6e jaargang, nr. 1 dd.02 January 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. SmitWijs London had geen last van zeebeving. Jullie berichtje ontvangen. Ik kan jullie geruststellen, wij hebben er hier niets van gemerkt. Evengoed verschrikkelijk wat er gebeurd is. Je zult maar onder zo'n kust varen of ten anker liggen. Ik heb de Bowditch er op nagekeken, daar staat het fenomeen Tsunami in beschreven. Op zee en in diep water heb je er nagenoeg geen last van. Het wordt pas link met ondiep water en oplopende bodem. Het heeft wel gevolgen voor ons Italiaans gevolg en ons. In Sri Lanka, na de natuurramp met al z'n gevolgen, staan ze niet direct in de rij voor de LT Lloydiana. Verzekering en eigenaren verwachten dat Colombo een no go wordt, zijn al naarstig op zoek naar een andere haven. Met al de logistieke problemen die zo'n operatie meebrengen zijn dat er niet te veel waaruit ze kunnen kiezen. Wij zijn benieuwd waar we terechtkomen met onze sleep. (Bron: Kapitein Kees Pronk)
Op reis met de SmitWijs Rotterdam (5) Aflevering vijf aangaande de Smitwijs Rotterdam op reis met de H851 van Vlissingen naar Corpus Christi. Zoals verleden week vermeld zijn we afgelopen week de Caribische Zee binnen gevaren, hoewel niet tussen Martinique en Dominica in, maar, doordat onze snelheid zodanig was dat we te vroeg in Corpus Christi aan zouden komen hebben we er voor gekozen om nog wat lagere breedtes op te zoeken en tussen Martinique en Saint Lucia door te varen. Hadden er prachtig weer bij en werden vermaakt met vakantiegangers die vanuit nieuwsgierigheid met hun zeil jachtjes onze nabijheid op zochten. Met de passage tussen de eilanden door waren we ook de Noordnoordoostelijk oceaan deining kwijt, niet dat we nou zwaar hadden liggen slingeren, maar stil liggen was na drie weken toch wel weer aangenaam en wende al snel. Helaas was een van de mannen aan boord niet in goede doen en had medische zorg nodig, aanvankelijk binnenshuis, maar al snel werd contact gezocht met RCC Den Helder voor radio medisch advies en veranderden we koers richting Curaçao indien het noodzakelijk mocht worden om te medivakken, dat kwam er uiteindelijk ook nog van, en waar we eigenlijk op een rustige eerste kerstdag hadden gerekend, lagen we in de vroege ochtend van de 25ste december voor Willemstad. Diep water alom, dus konden we de draad op lengte houden en toch een zodanig matige vaart lopen dat de locale loodsboot langszij kon komen om de patiënt van ons over te nemen. Alles zodanig geregeld dat we op een afgesproken tijd op de meest gunstige locatie zouden zijn om de vaar afstand voor de loods boot beperkt te houden, maar was het natuurlijk Murphies Law die roet in het eten gooide. " Een probleem met de machine van de brug" De bekende pontjes brug wilde dus niet open en hield de loods boot gevangen. Uiteindelijk werd het probleem snel verholpen, en met enig gemanoeuvreer van onze kant hoefden da mannen niet al te ver naar buiten te komen, en werd de patiënt naar de wal gebracht terwijl wij weer richting Corpus Christi vertrokken. Al snel kwam er informatie dat de patiënt in goede handen was en onderzoeken hadden uitgewezen dat er gelukkig geen zorgelijke zaken speelden, en gaf dat dan weer ruimte om nog wat van de kerst te maken. Het weer was er ideaal voor, en brandde rond een uur of zes de BBQ op het bak dek waar een snoer gekleurde lampen aan de sfeer bijdroegen. We bleken ook nog een culinair wonder in de persoon van onze bootsman aan boord te hebben die onze patiënt verving, niet alleen voldoende en lekkers voor op de BBQ, maar stond er ook een onvervalste kersttaart op tafel met in gekleurde mokka crème geschreven wensen voor een Merry Christmas er op. Niet zo groot (?) gelukkig die taart, hij paste nauwelijks op een dienblad, dus hadden we ook voor tweede kerstdag reden om er even voor te gaan zitten en de kerstdoos uit te pakken die er vanwege de omstandigheden op eerste kerstdag bij in geschoten was. De eerste stuurman had mazzel, die kreeg een shawl, niet bepaald iets wat je in de Caribische zee nodig hebt, maar in Corpus Christi heeft het voor het eerst in jaren gesneeuwd en is het koud, dus die shawl komt hem nog wel van pas daar. Inmiddels bevinden we ons al weer ruim benoorden de kust van Colombia en hebben we er prachtig weer bij, de volle maan staat momenteel boven ons aan een onbewolkte glasheldere hemel en is het zo rustig hier op zee dat we ons alleen wanen. De snelheid wil er niet af, dat zal je altijd zien wanneer je te vroeg aan dreigt te komen, en lopen we met minimaal vermogen nog steeds een dikke zeven mijl per uur waar we er eigenlijk maar vijf nodig hebben om de gestelde ETA te halen, maar goed, in deze tijd van het jaar kan het weer in de noordelijke golf van Mexico nog wel eens tegen zitten, en is het dan wel lekker om wat speling te hebben, dus klagen we er maar niet te veel om. Het is al schrijvende inmiddels bijna middernacht hier, tijd voor het dagrapport en de opkomende wacht, dus doe ik alle lezers hierbij de beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar toe komen en hoop ik volgende zondag weer wat te schrijven te hebben. (Bron: Kapitein Gerrit Verschoor)
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Bamse, 370/85 – tug Has been renamed Bamse Tug by Busker og erging AS, Norway and transferred to Denmark (IS) Registry. Daya Gemilang, 155/96 – tug. By C.H.Logistics Pte.Ltd. to Danamon Marine Services Pte.Ltd, Singapore and renamed Sunter. Everest, (Honeweg – 84), 290/60 – tug, By Michael Gigilines Shipping Co. To Salvage Tugs of Crete Christos XVII Shipping Co. Both Greece and renamed Christos XVIII Goliath Thy (Thy – 96), 142/81 – tug, By A/S Zvitzer Denmark to Hansa Liisingu Ltd, Estonia and renamed Odin II Hermes, (Bugsier 8 – 77), 358/76 – tug. Has been renamed Luna A by Bugsier Reederei-und Bergungs-GmbH & Co, Germany and transferred to Denmark Registry. Kimtrans Daisy, (RDC Daisy – 02), 152/00 – tug. By RDC Marine Pte.Ltd. to Pancon Shipping & Marine Services Pte.Ltd. both Singapore and renamed Pancon 6 Lancilotto, (Lancelot Ranger – 91, Svitzer Garm – 90), 944/78 – offshore tug/supply. By Rimorchiatori Sardi SpA, Portugal (MAR) to Augustea Imprese Marittime e di Salvataggi SpA, Italy and renamed Marzamemi Lary G Dahl, (LT-20900, 229/54 – TUG. By Turbo Service International, UK to The Govenment of Bermuda (Department of Marine & Ports Services) Bermuda and renamed Edward M.Stowe Laurentian, (Labrador Horizon – 01, Simon Labrador – 98, Seaway Labrador – 91) 3375/83 – offshore supply. By Seismic Exploration International to Standraven Ltd. Both Bahamas and renamed CGG Laurentian Maiden Castle, (Conor – 01, Problet – 95), 276/74 – tug. By Portland Port Ltd, to Somara Sarl, both UK and renamed Massai Odin II, (Goliath Thy – 03, Thy – 96), 142/81 – tug. By Hansa Liisingu Ltd. Estonia to Hanstholm Bugserservice A/S Denmark (DIS) and renamed Odin Smit Bison, (DH Alpha – 03), 160/93 – tug. By Smit Singapore Pte.Ltd. St.Vincent and the Grenadines to Marine Co.Ltd, UK and renamed Marineco Raksha. Fairmount Alpine Fairmount Alpine is de naam van de 3e door Fairmount bestelde sleepboot, voor Fairmount Marine BV. De oplevering van deze sleepbot is mei 2006.
Vroon Vroon BV nam op 16 juli 2004 Seaworx over van SvitzerWijsmuller en is voor 100% eigenaar. Het beheer ging naar Telco Marine BV te Den Helder. Per 1 oktober 2004 zijn alle offshore activiteiten van Vroon BV onder gebracht in Vroon Offshore Services BV te Den Helder. Daarin zijn ook onderebracht Telco Marine BV en de dit jaar overgenomen Seaworx BV die vanaf 23 juli 2004 onder Telco Marine BV viel.
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6e jaargang, nr. 2 dd. 11 January 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Foutje bedankt Lawrence Amboldt melde dat hij een fout had ontdekt in de eerste Nieuwsbrief. Hij kwam dan ook terug met de volgende gegevens. De GOLIATH THY was niet als 'Thy' gebouwd maar als TYR voor Det Forenede Bugserselskab te Kopenhagen. Bij Hanstholm Bugerservice heet zij ODIN (ex. Odin II04, ex. Goliath Thy-03, ex. Tyr-96). Uit 'Marine News' zijn dus de foute gegevens overgenomen. Lawrence bedankt.
Schieborg All 15 crew rescued from the burning ship SCHIEBORG in the north sea. At 16.40 yesterday the Dutch ro/ro vessel SCHIEBORG issued a mayday via Lyngby radio. SCHIEBORG was burning out of control and the crew was unable to gain control of the fire. The captain chose to evacuate the ship and all 15 crew went into the ships lifeboat. Rescue helicopters was at the scene but was only on standby because of the extremely bad weather conditions. The rescus vessels Nordsøen and Emilie Robin was sent out from Esbjerg and Hvide Sande and two Esvagt vessels, Esvagt Gamma and Esvagt Omega was directed to the scene and Esvagt Gamma was able to recover the 15 crew from their lifeboat. The crew was then transferred to Esvagt Omega which sailed to Esbjerg where the the crew was brought to the the local hopital for treatment. A Svitzer-Wijsmuller salvage team was sent to the scene with a rescue helicopter to assist Esvagt Gamma in making towage connection with SCHIEBORG, this was however not necessary as while enroute the Esvagt Gamma despite the gale force winds and high seas, was able to connect up to the drifting and abandoned SCHIEBORG, and is now proceding towards Esbjerg. (Bron: Martin Kristiansen)
Towboat Goes Over Dam; 3 Dead 1/10/05 9:44:26 AM Investigators from Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Pittsburgh are responding to an overturned towboat in the Ohio River, near the town of Industry. The Coast Guard was notified at 3 a.m. that the M/V Elizabeth M and three of the vessel's six loaded coal barges went over the dam and sank downriver from the Montgomery Lock, near mile marker 31 on the Ohio River. Local agencies and crewmen from several nearby towboats, including the Rocket, Sandy Drake, and Lillian G responded to the overturned vessel. Three victims were recovered at the scene. Three survivors were rescued and transported to Beaver Valley Medical Center and Aliquippa Hospital. One crewmember remains missing. Names of all crewmembers are being withheld, pending notification of family members. The remaining three barges sank above the dam. A safety zone is in effect from mile marker 31 to 36 on the Ohio River. An investigation is ongoing. Plans are being developed to recover the sunken towboat and barges. The Elizabeth M is owned by Campbell Transportation of Charleroi
Socarenam SOCARENAM zal begin januari vier doppelschroef sleepboten overdragen aan de Franse Marine. Op de bouwplaten van alle vier sleepboten staat als bouwjaar 2004. De Morse (Y 770), Otarie (Y771) en Loutre (Y772) zijn bestemd voor Toulon en de Phoque (Y773) zal naar Cherbourg gaan. 15m55 x 6m40 2m10, 2xBaudouin totaal 800 apk, paaltrek 10 ton. In januari werd het eerste casco uit Polen te Bonen, voor een serie van vijf duwboten, verwacht die de Compagnie Fluviale de Transport (CFT) bij SOCARENAM in opdracht heeft gegeven. De CFT heeft in Nederland ook de duwboot Scaldis (ex. Crismar-01) aangekocht. Een nieuw naam is op dit moment niet bekend en ze was eind 2004 nog niet aan CFT overgedragen. De overdracht zal wel begin dit jaar gebeuren. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Havenbestuur Anjouan De OLÉRON en de NOIRMOUTIER zullen in januari 2005 aan het havenbestuur van Anjouan in de Comoren verkocht worden. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Les Abeilles Les Abeilles Dunkerque heeft de Honco van Remolques Unidos, Santander aangekocht, 358 brt, 2002 gebouwd ,55 ton paaltrek, 4400 apk volgens verkoper, 4054 apk volgens BV. De sleepboot J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
werd tegen eind januari te Duinkerken verwacht. Ze zal de Indrepide vervangen, die voor het werk in de kleinere dokken te groot is. Volgens de bemanningen in Duinkerken zal de INTRÉPIDE in maart weer naar SURF gaan, wat ook een onderdeel is van de Bourbon Groep, net zo als Les Abeilles. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Hepworth Bij de Engelse scheepswerf Hepworth te Paull (bij Hull) is een zusterschip van de vorig jaar opgeleverde AFON ALAW (2600apk, paaltrek 35 t) voor HolyheadTowing Co. Ltd. in aanbouw, met oplevering tijdens de lente. De AFON ALAW is overigens onlangs naar de Kaspische Zee vertrokken om daar voor de olie industrie te gaan werken. Mogelijk zal haar zusje hetzelfde doen. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
St. Lawrence Seaway Closes 1/06 The St. Lawrence Seaway officially closed for the season on December 30, 2004, with the passage of the McKeil Marine integrated tug and barge, McCleary’s Spirit, through the St. Lambert Lock at 5:51 a.m. in the Montreal/Lake Ontario section. The Seaway opened its 46th shipping season on March 25 and remained open for 281 days in 2004. The Welland Canal section closed at 5:19 p.m. on December 31, with the transit of the Canada Steamship Lines vessel CSL Niagara. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Solstad Offshore and DOF establish joint company in Far East Solstad Offshore ASA and DOF ASA (DOF) have decided to expand their cooperation, and will join forces in the Far East offshore market, together with Nortrans Pte Ltd. (Nortrans) of Singapore. According to a recent statement, a jointly owned company under the working name of NOR Offshore Pte Ltd will be established, to be owned one third each by the parties. The JV will have its main office in Singapore and it is now recruiting senior personnel.
Semco and Fairmount form OneAllianz A major new force in the long haul ocean towage market has been established by Fairmount Marine BV, of The Netherlands, and Singapore-based Semco Salvage & Marine Pte Ltd. With immediate effect, the two companies' ocean towage fleets and expertise have been pooled in 'OneAllianz.' The objective is to offer clients in the offshore and other sectors access to a fleet of tug newbuildings specially equipped for long range, high value towage. The pool can be further expanded to include other partners with similar new tugs, so further enhancing OneAllianz resources. In due course, the OneAllianz pool, operating commercially from Singapore and Rotterdam, will consist of seven powerful newbuild anchor handling/salvage/long haul towing vessels.
Broker provides update on North Sea supply vessel market Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd (OSL) says the sport market in the North Sea continues to improve, and November was undoubtedly the best month of 2004, with rates for PSV fixtures reaching record levels and AHTS rates equally buoyant. The company said November got off to a good start continuing on from the tight market seen during October with rates fluctuating around the £15,000-£20,000 level. By the middle ofthe month however things had tightened even further with rates now reaching and exceeding the £40,000 level. December started well, but by the end of the first week rate levels had fallen considerably to around the £7500 level. This situation lasted for several days until availability tightened once again and rates started to climb. Rates then rose to hit the £50,000 level for rig moves. OSL said it expects things to remain reasonably tight into January. "Confidence is also beginning to grown in the term market with rates for recent term charters now beginning to creep up in response topredicted activity," said OSL. "Requirements commencing during the summer months of 2005 are attracting an additional premium due to the expected limited availability."
Farstad awards contracts for newbuilds Farstad Shipping in Norway has placed orders for the vessels it requires following its Letter of Intent awarded by Norsk Hydro regarding long-term chartering of three (PSVs). Two of the contracts require newbuildings. Farstad Shipping has, through its subsidiary Farstad Supply AS, reached an agreement with Aker Brattvåg AS for the construction of two UT 715E PSVs for delivery in May and October 2006. The contracts with the yard are conditional on the contracts with Norsk Hydro.
Aker Yards confirms receipt of new contracts Aker Brattvaag AS has confirmed that it has secured a contract from Farstad Supply AS for two UT751 E PSVs. The yard said the vessels are scheduled for delivery from Søviknes Verft in May and September 2006. The UT 751 Es, designed by Rolls-Royce Marine, will have a length of 93m, a beam of 21m and will be equipped with innovative technology and have particularly high cargo capacities.
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Aker Yards to build PSV for Olympic Shipping Aker Brevik AS has been awarded a contract by Olympic Kombiskip KS, in Fosnavåg, Norway, to build a UT 755LN PSV. This is the seventh contract between the Olympic Shipping group and Aker Yards. Aker Brevik AS will deliver five ships of this type in 2005. The hull for the ship will be built at Aker Brevik's subsidiary in Romania, Aker Braila, and the delivery of the vessel is scheduled for midSeptember 2005.
NorSkan orders another AHTS Aker Promar, the Brazilian arm of Aker Brattvaag AS, has been awarded a contract worth approximately US$45.9 million by NorSkan Offshore Ltda, Brazil, to build a UT722L AHTS. Delivery from Aker Promar is scheduled for June 2006.
IOS acquires Lady Sandra International Offshore Services ANS (IOS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Farstad Shipping ASA, has declared its option with DOF to purchase the anchor handling vessel Lady Sandra. The vessel, a KMAR 404, has been bareboat chartered by IOS since it was delivered in 1998, and has operated in the Far East/Australia since delivery. It is currently working for Shell in Malaysia. IOS will take over the ship in August 2005.
Bharati wins supply ships India’s Bharati Shipyard has added two more ships to its orderbook in a deal with France's Groupe Bourbon. The bulker and offshore shipowner has ordered two $8m multipurpose supply vessels for delivery in June and September 2006. The export deal for Bourbon’s Surf unit is eligible for a 30% subsidy. Bharati recently executed a successful initial public offering of its shares. It is building ships for Great Eastern and Q Ship. Bourbon is also building an offshore vessel at the Ulstein yard in Norway.
Smit Anambas De Italiaanse sleepboot Letojanni, met de Smit Anambas op sleeptouw, heeft op 29 december zuid west van Kaap Finisterre haar sleepdraad gebroken. De sleepboot heeft kans gezien de nooddraad van de Smit Anambas op te pikken. Afgelopen woensdag is het transport Falmouth binnen gelopen om het sleepgerei weer op orde te brengen. De Letojanni heeft donderdag het transport verlaten om een andere sleepreis te gaan uitvoeren vanuit Le Trait – Frankrijk. De Italiaanse sleepboot rederij heeft de Kooren sleepboot ZP Montelena gecontracteerd om de Smit Anambas naar Rotterdam te slepen. Het transport zal waarschijnlijk dit weekend de Waterweg binnenkomen. Jammer voor de sleepboot liefhebbers die graag een plaatje wilde schieten van de Letojanni. In iedergeval houden we u op de hoogte van de aankomst van de Smit Anambas, voor de eerste keer in Rotterdam (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 3 dd. 16 January 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. BP Tugs De BP sleepboten te Coryton zullen door het Schotse Targe Towing worden beheerd. De eerste sleepboot, de Stanford, zal op 1 maart te Rotterdam door Damen worden afgeleverd. De Castle Point zal op 15 maart volgen en de Corrngham op 1 juni. Alle sleepboten zijn ASD 3211, 2xMaK 6M25, totaal 5300 apk, 2x Aquamaster, 32m22 x 11m70 x 5m30, brt 385t, paaltrek 70 t. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Chambon President Marine in Singapore heeft in december een Robert Allan ASD opgeleverd aan Compagnie Maritime Chambon, Marseille. De Kaori gaat havendiensten verrichten te Nouméa en zal daar een van de vier sleepboten van Chambon gaan vervangen. De afmetingen van de Kaori zijn 23m80 x 11m00 x 4m18, 2x Caterpillar 3512B elk 1305 kW, totaal 3546 apk, 2 x Schottel SRP 1010FP. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Boluda Bij Union Naval de Levante is de V. B. Tamaulifas van stapel gelopen, de eerste van drie voor Boluda van hetzelfde Robert Allan type als de Kaori, maar met sterkere motoren, eveneens Caterpillar. Union Naval de Levante bouwt ook drie sleepboten van dit type voor Brazilië. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Adsteam De Collingwood van Adsteam is verhuisd van Liverpool naar Grimsby. De nieuwe Adsteam Ferriby, gebouwd door Damen in China, zal de komende dagen op een schip worden gezet en in maart op de Humber woden verwacht. De Ganges, sinds 2003 te Grimsby, zou verkocht zijn, maar dat is niet bevestigd. De Gurrong gaat van de Thames naar de Medway en zal worden hernoemt in Adsteam Victory (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Abeille The first of the new salvage tugs for les Abeilles, the Abeille Bourbon, is expected to be delivered in February and to go on station at Brest in March. She is to be named by Mme Chirac. Her sister, the Abeille Liberte, will follow in July and she is to be based at Cherbourg. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Texas Crew Rescued From Burning Tugboat Publication date: 2005-01-10 A four-man crew has been rescued from a burning tugboat in the Intracoastal Waterway near Port Isabel, Texas, the Coast Guard reported Monday. The tugboat Wally Blessey was pushing a barge loaded with lube oil when a fire broke out in the engine room just before it passed under the Queen Isabella Causeway late Sunday night. The tug's captain notified the Coast Guard at South Padre Island and two 27-foot rescue boats safely pulled the crew from the burning vessel within 12 minutes. The barge was disconnected and towed away by another tugboat. The Intracoastal Waterway was closed to traffic until about 3:45 a.m. Monday, the Coast guard said. The Coast Guard Marine Safety Satellite Office at Brownsville is investigating the incident. (Source: United Press International)
Ohio River Remains Too Rough to Remove Sunken Tug From Dam Publication date: 2005-01-11 PITTSBURGH - The Ohio River was a raging muddy brown, flowing high and fast early Sunday morning when strong currents pushed the Elizabeth M. and its six barges of coal over a dam, leaving three of its seven crew members dead and one missing Monday. Despite the conditions, the U.S. Coast Guard apparently didn't believe it necessary to shut the Ohio. The river was closed for several miles around the scene after the accident and remained closed to most traffic Monday. Lt. Michael Anderson, chief of port operations for Pittsburgh, said the Coast Guard has opened an investigation into the accident. But, he said, "in most cases, just because we have high water doesn't mean we close down the river. There are commercial industries at stake." If high water, ice or debris is present, Anderson said, the Coast Guard generally meets with the Army Corps of Engineers and industry officials to determine whether to close the rivers. "Our industry folk generally
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have a handle on when the river is too high," Anderson said. But Richard Block, secretary of Gulf Coast Mariners Association, which represents mariners, said that without such closures, the decision to operate is essentially left to pilots, with frequent pressure from tow operators. The Coast Guard is "good at closing the barn door after the cow leaves," Block said. "They are reactive rather than proactive. ... They really don't have all that much experience on the river doing what commercial towboat people do." Anderson declined to speculate on whether the Ohio should have been closed, citing the ongoing investigation. He said, however, that the Elizabeth M. crash likely will factor into future closure decisions. The pilot of the Elizabeth M. had successfully gone through the lock at the Montgomery Island Dam to move from one river section to another shortly before 2:30 a.m. when strong currents began sweeping the towboat and barges toward the dam, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Because some of the crew were believed to be on the barges, the pilot separated from the barges to try to swing around and push them from another downstream angle, officials said. But the current pushed the boat and barges into the dam, with the boat and three barges going through, they said. Autopsies indicated that the deceased crew members - Scott Stewart, 36, of Wheeling, W.Va.; Tom Fisher, 25, of Latrobe, Pa.; and Edward Crevda, 22, of West Brownsville, Pa. all drowned, Beaver County chief deputy coroner Renea Esoldo said. The Ohio remained too rough Monday to remove the Elizabeth M., where the seventh crew member was believed to be trapped, from its resting place at the base of the dam and the six barges. Campbell Transportation Co. Inc. of Charleroi, which owned the towboat, hired a contractor to find the barges and was developing a recovery plan, Coast Guard Lt. j.g. Justin Covert said. Campbell Transportation didn't return messages Monday. Despite danger being as close as the waters on which coal, steel, grain and other freight are transported, such accidents are rare, officials of the mariners group and a waterways operators' group said. Fatalities have generally declined over the past seven years, said Anne Davis Burns of the American Waterways Operators, a barge, tug and tow industry group in Arlington, Va. From 1994 to 2003, the latest year for which figures are available, the industry recorded 164 deaths, according to the group. While comparisons with rail and trucking are difficult, "we have always maintained that we are the safest mode of freight transportation," she said. Still, Block said, the industry should be safer. He said a lack of unionization among the work force leads to risk-taking. "Sometimes [mariners] will be encouraged, enticed or simply told, 'Well, if you don't do it, we'll find someone who can.' And since most of these guys are without union representation, that can happen," Block said. According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, about 15 percent of all U.S. freight is shipped by barge. Some 30,000 people work in the industry, which ships an average of 806 million tons annually, an increase from the early to mid 1990s, the American Waterways Operators said. (Source: Charleston Gazette)
Tugboat Sinks, Killing Three People: ; W.Va. Man Among Those Killed in Accident Publication date: 2005-01-10 Arrival time: 2005-01-11 INDUSTRY, Pa. - A tugboat and the six barges of coal it was pushing sank after being swept over a dam spillway on the rain- swollen Ohio River, killing three crew members, including a West Virginia resident. Another person was missing and believed to be aboard the sunken boat. The accident happened shortly after 2:30 a.m. Sunday when the M/ V Elizabeth M was going through the Montgomery Island Dam. The boat was pushing six coal barges, according to a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard. Officials believe the tug operator may have tried to swing the boat around to help crew members who were aboard barges when the current swept the vessels into the dam. When that happened, the barges likely pushed the boat through the dam, said Richard Lockwood, chief of operations of the Pittsburgh District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and John Anderson, the lockmaster. Boats use locks to travel between different sections, or pools, of the river that have different water levels. Had the M/V Elizabeth M not been swept into the dam after it left the lock, it would have continued up the river to its destination. "I would say the whole thing didn't take five minutes until he was through the dam," Anderson said. The water in the area normally flows at about 3 to 4 miles per hour, but was going about 10 to 15 miles per hour because of recent rains and flooding, he said. The tug was headed north when the accident happened, said Thomas Llewellyn, the fire chief in Industry, about 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. The tug sunk in the churning water just below the dam; three of the barges sank downriver from the dam, while the other three barges sank above the dam. "The worst thing was, you could see two people in the boat screaming for help," over the rush of the water, said Chuck Ward, assistant fire chief, who was among the first at the scene. But the rushing waters were too dangerous for the fire crews on land to enter, he said. Several tow boats that were nearby were able to get close to the boat and helped in the recovery. Don Grimm, president of tug owner Campbell Transportation Co. Inc. of Charleroi, said he didn't know exactly what happened. "He was shoving out of Montgomery lock and dam and something happened - we have no idea - and the boat went over the dam," Grimm said. "We're concerned about the crew members and their families right now." Beaver County chief deputy coroner Renea Esoldo said Scott Stewart, 36, of Wheeling, W.Va., and Tom Fisher, 25, of Latrobe, were both pronounced dead at the scene, and Edward Crevda, 22, of West Brownsville, was pronounced dead at the Medical Center, Beaver. Autopsies were being performed Sunday night.
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Two crew members were treated at the Medical Center, Beaver and released Sunday, a spokesman said. The Coast Guard said survivors were also taken to Aliquippa Community Hospital, but the hospital said no one was admitted. Officials said they believed the seventh crew member was still on the ship, but they wouldn't be able to be sure until the waters recede somewhat, and an attempt to reach the sunken vessel was expected today. The Coast Guard has restricted traffic along five miles of the Ohio River near the dam. About a dozen onlookers gathered at the scene Sunday afternoon. One of the barges was partly visible in the water, though the other five were completely submerged. Andrew Harman, a tow boat captain on another ship, said he knew a pilot who worked on the boat, but said he doesn't know what happened to the man. "The only thing sticking out of the water right now is the pilot house," said Harman, of East Liverpool, adding that the boat was about 110 feet long and 26 feet wide. Harman said he's been through the lock many times himself in the past, and that recent rains and flooding have made the river dangerous. "There's most definitely a strong current," he said. (Source: Charleston Daily Mail)
3 Torch Offshore ships seized Creditors say firm's payments overdue Friday, December 31, 2004 In actions Torch Offshore Inc. executives say could hinder the company's ability to operate, federal agents have seized three of Torch's vessels, including its $109 million flagship vessel, the Midnight Express. In a filing submitted to the federal Securities and Exchange Commission after the stock markets closed Wednesday, the offshore services company based in Gretna revealed that two creditors prompted the vessel seizures by claiming Torch failed to fulfill financial obligations, including failing to make a payment required by a $14.5 million loan agreement with General Electric Capital Corp. Torch revealed that it has been hit with a series of lawsuits from other creditors, which are beginning to circle the company. Torch's already battered stock hit a 52-week low of $1.10 Thursday before rebounding to close down 38 cents, or 24 percent, at $1.21. The year has hardly been bountiful for investors who put money into Torch. The company's shares have declined from a high of $6.37 in January and have provided investors a one-year return of negative 78 percent. Torch's disclosure centered on two key creditors: GE Capital, which has provided loan financing for Torch, and C-Mar America Inc., which has provided maritime workers. According to Torch, GE Capital told Torch this month that the company had defaulted on a loan by failing to make a quarterly payment due Dec. 17. The default has produced a cascade of negative effects. Most dramatically, on GE Capital's behalf, federal agents seized Torch's Midnight Wrangler, a vessel capable of laying pipe in deep water. Torch said it has tried to get the ship back but isn't sure whether it will be able to do so. In addition, the default means Torch will have to pay a significantly higher interest rate to GE Capital. Before Torch failed to meet its obligations, its interest rate under the loan agreement was a variable rate of approximately 7.4 percent. Because of the default, the interest rate will now be at least 18 percent. Also, Torch said, the default triggered another default under a separate $7.4 million loan agreement with GE Capital and could "trigger defaults under other loan agreements." "As a result of the foregoing matters, the company may not have sufficient funds to finance its operations in the near future and thereafter," Torch said. The Midnight Wrangler was not the only ship seized -- or "arrested," in Torch's words -- by federal agents on behalf of creditors. Marshals also seized the Midnight Eagle and the Midnight Express, the pipe-laying ship that company founder and Chief Executive Lyle Stockstill has billed as a state-of-the-art vessel that will carry Torch into a prosperous future. Those vessels were seized at the request of C-Mar, which Torch spokesman Bradley Lowe said had provided maritime workers to Torch. C-Mar prompted the seizures by filing lawsuits in federal court in Louisiana and Texas, Torch said. It is unclear how much money it owes C-Mar. "We're not disclosing that number," Lowe said. Another vendor has joined the C-Mar suit, saying Torch has failed to satisfy debts to that firm as well, Torch said. Without ships, Torch is in trouble. "Failure to have the vessels released could have a material adverse effect on the company's ability to continue its operations and may result in further defaults being declared under the loan agreements for which those vessels serve as collateral," Torch said. Torch reported that still others claiming to be owed money have come forward with their own lawsuits: -- On Dec. 17, Adams Vessels (Bilbao) Ltd. sued Torch in U.S. District Court in New York for alleged breach of a June 4 settlement concerning Torch's Midnight Arrow vessel. -- On Dec. 21, Cable Shipping, Inc. filed suit against Torch in federal district court in New Orleans seeking to enforce a $4.1 million settlement which was to be paid Nov. 19. Torch's announcement came less than a week after the firm named David Phelps of Bridge Associates LLC as its chief restructuring advisor in charge of helping to turn the company around. Torch described bankruptcy protection as just one of its options. A Chapter 11 petition would allow the company to continue operating while it reorganized its finances. "The company is exploring its strategic options, which may include seeking protection under the federal bankruptcy code, in conjunction with its ongoing discussions with lenders and other parties to restructure its debt and other obligations," Torch said. (Bron: Stewart Yerton)
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Positions CTA SmitWijs Singapore: At Willemstad/Curacao, maintenance/repairs, Etd: 15/01. Next: Towage of Jack-up rig "Ensco 76" from Trinidad to Brownsville/Sabine Pass., Etd: 19 - 21/01. Towage of barge H851, loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd: 05/02. (together with SW Rotterdam). SmitWijs London: Towing container-vessel "Lloydiana" from Colombo to Singapore, Eta: 16/01. As from 15/09 on charter to Saipem for towage of barge S-45, loaded with Yoho-deck from Pasir Gudang to Nigeria, v.v., Etd.: July. Next: Towage of Semi-sub. rig "Santa Fe Development Driller II" from Singapore to US-Gulf, Etd.: 15/02. SmitWijs Rotterdam: Towing of barge "H-851" (ballast) from Rotterdam to Corpus Christi, Eta: 1416/01. Presently dodging off Corpus Christi awaiting final arrival ops. Next: Towage of barge "H-851", loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd.: 05/02. (together with SW Singapore) Wolraad Woltemade: Towing of Sanha FPSO, from Japan to Angola, Eta Cape Town: 08/02. (Together with De Da). De Da: Towing of "Sanha" FPSO, see Wolraad Woltemade. SmitWijs Tempest: T/C Mc. Dermott Middle East. SmitWijs Typhoon: As from 04/01 T/C Mc. Dermott Far East, Jan * Nov 2005. Waker: On charter for the Dutch Government. (Bron: SmitWys Arie Duifjes)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 4 dd. 23 January 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit orders new tugs Smit Transport and Heavy Lift in Rotterdam have ordered 3 new tugs from the IHC Delta yard , the tugs will have a length of 25,4 mtr, a beam of 10.0 mtr and a maximum draft of 2.70 mtr , 2 ships will have a fixed wheelhouse 1 one will have a movable wheelhouse. As reported above SMIT Transport ordered 3 new 350 ton Multi Purpose Pusher Tugs from the IHC Deltayard, the vessels will have a length of 25.65 mtr , beam of 10.0 mtr and are powered by 2 x 1003 hp engines, for a bollard pull of 25 ton, the maximum speed will be 11 knots, the vessel will be getting a class Bureau Veritas I 3/3 E notation for the trading in Coastal waters upto 200 miles. Further details are : Bunker capacity : 60 m3 Potable water : 30 m3 Towing/Anchor winch : 2 drums line pull 50 tons each Crane : 140 tons/m Stoppers : Karmoy stopper and pins The vessels will have accommodation for 6 persons divided in 2 double and 2 single cabins. (Bron: Smit Transport Europe
Ulstein books another Norwegian yard Ulstein Verft has signed a contract with domestic owner Island Offshore to build a large Ulstein P101 multifunctional platform supply vessel, a new design. It is costing NOK 290m ($46.31m), bringing the yard’s order reserve to NOK 1.6bn. Island Pioneer, as the vessel will be named, is to be delivered at the end of March 2006. The hull is being built by Maritim in Poland, while the superstructure is being built at Ulstein Verft’s division in Vanylven. Ullsteinvik-based Island Offshore has another supply ship on order at Ulstein, ordered last year.
New vessel for Swissco The new Swissco Sky" which will be delivered at the end of January 2005 to Swissco Singapore , a sistership will be delivered later this year.
Hijacked tug and tow found, but crew missing. A tug and the barge it was towing through South East Asian Waters when it was hijacked by pirates has been recovered but the crew are still missing and investigators are fearing for their safety. Acting upon information provided by ICC’s International Maritime Bureau (IMB) and the ship owners, Malaysian authorities located and boarded the hijacked Indonesian tug Christian and the barge Flora on January 8. IMB Director Pottengal Mukundan said: “Confidential intelligence from the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre resulted in the recovery of the hijacked tug and barge at Tawau in East Malaysia. As part of this operation, the Royal Malaysian Police have detained three pirates and another individual has been taken into custody. Unfortunately, at this time all nine crew members are still missing.” The tug was towing the barge from the Philippines to Kota Baru, Banjarmasin in Indonesia. The last communication the owners had with the tug was on December 14 when the tug was in position lat. 05:34 north and long. 119:22 east. The Royal Malaysian Marine Police discovered the two vessels, operating under the false identities Hita and FL2 and flying the Belize flag. At the time of seizure, the vessels were at a local shipyard where staff had been instructed to change the names of the vessels by altering the lettering of their original names. Captain Mukundan stated: “We congratulate the Malaysian authorities on the prompt and decisive action taken to recover these stolen vessels. IMB is pleased that the Piracy Reporting Centre could play a key role in their recovery.”
