetensi Inti-3 (KI-3) untuk kompetensi inti pengetahuan;
4) Kompetensi Inti-4 (KI-4) un tuk kompetensi inti keterampilan. (Permendikbud Republik Indonesia Nomor 70 Tahun 2013) b. Base Competence (Kompetensi Dasar) Base competence is formulated to achieve core competence. The formulation
Table 2. Process Standard SIKAP
Menjalank an
Mengamalk an Mengevaluasi
Menyaji Mencipta
of base competence is developed with concerning students’ characteristics, pre –
The 2013 Curriculum introduces some
ability, and the characteristics of subject of study. Based on PP Tahun 2013 No. 32 ,
approach and methods in teaching – learning process, namely:
it states that Kompetensi Dasar merupakan tingkat kemampuan dalam
1) Scientific Approach
pengalaman belajar, atau pelajaran yang mengacu
4) Group 4: base competence group about skills in describing KI-4.
mata pada
Here are teaching – learning process by scientific approach based on Permen Th. 2013 no. 81a tentang Implementasi
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An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
Kurikulum (Lima Pengalaman Belajar Pokok): a) Observing (Mengamati). The phenomenon to identify problem. b) Questioning (Menanya). Focusing problem, making questions and their hypothesis of questions based on own knowledge and/or data/information. c) Collecting information (Mengumpulkan informasi). Collecting data using one or more techniques which relevant with the questions. d) Assosiating (menalar). Assosiating or analyzing data to make conclusion. e) Communicating (Mengomunikasikan). Making conclusion or answers to others. f) Can be continued by creating (and communicating the product) (and/or innovating something based on the knowledge). 2) Discovery Learning Discovery learning method is learning theory that is defined as learning process which is product is not important, hopefully students can organize themselves. Some characteristics of
coach, students as a contructivist, the use of prior knowledge, developing creativity, developing problem solving strategies. In discover y lear ning model, assessment can be done by using test or non-test. The assessment includes cognitive assessment, process, attitude, or product/students’ assignment. In cognitive assessment, written test can be done in discovery learning model. In assessing process, attitude, or students’ assignment, the scores can be got based on the observation. 3) Problem – Based Learning Problem – Based Learning is a multilevel approach to learning that incorporates relevance and complexity while strengthening critical and analytical thinking provides an opportunity for selfassessment and continuous improvement develop a sense of self-esteem and ownership for the students’ work introduce in the context of real world problems. 4) Project – Based Learning Project – Based Learning is learning method which use project or activity as media. Learners explore, score, interpret, sintesis to make variasion of learning products. In project – based learning class, the learners work in group to collaborate in developing variasion of learning experiences.
discovery learning method are an inquiry based learning method, teacher sets some “experiments”, teacher acts as a
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B. Syllabus Curriculum concerns with the planning, implementation, evaluation, management, and administration of education programs. Syllabus, on the other hand, focuses more narrowly on the
explained by Greene and Petty quoted by
selection and grading of content (Nunan, 1998: 9). Curriculum prescribes the objectives, whereas syllabus describes the means to achieve them.
a. To express a taught and modern view of
Curriculum guides teachers about what to teach, syllabus tells how to teach it. Robinson (1991: 34) says that syllabus is a plan of work and is thus essensial for the teacher as a guideline and context
b. To present various, readable subject matter
for class content. According to Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum 2013, Kemendikbud, silabus merupakan rencana pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran atau tema tertentu berisi: Kompetensi inti, Kompetensi dasar, materi pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, penilaian, alokasi waktu, dan sumber belajar. C. Textbook
1. Function of Textbook The function of textbook is very important. Buchingham (in Tarigan, 1993: 11) states that a textbook as a learning material commonly used at schools and universities to support the teaching program. It means that a textbook is arranged by an expert in certain studies as a learning material used at schools and universities to support the teaching program. Textbook has many functions for the English teacher in order to run the learning
process well. The functions of textbook as
Tarigan, Djago and Tarigan H.G (1993: 17) as follows: lesson and also demonstrate its applicant in the teaching materials. which is suitable with the students need and interest, as source of the learning program to make real condition, just like in the student real life. c. To provide an arranged, gradual source in the functional skills of communication. d. To present together with the supplementary books the teaching methods and materials to motivated the students to learn. e. To provide an evaluation and remedial teaching program suitable and useful for both teachers and students. f. To present exercise and practical tasks. 2. Textbook Design Good textbook is the textbook that provide discovering activities and practicing, the language of the textbook should be acceptable, understandable, and communicative. Besides, it should be supported by some pictures, table, illustration, directions to the readers, etc. According to Nurhadi, the content of textbook not only consists of the materials that have to be read by the students, but also the learning scenario. The textbook minimal consists of:
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An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
a. Standard of competency that will be achieved along with its indicators.
