THE UNDERACHIEVER OF ENGLISH LEARNING A thesis A Thesis Presented to The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.) in English Language Studies
by Intan Sejati 086332002
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This is to certify that all the ideas, phrases, and sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else‟s ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references.
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Kajian Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma, Nama
: Intan Sejati
Nomor Induk Siswa
: 086332002
Menyatakan bahwa demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah yang berjudul : THE UNDERACHIEVERS OF ENGLISH LEARNING Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Demikian saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain mengelola dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikan karya ilmiah saya diinternet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberi royakti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian surat pertanyaan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I would like to expess my greatest gratitute to Him for giving me an opportunity to finish my study in this university. Thanks for Your guide and light. I would like to express my gratitute to everybody who has helped me along my research. I would like to deliver my deepest thank to my thesis advisor, Dr. J. Bismoko for guiding me patiently. I also thank for the knowledge and sharing. I also thank Drs. F.X. Mukarto, M. S., Ph.D who always supports me to finish my thesis and for his time. I would like to say thank to Dra. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A (Hons).,Ph.D and Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko M.A. for your attention asking my progress every time we met. Then, I thank all the English Study lecturers for the knowledge. I would like to express my gratefulness to all members of my family; my parents, my husband, my grandfather, my sister and brother, and my uncle. I would like to thank you for the motivation. I also thank to baby Op and baby Arf for your sacrifice; I appologize for the less time for you recently. I thank Christine, Pipin, and Vero for the favour and sharing. Then, I also thank my beloved friends Rifky, Ule, Bunga, Ratna W, Yeni, Jose, Wedho, Juan, Hil for the sharing. Lastly, I also like to thank mbak Lely who helped me during my study. I like to express my deepest gratitude to bu Kasi and pak Dul for the cooperation and help. Then, I like to thank also to all my participants; this thesis cannot be completed without y vi
The best person is one who is beneficial for others.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................ ii THESIS DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................... iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................ iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN .... ........................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ vi WISE WORDS ............................................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ viii LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... xii LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... xiv ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ xvi CHAPTER 1 1.1 Research Background................................................................................. 1 1.2 Problem Identification ............................................................................... 6 1.3.Problem Limitation ................................................................................... 8 1.4 Problem Formulation ................................................................................ 7 1.5 Research Objectives ................................................................................... 8 1.6 Research Benefit ....................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 2 1.1 THEORETICAL REVIEW 1.1.1 Underachiever .............................................................................. 10 Learning Achievement ..................................................... 10 Evaluation ......................................................................... 16 1.1.2 Learning English .......................................................................... 18 Learning ............................................................................ 18 English as Foreign Language and Lingua Franca ............ 21 Multiple Intelegences and Learning styles ....................... 22 viii
PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI English Teaching ........................................................... ... 26 1.1.3 Junior High School Students ........................................................ 28
Psychological Development ............................................. 28
Learning English ............................................................. 30
Junior High Scool Curriculum ......................................... 32
1.1.4 Lived-experience ........................................................................... 33 1.1.5 Live-Experience Research............................................................. 34 1.2 Pre-understanding Framework ................................................................. 34 CHAPTER 3 3.1 Progresive Qualitative Method ................................................................ 40 3.2 Research Design ....................................................................................... 42 3.2.1. The source of the Text...................................................................... 45 3.2.2. The Nature of the Text ..................................................................... 46 3.2.3 Text gathering instruments................................................................ 46 3.2.3. Text processing instrument .............................................................. 47 3.3 Research Procedure .................................................................................. 47 3.4 Text Analysis and Interpretation .............................................................. 52 3.4.1. Text Summary .................................................................................. 52 3.4.2. Text organization ............................................................................. 52 3.4.3. Text Interpretation ............................................................................ 52 3.4.4. Trustworthiness ................................................................................ 52 3.6 Trustworthiness ......................................................................................... 53 CHAPTER 4 4.1 The Lived- Experience Description .......................................................... 53 4.1.1. The lived-experience during the English lesson of Budi ................. 53 Preparing the English Lesson .................................................. 53 Attending the English Lesson ................................................. 55 Ending the English Lesson ...................................................... 57 4.1.2. The lived-experience during the lesson of Wati .............................. 57 Preparing the English Lesson .................................................. 57 Attending the English Lesson ................................................. 58 ix
PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the English Lesson ....................................................... 61 4.1.3. The lived-experience during the lesson of Joko ............................... 61 Preparing the English Lesson .................................................. 61 Attending the English Lesson ................................................. 63 Ending the English Lesson ...................................................... 65 4.1.4. The lived-experience during the unscheduled quizess ................... 66 4.1.5. The lived-experience during the other type of quiz ........................ 67 4.1.6. Self-Perception ................................................................................ 70 4.1.7.The lived-experience of participants daily life ................................ 72 4.2. The Essential Themes ............................................................................. 78 4.2.1. Motivation ....................................................................................... 78 4.2.2. Struggle ........................................................................................... 80 4.2.3. Belief ............................................................................................... 82 4.3. The Emergent Themes ............................................................................ 84 4.3.1. Patience ...................................................................................... 84 4.3.2. Creativity .................................................................................... 84 4.3.3. Challenges .................................................................................. 85 4.3.4. Feeling ........................................................................................ 87 4.3.5. Awareness .................................................................................. 90 CHAPTER 5 5.1
Conclusions ........................................................................................... 89
Suggestions ............................................................................................ 91
LIST OF TABLES Table 1. The research Design on the Underachievers of English Learning...50 Table 2. Interview II Transcript of Wati ............................................
Table 3. Interview I Transcript of Budi..............................................
Table 4. Interview II Transcript of Budi ...........................................
Table 5. Interview I Transcript of Joko ..............................................
Table 6. Interview II Transcript of Joko..............................................
Table 7. The development of the emergent themes of Wati................
Table 8. The development of the emergent themes of Budi ...............
Table 9. The development of the emergent themes of Joko .................
FIGURE Figure 1. A framework for investigating individuals‟ differences ........
Figure 2. The steps taken during the research and the result of each step
LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Interview I to Wati .......................................................... Appendix B. interview II to Wati.......................................................... Appendix C. Interview I to Budi .......................................................... Appendix D. Interview II to Budi......................................................... Appendix E. Interview I to Joko............................................................. Appendix F. Interview II to Joko............................................................ Appndix G. The development of the emergent themes of Wati.............. Appendix H. The development of the emergent themes of Budi............. Appendix I. The development of the emergent themes of Joko................
98 108 115 130 133 137 144 149 160
ABSTRACT Sejati, Intan. 2013. The Underachiever of English learning. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. Some students were not able to reach the minimal score determined by the school. They actually did not have low natural abilities. However, such students were usually marginalized. The teacher or friends often thought that they were stupid. The students usually got unfair treatments from the teacher and other students. The marginalization might discourage them more. Therefore, I would like to provide a bridge between the students and the teacher. However, this study focused on students who did not perform well in the English subject only, namely underachievers of English learning. It means that I only focused on underachievers of English learning, and ignored the students‟ achievement in other school subjects. The research was about revealing “What is the livedexperience of the underachievers of English learning like?”. My main intention was to help both the teacher and students by revealing what had happened „inside‟ the underachievers of English learning. The research was progressive qualitative. The design was constantly modified, based on ongoing process and emergent issues. It was also considered as a reflective research since the participants had to reflect their past experience. The research was conducted in Klaten, Central Java. The participants were two students of SMP N 1 Bayat and a student of MTsN Jatinom. In order to get reliable text, this study used in-depth interviews with two students and their teacher, classroom observation, and document check (the students‟ academic report). The first step was the classroom observation in order to get information on what happened in the classroom during the lesson. The second was the interview with the students. The students were asked about their pre-intention, awareness, action, history, understanding (belief), and intention. The third was the interview with the teacher. The interview tried to explore the teacher‟s experience of teaching the underachievers of English learning. The interview for teacher was conducted for triangulation. From the study, we could elicit some of probable factors which might influence their learning outcomes. In line with the previous researches, those students had low-motivations to learn English. The second was they were from low-educational family backgrounds. They also got economical problems. The third was they were kinesthetics learners. The fourth was the two of them had high demand teachers. The fifth was they rarely communicated in English language. The emerging themes were they got problem in memorizing English words since the English spelling is different from its writting system. One of them did not get access to good English dictionaries. This study will carry some benefits such as scientific, practical, and humanistic benefits. The scientific benefit is the description and interpretation will enrich the body of knowledge. Then, for the participants, I hope the participants will have higher awareness, commitment in learning English, and higher achievement in the rest of their life. In addition, the description and interpretation xiv
may also build my and the readers‟ emphatic understanding of underachievers of English learning. Keywords:
underachievers English learning experience understanding
ABSTRAK Sejati, Intan. 2009. The underachiever of English learning. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. Beberapa siswa ternyata tidak mampu memperoleh nilai minimal yang telah ditetapkan oleh sekolah. Kalau kita perhatikan mereka bukanlah siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan bawaan rendah. Siswa-siswa tersebut sering mendapat perlakuan „tidak adil‟ dari teman maupun guru mereka. Hal tersebut dapat membuat mereka semakin tidak termotivasi untuk mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini saya berusaha mencari pengalaman hidup mereka dalam belajar bahsa Inggris seperti apa. Sebagai tujuan utama saya yaitu untuk membantu para siswa-siswa tersebut agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kelompok kualitatif progresif. Desain penelitian ini akan dimodifikasi secara terus menerus berdsarkan proses dan tema yang muncul. Penelitian ini juga termasuk penelitian reflektif karena partisipan harus melakukan refleksi untuk melihat pengalaman mereka yang telah lalu. Penelitian ini dilakukan di klaten yaitu di SMPN 1 Bayat dan MTsN Jatinom. Kedua sekolah tersebut merupakan sekolah yang paling diburu di kedua tempat tersebut. Untuk mendapatkan data yang sahih, dilakukan pemeriksaan dokumen yaitu daftar nilai siswa dan rapor. Kemudian dilakukan observeasi untuk menentukan partisipan dan yang mereka lakukan di kelas. Setelah itu dilakukan wawancara kepada partisipan. Setelah wawancara, dilakukan wawancara dengan guru dan wawancara ulang kepada partisipan. Setelah teks diperoleh, dilakukan deskripsi dan interpretasi dari teks tersebut. Akhirnya, akan ditemukan pengamalaman partisipan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Dari penelitian, diketahui bahwa partisipan memiliki beberapa karakter yang hampir sama dengan teori maupun asumsi awal saya, namun ada beberapa hal-hal yang baru saya temukan. Sesuai dengan teori, siswa yang nilainya tidak memenuhi KKM biasanya memiliki motivasi rendah untuk belajar bahasa Inggris; orang tua berpendidikan rendah; mempunyai masalah ekonomi; siswa kinestetik, tuntutan guru tinggi, dan jarang „bertemu‟ bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Hal lain yang ditemukan adalah tulisan bahasa Inggris berbeda dengan pelafalnya. Selain itu, salah seorang partisipan kesulitan memperoleh kamus yang baik. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membawa banyak membawa manfaat untuk keilmuwan, praktisi, dan kemanusiaan. Untuk keilmuwan, deskripsi dan interpretasi dari penelitian ini akan memperkaya ilmu pengetahuan. Untuk para partisipan, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran dan komitmen mereka sehingga dapat menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik. Dengan xvi
penelitian ini, diharapkan para pembaca mempunyai rasa empati yang lebih terhadap siswa yang tidak dapat mencapai nilai standar minimal yang ditetapkan sekolah. Kata kunci : pengalaman hidup prestasi
bahasa Inggris
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM The underachievers often get unfair treatment from both peers and teachers. The peers often laugh at their mistakes and label them as „stupid‟ students. The students are usually marginalized by teacher and their classmates. Teachers rarely or never give them praise for their „very little progress or better behavior”. I also treat the underachievers who are considered as „trouble-maker‟ unfair. I often shout at them when they make some noisy. Even though, I never show that I underestimate them, but actually I label some of my students “left behind”. I never find out why they do not perform well. Marginalizing the underachievers may put them in danger. It may make their affective filter towards English language higher. When their affective filter is high, it is hard for them to master English language more. They feel nervous or uncomfortable during English lesson. They will resist to English language. They may avoid something written or spoken in English language even though the things are important for them. They will have low self-esteem. What happen if such thing happen when the world today demand all of us to be able to speak English? The underachievers might be brilliant students in other subjects or in other occasion. When I was a teacher in a school, I met a student who was an underachiever, especially in English lesson (I do not know about other school subjects). The teachers and classmates may consider him as a trouble maker in the 1
class. I talked to one of his teacher. She said that he was great in the previous grade. My second experience is when I saw my neighbor. I got the information from his teacher, she said that the child is stupid and his classmates often play him such as hiding his lunch box and so on. However, when a person tried to give some lesson about a school subject in informal situation (outside the class while he feels relax) he is able to perform well. His parents decided to put him in a course, the instructor said that the boy likes to move around instead of listening to her explanation or doing tasks. The third person was a friend of mine in senior high school. When he was in elementary school, most of his scores were below the standard which was usually marked with red ink. His junior high school seems become his turning point, even though he only brought a notebook when he attended the school lesson but he performed excellent. When he was in senior high school, he was the best three students in classroom. He got the ticket to join one of the best universities in this country. Egbert and Smith (1999:295) show other facts that may help us to understand the underachievers. They state that students who are visual and kinesthetic often underachieve in classroom because the teaching style does not match their perceptual strength. Visual learners learn by seeing and by watching demonstrations;
demonstrations, etc; conjure up the image of a form by seeing it in the “mind‟s eye”; often has a vivid imagination; often stares; need something to watch, are often quiet and do not talk at length; become impatient or drifts away when extensive listening are required; prefer the visual arts and media. Kinesthetic 2
learners learn by doing, direct involvement; often fidget or find reasons to move; are not very attentive to visual or auditory presentations; want to be “doing” something; try things out and like to manipulate objects; gesture when speaking; are often a poor listener; respond to music by physical movement; often find success in physical response activities; learn better when able to move during learning; like to move hands while learning; use movement to help concentrate. In classroom practice in Indonesia, the teaching style still cater visual learners rather that the kinesthetic ones. My experience above somehow „wakes me up‟ and makes me think about them. As the consequence, I think that finding out why some students cannot reach the standard is much more important than marginalizing them. They, I think, feel uncomfortable in such condition. They may need someone to talk to about their problems in learning English. Therefore, to know more about what happen „inside‟ them I need to talk with them personally about their experiences. Even though, counseling teacher usually conducts sharing with students who are underachievers but those teachers do not focus on English achievement. Talking about their own experience in learning English will make them feel more comfortable since they do not only talk about their problems but also their interest or may be some probable solution for their problem. During talking about their experiences, they will tell me about their problems. We can see their problem through the sharing. Then, I give them feedback in order to improve their awareness. By knowing their problems and helping them to improve their
awareness, we will find ways to help them to improve their performance in English. Therefore, I would like to take the students of grade 8 who are underachievers. It is mainly because the participants of this study still have opportunity to improve their ability in the next grades and they have already have adequate experience in learning English language in the school. Even though it is important to know more about the underachievers, especially in learning English, however, what actually happen „inside‟ under achievers in Indonesia have not been reveal much through researches. And even some teachers or schools have already tried to uncover the reason why some students are under achievers. I see such observation usually stop in finding the reasons but not really concern with what‟s the next. This study is important in the way improving the underachievers of English language performance. By voicing the voiceless, this study will build empathic understanding to other people will end marginalization to them. It will also help them to build their self-esteem, motivation, and feeling secure. The interview in this study somehow may help the students in increasing their awareness and commitment in learning English. 1.2 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Talking about underachievers of English learning is related to learning, and the position of English. The underachievers are ones who do not perform well means that they do not meet the goals of learning. In this term, they do not meet the goals of leaning English both as foreign language and lingua franca. 4
In this research, students who are considered as underachievers are ones whose marks in their academic report less than the achievement standard determined by the school. They are about 10 percent of the classroom population. English in Indonesia is considered as a Foreign Language. As a foreign language, English is only spoken in particular place and occasion. As the consequence, the student does not get adequate comprehensible input. Basically, the reasons why student should master English language are to fulfill the needs to communicate with other people around the world in the future and access knowledge. In other words, student needs to learn English because English is a lingua franca. English is a language spoken by people from different linguistics background to communicate one another. Even though, nowadays people learn English as lingua franca but in practice the student learns English as a foreign language. It means that the teaching learning process still centered on native speakers‟ language not the reputable broadcast and media in Indonesia. Therefore, the student learn English which used by native speaker. In the context of English learning in junior high school; there are some factors influencing the learning outcome such as motivation, nature ability, context of learning, style preference, background experience and qualification, availability of time to give the effort needed, quality input, it is important to see what factors influence the achievement of the participants. It is important to see the specific factors which really exist in the participants, we can help them out of his/her problem.
Learners‟ motivation is also one of the factors. It is also related to the family educational background. Then, it is hard to determine what factors work much then others because every learner is unique. s/he is different from others. Therefore, in order to know what factors affects to a learner, we have to explore a learner; and the factors cannot be generalized. In order to know more about the under-achievers of English learning, it is important to elicit their lived-experience. There are two kinds of lived-experience, shared and personal. Shared live-experience is experience of two people who shared the same experience. Personal lived experience is experience of a person only. Lived-experience covers understanding, desire, intention or expectation, anticipation, relations with others, cultural patterns, feeling, belief or sights, smells, sounds and so on ( Murphy,1960:13 in Bradley, 2002). This study is attempting to elicit the personal experience of underachievers of English language learning. 1.3 PROBLEM LIMITATION There are many aspects related to learning achievement. The learning achievement is affected by the context, goals, resources, and some learning factors both internal and external; and also the position of English as lingua franca or as foreign language. In classroom practice, we can see some students who success or fail in learning. Their success and failure are influenced by many aspects. This study will both explore the internal and external factors of learning. This study would only focus on certain underachievers‟ lived-experience especially in English learning. From the interview, I would see the English 6
learning experience of the participants. It would include how they like to learn, their sources of learning, their motivation, and whether the people around them support them or not. Even though, there is several coverage of live-experience, I only focus on exploring the under-English achiever‟s awareness, action, experience in general, understanding in learning English, and intention (preintention and intention). This study appled the qualitative approach. This study will record the lived-experience of the underachievers. This study focuses on Junior High School students. Since it is conducted in Junior High Schools students, therefore, the position of English is both as Lingua Franca and Foreign Language. However, I will focus on the underachievers of English learning only. Because of the limitation of energy and time, I conducted the study in two junior high schools; I interviewed three underachievers of grade 8. The schools were considered good schools in the areas, and also they were accessible for me. I assumed that grade 8 students already had adequate experience in learning English in the school and they still had opportunity to perform better after my study. 1.4 PROBLEM FORMULATION To help the underachievers to perform better in learning English, I need to find out the underachievers lived-experience in learning English particularly their awareness, action, experience, understanding, and intention. I also like to find out the information about them from their teachers. Since there are many
aspects related to learning achievement, I have to formulate the questions of this study as: What is the lived-experience of the underachievers of English learning like? 1.5 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES As the context of this study is the lived-experiences of underachievers of English learning, this study attempts to attain the description of lived-experiences of the underachievers of the English learning and the interpretation. By doing so, the essential themes of the meaning of lived-experiences of the students will be obtained. The result of this research hopefully will increase the empathic understanding of the readers particullary educators. Based on the research, educators will improve their teaching by considering the underachievers. The research may also help the educational institution to set more effective language programs. The objectives stated above are basically to reach the ultimate objective, that is to improve the undeachievers‟ English competence. Therefore, they will have better livings. 1.6 RESEARCH BENEFITS There are some benefits provided by this study; scientific, humanistic, and practical benefits. For scientific study, the description and interpretation will enrich the body of knowledge of English language studies. For humanistic, this description and interpretation of this study may improve empathic understanding on the underachievers. For the participant, the interview of this study, hopefully, 8
will help the underachievers of English language learning to have higher awareness, higher commitment in learning English, and higher achievement in the rest of their life. For the researcher and also for the readers, this study will help to build empathic understanding towards under-achiever and may also help to conduct more efficient and productive program.
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter attempts to contextualize some theories related to the problems of this study. There are two parts of this chapter, theoretical review and theoretical framework. 2.1 Theoretical Review Here, I would like to review some theories related to the underachievers; factors, I suspects, which may affect their learning achievement; and also some other theories which are related to this study. 2.1.1 Underachiever In classrooms, we often find some students who do not perform well in a subject or some subjects. They are not able to achieve the standard determined by the school. They are considered as the underachiever. Underachievers in Indonesia seem to have several of the characteristics. The underachievers of English language are usually underachievers of several subjects. They are usually too quiet students or talk active or ones who like to play with friends during the class. Some of them are really quiet with under confidence, motivation and self-esteem. They have low-confidence, motivation and self-esteem too. However, we can see clearly that they tend to have negative attitudes towards teachers and schools. Some of them tend to be „trouble makers‟ in classrooms. They do not care about assignments, teachers‟ explanations, even the schools, rules. There are many factors related to the students‟ achievement. In disscusing the students‟ achievement, we can refer to some theories which may related to the achievement; they are as follow : Learning achievement Achievement is the degree of skills measured with reference to particular curriculum. According to Savignon (1972), achievement has two parts, competence and performance. 10
Competence is about what learners know. Then, performance reflects competence. It means that performance is observable and measureable (Oxford, 1990:237). McCoach (2001) uses the term underachievement. Underachievement is defined as a difference between potential (ability) and performance (achievement) (Reis &McCoach, 2000). Further, McCoach finds out some factors which commonly associated with underachievement. The factors include academic self-concepts (Schunk, 1998: Supple, 199 Whitmore,1980), low-self efficacy ( Schuk,1998), low-self motivation (Weiner,1992), low goal-valuations (McCall, Evahn&Kratzer,1992), negative attitude towards school and teacher ( Colangelo, Kerr, Christensen &Maxey,1993:Ford,1996;Kimm,1995).
literature show that underachievers have lower academic self-perceptions, lower selfmotivation/regulations, less goal directed behavior, more negative attitudes toward teachers and school than high achievers. She also mentions that low and high achievers are different in motivational pattern and academic self-perception ( Reis and McCoach,2000). Basically the terms underachievement refers to students who cannot achieve the standard given by the educational institution. However, what McCoach means by underachievers are those actually have potential to reach the standard. In this research, I apply his term to choose students as the participants. Therefore, the participants in this research were ones who are not able to reach the minimum score standardized by their school, however, they were actually potential to achieve it. An article written by Noble (2009) also characterize the underachievers in general. The writer categorizes the characteristics into personal, family, educationally related factors, and extracurricular activities. Related o the first category, she writes “Students' perceptions of their abilities, which contribute to their self-esteem and confidence, are related to educational achievement”. It means that underachievers tend to see themselves do not have abilities in the subject, then, they have low self-esteem and confidence. For example, students with a less 11
positive view of them are more likely to be underachievers than high achievers. Still related to the first category, she says that students who have a low level of motivation to succeed, or who have a high level of anxiety about their schoolwork or home environment, are five to six times as likely to be under achievers as high achievers. Related to family characteristics, she finds out that students whose parents have less than a bachelor's degree are somewhat more likely to be under achievers than high achievers: Of students with parents with less than a bachelor's degree, 29% were under achievers and 20% were high achievers. In contrast, students whose parents have bachelor's degrees or higher are more likely to be high achievers than underachievers (44% vs. 12%). She adds that students who face difficult situation at home are as likely to be under achievers. The third, students who said they needed help in reading comprehension, study skills, or mathematics skills were more likely to be under achievers than high achievers. The last are related to the last category such as (1) students who spend more time watching TV are more likely to be under achievers than high achievers, and (2) Students who spend less time on school-related extracurricular activities are more likely to be under achievers than high achievers. Vann and Abraham (1990: 177) state that some unsuccessful learners used relatively many strategies. They also used many of the same strategies as the successful learners. All learners, at least occasionally clarified and verified, guessed at meaning, applied grammatical rules, monitored form, and demonstrated various production tricks and social management strategies. Their study on the underachievers of IEP at Iowa University shows that the unsuccessful learner emerged as active strategy users, though they sometimes applied strategies inappropriately.
Language learning outcomes are influenced by several factors. Each factor will also influence the other factors. As we see in figure 1 (1) Individual Learner differences Beliefs about language learning Affective states General factors
Learning processes and mechanisms From the figure above, the language learning outcomes of the learners can be (2) Learner strategies (3) Language Learning Outcomes different. The differences can be on proficiency, achievement, or on rate of acquisition of the On proficiency On achievement learners. The outcomes may influence learning strategiesOn andrate learners‟ belief about language of acquisition Figure 1. A Framework for investigating individual learners’ differences learning, however, learning strategies and the belief also influence the language learning ( Ellis, 1994: 473) outcomes. Then, I would like to focus on the later. As stated above, language learning outcomes are influenced by factors (1) and (2). Related to the former, Horwitz (1987a) in Ellis (1994: 578) found that learners have different belief about language learning. Based on his research, he says that most of the learners ( participants) felt that people were born with a special aptitude for learning foreign languages. They were confident that they possessed such aptitude themselves. They also believed that some languages were more difficult than others. Many of them also believed that the best way to learn English was to spend most of the time memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. Abraham and Vann ( 1987) investigated two language learners. Both learners believed that it was important to create situation for using English outside the classroom to practice as much as possible, and to have error corrected. It is also important to practice actively in class. one of the participant, Geraldo, believed that paying conscious attention to grammar is important. He also believed that it is important to preserve in communication and 13
understanding an idea. While, Pedro, did not believed to the importance of paying conscious attention to grammar. He also expressed a strong dislike to metacognitive. For him, topic abandonment is the best stategy in some cases. The two participants showed different learning outcomes. Geraldo has better TOEFL Score (523v473) while Pedro did better on a test of spoken English ( Ellis, 1994: 478). Learners are also different in affective states. Rathbone (1987) in Ellis (1994: 479) found that learners seems need to feel secure and to be free of stress before they can focus on the learning tasks. Further Ellis ( 1989a: 257) found a learner‟s statement saying that s/he felt that her/his mind blocked when the teacher asked a question , even though the teacher did not frighten him/her. However, anxiety has positive influence to American University students related to marks in Spanish ( Ellis, 1994 : 479-480). The general factors also vary based on the extent of the learners‟ control over them. For instance, learners may change their learning styles, however, they can do nothing with their age ( Ellis, 1994 : 473). The next factor is learning strategies. Every learner employs different learning strategies. Ellis (1994:541-543) sees how learners‟ personal backgrounds effect strategy use. The strategies are influenced by belief about language learning and learners‟ factors. Related to the first factor, Wenden (1987a) in Ellis (1994: 541) found that learners who emphasized on the important of learning tended to use cognitive strategies that helped them to understand and remember specific items of language, while learners who emphasized the importance of using language employed few learning strategies, relying instead on communication strategies. Age, motivation, and personal background are considered to be the learners‟ factors. Young children‟s strategies are often simple, while mature learners‟ strategies are more complex and sophisticated. He adds that the strength of learners‟ motivation can be expected to have a causal effect on the quantity of learning strategies they employ. Ehrman 14
(1990) compared the professional linguists, untrained instructors, and students‟ personal background. He found that professional linguist use more strategies and more frequently than the others. Ellis (1994: 549-550) identifies five major aspects of successful language learning. The fist aspect is a concern for language form. The learners treat language as a system by making effective cross lingual comparisons, analyzing the target language, and using reference books. The second is a concern for communication or functional practice. The learners also search for meaning in the target language data which they are exposed to and try to engage in real communication by seeking out opportunities for natural data use. The third is an active task approach. The learners appreciate teachers who are systematic, logical, and clear, but prefer to treat them as „informant‟. They like to take charge of their own learning by identifying and pursuing goals and trying to introduce new topics into a conversation. However, some of them are „silent speakers‟. The forth is an awareness of learning process. Learners use both meta-lingual strategies and cognitive knowledge use. They tend to take conscious decisions and follow their own preferred learning styles. They also use meta cognitive knowledge to help them assess their needs, evaluate progress, and give direction to their learning. The last is the learners have a capacity to use the strategies flexibly in accordance with task requirements. It means that the effective learners have the ability to choose the appropriate strategies and more purposeful. Related to vocabulary learning strategies, learners have several strategies. Ellis (1994:553-554) points two strategies, those are strategies used to memorize isolated lexical items and to learn new words from context. Further Brown and Perry ( 1991) in Ellis (1994:554) investigated the success of three vocabulary learning strategies; keyword, semantic, and keyword-semantic. In relation with keyword, teachers have to ask learners to form visual association between the target word and some accoustically similar word they 15
already know. In relation to semantic, they suggest learners to integrate the target word into the learner‟s existing semantic systems as in identifying how a word relates to other known words. The last is the combination of the previous two. In his conclusion, Ellis (1994:555-556) adds some points how learning strategies related to second Language development. (1) the strategies learners use reflect their general stage of second language development, (2) successful learners use leaning strategies more frequently and in qualitatively different ways than learners who are less successful, and (3) different kind of learning strategies may contribute to different aspects of second language proficiency. Evaluation Definition Evaluation is defined as giving value to something. According to Bismoko (2009) there are two forms of evaluation, testing and assessment. A test is an instrument to measure, for example, the learners. The measurement usually quantifies the result. Then, the result will be in the form of number. Conversely, assessment does not quantify the results. Therefore, the assessment results are usually in words. Evaluation can be defined as the systematic gathering of information for the purpose of making decisions (Weiss 1972 in Bachman 1990: 22). Evaluation involves making a value judgment or interpretation of resulting text in a decison making context. Evaluation is a process that comes after measurement is completed. (Chatterdji, 1998 cited in Hopkins) According to Departemen Pendidikan Nasional or National Education Department of Indonesia, evaluation is defined as Evaluasi adalah kegiatan identfikasi untuk melihat apakah suatu program yang telah direncanakan telah tercapai atau belum, berharaga atau tidak, dan dapat pula untuk melihat tingkat efisiensi pelaksanaannya ( Depdiknas, 2004).