Harms orders 'super tugs' Fairplay (www.fairplay.co.uk) reports that Harms Bergung Transport and Heavylift has ordered two high-sea salvage tugs, believed to be the most powerful tugs ever operated by a German owner. The multifunction vessels, which are designed for long-distance towage and offshore work, are enlarged versions of the 120 tonne pulling Primus, which the company received just last month. Fairplay reports that, like Primus, the new 15,000kW tugs will have a twin propulsion system acting on two propellers in nozzles. Their bollard pull should reach at least 180 tonnes. The tugs, which are to be named Magnus and Taurus, are scheduled for delivery by Mützelfeldtwerft in Cuxhaven in August and November 2006. (Bron: Fairplay via Leo Kramer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Smit overweegt op termijn verkoop divisie Heavy Lift AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Smit Internationale overweegt op termijn zijn divisie Transport & Heavy Lift te verkopen om daarmee een grote aankoop voor het onderdeel Havensleepdiensten te bekostigen. Dat zegt Ben Vree (50), bestuursvoorzitter van Smit Internationale in een interview met ANP-Reuters. Vree stelt dat aandeelhouders op termijn beter gediend zijn bij een focus van zijn bedrijf op de divisies Havensleepdiensten en Terminals, omdat de voorspelbaarheid en stabiliteit van deze activiteiten hoog is. De divisie Transport & Heavy Lift, die ondermeer zwaar transport over water verzorgt, heeft echter een cyclisch karakter. Vree: "Het zou dus mogelijk zijn dat we het tafelzilver verkopen om ons te versterken in stabielere activiteiten. Daarmee kopen we voorspelbaarheid. Let wel, het is een optie op termijn. Momenteel staat er niets in de etalage. Dat gebeurt dit jaar ook niet." Vree gaf eerder al aan dat hij op zoek is naar overnames voor zijn divisie Havensleepdiensten. Hij voerde hiertoe in het afgelopen jaar onderhandelingen, maar deze zijn op niets uitgelopen. "Meestal kwam dat omdat de prijs te hoog was", aldus de bestuurder. Momenteel spreekt Smit nog steeds met verschillende overnamekandidaten. De voorkeur van Vree gaat uit naar bedrijven in Latijns-Amerika en Azie. "Dan moet je denken aan landen zoals Chili, Venezuela en Brazilie. Of in Azie aan Hongkong en Shanghai, waar we nog niet vertegenwoordigd zijn." Vree wil daarbij meerderheidsbelangen vergaren in joint ventures of bedrijven volledig overnemen. Vree, die in mei 2002 aantrad als hoogste baas binnen Smit, wil voor het einde van dit jaar zijn eerste overname aankondigen binnen Havensleepdiensten. "Binnen drie tot vier jaar moeten dat er een paar zijn. Over vier tot vijf jaar moet alles op de rit staan", zegt hij. In het uitbouwen van belangen in bestaande joint ventures heeft Vree minder interesse. Smit heeft zulke samenwerkingsverbanden in Belgie, Mexico en Singapore en de topman is daarmee tevreden. De bestuursvoorzitter denkt niet dat er geemitteerd moet worden om kleinere overnames te bekostigen. "Met eigen middelen en bankleningen komen we een heel eind." Dat Smit naar dat middel grijpt indien zich grotere vissen aandienen, sluit de CEO echter niet uit. Nu het financiele jaar 2004 is afgesloten, is Smit druk aan het rekenen hoeveel nettowinst dit jaar gerapporteerd kan worden. Op 17 maart presenteert het bedrijf de jaarcijfers. Vree houdt vast aan de eerder gegeven winstprognose van eur 21 mln. In 2005 voorziet hij qua autonome ontwikkeling een stabiel jaar bij de divisies Havensleepdiensten en Terminals, Berging noemt hij onvoorspelbaar en Transport & Heavy Lift cyclisch. "Bij de laatste divisies hebben we enkele grote orders in de pijplijn", aldus de bestuurder. Vree sluit niet uit dat de vloedgolf die een deel van Azie trof, Smit werk oplevert. "Er is daar natuurlijk veel beschadigd. We zouden kunnen helpen met bijvoorbeeld hijswerk bij het aanleggen van steigers, waterleidingpijpen trekken van het land naar de zee of assistentie bij de bouw van bruggen." De bestuurder erkent wel dat er nog veel meer partijen in staat zijn tot het leveren van zulke werkzaamheden, wat dus concurrentie oplevert. Halverwege dit jaar verwacht Smit nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het onderzoek door de Europese Commissie naar ontvangen overheidsubsisies bij de divisie Havensleepdiensten. Een concurrent van Smit heeft hiertegen bezwaar aangetekend, waarna Smit met de Nederlandse overheid een schikking trof tot terugbetaling van hulpgelden ontvangen vanaf 1 juli 2001. Ergens midden dit jaar loopt de termijn af waarop de klager nog in hoger beroep kan gaan tegen het schikkingsvoorstel. Vree: "Dat schikkingsbedrag ligt klaar betaald te worden, er is een voorziening voor getroffen. Maar als de klager hoger beroep aantekent, kunnen we weer terug bij af zijn." Vree hoopt erop dat de schikking doorgang vindt. "Over de oorspronkelijke claim zei ik eerder dat bij betaling ervan 'het licht uit kan' bij Havensleepdiensten", aldus de CEO. Een ander onderzoek, door de NMa, naar prijsafspraken bij bergingswerkzaamheden, loopt ook nog steeds. "Ik heb er de laatste tijd niets meer over gehoord. Maar mijn advocaten wijzen erop dat zulke zaken veel tijd in beslag kunnen nemen. Over prijsafspraken ben ik helder: dat er hier en daar een 'dealtje' plaatsvindt, dat zal best. Maar grootschalige structurele zaken, dat kan niet. Ik laat dat ook weten aan onze mensen, zeg dat bij elke grote bijeenkomst die we hier hebben. Over de beursnotering van Smit is Vree nog steeds tevreden, hoewel hij toegeeft dat er weinig liquiditeit is in het aandeel en de notering geld kost. "Aan de andere kant zou het ook geld kosten om weer van de beurs af te gaan. Bovendien vinden klanten het een veilig idee dat er een waakhond is. Maar per definitie zit je er toch om geld uit te halen. Voor een 'klapper' van een overname, zou die mogelijkheid er dan ook zijn." (Bron: ANP-AFX via Leo Kramer)
Smit heavy lift not for sale SMIT International chief executive Ben Vree has denied media reports that the group is about to sell its transport and heavy lift division. “That is out of the question”, Vree said, adding that Smit’s strategy is to continue aiming for stability through development of the harbour towage and terminals divisions. Vree admitted that the results by the transport and heavy lift diversion are under pressure as a result of rising costs of security measures taken. However he stressed Smit would never economise on the well-being of its workers
Positions CTA
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SmitWijs Singapore: At Trinidad. Next: Towage of Jack-up rig "Ensco 76" from Trinidad to Brownsville/Sabine Pass., Etd: 20 - 21/01. Towage of barge H-851, loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd: 05/02. (together with SW Rotterdam). SmitWijs London: At Singapore. As from 15/09 on charter to Saipem for towage of barge S-45, loaded with Yoho-deck from Pasir Gudang to Nigeria, v.v., Etd.: July. Next: Towage of Semi-sub. rig "Santa Fe Development Driller II" from Singapore to US-Gulf, Etd.: 15/02 (on charter as from 07/02). SmitWijs Rotterdam: At Corpus Christi. Next: Towage of barge "H-851", loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd.: unknown, but on charter as from 05/02. (together with SW Singapore) Wolraad Woltemade: Towing of Sanha FPSO, from Japan to Angola, Eta Cape Town: 06/02. (Together with De Da). De Da: Towing of "Sanha" FPSO, see Wolraad Woltemade. SmitWijs Tempest: T/C Mc. Dermott Middle East. SmitWijs Typhoon: As from 04/01 T/C Mc. Dermott Far East, Jan * Nov 2005. Waker: On charter for the Dutch Government. (Bron: SmitWijs)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 5 dd. 30 January 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit Orca Afgelopen vrijdag, 28 januari 2005, is de Smit Orca overgedragen aan de Unie van Redding en Sleepdienst (URS). Momenteel is het vaartuig werkzaam aan de westkust van Afrika. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
Farstad cancels Brattvaag ships Monday, 24 January 2005 NORWEGIAN offshore support specialist Farstad Shipping has cancelled its contract for two vessels Aker Brattvaag AS. The move follows cancellation of a charter party between Norsk Hydro and Farstad Shipping after allegations were made that bidding procedures had been breached. According to an Aker press statement an agreed cancellation fee will be covered by Farstad Supply. It adds: “Aker Yards is already pursuing alternatives for these production slots, which are considered to be attractive in today’s market.” (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Police detains four, recovers missing tug and barge POLICE have detained four men and recovered the missing tug Christian and barge Flora, which were hijacked by pirates on Dec 14. International Maritime Bureau (IMB) director Capt Pottengal Mukundan said following a tip off, the tug and barge were recovered in Tawau, Sabah but the nine crewmen are still missing. The tug was towing the barge from the Philippines to Kota Baru, Banjarmasin in Indonesia when it was attacked. Police discovered the two vessels, operating under the false identities “Hita” and “FL2” and flying the Belize flag. At the time of seizure, the vessels were at a local shipyard where staff had been instructed to change the names of the vessels by altering the lettering of their original names. Capt Mukundan thanked the Malaysian police for their prompt and decisive action to recover these stolen vessels. According to statistics recorded by the Piracy Reporting Centre, during 2004 there were 23 incidents involving tugs and barges, including five hijackings by criminal gangs operating in Southeast Asia. In many of these attacks, master and crew were kidnapped and pirates demanded ransom for their release. (Bron: Shipping News)
Grounding corks Zeebrugge Local tugs freed the 103,000-dwt Minerva Eleonora (built 2004) this afternoon from a sandbank outside Zeebrugge. Local Belgian media report that two Unie van Reddings- en Sleepdiensten (URS) vessels pulled the fully-laded crude carrier off the sand early this afternoon. Operations to relieve the grounding this morning had blocked traffic inbound to the port. Minerva Marine has a young 25-ship fleet counting newbuildings, including 15 aframaxes. Minerva Eleonora was delivered last June by Samsung. (Bron: Shipping News)
Tug captain missing The US Coast Guard was scouring the lower Mississippi River this morning for any sign of a tugboat captain who went down with his vessel in the early morning hours near Destrahan, Louisiana. The Coast Guard said two crew members were able to scramble off the sinking 65-foot tug John 1:1 shortly before 2 a.m., but the captain did not. The vessel went down near mile marker 120, about four miles south of the I-310 bridge. Coast Guard Group New Orleans dispatched a rescue boat and a rescue helicopter. They were joined by local sheriff's crews which searched the nearby levee with no results. The Coast Guard has established a safety zone between mile markers 117 and 115 with a one-way traffic restriction (Bron: Shipping News)
Seabulk Offshore adds to fleet Seabulk International, Inc. announced that it had taken delivery of two newbuild vessels for its international offshore fleet -- the Seabulk Angra and Seabulk Advantage -- bringing to nine the number of new vessels added in the last two years. The Seabulk Angra is a 5,500-horsepower, 236foot UT-755L platform supply vessel built at the Promar shipyard outside Rio de Janeiro. It will join its sister vessel, the Seabulk Brasil, on a two-year time charter, with options, for Petrobras, the Brazilian national oil company, ferrying equipment and supplies to offshore drilling rigs in the Campos Basin. Offshore Brazil is a new market for Seabulk and a promising area for significant new offshore oil and gas discoveries. The Seabulk Advantage is a 4,800-horsepower, multi-purpose offshore supply
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vessel equipped with a four-point-mooring system and purchased from Jaya Shipbuilding & Marine, Pte. of Singapore. It will work offshore Angola on a five-year time charter, with options, for a major international oil company. Seabulk currently has five vessels working in Angola, which is fast becoming a major supplier of crude oil exports. Seabulk Offshore has two additional offshore vessels scheduled for delivery in 2005 and four in 2006. With operations in more than 25 countries, Seabulk Offshore is the largest subsidiary of Seabulk International, Inc., accounting for about half the company's total revenue. Seabulk Offshore's global fleet of 110 vessels serves customers in North and South America, West Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. (Bron: Shipping News)
Farstad orders at Simek Norway's Farstad Supply ASA has signed an order for an anchor-handling tug from compatriot shipbuilder Simek. Farstad Supply is a subsidiary of Alesund-based Farstad Shipping AS. The Flekkefjord-based yard will build a Rolls Royce-designed UT 712L model vessel for delivery in April 2006. No price has been announced. In an announcement the company says the order is a step in its renewal programme and should be viewed against the background of the recent sale of two older anchor-handlers. (Bron: Shipping News)
How salving the listing and burning ro-ro Schieborg and saving its crew became a race against time ON Saturday January 8 the 21,005 gross tons Dutch-owned Schieborg was struck by a huge wave during a violent storm 50 miles east of Esbjerg. The main impact was taken on the starboard quarter forward, resulting in damage to the upperworks. The Schieborg took on an extreme list of up to 60 degrees and shortly afterwards members of the crew reported fire at the stern. Wijsmuller Salvage obtained a Lloyd’s Form contract. An immediate response had already been launched, organised by Wijsmuller headquarters in Ijmuiden and Esvagt, another SvitzerWijsmuller Group company. The latter operates a fleet of offshore standby vessels. Wijsmuller and Esvagt had worked together on a number of salvage operations, including three in the past 12 months, and the emergency standby tugs Esvagt Omega and Esvagt Gamma headed for the scene to assist the Schieborg. The vessel is one of three sisterships trading between Gothenburg and Zeebrugge, primarily transporting paper reels. The Schieborg’s cargo comprised trailers and 40ft containers on the weather deck together with some containerised chemicals. The vessel was also laden with around 6,000 tonnes of containerised paper products. Wijsmuller Salvage managing director Daan Koornneef says a fast response was crucial. “While the roro still had power, the Schieborg had lost steering and was drifting at three knots towards the coast,” he recalls. “The weather was very bad and forecast to get worse. Our two tugs were around five hours from the casualty. “Meanwhile, our support team at Ijmuiden mobilised a salvage team and equipment to reinforce this first response. Our salvage and firefighting experts were soon on a plane to Esbjerg. “The first challenge was to rescue the Schieborg’s 15 crew, Dutch officers and ratings from the Philippines and Cape Verde. The standby tugs arrived at around midnight to find the casualty abandoned. Danish Coastguard helicopters had reached the scene, despite the Force 10 winds, but could not take off the crew due to the conditions and the violent rolling of the vessel. “At around 22.00 the master of the casualty had decided to use the boats. This must have been a difficult decision. The stern fire had spread rapidly, with flames reaching 20 m in height. “The lifeboats, the crew’s only immediate means of escape, were threatened as the fire began to creep forward. A lifeboat was launched from a height of 20 m as the Schieborg rolled violently in the big seas. Four of the crew suffered minor injuries in the evacuation and were subsequently treated at Esbjerg hospital.” The Esvagt Omega’s fast rescue craft picked up the crew. The crane-deployed craft, manned by a complement of four, transferred all 15 to their tug.Wijsmuller senior salvage master Bram Sperling and his team left Rotterdam Airport on board a chartered aircraft at 23.00 that Saturday. At 02.00, in Esvagt’s Esbjerg offices, they heard that the roro’s entire crew had been rescued. With this first objective achieved, Captain Sperling began to plan ahead. “This operation began before the crew left the Schieborg, as we kept in contact through the casualty’s owners and our tugs at the scene,” he says. “We knew this high-sided ro-ro would be very difficult to board in such hostile conditions. Time pressure was acute. Given the rate of drift, Schieborg would be aground in less than 12 hours unless a tow connection could be established.” As the Esvagt Omega completed the rescue the second standby tug sought to connect with the Schieborg. The attempt was frustrated by appalling sea conditions. During the early hours of January 9 the assistance of a coastguard helicopter was requested to land a four-man team on the ro-ro. The helicopter was on its way when news came that the Esvagt Gamma had succeeded in securing the casualty. A tow connection was made with the casualty just 10 miles off the coast. The aircraft returned to base. Subsequently, however, more information placed a question over the tow connection and Capt Sperling concluded that a small team should board the Schieborg as soon as possible. At around noon on Sunday two Wijsmuller salvage engineers and a gas expert boarded the coastguard helicopter and made for the casualty. At that point the Esvagt Gamma had been slow-towing the disabled ro-ro away from the coast at two knots for several hours. When the helicopter arrived over the casualty it was apparent J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
that the ro-ro was still burning fiercely. Winching down to the main deck forward, the team immediately reinforced the tow connection and attempted to go aft but ran into problems. It was impossible to move through the accommodation due to high carbon monoxide levels. At 15.50 the helicopter picked the team up and it landed back just after 16.30. The boarding party did bring some encouraging news. Before leaving the vessel the Schieborg’s crew had activated the main deck sprinkler system. This deck extended under the accommodation block and the crew’s actions had succeeded in preventing the spread of fire into this area. The team also reported localised fires still visible on the weather deck. With this in mind, arrangements continued to reinforce firefighting resources. Equipment was mobilised from Wijsmuller’s central salvage store at Ijmuiden. Items requested included a powerful, 1,200 cu m diesel-driven monitor. In addition, SvitzerWijsmuller’s firefighting tug Simson left Ijmuiden, joined the convoy and began firefighting and boundary cooling. Capt Sperling welcomed the news that the weather was expected to ease during Monday. On Sunday he and his team had started to investigate options for a safe haven for the ro-ro. Entry into Esbjerg had been considered and Capt Sperling and his team met port authority officials at 17.30 on Sunday. It became obvious, however, that Esbjerg, while offering the advantage of close proximity, might not be suitable. The concern was the port’s narrow entrance. The Schieborg’s rudder was reported stuck hard to starboard and the roro was difficult to control under tow. The casualty’s high sides had plenty of windage and Esbjerg’s narrow entrance channel is only 200 m wide, with the shallows posing unacceptable risks. The sea was also extremely rough, in the stormy weather. The alternative was to head around the northern end of Denmark. The convoy turned north but the Esvagt Gamma soon reported that the Schieborg was virtually uncontrollable. The ro-ro’s erratic behaviour was endangering the tow connection. By 19.00 there was no choice but to turn south and head into wind. Capt Sperling says: “There was plenty to think about at that stage. We could not remain in the open sea indefinitely. We needed another powerful tug as back-up and Ijmuiden mobilised Neftegas 57. This station tug left Land’s End on Sunday night, with an estimated time of arrival of early evening Tuesday. “Now our choice of safe haven was between the Helgoland Bight area and Eemshaven. The decision was taken at midnight. The casualty would be towed towards Eemshaven.” During the small hours of Monday discussions were in progress with the German and Dutch authorities. Capt Sperling favoured Eemshaven as it gave more room in the prevailing weather. “We had excellent co-operation from the authorities ashore,” he says. “By Tuesday clearance from both German and Dutch authorities had been obtained. The casualty was cleared by the North Sea Directorate to proceed to Eemshaven Pilot Station. “A first attempt at the channel entry was due to be made on January 12 but was postponed due to yet another deterioration in the weather. “After a successful entry on January 14 we were instructed to proceed to a holding area just two miles off Eemshaven. A port authority inspection confirmed our reports on the ro-ro’s condition. The Schieborg was then cleared to remain at the holding location. “Having had considerable experience of safe havens, I was impressed by Eemshaven and the positive attitude of the authorities working with us.” The fires had not been fully extinguished at the initial port entry stage and many, mainly involving paper reel containers, were still smouldering. The team of 11 firefighters and chemical specialists was still busy on board as final preparations were made for entry. Weather conditions, however, remained difficult. The Simson’s towline parted in the vicious northwesterly and it proved impossible to reconnect. Final preparations were completed by Wednesday. The salvage team had succeeded in securing the rudder amidships and a number of the vessel’s vital systems were brought on line. The Schieborg is a high-tech vessel and a senior engineer from the owner’s team gave valuable assistance in the engine room. Even so, Wednesday’s attempt at entry was frustrated by the weather. Force 9 conditions and the need for complete control over the casualty required more tug power. SvitzerWijsmuller’s large terminal tugs Fenja and Frigga arrived and connected at the stern, with the Esvagt Gamma at the bow and acting as steering tug. The Neftegas 57 acted as escort as the Schieborg came to the berth during the evening of Friday. The salvage team, wearing chemsuits and breathing apparatus throughout, continued to tackle fires in containers on the main deck. The last of the smouldering fires was extinguished a few days later. The casualty was safely redelivered and salvage services terminated on January 21. (Bron: Shipping News)
Barge Fire on Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal 1/25 An explosion onboard the EMC423 tank barge on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Wednesday evening (Jan. 20) has resulted in the presumed death of a crewmember and the closure of the waterway. The tank barge that exploded was carrying approximately 588 thousand gallons of Clarified Slurry Oil. This cargo is a byproduct of the oil refining process and is used to make fuel oils. It was loaded onto the barge at the Exxon Mobile Plant in Joilet, Ill., and was destined for the Ameropan Oil Corporation facility in Cicero, IL. The tank barge involved in the explosion is owned and operated by the Egan Marine Corporation. Egan Marine operates a small fleet of barges and towboats in Lemont, Ill. The Coast Guard Captain of the Port has closed the Chicago Sanitary and Ship canal between South Harlem Avenue Bridge and the South Pulaski Road Bridge to all vessel traffic. The canal will be reopened as soon as it has been determined that it is safe for vessel traffic and that opening the waterway will not adversely affect the ongoing clean up and salvage operation. Heritage Environmental Corporation has been contracted by Egan Marine to clean up the spill. The J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Coast Guard is working closely with Heritage Environmental, Egan Marine, and state and local agencies to mitigate any environmental impacts and ensure that the spill is contained and cleaned up efficiently. Marine Safety Office Chicago has initiated an investigation to determine the cause of this accident. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) is assisting the Coast Guard with this investigation and is providing significant technical and investigative expertise. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Coast Guard Plans Tugboat Safety Measures PITTSBURGH - The Coast Guard plans new safety measures to protect towboat crews from high water after a tugboat sank on the Ohio River last week, killing three of its seven crew members and leaving one presumed dead. A task force will examine whether to impose towing limits, identify dangerous stretches of river and issue safety rules during high water, Coast Guard Cmdr. Wyman W. Briggs said Tuesday. Its members will also consider whether an assist vessel should be required in dangerous parts of the Ohio during fast currents. The task force includes members of the Coast Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Waterways Association of Pittsburgh, and a representative of Campbell Transportation Co., which owns the towboat that was carried away by swift currents. The new safety measures will include a requirement that any boat involved in an accident be docked until its owner completes an in-house investigation and a plan for corrective action, Briggs said. Companies found in violation could be fined up to $32,500 per infraction. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
River Accidents Spur Pittsburgh Coast Guard Chief to Impose New Reporting Rules Jan. 19--A fatal towboat accident 10 days ago and several recent breakaway barge incidents prompted the Coast Guard commander in Pittsburgh to announce yesterday that he will shut down operations of marine companies involved in future accidents until the companies provide detailed reports. Companies found in violation of the regulation can be fined up to $32,500 per violation. The first company subjected to the new directive was E&G Enterprises, the Neville Island company that owns three coal-filled barges that got loose Saturday on the Ohio River at the Emsworth Lock and Dam. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation temporarily closed the Sewickley Bridge after one of the barges struck a bridge support. Two other barges are stuck in the Emsworth and Dashields dams. Cmdr. Wyman W. Briggs decided to invoke his authority under the Ports and Waterways Safety Act as a result of the fatal Jan. 9 accident of the Elizabeth M, in which three crew members died and another is missing, and incidents like Saturday's. "It's kind of enough is enough," Briggs said at a news conference at the Coast Guard's Marine Safety office, Downtown. The directive requires a company involved in an accident involving a towboat or barges to provide the Coast Guard with a report that details the cause of the accident and a plan for corrective action. The Coast Guard will suspend operations of the vessels involved in the accident until it reviews and approves the report, Briggs said. The Coast Guard consulted with local towboat companies and the Waterways Association of Pittsburgh, a trade organization, before Briggs decided to announce the suspension policy, he said. The Elizabeth M, owned by Campbell Transportation Co. Inc. of Dunlevy, Washington County, remains lodged on an icebreak in the Montgomery Dam, where it landed after it was forced over the dam by the weight of a fierce current and coal-filled barges. Officials believe the body of Rick Conklin, 40, of Crucible, Greene County, may be in the towboat's pilot house.The towboat will likely remain in the dam for quite some time, until the river is deemed safe to begin a removal operation. The first priority of the Coast Guard and Army Corps of Engineers is to put divers in the river to examine the partially submerged towboat and try to find Conklin's body, said Richard Lockwood, chief of the operations and readiness division at the Pittsburgh office of the Corps of Engineers. Such an operation will take at least eight hours because of the complicated mechanics involved in manipulating the gates of the dam to raise and lower the water to permit divers to do their job, Lockwood said. Conklin, who had a provisional pilot's license, was in the pilot house with licensed pilot Scott Stewart, 36, of Wheeling, W.Va., when the boat went over the dam. Stewart died in the accident, along with deckhands Tom Fisher, 25, of New Cumberland, W.Va., and Ed Crevda, 22, of West Brownsville. Fisher's family and a survivor, Jacob Wilds, 26, have retained a Michigan maritime attorney to represent them in dealings with the company and Coast Guard. The attorney, Dennis O'Bryan, said during a news conference last week that the crew of the Elizabeth M was warned about dangerous waters on the Ohio near the Montgomery Lock and Dam before the towboat traveled upriver. The towboat was pushed backward when the pilot -- authorities are unsure who was at the controls -- attempted to push coal-filled barges up the Ohio River after two of them broke away after passing through the lock. Coast Guard investigators continue to interview witnesses in preparation for a public hearing within the next month, Briggs said. The Coast Guard has brought in additional investigators from other cities, he said. Briggs and Lockwood also announced yesterday that the Ohio River near the Montgomery Dam has been opened to all navigation after commercial river traffic was restricted after the accident. Three Campbell Transportation barges that broke away during the accident remain above the dam but are not obstructing traffic, Lockwood said. Two other barges J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
remain below the dam. A sixth barge is missing and the Coast Guard now believes it is above the dam because a search for the barge for five miles below the dam was unsuccessful, Briggs said. The rash of breakaway barges is partly the result of high water on the river, Briggs said. The Coast Guard, the Corps of Engineers and companies involved with the Waterways Association will establish a task force to make recommendations about safety measures in high water, Briggs said. "It's time to take a second look at the procedures to see if they're adequate," he said. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 6 dd. 06 Februari 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit Orca Nog wat reacties ontvangen m.b.t. de Smit Orca. De Smit Orca is op 1 februari 2005 officieel in management overgedragen aan de URS. Operationeel en Commercieel blijft de Smit Orca een SMIT schip (Bron:Smit Transport Europe BV)
Flying Osprey De Flying Osprey is vrijdagavond (21/01) laat uit Duinkerken vertrokken. De Honce werd dinsdag of woensdag in Duinkerken verwacht. Vermoedelijk wordt de nieuwe naam Vigilant. Intussen heeft de Flying Osprey Duinkerken weer verlaten, nog steeds onder haar oude naam. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Svitzer Have found another batch of the latest new tugs for Svitzer. All named with the prefix SVITZER IDKU, ELBEHEIRA, RASHEED and DELTA. All built at ASL Singapore yard numbers respectively are 337, 347, 338 and 348. (Bron: Nico Jonker)
E1506 Smit Transport Europe BV heeft Offshore Ruytenberg te Raamsdonksveer opdracht gegeven haar zeegaande ponton E1506 met 15 meter te verlengen. Dit karwei zal ongeveer een 8 weken in beslag nemen. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
Bay-Houston Towing Co. Purchases Tractor Tug Bay-Houston Towing Co. is pleased to announce that they have purchased the tractor tug CTRACTOR 1 from Alpha Marine Services. The tug, which will be renamed the WILLIAM M, will be based in Corpus Christi, TX. The WILLIAM M is a true tractor design, with the Ulstein drive units located forward. This allows the twin EMD 16-645 engines to generate 110,000 pounds of bollard pull both ahead and astern. Her design speed is 12 kts. The WILLIAM M is 102’ long, has a beam of 37’, and a working draft of 17’. The tug was built in 1989 at North American Shipbuilding. The WILLIAM M has considerable fire fighting capability. It can pump 3500 gallons per minute through fore and aft fire fighting monitors. This ability compliments the Port of Corpus Christi fireboat and helps to extend fire protection in the port to Ingleside, La Quinta, and Harbor Island.. Bay-Houston Towing Co. is pleased to be able to add the WILLIAM M to our Corpus Christi fleet. With the addition of the new Z-Tech design tugs, they look forward to continuing to upgrade their fleet in all their ports. Bay-Houston Towing Co. has the youngest fleet of any major tug company on the East and Gulf Coasts of the United States. They provide tugboat service in Houston, Galveston, Texas City, Freeport, and Corpus Christi. They are certified in the Responsible Carrier Program of the American Waterways Operators, and are currently undergoing certification for ISM and ISO 9000. (Bron: Bay-Houston)
Bay-Houston Towing Co. New building Is pleased to announce that we have contracted with Main Iron Works of Houma, LA to produce Robert Allan Ltd. designed Z-Tech tugs. This tug design boasts a number of firsts. The design will be the first Z-Tech tugs to be built in the United States. It is the first North American tug installation of the high horsepower Caterpillar 3516C engine; and it marks the introduction of the Schottel Model SRP1520 rudderpropeller. The Z-Tech design concept offers the following advantages: • The forward deck (over the skeg) has a low, flat sheer, creating a spacious, relatively flat and safe working deck, without any obstructive anchor chains, etc. • For "sea-going" operations, the Z-Tech tug works astern in tractor mode, so the shape of this part of the hull is more rounded in plan than would typically be seen in an ASD design. There is no appreciable loss of speed in this direction of operation. The increased flare and freeboard at the "aft" end is simply to ensure a drier operation when towing in this direction. • Only one winch is required for both harbor and coastal towing operations. When towing long distances, the Z-Tech will simply tow in tractor mode going "astern". • The low sheer forward, coupled with the aft bias of the deckhouse and wheelhouse enable the Z-Tech design to work under large overhanging ship flares. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
The tug is currently designated the Z-Tech #1. The vessel will be 98.5 feet long, with a beam of 39.3 feet, a hull depth of 16.4 feet, and a maximum draft of 19.5 feet. The vessel will be powered by two of Caterpillar's innovative new 3516C high power engines, delivering 3150 horsepower each. At 6300 hp, the tug will be the most powerful docking tug on the Texas coast. The vessel is designed to produce in excess of 75 metric tonnes of bollard pull. The Caterpillar engines are being furnished by Mustang Cat Power Systems, the authorized sales, parts, and service Caterpillar Dealer for the marine marketplace on the Texas Gulf Coast. Mustang Cat Power Systems is a sub-division of Mustang Machinery Company, Ltd. headquartered in Houston. The Caterpillar engines will be mated to the newest Schottel drives, the Model SRP-1520 driving 106 inch stainless steel propellers. These drives are rated at a combined 6300 horsepower. Markey Machinery Company Inc. will provide the bow winch, a Model #DYSF – 52 Escort Line Winch. The winch has an automatic render/recover mode and will be equipped with an application specific Markey tension meter. The winch will have a brake capacity of 500,000 pounds. Electrical power will be provided by two John Deere gensets, each rated at 125 kw. The tugs will be designed for the addition of two Caterpillar 3412 engines powering twin fire pumps each rated at 5300 gallons per minute for installations that require it, such as LNG terminals. The vessel will have water mist capability, and other requirements of Fire Fighting Class One (FiFi1) built in. (Bron: Bay-Houston)
Vicksburg Barge-Bridge Accidents Investigated – VICKSBURG - The Coast Guard will determine whether a St. Louis barge company will be fined after two of its tows hit the Mississippi River bridges at Vicksburg this past week. Lt. Diane Wickman, with the Coast Guard's office in Baton Rouge, La., said the accidents were under investigation. Wickman said the Coast Guard may levy fines or penalize the company if it is found to be negligent. The 75year-old U.S. 80 bridge was hit twice, on Wednesday and Thursday. The Interstate 20 bridge was hit Thursday, presumably by the same two barges that hit the old bridge and then sank about a mile and a half south. The barges were tows of ARTCO. No one was reported injured and no pollutants were dumped in the river, Coast Guard officials said. Bridge Supt. Herman Smith said swift current caused by high water levels was likely a factor. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Towboat in Pa. Barge Accident Defied Order PITTSBURGH - The captain of a towboat that sank on the Ohio River, killing three of seven crew members and leaving one presumed dead, defied orders and departed a fueling station without waiting for a second boat, a company official said Monday. Don Grimm, president of Campbell Transportation Co., said the captain ordered the tug to depart without the help of a second towboat that was still 1 1/2 hours downriver. "I believe there was some errors in judgment, obviously," Grimm said during a Coast Guard inquiry into the Jan. 9 accident. The first tug was pushing six coal barges up the Ohio when strong currents wrenched the lead barges back toward the Montgomery Lock and Dam, through which it had just passed. The tug was pushed or pulled backward over the dam and sank quickly. Three of the seven crew members were rescued by nearby towboats. One crew member, Rick Conklin, 40, has not been found. Monday was the first day of what is expected to be a week of testimony to determine what led to the sinking. Capt. Toby Zappone was scheduled to testify Tuesday. Deckhand Jacob Wilds, who has said the tugboat should never have tried to make it through the lock, is scheduled to testify Wednesday. Grimm said written orders had been left on the vessel's log indicating the second towboat would assist with the barge transport. He said he had not spoken with Zappone about his decision to navigate the lock without the other boat's aid.Under questioning from Zappone's attorney, Grimm testified there were no warnings from the Coast Guard suggesting the river was not navigable on Jan. 9. Grimm also said Zappone was a captain with 20 years experience and no record of poor decisions. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Sonsub Contracts New 280ft Vessel 2/3/05 10:13:30 AM Sonsub Inc. recently signed a 3 year charter agreement with Otto Candies, LLC for a New Build IMR Construction Vessel. The yet to be named 280ft, Class II DP Vessel includes a 100T tele-knuckle boom crane, a 20’ X 25’ moon pool, accommodations for 66 personnel, and outfitted with one or two 200Hp Innovator ROV systems depending upon the project and client requirements. The vessel will be the first and only US flagged vessel in the GOM capable of supporting subsea construction projects in addition to standard remote intervention and maintenance tasks. The Moon-pool & crane arrangement will allow safe and stable deployment to the seabed on heavy loads, like manifolds, as well as the lay of umbilical and/or coil tubing lines. Sonsub anticipates vessel availability starting March 2006 in the Gulf of Mexico. (Bron: Marinelink)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Lightering Company Adds Power 2/3/05 9:45:58 AM The booming Thai economy and the shallow waters of the Chao Phrya River combine to create a growing demand for lightering operations of bulk cargos in the Gulf of Thailand.. This demand is being met by the S. P. Inter Marine Co. Ltd of Bangpli, Samutprakarn near Bangkok. Originally a trucking and land based company, the firm moved into the marine logistics field in 1995 and now operates a fleet of 80 barges, 20 ocean going tugs, numerous little river tugs, and 8 huge floating off-loading stations. In January 2005 the company added their newest tug to the fleet. Tasked to relatively short tows from the offload stations to the river mouth the company’s tugs are single screw. At 26 by 7 meters the latest vessel is the largest in the fleet. It is also the most powerful with an 850 HP Cummins KTA38 M0 turning a four-blade 82-inch propeller through a 7:1 Twin Disc MG520-1 gear. S. P. Inter Marine operate their own shipyard at Ayuthya about fifty miles up the Chao Phrya River from the Gulf. Here they build their off-off loading stations as well as tugs and barges. Adjacent to the shipyard is a transfer station for moving bulk cargos such as soy beans and coal from barge to truck or vice versa. S.P. Inter Marine Assistant Manager Krithep Suwajanakorn explains that the company’s emerging philosophy for construction of both new tugs and transfer stations, “If you buy second hand you get less support. We look for the long term partnership with suppliers just as we do with our customers. In countries like Viet Nam it can take up to 20 days to unload a panamax bulker. We can do this in one or two days. With panamax charter rates in the $30,000 per day range this represents huge savings to the shipper and a significant competitive edge. “ To meet these demands the firm is using new McGreggor cranes on the transfer stations and new Cummins engines in their tugs like the recently launched Wattana 6 (Bron: Marinelink)
Off the line Tidewater Inc were delighted to take delivery of their secod AHTS NED 1144 type (Naval Engineering Design) this month. The vessel named the J Hugh Roff Jnr, was delivered from Aker yards. Since delivery has been in marketed on the Aberdeen spot market. This vessel follows in the footsteps of Tidewater’s recent AHTS deliveries of the Donnelly Tide and Platt Tide. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Scout gets it’s badge Island Offshore’s newbuild PSV UT755L Island Scout delivered to its owners this month and was immediately chartered out for a cargo run with Gaz De France such was the tight availability in the market. The vessel will trade the spot market for a short while until it delivers to Transocean to support the Sedco 712 for a year. The vessel has a delivery window for Transocean between mid February and mid March. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Island in the Sun with P101 Ulstein Verft AS has signed a contract with Island Offshore XI KS to build a large ULSTEIN P101 multifunctional platform supply vessel, designed by Ulstein Design As (artist’s impression above). The contract is worth around NOK 290 million. The vessel is to be named the Island Pioneer upon delivery currently scheduled for the March 2006. The vessel is 95 metres long and 20.5 metres wide, and can accommodate 87 people in single and double cabins. It will come equipped with a moonpool, mezzanine deck, helicopter deck and DP2 classification. The vessel will also be prepared for a 130ton crane and ROV hangar. It will have the same hull shape as the Normand Mermaid, an ULSTEIN P103, which is proving very successful in the North Sea. In terms of power, the unit will have diesel electric propulsion and will be economical to operate. Steel cutting for the vessel will commence in March this year. Maritim Ltd in Poland is building the hull, while the superstructure is being built in Ulstein Verft’s division in Vanylven. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Flekkefjord off the blocks According to Vik and Sandvik, it was recently announced that Norwegian shipbuilders Flekkefjord Slipp & Maskinfabrikk shipyard has started the construction on one of Vik & Sandvik’s own PSV VS470 MkII designs. The vessel is scheduled to deliver in November 2005. No other details were available at time of going to press. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Bonjour Bienville Rigdon Marine were pleased to take delivery of the sixth of ten contracted GPA-640 platform supply vessels named Bienville. The vessel joins its sister fleet of 210’ x 54’ x 19’ diesel-electric and dynamic positioning ABS-classed platform supply vessels that are currently operating in the Gulf of Mexico.
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The Bender built vessel was immediately deployed to work after its christening/delivery. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Farstad on 712 trail Farstad Supply AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Farstad Shipping ASA, has reached an agreement with Brevik Construction AS, a subsidiary of Aker Brevik, for the building of an anchor handling tug supply vessel for delivery in April 2006. The vessel is of design UT712L from Rolls-Royce Marine, which also will be a major supplier of equipment to the vessel. The value of the contract is approximately NOK 250 million. Farstad Supply has further signed an agreement with the yard for optional 1+1 UT712L vessels. The newbuild is part of Farstad's fleet renewal and is also a consequence of the sale of two older anchor handling tug supply vessels, the Far Turbot and the Lady Elaine at the end of 2004. The hull for the AHTS will be built at Aker Brevik's subsidiary in Romania, Aker Braila, and outfitted in Norway. Farstad has also signed an agreement with Norwegian shipyard Simek AS, Flekkefjord, to build an AHTS of UT712L design. The vessel is scheduled to deliver in April 2006 with the value of the contract thought to be around NOK 250 million. (Bron: Seabreeze)
BUE play a blinder There is strong speculation that BUE Marine UK has ordered a PSV UT755LE design from Norwegian builders Aker Brattvaag. If this is the case then this will be the 75th UT755 PSV contracted. This new vessel will be named M/V BUE Caspianmax2, and be added to the Caspian fleet of BUE Marine after completion in 2005. This speculation is hot on the heels of an article that appeared recently in a national newspaper, and summarised below: “BUE Marine, the Scottish marine services company, is spending £30m on 15 new vessels after switching the focus of its activities away from the home market to the fast-expanding Caspian Sea. Profits rose sharply last year, after the Leithheadquartered firm sold its stake in a short-lived joint venture with Norwegian investment company Kistefos, the owner of Viking Supply Ships. Carl Rolaston Managing Director of BUE Marine said a further 15 vessels – one supply boat, eight barges and six utility craft – are currently on order for the North Caspian zone. The £30m cost will largely be funded by debt. Last June, the firm beefed up its Caspian fleet with the acquisition of 13 vessels from Bechtel Enka in Kazakhstan for £2.9m. BUE Marine has 50 vessels operating in the region, 36 in Kazakhstan and the rest in Azerbaijan.” (Bron: Seabreeze)
Advantage Seabulk Coming off the production line in Singapore this month was Seabulk’s new MPSV Seabulk Advantage, (drawing above) which has been chartered to work offshore Angola on a five-year charter, with options. That charter is for a major international oil company that Seabulk did not identify. The company currently has five vessels working in Angola. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Something New, Something Traditional 2/4/05 8:27:21 AM (The tug Kesarin 10 at sea trials on the Chao Phrya River near the ancient Thai capital of Ayuthya. C.S. Inter Marine’s shipyard manager Khun Patum Sardsiri is a practical man. He works with management to balance costs and benefits through out the company’s sizable fleet of tugs, barges and bulk cargo handling stations. In some cases this can result in relatively large expenditures, such as one made recently to swap engines on a one year old boat. The handy little steel tug had been launched with a 500 HP second hand engine that quickly began accumulating costs in down time and repairs. When management made the decision to replace the engine with a brand new Cummins KTA19 M3 rated 640 HP at 1800 RPM, Khun Patum pulled the boat up on the bank at the company shipyard in the ancient Thai capital of Ayuthya some 50 miles up from the Gulf of Thailand. The old engine came out easily through purpose-built skylight. At the same time Khun Patum had the 7:1 gear pulled along with the shaft and four-blade 75x16-inch propeller for service and inspection. With the shaft sitting out on a bench, he explained to a visitor the cost to benefit advantages of the Tamarind wood bearings that he uses in the company tugs. “A vinyl bearing costs about 90,000 baht ($2,500 US) while I can have these made for only 3,000 baht ($75.00 US)” In America, lignum vitae wood was used for many years in shaft bearings. Writing in Power Transmission Design Magazine, Managing Editor Tom Hughes reported, “…early users of wood bearings (bearings with no impregnation of additional lubricant) were ship builders and woodworking shops making underwater shaft bearings for tugs and freighters. The natural resins inhibited water absorption and served as a base for a water film between bearing and shaft… Wood bearings operate well in abrasive environments. Gritty particles that manage to reach
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the bearing surface embed harmlessly in it.” Demonstrating the good and minimal wear of the yearold bearing, Khun Patum explains that he carefully selects a tamarind log from a tree that is at least 20-years-old. The last one he purchased for 2,500 baht. After aging one week in the shade, he had eight (four sets of two) bearings turned at a local lumberyard. The two-foot long tail bearing for this shaft has an 8-inch interior diameter with 5/8-inch walls while the forward bearing keeps the same diameter but is 16 inches long. “I normally inspect the bearings every three years but they will last indefinitely if we keep a good water flow over them to lubricate and remove the river’s sand,” he explained. In doing a cost benefit analysis it may be that new machinery is the best investment, but in others it may be that staying with the tried and true is the best course. (Bron: Marinelink)
Shantykoor “De Sleeptros” Na een half jaar oefenen is het eindelijk zover. Het Shantykoor “De Sleeptros” treedt voor het eerst naar buiten met een optreden op 18 february. Hoewel dit nog wel een besloten optreden betreft zijn zij toch al zover. Diverse liedjes zullen hier ten gehore worden gebracht met solo optredens van Wildrover Koos; Beste kok Hans en Rotterdam Opa. Dit onder muzikale begeleiding van accordeon echtpaar Meeuw, Bajo Iwan en trommel Daan. De bezielende leiding is in handen van het snorrige sluisje. Mocht u geïnteresseerd zijn laat de samensteller van S & O dit even weten. Gezellig en ontspannen zingen dat wil toch iedereen!. Kom eens kijken en luisteren op ons eigen admiraliteitsvaartuig de ‘Admi’ in de Waalhaven O.Z. elke woensdagavond van 17.00 tot 19.00 uur.
De Nul geeft baggerschip Cristoforo Colombo op SACHALIN / AALST 2/2 - Na vier maanden cijferen geeft eigenaar De Nul het baggerschip Cristoforo Colombo op, meldt De Gentenaar. De toestand van het schip, dat na een storm op de rotsen van het Russische eiland Sachalin liep, is te slecht. Zowel het bergingsbedrijf Smit Sachalin als De Nul trekken hun assistentieschepen terug. Na de winter zoekt het baggerbedrijf naar de goedkoopste oplossing om het vaartuig weg te halen. Inmiddels is de opdracht, waarvoor de Cristoforo Colombo nabij Sachalin lag, afgewerkt. Het verlies is niet onoverkomelijk: met ruim 30 baggerschepen heeft de groep tal van opdrachten. (Bron: De Gentenaar via Leo Kramer)
Bulk Carrier Grounds Off Hawaii HONOLULU - The Coast Guard continues to monitor a grounded ship at the entrance to Barbers Point Harbor. The Cape Flattery and crew were inbound to Barbers Point Harbor at about 7 a.m. to offload cement when it ran aground about 400 yards from the entrance. The current plan is for the ship's owner to complete a salvage plan and have all necessary tugs in place before a high tide at about 8 p.m. The four tugs are on scene to assist in refloating the Cape Flattery. At this point there is no apparent pollution or hull damage. Coast Guard inspectors are currently interviewing the captain and crew and investigating the cause of the accident. The Coast Guard Cutter Washington remains on scene with the Cape Flattery as a communications platform and to monitor any developments. The Cape Flattery is a 555-foot bulk carrier, registered in Hong Kong, is managed by Pacific Basin Shipping HK Ltd. The ship is carrying cement and about 117,000 gallons of fuel oil and lubricants. (Bron: Marinelink)
2/4/05 8:30:56 AM
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 7 dd. 13 Februari 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. De Bruinvisch komt naar Maassluise Museumhaven Maassluis - Het Nederlandse bergingsschip Bruinvisch komt binnenkort naar de Historische Museumhaven in Maassluis. Het in 1937 gebouwde schip zal met andere historische zeeslepers als de Furie, Hudson en de Elbe deel gaan uitmaken van het openluchtmuseum voor sleepboten. Het vaartuig, dat tot voor kort nog in Spanje dienst deed, is reeds gearriveerd in de Leuvehaven in Rotterdam. Daar krijgt het schip een grondige opknapbeurt. De Bruinvisch is het laatste nog varende schip van een generatie vooroorlogse bergingsvaartuigen. Het heeft decennialang Maassluis als thuishaven gehad. Het bergingsschip werd onder meer ingezet bij het opruimen van wrakken in de Nieuwe Waterweg na de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de beroemde bergingsoperaties in het Suez Kanaal in 1957. Behalve bergingswerkzaamheden werd het schip ook gebruikt bij het leggen van pijpleidingen, onderzoek naar oliewinning op zee, duikwerkzaamheden en het traceren en opvissen van verloren ankers. In 1990 werd het bergingsschip verkocht aan Spanje. Het Havenmuseum Rotterdam, de nieuwe eigenaar van de Bruinvisch, haalde het vaartuig terug uit Spanje en voegde het schip aan haar collectie toe. Het bergingsschip zal door het Havenmuseum worden ingezet voor demonstraties in de regio en tijdens evenmenten in de Leuvehaven. Komende zaterdag meert de Bruinvisch samen met de zeesleper Elbe af in zijn voormalige thuishaven. In Maassluis zullen de schepen een permanent onderdeel gaan vormen van de historische sleepboothaven. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
MAN B&W Power for Repasa’s Terminal Tugs 2/7/05 3:08:48 PM MAN
B&W Diesel A/S, Denmark, has been awarded the contract to supply two mediumspeed L27/38 twin engine packages for two escort and terminal handling tugs. The newbuildings are under construction at the Spanish shipyard of Astilleros Balenciaga SA., Zumaia, for the Port of Tarragona-based Remolcadores de Puerto y Altura SA. (REPASA) fleet. The vessels (hull Nos. 392 and 393), named Romulo and Remo, are scheduled to be delivered during 2005 with a three month interval. The first tug’s sea trail runs are scheduled to finish in February. Due to the operational requirements, a highly efficient and powerful propulsion concept was choosen for the tugs. Main engine torque and power is converted into pulling power and maneuverability via two sets of Steerprop SP 35 azimuthing propellers. The total continuous main engine power of 4,760 kW (6,475 bhp) is predicted to perform a bollard pull of 81 tons ahead and 78 tons astern. The predicted free running steaming speed is 13.5 knots. (Bron: Marinelink)
Dee Service, (Dee Shore – 81, Edda Drott – 76) 1526/76 – offshore tug/supply. By Tidewater Offshore(GP-1984) Inc. To Tidewater matine West Indies, both Belize and renamed Cruz Tide (Bron: Marine News)
Seahorse Supplier, (Stirling Oak – 82), 780/74 – offshore supply. By James Scott & Co (Cork) Ltd. Ireland to Raj Shipping Agencies Ltd. India and renamed Offshore Supplier (Bron: Marine News)
Smit Expects Higher Profits Smit Internationale N.V. expects that the net profit for 2004 will exceed the EUR 21 million as indicated by the company earlier this year. The net profit of 2004 will be in line with the result of 2003 being EUR 27 million. This higher result is mainly due to lower tax pressure and lower interest charges. (Bron: Marinelink)
2/10/05 11:45:03 AM
Engine Fire on Tug 2/10/05 8:59:24 AM MIAMI - Crews from Station Miami Beach, Station Fort Lauderdale, Air Station Opa Locka, and the Coast Guard Cutter Gannet responded this afternoon as the Betty Wood, a 130-foot tug pushing a 500-foot barge with 10 people on board, experienced an engine fire 17 miles east of Haulover Beach. The initial distress call was received at 11:52 a.m. Currently there are three rescue boats, two helicopters, one Falcon jet, and the Coast Guard Cutter Gannet on scene to assist the vessel's crew and monitor the situation. The fire is reported to be extinguished, although there is still smoke on board. The cause of the fire is under investigation. (Bron: Marinelink)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Informatie gezocht kapseizen Uit diverse richtingen mocht ik informatie ontvangen. Heb de stagiare met de informatie volgestopt. Ben dan ook zeer benieuwd wat daar allemaal uitkomt. Hierbij allen hartelijk dank voor de medewerking. Hou jullie op de hoogte over de uitkomst.
Major Conversion Project for Solstad The cable laying vessel “Normand Clipper” will undergo an extensive conversion equal to that of its sister vessel “Normand Cutter”. Here is the converted “Normand Cutter” immediately after its conversion was completed in May last year. (Photo: Harald M. Valderhaug) “This is an exciting period with increasing interest in vessels designed for extremely demanding marine operations. During the last six year we have signed contracts for two major conversions and one new build for this market. I would argue that Ulstein is the leader in offshore construction vessels,” says Tore Ulstein, President of Ulstein Verft AS. Shipowners Solstad announced yesterday that Ulstein Verft is to perform the conversion of their cablelaying vessel, Normand Clipper. The conversion is well under way, and is to be completed within the end of May 2005. “We are pleased that Solstad has yet again chosen us as its partner for a project that is very demanding, both technically and with respect to the delivery date,” says Tore Ulstein. Normand Clipper is being converted into a combined construction and pipe-laying vessel with a large freight capacity. This conversion will increase Solstad’s capacity within various types of crane assignments, diving assignments and all types of construction work. The vessel is the sister vessel of Normand Cutter, which was converted at Ulstein Verft in 2004. “This conversion will be about as extensive as the conversion of her sister vessel, and will demand almost the same amount of working hours as when constructing a large platform supply vessel. The conversion contract for Ulstein Verft is worth around NOK 150 million,” according to Harald Møller, Ulstein Verft’s Sales Manager. “Ulstein Verft already has contracts for five new builds. The conversion contract means that we can utilise our facilities to their full capacity. Given how we are organised and the facilities we have, this contract is ideal for us,” says Møller. “The conversion project strengthens the yard’s competitiveness, and once again we can show the market that we can tackle many projects at the same time.” Normand Clipper was delivered by Ulstein Verft in 2001 as yard number 258. The vessel had the same employer the entire time, but this contract ran out in October 2004. The vessel has been laid up at Ulstein Verft since early last spring due to the poor cable-laying market. This is why Solstad has now chosen to convert the vessel. The shipowners have entered into an agreement with the Australian company Clough Limited for hiring of the converted Normand Clipper. (Bron: Marinelink) 2/11/05 9:17:19 AM
Newbuiding Vroon Power Express VSO Zhenjiang: The continuing story There is progress in the newbuilding of the 75 mtrs. Platform Supply Vessel at Zhenjiang Shipyard. Still eleven blocks structures are to be attached, welded and painted before the Power Express will feel water of the Yangtze River, fresh water. The salt water she will taste later, much later. But as they say in China: step-by-step... Daily life in China is changing very fast. Too fast maybe, who knows? Even in Zhenjiang we can feel it. A very fast economical growth, mentality changingn of (youger) people, the increasing traffic, the incressing choise of articles when you go shopping, the new houses and offices built around, mostly western styled. Also China will bring people to the moon in the near future; difficult to imagine when we see the struggle in the yard. At presentit is summer time in Jiangu’s Zhenjiang Shiyard and temperatures go to 39 degrees celsius. Due to this the working speed is low, yard’s workers have started to move machinery on board, like pumps and compressors. Good protected machinery to avoid unnecessary damages durig production. Another group of workers are installing all the lenght of pipng; air cooling, water, cement, glycol, brine, fuel, oil etc, valves and filters too. At the same time hull workers are welding the structures and painters are brushing and painting. Electricians are installing cable trays. And we are very proud because as not many of you know we help Zhenjiang Shipyard with almost everything in almost every possible way. Daily our Vroon site office is an advising, calculating, designing, arranging, quality control and social place for the yard. Strong back-up and help from the main office in Breskens and last but not least the help and experience from the crew of our offshore fleet must be mentioned too. Finally, months from now our patience is going to be rewrdedPower Express will be the best ship ever built in China. Several partners already confirmed this by sending dozens of letters to all involved. (Bron: Hannie Geertse via Henk de Winde)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Sleepboothulp voor tanker ‘Frank’ De URS-zeesleper ‘Alphonse Letzer’ heeft onlangs de chemicalientanker ‘Frank’ naar een veilige haven gesleept. De onder de vlag van Gibraltar varende, 9266b gt metende tanker was op weg van Donges in Frankrijk naar Tees aan de Britse oostkust vanwege motorproblemen voor anker gegaan. Snel waren ook de Franse kustwachtsleper ‘Abeille Languedoc’ en de ‘Alphons Letzer’ ter plaatse. Toen de bemanning er niet in slaagde de voortstuwing weer op gang te krijgen, kreeg laatstgenoemde sleper opdracht de tanker naar Le Havre te slepen. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Drie ASD-slepers in aanbouw voor BP Scheepswerf Damen in Gorinchem heeft momenteel drie Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD)-slepers in aanbouw voor BP. De slepers moeten tankers gaan assisteren bij de Coryton-olieraffinaderij van BP aan de Thames. Afgelopen maand werd ook een dergelijke sleper opgeleverd voor een terminal in Australie. De drie slepers voor de Coryton-raffinaderij zijn van het type Damen ASD Tug 3211. Zij worden elk uitgerust met twee MaK 6M25 hoofdmotoren 5300 pk elk. Elke motor drijft een Aquamaster roerpropeller aan Trekkracht bedraagt zeventig ton. De eerste, die Stanford gaat heten, wordt begin maart opgeleverd. Nummer twee, de Castle Point, volgt later in maart en nummer drie, de Corringham, in juni. De drie slepers worden met brandblusmonitoren uitgerust en gaan varen onder de vlag van Targe Towing. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Nieuwe slepers voor Franse kustwacht De bekende Franse kustwachtslepers ‘Abeille Flandre’ en ‘Abeille Languedoc’ worden binnenkort vervangen. Op de Noorse Kleven Myklebust werf in Gursken wordt hiervoor de laatste hand gelegd aan twee nieuwe zeeslepers. Dit zijn de ‘Abeille Bourbon’ die in maart de ‘Abeille Flandre’ gaat aflossen op het station van Brest. Vervolgens neemt in juni de ‘Abeille Liberte’ de plaats in van de ‘Abeille Languedoc’ op het station in Cherbourgh. De nieuwe slepers zijn tachtig meter lang en krijgen elk vier hoofdmotoren van 4000kW. Met de moedermaatschappij van de slepers, de Groupe Bourbon, is voor beide slepers een huurcontract gesloten met een looptijd van veertien jaar. De ‘Abeille Flandre’ en ‘Abeille Languedoc’ worden na aflossing elders ingezet. Beide slepers hebben sinds 1979 onder contract van de Franse overheid permanent als calamiteitenbestrijdingsvaartuigen op station gelegen. De veiligheidmaatregel werd destijds getroffen na de ramp met de ‘Amoco Cadiz’. Beide slepers hebben talloze hulpverleningen verricht aan schapen die aan de Franse noordwestkust in problemen raakten. Zowel de oude als de nieuwe stationslepers varen onder de vlag van Les Abeilles International, een dochter van de Groupe Bourbon. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Pilbare Neptune opgeleverd. Scheepswerf Damen in Gorinchem heeft kort na de jaarwisseling de ‘Pilbare Neptune’ opgeleverd. Deze voor Hamersley Iron Pty.Ltd. in Australie gebouwde ASD Tug 3111 wordt voortgestuwd door twee Niigata 6L28NX hoofdmotoren met een totaalvermogen van 5000 pk. Beide motoren drijven een Niigata ZP41 roerpropeller aan. De trekkracht van deze ASD-sleper bedraagt vooriut ruim 67 ton en achteruit bijna 62 ton. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Pak opgeleverd. Damen heeft verder begin dit jaar de Damen Stan Tug 2909, genaamd Pak, opgeleverd aan Dukhar Engineering in Rusland. Het hart van deze kust-annex havensleper bestaat uit twee Caterpillar 3516B hoofdmotoren, die elk een schroef in een straalbuis aandrijven. Het totale vermogen bedraagt 4525 bhp, wat een trekkracht oplevert van 62,2 ton. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Smit Anambas De Smit Anambas vertrekt morgenochtend rond 08.00 uur vanuit de Waalhaven – Smit naar de Botlek om daar haar droogdok survey te ondergaan bij Keppel-Verolme. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 8 dd. 20 Februari 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Collision on lower Mississippi River The U.S. Coast Guard issued a Press Release stating that on February 10, a towboat pushing seven barges collided with a freighter on the lower Mississippi River near Donaldsonville, Louisiana. The towboat and one barge sank. The crewmembers were rescued. The freighter incurred minor damage. Light pollution has been observed. The incident is under investigation. Source: HK Law (Bron: Marinelink)
2/14/05 10:20:46 AM
Capre Flattery Rrefloated The U.S. Coast Guard issued a Press Release stating that the bulk carrier CAPE FLATTERY has been refloated off the reef near Barbers Point, Hawaii. The salvage effort required removal of most of the fuel oil and about 9,000 metric tons of the granular cement cargo. No pollution was reported. The investigation into the casualty continues. Source: HK Law (Bron: Marinelink)
2/14/05 10:21:23 AM
Rectificatie Pilbare Neptune In de laatste nieuwsbrief is nogal onduidelijkheid ontstaan over de Pilbare Neptune. Er was vermeld dat zij zou zijn gebouwd in Australie voor Damen Gorinchem. De sleepboot is echter gebouwd bij Damen Shipyards te Changde – China. De eerste opdracht bestond uit de levering van twee sleepboten maar later werd ook nog de opdracht voor een derde gegeven. De oplevering van de tweede sleepboot moet zeer nabij zijn of is misschien al gebeurt. Met dank aan Lawrence Amboldt.
