s s e n i
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O Access to innovation ng r t ta
OpenScape Business l e Deltatraining l D
i n ai
e v Upgrade van HiPath 3000 e l e V9 naar T OSBiz
30 July 2013
a s r
Upgrade • • • • • • •
Waar moet je rekening mee houden? e Migratiestappen p a c Steps before migration S s Migration restriction n e p Migration process O g Alternative Migration n i n License migration i
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30 July 2013
s s e n i
Waar moet je rekening mee houden?
Database conversie
Licentie update
Hardware upgrade
e p a
Via Manager E
s u B
c S s n e CLS pVia
Omzetten klantengegevens en genereren licentiefile voor analoge en digitale poorten
O g n ni
Omzetten bestaande lHiPath 3000 licenties naar OpenScape Business licenties
i a tr
Mainboard dient omgewisseld te worden. Eventueel in Step 2 ook behuizing.
a t l e
D l a s r
Conclusie: Het upgradeproces bestaat uit verschillende stappen en dient zo eenvoudig mogelijk gehouden te worden
e v le
De bedoeling is een eenvoudig upgradetraject naar OSBiz te bereiken
e T
30 July 2013
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c S s Upgrade van HiPath 3000 V9 naar OpenScape Business n e p Upgrade via Manager E en CLS. Belangrijk voor TDM toestellen: licenties O g n i n i a r t a t l e D Upgrade van HiPath 3000 V9 met V8 licenties naar OpenScape Business l Upgrade via rManager sa E en CLS. Belangrijk voor TDM toestellen: licenties elicenties moeten eerst geüpgrade worden naar V9 V8 v le e T 30 July 2013
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c S s HiPath 3000 moet geüpgrade worden van V8 n naar V9 en moet in V9 draaien e inclusief de licenties. Licenties van V8 p moeten via de CLS geüpgrade O TDM toestellen: licenties worden naar V9. Belangrijkgvoor n i in a r V9 t V7 a t l e D HiPath 3000 moetlgeüpgrade worden van V7 naar V9 en moet in V9 draaien a inclusief derslicenties. Licenties van V7 moeten via de CLS geüpgrade e naar V9. Belangrijk voor TDM toestellen: licenties worden v le e T 30 July 2013
s s e n i
• Migratie van V9 naar OSBiz – L30250 – U622 – B607
• Migratie van V8 naar OSBiz – L30250 – U622 – B616
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O g • Migratie van V7 naar OSBiz n i n i – L30250 – U622 – B617 a r t a t l e 3000 geupgrade wordt naar OSBiz • Wanneer een HiPath D l MAC adres van het mainboard van de H3K dan wordt het a s in een blacklist, zodat het niet meer r opgenomen e v gelicenseerd kan worden le e T 30 July 2013
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30 July 2013
Upgrade steps before migration
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s u • Manager E >= HA700B.50.109 (gebruik steeds de laatste B e versie van V10!) p a c • Download KDS with Manager E S s – Make sure that all necessary stations (UP0, analogue, Dect) are connected n emigration later on! to system when this KDS is used for license p • Collect IP data from KDS (LIM)Oor HG1500 manually: g – Do a backup of HG1500 data, soin some configurations can also be looked-up n after migration in Web-Based Simulation tooli(WST) a – Collect from LIM/HG1500:trIP, Routing, DNS server a t l – Collect from customer, because password cannot be exported from e configuration in readable D format: l a • ITSP, ISP s (WAN), DynDNS r e v e l e T 30 July 2013
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Steps before migration
Convert KDS with Manager E
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30 July 2013
Upgrade Steps before migration