Evaluation is an activity of identification which is conducted in order to see whether the goals of a program which has planned already reach or not, valuable or not, it can be used also to see the efficiency level of the process. From the definition, it implies the reasons why evaluation is conducted is to see whether the program ( teaching-learning ) has met its goals or not, valuable or not, and the efficiency levels of the teaching learning. The goals here are the goals which are already set by the national curriculum. Kinds of evaluation In general, there are two kinds of evaluation. They are testing and assessment. A test is an instrument to measure, for example, the learners. The measurement usually quantifies the result. Conversely, assessment do not quantify the results, it is usually in words. Assessment encompasses a wide variety of assessment methods applied to educationally relevant construct, and includes essay tests, multiple choice tests, performance assessment, and portfolio (Chatterdji, 2003). Wiggins introduces the term educative assessment. As part of evaluation, assessment is considered fairer rather than measurement. Educative assessment is assessment which may help learners to be better in the future. It may help learners since it focuses on both process and product of learning. Further, he says that the aim of assessment is primary to educate and improve students‟ performance, not merely audit it. The word „audit‟ means that to describe checking up on activities after it is over ( Wiggins, 1998:7). Wiggins (1998:12-13) also states that assessment should be educative in two basic senses. The first, an educative assessment system is designed to teach ( not to measure). It means that educative assessment should improve students and teacher‟s performance; and evoke excellent pedagogy. The second is an educative assessment system must provide useful feedback to students, teachers, administrators, and policy makers. It means that the useful feedback should provide (1) text and commentary that are rich, clear, and direct enough to 17
enable students and teachers t self-assess accurately and self-correct their own performances increasingly overtime; (2) ample opportunities to get and use timely and ongoing feedback. In conclusion, the underachievers in this study are ones who cannot reach the minimum standard determined by the schools. In other words, their learning achievement is below the minimum standard determined by the school. The under achiever is assumed has the potential and performance. Their achievement can be seen from their academic report no matter what kind of evaluation applied by the teacher. 2.1.2 Learning English Learning There are many definition of learning. When, I say the definition mostly based on the three educational traditions. The traditions are Classical Humanism, Reconstructionism, and Progressivism, and Pragmatic Progressivism. According to Finney in Richard and Renandya (2002:70), Classical Humanism tradition sees that learning is transmitting the classical culture. In Classical Humanism tradition, the central of the curriculum is the content of what is to be learnt by, or transmitted to, the learners. The content is a valued cultural heritage. The next is Reconstructionism which sees learning as habit formation. The main purpose of the tradition is to bring about social change. I see that the definition of learning by Kimble also carries this tradition. According to Kimble (1961) in Hergenhahn and Olson (1993: 6-7) “Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or in behavioral potentiality that results from experience and cannot be attributed to temporary body states such as those induced by illness, fatigue, or drugs. There are five characteristic of learning (1) Learning is a change in behavior, therefore, the results of learning must always be translated into observable behavior. After 18
learning the learners are able to do something that they could not do before learning took place.
(2) The behavior change is relatively permanent. The change in behavior does not
need to occur immediately following the learning experience. (3) Even though there may be a potential to act differently, this potential to act may not be translated into behavior immediately. (4) experience and practice change the behavior. (5) the experience or practice must be reinforced, only those responses that lead to reinforcement will be learnt(p6). There are several definition based on psycholinguists. The first is Pavlov‟s classical behaviorism, he says that learning process consisted of the information of the associations between stimuli and reflexive responses. All of us aware that certain stimuli automatically produce and elicit rather specific responses and reflexes and we have also observed that sometimes that reflex occur in response to stimuli that appear to be indirectly related to reflex. The second is Skinner‟s operant conditioning, he claims that his operant conditioning attempted to account for most of human learning and behavior. Operants are classes of responses. For example: crying, sitting down, walking, and batting a baseball. They are set of responses that are emitted and governed by the consequences they are produce. This Behavioristic learning theories impact our understanding of the process of human learning. The third is Progressivism. This model has focus on the process itself. And, the purpose of education is to enable the individual to progress towards self-fulfillment. It concerns with the development of understanding, not just passive reception of „knowledge‟ or the acquisition of the specific knowledge (Finney in Richard and Renandya, 2002:73). Rogers‟s humanistic psychology seems Progressivism. He says that learning how to learn is more important than being taught something from the „superior‟ vantage point of a teacher who unilaterally decides what shall be taught (Brown, 2000:89). The fourth tradition is Pragmatic Progressivism. It is learner-centered called integrated approach. It attempts to synthesize the product oriented ends-means model and 19
process-oriented approach. And, Needs analysis is the starting point for the development of language program which is responsive to the learner and learning needs, but there has been some disagreement as to what is entailed (Finney in Richard and Renandya, 2002:7) . I see this tradition combines all the previous three traditions. Pragmatic Progressivism tradition is seen also in the next three theories. Brown (2000:7) attempts to extract the concept of learning: (1) learning is acquisition or „getting‟, (2) learning is retention of information or skill, (3) retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive organization, (4) leaning involve active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside or inside the organism, (5) learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting, (6) learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice, and (7) learning is a change of behavior. I see how Ausubel defines learning is more like pragmatic progressivism. The theory is so called meaningful learning theory; the theory says that learning takes place in human organism through a meaningful process of relating new events or items to already existing cognitive concepts or propositions-hanging new items on existing cognitive pegs ( Brown, 2000:83). In addition, learning is a process of change from not knowing. Cambourne (1990) quoted by Sugirin (2003:7) asserts learning is a process of making connection, identifying patterns, organizing previously unrelated bits of knowledge, behaviour, and activities into new patterned wholes. Learning a language means learning to communicate in that language as a target language, in both oral and written. Even though there are several definitions of learning. I see the Pragmatic Progressivism is more suitable to be implemented now. Since it is focuses both process and product. As the consequence, the definition of learning should cover all the three previous traditions‟ definitions. Then, if I may conclude, learning can be defined as getting 20
information or skills which is relatively permanent. The result of learning is the learners are able to use the information and skill functionally for themselves and other people. English as a Foreign Language and a Lingua Franca The first view is English language is considered as foreign language. It means that English is not the official language nor local language. English language is only spoken by particular people, in particular places and occasion. Therefore, the English language input is limited. As the consequence, the mastery of English language for most of the people is low. Indonesia is considered as expanding circle countries. Such name is proposed Kachru in 1985 cited by Harmer (2007:17). He proposes the classification of the world of English language in to three.
(1) The inner circle covers
countries where English is the primary language or first language. The countries are Britain, USA, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. (2) The outer circle contains countries where English has become an official or widely-used second language. These include India, Nigeria, Singapore, etc. (3) The expanding circle represents those countries where English is learnt as a foreign language which includes Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia, etc. Since English language is considered as a Foreign Language, the standard is the native speaker of English language. The native speakers are those who are from the inner circle countries. Therefore, English as a Foreign Language is native speakers- centered. Crystal (2003:20) maintains that English is the language most widely taught as a foreign language in over 100 countries, this situation makes English becoming Englishes and English is as the World Language or Global Language. Other scholars believe that a global language has no boundary of usage and serves a whole range of different communities and their institutional purposes, and these transcend traditional, communal and cultural boundaries. It means that the term global or world language suggests that a world language is a language used by people from different nations to communicate with each other. 21
Besides as a foreign language, English is also considered as a Lingua Franca. English as Lingua Franca means that English is used as the mean of communication among people from different linguistics ( language) backgrounds. This view moves the center of the standard of English language from native speakers to reputable broadcasts and publishers of each country. Then, a question raise related to the second stage of learning a language „ imitating the language‟. Who speakers should be imitated by learners? To answer such question, we have to refer back to our view of English language. Multiple intelligences and learning styles Some learners have low competence in English language; however, some of them may have high competence in other subjects. Such phenomena may because some learners may have different prominent intelligences. As Gardner says there are eight kinds of intelligences. The eight intelligences are well known as Multiple Intelligences. Gardner (1993) classified the intelligences into eight. They are as Linguistics, Logical-mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic intelligence (Brewster, Ellis and Girard, 2002:34-35). According to (Brewster, Ellis, and Girard 2002:34-35) and ( (1) verbal-linguistic; the learner is sensitive to the meaning and order of words, s/he is a good reader), (2) musical; the learner is sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone. Therefore, s/he will learn well through the use of chants, rhymes, and songs, (3) logical-mathematical; this learner is able to handle chains of reasoning and recognize patterns and order. S/he is good in problem-solving and s/he likes working with computers, (4) spatial; this learner may perceive the world accurately and try to re-create or transform aspects of that world. S/he likes to learn using picture, charts, or maps, (5) bodily-kinesthetic; this person is able to use the body skillfully and handle objects skillfully. S/he learns through manipulating and 22
moving objects, (6) interpersonal; this person understands people and relationships, s/he is good in group working), or (7) intrapersonal; s/he possess access to one's emotional life as a means to understand oneself and others, (8) naturalist intelligence; this person is good at recognizing patterns in things, at classifying and organizing things into groups. The last intelligence enriches the previous seven intelligences. Every learner has their own prominent intelligences. For example, a learner may be good in linguistics, but not in logic mathematic and so on. The learner tends to perform better in using words or language but not in operating numbers. Moreover, intelligences of a learner strongly influence her/his way to learn something. In other words, intelligences may affect the learning styles. For example, learners who are kinesthetic learners will learn well when they involve body movement while learning. However, when we talk about learning styles, there are also some other classifications. The next is about the perceptual learning styles which are actually still related to Gardner‟s. Another reference defines perceptual learning styles as the means by which learners extract information from their surroundings through the use of their five senses. Further, there are seven kinds of perceptual learning styles such as print, aural, interactive, visual, Haptic, kinesthetic, and olfactory. (1) Learners whose learning style is the first, print, often takes notes, may like to write on the blackboard, remembers quickly and easily what is read, learns better after seeing or writing something, is often perceived as a “bookworm”, grasps important concepts on first reading of material, loves to read books, journals, magazines. (2) Aural learners tend to remember and repeat ideas that are verbally presented; learn well through lectures; is an excellent listener; can reproduce symbols, letters or words by hearing them; like to talk; enjoy plays, dialogues, and dramas; can learn concepts by listening to tapes, enjoys music; can repeat or fulfill verbal instructions. (3) Interactive learners learn best through verbalization; often hum or talk to self or others; usually are not 23
quiet for great lengths of time; often talk at length, like to use other people as a sounding board; enjoy question/answer sessions; find small group discussions stimulating and informative; prefer to discuss things with others. (4) visual learners learn by seeing and by watching demonstrations; like visual stimuli such as pictures, slides, graphs, demonstrations, etc; conjure up the image of a form by seeing it in the “mind‟s eye”; often has a vivid imagination; often stares; need something to watch, are often quiet and do not talk at length; become impatient or drifts away when extensive listening are required; prefer the visual arts and media. (5) Haptic learners like a “hands-on" approach to learning; involve the sense of touch in learning; likes to do artwork; like to piece things together; may be fond of doodling; like to trace words and pictures; are often seen “fiddling” with something; are successful with tasks requiring manipulation. (6) The kinesthetic learners learn by doing, direct involvement; often fidget or find reasons to move; are not very attentive to visual or auditory presentations; want to be “doing” something; try things out and like to manipulate objects; gesture when speaking; are often a poor listener; respond to music by physical movement; often find success in physical response activities; learn better when able to move during learning; like to move hands while learning; use movement to help concentrate. The last is (7) tactile learners learn best though the sense of smell and taste; smell have a special significance; associate a particular smell with specific past memories; are frequently able to identify smells; find that smells add to learning ( The other category is field independence (FI) and field dependence (FD). In a fielddependent mode of perceiving, perception is strongly dominated by overall organization of the surrounding field, and parts of the field are experienced as „fused‟. Conversely, in a fieldindependent mode of perceiving, parts of the field are experienced as discrete from organized ground (Ellis, 1994:500).
The next category is from Willing (1987) in Ellis (1994:507). There are four general learning styles used by adults ESL learners (1) concrete learning style, direct means of processing information; people-oriented; spontaneous; imaginative; emotional; dislikes routinized learning; prefers kinesthetic modality, (2) Analytic learning style, this person focuses on specific problems and proceeds by means of hypothetical-deductive reasoning; object-oriented; independent; dislikes failure; prefers logical, didactic presentation, (3) Communicative learning style, this person is fairly independent; highly adaptable and flexible; responsive to facts that do not fit; prefers social learning and communicative approach; enjoys taking decisions, the last is (4) authority-oriented learning style, this person is reliant on other people; needs teacher‟s directions and explanations; likes a structured learning environment; intolerant of facts that do not fit; prefers a sequential progression; and dislike discovery learning. There are still some other categories. Nelson (1973) in Ellis (1994:508) classifies learning style into (1) referential, these learners use language to name things, and (2) expressive, these learners use the language to indicate feeling, needs, and social forms. While Peter (1974), in the same book, classifies it into (1) analytic, analytic persons are wordlearners and they progress incrementally through a recognizable sequence of stages of acquisition, and (2) gestalt, they are sentence-learners who begin with the whole sentences which are used to perform functions that are important for them. Dechert (1984) classifies it into (1) analytic, these persons usually manifest long pauses at chunks boundaries, few corrections, and serial processing, while others are (2) synthetic, these persons tends to manifest pauses throughout, more corrections, and episodic processing. In summary, there is no exact category about learning styles. There are several categories of learning styles. Gardner‟s Multiple Intelligence shows eight learning styles such as verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematic, musical, spatial, bodily- kinesthetic, interpersonal, 25
intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence. There is also a theory which is almost the same with Gardner, it classifies learning styles into seven such as print, aural, interactive, visual, Haptic, kinesthetic, and olfactory. While, other experts classify learning styles into field dependencefield dependence, analytic-gestalt, referential-expressive, and analytic-syntactic. No matter many categories proposed by some experts, the most important thing is as teacher or education practitioners, we have to understand that our learners have different learning styles or in other word, each learner has their own way to learn well. 2.1.2. 4 English teaching English teaching Johnson and Morrow (1981:10) as quoted in Sugirin (2003:27) presents five principles of communicative language teaching: know what you are doing, whole is more than the sum of part, the processes are as important as the forms, to learn it to do it, and mistakes are not always a mistake. The first principle is know what you are doing. It indicates that every student should know what the function of the language is and how he or she uses it in his or her life. The second principle is whole is more than the sum of parts. Students have to be able to use the language in discourse level. They are able to apply the rules of the language in real situation. The third principle is the processes are as important as the forms. It implies that a teacher has to create information gap, give choices to his students to choose what they want to say and how they will say it. The forth principle is to learn it to do it. Learners should be iinvolved in all the activities. Learners practice what they are learning. It will help students internalize the language rules and forms. The fifth principle is mistakes are not always a mistake. It means that the teacher has to tolerate learners‟ mistake in learning process. Teacher tolerates learners‟ mistakes in term of materials that have not been explained beforehand. 26
PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Teachers’ role There are nine roles of teacher in a classroom adapted from J Harmer. The first is teacher as controller. Exemplify the teacher-fronted classroom. There is transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the students. The second is teacher as organizer. It means that teacher Organize the students to do various activities, give information, how to do the activity, put in pairs or groups, close things down when time to stop. Teachers get students involved and ready. Teachers get language right and present instructions in a logical order. E.g. get a student up front to demonstrate the activity with you. Tell them how much time they have got and exactly when they should start. The third is teacher as assessor. What students expect from their teachers: Indication of whether or not they are getting their English right. Students should know what we are looking for and what success looks like so they can measure themselves against this. (Refer to learning aims and can dos in K2006.) Important: The feeling of fairness. Also be sensitive to the student‟s possible reaction. Give feedback with sensitivity and support. The fourth is teacher as prompter. If students lose the thread of what is going on or they are lost for words, we may nudge them forward in a discreet and supportive way. We want to help, but not to take over. Balance between taking the initiative away from the student and – if too careful – not giving the right amount of encouragement. The fifth is teacher as participant. Traditional picture: Teacher standing back from the activity, letting learners get on with it. Later giving feedback and/or correcting mistakes. Sometimes we should join in –not as a teacher, but as a participant in our own right. Enliven things from the inside instead of organize from the outside. The sixth is teacher as the resource. We should be helpful and available, but resist the urge to spoon-feed our students so they become over-reliant on us. Offer guidance to where
they can go and look for the information. Help them to become more independent in their learning generally. It is okay to say, “I don‟t know, but I‟ll tell you tomorrow.” The seventh is teacher as tutor. As a tutor, teachers are working with individuals or small groups, combining the roles of prompter and resource. More personal contact gives the learners a real chance to feel supported and helped. The eighth is teacher as observer. As observer, teacher have to observe what the students do – especially in oral communicative activities and to be able to give them useful feedback. The ninth is teacher as teaching aid. It is apart from the different roles and how they are performed; we are a kind of teaching aid ourselves. We mime and gesture, we are the most important language models and we provide meaningful input. 2.1.3 Junior High School students Psychological development Junior high school students are usually around 12 until 15 years old. They seem in the transition time. They are not children anymore but they are not yet mature. They are in the age of teenager or adolescent. Their characteristics or the development step is different from children. The differences are in physical look, cognitive and intellectual development, emotion, and identity formation. The physical changes can be seen from the body. The shape of the body changes both boys and girls. According to Ribner (2000: 11), the adolescents have their body image which may affect their self-esteem. Some worry about the size of their bodies, but some are already satisfied. The other is about health and nutrition. They tend to skip breakfast then having snack excessively. Boys need more calories than girls, that the reason why boys eat more. Talking about the intellectual and cognitive development, Piaget in Ribner ( 2000: 16) says that between the age of eleven or twelve and fifteen, adolescents begin to think of 28
abstraction and possibilities. In these ages, Piaget adds that the adolescents start to have adult-think reasoning. Egocentrism is one of the developments of cognitive and intellectual in adolescents. as what Ribner (2000:17) says, adolescents begin to see the world as others do and to evaluate themselves as they think others will. Therefore, adolescents think that people around them will evaluate them. The next is “ adolescents believe that their experience is unique and they are not subject of rules that govern others”. The other characteristics are adolescents seem to take every chance to argue with adults and compel to criticize the people they may once idealized. They also like to change their minds, so they tend to believe in something one day and believing in something else the next. Junior high school is created as the transition of elementary school to high school. The movement of between schools is considered as a major stressor for adolescents. It is not only because the works get harder but also they have to encouter with new faces, be more anonymous than previous time, and they are more self-conscious. However, most children adapt well to this transition, though some experience such problems as lowered academic motivation, lowered self-esteem, and increase behavioral acting out. Particularly, young adolescent girls may experience significant drops in low self-esteem because of significant number of life-changes Ribner ( 2000:17-19). Teachers‟ demand also contributes in adolescents‟ academic performance. When teachers are more demanding, their grades may go down. They appear unfocused and unmotivated when they feel out of place, try to cope the pubertal changes, and struggle to keep up her peer. As the consequences, some adolescents get low grades, drops in selfesteem, negative expectations about their abilities, and avoid or resist to school works. Therefore in this stage, adolescents confront with many stresses in the same time Ribner ( 2000:19). 29
Some adolescents are experienced worse, like drop out. There are some factors indicated by Ribner ( 2000: 20) such as poor reading skills, early school failure, low motivation, impoverished background, disrupted family situation. The next are related to emotional characteristics of adolescents. anxiety and depression are often found in adolescents. adolescents feel self-conscious, shy, and modest. They are anxious about what they wear, how they walk and talk, whether other adolescents are talking about them. Depression is also common in adolescence, as they struggle with new feelings and experiences and are faced with making decision that might affect the rest of their lives. Adolescents who are depressed show social isolation, lower school performance, higher family conflict, and higher risk to suicide. However, in some degree anxiety and depression are still acceptable Ribner ( 2000:21-22). Related to identity formation, I would like to focus on the relationship with peers. It is because that peers influence much in teenager life. As Ribner ( 2000: 28-29) states, peer group becomes a place to experiment with new behaviors and to form intimate relationships. Ribner shows a research talking about peer influence seems strongest in the eighth and ninth grades. The influence is strongest around everyday social issues, such as dress, school, and so on both positive and negative. Learning English Learning English is part of language learning. In learning a language, there are three stages in learning. The three stages are meeting new language, manipulating it, and making the language your own (MMM). The first and second stages are usually well done in most classrooms, but the third is often missed (Brewster et all, 2002:47-48).
The stages of learning are: a.
Meeting new language In this stage, the teacher is responsible to provide comprehensible inputs for learners,
then to make it as interesting as possible so the learners will use their hearing, sight, and knowledge of the world to put the language into context. This stage is characterized by transmission teaching, which is teacher-centred and tightly controlled. When learners make s mistake, the teacher will correct them in a gentle and non-threatening way. b.
Manipulating new language In the second stage, the teacher will support learners in manipulating the new
language in various activities. The process is a controlled way at first, but then it will be a more guided way. c. Making language your own Learners are demanded to communicate, after the two above stages. They can work in pairs or group work for activities with a clear purpose. They can use the language, which they have already learnt more freely. In this stage, the teacher is not suggested to make much correction because it will be demotivating and inappropriate since learners had clearly grasped the meaning very well and were willing to continue their work. As part of language learning, learning English also through those three stages. The first stage „meeting the new language‟, the sources of the input can be native speakers or local people who speak English from media or direct interaction. The second is „manipulating the new language‟. Learners tend to imitate what the English speaking people says include how to pronounce it, use it, and express it. In the third stage, learners try to produce the language both in oral or written forms.
PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Junior high school curriculum Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or School-based curriculum for junior high school aims (1) developing communicative competence both oral and written so students are able to use the language functionally (2) developing students‟ awareness of the importance of English in empowering themselves in international competition and (3) developing students‟ understanding in the relationship between language and culture. There are many reasons in designing the curriculum. Language plays central role in developing intellectual, social, and emotional of students. Language may help students to gain information, understand their own culture and others‟ culture. As stated by (Well, 1987) there are four literacy level; performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. In performative level, people are able to read, write, listen, and speak in the symbols of the target language. In functional level, students are able to use the language to fulfill their daily need such as read newspapers, manual or direction. Persons who are in informational level are able to access knowledge. In epistemic level, people are able to transfer their knowledge to the target language. The skill which is targeted in the junior high school curriculum is students are able to use the language functionally. Therefore, junior high school students should be able to read, write, listen, and speak in the target language, English The scope of English for junior high school is reading, listening, writing, and speaking, and linguistics. There are five genres learned such as procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report. Students learn to comprehend texts through listening and reading, finally create texts both oral and written functionally. Moreover, for the international standard students the levels are until epistemic. The linguistic competence is related to vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and socio-cultural.
2.1.4 Lived-experience Lived- experience is something or certain phenomenon which means to a particular person. It covers many aspects such as the experience, understanding, desire, intention or expectation, anticipation, relations with others, cultural pattern feelings, belief, behavior and so on. According to Cronbach (1963:50), to understand means to have the knowledge or to be informed of a particular subject. Understanding helps people to judge the possible responses that come to mind and reject those that are not inconsistence with some of the facts ( Tumijo, 2008 : 52). It is the underachievers‟ understanding of learning English. It includes all the information the learners‟ absorbed in learning English. Belief is the most valuable psychological construct to teacher education. It is concern with value and feeling. It is influenced by one‟s understanding. ( Pintrich, 1990 in Tumijo, 2008:52). Then, intention is combination between desire and ability. It is a proximal end of an action being performed by a person. Desire is defined as the impulsive toward having/ continuing to have an entity. In order to satisfy desire, one must be able to do so. Ability is the potential for action. It is composed by control and understanding. Intention is also defined as a plan or goal. It is similar with expectation. Expectation is a prediction or an estimate or subjective probability that a behavior will actually be performed (Warshaw and Davis, 1985 in Tumijo, 2008 : 53). According to Pierce (2004) in Tumijo (2008 : 52), feeling is a state which is in its entirely in every moment of time as long as it endures. It is closely with emotion. The question can be “ How do you feel about”. The answer could be happy, anxious, afraid, confident ( Patton, 2002:55). Then, action is part of experience which involves the uses of five senses and bodily movement. For example, the act of hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smelling. Based on 33
Vallacher (1985), an action can be indentified in many ways. For example: eating may be described as chewing, swallowing and so on( Tumijo, 2008 : 55). The underachievers‟ action can be seen from video recording, observation notes, interviews, and the re-interviews. 2.1.5. Lived-experience research Phenomenological human science begins in lived-experience and eventually turn back it (Mannen, 1990: 35). It means that lived-experience researches become the basic of phenomenology human sciance. The human science are derived from the lived-experience researches. People understand the reasons why a phenomenon exsits through livedexperience researches. Therefore, I assume that lived-experience researches are closely related to phenomenologicall researches. Mannen ( 1990: 36) states “ the aim of phenomenology is to transform lived experience into a textual expression of its essense....”. In this lived-experience research, the oral text which were derived from thr interviews would be transformed into written texts. Further, Mannen ( 1990: 42) said that to do phenomenlogical research is to questions something phenomenologically and it is also addressed by the questions what something is “ really” like. The simplest question in phenomenological research is “What is it like?”. In this context, the question is “ What is the underachievers‟ lived-experience of English learning like?”. 2.2 Pre-understanding framework All students, of course, want to perform better in all school subjects. However, a student maybe good in some school subjects, but not good in some other subjects. We also find some students who are good in almost all school subjects or all school subjects, but some students are not good in most of the school subjects. In the research, I explore those who do not perform well with Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal as the performance standard. However, I would like to focus on the students who do not perform well in English class only. I try to 34
ignore their performance in other school subjects. Then, I would like to say that I focus on the underachievers of English Learning. There must be reasons behind behavior. Every student has his/her own reason in learning English in a formal school. Some students have had certain motivations in learning English (e.g. to be able to speak English so they will able to get good jobs in the future). This kind of students will probably have stronger motivation in learning. However, some may only join the class because English is a compulsory subject for them. Then, they are not really motivated. Others only want to get good marks as their goals of learning English. Besides the motivation, I see several aspects which may also contribute to learning achievement. Then, the aspects will explain why the learners become underachievers. The first is their family background. The second is personal characteristics which include their habit outside the class and their life as adolescents. The third is their learning English. Of course, I also see the position of English in their life. Related to family background, it is claimed in a previous research telling that the parents‟ academic background is one of the factors. The research claimed that parents who have at least bachelor degree tend to have high-achiever children. In the case of English learning, I think it is understandable since the parents who have low education level do not really aware of the importance of English language for their children future. Even, the parents do not really care about their children education. As the consequence, they rarely encourage their children to learn English language. Children who have difficult condition at home like broken family or economical problem tend to be an underachiever. Since such condition disturb the children‟ focus to learn or give them more burdens. The economical problem, actually, is not always the cause of such failure. Since I often find many brilliants come from „down‟. However, I once met a student in my class who is underachiever. Then, I consult with one of my colleague at the 35
school. The teacher told me that he was great students in several grades before. The teacher added that he lives in a crowded slum. His family has to share home facilities (e.g. source of water, bathroom etc) with several other families. He may be also influenced by some other adolescents from other families who do not motivate in learning. Then, I conclude that such inconvenient condition may not support him to study at home. Some previous
research identifies
of the
underachievers. Previous research telling that underachievers see themselves do not have abilities, they also tend to have low-self esteem and confident. My experience seems to support the research, when I ask my students who are underachievers to read a passage or to write their answers on the board, they tend to say that they do not know the answers or they feel that they are not able to do that. I feel that I often tolerate their mistakes during the learning process but they are still not confident enough. Then, I have to force them while saying it is ok to make mistake while learning. In relation with motivation, the other characteristic of underachievers is low-self motivation. The underachievers do not show their will to learn. They come into the class is only because they have to do that. They do not have self motivation to learn English. It is reflected from how they behave during the lesson. When the teacher asks them to do some task or get involved in several activities, they do not show their enthusiasm compared to other students. They do not aware of the goal of the activities. They seem they do not care about the lesson. Most of the underachievers like to chat or play with friend during the lesson. Most of them are school-law breaker. They do not respect their teachers much. However, the last two characteristics are not always found in underachievers. Some of the underachievers obey the school-law and respect their teachers much. The learners‟ habits also play role in their academic achievement. Watching television a lot may decrease their academic achievement. Since such habit may lessen their 36
study time and the television programs do not support the learning. Most of the programs are merely entertainments which are not English speaking programs. Reading habits seem become the habit of high-achiever only. The underachievers seem do not like reading much. I also put psychological aspects within personal characteristics of the learners may influence their learning achievement. Since the participants of my research are underachievers of English learning in a junior high school. Junior high school students are around 12 until 15 years old, they are considered as adolescents. As we know, adolescents are the transition from kids to adults. They face many new experience or stress. They have to face their psychological development while they have to deal with school too. Some adolescents seem face some stress in the same time. Ribner ( 2000: 17-19) says that the movement between schools is considered as a major stressor for adolescents. The teachers‟ demand are also contributes to their academic performance. When the teacher is demanding, their grades may go down. They become unfocused and unmotivated when they feel out of place, try to cope with pubertal changes, and struggle to keep up her peer. As the consequences, some of them get low grades, drop in self-esteem, negative expectation about their abilities, and avoid or resist to school works. Ideally, the students are learning English not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom with the help of their teachers or individually. However, many students only rely on the learning process in the classroom. Only few of them will explore outside the class. Therefore, the English learning achievement is determined by teaching learning process in the classroom. Ironically, there are about 40 students in a classroom. They have different English language competence. They are forced to learn in the same speed. They have different learning styles. The fact in the field that is the school is still the „conventional‟ classroom in which the activities are only doing things related to books. Students have to sit, listen, read, 37
write, and speak. Then, students who are kinesthetic will underachieve in the class. It is because they like to move their body during learning. The visual students who best learn through picture will also underachieve because there is no picture or no visual aid. Gardner says that there are eight intelligences. They are linguistics, logicalmathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. The students who have strong linguistics competence are good in dealing with words or language. Therefore, they are good in learning languages. Based on the multiple intelligences, I suspect the underachievers of English learning do not have strong linguistics intelligences. However, I do not say that students who do not have prominent linguistic intelligence are not able to learn languages well. I believe they are able to learn languages well when they are strongly motivated to learn. There are some other factors which influence learning achievement. Learners‟ belief about language learning is one of the factors. It is about what learners believe language learning should be. If the teacher‟s belief is different from the learner‟s belief, it will not support learning because the learners are not happy with the teaching learning process. The second is learners‟ affective filter. When affective filter is high, it is more difficult for the learners to learn. The position of English in Indonesia is also the factor that may influence English leaning achievement. Even though English is a Lingua Franca in the world today, but it is considered as Foreign Language in Indonesia. The position of English as Foreign Language in Indonesia, somehow, has discouraged some students especially who are low-self motivated. Some students sometimes think the language is not important because they never meet people to whom they have to communicate in English. In their daily life, the students do not use the language functionally. Moreover, the teacher and classmates are the only people, they can speak English with. The students get little access to the language can be the second 38
factor. The limitation of exposure means less input. Therefore, the students sometimes lack the language model. Such condition may not support the students‟ English language achievement. In summary, the underachievers mostly come from the parents who have low educational background. Since the parents rarely motivate them to learn English. The position of English in the students‟ life as a foreign language may effect their achievements. They students rarely, even never speak English outside the class. Most of the students do not have access to English written texts like magazines, newspaper, or books. In the other hand, peaking and reading support them much in mastering English. Reading may provide them English exposure; they may acquire many words through reading. Speaking provides them a field of practicing what they have learnt. Therefore, their learning English was not yet successfull that can be reflected from their learning achievement. Their belief that English is difficult may discourage them. The high demand of teachers also discourage them. In summary, the underachievers are often from parents who are low-educational backgrounds. The parents do not motivate them to learn English. Most of them are from loweconomic backgrounds, therefore, their facilities to learn English are limited. They have to struggle to learn English. The third is related to their belief about English language learning. It is about how learning a language should be. If they are kinesthetic learners, they have to struggle to sit in the class from morning until afternoon.