judging the fitness of something for a particular purpose. It is basically a matching process:
b. Introduction about the importance of
matching needs to available solution. If this matching is to be done as objectively as possible, it is best to look at the needs and
mastering the competency in the real context. c. Materials that support the achievement of competency, the materials in the form, of basic concepts. d. Some activities that should be done by the students. For example, study club to make something, exercising, observing, presenting, practicing, ect. e. Evaluating the activities and the achievement of standard competency. f. The product resulted (report, scientific research, picture, map, table, draft, analysis, and things) (Nurhadi, 2004: 215) Based on the opinions above, the researcher concludes that a good textbook is the textbook which is appropriate with the 2013 curriculum, in which it emphasizes on the inquiry, it is guide the students to observe, to collect data, to formulate hypothesis, to draw conclusion, and to perform by teaming. 3. Textbook Evaluation
solution separately. A book may be ideal in one situation because it matches the needs of that situation perfectly. It has just the right amount of material for the program, it is easy to teach, it can be used with little preparation by inexperienced teachers, and it has an equal coverage of grammar and the four skills. However the same book in a different situation may turn out to be quite unsuitable. It contains too little material; it is not sufficiently challenging for teacher and students, and has elements in it (such grammar syllabus) that is not needed in the program. Cunningsworth (1995: 10) proposes four criteria for evaluating textbook: a. They should corresponed to the learner’s needs. They should match the aims and objectives of the language – learning program. b. They should reflect the uses (present or future) which learners will make of the language. Textbook should be chosen that will help equip students to use language effectively for their own purposes.
With such an array of commercial textbooks and other kinds of instructional materials to choose from teachers and others responsible for choosing materials need to be able to make informed judgement about textbooks and teaching materials. Evaluation however can only be done by considering something in relation to its purpose. Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 96) state that evaluation is a matter of
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c. They should take account of students’ needs as learners and should faciliate their learning processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid method. d. They should have a clear role as a support for learning. Like teachers, they mediate between the target language and the learner.
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
4. The General Concept of the 2013 Curriculum Textbook Based on Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013, the general concept of the 2013 Curriculum
g. Keterampilan tidak selalu dalam ranah abstrak, tetapi juga harus konkret dalam bentuk tindakan nyata. Table 2.5 The Strategies of Developing the
textbook are: a. Mengacu pada kompetensi inti yang
2013 Curriculum Textbook
telah dirumuskan untuk kelas dimana buku tersebut ditulis. b. Menjelaskan pengetahuan sebagai input kepada siswa untuk menghasilkan output berupa keterampilan siswa dan bermuara pada pembentukan sikap siswa sebagai outcome pembelajaran. c. Menggunakan pendekatan saintifik melalui mengamati, menanya, mencoba, menalar, dan menyaji. d. Menggiring siswa untuk menemukan konsep yang sedang dipelajari melalui deduksi [discovery learning]. Siswa sebisa mungkin diajak untuk mencari tahu, bukan langsung diberi tahu. e. Memuat penilaian capaian pembelajaran secara bertahap mulai review [ulasan], exercise [ latihan], problem [pemecahan masalah], challenge [tantangan yang membutuhkan pemikiran mendalam], dan project [kegiatan bersama dalam memecahkan permasalahan yang membutuhkan lainnya].
f. Menekankan penggunaan bahasa yang jelas, logis, sistematis.
Source: Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum 2013 Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia 5. English Textbook In this research, English textbook that is analyzed is English textbook used by the eleventh year students of Senior High School on the basis of the 2013 Curriculum, published by The Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, with the title Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1. This textbook is students’ book prepared by the government in implementation the 2013 Curriculum. This textbook is arranged by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud, and studied by Mahrukh Bashir, Helena I.R Agustien, and Emi Emilia with coordination of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and it is used in the beginning of implementation the 2013 Curriculum. The publisher said that this textbook is lifely document that always can be renewed.
