pl. If you are a good dog, you shall get a bone. (Ha jó kutya leszel, kapsz egy csontot.) ERŐS AKARAT
A ’will’ ilyenkor mindig hangsúlyos, nem vonható össze az alannyal! pl. I WILL go to the disco even if you want to stop me! (Azért is el fogok menni a diszkóba, még ha vissza is akarsz tartani!) ● Ellentéte (nem tud …ni): WON’T / WOULDN’T pl. She won’t come to the disco, however I ask her. (Nem hajlandó eljönni a diszkóba, akárhogy is kérem.)
pl. You look frozen. Sit down and I’ll make you a cup of hot tea. (Úgy tűnik, átfagytál. Ülj le, és készítek neked egy csésze forró teát.)
BELSŐ KÉNYSZER (muszáj, kell) pl. He must go to the toilet. I must buy some milk.
VALÓSZÍNŰSÉG (biztosan, valószínűleg) pl. She must be in the library. They must be playing football.
KÜLSŐ KÉNYSZER (kell, kötelező)
Múltban had to (kellett)
don’t have to needn’t / don’t need to (nem kell, nem muszáj)
must have + 3. alak must have + been + ing (biztosan…tt)
can’t / can’t be + ing (nem lehet, hogy…; lehetetlen, hogy…)
had to (kellett, kötelező volt)
don’t have to don’t need to needn’t (nem kell, nem kötelező)
pl. I have to wtite my homework. He has to get up early.
TILTÁS (tilos, nem szabad)
wasn’t/weren’t allowed to (tilos volt, nem volt szabad)
pl. You need drink if you are thirsty.
can / may / might engedély (szabad, lehet, hat/-het): need have + 3. alak needn’t (szükséges volt, kellett volna) (nem szükséges, nem kell)
ELMÉLETI TUDÁS (tud vmit csinálni)
could (tudott vmit csinálni)
can’t (nem tud vmit csinálni)
can have + 3. alak can have been + ing (lehet, hogy…tt)
can’t can’t be + ing (nem lehet, hogy…; lehetetlen, hogy…)
pl. You mustn’t go on when the lights are red.
SZÜKSÉGESSÉG (szükséges, kell)
pl. He can swim.
VALÓSZÍNŰSÉG (lehet hogy, -hat/het) pl. She can be in the library. They can be playing football.
SZÍVESSÉGKÉRÉS (-na/-ne?, -ná/-né? tudna?) CAN
pl. Can you open the door?
ENGEDÉLYKÉRÉS (-hat/-het?) pl. Can I leave?
ENGEDÉLYADÁS (-hat/-het, szabad) could pl. You can leave after the lesson. További jelentései lehetnek:
MÚLTBELI TUDÁS (tudott csinálni vmit)
mustn’t / can’t / may not was/were allowed to (tilos, nem –hat/-het, nem (-hatott/-hetett, szabad volt) szabad) JAVASLAT, AJÁNLAT (-hat/-het) pl. Well, we can go to the theatre, if you want. (Nos, mehetünk színházba is, ha akarsz.) ÉRZÉKELÉS FOLYAMATOSSÁGA (a jelenben) pl. I can see you! (Látlak!) couldn’t (nem tudott vmit csinálni)
pl. He could swim when he was 10 months old.
ENGEDÉLYKÉRÉS (-hatnék/hetnék?)
wasn't/weren’t allowed to (nem volt szabad)
pl. CouldI leave?
MÚLTBELI ENGEDÉLY (-hatott/-hetett, szabad volt)
pl. I could leave after the lesson.
SZÍVESSÉGKÉRÉS (-na/-ne?, -ná/-né? tudna?)
pl. Could you open the door?
JAVASLAT, AJÁNLAT (-hatna/hetne) pl. You could eat less turkey. További jelentései lehetnek:
FIZIKAI KÉPESSÉG (képes, tud vmit csinálni) pl. The lake is deep enough so he is able to swim.
TANÁCSKÉRÉS (-jak/-jek?, -junk/-jünk?) SHALL
pl. Shall I drink some more coffee? További jelentései lehetnek:
TANÁCSKÉRÉS (-jak/-jek?, -junk/-jünk?)
ÉRZÉKELÉS FOLYAMATOSSÁGA A MÚLTBAN pl. We could see the dark clouds. (Láttuk a sötét felhőket.) FELTÉTELES TUDÁS (tudna vmit csinálni) pl. I could answer if I knew what to say. (Tudnék válaszolni, ha tudnám, mit mondjak.) was/were able to am/is/are not able to (képes volt, tudott vmit (nem képes, nem tud vmit csinálni) csinálni) -
KATEGORIKUS PARANCS pl. You shall stay here! (Itt maradsz!) FOGADALOM, ÍGÉRET (ígérem, fogadom) You shall get some chocolate. (Ígérem, kapni fogsz csokit.) -
pl. What should I do?