This chapter discusses the methodology and procedure of the research. There are six parts of this chapter such as (1) the method which is progressive qualitative method, (2) research design, (3) procedure, (4) text and text sources, (5) research and research instruments, and (6) text analysis and interpretation. 3.1. Progressive Qualitative Method This study was a qualitative research in which trying to explore human experience. As (Fraenkel & Wallen, 1990; Locke et al., 1987; Merriam, 1988) state that the focus of qualitative research is on „participants‟ perception and experiences, and the way they make sense of their lives‟ (Cresswell, 2003:199). As a qualitative research, this study applied flexible methods. The methods may be developed during the research. As it is stated by Holliday (2002:21): “It is therefore very clear that one does not begin by choosing a method. Methods can be sufficiently flexible to grow naturally from the research question, and in turn from \the nature of social setting in which the research is carried out.” This qualitative research is also considered as phenomenological and hermeneutical study. It is a phenomenological research because it is a descriptive study of lived experience (phenomena) in the attempt to enrich lived experience by mining its meaning. It is also considered as hermeneutic research since it is the interpretive study of the expressions and texts of lived experience (Manen, 1990:38). This study attempted to explore a junior high school student who does not perform well in English subject. This student is not able to reach Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal which is standardized by the school. Therefore, this study tries to explore the participant‟s experiences in learning English and perception to English language. I tried to explore the studied phenomenon, the underachievers of English learning through whatever information 40
from interviews, classroom observation and field notes, document checks, and re-interviews. This information is used to find out the underachievers‟ lived experience of English learning. This study was one form of progressive study in which the researcher attempts to advocate the participants who are assumed having problem in learning English. The participants‟, who were underachievers, lived-experience would be the basic to find out ways to advocate him/her. By describing and interpreting his/her lived-experience, hopefully the solution of the problem could be achieved. One form of progressive research was advocative. Advocative means to help or support the participants. In this research, I had the underachievers of junior high school as my participants. The main purpose was to help the participant to solve their problems in learning English language. So that, they would perform better in their future world related to English language. As Bismoko (2007:24-25), the main goal of advocative approach is the participant will be able to make decision themselves what to do and potential empowerment and selffulfillment. We can do advocative research if we emancipative sympathy will help the marginal (in this case is the underachievers of English learning) become autonomous and empowered leading to their self-fulfillment. This study was also considered as a reflective research. The participants had to reflect on their past experience in learning English. Therefore, the participants had to refer back on their previous belief, intention, understanding, and feeling. This study explored the lived-experience of the participant. Researching about one‟s lived-experience would closely relate to hermeneutics and phenomenology method. Hermeneutic is said to be the science of interpretation. Here we interpreted world reality through the participants‟ interaction and from the participants‟ point of view Bismoko (:25). Then, in phenomenology the researcher identifies the „essence‟ of human experience 41
concerning to a phenomenon. (Creswell, 2003:15). Therefore, I did both describe and interpret the human experience, in this case, the underachievers‟ lived experience. As an academic research, this work had to meet validity and reliability. Validity refers to measurements of what it intends to measure (Cohen, Manion, and Marisson, 2000:105). (Creswell and Miller, 2000) adds that „validity is used to suggest determining whether the findings are accurate from the standpoints of the researcher, the participants, and the readers of an account‟. Then related to reliability, (Creswell, 2003: 195) states it is about examining stability or consistency of responses. However, reliability plays minor role in qualitative inquiry. I explored the experiences throught interviews using a guidelines of the questions. To meet the validity, I applied a guideline which derives from some theories and previous researches. To gain the reliability, I tried to have cross-check to the teachers or conduct reinterviews. Using sources of data, hopefully, this research would meet the validity. Specifically, this study found out the answer of what is the underachievers‟ lived experience of English learning. This study aims to build empathic understanding to me and also all readers to underachievers. This study also attempts to build the participants‟ higher awareness and commitment in learning English, then higher achievement in the rest of their life. 3.2. Research Design The goals of the study were to describe and interpret underachievers‟ learning experience. Hopefully, the result of the study would help me and the readers in building empathic understanding to the underachievers.
The second impact was making the
participants higher awareness and commitment in learning English, then higher achievement in the rest of their life. Then, the lived-experience was told in the form of narrative.
The research design is presented in the table below : Table 1. The Research Design on the Underachievers of English Learning CONTEXT
Title : The underachievers of language learning Setting : SMP Negeri , Bayat and MTsN Jatinom, Klaten Time : February to July 2010 Academic year : 2009/2010-2010/2011 to describe and interpret underachievers‟ lived-experience of English learning 1. Choose two underachievers as the 1.1. Document check participants 1.2. Classroom observation 2. Provide time for classroom observation 3. Collect important information during Note taking the observation 4. Design framework for the participants 4.1.Classroom observation interview data 4.2.Related research and theories 5. Interview the two participants Record the interview 6. Analyze the narrative 6.1. Based on the text gained and theoretical framework 7. Re-interview Record the interview 8. Design framework for the teacher 8.1.Classroom observation interview data 8.2.Related research and theories 9. Interview the teacher Record the interview 1. Text and text sources stories of the two underachievers ( a boy and a girl) 2. Nature of text Narrative from observation, in depth-interview, and reinterview
To pursue the goals, I as the researcher tried to dig up what is the underachievers’ lived-experience of English learning? Through observation and interviews, I found out the answers of the question that became the base of achieving the goals of the research. To study the lived-experience of underachievers, I conducted the research in Sekolah Menengah Pertama or junior high schools. Since the school is considered as the best junior high school in their regions. One of the schools also has good facilities in learning since it is also donated by Titian Foundation. The school applies the National Curriculum for Junior High School as the guideline of teaching learning process. It was because the community in regions and also the surrounding subdistricts were competing to have the opportunity to study in the junior high school. Therefore, it is considered as one of the favourite school in the subdistrict. The second reason was because the school was really accessible. I prefered to have grade 8 studets as my participants because I assumed they had richer experience compared grade 7 and more time available compared to grade 9. To find the sources, I went to the schools. Then, I consulted with the principles and the English teachers. After that, I did the document checking. I sorted some students who were underachievers in learning English. I asked the teacher about the students‟ English scores. After I got several names of underachievers, I conducted classroom observation. In here, I determined two of the underachievers of English learning as my participants. I chose the two who I yhought they were more interesting for me than others. During the classroom observation, I also saw the two participants‟ and the teacher‟s actions. I tried to collect some important information related to my research. During the classroom observations, I could see the participants‟ actions or what the participants do. The classroom observations aimed two things (1) to see whether their actions during the English lesson in conformity with what they did during the interview, and (2) to be the source of interview questions. 44
The next step was constructing the framework for the in-depth interview. The interview questions were based on the classroom observation and also some related research or theories. Then, I conducted in-depth interview to both participants several times until the information needed is obtained. After the in-depth interview, I analyzed the narrative which was the story of the two participants. Then, for the clarification of my interpretation of the interview, I conducted the re-interview. It was conducted in order to see whether my interpretation is actually what they really mean. The next was related to the triangulation. That‟s why I conducted an interview to the English teacher who teaches both participants. Before the interview, of course, I prepared a guideline for the interview. Finally, I would like the present the result in the form of narrative. A Van Maanen( 1988) states that the forms to be used in narrative might be an object account and field experiences. Creswell (2003:197) adds these might be a chronology, a process model, an extended story, an analysis by cases or cross cases, or a detailed descriptive portrait. However, I use an extended story. 3.2.1.The Sources of text The sources of the text must be the underachieve-students. I focused on grade 8 of junior high school as my participants since they already had adequate experience in learning English in the school, and they still had any chances to perform better in the school. There were five and seven classes of grade 8. However, because of the accessibility, the participants were only from 8 C and 8F. I determined the two participants through document check and classroom observation. I took two out of 40 students of SMPN 1 Bayat and one out of 40 students of MTsN Jatinom who are interesting for me. I had two boys and a girl as the participants. The 45
standard in determining who the underachievers is the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal. In SMPN 1 Bayat, the target or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal is every student should get 63 in English. However, the minimum target in MTs N Jatinom is 69.Actually, every semester students perform differently in English. That‟s the reason why I took the result of semester 1 of grade 8. Indeed there are about 3 or 4 underachievers; however, to make profound analysis I like to have three students only, two boys and a girl. 3.2.2. The Nature of Text The nature of data was (1) narratives obtained from in-depth interview, (2) narratives obtained from the re-interview, (3) observation data obtained during learning-teaching process in the classroom, and (4) document checking. 3.2.3. Text gathering instruments The first was document check. Document check was conducted in order to (1) determine the participants and (2) to see the participants‟ action during the lesson. The second was classroom observation. It is conducted in order to (1) help me determine the two participants, (2) know what actually going on in the classroom include the participants‟ actions. The third was conducting the interview, I found out the story of their English learning. In here, I also confirmed their action during the English lesson. The main text was obtained from in-depth interview to two students who are underachievers. The interview was conducted in order to get the information about their English learning experience. The fourth was re-interviewed in order to clarify my interpretation to the two participants‟ story. The interview to their English teacher was also conducted in order to get information about their experience in teaching underachievers. The interview was recorded, and it was accompanied by note-taking. It was also supported by in-depth interview with the English teacher as the triangulation. 46
3.2.4. Text processing instruments The text processing instruments was conducted right after text gathering instruments. The first step of the text processing was coding the relevant data. Coding included identifying, naming, categorizing, and describing phenomena found in the text with reference to the research questions. It was conducted in order to find out the core content of the interviews or observations in order to determine what is significant. The second was presenting the text. It was done in the form of tables, diagrams, or charts. These kinds of text presentation helped me to make the description and interpretation, and readers to read the result of the research. The third describing the underachiever‟s lived-experience based on the text presentations. As the description was based on the text presentation, I hope it was out of my personal interference. The fourth was to interpret the underachiever‟s lived-experience. It was my interpretation on the description of the participant‟s lived-experience. Therefore, it is more subjective since it employed my understanding based on the description. The last step was to form conclusion. 3.3. Research Procedure In the beginning of February, I visited the one of the schools. The school was located in a country side. Surrounded by houses and trees, the school has good learning atmosphere. The silence and fresh air created comfort for the learners there. Besides, the school building was well designed. Titian Foundation made the school different from other Junior High school in Klaten. The school had beautiful building and parks; moreover, it is well-facilitated. In the school, I met the principle. I asked his permission to conduct my research there. He welcomed me to do my research there. He asked me to see the English teacher, bu Kasi, in order to get detail information about teaching learning there. 47
The figure below shows how the research was conducted. The figure shows each step and what was obtained in each step. The figure above shows how the research were conducted. The fisrt six steps are the steps which were conducted before the text gathered. Then, step 7 until 10 are the steps taken after the text gathered. Step 1.
Document checking
Participants‟ names
Step 2.
Classroom observation
Observation note
Step 3.
Making inventory question
Inventory questions
Step 4.
Conducting in-depth interview
Audio recorded text
Step 5.
Trancribing the text
Transcription of the text
Step 6.
Step 7.
Coding the text
Coded text
Step 8.
Presenting the text
Text is presented in a table
Step 9.
Step 10.
Describing the lived-experience
The describtion of the
of the participants
Interpretting the lived-experience
The interpretation of the
of the participants
Figure 2. The steps taken during the research and the result of each step. Before I did the first step, I asked the English teacher who were the underachievers of English learning. She gave me a list of midterm test scores. I have not decided the participants yet at the time since I need to find a boy and a girl who are „interesting‟ for me, so then I need to know them more.
Then, I needed to do some classroom observation in order to decide the participants. I thank the English teacher for giving me opportunities to observe them any time I need. I started my observation on Monday, 8th March 2010 and finished it on Monday 31st May 2010. During the observation I was interested in a boy named Iwan ( not the real name) and a girl named Wati( not the real name). The boy, actually, almost achieves the KKM and the girl gets lowest score. During the observation, of course, I took note. I started my observation in the other school on Monday, April 9,2012 until April 16,2012. I had Joko ( not a real name) as my third participant. The first participant was a boy named Iwan ( not the real name). He was fifteen years old. He was from a village which is about 5 kilometers from the school. I feel that he was cheerful boy ( I conclude it from the observations). He likes smiling a lot. His father works from one occupation to others. It is mentioned in his personal data collected by the school that his father is Chicken Noodle seller, then, he worked for houses construction. His mother was a house wife. Then, in last August 2010 I visited his house; his house had concrete wall and ceramic floor. His father graduated from a senior high school and his mother from an elementary school. Iwan said that he likes sport much especially football. His sport class result is quite good for the three semesters. For the forth semester, his sport test result was the best among other subjects ( it is 96). Then, during sport test he said that his friends like to ask for answers. From his academic report, I saw that he is good Informatin technology. He said often like English lesson, but about English language he said biasa saja about the lesson. He like English lesson since the teacher wass really good in making humor and his friends often made mistakes in pronouncing English words, then, made him laugh. He basically spoke Javanese as his mother tongue. However, at school he spoke Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese. He rarely spoke English outside English classroom. He 49
confessedd that he spoke English with friends only while playing and for cooperating during tests. The second source of the text was a girl named Wati (not a real name). She was 14 years. old. She lived at a village about 1 km from her school. Based on my observation, I concluded that she was almost silent during the English lesson. I saw her always busy with books and hairs during the lesson. I saw her rarely discuss with friends while doing the exercises given. Then, when I came into the interview, I was surprised to see not really quite girl. She talked pretty much. She also confessed when she got bored during the English lesson, she chatted with friends, moreover, reading magazines! She also smiled a lot outside the class. His father was ice cream seller ( many Bayat people take this profession). Then, recently I know that her father is soya bean milk seller. She and her mother always helped him making the milk every afternoon. Her house was made from gedhek or bamboo with ground floor. Her mother is a house wife. Both her father and mother graduated from elementary schools. She said that she often like English lesson because the teacher was funny. She never feels nervous during English lesson. However, she was not happy with English language system because the pronunciation and the writing are different. Then, she often made mistake in it. Actually, she prefered mathematic lesson since it is more exact and she only needs to count. However, when I checked her academic report, I saw that she perform better in sports and ketrampilan and TIK. She rarely communicated with friends in English. She actually has a friend to whom she can speak English with. Her friend was a vocational school student. Her friend sometimes spoke English to her, however, she used to respondd in Bahasa Indonesia. She said that it is hard to respond it in English. 50
The third source was a boy named Joko. He was 14 years old. He was a tall boy. He was from a village of the slope of Merapi volcano. It is in jatinom, Klaten region. He said that he likes sports but he does not like English. His English competence was quite low but he was excellent in sport both football and volleyball. He joined English class in order to get score. He did not know the important of English language. He never communicated in English, even, he was rarely exposed to English language. The next was making inventory questions based on the thematic interaction. The result was the list of inventory questions. After that was conducting in-depth interviews, the result was audio recorded text. Then, I transcribed the interview text. The result was transcript of interview text. The next was constructing the re-interview questions. The result was list of interview questions. After the texts had been already gathered, the next step is (1) coding the relevant text. Coding was part of analysis which concern with identifying, naming, categorizing, describing phenomena found in the text with relevant to the research questions. The goal was to find out the core content of interview or observation in order to determine what is significant. To do the coding, the first stage was transcripting the interview, classroom observation, and reinterview. The second was putting them into tables, read each line, sentence paragraph, assigned codes to significant expression relevant to the issue/theme under research. The codes were assigned to the pseudo name of individual participants, content of the data/category, kind of data gathering technique employed, and number of questions in the transcription. (2) Presenting the text. The text presentation was in the form of tables. Then, (3) describing the lived-experience of the underachievers based on the text presentation. This description is free from my interference. (4) Interpreting the text. The interpretation was
based on the data or story and my own understanding or also based on some theories. (5) The last was drawing conclusion. 3.4. Text Analysis And Interpretation 3.4.1 Text summary I had to have document checking, and then conduct in-depth structured interviews to both participant and their teacher. Then, classroom observation and field note were collected. The next was designing the re-interview questions based on the observation field note of the participant and the teacher. Then, I conducted the re-interview. The next step was coding and presenting the text in tables. 3.4.2 Text organization I made a narration about the lived-experience of the participants. In doing so, I refered back to the transcript of the interviews and re-interviews of the participant and teacher, and also field note of the classroom observation. In here, I described the lived-experience of the underachievers which was accompanied by the description of the teacher talk about the participant. 3.4.3. Text interpretation The text interpretation was based on the narrative of the participants and accompanied by the interviews to his/her teacher. 3.4.4. Trustworthiness In order to gain reliable text from the participants, interviewed the teacher who teach the participants or conducted re-interview. I also used the observation data. It would be like a kind of cross check the participants‟ text with the teacher interview and data observation. It was needed in order to ensure that the participants‟ statements trustworthy.
This section would like to present the description and its interpretation. The detail description and its interpretation of the lived-experience of the Englishunderachievers are presented here. 4.1. The Lived Experience Description I put this part into three sections of stories. The first are stories of the three participants during the English lesson; then, the second is about their experience during the quizzes and other tests, and the last is about their daily life. 4.1.1.The lived-experience during the English lesson of Budi the English lesson There was an English lesson on the day. Before the class began, some students including Budi finished their take-home assignments. When the English teacher gave some take-home assignments, Budi did not always do it at home. He prefered doing the assignment at school; however, sometimes he had done some part at home. He said that he liked to do the homework at school. When I asked him why he liked to do the assignment at school, he replied : “….. Because there were many friends who did the same thing. It was more convenient working at school”.( Table 4. Appendix C, 115). Then, I asked him whether he did it himself or copied his friend‟s work, he replied: “ sometimes I copied the works, when I was able to work on them sometimes I did them myself...I often copied them” ( Table 4. Appendix C: 115).
Although Budi finished his English assignment at school, he never felt nervous. It was because the English lesson was always scheduled after the break. Then, when I asked him whether he felt nervous or not doing the assignment at school. He replied : “The English lesson was in the middle period” ( Table 4. Appendix C: 115) Therefore, he thought he had enough time to do the take-home assignment at school. He took this strategy since he could easily find his friends‟ favor to solve the difficult items. It is different from what Wati did. She liked doing the assignment at home. Starting the class, bu Kasi greeted the students by saying “Selamat Pagi”. Some students enthusiastically replied her greeting but some were busy preparing the English books and dictionaries. Even though, Sport class was Budi‟s favorite lesson; he always showed his smiling face while preparing the English lesson. English was not his favorite lesson; however, he liked bu Kasi‟s jokes. He also looked forward to English lesson because of the „funny mistakes made by his friends in pronouncing English words. He said that he and his friends liked to make „funny‟ mistakes in pronouncing English words since the written system is different from the oral system. After greeting the students, bu Kasi, then, called the role. She often said „ siapa yang tidak masuk? (“ Who is absent today?”). Most of the students replied in Indonesian too. If there was a take-home assignment, the next things they did was checking their work. Students who did not do the assignment should leave the class and stay in the library. The captain of the class was ready to help bu Kasi to 54
make a list of their names. I tried to look at them, and then I did not find Budi. It meant that he had already done the assignment. Attending the English lesson I noticed that bu Kasi liked to give her students take-home assignments. Therefore, after opening the class, bu Kasi and all the students checked it. Most of the assignment was reading comprehension and translation. The assignment was taken from the text book namely Building Blocks,Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), or some tasks of the previous tests. Every student got the turn to read the passages and answer the comprehension questions. During the discussion, bu Kasi often inserted some detail explanations. She also modified the discussion by eliciting the students‟ existing knowledge by giving some addition tasks. At his seat Budi followed the class seriously. He stared at the blackboard while listening to bu Kasi. He also liked to smile and laugh. He also sometimes talked to his friend who sat in front of and behind him. I saw that he really enjoyed the class. Even though he confessed that he sometimes got bored during the English class but he did not dislike English class. As he stated below :
He I
: “What do you feel when there would be English lesson on that day?..Were you happy?...feeling „plain‟…nothing special…or not happy?‟. :” happy yeah..Sometimes I felt happy.” : “ So sometimes you were not happy?”
: “No. Sometimes I got bored”
He added that he sometimes felt happy when there was English class. I
: “You say „sometimes‟ so do you mean you are often happy or not?” 55
He I He I He I He
: I often felt happy. : Mmmh : Sometimes, I made jokes with friends. : Could you make the joke in other class? : No… : Could you make any jokes in other lesson? : Yes..but when the pronunciation was wrong, we could laugh. ( Table 4. Appendix C:112)
From the interview, he liked the class because there were the „funny things‟. For instance, his friend mispronounced some words so the pronounciation sounded funny; then all of the students laughed at him. Yes, that was one of Budi‟s favourite thing. He liked to hear his friends‟ „funny‟ pronunciation as we know that most of English words have different pronunciation from their spelling; therefore, many students often mispronounce English words. Such condition might create fresh atmosphere for the class but somehow it may make the students annoyed. Besides such situation Budi liked joining bu Kasi‟s class because bu Kasi liked to make jokes so he could laugh. Budi did not always understand what bu Kasi said in English. Bu Kasi explained in mix language but most of her explanation was delivered in Indonesian language. Even so, Budi sometimes found some „difficult words‟ but he still followed the explanation. He was busy with his small dictionary while listening to the explanation; he checked some of the words. He also talked to his friend behind him confirming the explanation. Lucky him, one of his friends had an electronic dictionary so he could borrow it. Budi sat in the same classroom with Wati. On that day, he also got an assignment to write a personal letter.
“writing a quite interesting. He wrote the letter in Indonesian, then translated it into English; as he said “ In Indonesian language first, then, I translated it into English”. ( Table 4. Appendix C:113) First, he decided the topic of the letter. Then, he wrote the letter in Indonesian. Finally, he translated the letter into English. Soon, he was busy checking his dictionary and his translating machine. The first period had gone. Budi hurriedly wrote the letter. He wrote and checked his dictionary again and again several times he discussed the translation with his friends. The second period bell was heard, Budi was so glad because he finished the letter on time. the English lesson The bell rang. The English time was over. The noise was heard. The students started talking to friends while closing their English books. Budi closed his English books while laughing and chatting with his friend sat behind him. Then, bu Kasi closed the class in Indonesian. The students responded in Indonesian too. 4.1.2.The lived-experience during the English lesson of Wati the English lesson There was an English lesson on the day. Wati was ready with the takehome assignment at home. She already finished the assignment at home. She was happy to have a friend who helped her to do the assignment at home. Starting the class, bu Kasi greeted the students by saying “ Selamat Pagi”(“ Good Morning”). Some students enthusiastically replied her greeting but some were busy preparing the English books and dictionaries. Wati was busy preparing the things that she might need for the lesson, she looked serious while 57
doing that. She looked silent during the preparation. English lesson was not always good time for her. She sometimes treated English lesson as a special lesson which may make her happy but sometimes English lesson was just something usual that was „plain‟ to her. After greeting the students, bu Kasi, then, rolled the attendance. She often said „ siapa yang tidak masuk? (“ Who is absent today?”). Most of the students replied in Indonesian too. If there was a take-home assignment, the next things they did was checking their work. Students who did not do the assignment should leave the class and stay in the library. The captain of the class was ready to help bu Kasi to make a list of their names. Wati did her assignment at home therefore she could join the English class in her classroom. Attending the English lesson Wati seemed to follow the class carefully. I saw that she always stared at the paper in front of her. She sometimes looked busy with her hair while staring at her paper. I rarely saw her talking to friends. However, she said that she would fully pay attention to the teacher when the discussion was interesting. When the discussion was not interesting, she sometimes read Bobo (a kids magazine) or talked with friends. She put the magazine under her English book. As she stated below : “If the class were not interesing…I just chatted with friends…sometimes I read Bobo magazine. ..I covered it with my workbook”( Table 2. Appendix A: 106) Since there were 40 students in the classroom, bu Kasi never ‟caught‟ her reading. Besides reading Bobo, when she got bored with the discussion, she sometimes chatted with her friends. However, she rarely did such kinds of things. 58
Her friends often wanted to chat with her; however, she ignored them for several times. She was actually not afraid of missing the teacher‟s explanation because bu Kasi liked to invite questions from her students, then, re-explain later. In addition, she confessed that some of the students liked to create noise during the class; the noise made her hard to catch the teacher‟s explanation well. She actually liked bu Kasi‟s class. Besides, she liked her jokes; she also liked listening to the stories read by bu Kasi. Several times, bu Kasi told stories to the class and sometimes bu Kasi asked her students to translate them into Indonesian language. When she did not understand the words of the stories, she would check her dictionary. As the consequence, she missed some of the stories part but she did not feel sorry for that. Even though she liked the stories, she got frustrated when bu Kasi asked the class to listen and write. That day, bu Kasi read a story, and then all the students had to write down what she said. That was one of the boring things of the English class. “ Writing…is rather boring…it was a dictation…then, I sometimes misspelled it” ( Table 2. Appendix A: 95). That activity seemed hard for her because it was difficult for her to write correctly since the pronunciation and spelling were different. During the discussion, bu Kasi several times also explained grammar explicitly. Wati liked such kind of explanation because, for her, it is important to know the grammar. It reflected in the interview below: I She I She
: “Is it important to learn about grammar?” : “ if I reflected to the is important” : “ Why is it important?” : “ those contained words…if I applied the wrong words..the meaning would be different” 59
:[ while checking my observation note] “What about this one?” [ I showed her my note] A student wrote „my mother is cooks rice‟ Then the teacher showed the correct one „my mother cooked rice‟ “You had learn about this one right? You had to make…explained the past form…the form is –ed. Do you think is it important?” : “It is important..because if we did not apply the –ed..the words can be wrong. ( Table 2,Appendix A: 97)
So then, she can make „correct‟ sentences. Besides seeing the importance of grammar, she also liked learning grammar. She said that doing grammar tasks is simple. She only had to change the positive sentences into negative and interrogative ones. On that day, the activity was writing a personal letter. The teacher provided two lesson hours to do the task. Wati and friends were about making a personal letter as her statement below: “Mmh..there was a test…I had to make a personal letter. It was about past experience…my past experience”.( Table 2, Appendix A: 95).
