Written by Yehezkiel Suryadarminta Supervised by Athalia Veronica For Krakatoa Films
Copyright (c) 2015 First Draft Second Draft Third Draft Fourth Draft 6/12/2015
INT. PARK - DAY A view of road is seen then panned to a glimpse of someone's foot walking slowly then panned to see the complete picture of the person, ADI, 19, is walking down a road from the backside. Then, another person KEENAN, 19, came out from the side and join Adi for the walk. Both of them is walking down the walkways, slightly jogging. KEENAN (catching breathe from running) Di, dari tadi? Barusan kok.
Suddenly Adi's phone is ringing, he pick up the call ADI (CONT'D) Bentar ya Nan, biasa.. (hanging up the phone) ADI (CONT'D) (talking in the phone) Iya Re? Sudah disana? oke-oke bentar lagi otw ini. Okay? Bye. Adi still checking his phone while talking back to Keenan KEENAN Tere sama Keegan udah nunggu ya? ADI Nggak, dia bilang baru sampai, katanya take your time. KEENAN Oh ya ya ngerti, kalo gitu ayo dah lari aja kita. ADI Wait, duluan aja dah. Checking his phone before putting out his phone and start following Keenan, they were both running and sometimes jog for a while. ADI (CONT'D) (pointing at Tere) Tuh-tuh Tere! Adi runs to Tere, Tere is seen from far. TERE, 19, is also known as Adi's girlfriend. The camera follows Adi running towards Tere. Then Adi sits down beside Tere.
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Hi, darling
TERE (busy with phone) Hi juga darl, Keenan mana? ADI Biasa lambat. Keegan?
ADI Nggak tahu, tadi katanya nggak jadi datang TERE Di, kemarin itu kamu tahu siapa orangnya? ADI Hmm? perkiraan, teori saja. Siapa Di?
Suddenly Keenan came in, he was trying to catch his breathe. KEENAN (waving at Tere) Tere (breathing) TERE Nan, lama amat? Keenan is still breathing while he then sits on the land, trying to breathe normally. KEENAN Ta-di la-ri Re, tuh ja-uh (pointing at the road) ADI Nan, Nan, payah kamu, gitu ngajak lari (laugh) KEENAN (breathe) ya sori Di, paru-paruku beda buatannya sama paru-parumu. TERE (interrupting) Eh, guys, mana Keegan? Suddenly Adi's phone rings, he immediately pick up the call.
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CONTINUED: ADI (talking in the phone) Keegan sudah dimana? Oh.. ya sudah kalau gitu kita kesana. Closing his phone while he stands up. ADI (CONT'D) Keegan sudah di depan, dia tunggu disana, ayo kita kesana aja.. Tere followed Adi KEENAN Eh, tunggu lah masih capek ini.. Tere and Adi just walk away not noticing Keenan, then Keenan followed Adi and Tere.
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING Adi's eyes opened, Adi covered with blanket opened his eyes and sit down in the side of the bed, taking a moment. He looked confuse as if trying to determine what is happening in his dream.
INT. WASHROOM - MORNING Adi let the water poured to his body. His face is dripped with the water and his eyes is closed.
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING Adi faces the mirror, while he just put his clothes on and button it from bottom to the upper part and he stares at his face once again trying to see something inside him.
INT. DINING ROOM - MORNING Adi picked some cereals and put some milk in it. Suddenly KEEGAN, 19, Adi's cousin came in. Di.. Hmm? Quiet for a moment.