TANÁCSADÁS (kellene, kéne) SHOULD
pl. They should eat less turkey. We should pay our bills.
SZABÁLYOK LEÍRÁSA (kell) pl. Students should arrive to school in time. További jelentése lehet:
TANÁCSADÁS (kéne, kellene) pl. They ought to eat less turkey. We ought to pay our bills.
VALÓSZÍNŰSÉG – szinte teljes bizonyosság (lesz, fog …ni)
should have + 3. alak (kellett volna)
shouldn't (nem kellene, nem kéne)
BIZONYTALAN FELTÉTEL (ha esetleg –na/-ne) pl. If you should see her, kiss her. (Ha esetleg látnád, puszild meg.) ought to have + 3. alak oughtn’t to (kellett volna) (nem kellene, nem kéne) -
will not (won’t)
pl. She will be in the library, I’m sure.
SZÍVESSÉGKÉRÉS (-na/-ne?, -ná/né?) WILL
pl. Will you open the door? További jelentése lehet:
ERŐS AKARAT (azért is, igenis) pl. I WILL stay here. (Azért is itt maradok!) HIRTELEN ÖTLET You know what? I’ll make some tea for you. (Tudod mit? Főzök neked teát.)
SZÍVESSÉGKÉRÉS (-na/-ne?, -ná/né?) pl. Would you open the door? További jelentése lehet:
ENGEDÉLYKÉRÉS (-hatnék/hetnék?)
JELLEMZŐ SZOKÁS A MÚLTBAN pl. My grandma would always sit by the fire. (A nagymamám mindig a tűz mellett üldögélt.) IDEGESÍTŐ JELENBELI SZOKÁS (folyton, állandóan csak) pl. Oh, you would always cry! (Állandóan csak sírsz!) -
pl. May I leave?
ENGEDÉLYADÁS (-hat/-het, szabad) -
may not / mustn’t (tilos, nem szabad)
pl. You may leave after the lesson.
VALÓSZÍNŰSÉG (lehetséges, hogy…) pl. She may be in the library. They may be playing football.
ENGEDÉLYKÉRÉS (-hatna/-hetne esetleg?) (csekély) VALÓSZÍNŰSÉG (előfordulhat, hogy…, -hat/-het)
pl. She might be in the library. They might be playing football. További jelentése lehet:
may have + 3. alak (may have + be + ing) (lehetséges, hogy …tt)
can’t + infinitive can't be + ing (nem lehet, hogy …, lehetetlen, hogy…)
might have + 3. alak might have + be + ing (elképzelhető, hogy…tt)
can’t + infinitive can't be + ing (nem lehet, hogy …, lehetetlen, hogy…)
BIZONYTALAN JAVASLAT (akár –hat/-het is) pl. We might as well go to the theatre. (Akár színházba is mehetnénk.)
MODÁLIS JELENTÉSÁRNYALATOK KIFEJEZÉSE - összefoglalás A jelentésárnyalat magyarul
A kifejezett jelentésárnyalat
belső kényszer, késztetés külső kényszer, kötelezettség
nem kell
ellentéte mindkét esetben
múltban mindkét esetben
Használható modális segédige / modális szerkezet
MUST HAVE TO don't/doesn’t have to
had to
nem kellett
múltban ellentéte mindkét esetben
didn't have to
majd kell
jövőben mindkét esetben
will have to
Vécére kell mennie. = He must go to the toilet. Meg kell írnom a leckémet. = I have to write my homework. Nem kell vécére mennie. = He doesn’t have to go to the toilet. Nem kell megírnom a leckémet. = I don’t have to write my homework. Vécére kellett mennie. = He had to go to the toilet. Meg kellett írnom a leckémet. =I had to write my homework. Nem kellett vécére mennie. = He didn’t have to go to the toilet. Nem kellett megírnom a leckémet. = I didn’t have to write my homework. Vécére kell majd mennie. = He must go to the toilet. Meg kell majd írnom a leckémet. = I have to write my homework.
nem kell majd
jövőben ellentéte mindkét esetben
általánosabb tiltás személyre szabottabb tiltás
won't have to
nem volt szabad, tilos volt, nem …-hatott/-hetett
múltban mindkét esetben
was/were not allowed to
nem lesz szabad, tilos lesz,
jövőben mindkét esetben
won’t be allowed to
nem szabad, nem …-hat/-het
szabad volt, …-hatott/-hetett
nem volt szabad, nem …-hatott/-hetett
Nem mehetsz haza, amíg azt nem mondom neked. = You may not go home until I tell you. Tilos volt tovább menned. = You were not allowed to go on. Nem mehettem haza. = I was not allowed to go home. Tilos lesz tovább menned. = You won’t be allowed to go on. Nem mehetek majd haza. = I won’t be allowed to go home.