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s u • Check and correct KDS in following voicemail B related e settings: p a – SmartVM / EVM ports COS is always changed to outward-restricted for c S security reasons – reconfigure if needed (AA, callback to sender) s n – Hunt group 1 should be reserved for IVM: Reconfigure group to other KDS e p position if used in H3k KDS O – Hunt group 2 should be reserved for SmartVM: Reconfigure group to other g n i KDS position if used in H3k KDS n i hunt group a – Configure hunt group 2 to cyclic r t a (station 501 – 506) to hunt group 2 – Configure all voicemailltports e D l a s r e v le e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade Migration restrictions
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s u • Check if CSTA/TAPI applications are connected to HiPath B e 3000. p a Step 2 – UC Booster card will be needed in OSBiz after migration! c S – OSBiz Tapi120/170 licenses needs to be used.sNo migration of existing Tapi n licenses possible. e p • Applications connected via V.24 will not work after migration O g supported with OSBiz • Optiset UP0/E phones areinnot in (Sheeva Plug) are not • myPortal Entry WebServices a r t a supported with OSBiz t l e rack variant: a splitter cable is needed • HiPath H3300, D H3500 l on OCCMR after migration, analog phones a for analog ports s r e be directly connected to OCCMR should v not le e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade Migration restrictions
s s e n i
s u • EVM greetings and messages cannot be converted B e default • 4-digit EVM mailbox password will be resetpto a c “123456” S s • When IVM card was plugged beforen migration, then all 6 e p SmartVM ports will be set to standard after Manager E O g conversion n i n • HG1500 VPN data and CA i certificate cannot be exported a for import in OSBiz atr t l e are merged from 3-digit to 4-digit • Speed dial numbers D l length (8000aentries) s 19 should be used r • IE10 or firefox e v le e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade Migration restrictions
s u B
• Peripheral cards and extension boards (migration_cards.xls – list not finally released): pe
a c S s n e p
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– Current cards supported in H3k V9 are fully supported in OSBiz – Some cards are not supported/needed anymore (e.g. HG1500 or STMI, CMS). Manager E will show message during conversion if card has to be removed. Cards that are not in the above mentioned list are not supported in OSBiz. – Some legacy cards are “supported without sustaining”: This means they should work, but related errors will not be corrected anymore. Cards have to be replaced by successor card if problems occur.
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30 July 2013
Upgrade Migration restrictions
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s u • OpenScape Contact Center (Agile – Enterprise) without B e HiPath 5000 RSM. p a – Need for Interface UC Booster Card or Server for OSBiz. c S Stack. s • OSBiz does not use the H.323 Radvision n e – There is new software for HFA410/420 p O – All OpenStage phones need new software. g n – OpenStage WL2 need new software only SIP i in a r t • HiPath 4000 IP interworking with SIPQ only, without DMC. a t l e D l a s r e v le e T 30 July 2013
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Migration process
s u B
Collect Customer data e Convert KDS to Osbiz p a c Power off HiPath 3000 S s Remove not supported/needed cards n from system (e.g.: e p ControlBoard, HG1500, STMI2) O • First installation steps: ng
• • • •
i n ai
– Remove protective film from battery on OCCM/OCCL – Attach/Check grounding to housing (mandatory!)
r t ta
l • Mount reused extension cards on OCCM/OCCL (e.g. e CMA, EXM…)l D a s • Mount UCrBooster card (OCAB) if needed (STEP2) e v le
– In case of UC Booster card a new housing with extra fans is needed.