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ADI Gan, kita tahu ini pasti bakal terjadi, tapi ini sudah keluar batas. KEEGAN Astaga Di, kita sudah berulang kali bahas ini.. ADI (interrupting) Iya Gan, aku ngerti demi Raka dan Kayla-kan? KEEGAN Nggak Di, ini harus berhenti sebelum dia pergi lebih jauh. Adi become quiet for a moment as if he was thinking that is it the right thing to do. ADI Nggak, Nggak, Gan, kita bukan pembunuh, aku dan kamu bukan psikopat. Keegan suddenly sits and put his hands in front of Adi's face, trying to convince Adi that it is okay. KEEGAN Adi, gini ya. ADI Iya? (slurping his cereal bowl) KEEGAN Kita bukan pembunuh, kenapa? Karena kita memanfaatkan waktu, kamu tahukan kalau Keenan akan mati waktu itu? ADI Tapi Keegan, kamu dan aku-kan samasama tahu kalau itu bisa di ganti. KEEGAN Nggak, kamu nggak bisa curang, apalagi sama kematian orang, dia pembunuh Gan, 2 orang, Raka, Keyla. ADI Tapi, mereka mati karena mereka.. KEEGAN Di, begini, setiap orang yang punya pil ini bisa mengubah sejarah, Keenan (MORE)
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CONTINUED: KEEGAN (CONT'D) orang pertama yang tahu tapi memilih untuk tidak mengubah sama sekali sejarah Raka dan Keyla. ADI Aku ngerti Gan, tapi itu nggak bener. Siapa tahu kalau memang sudah waktunya mereka mati? Keegan sits down and hold his head with his hands. KEEGAN Kamu, nggak bisa melihat temanmu mati bukan? Adi just nod, while Keegan were back to eating the cereal bowl. KEEGAN (CONT'D) Jadi sekarang kita lagi di...
ADI (interrupting)
KEEGAN Kita lakukan hal yang sama, kamu harus ingat kenapa kita sudah berjalan sejauh ini. Keegan left directly. While Adi is slurping the cereal bowl for a moment with a face of confusement, not knowing what to do and what to decide. 6
INT. CAFE - DAY Adi entered the cafe, Tere is there already waiting for him. Then he sit down right in front of Tere. Hi darl
ADI Hi Rere, dah lama? TERE Nggak, baru aja order makanan kok. ADI Sorry ya biasa si Keegan TERE Oh, sepupumu satu itu terkenal merepotkan (laugh)
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CONTINUED: Adi laugh and smiles, but then he become quiet. ADI Re, sudah hampir setahun ya, aku, kamu, Keegan, Raka, Keyla sama Keenan selalu hang-out disini, ini tempat bersejarah.. TERE (breathe) susah memang Di jelasinnya tapi orang-kan nggak hidup selamanya ADI Memang, tapi kadang aku rasa nggak adil TERE Mau adil apa nggak itu bukan kita yang nentuin-kan Di? ADI Ya, selama... Suddenly Keenan pass by and see Adi and Tere, he then join both of them. KEENAN Hi guys, serius banget? Tengkar? Curhat? TERE Orang ini ya nggak pernah berubah KEENAN Sori lah, aku mau ajak kalian masuk kelas bareng ini. Di (smashing Adi) kok diam banget? ADI Nggak apa-apa, mikir. KEENAN Mikir? Mikir apa Di? Tugas ya? Besok..
Keenan and Tere look to Adi. Besok apa?
ADI Kita jalan yok pagi (smiles)
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Tumben Dimana?
ADI Taman biasa.. Yakin?
ADI Yakin besok, kita semua sekalian aku ajak Keegan, reuni sekalian, kan dia jarang banget nongol. KEENAN Oke, tapi ayo kita jalan sekarang, nggak keburu nanti kelasnya. ADI Kalian jalan dulu. Both of them leave Adi while he put some money on the table before he left and he walk towards Tere and Keenan. Adi was walking with his hands in his bags, the sound of people talking, noisiness around Adi suddenly faded out. A piano starts playing. 7
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING Adi is sitting beside the bed, holding his hands and staring right in front, an expression of confusement.
INT. PARK - MORNING A view of road is seen then panned to a glimpse of someone's foot walking slowly then panned to see the complete picture of the person, Adi is walking down a road from the backside.
INT. PARK FRONT - MORNING Backside of Adi when he is walking down the path, then he sees no one when suddenly Keenan showed up and trying to catch his breathe. KEENAN Oke, mana Keegan? Loh Tere? ADI Tadi Tere ada telpon, dia minta waktu bentar
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ADI Umm.. aku nggak tahu katanya disini. Adi and Keenan walk along when suddenly they decided to sit. ADI (CONT'D) Mana Tere? (hanging up his phone) Keenan is still trying to catch his breathe. ADI (CONT'D) Tere.. (checking his time piece) Adi is still talking on the phone when suddenly Keenan put out Adi's phone. KEENAN Di, jangan sok nggak tahu gitu, dong. Adi checks his watch. ADI Bentar, Nan. Aku juga masih nyariin Tere. Dia nggak angkat teleponku dari tadi. KEENAN Hmm (sarcastic) Waktu selalu jadi pembunuhnya, kan? 10
INT. DINING ROOM - DAY The situation was very tense as Keegan was holding a gun pointed to Adi, it was only about a wrong word or action to say or do to get the gun shot directly to Adi. KEEGAN Di! Jangan, Di! Buang pil itu sekarang! Kita sudah ngejalanin rencana ini dengan susah payah. Adi was palming his hands. His shirt is full of blood stains and he is still sitting in the table, acting like nothing happen. ADI (laugh) Dia udah terlanjur tahu, Gan. Seakan-akan ini nggak ada artinya buat dia.