Akkor mehetsz tovább, amikor a lámpa zöld. = You can go on when the lights are green.
személyre szabottabb engedély(adás)
Akkor mehetsz haza, amikor mondom neked.= You may go home when I tell you.
ellentéte l. fenn
mustn't, may not
múltban általánosabb
Amikor a lámpa zöldre váltott, tovább mehettem. = When the lights became green, I could go on.
was/were allowed to
Akkor mehettem haza, amikor a tanár azt mondta. = I was allowed to go home when the teacher told me.
múltban személyre szabottabb múltban ellentéte mindkét esetben l. fenn
was/were not allowed to
will be allowed to
nem lesz szabad
jövőben ellentéte l. fenn
won’t be allowed to
Tilos tovább menned, ha piros a lámpa = You mustn’t go on when the lights are red.
általánosabb engedély(adás)
szabad lesz
-HAT(ok)/-HET(ek)? SZABAD …NI?
Nem kell majd vécére mennie. = He won’t have to go to the toilet. Nem kell majd megírnom a leckémet. = I won’t have to write my homework.
udvarias engedélykérés udvariasabb engedélykérés még udvariasabb engedélykérés legudvariasabb engedélykérés szinte teljes
l. fenn
l. fenn Amikor a lámpa zöldre vált, majd tovább mehetek. = When the lights become green, I will be allowed to go on. Akkor mehettek haza, amikor majd a tanár azt mondja. = I will be allowed to go home when the teacher tells me. l. fenn
Elmehetek? = Can I leave? Elmehetnék? = Could I leave? El szabad mennem? = May I leave? Szabadna elmennem? = Might I leave? A könyvtárban lesz, biztos vagyok benne.
nem lehet, hogy …; lehetetlen, hogy …;
bizonyosság erős valószínűség
MUST + infinitive + be + ing
kisebb valószínűség
CAN + infinitive + be + ing
még kisebb valószínűség
MAY + infinitive + be + ing
nagyon kis valószínűség
MIGHT + infinitive + be + ing
can’t + infinitive + be + ing
may not + infinitive + be + ing
might not + infinitive + be + ing
lehet, hogy nem …; elképzelhető, hogy nem …
biztosan …tt; valószínűleg …tt; lehet, hogy …tt; elképzelhető, hogy …tt
nem lehet, hogy …tt; lehetetlen, hogy …tt;
lehet, hogy nem …tt; elképzelhető, hogy nem …tt
must have + 3. alak + been + ing
can have + 3. alak + been + ing
may have + 3. alak + been + ing
might have + 3. alak + been + ing
múltban ellentéte
can’t have + 3. alak + been + ing
múltban ellentéte
may not have + 3. alak + been + ing
múltban ellentéte
might not have + 3. alak + been + ing
= She will be in the library, I’m sure. Biztosan a könyvtárban van. = She must be in the library. Biztosan fociznak. = They must be playing football. Lehet, hogy a könyvtárban van. = She can be in the library. Lehet, hogy fociznak. = They can be playing football. Elképzelhető, hogy a könyvtárban van. = She may be in the library. Elképzelhető, hogy fociznak. = They may be playing football. Lehet, hogy esetleg a könyvtárban van. = She might be in the library. Lehet, hogy esetleg fociznak. = They might be playing football. Nem lehet, hogy a könyvtárban van. = She can’t be in the library. Lehetetlen, hogy fociznak. = They can’t be playing football. Lehet, hogy nincs a könyvtárban. = She may not be in the library. Lehet, hogy nem fociznak. = They may not be playing football. Elképzelhető, hogy esetleg nincs a könyvtárban. = She may not be in the library. Elképzelhető, hogy esetleg nem fociznak. = They may not be playing football. Biztosan a könyvtárban volt. = She must have been in the library. Biztosan fociztak. = They must have been playing football. Lehet, hogy a könyvtárban volt. = She can have been in the library. Lehet, hogy fociztak. = They can have been playing football. Elképzelhető, hogy a könyvtárban volt. = She may have been in the library. Elképzelhető, hogy fociztak. = They may have been playing football. Elképzelhető, hogy esetleg a könyvtárban volt. = She might have been in the library. Elképzelhető, hogy esetleg fociztak. = They might have been playing football. Nem lehet, hogy a könyvtárban volt. = She can’t have been in the library. Lehetetlen, hogy fociztak. = They can’t have been playing football. Lehet, hogy nem volt a könyvtárban. = She may not have been in the library. Lehet, hogy nem fociztak. = They may not have been playing football. Elképzelhető, hogy esetleg nem volt a könyvtárban. = She might not have been in the library.
