"lirri' r,'p.rL €e p nFdfu e-}i*.t€.giru€ i ii&PI,/l ll{-l{llC/ LN/iol t) ffi)5;;l3 J . r k a r t u2. 3 S e p t e r n t r e2r0 1 1 Kepada Yth, Bapak I-)r.Kamarudin, M.Si Direktur Kernahasisrvaan (Beasisrva) Universita; Indonesia Gedung PelayananMahasiswa Terpadu Kampus UI - Depok Perihal:TOTAL Summer School 2012 DengarrI lorniai, S.'bagaisalnh srrlu lvujud tar'ggurrgiarvab sosial cjarrkotnitrrtcnuntuk nrenrtukung pt:ngernbangarr dalanr biclang pendicliknn, 'I'otal mengadakan prograur'l'otal Sutrrnrer St'hool. l'rogram ini nrerupakan forum btrgi para mahasiswa (ciari negara-rregara din.rana l'otal heroperasi) untuk mentliskusikan topik-topik vang berkaitin dengan biclang energi. Forum diskusi ini dilradiri pula oleh manaiemen dari Total serta para ahli dari industri dan bidang penelitian. Kegiatan tersebut diadakan di Perancis dan akan berlangsrrngselama 8 hari. Program TOTAL Summer School ini mulai cliarlakan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2006, sehingga tahun ini adalah tahun ketujuh pe:rvelengga raan program ini. Bersanrasurat ini kami berrnaksud rnenrlruka kenrbali kesempatan bagi para nrahasiswa/i senrester5 dan 7 dari Universitas Indonesia untuk nrengikuti progranr Total Sutnnrer School yang ketujuh, Pesertayang terpilih akan berangkat ke Perancispada bulan Juli 2012. Persvaratan bagi parn pelnin:rt program ini aclalahl
. .
Peserta Jurusan
r I .
: lvlalrasiswa/isenrester 5 dan 7 (rtrasihberstatusmahasiswasarnpaibulanAgusius2C12). : Semuaiurusan di FakultaeTeknik dan di FakultasEkonomi,jurusanKomunikasi, Administrasi Negrra,I{ubungan Internasional,dan Hukum. . PrestasiAkademik jurusan,denganIPK > 3, 00, l lvlalrasiswaterbaikdari nrcsirrg-masing Dapatberbalrasa Inggriscecaraaktif (lJilai TOHFI,min 550ataumerilpunyaiDELF diploma), Aktif dalamlrcrorganisasi
Kami al<arr nrengadakan presentasicianprosesseleksidenganjadwalvang akandiirrformasikan kemudiai.r. Adapun dckumenyang harusdilengkapiadclahsebagaiberikut: ' Nleng!siFormulirAplikasi (terlampir). ' CV ( Daftar rir';ayat hidup ternrasukrcferensisemuakegiatandan pelatihanyang pernah diikuti) . Iranskrip nilai terakhir Terlampir kami sampaikanposter program untuk disebarluaskandi lingkungan kampus. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkail menghubungiJihanOktary (
[email protected]). Atas perhatiandan irerjasamanya,kami ucapkanterinia kasih-
-xs ,{- aa-
VP Corporate Teurbusant l. ManajerKemahasisn'aan & Altrnlni UI 2. DekanFakultasTeknik Ul 3. DekanFakultasllmu Sosiat& llmu Politik Ul 4. Dekan FakultasEkonomi UI 5. DekanFakultasHukum UI 6. CarecrDevclopmentCenter Ul 7. Fluman Resourcelvlanager
Jak8rta Head Offlce : Kuningan Plaza Menara Utara. Jl. HR. Rasuna Said C. 11-14. Jakarta 12940 - lndonesia T e l p . + 6 2 ( 2 1 ) 5 2 3 1 9 9 9 . F a x + 6 2 ( 2 t ) 5 2 3 1 8 8 8 . T e l e x 6 0 9 8 0 T o t a t JI A . p O . B o x . 1 0 1 0 / J k t 1 0 0 X 0 East Kalimantan District : ll. Yos Sudarso. Balikpapan 76123. East Kalimantan - Indonesia Tel. +62 (542) 53 3999, Fax +52 (542) 53 3889. Tetex 37101 Bpp IA. pO Box. 606/Bpp 70106 Reglst€red Office r 2 Place de la Coupole, La Defense 6, 92400 COURBEVOIE-FranCe TOTAL E&P INDONESIE A soci6t6 pdrActions Slmpliftdd with a capital of 4,000,000 Euros. 682 031 985 R.C,S, Nanterre
iaScholarship Scholarshipfor MasterStudiesin France Scholarshipwill be given for graduateswho interestedto continue study for Masterdegree in France. - Requirement: . HoldBachelor Geology, Geophysics. Socialand Political degreein Engineering, Science, Economy, and Law. . GPAof rninimum3.00. . TOEFL scoreof minimum550.
TotalSummer School VJeoffer an opportunlty to spend a week examiningand discussingkey energy issuesand challengeswith managersfrom Total and expertsfrom the worlds of industry and research. - Requirernent: . Studentsin the 3rd and 4th yearof study (not yet graduateduntil August 2012) Major:Engineering, Socialand Political5cience, Geology, Geophysics, Economy,and Law GPAof minlmum3.00. GoodEnglishproficiency.