INT. PARK FRONT - MORNING A glimpse of Adi and Keenan having a conversation. ADI Apa maksudmu, Nan? KEENAN Aku udah tahu! Jangan belaga bego deh kamu. Ini akan selalu terjadi jam 9.15. Iya, kan? Keenan checking his watch. A whole big scenery is shown, Adi kept quiet, still trying to understand on how Keenan would be conscious to his death. KEENAN (CONT'D) Indah, bukan? Pembunuhan yang terjadi tanpa perlu melibatkan pembunuhan. ADI Tunggu. Kalau kamu memang tahu kalau kamu bakal mati, terus buat apa kamu datang kesini dari awal? KEENAN Oh Adi, ini bakal selalu terjadi jam 9.15. Udah jadi takdirku. Lagian aku tahu kamu bakal kembali buat belajar lagi dari kejadian ini. ADI Dan kamu nggak bisa mengubahnya?
INT. DINING ROOM - DAY The two is still having the conversation, Adi looked calm while Keegan is very nervous. ADI Dia tahu, tapi dia membiarkan dirinya mati begitu aja. Keegan becomes nervous, then Adi left his chair. ADI (CONT'D) Aku harus kembali.
INT. PARK FRONT - DAY The two is still having the conversation
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CONTINUED: KEENAN Cuma ada satu orang yang bisa mengubah ini. Siapa?
KEENAN Orang yang sama... Selalu orang yang sama sejak kematian Raka dan Keyla. Kamu nggak sadar bagaimana orang ini bisa mengubah sejarah, mengubah seakan-akan tidak terjadi apa-apa? Adi sees his glasses, it shows the current time. 14
INT. DINING ROOM - DAY Adi and Keegan is still having the conversation. ADI Gan, Aku beneran harus kembali. Aku harus tahu siapa sih orang yang bisa mengubah semua yang udah terjadi ini. KEEGAN (nervous) Jangan, Di. Sudah kita sudahi semua ini. Aku taruh senjataku kamu taruh pilnya di meja sama-sama. Oke? Keegan slowly putting down the gun. KEEGAN (CONT'D) Adi, taruh pilnya aku taruh senjatanya sama-sama. Keegan still slowly putting the gun down, until the gun is down on the table and the pill is also putted down by Adi. KEEGAN (CONT'D) Semua akan berjalan sesuai rencana, oke? Gan..
KEEGAN Di, nggak Di, sudah terlalu.. ADI Nggak, dia tahu Gan, aku harus tahu siapa orangnya...
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CONTINUED: KEEGAN Di, sudahlah.. sudah.. kalau kamu ulang ini belum tentu waktu bakal berjalan mulus, semua bisa berubah dan nggak gampang untuk membuat waktu yang tepat. ADI Aku tahu resikonya, tapi ada sesuatu yang lebih dari sekedar "Keenan", dia punya hak Gan, untuk mbela diri dia. Satu-satunya hal yang nggak pernah kita kasih ke dia. Adi pick up the pills. ADI (CONT'D) Sampai jumpa. Keegan fire the gun towards Adi, Adi received some of the bullets when he drop down. A very high sound is heard and Keegan was in the firing position when he suddenly drop down his gun and fall to his knees, he then shouted.
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING Adi woke up, trying to catch his breathe. Adi covered with blanket opened his eyes and sit down in the side of the bed. He's still trying to catch his breathe and slowly he breathe normally.
INT. WASHROOM - MORNING Adi let the water poured to his body. His face is dripped with the water and his eyes is closed.
INT. DINING ROOM - MORNING Adi picked some cereals and put some milk in it, he's been waiting and checking his phone. Suddenly KEEGAN, 19, Adi's cousin came in. While Keegan is talking, Adi just listens while he is eating the cereal on his bowl.