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An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
The researcher uses qualitative research with descriptive method as the proper method. The descriptive research is the research to clarify or explain the phenomenon (Arikunto, 1996: 29). This
research is non – hypothesis research. It collects data, analyzes them and draws a conclusion based on the data only, without taking general conclusion. It means
that the result is just valid for the data used in this research, not for others (Hadi, 1983: 3). Donald (1982: 415) states that descriptive method is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomenon. The type of descriptive research is documentary analysis. The data of this research are textbook’s contents, approach and methods available on the English textbook. In technique of collecting the data, the researcher uses a documentary analysis. The data are taken from Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK Semester 1, an English textbook for the eleventh year students, published by The Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. In analyzing data, the researcher uses the following procedures:
: Chapter
B.Ing. : The title of textbook analyzed (Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK / MAK Kelas XI semester 1) : Page
4. Counting and adding the content which suitable with criteria of the 2013 Curriculum textbook, approach and methods developed in the textbook. 5. Giving the percentage to the total of the the content which suitable with criteria of the 2013 Curriculum textbook, approach and methods developed in the textbook. 6. Judging whether the content which suitable with criteria of the 2013 Curriculum textbook, approach and methods developed in the textbook appropriate or not with the demand of the 2013 Curriculum. 7. Making conclusions based on the result of analysis and giving some suggestions. In giving the percentage, the researcher uses the theory from Walizer that is edited by Sadiman (1993: 96) as follow:
1. Finding out the textbook’s content which suitable with criteria of the 2013 Curriculum textbook, approach and methods provided in the textbook 2. Classifying the content which suitable with criteria of the 2013 Curriculum textbook, approach and methods provided in the textbook.. 3. Analyzing the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the abbreviation like this: C/B.Ing./ P
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Notes: P
: the percentage
: the frequency
: the sum of the frequency
Therefore, to score the degree of consistency of the textbook’s contents suitable with the 2013 Curriculum, the researcher uses the percentage descriptive analysis based on the formula as follow:
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
to precentage how far the textbook develops the characteristics of textbook contents based on the 2013
To analyze the content of the book, the researcher uses the theories of Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 96 – 97) as presented below: 1. Defining Criteria In this step, the researcher uses the 2013
Curriculum, and also approach and methods that should be developed based on the 2013 Curriculum, as presented below: Table 3.1 Criterion Referenced Evaluation
Interval Percentage
81% - 100% 61% - 80% 1% - 60% 21% - 0% 0% - 20%
Very good Good Fairly good Bad Very bad
Curriculum to judge the material of the textbook. 2. Subjective Analysis In this second step, the researcher makes list of the textbook’s contents, approach and methods suggested by the 2013 Curriculum. 3. Objective Analysis In this step, the researcher makes a list of how the materials of the textbook develop the characteristics, approach and methods suggested by the 2013 Curriculum. 4. Matching In the last step, the researcher gives the score based on how the measurement, which have been
made before based on the 2013 Curriculum. Before taking the steps above, the researcher has to know the characteristics of textbook contents based on the 2013 Curriculum. Based on the 2013 Curriculum, there are seven characteristics of textbook contents based on the 2013 Curriculum. Moreover, the curriculum also emphasizes the application of some approach and methods in the clasroom, namely Scientific Approach, Discovery Learning, Problem – Based Learning, and Project – Based Learning.
Source: Penilaian dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra, book three (2001).