Elképzelhető, hogy esetleg nem fociztak. = They might not have been playing football.
formálisabb tanács
nem kellene, nem kéne
shouldn't, oughtn’t to
kellett volna
should have + 3. alak ought to have +3. alak
nem kellett volna
múltban ellentéte
shouldn’t have + 3. alak oughtn’t to have +3. alak
tanácskérés – kissé bizonytalanabb tanult, elméleti tudás fizikai képesség
am/is/are not able to
was/were able to
wasn't/weren’t able to
tudni fog …ni; képes lesz …ni
jövőben mindkét esetben
will be able to
nem fog tudni …ni nem lesz képes …ni
jövőben ellentéte mindkét esetben
won’t be able to
udvarias szívességkérés udvariasabb szívességkérés még udvariasabb szívességkérés legudvariasabb szívességkérés
tudott …ni; képes volt …ni nem tudott …ni; nem volt képes / képtelen volt …ni
Nem kéne pulykát enniük. = They shouldn’t eat turkey. / They oughtn’t to eat turkey. Kevesebb pulykát kellett volna enniük. = They should have eaten less turkey. / They ought to have eaten less turkey. Nem kellett volna pulykát enniük. = They shouldn’t have eaten turkey. / They oughtn’t to have eaten turkey.
Igyak még kávét? = Shall I drink some more coffee? Esetleg igyak még kávét? = Should I drink some more coffee? Tud úszni. = She can swim.
Elég mély a tó, ezért képes (tud) úszni AM/IS/ARE benne. = The lake is deep enough so she is able to swim in it. ABLE TO
elméletben nem tud …ni; nem képes / képtelen …ni
Kevesebb pulykát kéne enniük. = They should eat less turkey. Kevesebb pulykát kellene enniük. = They ought to eat less turkey.
WILL (you)? WOULD (you)? CAN (you)? COULD (you)?
Nem tud úszni. = She can’t swim. Nem elég mély a tó, ezért képtelen úszni (tud) benne. = The lake is not deep enough so she isn’t able to swim in it. Tudott úszni. = She could swim. Elég mély volt a tó, ezért képes volt úszni benne. = The lake is deep enough so she is able to swim in it. Nem tudott úszni. = She couldn’t swim. Nem volt elég mély a tó, ezért képtelen volt úszni (tud) benne. = The lake was not deep enough so she wasn’t able to swim in it. Tudni fog úszni. = She will be able to swim. Nem fog tudni úszni. = She won’t be able to swim.
Kinyitná az ajtót? = Will you open the door? Lenne szíves kinyitni az ajtót? = Would you open the door? Ki tudná nyitni az ajtót? = Can you open the door? Ki tudná nyitni az ajtót? = Could you open the door?
1) Use must, mustn’t, have to or don’t/doesn’t have to – in the right form. 1. You ............... do your homework as soon as you leave school. I don’t want you to be lazy. 2. Children .................... (not) say rude words. 3. You .........................(not) drive a car when you drink. 4. It’s Saturday today. I .........................(not) go to work. 5. I ........................ clean the house after the party last week. 6. We ............................ help him to start walking again after the accident he had. 7. Last week she .................. look after her sister’s children at the weekend. 8. Students ......................... (not) cheat in exams. 9. Children ....................... play with other children to socialise. 10. I ..............................(not) ask anybody for a lift. I had my own car. 11. I want to learn to do it by myself. You .........................(not) help me. 12. You ............................. (not) eat with your fingers. 13. You ............................ start a diet if you don’t lose weight with exercise. 14. ............................(you) cook for your family everyday? 15. ............................(you) cook for your guests last Saturday? 16. We’ve got enough coffee. We .............................(not) buy any more. 17. Nobody was hungry, so I ……………(not) cook anything. 18. It’s raining. I ...............................carry an umbrella. 19. The doctor always tells me I ................................ (not) eat fattening things. 20. I’ve already done the washing up. You ……………… (not) do it. 21. Notice in a museum: People .................... (not) touch exhibited paintings. 22. There are no stamps. I …………….. buy some at the Post Office 23. We ………………………..(not) pay anything. It’s a free buffet. 24. ................................. (you) get a visa to travel to USA? 25. You ……………………… be careful! 26. The film was very interesting. You ................. go and see it. 27. My mother always tells me that I ................... clean my own shoes, but I forget. 28. As there was a general transport strike, we .................. walk to our house. 29. I ................... (not) take an invitation with me. They know I am one of the guests. 30. You ...............................(not) work very hard at my school. The lessons are very easy. 31. She will come round, so I .....................................(not) phone her. 32. We ..........................(not) miss the bus or we won’t be in time for the theatre. 33. You ...............................(not) move - the robbers told us. 34. Park notice: ‘All dogs ............................... be kept on leads. 35. If you have a rich father, you ...............................(not) work at all. 36. The baby is allergic to cereals. We (not) ………………..give him any bread. 37. I …………………… (take) a lot of medicines since I got this cold. 38. You (not) ………………………. hit a child if he does something wrong. 39. I ……………….. look up this word in the dictionary. I don’t know its meaning. 40. Children, you ……………. tidy your room immediately. It’s all in a mess.