INT. CAFE - DAY Adi and Tere is sitting down in a cafe. ADI Memang, tapi... (pauses)
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Tapi apa?
ADI Keenan bentar lagi dia datang, kamu pergi ke kelas duluan ya? Aku butuh bicara sama dia Tere confused. Suddenly Keenan pass by and see Adi and Tere, he then join both of them. KEENAN Hi guys, serius banget? Tengkar? Curhat? TERE Orang ini ya nggak pernah berubah KEENAN Sori lah, aku mau ajak kalian masuk kelas bareng ini. Di (smashing Adi) kok diam banget? TERE Aku pergi kelas duluan ya? ADI Okay Hun, bye! Loh, Re..
ADI Nan, duduk dulu KEENAN Yah, Tere kenapa? ADI Nggak, she's fine. Gini.. Besok.. Besok?
KEENAN Besok kita ketemuan ya, aku, Tere, kamu sama Keegan. ADI Nggak Nan, aku mau tanya.
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CONTINUED: KEENAN Di, nggak ada waktu, ayo kelas. Keenan suddenly left, Adi was still there and confuse on what just happen. ADI (shouting) Besok? Gimana kalau sore ini? Keenan suddenly halted. He then look backward. KEENAN Besok Di. Aku ada janji. ADI Besok di dermaga, aku, Tere sama kamu. KEENAN Sama Keegan okay? Adi confuses, but then Keenan walk away. CUT TO:
INT. PORT - DAY Adi and Tere was sightseeing the ocean from the port. Re.. Hmm?
ADI Menurutmu benar nggak sih, kalau kamu punya kesempatan buat mengubah suatu hal, tapi akhirnya kamu memutuskan buat nggak mengubah hal itu? TERE Ya, menurutku tergantung baik buruknya hal itu. ADI Kalau misalnya kamu ngelakuin itu buat kebaikan? TERE I'll do anything to change it, it will always be our legacy as a human, the thing that makes us "us" humans.
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CONTINUED: ADI Easy thing if it is a good thing. What if it was a wrong thing in everyone's eyes, but you think it is your obligation to do it because you, you yourself the only one who know that it is the most right thing to do. Suddenly Keenan showed up. KEENAN Guys, sorry.. Oh I think I just ruin you're.. TERE No it's okay, just come join us. All of them are gathered. Tere suddenly picked up her phone and signals to leave them for a while. KEENAN You're trying to alter everything. ADI Yes, because I won't go this far if it wasn't you talking to me about this person. Who is the person? KEENAN Adi, you can't really alter this. It will happen still. ADI But we have few minutes. (looking at the watch) KEENAN No, this place the only thing that change. ADI And our conversation.. KEENAN But, same thing, I will still be dead in a certain time, but because I ask you to go here today, somehow I slightly alter it, then I guess it should be in 30 seconds. (looking at the watch) The ticking time is seen, Adi was quiet nervous and he was looking at his watch again. ADI Just tell me.. who is the person?
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CONTINUED: KEENAN It's like this, the story must not be change or we will lost when. The time is 20 seconds left. ADI Look Keegan and I always blames you as the killer, if you can justify yourself in front of us why don't you? KEENAN You can't change the story, it's complicated Adi. The time is 10 seconds left. KEENAN (CONT'D) Just tell me why you need to know? ADI Because, I know a person who would put price on your head, person who sees that killing you is the most right thing to do. And what I'm doing right now is a wrong thing in front of Keegan or anyone who knows about this, but I believe that I'm doing the right thing, this thing that tell me you should be alive. Keenan was shocked, but he knows the time is running out, he was quiet for a while. KEENAN I have no time, just get me to sit on the cafe.
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING Adi woke up, trying to catch his breathe, he then sit in the side of the bed. CUT TO:
INT. CAFE - DAY Tere just left, only Adi and Keenan was there. ADI Nggak, she's fine. Besok..
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CONTINUED: KEENAN Besok? Kenapa? ADI Kamu duduk sekarang, kita butuh ngomong. KEENAN Nggak Di, ayo sekarang kita harus.. ADI Kita butuh bicara. KEENAN Di, aku mau pergi dulu. Keenan suddenly left. ADI Nan, aku butuh bicara.. ini tentang hidup atau mati.. Keenan suddenly quit his walk and start walking again.