Still Unanswered questions in the Case of the Sunken Elizabeth M From where we sit, the Coast Guard is going to have to make some hard decisions in the case of the Elizabeth M sinking and loss of life on January 9 at Montgomery Dam on the Upper Ohio. We have had some feedback during the five-day Coast Guard hearing into the incident. From what we read, it seems to have been determined who, specifically, was at the helm and when. It was reported in the Pittsburgh "Observer-Reporter" that the missing-and-presumed dead Rick Conklin, 40, of Crucible, Pa., was the one who drove the tow out of the lock and headed upstream before the tow "began to drift toward the center of the river." The vessel's master, Capt. George Zappone, also of Crucible, was awakened by the alarm, raced to the pilothouse and took over the helm. Zappone testified earlier in the week that he had captured the barges and was heading upriver when one began to sink. His attorney, Frederick Thieman, said Zappone could not have anticipated that one of the barges would sink or that after breaking free the Elizabeth M would be "pinned to the barges and swept over the dam wall." It was the contention of Campbell Transportation Co.'s attorney, Dennis Watson, that the Elizabeth M was seaworthy and that Capt. Zappone could have refused to make the trip in high-water conditions. He argued that Zappone ignored a company directive to push the barges upriver with assistance from an assigned helper boat [which never arrived]. Watson said, "They can tie off the boat. They can hire a helper boat and do whatever they think is necessary." Zappone had testified Thursday, February 3, that his faxed instructions did not state that he was to wait for an assist boat. He said he understood the instructions to say that the Mv. Richard C would meet up with his boat above the Montgomery Dam. There were several sets of faxed messages in the hours before the vessel sank. One said only, "The Richard C will help." Another (to the captain of the Richard C) said, "At G-town, get in tow with Elizabeth M." Hudson, captain of the Richard C, testified Thursday that he thought the message meant that he should meet Zabbone's boat at Georgetown in Beaver County and help push the six barges. Instead, the Elizabeth M was left alone and did not wait for help, Hudson said. A distress call from the Elizabeth M was heard by Charles Lee Montgomery, captain of the Mv. Rocket, which was more than an hour away downstream when the call came in. He dropped off his tow and began the seven-mile cruise to the dam. Montgomery described for the Coast Guard the conditions he found upon arrival and said he saw two men hanging onto a ladder at the base of the dam. He then pulled his vessel to shore and told the crew that anyone who wanted to leave could get off. Not one of them did. Montgomery then proceeded toward the dam while his crew collected blankets and heated chicken broth on the stove. As the testimony goes, the Rocket got to within 30 feet of the dam, turned his vessel horizontally, and his crew threw life rings to Capt. Zappone and deckhand John Thomas. The Rocket took Zappone and Thomas to shore, where emergency workers were waiting. According to testimony, two other nearby vessels, the Sandy Drake and the Lillian G, also answered the distress call. One of them rescued Jacob Wilds, 26. Wilds is the crewman who
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
almost immediately hired a lawyer to represent him. The family of the missing Conklin is represented by attorney Joseph Moschetta, who said that the 2,200 hp. Elizabeth M was scheduled for engine overhaul this spring. He said Campbell Transportation Co., owner and operator of the sunken boat, was negligent in allowing the vessel to attempt locking through under those conditions, especially when many other boats were tied off because of high water. There has been speculation, basically stirred up by the terminology used by the press, about whether or not Conklin had a license. The press called it provisional. That is incorrect. The Coast Guard does not issue provisional licenses. However, from a legal standpoint, Conklin had a valid pilot's license. It is Campbell's policy to have licensed pilots who join the firm "post" (or learn about) the rivers upon which they will operate. Conklin was in the pilothouse with Scott Stewart, a licensed pilot, in order to learn more about the river. As far as the Coast Guard is concerned, Conklin already had a valid pilot's license. The press reports we've seen do not indicate that the Coast Guard established the time line satisfactorily if at all. From what we have learned, Conklin pushed the six-barge tow out of the lock "on the fly", which means he did not drop the towboat back down behind the tow and to get wired up securely before proceeding out of the lock. The Elizabeth M was on the hip (port side of the barges) when it pushed out of the lock. As we reported earlier in this story, Zappone supposedly had gotten control of the barges and was heading upriver when one began to sink. Back to the time line issue, we know that Zappone was awakened by the alarm and rushed to the pilothouse. Therefore, a serious problem existed before he arrived or the alarm would not have been sounded. This does not contradict his statement. It merely confirms that the tow was in some degree of trouble before he arrived at the pilothouse. Another element that we believe draws speculation is the statement by Wilds that the crew had time to take pictures. The accident took place at 2:30 a.m. or so. From where did the light come to enable picture taking? We must admit that if powerful searchlights were in use and if the dam also had bright lights mounted over it, that would provide some illumination, and a sensitive digital camera could capture the scene. But we know nothing about a searchlight being used (perhaps that would be the usual thing with the tow going through the lock) nor about lights on the locks and dam. Actually the picture-taking is only important as it relates to the state of mind of the deckhands. If they actually did take pictures, could one assume they were not particularly worried? One of the lawyers mentioned the picture issue in his statement. (Editor's note: There has been considerable speculation about Conklin, who early reports said held a provisional pilot's license. The Coast Guard does not issue them.) In charge of the hearing was Lt. Cmdr. Michael Kelly, who agreed Friday (February 4) to enter into evidence Conklin's experience in the military. The "Observer-Reporter" indicated that Conklin's service included "12 years of service operating army watercraft." This information came from a resume provided by his family. Conklin's sister, Kathy Herrold, let it be known that if they are going to say her brother may have been piloting the boat, she wanted them to know that he knew what he was doing. She said she attended the hearing because her brother didn't have a voice. Cmdr. Kelly said he will analyze testimony and evidence and issue a final report on ways to prevent future accidents. The report could include commendations for heroic actions and/or findings of negligence, he said. It was explained that while the hearing was not a trial, lawyers were granted permission to question witnesses and to make closing statements. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Barges Strike Bridges at Vicksburg Again According to Associated Press and Coast Guard reports, for the third time in eight days barges hit both Mississippi River bridges at Vicksburg. It happened on Wednesday, February 2. A witness said he saw 10 or 12 barges in the tow scattered all over the river. A sheriff's office spokesman said that one grain barge sank 100-200 yards down river from Interstate 20 and Old U.S. 80 bridges. Little information is given, except that Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace told the AP that the boat that was pushing the barges is owned by Ingram Barge Co., Paducah, and that it was of the 10,000 hp. Variety. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Two tugs ordered by the Curaçao Towage Company Ltd. By Joop Kooijman , Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles In the Curaçao press of February 12 last, it was published that the Curaçao Towage Company Ltd, locally known as KTK (the acronym for the towage company in the local language Papiamento) has ordered two tugs by Damen Shipyards in the Netherlands for contractual price of US$ 11 million. The specifics of the tugs are not known, but most probably they are of the sturdy standard type for use in harbors but also for towage within the waters of the western hemisphere. At present the Curaçao Towage Company operates three 60 ton bollard pull tugs: the Lima II and Jaro are owned, the third Maria Luisa II is leased from Svitzer- Wijsmuller. Since Smit Antilles Ltd. – which tugboat company attended the needs of the oil terminal at Bullenbaai with two tugboats – was no longer allowed to operate domestically, the Curaçao Towage Company has to take care of all towage jobs and often not enough tugboats are available to assist the incoming and outgoing tankers, which pass through the center of the city of Willemstad and also attend the shipping at Bullenbaai (the 17 million barrel oil terminal operated by the local Curaçao refinery ISLA leased by the Venezuelan PDVSA). The Bullenbay is 45 minutes sailing away from the
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main channel, where the tugboats are moored in front of the Head Office. Besides harbor towage, the tugs are also involved in ocean towage. At present the LIMA II is on its way from Caicos and Grand Turk (North of Hispaniola) with the dredger Hercules to Curaçao, thus the remaining tugs are working at their maximum capacity (Bron: Shipping News)
Two stroke power for mega tug MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Denmark has been awarded the contract to supply a complete twin-screw lowspeed two-stroke propulsion package for a 90 m, 11,000 kW oceanic mega tug boat. The newbuilding is under construction at Wuchang Shipyard, Wuhan, China for the owner Shanghai Salvage Co. Ltd., which owns a large fleet of various salvage tugs and tug boats. The newbuilding, which is scheduled to be delivered during April 2006, will be operated by the Hong Kong-based Shen Hua Shipping Company Ltd. The primary tasks of the SDARI (Shanghai Research and design Institute)-designed vessel will be oceanic towing. The heavy fuel oil burning propulsion package solution is based on two 8S35MC twostroke engines, two VBS1080 controllable pitch propellers and an Alphatronic 2000 Propulsion Control System. The shipment of engines and propulsion equipment from Denmark to China is scheduled to take place between June and August-beginning with the propulsion control equipment--to match the shipyard installation schedule. Length oa 89.9 m - Length wl 85.9 m - Length pp 80.0 m Breadth 17.2 m Draft max 6.8 m Main engines 2 x MAN B&W Diesel 8S35MC Output 5920 kW at 173 r/min Propellers 2 x MAN B&W Diesel VBS1080 Propeller diameter 3,700 mm Bollard pull 188 tons Speed 16 knots Control system MAN B&W Diesel Alphatronic 2000 Classification China Classification Society Ice class B2 Class notation CSA 5/5 Tug, CSM, AUTO-0, SCM, CMS Propulsion package particulars: Main engines: Two MAN B&W Diesel 8S35MC engines, specified for HFO operation, according to the IF180 fuel specification. The total engine output amounts to 2 x 5,920 kW (2 x 8,050 bhp) at 173 r/min. Tunnel gearboxes and alternators: Two Flender type GUG 1200 gearboxes with a speed ratio of 170:1500 r/min. Each drives an 1160 kW / 1375 KVA shaft alternator via a flexible tooth coupling. Propellers and shafting: Two MAN B&W Diesel four-bladed CP Propellers with a diameter of 3,700 mm. The propellers are designated VBS1080, with medium-skew propeller blade profiles optimized for nozzle operation with a speed of 170 r/min. The propeller shaftlines each consist of a 17m tail shaft, an ODS oil distribution unit/coupling flange and 3 x 6 m intermediate shafts. Control system: The Alphatronic 2000 Propulsion Control System, with twin main bridge and control room maneuver stations, includes interfaces to a power management system and a Kongsberg Simrad JoyStick System coordinating the control of propellers, rudders and tunnel thrusters. (Bron: Shipping News)
Bollinger Contracted to Build Two for Bouchard Bouchard’s B.No. 225, sister hull to the announced newbuilds, B. No. 280 and B.No. 205, travels down the Mississippi River on her maiden voyage following delivery from Bollinger. Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. of Lockport, Louisiana and Bouchard Coastwise Management, Corp., Hicksville, N.Y., one of the largest operators of double hull articulated tug/barge (ATB) units in the United States, signed a contract for Bollinger to build two doublehull, ocean-going barges that meet the requirements of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA’90). These two additions will give Bouchard fourteen OPA’90 barges in their fleet. This addition to the Bollinger yards portfolio, will bring the delivered OPA’90 barge count to thirty-three when both units are delivered. Following on the success of the recent Bollinger delivered ATB’s, 110,000 barrel B. No.225 with tug JANE A. BOUCHARD and delivery of the 145,000 barrel B. No.242 with the tug MORTON S. BOUCHARD IV, Bouchard has again teamed with Bollinger for their fleet expansion. B. No.280 will have a 80,000-barrel capacity and the B. No.205 will be able to carry 110,000 barrels. Delivery of the first barge is scheduled for November, 2005 and delivery of the second barge is planned for October, 2006. Terms of the contract were not disclosed. Morton S. Bouchard III, president and chief executive officer of Bouchard Affiliates, said “We are pleased that Bouchard and Bollinger have come to an agreement to construct the
2/17/05 6:52:16 AM
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first two vessels of Bouchard’s second phase construction program.” The first new Bouchard barge, B. No.280 will be a clean oil barge measuring 399-feet long, with a 74-foot beam and a depth of 28feet. The second barge, B. No.205 will be a black oil barge measuring 430-feet long, with a 79-foot beam and a depth of 34-feet. Their sterns will be built with a notch and vertical ladder structure as part of its Intercon coupler system. “The Bollinger organization is pleased to be a part of Bouchard’s future plans.” said Donald “Boysie” Bollinger, chairman and chief executive officer of Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., “Our employees are dedicated to making the Bollinger built units the best in the industry.” (Bron: Marinelink)
Fairmount Marine bestelt vierde sleper in Japan Fairmount Marine in Rotterdam heeft bij de apanse Nnigata-werf een vierde zeesleper besteld. Het is een zusterschip van de eerder bij deze werf bestelde drie superzware zeeslepers. Tevens is een optie genomen voor een vijfde sleper. Vorig jaar kondigde Fairmount de bouw van de superslepers Faimount Sherpa en Fairmount Summit aan, die respecievelijk in mei en oktober van dit jaar worden opgeleverd. Kort daarop maakte de rederij bekend een bouwopdracht te hebben verleend voor een derde sleper, die de naam van Fairmount Alphine heeft gekregen en in mei 2006 wordt opgeleverd. En nu komen daar nog een vierde en wellicht een vijfde sleper bij. Nummer vier moet in oktober 2006 worden opgeleverd en gaat Fairmount Glacier heten. De slepers krijgen elk een trekkracht van 200 ton en behoren hiermee tot de sterkste in hun soort. Fairmount oprichter Henk van den Berg wil met deze vier krachtpatsers de gevestigde orde in de zeesleepvaartsector, waaronder ITC en de Global Towing Alliance waarin SmitWjs Towage deelneemt, gaan beconcurreren. Hij heeft hiervoor met Semco Salvage & Marine uit Singapore, die sinds kort over twee zeer sterke nieuwe zeeslepers beschikt, het samenwerkingsverband OneAllianz opgericht. Van den Berg meent dat hij, met een vloot van moderne zeeslepers, de zwaar verouderde vloot van SmitWijs Towage en ITC, op grote achterstand kan zetten. Fairmount heeft voor de eerste twee superslepers al een sleepopdracht binnengehaald. In opdracht van Technip France worden begin 2006 de Fairmount Sherpa en de Fairmount Summit ingezet om de nieuw gebouwde Dalia FPSO te verslepen van de werf in ZuidKorea naar het Dalia veld, offshore Angola. De Dalia FPSO is 312 meter lang en 60 meter breed. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Niestern Sander brengt sleper Holland weer in originele staat Koninklijke Niestern Sander in Delfzijl geeft de voormalige Doeksen sleper Holland haar originele kop terug. Het complete voorschip wordt in oorspronkelijke staat teruggebracht. De Holland werd in de naoorlogse jaren onder bouwnummer 111 gebouwd bij Ferus Smit aan het Winschoterdiep en is nu eigendom van de Stichting Zeesleepboot Holland West Terschelling. De sleper si (57,35x9,50x4,50 meter) is uitgerust met een Werkspoor Diesel van 3000 pk. Aan de bouw van het toentertijd meest besproken schip dat van een Groninger helling gleed, ging en roemruchte geschiedenis vooraf. Het was het tweede bergingschip met de naam Holland, dat rederij Doeksen van Terschelling bij Ferus Smit bestelde. In 1939 bouwde de werf al een voor die jaren reusachtige sleepboot. Kort na de Duitse bezetting stond het casco van de Holland op de bouwkade en werd in beslag genomen. In Duitse dienst in het Oostzeegebied werd ze gebruikt om aangeschoten schepen uit het strijdgewoel te helpen. Een goedgerichte Britse torpedo bracht haar in 1942 tot zinken. In 1950 bestelde Doeksen een tweede Holland. Het schip kon worden gefinancieerd met herstelbetalingen van de Duitsers. De bouw van dit schip, dat naast sleep- en bergingswerk ook de veerdiensten van Harlingen naar Terschelling en Vlieland kon onderhouden, geschiedde onder toezicht van Bureau Schouten uit Heemstede. In het achterdeel van de opbouw werd een gecombineerde sleeplier met een trekkracht van vijftig ton van de machinefabriek Hatlapa geplaatst. Verder was het schip voorzien van een electrische ankerlier en kaapstander. Aan stuurboord bevond zich een bergingspomp van 600 kuub per uur, aan bakboord een brandbluspomp van 150 kuub per uur. In de schoorsteen werd een waterkanon gebouwd, dat zowel aan stuur- als aan bakboord water kon geven. De tien cilinder Werkspoor motor was destijds de grootste van deze fabriek. Vanaf 1951 tot 1975 was de Holland gestationeerd op West Terschelling. In die tijd werden 161 schepen binnengebracht, werden 309 konvooidiensten verricht, moesten 9 schepen worden opgegeven en deed het schip 72 sleepreizen, waaronder twee Atlantische. In 1975 verhuurde Doeksen het schip aan Rijkswaterstaat en in 1998 werd ze verkocht aan holland Shipping Company (Arjen Terpstra en Bert Blokhuis). In januari 2001 kwam de Hollan in bezit van de Stichting Zeesleepboot Holland met thuishaven de Oude Rijkswerf in Den Helder. Koninklijke Niestern Sander zal de bijna 55 jarige Holland begin maart weer opleveren. (Bron: Schuttevaer). Note van de samensteller van S & O Nieuws: Mijn eerste reis in januari 1966, als leerling WTK aan boord van de Schelde (Smit) was het verslepen, samen met de HOLLAND, van een zelfheffende booreiland van de waddeneilanden naar de Belgische kust.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Kintore sold Hector, ex Kintore is due to leave Invergordon for Istanbul on the 18th Jan. en route to a Black Sea port in Ukraine. (Bron: Nico Jonker)
OFFSHORE NEWS: Brevik to build UT712 for Farstad Farstad Supply AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Farstad Shipping ASA, has reached an agreement with Brevik Construction AS, a subsidiary of Aker Brevik, for the building of an anchor handling tug supply vessel for delivery in April 2006. The vessel is a UT712L.Farstad Supply has also signed an agreement with the yard for optional 1+1 UT712L vessels. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
NOR Offshore concludes bareboat charter with Jaya NOR Offshore Pte Ltd(NOR) in Singapore, in which Solstad Offshore ASA has a 33 per cent share, has entered into a bare-boat agreement with Jaya Holdings Ltd to charter two vessels. The firm duration of the bareboat agreements are 15 and 8 months respectively. In addition, NOR has the option to extend the agreement for the first vessel to five years. NOR also has an option to purchase the first vessel and an obligation to purchase the second, during the charter periods. The vessels, presently under construction in Batam, Indonesia, are sister vessels and due for delivery in May and November 2005, respectively, and are anchor handlers with additional equipment such as DP2, accommodation for 42 persons and firefighting. The first vessel, to be named Nor Sea has already been awarded a three month charter as a ROV support vessel on the Sakhalin field in Russia. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Far Grimshader fixed with TEAM Farstad Shipping has contracted their PSV UT706L Far Grimshader to TEAM Marine. The contract period is for a period of 12 months and will commence circa April when the vessel will complete its current TEAM Marine charter.As Seabrokers recently reported, Far Grimshader is currently front running for the PSV VS483 Far Strider that is presently with Norsk Hydro, so when the Strider comes back to TEAM, the official start date on the Grimshader's one-year term charter will ommence."Market forces have been moving on in recent months and the 1983 built Far Grimshader is believed to have fixed between £9,000 and £10,000 per day level. This fixture also means that Farstad will have four supply vessels on term charter to TEAM Marine. The VS483 Far Supplier is on charter until January 2007, UT705LX Far Superior is also on charter until January 2007, and the VS483 Far Strider until January 2006," noted Seabrokers.This quartet of fixtures eclipses the brace of Gulf Offshore vessels that they have fixed with TEAM. Currently Gulf has its PSVs UT705 Highland Star and Highland Pride committed to the consortium.It is understood that the Far Grimshader will mainly support drilling operations in the UK Southern sector for TEAM member ConocoPhillips. (Bron: Shipping
Bourbon Topaz named at Ulstein Verft The latest addition to Groupe Bourbon's fleet, Bourbon Topaz, was formally named earlier this month.This is the first time Ulstein Verft AS has delivered a vessel to Bourbon Offshore Norway, and it is also the first Ulstein designed vessel in the Bourbon fleet. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Tidewater re-emerges in North Sea As broker Seabrokers reported recently, for the world's largest offshore fleet owner, Tidewater's North Sea presence is surprisingly sparse.However, this is possibly set to change with the arrival of a couple of vessels in the coming weeks and months.Soon to arrive is the AHTS VS486 John P Laborde, Which will join the newbuild already here, the AHTS NED 1144 J Hugh Roff Jnr. Tidewater informed Seabrokers that another 3-4 vessels maybe heading this way too. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Swire Pacific vessels bound for North Sea Swire Pacific Offshore's AHTS UT720 Pacific Brigand and Pacific Blade will be making their way to the North Sea from the West African spot market, to commence a 130 day + options charters with Italian construction giants Saipem, reports Seabrokers. Both vessels will be working together with their sister AHTS Pacific Banner supporting the semi-submersible pipelay barge Castoro Sei.The charter is scheduled to commence in March. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Highland Courage to leave North Sea Seabrokers reports that BHP has contracted the Gulf Offshore owned AHTS UT722L Highland Courage. The vessel delivered to BHP on January 30th and will be away from the North Sea spot
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market for several months supporting the Ensco 85 jack up.The rig will be drilling several wells on BHP's Lennox field in the Irish Sea. This will be the second Gulf UT722L vessel to have left the North Sea arena, the other being the sister vessel the Highland Valour that departed the North Sea earlier this month to tow the Safe Scandinavia accommodation rig down to the Mediterranean and is currently en route back to North Sea at the time of writing. (Bron: Shipping News)
Toisa Invincible to support Sedco 714 Seabrokers reports that BG has fixed the PSV VS483 Toisa Invincible to support the semi Sedco 714 for one well plus one well option, commencing in mid-February.Once this is completed the vessel will then support the semi GlobalSantaFe 140 rig on behalf of BG for five wells plus options. This charter is due to begin mid-June 2005.Toisa Invincible is currently supporting the semi Sedco 714 on behalf of Talisman and is expected to remain with the charterer until the rig moves over to BG. It is expected that the vessel will continue to be utilised by BG until the end of the year. (Bron: Shipping
OSL surveys recent secondhand activity Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd (OSL) says Seabulk has sold the Seabulk Penguin 2 (built1976 -7,760BHP) to Magnum International on private terms.The AHTS Lady Elaine (built 1983 - 10,560 BHP) has been sold to Petra Perdana Malaysia for a price in the region of US$6,250,000.Jaya Offshore has sold its newbuilding AHTS hull number 838 to Wise Innovations Malaysia for a price in the region of US$20 million. OSL also reports that the AHT Seabulk Cygnet 1 (built 1974-5,600BHP) has been sold to Spanish Buyers on private terms with handover already completed. The vessel will be renamed Facal 20.The AHT Seabulk Cygnet 2 (built 1976 - 5600 BHP) has been sold to Maridive Egypt for a price in the region of US$750,000.The supply vessels Gulf Yankee (built 1982 - 3900BHP) and Gulf Frontier (built 1981 - 3600 BHP) have been sold to Middle East buyers on private terms. Asking price was in excess of US$3.5 million (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Broker highlights recent orders Broker Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd (OSL) says DOF has ordered a PSV of the MT6000 design from Aker Brattvaag at a cost of Norwegian Kroner 200,000,000 for delivery in January 2006. Norskan Offshore has ordered a UT722L AHTS for delivery in June 2006 with Aker Promar in Brazil. OSL confirmed that Bourbon Offshore has declared its option at Ulstein Verft for the construction of a PSV of the P105 design. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 9 dd. 27 Februari 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Havila koopt Seacor Schepen We hear that Havila have purchased the UK based Seacor fleet for about 85 million dollars. The five ships involved are the Stirling Tay renamed Havila Faith, Stirling Spey renamed Havila Favour, SmitLoyd Fame renamed Havila Fame, Stirling Pegasus renamed Havila Fortune , and Stirling Iona renamed Havila Force (Bron: Jan Plug)
Tewater Svitzer Levti In december 2004 is voor Svitzer de Svitzer Levti (300 brt.) bij ASL Shipyard , Singapore tewater gelaten. Bouwnummer 359. Vlag VCT.
Noble Spirit Ook in december 2004 is tewater gelaten de Noble Spirit (246 brt.) voor PSA Marine, bij Keppel Singmarine, bouwnr. 271.
KST Sedna Eveneens in december 2004 bij Keppel Singmarine de KST Sedna (246 brt.) voor Keppel S., bouwnummer 270. (Bron: Jaap Bijl) Smitwijs Singapore Reports
Even weer wat ditjes en datjes van de afgelopen weken. De vorige sleep (rig Ensco-76) op de 2e overgegeven aan de Rotterdam, 100mijl west van Grand Cayman, om wat meer tijd te hebben in Corpus Christi voor de noodzakelijke reparaties. De verwachte aankomst was de 5e, maar... Kregen op de 4e echter weer de opdracht terug te keren naar de Rotterdam, deze had wat probleempjes met de motoren en wij moesten er even op vast maken om haar de gelegenheid te geven de motoren te stoppen. De 5e ongeveer 2 uurtjes de Rotterdam + Ensco-76 aan de draad gehad en daarna weer met gezwinde spoed naar Corpus. Kwamen daar de 7e s'ochtends aan, een dikke week wat repareren en vervolgens nog een kleine week wachten op het vertrek met de huidige sleep, de H-851 geladen met de Benguela/Belize Tower, met bestemming Cabinda, Angola. De 10e is de Rotterdam ook in Corpus aangekomen en gezusterlijk hebben we liggen wachten op het vertrek. Een niet onaardig plaatsje dat Corpus, hoewel we de langste tijd aan de verkeerde kant van de haven lagen. De bedoeling was om de 16e te gaan vertrekken, maar Heerema was nog niet klaar met de bak en ook het weer gooide nog wat roet in het eten. Uiteindelijk zijn we na het weekend op de 21e in dichte mist vertrokken.De Rotterdam al vast bij de Kiewit werf Ingleside en wij hebben buiten het touwtje er aan vast geknoopt. Denken er ongeveer 40 dagen over te doen om bij het Kuito Olieveld aan te komen, daar wordt het geval door de Thialf van Heerema op zijn plek op de zeebodem gezet. Vaart door het water momenteel 7 tot 7.5. De Wolraad Woltemade had de 23e moeten vertrekken met het tweede gedeelte van de Benguela/Belize Tower, maar ook hier gooide het weer eens wat in de war en die staat nu voor vertrek op de 26e. Sinds afgelopen maandag kunnen we onze eigen weerkaarten maken. De schepen worden geabonneerd (test) op het zg SPOS van Meteo Consult, die van RTL, krijgen 2 keer daags gegevens per email en importeren die in het programma en voila de weerkaatjes van +0 tot +120 uur rollen eruit. Eerste indruk is prima. Het is ook te gebruiken als klimaat atlas. Van een vorige sleep, de Moss Sirius - met de Rotterdam van Noorwegen naar Brownsville gebracht om daar als radar station te worden ingericht : De radar installatie is nu bijna klaar (zelfde werf in Ingleside als ons spulletje). De Semi-sub SBX-1 (ex Moss Sirius) gaat volgens de laatste berichten van Brownsville naar Ingleside halverwege maart, om het radargebeuren er op te plaatsen. Vervolgens is het dan de bedoeling dat de SBX-1 dan ergens in juni zelfvarend via Straat Magalane naar Hawaii gaat, om daar de "Star Wars Radar" verder uit te testen. (Bron: Kapitein Heerema)
Smit bestelt slepers Nigeria bij Damen De vloot van sleepboten en werkvaartuigen van Smit Nigeria Ltd. In Lagos wordt uitgebreid met twee stuks sterke kust- annex havensleepboten en een loodsboot. Scheepswerf Damen gaat de drie schepen bouwen. Na oplevering gaan ze gastankers assisteren bij de grote LNG-terminal op het eiland Bonny in de delta van de Niger. Door de uitbreiding van de LNG-terminal op Bonny Island wordt daar steeds meer vloeibaar gas geproduceerd, dat met LNG-tankers moet worden afgevoerd. Het aantal tankers dat de terminal aandoet, neemt hierdoor ook steeds toe. Voor het assisteren van deze vaartuigen heeft Smit-dochter Smit Nigeria Ltd vier Damen ASD Tugs, twee Damen Pushy Cats en J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
een bemannings-annex loodsvaartuig van het type Damen Stan Crew Tender in de vaart. Al deze vaartuigen zijn in 1999 door de werf in Gorinchem opgeleverd. Voor de bouw van de drie nieuwe schepen heeft Smit Nigeria Ltd. Wederom een beroep op Scheepswerf Damen gedaan. De twee slepers worden van het type Damen ASD Tug 3110 en zijn ermee nagenoeg identiek aan de vier eerder geleverde slepers. Ze krijgen een trekkracht van 58 ton en worden achtereenvolgens op 24 februari en 14 april 2006 opgeleverd. Het loodsvaartuig, een Damen Alu Cat 1605, wordt door waterjets aangedreven en zal nog dit jar, op 15 juni om precies te zijn, worden overgedragen. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Nieuwe sleper voor Wagenborg Op 7 februari is in Istanboel de nieuwe sleepboot Waterstraat voor Wagenborg Sleepdienst in Delfzijl aan dek gezet van de coaster Ambassadeur. Deze achttien meter lange en zeven meter brede sleepboot is gekocht van de Turkse Scheepswerf Medmarine in Dilovasi aan de Zwarte Zee, die haar in eigen beheer had gebouwd. De dubbelschroever, met een bollard pull van dertig ton, heeft twee Caterpillar-motoren van elk 1100 pk. Het transport komt eind februari in de Eemshaven aan. Voor het sleepwerk wordt in Nederland nog een sleeplier geplaatst (Bron: Schuttevaer)
New building Adsteam The intended name for the first of the new AdSteam UK vessels now nearing completion (Yard No. 512202) at Damen Changde, China is ADSTEAM FERRIBY (port of registry: Hull). The other two ASD2411 type vessels for AdSteam UK (Yard Nos 512203 & 512204), are under construction at the Song Cam Shipyard, Vietnam. (Bron: Nico Jonker)
WSS Marine News Aeger 385/03 – tug. Has been renamed Asterix by Dansk Bjergning og Bugsering ApS, Denmark (DIS). Bourbon Castle, (Havila Castle – 03, Boa Sword 98, Far Sword – 97, Highland Light – 90, Wimpey Seahunter – 88) 2024/82 – Offshore tug/supply. By Bourbon Cayman Ltd, Canada to Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and renamed Ios Castle Bourbon Trader, (Havila Trader – 03, Boa Trader – 98, Strathfarrar –n96, Stad Troll – 88) 2478/79 – Offshore supply. By Bourbon Ships AS Norway to Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and renamed Ios Jumbo. Multratug 11, (Mercur – 00) 243/72 – tug. By Multratug BV Netherlands to Porta Zegluga Sp, Poland and renamed Serwal 2 Norskan Ipanema, 319/02 – tug. By Norskan Offshore Ltda to Seabulk Offshore do Brazil Ltda. Both Brazil and renamed Seabulk Ipanema. Primernyy, 1163/76 – tug, Has been renamed Yuriy Orlenko by Vladivostok Fishing Port State Administration, Russia Seabulk Gabrielle, (Ocean Pioneer – 97, Gray Rove – 95, Nuti – 81, launched as Fook Gee One), 430/81 – tug/supply. Has been renamed Gabrielle by Seabulk Gabrielle Inc. UAE, and registerd to Tonga Registry. Stirling Aquarius, (Star Aquarius – 96, Ger Viking – 94), 2650/91 – Offshore tug/supply. By Stirling Offshore Ltd to Langefoss AS, both Isle of Man (British) and renamed Aquarius. Texan, 199/79 – tug. By Odyssea Vessels Inc. To Martin Gas marine Inc. Both USA. Name unchanged. Wldebeest, 721/73 – supply. By Seaworx BV, Netherlands to Oceanmotive BV. St Vincent and the Grenadines. Name unchanged.
WSS Members Reports Boa Tor 408/94 was renamed Tak-9 (ltu) prior to 9/8/2004. Bourbon Captain 1658/83 was renamed Petra 2 (Mys) prior to 22/6/2004 and then Ios Captain (Mys) prior to 25/10/2004 Bourbon Castle 2024/82 was renamed Ios Castle (Blz) prior to 15/11/2004 (see above) Bourbon Champion 1654/83 was renamed Petra 1 (Mys) prior to 28/6/2004 and then Ios Champion (Mys) prior to 27/9/2004 Bourbon Trader 2478/79 was renamed Ios Jumbo (Blz) prior to 8/11/2004 (see above) Ems Express 327/96 – tug was renamed Kenley (Vct) prior to 6/9/2004 Midgard I 196/73 – tug was renamed Geeste (Deu) prior to 13/9/2004 Midgard II 230/83 – tug was renamed Brake (Deu) prior to 13/9/2004 Ocean Chief 290/43 – tug was seen as Ocean Lady at Dordrecht on 2/12/2004 Seabulk Carolyn 408/98 – tug was renamed Tatich prior to 10/2/2003 and then Caballo Appaloosa (Mex) prior to 2/6/2004 Seabulk Katie 408/98 – tug was renamed Caballo Lipizano (Mex) prior to 4/10/2004 Seabulk Kentucky 627/83 was renamed Nw Nuevo Leon (Gbr) at Rotterdam on 22/11/2004 J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Smit-Lloyd 55 1222/88 was reported to have been renamed Ocean Cairo Smit-Lloyd 57 1256/87 was renamed Dea Odyssey (Bhs) prior to 19/7/2004 Solano 978/77 was renamed Karar (Bhs) prior to 15/11/2004 Wandelaar 280/70 – tug sailed from the Schelde as Jaguar (Pol) on 1/12/2004
Adsteam reports strong half-year TOWAGE operator Adsteam Marine has reported a 13% increase in net profit for the six months to 31 December 2004. Profit rose to A$12.8M ($10M) on the back of a 10% growth in operating revenue to A$164.3M and cost reductions. Adsteam managing director John Moller forecast that the second half of the 2004-05 financial year would see greater savings filtering through from the introduction of threeman tug crews in Adsteam's UK operations. There may also be savings in tax paid in the UK as transition arrangements relating to UK tonnage tax are being finalised and, said Moller, "there has been good progress to date." In Australia, Adsteam has benefited from an interim government subsidy for the provision of emergency response towage. Despite competition in Australia, market share had been maintained in all ports and Adsteam has won the towage contract for Darwin's new LNG terminal. Adsteam took delivery of two new tugs in the second half of 2004 and has a further five on order. (Bron: Daily press clippings)
International Salvor Tsavliris Tsavliris has recently relaunched its website www.tsavliris.com The colorful new website is dynamic, more informative, easy to navigate and up to date. Direct links are provided to Tsavliris emergency contact numbers, latest salvage operations, latest news and pubications. A flash animated archive is also available, illustrating on a world map a selection of major operations performed between 1981 and 1999. (Bron:maritime journal)
Duke of Normandy to be replaced Jersey Harbours, in the UK Channel Islands, are to have a sophisticated new flagship, a 26m Damen Shoalbuster tug designed to undertake a wide range of duties in the locality. The new vessel will replace the 33-years old Duke of Nomandy built for towage and general port maintenance duties in 1972 by John Bolson & Son in Poole. Based in St.Helier this earlier vessel has given sterling service, working around the Jersey ports and neighbouring islands. But the new vessel, destined to bear the same name, will transform and extend the services undertaken by Jersey Harbours, a subsidiary of the governing body – the States of Jersey. With four times the power of the earlier tug, the new vessel is one of the generation of Damen Shoalbuster 2609 vessels, with a good towing performance and a wide range of facilities for lifting and dredging with a towed plough. A twin screw shallow draft vessel of 26,02 mtrs with a beam of 9,10 mtrs, the tug will be fitted with two Caterpillar 3508BTA main engines producing a total of 2200 bhp. In keeping with other vessels of this type it will have a powerful 140 tons metric hydraulic crane, a large clear working deck, stern roller and bow thruster. The new Duke of Normandy will be capable of assisting the new breed of large ferries to berth in bad weather and deal with emergencies such as drifting vessels and oil pollution around the Channel Islands. With her shallow draft, she will be able to approach a casualty in danger of grounding to make a towing connection, unlike larger tugs from France and the UK that are often of limited use in the shallow local waters. Major savings are expected, particularly in the maintenance of buoys and seamarks, dredgig and general port maintenance tasks. Equipment will be fitted to enable the vessel, using her crane, to lift and replace buoys and their sinkers much more efficiently than before, using less man-power and obviating the need to hire in resources from elswhere. The tug will also be used for charter work and to carry out similar tasks for the other islands. Using the tug to carry out dredging is likely to result in a decrease in the frequency of major harbour dredging operations. The towed plough will enable bed levelling to be carried out and silt to be moved out through the harbour entrance. This could reduce the need to dredge St.Helier harbour to once every 15 years instead of the present 10. The hull of the new vessel was constructed in a Polish shipyard at Kozle and has been towed to the Netherlands to be fitted out Damen’s Hardinxveld shipyard. On announcing the order Deputy Harbour Master Captain Peter Moore said; ‘When we went out to tender some 13 yards approuched us, but it was not difficult to choose the Damen proposal. The Shoalbuster is a tried and proven design and so 95% of the new Duke is virtually off the shelf, saving us both time and money’. The old Duke of Normandy will be taken in part exchange by Damen and has already appeared in their sale lists. The new Duke of Normandy is due to be delivered to Jersey Harbours in June and will be displayed at seawork. Some crew retraining and familiarisation will be carried out, initially at the Damen yard, explained Capt. Moore, and both Commodore Shipping and Huelin-Renouf have readily agreed to co-perate with us in practising the berthing of large vessels. (Bron:maritime journal)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 10 dd. 06 Maart 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Gurrong Te Duinkerken is de Gurrong intussen van naam veranderd in Adsteam Victory. Aan de Honce is nog niets gedaan. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Les Abeilles Les Abeilles trekt zich uit Bonen terug, omdat de omzet daar vorig jaar is gedaalt van €700,000 tot €344,000. De Boulonnais werd volgens 'Le Marin' voor €600,000 verkocht aan de plaatslijke kamer van koophandel, Chambre de Commerce de Boulogne Côte d'Opale. De Kamer op haar buurt verhuurd de sleepboot aan de nieuwe sleepdienst van Bonen; SARL Compagnie Boulonnaise de Remorquage et de Savetage, een dochtermaatschappij van Compagnie Maritime Chambon, die reeds in de naburige haven van Kales bezig is. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Stanford De Stanford is inmiddels door Damen aan BP opgeleverd en werkt momenteel te Hound Point in Schotland. Ook de Castle Point zal voorlopig vanuit Hound Point gaan werken. Eind maart of begin april zullen ze naar de Thames worden gedirigeerd. De Corringham, die in juni zal worden opgeleverd gaat direct naar de Thames. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Intrepid B De Intrepid B van D. Little Engineering is op haar ligplaats te Fishguard gezonken. Zij zal door Wijsmuller worden gelicht. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Kintore Knight heeft de Kintore op 15.2.05 verkocht aan Stargazer Maritime, een liberiaans maatschappij, en zal als Hector in de Oekraine gaan werken. Vermoedelijk zitten Oekraïense geïnteresseerde achter Stargazer Maritime. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
BP Award Tug Management Contract to Targe Targe Towing Ltd, based in Montrose, Scotland, has been awarded a management contract to opeate a new tug fleet to be based at the BP Coryton oil refinery in the Thames Estuary. Three new fire fighting tugs with a bollard pull of 70 tonnes, have been ordered from Damen Shipyards and will delivered during the next few months. Named Stanford, Castle Point and Corringham (se also above), the vessels will bring the number of tugs managed and owned by Targe to 12. Construction of all three tugs, of the Damen ASD 3211 type, is well advanced, with one being fitted out at Gorinchem and two in Poland. The 32 mtrs stern-drive tugs will be powered by MAK 6M25 main engines delivering a total of 5300 bhp. Power will be transmitted to a pair of Rolls Royce azimuthing propulsion units incorporating controllable pitch propellors. All three vessels will feature an exceptionally comprehensive fire fighting system. Targe Towing’s MD, Tom Woolley, is delighted that following the recent tendering process and audit by BP Shipping, his team’s quality of service, underpinned by proactive initiative in a bespoke simulator and fire fighting training for dedicated terminal tugs, has been recognised with the award of a further BP contract. ‘Our strength’, he says, ‘can be found in the people we employ on our ships and the team work ethos which has been developed between them and our management team. Our combined goal is to achive the highest possible standards of ship management and operations.’ The Targe management team was instrumental in securing a contract with BP and Rio Tinto at their East Kalimantan coal export terminal in 1991, an operation that still continues. Targe also manage a fleet of three, state of the art tugs at the BP terminal at Hound Point in Scotland, including the Hopetoun, one of the largest terminal/escort tugs in the world. Targe Towing emerged as an entity following its directors initiative in creating a dedicated tug service for Peterhead in 1998. The company was supported in this veture by the fifth-generation Belgian tug owning family, Letzer, who had been co-owners of Nassau Towing and for whom Tom Woolley had worked for the previous decade. The company grew in the 1990’s becoming the principal towage operator in the NE Scottish ports of Peterhead, Aberdeen and Dundee while at the same time specialising in coastal and ocean tows to the Baltic, Black Sea and as far a field as Greenland. Targe continue to service the NE Scottish ports in their own right as an independent operator. Towage
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services at the BP Coryton facility are currently provided by Adsteam Towage Ltd. With tugs from their base at Gravesend. (Bron: Maritime Journal)
Adsteam Twee andere Adsteam boten, van hetzelfde type als de Adsteam Ferriby, worden de ADSTEAM WARDEN en de ADSTEAM HARTY, beide uitgerust met blandblusinrichting en voor de Medway waar ze voor het zelfde gasterminal contract zullen gaan werken als de Adsteam Victory. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Engine Room Explosion on Tug 2/28/05 7:15:40 AM ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. – One man was airlifted this afternoon after an engine room explosion on board a tug. The man was airlifted by a Coast Guard rescue helicopter from Air Station Atlantic City and taken to Saint Barnabas Hospitals burn unit in Livingston, N.J. The tug, Robert J. Bouchard, was towing an empty oil barge 9-miles off of Seaside Heights, N.J., when the explosion occurred. Coast Guard received the call from crewmembers using the tugs marine radio at 12:03 p.m. The remaining five people on board were removed from the tug with out incident. Three of the crewmembers were taken back to Coast Guard Station Manasquan while the other two remained on board a New Jersey State Police boat. Other assetts on scene were a 47-foot patrol boat and a 23foot rigid hull inflatable boat from Coast Guard Station Manasquan and one good samaratin vessel. The Coast Guard and the New Jersey State Police are continuing to monitor the vessel. The cause of the incident is still under investigation. (Bron: Marinelink)
Euro-Tugs A new marketing-force in coastal and long-distance towage has been established by Belgian-based URS Ocean Towage and German-based Fairplay Towage. With immediate effect, the two companies’ towage expertise and fleets in the range of 50 to 100 tons bollard pull are pooled in 'Euro-Tugs', of which the representative office is based in Rotterdam. Consequently both parties can now offer their clients an increased flexibility when selecting the tug(s) best suited for clients' requirements together with an increased back-up capability. Euro-Tugs will operate in the international towage market, the offshore and civil construction markets and other sectors both in European waters and beyond. The Pool will start to operate with 8 tugs in the 50 - 100 tbp range with following vessels: Tug
Bollard Pull in M/tons
Bollard Pull in M/tons
FAIRPLAY IX 55 FIGHTER 50 Commercial management functions are based in Antwerp, Hamburg and Rotterdam.
Waterstraat Vorige editie kon ik melde dat de Waterstraat was aangekocht door Wagenborg, Deze week zijn nieuwe gegevens binnengekomen. De Waterstraat is ex. Alemdar M 84 brt, 2004 gebouwd, 18m29 x 7mtr. Zusterschepen zijn de Yenikoy M en Altintel M, beide eveneens uit 2004. (Met dank aan Lawrence Amboldt)
Wie weet hier meer van? URS Nederland zou vorig week de FINLAND en de SCHOTLAND aan een Nederlandse koper hebben verkocht. Klopt dit wandelgang verhaal?. Weet een van jullie aan wie?