2) Shall, should, will or would? (In some sentences more answers are possible.) 1. Where __________ we go now? 2. Next time I go, you __________ come with me, I promise. 3. Where __________ we meet? 4. __________ you have an apple? 5. __________ you mind opening the door? 6. This hat doesn’t suit you. You __________ buy another one. 7. I __________ not fill in this form. The questions are impertinent. 8. I __________ like like to know where you have been. 9. __________ we stop here for a drink? 10. Some people __________ try to cross a busy road against the traffic lights. 11. I __________ have to think it over. 12. __________ you have another piece of pie? 13. You __________ have insisted on speaking to the manager. 14. Take these letters to the post, __________ you? 3) Fill in the blanks with: can, can’t, could, should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, may, might, needn’t. Some gaps may have more than one correct answer. 1. We _____________ hurry. We've got plenty of time. 2. Gail's flight from New York took more than 11 hours. She ______________ be exhausted and ________________ prefer to stay in tonight. 3. Going out at night in that neighborhood ___________________ be dangerous. You _________________ avoid going there. 4. When you have a small child in the house, you _________________ be careful. For example, you ________________leave small objects lying around. Such objects ____________________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death. 5. You _________________ smoke so much, it’s bad for your health. 6. Tracy’s engagement ring is enormous! It __________________ have cost a fortune! 7. I ________________speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I had known as a child. Now, I _____________ say just a few things in that language. 8. Oh look! Jenny’s scarf is lying on the table. She __________ have left it here last night. 9. It’s going to rain, you ________________ take an umbrella. 10. The light is off in his room. Peter _______________ be sleeping now. 11. This is a very precious book. You ___________ lose it. 12. You ______________ wash those carrots. They've already been washed. 13. This is a very good book. You _____________ read it. 14. Mary gave me a letter to post. I _____________ forget to mail it. 15. She looks pretty sick. She _______________ see a doctor. 16. I _____________ believe that you failed your test! 17. _____________ I borrow your pen?
4) Transform the basic sentences by using a modal auxiliary to get the meaning asked. 1. a) b) c) d)
You drink coffee. szükséges innod tilos innod ihatsz innod kellene
4. Do you stand up? a) Légy szíves, állj fel! b) Képes vagy felállni? c) Köteles vagy felállni? d) Muszáj felállnod?
2. a) b) c) d)
She is in the cinema. bizonyára ott van lehetséges, hogy ott van nem lehet, hogy ott van előfordulhat, hogy (esetleg) ott van
5. They stop talking a) kellene b) kötelesek voltak c) tudnak? d) Képtelenek
3. a) b) c) d) e)
He has forgotten her. bizonyára elfelejtette lehet, hogy elfelejtette nem lehet, hogy elfelejtette talán (esetleg) elfelejtette el kellett volna felejtenie
5) Rewrite the sentences using the given modal verbs. 1.- Some people just don’t know how to sing. (be able to) 2.- There’s a chance that she’s at the airport. (may) 3.- I knew how to ride a horse when I was six. (could) 4.- John isn’t sure if he is going to go to Turkey. (might not) 5.- Do not block the emergency exit. (mustn’t) 6.- It is dangerous to use mobile phones on the plane. (mustn’t) 7.- It is necessary to fasten your seat belt for landing and taking off. (must) 8.-It’s possible that he’ll be there to meet us. (may) 9.- This is a surprise. Don’t tell anybody about it. (shouldn’t) 6) Fill in the blanks with a modal verb. There is more than one answer in some sentences. 1. ……………….. I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you …………….. 2. My friend is getting married today, she ……………. feel very nervous. 3. Don’t touch that wire because it …………………. be dangerous. 4. I ……………. swim quite well when I was five years old. 5. Sonia …………………… practise a lot if she wants to take part in the marathon. 6. You ……………….. cook those vegetables because they have already been cooked. 7. If you are interested in human life, you …………………….. study biology. 8. You ………………………………. have shouted at Thomas yesterday. He is very hurt. 9. Look it has stopped raining. We ……………………. go for a walk in the country. 10. Last Christmas party was fabulous, you ………………………………. have come with me. 11. I’ve lost my keys. I ……….............. have dropped them when I went shopping. 12. It’s prohibited to go into that building. You ……………………. go in.