Wati liked the activity. She could find the model of the letter in her course-book. She only needed to modify the letter as her statement below: “My teacher asked the class…the duration was two hours so in the two hours we were asked to make….make a letter…a personal the letter, we wrote the sender…we were also asked to translate the letter too. Then, we were asked to make it…several time ago…the personal letter were already in the textbook…so we just needed to copy what we would like to say to the receiver.” ( Table 2. Appendix A: 95)
First, she wrote the letter in Indonesian, then, she translated the letter into English. “I wrote the letter in Indonesian, then translated it into English”. She said that she only needed to check the translation from her dictionary. 60
“ Two hours were finish the letter…if I could manage the time well..but my letter was not complete yet..I still needed to finish a little part of it” ( Table 2. Appendix A: 86). She could not finish the letter on time; she still needed time to finish the little part of it. She actually believed that the students could finish the letter on time if they could manage the time well. the English lesson The bell rang for the second time. The English time was over. The students had to submit the letter whether they finished it or not. Sound of relief was heard. The students of 8D started to make noise. Some of them were busy talking to their friends but some were busy closing their English books and starting to prepare for the next lesson. Wati was still busy with her books but made no words, she closed her English books then prepared the next lesson. 4.1.3.The lived-experience during the English lesson of Joko the English lesson It was evening when Joko worked on his English take-home assigment. Mr. Dul, his English teacher, assigned him some tasks from his LKS. The tasks were about reading comprehension. He started to solve the first question, then, he tried to find the answer by reading the passage. He was not so happy because he did not know many words of the passage.
Then, he opened his dictionary. It
happened again and again. However, neither his brother nor his dictionary could help him to find the translations of some words of the passage. If so, he skipped the questions.
The next morning, Joko woke up in the morning it was around five. Before he took a bath, he helped his mother to take some water from the well. After finishing his shower, he prepared the things for school. It was Monday morning. He had English lesson in the third and fourth period. It meant that he had to see his friend, Damto, before the bell rang. He got into his classroom and asked Damto to lend him his LKS. Since Joko had not finished the assignment yet, he only did the easy part of the assignmnet at home, he had to copy Damto‟s work for the rest. He was so lucky, Damto was a quite bright student; moreover, he sat next to him! He copied Damto‟s work fast, he did not want to be late. At seven o‟clock in the morning, the scholl bell rang three times. The first period would start soon. The teacher of the first and second period came into the classroom. Joko closed his English book, then, joined the class until it finished. Exactly at 8.20 a.m., the transition bell rang. I entered his classroom, I sat at the back seat. It was English class time. The weather was quite hot at that time, I felt that I had to use my book as a fan to keep away the hot weather. There were neither fans nor good ventilation in the class. I saw that most of students did the same thing. I had to understand the condition because the teaching-learning process was in the temporary building because of the school renovation. Some students prepared their English books. Then, Mr. Dul entered the classroom. He brought several books with him. Then, he sat at the teacher‟s desk 62
and wrote on the teachers‟ journal. Next, he stood up and greeted the students „Good morning‟. Some students replied his greeting but some did not because they were busy preparing the books. Joko still kept silent and he was busy himself preparing his stuff. Attending the English lesson On that day, the main activity of the English class was discussing the take-home assignment. Mr. Dul started the discussion. Mr. Dul read the questions and some students answered the questions orally. Mr. Dul did not directly point at certain students to answer the questions so everybody was free to participate answering the questions but I saw only a few students actively participated. Some other students, including Joko, only kept silent. The discussion was still going.
The teacher liked to speak mix
languages: English and Indonesian language but he spoke English most of the time. I saw that Joko still kept silent. He was quite often moving his body. Sometimes he „disturbed‟ his friends, he got bored and laid down his head on the table. It was different from his friend, Damto, who sat next to him. He looked serious following the discussion. For several times, he copied „something‟ from Damto exercise book. Suddenly, Mr. Dul asked Joko to answer a question. He seemed to think hard trying to answer the question. Mr. Dul was waiting for his answer for several minutes but no word was uttered by Joko. Mr. Dul was annoyed with him, then, Mr Dul said in Javanese “PR ra tau ngarap” . It more or less means “you never did your homework‟. He continued the discussion. The
class situation was still the same, some students followed the discussion but some did not. Mr. Dul inserted words and grammar explanation during the discussion. He expained about „one‟ and „ones‟; „ I have no bike and I do not have any bike‟. However, Joko did not pay attention to the explanation. He did not understand the explanation. As what he confessed in the interview when I asked him about his problem in learning English. He said : “… to grasp my teacher‟s explanation. Then, I asked him „What explanation?”. He answered “ sentences.....explaination”. I asked “ What your teacher explained?”. He replied “ yes...because he spoke in English too much ( Table 6. Appendix E: 131) He was busy with himself and trying to chat with Damto but Damto did not seem to respond him. The discussion continued; suddenly the teacher asked Joko „What time did you get up?”. He did not respond it clearly until some of his classrooms said in Javanese “ tangimu jam piro?‟( What time did you get up?) . Joko was interested in the discussion, then, he tried to get into the discussion. The hot weather was not the only noise of the teaching learning process, there was also the sound of drumband. The temporary classroom was located next to a kindergarten. Every Monday, the kids were always playing the drums. The loud sound bothered the whole members of the class. I saw that Joko several times looked outside the class through the glass window. When I asked him why he did so, he said I wanted to stop them…they made some noise Bothering…. I wanted to stop (it)… (Table 7. Appendix F: 133). 64
From his words, he really really intended to stop it because the sound was bothering him. I saw that he followed the discussion again, then, looked outside the class again to the source of the sound, followed the discussion again. He was not lucky that day, again, Mr. Dul asked him to come in front. His teacher asked him to write „five times a day on the board‟. He responded in Javanese by saying „riyin Pak”( “wait a minute Sir‟). Then, he looked at Damto‟s work. Finally he came in front but did not write anything but asked his teacher in Javanese „tulisane nopo Pak?” ( what sould I write Sir?). He wrote fart on then. Then, the T asked one of Joko‟s friend to write on the board, he did it well. Joko erased his writing soon before his teacher relaized it. His teacher tried to find Joko‟s writing but he could not find it; he asked in Javanese. „ngone Joko mau endi?Piye sing arep ngerti salah? ( where is Joko‟s writing, How can I know if he made any mistake.) His teacher said again in Javanese “sinau ora gelem” ( You never inted to study). There are about twenty minutes left. The teacher continued the discussion. Joko followed the discussion and looked more serious then before. He looked at Damto‟s notebook several times because he did not really understand the discussion. However, sometimes he him laid down his on the table. the English lesson The hot weather made most of the students of the classroom busy moving the books while following the discussion. Suddenly, the bell rang three times. It was the most wanted time for the students, the break. Before closing the class Mr. Dul gave them, again, a take-home assignment from their textbook. Finally, he 65
said good bye to all the students. Some students responded his leave-taking but some were busy with themselves. 4.1.4.The lived-experience during the unscedulled quizess and other tests’s story There were English lessons on that day. None knew whether they would have quizzes or not. The English teacher sometimes conducted a quiz without giving announcement before. All students including Wati should be ready. However, Wati did not always study English before the class. Wati never felt nervous. Bu Kasi gave a „surprise‟ for her students by conducting a quiz. The quiz was about reading comprehension and translation. Bu Kasi gave them some passages, then, asked them to answer the questions. Even though she did not prepare for the quiz, she never felt scared of the quiz. Wati actually wanted to get good marks, however, she did not seem to think so „hard‟ whether she could do the quiz or not. Most of the test materials were taken from her textbooks, titled English in Focus. Bu Kasi did not always give such „surprise‟ quizzes. She announced some other quizzes several times. Wati remembered, bu Kasi ever asked her students to study a passage entitled Cinderella. During the test, bu Kasi read the questions then asked the students to answer. Even though her teacher applied dictation method during the quiz, Wati never felt scared.
If bu Kasi announced the quiz, Wati always prepared it. She studied some passages and their translations. She also studied the words in English and their Indonesian language.’s story Budi was Wati‟s classmates. Therefore, he also joined bu Kasi‟s English class. He also said that several times bu Kasi gave them „accidental‟ quizes so every student had to be ready every meeting. However, bu Kasi sometimes announced the quizzes. The quizes were about reading comprehension and translation. There were English lessons on that day. None knew whether they would have quizzes or not. The English teacher sometimes conducted a quiz without giving announcement before. All students including Budi should be ready. However, Budi did not always study English before the class. Budi never felt nervous. On that day Bu Kasi conducted an unscedulled quiz. Budi was not prepared for the quiz, however, he did not feel nervous. Bu Kasi gave them some passages, then, asked the students to answer the questions. Budi was able to answer some of the questions but he just took it easy. He was not happy but he was not so sad either. Budi actually wanted to get good marks. Most of the test materials were taken from her textbooks, so called English in Focus. 4.1.5. The lived-experience during the other type of quiz Besides the unschedulled quiz, Bu Kasi sometimes announced several quizzes. Budi said that in the quizes he had to answer questions based on the given texts; sometimes he also had to translate them. Further, some of Budi‟s 67
statements explained more about what the quizess looked like. He said that the quizes was like as follow: “Bu Kasi mentioned the word “makan” we wrote “eat”. He added sometimes the teacher asked the students to memorize a passage, then, they came in front of the class to retell the story. The students who came in front would get a score. On that day bu Kasi announced that there would be a quiz in the next meeting. The quizz was about translation. Bu Kasi said that the students had to translate several Indonesian words into English. Wati’s story On the day before the due date, Wati tried to study English. She memorized all the English words and their translation. She pronounced the words in both Indonesian and English. On the scedulled day, every student sat on their own chair right behind the table. The student sat quite far from each other. It was easy to see what the students were doing during the quiz. Therefore, every student had to depend to him/herself. The quiz day was coming. Wati did not feel nervous. She just enjoyed the quiz. The teacher read some Indonesian language words. Then, Wati wrote their English translation. She was able to translate some of the words. She was not so happy with the result of her quiz. Even though she was not so satisfied with the result. She was not so worried. Therefore, she did not feel
nervous during the English class. However, deep inside her heart, she did want to get good mark. Budi’s story On the other part of Bayat, Budi was busy preparing the quiz right before the due day. He was busy memorizing some of the Indonesian words and their English translation. He said /hardwer/ to pronounce the word „hardware‟; then, /e a t/ to pronounce the word „eat‟. He liked to pronounce the English word in Indonesian language pronunciation. That was the quiz day. Sitting at his own seat, Budi was also joining the quiz. He listened to the teacher carefully. The teacher said „ makan‟; then he wrote „eat‟. He did well on some of the words, but he made mistake in writing the English words. Sometimes he missed to write a letter only. Since most of the English words have different pronunciation fro their spelling. It was his major problems in learning English. The quiz was not really sucessful. Since he made mistakes in writing words. Actually, he knew the English words but he made mistakes in writing the words. He was annoyed with the quiz. He felt that he knew the words, his mistakes were just about missing several letters in the words. Joko’s story One morning Joko went to school happily without any burden. He was so lucky since his English teacher rarely conducted any quizzes but the day was different from the other days, there was a quizz on the day. However, Mr. Dul – his English teacher- already announced it a week before. 69
The quizz was about reading comprehension and English structure. Mr. Dul gave them same passages and asked the students to answer the questions. Joko was trying to solve the tasks, he worked hard for it. He found some problems in writing the corret spelling of many words. He also got problem in solving the structure test because he did not understand the teacher‟s explanation during his English class. His teacher spoke English much during the explaination, he did not understand it. He said that his problem was “I could not do most of the tasks. ….annoyed..annoyed..memorizing “.
He felt annoyed because he was not successful in his quizz. He felt that he had already studied the translation of the words from the passages of his textbooks and LKS with his brother‟s help. When I asked him how he memorized the words, he replied “one by one, word by word, my brother did the dictation”. When I asked him about his English scores since grade 6; he confessed “” I never got good scores...It was hard to find the meaning of the English words in Indonesian ....I searched in my dictionary..but I could not find it.”. ( Table 6. Appendix E: 128). 4.1.6. Self-perception’s self-perception Having English result below the standard given by the school never made Wati nervous during the English class. She realized that her English result was not good particullary in writing. When I asked her about her English competency she said “ …not yet satisfied”. She added “writing”. Then, I asked her whether she had studied, she said 70
“I need to study more...because my score just fulfilled the minimum standard”. She said that the most difficult was writing. “writing mbak”. “when I intended to write extinction..I wrote extingtion”. ( Table 3. Appendix B: 109) She also confessed that she did not study hard during the semester. I : Do you think that you can achieve higher score then last semester? She
: If I study hard [ laughing] insya Allah I can. ( Table 3. Appendix B: 106)
She said that actually she would get good results if she studied English harder. She was aware that her English result was not good yet, then, the way to make it better was by studying harder.
Budi’s self-perception Budi felt that his Engish scores did not really satisfy him. Budi rarely
prepared his quizzes or the test because his teacher in grade 8 rarely announced the test before. When I asked him the thing that he did not like from bu Kasi‟s class; he replied “ulangan mendadak ( unscedulled quizzes)”. From his statements it implied that the „unscedulled quizess also contributed to his English scores. He believed that if he prepared the test, he would have better results.The statement also show that he felt that he actually had the ability to perform better if he had the time to prepare the tests before. He added that what he meant by studying harder was doing more reading and memorizing the English words. I : “... Do you intend to improve your competency in English class?” He : “Yes I do.” I : “then, what do you do?” He : “mmh..memorizing the words”. ( Table 5. Appendix D: 124). 71
PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Joko’s self perception Joko realized that his English scores were not good. He was not satisfied with his own score since he often got less than 80. “....No..I haven‟t got 80..ha ha ha”. He said that the major cause was he did not understand the teacher‟s explanation. He added that his English teacher‟s explanations were mostly delivered in English. Talking about his effort, Joko said that he tried to do his teacher‟s assignment ( this statement was not in line with what his English teacher said) but he often found difficult tasks so he had to ask his friend. He saw himself like the other students. As he confessed : “I think that I am just an ordinary student. I am just like the other students. Sometimes, I intend to study but sometimes I don‟t.” However, he still has a positive perception to himself. He said “if I had understood my teacher‟s explanation, I would have got good score.” 4.1.7. The lived-experienced of the participants’ daily life Wati’s story Wati is from a family who do not know that English is important. As the consequence, her parents never asked her to learn or study English as her statement below: “ ....did not push me to study English because my daddy and mommy did not know about English language, so I just did the take-home assignment or if there were not any, I just read English books”.( table 2. Appendix A: 99). When she was grade 4, she did not know why she had to study English. 72
“I didn‟t know about the reason [ laughing] I didn‟t know or just simply joining the class” atau asal ikut pelajaran. However, Wati actually wanted to be able to speak English well because she already knew its importance. For her, English is important “so when there are some foreigners coming to this school, I understand what they mean...English is important...if we do not know what they mean, we cannot answer their questions” ( Table 2. Appendix A: 104). She thought that it is important to know foreign languages. She thought that if she is able to speak English well, she is able to chat with Qatar people. Some of the Qatar people sometimes came to her school since her school got support from Qatar. After arriving home from school, she rarely reviewed what she got from her English class. When I asked her why she rarely reviewed the lesson. She replied : “ was just because I felt lazy”. She preferred doing something else.
She was going to study English only when she would have an English test on the next day or when she got take-home assignments from her English teacher. She would be very keen to have the assignment because there were not many assignments from other subjects. Then, she would not be happy when she also had the other take-home assignments. She was so lucky that day because her friends who studed at SMK ROTA visited her. Her friend sometimes liked to speak English to her; “ Yeah..if she remembered, then, she translated her talks into English”. But Wati responded in Indonesian. Then, I asked her why she did not reply in English, she said “yeah it was just because I could not do it”. It was because she felt she was not able to 73
respond in English. She was not „brave‟ enough to take the risk to speak in English; she also did not try to apply strategies like asking the English words/expressions for certain objects or expressions. However, she was not always „lucky‟ as that day. Her friend sometimes spoke Javanese to her. Even though she only had a friend to practice her English with (if she intended to); Wati felt that she could access adequate facilities to learn English. She could afford the textbooks, of course, whether she bought or borrowed them from her school. Not only textbooks provided in the school library, she could find English comics or story books from the library. She read the books for several times but somehow she stopped doing that. The library also provides VCDs of several English language films. Wati and her friends watched the VCDs twice only. She did not watch the films (VCDs) anymore because she did not find any friends who accompanied her. Even though she was happy to watch the English films from VCDs borrowed from school, she did not enjoy watching films from TVs since the subtitle shown very fast that was why she did not „catch‟ the message from the films well. It was also the reason why she did not like English songs. She also felt that she did not grasp the meaning of the lyrics. Indeed, she confessed that by paying much attention to her teacher during her English classrooms and watching films were so helpful for her to speak in English. Budi’s Story Not so different from Wati, Budi‟s parents also did not really care about the importance of English. His parents never asked him to learn English. Meanwhile, they tended to motivate him to study math. “Ya biasa saja….kalau bahasa Inggris 74
biasa saja tapi kalau pelajaran matematika harus” (yeah..not really motivated..but they supported me much to study mathematics”) . For his parents, mathematics was the most important subject at school. It was a must for Budi to master math. Budi thought differently, though. He did understand that English was very important for his life. As he stated “Important! When we talked to foreigners…. In order to understand what they said”. He realized that he was going to use English to communicate with people from other countries. However, the problem was he never communicated in English outside the classroom. As he said ” I only spoke English to friends”. ( Table B. Appendix B: 126). He spoke English only with friends. He did not find the urgent need of English in his life nowadays. He thought that English was needed to “ Able to answer the texts…answer the tests..That‟s all”) ( Table B. Appendix 126).
English was used to answer
questions from texts and to answer the tests questions. Outside his English classroom, he found the use of English language only in films or songs. Then, he rarely listened to the songs since he was not so interested in English songs. However, he sometimes watched some English movies in local TV channel. Budi often read the subtitles provided during watching the English speaking movies. He confessed that he never looked at the detailed translation of the subtitles since the subtitles were shown at glance. Therefore, he would not follow the subtitles if he read them while listening to the actors talking.
He was like many teenagers of this country, Budi wanted to be a footballer. Football was his passion. “ I want to be a footballer. If I cannot achieve it, I would like to work in a private company”. He liked to watch football matches whether local clubs, national clubs or some European clubs through the screen. His passion actually provided a good support for him to learn English. He did realize that as a footballer, he needed to master English because footballers need to be able to speak and understand English. Joko’s story Joko is from a village of the Merapi volcano slope. His village is quite far from the city. Therefore, he seldom use English in his daily life. He never speak English outside the class. He also seldom heard talks in English. He just heard the English talks from TVs and radios such as films and songs. However, he is not interested in such things. He often listened to English songs but he did not know the titles. His mommy was a housewife and his father was a merchant. His father worked in Jakarta and went home once a month. Since his mother was a housewife, she stayed at home busy working on the house works. Both his parents rarely asked him about the school works. When they were in conversation, they tended to talk about other things. His brother was a vocational school student. He was the only person in his house who know about English. He sometimes helped him to do his assignmnet. He helped him to find the English words from his assignment. However, his brother never supported him to learn English.
Joko was a tall boy. His body supported much his passion. He was crazy about sport. His passion was sport, only sport. He loved nothing but sport. He was good in both volly ball and football. He was one of the athlete of both sports. He became a member of the sport team. None of his friends and teachers were doubt about his ability on sport. Every afternoon, after arriving home from school. He practiced volleyball. He was good at sport but most teachers complained about his other academic subjects. His sport teacher admitted his ability on sports. The sport teacher said that his ability on sport was above average. It is different from what other teachers said. Almost all the school teachers complained about his performance in their subjects. Say for instance; his English teacher said „Joko kie ra mikiran..cuek...ra ngagas‟. In English, the statement more or less means Joko never thought about his school. He just ingnored the school lesson. He did not think about the school. According to the teacher, Joko did not seem to care about the school. He did not care about his score. The teacher added if he cared about his school, there would be some progress of his study. Not only his English teacher but his Math or Javanese language teacher also complained about his attitude at school. They complained that he did not seem to care about the school subjects.
4.2. The essential themes During the observation and interviews, I could figure out nine essentials themes. Those themes are motivation to learn English language, struggle while joining the English class and in learning English; and their belief about English learning. 4.2.1. Motivation The three participants were from a family which parents were from low educational background. They never motivated the children to learn English. The low-educational background parents seemed that they did not know the importance of English language for their children in the future. When I asked them whether their parents never asked them to study English and the underlying reasons, Wati said “My mother and father did not know about English language”. ( appendix A,121). Budi said “For my parents, English class was like the other class…but they asked me to get good score on mathematic class” ( Appendix B: 121). The statements were reflecting that the parents of both participants did not know the importance of English language. Moreover, Joko‟ parents never asked him about his school. As the consequence, the three participants did not have „strong‟ motivation in learning English since they did not see the important use of English language. I asked Wati about her purpose in learning English when she was in an elementary school, she said “I had not known abut it” ( Appendix A, 96). I also asked Budi about it, he replied to do the quizes.” ( Appendix B: 113).
However, Wati and Budi were luckier then Joko. The two previous guys had already experienced the „real‟ use of English language since they often met the Qatar people in their school. Since they had been in SMPN 1 Bayat, the saw that English language was important. They met foreigners came to their school for several times. Therefore, they had more motivation in learning English. So their motivation were not only „to get good mark in English‟ but also to be able to communicate with foreigners ( Qatar people and Japanese). As Wati stated “ to know foreign language…so when foreign people came here, I could understand their talk” ( Appendix A, 96). Budi said also “ When I know foreign language, I am able to communicate with people from other countries”. ( Appendix C:113). Joko was different, his motivation was only to get good mark in English. It was because he had never talked to foreigners even he had never „met‟ foreigners. We also need to understand their economical background. It was because the factor might influence the availability of adequate learning facility. We have to consider Joko‟s condition; his parents could not provide him good facilities to learn English, for instance, a reliable dictionary. It could be inferred from his statement when I asked him whether he consulted to his dictionary. He said “ I looked for the meaning on my dictionary…but it was hard to find it..I could not find it”. The description and interpretation above would make us to understand more to the condition of the participants. They encountered some complicated problems those we might not think before. The family background was one of the 79
factors. The low-education background of their parents never motivated them to learn English language. The low-economical background might not support Joko to get adequate facility. The limitation of English language competence made joko did not understand the teacher‟s explanation. The teacher‟s demand, the unscheduled quizzes, contributed to the low scores of Wati and Budi. 4.2.2. Struggle Oxford Dictionary (1995:1187) defined struggle as “a difficult task requiring great effort”. In this research context, struggle is defined as the effort of the participants in joining the English class and in achieving good English scores. The three participants were from low-educational family background. There was no family motivation for them to learn English. Wati said “ My mother and father did not know about English language”. ( appendix A,121). Budi said “For my parents, English class was like the other class…but they asked me to get good score on mathematic class” ( Appendix B,121). Budi said “My parents never asked me especially to learn English....but they really asked me to learn mathematics. It is a must”. ( Appendix E,121). Joko said “ My parents never talked about school with me‟. Thus, they needed to search their own motivation to learn. They had to struggle to find why they had to study English. Budi and Wati were luckier to find some foreigners visiting their school so they knew that English language was needed to communicate with foreigners; but Joko was in the different position. He studied English in order to get score. He did not understand clearly about its importance.
Budi and Wati were from the same school. Some foreigners came to their school. Such situation might help them to figure out the goal of their English learning. “My purpose of English learning is to understand what foreigners said”. There were some foreigners coming to this school. They were from Qatar. They built this school and gave the fund to this school. I have had this purpose since I was in grade 7.” ( Appendix B:106). The three participants were from low-economical background. Therefore, they were struggling along the limitation. They did not have many supporting facilities at home. They relied on the a textbook and a workbook. Wati, then, borrowed some VCDs and story books from the library. However, Budi and Joko only relied on their textbook and workbook. At school, the teacher did not use the supporting facilites such as multimedia; teachers relied on the books only. Moreover, Joko did not have the access to a reliable dictionary. He said that he often failed to find the meanings of the English words from his assignment. He said “I searched the meanings of the words but it was hard to find them”. His statement reflected that his dictionary was not reliable. In doing his take-home assignment, Joko also liked to ask his brother. If his brother could not help him much, he chose to leave the difficult tasks for the next day. Then, he copied his friend‟s work on the next day. Even though they were English underachievers, it did not mean that they never studied. The three said that they tried to memorize all the words of the texts given by their teachers. They said the spelling in Indonesian language way not in English. On the day of the quiz, they struggled to do the quiz well but they forgot
the correct spelling. When the scores were announced, they felt sorry about their score. Unscedulled quiz also took great energy of the students, they were really worried about their score . However, unscedulled quizes might make the students study more because they had to be ready any time they had English class. The second was related to his English language competence. It was like a great struggle for Joko in joining the English lesson. First, his English teacher spoke English most of the time. He was trying to grasp the teacher‟s talks but he did not understand what his teacher talked about. Based on my observation there, I conclude that Joko‟s English competence was quite low. It was the reason why he did not comprehend the teacher‟s talk ( see Krashen‟s comprehensible Input). Second, when his English teacher asked him a question or asked him to come in front, I saw that three times, he could not do the tasks. Such situation might „hurt‟ him, it was about his esteem in front of his friends. Third, he was not happy joining the English class; it was because he was worried about his teacher‟s punishment. When I asked him about what he was worried about, he replied: “ If I could not translate the task, he would punish me.” ( Appendix E:140). 4.2.3. Belief Belief is the most valuable psychological construct to teacher education. It is concerned with value and feeling. It is influenced by one‟s understanding. (Pintrich, 1990 in Tumijo, 2008:52).
In this research context, learners‟ belief about language learning is the belief of the underachievers about language learning. According to Ellis, learners‟ belief about language learning will influence their learning achievement (1994: 473). When I asked Wati how we should learn English language she replied: “We have to memorize the structure of the English sentences” (Appendix A: 96). She believed that teacher had to explain about the English structure, for instance, the past form. She added “…in order to get a good score, I had to be able to translate the English words” (Appendix A: 100). Budi also said so, he said that “ to be able to communicate in English, we had to memorize the English words and the Indonesian translation but it was difficult to memorize them…and often use them to speak in English” ( Appendix C,120). Joko felt that he already applied all his competence to learn English. However, he could not achieve his target. He said that English language was difficult to learn. As he said below, “English language is difficult. I have to memorize the words, to find their meaning in Indonesian language….and the sentences” ( Appendix F: 138). He added that in learning English the most important factor is to comprehend English language and also to get a good score. He also believed that he had to learn English in order to be able to find the meaning of the English language in Indonesian language. He said that it was important for teacher to explain about English structure. As he stated below, “I think it is important for teacher to explain about the sentence structure in order to make the students able to answer questions of any tasks” ( Appendix I:163). 83
The three participants believed that in learning English language, they had to memorize the English words and their meaning in Indonesian language. They also agreed that their teachers had to explain about grammar to them. Joko added that he had to comprehend the teacher‟s explanation in order to get good scores. 4.3. The emergent-themes There are several aspects of the lived-experience which emerged during the research. Those aspects are termed as the emergent themes. The themes are belief, feeling, awareness, and experience. 4.3.1. Patience According to Oxford Dictionary (1995: 849) patience is defined as the ability to keep doing something that requires a lot of effort. In this research context, I defined patience as the participants‟ ability to keep joining the English class even though the situation was not to their liking. The three participants always joined the English class even though the class was not like what they expected because English was one of the compulsory subjects for the three of them. Their scores were often not satisfying. Especially for Joko who often achieved low scores in his English class, he said “I never got good scores in English class” (Appendix E:132). He also coped with more difficult condition, when I asked him about his problem he replied: “ to grasp my teacher‟s explanation...” (Appendix E: 132). 4.3.2. Creativity
Creativity is important for anyone who wants to achieve something. As English learners who need to achieve high scores, students need to use their creativity. The creativity is about making the strategy. Even though the participants were underachievers of English learning, they also had strategies to learn English. I saw it from Budi‟s statement when I asked him how he memorized the English words, he said : “…for example perangkat keras is hardware in English. I spelt it h…a...r…d…w…a…r…e [in Indonesian language way] (Appendix C:120) He tried to memorize the English words and their translation in Indonesian language by reading them in Indonesian language way. 4.3.3. Challenges There must be many difficulties encountered by the underachievers. Wati and Budi had to encounter unscheduled quizzes many times. Therefore, they had to be ready everytime they had English class. When I asked him whether he had some preparation before the quizzes, he replied: “The quizzes were often unscheduled….” ( Appendix C: 128) Both of them did not always prepare themselves for the quizzes since there were also some other assignments. They studied English when there were takehome assignments. The second challenge was the three participants had to be more accustomed to the English language spelling system. It was due the fact that the spelling system is different from the sound.