e • Swap T control board to OCCM/OCCL
30 July 2013
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Migration process
s u B
• Power on the new OSBiz system eafter (every) • Wait until green LED is blinking on OCCM/L p a c restart S s • WBM is reachable via (administrator/ n e p administrator) O
g n ni
– Change Administrator password – Set date and time
i a • Run wizard: "Setup->trBasic Installation-> Initial Installation" a t l and adapt settings like: e D – IP address l a – DHCP s r e Code – System Country v – -> restart le e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade Migration process
s s e n i
s u • Login with Manager E Security Change Password: B e 31994/31994 31994 p ca into OSBiz • Upload converted KDS with hardwareSflag s – A restart will be performed n e • Login to WBM and adapt the remaining, initially retrieved p O "IP data" g n i • Check LCR in networking environment. LCR is handled as n i in OSO V3! Configuretra dial plans for dialable number format a lt where necessarye(national, international). Use WBM for D as there are additional parameters in l networking LCR, a s r available (dedicated gateway). routing table e v e l e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade Migration process
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s u • Use Internet Telephony (ITSP) wizard to activate ITSP B e again: p a – Check LCR after running ITSP wizard. Some of thecpreviously used LCR dial S 15 dial plans) plans may be changed inappropriately (affectss 1st n was used before: e • When Xpressions Compact (IVM) DLI p O – DLI should be deactivated there g – If OSBiz is not DHCP server: adapt DLS-IP in customer DHCP server to n i OSBiz IP adress in a r – If IP phones are configured manually: Adapt DLS-IP in IP phones manually t a to OSBiz IP adress lt e • When CSTA application was used before: D l a – CSTA is provided by UC Booster card (OCAB) s r needs to be enabled in middleware with username/password – CSTA access e v e l e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade Migration process
s s e n i
s u • When myPortal Entry Web Services were used before: B e – Uninstall SheevaPlug p a – uninstall myPortal entry client c S wizard and create • When VPN was used before: Run VPN s n e new VPN topology. p O • Start Licensing Upgrade procedure. Be aware, that g n i Licensing conversion from H3k V9 to OSBiz can be done n i only once per system!tra a t l e D l Check functionality! a s r e v e l e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade Alternative migration
s s e n i
s u • There is an alternative method as also used inBHiPath e 3000 by many Experts instead of KDS conversion: p a – Manager E conversion can be used for card checkcand port migration (e.g. S EVM) s n – Setup OSBiz from scratch (-> First installation) e p – Copy mass data (station, speed dials…) with Manager E after migration from O H3k V9 KDS to factory defaulted KDS of OSBiz g n i • Pro: Legacy, possibly hidden and error prone settings in n i a r t KDS with long lasting history will be dropped with this a t l migration procedure. e D l may be some additional work to do, • Contra: There a sof customer expectations (e.g. having same key r depending e v layoutleon phones, DECT…). e T 30 July 2013
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License migration
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30 July 2013
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License migration
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30 July 2013
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License migration
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30 July 2013
Upgrade license migration
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s u • Het MAC adres van het mainboard van H3k moet gekend B e zijn p a • Upgrade licentie moet besteld worden Sc s worden • Nieuwe mainboard moet geinstalleerd n e p • De geconfigureerde H3K database moet naar de OSBiz O g geupload worden. n i • OSBiz software evalueertinde huidige systeem configuratie a r t en een “user-inf” fileakan worden aangemaakt t l – Bevat configuratie informatie (aantal toestellen) e – Bevat MAC adresl D van het mainboard van H3k a – Bevat een signature s r e v le e T 30 July 2013
Upgrade license migration
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s u • Upgrade licentie activeren op de licentieserver B e samen met – Nieuwe MAC adres en oude MAC adres zijn hiervoor nodig p a de”user_inf” file c S – Extra licentie moeten eventueel geactiveerd worden s n worden. – Licentiefile moet manueel in de OSBiz geladen e p O g n i n i a r t a t l e D l a s r e v le e T
30 July 2013
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License migration
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30 July 2013
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License migration
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30 July 2013
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License migration
s u Gegevens klant en signature B e p a c S s n e p O g n i
in a tr
a t l Aantal TDM toestellen (of/en IP e D toestellen) datl aangesloten a was in de HiPath 3000 s r e v e MAC adres l van het mainboard e Tvan de HiPath 3000
30 July 2013
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License migration
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c S s n pe MAC Adres van de OSBiz
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30 July 2013
Upgrade De deal!
s s e n i
s u Enjoy the benefits of OpenScape Business and get the B upgrade license e from HiPath 3000 V9 free of charge p a c S s Dear Partner, en p please send us the old HiPath 3000 Mainboard and receive the Upgrade O license from HiPath 3000 V9 for free g n i in a r t a t l e D l a s r e v e lbusiness Great opportunities with the easiest path from voice to UC e T Old HiPath 3000 mainboard
Upgrade License from HiPath 3000 V9 for free!
30 July 2013
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Evt. positie logo partner/klant
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O Access to innovation ng
Q & A e T e v le
30 July 2013
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