7) Rewrite the sentences using modals, so that they mean the same. 1. If I were you I would tell him the truth. 2. It isn't necessary for her to phone me back. 3. Mary is not allowed to arrive home late 4. It's absolutely necessary that we finish the article today 5. You cannot smoke in the underground; it's forbidden 6. It isn't necessary for us to book a table; I know one of the waiters 7. It's forbidden to drive without fastening your seatbelt. 8. If I were you I'd do some more exercises 9. It's compulsory for all students to attend lessons 10. You are not allowed to use the phone without permission 11. It´s not necessary for you to help me. I can do it myself. 12. It´s a good idea to go to bed early if you´re tired. 8) Fill in the gaps with the correct option. 1. They ...... be on holiday, but I'm really not sure. a. must b. may 2. ...... you turn it down a bit please? a. Can b. May 3. It's OK- you ...... go when you've finished. a. may b. might 4. Ask any questions now as you ...... not talk during the test. a. may b. could 5. You ...... smoke in the cinema. a. mustn’t b. might not 6. It's impossible- they ...... have finished it already! a. can't b. mustn't 7. ...... you speak Japanese? a. Can b. May 8. You ……………… smoke here. a. should be b. must have c. mustn’t 9. Paul …………… borrow books at the library. a. will has to b. can c. must be 10. We …………… go to school at weekends. a. mustn’t b. don’t have to c. can’t
11. The phone is ringing. It ………… be Tina. She promised to phone me. a. will b. had better c. mustn’t 12. …………… I use the phone, please? a. May b. Must c. Need 13. You ……………… eat so much fast food. It’s bad for your health. a. mustn’t have b. shouldn’t c. may 14. Alice …………………… skate very well now. a. could b. can c. must 15. You ……………… park here. It’s forbidden. a. should b. don’t have to c. can’t 16. My daughter is so clever! She ………… read when she was three. a. can b. could c. may 17. Help! I ……………… swim. a. couldn’t b. mustn’t c. can’t 18. You look stupid. You ...... do something with your hair. a. need b. would c. should d. have 19. We're going to sacrifice you to King Kong at the party tomorrow. You ...... late. a. don't have to be b. mustn't be c. needn't be d. couldn't be 20. I can't make my parents smile, but when I was a child I ...... . a. must b. had to c. could d. should 21. I've inherited $20,000. I ...... buy a flower to my wife today, but I'm not sure. a. can b. may c. need d. mustn't
22. The camels are bloodthirsty tonight. You ...... enter the desert. a. must b. mustn't c. have to d. don't have to 23. It's my wife's birthday. I ...... defrost something delicious for her tonight. a. can b. should c. would d. may not 24. If you want to be sober when your mother turns up, you ......... stop drinking right away. a. can b. can't c. must d. mustn't 25. "The Newmans ...... be on a holiday. The lights are on in their house." "It ...... be a burglar then. Or more burglars." a. can ... can't b. can't ... can’t c. can't ... must d. must ... can 26. All my brothers ......... study two hours every day when they were preparing for their cooking exam. a. should b. may c. must d. had to 27. ...... someone get a doctor, please. My nose has fallen off. a. shall b. will c. should d. must 28. You ......... a driving license for this job. You can take this package to the station on foot as well. a. don't need to b. needn't have to c. don't have to have d. haven't 29. My babysitter and I can't come. She ......... look after me at home. a. need b. have to c. must d. need to 30. I don't believe he has married Bob. He ............ have been joking again. a. can b. could c. mustn't d. oughtn't
31. ...... I have more cheese on my sandwich? a. Must b. Could c. Would d. Have to 32. You ...... eat more vegetables. a. should b. might c. may d. could 33. I ...... like to buy the same television for my house. a. could b. must c. would d. have to 34. ...... I have a coffee please? a. Must b. Have to c. May d. Would 35. You ...... smoke near children. a. have b. may c. shouldn't d. couldn't 36. The passengers ......wear their seatbelts at all times. a. could b. may c. can d. must 37. We ...... go to the concert if the rain stops. We don't know for sure. a. mustn't b. might c. have to d. wouldn't 38. I ...... ice skate very well. a. can b. may c. must d. should 39. The boys ......wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have class at 8:00 am. a. would b. can't c. could d. have to 40. The rock band ......play very well last year. Now they are much beter. a. must b. couldn't c. can d. should
9) Transform the sentences so that they start with the given words and mean the same. 1. It was not necessary to go. We needn't____________________________________________________________ 2. I don't think he really meant to say that. He can't_______________________________________________________________ 3. I suppose he missed his train. He must______________________________________________________________ 4. It is possible that Shakespeare wrote this play. Shakespeare may_______________________________________________________ 5. You should stop smoking! If I were you___________________________________________________________ 6. Maybe the cartoonist overestimated the public's sense of humour. The cartoonist__________________________________________________________ 7. Why didn't you have a rest? You should____________________________________________________________ 8. You may do it only if you get special permission. You aren't_____________________________________________________________ 9. Perhaps you forgot your pen in the other room. You__________________________________________________________________ 10. You should read this text seriously. You'd better___________________________________________________________ 11. Perhaps he phoned while we were out. He may_______________________________________________________________ 10) Complete the following sentences with modal verbs expressing obligation / permission / prohibition / advice and the missing words. 1. It would be better for you if you didn't surf the internet so late at night. You ____________________ the internet so late at night 2. Children are forbidden to enter this area Children ____________________ this area. 3. One of the disadvantages of my job is that I am obliged to travel long distances. One of the disadvantages of my job is that I ____________________ long distances. 4. Teddy was red in the face and he was screaming when I saw him. He was probably very angry. Teddy was red in the face and he was screaming when I saw him. He _______________ very angry. 5. You look ill. You'd better go to the doctor. I think you ____________________ go to the doctor. 6. It is forbidden to shout in the library. You ____________________ in the library. 7. Look at Brian. He's at the bus stop with a bunch of flowers, waiting for his girlfriend. Brian must ____________________ for his girlfriend. 8. We have just missed our train. We walked too slowly to the station. We ____________________ more quickly to the station. We wouldn't have missed our train. 9. Those suitcases look very heavy. Do you want me to help you? Those suitcases look very heavy. ____________________ you? 10. Tomorrow is Sunday. You are not obliged to get up early. Tomorrow is Sunday. You ____________________ up early.
11) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Képtelen vagyok gondolkodni. 2. Beszélsz (tudsz beszélni) angolul? 3. Idejönnél, kérlek? 4. Fölösleges volt tejet venned. Volt itthon elég. 5. Ígérem, ott leszek! 6. Nem tudok zongorázni. 7. Bizonyára alszik, azért nem jött még. 8. Nem mondhatta ezt. Nem lehet ilyen ostoba. 9. Nem szabad elfelejtened, amit mondtam neked. Nagyon fontos. 10. Légy szíves, zárd el a tv-t. Senki sem nézi. 11. Biztosan elfelejtetted őt. 12. Innod kellene egy kis kávét, az lehet, hogy felébreszt. 13. Bármelyik pillanatban megérkezhetnek a vendégek. 14. Szabad itt alkoholt inni? 15. Elmenjünk moziba? 16. Itt meg kell állni, mert Stop-tábla van. 17. Amikor piros a lámpa, tilos átmenni az úton. 18. Mondanál valamit az esetről? 19. Lehet, hogy buta vagyok, de nem tudok olvasni. 20. Ilyen sötétben nem vagyok képes olvasni.
KEY: 1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
You have to do your homework as soon as you leave school. I don’t want you to be lazy. Children mustn’t say rude words. You mustn’t drive a car when you drink. It’s Saturday today. I don’t have to go to work. I had to clean the house after the party last week. We had to help him to start walking again after the accident he had. Last week she had tolook after her sister’s children at the weekend. Students mustn’t cheat in exams. Children must play with other children to socialise. I didn’t have to ask anybody for a lift. I had my own car. I want to learn to do it by myself. You don’t have to help me. You mustn’t eat with your fingers. You must start a diet if you don’t lose weight with exercise. Do you have to / Must you cook for your family everyday? Did you have to cook for your guests last Saturday? We’ve got enough coffee. We don’t have to buy any more. Nobody was hungry, so I didn’t have to cook anything. It’s raining. I must / have to carry an umbrella. The doctor always tells me I mustn’t eat fattening things. I’ve already done the washing up. You don’t have to do it. Notice in a museum: People mustn’t touch exhibited paintings. There are no stamps. I must / have to buy some at the Post Office We don’t have to pay anything. It’s a free buffet. Do you have to get a visa to travel to USA? You must / have to be careful! The film was very interesting. You must go and see it. My mother always tells me that I have to clean my own shoes, but I forget. As there was a general transport strike, we had to walk to our house. I won’t have to / don’t have to take an invitation with me. They know I am one of the guests. You don’t have to work very hard at my school. The lessons are very easy. She will come round, so I don’t have to / won’t have to phone her. We mustn’t miss the bus or we won’t be in time for the theatre. You mustn’t move - the robbers told us. Park notice: ‘All dogs have to / must be kept on leads. If you have a rich father, you don’t have to work at all. The baby is allergic to cereals. We mustn’t give him any bread. I have had to take a lot of medicines since I got this cold. You mustn’t hit a child if he does something wrong. I must look up this word in the dictionary. I don’t know its meaning. Children, you have to tidy your room immediately. It’s all in a mess.
2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Where shall / should we go now? Next time I go, you shall come with me, I promise. Where shall / should / will we meet? Will you have an apple? Would you mind opening the door? This hat doesn’t suit you. You should buy another one. I will not fill in this form. The questions are impertinent. I would like like to know where you have been. Shall / Should we stop here for a drink? Some people will try to cross a busy road against the traffic lights. I will have to think it over. Will you have another piece of pie? You should have insisted on speaking to the manager.