Those three participants often
misspelled the English words. Unfortunately correct spelling contributed heavily to the test or quiz score. 85
Wati: “ The writing is different from its pronunciation…I sometimes made mistake in reading”. (Appendix A:100). Budi :” I missed a letter or made mistake in choosing the correct letter” ( Appendix C,128)
The third challenge was their limitation of facilities to learn English. Based on my observation, the only facilities belonging to Joko were a textbook, a workbook, and a small dictionary. The school and the teacher did not provide any other media but some reliable dictionaries. The teaching-learning process relied on the books. Moreover, he did not like to listen to English songs and watch movies. When he had to translate some texts at home, he only relied on his small dictionary. He often could not find the words in the dictionary. Wati and Budi‟s condition was different. Yes, they did not have adequate facilities at home but their school provided many media. They could borrow CDs, VCDs, storybooks all in English. Then, the problem was Budi never used them and Wati did not any longer do it. The fourth was the challenge to motivate themselves to learn English. Their family never supported them to learn English. The family never told them that English would be important for their future. Then, the challenge was they had to find the reasons why they had to learn English. Wati and Budi thought that they needed English to communicate with foreigners. However, Joko said that he joined the English class in order to get a good score. When I asked him his purpose in learning English, he said “……to get good score” ( Appendix E,133). They have to see the obstacles as things that make them stronger and better. It was like Budi who was still happy to join the English class. During my 86
observation, I saw him often smiling and laughing during the class. I saw that he still had strong courage. 4.3.4. Feeling Feeling is defined as (1) “act of touching, sense of touch" and (2) “what one feels (about something)” ( Harper, 2001). In this study, feeling refers to what the participants feel about English. It covers feeling about the English language and English lesson. In the beginning of her English learning, Wati did not like English language. However, when she was in grade 6 she started to like English language. Among the four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), she liked listening most. Somehow, she did not like reading. As her statement below, “I did not like reading since the spelling is different from the pronunciation...sometimes I liked to answer questions based on a text, however, sometimes I did not like it especially when the text was not interesting” ( Appendix A :97). Her English score was not good; however, she was not worried about the English class. Even though she could not finished her task she said : “ I never felt nervous with such kind of activity. I am just relaxed in facing it” ( Appendix G:142). Budi had a different perspective. He liked reading most compared to the other three skills. He liked translating any texts. However, he got bored when he had to work on a long text. “I got bored when I had to read a long passage by myself…When I got bored, I sometimes only tried to read and translate the beginning of the passage” (Appendix H: 157). 87
He liked his English teacher‟s joke. However, he hated the unscheduled quizzes. When I asked him what he hated most in his English class, he replied “the unscheduled quizes” (Appendix C:116). Joko was not interested in English language. Moreover he said that he did not like English. He said :” I do not like English”. He added “ I was annoyed by my teacher‟s explanation. It was because I did not get the point, I cannot comprehend the explanation” ( Appendix F: 136). He also stated his feeling when he got a bad score. He said: “ I felt annoyed when I got bad score. Since in English class, we have to memorize many words”( Appendix D:132). Based on the interview with the participants, every participant was unique. They had different feelings. Wati sometimes felt happy but sometimes got bored and so did Budi. Wati was happy listening to her teacher‟s stories and jokes but she got bored when she had to write. Budi was happy in his English class because he could make jokes with friends using the funny pronunciation. Joko showed his strong dislike to English as a language, to his English class, and to his English teacher. To be able to master English language, the basic things to have is love. They have to love English language first before they master it. If they love English language, they will be very keen to learn English. They are going to listen to English songs, watch films, read English books, and even write diaries in English. As the consequence, they will be English high-achievers. However, I saw the three participants did not really like English lesson. As the three said below, Joko : “ I do not like English lesson. I could not comprehend it “( Appendix F:136). 88
Budi : “ Nothing special for English class..sometimes I was happy in the class, sometimes I got bored”. ( Table 4. Appendix C:112) Wati : “ I did not like English lesson but I like it since I was in grade 6”. ( Appendix A :104).
The three statements implied that the three participants did not like English lesson or language. The first statement implied that Joko showed strong dislike to the English class. The later reflected that Budi did not really like English class even though sometimes he felt happy in the class. The last statement above showed that Wati had already loved English language. However, when I asked her whether she reviewed the English materials at home after school; she said that she rarely did it. She also rarely listened to English songs or watched English language movies. They reflected that she did not really love English language. From the interview, I conclude that Joko had the „highest level‟ of hopelessness. He said that he did not understand the teacher‟s explanation, even, he complained about the English spelling. When I asked him whether he liked English and the reason, he said: “ ..No. I do not. I could not comprehend the language” ( Appendix F: 136). He also said that he felt annoyed when he saw his test score. He said “ I felt annoyed” ( Appendix F: 135). Wati took the second level. Even though, she never said that she did not like English class, however, by observing her during the class I conclude that she did not really enjoy the class. She kept silent during the class. She did not respond to the teacher‟s question. 89
Then, Budi took the last. Like Wati and Joko, Budi also complained about the English spelling. He also felt hopeless with the writing system of English language; but I noticed that he still enjoyed the class. He still liked to laugh and smile during the class as the response to the teacher‟s talk. Besides the English spelling, the unscedulled quizzes also made them hopeless. Although feeling hopeless, the three participants still had some hope for themselves and their teachers. The three , of course, hope they will get good scores in English. One of the participants, Joko clearly stated his hope to himself. Joko said:” I hope I get good score and can comprehend my teacher‟s explaination”( Appendix F:138). Later, he also stated “I hope my teacher will explain the material clearly…he can explain in English and translate it into Indonesian language”( Appendix F:138). Joko hopes his teacher translate his explanation into Indonesian language so Joko will be able to understand his explaination and eventually get better scores. 4.3.5. Awareness Wati preferred chatting with her friends or reading a kid magazine when her teacher‟s explanation was not interesting. Even though Wati sometimes did not pay attention to her teacher, she was actually aware that her teacher‟s explanation was important. As she stated below, Listening to teacher‟s explanation was important. It made me understand the words of the text discussed. It also made me understand the grammar ( Appendix G. 144). She was an easy going girl; she did not feel worried if she missed her teacher‟s explanation. 90
Budi said a different thing, he said about his dream to increase his score. He said “ I want to increase my English score”. ( Appendix H:153) Joko, the third participant, was aware much about his problems in learning English. He felt that he got problem in grasping his teacher‟s explanation. From my experience in learning English from grade 6 until 8, I got problem in understanding the teacher‟s explanation. It is hard to know the Indonesian meaning of the English sentences. The teacher talks in English. I cannot understand. He was really aware of his problem. However, he saw himself still had the opportunity to achieve more. He thought that the cause of the bad score was he could not grasp his teacher‟s explanation. If, he could grasp it he would achieve better. He also believed if he studied harder, he could achieve good scores. “What I can do is study hard to achieve a good score” ( Appendix I:160). Even though he was aware of that but he sometimes still did not intend to study. He realized that he sometimes had no courage to study. “I think that I was just an ordinary student. I was just like the other students. Sometimes, I had the intention to study but sometimes I did not”( Appendix I:160). His statement reflected his confession that he sometimes studied but sometimes he did not. His statement was in line with his teacher‟s statement. His teacher said that Joko did not do his assignment quite often. His teacher also said that Joko never thought about his school.
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION This chapter contains two sections. The first is conclusion which provides the summary of this study and also the answers for the research questions. The second is suggestions which, hopefully, may improve the participants‟ English language competence. 5.1.
Conclusions In this study, I intend to find out the essential meaning of the English learning for the
underachievers. This study aimed to improve the life quality of the participants. Every participant became more reflective. Thus, the participants would be self-actualized; empirically they would improve their scores. Then, I did some observations and in-depth interviews in order to compose narration. In this study I involved three participants. They were a girl and two boys. It was not because of gender considerations. It was just because they were interesting for me and resourceful. I planned to reveal more about Joko‟s experience but I could not do it since it was hard to talk to him. It seems to me that he tried to avoid me after the second interview. I already arranged an appointment with him; however, he did not appear on the due date. The lived-experience of the each participant was very unique. Therefore, the experience was different among them. The experience of the participants revealed in this study was characterized by three themes which were figured in theoretical review and five emergent themes. The pre-figured themes were motivation in learning English, struggle in learning English, and belief about language learning. The emergent themes were patience in learning English, creativity in doing the tasks, challenges in learning English, feeling to English language and English class; and awareness. The three participants had different motivations in learning English. When she was in grade four, Wati did not know why she learnt English. Since she was in grade 6, she started 92
to think about the need of English mastery. She thought that she had to be able to speak English in order to be able to speak to foreigners. Budi said so, in the first time he studied English in his elementary school, he did not know what was it for? Then, when he saw Qatar people came to his junior high school; he started to think that he needed to master English. In the different side, since the first time he learnt English, his did not know about the purpose of learning English. His motivation was to get good scores. Wati and Budi were from the same school. Their school was well-facilitated. Thus, they could use the facilities of the school. Joko had to struggle more; he had limited facilities to learn English both at school and at home. Therefore, he did not get the access to good dictionary. The three participants had the same belief about language learning. They believed that learning English was about memorizing the English words and their meaning in Indonesian. They thought that to achieve high scores, they had to study harder by memorizing more English words. The participants tried to be patient both in learning English or while joining the lesson. Though Wati and Budi got bored following the class, but they tried to stay in the class. Joko did not understand his teacher‟s explanation but he kept going joining the class. They also applied strategies to be more successful. The three participants tried to memorize the English words and their translation in Indonesian. In doing take-home assignment, Wati asked her friend when she could not solve it. Budi and Joko preferred to finish their assignment at school then at home. They could copy their friend works. Wati liked to join the English class, even though sometimes he got bored. Budi liked to join the English class because he liked to listen to his friends‟ funny pronunciation. Joko strongly dislike both English language and his English class. He was not able to comprehend his teacher‟s explanation because he spoke English too much. 93
Wati and Budi had to encounter the same challenge. They often met “unscheduled” quizzes. Their teacher liked to conduct unscheduled quizzes. The three participants complain about the English writing system which is different from the speaking one. The spelling is different from the pronunciation. Wati was aware that she could achieve more score if she studied harder. Wati thought that study harder means that she had to memorize many English words. Budi also thought that he might achieve more if he translated many texts. Joko thought that he might get a better score if he could comprehend his teacher explanation. 5.2.
5.2.1. The participants After the in-depth interview, I hope the participants may have a new sight about English learning. In the interview, I tried to open up their mind in order give them motivation to learn English. I hope they realized the important of English language for them some day. Then, they would motivate themselves to study harder to master English. I also offered them to try a method which was derived from my experience. When they have to memorize some English words and their translation I advised that they use a piece of paper and pen. Therefore, they can pronounce and write the words. Then, I also suggest that they are more exposed to the target language. They may listen to music, watch movie, read any books, and e articles in English. I also suggest that they make the most of the media provided in their school. Then, they could also communicate in English with friends. In summary, they should use English actively. The last, I suggest them to love English language. When they love it, they would learn English. I hope they have more interest in English so they study English when there are assignments but they can learn English everyday. 94
5.2.2 The schools and teachers English teachers are the key of the students‟ interest in English. Since the students are from different socio-economical background, teachers have to be brilliant in showing students the importance of English for them. It is because some parents do not see it. It is essential act to courage students to learn English.
The next obligation can be said as
something more difficult than the previous one because it needs high creativity of teacher, that is teacher have to „serve‟ the English lesson in very good way. Learning English is joyful. Teachers may use media like songs, films, cartoons, or everything around them. Teachers can use gesture to help students comprehend the materials. Thus, the students are going to be interested in English language. When they are interested in English class, they will like English. As the consequence, they will use English for daily activities. Unscedulled quizzes or tests may make students always prepare the materials before. On the other side, they may frighten the students. Some students may feel nervous before the English class. They may not be happy to face the English class. Therefore, if I may suggest it will be better for teacher to have less unscedulled quiz. It is better to announce the students about the quiz or test. As teachers, we need to check students‟ comprehension of the materials. Teacher may ask students whether there are some questions. However, the problems are students ( in my observation) did not want to ask questions. It may be because they were shy or they dare not to ask, or maybe they do not know how to ask. So the alternative way is teacher may give them an exercise related to the materials. Then, see the works. The last was for the school. The school should provide more media to support them learning English. The school may enrich the library with any storybooks in English, VCDs and the player; facilitate teachers with reputable English books. I believe at the schools are able to make it real. 95
BIBLIOGRAPHY Departemen Pendidikan Nasional .2004. Penilaian Kelas. Jakarta Pusat Kurikulum .2006. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta Bachman, L.F and Palmer, A.S. Language Testing in Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press Bismoko, J. 2007. Foundation of Research in English Language Studies and Social Sciences. Yogjakarta : Sanata dharma University Bismoko, J. 2009. Lecture Note of English Evaluation. Yogyakarta; Sanata Dharma University Brewster, J., Elis, G, and Girard, D. 2002. The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. Essex: Penguin English Brown, D.H.2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York : Longman Cresswell, J.W.2003. Research Design. Qualitative, quantitative and Mixed methods and Approaches. California: Sage Publication Crystal, D. 2003. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ellis, R.1994.The study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Pearson Education. 2007 Hergenhahn, B.R & Olson, M.H. 1993. An introduction to Theories of Learning . 4th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Mannen, M.V. 1990. Researching Lived Experience. Ontario : State University of New York Press. McCoach, D.B.& Siegle,D. 2001. A comparison of High Achievers’ and Low Achievers’ Attitudes, Perceptions, and Motivations. Connecticut: University of Connecticut. Retrieved on Thursday, December 17th, 2009. Noble,
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APPENDIX A. INTERVIEW I Participant : Wati Location Day, Date
: Her House ( The participant’s house) : Wednesday. July 7, 2010
I : menurut pengalamanmu belajar bahasa inggris ya dik ya…kamu kalau belajar bahasa inggris tu..inginnya apa sih? Pas belajar bahasa inggris penginnya apa? Tujuanmu gitu lah, pendeknya? She : ya..biar meng..mengetahui bahasa …bahasa asing I : EPngin gak dapat nilai bagus gitu? She : ya ingin. Ingin…. Tapi yo agak susah kok mbak……. I : Susahnya gmn? She : ya itu ngapalin-ngapalin itu. Kan tu bahasa asing jadinya agak gimana gitu. I : Ngapalinnya maksudnya ngapalin kata atau ngapalin struktur kalimatnya? She : struktur kalimatnya I : trus kamu tadi bilang kalau pangin tahu bahasa asing ya. Terus kalau memang sudah tahu trus apa? She : biar kalau orang asing kemari bisa mengerti apa yang dimaksud I : menurutmu mengerti apa yang mereka omongkan itu penting gak? She : ya penting mbak kan kalau kita gak tahu kan nanti kita gak bisa jawab I : ooo…begitu ya? Terus selain itu …masalah apa lagi? Ada tidak? She : masalah apa ya…( silent) I : kalau dulu ya..kamu mulai belajar bahasa inggris kelas berapa? She : kelas…empat kalau gak salah I : empat SD? She :ya I : Kalau dulu ya..saat kamu kelas empat, lima, enam tujuanmu belajar bahasa Inggris apa sih? Dulu pas masih SD dulu She : ya..kalau dulu belum tahu mbak [ laughing] I : belum tahu atau asal ikut pelajaran She : iYa I : ya dulu gurunya pernah ngasih tahu enggak kegunaan kalau kamu belajar ini buat apa buat apa gitu? She : belum belum memberi tahu I ; waktu kelas 1..mmh 7 8? Dikasih tahu sama gurunya tidak? She ; ketoke mboten I : mboten I :terus…eee…selain untuk bisa berkomunikasi ya dengan orang asing ada yang lain gak dik? She : kalau ngak salah..ngak I : terus kalau dikelas dik waktu kamu belajar….kan ada membaca, ada mendengarkan, ada menulis, ada berbicara ..itu kamu sing paling to senengi yang mana? She : Ya mendengarkan mbak.. I : Kenapa? She : ya kalau mendengarkan..tidak...kadang bisa salah..kala mendengarkan kan tinggal mendengarkan..mengulangi apa yang kita dengarkan tadi I : Jadi mendengarkan lebih mudah gitu? Bisa dibilang begitu? She : ya I : yang paling mboseni apa menurutmu? Membaca, menulis, berbicara, mendengarkan, berbicara?? She : ya kalau saya berbicara. Agak susah I : berbicara agak susah [ repeating] kenapa susah? [laughing] susahnya apanya? She
: ya tadi kan..kan klintu-klintu mbak anune…opo..pembacaannya keliru. Kebalik-balik..terus.. 98
I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I
She I
She I She I gitu… She I I She I She I She I
She I She I
: terus? : hi hi [laughing] : gak papa gak buru-buru kok Tulisane sama bacaannya beda dadine kadang-kadang kleru bacanya gitu? : ya : Jadinya kadang-kadang keliru bacanya gitu? : iya : trus selain itu kenapa? : : deg degan ngak kl ini….kalau disuruh..opo.misale.berbicara pakai bahasa inggris? Degdegan ngak? : ngak : ngak..biasa [ laughing]. Terus kalau menurutmu itu tadi berbicara ya? kalau membaca mbosenin gak? : ngak..ngak juga sih… : kalau ini…menulis? : menulis itu…agak mbosenin kan kalau cuma didikteke itu lho mbak…truss ok neri sok klerukleru tulisane : o gitu..ya..ya a.. Biasanya..ya dik ya..kalau kamu tadi paling seneng mendengrakan. Biasanya kalau mendengrakan itu dari kaset….atau dari TV…video..atau bu gurunya sendiri dik? : bu guru sendiri : bu gurunya sendiri [repeating] mmmh kalau biasanya bu guru berbicara kamu mendengarkan? Kamu selau perhatian sama bu guru gak? Kalau pas bu guru berbicara gitu? : kalau ceritanya agak asyik sih..ya mendengarkan mbak [ laughing] : kalau biasa-biasa saja? ; kalau biasa aja ya ngobrol :Kadang ya dik kita kalau mendengarkan kita konsentrasi..tiba-tiba e tiba-tiba mikir lainnya Kamu kadang gitu ngak? : iya…* laughing+ : iya begitu [ laughing] : trus kalau kamu menemukan ini..kan kadang bu guru ngomong bahasa inggris gini-gini. Kamu selalu tahu artinya tidak? : ngak.. : kalau ngak..kamu biasanya gimana? : buka kamus : buka kamus *repeating+ trus kalau buaka kamus…sambil buka kamus kamu ketinggalan ngak? Bu guru kan masih ngomong gt..kamu msh harus buka kamus gitu : sering ketinggalan : sering ketinggalan [ repeating and laughing] Trus masalah ini dik…itu mendengarkan yang paling kamu senengi ya..trus yang paling tidak kamu senengi apa tadi? : memm ..membaca :[ repeating] membaca. Kenapa membaca paling ra seneng? : ya..ya..anu..itu lho….waktu itu..anu…pasti bacanya/kok/ membacanya /kuk/gitu lho mbak.. : ooo..gitu…ya ya ya…membaca nyaring berarti ya.. Kalau ada bacaan terus kamu disuruh menjawab itu kamu seneng ngak? 99
She I She I She I She I She I I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She
I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She
; tergantung mbak : tergantungnya maksudnya? : tergantung ada ceritanya ngak. ; kalau cerita seneng? Atau ngak? : kalau cerita kan tinggal mengartikan..kan jawabannya sudah ada diatas : ooo gitu… memang ada bacaan yang jawabannya tidak ada diatas? : ha ha ha [ laughing] ya ngak sih : ha ha * laughing+o ya udah… kalau ini dik..kalau..kalau ini…pas..kan kadang kamu diberi bacaan ya..trus disuruh menjawab…biasanya gimana dik? apa yang kamu lakukuan? : itu kan sering kali bu kasi kan….kon ngacung trus disik-disikan…aku mesti ketinngalan…* laughing] ketinggalan [ laughing] dadine yo ketinggalan ; trus kamu biasanya..e…dikasih bacaan..kon jawab..trus didik-disikan..gitu : o gitu…itu selalu sering atau jarang? : sering ; ooo. Sering sering kayak gitu : dikasih pertanyaan, suruh mengartikan trus menjawab gitu. Trus disik-disikan : trus kayak gitu…kamu deg-deg ngak dik kamu? : ngak..[laughing] : ngak…santai aja gitu ya *laughing+ : he he [ laughing] : trus biasanya yang bisa menjawab trus dapat apa dari bu kasi? : dapat nilai : dapat nilai..nilainya ditambahi tau gimana? : ditambahi : o gitu…itu hamper selalu ya dik ya…?? : iya : terus kalau…pas pelajaran menulis…biasanya kon…disuruh membuat cerita atau mengarang gitu ngak? : ya : trus biasanya apa yang kamu lakukan?.. :lha itu kan disuruh membuat dikasih waktu 2 jam. Jadi wktu 2 jam itu disuruh membuat..kan dulu disuruh membuat surat…surat pribadi trus diberi dari siapa..suruh mengartikan juga. Trus membuat..kan..dulu kan…sudah ada yang dipaket itu kan ada..tinggal menyalin apa yang kita sampaikan kepada orang itu : mmmh…berarti…e..melihat..memodifikasi dari paket gitu? : iya : o..biasanya 2 jam selesai ngak itu? : mmh ya kalau orang yang memanfaatkan ya juga selesai : kalau R*** gimana? : ngak. Aku kurang sithik sing ngarteke mbak. [ laughing] : Kurang yang ngartikan ya? : iya : ooh biasanya gimana to dik kamu bikin surat kayak gitu? Nulis bahasa indonesianya dulu trus diarteke? Atau langsung? : ditulis bahasa Indonesianya dulu [ laughing] lalu baru bahasa inggrisnya. : bahasa indonesianya juga ditulis? : iya : seneng ngak kalau disuruh nulis surat-surat kayak gitu? : suka sih mbak [ laughing] : itu biasanya dikirimkan ke siapa gitu harus ditulis ngak? : iya tapi itu kan Cuma tugas aja ngak dikasih ke siapa-siapa 100
I : dikumpulkan ngak ini nanti? She : dikumpulkan I : kasih nilai juga? She : iya I : biasane nilainya gimana nih? Kalau menulis gitu? Angka atau good? She : anu..huruf I : A B C gitu? She : iya I : o gitu..biasanya apa ini/ [ joking intonation] She :B I : he he [ laughing] ooo dapat B he he he I : kok kamu seneng kalau disuruh nulis kayak-kayak gitu kenapa? She : kan kita nulis tinggal cari di kamus-kamus saja I : o kalau kayak gitu asik gak? She : asyik [ laughing] I : trus kalau ada PR dik…kalau ada Pr kamu biasanya anu ngak..apa namanya..apa ya…kamu kerjakan dirumah atau disekolah? She : dirumah I : dirumah [repeating] trus nanti kalau ngak bisa piye? She ; kalau ngak bisa Tanya teman I ; tanyanya dirumah atau nanti di sekolah? She : di rumah……………….. I : o ada teman didekat sini? She : ada I : o gt She : F**** R kan cedhak..kan juga 8c I : oo. F **** gimana dia..pinter gak bahasa inggris nya? She : gak tahu..aku ngak Tanya dia….. I : o gitu…jjd mengerjakannya dirumah ya? She : seneng ngak kalau dapa PR ha ha [ laughing] She : ada sukanya ada tidaknya [ laughing] I : sukanya gimana? [laughing] She : suka nya pas seneng ngak sukanya pas banyak PR tu kayak banyak sekali mumet mbak I : o berarti..intinya itu kalau kokean PR tidak seneng, kalau ngak seneng-seneng aja gitu? She : iya I : biasanya Pr nya pa dik? Bentuknya? She : PR nya tu suruh mengartikan paket, trus suruh mengerjakan LKS…mnengarikan paket kan trus ada soal dibawahnya. Itu suruh mngartikan terus menjawab I : ooo…berarti ya ya ya . kamu biasanya mengerjakan sendiri PR PR kayak gitu? She : ya kalau disuruh kelompok ya kelompok. Kalau sendiri ya sama teman I : o gitu… She : teman..lain kelas I : o gitu ya? Tapi kamu seneng kerja sendiri atau kelompok sebenarnya? She ; ya kelompok mbak I : kenapa? She : yak an bisa mengerjakan bersama jadinya kan ngak semuanya mengerjakan sendiri I : ooo ..gitu? Biasanya ya kalau PR gitu dinilai ngak sama bu guru? She : ngak…Cuma dibahas I : o dibahas. Trus ngomong-ngomong nih..kalau pas bu guru nerangin di kelas gitu, kamu biasanya ngapain? Kalau dikelas 101