Management overdracht Smitwijs zeeslepers Helaas ben ik een beetje laat met deze info. De zeeslepers Smitwijs Singapore; Smitwijs Rotterdam en de Smitwijs London zijn op 1 februari 2004 in management overgegaan van Smit Vessel Management Services – Rotterdam naar Smit Vessel Management Services – Singapore. Het laatste stukje Hollands Glory is dus verleden tijd geworden. Operationeel en Commercieel blijft Smitwijs nog in Rotterdam aan het bekende adres Westplein. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Offshore News by Seabreeze: Topaz Takes Top Term Tender This month saw Apache take term tonnage in the form of the newbuild PSV P105 Bourbon Topaz. The vessel delivered to Apache on the 21st of February for a period firm until the end of May (with options). The Topaz has taken over the role of drilling support (Apache have the Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 3 rigs working at Forties) vessel from the PSV UT745 North Mariner which has departed for a 2 week dry docking followed by summer pipehaul work for Saipem. The diesel electric Topaz has an LOA of 86.2m, deck area of 960m2, and vast underdeck capacities of every description including MEG, TEG, Methanol and Glycol. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Ospreys And Huskies Canadian shipowners Atlantic Towing Ltd announced the fixture of their UT722L anchor-handler Atlantic Osprey to Husky Energy. The vessel will depart the North Sea for the five year charter in July of this year supporting the White Rose project. This field is located in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin 350 kilometres east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Husky Energy anticipates first oil from White Rose in late 2005 or early 2006. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Nice To See Ya, Malaviya The Great Eastern Shipping Company owned UT755L PSV Malaviya Eighteen arrived in Aberdeen this month. It has now begun its term charter with Marathon supporting the semi Noble Ton Van Langeveld. Previously the Malaviya Eighteen has been working for ONGC for a total of 18 months, ending last December. It will be taking over from the 6000 BHP PSV North Prince which had to go into dry dock for routine maintenance. The Prince will be back working on the spot market around the end of March whilst the Malaviya Eighteen will complete its charter with Marathon in mid May. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Maersk Lead The Way Three Maersk anchor handlers made or are making their way to Aberdeen for work with Stolt in February and March. The 12,000 BHP Maersk Leader began work with Stolt supporting the LB 200 barge on the 25th February whilst the Maersk Seeker and Maersk Lifter should join the Leader in mid March. All three anchor handlers are expected to remain with Stolt until the end of April . (Bron: Seabreeze)
Supporter Goes South Trico Supply announced the fixture of their 1996 built PSV Northern Supporter to the Dutch logistics company Peterson. The UT 755 will begin this charter in mid March and will perform general pool support work. Period of this term charter is firm until the end of October 2005 with a further five monthly options. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Double DOF Shell Shuffle Names have now been given to the Shell Shuffle newbuild vessels that Shell are chartering from DOF Offshore. The first one is a MT6000 design named Skandi Barra which will replace the UT755 Skandi Yare in July this year. The second change out will be the MT6009 Skandi Chieftain which will replace the UT755L Skandi Waveney in October this year. Shell are looking forward to getting their hands on this pair of diesel electric supply vessels, as the MT design has proved its worth with Shell and has delivered substantial fuel savings over conventional propulsion tonnage. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Fram Fixed & Gargano Grabbed In light of the strong market conditions and high work load, Shell UK were extending term tonnage this month. The first one was the Edda Fram; Shell took a one year option on it and is now firm until March 2006. The second vessel was the UT755L Gargano; this time Shell declared two year options thus retaining the vessel firm until March 2007. Both vessels are utilised in the Shell European pool and whilst normally working out of Aberdeen, it is not uncommon for Shell to work them in Holland and Norway. The Shell European integration certainly seems to have forged one marine unit and assets are used where needed. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Atrek Out For Brazilian Bounty Specialist Marine Services managed 8350 BHP AHTS Atrek (pictured below) has been chartered by th Brazilian federal energy company Petrobras. The latest delivery for this two year contract is the 30 April in Natal, North Brazil. The Atrek has been working in the Southern sector of the North Sea for the past few years. (Bron: Seabreeze)
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Brechtel Breath Of Fresh Air Brechtel chartered the Trico Supply AHTS Northern Comrade for a rig tow beginning at the start of February. The UT704 went onhire in the Netherlands commencing the journey across to Tampico in the Gulf of Mexico. From there it will tow the semisubmersible rig Pride South Seas to Capetown with an estimated time of arrival of around early May. Once this is complete the current plans are for the Comrade to redeliver back in Aberdeen for the North Sea summer spot market. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Statoil Stick With Skarven Solstad Offshore have announced the extension of their UT 716 AHTS Normand Skarven Norwegian operators Statoil. The vessel has been extended by three years from May 2005. The value of this extension is around 100 million NOK. Statoil have been using this anchor handler at the field. Picture of the vessel below shows the Normand Skarven in it’s previous guise as the Troms Skarven (it was later sold to Solstad as detailed in November’s Seabreeze). (Bron: Seabreeze)
Brute Is A Beaut Tidewater AHTS UT704 Brute Tide has been chartered by Petrobras for a two year firm plus options charter. The 1982 built anchor handler should begin this charter in May 2005 after completion of work with Stolt Offshore in Angola. (Bron: Seabreeze)
All Aboard John P Laborde Tidewater had a new arrival reach Aberdeen this month - the VS486 anchor-handler John P Laborde Named after the Director, Past Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Tidewater Inc, the vessel was built in the Yantai yard of China and its main specifications include 26,400 brake horse power and a bollard pull of 216 tons. Boasting just over 600 square metres of deck as well as DP 2, we are sure it will make an important contribution to the market. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Sartor Handover The 1976 built PSV UT 705 Olympic Commander has now been adopted by another Norwegian owner. Mainport Holdings Ltd have bought the vessel for a total sum of 3.7 million USD and will now go under the name of Ocean Mainport, with Sartor Shipping handling the management. Future plans are for it to work on the North Sea spot market until they find a term job for the vessel. As a reminder Olympic’s newbuild PSV UT755 is due for delivery around the end of June this year. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Velox In View Norwegian owners Ostensjo christened their new escort tug Velox. The vessel was built in the Astilleros shipyard in Spain and has now begun terminal work for Norsk Hydro in Bergen. A sister vessel is currently being built in the same yard and is due for delivery in October of this year. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Second Seven-One-Two-L Further to last month’s article, Norwegian ship owners Farstad Supply AS have taken up the first of two options for a UT712L design vessel from Aker Brevik. The anchor-handler should deliver in June 2006 and the contract is thought to be worth around NOK 250 million. The Aker yard in Romania will build the hull and it will be outfitted in Norway. We expect to see the first vessel of the same design delivering in April 2006 (Bron: Seabreeze)
Nor Offshore’s Newbuilds Nor Offshore Pte Ltd have made an agreement with Jaya Holdings Ltd for the two DP II, 5500 BHP anchor handlers currently being built at the Batam yard in Indonesia. Under the terms of the agreement, NOR Offshore will take the vessels on a bareboat charter for fifteen and eighteen months respectively, with the first due out of yard in May 2005 and the second in November 2005. Nor Offshore have the option to extend the contract of the first vessel (named Nor Sea) to five years and additionally have the option to purchase the first anchor handler and an obligation to acquire the second newbuild during their charter periods. The Nor Sea has also been chartered by ARCO Marine Contractors for a three month ROV fixture in the Sakhalin field, Russia. Nor Offshore is a joint venture between DOF ASA, Solstad Offshore and Nortrans Pte Ltd. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Hungry Havila Seize Seacor Havila Supply has purchased four PSVs and one AHTS from Seacor Marine in a deal worth USD 102 million. The hand over of the vessels will be in early March. The vessels purchased are the Smit-Lloyd Fame PSV, UT706 Stirling Pegasus, VS483 Stirling Spey, VS483 Stirling Tay and the VS473 Stirling Iona. Market rumours indicate one of the PSVs may work for Statoil carrying out pipehaul for a month J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
or so until the Havila newbuild MT6000 is ready. All others are expected to remain on the spot market. (Bron: Seabreeze) Old Name New Name
Alam’s Additions Malayan based Alam Maritim have announced they will take delivery of six newbuild vessels – three AHTSs and three other assorted vessels. The anchor handlers are the Setia Fajar (5150 BHP), Setia Lestari (4750 BHP) and the Setia Nilam (5150 BHP) and they are expected to deliver between June and September. Of the others, the Setia Inda is a utility/supply vessel and the Setia Kasturi is a supply vessel with both expected to deliver in August. Finally the last vessel is an AHT called the Setia Mega and is due for delivery in March. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Harvey Happy With Eastern Promise US shipbuilders Eastern Shipbuilding have been awarded a contract by US based Harvey Gulf International Marine for construction of a DP II dive support / well intervention vessel to be named the Harvey Discovery. Vital statistics include a moon pool, 75 ton crane, ROV, accommodation for 50 as well as capacity for deck cargo, liquid mud and dry bulk. The vessel has already been chartered by Sonsub Inc for a three year period in the Gulf of Mexico. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Safe As Houses The Team Atlantic AHTS Ocean Safe is rumoured to be in the process of being sold to West African buyers. The 4,400 BHP vessel is currently undergoing classification work in drydock after completion of work for Chevron Texaco in Nigeria. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Chuan Swan Song Is A Gem Of A Deal Malaysian jeweler Habib Corp has acted as a takeover vehicle for the Scomi oil services group in a US$ 342 million takeover deal of Singapore based Chuan Hup Holdings' maritime assets. Scomi will now have access to the Chuan fleet (comprised of 155 specialist vessels) making Southeast Asia's largest tug and barge operator Scomi, which are based in Kuala Lumpur, will provide funds for the takeover by subscribing to an issue by Habib of 174 million new shares, priced at around 1.15 Malaysian dollars. This deal will mean Scomi will become Habib's major shareholder with a 29.6% stake. (Bron: Seabreeze)
Pirates kidnap tugboat captain and Indon officer IPOH: A tugboat captain and his Indonesian chief officer were abducted after the boat they were on, together with six others, were attacked by pirates about 50 nautical miles west of Penang. An Indonesian crewmember, identified as Yakobus Lambi, was shot in the left leg and has been admitted to the Penang Hospital. He is reported to be in a stable condition. Lumut Naval Base public relations officer Karimah Awi said the incident occurred at about 9pm. The tugboat, Highline 26, was towing a coal-laden barge, High Line 22, from Bengkulu to Lumut. An Indonesian fishing boat, with four men wearing black aboard, had approached the tug-boat, arimah said. The men jumped onto the tugboat and attacked the crew. The bandits fired several shots, one of them hitting Yakobus' leg. Karimah said the four men were believed to be Indonesians, judging from their dialect. "The captain of the tugboat identified as Capt Wong Check Tung and the chief officer identified as only Munaji were taken hostage. The four men also destroyed the goods in the tugboat and left the others on board," she said. Karimah said information on the attack was received by the Lumut Maritime Enforcement Coordination Centre. She said KD Perdana, which was carrying out its routine surveillance near Pulau Perak, rushed to the scene immediately after its commander Lt-Comm Badrul Hisham Mohamed was told about the incident. When KD Perdana arrived at the scene, the tugboat was floating aimlessly. "The pirates also took the tugboat's documents and it is believed that they had done so to show that tbducted," she said, adding that the two had yet to be located. (Bron: Kees Pronk)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 11 dd. 13 Maart 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Hythe improve US Army LT series tugs. The United States Army – Combat Equipment Battalion at Hythe on Southampton Water is in the process of carring out a unique reconstruction programme on a series of powerful twin screw tugs. All six of the tugs concerned are just 10 years old but during their relatively short working lives have been found to have significant deficiencies, particularly with regards to stability. Decribed as The US Army Centre of Excellence for Watercraft Maintenance, the Hythe base is manned largely by civilian engineering and shipyard staff and is accustomed to project work of this kind. Known as the 128ft Large Tugs and indentified LT801 through LT806, all six vessels of the series were completed in 1994 by Trinity/Halter at Moss Point in the USA. Primarily intended to assist with berthing of large transports, they are also equipped for deep sea towing and barge handling. Each tug is 39 mtrs in length, with a beam of 11 mtrs and depth of 4.9 mtrs, powered by two 2.550 bhp main engines driving open screws. In keeping with many such vessels built to a military specification they are well equipped, have excellent communications facilities and a large crew of 24 persons. The main thrust of the ‘LT 128ft Stabilitation modifications’ is to greatly improve the vessels’ stability and thus remove many of the restrictions placed upon their operational capabilities. Those restrictions included stringent conditions govering the sea states under which they can operate and on the use of fuel oil. Range was limited considerably by the need to keep fuel on baord as ballast. Whilst undergoing essential modifications to correct these deficiencies the opportunity has been taken to improv many other aspects of the tug’s operational performance. The most obvious and significant modification has been a reducion in the height of the superstructure by one deck, by removing the radio cabin from beneath the wheelhouse. To accomplish that, the original wheelhouse and radio cabin have been completely removed and discarded. A new much larger wheelhouse structure has been fabricated at hte base in Alumiium Alloy. Windows for the vessels, a total of over 150 for all six tugs, are being supplied by Houdini Marine Windows. Prior to putting the new wheelhouse in place a new pre-fitted out and electronically screened radio cabin has been inserted into the excisting accomodation block. The top portion of the radio cabin protrudes into the centre of the new wheelhouse, which now has new control consoles forward and a considerale ‘walk-rond’ space at the sides and aft. Both exhaust uptakes have been reduced considerably in height and a new mast structure has been added. Other measures taken to improve stability include, a large reduction in the weight of fendering around the bow and raised forecastle, fitting larger bilge keels and the conversion of void spaces into internal tanks. The latter has increased the vessels range (free running at 12 knots) from 3.906 miles to 5.926 miles. Fuel and ballst transfer equipment has also been significantly upgraded. As part of the same project, a great deal of effort has been expended in reducing noise levels on board by improving insulation and modernising the ventilation system and air ducting. Noise levels on the bridge have been reduced from 70.1db to 60.2db. New consoles have been installed on the bridge wings for propulsion and whinch controls. On the after deck, the existing towing winches have been retained but relatively minor changes have been made to the fairleads and towing gear. Four of the LT128 series tugs were in the Hythe yard when Maritime Journal paid the base a visit in December, all at different stages in the reconstruction process. One vessel, LT803 Major General Anthony Wayne, has been the prototype for all modifications, has succesfully run extensive trails ans is virtually ready for operational service. A second tug LT805 Major General Winfield Scott has structural modifications well advanced, a third is undergoing underwater maintenance and modifications and a fourth vessel is waiting for major reconstruction to start. The remaining two tugs af the series will arrive from the USA in a few months time. (Bron: Marine Journal) Washburn & Doughty To Launch 16th Z-Drive Tug Lynn Moran March 11 The pace of Boothbay region water traffic may be slow during winter but area boatyards are seeing robust traffic. The East Boothbay shipyard of Washburn & Doughty Associates, Inc. is buzzing with activity with four tugboats currently under construction. The 27-year-old yard, specializing in the construction of steel and aluminum vessels from 40' to 200', will launch its 16th Z-drive tug, the 92' Lynn Moran on Friday, March 11, at its East Boothbay facility. On December 6, Washburn & Doughty delivered the 92'x32' Z-Drive Tug Rainbow to the Providence Steamboat Company in Providence, Rhode Island. The Rainbow is primarily engaged in vessel assist work on Narragansett Bay and adjacent southeast New England waters. Since its founding in 1977, Washburn & Doughty Associates Inc. has become one of New England's finest commercial boat-building facilities. Currently, the yard
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employs more than 40 workers, making it one of the largest employers in the region. (Bron: Shipping News)
On The Waterfront Elizabeth M Raised, Missing Crewman Found in Engine Room The Mv. Elizabeth M was raised Friday (March 6) from the waters below Montgomery Locks and Dam on the Ohio River and the missing crewman, Rick Conklin, 40, of Crucible, Pa., was found. The Elizabeth M and her six barges sank at the site January 9 after running into difficulty after having locked through. Four crewmen died, including Conklin. River Salvage, Inc., raised the boat above the surface, beginning around 8:30 a.m. and utilizing large cranes to lift the boat to the surface before pumping out the water. Conklin's body was found in the engine room. On January 21 searches dived on the site and searched everywhere but in the galley and the engine room. Those spaces were blocked by debris, divers said at the time. On hand Friday, in addition to members of Conklin's family, was George "Toby" Zappone, master of the ill-fated vessel. Salvage and recovery efforts have been overseen by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Coast Guard. My mid-afternoon on Friday the vessel was towed to C&C Maintenance Co., where Beaver Falls firefighters worked for several hours to remove Conklin's body. For the record, surviving crew are Zappone; Crucible; Jason Wilds, 26, Latrobe, Pa.; and John Thomas, Powhatan Point, Ohio. Those who perished in the mishap include Conklin; Edward Crevda, 22, West Brownsville, Pa.; Tom Fisher, 24, Latrobe; and Scott Stewart, 26, Wheeling, W.Va. The Elizabeth M is owned and operated by Campbell Transportation Co., Charleroi, Pa. Legal action is pending as a result of the accident. The Coast Guard has completed a week-long hearing into the mishap but has yet to issue a report. (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
O.S.L. News - Newbuilding For its long term contract with Peterson Supplylink DOF has now ordered a MT6009 PSV with Fitjar Mekaniske Verksted AS. The vessel will be delivered during the first half of 2006. REM Offshore is to build a MT6000 MK II PSV at Kleven Maritime. The vessel with a building cost of NOK 200 million will deliver in January 2006. Island Offshore is to build a P101 multi role vessel at Ulstein Verft for delivery in March 2006. The vessel will be fitted with helideck, 130 tonnes crane, DP 2 and will cost NOK 290,000,000 to build. Farstad is to build two AHTS of the UT712L at a cost of NOK 250,000,000 each. The first vessel will deliver mid 2006. Swire Pacific have ordered two PSV’s of the UT755L design.
Second-Hand Air Dive Support vessels Algosaibi 21 and 23 (Blt.1985 – 2450BHP) have been sold to Fugro and Procyon on private terms. PSV Toisa Panther (Blt.1984 – 3520 BHP) has been sold on private terms to Middle East Buyers ‘Amasco’ with delivery and name change to Ahmed VI already having taken place. DSV CSO Marianos (Blt.1987 – 12060 BHP) has been sold to Mermaid Thailand on private terms with delivery scheduled for August. The vessel is likely to relocate to the Far East. PSV Olympic Commander (Blt.1976 – 4000 BHP) has been sold to a JV between Mainport Eire and Sartor Shipping for a price in the region of NOK 25,000,000. The vessel has already been delivered and renamed Ocean Mainport and will be managed by Sartor Shipping. Seacor has also sold the PSV Seacor Freedom (Blt.1980 – 3600 BHP) and Seacor Fortitude (Blt.1979 – 3600 BHP) to British Virgin Islands Buyers on private terms. The vessels will be taken out of the offshore industry and will be converted to carrying rail cars. AHTS Zuliana 1 (Blt.1973 – 6700BHP) has been sold to Deidre Maritime for a price in the region of USD 350,000. CLV Knight (Blt.2001 – 10,300 BHP) has been purchased by Rieber Shipping for a price in excess of USD 33,000,000. The vessel is to be renamed Polar Queen.
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PSV Inverclyde (Blt. 1996 – 6600 BHP) has been sold to Rovde Shipping Norway on private terms whilst the Inverforth (Blt.1996 – 6600 BHP) been to Havila Supply. The asking price was for each vessel was £12,500,000. AHTS Navigator (Blt.1975 – 7040BHP) which gas been laid up in South Africa for a number of years has been sold to Marshall Islands Buyers on private terms. AHTS Walvis 17 and 18 (Blt.1999 – 7954BHP) have been purchased in an enbloc deal by Hornbeck Offshore. Whilst no price has been reported we believe it to be in the region of USD 25/27,000,000. AHTS / standby Vessel Rem Supporter (Blt.1975 – 7040 BHP) has been sold to Thor Offshore Services Faroe Islands on private terms. Sartor Shipping has sold the standby vessel Ocean Safe (Blt.1973 – 5300BHP) to Greek buyers for a price in the region of NOK 16,000,000. Small survey / standby vessel Atlantic Defender has been sold to Indian Buyers at a price in the region of USDS 1,800,000. Single screw PSV Arethuse (Blt.1983 – 2469 BHP) has been sold on private terms to unnamed Buyers for use outside the offshore industry. The original asking price was circa USD 2,000,000.
SmitWijs Singapore Reports Even weer een verhaaltje over de voortgang van SWRot en SWSin (en Wolraad Woltemade). Zo'n beetje 1400 mijl west van Dakar en ongeveer halverwege onze oversteek naar Angola-Cabinda. Langs Cuba, Haiti en Puerto Rico hadden we zalig weer en het gemiddelde liep op naar een dikke 7,5 mijl. De laatste week vielen we echter onder de invloedsfeer van een front en is de wind minder gunstig (noordoost tot oost 5) en beweegt het water wat meer. Het front en het hemelwater zijn inmiddels weg getrokken, maar wind blijft. Kunnen momenteel krap aan 6 mijltjes er uit persen. Er is sprake van dat we ergens ter hoogte van Abidjan zullen gaan bunkeren vanuit een naar ons toekomend tankertje, maar dat hangt momenteel weer op losse schroeven. De onzekerheid of het op de geplande dagen (24, 25 maart)kan is waarschijnlijk te groot, bovendien kunnen we het einde met de huidige bunkervoorraad wel halen (ook de WW - een dag of vier achter ons). Definitief horen we maandag of het wel of niet doorgaat. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Bordelon orders two at Bollinger Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. and Bordelon Marine, Inc, both of Lockport La., have signed a contract for two Mega Mini Supply Boats. Contract terms were not disclosed. In 2001 Bordelon Marine took delivery of three of the highly successful Bollinger 145-foot mini supply boats, which expanded the Bordelon fleet to six vessels. Today Bordelon has once again taken the opportunity to grow its fleet by adding vessels that it views as the future for the production, support and standby requirements in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. The new vessels will be 163-feet long with a 36-feet beam and a depth of 11.5eet. Light draft is 5.4-feet and maximum draft is 9.7-feet. Liquid mud capacity is 51,660 gallons, methanol capacity is 44,600 gallons and fuel oil capacity 57,200 gallons. Deck cargo capacity will be 391.2 metric tons, utilizing a deck that will measure 110-feet x 30-feet. The vessels are classed ABS Load Line, DP, USCG Sub Chapter L, OSV. Production is underway at Bollinger's Lockport facility and delivery of the first vessel is planned for October 2005, with the second vessel following 45 days later. (Bron: Shipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 12 dd. 20 Maart 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Tidewater Sells Six Vessels 3/14/05 4:35:11 PM Tidewater has entered into a Letter of Intent to sell up to six of its KMAR 404 class of Anchor Handling Towing Supply vessels. The sale price, if all six vessels are ultimately sold, will amount to $202,000,000 and result in a reported financial gain of approximately $80,000,000. The transaction, as structured, calls for multiple closings throughout 2005 on five of the vessels as they end existing charters. The sixth vessel will be sold during 2005 if certain conditions are attained. Culmination of the transaction is subject to the buyer's inspection of the vessels and its securing adequate financing during the period ending April 1, 2005, and the parties entering into a definitive agreement by April 15, 2005. "This opportunity, which was presented to Tidewater by an international group, reflects the overall improved level of drilling and exploration activity in the North Sea. If the transaction is successfully culminated, we will have monetized a portion of our prior investment in large deepwater Anchor Handling Towing Supply Vessels at an attractive price. Moreover, with the soon to be completed delivery of the second of our large Anchor Handling Towing Supply vessels from our Chinese new construction project, and the projected delivery of the balance of three more vessels scheduled during 2005, we will continue to own the necessary modern deepwater vessels to take advantage of international business opportunities as they continue to develop," said Dean Taylor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Tidewater Inc. owns and operates nearly 570 vessels, the world's largest fleet of vessels serving the global offshore energy industry. (Bron: Marinelink)
Tidewater six-pack to Norway Start-up project Deep Sea Supply is bound for the bourse with six anchor-handling supply vessels bought from New Orleans-based Tidewater. Oslo business daily Dagens Naeringsliv reports that investment bankers ABG Sundal Collier and First Securities are at work drumming up equity investment from hometown and UK investors. The ship purchase from the New York-listed offshore giant is still subject to financing. TradeWinds reported yesterday that the six anchor-handlers had been sold to unknown parties for $202m, booking a profit for Tidewater of some $80m. Deep Sea is meant for a listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE). However, the specifics of financing are apparently not quite nailed down. In a mix of bank debt, convertible bonds and equity, the equity target is said to range between NOK 385m and NOK 735m ($120m). The convertible would add between NOK 100m and NOK 350m, the newspaper writes. Last but not necessarily least, Netherland's Fortis Bank is said to be offering a loan in the $100m order of magnitude. The ships involved, all built at Norway's Kleven, currently operate off West Africa, Venezuela, Australia, Singapore and Brazil but some will be put to work closer to home in the North Sea. They are set for inhouse commercial management under Odd Brevik, technical management under a third party company, perhaps Arendal's OSM Group. Brevik also has a small shareholding in the project. Project brokerage S&T Energy and offshore veteran Brevik are said to have formed the Deep Sea Supply project nearly a year ago. Other sources mention Norwegians Jon Skabo og Klaus Tollefsen as investors, along with OSE chairman Harald Norvik. (Bron: Shipping News)
Stakes raised in Malacca Strait with first Japanese victims Malacca Strait pirates are being hunted down in an unprecedented response after sparking diplomatic and naval fury by kidnapping two Japanese and one Filipino from a Japanese-owned tug. The three victims were taken by armed pirates who attacked the 43m long, 323 gross tonne tug Idaten on Monday evening as it was towing a large construction accommodation barge in Malaysian waters near Pangkor island, en route to Myanmar. Shots were fired by the pirates who encircled the tug and barge in three fishing trawlers for more than an hour. None of the 14 tugboat crew, nor any of the more than 150 workers on board the barge was injured. The pirates are believed to be operating from the Indonesian coast, with piracy experts suggesting they could be linked to the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The three kidnapped crew - assumed to have been taken for ransom - are 56-year-old captain Nobuo Inoue, 50-year-old chief engineer Shunji Kuroda and an unidentified Filipino crewman. A spokesman from the Japanese embassy told BT that the government of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has formally sought assistance from the three littoral states. 'We are asking the authorities of the three countries to provide as much information and help as possible to ensure the safe return of the kidnapped crew,' said Masashi Nakagome, counsellor at the embassy. As of yesterday the pirates
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had not made contact with the owners or authorities, he said. The Idaten and barge were due to arrive at Butterworth last night. BT understands that a Japan Coast Guard (JCG) team has been sent to Penang to assist with investigations. Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) confirmed the Republic had been formally requested by Japan to assist. 'Our port authority has immediately alerted our Coast Guard and all ships within Singapore waters to the incident. As a littoral state, Singapore will render whatever assistance we can,' the MFA said. 'This incident shows that all stakeholders need to co-operate closely in order to tackle the piracy problem effectively.' Malaysia has sent five patrol boats and a helicopter and Indonesia has sent five patrol boats and three warships to search for the pirates and the kidnapped crew. This incident marks the first time nationals from countries outside the region have been kidnapped and the first time a Japanese vessel has been attacked. The tug is owned by Kondo Kaiji, of Kitakyushu, Japan. BT understands it was on charter to Nippon Steel which has a construction contract for an offshore oil exploration company working in Myanmar. Advocates of firmer anti-piracy action have expressed hope that Japanese involvement will help bring greater pressure to bear on the littoral states, particularly Indonesia. The incident occurred barely two days after a chemical tanker was hijacked, with two crew members kidnapped for ransom. They are still missing. The sudden increase in attacks has ended speculation that the Dec 26 tsunami may have also wiped out, or at least weakened the pirates. The regional manager of the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre, Noel Choong, said the resurgence of attacks could be a result of the vacuum left by the departure of multinational naval vessels aiding in the Aceh tsunami relief effort. That vacuum, combined with the pirates' enforced absence from ransom-collecting and the possible need to rebuild and re-arm is making them more brazen in their attacks. 'Regional governments have to look really seriously at this situation,' Mr Choong said. 'If Indonesia does not take serious steps the situation will continue to get worse.' Similarly, Singapore Shipping Association executive director Daniel Tan said shipowners were frustrated by the lack of effective control over the piracy problem. 'The three countries' co-ordinated patrols don't seem to be very effective; what the shipowners are looking for is some kind of joint patrol,' he said. Eastern Navigation managing director Tan Ser Giam, whose tug the Ena Sovereign, was attacked and two crew kidnapped for ransom last year at very nearly the same place as the Idaten incident, warned that if piracy was not stopped, the strait's shipping trade would suffer as shipowners became fearful of sending their vessels into troubled waters. (Bron: Shipping News)
Smit Internationale N.V. behaalt opnieuw goed resultaat in 2004 • Goede resultaten Divisie Harbour Towage. • Divisie Terminals presteerde beneden verwachting. • Gedurende 2004 hoog werkaanbod en derhalve een prima resultaat in de Divisie Salvage.• Bevredigende bezetting in 2004 van de vloot van de Divisie Transport & Heavy Lift. Resultaten 2004 • De netto winst stijgt van EUR 27,0 miljoen in 2003 naar EUR 27,5 miljoen in 2004. • Het bedrijfsresultaat is gestegen van EUR 29,3 miljoen in 2003 naar EUR 33,0 miljoen in 2004. • In het bedrijfsresultaat 2004 zijn begrepen bijzondere posten ten bedrage van negatief EUR 0,8 miljoen (2003: negatief EUR 3,6 miljoen). • Het resultaat van de niet-geconsolideerde deelnemingen bedraagt EUR 4,9 miljoen (2003: EUR 11,0 miljoen). • De rentelast is gedaald van EUR 6,1 miljoen in 2003 naar EUR 3,3 miljoen in 2004. • De belastingdruk is in 2004 gedaald naar ca. 24% ten opzichte van 31% in 2003. • De netto winst per aandeel, gecorrigeerd voor ingekochte aandelen, bedraagt EUR 3,61 ten opzichte van EUR 3,62 over 2003. Dividend Voorgesteld wordt een dividend van EUR 2,00 in contanten per aandeel (2003: EUR 2,00), betaalbaar per 24 mei 2005. Strategie Na alle veranderingen en strategische aanpassingen van de afgelopen jaren is SMIT nu gericht op groei. Verdere verbetering van de kwaliteit van de onderneming speelt hierbij een belangrijke rol. Zowel de kwaliteit van de vloot als van de dienstverlening zal hieraan bijdragen. De hoofdpunten van dit proces zijn gericht op: - Commerciële daadkracht; - Project management; - SHEQ beleid (Safety, Health, Environment & Quality). Dit proces zal gefaseerd verlopen. In 2004 werden de eerste effecten reeds zichtbaar in het resultaat en op het gebied van vlootvernieuwing. Het proces van vlootvernieuwing is in 2004 ingezet waarbij de vernieuwing is gebaseerd op de principes van ‘proven technology’ en standaardisatie. Hierdoor wordt de uitwisselbaarheid van schepen vergroot, terwijl de kosten op termijn worden gereduceerd. Zoals eerder vermeld, vormen acquisities onderdeel van de groeistrategie. De juiste combinatie van prijs en toegevoegde waarde zijn daarbij van primair belang. (Bron: Smit Internationale)
Aker Yards to Build PSV 3/17/05 10:02:54 AM Aker Yards, via its wholly owned subsidiary, Aker Brevik, has entered into a contract with Island Offshore VIII KS in Ulsteinvik, Norway, to deliver a UT 755LN platform supply vessel. The value of the contract is approximately NOK 130 million. This is the fourteenth contract between the shipowner, Island Offshore Group in Ulsteinvik and Aker Yards and the third for delivery in 2005 between Aker Brevik AS and the Island Offshore Group. The hull for the PSV will be built at Vyborg Shipyard in Russia, and will arrive in Brevik in August this year. Delivery of the vessel is scheduled for
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medio December 2005. The platform supply vessel for Island Offshore is designated newbuilding number 41 at Brevik Construction AS. With this contract Brevik Construction has a backlog of orders for 7 ships for delivery up to June 2006. (Bron: Marinelink)
Eerst nieuw rooster, dan nieuwe slepers Smit wil vlootvernieuwing in Rotterdamse haven Sleep- en bergingsbedrijf Smit hoopt nog dit jaar opdracht te kunnen geven voor een vernieuwing van de vloot havenslepers in de Rotterdamse haven. Dat zal echter niet eerder gebeuren dan dat met werknemers en vakbonden overeenstemming is bereikt over een nieuw werkrooster. De bemanningsleden van twaalf van de zestien havenslepers verblijven nu steeds een week aan boord. Door verplichte rusttijden geeft dat inflexibiliteit. Opvarenden van vier andere slepers werken in een twaalfuurdienst. Smit wil af van de weekdienst. Ook wil het bedrijf in rustige tijden schepen aan de kant houden. Het voert daarover al enige tijd overleg met werknemers, ondernemingsraad en vakbonden. De havensleepdienst in Rotterdam, jarenlang één van de zorgenkindjes van Smit, is vorig jaar uit de rode cijfers geraakt. Smit-topman B. Vree is tevreden over de verbetering in de thuishaven, maar stelt dat het einddoel nog niet is bereikt. Een andere probleem van Smit in de Rotterdamse haven wordt gevormd door de vloot van drijvende kranen. Deze bokken kenden in het afgelopen jaar een lage bezettingsgraad. Smit werkt aan een oplossing voor dit probleem, maar bestuursvoorzitter Vree wil niet zeggen of verkoop van de bokken aan de orde is. In een toelichting op de gisteren in Amsterdam gepresenteerde jaarcijfers heeft Vree zich tevreden getoond over de in 2004 geboekte resultaten. De nettowinst was met 27,5 miljoen euro zelfs een fractie hoger dan een jaar eerder terwijl 2003 als 'een jaar van opleving' was bestempeld. Vorig jaar werden mindere resultaten geboekt in de divisie Terminals waar enkele contracten zijn beëindigd, onder meer in het door een burgeroorlog getroffen Ivoorkust. Fors minder ging het met de divisie Transport & Heavy Lift, dat in 2003 een topjaar kende. De havensleepdiensten in met name Canada en Panama leverden flink geld op, net als enkele lucratieve bergingsoperaties. Bestuursvoorzitter Vree heeft gisteren herhaald vooral de terminalactiviteiten en de havensleepdiensten te willen laten groeien. In beide sectoren aast Smit op overnames en op autonome groei. Kansen hiervoor ziet topman Vree vooral in Latijns-Amerika en in Azië. Op het gebied van bergingen kent Smit de onvoorspelbaarheid van de markt en daarom richt het bedrijf zich vooral op de complexe bergingsoperaties. (Bron: Shipping News)
De slepers Svitzer Marken en Svitzer Muiden gedoopt Afgelopen vrijdag zijn de twee nieuwe sleepboten van Svitzer Wijsmuller gedoopt. Na de doop plechtigheden en het vloeien van de campagne heeft de geestelijk verzorger van de Amsterdamse haven Leon Rasser de twee boten ingezegend. Dit alles gebeurde aan de Felison Terminal in IJmuiden. Het gezelschap ging daarna scheep in het party schip Prins van Oranje en voer naar het westelijk havengebied in Amsterdam, onder begeleiding van de sleepboten Svitser Marken en Svitzer Muiden, die op het Noordzeekanaal ook nog een demonstratie weggaven van hun kunnen. In Amsterdam werd het kantoor voor de havensleepdienst feestelijk werd geopend door de bestuursvoorzitter Jesper Lok uit Kopenhagen. Per 18 maart was de radiokamer reeds verplaatst naar Amsterdam, zodat het operationele gebeuren van Svitzer Wijsmuller in het IJmond gebied vanuit Amsterdam plaats vind. (Bron: Jack van der Valck)
DOF names Shell newbuilds Seabrokers reports that names have now been given to the "Shell Shuffle" newbuild vessels that Shell is chartering from DOF Offshore. The first is a MT6000 design named Skandi Barra, which will replace the UT755 Skandi Yare in July this year. The second change out will be the MT6009 Skandi Chieftain, which will replace the UT755L Skandi Waveney in October this year. "Shell are looking forward to getting their hands on this pair of diesel electric supply vessels, as the MT design has proved its worth with Shell and has delivered substantial fuel savings over conventional propulsion tonnage," noted Seabrokers. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Olympic Commander confirmed sold Olympic Shipping has confirmed that, on February 9th, the PSV Olympic Commander was sold to the Norwegian shipping company Sartor Shipping AS. The vessel's new name is Ocean Mainport. The vessel, built in 1976, was reportedly sold for US$3.7 million, and is expected to work in the North Sea until a tem contract has been obtained. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (2) Hier weer een stukje over de voortgang van SWRot en SWSin (en Wolraad Woltemade). Zitten ongeveer 1000 mijl west van Abidjan. De laatste week wind langzamerhand aan het afnemen, nog wel regelmatig een forse deining, maar dat zal over een dag of wat wel afgelopen zijn. Trekken er momenteel een 7+ mijltjes uit. De Wolraad Woltemade nog steeds ongeveer vier dagen achter ons. Er was een plan om ergens ter hoogte van Abidjan (de 26e) de SWRot en de H-851 even verlaten, om J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
twee man van de SWRot naar Abidjan te brengen, ook konden wij dan van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om voor ons een aflossing te arrangeren, de staf en nog 2 man. Dit is echter van de baan, er komt nu een crewboot naar ons toe vanuit Port Gentil om de twee man van de SW Rot af te plukken en naar Abidjan te transporteren. Momenteel is dit op losse schroeven, vanwege de politieke instabiliteit in Ivoorkust. Het bunkeren bij Abidjan is dan ook van de baan, wordt nu in het veld bij de Thialf geregeld. Eventueel gaat dan de SWRot (of SWSin) nog op zoek naar de WW om de sleep over te nemen, maar dat zal wel niet meer nodig zijn, want die is er dan bijna. Vervolgens ligt het in de bedoeling dat de SWSin met de H-851 naar Vlissingen gaat vertrekken en de SWRot zou een reisje krijgen van Port Gentil naar Singapore.De Wolraad staat voor dokken te Kaapstad op de 10e april. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Legal Battle Over Elizabeth M Incident Heats Up While the Coast Guard may be reluctant to reveal thoughts related to the sinking of the Elizabeth M and loss of four crewmen (the matter is still under investigation) lawyers representing various clients have no such reluctance. We all know from past experience than even crewmen are advised by their employers never to discuss accidents because those accidents may at some time involve lawsuits. News representatives who contact companies involved in such incidents find themselves, just as often as not, up against a brick wall because of the company lawyer’s advice. On Sunday, March 14, ThePittsburghChannel.com reported that Dennis O’Bryan, an attorney for surviving crewman Jacob Wilds, has produced pictures showing a 2-by-2-foot hole cut into the deck of the Elizabeth M. It is at the stern right above the electronics for the steering gear. He told Channel 4 Action News that the hole “would have allowed water to flood down on top of the steering mechanism, which” he says, “accounts for the captain’s testimony that when he tried to escape from the situation, the boat wouldn’t move and he didn’t know why.” (The implication, we think, is that the hole might have been cut in the deck to investigate the loss of power the Elizabeth M experienced several weeks before its sinking.) The pictures were taken for O’Bryan by a private surveyor. O’Bryan is handling Wild’s legal action against Campbell Transportation Co., owner of the Elizabeth M. The surveyor is not the same as the one(s) working for the Coast Guard. Readers will recall that we reported earlier how the Elizabeth M had experienced a power failure, an incident that, to our knowledge, has never been explained and is still under investigation by the Coast Guard. O’Bryan refers to that power failure, saying the failure is fully documented. He is seeking a full report on that incident and wants to learn if the hole in the deck is mentioned. Campbell’s attorney rejects O’Bryan’s theory about the hole and said he will have make that assertion in litigation. The Coast Guard reportedly has not responded to O’Bryan’s request to have the hearing on the January 9 sinking reopened. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Gauwdief levert casco veilig af Rotterdam - Zeesleper Thomas de Gauwdief van de Sliedrechtse rederij Landfall Transport & Towage heeft gisteren het casco voor het nieuwe Nederlandse containerschip Merwedestroom afgeleverd. Het honderdveertig meter lange schip is gebouwd in Roemenië en door de sleper Thomas de Gauwdief in 22 dagen naar Rotterdam gesleept. De Merwedestroom heeft een ladingcapaciteit van achthonderd containers en is bestemd voor rederij Unifeeder, die het schip gaat inzetten voor containervervoer van en naar Baltische en Noord-Duitse havens. De sleepboot Thomas de Gauwdief blijft nu nog een week in thuishaven Sliedrecht, voordat eind volgende week in Roemenië een nieuw casco wordt opgehaald. Landfall levert later dit jaar de bemanning die de nieuwe Wadden-catamaran veerboot Vlieland van rederij Doeksen gaat ophalen bij de werf in de Filipijnse havenstad Palamban. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Afon Braint De nieuwe sleepboot voor Holyhead Towing is de Afon Braint, oplevering volgende maand, en een zusje is in opdracht gegeven met oplevering in de lente van volgend jaar. De oude Afon Braint (ex. Knight Buster-02) is aan de Belgische aannemmer Besix verkocht. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
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6e jaargang, nr. 13 dd. 27 Maart 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. More Ramparts ASD Tugs on the Stocks Worldwide Towards the end of 2004, Vancouver based navel architects and tug designers Robert Allan Ltd. (RAL) were awarded a contract to design a new series of high performance ship-handling tugs for the Chinese Port of Ningbo. The tugs will be constructed for the Ningbo Port Group Ltd. To a design developed and adapted by R.A.L. from their Ramparts 3200 Class of ASD Tugs to meet the needs of the port’s growing traffic in container ships and bulk carriers. This design contract is the first to be awarded outside China by a Chinese Port Authority for tugboas or similar commercial vessels, and is a major milstone for RAL. Working in collaboration with Zhenjiang Shipyard Ltd. Of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, the nominated shipbuilders for the new tugs, Robert Allan Ltd. Will provide a complete Classification Society approval package as well as a complete 3-D Product Model for all steel construction of the tugs. The shipyard will develop their own piping and electrical installation details. Initially, two vessels will be constructed with delivery of the first vessel scheduled for the end of this year. That number could increase if the project develops into an on-going fleet replacement program. The Ramparts 3200 Class tugs to be built for Ningbo will be 32 m in length overall, with a beam of 11.6m and a maximum draft of 5 m. Niigata of Japan will supply the propulsion machinery, including a pair of 6L28HX diesel main engines, each rated at 1,764kW at 750rpm (total 4794bhp), to drive Niigata ZP-41 propulsion units. This arrangement will give the tugs a bollard pull of 60 tonnes and a free running speed of 12.5 knots. The vessels accommodation will be fitted out for a crew of up to 12 persons. In contrast to the Chinese order RAL continue to develop a significant precence in Europe and elsewhere. Prolific Spanish tug builders Union Naval Valencia, part of the Boluda towage group, currently has a series of six compact Ramparts 2400 Class ASD tugs under construction. Three are destined for local use and three for Mexico and all six will meet the requirements of Germanischer Lloyd +100 A5 TUG + MC,AUT. The tugs are to be 23.8m in length overall, with a 11m beam and maximum draft of 5.1m The tugs will be powered by two Caterpillars 3516B main engines running at 1600rev/min to generate a total of 4255bhp (2 x 1566kW) to power a pair of Schottel SRP1212 CP fully azimuthing propulsion units. A bollard pull of 52 tonnes is anticipated while towing ahead and 50 tonnes astern, with a free running speed of 13 knots. A single drum Hatlapa hydraulic towing winch, with a brake holding load of 137.5 tonnes, will be fitted to accommodate an 80mm diameter towline of 150m in length. Two Oelkes-Eichler quick release tow hooks will also provided each with e safe working load of 65 tonnes. A fire fithing system, with one monitor is specified, supplied by a single Kvaerner pump rated at 800m3/hr at 12 bar. Unlike most compact tugs, where small size and low manning are a priority, these vessels will be fitted out to accomodate a crew of up to seven persons. Te most recent Ramparts delivery is the Kaori, a 2400 series vessel built by President Marine in Singapore for Compagnie Maritime Chambon and based at Noumea, on the Pacific Island of New Caledonia. A vessel of similar dimensions to the Spanish tugs, Kaori is powered by two Caterpillar 3512B main engines, producing a total of 3542bhp, coupled to Schottel SRP 1010FP propulsion units to achive a bollard pull of 40 tonnes (Bron: Maritime Journal)
Oil Barge Breaks Free, Hits Rocks Near Mouth of Columbia River Mar. 21--A 345-foot oil barge broke free from a tug in the Columbia River and drifted onto rocks Sunday near North Head Lighthouse on the Washington coast, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Foss Maritime Co., which operates the tug Howard Olsen, said the cargo tanks of the barge were empty and clean, but about 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel remained in a separate double-hulled tank. The barge is owned by Sause Bros. Inc. Petty Officer Jeff Pollinger, a Coast Guard spokesman, said no fuel had spilled from the barge Sunday, as far as was known. But he said high winds and surf were preventing salvage crews from pulling the barge, the Millicoma, off the rocks. Gary Faber, a Foss vice president, said the barge sustained extensive damage. Faber said an environmental cleanup company, National Response Corp., had a team on the scene to contain any fuel that might spill. Coast Guard marine pollution investigators, Washington Department of Ecology officials and a team from Foss Maritime established a command post at Seaview, a beach community about a mile north of where the oceangoing barge hit the rocks on Cape Disappointment.The Coast Guard said the 1,000-foot towline connecting the Millicoma to the Olsen snapped in heavy weather about 8:30 p.m. Saturday between Buoys 8 and 9 as it was being towed up the Columbia River channel to Portland. The barge drifted across the bar into the Pacific and toward the north.The crew aboard the Olsen searched through the night for the Millicoma, without success. At 8:30 a.m. Sunday, a helicopter from the Columbia River Bar Pilots saw the barge from the air resting on its port side against rocks near the lighthouse on the J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
ocean side of Cape Disappointment, said Sam Sacco, a Foss spokesman. Sacco said the Olsen was towing a second barge, the Sitka, behind the Millicoma on a separate cable, but it did not break free and was safely towed to Portland. Sacco said the diesel on the barge was used to power an on-board generator. He said he could not assess what environmental damage might occur if any should spill. The Coast Guard was waiting for weather to improve before allowing a salvage operation to get under way. "The one thing you don't want to do is put people in harm's way," Sacco said. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Houston Firm to Buy Fort Lauderdale's Seabulk Mar. 17--Seacor Holdings Inc. of Houston is taking over Fort Lauderdale-based Seabulk International Inc. in a deal worth more than a half-billion dollars in stock and cash, the two companies announced late Wednesday. In effect, Seacor is buying control of the Fort Lauderdale company, formerly known as Hvide Marine Inc., according to the terms of the transaction made public in a joint news release Both firms work in providing support services to the offshore oil and gas sector, but also have divisions offering other services. Seacor will issue 0.2694 of a share of common stock and $4 in cash for each outstanding share of Seabulk common stock. The companies said this represents a 29 percent premium over the closing share price of Seabulk on Wednesday. The equity value of the deal was estimated at about $532 million, based on the closing price of Seacor shares Wednesday. Seacor is also assuming about $471 million in net debt owed by Seabulk. The product of the merger "will be a leader in worldwide offshore support services," domestic tankers, domestic helicopter services to the offshore oil and gas industry, tugboat services and other areas, the joint statement said. The companies could not be reached for comment, or would not comment, on the name of the surviving firm or on whether jobs would be lost. Seabulk, with a fleet of 147 vessels, is a key player in the offshore oil and gas support industry. It also has domestic seagoing tankers and a tugboat business. The company had 2,502 employees worldwide as of Feb. 1, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. About 130 employees are based in South Florida. Seabulk last year emerged from years of financial losses, but remained saddled with debt inherited in an earlier period of expansion as Hvide Marine. Last year, Seabulk reported net income of $25.9 million on revenues of $352.3 million. Seacor provides marine transportation services for the oil and gas industries. In addition, it has emergency environmental response services, operates helicopters for offshore oil and gas exploration work and operates river barges. Seabulk shares fell 24 cents to close Wednesday on the Nasdaq at $16.95, while Seacor's shares rose 6 cents on the New York Stock Exchange to $65.28. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Towboat Crew Helps Rescue 10 People Towboat crew is being praised for heroism after rescuing 10 people from Matagorda Bay near Port O’Connor, Texas. According to Coast Guard reports, 12 people were aboard an 18-foot boat when it capsized in the bay March 12. The Coast Guard estimated that the winds were 15–20 mph. and the seas were two feet at the time of the accident. They were apparently in the water for several hours before the capsized boat was spotted by the crew of the mv. Miss Julie, which was towing one barge in the north channel of the bay. The 800 hp. Miss Julie is owned by Hard’s Marine Service Ltd., Hull, Texas. "I spotted a capsized boat coming southbound in Matagorda Bay," said Capt. Mike Allen, relief captain on the Miss Julie, who was on watch at the time. He called in a report to the Coast Guard on the boat, while a crew member scanned the water near the vessel with binoculars to see if any people were in the water nearby. After searching for several minutes, they identified a group of four people wearing orange vests in the water—and then a little further away, another group, and still further, a third group. "I’m like, holy cow, we’ve got a lot of people in this water," he said…. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Fairplay ends venture talk JOERG Mainzer, managing director of German specialist Fairplay Towage, has responded to a Fairplay Daily News item published on 18 March in which it was suggested that the managers at Dutch towage and heavy lift group Smit were considering further joint ventures with Fairplay. “Both Smit and Fairplay intend to maintain their independent harbour towage services in Rotterdam,” stressed Mainzer. At a press briefing last week Vree admitted that neither Smit nor Fairplay had been particularly successful in Rotterdam. The two companies own equal shares in Antwerp harbour towage operator URS. (Bron: Shipping News)
Veiligheid op zee: piraterij laait weer op In de afgelopen weken zijn de piratenaanvallen in de Straat van Malakka toegenomen. Zo is recentelijk een chemicaliëntanker gekaapt en is de bemanning korte tijd gegijzeld. Ook een zeesleper overkwam hetzelfde lot en drie bemanningsleden werden meegenomen. Deze recente gebeurtenissen bevestigen wederom dat het met de veiligheid op zee niet goed gesteld is. Piraterij vormt een serieuze bedreiging voor de wereldeconomie en de veiligheid van bemanningen. De dagelijkse realiteit van J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
vele bemanningen die langs de Somalische kust varen, de Straat van Malakka door moeten of in de buurt van Nigeria varen is dat zij gevaar lopen aangevallen te worden door piraten. Piraterij bestaat nog steeds en zaait dood en verderf onder bemanningen. Zo is in november 2004 in de Straat van Malakka een Nederlandse sleper aangevallen door een piratenboot. Na op 1 december 2004 Kamervragen te hebben gesteld heb ik in samenwerking met het TV programma Netwerk aandacht gevraagd voor dit probleem. De uitzending vond plaats op 6 februari 2005. Het is te gek voor woorden dat bemanningen eerst hun kogelvrije vesten aan moeten doen alvorens de Straat van Malacca in te varen. Stelt u zich eens voor dat een KLM-piloot zijn kogelvrije vest aan moet doen alvorens richting Amerika te vliegen! Ik pleit voor meer grijs op zee. Aanwezigheid van onze marine, in goed samenspel met de landen rond de Straat van Malakka die het gebied in de gaten houden. In juli zal ik tijdens de vergadering van het OVSE Assemblee in Washington aandacht vragen voor het piraterij probleem. In september zal ik op uitnodiging over piraterij spreken tijdens het symposium Mare Forum in Rome. Op mijn website heb ik informatie verzameld over dit onderwerp. Wekelijks brengt de International Chamber of Commerce een 'piracy report' uit van de recente overvallen. Piraterij vormt niet alleen voor bemanningen een gevaar. Recente risico-analyses laten zien dat er een relatie zou kunnen bestaan tussen piraten en georganiseerde criminaliteit. In het verleden zijn complete schepen gekaapt waarbij de bemanning letterlijk overboord is gegooid. Deze schepen zijn nooit teruggevonden. In de praktijk worden deze overgeverfd en vervolgens ingezet voor criminele doeleinden. De schrijver van het boek 'Terreur op zee', John Burnett, heeft in gesprekken benadrukt dat niet uit te sluiten is dat terreurorganisaties banden onderhouden met piraten. Sommige schepen kunnen een aantrekkelijk doelwit vormen voor deze organisaties, waarbij deze schepen mogelijk als drijvende bommen gaan fungeren. Naar aanleiding van de Kamervragen heb ik van de Koninklijke Vereniging van Nederlandse Reders (KVNR) een brandbrief ontvangen. De Vaste Kamercommissies Buitenlandse Zaken en Verkeer & Waterstaat hebben op mijn verzoek de regering verzocht om een reactie op de brief van de KNVR Tot nu toe ben ik een roepende in de woestijn. Ik heb na 25 jaar Rotterdamse haven een kennisvoorsprong op mijn collega´s in de Kamer, maar ook zij zullen kennis moeten nemen van dit probleem. Ik wil graag dat de betrokken maritieme sectoren mijn collega-Kamerleden komen vertellen wat de ernst van de situatie is. Ik zal dan ook initiatief nemen om de maritieme sectoren (reders, bemanningsverenigingen, etc.) uit te nodigen hun verhaal te komen vertellen in een zogenaamd "rondetafel gesprek", een soort hoorzitting. Ik zou zeggen: 'full speed ahead'!. Ik houd u op de hoogte! Kent u personen die in deze problematiek geïnteresseerd zijn, stuurt u deze mail dan door. En vertelt u mij wat u ervan vindt! Met vriendelijke groeten, Ineke Dezentjé Hamming Tweede Kamerlid VVD fractie 070-3182898 (Bron: Kees Pronk)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (3) Hier weer wat over de voortgang van SWRot en SWSin (en Wolraad Woltemade). Zitten nu ongeveer 200 mijl zuid van Accra/Tema, Ghana.Vanmorgen is de 'patient' van de Rotterdam afgeplukt door de Smit Artaban en zal vanmiddag wel bij Takoradi aankomen. Voor de genen die pas ingeschakeld zijn, de 'patient' is geen bemanningslid, maar een 'meet-meneer' van Marin die voor Heerema aan boord van de SWRot is (was) geplaatst en deze had wat problemen met zijn ogen. Nu nog een dag of 6 (1 april) en we zijn op de bestemming, nabij de Thialf, ongeveer 40 mijl uit de kust van Angola. Het ligt in de bedoeling dat wij (SWSin) bij aankomst de H-851 gaan verlaten en op weg gaan naar de Wolraad. Deze zit nog steeds een dag of vier achter ons. Van hem de H-541 overnemen en weer terug naar de Thialf. Ook zullen wij dan de andere Marin meneer die nu nog op de WW zit aan boord nemen, om dan hier het gedrag van bak en lading te meten. Denk dan de 5e april weer terug te zijn bij de Thialf. Volgens de laatste berichten staan dan de aflossers klaar, komen de 4e s'avonds aan te Point Noire. En zullen dan hopelijk zo spoedig mogelijk met een crewboot naar ons toe komen, de terug vluchten zijn nog niet bekend. Uiteindelijk gaan dan de SWRot met de H-851 en de SWSin met de H-541 op weg naar de Noorzee. Het weer was de laatste week tropies, dus af en toe buien, warm en weinig wind. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Smit Curaçao te water Op 18 maart is bij Damen Shipyard te Gorinchem yardnummer 511511 te water gelaten. Zij zal in de vaart komen als de Smit Curaçao. Op 4 april vertrekt zij van de werf via Dordrecht naar de Europoort om daar voor de werf diverse proeven uit te gaan voeren. Aan het eind van de middag zal ze in de 4e Petroleum haven afmeren om de volgende dag opnieuw diverse proeven te gaan uitvoeren. Hierna zal zij afmeren bij Niehuis & van den Berg. De woensdag en de donderdag worden voorbereidingen getroffen waarna zij zal vertrekken naar de Wilhelmina kade voor de opendagen, voor genodigden, op vrijdag 8 april en op zaterdag 9 april. Samen met de nieuwe Adsteam Ferriby zullen deze boten, ASD2810 en ASD2411, een demonstratie geven van hun kunnen. Voor de fotograven onder ons zijn er dus diverse mogelijkheden om hun fotorolletjes weer vol te schieten met mooie plaatjes. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Marine News Reports Barton Tide, 696/82 – offshore tug/supply. By Twenty Grand Marine Services LLC, Vanuatu to Inter Gulf Marine LLC – UAE (Dubai) and renamed Al Dalow Boa Tor, (Birk – 00, Boa Tor – 98, PM 173 – 95), 408/94 – tug. By Boa Offshore A.S. Cayman Islands to Towage & Marine Assistance UAB, Lithuania and renamed Tak-9 Bourbon Captain, (Havila Captain – 03, Boa Captain – 98, Salviceroy – 97, Smit-Lloyd 122 – 93) 1658/83 – offshore tug/supply. By Bourbon Ships AS, Norway (NIS) to Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and renamed Petra 2. Bourbon Castle, (Havila Castle – 03, Boa Sword – 98, Far Sword – 97, Highland Light – 90, Wimpey Seahunter – 88) 2024/82 – offshore tug/supply. By Bourbon Ships AS, Norway to Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and renamed Ios Castle. Bourbon Champion, (Havila Champion – 03, Boa Champion – 98, Jaya 123 – 96, Smit-Lloyd 123 – 94) 1654/83 – offshore tug/supply. By Bourbon Ships AS, Norway (NIS) to Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and renamed Petra 1. Bourbon Trader, (Havila Trader – 03, Boa Trader – 98, Strathfarrar – 96, Stad Troll – 88) 2478/79 – offshore supply. By Bourbon Ships AS, Norway to Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and renamed Ios Jumbo. Champion Z, (Sete 63 – 00, Petrola’s Ocean Master 24 – 99, Petrola’s Oceanmaster XXIV – 77, Euroman – 76, Bremen – 72) 1273/67 – tug. By Dias Z Corp Ltd. Inc. To Rushmore Marine Ltd, both Panama and renamed Champ EMS Express, (Mack – 96) 327/96 – tug. By Eckstein Marine Services LLCC, USA to J Knight (Paranam) Ltd. St.Vincent and the Grenadines and renamed Kenley. Gabrielle, (Seabulk Gebrielle – 01,Ocean Pioneer – 97, Gray Rove – 95, Nuti – 81, Launched as Fook Gee One) 430/81 – tug/supply. By Seabulk Gabrielle Inc. Tonga to Oyster Shipping LLC Iran and renamed Fadak 150. Marion C II (El Inspector – 94, Northern Light – 87) 762/76 – anchor handling tug/supply. By International Telecom USA Inc. To America’s Best Inc. Both USA. Name unchanged. Normand Skipper 1174/75 – offshore tug/supply. By Solstad Offshore ASA (UK) Ltd. To Nomis Shipping Ltd. Both Isla of Man (British) and renamed Dea Supplier. Petra 1 (Bourbon Champion – 04, Havila Champion – 03, Boa Champion – 98, Jaya 123 – 96, SmitLloyd 123 – 94) 1654/83 – offshore tug/supply. Has been renamed Ios Champion by Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and transferred to Malaysia Registry. Petra 2 (Bourbon Captain – 04, Havila Captain – 03, Boa Captain – 98, Salviceroy – 97, Smit-Lloyd 122 – 93) 1658/83 – offshore tug/supply. Has been renamed Ios Captain by Intra-Oil Services Berhad, Belize and transferred to Malaysia Registry. Smit Lumut (Smit-Lloyd 111 – 00) 1388/75 – offshore tug/supply. Has been renamed Jascon 22 by Seacor Smit (Aquitaine) Ltd. Bahamas and transferred to St.Vincent and the Grenadines Registry. W.J.Trotter 470/86 – tug. Has been renamed Redcliffe by Adstream Harbour Brisbane, Australia. Waveney Citadel 2161/03 0ffshore tug/supply. By Waveney Shipping II Pic, to Gulf Offshore NS Ltd both UK and renamed Highland Citadel.