14. Take these letters to the post, will you? 3) 1. We needn’t hurry. We've got plenty of time. 2. Gail's flight from New York took more than 11 hours. She must/may/might be exhausted and may/might prefer to stay in tonight. 3. Going out at night in that neighborhood can be dangerous. You should/must avoid going there. 4. When you have a small child in the house, you should/must be careful. For example, you mustn’t leave small objects lying around. Such objects can/may/might be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death. 5. You shouldn’t smoke so much, it’s bad for your health. 6. Tracy’s engagement ring is enormous! It must have cost a fortune! 7. I could speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I had known as a child. Now, I can say just a few things in that language. 8. Oh look! Jenny’s scarf is lying on the table. She must/may/might have left it here last night. 9. It’s going to rain, you should take an umbrella. 10. The light is off in his room. Peter must/may/might be sleeping now. 11. This is a very precious book. You mustn’t/shouldn’t lose it. 12. You needn’t wash those carrots. They've already been washed. 13. This is a very good book. You must/should read it. 14. Mary gave me a letter to post. I mustn’t/shouldn’t forget to mail it. 15. She looks pretty sick. She should/must see a doctor. 16. I can’t believe that you failed your test! 17. Can/Could/May/Might I borrow your pen? 4) 1. a) b) c) d)
You drink coffee. You need drink coffee. You mustn’t drink coffee. You can drink coffee. You should drink coffee.
4. a) b) c) d)
Do you stand up? Will/Would/Can/Could you stand up? Are you able to stand up? Do you have to stand up? Must you stand up??
2. a) b) c) d)
She is in the cinema. She must be in the cinema. She can/may be in the cinema. She can’t be be in the cinema. She might be in the cinema.
5. a) b) c) d)
They stop talking They should stop talking. They had to stop talking. Can they stop talking? They are not able/can’t stop talking.
3. a) b) c) d) e)
He has forgotten her. He must have forgotten her. He can/may have forgotten her. He can’t have forgotten her. He might have forgotten her. He should have forgotten her.
5) 1.- Some people are not able to sing. 2.- She may be at the airport. 3.- I could ride a horse when I was six. 4.- John might not go to Turkey. 5.- You mustn’t block the emergency exit. 6.- You mustn’t use mobile phones on the plane. 7.- You must fasten your seat belt for landing and taking off. 8.-He may be there to meet us. 9.- This is a surprise. You shouldn’t tell anybody about it. 6) 1. Can/Could/May/Might I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you can. 2. My friend is getting married today, she must/can/may/might feel very nervous. 3. Don’t touch that wire because it can/may/might be dangerous.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
I could swim quite well when I was five years old. Sonia should/must practise a lot if she wants to take part in the marathon. You needn’t cook those vegetables because they have already been cooked. If you are interested in human life, you should study biology. You shouldn’t have shouted at Thomas yesterday. He is very hurt. Look it has stopped raining. We can go for a walk in the country. Last Christmas party was fabulous, you should/must have come with me. I’ve lost my keys. I must/can/may/might have dropped them when I went shopping. It’s prohibited to go into that building. You mustn’t go in.
7) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
You should/ought to tell him the truth. She needn’t phone me back. Mary mustn’t arrive home late We must finish the article today You mustn’t smoke in the underground; it's forbidden We needn’t book a table; I know one of the waiters You mustn’t drive without fastening your seatbelt. You should do some more exercises All students have to attend lessons You may not use the phone without permission You needn’t help me. I can do it myself. You should go to bed early if you´re tired.
8) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
b a a a a a a c b b
9) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
We needn't have gone. He can't have said that. He must have missed his train. Shakespeare mayhave written this play. If I were you, I would stop smiking. The cartoonistmay/might have overestimated the public's sense of humour. You should have had a rest. You aren't allowed to do it without special permission. You can/may/might have forgotten your pen in the other room. You'd better read this text seriously. He may have phoned while we were out.
10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
You shouldn’t surf the internet so late at night Children mustn’t enter this area. One of the disadvantages of my job is that I have to travel long distances. Teddy was red in the face and he was screaming when I saw him. He must have been very angry. I think you should go to the doctor. You mustn’t shout in the library. Brian must be waiting for his girlfriend. We should have walked more quickly to the station. We wouldn't have missed our train. Those suitcases look very heavy. Shall I help you? Tomorrow is Sunday. You are not obliged to get up early. Tomorrow is Sunday. You needn’t get up early.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
a a b b c b c c b c
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
b b b c c d b c c a
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
b a c c c d b a d b
11) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
I am not able to think. Can you speak English? Will/Would/Can/Could you come here? You needn’t have bought milk. There was enough at home. I promise, I shall be there! I can’t play the piano. He/She must be sleeping, that’s why he hasn’t come yet. He/She can’t have said that. He can’t be so stupid. You mustn’t forget what I told you. It’s very important. Will/Would/Can/Could you switch/turn off the TV? Nobody is watching it. You must have forgotten her.. You should drink some coffe. It might wake you up. The guests might arrive in any moment Can/Could/May/Might I drink alcohol here? / Can/Could/May/Might alcohol be drunk here? Shall we go to the cinema? You have to stop here because ther is a stop sign. You mustn’t cross the street when the light is red. Will/Would/Can/Could you tell me something about the situation? I can/may/might be stupid but I can’t read. I am not able to read in such darkness.