She I She I She I She I She I She I She I
She I She I She I She I
She I She I
She I She I She I She I She I She I She
: ya kan….kan itu teman saya tu…di samping saya tu..di belakang di samping saya kalu bosen ngajak bicara……..aku yo gur meneng wae..yo sok neri ngrungoke ngono : kok sok neri…kadang kadang lho sok neri itu * laughing+ : dia kan sok ngajak bicara terus [ laughing] :o gitu…jadi kamu seringnya mendengarkan bu guru gitu ya? : iya : tapi kamu bu guru nerangkan itu jelas ngak sih? : jelas : jelas? : iya : menurutmu kita mendengarkan penjelasan bu guru itu bermanfaat tidak? : bermanfaat : bermanfaatnya gimana? : …itu kan bisa mengerti kata-kata lain dari teks itu : nah..kalau bu guru tu kadang menrangkan macem-macem..kayak bu kasi itu yang saya ikuti menerangkan subjek misalnya subjeknya ‘she’ belakangnya harus gini kayak eat ditambahi ‘s’.gitu kan? kayak tata bahasa itu lho… : iya… : grammar itu menurutmu perlu ngak sih diajarin kayak gitu? : ya kalau menurut ulangan itu perlu : perlu…….perlunya kenapa dik? : Lha kan kalau kata-katanya jadi salah kan nanti artinya jadi……..salah : Slah : he em ; trus misalnya..apa ya..kemarin saya catat disini….diajarin sama bu kasi tentang oya apa ya kemarin itu [ while checking my observation note] ah ini lho dik [ I showed her my note] A student wrote ‘ my mother is cooks rice’ Then the teacher showed the correct one ‘ my mother cooked rice’ Kan diajari begini to..suruh membuat..menerangkan bentuknya past tense…bentuknya –ed begini perlu tidak? : perlu kan mbak. Kan kalau ngak pakai kata –ed itu nanti kata opo kata is nanti bisa kelirukeliru : keliru pemakaiannya gitu ya? : ya… : nah ini pendapatmu..pikiranmu dulu ya..menurutmu belajar bahasa inggris itu harusnya gimana sih? Biar dapat nilai bagus harusnya gimana? Apa yang sudah kamu lakukan supaya kamu…….. ; yo..kalau aku sih..harus bisa mengartikan kata- kata bahasa inggris itu : trus selain itu ada gak? : bisa mengerti kata –ed : itu..-ed..ho o : sudah : perlu ngak kita belajar ngomong pakai bahasa inggris? : perlu : tapi pengalamanmu belajar itu ada ngak..ngomong pakai bahasa inggris gitu? : pernah ; dialog gitu pernah? : iya : terus kalau anu….nulis..belajar nulis itu perlu ngak? : perlu..kan kalau tidak belajar dulu kan..kalau nanti didekte itu kan bisa keliru-keliru tulisannya 102
I She I She I I She I She I She I She I
I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She
I She I She I She
: kalau membaca? : juga perlu tapi itu kan tingal membaca kata misalnya itu tinngal gimana gimana gitu ; nah ini cerita tentang ibu bapak….pernah tidak nguyak2 kamu untuk belajar bahasa inggris secara khusus ya untuk belajar bahasa inggris? : kala nguyak2 sih ngak : ngak… : udah percaya sama kamu ya? Kira2 kenapa kok tidak pernah diuyak2? : kan umi sama abi kan ngak tahu tentang bahasa inggris kana pa jadi nya kan Cuma ngerjain PR atau pas ra eneng PR sok buka-buka buku bahasa inggris : Kalau film2, lagu2 bahasa inggris seneng ngak sih? : kalau film sama lagu2 itu tidak suka karena tidak ngerti arti-artinya ; masalahnya Cuma ngak ngerti arti-artinya itu ya? Kan artinya bisa dibuka di kamus artinya [ laughing] : itu kan filmnya Cuma sekali : kalau film ya..kalau lagu apa..pernah dengirin lagu apa yang berbahasa inggris ngak? ; hi hi [laughing] : jarang [ laughing] yo wis Trus ya..tentang buku teksmu..buku paket itu lho..menurutmu itu sudah lengkap belum sih? : ya..kalau menurut saya itu sudah lengkap mbak…itu kan aku juga belum mengetahui..apa..kan baru kelas 2 jadinya kan..kata bu kasi itu kan sudah memasuki kelas tiga.. : kalau yang dulu-dulu pas kamu SD kelas 7 kelas 8 itu lengkap belum? Yang sudah… ; belum mbak wong SD itu kan baru….sayur2an, pekerjaan baru itu kok… : dikasih gambar sama gurunya gitu ngak? :iya : dikasih ya [ emphasizing] suruh mengartikan..misalnya apple itu apa gitu? : iya : nah kalau kamu ulangan..ujian semester. materinya dari buku itu ngak atau di pelajaran : kalau yang tahun kemarin itu banyak banget yand di paket mbak…banyak banget yang ambil di paket tu banyak : itu yang? : yang Focus : English in Focus itu.. ; iya. Banyak banget yang diambil dari itu : yang semester berapa itu? ; semester 1 2 juga ambil dari situ : o gitu ya..bukunya itu enak dipelajari ngak? Buku-buku yang kamu punya itu? :ya..enak : enak? Enaknya gimana? : itu kan kalau buku paket Focus itu kan dah dari semester dulu banyak yang ambil dari situ..jadinya itu gampang tu..apa..cerita-cerita ambil dari situ jadinya kan tinggal mempelajari paket itu bisa… : kan kamu suka mempelajari paket…kamu tiap haru itu ada menyentuh buku bahasa inggris gak? Atau lagu film atau ..? : gak : gak mesti ya…sok blas gak ada gitu ya. Trus kalau belajar bahasa Inggrisnya tiap apa nih? : tiap..ya kalau besuk ada bahasa Inggris..ya buku bahasa Inggris gitu : biasanya apa? Kamu mempelajari apa? Mengerjakan soal atau mengulang materi atau ngapalin kata-kata..? : mengerjakan soal LKS 103
I She I She I She
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She I She I She I She I She I I She
: tapi itu PR atau..kalau gak ada PR gimana? : kalau gak ada PR mengerjakan soal-soal LKS yang..biasanya kan suruh mengartikan..ya diartikan dari rumah gitu.. : oo..begitu…trus tentang ulangan dik ..ulangannya itu biasanya bentuknya apa? : bentuknya cuma diambilkan dari paket mbak : ada bacaan suruh menjawab atau…gimana? : kan ada bacaan suruh mempelajari dari rumah atau diambilkan dari LKS suruh mempelajari…..yang tentang Cinderella nanti trus didektekan bu Kasi, langsung menjawab gitu. : dikasih bacaannya lagi..nanti tapi : ya diulang lagi : diulangnya secara lisan atau .. : lisan : trus kalian menjawab gitu? : iya : trus kalau nulis itu..kayak menulis surat, cerita itu ada gak diulangan? : nnng anu..ada mbak ulangan suruh membuat..suruh membuat surat..mmm..membuat tentang cerita tentang masa..masa lalu : o gitu..tapi itu sudah dikasih kisi-kisinya belum. Maksudnya.. : bebas : o..besuk kalian ulangan tentang cerita tentang masa lalu gitu? : iya : lalu ujian berbicara pernah ngak.misalnya wawancara sama bu Kasi atau teman2 maju dialog terus dinilai gitu? : belum : belum pernah ya..brati tadi ujiannya ini ya dik ya bu Kasi membacakan cerita Cinderella……..kalian dikasih soal dan kalian menjawab : pertanyaan : kalau dikasih teks tertulis. Trus kalian disuruh menjawab itu pernah ngak kalian? : ada. Dulu ulangan ambil teks dari kelas 8 yang kemarin Dikasih teks gitu, trus suruh mengerjakan : o gitu..trus kalau tes khusus vocab misalnya kata ini artinya apa..kata ini artinya apa gitu ada ngak? : ngak : ngak ada ya…trus kalau ini…struktur kalimat… sorry. Struktur kalimat grammar trus structure ada ngak di tes? Misalnya ini harus jadi I ate bananas yesterday saya makan pisang kemarin trus bikin positif negative itu ada tidak? : ada : o ada seperti itu : positif, negative, pertanyaan : kamu seneng ngak soal seperti itu? : ya suka mbak…kan sudah ada soalnya..itu kan tinggal mebalik-balik saja :trus kamu ulangan model apa yang kamu senengi dari sekian ulangan itu? : kalau dari soal kemarin sih…soalnya cerita itu kan ambil dari paket sudah mengerti artinya..itu abc nya..nanti tingggal silang-silang aja. : paling seneng itu. Tapi itu yang bacaannya dari paket ditulis atau dibaca bu Kasi? : yang di paket ditulis : o berarti dari paket ditulis lagi, ada soal yang ada abc nya itu yang paling kamu senangi : menurut kamu ya dik..fasilitas yang kamu miliki untuk belajar bahasa Inggris itu cukup belum? :kurang 104
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She I She I She I She I
She I She I She I
: kurang..kenapa? maksud saya kurang yang mana gitu? :Waktu menerangkan kan itu banyak yang wong teman-teman yang ramai..trus kadang kan ngak dengar : mmmh…misalnya kayak CD-CD ada ngak di sekolah? : Cd sih dari fisika aja yang datyangkan di TV.. : kaset? Tape? Pakai tape gitu? : ngak : kira-kira kenapa ya bu guru tidak memakai TV itu? : ya ngak tahu.. : ha ha ha[ laughing] kamu ikut ekstra ngak dik? Ekstra kurikuler? : gak : ngak…blas? : Cuma ikut ekstra………………….sama ekstra tari : sekarang yang dulu2? : dulu..Cuma tari doank : teri. Seneng nari ya? : iya : seneng nari…kok seneng nari kenapa? : he he he [laughing] ndak tahu mbak he he he [laughing] : [laughing]..misalnya ya kalau pelajarannya bahasa Inggris pakai lagu..seneng ngak? : saya suka bernyanyi tu….kalau sudah brnyanyi kan kalo dilatih belajar beberapa kali tu………….bisa mengikuti gimana lagunya ; tapi sebenarnya kamu suka music tidak to? : tergantung mbak…. ; tergantung…itu ada poster itu punyamu bukan? Senang music ngak :itu yang beli adik kok : o adik..saya kira kamu..mmmh.. kalau misalnya di kelas ada pelajaran bahasa Inggris pakai film seneng ngak? : ya suka mbak. Kalau diulang-ulang kan itu kan bisa memahami….memahami apa yang dikatakan tadi. Kalau ngak diulang-ulang nanti kan bisa ketinngalan kan ceritanya ngak tahu : sebenarnya kamu kalau pelajaran kamu senang duduk mendengarkan bu guru atau mencacatat atau seneng yang kamu bisa bergerak kemana seperti kita main game………………kamu seneng gimana sih sebenarnya? : yo kalau bahasa inggris senengnya….mendengarakan bu guru cerita itu keliling : yang keliling? : bu gurunya : o…gitu. Seneng ngak misalnya kamu dikasih game? Ditanyain satu-satu hobinya apa seneng ngak? Atau lebih seneng duduk mendengarkan bu guru ..kira-kira seneng yang mana? : disuruh yang meng mencari hobinya…cita-citanya apa gitu : wawancara keliling gitu ya? : iya : kalau ini..kalau di kelas itu apa ya…kan kemarin yang saya lihat itu seringnya membaca mengartikan..membuat kalimat gitu-gitu..o yang kamu disuruh ngomong itu kalau apa? Suruh membaca dialog aja atau yang lain juga misalnya ada..mmh..bu guru suruh ngomong itu. yak kalian disuruh ngomong itu kalau pas apa? ; kan habis diterangkan satu Bab selesai trus nanti siapa yang mau tanya silahkan. : o gitu.ini jujur ya kamu jujur. Sebenarnya kamu seneng ngak sama bahasa Inggris? : [laughing] suka mbak kan bisa itu lho.bisa mengerti bahasa asing : kalau dulu-dulu suka ngak? : kalau dulu ya belum mbak mbk [laughing] : mulai suka kapan? 105
She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I --I She I She I She I She I She I She She She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She
: dari kelas 6 : kalau kamu mendengarkan bahasa Inggris selain di kelas ada ngak.ada yang lain ngak? Ada sumber lain ngak? Apa sumbernya Cuma kelas atau buku? Atau gimana? : ya sama teman dari SMA kan ada, sekolah di ROTA itu lho mbak itu kan katanya juga suka bahasa Inggris jadinya kalau bicara pakai bahasa inggris he he [ laughing] : o gitu? : he he [ laughing] : tapi sering ngak? Misalnya tiap hari ketemu atau tiap hari praktik atau…? : tiap hari ketemu tapi bicaranya jarang? : ooooo gitu. Kalau lagu sama film bahasa Inggris jarang dengerin ya..tapi pernah? :pernah : tapi jarang sekali? Sebulan sekali dipastikan dengar bisa ngak? : ngak : ngak [ laughing] menurutmu orang yang berbicara pakai bahasa inggris itu orang mana saja? : orang….inggris…orang Belanda..itu kan juga berbicara pakai bahasa Inggris : o gitu..menurutmu mereka itu seperti apa sih? : he he [laughing] : yo pendapatmu saja : he he [ laughing+…ngak tahu mbak : he he [ laughing] ya udah : kalau kamu pelajaran yang kamu senengi apa dik? : kalau aku matematika..karena kan ngitung-ngitung : memang matematikanya dapat berapa? : kala pas SD kemarin pas lulusan dapat 9 : trus ini kelas 7? : kelas 7. Kalau ngak salah dapat 75 atau berapa gitu : trus yang kelas 8? : kelas 8 kemarin Cuma dapat 7. : Kenapa kok bisa dari 9 kok meduk-meduk meduk ? he he [laughing] : itu kan….opo…materi kelas 2 kan banyak. Aku itu ikut ekstra matematika di tempatnya bu Endang itu Cuma semester satu doank…. : semester satu dapat berapa itu? : semester satu se..kalau ulangan sering dapat 9,10 : kelas 8 ini semester satu? : iya : semester 2 ini ngak ikut lagi? : ngak..misalnya nanti besuk kelas 3 ikut : bu endang itu ..ngajar? atau guru situ tapi ngak ngajar? : itu guru sini tapi membuka les-les gitu : tapi ngak ngajar kamu? : ngak..wong Cuma ngajar matematika di kelas 3 : o gitu? Paling bagus matematika ya? : iya : trus ini dik..kalau yang paling jelek apa? : Klau saya yang paling jelek itu IPA. He he [laughing] : kenapa? Kok iso? : mboh kok iso : di Biologinya atau di fisikanya? : kalau saya di Biologinya 106
I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She I She
: karena hafalan atau gimana itu? Atau raseneng wis an? : yo itu karena aku ngak bisa aja di Biologi..Biologi itu piye ngono mbak : piye ne piye? he heh he [ laughing] : tu kan Cuma materi doank, materinya kan juga banyak gitu, ngak suka terutama banyak materinya : kalau fisika lancer ya? : lancer. Fisika itu kan banyak yang menghitng. Itu juga kan menghafalin rumus-rumus aja : mmh gitu..ya ya ya. Kalau bahasa Inggris kemarin gimana bisa ngak? : he he [ laughing]..lumayan : lumayan itu gimana? : lumayan gampang [ laughing] : lumayan gampang he he [ repeating, laughing] sudah rapotan to ini? Gimana? Paling tinggi apa nilainya? : agama ; agama, trus nomer dua? : penjas : penjas? Trus nomer 3? ; lupa mbak : [laughing] trus matematika? Sudah ya tadi. Trus yang paling jelek apa tadi? : IPA : IPA ya…tapi masih di atas KKM to? : iya.. : kalau secara umum ya dik ya..kamu tadi seneng bahasa Inggris atau tidak? : iya
APPENDIX B. INTERVIEW II Participant : Wati Location : Her house Day/ Date : Saturday/ July 17,2010 I
kamu kematin mengatakan bahwa tujuanmu belajar bahasa inggris itu supaya mengerti jika diajak ngomong orang asing ya dik?
Apa banyak orang asing dating sekolahmu atau kesini atau gimana?
Ya…kalau orang Qatar itu kan …SMP ini kan yang membuat orang Qatar to mbak..itu kan sering orang Qatar kemari. Pas waktu aku kelas 1 itu…kelas 1 atau 2 itu kan orang Qatar kemari gitu.
Mereka ngomongnya pakai bahasa Inggris?
Berate kalau boleh tah ne mulai kapan kamu punya tujuan ..kamu kan pernah mengatakan pas SD belum tahu ya tujuannya belajar bahasa Inggris apa. Belum tahu. Trus kelas 8 sudah tahu tujuannya ‘ bisa mengerti jika diajak ngomong orang asing’. Mulai kapan kamu punya tujuan seperti itu?
Dari kelas 7
Kelas 7. Itu pas pembangunan mulai orang Qatar dating ke SMP atau sudah dari sebelumnya?
Habis orang Qatar kesitu
Pembangunannya kamu kelas berapa itu?
Pembangunannya habis gempa.
Habis gempa berarti tahun 2006 atau 207 ya?
Itu kamu sudah kelas 7 atau SD?
Masih SD, kalau gak salah kelas 6.
Apakah orang Qatar kalau dating kadang ngajak ngobrol sama siswa atau sama guru atau kepala?
Terkadang sama siswa, terkadang sama guru, karyawan
Biasanya mereka menanyakan apa saja dik?
Ya Cuma..kan itu kemarin kan ditanya di sekolah itu yang kurang apanya, sekolah disini asyik gak?
Mereka ngomongnya melulu pakai bahasa Inggris atau bisa sedikit-sedikit pakai bahasa Indonesia?
Mereka sedikit-sedikit pakai bahasa Indonesia
Ada penerjemahnya gak?
Penerjemahnya kemarin bu Vita.
Bu Vita Musik?
Oya kamu dulu pernah mengatakan paling suka ‘ mendengarkan’ daropada membaca, berbicara, menulis, kamu paling suka mendengarkan. Kamu bilang kalau mendengrakan tinggal mendengarkan saja. Nah bu guru biasanya kalau cerita atau berbicara itu pakai bahasa apa?
Bahasa inggris, trus nanti tu…tu ka nada teks, bu guru pakai bahasa inggris, trus nanti muridnya disuruh mengartikan.
Kalau member perintah, membuka atau menutup pelajaran pakai bahasa apa?
Bahasa Indonesia
Oya tadi kelewat. Tujuanmu belajar bahasa ingris selain itu ada ngak?
Kalau gak salah ndak.
Wah kamu bilang yang paling gak suka, salah satunya berbicara karena berbicara susah, kadang pembacaannya keliru kebalik-balik. Bu guru kasih tahu ngak cara membacanya? Tulisannya begini..membacaya begini
Trus kamu kalau kebalik-balik itu yang apa?
Ya ketika being kan dibaca /
Kalau bu guru membaca kalian disuruh menirukan gak?
Kalau habis membaca selesai, itu diartikan, nanti disuruh membaca satu-satu
Nek salah dibenerke? Atau gimana?
Kalau salah ya dibenerin
Biasanya kalau gitu kamu ulangi lagi gak cara bacanya di rumah?
Kenapa jarang?
e..ya [ laughing]
/ kadang e sama I nya kebalik-balik.
Malasa saja Kamu dulu mengatakan kadang dengerin bu guru, kadang diajak ngobrol teman, tapi seringnya mendengarkan bu guru ya. Kalau asyik ya dengrin, kalau tidak asyik ya ngobrol gitu kan? Trus itu biasanya ngobrolin apa?
Cuma cerita-cerita gitu sih. Kadang ya membaca buku Bobo.
Memang bu guru gak tahu?
Ditutupi LKS [ laughing]
Tapi ini guru bahasa inggris atau yang lain?
Bahasa Inggris
Apa gak takut ketahuan?
Yo takut tapi Cuma jarang kok
Jarang. Kadang bu guru ceritany agak asyik trus kamu bilang kalau gak asyik kadang ngobrol. Kamu takut ngak pas kamu ngobrol, pas kamu gak memperhatikan, bu guru menyampaikan yang penting-penting. Kamu ada ketakutan seperti itu gak?
Ya ada sih tapi kan nanti kalau kurang paham kan ditanyain trus diulangi lagi.
O gitu. Saat mendengrakan bu guru bicara, kalau kamu tidak tahu artinya kamu buka kamus ya, kadan juga ketinggalan. Tus biasanya kamu gimana? Kamu membuka kata yang tadi, bu guru sudah terus, kamu ketinggalan. Trus kamu biasanya gimana?
Ya kalau sudah ketinggalan ya lanjutin
Brati yang lalu ketinggalan ya sudah gitu?
Kalu mengerjakan PR amu sering di rumah, kalau kamu gak bisa Tanya temanmu siapa?
Temanku yang SD yang disitu 22, ada di A,B, C,D,E, F. trus aku yang Tanya itu di kelas F.
Brati sebelum ke sekolah asa PR kamu gak bisa Tanya ke dia? Kalau boleh tahu namanya?
Kelas F. menurut pendapatmu sendiri ya, menurutmu kemampuanmu bahasa Inggris gimana? Dari kemampuanmembaca, mendengarkan, menulis gimana? Menurutmu kemampuanmu gimana? Sudah cukup, sudah puas atau masih kurang menurutmu?
Yo masih kurang mbak
Di bagian apa?
Menulis mbak
Kira-kira penyebabnya pa tu dik? 110
Ya itu Cuma.. ya itu kan tadi itu ada extinction itu harusnya tulisannya pakai c aku pakai g
o.itu artinya apa dik?
Kalau gak salah ‘ kepuanahan’
Menurutmu kemampuanmu sekarang masih bisa ditiingkatkan g
Menurutmu kira-kira caranya gimana?
Ya membaca lebih giat, di itu lebih banyak membaca
Jadi menurutmu jika kamu lebih banyak membaca kamu akan lebih bisa
Menurutmu kamu bisa mendapat nilai lebih dari semester kemarin gak?
Kalau belajarnya giat [ laughing] insya Allah masih.
Lebih giat? Kalau lebih giat masih? Kira-kira akan lebih giat gak ini?
Lebih giat [ laughing]
Kalau kemarin sudah termasuk kategori giat belum?
Masih kurang mbak..wong masih pas-pasan di KKM kok
Di KKM to? Dapat berapa to?
68 kalau tidak salah 68
KKMnya 68 to?
KKM nya 63
Terus kamu pernah gak mendengarkan orang ngomong pakai bahasa inggris selain guru di kelas?
Jarang mbak. Cuma itu teman yang di ROTA itu
Teman di ROTA, dia sering ngomong pakai bahasa Inggris?
Kalau kira-kira di film atau lagu gitu gimana?
Ya jarang mendengarkan
Kenapa dik?
Ya apa itu gak tahu aja apa intinya?
Ogt.. nonton TV di transTV atau apa itu ada terjemahannya di bawah itu? 111
Ya kan itu cepat banget mbak terus membcanya trus hilang.
Tapi pernah belum lihat danmelototin artinya gitu?
Pernah, wakt kelas 2 itu pinjam CD di perpus trus didtel itu sampai akhir itu filmnya asyik [ laughing] dan itu dilihat sampai selesai, pulang sekolah.
Berarti di sekolah ada CD yang dipinjamkan
Menurutmu itu kayak gitu membantu gak memperoleh nilai bagus atau untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris
Trus sudah berapa kali kamu nonton?
Baru 2 kali
Kok baru dua kali kenapa?
Sekarang jarang di perpus kok
oo..nontonmu di perpus atau di rumah?
Kalau kelas 2 tu di perpus
Pas pelajaran atau habis sekolah?
Habis sekolah
Kok sekarang gak ke perpus lagi? Nonton-nonton kayak gitu tadi kan kamu bilang ya membantu, kenapa kamu gak coba sering menonton, kenapa?
Ya ngak ada temannya
Trus temanmu yang nonton dulu kemana?
Ya satu kelas, tu kalau habis pulang sekolah langsung pulang
Selain film apa dik?
Selain film..Cuma film itu doank
Menurutmu sumbernya bu guru, film kadang-kadang itu sudah cukup belum membantu kamu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris?
Menurutku sudah mbak
Terus sekarang kalau di sekolah kan harus bareng-bareng ya nontonnya, itu yang di TV itu ada kan, pernah gak nyoba?
Kenapa ngak?
Itu TVnya itu kalau mau lihat itu bruwet
Menurutmu fasilitas yang kamu dan sekolah miliki sudah cukup belum?
Trus kalau di perpus itu dik, katanya perpus itu lengkap, ada gak sih buku-buku berbahasa inggris selain buku pelajaran; seperti cerita atau apa saja/
Pernah baca dik?
Gimana, asyik atau malah gimana?
Sudah berapa kali baca dik?
Cerita, komik, atau apa?
Masih ingat ngak?
[laughing] oya kamu juga pernah mengatakan, kamu kadang ngobrol [ laughing] sama temanmu yang di ROTA pakai bahasa inggris ya?
Kok kadang-kadang, kok gak selalu atau sering gitu?
Ya, kalau dia ingat saja it uterus dibahasa inggriskan?
Pernah gak kamu ngingetin ‘eh pakai bahasa inggris’?
Gak [ laughing]
Kalau dia ngomong pakai bahasa Inggris, kamu jawabnya pakai Bahasa Inggris atau Bahasa Indonesia?
Bahasa Indonesia
Kok gak coba pakai bahasa Inggris?
Ya belum bisa aja
Kalau kamu belum bisa kamu kan bisa bisa Tanya ‘iki bahasa Inggrise opo?’ pernah coba itu belum
Terus kalau hari ini ada pelajaran bahasa Inggris, biasanya kamu perasaannya senemg, biasa aja, atau menjadi beban?
Senang gimana?
Dapat itu apa dapat kata baru
Apa seneng karena bu kasi yang lucu atau seneng bahasa Inggris ata apa
APPENDIX C- INTERVIEW I Participant : Budi Location : His House Day/ Date : Saturday/ I
Tujuanmu belajar bahasa inggris apa?
Untuk mengetahui bahasa orang lain.
Kalau dulu pas SD atau apa sudah pernah belajar bahasa Inggris kan?
Tujuannya apa pas SD?
Mengerjakan ulangan
Mengerjakan ulangan ya. Terus kalau kamu tadi bilangan pengin mengetahui bahasa orang lain ya dik ya.mulai kapan punya tujuan seperti itu?
Mulai kelas 4 SD
Memangnya kala sudah mengerti bahasa orang lain kenapa?
Ya bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang luar negeri
Apa sering ada orang luar negeri dating ke sekolah, ke desa gitu?
Kalau ke sekolah sering, tapi kalau ke desa tidak pernah.
Kalau yang ke sekolah dari mana dik?
Dari Qatar
Trus mana lagi?
Jepang..tidak apal
Itu mereka ngapain di sekolah
Ya berkunjung untuk melihat-lihat keadaan sekolah
Apakah mereka termasuk donator sekolah?
Terus mereka kalau di sekolah biasanya tanya apa?
Tanya fasilitas-fasilitas sekolah
Tanya sama murid, guru, atau siapa dik?
Biasanya murid
Mereka kalau bertanya biasanya pakai bahas Inggris juga?
Mereka bisa ngomong sedikit-sedikit bahasa Indonesia?
Ya bisa
Tapi pas tanya sama murid pakai Bahasa Inggris gitu?
Terus ada penerjemahnya gak dik? Yang mengartikan gitu?
Ya ada
Tapi mereka tanya langsung baru kalau tidak ngerti baru diterjemahkan atau gimana?
Mereka tanya, langsung terjemahannya ngomong
O gitu, trus penerjemahnya guru situ, murid situ, atau orang lain dik?
Gak tahu, orang situ kayaknya.
Terus itu tadi kalau orang asing ngomong kita mendengarkan, trus dari pelajaran mendengarkan, membaca, menulis, berbicara. Kamu yang paling senengi yang mana?
Mungkin membaca.
Kenapa dik?
Ya…mengartikan yang bahasa Inggris itu?
Kalau sudah mengerti kenapa?
Bisa berbicara [ laughing]
Terus paling tidak seneng apa?
Paling gak seneng ya banyak nulisnya
Kenapa menulis gak seneng?
Ya..apa itu kesel
Capek ya..tapi sebenarnya kalau nanti ada pelajaran bahasa Inggris, kamu seneng, biasa saja, atau males bawaannya?
Ya seneng…kadang seneng
Berarti kadang ono sebele kadang ada apa ya gak?
Gak, kadang-kadang jeleh kadang-kadang
Kalau kadang seneng itu berate akeh senenge atau gak dik?
Banyak senengnya
o…banyak senengnya, kok seneng kenapa? 116
Ya..kadang guyon gitu?
Antara siapa?
Antara teman
o..emang kalau pas bukan Bahasa inggris gak bisa?
Terus kenapa kalau pas bahasa Inggris seneng karanena bisa guyon atau apa karena…….tadi kamu bilang sering senengnya kalau bahasa Inggris, kenapa itu?
Ya..bisa bersama teman-teman
Memang kalau selain pelajaran bahasa Inggris tidak bisa?
Ya bisa tapi ka nada yang baca salah tertawa.
Ooo..maksudnya banyak sumber untuk guyonnya
o..begitu. terus mengenai tujuanmu belajar , selain pengin bisa ngomong bahasa Inggris dengan orang asing, slah satunya. Terus ada tujuan yang lain gak dik?
Ya kalau ada pertanyaan bahasa inggris bisa menjawab.
Terus mengenai kegiatanmu sehari-hari, itu pasti ada bahasa Inggrisnya tidak? Ya raketang nonton film bahasa Inggris, dengerin lagu bahasa Inggris, atau membaca? Itu tiap hari ada gak dik?
Jadi gak tiap hari ya?
Kenapa gak tiap hari dik?
Ya bosen aja.
Bosen ya….trus kamu tadi yang kamu paling senengi apa?
Kalau mendengarkan orang ngomong bahasa inggris atau bu Kasi bicara pakai bahasa inggris?
Kalau bisa mengartikan ya seneng, kalau gak ya udah
Biasanya kalau gak bisa gimana dik [laughing]?
Cari di kamus
Ketinggalan ga?
Gak, selesai pembicaraan baru buka kamus
Brati mendengarkan dulu baru buka kamus. Kalau ada pelajaran bahasa Inggris kamu deg-deg an gak dik?
Gak, biasa aja
Oya, kadang apa yang paling kamu snenengi dar pelajaran Bahasa Inggris bu Kasi? Kamu kan pernah diajar guru bahasa inggris banyak, tapi dari bu kais apa yang paling kamu senangi?
Banyak becanda
Paling ya kamu tidak senangi?
Ulangan mendadak.
Biasanya kalau ulangan mendadak dari mana soalnya?
Dari buku paket
Buku paket ka nada dua..English Focus itu..sama yang satu lagi tu..yang mana?
Yang Building….
Yang Building sama yang English Focus ..dua-duanya?
Biasanya yang Focus
Kalau soal menulis kadang kan diminta membuat cerita ngak dik?
He mengartikan bahasa Ingris itu..Cuma cerita?
Mengartikan cerita? Kalau membuat cerita, surat atau apa?
Pernah dikelas 7
Kelas 7 membuat apa?
Membuat surat
Untuk guru
o…Untuk gurunya….itu menurutmu asyik gak?
Terus biasanya kalau membuat surat itu kamu tulis bahasa Indonesianya dulu baru kamu terjemahkan atau langsung bahasa Inggris, kalau gak tahu artinya langsung dicari artinya dikamus atau ditulis bahasa Indonesia dulu baru diartikan?
Bahasa Indonesia dulu baru, ditulis, diartikan.
Terus kalau ada PR kamu pernah mengatakan dikerjakan di sekolah [ laughing], kenapa kamu memilih mengerjakan di sekolah tapi gak di rumah?
Ya..banyak temannya [laughing]
Banyak temannya..kan waktunya lebih mepet ya dik…gak deg-degan itu dik?
Jamnya kan biasanya tengah-tengahan.
o..begitu. kalau menurutmu ya sebenarnya baik mengerjakan PR di rumah atau sekolah?
Ya di rumah.
Ya banyak waktunya
Tapi kenapa kamu mengerjakannya di sekolah, kalau sebenarnya banyak waktu di rumah?
Ya enak di sekolah
Dikerjakan sendiri langsung atau ngopi punya teman?nirun gitu?
Kadang ngopi, kadang sendiri kalau bisa.
Tapi seringnya gimana?
Ya seringnya ngopi
Kalau kamu ngopi pekerjaan teman kamu merasa belajar sesuatu gak? Atau ming waton nulis
Ya belajar se…kalau ngopi itu kan yang gak bisa saja, kalau bisa kerjakan sendiri.
Ooo…jadi kamu kerjakan sendiri, baru yang tidak bisa kamu ngopi. Kalau ada PR kamu senang gak dik?PR bahasa Inggris khususnya?
Ya senang kalau bisa mengerjakan
Senang kalau bisa mengerjakan…akeh senenge atau …….?
Kalau gak bisa tu pusing sendiri
Biasanya kalau yang gak bisa itu model apa dik?
Ya teks cerita
Suruh menjawab pertanyaan atau menerjemahkan
Menerjemahkan …saking banyaknya tidak bisa.
Kan ada di kamus to dik kata-katanya [laughing]
Kata-kata kan banyak [laughing]
Jadi buka-nya banyak gitu ya? Trus model-model kayak…kalimat positif disuruh mengubah ke negative, kalimat tanya, itu ada gak?
Ada di kelas 7 atau 8
Seneng gak kamu soal kayak gitu?
Cukup lah…
Cukup senang tau tidak senang?
Cukup senang..tidak senang [ laughing]
Trus kamu lebih senang tugas kelompok atau individu?
Kenapa dik?
Kalau gak bisa kan dikerjakankelompoknya [ laughing]
Tapi kalau bu guru sering kasih tugas individu atau kelompok?
Kira-kira kenapa ya bu guru sering ngasih tugas individu?
Ya agar bisa sendiri
Memang kalau tigas kelompok tu jagakke satu atau dua orang atau mikir semua?