Marine News Members Reports Afon Braint (1999) – tug arrived at Milford as Milo on 29/1/2005 Danegarth 359/98 – tug reverted to the name Uran (Ita) prior to 26/7/2004 Don Giovanni 152/64 – tug was seen at Barcelona on 13/1/2005 as a yacht under the British flag Martha 211/66 – tug was renamed Achilles (Tto) prior to 22/11/2004 Spica 414/01 – tug was renamed Altair (Ita) prior to 26/7/2004 Taurus 452/00 – tug was renamed Taur (Ita) prior to 26/7/2004
Marine News Demolitions Agios Demetrios (Androcles – 95, Marseillais 3 – 77) 123/50 – tug. By Petroil Trans Naftiki Eteria, Greece, to Turkish breakers and reported 12/2004. Merlin (Flinders Tide – 98) 1075/81 – offshore tug/supply. By Cal Dive Offshore Ltd. (Cal Dive International Inc), Bahamas to Indian breakers and beached Alang 26/12/2004 VB Balboa (Balboa – 03, Harry Russeau – 90) 219/67 – tug. By Panama Air Marine Safety & Supply Inc. Panama to uspecified breakers and reported 12/2004
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 14 dd. 03 April 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. SEMCO Orders Two Tugs 3/29/05 6:42:43 AM Following up on the delivery of two 165 tons bollard pull towing/salvage tugs in early 2004, Semco Salvage & Marine Pte Ltd has taken a step in renewing and enhancing fleet capability. The PSA Marine subsidiary has signed with Universal Shipbuilding Corp (USC) of Japan for two 150 tons towing/salvage tugs (with an option for a third). The contract was signed by V. Sivarajan, Managing Director of PSA Marine, and Peter Lee, General Manager of Semco. Signing on behalf of USC was Tokuro Takagi, Executive Officer, and Tetsuro Morita, Team Leader, Newbuilding and Commercial Vessels. The two new tugs will be built at USC’s Keihin Shipyard, near Kawasaki. USC is owned by Hitachi Zosen and NKK. The first of the two new tugs is expected to be delivered at the end of 2006, with the second unit following three months later. As in the case of the tugs Salvanguard and Salviscount, delivered in early 2004, the newbuildings will have 2,000 cbm tankage capacity for heavy fuel, enabling the tugs to tow non-stop for over 6,000 nautical miles without refuelling. Peter Lee says: “This is a key operational advantage over the competition. These tugs will also be fully equipped with shark’s jaws, stern roller, bow and stern thrusters and salvage gear. The vessels will be manned by experienced Semco towing and salvage crew.” He adds: “Semco will continue to provide high quality towage services, especially in the field of FPSO towage. At this moment, three Semco tugs are towing the FPSO Kizomba B from Ulsan, South Korea, to offshore Luanda, Angola. This is a repeat contract from a major Korean yard and an oil major. The marine spread is also being escorted by a fourth Semco tug and Semco’s AHTS Salvana will join the convoy for precise positioning of the FPSO off Luanda. In common with the earlier Kizomba A FPSO assignment – which Semco towed and positioned off Luanda last year –Kizomba B will also be positioned and the moorings secured on deck by a Semco FPSO project team.” (Bron: Marinelink)
More orders from down-under Adsteam Marine, with three Damen ASD Tugs 2411 on order for their UK operation, has ordered another one for their Australian fleet. Adsteam’s first ASD Tug 2411, ‘Barunga’, was delivered in 2004 and has been very successful since. This newly ordered ASD tug is of the same type, but this time equipped with a Fifi 1 firefighting installation and a pre-wetting system. The tug will have an impressive bollard pull of 70 tons, and is scheduled for delivery in January 2006. A similar type of the same series has been ordered by Mackenzie Tug Service from Esperance, Western Australia. This ASD2411 will be equipped with 600 m3 fire fighting capacity, will have a 70 tonne bollard pull and will be delivered mid next year. In Brisbane, Queensland, Damen successfully concluded a contract with INCO Australia acting on behalf of Inco Goro from New Caledonia for the construction and delivery of two tugs and a line handling boat. This success was the result of an international tender procedure and the first tug is a Damen ASD Tug 2509 equipped with remotely controlled fire fighting monitors and a bollard pull of 40 tonnes. This tug as well as the line handling boat, a Damen Mini Cat 803, will be built and outfitted at the Damen shipyard in Gorinchem, Netherlands while the second tug, a conventional Damen Stan Tug 1605, will be built at the Damen Shipyards Changde in China. Finally, Damen has received a Letter of Intent from the biggest coal terminal in Australia for the construction of a Damen ASD Tug 3111 with an option for a second one. In February, Damen delivered the first, ‘Pilbara Neptune’, out of a series of three ASD Tugs 3111 to Hamersley Iron in Dampier, Western Australia. This company is seriously considering extending the order by another one or two more tugs of the same type. As a result of this Damen ‘fleet’ in Australia, Damen has decided to set up a Damen Parts and Services Center in Australia. (Bron: Shipping News)
Elbe newsletter (1) The Elbe now has her permanent berth alongside the quay of the outside harbour in Maassluis and upon her arrival on February 12th 2005, she was heartily welcomed by the inhabitants of the town. In spite of her damaged looks and rough weather circumstances (heavy showers and a south-western wind force 9), both the ship and the crew received a warm welcome. In the town hall of Maassluis the crew, volunteers, and other invited guests were welcomed by the mayor and his staff, and during this gathering they once more looked back at the past year. However, most people particularly focused on the year to come, as the new berth along the so well-known Govert van Wijnkade and the new facilities for the volunteers are generating the feeling that the we are on the right track with the restoration of the Elbe. Apart from the official transfer at the notary, in the town hall of Maassluis the symbolic transfer of the ownership of the ship to the SMCR took place and was recorded on tape. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Henk Poot, the ship breaker, received 1 Euro in a frame from Hans Hoffman on behalf of the SMCR. Henk Poot though, offered the framed Euro to Mr. Timmermans of the Nationaal Sleepvaartmuseum (National Tugboat Museum). This also triggered a spontaneous auction of an aquarelle of the Elbe which was made by the artist Mr. Hans Breeman, who had donated the painting to the SMCR, and this resulted in a total amount of Euro 4200,-. D. Touw Expertise- en Ingenieursbureau B.V. and the Havenmuseum (Harbourmuseum) split and each payed half of this amount, offering the painting too to the Nationaal Sleepvaartmuseum. Mayor Karssen and harbour-alderman Groosman expressed their appreciation for the initiative of their fellow-townsman Luuk Vroombout for recommending Maassluis as the National Dutch Tugboat Harbour, and at the same time emphasized their confidence in the outcome of the successful restoration of the Elbe, for which so many enthusiastic volunteers are working very hard. On page 3 you will find a report of this memorable day. Move During the first few weeks of the year, the relocation of the Elbe to Maassluis was the talk of the day. Engine parts and containers with goods were transported free of charge by Nico Kind Internationaal Transport. After months of working without proper washing facilities and a place to store their clothes, the accommodation made available by the municipality of Maassluis is luxurious. Now, people can eat their lunch in the canteen and the heating works. A big storeroom is fixed with racks and shelves from MTS Europroducts. Pallets with revised parts are waiting to be built in. Engine room For weeks on end technicians and engineers have studied the hydro-pneumatic clutches. Maintenance of these couplings were necessary in the restoration process, but after being under water twice, is has become an urgent necessity. After the main engines and the gear-casings had been conserved, and the engine was more or less clean, work on the couplings could finally get started. During the lunch break, the original drawings were reviewed daily and people brainstormed on how to remove the big connecting pieces between the main engines and the gear casing. Once hoisted by a crane they appeared to weigh around 4,5 tons. Nevertheless, this heavy duty job seems to have generated a positive discovery, as after review the big brake casings appear to be able to run for another 10.000 working hours. The removal of the coupling also meant that below the engines it could be thoroughly cleaned. A steam cleaner of the Storm company from Rhoon did the job. Although all parts in the engine room are out of place, the condition of the engine room can be considered fairly good. After removal of the inlet channels, who were “hydrosonicallly” cleaned by Wärtsilä, the engines could be painted again. All in– and out-lets will be reworked, packing will be replaced and isolation be fitted again. The engineers, technicians and volunteers have done a great job. In the meantime the electricians of the Decam work on the ship on the cable work in various locations. Old cables are removed and hundreds of metres of new cables are installed. Apart from the temporary lighting installed by the volunteers, the new electricity supply is also falling into place. Steelwork Above deck it is no less exiting. In December the preparations were made for removing all the superfluous steel parts on the poop deck and shortly after New Year this significant project was realised. It was crowded with people when the floating crane of van den Brink and the tugs of the Havenmuseum arrived in the Wilhelminahaven. Piece by piece the steel parts of the former pilot accommodations were welded loose and hoisted from the ship. Crew and volunteers were excited to see the Elbe get back her original shape and lots of pictures and video-films were made. At the same time it was clear that the restoration of the steel construction must be continued; the present view of the Elbe is not a very pretty one. Therefore quotations for a new engine room top and bulwarks are requested The hydraulic crane stays on deck as long as necessary and as soon as it was working again, unnecessary parts were removed from the deck, thus creating working space on the poop deck. The generator from Smit, which we have been using during 4 months for free, was also removed. After 45 years at sea, the deck shows wear and tear in various places, and also here new steel is necessary. However, recent studies have showed that after the necessary repairs, the Elbe is fit for another so many years at sea… Interior In her lifetime over the years the vessel Elbe has experienced pleasant and unpleasant surprises, but time and again she showed she is a tough old lady and she took care of a few pleasant surprises herself when it appeared that when stripping the cabins the wood and paint-work were in good condition in spite of the fact that the cabins have been flooded a couple of times. Even various hard wooden constructions have survived the wet ordeal. The inside of the ship’s hull looks fine. In the meantime all wooden parts in the cabins have been stripped of. Thank you After 6 months we said goodbye to Arnold Warmerdam of D. Touw Expertise- en Ingenieursbureau B.V. who from the first time sinking professionally coordinated the works on the Elbe and has contributed to the fact that we are on the right course again. Thank you Arnold and success with your next project ! February 12th 2005 The day the Elbe sailed to Maassluis, the circumstances were not too great. Rain and wind force 9 are not ideal, but in sailors jargon this is “tugboat-weather”, so no problems were envisioned. Although the Elbe and crew encountered this heavy weather, it was next to a normal job for both. This occasion was reported in a special newspaper addition and notwithstanding the bad weather conditions, hundreds of people came to the side of the river Waterweg to see the Elbe entering the harbour and arriving in her home port. The Eerland 23 and the pusher-tug Lek of Smit, together with the tugboat Mehari of Wesselius brought the Elbe home. She left Schiedam with at first a raucous, but than a loud blow of the horn. All people involved were moved by seeing the Elbe being in her element and numerous boats joined her when she came in the neighbourhood of Maasluis and accompanied J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
her into the harbour, among which the Nepos, with mayor Karssen and alderman Groosman on board, as well as some representatives of the insurance company. The quay in Maassluis was decorated with flags and the sister tugboats the Hudson and the Furie were towed to the outer harbour for this special occasion. Sea cadets and appropriate music completed the picture. Water-scouts served soup and hot chocolate, made available by the Stichting Promotie Maassluis (Association Promotion Maassluis). Bakery Holtkamp distributed his famous cookies with the name Elbe on it. Entering the harbour of Maassluis was kind of a moving experience. Many felt their skin crawl and rain in their eyes when with load horn-blowing she was manoeuvred to her permanent berth along the quayside. The Elbe was berthed and secured with mooring gear of the company Vlierodam. Moreover, the arrival of the Elbe was the unofficial start of Maassluis becoming the national tugboat harbour. In the days after this event lots of people came by to look at the Elbe, make pictures and get information from the volunteers on the latest news and status of the repairs. The Govert van Wijnkade location is very easy to visit and follow the progress of the restoration. In the period to come, the renovation works will be focusing on the exterior of the Elbe. * * * You can react to this Newsletter at the e-mail address
[email protected] For further information on the Elbe project please contact Hans Hoffmann at Telephone no. 0031-(0)6.53712528
[email protected]/www.zeesleepbootelbe.nl (Free translation: Yvonne Maij)
Rigdon Takes Delivery of Seventh PSV 3/29/05 3:46:09 PM Rigdon Marine recently received the M/V Conti, the seventh of ten GPA 640 platform supply vessels being built at Bender Shipyard in Mobile, Alabama. Mrs. Patti Guice, wife of Billy Guice, Vice President of Marketing for Rigdon Marine, christened the vessel before it dispatched for contract work in the Gulf of Mexico. “We are extremely please that the M/V Conti was immediately dispatched to support the worldwide offshore activities of a prominent oil service company,” said Larry Rigdon. “This recent deployment continues to reinforce the numerous advantages of the GPA 640 PSV including increased fuel efficiency, superior station-keeping via our ABS-classed DPS-2 system and increased liquid mud capacity in self-cleaning, cylindrical cargo tanks.” Rigdon Marine is scheduled to take delivery of sister ships M/V St. Louis in April, 2005; M/V Toulouse in June, 2005; and M/V Esplanade in August, 2005. (Bron: Marinelink)
Foreign gunmen kidnap three from Malaysian tugboat Five foreign gunmen stormed a Malaysian tugboat and grabbed the skipper and two crew in a daylight attack in the Sulawesi Sea near Pulau Mataking, off the east coast of Sabah.Armed with M16 and AK47 rifles, the gunmen in a speedboat fired three shots before boarding the tugboat as it was passing through the Alice Channel international shipping route about 11am yesterday. They forced the skipper and two of the tugboat's six crewmen into their speedboat before fleeing towards southern Philippines. The gunmen also took the radio communication set of tugboat Bonggaya 91, which was towing the barge Bonggaya 90. However, the four remaining crew used a mobile phone to contact their Sandakan-based owner Syarikat Pengangkutan Bonggaya and the police were notified at noon. The company's director Vincent Chang said details of the attack and kidnapping were sketchy and he was waiting for the crew to return to Sandakan port for a clearer picture of what happened. Chang said all crew members were Indonesian nationals and the three kidnapped were Captain Resmaidi, 32, Erickson Huta Gaol, 23, and Yamin Labusu, 26. “No ransom demand has been made and I don’t know who has kidnapped them,” said Chang. He said the tugboat with the barge laden with acacia logs left Sandakan for Makajang in East Kalimantan about 10 days ago and was on its return journey when the gunmen attacked the crew near Pulau Mataking. In confirming the kidnapping, Sabah Deputy Police Commissioner Senior Asst Comm I Mohd Bakri Zinin said it occurred in international waters close to Pulau Mataking, about an hour’s boat ride from the east coast town of Semporna. SAC I Bakri, who flew to Semporna yesterday afternoon, said patrol boats combed the sea over Alice Channel but there were no signs of the gunmen or their speedboat. The latest attack comes nearly a year after Filipino gunmen stormed the East Ocean tugboat off Taganak island and grabbed its Indonesian skipper J.E. Walter Sampel, 53, and two Sarawakians Toh Chiu Tiong, 56, and Wong Siu Ung, 53, on April 11, 2004. A ransom of nearly RM1mil was demanded for their release but after a certain amount was paid, the gunmen released another set of hostages taken at the Borneo Paradise Resort in Kunak seven months earlier. The East Ocean hostages are believed to be dead as skeletal remains were found in the jungles of Tawi Tawi island but until today no DNA confirmation has been made available. (Bron: Shipping News)
Fairmount Sherpa launched On March 22, 2005 the first in a series of four newbuilding 200 T Bp Long distance towing, salvage and anchorhandling tugs, AHT Fairmount Sherpa was launched at the Niigata Shipyard, Japan. The
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
vessel is scheduled to be completed on May 18, just a few days prior to commencement of her maiden voyage; the towage of fully laden semi-submersible barge Ocean Orc from Japan to El Salvador. Fairmount’s second newbuilding, AHT Fairmount Summit is scheduled to be delivered by Mid September of this year, which is about a month ahead of schedule, and will be followed by AHT Fairmount Alpine in May 2006 and AHT Fairmount Glacier in September 2006. All vessels will join the OneAllianz fleet upon their completion. (Bron: Shipping News)
Alam Maritime investing in new tonnage Malayan based Alam Maritim has announced that it will take delivery of six newbuild vessels - three AHTS and three other assorted vessels. The anchor handlers are the Setia Fajar (5,150bhp), Setia Lestari (4,750bhp) and the Setia Nilam (5150bhp) and they are expected to deliver between June and September, according to broker Seabrokers. Of the others, the Setia Inda is a utility/supply vessel and the Setia Kasturi is a supply vessel with both expected to deliver in August. The last vessel is an AHT, Setia Mega, and is due for delivery in March. (Bron: Shipping News)
Sleepvaartbedrijf ‘Ánimo’ Sleepvaartbedrijf Animo Vof uit Oudekerk a/d Ijssel kocht in Belgie de duwsleepboot Jos (60.02808) van International Maritime Fluviale Transport NV uit Antwerpen en bracht deze als Ijsselstroom in de vaart. Zij werd in 1940 gebouwd op de Teltow-werft in Berlijn als M189 voor de Monopol, ze was toen uitgerust met tweemaal 180pk Deutz. In 1978 werd ze verkocht als Peter van J.Horsman in Ruisbroek (B), die de beide Deutzen verving door tweemaal 180pk Scania. In 1979 voer ze als Johanna van Meijers uit Luik. Vanaf februari 1988 was ze als Peter (23.18947) in de vaart bij Kleinstra & Zn uit Maasbracht, die liet tweemaal 350pk GM inbouwen en verkocht haar in 1990 als Caroline aan A.K.Joos uit Roermond. In 1991 werd ze opgelegd, maar later was ze nog als Rick in de vaart. Nog in hetzelfde jaar werd ze door P.Joos uit Antwerpen aangekocht als Jos (BR31285B) die de boot ombouwde tot duwsleepboot en de stuurhut liet aanpassen. Later werd ze zonder naamsverandering eigendom van International Maritime Fluviale Transport onder nummer 60.02808 (Bron: Schuttevaer)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (4) Hier het laatste over de voortgang van SWRot en SWSin (en Wolraad Woltemade). Zijn nu op de bestemming. SWRot is er ook en de Wolraad komt de 4e/5e aan Het lag in de bedoeling dat wij (SWSin) bij aankomst de H-851 zouden gaan verlaten en op weg gaan naar de Wolraad, dit is echter allemaal grondig omgegooid. Afgelopen woensdagmorgen kregen we telefoon(tjes) van SmitWijs. Het kwam er op neer dat de Thialf, die bij Port Gentil was, heeeeel erg veel haast had om terug te komen in het veld. Of wij (de SWS dus) maar los wilden gaan van de H-851 om dan met gezwinde spoed richting Thialf te gaan om deze dan samen met de Retriever terug te slepen naar het olieveld. Aldus geschiedde, net na de middag los en op weg naar de Thialf. Tegen middernacht erbij en rond middernacht weer slepend op weg richting Cabinda. Zijn hier vanmorgen aangekomen om 7 uur en zijn momenteel standby cq manusje van alles bij de Thialf. SWRot krijgt op het ogenblik gasolie van de Retriever. Wij zijn later aan de beurt. Het ligt in de bedoeling de 4e/5e af te gaan lossen met een crewboot via Point Noire. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Coast Guard rescues tug boat crew after sinking 4/02 A search and rescue crew from Coast Guard Station Calumet Harbor rescues four people from the water after their tug sinks off of the Hammond water intake crib a quarter mile south of Calumet harbor Thursday. The Station Calumet Harbor crew received a call at 12:35 p.m. from Holly Marine that one of their tugs the Margaret Ann had sunk and that they had four people in the water. The Coast Guard crew responded to the scene with one of their 25-foot small boats and had retrieved all four people from the water. All four people were wearing life jackets and were only in the water for approximately eight minutes. The rescued persons were transported back to the Coast Guard Station where they received treatment for hypothermia by Coast Guard personal and local emergency medical services. The tug was towing two barges that are still afloat. A Coast Guard small boat is at the site of the sunken tug boat to help maintain a safety area around the site until a marker can be placed identifying the wreak. The Coast Guard Marine Safety Office is responding to the scene to survey the wreak and assess any environmental impact. The cause of the sinking is unknown at this time. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 15 dd. 10 April 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Tidewater Vessel Sales Hits a Glitch 4/4/05 2:07:40 PM Tidewater Inc. said the prospective purchaser of up to six of its KMAR Anchor Handling Vessels advised Tidewater at the close of business on April 1 that, although the purchaser intended to continue its efforts to complete the transaction at the price and on the terms previously agreed, it had not been successful in satisfying one of the closing conditions by an agreed date. Tidewater had previously announced the proposed sale in mid-March. Given this development, Tidewater will continue discussing a sale of the vessels with the purchaser on a non-exclusive basis, but will also evaluate offers from other third parties, should any be made, and retains the unilateral right to accept a proposal for the vessels that it deems in its sole discretion to be superior. (Bron: Marinelink)
It Could Have Been A Disaster, But Things Worked Out Fine The Mv. Amber Brittany and its crew were cruising down the Ohio River at Louisville, Ky., early on the evening of March 30 with an eight-barge tow when the situation turned almost ugly. One of two wires snapped, allowing the barges to continue down the river at a strange angle. The towboat was unable to control them. According to “The Courier Journal”, The tow was made up of five empties, believed still to contain vapors from previous cargoes, and three barges that contained gasoline, toluene and natural gas condensate. Somewhat before 6 p.m., two of the barges scraped the Big Four Bridge, an abandoned railroad bridge upriver from the Clark Memorial Bridge. Just minutes later they scraped the Clark Bridge and some of them got stuck there. (They missed the Kennedy Bridge in between.) The Coast Guard shut down the Clark Bridge for 90 minutes, and customers at Joe’s Crab Shack left for a short time. Two towboats assisted in removing the barges, which were taken to the LouisvillePortland Canal, where they were inspected by the Coast Guard. (The bridge was reopened about 8 p.m.) (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Tugboat David C. Devall Sinks in Houston Ship Channel, One Crewman Missing Word has been passed to us by Dan Owen, frequent contributor to B&B, that he has received word of the sinking during the afternoon of April 4 of the Mv. David C. Devall. The Devall capsized and sank in the Houston Ship Channel in Galveston Bay. Two crew were rescued by the oysterboat Franco. One man remains missing. The Devall was built in 1978 by Thrift Shipbuilding & Repair, Sulpher, La. She is a twin-screw vessel measuring 58 by 22 feet and powered by Volvo TAMD-162C diesels providing 1,000 hp. The vessel is owned by Devall Towing & Boat Service, Inc., Hackberry, La. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (1) Sinds dinsdag aan boord van SmitWijs Singapore. Donderdag hebben wij Heerema barge H-541 overgenomen van Wolraad Woltemade. WW is nu op weg naar Kaapstad om te dokken. SmitWijs Rotterdam is klaar om te vertrekken met H-851 richting Noordzee, maar moet wachten op bunkerboot welke pas 10/4 AM verwacht wordt. Slechte visserij hier. Zitten hier precies in uitval van Congo rivier en dat vinden zelfs de vissen niet om te pruimen. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Japanese owner admits tug crew ransom payment THE Japanese owner of the tugboat Idetan from which three crew were kidnapped in the Malacca Strait last month has admitted they did pay for their safe release. Kanji Kondo, president of Kondo Kaiji in Kitakyushu told the Manichi Daily News said that the incident cost the firm about Yen50m (US$461,000). This amount included Yen10m in travel costs, payment of the negotiator and compensation for the contract being undertaken by the Idaten. The Japanese master, chief engineer, and the Filipino chief officer were kidnapped on March 14 after 14 armed pirates attacked it northeast of Pulau Berhala. They were released six days later off southern Thailand. Mr Kondo refused to call the payment to the negotiator a ransom as the payment of kidnappers is illegal under Malaysian law. Malaysian officials had earlier claimed that no ransom was paid. Ransom demands in these sort of cases typically start around the US$100,000 level but are negotiated down to a quarter of that amount. The payment of ransoms is often the only way that owners can guarantee they will see their crew alive again, in cases where owners have not paid or spent too long negotiating the hostages have been killed. “Pirates are rapidly getting better equipment. If no preventive measures are taken, they will start to target large ships," Kondo said. While there have been no further kidnappings in the Malacca Strait J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
since the Idaten, which was the third such attack in two weeks there have attacks on tankers including most recently an attempt to board a very large crude carrier. (Bron: Shipping News)
Search for man from sunken tug stops The search for a man swept into the Bay when the tug he was working on sank at the entrance to the Oakland Estuary was suspended Wednesday afternoon. Coast Guard officials said co-workers of the missing man said he frequently did not wear a life jacket, and salvage teams found his life jacket in the boat that was recovered earlier Wednesday. There had been a nonstop rescue mission all day Wednesday, which began the night before, after another worker was rescued. But chances that the missing worker would survive dwindled as U.S. Coast Guard officials estimated the chance for survival in the 62 degree water was 36 hours. The man, whose identity was not released at the request of his family, was working with crew mate Albert Apazaza on the Port of Oakland's 50-foot dredging project when their tug sank, sending both into the frigid waters. Apazaza, who was wearing a life jacket, was immediately rescued after the Tuesday night incident. He could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Workers are required by law to wear life jackets, but the man's co-workers said he frequently did not wear one, Coast Guard officials said. The Sunshine State, the tug on which both men were working, is used in dredging operations to guide a barge through the water as it brings up Bay mud. Coast Guard officials said the Sunshine State was in the process of lifting the barge's anchors late Tuesday night when it began to take on water and sank. The accident forced a partial closure of the port while the Coast Guard and the Alameda County Sheriff's Department sent divers to search for the missing worker. It will also cause a costly delay in the port's efforts to dredge the estuary, a much-needed job that will keep the port competitive. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is running. (Bron: Shipping News)
Le Havre towage outsider re-appears FORMER directors of French towage specialist Les Abeilles have applied for approval to operate in Le Havre five years after an initial application was rejected. Their company, Société Nouvelle de Remorquage du Havre, is planning to charter four of five tugs from Dutch operator Kotug to win business when Le Havre’s new Port 2000 container complex opens early in 2006. The company will compete head-to-head with Les Abeilles, which has had a monopoly on towage activity in the north French port and intends to retain that status. A spokesman for Les Abeilles said the company had taken note of SNRH’s intention to bid for the business but would make sure its tugs met all the navigational and safety requirements as demanded by the port authority. Observers suggested this alluded to SNRH’s plan to operate its tugs with crews of three compared with Les Abeilles’ four seamen. Unions have warned they will not accept the arrival of a ‘low cost’ towage operator at the port, endangering employment at Les Abeilles. (Bron: Shipping News)
Damen lijkt door te breken in Australië De eerste Damen slepers voor de Australische markt hebben een reeks vervolgorders uit dit werelddeel opgeleverd Zeer waarschijnlijk varen volgend jaar tien Damen-slepers in Australische wateren. Om snel service te kunnen verlenen, gaat Damen ‘down under’ een onderdelen- en service centrum opzetten. Vanaf januari 2004 vaart de Damen ASD Tug 2411 Barunga van Adsteam Marine in de Australische haven Newcastle. Rederijdirecteur John Moller zegt tevreden te zijn over de nieuwe sleper. Met een trekkracht van zeventig ton is zij ook de sterkste havensleper van Australie. Adsteam Marine heeft een zusterschip besteld, dat ook wordt uitgerust met blusmiddelen. Zij wordt in januari 2006 opgeleverd. De Australische rederij had eerder al drie slepers van dit type besteld voor activiteiten in Engeland. Van deze serie worden er twee onder toezicht van Damen op de Song Camwerf in Vietnam gebouwd en de derde, net als de Barunga, op de Damen werf in Changde in China (Adsteam Ferriby). Nog niet bekend is, waar het zojuist bestelde zusje van de Barunga wordt gebouwd. Hamersley Iron uit Dampier in West-Australie werkt sinds februari met de Damen ASD Tug 3111 Pilbara Neptune, met een trekkracht van 67 ton. Hamersley heeft er nog twee besteld en overweegt er nog een of twee aan toe te voegen. Nieuwe orders zijn verder ontvangen van McKenzie Tug Service uit Esperance in West-Australie voor een Damen ASD Tug 2411 met een trekkracht van zeventig ton. De sleper wordt uitgerust met blusmiddelen. Ze wordt medio 2006 opgeleverd. Verder levert Damen voor INCO Australie uit Brisbane drie werkschepen. Dit zijn een Damen ASD Tug 2509 met een trekkracht van veertig ton, een conventionele Damen Stan Tug 1605 en een sleepvlet van het type Damen Mini Cat 803. De ASD sleper en de sleepvlet worden op de werf in Gorinchem afgebouwd, de standaard sleper loopt op de werf in Changde van stapel. Tot slot heeft Damen een Intentieovereenkomst gesloten voor levering van een Damen ASD Tug 3111 met een optie voor een tweede voor de inzet bij het grootste kolenoverslagbedrijf van Australie. Damen gaat in Australie een eigen organisatie met reservedelen opzetten, liefst samen met een ervaren Australische partner. Verder praat het bedrijf met de Song-Cam-werf in Vietnam, waar nu zes Damen-slepers en vier Damen sleepvletten worden gebouwd, over een verregaande vorm van samenwerking (Bron: Schuttevaer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Bourbon Offshore Norway is ordering an ULSTEIN AX104 anchor handling vessel from Ulstein Verft, with an option for a second vessel.
Ulstein Verft AS has signed a contract with Bourbon Offshore Norway, a subsidiary of Groupe Bourbon, concerning the construction of an ULSTEIN AX104 design anchor handling vessel. The contract also contains an option for a second vessel. The ULSTEIN AX104 stands out from traditional offshore vessels because of its inverted bow – the ULSTEIN X-BOW™. “The bow design eliminates slamming by the sea. The shape means the vessel can achieve higher speeds in all conditions, and fuel economy is good,” reports Tore Ulstein, president of both Ulstein Design and Ulstein Verft. The vessel will also be one of the first anchor handling vessel in the world with diesel electric propulsion. “Increasing awareness of environmental factors is making diesel electric propulsion sought after,” he emphasises, continuing: “The vessel is also an innovation in the area of safety. It is equipped with the newly developed ‘Safe Anchor Handling System’ (SAHS) delivered by ODIM, which increases the safety of anchor handling work,” says Ulstein. ODIM’s sales director, Lidvard Liaset, says the project confirms the uniqueness of the maritime cluster in Sunnmøre on the West Coast of Norway. “A VESSEL TO GO FOR” “We saw the sketches of the ULSTEIN AX104 and liked the shape of it,” says the managing director of Bourbon Offshore Norway, Jostein Sætrenes. “The shape of the vessel stood out from any other offshore vessel we had seen. This has now been developed further in a partnership between the shipping company and the design company. Once the model tests also demonstrated exceptionally good results, we decided that this was a vessel we wanted to go for,” he stresses. Bourbon Offshore Norway has been a prime mover behind the development of the SAHS system. ”Creating safe places to work for our employees is very important to us in Bourbon Offshore Norway. Safety first is more than just an empty phrase to us. The newly developed stern roller with its ancillary system will eliminate hazardous work operations for those whose place of work is on deck. In addition to this the new hull design will result in less vibration and noise onboard the vessel, and make it easier for off duty crewmembers to get some rest. The third aspect is the diesel electric propulsion system that reduces discharges into the natural environment, which is of benefit to us all. We believe that with this vessel we can rightly claim to be part of revolutionising the anchor handling market. We also expect our clients, the oil companies, to notice this vessel which so thoroughly takes on the challenge of thinking safety. The queue of employers should be a long one,” says Sætrenes with a smile. RECORD HIGH ORDERS ON HAND “We are pleased to note that Bourbon Offshore Norway is choosing us as its partner for such an exciting and innovative project,” says Harald Møller, Ulstein Verft’s sales manager. “If the option is exercised, the projects for Bourbon Offshore Norway will fill up our order book until the end of 2006. The contract vessel will be delivered in May next year and the option vessel in October. The hulls will be constructed at Maritim Ltd in Poland and the superstructure at Ulstein Verft's yard in Vanylven, while the vessels will be fitted out at Ulstein Verft in Ulsteinvik. Ulstein Verft’s orders on hand now amount to more than NOK 2.7 billion,” he says. During the course of the last six months, Bourbon Offshore Norway has placed orders worth NOK 1.5 billion with Ulstein Verft, all for Ulstein designs. ULSTEIN AX104 The ULSTEIN AX104 anchor handling vessel is 83.6 metres long and has a beam of 18.5 metres. It is equipped with a 400 ton winch, DP2 (dynamic positioning) and has a minimum towing power of 180 tons. The vessel is fitted out for 35 people in one and two man cabins. The vessel is equipped with a diesel electric propulsion system and can achieve speeds of 17.5 knots. (Bron: Ulstein)
Seabreeze News March 2005: Swan Sweeps Back Farstad Shipping UT 745L PSV Far Swan returned to the market at the tail end of March. The 955m2 deck vessel has been on charter to Petro-Canada since mid July last year supporting the semiJ. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
submersible Glomar Adriatic 4 (this rig has now passed over to work for BP at Farragon location in the central North Sea). The Far Swan is currently uncommitted and is expected to trade the North Sea spot market for the foreseeable future. We are sure that many UK and Norwegian Charterers will be keen to see this big PSV winging her way back to the market.
Thebaud Is The Best Canadian shipowners Secunda Marine were successful in gaining a term charter from Apache North Sea Limited. The 1999 built DP 2 PSV Thebaud Sea went onhire in the last week of March for a firm charter period until end April 2005 with nine weekly options thereafter. The vessel will carry out drill support and cargo work, predominantly for their new jack up on Forties, the Galaxy 1.
Magnificent Seven For Sakhalin Aker Maritime has chartered a veritable armada of vessels to support their construction project off Sakhalin Island. It is understood that these ships will be required to tow two gravity based structures from Vladivostok out to their Sakhalin location Three vessels yet to be nominated by Maersk, the Pacific Richfield Marine owned AHTS Pacific Silver, a Swire B Class and the Swire AHTS Pacific Frontier have been chartered for a two month period beginning in June this year. Aker Maritime also took the decision to fix the Nor Offshore AHTS Nor Sea for ROV Support work.
Far Too Complicated For Us April will see the end of an era as the Far Supporter completes its term charter with ASCO. The UT 750 PSV has been on charter to the logistics company since delivery from the Norwegian Fosen Mekanisk Verft yard back in March 1996. During the nine year charter with ASCO the vessel has supported numerous location’s for ASCO’s clients. In many ways the Supporter was ahead of her time, delivering with a tank cleaning system, a stern gate system and a modified hull form differing from the standard UT 745 design. However, the story does not end there for the Far Supporter – a new adventure beckons with Norsk Hydro The Supporter will replace the VS 483 PSV Far Strider, which was originally awarded the Norsk Hydro contract. The Strider will then return to the UK sector to continue a term charter with TEAM Marine. The Far Supporter will remain with Norsk Hydro until at least the 20th June 2005 with further month options available thereafter. The Far Supporter is the third vessel that Farstad have had on to Norsk Hydro – the Far Supplier started it in October 2004, was changed out by the Far Strider which has in turn been changed out for the Supporter. Some of you may be puzzled at this stage and might be recalling that the Far Strider was on long term charter to TEAM Marine, so how was she able to be used by Norsk Hydro? The answer lay in yet another swap out…This time the Far Grimshader was used to cover for the Strider back in January this year. If you are still with us, you might be wondering if the Far Grimshader will be available on the market (since the Far Strider is replacing it). The answer is no; the Far Grimshader will be retained by TEAM for a one year firm charter. So, for the benefit of the few readers who have stuck with us for this term column, here is a quick summary: Far Supporter off from ASCO, on to Norsk Hydro. Far Strider off from Norsk Hydro, on to TEAM. Far Grimshader off from TEAM, on to new charter with TEAM.
Statoil Far From Running On MT This month saw the start of the MT design flotilla moving out to begin the Statoil pipe haul work on the Orman Lange project. The MT 6000 PSV Skandi Rona (a Shell sublet) delivered on the 25th March whilst the MT 6000 PSV Skandi Marstein (another Shell sublet) begins on the 3rd April. The MT 6000 PSV Olympic Princess and the MT 6016 PSV Olympic Orion also left in late March for this charter. Havila will also deliver a newbuild MT 6000 PSV from the their own Havyard shipyard in April, which will join the fleet, however Havila may need to front-run this vessel with one of their recent VS 483 PSV purchases (Havila Faith or Havila Favour). It is uncertain whether Statoil favoured the diesel electric MT design because of their high degree of fuel efficiency or whether it was the dayrates offered up or maybe it was a combination of the two factors?
Prince’s (Purple) Reign Gulf Offshore’s 1978 built PSV North Prince should be back on the spot market at time of going to press. The 579 m2 deck vessel was on term charter with Marathon before returning to Aberdeen harbour for maintenance which lasted around a month. The North Prince and another Gulf UT 755, the Highland Monarch Highland Monarch will later begin a 60-120 day charter in May this year. They will carry out drill support work for BP Turkey.
No Halt For Stolt Trico Supply have been awarded a term contract by Stolt Offshore this month. The ME202 PSV Northern Genesis started work on the 24th March, supporting the LB 200 pipe-layer for 120 days firm with 2 x 30 day options and 8 daily options.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
April Fuel For Guardsman It is understood that Specialist Marine Services 4200 BHP PSV Guardsman has been fixed by Western Geco for a term charter off the Brazilian coast. The period of this fuel supply fixture is around two months starting around the end of March.
Bourbon Bring Back Borg This month saw the return of the UT 722LX AHTS Bourbon Borgstein to the North Sea. The 220 tonnes bollard pull, 21,400 BHP anchor handler has been working for Kellogg, Brown & Root in Brazil since September 2004 carrying out pre-installation work for 2 FPSOs. Since returning to the UK sector it has already picked up spot charters with Kerr McGee and Marathon.
Roff Goes Off The Tidewater NED 1144 AHTS J Hugh Roff Jr has now left the Southern Sector of the North Sea spot market. The 2005 built 100 ton bollard pull vessel was chartered by Total Congo for a term charter expected to last around a year.
Newbuildings, Conversions, Sale & Purchase by Seabreeze March 2005: More For Island Offshore Aker Yards have this month announced that its subsidiaryAker Brevik, has inked acontract with Island Offshore VIII KS in Ulsteinvik, Norway for a UT 755LN supply vessel. The hull for this ship will be built at Vyborg Shipyard in Russia, will arrive in Brevik in August and should be completed at the end of this year. Island Offshore’s other UT 755LN newbuild Island Pride is due to deliver from Aker Brevik around the first week of April and will thereafter begin its term charter with Total in the North Sea.
No Barrier To Carrier Norwegian owners Rovde Shipping AS have bought the ex Harrisons Shipping VS 483 PSV Inverclyde in a deal worth around £12.5 million. Rovde take delivery of the 1996 built ship at the start of April and will both re-paint and re-name the vessel Ocean Carrier. The 900 square metre deck PSV will also be re-flagged to Norway and will be ready to work again just before the start of May.
Adios Marianos Paris based Technip has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between its subsidiary Technip Offshore UK Limited and Mermaid Offshore Services Limited. This agreement is for the sale of Technip’s diving support vessel Marianos with handover expected around August this year (allowing Technip Offshore UL to finish its current commitments in the North Sea and Canadian waters.) Once the vessel has changed hands it will be worked in South East Asia, in particular in the Gulf of Thailand.
Powerful Pair Proceed For Pemex Two Gulf Offshore newbuild 5916 BHP anchor handlers have delivered in the second half of this month from the Keppel Singapore yard and are now on their way to a five year plus options term charter with Pemex. The two vessels are called Colosso and Titan.
Supplier Thunders In For Thor Shipowners P/F Thor have announced that they have bought the Canadian 1975 built AHTS / Standby vessel Rem Supporter from Remoy Standby A/S. Furthermore the newly renamed Thor Supplier will begin its first job for its new owners by supporting Western Geco’s North Sea seismic survey vessels in a 6 month charter. P/F Thor is a shipping company located in Hosvik, a natural safe harbour close to Torshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. We believe the new owners have located here in order to capitalize on the upcoming exploration activity in the local area.
O’Malley Energes The Chinese Yantai Raffles yard has delivered the VS 486 anchor handler for Tidewater named William C. O’Malley, sister to the recently delivered and now fully functioning John P Laborde.. The vessel pre-launch at Yantai will be finished off in a Singapore yard and is then committed for a term period in West Africa, with market rumours indicating Exxon Mobil Angola may be the charterer. The Richard M. Currence, another sister vessel, is expected to deliver from Yantai in early May and is currently uncommitted. 6
(Sea)Cor Blimey Guv’nor Seacor Holdings Inc. has signed a takeover deal with Seabulk International Inc. worth more than half a billion dollars in stock and cash. The net result of this deal means that Seacor is buying control of Seabulk (formerly known as Hvide Marine) which operate in the offshore supply boat, tanker and tug
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
sectors. This will form a company that “will be a leader in worldwide offshore support service” according to a joint statement issued by both companies. It is unclear what the name of the new company will be or if any jobs will be lost as a result of the deal.
Targe Shields The Thames Targe Towing took delivery of their newbuild Fi-Fi 1 terminal tug called Stanford (pictured below on the right with fellow Targe tug Cramond at Hound Point in the Firth of Forth) from the Damen Yard in Rotterdam this month. The Stanford is a twin ASD Aquamaster tug and some of its details include a bollard pull of around 70 tons, L.O.A. of 32 metres and 5,300 brake horse power. This is the first of three sister tugs being built by Targe with the second, called Castle Point, having just delivered at the end of March. The third tug is due around June and will be called Corringham. All of these vessels will go on long term charter carrying out terminal duties in the Thames, London. This brings Targe’s total number of tugs to twelve, including these three new vessels, with operations carried out mainly in the United Kingdom and the Far East.
Olympic OK On Option Norwegian owners Olympic Shipping have declared their second and final option for a UT 755LN PSV. Olympic will take delivery of this vessel around September 2005. As a reminder, Olympic took delivery of their UT 755L Olympic Provider over the summer last year. The first option that Olympic took was on a UT 755LN (a newer model with a slightly modified hull and bulbous bow for greater fuel efficiency) which is expected to deliver in July this year. Olympic are also currently building an MT design PSV which is expected to deliver early 2006.
Havila Breach The Fortress Harrison Shipping’s last remaining North Sea VS 483 PSV Inverforth has also been sold. The vessel has been purchased by Havila and will be handed over in early April. The Inverforth will be renamed Havila Fortress and will join the recently purchased PSVs, Havila Fame, Havila Faith and Havila Favour. This will give Havila a dominant position in the North Sea PSV market – no other owner has as many PSVs on this market segment at this time.