INT. CAFE - DAY/ANOTHER TIME The face of Adi was confused on what to say. KEENAN Nggak Di, ayo sekarang kita harus.. ADI Kita butuh bicara. KEENAN Di, aku mau pergi dulu. Keenan suddenly left. Adi was confused. Nan.
Keenan suddenly quit his walk and he was only there. ADI (CONT'D) Keenan besok.. (beat) aku nggak tahu entah dimana kita bertiga bakal bertemu di tempat satunya atau tempat lainnya, tapi kamu akan tanya kenapa aku harus tahu tentang sesuatu, kalau ada waktu itu, waktu itu sekarang. Keenan went back and sit down directly.
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CONTINUED: KEENAN Kamu tahu ini ada konsekuensi-nyakan? ADI Iya Nan, aku ngerti.. Suddenly Keenan put out a pill in front of Adi. Pegang ini. Buat apa?
KEENAN Sudah Di, pegang pilnya, pegang aja. Adi take the pill and put it in his hands. ADI Oke, siapa orangnya? KEENAN (laugh) Aku nggak perlu beritahu rasanya Di, kamu tahu, dari awal kamu tahu siapa orangnya. Keegan? Keegan. Nggak..
KEENAN (Interrupt and looking at his watches) Besok Di, aku jelasin semuanya besok jam 1.30, makan pil-mu sekarang.. Suddenly a gun sound is heard. CUT TO: BLACK SCREEN 23
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING Adi woke up, trying to catch his breathe, he then sit in the side of the bed.
INT. DINING ROOM - MORNING Adi picked some cereals and almost put some milk in it, when he suddenly put the milk and Keegan came in and talk to him, but he didn't reply, he kept on eating the cereal. The sound then suddenly fades away.
INT. CAFE - DAY/ANOTHER TIME Adi was seeing his watch, it shows the time of 1.30 PM and Keenan just sit down. KEENAN Kamu tahu ini ada konsekuensi-nyakan? ADI Iya Nan, aku ngerti.. Suddenly Keenan put out a pill in front of Adi. Adi take the pill and put it in his hands. ADI (CONT'D) Oke, lanjut, Keegan. Keegan.
ADI Nggak mungkin, waktu itu Raka sama Keyla ada disana, terus kamu.. KEENAN Aku ada disana Di.. ADI Nggak tapi kamu, kamu orangnya-kan? satu-satunya orang yang bisa ngubah.. KEENAN (interrupt) Di, satu-satunya orang yang nggak disitu itu Keegan. ADI Nggak waktu itu Keegan.. KEENAN (interrupt) Satu-satunya kesalahanku Di, itu aku ngulang hari itu, aku kira apa salahnya aku ulang hari itu? Itu bener-bener hari yang nggak bisa aku lupakan.
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CONTINUED: ADI Aku ngerti, awalnya dia ada-kan? tapi waktu kamu ulang hari itu, semua berubah-kan? KEENAN Iya, Keegan nggak pernah datang, berkali-kali aku cari cara, aku minta sama dia untuk setidaknya muncul saja, tapi dia nggak pernah sekalipun.. ADI Berapa kali Nan kamu ngulang sampai kamu tahu.. KEENAN (interrupt) Sampai pilku sisa satu Di, itu yang terakhir. ADI (breathe and smiles) kenapa nggak kamu bilang aja besok Nan? KEENAN Kamu nggak akan percaya, gimanapun aku tetep mati-kan besok? Keegan sudah pasti bakal ngracuni otakmu, bilang kalau memang aku orangnya. Maksudmu?
KEENAN Bukti. (looking at the watch) 5 detik lagi. Adi stands up and see Keegan was there ready to kill Keenan. Sekarang.
Suddenly a gun sound is being heard. CUT TO: BLACK SCREEN 26
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING A view Adi sitting in the side of the bed, thinking on how should he resolve this.
INT. ADI'S ROOM - MORNING Adi faces the mirror, while he just put his clothes on and button it from bottom to the upper part and he stares at his face once again trying to see something inside him, he then sees his hands when he close the palm of his hand and smash the wall in front of him.
INT. DINING ROOM - MORNING Adi picked some cereals and put some milk in it. Suddenly KEEGAN, 19, Adi's cousin came in. Di.. Hmm?
Quiet for a moment. Gimana?