Biasanya mikir semua…tapi kalau gak bisa ya satu..pakai ceweknya *laughing+
[lughing] biasanya satu kelompok sama siapa kamu atau berubah-ubah?
Ya berubah-ubah, kadang kalau gak ada kelompoknya kadang campur
Campur maksudnya?
Ya gabung….
Terus kalau pas diterangkan bu guru ya…biasanya kamu ngapain dik?
Bisa dengerin terus atau kadang pikiran lainnya gitu?
Pernah gak pas diterangkan ngobrol, gojekan karo kancane gitu?
Ya ..kadang
Kadang itu kalau kenapa? Bosen atau apa?
Temannya cerita lucu trus gojekan
Trus kalau kayak gitu takut gak ketinggalan bu guru…..wah jangan2 bu guru nerangke sing penting ki…aku ketinggalan..pernah gak merasa kayak gitu?
Gak..biasa saja
Terus menurutmu perlu gak menerangkan grammar atau structure gitu?
Kenapa perlu?
Ya untuk mengetahui kata-kata itu…..
Tru menurutmu apa yang perlu dilakukan guru bahasa Inggris biar muridnya..ya asyik…tapi ya bisa
Ya bercanda tapi mengandung kata-kata efektif ..maksudnya belajarnya efektif
Contohnya gimana?
Tidak membosankan gitu
Kamu lebih seneng bu guru pakai bahasa Inggris banyak atau sedikit?
Ya banyak tapi diartikan
Kamu melihat diri kamu sendiri, sebenarnya saya gak tahu nilai kamu berpa, sebenarnya menurutmu kamu bisa dapat nilai lebih dari sekarang gak?
La…bisa kalau belajar….belajar giat itu ya bisa
Berarti maksud kamu sekarang belum giat gitu?
Ya belum [laughing]
Kok belum kenapa? [ laughing]
Sibuk dengan masalah lain [laughing]
Masalah apa contohnya?
Matematika..banyak PR nya, kerja kelompok, kadang les itu….
Maksudnya kesibukan yang lain gitu ya….teus ini dik, kamu sudah puas belum dengan hasil nilaimu?
Cukup puas atau cukup gak puas?
Ya cukup, biasa saja.
Menurutmu belajar bahasa Inggris itu gimana supaya kita nanti bisa komunikasi dengan orang lain, bisa dapat nilai bagus, itu menurutmu harusnya gimana?
Kata-katanya itu dihafal tapi kita yang sulit menghafalnya.
Sulitnya kenapa dik?
Ya kadang kita tahu kata-katanya, nulisnya salah. Kayak tadi ulangan banyak salah [laughing].
Gimana…gimana? * laughing+
Tulisannya kurang hurufnya tapi sudah tahu kata-katanya seperti itu
Misalnya pagi belajar tapi tulisanya belum pas
Kamu kalau ngapalin kata-kata biasanya gimana dik?
Ya ditandain aja..misalnya ‘hardwerer’…………………
Kamu pernah gak ngapalin sambil ngomong…..misalnya ‘hardware’ sambil tangannya nulis gitu, diucapkan lisan..o hardware itu ini atau sembil nulis tangannya?
Diucapkan saja
Gak sama nulis gitu?
Terus selain itu dik untuk bisa berkomunikasi behasa inggris selain menghafalkan katakata apalagi dik?
Sering berkata bahasa Inggris
Menurutmu kamu sudah sering belum?
Ya belum
Kenapa belum dik?
Ya belum bermanfaat
Sama teman belum berguna…pakai bahasa daerah gitu
Mau pakai bahasa daerah
Maksudnya masih bisa pakai bahasa daerah, kenapa bahasa Inggris atau gimana maksudnya? Atau gimana dik aku belum ngerti
Ya kadang kan pakai bahasa Inggris untuk bercanda saja, bisa berguna
Bisa berguna maksudnya gimana tu?
Untuk pelajaran, untuk jawabannya gitu
o..gitu. selain itu apa lagi? Selain banyak berbicara, menghafalkan kata, trus apa lagi?
Banyak dipertanyai.
Dipertanyai maksudnya?
Dipertanyai gurunya
o..gurunya nanya, kamu jawab gitu?
Ya..setelah dia menerangkan ada salah satu ditunjuk yang lain siap-siap karena gak tahu yang ditunjuk siapa?
Ditunjuk untuk pa dik?
Ya mungkin diberi pertanyaan, yang ditunjuk menjawabnya
o..gitu berarti gurunya bertanya. Terus jawabannya harus pakai bahasa Inggris gimana?
Kadang bisa ngomong bahasa Indonesia, ditranslatekan ke bahasa Inggris gitu?
Selain ditanyain, ngomong bahasa Inggris. Apa satu lagi tadi…..menghafal kata-kata ada yang lain ngak yang menurutmu bisa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi bahasa Inggris?
Ya mungkin dialog
Dialog yang sudah ditulis, spontan, atau gimana dik?
Kayak drama itu lho
oo. drama, ada yang lain gak?
Itu aja
Ini tentang ibu bapak…apakah ibu bapak sangat mendukung kamu atau nguyak-uyak kamu bisa berbahasa iNggris dengan baik, secra khusus untuk bahasa Inggris
Ya biasa saja….kalau bahasa Inggris biasa saja tapi kalau pelajaran matematika harus
oo..gitu..pelajaran yang paling kamu senengi apa to pelajaran sekolah?
Olah Raga
Kenapa suka olah raga?
Ya buat tubuh sehat juga
Selain itu?
Kenapa suka geografi?
Tentang peta-peta itu kan, sukanya aku kan bal-balan, ya terus mungkin Negara-negara seperti jerman ditunjukan dimana letaknya.
Brati menarik ya?
Berhubungan dengan sepak bola
Menurutmu kalau pelajaran bahasa Ingris lebiih seneng duduk diterangke bu guru atau wawancara keliling, nanyain temanmu satu-satu, hobimu apa?
Kalau saya duduk langsung menerjemahkan
Lebih suka langsung menerjemahkan daripada nanya-nanya satu-satu? Kalau duduk dari pagi sampai siang bosen gak?
Ya agak berat cuma kadang-kadang
Menurutmu ya dik ya kalau di kelas itu harusnya murid bertingkah laku seperi apa?
Patuh pada guru
Kalau misalnya menyela kayak interupsi guru menyenerangkan itu boleh gak?
Terus mengenai buku paket yang kamu bawa itu sudahlengkap belum?
Buku teks yang mana?
Kalau LKS belum, tapi kalau English In Focus lengkap
Apakah semua materinya yang digunakan ada di buku itu atau bu guru nambahnambahi lagi
Ditambah-tambahi kata-kata itu
Enak gak buku-buku itu dipelajari?
Ya..cukup mboseni
Bosennya gimana?
Ya gambarnya kurang menarik
Kurang menarik gimana? Tidak berwarna atau gimana?
Ya…kalau gak ada…apa itu seperti komik itu
mmh gitu..banyak gak dari buku itu yang keluar ujian?
Ya banyak…kalau japlak mungkin dapat nilai banyak.
Kamu japlak gak ? [laugh]
Nirun aja [laugh]
Yang ditunini siapa? Yang dituruni kira-kira bisa bahasa Inggris gak?
Ya gak…tapi kan japlak dia…jawabannya pasti betul
Dasar [laugh] terus klau ulangan atau tes bahasa inggris bentuknya gimana?
Ya..kalau tadi sih bu guru pakai bahasa Indonesia. Kita jawababnnya pakai bahasa Inggris. Misalnya ‘makan’ itu..nulisnya ‘eat’
Berarti banyak menerjemahkan ya?
Terus kalau ulangan membaca. Ada gak ulangan membaca?
Maksudnya sudah membaca teks/cerita itu disuruh maju, kalau maju itu dapat bonus nilai, kalau yang bisa maju.
oo..gitu…bisa itu mengartikan atau membaca nyaring?
Nyaring…ditempat duduk sudah dibaca, terus ke depan menerangkan lagi
Berarti yang dibaca tadi apa gitu?
Itu gak bawa buku ya?
Jadi kayak ngomong lisan gitu?
Kalau perpusnya dik..kayak buku-buku, misalnya buku cerita atau komik pakai bahasa Inggris gitu ada gak?
Ada, kalau bukunya ada tapi kalau komik ya….ada dink
Pernah pinjam
Ya baca-baca aja gak tahu
Lho ka nada, cari-cari dikamus artinya…
Ya..itu sulitnya
[laugh] terus kalau dengerin lagu bahasa inggris sudah pernah belum?
Kadang-kadang se..kalau ngetrend ya…*laugh+
Tapi seneng dik? Seneng lagu-lagu itu…misalnya yang ngetrend apa?
Nyoba nyari tahu artinya gak?
Sehari gitu kamu mesti ketemu bahasa Inggris gak? Entah itu film, radio, music, entah….?
Belum tentu
Belum tentu ya, kalau film-film itu kamu seneng nonton gak? Kayak film-film di TV itu?
Hamper bisa dipastikan semingu berapa kali itu?
Ya kadang seminggu 2 kali, sekali, ya tiap jam 9, 9.30 di bioskop TransTV
O..iya kamu biasanya dengerin sambil lihat artinya atau dengerin aja?
Ya melihat anunya….apanya itu..layarnya itu, kadang-kadang baca
Mmm kalau kamu merasa film,lagu itu membantu gak untuk menghafal kata atau komunikasi bahasa inggris?
Ya..kurang sih
Gak begitu bantu atau…?
Gak sebegitunya membantu
oo..kalau kamu ngomong bahasa Inggris sama siapa saja?
Mungkin ngomong sama guru bahasa Ingggris, berbicara bahasa inggris sama teman.
Kalau harian biasanya gitu?
Ya..Cuma untuk bercanda
Tapi suka make to?
Ya kadang-kadang
Sering ya nya atua gak?
[laugh] trus berhubungan dengan kemampuanmu, kamu punya keinginan atau cita-cita gak? Ya mulai semester ini pengin meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris?
Ya punya
Terus apa yang kamu lakukan dik?
Ya menghafalkan kata-kata
Bahasa inggris…..trus apa artinga gitu?
Pernah ngak kamu ….ini cara membacanya aja gitu?
Tulisannya itu
Cara membacanya gak?
Cara membacanya dibaca biasa saja
Maksudnya apa?
Misalnya ‘bumi’. Kita membacanya seperti bahasa Indonesianya
e..a..r…t…h..*in Bahasa pronunciation+ itu bumi gitu?
Kok gitu kenapa?
Biar tulisannya jelas, kalau Bahasa Inggris kan tulisannya gak betul itu
m…gitu..terus menurutmu biar tulisannya betul, ngomongnya betul, kira-kira caranya gimana? 127
Itu perlu dicari
Kamu ngomong sambil nulis kira-kira bisa membantu gak?
Ya belum dicoba sih
Terus mengenai nilaimu semester ini merasa puas belum?
Cukup puas atau tidak puas?
Cukup puas
Terus orang yang ngomong bahasa Inggris itu orang mana saja dik?
Ya orang luar negeri, misalnya orang Singapor, Australia, bahasa inggris, juga Papua Nugini, ya dah itu saja
Menurutmu bahasa inggris penting gak sih?
Ya penting, ya kalau berbicara dengan orang asing…biar mengetahui ngomong dia apa gitu, biar bisa tahu.
Selain itu?
Ya Cuma berbicara sesama teman
Sesama teman, ada yang lain gak?
Bisa menjawab teks
Enjawab soal ujian
Trus apa lagi?
Ya udah
Oya kamu tadi bilang nilai terbaikmu penjas ya? Kenapa dik?
Ya hobi saja
Olah raga apa saja?
Sepakbola ya yang berhubungan dengan bola lah.. 128
Cukup. Cukuplah voly
Trus apa lagi?
Ya paling gak saya senengi ding..kalau ding itu blas gak bisa..kan ding itu disuruh sebulan sekali, paling Cuma bisa tiga juga.
Ding yang kayak itu kan [showing the way]
Gak gitu..sikile dideleh ngarep sik,trus mburi
Terus besuk pengin jadi apa?
Cita-cita pngin jadi pemain sepak bola..kalau gak tercapai pengin jadi pegawai PT
Kalau pemain sepakbola perlu gak sih bisa bahasa Inggris?
Perlu,pemain sepakbola kan dari berbagai Negara jadi kalau berkomunikasi pakai bahasa Inggris. Jadi gak mungkin pemain sepakbola dari inggris ngomongnya bahasa Jawa [laugh]
[laugh] kalau di PT itu pakai perlu bahasa Inggris gak?
Ya cukup
Menurutmu perlu gak?
Kalau saya gak
Yakin gak, ya sudah gak papa
Punya gak pengalaman indah dan….pengalaman indah pas belajar bahasa Inggris?
Ya punya
Apa itu?
Temannya bicara langsung salah itu. Kayak nama orang…kan namanya Marry * pronounced in English] bacanya kan Mari [ pronounced in Bahasa]..[laugh]
[laugh] itu teman yang baca atau kamu?
Pengalaman lucunya selain itu apa dik? Selain itu ada gak dik?
Ada. Cuma bercanda-canda itu
Kalau pengalaman buruk dalam bahasa Inggris?
Ya nilainya itu kurang puas
Memang nilainya kenapa memang ada…..?
Nilai hariannya kurang baik
Kira-kira penyebabnya apa?
Ya karena tulisanya itu,mungkin kurang hurufnya atau salah hurufnya.
Itu nilai ulangan harian gitu?
Kamu belajar ngak sebelum ulangan bahasa Inggris?
Ya..ulangan itu mendadak
O gitu…apa selalu mendadak atau ada yang diumumkan sebelumnya
Sering mendadak
mm…sering mendadaknya?
Terus yang diberikan itu pernah diberikan sebelumnya?
Pernah..seminggu yang lalu sudah diberi, langsung sekarang ulangan gitu
Pernah gak bu guru mengumumkan?oo..besuk tanggal ini ulangan bahannya ini itu
Pernah kalaukelas 8, tapi kelas 9 ini gak
Gk pernah?
Kalau kelas 8…kalau yang dulu-dulu ada pengalaman buruk gak?
Yang dulu-dulu..
Itu kan kelas 9, yang dulu-dulu?
Dulu kelas 4
Apa itu?
Kalau abc itu langsung, langsung dicore itu abc jret..maksudnya dipilih-pilih jawabannya itu…jadi betul ngak betul jawabannya itu
Gimana dik? Kan pilihannya abcd
Jawabannya itu kan disilang…langsung
o.dari a sampai d dicorek. Terus gimana itu?
Gak tahu jawabannya…pasrah aja
Itu semua kamu gituin atau Cuma yang kamu gak bisa atau karena kamu belum mudeng saat itu?
Ya udah tahu sih tapi kan gak bisa memahami pertanyaannya itu
Lha kamu mulai belajar bahasa Inggris kelas berapa dik?
Kelas tiga
Terus memangnya kelas empat itu sudah bacaan panjang itu? Sudah dikasih po?
Kan kelas 3 belum serius
Terus model ulangannya gimana? Kelas berapa tadi yang pengalaman buruk..kelas 4
Model ulangan itu di buku paket
Ada gambar-gambarnya gak?
Apa lagi dik? Bacaaan gitu ada gak?
Sudah banyak..SD bacaannya?
Maksudnya….soalnya banyak
Sudah ada bacaan panjang-panjang itu, misalnya kayak teks, SD ada teks gak walaupun pendek-pendek?
Kelas 4 itu sudah ada?
Terus yang SMP ini ada pengalaman yang…., selain kelas 9 pengalaman yang indah dan tidak indah gak?
Ya kalau dimarahin gurunya pernah
Gak ngerjain PR, gak bawa buku
Kenapa gak mengerjakan PR saat itu?
Ya kadang lupa, kadang gak tahu
Kok lupa, apa ngak dicheck dulu bukunya sebelum ke sekolah?
Ya mungkin anu lupa PRnya yang ada itu..,lupa
Terus kalau ngak bawa buku itu, buku pake atau tulis atau…..
Buku paket
Buku paket Bahasa Ingrisnya nga bawa gt?
Trus dimarahin,……terus yang indah
Yang tadi
Yang lucu-lucu bacaannya itu [laugh] Pernah ngak kamu di sekolah bosen pas pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Pernah ngak?
Misalnya apa dik?
Ya membaca sendiri
Teks begitu banyak dibaca sendiri. Itu membuat bosen
Tapi kamu ya tetap baca atau melakukan hal lain?
Ya kadang ngak dibaca dan mengartikan yang depan-depan saja
O gitu
: MTs n Jatinom
: April 11,2012
: 08.15-08.45
: YK
Boleh tahu namanya dik?
He Yusuf Kurniawan I
Asalnya dari mana?
He Jagran I
Mana itu Jagran?
He Pandeyan I
Kalau boleh tahu orang tuanya bekerja dimana dik?
Ayah dan ibu di jakarta?
He Tidak..ibu dirumah I
Oya..terus pulangnya tiap apa?
He Tiap tiga... I
Tiga bulan sekali?
He Iya I
Kamu mulai belajar bahasa inggris mulai kelas berapa?
He Enam I
Kelas 4 belum?
He Belum I
Terus nilainya gimana kelas 6?
Tidak pernah dapat yang bagus
Ha ha..tidak pernah dapat yang bagus..ha ha. Kira-kira kenapa?
He Kesusahan arti I
Berarti kesusahan mencari artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia begitu ya?
He Iya I
Di rumah ada kamus tidak?
He Ada I
Kalau kamu kesusahan arti, kamu mencari rtinya dalam kamus tidak?
He Nyari..tapi kesulitan nyarinya
Kesulitannya..tidak ketemu tau apa?
He Tidak ketemu I
Pernah tidak kamu mencari tidak ketemu terus tanya teman atau gimana?
He Kakak..tanya kakak I
Kakak kelas berapa?
He Kelas tiga SMA I
Saat kamu kelas 6, kakak kelas 3?
He Kelas 2 I
Perasaanmu gimana dik kalau mendapat nilai yang menurutmu tidak baik?
He kesel I
Ada jengke gitu ya?
He ya I
He menghafal I
Kamu kalau menghafal, caranya gimana?
He Satu per satu..kata per kata I
Kamu tulis gitu tdk?
He Didekte kakak I
Dari pengalamanmu belajar bahasa inggris dari kelas 6 sampai kelas 8, apa kesulitanmu?
He Menangkap informasi dari guru. I
He Penjelasan I
Penjelasan struktur kalimat atau arti kalimat?
He Kalimat.Penjelasan I
Guru nerangin apa gitu ya?
He Iya I
Kira-kira kenapa? Guru terlalu cepat atau guru terlalu pakai banyak bahasa Inggris? Atau gimana?
He Karena terlalu banyak pakai bahasa Inggris. I
Kalau guru di depan pakai bahasa inggris terlalu banyak dan kamu tidak mengerti artinya, kamu tanya teman sebelahmu tidak?
He Iya I
Terus menurutmu yang paling berkesan selama belajar bahasa inggris itu apa?
He Ingin mencari nilia yang bagus I
Kalau di kelas 6 kamu cocok tidak dengan cara guru mengajar mengajar?
He Kalau kelas 7 senang tidak?jujur saja? I
Senang, dulu kan les
He Les bahasa inggris, bahasa Indonesia, bidang studi I
Kalau les diajarinya sama dengan sekolah atau tidak?
He Sama tapi ada yang beda I
Biasanya diajari pola kalimat,atau arti-arti? Dikasih teks atau apa?
He Dikasih teks, suruh mengartikan,menjawab pertanyaan. I
Kalau disekolah, yang paling sukai, guru mengajar seperti apa? Bahsa inggris yang banyak,bahasa Indonesia, atau bahasa inggris diartikan bahasa indonesia?
He Bahasa Inggris, diartikan kedalam bahasa Indonesia I
Terus..kalau di sekolah diajari bapak dan ibu guru kan? Sampai rumah kamu ulangi tidak?
He Tidak I
Kenapa tidak?
He Banyak pekerjaan..membantu ibu I
Membantu ibu apa?
He Ngisi kolah I
He Iya I
Kan itu paling setengah jam atau seperempat jam. Terus waktu lainnya buat apa?
He Volly I
Memang di kampung ada seperti voli club gitu?
He Iya..ada I
Tiap hari itu kamu latihan voli?
He Iya..latihan I
Sekarang kembali ke sekolah lagi...menurutmu fasilitas yang dimiliki sekolah ini untuk belajar bahasa inggris itu kurang tidak?
He Tidak... I
Menurutmu buku-buku..perpus kurang tidak?
He Tidak I
Kemarin saya lihat nilai bahasa Inggris kamu,.....................kamu puas belum?
He Belum..belum dapat 80.ha ha ha
Ha ha..belum dapat 80 keatas ya...ha ha
He Iya I
Oya dik..kalau kamu melihat dirimu, kamu bisa tidak dapat 80 tidak?
He Insya Allah I
Kamu merasa masih punya kemampuan dapat 80 tapi kenapa sekarang belum dapat, kira-kira kenapa?
He Belum saget memahaminya.tapi ngih belajar terus
APPENDIX F. INTERVIEW II Participant : YK Location : MtsN jatinom Date
: April 17,2012
: 08.15-08.45
Kalau kamu di kelas 7, 8. Nilai kamu masih mepet, perasaaanmu gimna?
He Pengin menaikan nilai I
Ada greget pengin menaikan nilai gitu..
He Iya I
Ada perasaan kesel atau biasa aja gitu?
He Ada..kesel I
Terus kalau di kelas..kamu selalu mendengarkan dulu tidak
He Ya mendengarkan bu..tapi tidak selalu mengerti perkataan pak Dul I
Saya kan duduk dikelas kan kemarin..ada suara drum band...saya beberapa kali kamu melihat keluar? Kenapa?
He Pengin menghentikan..berisik I
He Berisik..mengganggu I
Saat itu yang kamu pikirkan apa?
He Pengin menghentikan.. I
Ha ha ...pengin menghentikan...berarti terlalu berisik ya?
He Tiap hari senin I
Ooh tiap hari senin. Itu drum band dari mana to?
He TK sebelah I
Ooo..TK sebelah itu?
He Iya I
Trus saya juga lihat,kamu di tanyain pak Dul ‘what time did you wake up?’kamu jawab apa. Aku denger dengerin jawabanmu...tapi kok tidak denger. Itu kamu jawab apa?
He Mmmmmh..lupa I
Mengenai bahasa Inggris gimana? Itu kan ada pelajaran mendengarkan, membaca teks itu ya, menulis, dan berbicara. Kamu yang paling suka yang mana?
He Menulis tapi belum bisa I
Kesulitaannya pa to dik? 137
He Itu lho....nulis misalnya l nya dua ..tapi saya nulisnya Cuma satu I
Kalau menurutmu pelajaran lain yang kamu sukai apa?
He Fisika I
Kenapa fisika?
He Rumusnya banyak..mudah dihafal I
Nilainya gimana?
He Ya mepet I
Senang kok mepet..kira-kira kenapa?
He Kurang belajar I
Kalau mengenai bahasa Inggris gimana dik? Suka,tidak suka, atau suka sekali?
He Tidak I
Tidak suka...alasannya?
He Tidak bisa memahami I
Aku lihat prestasimu di olahraga...saya kemarin sudah sempat ngobrol dengan pak Guru olah raga..pak Nurdin atau pak Eko. Memang kamu di olah raga kelihatan..kamu punya cita-cita tidak di bidang olah raga?
He Punya..pengin jadi pelatih sepakbola I
Kok tidak voli?
He Sepakbola I
Lebih suka sepakbola ya?
He Iya I
Berarti sebelum jadi pelatih sepakbola harus jadi pemain sepak bola dulu ya? Atau bisa langsung menjadi pelatih?
He Jadi pemain dulu... I
Ada cita-cita masuk timnas atau apa?
He Tidak I
Terus cita-citanya?
He Hanya ingin menjadi pelatih I
Tapi kalau mau jadi pelatih harus jadi pemain dulu..kemarin paling tinggi dari wakil dari mana? Kecamatan atau kabupaten?
He Kecamatan I
Pengin tidak menjadi wakil dari kabupaten?
He Pengin
Ada kepikiran tidak masuk TIMNAS atau SEAGAMES?
He Tidak I
Kok tidak kenapa?
He Karena kemampuannya belum nyampai. I
Apa takut bermimpi? Ha ha
He Ngak I
Kan kalau saya melihat itu teman, klau masuk TIMNAS itu pelatihnya dari luar. Kamu dituntut bisa berbahasa inggris atau paling tidak mengerti. Kamu kepikiran ituu tidak? O sapa tahu suatu saat nanti saya masuk TIMNAS jadi sekarang saya harus siap-siap belajar Bahasa Inggris. Kepikiran itu tidak?
He tidak I
Kenapa tidak kepikiran?
He Gak sampai? I
Belum kepikiran ya? Setelah ini kepikiran ya..ha ha. Terus yusuf menurutmu kamu murid seperti apa?
He Biasa aja I
Biasa aja maksudnya gimana?
He Mengikuti aja I
Biasa seperti teman-teman yang lain gitu maksudnya
He Iya. Kadang gelem, kadang tidak I
Terus yangkamu gelemi belajar apa to dik
He Fisika I
O fisika. Menurutmu kamu sudah mengeluarkan semua kemampuannmu untuk belajar bahasa Inggris tidak?
He Sudah, tapi belum bisa. I
Kalau pikiranmu sekarang, kamu pikir kamu masih bisa mendapat nilai bahasa inggris lebih baik tidak?
He Masih bisa I
Nilai kan bisa disebabkan oleh guru dan kamu sendiri. Tapi kalau guru tidak bisa kamu ubah. Yang bisa kamu ubah adalah yang bersala dari diri kamu sendiri. Menurutmu apa yang kamu bisa ubah?
He Belajar dengan giat I
Sekarang ini kamu sudah giat belum? Ha ha
He Belum. I
Terus harapan-harapan kamu terhadap gurumu bahasa Inggris apa?
He Supaya lebih jelas menerangkan I
o..iya. pakai bahasa apa tadi kamu bilang?
He Bahasa indonesia diikuti bahasa Inggris I
Terus harapan untuk dirimu sendiri?
He Dapat memahami I
Terus selain itu?
He Bisa menulis bahasa Inggris I
Terus apa lagi?
He Sudah I
Sudah? terus harapanmu terhadap sekolah?
He Ingin menjadi baik I
Kalau buku-buku perlu ditambah lagii gak? Ya seperti buku bacaan, komik atau cerita bahasa Inggris atau apa?
He Tidak I
Menurutmu bahasa Inggris itu susah tidak?
He Susah I
He Menghafal I
Selain menghafal?
He Mengartikan I
kalau susunan kalimat susah tidak/ seperti kalau He is..She is.kan kalau lampau harus pakai Past tense..kebiasaan Present tense..?
He tidak I
Menurutmu orang itu yang penting bisa berbicara bahasa inggris atau mendapat nilai yang baik..atau dua-duanya?
He Bisa memahami...dapat nilai yang bagus I
Kalau di luar sekolah ya..kamu tadi mengatakan kalau kelas 7 kamu ikut les, kalau kelas 8 ikut gak?
He Tidak I
Kenapa itu?
He Susah...tidak ada uang
Menurutmu kenapa sih kita perlu belajar bahasa inggris?
He Ingin mendapat nilai I
Selain itu?
He Biar bisa mengertikan I
Menurutmu kenapa sih sekolah mengajarkan bahasa inggris?
He Biar kalau ketemu orang asing tidak kaget..ha ha I
Maksudmu biar bisa berkomunikasi gitu?
He Iya I
Kalu di luar sekolah kamu sering tidak mendengarkan lagu berbahasa inggris?
He Sering I
Contohnya apa sekarang?
He Gak tahu judulnya... I
Tapi lagunya kayak apa coba?
He Nek...gak apal juga I
Kira-kira membantu tidak dik dalam bahasa Inggris?
He Membantu I
Terutama dalam hal apa itu dik?
He Lagunya bagus..kalau bisa mengartikan saya artikan I
Berarti memahami kamu untuk mengerti artinya, menambah kosakata baru gitu ya?
He Iya I
Kalau film? Di TV itu kan banyak film-film lepas, sering nonton ngak?
He Ngak I
Ngak?seringnya lagu ya? Kalau lagi dari radio atau mana?
He Radio I
Kalau buku-buku cerita bahasa Inggris pernah baca belum dik?
He Belum I
He Belum pernah lihat. I
Terus kalau ada PR ne..dikerjakan dirumah atau di sekolah nih?
He Kalau yang mudah di rumah, terus yang susah-susah di sekolah. Tanya sama teman I
Biasanya siapa sih yang kamu tanya?
He Damto I
Sebelahmu itu ya? Kalau ulangan biasanya belajar ngak tu sebelumnya?
Belajar apa tu.. He Balajaaar...kosakata-kosakata I
Saya juga melihat beberapa kali kamu menaruh kepala di atas meja, kenapa itu?
He Kesel sama gurunya I
Kenapa tu keselnya? Ha ha
He Tidak mengerti I
Kalau dari kelas 6,7,8 guru yang mudah kamu tangkap, guru kelas berapa?
He Kelas 1 I
Maksudnya kelas 7?
Kenapa itu?