Bourbon Take Shot At New Gem Of A Design Bourbon Offshore Norway AS has ordered a new 16,300 BHP AHTS design called an A102 from the Ulstein yard. Delivery for this vessel is planned for July 2006, however Bourbon also have an option for a second A102 for delivery in January 2007. Main particulars of this anchor handler include a bollard pull of around 180 tons, a 400 ton winch and a L.O.A of 75.2 metres. This continues the strong relationship between Bourbon and Ulstein, with the same yard having recently delivered the P105 PSV Bourbon Topaz and currently constructing another P105, the Bourbon Peridot.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 16 dd. 17 April 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Tow Breaks Up At Smithland Dam One barge was temporarily trapped at dam gate five at Smithland Locks and Dam at Ohio River Mile 918.5 and a second barge presumed submerged, blocking the full function of gate 2 temporarily, after the mv. Capt. Bill hit an approach wall and lost some of its barges early April 5 during its approach to the lock. The towboat, owned by Western Rivers Boat Management Inc., Ash Flat, Ark., was towing 15 barges when it lost power in one engine as it approached the landside lock. The boat’s barges hit the approach wall and broke loose. Two of the barges were drawn downstream and others drifted into another motor vessel waiting to complete its upbound transit of the riverside lock (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Smit completes latest phase of newbuilding bonanza SMIT International has completed the latest phase of an extensive newbuilding programme. Fourteen new tugs have been ordered over the past year and there will be further orders this year, to enhance Smit Harbour Towage’s Rotterdam-based tug fleet. In February 2004, an order for four ASD 2810 tugs was placed with Damen Shipbuilders, three of which were earmarked for service with Smit Panama. The first, Smit Panama, was delivered in mid-2004, Smit Cristobal six months later and Smit Bilbao last month. Smit Curacao, the fourth of the very compact 57 tonnes bollard pull tugs arrived in March. Also delivered in December was the Smit Mandji a twin-screw Damen ST 3509, a tug/supply vessel of 57 tonnes bollard pull now working offshore Gabon. In January two Damen ASD 3110 class units were ordered for service in Nigeria. An order was also placed in January with IHC Holland Delta for three multipurpose pusher tugs with a 25 tonne bollard pull scheduled for delivery in early 2006. With a length of 25.65m the tugs are based on a modular design, for maximum flexibility across a wide range of roles, including support for marine construction, dredging, diving and oil spill response. Five further tugs of this class may be ordered over the next five years. Keppel SingMarine have orders from Smit for three anchor handling/tug/supply vessels, two of 70 tonnes bollard pull and one of 120 tonnes. The first of the AHTSVs will be delivered in August of this year, followed by a sistership in November and the third vessel at the end of January 2006. (Bron: Shipping News)
Shanghai Salvage orders deepsea tug from Wuchang MAJOR Chinese towage and salvage firm the Shanghai Salvage Company has ordered a new deepsea salvage tug with delivery scheduled for April 2006. The 90m long, 16,100bhp vessel is under construction at the Wuchang Shipyard, in China. Once completed the tug will be managed by the Hong Kong-based Shen Hua Shipping Co. This new vessel has been designed by SDARI, the renowned Chinese Shanghai Design and Research Institute, and is intended primarily for ocean towing. Construction will meet the requirements of the China Classification Society and carry the notation, Ice class B2, CSA 5/5 Tug, CSM, AUTO-0, SCM,CMS. The twin-screw tug will measure 89.9m in length overall, with a breadth of 17.2m and maximum draft of 6.8m, powered by a complete propulsion package from MAN B&W Diesel A/S of Denmark. Two MAN B&W 8S35MC, low-speed, two-stroke, heavy fuel, main engines will each produce 8,050bhp (5,920kW) at 173rpm. Power will be transmitted to a pair of VBS1080 controllable pitch propellers via Flender type GUG 1200 gearboxes. An Alphatronic 2000 Propulsion Control System will be installed, with two control stations on the bridge and one in the engine control room. The system includes interfaces to a power management system and a Kongsberg Simrad JoyStick control co-ordinating the output from propellers, rudders and transverse thrusters. This propulsion system will give the new tug a bollard pull of 188 tonnes and a maximum speed of 16 knots. Wuchang Shipyard was founded in 1934 and subordinated to the China State Shipbuilding Corp before the 1999 formation of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corp. It is the largest modern shipbuilding enterprise in inland China. (Bron: Shipping News)
GE Shipping takes delivery of anchor handling tug supply vessel Great Eastern Shipping Company Ltd has taken delivery of a new built anchor handling tug supply vessel (AHTSV), named `Malaviya Twenty One` from Bharati Shipyard Limited, India. The vessel has a bollard pull capacity of 133 T and is capable of catering to the deepwater oil fields. The company`s fleet strength now stands at 73 vessels - 42 ships and 31 offshore assets. With the addition of `Malaviya Twenty One`, the company owns six vessels, which are capable to support the platforms in
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deepwater oil fields. Shares of Great Eastern Shipping were last traded on BSE at Rs 160.50, down 1.83 per cent. (Bron:Shipping News)
Jacomina Het bergingsvaartuig Jacomina is verkocht naar Spanje en vandaag 15/4/2005 overgedragen aan de nieuwe eigenaar Tom Juin - Cartagena; De Jacomina zal woensdag 20 april vertrekken naar Spanje. Waarschijnlijk is dit de laatste mogelijkheid om nog een leuk plaatje van deze oude dame te maken. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Bever Eindelijk worden de lang lopende geruchten nu toch werkelijkheid. De Bever gaat a.s. maandag 18 april naar de werf van Greevestein om daar haar Special Survey te completeren. Hier zal de Bever dan toch worden omgedoopt in Smit Bever. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (2) Liggen nog steeds te dobberen nabij Thialf. Er staat een niet te hoge maar te lange swell voor Thialf om veilig te hijsen. Ziet er naar uit dat zondagmiddag hijsen weer kan beginnen. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Smit Curaçao Afgelopen vrijdagmiddag, langzij de Admi, werd om 15.30 de Smit Curaçao gedoopt door Mevrouw D. Comenencia-Wansing, echtgenote van de Gevolmachtigde Minister van de Nederlandse Antillen. Onder grote belangstelling wenste zij de sleepboot een gelukkige en goede vaart. Ook de bemanning werd hierbij een behouden vaart toegewenst, waarna zij het lint doorknipte en de champagnefles met een enorme klap uiteen spatte tegen de beting. Hierna ging het gezelschap terug naar de Admi, waar mevrouw Comenencia-Wansing een cadeau werd aangeboden door directievoorzitter van Smit, de Hr. B.Vree. Tevens werd door de werf de kurk, verwerkt op een mooi stukje houtwerk, van de champagnefles aangeboden. De werf verraste de Hr. B.Vree met een prachtig mooie model van de Smit Curaçao. Duidelijk in zijn nopjes ontving Vree dit exemplaar en liet weten dat het een mooi plaatsje zou krijgen in de ontvangst hal van het hoofdkantoor. Mevrouw D. Comenencia-Wansing bood de kapitein de Hr. Blijksloot, een klok aan voor aan boord. De Smit Curaçao zal voorlopig in de Europoort worden ingezet om dokkingen van andere eenheden op te kunnen vangen. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Adsteam Ferriby De Adsteam Ferriby is vorige week zondag in Immingham aangekomen.(Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Port Lairge II O'Hanlon heeft de Port Lairge II (ex. Hart-96) naar Portugal verkocht. Wie de nieuwe eigenaar is, is helaas nog niet bekend. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Chambon Cie. Maritime Chambon heeft de Dogançay V hernoemt in Chambon Largade en de Sanmar XVII in Chambon Biso. Beide schepen zijn actief te Sète. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Lamnalco Lamnalco heeft drie sleepboten van Sanmar gekocht. De Dogançay VII, die is herdoopt in Lamnalco Wagtail, en twee boten die nog in aanbouw zijn, één van het type Dogançay en één van het type Eskort. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 17 dd. 08 Mei 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. AHTS "Eide Master" & "Eide Fighter" 18.04.05 - Eide Marine Services AS have bought two secondhand AHTS vessels. AHTS "Eide Master" (Motorman – 05; Searcher – 02; Smit-Lloyd 119 (2) – 98; Bhiel Traveller - 91 ) 1181/1977 7360 bhp and AHTS "Eide Fighter" (Merchantman – 05; Achiever – 02; Smit-Lloyd 115 – 98) 1293/ 1975 - 8000 bhp. This make Eide Marine Services capable doing overseas transports together with our barge fleet. The vessels will operate both individual and in combination with barges world wide. For further info please contact us. (Bron: Maarten Versluijs)
Tug Lake Superior returns to Duluth 4/19 The 1943 vintage 114-foot "LT." Army tug Lake Superior returned to Duluth Sunday morning, towed in by Zenith's tug Seneca. After an attempt to sell the tug failed, the City of Duluth decided to return the vessel to its berth behind the museum vessel William A. Irving. After a long slow trip, from Howard's Pocket, through extremely thick fog, the pair arrived at the Minnesota Slip draw bridge around 10 am. The excursion boat Vista Star backed out of the slip, to give the tugs more room to fit through the tight squeeze. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (3) SmitWijs Singapore is vandaag (22/4) met Heerema barge H-122 aangekomen op de rede van Malabo op het eiland Bioco - (a.k.a. Macias Nguema Biyogo) - Equatoriaal Guinee. Hier is de Hermod, gesleept door de President Hubert, gisteren ten anker gekomen om te prepareren voor een project offshore Nigeria. Vandaag of morgen gaat H-122 langszij Hermod en kan SmitWijs Singapore los weer terug naar locatie van Thialf offshore Cabinda, in afwachting van vertrek met H-541 naar Vlissingen. H-541 vertrekt niet eerder richting Noordzee nadat de laatste lading gelost is van ladingbakken/schepen welke onderdelen van jacket en topsides aangevoerd hebben. Dat zal rond eind april/begin mei zijn. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Singapore)
Bue renamed BUE Jura is herdoopt in Viking Jura. BUE Mull is herdoopt in Viking Mull (Bron:Leon de Hoop)
Honce krijgt nieuwe naam In Duinkerke heeft de Honce deze week haar nieuw naam gekregen: ze is herdoopt in Temeraire. Haar schoorsteennummer is 52 en zal begin mei aan het werk gaan. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Nieuwbouw Moen van naam voorzien Bouwnummers 58 en 59 van de Moen Slip A/S, Kolvereid voor Bukser og Bjergning gaan resp. Barents en Banak heten. (Bron:Leon de Hoop)
Tewater bij Union Naval Bij de werf Union Naval te Valencia is voor februari 2005 de sleepboot V.B.Sonora voor Boluda tewatergelaten. Bouwnummer 380. (Bron:Jaap Bijl)
Tewater bij Balenciaga Bij de werf Balenciaga te Zumaya is voor februari 2005 de sleepboot Romulo voor Remolcadores P. tewatergelaten. Bouwnummer 392. (Bron:Jaap Bijl)
Gedoopt De Abeille Bourbon is op 13 april door mevrouw Chirac te Brest gedoopt en heeft op 16 april het bergingsstation van de Abeille Flandre overgenomen. De Abeille Flandre zal na haar dokbeurt haar nieuwe station te Toulon betrekken. De levering van de Abeille Liberte heeft vertragingen opgelopen en zal nu vermoedelijk eerst in september de Abeille Languedoc te Cherbourg vervangen. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Verkocht De Karin S in 2005 verkocht aan Williams Shipping Ltd., Southampton zij heet nu Willpower (Bron:Leon de Hoop) J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Washington State Honors Tug-and-Barge Company Posted 4/27/05 at 10:31:AM Island Tug and Barge Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C., received an award from the Washington Department of Ecology for excellence in marine safety and environmental stewardship. The Exceptional Compliance Program (Ecopro) Award will be presented to Island Tug and Barge at 10:30 a.m. at the Odyssey Maritime Discovery Center on Pier 66, 2205 Alaska Way, in Seattle. The award ceremony will be followed by a short reception, during which reporters may interview Ecology officials and company representatives. Tank-barge companies receive the Ecopro Award only if they meet or exceed all 26 of Ecology's marine-safety standards for tank barges. Island Tug and Barge is the fifth company to earn the award since the program began in 1999. This is the first tug-and-barge company to receive the award. "Island Tug and Barge has demonstrated its commitment to the environment by voluntarily meeting our state's tough marine-safety standards," said Ecology Director Jay Manning. "Our company roots go back 50 years, and that doesn't happen if you are not committed to safety and the environment," said Robert Shields, president of Island Tug and Barge. "We handle a great deal of the marine petroleum transportation requirements for Western Canada, and that work requires a very high level of management oversight and crew training." Shields noted that his company has served industry and communities along the Pacific Coast for many years and that Washington's performance standards offer great guidance for the maritime industry. "Our goal is one of operational excellence and enthusiastic achievement," said Shields. "Incorporating the Ecopro standards aligns very nicely with our vision and provides excellent direction toward achieving our goals." Recent maritime casualties around the world have exacted a heavy toll on the environment, validating the need for constant improvement to international maritime regulations, training, communication and procedures, said Manning. Ecology's spill-prevention standards are considered by many to be among the toughest in the world. The standards cover elements such as management practices, maintenance and inspection programs, emergency preparedness, vessel-position tracking, voyage planning, security issues, English-language proficiency, and alcohol and drug testing. Manning said the Ecopro Award is for companies that go beyond basic compliance with Washington's marinesafety standards and is not limited to just one award recipient in a given time period. "The Ecopro program helps reduce the risk of oil spills, and we encourage all companies transiting our state's waters to step forward and participate," Manning said. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (4) De mannen aan de reling van het SSCV Hermod van HMC uit Leiden zijn er van onder de indruk. Ze laten het werk het werk als de SmitWijs Singapore langszij de Hermod komt, nadat de sleep H-122 aan de achterkant van de Hermod afgemeerd is. Voor de landrotten onder U, SSCV = Semi Submersible Crane Vessel. HMC = Heerema Marine Contractors. SmitWijs Singapore is momenteel onder contract van Heerema in de regio West Afrika, waar Heerema twee offshore installatieprojecten onderhanden heeft ten behoeve van de oliewinning op zee. 2 April is SmitWijs Singapore samen met SmitWijs Rotterdam aangekomen op locatie van het andere Heerema SSCV Thialf, offshore Cabinda (Angola), met een beladen zware ladingbak van Heerema (H-851) uit Corpus Christi U.S of A. Nadat het jacket van de H-851 gekieperd was is de SmitWijs Rotterdam met H-851 vertrokken naar Vlissingen. SmitWijs Singapore is gebleven en verricht diverse hand- en spandiensten ten behoeve van de kraanschepen Thialf en Hermod. Van offshore Cabinda zijn we 16/4 naar Port Gentil (Gabon) vertrokken, daar een sleepje (H-122) opgepikt en dit naar Malabo Roads (Equatoriaal Guinee) gebracht, waar de Hermod zich voorbereidde op zijn project, offshore Nigeria. Een aantal dagen stand by de Hermod gelegen en op 28/4 weer met de H-122 vertrokken naar Pointe Noire (Congo). Daar komen we 2/5 aan en brengen daar H-122 ten anker. Vandaar gaan we weer terug naar offshore Cabinda en melden ons weer bij Thialf. HMC installeert met behulp van SSCV Thialf op ongeveer 400 m waterdiepte een stalen toren (jacket) op de zeebodem. Op de toren wordt ongeveer 25.000 ton gewicht aan boor-, productie- en woonmodules geplaatst in een aantal zware hijsoperaties. De zwaarste stukken die in een keer geplaatst worden wegen 10.500 ton. Na het volbrengen van de diverse zware hijsen door Thialf, wat sterk weersafhankelijk is, gaat SmitWijs Singapore met weer een andere Heerema bak (H-541) op sjouw naar Vlissingen. Een sleepreis van ongeveer 3 weken. Vertrek moeilijk te voorspellen, kan nog wel 1 of 2 weken duren. 28 april, Zijn gisteren vertrokken van Malabo naar Pointe Noire. ETA 2/5 AM. Krijgen waarschijnlijk dek vol met containers voor Thialf uit Pointe Noire. Nu snap ik ook waarom ze ons gisteren Smit Lloyd Singapore noemden. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Singapore)
Aturri De Aturri (ex. Brave-97) werkt nu te Nantes. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Tug Company Honored Island Tug and Barge Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C., received an award from the Washington Department of Ecology for excellence in marine safety and environmental stewardship. The Exceptional Compliance Program (Ecopro) Award was presented at the Odyssey Maritime
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Discovery Center on Pier 66, 2205 Alaska Way, in Seattle. Tank-barge companies receive the Ecopro Award only if they meet or exceed all 26 of Ecology's marine-safety standards for tank barges. Island Tug and Barge is the fifth company to earn the award since the program began in 1999. This is the first tug-and-barge company to receive the award. "Island Tug and Barge has demonstrated its commitment to the environment by voluntarily meeting our state's tough marine-safety standards," said Ecology Director Jay Manning. "Our company roots go back 50 years, and that doesn't happen if you are not committed to safety and the environment," said Robert Shields, president of Island Tug and Barge. "We handle a great deal of the marine petroleum transportation requirements for Western Canada, and that work requires a very high level of management oversight and crew training." (Bron:Marinelink)
Unmanned Towboat Goes Over Lock On Allegheny River The PittsburghChannel.com reported on May 2 (today) that a small, unmanned towboat “went over a lock early Monday on the Allegheny River near Tarentum, Pa. Authorities say they don’t know who owns the boat, which went over the lock about 12:30 a.m. (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Towboats, Barges Headed For Argentina “The Waterways Journal” reported today (May 2) that last week 30 barges and two towboats were loaded onto a seagoing barge (at the Francis Road Container Terminal in the Industrial Canal in New Orleans) for delivery to Argentina. The shipment is the second to the three-year old Fluviomar International, S.A. of for Buenos Aries for use on the Parana/Paraguay River System, said project manager Bill Kinzeler II. The firm already has taken delivery of 27 hopper barges and two towboats. Kinzeler’s firm is Running Rivers LLC of Louisville, Ky., which located the barges and made preparation for the shipping.One of the boats was the 4,800 line boat Penny Eckstein, formerly of Marquette Transportation. The other was the 800 hp. Miss Michelle from Moveable Towing, Larose, La. Of the 30 barges, 28 were hopper barges (1979-81 vintage mostly from Ingram Barge Company and Heartland Transportation) that will be used to move grain and fertilizer. Two tank barges, were obtained from Kirby Inland Marine, are scheduled to carry diesel and soybean oil. The vessels were loaded aboard the 454 by 100-foot semi-submersible Boabarge 16 from Seaspan of Vancouver, B.C., and towed by Atlantic Towing’s 7,200 hp. tug Atlantic Hickory. The trip is expected to take 38 days. (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Tug/Barge Hits Reef In Hudson, Spills Unknown Quantity of Gasoline MidHudsonNews.com reports that on April 28 a tug/barge struck a reef in the Hudson River at Diamond Point off New Hamburg, rupturing two compartments and spilling an unknown quantity of gasoline. The barge, B-35, was in tow of the Bruce A. McAllister of McAllister Towing. The destination was the Port of Albany, N.Y. The barge was owned by Buchard Company. The crew, MidHudsonNews reported, was able to stop the spill, while high winds helped to speed up evaporation. Another barge was sent to the site to offload the gasoline. (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Crane Collapses On Three Barges, Kills One Man, Injures Another The Associated Press reported on April 26 that a barge-mounted crane that was preparing to drive a concrete piling into the water off a bridge linking suburban Fort Myers, Fla., and Sanibel Island, collapsed across three barges, killing one construction worker and injuring another. The three barges were holding two other cranes. Killed was Kent A. Crappell, 54, Morgan City, La. John T. Collins, 57, of Carabelle, was injured. Collins was standing on a barge when he was hurt. He was admitted at a local hospital in good condition. Both men worked for Boh Bros. Construction Co. John Izzie, 67, a towboat captain watching from a nearby boat launch, said it appeared that the crane operator was having difficulty lining up the piling in San Carlos Bay. Witnesses said the ground crew was attempting to attach a 100-foot piling to a 60-foot section that had already been driven when the piling cracked and broke. The crane was able to hold the broken piling temporarily but it cracked and broke again. The Lee County Sheriff’s Office released a report saying that Crappell swung the crane away from where a ground crew was working. Crappell was being hailed as a hero. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration is investigating the incident. A report is expected in about six months. (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Batam – Indonesie In Batam zijn de afgelopen twee weken de Giant 3 en de Giant 2 behandeld. De Giant 3, die uit een contract kwam van McDermott en afgemeerd lag bij PT World Wide Equipment South East Asia (ex.Ballast Nedam) onderging hier haar jaarlijkse, door Lloyds uitgevoerd, hull survey. Aansluitend werd de ponton gereed gemaakt voor het laden van aannemingsmateriaal van “van Oord”. Op het dek werden cribbingen en aanvarings/positionings palen geplaatst. De ponton werd in de rivier afgezonken en een 11 tal drijvende units werden boven het dek gevaren. Hierna werden de tanken van de Giant 3 weer leeggeblazen, waarna al het materiaal op het dek was geplaatst om te worden gezeevast. Op 1
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mei vertrok de Giant 3 richting Sakhalin, alwaar dit materiaal zal worden gelost. Een reis van ongeveer 3 weken. De Giant 3 wordt gesleept door de “Smit Luzon” (Smit-Lloyd 117) (kapitein Jan Sietsma). De Giant 3, zal na te zijn gelost, vertrekken naar Japan om te worden uitgerust en te worden ingezet voor stenen storten op hetzelfde Sakhalin van Oord project. Tijdens het vertrek van de Giant 3 arriveerde de Giant 2 te Batam. Zij werd gesleept door de ITC sleepboot Simoon (kapitein Jan Nieuwhof) en kwam van West Afrika – Gabon. De Giant 2 werd afgemeerd bij PT WWE, op de plek waar zojuist de Giant 3 was vertrokken. De Giant 2 onderging eveneens haar jaarlijkse, Lloyds hull survey. De Giant 2 zal hier nog enige tijd blijven liggen (juli) om hierna in contract te gaan naar Australie. Eind van de maand wordt voor hetzelfde Sakhalin van Oord project de Ocean Seal (Fairmount) op de werf van PT WWE verwacht. De ponton zal daar worden uitgerust om ook stenen te gaan storten.(Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Seabreeze News April 2005 Marathon DOF To Run Marathon This month saw the announcement of a truly “marathon” Marathon fixture for DOF. The UT 755 PSV Skandi Yare has gained an eighteen month charter with the oil company commencing in a window between June and September of this year. The 2001 built PSV will support Marathon’s drilling operations with the Deep Sea Bergen, the semisubmersible rig which is currently working for BP in the East of Shetland basin.
Havila Hurrah! Norwegian owners Havila had plenty of reason to celebrate this month with several term fixtures for some of their newly acquired fleet. Firstly, Apache North Sea Limited decided to charter Havila VS 483 PSV, the Havila Fortress for a sixty to one hundred and twenty day period, supporting JU Galaxy III. The contract began at the start of April, so we could potentially see the Havila Fortress back on the spot market as early as June this year. The Havila Faith front ran the Fortress for around ten days until the Fortress was ready to start with Apache. Secondly, it was announced that both the 600m2 deck PSV Havila Fame and UT 706 PSV Havila Fortune will begin term charters in June. These two vessels will support the laybarge Togmore on the Langeland pipeline for Allseas with expected contract duration of between thirty and sixty days. Finally, Havila also announced the term fixture of the VS 483 PSV Havila Faith to TEAM. The 902m2 deck vessel began the charter in mid April and will be working there until at least mid October this year, with a further six monthly options. The 1998 built ex- Stirling Spey will be carrying out pool support work for TEAM.
Dynamic Is Fantastic In addition to chartering the Havila Faith, TEAM were also busy signing a contract with another Norwegian owner – Eidesvik. Their VS 490 PSV Viking Dynamic has been chartered for 6 months firm with options, beginning around early June. The Viking Dynamic is a diesel electric vessel equipped with DP II and nearly a thousand square metres of deck area, all of which we are sure contributed to TEAM’s decision to charter it. Eidesvik have also ordered two VS 470 MKII PSV hulls from the Severnaya shipyard with delivery expected in December 2005 and March 2006 respectively.
Provider Proceeds For BG Olympic Shipping UT 755L PSV Olympic Provider has begun a one well charter with BG. The contract commenced in mid April with an estimated duration of around 60 days. The Olympic Provider will support the Ensco 70 on BG’s AH 04 well on Block 47 / ABA 2X in the Southern sector of the North Sea.
Atlantic Hawk Swoops Across Atlantic This month saw the departure of Atlantic Towing’s UT 722 Atlantic Hawk. The 14,400 BHP anchor handler left the North Sea in early April for a three month firm charter plus options to Canadian oil company Husky Energy, carrying out various duties for an exploration project in Canadian waters. As a reminder, the UT 722L AHTS Atlantic Osprey is expected to leave the North Sea to begin a much longer term charter with Husky in July this year. Atlantic Towing are currently reviewing options, including designs, for their newbuild anchorhandling fleet.
Siggbas Top Of the Class Sartor Shipping 1976 built standby vessel Siggbas will begin a four month firm term charter with Conoco Philips at the Macadam field with options for work at the Mungo field, beginning in June. The Siggbas is currently working on the spot market working for various charterers including Shell UK.
Symphony Starts New Tune April saw the return of Farstad Shipping P105 PSV Far Symphony to the spot market in the first half of the month. The DP II vessel has been on charter with Norsk Hydro since December 2003 and J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
although Norsk Hydro had options remaining they decided to let her go (although she subsequently carried out several spot cargo runs with the operator in direct continuation).
Ranger Scores Goal For Hydro Following on from the above story, with the departure of the Far Symphony, Norsk Hydro decided (after a period of evaluation) to charter the newbuild UT 745E PSV Island Ranger for a twelve month firm period with six monthly options. The Island Ranger delivered from the Kleven yard at the beginning of April, commencing the term charter with Norsk Hydro soon after. The Island Ranger is owned by Kleven Maritime, Island Offshore and Edison Chouest Offshore and one of her special features is a stabilisation tank located just behind the accommodation unit which increases her performance at sea.
No Quarrel With Coral Toisa Limited AS 516 PSV Toisa Coral has been successful in gaining a term charter with turnkey drilling contractors ADTI. The DP II equipped Toisa Coral is contracted for two wells firm with an optional well, with each well estimated to last around fifty days. Contract commencement is expected to be around the beginning of May to coincide with the Sedco 714 semi-submersible rig charter to BG.
Total Decide On Pride Island Offshore UT 755 LN PSV Island Pride delivered in the first week of April from the Aker Brevik Yard in Norway. The brand new supply vessel has now started its one year firm with one year option contract with Total.
Petrobras En Garde Avec Guardsman Some news from our Brazilian office - Petrobras have inked a deal with Specialist Marine Services for the charter of the 420m2 deck PSV Guardsman. This vessel will deliver to Petrobras in Salvador, Brazil by latest 29th August and will remain with the Brazilian national oil company for one year.
Chouest Go Crazy For Navy The United States Navy’s Military Sealift Command has awarded a firm term charter to U.S. based Edison Chouest Offshore. Under the contract, Chouest will build a 348’ support vessel to deliver fuel from offshore tankers to US military fuel storage facilities when conventional fuel transfer facilities are unavailable. A smaller tender vessel will also be provided by Chouest, similar in size to Chouest’s current fast supply vessels. Together these two vessels will be known as an Offshore Petroleum Discharge System (OPDS), with work, based in Guam, beginning in October 2006. The U.S. Navy also have an option for a second OPDS to be exercised within one year of the delivery of the first vessel.
Peak Seek Scotsman Farstad Shipping ME 202 PSV Far Scotsman has been chartered by the Peak Group for four wells firm plus one optional well. The 575m2 deck vessel will support the Global Santa Fe Labrador 1 in the Southern sector of the North Sea starting between the end of May and beginning of June this year.
Seabreeze Breakers The Maersk Advancer AHTS has left the North Sea for a 3 week firm charter assisting the Baobab FPSO with CNR in West Africa. The Edda Freya PSV began a 9 week ROV charter in the first half of April for Statoil. Burlington will use the Olympic Supplier AHTS for 1 well in June, supporting the Noble Lynda Bossler. The North Traveller PSV will begin a 3 well with options charter to ATP (supporting Ensco 70) in July. The Far Swan PSV will go to Stolt in June for a 60 days firm plus 30 daily options period. Bourbon Helios and Bourbon Hermes newbuilds have gained term charters with BP Angola – More on this next month.
Wow, What A Bow! The big story of the month is surely the revolutionary new design AHTS developed by Ulstein Design for Bourbon Offshore. The vessel breaks new ground in appearance and technical Innovation. Designated Ulstein AX104, it incorporates other new concepts intended to mark a major advance in crew safety. The contract has been placed with Ulstein Verft with scheduled delivery of May 2006 and includes an option for a second vessel. The 83.6 m LOA hull for the 180 ton bollard pull vessel will be built in Poland with fitting out and completion at Ulsteinvik. One of the first AHTS vessels in the world to feature diesel electric propulsion, the specification also includes an option to incorporate a newly designed anchor handling system developed by Odim. The design is aimed at eliminating the hazardous nature of anchor handling work by protecting deck crew during the most hazardous J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
operations such as capturing anchor chain’s pennant wires, shackling and unshackling cables and capturing buoys. Features include a tiltable stern ramp, dual cranes running along the crash barriers with outreach over the stern and a camera at the stern enabling operators to see the angle at which the anchor is ascending so that it can be dropped back and rotated using propeller jets. Tank tests have shown that the bow design is superior to conventional designs as it cleaves the waves reducing noise, vibration and slamming. Overall the new innovations are aimed at improving safety, the environment, crew comfort, efficiency, fuel consumption and sea keeping qualities.
Normand Conquest Solstad has announced that it is to acquire full ownership of the AHTS UT 722L Normand Borg, currently on contract to Petrobras in Brazil, the PSV UT 737 Normand Flower currently with Pemex in GOM, and the PSV UT 755 Normand Vibran ex Troms Steggen currently in the North Sea spot market. Solstad will purchase the share ownership belonging to Island Offshore thus acquiring 100% ownership. At the same time Solstad is relinquishing it’s interest in the ownership of the PSV UT 745E Normand Rover by selling it’s share to Island. However, Solstad will operate and act as manager of the vessel until the current contract with Pemex in Mexico expires at the end of 2005.
Patriot Flies the Flag For Island Offshore Island Offshore took delivery of their P105 PSV Island Patriot. This vessel was built in the Ulstein Verft yard in Norway and will begin an eight month term charter with Saipem in mid August 2005. Island Offshore also saw the delivery of the Island Ranger, UT 745E PSV, and the Island Pride, UT 755LN PSV),
Cal Buys Cal Dive International of Houston has paid USD 125m for Stolt Offshore’s inspection maintenance and repair (IMR) interests. The vessels involved are American Triumph, American Victory, American Liberty, American Diver, American Constitution, American Star, and Seaway Defender. Also included in the sale agreement is the Seaway Kestrel which Stolt will charter back from Cal Dive to complete pipelaying work in Trinidad. The deal provides Stolt with funds to invest in their existing fleet and concentrate its effort on the global subsea umbilicals riser and flowlines (Surf) sector. Stolt plan to concentrate their effort on securing more work in this sector globally but particularly in the Gulf of Mexico deep water market and in pursuit of this ambition they will reinforce their team in Houston. It is also reported that Caldive has entered into an asset purchase agreement with Torch Offshore Inc. Which filed for Chapter 11 in January, for the purchase of their fleet and vessel related assets for a consideration of USD 92 m approx. The transaction is subject to the approval of the Bankruptcy Court and other regulatory agencies. 6
21 Ready For Fun Indian ship owners Great Eastern Shipping took delivery of their newbuild AHTS Malaviya 21 this month. The vessel was built in the Bharati Shipyard in India and design details include 133 tons bollard pull, Fi-Fi 1, 67m L.O.A., 420m2 deck and about 10,800 BHP. The Malaviya 21 is currently working in the Indian spot market. The company’s newbuild order book comprises 7 offshore support vessels - 4 AHTS and 1 PSV being built at Bharati for delivery between now and June 2006 plus 2 x UT 755 design PSV's being built at Aker Brattvaag scheduled for delivery summer 2006.
Skipper In Command Solstad VS 4420 PSV Normand Skipper delivered from the Flekkefjord yard in Norway in the second half of this month. The DP II vessel has now begun a five year firm plus options charter with Norwegian operators Statoil. Other details of the Normand Skipper include a 1220 m2 deck, oil recovery, LOA of 92.4metres and a large under deck capacity including methanol.
Trico Duo To Go Trico Supply have sold two of their small PSVs to Seaport International of Sharjah in a contract worth about USD 4 million. The Northern Sea was handed over and renamed the SIS Quest in April whilst the Northern Seeker will be handed over once the contract with Wintershall is completed (June and July). It is unclear at this time where the two Seaport PSVs will work.
Options All Round Farstad have declared their second option of a UT 712L design DP II AHTS with Brevik Construction AS, a subsidiary of Aker Brevik. Delivery is scheduled for September 2006. The first vessel is due for delivery in April 2006 and the second in June 2006. Farstad are also building a UT 712L at Simek and this vessel is scheduled for delivery in April 2006.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Rem Again Rem Offshore have placed an order with Kleven Maritime for the proven and popular MT 6000 design series. The vessel is a Multi Purpose Supply Vessel (MPSV) of the MT 6016 design and the contract is valued at around NOK 230 million. Due for delivery in May 2006 the vessel will be 92.95 m LOA, have a deck space of 1050 m2 and will feature diesel electric propulsion. Rem already has one MT 6000 MK II under construction at Kleven for delivery January 2006 and a UT 755LN under construction at Brattvaag for delivery in December.
Jaya Jump For Joy Over Nomis Newbuild The Jaya shipyard has agreed to build a 5,500 BHP, 70 ton bp, DP AHTS for Nomis Shipping. This will be completed in March 2006 with an option for a second vessel delivering five months later. The Jaya yard has previously worked for Nomis, delivering the Dea Argosy in 1999.
Conti Commences Rigdon Marine celebrated the delivery of the GPA 640 PSV Conti this month. This is the seventh of ten GPA 640 designs being built for Rigdon at the Bender Shipyard in Mobile, Alabama. Details of the Conti include excellent liquid mud capacity, DP II and low fuel consumption. The other three Rigdon GPA 640 newbuilds are called St. Louis, Toulouse and Esplanade, delivering over the next four months. Mrs. Patti Guice and Billy Guice, Vice President Marketing, Rigdon Marine, christening the Conti in Mobile, Alabama in early March.
Tanjung Offshore to acquire four more vessels Tanjung Offshore Bhd in Malaysia has announced that it intends to acquire four more offshore support vessels to enhance its range of marine services.Managing director Omar Khalid said Tanjung Offshore's fleet was also boosted with the launch of a fourth anchor handler in March this year. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
New Norwegian support vessel company formed A new Norwegian vessel owner named Deep Sea Supply has been formed recently, having issued a letter of intent to purchase six KMAR404 anchor handlers from Tidewater. However, as Offshore Shipbrokers reported recently, the purchase is subject to raising adequate equity in the domestic and international finance markets. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Eidesvik orders two VS 470 MkIIs in Russia Hull Invest AS, a company owned 33.3 per cent by Eidesvik Offshore ASA, has ordered two newbuild VS 470 MK II hulls from Severnaya Shipwerf in St Petersburg, Russia.Hull Invest AS is co-owned by West Contractors AS and Vik Sandvik AS, each of whom has a 33.3 per cent shareholding.Eidesvik Offshore ASA currently operates two of the sister vessels in Nigeria. A third VS470 is under construction at West Contractors Yard in Norway for delivery in June this year.The new hulls are due to be delivered in December 2005 and March 2006. No decision has been made with respect to the outfitting of the hulls. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
CH Offshore orders anchor handlers CH Offshore has placed an order in Japan for two AHTS of 12,000BHP for delivery June andOctober 2006. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Anchor handlers Ghent and Ravensturm sold The AHTS Ghent (built 1976 - 6,000bhp) together with Ravensturm (built 1977 - 6,000bhp) has been sold to Indian Buyers for an en bloc price of some close to US$2 million.Both vessels have been laid up in the Far East for sometime, said Offshore Shipbrokers Limited. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 18 dd. 16 Mei 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Wilchallenge verkocht Met de aankoop van de Wilpower (ex. Karen S-05, ex. Diamante-98) is de Wilchallenge (ex. Waterlines-99) verkocht aan Mushrif Contracting Co. en naar de Arabische Golf vertrokken. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Keppel Singmarine Wins Contracts for 5 Vessels 5/10/05 9:12:03 AM Keppel Singmarine Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M) has secured orders for three offshore support vessels (OSVs) and two tugboats for about $80 million. The vessels will be progressively delivered to their owners up to end 2006. Keppel Singmarine will build one ice-class OSV for anchor handling and supply purposes for new customer, the Russian oil company Lukoil Kaliningradmorneft (LUKOIL). When completed at end 2006, the vessel will be deployed in the Caspian Sea region. The other two OSVs are for repeat customer Groupe Bourbon (Bourbon). With these two 100-tonne bollard pull anchor handling tugs, Keppel Singmarine’s orders from Bourbon will add up to a total of seven vessels. Keppel Smit Towage has placed an order for two tugboats, designed by Keppel’s Marine Technology Development. Keppel Singmarine has 19 vessels under construction, having delivered five since the beginning of 2005. Its strong orderbook has placed the Company as one of the world’s leading builders of offshore support vessels. The leading oil company in Russia, LUKOIL’s main activities are in oil & gas exploration and production, and production and sale of petroleum products. Groupe Bourbon has a fleet of over 200 vessels offering clients customised services in offshore oilfields, in towage and assistance services and in dry bulk transport. Keppel Smit Towage is a joint venture between Keppel and Smit International Singapore. The company operates a complete spectrum of towage. (Bron: Marinelink)
Island Offshore Orders at Aker NORWAY-based Aker Yards is to build two AHTS vessels of the new UT 787 type for Island Offshore under a contract worth about NKr 800m (US127m). Aker notes that the contract on the second vessel includes a cancellation clause. Roy Reite, responsible for the Offshore and Specialised Vessels business area in Aker Yards says: "This contract is the 14th and 15th between Island Offshore and Aker Yards, and confirms our unique relationship with Island Offshore". (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Damen levert tweede slepers voor BP Gorinchem - Scheepsbouw Damen Shipyards heeft de tweede nieuwe sleepboten opgeleverd voor de Britse oliemaatschappij BP. De sleper, die de naam Castle Point heeft gekregen en een zusje is van de Stanford, wordt ingezet voor de olieterminal bij de Coryton-raffinaderij, welke is gelegen aan de Theems, net buiten Londen. Een derde sleepboot van BP, de Corringham, wordt op dit moment nog afgebouwd bij de werf van Damen in Gorinchem en zal in juli worden opgeleverd. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Houma Tugboat Captain Convicted Of Second-Degree Murder The Associated Press has reported from Napoleonville, La., that on May 4 an Assumption Parish jury found Capt. Louis Ledet, 42, Houma, guilty of second-degree murder in the pistol slaying of Ryan Andras, his deckhand. The murder took place after a disagreement in the pilothouse turned violent. The incident took place in June 2003 aboard the Captain EJ in the Gulf Intracoastal waterway, when Andras entered the pilothouse and tried to play with a gun Capt. Ledet had brought to the pilothouse. According to testimony, Ledet refused to let Andras touch the gun and became angry when the two began horseplaying. He held the gun to Andras’s head and said, according to deckhand Alvin Dardar, “I am going to make you see God.” Then, as the testimony goes, he fired the weapon. A forensic Pathologist testified to seeing a muzzle imprint on Andras’s head. When asked later what he meant, he said he intended to kill him. Testimony was also presented that Ledet had brought a large amount of cocaine aboard and threatened to kill Andras if he took any of it. Ledet told the jurors that he had used cocaine the morning Andras was shot, the AP reported. Capt. Ledet faces a mandatory life sentence, but no sentencing date has been set. After the one-day trial, the jury deliberated only 30 minutes. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
SmitWijs Singapore Reports (5) SWS is 11/5 vertrokken van offshore Angola naar Vlissingen met H-541. Hebben er flink de sokken in met de South Equatorial Current mee. Steady +10'. Wordt in de loop van volgende week wel minder. We maken een offshore tussenstop t.h.v Las Palmas om 12 m3 smeerolie te bunkeren uit een smeeroliebunkerbootje. 26/5 is ETA Las Palmas. ETA Vlissingen is week 23. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Singapore)
Harvey Gulf Contracts for New OSV Harvey Gulf International Marine, Inc., signed a contract with Eastern Shipbuilding Group, Panama City Fla., for the construction of the new generation 280 x 60 ft. Deep Water Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV), to be named Harvey Spirit. The Harvey Gulf International Marine New Generation design incorporates large capacities in a manageable vessel design with a space-efficient design. It has a clear deck dimension of 202 x 52 ft. (10,500 sq. ft.), drilling fluid capacity of 13,500 bbl., 12,000 cu. ft. dry bulk along with its extremely high water and fuel capacities. Liquid cargo loading and delivery systems aboard the HGIM New Generation include oversize piping systems. The vessels can discharge liquid mud at high flow rates (1,400 gpm). Operators will be able to make full use of the vessel’s cargo capability in port areas that limit deeper vessels to operation at less than full capacity, as well as vessels with shallow hulls that cannot work in rough seas, wind and especially currents. The Harvey Gulf New Generation will offer enhanced features such as computerized tank level indicator systems, computerized cargo discharge system, vessel stability program and fuel management system which are fully automated. Two high horsepower bow thrusters, a stern thruster along with 6000 bhp controllable pitch main propulsion plant combine to make these vessels very maneuverable at offshore rig and platform locations. The hull is configured with double bottom and double sides, enabling the vessel to survive accidents. The double bottoms and double sides are primarily used for water tankage. In addition to the hull configuration, the vessel’s sewage and waste systems are arranged for zero discharge operation, allowing the collection and shore disposal of sanitary drainage, rather than the more typical overboard discharge of wastes into sensitive or regulated marine environments. Last year Harvey Gulf International took delivery of its two new breed 240 x 56 ft. Deep Water Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV), and both are presently involved with long term contracts. (Bron: Marinelink)
5/10/05 9:31:50 AM
Seabulk doubles Labroy order US tanker and offshore ship operator Seabulk is splashing out $44m to double its order for anchor handling tug supply vessels at Singapore’s Labroy Shipbuilding and Engineering. Seabulk, which signed an order for four of the vessels in November, has now exercised an option for a further four. The 7,000 horsepower ships are scheduled for delivery in late 2006 and early 2007. The earlier vessels, which were ordered for a similar price, are set for handover slightly earlier in 2006. Seabulk, which is expected to close its merger deal with offshore operator Seacor in the current quarter, will deploy the ships in West Africa and Southeast Asia. (Bron: Daily Shipping News)
Aker Yards gets four PSV order from Siem Aker Brattvaag, a company in the Aker Yards Group, and Siem Offshore Inc. have entered into a contract to build four platform supply vessels (PSV's). The value of the newbuilding contract is approximately NOK 490 million (about $78.3 million). The vessels will be 73.4 meters long, and 16.6 meters wide, and will have a maximum cargo capacity of 3,600 tonnes. The vessels are of VikSandvik's VS 470 mk II design, twelve of which have been built in the past. Delivery is scheduled for 2006. The contract includes an option for two more vessels. (Bron: Daily Shipping News)
Nieuw boek over de sleepvaart door Nico Ouwehand: Afgelopen vrijdag 13 mei werd in het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum te Maassluis een nieuw boek gepresenteerd over de sleepvaart, om precies te zijn over het leven van kapitein B.C. Weltevreden, gedurende de Tweede Wereldoorlog gezagvoerder op de sleepboot HUDSON van L. Smit & Co’s Internationale Sleepdienst te Rotterdam. Deze aimabele man heeft met zijn bemanning en zijn relatief kleine sleepboot vooral in de periode 1940-1945 huzarenstukjes uitgehaald. “Ome Ben” , zoals hij in de wandeling werd genoemd. Was dan ook wereldberoemd in Nederlandse sleepvaartkringen. In Engeland werd deze man gewaardeerd met diverse onderscheidingen, waaronder het ereburgerschap van Londen. Het boek is geschreven door Willem Pop, aangetrouwde familie van de gezagvoerder. Veel informatie heeft hij kunnen halen uit het archief van het museum. Ook internet was een belangrijke informatiebron. Daarnaast is het eerder verschenen boek van Maarten Bezuijen over de sleepboot HUDSON een niet te onderschatten bron geweest. Dit boek gaat echter voornamelijk over de persoon Ben Weltevreden en is daardoor een belangrijk document geworden m.b.t. de sleepvaart, zoals die zich een halve eeuw geleden afspeelde. Het eerste exemplaar van het boek werd aangeboden aan Dirk Weltevreden, zoon van Ome Ben. Andere gesigneerde boeken gingen naar burgemeester J. Karssen van Maassluis en wethouder P. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Hoogenraad. Desgewenst is het boek te bestellen bij het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum, Hoogstraat 13, 3142 EA Maassluis. De prijs is Euro 25,75 plus verzendkosten. Men kan natuurlijk ook terecht bij de beter gesorteerde boekhandel. (Bron: Daily Shipping News)
WSS / MarineNews Sales, Transfers and renamings Far Turbot (Tender Turbot – 90) 1621/80 – offshore tug/supply. By Farstad Supply A.S. Isle of Man (British) to Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Exploration & Development Corp. Panama and renamed Dong Fang Yong Shi 3. Navigator (Kanga – 98; Dea Supply – 97; Star Taurus – 97) 973/74 – offshore supply. By R & B Falcon Corp., Bahamas to unspecified owners and renamed Marksman Tito Neri, 347/92 – tug. By Fratelli Neri Services Maritimos Sociedade, Portugal (Mar) to SvitzerWijsmuller (Americas) Ltd.,Brazil and renamed Svitzer Orinoco
Members Reports Emsgarth 162/75 – tug was renamed Iltizam (Mor) prior to 21/2/2005 Kintore 363/77 – tug was renamed Hector (Vct) at Invergordon prior to 16/2/2005
Casualties Oktay Veliyev (Neftegaz 59 – 95) 2723/88 – tug/supply owned by Oil Industry Fleet Administration, Azerbaijan grounded when she was sent out from Baku to assist the grounded Saalty. Tug Nestor 236/72 Raised around 18-19/12/2004 and towed to Slite.