A. Research Findings 1. Textbook Content Analysis There are seven general concepts of textbook suggested by the 2013 Curriculum. The following are content anaysis of the English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK kelas XI semester 1” based on Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013: a. Mengacu pada kompetensi inti yang telah dirumuskan untuk kelas dimana buku tersebut ditulis. 1) Chapter 1: Suggestions and Offers It is suitable with KD 3.1 and 4.1. = C1/ B.Ing/P.9 ; C1/B.Ing/P.11
The researcher uses “Criterion Referenced Evaluation” as proposed by Nurgiyantoro (2001: 399)
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An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
2) Chapter 2: Opinions It is suitable with KD 3.2 and 4.2. = C2/ B.Ing/P.32 – 36 3) Chapter 3: Hopes and Dreams
4) Personal Journal Writing C1/B.Ing/P.7; C2/B.Ing/P.31; C3/B.Ing/ P.53; C4/B.Ing/P.76; C5/B.Ing/P.96 5) Building Block
It is suitable with KD 3.3 and 4.3. = C3/
C1/B.Ing/P.8-12; C2/B.Ing/P.32-36; C3/
B.Ing/P.54 – 55
B.Ing/P.54-55; C4/B.Ing/P.77-80 C5/ B.Ing/P.97-101
4) Chapter : Invitations It is suitable with KD 3.4, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6. = C4/B.Ing/P.77 – 80 5) Chapter 5: letters It is suitable with KD 3.5, 4.7. = C5/ B.Ing/P.92 – 95 KD 4.8. = C5/B.Ing/P.107 b. Menjelaskan pengetahuan sebagai input kepada siswa untuk menghasilkan output berupa keterampilan siswa dan bermuara pada pembentukan sikap siswa sebagai outcome pembelajaran. There are many activities in the textbook which describe this point. Those activities are available in each chapter. 1) Pre-reading Activity C1/B.Ing/P.2; C2/B.Ing/P.27; C3/B.Ing/ P.49; C4/B.Ing/P.6; C5/B.Ing/P.91 2) Reading Activity C1/B.Ing/P.3-5; C2/B.Ing/P.28-30; C3/ B.Ing/P.50-51; C4/B.Ing/P.70-74; C5/ B.Ing/P.92-95 3) Post Reading Activity C1/B.Ing/P.6; C2/B.Ing/P.30; C3/B.Ing/ P.52; C4/B.Ing/P.75; C5/B.Ing/P.95
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6) Word Power C1/B.Ing/P.12; C2/B.Ing/P.37; C3/ B.Ing/P.56; C4/B.Ing/P.81; C5/B.Ing/ P.102 7) Let’s Practice C1/B.Ing/P.13-19; C2/B.Ing/P.37-41; C3/B.Ing/P.57-60; C4/B.Ing/P.82-84; C5/B.Ing/P.103-105 8) Active Conversation C1/B.Ing/P.20; C2/B.Ing/P.42; C3/ B.Ing/P.60-63; C4/B.Ing/P.84-85; C5/ B.Ing/P.106 9) Writing Connection C1/B.Ing/P.21; C2/B.Ing/P.43-44; C3/ B.Ing/P.64; C4/B.Ing/P.86; C5/B.Ing/ P.107 10) Let’s Create/Contribute C1/B.Ing/P.22-23; C2/B.Ing/P.45; C3/ B.Ing/P.65; C4/B.Ing/P.87; C5/B.Ing/ P.108 11) Parent Connection C1/B.Ing/P.24; C2/B.Ing/P.46; C3/ B.Ing/P.66; C4/B.Ing/P.88; C5/B.Ing/ P.109
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
c. Menggunakan pendekatan saintifik melalui mengamati, menanya, mencoba,
practice, active conversation, writing connection, let’s create, parent connection,
menalar, dan menyaji.
and formative assessment.
Scientific Approach Activity can be explored from the text in each chapter.
C1/B.Ing/P.6-25; C2/B.Ing/P.30-47; C3/ B.Ing/P.52-67; C4/B.Ing/P.75-89; C5/ B.Ing/P.95-110
C1/B.Ing/P.3 – 5"The Enchanted Fish” C2/B.Ing/P.28 – 29 “Bullying: A Cancer that must be eradicated”
f. Menekankan penggunaan bahasa yang jelas, logis, sistematis.
C3/B.Ing/P.50 – 51 “President Sukarno of
This textbook written clearly, logicaly, and sistematicaly. But in C1/B.Ing/P.11 there
Indonesia” C4/B.Ing/P.70 – 74 “Vanity and Pride” C5/B.Ing/P.92 – 94 “Letter to God” d. Menggiring siswa untuk menemukan konsep yang sedang dipelajari melalui deduksi [discovery learning]. Siswa sebisa mungkin diajak untuk mencari tahu, bukan langsung diberi tahu. Discovery learning activity can be created from “Post Reading Activity”, available with its discusion questions. C1/B.Ing/P.6; C2/B.Ing/P.30; C3/B.Ing/ P.52; C4/B.Ing/P.75; C5/B.Ing/P.95 e. Memuat penilaian capaian pembelajaran secara bertahap mulai review [ulasan], exercise [latihan], problem [pemecahan masalah], challenge [tantangan yang membutuhkan pemikiran mendalam], dan project [kegiatan bersama dalam memecahkan permasalahan yang membutuhkan dukungan sumber lainnya].