He Kata-katanya pakai bahasa Inggris.... I
Kalau nanti ada pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu perasaanmu piye? Misalnya senin jam 3,4 ada pelajaran bahasa Inggris perasaanmu seneng, atau biasa wae, atau wah bahasa Inggris ?
He Belajar dulu I
Senang atau tidak
He Tidak.. I
Apa yang kamu kuatirkan?
He Kalau tidak bisa mengartikan itu kan dihukum I
Dihukum apa biasanya? Haha
He Keluar..atau kalau tidak ..disuruh di depan I
Ha ha kelas berapa itu?
He Kelas 2 I
Kelas 2 ini, kelas 8 berarti?
He Iya I
Kalau pelajaran olah raga seneng gak?
He Seneng I
Kalau dibandingkan fisika seneng mana?
He Sama I
Kenapa sih suka pelajaran olah raga
He Ya Cuma ikut-ikut I
Maksudnya ikut-ikut, ikut-ikut sopo?
He Ngih...melatih fisik, dipaki menyehatkan badan I
Sejujurnya kamulebih senangpelajaran di dalam atau di luar kelas?
He Di luar I
Kenapa senang di luar?
He Karena itu....... I
He Ya bisa bercanda I
Kalau di kelas bosen gak duduk terus gitu?
He Bosen I
Bosennya..itu mulai jam keberapa?
He 6 I
Ke 6 itu sudah mulai bosen ya?
He Ya... I
Ya sudah yusuf...lain kalau masih bisa tidak saya minta tolong wawancara...Cuma tanya-tanya begini kok Yusuf
APPENDIX G . The development of the emergent theme of Wati Aspects of Learning
The Description
“The purpose of studying english is to know ...a foreign language” To get a good mark
Purpose of English study
Participant’s view on English langugae learning
Intial experience
The feeling towards the four language skills
Purpose of English study But it is a little bit difficult to Perception pursue towards English language We have to memorize the Perception stucture of the sentences towards English language To know foreign language, Purpose of when there are some English study foreigners come to this school, i know what they say It is important to know Purpose of English because when we English study know what they say, we know how to answer their questions. I started studying english Personal when i was in grade 4 of information elementary school However, i did not know the Purpose of the purpose of learning english English study at that time. I just joined the class. And my teachers did not tell me why i had to study English. The teachers of my grade 7 and 8 neither. In my english class, i like The most and listening class most. I do not the less like speaking because it is a favourite bit difficult. I often make language skills mistake in prouncing the words because the spellings are different from the pronunciation. I did not feel nervous when Never feel my teacher asked me to nervous speak.
Bigger Themes
Lived Experience Aspects Motivation
Motivation Belief
The begining process
Listening is the most interesting
the feeling when she has to speak in
Classroom activity
Writing was also a little boring since i often made mistake in writing the words. For the listening activity, the source was my teacher.
Writing is a little boring
When the story was interesting, i listened to her but when it was not, i tended to chat with my friend. When i found difficult words of my teacher’s story, i would check the dictionary. As the consrquence, i missed the continuation of her story. I do not like reading since the spelling is different from the pronunciation.
Attitude during English lesson
Sometimes i like to answer the questions based on the text, however, sometimes i did not like doing it when the text was not interesting for me. My teacher asked us to raise our hand soon after we had already finished the task, i often missed it..ha ha ha (laughing) Anyone who was able to answer the questions would get points from my teacher I never felt nervous with such kind of activity. I am just relax facing it My teacher asked us to write a letter in english. The model was already in our reference book. Therefore, i just followed the model. I wrote the letter in Indonesian language first, and then i translated into English. The time given was 2 hours. I could not finished it. I still had a little part of
Source of listenig activity
English. Boring activity
Telling the language activity Telling the language activity
Feeling towards reading aloud
Feeling towards reading skill activity Feeling Feeling towards towards reading reading comprehension skill activity
Her ‘failure’ to win the ‘race’
Telling reading activity
Relax during the classroom activity Making a letter
Telling the reading activity Writing activity
Take-home assignment
Attitude during the lesson
Participant’s view on English language
Family Background
my letter to be translated in to e English. My teacher gave me B for the letter. I like the activity indeed because i just need to find the words in my dictionary. I prefer doing my takehome assignment at home. When i found some difficulties, i asked a friend of mine.
Making a personal letter
Writing activity
Where and how she do it
Doing takehome assignment
I like to have take home assignmnets as long there are not assignments of other subjects. I prefer working in a group because we can work together. Sometimes during my teacher’s explanation, my friends wanted to chat with me, however, i ignored them.
Feeling towards takehome assignments Working in agroup is better Some friends wanted to chat with her.
Doing takehome assignment
Doing takehome assignment Telling the activity durig the lesson
Listening to teacher’s explanation is important. It makes me understand the words of the text discussed. It also makes me understand the grammar. It is important for teacher to explain how to make past form, so i won’t make mistakes in making the past sentence. To my opinion, in order to get good result in English class, we have to translate the words. I have to know the –ed form, learn to speak in English. Writing is also important so i will not make mistake in writing the words. My mother and father do not know about English. Therefore, they never asked
Listening to teacher’s explanation
Telling the activity during the lesson
Awareness to listen to teacher’s explanation
Explicit explanation of past tense
Explicit knowledge
Translating, understanding the pattern, writing and speaking in English.
How to get good result in English
Parents never asked he to learn English
Personal Background information
Experience during the lesson
Learning facilities
Classroom activity
me to study English. I do not like English songs and films because i do know the meaning of the words. I rarely listen English songs nor watch English films. My books are adequate enough and i enjoyed learning the books.
The two semester tests were taken from my reference book, the book was English in Focus Strategies However, I did not study the book everyday. When there were no takehome assignment, i just worked on my LKS...usually the teacher asked us to translate into Indonesian language. Classroom The meeting before the activity quizz, my teacher asked the class to study a text, for example Cinderella, then on the day of the quizz, my teacher read the text and we had to answer the question in the written form. I like the tasks like changing the positive sentences into negative or introgative sentence because it is very easy, i just need to change the sentences. Extracurricular I joined traditional dance, activity however,I do not join any extracurricular activity now. I like actually like dancing. Feeling I like English since i was in towards grade 6. I like English English because i will be able to understand a foreign language. English My friend who studies in language SMK ROTA likes to speak exposure English to me, but i always respond her in Indonesian language because i do know
Dislike English songs and films
Supporting media
Supporting media
The test was The source taken from the of the test reference book tasks
How she study Independet English learning at home
How the quizz The form of conducted the quizz
Her activity
joyful Explicit knowledge
Do not join any Her activity extracurricular beside the class formal education Her feeling to Her English interest in language English
Her experience of communicating in English outside the
The exposure of English outside the classroom
Feeling towards other subjects
how to respond her in English. I did not even try to respond her in English.
I like math and physis class bacause i do not need to memorize a lot of materials. I just need to memorize a few formulas. I do not like biology because i cannot memorize alot.
Like much Dislike to math and memorize physic class much materials
APPENDIX H. The development of the emergent theme of Budi Aspects of Learning Purpose of learning Initial Experience Purpose of learning
Language use
The feeling towards the four language skills
The Description My purpose of learnig English is to know other people’s language. When i was an elemntary student, I have already learn English. “Tujuan saya mengerjakn ulangan” purpose is to be able to work on the English test. “Mulai kelas 4..” I start thinking about knowing another language since I was in grade 4 If I know English, I can communicate with foreigners. “Kalau datang ke sekolah sering,kalau ke desa tidak” Foreigners often come to my school, but not to my village. The foreigners are from Qatar..and Japan.....mmh “tidak apal” I do not remember. They observed the conditions of the school. Maybe...they gave the fund to the school. They asked about the school facilties... They usually asked the students... They spoke English, but sometimes they spoke a little Indonesian language When they talked to the students, they spoke English.. There was an interpretter. When the foreigner talked, the intepreter intepreted directly. I don’t know about the interpreter... maybe the intepretter was also the member of my school. From the four skills..Maybe I like reading most...ya mengartikan kata-kata itu. It is about translating the English words. I don’t like writing. It made me tired. When I had English class in the day, sometimes I felt happy but sometimes I get bored. But...I often felt happy. Becaue I could make jokes
Bigger Themes
Lived Experience Aspects Motivation
Present purpose of learning
Past purpose of learning
Present purpose of learning Experience
Like translating texts
Hate writing most Feel happy but sometimes got bored Often happy Like the jokes
with friends...i could not make such jokes in other classes.
Purpose of learning
Language use
Feeling towards English language Startegies
Feeling during the English class Feeling towards english teacher
Take-home assignment
“Yak bisa tapi ka nada yang baca salah tertawa”. When there were friends who made mistakes in pronouncing the words..that’s the source of jokes. Besides to be able to speak with foreigners. My purpose of learning English is to be able to answer questions. Sometimes, i watched English movies, listened to English songs, reading English books. However, I did not do it everyday. Why not everyday..I just got bored. If i understood what people talking about in English, i felt happy. When Bu Kasi spoke English, then I don’t know what she talked about, i would check the dictionary. I did not miss the talk since I check the dictionary after she finished talking. I never felt nervous when there was English lesson at that time. What i like most from bu Kasi is she likes joking. ..what i don’t like most is she likes sudden quizess...the materials are from the Paket book. The When i was in grade 7, my teacher asked me to make a letter for my teacher. For me, it’s quite...interesting. In making the letter, i wrote the letter in Indonesian language, then, I translated it into English. I like doing my take-home assignments at school
Mis-pronounce the words is the source of jokes
Able to speak with foreigners and answer questions
Sometimes watch movies, listen to English songs, read English books
Experience Happy if he understand the talk
Check the dictionary when he did not understand his teacher’s word
Never nervous
Like his teacher’s joke but dislike the sudden quizess
In making a letter, he wrote in Indonesian language then translate it into English
Prefer doing at school
Take-home assignment
Feeling towards English assignment
Attitude towards classroom activities
because there were many friends. I did not feel nervous since the English lesson were usually in the middle of the school time. I think it’s better to do the take-home assignment at home...because there are much time when we do it at home. However, ‘enak mengerjakan di sekolah ‘i like doing the take-home assignments at school.... Sometimes i did the assignments by myself, but sometimes I simply copied the asssignment from my friends....but mostly I copied them from my friends. Eventhough, I copied them from my friends. I felt that i also learnt something through the copying...because i just copied the items which i could not solve. When i got English assignments, ‘Ya senang kalau bisa mengerjakan’ I was happy when it was easy for me but ‘Kalau gak bisa tu pusing sendiri’ when the takehome assigments were difficult for me, i got dizzy. What difficult for me was a story.....translating a’s because there so many words I had to translate...eventhough the words are in the dictionary but there were so many words. Changing positif sentences into negatif sentences are.....’cukup senang ...cukup tidak senang..’ sometimes i quite like such exercises, however, somehow I did not like
Did the takehome assignment at home and school
Copied from friends’ work
Sometimes happy, sometimes get dizzy
Translating is difficult
Sometimes like structural exercises
Group work
Individual work
Group work
Attitude during the English class
Explicit knowledge
them. I prefer group work rather than individual work since if there are difficult tasks, the group will solve it...but my teacher often gave us individual assignments. My teacher liked to give individual order to make each student able to do the assignment his/herself. When we got group work, all of the group did the assignment together. However, when we got difficult items; we usually relied on the girls. When my teacher explained the materials, i ussually listened to her. However, sometimes I made a joke with friends..because my friend told a funny stories. I did not feel that I missed my teacher’s explanation..she just explained something common, i don’t think she explained something important. I think it is important for teachers to explain about the stucture of make the students understand words. To make the students enjoy the English class, i think teachers need to make jokes using effective words...I mean the students study effectively. It means that the class is not boring.
Likes group work
T likes giving individual assigment
Relied on the girls when there are difficult items
Listen to teacher and making jokes
Never afraid of missing the explanation
T needs to explain explicit knowledge
T has to make the class interesting
I prefer English teacher who Like T who speak much English, then, speaks English much, then, translates the talk.
I think that I still have the capability to achieve more then long as i study hard.
translate it Able to achieve more
Daily activities
Daily activities
English score Strategies
Language use
I haven’t been studied hard now....It’s because I am busy with the other problems..ha ha ha Such as mathematics class...there are so many assignments in my math work...and joining some courses About my English score ..’cukup...biasa saja’. To be able to communicate in English and to get good result in English class, we have memorize the English words...but it’s difficult..yeah sometimes we write the wrong spellings...yeah just like my quizz this morning,I already knew the word but I wrote the wrong spelling..I missed a letter. When i prepared my quizz..i studied the words. Say for example: When i wanted to memorize the word ‘hardware’...I said ‘hardwer’. I just said the words what i wanted to memorize...i did not write them. To be able to communicate in English; beside memorizing the words, we need to speak in English quite often.
Busy with school assignments and cources
Have to memorize all the English words, even though it is difficult
Study the English words to prepare quizzes
Memorize the English words and often speak English
I didn’t speak English quite Rarely speak often because i don’t think English it is useful for now...because when I talk to my friends...I can speak local language. We spoke English only when English was useful for us, say for example, to ask about the answers of a test and to make jokes... We spoke English when my teacher asked me to answer
Family background
Classroom activity
Perception on good students
Learning facilities
English test
English Test
some questions...and when we acted out dialogs. My parents never asked me especially to learn English....but they really asked me to learn mathematics. It is a must. I like sports class because it makes me healthy...i also like geography..because there are maps so I know the locations of the countries of the sports teams. Related to football.... I prefer sitting and translating during the English lesson rather then I have to move around the class having the interview....eventhough sitting during the lesson was a little bit hard. As a student, I have to obey the teacher. If we want to ask something, we can interupt the teacher. English in Focus is complete enough, but not the LKS. My teacher sometimes added some words to complete the books more. The two books are boring...the pictures are not interesting...not like comics There were many items of the test taken from the books..’kalau japlak mungkin dapat nilai banyak’ If i opened the book during the test, i would achive more..ha ha. ..but I did not do that i just asked my friend for some answers during the test...He opened the book during the test, so the answer must be correct.
Like most sport class, then, geography class
Like football Prefer sitting and translating then ,moving around’ activity
Feeling Feeling
Obey teacher but Ss may interupt T
The reference book is complete, but not the workbook
The books are boring
Most of the test were taken from the reference books. Then, some of his friends were cheating durng the test.
The English quizz was Vocabulary test like..the teacher said ‘makan’ then we wrote
English Test
‘eat’. Sometimes...the teacher asked us to memorize a passage, then, we came in front to retell the story. The students who came in front would get bonus. In the library,there are English books...comics in English...yeah i ever read the books but it was hard... I sometimes listened to English songs...but only ones which were popular at that time..ha ha. I like the songs. I sometimes tried to find the words in the dictionary. I don’t always hear people speak in English everyday..even from films,radio, musics.
Retell a story
There are many English books in the library
Sometimes listen to English songs
Rarely hear people speak English
Language use and exposure
I like English movies. I Like English sometimes watched them movies twice a week at 9.30 Bioskop TransTV.
I usually read the subtitle..I Read the subtitle don’t think the movies help me to master english.
Language use
I spoke English to my English teacher..I rarely spoke to my friends in English. We spoke English only for joking.
Speak English to English teacher, speak English with friends were only for joking
I have a dream to increase Want to increase the English score my English score.
Then, what i have to do is memorize the words and the meanings.
I usually read the english Read the English words in Indonesian words but in
Learning facilities
Language use and exposure
by memorizing the words and their meaning
language way, for example, language ‘bumi ..e..a..r..t.h’ It is in pronunciation order to make correct spelling. If i spoke in English, so the spelling would be incorrect. I need to find out the way how to be able to write and pronounce the English words correctly....Not Yet, I haven’t tried to write and speak the words what i wanted to memorize. Learning result
About my English score...I The score was quite satisfied am....yeah..quite satisfied.
Participant’s views on the use of English language
People who speak English English speaking are .....yeah people foreigners..those who come from singapore, Australia, England, Papua Newguine ..that’s all.
Participant’s view on English language
Yup...English is English language important...when we speak is important with foreigners, we understood what they talk about.....We can also talk with our friends....And we can answers the texts...then, able to do the tests
Favourite class
I got the highest score in Love sports Sport class...It is just my related to balls hobby. I like football...yeah sports which related with balls....volleyball is quite ok...but i hate skipping most. I cannot play with the rope at teacher asked me to practice once a month, I just could do it three times.
I wanted be a football player...but if I cannot achieve it, i will work in a company some day...
Want to be a football player or working on a private company
Participant’s views on the use of English language
A football player need to be able to speak English...It is impossible for football players who come from several countries speak Javanese..ha ha ha
To be a football player has to be able to speak English
I don’t think we need English language while working in a private company...
To be an employee in a private company does not need to be able to speak English A friend mispronounced an English name
Interesting experience in learning English
I have a funny experience in my English ..the name of a friend pronounced it’s like in Indonesian language..ha ha...
There are other funny Making jokes experiences actually....but with friends using English only making jokes with friends.
Learning result
My bad experience is i don’t really satisfied with my English score....My daily scores were not really good...yeah maybe it’s because of the spelling. I may miss on letter in writing the words. ..they were sudden quizzes.
Learning assessment
Most of the quizzes were Most of the sudden ones...the materials quizzes are suddden were from what my teacher gave to the class....say, the teacher gave the materials gave them the week before..then, the next week
Not really satisfied with his English score especially his daily score
Unforgetable Experience
there was a quizz from the materials. Learning assessment
In grade 8, my teacher announced us if there would be a quizz. However, in grade 9, she never announced if there would be a quizz.
Bad experience in learning English
My bad experience was Crossed all the when i was in grade 4. choices when he was in grade 4 There was a test, the type was multiple choice. Instead of choosing one of the correct answer, i crossed all the choices. I crossed all the abc.
Actually I had known that i had to choose one of the option..but because i couldn’t comprehend the questions, i simply crossed the three options.
That happened because he could not comprehend the questions
Initial experience
I started learning English in Was not serious grade 3..I was not serious in in learning English learning English.
Learning assessment
The test was taken from Taken from buku paket the reference refernce books book.
Initial experience
The reference book of my elementary school contained pictures. There were many texts in the book...many tasks
Elementary school books contains many texts
Bad experience
In grade 9, my teacher was ever angry at me because i did not bring the English book and I did not do the take-home assignment....sometimes I forgot when I had the
The Tonce got angry at him since he did not bring English books
asignments...sometimes i did not know if there was an assignment. Interesting experience
My interesting experience Funny is....the funny pronunciation pronunciations...
Classroom activity
I got bored when I had to read a long passage by myself..When I got bored, I sometimes only tried to read and translate the beginning of the passage..
Get bored when he has to translate long passage
APPENDIX I. The development of the emergent theme of Joko Aspects of Learning Background of the learner
Initial experience Initial experience
Initial experience Strategies Classroom activity
Purpose of learning English Feeling towards English lesson
Materials of his English course
The Description
Bigger Themes Self-identity
Lived Experience Aspects Background
My name is Yusuf Kurniawan. I am from Jagran, Pandeyan. My father is working in Jakarta. He comes home once a month. My mother is at home. I started learning English since I was at grade 6 of elementary school. I never got good result. I got problem in understanding English. It is hard to find the Indonesian words.
Personal Information
Start learning English was grade 6 Problem in understanding English
Personal experience
Personal experience
I checked my dictionary when i find difficult words. However, it was still difficult to find the Indonesian words. Sometimes, I could not find the words. When I could not find the words, then, i asked my brother who was a second grade of a senior high school. I felt annoyed when i got bad result. Since in English class, i have to memorize many words. My brother read the.........words, then, i translated into...... From my experience in learning English from grade 6 until 8, I get problem in understanding the teacher’s explanation. It is hard to know the Indonesian meaning of the English sentences. The teacher talks in English. I cannot understand. When my teacher were speaking in English too much and I did not know what he meant, then, I asked my friend. The most meaningful in learning English is I want to get good result.
Checking dictionary
Effort to get better English competence
Asking brother
Effort to get English competence
Feeling annoyed
Personal experience
I liked English when I was in grade 7, since I joined a course. There were some subjects in the course, they were English, Indonesian language, natural science, and so on. I do not join the course now because there is no money. There were some materials of the course which were the same with what i got from my school teacher. However, some i found some differences too.
Joining an English course in grade 7
Getting problems in understanding teacher’s explanation
Problems in learning process
Asking friends
Dealing with problems
Getting good result
Getting different and the same materials in the course and at school
Personal experience
Materials of the English course
Language use
Activities at home
Supporting facilities
Learning goal Strategies
Attitude during the class
Feeling towards the four language skill Feeling towards other subjects Achievement in his favourite subject
Attitude towards
In the course, the instructor usually gave me some texts. Then, I have to translate them into Indonesian language. I also had to answer the questions based on the texts. At school, I like English teacher who speaks mixed language...mmm s/he speaks English first, then, translates it into Indonesian language. When i was home, I never reviewed the materials what i have learnt from school. It is because I have a lot of things to do, I have to help my mother. I help her to take the water from the well, and fill the bath tank. Even though, it is only 15-20 minutes. Then, I go to the field to practice volley ball...I join a volleyball club. I don’t think this school lack of facilities to learn English. I don’t see that the library needs more English books. I am not satisfied yet with my English result because I got less then 80. I see myself still have the capacity to get 80 for my English class. It is because I have not been able to understand the teacher’s explanation but I keep trying. I want to make my English result better. 1 I always listened to the teacher’s explanation; however, I don’t always understand what Pak Dul said. Yes...I looked outside through the glass window. It is because of the marching band sound from the kindergarten. The sound bothered me, I wanted to stop it. Every Monday, the kids practice playing the drum band. Mmh..I like writing class but my writing is not yet good.
My favourite class is physic because there are many formulas. It is easy to memorize them. Even though, I like physic class. The result of my physic class is just close to the standard determined by my school. I think that it is because i do not study hard. I do not like English.
Translating and answering questions of texts during the English course Prefer teacher who speak English and Indonesian language Never review the materials at home, busy with house work and a volleyball club
The English course activity
The use of English and Indonesian language
No more supporting facilities or media needed Not yet satisfied with his mark
Perception to supporting media
Still has the capacity to achieve more
His English result better Always listen to the T’s explanation but did not get the point Looking outside the class for several times
Like writing class most
Attitude towards T’s explanation
Favourite lesson
Dislike English
English language Self-perception His dream
His dream
Daily activity Self-perception
Goal of life
Goal of life
Interest Selfperception
Strategies Selfexpectation
Expectation to the school
Participant’s view towards English language
View on English learning
I cannot understand English subject. I want to be a football coach. I prefer football than volleyball.I have to be a football player before become a football coach. I am thinking to be a football coach. I never have a dream to be a national player. I was the football player of Jatinom sub district. I never think about dreaming to be a national football team or playing football in SEAGAMES because i think that I do not have such adequate competence now. I am not afraid of to have such dream. ( to be a national player or play in SEAGAMES). I never think to be an Indonesian national player, then, I do not think that I need to be able to speak English or at least understand English language. I think that I am just an ordinary student. I am just like the other students. Sometimes, I intend to study but sometimes I don’t. What I want to study is the materials of my physic class. I think that I have already use my all competence to study English but still I cannot..... I think that I still have the opportunity to achieve good result of my English class. What I can do is study hard to achieve good result. I hope that I can comprehend what my teacher says and the English language. I also hope that I am able to write in English correctly. For my school, I hope my school becomes a good school. I do not think that the school library needs to add some English book collection such as comics and storybooks. I think English language is difficult. I need to memorize the words, to find the meaning in Indonesian language of the words..sentences.
Cannot understand it To be a football coach
Never dream to be a national player A football player Self-perception on his competency in football
Not afraid to have a dream
The most important in learning English is we can understand/comprehend English
Understand English language and
Experience Belief
An ordinary student
Already devote his competence to learn English Still have the opportunity to perform better
Awareness Comprehend what the T says
To be a good school
English is difficult
Belief Belief
Purpose of learning
Purpose of English learning
Language use outside the class
Language use outside the class Take-home assignment
Attitude during English class
Initial experience
Feeling toward English class
During the English lesson Feeling towards other subjects During the lesson
language and get good mark. We have to learn English is in order to we are able to find the meaning of the English language and to get mark. The reason why the schools have English subject is in order to make us not getting shock when we meet foreigners. I meant we can communicate with them. I like listening to English songs but i do not remember the titles. The songs are beautiful. Sometimes, I tried to find the meaning of the words in Indonesian language. I think the songs help me to learn English and enrich my vocabulary. I listened the songs from the radio but I rarely watch English movie. I never read any English storybooks because I haven’t seen any. I did the easy part of my take home assignment at home but I did the difficult parts at school. I like to ask my friend’s help, I like to ask Damto. If there was a quiz, I usually prepare the quiz at home by studying the vocabulary the day before. I usually studied the words and their meaning in Indonesian language. I several times laid my head on my desk because i was annoyed by my teacher’s explanation. It was because i did not get the point, I cannot comprehend the explanation. I can comprehend what my English teacher said it was when I was in grade 1..I mean grade 7. She spoke English and Indonesian language I was not happy when there was an English subject on the day. I worried if the teacher would punish me when I could not find the meaning of English words/sentences in Indonesian language...... The punishment was I have to getting out of the class or standing in front of the class. Yeah..I like sport class as i like physic class. Sports may make me give exercises for the body. I prefer studying outside the class because we can make jokes with friends.
get good mark To find meaning of English language and get mark Able to communicate with foreigners
Like listen to English songs
Never read English storybooks Doing the easy part at home, asking friends
Preparing quizzes by memorizing the vocabulary
Laying his head on the desk because did not understand the teacher’s explanation Understanding the explanation when the T spoke bilingual Not happy to have English class
Classroom activity
Scared of T’s punishment
Like sport class so much
Like studying outside the classroom
Feeling during the school activity Family Background
Family background Strategies
Favourite english teacher
Favourite English teacher’s technique
Sitting in during the lesson in the classroom was boring. I usually started getting bored at period 6. When my father was home from Jakarta, he never asked me about my school. He and my mommy never told me the importance of English. They never supported me especially to study English. My mommy is a housewife.
Start getting bored on period 6 His father never asked about his school.
When I got difficult words in English of my assignment, I asked my brother about the meaning. However, he did not always know the Indonesian meaning of the words. If so, i postponed to get the meaning.
Asking brother but if his brother did not know the meaning, then, he posponed finding the meaning His favourite teacher is Miss Rini.
My favourite English teacher was Miss Rini, my grade 6 English teacher. It was because I could understand the explanation clearly and her explanation was easily absorbed. When I asked her, she always answered my questions. She wrote the English words and their meaning.
Miss Rini never used any pictures to teach vocabularies.
Initial experience
Goals of his career
View on the need of English
My most unforgettable experience of my English learning is when Miss Rini taught me the Days in a week....Sunday...Monday..Tuesday ( YK was singing the song)...therefore, I always remember it. I prefer volleyball compared to football. I want to be a football coach because football is more exciting. I like to watch football matches in Manahan...My favourite team is Persija. It is because I like Bambang. Bambang is a striker. I want to be like Bambang...joining TIMNAS.
Yes, the TIMNAS coach was a foreigner. The coach may be speaking English but there is an
Miss Rini always answered his questions and wrote the English word and their meaning. His favourite T never useed pictures to introduce vocabularies Learning Days in a week using songs
His favourite teacher
His favourite teacher’s technique of teaching
Love volleyball but want to be a football coach since football match is exciting
To be like Bambang as the Indonesian National football player There was an interpreter for the national
View about his future
Language use
View on the T’s technique in teaching
interpreter. Yeah...If I am a member of TIMNAS, I would like to know the coach words directly without an interpreter. Yeah..I ever think about I want to be like Bambang so i have to prepare starting from now..Mmh so i have to study.... the vocabulary.
I never speak in English outside the class. I never talk to foreigner neither. I do not join any extracurricular. I do not like badminton. I think it is important for teacher to explain about the sentence structure in order to make the students are able to answer questions of any tasks.
team. Understand English
Prepare his future by studying
Study the vocabulary of English Never speak English outside the class Did not join any extracurricular class T needs to explain the English stucture
APPENDIX I. The Interview guidelines BACKGROUND 1. What is your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. What is your parents’ doing? 4. When did you start learning English? 5. What’s about the result/marks? What do you feel? 6. How did you learn and study Engllish? EXPERIENCE 1. What is your experience in learning English? Did you find any difficulties? 2. What are your unforgettable moments in learning English? 3. How do you learn/ study English? 4. Do you like the way your teacher teach you English? 5. What’s about your school facilities? 6. How was your English class result? 7. What have you done to make your English mark/result good? 8. Do you always listen to your teacher during the class? 9. What do you do during the English class? FEELING 1. What is your favourite school subject? Why do you like it? 2. What do you feel when you are in English class? 3. What’s about your English mark/result? What do you feel after seeing your result? 4. Do you like English class? Why? 5. What language skill do you like most? Why? AWARENESS 1. What do you think about you? What kind of students you are? 2. Do you think you have already devote all your enargy and competence to get good result of English learning? 3. Do you think that you still have the opportunity to get higher score than now? How do you pursue it? EXPECTATION 1. What do you expect from : i) Yourself ii) Your teacher iii) Your school iv) The books In order to get better result of your learning BELIEF 1. Do you think English language is difficult to be learnt? 2. Why do we need to study/ learn English language?