Demolitions Avatar (HOS Avatar – 96; Antelope – 94; Sally B – 91; Mule – 90; Rhonda Martin – 86) 292/74 – offshore tug/supply. By T.Benetee LLCC (Hornbeck Offshore Oerators Inc) USA to unspecified breakers and reported 3/2004
Fighter De Fighter is met haar sleep, de Smit Anambas, in Belfast aangekomen op woensdag 11 mei. Hier zal de Smit Anambas worden gelost en door de Fighter weer terug naar Rotterdam worden gesleept. De e verwachting is dat de Fighter morgen, de 17 mei, zal vertrekken en een dag of 4 nodig heeft om in Rotterdam te komen. Dus als alles naar wens verloopt wordt zij de 21 mei in Rotterdam verwacht. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 19 dd.22 Mei 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. SmitWijs Rotterdam Reports (1) 7 mei zat het verlof er weer op en maakte de rust van thuis plaatst voor de drukte van een vroege Schiphol morgen, waarvandaan we via Londen Gatwick naar Gibraltar zouden vliegen alwaar de Smitwijs Rotterdam verwachtte aan te komen voor bunkers, en aflossing. Een korte vlucht naar London en daar een paar uur wachten op de door vlucht naar Gibraltar. Vroeg in de avond landden we op het kleine stukje Engeland op het Europese vasteland en hingen we even in de riemen vanwege een sterk afremmend vliegtuig dat overigens ruim voor het einde van de korte landingsbaan, die op Gibraltar in zee eindigt, stil stond om vervolgens zijn weg naar de terminal te vinden. Uitkijkend naar de plaatselijke agent voegden we ons tussen de aankomende vakantiegangers die allen feilloos hun bestemming leken te vinden, alleen was er voor ons geen bordje met namen deze keer. Even wachten dan maar, en was het onze HWTK die meende iets over de interkom te horen waarin hij onze namen herkende, dus op naar de informatie balie, en inderdaad was er voor ons een oproep geweest en werden we aan de balie door de agent welkom gewenst te Gibraltar. Vervoer was natuurlijk geregeld, kregen we te horen, alleen had de goede man er geen rekening mee gehouden dat zeelui doorgaans wat meer bagage mee zeulen dan de gemiddelde toerist. Passen en meten en nog eens meten, maar ging de bagage bij lange na niet allemaal in de kofferbak van de klaar staande taxi, dus ook maar het een en ander op de stoel naast de bestuurder, en of we ook maar het nodige op schoot wilden nemen terwijl de achterbank met drie volwassenen naast elkaar toch al erg krap was. Niet direct aan boord, maar eerst een nachtje in het hotel, en dat was gelukkig minder dan vijf minuten rijden zodat we al snel uit onze benarde positie bevrijd werden. Alvorens we ingecheckt waren nadat een hele stoet toeristen ons waren voorgegaan was de avond al flink gevorderd, snel nog even een hapje eten en koffie toe op het buiten terras dat uitkeek over zee, hoewel het inmiddels al te donker was geworden om die nog te kunnen zien. Leuk hoor, een hotel kamer aan de rotsachtige kust van Gibraltar, alleen toen we elkaar om 7 uur in de morgen in de lobby troffen bleken we alle drie een nacht lang naar de branding die op de kust liep te hebben liggen luisteren. Volgens afspraak werden we om klokslag 8 uur opgehaald, alhoewel met hetzelfde ruime vervoer van da avond er voor, maar Gibraltar is niet groot, en rij afstanden daardoor kort en konden we ons na slechts een paar minuten aan boord van een klaarliggend bootje begeven dat ons naar de ten ankerliggende Smitwijs Rotterdam zou brengen. De collegae aan boord waren al druk met vaartuigen langszij die sludge op haalden en bunkers brachten, en dan wij er nog tussendoor om de zaak over te nemen. Al met al liepen zaken voorspoedig en werd vroeg in de avond vertrokken, op reis met de losse boot via het Suez Kanaal naar Singapore. We hadden er prachtig weer bij in de Middellandse zee, en kwamen op vrijdag 13 mei tegen middernacht ten anker op de rede van Port Said. Om 05:00 op zaterdag morgen stond het bedrijf al weer bij. We waren nummer drie van de vijf schepen in het zuid gaande konvooi, en nadat het anker was thuis gehaald voegden we in achter de twee voorgaande schepen onderweg naar de uiterton om daar de loods aan boord te nemen. Marlboro country, sommige dingen veranderen nooit lijkt het wel, en ook ditmaal bleek alles om "small present for me please" te draaien. De eerste loods was het daar duidelijk niet mee eens en leek in onvervalst Arabisch zijn landgenoten die om een presentje bedelden de huid vol te schelden, om daarna in gebrekkig Engels hoofdschuddend duidelijk te maken wat hij van al dat bedelen van zijn landgenoten vond, verschrikkelijk dus. Zo verdien je het ook natuurlijk, want wat de anderen niet kregen daar meende de man zelf aanspraak op te kunnen maken. Niet alleen wat sigaretten, maar had hij als ontbijt al een blikje tonijn leeggeschept, en of we daar ook nog wat van hadden. Dat hadden we wel, en verliet hij voldaan de brug nadat hij door een collega loods thv Port Said was afgelost. Met een gangetje van zo'n negen tot tien mijl per uur werd het eerste gedeelte van het kanaal genomen waarna we rond 11:00 nabij Al Ballah in de by-pass afmeerden om het noord gaande konvooi te laten passeren. Dat duurde tot 17:30, waarna we met een verse loods aan boord onze reis door het kanaal voortzetten. Nabij Ismailia weer een loods wissel, en vervolgens nog een bij Suez, waarna de laatste loods slechts enkele minuten aan boord bleef alvorens hij ons lang voor de uiterton een goede reis wenste en vertrok, samen met de plaatselijke elektricien, die zijn broer en zijn oom en hun vrienden die om onduidelijke redenen aan boord blijken te moeten zijn tijdens de passage. Maar goed, de mannen hadden hun handeltje in souvenirs mee dat in de mess werd uitgestald en geeft dat dan wel weer wat eigens aan de Suez kanaal zaak. Hoewel de zegelkast dan wel wat had geleden onder de passage, kwamen we er verder zonder kleerscheuren van af en konden we onze reis vervolgen met het doorkruisen van het drukke vaarwater thv Suez. Inmiddels, woensdag 18 mei om 7 uur in de morgen, bevinden we ons in het zuiden van de Rode zee die we vanavond met de passage van Bab el Mandeb verwachten te verladen. Na een paar dagen bladstil weer en een absoluut vlakke J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
zee is het deze morgen behoorlijk briezerig geworden. Recht van voren in ook nog, stampen en buizen dus, en went dat mooie weer dan toch wel snel, maar goed we komen lekker vooruit en kijken we dus maar uit naar Singapore waar we het einde van de maand verwachtten aan te komen. Tot zo ver dan maar, en wens ik bij deze alle geadresseerden een goede wacht of, voor diegenen die het aangaat, een prettige voortzetting van het verlof. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Rotterdam)
Steiner-built tug heading for the Caymans Bayou La Batre, Ala.-based Steiner Shipyard recently completed the 65'x26'x9'6" line-handling tug Sand Cay for West Indian Towage Ltd., Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. West Indian Marine will operate the boat. The Sand Cay is a shallow-draft, low profile, twin-screw tug/utility workboat for Inland, harbor and coastal service. The double chine hull and superstructure are all welded-steel construction. John MacKenzie, West Indian’s managing director, said his company won a contract from Esso to provide ship-assist services to tankers that call at Grand Cayman. “I almost bought a standard tug,” MacKenzie said, “but the Esso contract only provided work for the boat a few days a month. I got talking to Russell Steiner about designing a vessel that was versatile enough to pick up any marine work available around the island.” In addition to ship-assist work, the tug can be used as an anchor-handler, construction platform, dredge tender, utility boat, buoy tender, and salvage vessel. The hull is divided into five watertight compartments. Around the hull at deck level is a heavy-duty steel sheer strake. A bulwark is placed around the main deck with an open stern, while the superstructure is placed well inboard and forward. “I think you’d call it a Cayman Island yacht tug,” said Russell Steiner, the yard’s founder. “It’s specially custom designed, with a European style.” Aft of the superstructure is a large work deck that has a double pole cruciform-style towing bitt with towing hook on the center aft deck. Twin Caterpillar C18 TA C diesels, each producing 715 hp at 2,100 rpm, provide the boat’s main propulsion. The Cats drive fixed-pitch, 4-bladed, 53.25"x59" bronze Rice propellers, each in a Kort-type nozzle, through Reintjes WAF 364 marine gears. The electrically started engines have a closed-circuit freshwater cooling system. The boat’s running speed is 10 knots. “This boat really has the propellers way up inside her because you want the big props to draw as little water as possible,” said Steiner. “It’s really a shallow draft in there as you come into the harbor.” The wheelhouse, which offers an unobstructed view in all directions, is designed to prevent damage when coming in alongside (heeling). The boat’s hull was built upside down in a construction shed on dollies. When the boat was ready to be flipped, the Sand Cay was pulled out and turned with two hydraulic cranes. Ship’s service power comes from a 40kw Northern Lights generator powered by a John Deere 6068 engine. There are accommodations for four crew. The tug was delivered in March. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Verret and Sneed deliver towboats for Blessey In February, Blessey Marine Services held a dual christening on the New Orleans waterfront for a pair of steel-hulled towboats. The 66'x30'x10' Judy S. Fried was designed and built at Verret Shipyard Inc., Plaquemine, La., and the 65'x30'x9' Luke Bryan was designed and constructed at Sneed Shipbuilding, Orange, Texas. The boats will push black-oil barges along the inland waterway system. “We’re right at about 20 boats [when those on order are delivered] we’ve built at Verret,” owner Walter Blessey said at the christening ceremony. As has been the case with Blessey’s new towboats, creature comforts such as upscale appliances and cabinetry in the galley and individual television and VCR systems in each room provide crews with a little more incentive to remain with Blessey. “It’s really all about people,” said Blessey. “When you give them good equipment to work with, you get good results.” “When we build a boat for [Walter], we do our best to make it first class,” said Murray Verret, the yard’s founder. The Judy S. Fried is powered by a pair of Cummins KTA19-M3 diesels, each producing 640 hp at 1,800 rpm. The mains are connected to Rice propellers through Twin Disc MG-5202 marine gears with 6:1 reduction ratios. The steering system is from Custom Hydraulics and controls are by Mathers. Twin Cummins 5.9BTA gensets, sparking 55kw of electricity each, provide ship’s service power. Capacities include 20,000 gals. of fuel and 7,500 gals. water. The vessel has room for a crew of eight. It was delivered in February. The Luke Bryan features a retractable wheelhouse. “Sneed built us a good boat,” Blessey said. “We’re currently building a fleet boat with them.” The Luke also gets its main propulsion from two Cummins KTA19-M3 diesel engines, developing 640 hp at 1,800 rpm each. The KTA19s are connected to Rice wheels also through Twin Disc MG-5202 marine gears. It also has a Custom Hydraulics steering system and controls by Mathers. Ship’s service power is again handled by two Cummins 5.9BTA gensets, producing 55kw of electrical power each. Tankage includes 18,000 gals. of fuel and 7,500 gals. water. The Luke Bryan was delivered in December. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
USCG Blames Captain For Bridge Collapse We received this late, but it is worth noting that a Coast Guard report blames Capt. David D. Fowler for failing to prepare for a turn leading up to the causeway to South Padre island, causing the 2001 collapse that killed eight people. In an Associated Press story out of Harlingen, Texas, also revealed that strong currents before dawn on September 15, 2001, were also a factor, and a shortage of J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
horsepower may have made it more difficult for Capt. Fowler to keep control of his load, which was a quarter-mile long. Fowler lost control of the four steel-laden barges he was towing with a Brown Water V towboat, and heavy currents swept the barges into a bridge support. Two 80-foot sections of bridge roadway tumbled into the bay. Retired Coast Guard officer James Wilson, who presided over the hearings, did not find current, horsepower, or the way the boats were loaded to be contributing factors, but Coast Guard higher-ups disagreed, the AP said. The CG report said that while Capt. Fowler’s negligence was the apparent cause, the strong currents and their influence on the tow’s misalignment cannot be ignored. Several lawsuits are pending, the AP reported, including one that alleges American Commercial Barge Lines, Jeffersonville, Ind., hired a towing company that it knew had problems. A plaintiff attorney said he would show that a lack of horsepower is to blame. The Coast Guard said it would not pursue criminal charges against Capt. Fowler. He has surrendered his Coast Guard license and is now driving trucks. note: The report was first hand-delivered to families on April 28. It was obtained by the Associated Press on May 5 and later included in a Coast Guard newsletter.) (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Versatile Boat With Specialized Options When one hears “off shore energy” in the marine sector, it is the petroleum industry that comes most readily to mind. Now a Shetland vessel chartering company has taken delivery of a boat with specialized equipment to support the maintenance of off shore wind-powered electrical enerating units. Serving a function similar to that of Gulf of Mexico jack-up boats the new vessel has two 15meter spud legs to hold it in position while servicing the wind mills. The portside push bows have a gap to suit the four-meter base of wind-farm piles, allowing the vessel to push up against the pile without fear of sliding off. The harder you push the less motion is felt at the bow of the vessel therefore allowing the safe transfer of personnel and heavy parts, gearboxes or motors which typically weight 6.5 tons. Additional accommodation is provided for service technicians as well. With UK Governments committed to generating 15% of electricity from renewable sources by 2015 significant growth is expected in the off shore wind-farm market. A representative of Delta Marine, has said, “We have previously undertaken work on offshore wind-farms in Denmark and off the English coast but found our current fleet not ideally suited to the work. The Voe Viking will give us greater flexibility and allow us to take on other aspects of the construction and maintenance of offshore projects.” Launched from the Damen shipyard at Hardinxveld the Netherlands the boat is built on their Damen Multi Cat 2611 design. The 26- by 11.5meter vessel is extremely versatile with capabilities in anchor handling, dredger service, supply, towing, hose handling, survey and ship assist. The Voe Viking is classed Bureau Veritas I °Ë HULL . MACH Tug, unrestricted navigation, Nat. Authorities: MCA workboat class 1, 150 miles off shore. Towing power for the vessel, which is rated with a 33-ton bollard pull, is provided by three Cummins KTA38 M0 delivering a total of 1791 bkW at 1800 RPM to Reintjes WAF 464 gears with 6:1 reductions and turning 1700 m/m propellers in nozzles. The triple engine configuration delivers large power while maintaining a shallow 2.25-meter draft for inshore work. The triple engine configuration allows great versatility in that the two outside engines are used for close and harbor maneuvering while all three can be used for towing and for traveling light, the centre-line engine delivers adequate power for hull speed providing green fuel economy. In addition to a 30-ton towing winch the vessel has 100-ton anchor handling winch and two 13-ton tugger winches. Delta Marine’s history in marine construction is evident in the thoughtful deck layout and equipment. The crane and deck layout allows floating pipelines to be lifted on board the complete length of the vessel to enable safe connection and maintenance work on the joints. Large anchors, of 16 tons or more can be lifted over the bow and placed aft with the after crane, allowing more workspace forward. The winch layout and placement of two horizontal deck rollers allows all three winches and the 5 ton capstan to be used over the bow or stern. Both cranes can work over the bow, the aft crane being able to lift 14 tons over the stern and 10 tons over the bow. Container fittings welded into the deck are placed so as to allow the vessel to continue anchor handling and crane operations while the containers are in use by, for instance. a dive or survey team. Hydraulic power is provided by a 400 kW Cummins N14 engine. A pair of 89 kW generators are also Cummins powered. For maintaining position and general maneuverability the boat has a 360 degree 200 kW bow thruster. The Voe Viking's three main and three auxiliary engines are all Cummins. A Delta Marine spokesman explains that the company chose them because they were satisfied with the performance of Cummins engines on their previous vessel. "We were impressed that we could have them serviced without the use of highly specialised equipment. All that's required is the services of a good engineer," he said, adding that. "We chose the KTA 38M because it is at the low end of its power range and we wanted an engine that would last as long as possible and was easy to 5/20/05 9:11:53 AM
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maintain. Cummins was the obvious choice for the new build as our men are now familiar with them." The Voe Viking is the fourth vessel in the company’s charter fleet. (Bron: Marinelink)
SmitWijs Singapore SWS en route Vlissingen via offshore Las Palmas. ETA Las Palomas 25/5. ETA Vlissingen op het moment 5/6, maar met continuatie van mooie weer wat we hebben en goede voortgang wordt dat nog wel wat vroeger. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Singapore)
Kristin Platform Successfully Towed Out 5/19/05 9:06:21 AM The towing of the semi-submersible Kristin platform has been successfully accomplished with support from Kongsberg Maritime systems. iSurvey, a specialist in navigation, positioning and survey services utilised the Kongsberg Maritime multi reference DGPS system DPS, as the reference system during the towing to provide accurate positioning of the platform and tugs. The semi-submersible Kristin production platform was towed to the Statoil development in the Norwegian Sea. Setting off on March 25th, from Aker Kværner yard at Stord (south of Bergen), Kristin arrived on the Haltenbank in the early hours of March 29th with the assistance of five of the world's largest seagoing tugs. The tugs are all owned by Mærsk, and include one towing forward of the platform, one at each side and one aft. Tug number five was serving as an escort. With senior iSurvey offshore surveyors operating the Kongsberg Maritime positioning equipment onboard Kristin, the towing operation demonstrated a high level of co-operation between all the companies involved. For safety reasons, the platform - which has no engines of its own - was towed in the open sea and could not be observed from land during its voyage. Plans called for installation work to be completed by May 15th, with the first gas due to arrive topside on July 1st and production scheduled to start on October 1st. (Bron: Marinelink)
WSS / MarineNews Sales, Transfers and renamings Adelaar, (Bugsier 25 – 85) 115/59 – tug. By Scheepvaartmaatschappij ‘Adelaar’ Netherlands to unspecified owner and renamed RM Pauillax Buccaneer (Drive Ocean II – 91, Moray Harstad – 89, Smit Moray – 87, Moray Harstad – 87) 2649/82 – diving support vessel. By Buccaneer Navigation Ltd. To Daysland NV both Norway (NIS). Name unchanged. Danegarth, (Uran – 03) 359/98 – tug. By Locat Locazione Attrezzature SpA, UK to Tripmare Srl, Italy and renamed Uran Hercules (Artic Pelly – 91, Federal 7 – 78), 719/73 – offshore supply. By Caribbean Navigation Ltd. British Virgin Islands to Integradora Maritima del Golfo SA de CV Mexico and renamed Olimpico Ocean Chief, (Boa Chief – 03, Eide Chied – 93, Jomi – 90, Uller – 72, Topdalsfjord II) 290/43 – tug. Has been renamed Ocean Lady by A.Q.Red Sea Shipping Co.Ltd. Cyprus. Sanmar Eskort, 461/04 – tug. By interests associated with Sanmar Denizclik Makina ve Ticaret Ltd. Sirketi, Turkey to Rimorchiatori Sardi SpA Italy and renamed Achille Onorato Seabulk Carolyn, 408/98 – tug. By Seabulk Carolyn Inc. Marshall Islands to Oceanografie SA de CV Mexico and renamed Tatich Seabulk Katie, 408/98 – tug Has been renamed Caballo Lipizano by Oceanografie SA de CV Mexico Seabulk Kentucky, (Inter Surf – 96) 627/83 – offshore supply. Has been renamed NW Nuevo Leon by Seabulk Offshore Ltd. USA and transferred to Mexico Registry. Tatich (Seabulk Carolyn – 01), 408/98 – tug. By Oceanografie SA de CV to Candies Mexican Investments S de RL de CV both Mexico and renamed Caballo Appaloosa. Toisa Gryphon (toisa Lynx – 93, TNT Lynx – 90, SSS Fremantle – 84) 1301/84 – offshore tug/supply. By Toisa Ltd, Bahamas to Karan Shipping LLC, Comoros and renamed Karan.
Members Reports Antonie, 144/71 – tug was renamed Antoni X (Pan) prior to 19/7/2004 Ganges, 291/82 – tug was renamed Culmore (Gbr) at Londonderry on 9/3/2005 Groix, 282/71 – tug was renamed Ekom (Vct) prior to 24/5/2004. Gurrong, 495/00 – tug was renamed Adsteam Victory at Dunkirk prior to 28/2/2005 Med Salvor, 389/03 – tug was renamed Vincenzo M (Ita) prior to 20/9/2004 Odin II, 142/81 – tug was renamed Odin (Dnk) prior to 24/5/2004 Pushdale H, 33/66 – tug was renamed Vigour (Gbr) at Liverpool prior 17/3/2005 Sha Tin, 18/89 – tug is reported to have been delivered to Maputo as Xefina in 7/2003 Ting Kau, 188/89 – tug is reported to have been delivered to Maputo as Polana in 7/2003 VB Alisio, 231/93 – tug was renamed Boluda Alisio (Pan) prior to 7/3/2005 Wyepress, 72/69 – tug has been renamed Susan (Gbr)
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Demolitions Diamanti (Adams – 91, Tuzla – 89), 464/55 – tug. By Psiloritis Cretan Towage Salvage Shipping Co. –Greece to unspecified breakers and reported 2/2005. Doxa (Poseidon II – 86, Flying Mist – 81), 169/62 – tug. By Hellenic Tugboats Marine Co. (Megalohari Hellenic Tugboats Salvage & Towage), Greece, to Greek breakers and reported 2/2005. Seacor Anna (Nicor Anna – 90), Coastal Cat – 87), 199/80 – offshore supply. By Anna Offshore Inc. (Seacor Marine Inc), USA., to unsecified breakers and reported 2/2005. Warm Seas IV (Chief R – 98, Cieftain – 97), 222/68 – tug.ByWarm Seas Development & Trading Co. LLC, United Arab Emirates, to Indian breaker and boarded off Alang 3/3/2005. Beached 4/3/2005.
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6e jaargang, nr. 20 dd. 17 Juli 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. New towboats for Golding Barge Line In recent years, new inland towboat orders have primarily come from just a handful of operators, including Blessey Marine, Eckstein Marine and Maryland Marine. Now, add Golding Barge Line Inc. to the list. In January, the Vicksburg, Miss.-based inland operator placed the 3,000-hp Angie Golding into service — its first owned and operated towboat. Built by Newsouth Marine Builders LLC, Greenville, Miss., the 110'x32'x10'3" boat features a retractable pilothouse and a tunneled hull that increases fuel efficiency up to 30 percent, according to Steve Golding, president of Golding Barge. The cost of the boat was approximately $3 million. Golding, who sold his Ole Man River Towing Company to Kirby Corp. in 1992, started Golding Barge Line in 2001 with a pair of tank barges. The company now has 33 double-skin tank barges, including three that were delivered in the first quarter. Thirteen of the barges are 30,000-bbl. bottoms, all built at Jeffboat from 2001-2004, and 20 are 10,000- and 12,000bbl. The average age of the barge fleet is only four years old. “We are now in the process of putting our own boats out there,” said Golding. “I am going with all new boats to go with all new barges. It’s building for the future.” The company has been operating four chartered towboats. Golding’s plans include a pair of 2,600-hp towboats currently under construction at Quality Shipyards LLC in Houma, La. After the two from Quality are delivered, Golding said he hopes to build one or two 2,000-hp boats. “We will need more than the three. We will need to add more horsepower.” Before deciding to build new vessels, Golding first checked the used market. “We looked all over the market and found that horsepower is very, very tight. It is extremely hard to find a good, used hull to modify and refurbish. There are 30- to 35-year-old boats available [to refurbish] that were mediocre boats even when new. We elected not to do this.” Golding chose designer Tim Hovas, who founded Newsouth Marine along with Joe Nichols, to build the Angie Golding after inspecting the yard’s first boat, the Marguerite L. Terral. The Angie is based on the same hull design. “Tim is a real quality boatbuilder, a real perfectionist,” Golding said. “We went on the boat, interviewed the pilothouse personnel and got to see the design. We liked it, and decided to have him lengthen it from 103 feet to 110 feet. The tunneled hull is a work of art, it really is.” The steel boat is powered by a pair of Caterpillar 3512B-II engines each producing 1,500 hp at 1,600 rpm. The engines turn 4-bladed, 84"x67", stainless-steel wheels through Reintjes WAF-772 gears with 6.153:1 reduction ratios. The combination gives the Angie a design speed of 8 knots. The boat features a full Furuno electronics suite and a Capn Voyager electronic charting system. Ship’s service power is provided by a John Deere 6068 engine that drives a Marathon 99kw generator. The boat has tankage for 34,000 gals. of fuel, 13,000 gals. water, 1,400 gals. gear oil, and 1,400 gals. lube oil. The 94-foot, 2,600-hp steel towboats currently underway at Quality, the Nathan Golding and the John Reid Golding, are identical except for two items — the Nathan has a retractable wheelhouse and a 28' beam while the John Reid is a conventional design with a 30' beam. The Corning Townsend-designed boats both have a depth of 10' and an 8' draft. And like the Angie Golding, both will be outfitted with a pair of Cat 3512B engines. The boats will be delivered in mid-December. “We asked Quality to incorporate some of the same features as the Angie,” said Golding. “They gave us more tunneling than on a stock boat.” With the new boats, Golding expects to double the number of employees from 25 to 50 by next spring. By — David Krapf (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Nieuwbouw Saveiros Saveiros, Camuyrano - Serviços Maritimos S. A. heeft vorig maand de ASD sleepboot CETUS in dienst genomen. Gebouwd door Wilson & Sons, Guaruja, volgens een ontwerp van Damen. 2x Caterpillar, 45 t paaltrek, 3000 pk. De derde in de serie van drie, de HARIS zal in augustus volgen. Volgend jaar komen er twee grotere sleepboten van hetzelfde werf met een paaltrek van 65 t. De TAURUS (1680 apk MAN, 185 brt, 1976 gebouwd) is vorig jaar gesloopt (de nieuwe TAURUS was de eerste van het trio) maar de SATURNO uit 1928 is nog steeds in dienst (motoriseerd in 1984). (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) ABEILLE 10 renamed MALIKA, ets Le Havre 6/6 for Dakar. (Bron : Michael Vincent) REDCLIFFE renamed ADSTEAM KEELBY, transfered to the Humber. (Bron : Michael Vincent)
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WSS / MarineNews Sales, Transfers and renamings Lady Elaine (Far Tracer – 89; Tender Tracer – 86) 2217/83 offshore supply/tug. By P/R International Offshore Services ANS, Isle of Man (British) to Intra-Oil Services Sendirian, Belize Malaysia and renamed IOS Elaine. Martha (Martha theriot – 72) 211/66 – tug. Has been renamed Achilles by AR Singh Contractors Ltd., St.Vincent and the Grenadines and transferred to Trinidad and Tabago registry. Ocean Diver V, (Ocean Diver – 99; Matech Roxy – 94; F.S.Wade – 90), 565/69 – offshore supply. By Oceaneering International Inc. USA to Associated Marine Services Ltd. Trinidad and Tabago and renamed AMS Diver Ocean King, 2264/99 – offshore tug/supply. By Dolphin Shipping Co.Pte. Ltd. Singapore to Edda King KS marshall Islands and renamed Sagitario Spica, (Vega – 01) 414/01 – tug. Has been renamed Altair by PI Transportes Maritimos Lda, Portugal (MAR) and transferred to Italy Registry. Sun Island, (Big Orange 26 – 00, Sun Island – 93) 849/90 – offshore tug/supply. By Atel Maritime Investors III LP, to Atel Maritime Investors LP, both USA and renamed Cape Kala Kane. Taurus, 452/00 – tug. Has been renamed Taur by Tripmare Srl, Portugal (MAR) and transferred to Italy Registry. Toisa Cougar (TNT Cougar – 90, SSS Foochow – 84), 1252/84 – offshor tug/supply. Has been renamed Duniazad by Karan Shipping LLC, Comoros and transferred to St.Vincent and the Grenadines Registry. Toisa Petrel (Lynn Pelham – 91), 282/83 – offshore tug/supply. Has been renamed Dea Searcher by Nomis Shipping Ltd. Bahamas Toisa Plover (Veesea – 91, Kara Seal – 91) 288/79 – offshore tug/supply. By Naveiros Oceanicos SA to Nomis Shipping Ltd., both Bahamas and renamed Dea Server Toisa Puffin (Marsea One – 91) 282/80 – offshore supply. By Nomis Shipping Ltd to Nomis Offshore Ltd, both Bahamas and renamed Dea Seeker. Toisa Teal (Canmar Teal – 99) 516/81 – standby safety vessel. By Naveiros Oceanicos SA to Nomis Shipping Ltd, both Bahamas and renamed Dea Scout Toisa Widgeon (Canmar Widgeon – 90) 516/81 – standby safety vessel. By Naveiros Oceanicos SA to Nomis Shipping Ltd, both Bahamas and renamed Dea Sailor
Members Reports Honce 358/02 – tug was reported at Dunkirk as Temeraire during 4/2005. Portsmouth 198/76 – tug was renamed Norwegian Sea (USA) prior to 29/3/2005
Casualties Viking Mull (BUE Mull – 04, Sceptre Tide – 99, Hornbeck Sceptre – 95, Salgado – 90) 844/80 – offshore supply/standby vessel, owned by BUE Viking Ltd. UK Fire broke out 6/4/2005 following an explosion in the engine-room whilst berthed at Leith Docks. Severe damage was caused to the starboard main engine.
Demolitions Elde (El – 93, Elde – 90) 138/54 – tug, By Hendrik van Lint, Honduras, to Treffers Netherlands, and reported awaiting demolition at Haarlem 4/2005.
Duke of Normandie De nieuwe naam van de DUKE OF NORMANDY, die volgens de aflevering van een nieuw DUKER OF NORMANDY door Damen vorig maand aan Sinbad Marine te Killybegs in Ierland was verkocht, is NOMAD. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Four New Tugs to Boost AMNAV’s Fleet In a commitment to significantly enhance services to its customers, and to expand its ship-assist capabilities at California’s largest ports, AMNAV Maritime Services will construct four new tugs that will be among the most powerful in the marketplace. The multi-million dollar fleet expansion was announced by Milton Merritt, president of the company that is already a major provider of shipdocking services on San Francisco Bay and at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. “Through this investment, we will be both growing and improving our presence in the ship-assist sector,” said Merritt. “We are looking forward to our expanded capabilities and to providing our customers with the best in service.” AMNAV, part of Seattle-based Marine Resources Group (MRG), will build the new tugs at an MRG-owned shipyard in Rainier, Oregon. The “Dolphin-Class” tugs will be 78 feet long and will pack 5,080 horsepower, enough to handle a wide range of ships, including new-generation PostPanamax and Ultra-Large Container Vessels. The tugs will be powered by twin Caterpillar engines linked to azimuthing stern drives, also known as “Z-drives,” manufactured by Rolls-Royce. “In addition 7/7/05 8:09:44 AM
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to being among the industry’s most powerful ship-assist tugs, they will also be among the greenest,” Merritt said. “The engines will be certified under the low-emission standards of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and EPA,” he noted, adding that AMNAV also has upgraded a number of its existing tugs with IMO-certified engines. “We are committed to exercising good environmental stewardship as well as exploring new and innovative ways of conservation,” Merritt said. As for the timing of the new-construction program, Merritt said it will enable AMNAV to keep pace with customers bringing ever-larger ships into the fast-growing trans-Pacific trade. “The trade is booming.” Merritt declared, “The trend toward bigger ships is growing, and that means we need more horsepower to handle them.” The new boats are expected to be in service by early next year. (Bron: Marinelink)
Smitwijs Singapore Reports Zoals de meeste al wel weten zijn we onderweg van Rotterdam naar New Orleans om daar een droogdokje voor Bremerhaven op te halen. Zijn op de 25e juni vertrokken na een 2 weken repareren in Schiedam en mochten ook nog even twee keer bij het nieuwe Smit kantoor aan de Waalhaven liggen Er is buiten reparatie aan de motoren ook werk verricht aan een 'nieuw' computer netwerk en de Sat B is vervangen door een Sat F, met daar aan gekoppeld ook een nieuw email programma. Momenteel liggen we wat te drijven net noord van de Bahamas, wachten op de orkaan Dennis, die als we door waren gevaren net samen met ons in de westelijke aanloop van Straat Florida zou zitten en daar voelden we niet veel voor. Het ziet er naar uit dat we morgenochtend (zaterdag) weer door kunnen gaan, Dennis is dan in de Golf van Mexico aan geland en we kunnen er wel achteraan gaan varen. Zullen dan de 12e s'morgensvroeg bij de monding van de Mississippi zijn om daar de loods op te gaan pikken. Dan is het nog ruim 100 mijl de rivier op voor we bij de Avondale Shipyard New Orleans zijn, waar het dok op ons ligt te wachten. Als alles een beetje vlot verloopt kunnen we dan de 15e weer op weg gaan naar Bremerhaven, volgens de wet van meeden en perzen zouden we dan zonder last van zusjes of broertjes van Dennis het eerste stuk wel zonder kleerscheuren door kunnen komen. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Nautican integrated nozzle-and-rudder units Foss Shipyard, Seattle, has completed the first installation of Nautican integrated nozzle-and-rudder units on an oceangoing tug. The Hoku Ke'a, a 108'x34', 3,900-hp tug owned and operated by Foss sister company Hawaiian Tug & Barge/Young Brothers Ltd., had been originally fitted with conventional open propellers with single rudders. After installing Nautican's 112" high efficiency nozzles with triple "shutter" rudders, the bollard pull increased from 88,853 lbs. to 132,810 lbs. The retrofit also includes new 3-bladed, skewed propellers. With more pulling power, the tug will now be able to take tandem tows or larger barges in rougher weather. During the run from Seattle back to Hawaii, the Hoku Ke'a operated at a reduced rpm and still averaged close to 10 knots towing a 340'x78' barge, according to Foss. Foss' Rainier, Ore., shipyard on the Columbia River is nearing completion of its second Dolphin-class tug, a Robert Allan Ltd. design. The first, the 78'x34' Mikioi, is working in Hawaii as part of the HTB/YB fleet. The second 78-footer will go to Foss' Long Beach, Calif., operation. The new tug will be slightly more powerful than the Mikioi and will have two below-deck staterooms. Construction of a third tug of the class has also begun. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Corning Townsend-designe In late April, Horizon Maritime, Houston, took delivery of the first of a pair of Corning Townsenddesigned 76'x33'x9'7" towboats as part of a fleet expansion program. The new 2,000-hp boats will increase the company's fleet to six. Each designed to push a pair of 30,000-bbl., 300'x54'x13' black oil/asphalt barges, the new towboats are powered by twin Cummins KTA38-M1 diesels generating 1,000 hp each at 1,800 rpm. The hulls for both boats were built at Quality Shipyards LLC in Houma, La., with the first boat, the Gemini, finished out at Main Iron Works, also in Houma. The second towboat, the Argo, was finished at Sneed Shipbuilding in Houston. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Blessey Blessey Marine Services, Harahan, La., has signed a contract with John Bludworth Shipyard LLC, Corpus Chrisi, Texas, for the construction of a 110'x32'x11' inland pushboat. Main propulsion will be provided by a pair of 1,600-hp Cummins KTA50-M2s turning 88"x68" stainless-steel propellers from Sound Propeller. The unnamed pushboat will be similar to the Walter E. Blessey Jr., which was designed and built by John Bludworth in 2002. Delivery is expected in April 2006. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
New towboats for Golding Barge Line In recent years, new inland towboat orders have primarily come from just a handful of operators, including Blessey Marine, Eckstein Marine and Maryland Marine. Now, add Golding Barge Line Inc. to the list. In January, the Vicksburg, Miss.-based inland operator placed the 3,000-hp Angie Golding into
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
service - its first owned and operated towboat. Built by Newsouth Marine Builders LLC, Greenville, Miss., the 110'x32'x10'3" boat features a retractable pilothouse and a tunneled hull that increases fuel efficiency up to 30 percent, according to Steve Golding, president of Golding Barge. The cost of the boat was approximately $3 million.Golding, who sold his Ole Man River Towing Company to Kirby Corp. in 1992, started Golding Barge Line in 2001 with a pair of tank barges. The company now has 33 double-skin tank barges, including three that were delivered in the first quarter. Thirteen of the barges are 30,000-bbl. bottoms, all built at Jeffboat from 2001-2004, and 20 are 10,000- and 12,000bbl. The average age of the barge fleet is only four years old. "We are now in the process of putting our own boats out there," said Golding. "I am going with all new boats to go with all new barges. It's building for the future." The company has been operating four chartered towboats. Golding's plans include a pair of 2,600-hp towboats currently under construction at Quality Shipyards LLC in Houma, La. After the two from Quality are delivered, Golding said he hopes to build one or two 2,000-hp boats. "We will need more than the three. We will need to add more horsepower." Before deciding to build new vessels, Golding first checked the used market. "We looked all over the market and found that horsepower is very, very tight. It is extremely hard to find a good, used hull to modify and refurbish. There are 30- to 35-year-old boats available [to refurbish] that were mediocre boats even when new. We elected not to do this." Golding chose designer Tim Hovas, who founded Newsouth Marine along with Joe Nichols, to build the Angie Golding after inspecting the yard's first boat, the Marguerite L. Terral. The Angie is based on the same hull design. "Tim is a real quality boatbuilder, a real perfectionist," Golding said. "We went on the boat, interviewed the pilothouse personnel and got to see the design. We liked it, and decided to have him lengthen it from 103 feet to 110 feet. The tunneled hull is a work of art, it really is." The steel boat is powered by a pair of Caterpillar 3512B-II engines each producing 1,500 hp at 1,600 rpm. The engines turn 4-bladed, 84"x67", stainless-steel wheels through Reintjes WAF-772 gears with 6.153:1 reduction ratios. The combination gives the Angie a design speed of 8 knots. The boat features a full Furuno electronics suite and a Capn Voyager electronic charting system. Ship's service power is provided by a John Deere 6068 engine that drives a Marathon 99kw generator. The boat has tankage for 34,000 gals. of fuel, 13,000 gals. water, 1,400 gals. gear oil, and 1,400 gals. lube oil. The 94-foot, 2,600-hp steel towboats currently underway at Quality, the Nathan Golding and the John Reid Golding, are identical except for two items - the Nathan has a retractable wheelhouse and a 28' beam while the John Reid is a conventional design with a 30' beam. The Corning Townsend-designed boats both have a depth of 10' and an 8' draft. And like the Angie Golding, both will be outfitted with a pair of Cat 3512B engines. The boats will be delivered in mid-December. "We asked Quality to incorporate some of the same features as the Angie," said Golding. "They gave us more tunneling than on a stock boat." With the new boats, Golding expects to double the number of employees from 25 to 50 by next spring. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Smit-Lloyd 62 PSV Guardsman (ex SL 62) verkocht Brazil (Navigationale Sao Miguel) (Bron: Willem v.d.Kort)
Chiefton John Evelegh heeft de Chiefton (ex. Chief-04, ex. Filip- ?) (550 apk, 72/30) verkocht aan Baker (ik ben niet zeker of dit Mike Baker is, die de CHIEF eens had, of G. Baker Marine Ltd, dat is zijn zoon). Van Baker heefd John Evelegh nu de KAPITÄN ENGLER (1050 apk, 145/65) gekocht.. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Met de Giant 3 op stap. Zoals jullie nog wel weten heb ik in Batam de Giant 3 geladen met equipment van “van Oord.” Deze lading moest naar Tartan Street om een pijpleiding aan te gaan leggen tussen het eiland Sakhalin en de vaste wal. Op de 1st mei vertrok de Giant 3 aan de tros van de ‘Smit Luzon” (Smit-Lloyd 117) richting de noord naar Sakhalin. Op de dag van dit vetrek kwam gelijktijdig de Giant 2 binnen na een contract in West Africa. Zij werd gesleept door de Simoon. Na het binnen brengen ben ik nog even in Batam gebleven voor wat reparaties aan de Giant 2. Hierna terug naar Nederland. De Smit Luzon had een snelle reis gemaakt en zodoende moest ik alweer op 28 mei vertrekken. Vanaf Rotterdam via London en Moskou kwam ik op zondagmiddag in Sakhalin aan. De Smit Luzon arriveerde dezelfde dag te Korsokov. Na een twee dagen moeizaam gestoei met paspoorten en nog wat van dat soort papier geneuzel mochten mijn collega en ik dan eindelijk, met een gezellige busreis naar Korsokov. Opnieuw weer gesputter van autoriteiten, doch uiteindelijk na 2 en half uur wachten op de kade konden we naar de Smit Luzon. Het duurde nog eens een volle week voordat de Luzon met haar vrachtje de G3 naar de noord kon scharrelen. Mist en nog eens mist. Temperatuur nog geen 8 graden. De Filipijnse bemanning hadden het niet meer van ellende. Het was voor hun doen toch wel zo’n graad of 20 onder het vriespunt. Extra heaters in de hutten om hun tere lichaampjes warm te houden. Uiteindelijk dan toch gearriveerd op locatie. De zeevasten losgebrand en na twee dagen kon eindelijk de Giant 3 worden gelost. Een lichte nevelige dag, doch windstil. Alles verliep vlotjes. Om 06.00 begonnen met afzinken en rond 14.00 konden we de Giant 3 weer naar boven brengen. De J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
volgende morgen om 04.00 was het karwei geklaard. We konden terug naar de Luzon. Hierna nog een eind controle door van Oord en om 07.00 op weg naar Kolmsk. Na dik twee dagen stomen, konden we daar uitklaren. Dit ging opnieuw op z’n Russisch. Om 12.00 voor anker en gelukkig ’s avonds om 19.00 konden we dan vertrekken naar Wakkenai – Japan. Deze noordelijke Japanse plaats werd de andere dag aangelopen. ’s-Middags rond 17.00 lagen we keurig afgemeerd. Afgesproken was de Giant 3 te ballasten gelijk met de kade hoogte. Dat werd dan ook de volgende dag verwezenlijkt. Nu kon van Oord met haar subcontractor een coming op het dek gaan installeren. Het lag in de bedoeling dat de Giant 3 een betonnen dek kreeg. Zij zou steentjes gaan vervoeren naar een locatie aan de andere kant van het eiland Sakhalin. De steentje zouden worden bestemd voor het afdekken van een pijpleiding. Het storten zou verzorgd worden door, heel toepasselijk, de Jan Steen. Ik ben voordat de verbouwing klaar was naar huis gegaan. Hier kon ik genieten van een lekkere vakantie in Nederland. Nou ja. Lekker. De eerste week ging wel, maar de tweede week ben ik bruin geworden van het roestwater. Afgelopen week weer de draad opgepakt op kantoor. En nu dus weer de nieuwsbrief. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
Svitzer Menja Bij Baltija Shipyard, Klaipeda is in april 2005 (of eerder) onder bouwnummer 710 de Svitzer Menja tewatergelaten, 385 brt. (Bron: Jaap Bijl)
Smit Bronco De eerste nieuwe uit de B-serie van drie voor Smit Transport zal de Smit Bronco worden. (Bron: Maarten Meeuwisse)
BP Assessing Damage to Thunder Horse Platform 7/12/05 10:41:35 AM BP confirmed that the Thunder Horse semi-submersible platform, located in Mississippi Canyon Block 778 in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, 150 miles southeast of New Orleans, is listing following the passing of Hurricane Dennis. Early reports confirmed that the platform is listing an estimated 20 - 30 degrees. The Thunder Horse field is in development and has not yet begun production of hydrocarbons. The situation was discovered at approximately 8:30 a.m. Monday morning by a vessel in the area. The cause is unknown. The Thunder Horse platform had been evacuated of all personnel on Friday in anticipation of the hurricane's approach. At this time there has been no known release of any fuel or hazardous substances. BP immediately activated its Incident Command structure, notified the appropriate regulatory agencies including the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the U.S. Coast Guard, and conducted over flights to further assess the extent of the damage. At this time BP is mobilizing a number of response vessels to the Thunder Horse location and working with the Coast Guard to create a response plan. The first priority will be to safely board the vessel for a further assessment of its stability and to begin investigating potential causes of the issue. BP and the Coast Guard are collaborating to establish a Unified Command in Morgan City, Louisiana. (Bron: Marinelink)
T&T Bisso Responds to BP Thunder Horse T&T BISSO has been mobilized to the disabled BP THUNDERHORSE semi-submersible in Mississippi Canyon area Block 776, to begin the salvage operations. T&T BISSO responded rapidly and was on location within four hours after the first call for assistance. Currently the dewatering operation is underway. T&T BISSO is an alliance between T&T MARINE SALVAGE of Galveston, TX, and BISSO MARINE CO. of New Orleans, LA, the alliance was formed to offer the maritime and oilfield industries a full service salvage and firefighting option located locally in the Gulf of Mexico, T&T BISSO together possess 165 years of industry experience. T&T BISSO also offer OPA 90 coverage worldwide. (Bron: Marinelink)
7/14/05 11:03:48 AM
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 21 dd. 24 Juli 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Tugspotters en het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum Iedereen die professioneel of als liefhebber zich met de sleepvaart verbonden voelt kent de site “Tugspotters”. In een recordtijd is een regelmatig bezoek aan deze site voor velen een automatisme geworden, omdat er heel veel informatie te vinden is over de dagelijkse activiteiten in de bedrijfstak. Talloze amateur-fotografen, daarbij geholpen door de moderne digitale technieken, leveren trouw, snel en belangeloos hun bijdragen, hetgeen door de site-bezoekers bijzonder wordt gewaardeerd. Tugspotters is actueel, zeer actueel zelfs, maar besteedt ook aandacht aan het recente verleden, getuige het fotoalbum, het forum en de archieven met nieuws. Het verre verleden, ver voor het digitale tijdperk, is echter een wat onderbelichte periode op de site Daar blijken het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum te Maassluis en Tugspotters elkaar van dienst te kunnen zijn. Het museum beschikt over duizenden foto’s, die momenteel door de museumstaf worden ingescand. Daarnaast is er in Maassluis een schat aan gegevens in de vorm van oude krantenartikelen, complete series journalen, bergingsrapporten en jaargangen tijdschriften van velerlei herkomst. Een bespreking tussen een bestuursdelegatie van het museum en de beheerders/initiatiefnemers van de site heeft tot resultaat gehad dat het museum met enige regelmaat oude sleepvaartgebeurtenissen in Tugspotters voor het voetlicht zal halen. Dat zal gebeuren in de vorm van een kort verhaal met uiteraard een aantal illustratieve foto’s. Dat is reclame voor het museum en het vult tegelijkertijd een kleine leemte op in de site. De beheerders van Tugspotters zijn in voorkomende gevallen bereid makers van actuele foto’s te benaderen om hun platen in een hogere resolutie aan het museum te mailen, zodat ze bij exposities kunnen worden gebruikt. Dat zal niet zo erg vaak voorkomen, maar de actualiteit is nu eenmaal de geschiedenis van morgen en een goed museum houdt daar rekening mee. De museumstaf hoopt dat u in dit soort gevallen zich ruimhartig wilt opstellen. Voor de volledigheid geven we u graag even inzicht in de plannen van het museum voor de nabije toekomst. Tot en met 11 september is er nog de tentoonstelling over de berging van de autocarrier Tricolor te zien. Op 24 september a.s. wordt de expositie “ Slepers van de werven” geopend. Deze tentoonstelling geeft een beeld van sleepboten die eigendom van een werf waren of, hoewel steeds minder in aantal, nog steeds zijn. Ook het werk dat sommige sleepdiensten (bijna) exclusief voor werven deden komt aan bod. Volgend jaar bestaat het sleepvaart- en bergingsbedrijf Wijsmuller, thans in de vorm van Svitzer Wijsmuller, honderd jaar! Natuurlijk zal daar uitgebreid aandacht voor zijn. Tenslotte hebben we plannen om daarna een tentoonstelling te wijden aan sleepboten, die in het baggerbedrijf hun werk deden en nog steeds doen. Er staat dus heel wat op het programma. Diegenen die meer willen weten of suggesties hebben voor de exposities in de vorm van foto’s of scheepsmodellen kunnen altijd contact opnemen met het museum, liefst per e-mail onder
[email protected] Om u alvast een beetje in de sfeer te brengen verluchtigen wij dit keer het introductie-artikel over de samenwerking Tugspotters/NSM met een aantal foto’s van de Maassluise haven uit het grijze verleden. In de eerste stad aan de Waterweg worden plannen ontwikkeld om van Maassluis weer een echte sleepboothaven te maken. De Elbe en de Furie, zijn er al, de Hudson komt regelmatig. Contacten met de beheerders van andere slepers zijn gelegd. Het museum is blij met de initiatieven en ondersteunt de plannen van harte. (Bron: Nico Ouwehand)
Olieplatform is weer boven water Rotterdam - Thunder Horse, het 1 miljard dollar kostende boorplatform van olieconcern BP, is weer boven water. De bergers van Smit en BP hebben het platform in de Golf van Mexico nu ruim vier meter boven de waterspiegel getrokken zonder dat de stabiliteit van het platform in gevaar is gekomen. Het grootste deel van het water is uit het platform verdwenen. ,,De Thunder Horse hing negentien graden scheef','' zegt een BP-woordvoerder. ,,Dat is nu teruggebracht tot vijf graden. De bergers zijn nog druk aan het werk, maar we verwachten snel de laatste stap te kunnen zetten.'' Het platform werd ernstig beschadigd door de tropische storm Dennis. Dat ontdekten BP-werknemers een week geleden toen een schip hen terugbracht naar het platform. Vanwege de naderende storm had het olieconcern zijn werknemers geëvacueerd. Donderdagnacht sloten het Britse BP en de bergers van Smit uit Rotterdam een contract om het platfom vlot te trekken. ,,Maar de bergers van Smit waren al van het begin af aan bij deze operatie betrokken,'' zegt de BP-woordvoerder. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Vroon Offshore Services takes delivery of diving support vessel Vroon Offshore Services has announced that it has taken delivery of a DPII Diving Support Vessel, which has been named VOS Sympathy (ex-Searanger). The vessel is presently completing upgrading J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
and trials in Singapore, and will be repositioned to Europe where it is expected to commence operations in the second half of July. Vroon Offshore Services says it plans to grow its diving support activities, and has one new building on order for delivery in 2006 at the AGB Yard in India. (Bron: Shipping News)
Halul takes delivery of anchor handler Gulf Times reports that Halul Offshore Services has taken delivery of the anchor-handling tug MV Amber. The vessel is scheduled to start working for Total E & P Qatar shortly. The vessel is owned by CH offshore in Singapore, with whom Halul has an agreement to market its vessels in the region. (Bron: Shipping News)
New name confirmed for standby vessel company The largest operator of dedicated safety standby vessels in the North Sea has confirmed that it has undergone a name change.Aberdeen-based BUE Viking has become known as Viking Offshore Services Limited, reflecting a shareholding change in the business last year. An extensive rebranding exercise is being undertaken by the company, which has 37 vessels. Viking Offshore Services chief executive Graham Philip said: "The change of company name effectively represents the start of a new era for the business. We operate successfully in a highly competitive sector, and to sustain that it is important we have aclear and distinctive brand to represent our qualities and values in the market place." "Our name is changing but our commitment to providing a quality service for our many customers in the North Sea and a safe working environment for our crews remains," said Philip. The new name comes in the wake of the acquisition by Viking Supply Ships of BUE Marine's 50 per cent shareholding in BUE Viking last year. All vessels are being re-painted, in a rolling programme, in the traditional Viking Supply Ships colours of yellowand black and will be renamed to start with the prefix 'Viking'. BUE Viking was formed in September 2002 through the merger of the standby vessel operations of BUE Marine and Viking Supply Ships. The latter is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oslobased investment company Kistefos AS. (Bron: Shipping News)
Panagiotakis Star sold Rederi AB Nestor (a subsidiary of Marine Carrier AB) of Pitea, Sweden purchased the 8400 BHP, ocean twin screw tug, 'Panagiotakis Star' (ex-Anglian Duke, Endurance, Azzurro Primo, Maersk Blower) from Megalohari Offshore Actividades Maritimas Lda of Madeira, Portugal. The Lloyds +100A1 classed, 154' x 40' x 19.'6 tug, had been on charter to a third party in the Mediterranean until just before the hand-over in Italy. Current Owners have renamed the tug 'Hercules'. The tug was built in the Odense Shipyard in Denmark in 1977. New Owners will take advantage of her Ice Class 3 rating and employ her in the towing of deck barges in the Baltic region. This is the first tug sold to this Buyer, who has purchased 300' x 90' and a 400' x 100' deck barges through Marcon International in the last two years. In this transaction, Marcon represented the Buyers and Marina Vernicos of Byron Vernicos Ltd. represented Sellers. This is the 31st sale or charter brokered by Marcon in 2005. Ten additional sales are expected to conclude within the next 30 days. (Bron: Shipping News)
KST Sedna KST Sedna is in 2005 overgedragen aan Smit International Bahamas Ltd., Nassau en herdoopt SMIT Abaco. (Bron: Leon de Hoop)
Sun Mercia Sun Mercia is in juli 2005 herdoopt Adsteam Mercia. (Bron: Leon de Hoop)
MCD Divers MCD Divers, Plymouth heefd de OLIVER FELIX (ex. Polgarth-90) aangekocht. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Aandeelhouders SMITWIJS TOWAGE besluiten door te gaan Beide aandeelhouders, Smit Internationale NV (50%) en SvitzerWijsmuller (50%) maken bekend dat zij gezamenlijk hebben besloten door te gaan met de joint venture op het gebied van de zeesleepvaart en dat zij ernaar streven marktleider te blijven. Vanaf 29 augustus zal, vanwege het bereiken van de pensioengerechtigde leeftijd, Managing Director Aart Brand de joint venture verlaten. Langs deze weg willen wij de heer Brand, die ruim 40 jaar voor zowel de SMIT organisatie als ook SmitWijs heeft gewerkt, bedanken voor zijn inspanningen. De heer Brand zal tot het einde van dit jaar beschikbaar blijven als Senior Advisor. De heer Brand zal worden opgevolgd door de heer Jord Veldman. De heer Veldman is afkomstig van SvitzerWijsmuller waar hij thans als Regional Manager Americas werkzaam is. De heer Hans van der Donck, General Manager van SmitWijs, zal zijn huidige werkzaamheden blijven voortzetten. J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Graag maken wij van deze gelegenheid gebruik onze klanten te bedanken voor hun vertrouwen en wij open dat zij ons bij deze nieuwe start zullen blijven steunen. (Bron: Smit)