is a wrong typing, it is written “Suggestions” that should be “Offers”. For difficult words it gives meaning and pronunciation in part “Word Power”. C1/B.Ing/P.12; C2/B.Ing/P.37; C3/ B.Ing/P.56; C4/B.Ing/P.81; C5/B.Ing/P.102 g. Keterampilan tidak selalu dalam ranah abstrak, tetapi juga harus konkret dalam bentuk tindakan nyata. The teacher can see the students’ creativity by using activity in part “Let’s Create/Contribute”. - Making poster/postcard C1/B.Ing/P.22-23 C3/B.Ing/P.65 - Making invitation card C4/B.Ing/P.87 - Interview C2.B.Ing/P.5 - Writing a letter C5/B.Ing/P.108
Assessment can be done from discussion, personal journal writing, let’s
Magistra No. 95 Th. XXVIII Maret 2016 ISSN 0215-9511
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
2. Approach and Method Analysis The 2013 Curriculum introduces some approach and methods in teaching – learning
- Menulis Surat C5/B.Ing/P.108
process, namely: a. Scientific Approach Scientific Approach can be developed from the text in each chapter. C1/B.Ing/P.3 – 5"The Enchanted Fish”
B. Discussion of the Findings Based on the research findings above, here the researcher wants to discuss the findings, namely the contents, approach, and methods which are
C2/B.Ing/P.28 – 29 “Bullying: A Cancer that
developed in the textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester
must be eradicated”
1” as follows:
C3/B.Ing/P.50 – 51 “President Sukarno of Indonesia”
1. Textbook Content Analysis a.
C4/B.Ing/P.70 – 74 “Vanity and Pride”
telah dirumuskan untuk kelas dimana buku tersebut ditulis.
C5/B.Ing/P.92 – 94 “Letter to God” b. Discovery Learning We can see discovery learning activity from post reading activity, it is available with its discusion questions.
All chapters in this textbook are suitable with KI,KD, and syllabus of the 2013 Curriculum. b.
C1/B.Ing/P.6; C2/B.Ing/P.30; C3/B.Ing/ P.52; C4/B.Ing/P.75; C5/B.Ing/P.95 c. Problem – Based Learning It can be seen fr om “Active Conversation” part. This activity is only seen in chapter one. C1/B.Ing/P.20 It is given a problem and students ask to give solution.
In all chapters, there is a text which can be used to learning activity using Scientific
Menggunakan pendekatan saintifik melalui mengamati, menanya, mencoba, menalar, dan menyaji.
- Making poster/postcard
- Making invitation card
Menjelaskan pengetahuan sebagai input kepada siswa untuk menghasilkan output berupa keterampilan siswa dan bermuara pada pembentukan sikap siswa sebagai outcome pembelajaran. Activities in each chapter have explained this point.
d. Project – Based Learning
Mengacu pada kompetensi inti yang
Approach. d.
Menggiring siswa untuk menemukan konsep yang sedang dipelajari melalui deduksi [discovery learning].
- Interview
Magistra No. 95 Th. XXVIII Maret 2016 ISSN 0215-9511
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
Siswa sebisa mungkin diajak untuk mencari tahu, bukan langsung diberi
Precentage of the Textbook Contents.
tahu. We can see discovery learning activity from post reading activity in all chapters. It is available with its discusion questions. e.
pembelajaran secara bertahap mulai review [ulasan], exercise [ latihan], problem [pemecahan masalah], challenge [tantangan yang membutuhkan pemikiran mendalam], dan project [kegiatan bersama dalam memecahkan permasalahan yang membutuhkan dukungan sumber lainnya].
P = 7 x 100% = 100% 7 Chapter 2: all criterias fulfilled P = 7 x 100% = 100% 7 Chapter 3: all criterias fulfilled P = 7 x 100% = 100% 7 Chapter 4: all criterias fulfilled P = 7 x 100% = 100% 7
Every chapter available with many kinds of assessment.
Chapter 5: all criterias fulfilled
Menekankan penggunaan bahasa yang jelas, logis, sistematis.