Please takethe application form and submitit at: > DIREKTORAT KEMAHASISWAAN UI (BEASISWA) GEDUNGPELAYANAN MAHASISWATERFADUUI BARI,,,UI DEPOK K,AMPUS ContactPerson: Bambang Phone : O21- 786 72?,2ext. 100048/49
Aoolicationmustbe submitted frorn05 Octoberun'r;l07 November2011
unEver*ltdrorruCorpor"teEducation & Social Flesponsibiltty
The Total Summer School is intended for students who are about to start their final year of study befo:'e graduation at the top schools, universities and educational institutions in our main partner countries. Participantswill focus on five key issues and chall-engesfacing international oil and chemical companies: - Econcmic: ls the globaltensionbetvreenenergysupplyand demand hereto stay? - Geopolitical: What are the main causes of uncertaintyand tension and how can they be alleviated? - Energy diversification:Are there credible,conipetitivealternativesto finite resources.in particularin the transportationsegment? - En.rironment:what strategiescan be deproyedto combatglobalwarming? -
Social atrd managerial responsibility: How can our ethical and managerial,.raluesbe made compatiblewith the wide diversityof countries,peopleand situations?
Thesetopicswill ne addressed at roundtablesand in presentations andworkshops. In smallerworkshops, studentswill be ableto contribute activelyto the program, shareideas, ei:presstheirviewsandaskquestions aboutthe maintopicsof the seminar Duringthe sumrnerschoo!,studentswillbe ableto takeadvantage of culturalopportunities in Chantiliy. Universit6Total and tire Total subsidiariestaking part in the SurnmerSchoolare financing transportation, accommodation andmealsfor the participating students.
Rccent photograph
unlversltArcrruCorporateEducation & Social Reeponsibility
1 . P e r s o n a lD e t a i l s a a a a
Surname Date of birth (d/m/y).... . . .... Gender Home address:
- Street
- Postal cr zip code
- l-i{rr vr(J
- Country(country code)........
a o a o
. . .
Firstname(s) Nationality
Home telephone E-mail addiess
yes f-t Haveycu beento Francepreviously? n!nl!!No: lf yes,pleasespecifythe yearandlengthof yourstay!
2. UniversityDetails a
o a a o t
- Street - Postalor zip code ....... - City
- Ccuntry
Telephone (switchboard) ............ Academicsupervisor
t. Fiuency in English and French
Mothertongue: Levet of English (writtenand spoken) Fluent: n Level of French (writtenand spoken) Fluent: !
Have you taken a TOEFL-typetest? lf yes,whichone?
Intermediate: ! InterrY1s6lt,.' t
Yes ! What graciedid you obtain?
unlversltEroral CorporateEducation & SoctalResponsibility
4. Major, Gradesarrd Internships Program Major Year........ Gradepointaverageat the end of the 2009-2010academicyear Standingat the end of the 2009-2010academicyear Grade point averageat the end of the 2008-2009academicyear Standingat the end of the 2008-2009academicyear Do you have a scholarship?Yes: ! *: Previousdiplomas/qualifications
Year Year Year * (shortdescription) lnternships : Year/Field/Company Year/FieldiCompanv YearlField/Company
Year/Field/Company. Year/Field/Company
* Crossout wherenot applicable
unlverslt6rormCorporateEducation & Social Respcnsibilitv
APPLTCATTON FORM(3/6) Work experience" (shor1description) Year/Field/Company
Year/Field/Company.. Year/Field/Company
* Crossout wherenot applicable
5. OtherInterests Otherinterests
unlverslt6rcrni CorporateEducation & SocielFesponsibility
A P P L T C A T T O NF O R M ( 4 / 6 ) 6. l"{ow did you get the Surnrner School eontact {aff![iate, friend, unlversity, advertisement)'r
7. Why Cr.,you want to attend the Total Summer School?
unlversltEroral CorporateEducation & Sociel Responsibilrty
APPLTCATTON FORM (5/6) 8. Your Expectations
A) Prioritytopics {rank in ascendingorder of importance,from 1 to 10) 1. Description of an oilandchemical company's mainbusinesses 2. Presentation of the managerial skillsandprinciples appliedat fotalanditssubsidiaries 3. International expansion andgeopolitical issues
n I I
4. R&Dandinnovation (oil,gasandchemicals) stiategyr
5. Environmental issues
6. Thefutureof energy
7. lndustrial safety
8. Corporate socialresponsibility andcommunity relations 9. Ethics
10.Diversityand genderdirrersity
B) Prioritylearningexperienceexpectations(rankin ascendingorder from 1 to 8i 1. Workin smallgroups
2. lrrteracticn withTotalseniormanagers 3. Interactionwith experts
! !
4. Interaction withoperatingmanagers 5. Interaction withhumanresources managers (recruiting, training,etc.)
6. Interactionwith othercultures
7. A.nintroduction to Frenchculture 8. Othergenera!expectations G) Weekendin Paiis: After the seminar.db you want to stay the follcwing weekend Yes: D
Pieasenotethat this stay is not technically partof the SummerSchool.To makeit easierfor you,Universit6 Totalwilireserveandpayfor youriodgingin the city.Visiisareon yourown.