Semua bab telah menggunakan bahasa yang jelas, logis, sistematis. This textbook written clearly, logicaly, and sistematicaly. But in C1/B.Ing/P.11 there is a wrong typing, it is written “Suggestions” that should be “Offers”. For difficult words it gives meaning and pronunciation in part “Word Power”. g.
Chapter 1: all criterias fulfilled
Keterampilan tidak selalu dalam ranah abstrak, tetapi juga harus konkret dalam bentuk tindakan nyata. All chapters give chance for the students to do real activity with product as result.
P = 7 x 100% = 100%
From presentage above, we can see that all criterias fulfilled, that is 100% of the textbook content in each chapter, it means that this precentage belong to very good category. It also means that the English textbook follows the demand of the 2013 Curriculum. 3. Approach and Methods Analysis a. Scientific Approach All chapters give a text that can be used to learning activity using scientific approach. b. Discovery Learning There are post reading activity in all chapters that encourage the students to learn using discovery learning. c. Problem Based Learning This method is only found in chapter one.
Magistra No. 95 Th. XXVIII Maret 2016 ISSN 0215-9511
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
d. Project Based Learning This activity can be seen from part Let’s Create/Contribute in each chapter. 4. Counting, Adding, and Giving Precentage of Approach and methods. Chapter 1: there are 1 approach dan 3 methods.
P = 4 x 100% = 100% 4 Chapter 2: there are 1 approach dan 2 methods.
P = 3 x 100% = 75% 4
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion 1. Content Developed The English textbook follows the demand of the 2013 Curriculum, with the score 100%. It means the category of the English textbook viewed from the contents is very good. It means the English Textbook follows the demand of the 2013 Curriculum, based on Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013 about general concept of the 2013 Curriculum’s textbook, those are: a.
The contents of the textbook are appropriate with Graduate Competence Standard (SKL), Core Competence (KI), Base Competence (KD), and Syllabus;
It gives the sufficiency and deepness of material of study;
The learning process is appropriate with the 2013 Curriculum;
The learning activity using Scientific approach;
Chapter 5: there are 1 approach dan 2 methods.
There are evaluation strategy which is integrated in the textbook.
P = 3 x 100% = 75% 4 Total score: P = 16 100% = 80%
It gives sufficient material of study, teaching – learning process, attitude, and
Chapter 3: there are 1 approach dan 2 methods.
P = 3 x 100% = 75% 4 Chapter 4: there are 1 approach dan 2 methods.
P = 3 x 100% = 75% 4
skill using scientific approach through observing (mengamati), asking (menanya), trying (mencoba), logical reasoning
20 It means that the English Textbook develops the approach and methods suggested in the 2013 Curriculum with Good category.
(menalar), and presenting (menyaji); g.
The learning activity also using discovery learning;
The evaluation concists of learning performance, evaluation serially, are started
Magistra No. 95 Th. XXVIII Maret 2016 ISSN 0215-9511
An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
from review, exercise, problem solving, challenge, dan project.
more attractive and understandable for the students, and also considered with the time
The materials are explained using clear,
allocation. So, it can encourage the students to learn English and do not make them forced to do many activities in the short time.
logical, and sistematic language. j.
It also asks the students to make some projects by using Project Based Learning method.
2. Approach and Method Developed The approach and methods suggested by the 2013 Curriculum which are developed on the English textbook are good enough with the percentage 80%, it means good. The approach and methods which are developed in the textbook are scientific approach, discovery learning, problem based learning, and project based learning. B. Suggestion 1. The writer of the textbook / the Ministry of Education and Culture (Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud). This English textbook is good enough that follows the demand of the 2013 Curriculum, based on Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013, but the researcher hopes that the government makes the material and activity in the textbook
2. The English Teacher of Senior/Vocational School. In teaching – learning process, the English teachers are expected to use not only one kind of textbook as the teaching materials, but also the other materials or other textbooks. But the English teachers have to evaluate the textbooks before they use them in their teaching, because there is no single book that appropriate for any situation. Besides, the English teachers are suggested to be more creative to invite their students. Therefore, they can be more excited to learn English not only as a receiver, but also as the producer. 3. The Next Researcher The next researcher may follow up this analysis by exploring the quality of each exercise provided after each material whether each material supports the students to achieve goal of the 2013 Curriculum.
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An Analysis of English Textbook for Eleventh Year Students of....
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Magistra No. 95 Th. XXVIII Maret 2016 ISSN 0215-9511