Smitwijs Singapore Reports Zoals eerder al vermeld, zijn we s'avonds op de 12e juli bij het door ons te verslepen dok in New Orleans aangekomen, de door ons meegebrachte spullen voor het dok daar aan boord gezet en vervolgens er vlak voor tegen de kant. Doordat het dok nog 'lang' niet klaar was hebben we daar rustig liggen wachten tot wij aan de slag konden met ons materiaal. Op de 20e en de 21e konden we pas aan de slag en zouden de 22e kunnen vertrekken, ware het niet dat er weer sprake was van een orkaan(tje) bij de Bahamas, heb toen het vertrek 12 uur uitgesteld, om meer te weten te komen over de latere Franklin. Afgelopen vrijdag net na de middag zijn we dan werkelijk vertrokken. Het dok was wat extra geballast in verband met de passage van de eerste brug die we tegen zouden komen. Het is gelukt zonder schade, in tegenstelling tot het binnen brengen van het dok, ongeveer 20 jaar geleden, die keer is de brug geraakt. Na een saai en probleemloos stukje varen op de Mississippi (110 mijl), zaten we zaterdag net na de middag weer op zee. Het weer is mooi, wel erg heet, vandaar dat hier in de buurt de orkaantjes als warme broodjes uit de lucht komen vallen. Zitten nu weer tussen twee van die apparaten in, Franklin noordoost van de Bahamas en Gert bij Tuxpan in Mexico, verwacht er geen of nauwelijks last van te zullen krijgen. Wind en weder dienende zullen we dan zo rond de 21e augustus bij Bremerhaven aankomen. En dan na een dag of twee voor het verzamelen van ons materiaal is het de bedoeling dat we weer naar 'ons dorp' gaan om maar weer wat reparaties uit te voeren, het zal wel voor de deur van Wartsila / Schiedam worden. (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
Towing company not liable for unseaworthiness of barge In a short unpublished decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled that a towing company is not liable for personal injuries caused by any unseaworthiness of a barge being towed by the company where the towing company does not own the barge. In the instant case, an employee of the towing company was injured when he slipped on ice on the barge. The employee sued his employer, alleging unseaworthiness. The court held that, under a contract for towage, the towing company does not become the owner pro hac vice of the barge. Coakley v. SeaRiver Maritime, Inc., No. 04-30569 (5th Cir., HK Law). (Bron: Marinelinkt)
7/21/05 12:34:27 PM
ITB Grounding PORT ARTHUR, Texas – Investigators from Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Port Arthur are monitoring the grounding of the Integrated Tug and Barge (ITB) Mobile approximately 1.5 miles south of the Sabine Jetties here. No injuries were reported, and initial inspections of the 691-foot U.S.flagged ITB have found no flooding, loss of cargo or fuel. Mobile’s owner, ITB Mobile LLC, has made an attempt to remove the ship from its hard-aground position without success. Additional tug boats are being called to the scene to assist with the removal operation and are expected to be on scene. The vessel is not obstructing navigation, and the port remains open to traffic. Mobile was en route to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., with approximately 330,000 barrels of gasoline and diesel fuel at the time of the grounding. An ITB is a barge that is pushed by a tug boat that has been specifically designed for that barge (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Newbuild reported by Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd. Seatankers has been very active over the last few weeks by declared two options at ABG Shipyard to build an additional two AHTS of 6,500BHP. They have also placed an order with Cochin Shipyard to built four plus four UT755L PSV’s with the first vessel due to deliver August 2006 and an order at Jaya Singapore for two large AHTS. It will be interesting to see what Seatankers eventually do with the large number of vessels that they have under contract. (Bron: OSL) Ostenjo has placed an order with Astilleros Gonday yard Spain for a PSV of the new TY216 design. The vessel will deliver in March 2007. (Bron: OSL)
Second hand AHTS Normand Titan(Blt.1985 – 12600BHP) and Normand Trym(Blt.1984 – 12720BHP) have been sold in an enbloc deal for a price of about NOK 160,000,000 to a new partnership with current owners Solstad retaining 30% of the equity. Delivery will be during June with the deal giving Solstad a reported book gain of approximately NOK 100,000,000. (Bron: OSL) AHTS Kundasang (Blt.1984 – 7,000BHP) has been sold to Middle East Buyers on private terms. (Bron: OSL) PSV Guardsman (Blt.1979 – 4200BHP) that has been operating in Brazil for some time has been sold to the local managers (Navigationale Sao Miguel). (Bron: OSL)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
AHTS Maersk Trinity(Blt.1983 –10880BHP) has been sold to MISR Gulf Shipping. Whilst no price has been reported the asking price in 2004 was USD 6,500,000. (Bron: OSL) AHT Panagiotakis Star ex Maersk Blower (Blt.1977 – 8400 BHP) has been purchased by Marine Carriers Sweden with prompt delivery. The tug will be renamed Hercules and used to tow the owners own cargo barge, mainly in the Baltic. Sales price is reported to be in the region of USD 2,000,000. (Bron: OSL) DSV’s Miss Marie and Miss Clementine (Blt.1998) have been sold for a price in the region of USD 11 million each. (Bron: OSL) AHTS Camogli Due(Blt.1973 – 3600BHP) has been sold to Middle East Operators on private terms. The vessels has delivered and has been renamed Mahra VI. (Bron: OSL)
Seabreeze June reports Brazilian Breakthrough Norwegian shipbuilder Ulstein has sold two packages for its P106 PSV’s to Companhia Brasileira de Offshore (CBO) to be built at the Ebin shipyard in Rio. The vessels come in two different versions based on the same design. The first one primarily for transporting diesel oil while the second will be used for general transportation purposes to oil installations on the Brazilian shelf. They will take about two years to complete. Main particulars: L.O.A. 74.3 metres, breadth 16 metres and a load capacity of 1,500 tons on the 700 square metres deck. (Bron: Seabreeze) Even More For Kleven Norwegian Kleven Verft has secured the third contract in a row of deliveries of the VS 470 MK II design for an undisclosed European owner. The vessel will be delivered in March 2006 and has a contract value of 130 million NOK. With this new contract the company’s three yards have an order backlog of 13 vessels at a value of 3.0 billion NOK. The hull of the 73,4 metres long PSV with a cargo capacity of 3,500 tonnes and developed by Vik Sandvik is already under construction in Poland. Outfitting will take place at Myklebust Verft. (Bron: Seabreeze) SIEM In Deeper Waters SIEM have signed contracts for a new-build rigid pipelay and construction vessel following a medium to long term market assessment. SIEM expect the overall demand to grow and the development in the deeper waters will constitute a significant portion of such growth, particularly in West Africa and Brazil. The overall project cost is in the USD 180-200 million range and based on fixed prices from the shipyard and equipment supplier. The vessel, 157m long and 28.4m wide will have a top tension capability of 300 tons, upgradeable to around 400 tons and a storage capacity of 3,500 tons of steel pipe on the main reel. Other features include a 400 t deepwater crane, builtin deepwater ROV spread and comprehensive survey system. The vessel is also able to install flexible flow lines and umbilicals and is expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2007. (Bron: Seabreeze) VLCC = FPSO The Singapore yard Keppel has signed an agreement with CDC (ABN Amro Brazil) for the conversion of the VLCC Settobello into a floating production unit. The project includes the fabrication and installation of the internal turret. When completed the turret with 75 risers will be the largest ever built in the world. The FPU will be named PETROBRAS 53 (P-53) and will be completed by the end of 2006. The facility will then be towed to a CDC topside contractor yard in Brazil for installation and integration of the topside modules. Petrobras SA will then charter the P-53 from CDC for the Marlim Leste field in the Campos Basin. To be installed at 1,080 metres water depth, P-53’s capacity will include processing up to 180,000 bopd, and gas compression capability of 6 million cubic metres per day. (Bron: Seabreeze) Esmeralda…That Rings A Bell ( Groan! –Ed.) Gulf Offshore have announced they will manage the Ultrapetrol owned VS 4408 PSV UP Esmeralda. The vessel delivered from the Jinling shipyard in China in late May and is due to arrive in Aberdeen in mid July at which point it (she? – Ed.) will work on the spot market. Main details include a L.O.A. of 84.6m, GRT of 2900 tonnes, deck area of 840m2 and large underdeck capacity. Picture hopefully to follow in next month’s edition. (Bron: Seabreeze) Eidesvik’s Latest Sea God Eidesvik newbuild VS 470 MK II PSV Viking Thaumas delivered from the Norwegian Westcon AS yard around the time of going to press. Details of her spec. include deck area of circa 620 m2 deck, 4,900 BHP and extensive segregated underdecks and lines. The name derives from Greek mythology: J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Thaumas was the brother of Nereus (Remember Eidesvik’s other recent newbuild Viking Nereus?) and was one of the Sea Gods (the Greek word Thaumatos means a miracle or wonder, so Thaumas represented all the sea-born wonders, according to www.theol.com enough of the history lesson Ed.). We at Seabreeze are sure the Viking Thaumas will live up to the lofty credentials associated with the name! Picture courtesy Eidesvik (Bron: Seabreeze) Mary Sounds Sweet Otto Candies Inc. PSV Emily Candies (pictured right in an earlier unfinished state) has delivered from the Houma yard, Louisiana, America and after undergoing sea trials should now be available for charter in the Gulf of Mexico. The sister vessel Celia Candies is expected to deliver around September next year from the same yard (Bron: Seabreeze) Chouest Push Our Buttons Edison Chouest newbuild PSV Dionne Chouest delivered from the Houma shipyard as well this month. The vessel (the third Edison Chouest vessel to bear this name) was christened by Dionne Chouest, the company’s corporate lawyer, who also happens to be the daughter of Gary Chouest (company president). Details of the vessel include L.OA. of 280 feet, large underdeck capacity, methanol capacity and a few other interesting features including different textures for different control buttons so that in an emergency, with the lights knocked out, the correct buttons will still be pressed. The Dionne Chouest has just begun a charter with Chevron Texaco and is expected to remain in the Gulf of Mexico. This pic taken from www.houmatoday.com (JONATHAN COHEN/THE COURIER). (Bron: Seabreeze) Toulouse Est Formidable! Rigdon Marine christened their new GPA 640 PSV Toulouse in June. The vessel (pictured left c/o Rigdon Marine) is the ninth of the ten GPA 640 designs that have been ordered from the Bender shipyard in America. The tenth and last vessel is called the Esplanade and Seabreeze will be on hand to bring you the latest pictures in the coming months. (Bron: Seabreeze) Voith Voyages The Norwegian owner Østensjø Rederi AS has developed a new advanced PSV design together with Skipsteknisk AS which features Voith Schneider propulsion. It will be the first PSV fitted with this kind of propulsion developed by Voith Turbo Marine GmbH. It provides the vessel with excellent steering and positioning capabilities and will reduce the effects of high seas on the ship which is particularly important during loading and unloading operations. The vessel is to be delivered by the Spanish yard Astilleros Gondan in March 2007. (Bron: Seabreeze)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 22 dd. 31 Juli 2005 ___________________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Tidewater to Sell Six AHTS' Tidewater announced the pending sale of six of its KMAR 404 class of Anchor Handling Towing Supply vessels to Deep Sea Supply ASA for a total cash price of $188 million. All conditions precedent to close, including the receipt by Tidewater of a non-refundable 10% deposit and the deposit by the purchaser of the balance of the purchase price into an escrow account, have been completed and the transaction is expected to close shortly. The culmination of this transaction will result in an approximate $65.9 million pre-tax financial gain, or approximately $42.8 million after tax, or $.74 per common share. The transaction will result in an approximate $112 million taxable gain, but no cash taxes will be due because of the availability of net operating loss carryforwards. The sales agreement also provides the Company an opportunity, for an extended period of time, to operate the six vessels on behalf of the new owners for a fixed fee per vessel per day. The Company expects to use a portion of the proceeds of the sale to repay $95 million of borrowings currently outstanding under the Company's revolving credit agreement. Tidewater Inc. owns and operates over 560 vessels, the world's largest fleet of vessels serving the global offshore energy industry. (Bron: Marinelink) 7/25/05 3:50:16 PM
Cargo Removed from Grounded ITB 7/25/05 9:02:43 AM PORT ARTHUR, Texas - Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Port Arthur is monitoring the grounding of the Integrated Tug and Barge (ITB) Mobile approximately one mile south of the Sabine Jetties here. The 691-foot ITB carrying approximately 330,000 barrels of gasoline and diesel fuel went aground early last Wednesday (July 20, 2005) morning. There have been no injuries or pollution reported as a result of this grounding. The Mobile is hard aground and was unable to be removed by ocean-going tug boats earlier in the week. The Coast Guard is working with Mobile’s owners, ITB Mobile LLC, and other agencies to commence a cargo removal operation in order to refloat the Mobile. Cargo removal operations are expected to commence soon. An independent survey conducted by American Bureau of Shipping found no structural damage to the Mobile. The Mobile is not obstructing navigation, and the port remains open to traffic. An ITB is a barge that is pushed by a tug boat, which has been specifically designed for the barge. When the two units are connected, the entire unit functions as a ship. The cause of this incident is under investigation. (Bron: Marinelink)
Multraship buys Bulgarian Towage Company 7/26/05 9:20:25 AM Multraship Towage & Salvage has purchased Bulgarian towage and salvage operator Bourgas Tug Services. BTS provides harbor towage, local salvage and line handling services in and around the Bulgarian port of Bourgas. It has a fleet of four tugboats ranging from 1,500 - 4,300 bhp and fifty employees. Leendert Muller, managing director of Multraship said, "This is an important step for Multraship in developing our presence in the Black Sea. We have been active in the region since opening offices in Bulgaria and Romania 2000 and we believe the combination of our expertise and local assets can bring substantial benefits to shipowners using the Black Sea ports. Multraship's permanent presence in the region will considerably enhance the professional towage and salvage capacity in an area with growing shipping and other marine operations and will therefore contribute significantly towards the safety of navigation in the Black Sea region." Multraship is a leading independent Dutch towage and salvage company. It operates and manages a fleet of 26 tugs, salvage vessels, floating sheerlegs and other craft. (Bron: Marinelink)
Lawrence Amboldt reports Multraship Intussen heb ik de bevestiging dat de Multratug 5 aan de havenauthoriteiten van Pointe Noire (Congo) is verkocht. Multraship heeft de vloot van Bourgas Tug Service in Bulgije gekocht. Hierbij zijn de volgende namen aan de sleepboten gegeven:
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Multratug 21 ex. Agonistis, 1,315 bhp. 63/73, O/N 295 Multratug 22 ex. Atlas Z, 2,024 bhp. 94/01, O/N 294, call sign LZRD Multratug 23 ex.Sanmar X, 2,027 bhp., 78/01, O/N 297, call sign LZRG Multratug 24 ex. Nearchos, 3,834 bhp., 158/01, O/N 296, call sign LZRC Van de redactie Hans van der Ster: Op de website www.bourgastugservice.com kunt u de gegevens van de schepen vinden. Ook zijn hier wat plaatjes bij geplaatst
Grounded Ship to be Dislodged off of Hawaii HONOLULU - The Unified Command continues to monitor the 145-foot motor vessel Casitas that ran aground at Pearl and Hermes Atoll, 86 miles east southeast of Midway Atoll on July 2nd. Preparations are now underway to extract the Casitas from the reef with what is hoped to be minimal environmental damage. Significant planning has been undertaken to ensure the safety of the people involved and to protect the ecological resources of the area. Pearl and Hermes Atoll is part of the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge and is an important seabird and green sea turtle nesting ground, Hawaiian monk seal pupping site, home to endangered Laysan finches, and the site of more than 183,000 acres of coral reefs in Refuge and State of Hawaii waters. In approving the extraction plan, the Unified Command members acknowledged the difficulties facing the operation, which are further complicated by its remote location. All parties agreed that it is important to make every effort to remove the Casitas before it further damages the reef ecosystem. Metallic debris promotes the growth of invasive algae species that can have devastating impacts on the coral reef community. The owner of the Casitas has contracted with American Marine Corporation to extract the ship from the reef. The American Contender and its 240-foot barge arrived at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge from Alaska on July 15. The barge will serve as the primary platform for the removal operations, in conjunction with the tugs American Contender and American Quest. The American Emerald arrived at Midway from Honolulu on Wednesday with a 140-foot barge carrying additional equipment for the extraction. A berthing vessel, the motor vessel Condor, arrived recently at Midway. After repositioning the equipment on the 240-foot barge, the American Contender will depart for Pearl and Hermes Atoll to initiate phase three of the Unified Command’s operation plan. A detailed extraction plan emphasizes employing a combination of strategies to minimize damage to the coral reef. The plan first calls for divers to complete an underwater survey to assess damage to the hull of the Casitas and to identify the best route for extraction. The American Marine workers plan to remove the sealed 55-gallon drums containing approximately 1,850 gallons of gasoline from the Casitas, as well as other materials such as the marine debris collected before the ship went aground. The barge will be secured by six anchors, which will be positioned in sand channels to the extent possible. Lines will be attached to the Casitas so that it can be steadied. Patches will be applied to holes in the hull, and the water will be pumped out of the compartments in an attempt to restore buoyancy and refloat the ship. Once floating, the lines will be used to pull the Casitas off the reef. The onsite representatives of the Coast Guard and owners, in consultation with the Unified Command, will assess whether the ship can be towed back to Honolulu by the American Quest. If that is not feasible, the Quest will attempt to tow it to an approved disposal site (Bron: Jan van der Doe) 7/25/05 9:04:51 AM
Supply Vessel “Ocean Dirk” gezonken Op 23 juli 2005 om 14,45 uur is in positie 28.35-23N en 33.08-66E, zuid van Balayim Field, gezonken het s/v Ocean Dirk. De Ocean Dirk is de voormalige Pacific Dirk, gebouwd in 1981 voor Swire Marine Corp. En in management bij Swire Pacific Offshore Services Ltd. Zij is een Anchor Handling Tug Supplier en ABS Class. Grt x DWT x NRT = 800 x 1063 x 399 en 4200 BHP met een BP van 52 ton. Terwijl zij een snelheid van 13,5 knopen kon halen. L x B x D = 57,71 x 12,21 x 4,50. De oorzaak van dit ongeval is mij nog niet bekend.(Bron: Hans van der Ster)
Smitwijs Rotterdam Reports Vandaag een mooie gelegenheid om even wat over de reis die de Smitwijs Rotterdam aan het maken is te vertellen terwijl we heden morgen over stuurboord op afstand de palm bomen waarnemen die groeien op de eilanden groep die als een ring rond het "Hadhdhunmathee" Atoll ligt, dat zich in het zuiden van de Malediven bevindt. Een beetje een onuitspreekbare naam, maar staat er in de kaart geen Engelse vertaling bij vermeld, dus moeten we het hiermee doen. Wel een Engelse vertaling voor "Huvadhoo Kandu", namelijk het "One and a half degree channel" waar de Smitwijs Rotterdam zich ten tijde van dit schrijven, woensdag 27 juli 09:00 Lt met sleep in bevindt. Nadat we op 7 mei in Gibraltar aan boord kwamen, zijn we daar vandaan met de losse boot via het Suez kanaal richting Singapore gevaren al waar we enige tijd het nodige aan onderhoud hebben gepleegd alvorens onze sleep daar arriveerde. Alvorens die sleep, de Atwood Southern Cross, een semi sub booreiland, gereed was om te vertrekken, moest ook daar aan boord nog het nodige aan onderhoud en inspecties worden verricht, wat op zaterdag 9 juli gecompleteerd werd. Vroeg in de middag van die zaterdag nog even langszij het rig om personeel via de kraan er van over te zetten, en werden vervolgens de vier ankers die het eiland uit had staan thuis gehaald. Wij mochten op de West Jurong Anchorage zelf nog niet vast maken, en zo werd het booreiland met behulp van wat haven sleepboten van de anchorage J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
gesleept richting het Western Boarding Ground "A" loodsstation. Het had wat overreding nodig, maar uiteindelijk hebben we dan ruim voor dat het loodsstation bereikt werd vast gemaakt, konden de haven sleepboten bedankt worden, en vingen wij onze zee reis te 18:00 die middag aan. Niet het aller plezierigste vooruitzicht om in deze tijd van het jaar de Indische Oceaan te doorkruisen in verband met de juist in juli straf doorstaande zuid west moesson, maar werd het reis plan zodanig ontworpen dat we er in ieder geval voor een gedeelte van de reis weinig last van zouden ondervinden. Nadat de loods rond die 18:00 uur op zaterdagmiddag werd ontscheept werd koers gezet via "Malacca Strait" en de "One Fathom Bank" naar Rondo eiland ten noord westen van Sumatra, een traject dat voorspoedig verliep met prachtige weersomstandigheden, en vooral geen zeegang van betekenis. Eenmaal uit de luwte van Sumatra kwam de oceaan deining dan toch wel doorzetten. En zo was het na een periode stilliggen weer even wennen om alles aan boord vast te zetten. Dat slingeren heeft dan ook wel weer een voordeel, want komen er zo ook terloops bezittingen tevoorschijn die eerder verloren gewaand waren. Na het ronden van Rondo eiland werd koers gezet de zuid west in om af te zakken naar zo'n anderhalve graad noorder breedte, dit omdat de effecten van de zuidwest moesson vooral op noordelijker breedtes huizen. Een aantal dagen varen met de deining recht van voren in, maar ondanks dat konden we er stevig de pas inhouden terwijl we met een sierlijke curve in de kaart achterlatend steeds westelijker gingen sturen. Een slingerend schip maakt voortgang, is in ieder geval de leuze, hoewel wij daar aanvankelijk niet erg van profiteerden terwijl we vooral stevig slingerden met de deining dwars in. Dat booreiland ook trouwens, en nemen we maar aan dat de wijsheid in die leuze betreffende dat slingerende schip niet opgaat voor booreilanden. Al met al lopen we momenteel een redelijke vaart en staat het gemiddelde zelfs nog boven de aanvankelijke verwachting, en winnen we daar zelfs nog op terwijl ik dit schrijf en er een 5.6 mijl per uur op de meter staat. We hebben er mooi weer bij ook, wel wat briezerig, maar dat komt net achterlijker van dwars aan bakboord in, en werkt zodoende in ieder geval niet tegen. Ervoeren aanvankelijk een stevige deining vanuit het zuidwesten, maar sinds een dag of drie komt die nu uit een wat zuidelijker richting zodat ook die niet tegen werkt. We zijn er natuurlijk nog niet, want hebben we het slechtste stuk voor wat de moesson aangaat nog voor de boeg wanneer we binnen niet al te lang het noord oosten in moeten de Arabische zee in. Weerberichten vanuit die hoek laten voorlopig alleen maar hoge windsnelheid waarden zien, maar daar de kracht van de moesson in augustus gaat afzwakken, rekenen we er maar een beetje op dat we er zonder al te veel weer doorheen komen. Voorlopig verdwijnen de palmbomen van het Malediven atol aan stuurboord al weer uit zicht en richten we ons op het vervolg van de reis, waarover ik tzt wel weer wat zal schrijven. De stemming aan boord zit er goed in, het eten is goed, en ook de 80 man die op het booreiland meevaren schijnen het volgens het dagelijkse praatje met de Texaanse "Barge Captain" prima naar hun zin te hebben, dus vooruit maar, in ieder geval heeft die de humor er goed in zitten, en voorziet ons per e-mail van de nodige wijsheden, waarvan ik er hier 1 zal meesturen, met de aanmerking overigens dat ze op het rig voor wat het onderwerp aangaat droog staan. Vanaf een zonnige maar gezwellige Indische Oceaan aan iedereen de beste wensen. Rigmail: "Well ya see, Gerrit, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers.!!!!!!" (Bron: Kapitein Smitwijs Rotterdam)
Smit Internationale N.V. verwacht hogere winst 2005 Smit Internationale N.V. heeft over het eerste halfjaar van 2005 een netto winst behaald van EUR 18,8 miljoen (vorig jaar EUR 14,4 miljoen). Voor het gehele jaar 2005 wordt een netto winst verwacht, welke belangrijk hoger zal zijn dan de over 2004 verantwoorde nettowinst die EUR 27,4 miljoen bedroeg. De hogere verwachting voor het resultaat 2005 is gebaseerd op de goede resultaten in het eerste halfjaar en het werkaanbod voor het tweede halfjaar. Nadere informatie volgt met de halfjaarcijfers 2005 die op 25 augustus 2005 gepubliceerd zullen worden. (Bron: Smit Internationale)
Vlootuitbreiding ITC met SmitWijs-boten De ankerhandelingssleepboten SmitWijs Typhoon en SmitWijs Tempest varen binnenkort in de keluren van ITC uit Heemstede. Deze rederij heeft via Offshore Shipbrokers uit Londen de beide trekpaarden van SmitWijs Towage uit Rotterdam overgenomen. De vloot van ITC telt straks weer tien zeeslepers, die wereldwijd worden ingezet. De zusterschepen zijn nu nog voor de Amerikaanse offshoreaannemer McDermott in het Verre Oosten actief en worden waarschijnlijk pas in september aan ITC overgedragen. Deze gaat het tweetal niet alleen voor offshorewerk, maar ook voor zeeslepen inzetten. De SmitWijs Typhoon en SmitWijs Tempest werden als Typhoon en Tempest in 1976 en J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
1977 voor Wijsmuller gebouwd bij van der Giessen de Noord in Alblasserdam, resp bouwnummer 907 & 908, De 48 meter lange slepers worden voortgestuwd door twee Stork-Werkspoor Diesel 6TM410motoren, samen goed voor 9350 pk, wat een trekkracht van 120 ton oplevert. De slepers zijn later samen met die van Smit ondergebracht in het samenwerkingsverband SmitWijs Towage. (Bron: Schuttevear)
Eerste berging slepers Wijsmuller bij Lissabon. Nog maar nauwelijks in de nieuwe thuishaven Lissabon gearriveerd, of de slepers Groningen en Brabant speelden al een hoofdrol bij een operatie in de haveningang van de Portugese hoofdstad. Het ging om het vlotbrengen van het deels geladen vrachtschip Astra Sea. Dit 147 meter lange vaartuig was daar maandag 11 juli omhooggelopen. De kapitein van het 25 jaar oude vrachtschip sloot een bergingscontract met SvitzerWijsmuller, dat de slepers Groningen, Brabant, Montada en Montevil stuurde en vanuit Nederland een bergingsteam liet overkomen. De bergers zagen een dag later samen met de twee slepers uit Ijmuiden en de Montada kans de Astra Sea bij hoog water vlot te trekken. Het vrachtschip werd vervolgens gestabiliseerd en het onderwaterschip door duikers geinspecteerd. Hierna werd zij naar Lissabon gesleept en overgedragen aan de eigenaren. De Brabant en Groningen, jarenlang havenslepers in Amsterdam, maken sinds enkele weken deel uit van de vloot van Lisbon Tugs, een havensleepdienst die onlangs door SvitzerWijsmuller is overgenomen. De provincieboten zijn de sterktste slepers uit de vloot van de Portugese rederij. (Bron: Schuttevear)
Koelschip vaart over sleepdraden Het 9175 grt metende Maltese koelschip Crystal Iris heeft onlangs vlak voor de kust van Hoek van Holland voor commotie gezorgd. Het uitgaande schip probeerde achter het bevoorradingsvaartuig Granit en de Kotug-sleper RT Magic langs te varen terwijl deze het booreiland Noble Al White naar de Nieuwe Waterweg aan het verslepen waren. Zowel vanaf het booreiland als de slepende vaartuigen werd alles gedaan om het koelschip via de radio te waarschuwen voor de sleepdraden. Er werd echter niet gereageerd op de brug op de brug van de Crystal Iris. De bemanning van de Granit zag kans vliegensvlug de sleepdraad te laten slippen. Maar de sleepdraad van de Kotug sleper werd door het koelschip stuk getrokken. Volgens een woordvoerder van Worls Marine Support in Den Helder, die het management voert over de Granit, heeft de brekende draad geen van de opvarende letsel bezorgd. De slepers waren met het eiland van Noble Drilling op weg naar Keppel Verolme bij Rotterdam. De Noble Al White had net een boorklus voor Wintershall in het F16-blok op het Nederlandse continentale plat achter de rug. Bij de rigmove naar Rotterdam waren naast de Granit en de RT Magic ook de slepers ZP Monelena en Arion betrokken. De waterpolitie stelt een onderzoek in naar het ongeval. (Bron: Schuttevear)
Containerkraan voor Gydinia Afgelopen donderdag is met de bokken Taklift 3 en Taklift 4 een containerkraan geladen op de Smit Anambas. Deze kraan zal worden getransporteerd door Smit Transport Europe BV naar Polen. De Smit Anambas vetrekt a.s. maandag middag 1 augustus naar zee. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
WSS Marine News Emsgarth (juist – 84) 162/75 – tug. By Svitzer Marine Ltd, Honduras to Dragage Des Ports Societe Drapoer, Morocco and renamed Iltizam Gulf Fleet No.66, 451/83 – offshore tug/supply. By Zapata Gulf Marine Operators LLC, USA to Inter GulfMarine LLC, UAE and renamed Al Haml Kintore, 363/77 – tug. By J.P.Knight Group Ltd. UK to Stargazer Maritime Inc. St.Vincent and the Grenadies and renamed Hector. Smit-Lloyd Fame – 2095/95 – offshore supply. By Seacor offshore Supply Ship One Ltd. Marshall Islands to Havila Trencher AS Bahamas and renamed Havila Fame. Swallow (Hornbeck Swallow – 96; Seaboard Swallow – 95; Aracati – 90) 645/73 – standby safety vessel. By Rederij West Friesland BV St.Vincent and the Grenadines to Offshore Support Vessels II BV Liberia and renamed VOS Northwind
Members Reports Atlantic Ash 360/99 – tug was renamed Caballo Palomino (Mex) prior to 26/1/2004 Betty Culbreath 195/68 – tug was renamed Michaela McAllister (USA) prior to 8/3/2004 Cala Mancina 167/75 – tug was renamed Zumaia III (Esp) prior to 23/2/2004. Carol Foss 162/57 – tug was renamed Marauder (Usa) prior to 4/4/2005 Dynan 357/74 – tug was renamed Svitzer Munin (Vct) prior to 13/9/2004 Groix 282/71 – tug was renamed Ekom (Vct) prior to 24/5/2004 Jaberi 524/77 – tug was renamed Mataf Master (Pan) prior to 10/5/2004 Marine Lord No.16 138/93 – tug was renamed Dolyi (Mys) prior to 9/2/2004 Redcliffe 470/86 – tug was seen as Adsteam Keelby (Gbr) at Hull on 17/5/2005
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Sea Cresent 222/81 – tug was renamed Sun Cresent (Usa) prior to 30/1/2004 Smit Curacao 1356/74 – AHTS was renamed Carlos (Bhs) prior to 23/8/2004 Smit Lumut 1388/75 – AHTS was renamed Jascon 22 (Vct) prior to 4/10/2004 Sun Voyager 813/03 – tug was renamed Corbin Foss (Usa) prior to 12/1/2004 Tajam 255/02 – tug was seen as Karori (Sgp) at Lyttleton on 11/5/2005 Thalasoporos 354/81 – tug was renamed Pileas (Cyp) prior to 25/4/2005 VES Fair 8 174/97 – tug was renamed Point of Sand (Guy) Prior to 24/5/2004
Casualties Mimosa (Laila Viking – 92; Acadian Gail – 90; Mortier – 83) 1242/82 – offshore tug/supply, owned by Petroleum Technical Services Co. Vietnam. Sank 12/5/2005 near the Dai Hung oilfield, Vietnam, following a collision with the tanker Trinity q.v. The crew of 16 were resqued. Damage of the tanker was not serius.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 23 dd. 05 Augustus 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Rederij van Stee verkoopt haar aandelen 01-08-2005 - DEN HELDER/HARLINGEN - Acta Marine Holding B.V. uit Den Helder heeft alle aandelen van rederij Van Stee Survey & Supply B.V. uit Harlingen overgenomen. Hierdoor ontstaat een ongekend sterke groep van bedrijven die gespecialiseerd is in de wereldwijde exploitatie van werkschepen op de kust- en binnenwateren. Acta Marine exploiteert, als houdstermaatschappij van Rederij Waterweg en Van Laar Scheepvaart, wereldwijd circa 50 sleepboten, surveyschepen, crewtenders, pontons en multi-purpose vaartuigen. Van Stee Survey & Supply is in dezelfde sectoren actief en is gespecialiseerd in het werken op zeer ondiep water. In dit marktsegment heeft het bedrijf een leidende marktpositie weten te verwerven. De rederij uit Harlingen beschikt over 19 schepen en heeft ongeveer 50 mensen in vaste dienst. De klanten van de ondernemingen opereren met name in de olie- en gasindustrie, de baggerij en aannemerij, de kabels- en leidingenmarkt, of zijn (semi-)overheidsdiensten. “Door het samengaan ontstaat een groep van bedrijven die de klanten toegang geeft tot een ongekend grote en veelzijdige vloot van ongeveer 70 werkschepen, die overal ter wereld inzetbaar zijn.” zegt directeur Govert Jan van Oord van Acta Marine. Zowel Van Stee Survey & Supply, Rederij Waterweg als Van Laar Scheepvaart hebben ieder een veelal langdurige relatie weten op te bouwen met verschillende afnemers in de markt. Acta Marine vindt het daarom van belang dat deze werkmaatschappijen zoveel mogelijk zelfstandig naast elkaar blijven opereren. “Klanten zullen ook in de toekomst merken dat contactpersonen, schepen en bemanning grotendeels dezelfde vertrouwde gezichten hebben en de dienstverlening herkenbaar blijft. Ik ben daarom zeer verheugd dat de heren Johan en Jan-Willem van Stee bereid zijn om aan de onderneming verbonden te blijven en de bedrijfsleiding te blijven voeren over Van Stee Survey & Supply in Harlingen”, aldus directeur Van Oord. (Bron: Navingo)
Keellaying Fairmount Alpine On 4 August, 2005 Mr Dirk Dokter, son of Geert Dokter, managing director MPC STEAMSHIP, will perform the keel laying ceremony of our third 200 tons bollard pull tug, FAIRMOUNT ALPINE. FAIRMOUNT ALPINE will be delivered to Fairmount in April 2006. (Bron: Shipping News)
FAIRPLAY TOWAGE orders two tugs The Hamburg based tugowner Fairplay Towage is going to strengthen its fleet by having placed an order for two new tugs with Astilleros Armon in Spain.With an LOA of 25m and a width of 11,2m these tugs are planned to predominantly serve in the Ports of Hamburg and Rotterdam. Two 8-cylinder ABC-engines (Type ABC 8MDZC 4-stroke) with each 1850KW at 1000 RPM generate the power for two fixed-propeller Schottel SRP1515-propulsion systems, producing a bollard pull of minimum 60 tons and a free-running speed of minimum 12kn. Two Scania 6cylinder-diesel-engines (Type D 9 95M 10-40) with a power output of each 196kw are generating the required on-board electricity. A Brusselles double-drum winch (Type SLH150.20/2-2-2) produces a breakforce of 1800kN. Ships’ assistances will be performed primarily via the bow (Push & Pull). One of the double drums will carry a 90m Dyneema-Line whereas the other will carry conventional towing gear (52mm wires) either for port operation or sea-towages. For towage-jobs over the stern the tow-wire is guided through a tunnel below the accomodation to the aft-deck. The winch will be operated from a control panel in the wheelhouse or by a portable joystick box. The extensive fendering around the entire ship is protecting the hull and especially designed for the „Push & Pull-Mode“. Designed for a 3-mencrew the tugs each count a total of 6 bunks. Navigation- and communication equipment corresponds to the presently available technical standards such as GMDSS, gyro-compass, autopilot, electronic seachart, AIS and two radars. The tugs are built according to the guidelines of the German SBG under Bureau Veritas class with the classification: „BV + Hull + Mach Tug unrestricted service + AUT UMS“. Delivery by Astilleros Armon to Fairplay Towage is planned
for February and August 2007. URS Antwerp, in which Fairplay holds a 50% participation, has ordered two identical sisters for the Port of Zeebrugge. Fairplay Towage, celebrating its 100th anniversay this year, today operates a fleet comprising of harbour and offshore tugs, stationed in Hamburg, Rotterdam and the German Baltic. Two deepsea tugs are employed in worldwide trade. Further Fairplay operates through its subsidiary BBB Schlepp- und Hafendienst in Rostock a fleet of work-pontoons. With the 50% participation in URS Antwerp and the take-over of the Polish “Project Zegluga, based in Szczecin, both in 2004, the activity-portfolio of Fairplay Towage has been steadily enlarged over the last years. Hamburg, 03.08.2005 (Bron: via Henk de Winde) N.V. is pleased to announce the closing of its USD 50 million private placement
Fairmount Heavy Transport N.V. buys Boa Barge 19 & Boa Barge 20 Oslo, 2 August 2005. Fairmount Heavy Transport N.V. is pleased to announce the closing of its USD 50 million private placement of new equity. The proceeds from the offering will be used to acquire the semi submersible barges BOA 19 and 20 from BOA Offshore AS in Trondheim, Norway, and for general corporate purposes. The Barges will be converted to self propelled transportation vessels, which are planned to be completed in the 2H of 2006. Fairmount Heavy Transport N.V. was recently established by Fairmount Marine B.V., Capricorn Offshore AS and Sea of Solutions B.V. to focus on the attractive marine heavy transportation market, with the main market segments being within transportation of jack-up and semi submersible drilling rigs, floating production units and offshore for the offshore oil and gas industry. The private placement was carried out by issuing 28.2 million new shares at a subscription price of EUR 1.46 per share. Following the private placement, the total number of outstanding shares in Fairmount Heavy Transport N.V. is 30 million. Through the private placement, which was oversubscribed several times, a number of international and Norwegian institutional investors have invested in the company, alongside with private professional investors. Fairmount Heavy Transport N.V. will start trading on the Norwegian OTC system under the ticker FAIR on or about 4August2005, and the company will immediately initiate the application process for listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange. ABG Sundal Collier acted as sole manager for the private placement. Fairmount Marine B.V. will act as technical and operational manager for the converted vessels, with Capricorn Offshore providing management and market competence to Fairmount Heavy Transport N.V. The board of directors of Fairmount Heavy Transport N.V. will be chaired by Henk van den Berg, the sole owner of Fairmount Marine B.V., and Frederik Steenbuch, the owner of Capricorn Offshore will hold the CEO position of the company. Both Mr. Van den Berg and Mr. Steenbuch have extensive experience from the marine and offshore industries. (Bron: Fairmont)
Moran Moves Towards DH Fleet 8/4/05 2:57:24 PM
With the introduction of three new double-hull petroleum barges in 2005, Paul Tregurtha, chairman of Moran Towing Corporation, announced that the company is on track to achieve its goal of operating an all double-hull fleet by the end of 2006. In the first seven months of 2005, Moran introduced two newly built double-hull petroleum barges, New Hampshire and Georgia, both built at Bay Shipbuilding in Wisconsin, and a newly converted double-hulled barge Massachusetts, delivered from Gulf Marine Repair in Florida. The three barges, with a combined cargo carrying capacity of 360,000 barrels, were matched with ocean-going tugs from the Moran fleet, all with articulated (ATB) coupler systems that allow the tug to remain permanently in the barge notch when underway. The barges New Hampshire and Georgia, both 427 ft. in length each with a capacity of 110,000 barrels, are matched with the newly-refurbished 5,100 hp tugs Scott Turecamo and Barney Turecamo respectively, while the 415-ft. barge Massachusetts, 140,000 barrels, is paired with the 7,200 hp tug Paul T.Moran. New Hampshire and Georgia are both working under contract to Conoco-Phillips, delivering refined petroleum products in the Northeast, while the Massachusetts is under contract to Westport Petroleum, delivering fuel oil to marine terminals along the Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard. “We are moving towards our stated goal of being completely double-hull as a matter of policy as soon as
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possible,” said Moran’s Chairman Tregurtha during the christening ceremony for the Massachusetts in Tampa. Introduction of the new barges in 2005 marks Moran’s first use of articulated coupler technology. The two new barges, with 78-foot beam and a 26 -foot loaded draft, are connected to their tugs with a pin system developed by Intercontinental Engineering, while the reconfigured Massachusetts has been fitted with the Bludworth coupler system. The New Hampshire and Georgia are each outfitted with six Markey Machinery mooring line winches around the deck, each storing up to 1,000 feet of braided, eight-strand Force 8 line manufactured by Samson Rope Technologies. With three deep-well cargo pumps servicing 10 compartments, crews of the new units can discharge their entire 17,000 tons of cargo in less than 12 hours, typically offloading at a rate in excess of 11,000 barrels per hour. The flush-deck, unmanned barges have the latest in closed-tank gauging and high-level monitoring and alarm systems developed by Ian-Conrad Bergen Marine. Cargo tanks are constantly monitored by a radar gauging system, while ballast and fuel tanks are monitored using internal tank pressure systems. “It’s all integrated so that the tankermen can monitor the level of any tank on the barge from any location out on deck or inside the barge office,” said Dave Beardsley, Moran’s vice president of construction and repair, who played a key role in the barge design. Although the barge contains no housing for crew, there is a large office with space for the unit’s computer system and for constant cargo monitoring, plus records, paperwork, maintenance scheduling and communications. The three identical cargo pumps are powered by Detroit Diesel engines while general electrical needs of the barge are powered by John Deere diesel-generator sets. A Markey electric anchor windlass is on the bow. An eight million BTU Volcanic furnace keeps thermal heating fluid at a constant temperature as it circulates through the cargo tanks. Moran’s three tugs assigned to these barges are SOLAS and ISM certified with the latest in safety, navigation and communications equipment. All three tugs are equipped with towing winches and complete offshore towing gear, in addition to all equipment involved with their articulated coupler systems. (Bron: Marinelink)
Fotograven opgelet! Smit Abaco bezoekt Rotterdam De Smit Abaco ex. KST Sedna wordt maandag of dinsdag in Rotterdam verwacht. De Smit Aboco zal de Taklift 1 op sleeptouw nemen voor een reis naar Venezuela. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
Nieuwbouw voor Smit in Singapore. Singapore is bezig met haar nieuwbouw programma van 12 havenslepers. De slepers komen onder het management van Singapore Keppel Smit Towage Pte.Ltd. De eerste slepers hebben de volgende namen Maju Star en Maju Sun. Terwijl de volgende twee worden gebouwd onder bouwnummer 294 en 295. Hierna volgen 4 slepers van het ASD 4000 Hp type, 2 ASD 45 BP en 2 Tractor 45 BP. (bron: Bron Smit Singapore)
Zeepaard Bij de verkoop van de bokken Taklift 3 en Ajax is ook de sleepboot Zeepaard. Verkocht aan GPS Marine Services BV te Sliedrecht en Ecoloss Maritime BV. De nieuwe naam van de sleepboot wordt woensdag bekend gemaakt. Verder behoud de Ajax haar eigen naam en krijgt de Taklift 3 de nieuwe naam Atlas. (Bron: Ecoloss)
Tug Islay Going Home to the Twin Ports 8/02 The 1892-vintage tugboat Islay has been sold to the Northeastern Maritime Historical Foundation, based in Superior, WI. The Foundation closed a deal in June, with owner Greg Stamatelakys of Milwaukee, who had salvaged the abandoned vessel more than twenty years ago. Throughout the 1980s and 90s, the vessel underwent extensive restoration including the reinstallation of a B-3 Kahlenberg oil engine, taken from the fish tug Eric of Bayfield, WI. The Islay was built by whaleback pioneer Alexander McDougall as his personal yard tug. The historic vessel slid down the ways in the first triple launch in the history of the Great Lakes, along with the whaleback steamers Washburn and Pillsbury. Islay has been moved to a boatyard up river in Milwaukee where preparation for a tow to Lake Superior is underway. The vessel will be moved to a Duluth boatyard later this year for continued preservation and eventual public display. The vessel's history and a photographic tour can be found on the Foundation's website: Northeastern Maritime Historical Foundation – Islay (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
GulfMark Offshore Announces Fleet Expansion Publication date: 2005-08-01 HOUSTON, Aug. 1, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- GulfMark Offshore, Inc. (Nasdaq:GMRK) today announced several vessel additions to the Company's worldwide operated fleet. GulfMark has elected to purchase the vessel where the Company held a first right of refusal. This vessel is an identical sister ship to the vessel purchased earlier this year by GulfMark which is currently being built in China, a 5,150 BHP, 60 ton bollard pull AHTS (anchor handling, towing, supply vessel). The newest vessel is being constructed at the same shipyard at a price below $10 million, with delivery toward the middle of 2006. As with the previous contract, upon purchasing the above vessel, GulfMark has been granted a first right of refusal on a third vessel with somewhat different characteristics. Delivery of the third vessel would be in the latter half of 2006, should the Company decide to exercise the option. The Company has also agreed to participate in a joint venture for the construction of a new design large platform supply vessel, a 4,850 deadweight ton, diesel electric powered Aker PSV09, with expected delivery in 2007. The cost of the vessel is approximately $30 million, and GulfMark will be the majority investor in the new venture, with an option to build an additional vessel of identical design. GulfMark will also have the right to purchase 100 percent of the vessel upon pre-agreed terms. Thirdly, GulfMark has undertaken the management of a UT 755L new construction vessel on behalf of a third party. The "Portosalvo" joined the fleet this week and started an 18 month term contract. Finally, the Company will start providing support services and commercial management for two additional new builds: (1) "UP Esmeralda," a VS4408 platform supply vessel which has also joined the fleet and is operating under a term contract, and (2) the "UP Safira," a VS4408 sister ship to the Esmeralda which is expected to arrive in the North Sea during mid-August and is currently being marketed. Bruce Streeter, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company, commented: "The announced vessel acquisitions improve our fleet profile and allow us greater flexibility in meeting customer requirements. In Asia, we are improving the fleet age profile and providing a cost effective, new vessel type to our regional asset base. In the North Sea, we are responding to increased customer demand and will be able to meet the expectations of specific customers who have asked us to provide additional capacity. Given the high level of our forward contract cover for our existing vessels, this is extremely important. Having worked closely with the Aker Group on the design, we believe the Aker PSV09DE vessel will meet all current, and anticipated regulatory and customer requirements, while at the same time providing improved economics for both ship owner and charterer, making her a very competitively priced high capacity vessel. We are pleased to be able to add the capacity and added dimension to our business through timely additions of managed units, attractively priced acquisitions and new construction." The Company will add a total of three (one previously announced) owned vessels to the fleet, bringing the fleet of owned vessels to 50 in 2007, when the last vessel is delivered. Without additional changes, at the conclusion of this expansion the fleet would be comprised of 50 owned and 10 managed vessels. GulfMark Offshore, Inc. provides marine transportation services to the energy industry through a fleet of fifty-six (56) offshore support vessels, primarily in the North Sea, offshore Southeast Asia, and the Americas. This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve known and unknown risk, uncertainties and other factors. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are: price of oil and gas and their effect on industry conditions; industry volatility; fluctuations in the size of the offshore marine vessel fleet in areas where the Company operates; changes in competitive factors; delay or cost overruns on construction projects and other material factors that are described from time to time in the Company's filings with the SEC. Consequently, the forward-looking statements contained herein should not be regarded as representations that the projected outcomes can or will be achieved. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Helios Says Hello To Angola The GP670 PSV Bourbon Helios has been delivered from the Zhejiang shipyard in Ningbo, China and is understood to have commenced its three-year charter with BP Angola to support drilling operations with the semi-submersible rig Sedco Express. It is the first of a series of eight GPA670 PSV’s that have been ordered by Bourbon Offshore at the Chinese shipyard. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Newbuild Barra’s A Beaut The MT 6000 Mk II PSV Skandi Barra, built at the Aker Tulcea Yard in Romania for DOF. pecs: LOA 85.65M, beam 19.7M, DWT 6,000 and a deck space of 941M2. The vessel has now begun a term charter with Shell. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
Another Aker Cracker Aker Yards has signed a contract worth approximately NOK 205 million to build a platform supply vessel of the PSV 09DE design for an undisclosed new company. The contract includes an option for a similar vessel. Main specifications: LOA 88M, beam 19M and 4,850DWT. Delivery is scheduled for March 2007. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
Esmeralda Ecstatic With Total On the 9th July Ultrapetrol’s newbuild VS4408 UP Esmeralda arrived in Aberdeen and was quickly fixed to BG for a cargo run. The vessel then went to Total for a 10-week contract from 4th August to support the Galaxy I in the Central North Sea. UP Esmeralda is the first of two new vessels built in China and managed by Gulf Offshore. The second newbuild PSV is the UP Safira which will join the Esmeralda from mid August. A further four vessels are under construction in Brazil. The UP Aqua-Marinha was scheduled to be delivered in March this year but is delayed and now due later this year; the remaining three are due out in 2006. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
CTC See Selling Opportunity Subsea Contractor CTC Marine Projects, based in Teesside, UK, is likely to sell the Ocean Challenger to DOF (District Offshore) towards the end of this year. CTC wish to emphasize that all obligations entered into with this vessel will be completed as contracted prior to handover. CTC has for some time been reviewing and optimizing its fleet with the objective of having vessels which can support its variety of trenching installation spreads throughout the year in all weather conditions. The Ocean Challenger has supported this transitional phase in the Company’s diversification from the cable industry to the plans to secure and operate 4 multipurpose vessels for the 2006 season which will be focused on supporting its framework partners and the general trenching installation market. CTC have framework agreements in place for trenching and ploughing services with both Stolt Offshore and Subsea 7 and in addition are currently working directly with BP, Statoil and Shell. The purchase price for the 2000 built vessel is reported to be around NOK 245 million and it will be engaged by Geoconsult AS as an ROV and construction support vessel. The Bergen based survey company was recently acquired by DOF ASA. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
Solstad Add Another AHTS Solstad Offshore ASA has entered into a NOK 400 million contract with Flekkefjord & Maskinfabrikk for the construction of one large AHTS vessel of Vik- Sandvik design. The vessel will have a bollard pull of around 250 tonnes and is designed for worldwide deep-sea operations. Delivery from the yard will be in the first quarter of 2007. Solstad Offshore already has eight AHTS vessels of similar class which are mainly operating in deep-sea areas offshore Brazil, West Africa and Malaysia. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
Volstad Volunteer For Vessel Aker Yards has signed a contract with Volstad Shipping AS, Ålesund, for the building of a ST216 L PSV worth approximately NOK 250 million plus an option for a second similar vessel. The vessel is scheduled to be delivered in February 2007 from the Brattvaag Skipsverft. The hull will be built in Romania. Main specifications: LOA 93,4m beam 19,2m and a cargo capacity of 5,000 tonnes. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
Copacabana At The Campos The newbuild AHTS UT722L Norskan Copacabana has commenced its long-term charter with Petrobras in the Campos Basin. The vessel was delivered from the Eisa shipyard in Brazil on 22 July. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Havila to build two AHTS vessels Havila have decided to build two UT 786CD AHTS vessels. Havyard Leirvik AS will deliver the first vessel in February 2007 and the second in June 2007. The contract value is in excess of NOK 300 million for each vessel. The vessels are prepared for operations in the Barents Sea with Ice class C and prepared for DE ICE class. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
Deep Sea Decision The newly established Norwegian company Deep Sea Supply ASA has purchased 6 KMAR404 design AHTS vessels from Tidewater Inc. at a reported combined price of US$ 188 million. The purchase consists of the vessels William Croyle, Billy Joe Ramey, Amadon Tide, McNee Tide, Howard Hogue and Ray J. Hope. The vessels will be renamed in due course. Deep Sea Supply ASA has applied for a listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The company intends to trade some of the vessels on the North Sea spot market but aims to seek the best employment worldwide. Seabrokers Chartering acted as brokers in this transaction. (Bron: Sebreeze July)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 24 dd. 14 Augustus 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Farstad sells vessel Monday, 08 August 2005 FARSTAD Supply AS, a wholly owned company of Norwegian offshore specialist Farstad Shipping ASA, is selling the platform supply vessels Far Scotsman to the Canadian company Secunda Marine Services for US$6.5m. The 1982-built vessel will be delivered to the new owner this month. Farstad says that the sale will give a booked profit of about NKr35m in the third quarter. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Smitbarge 1 door Smit Transport Europe BV verkocht naar Amerika Vrijdag is de Smitbarge 1 verkocht, door Smit Transport Europe BV – Rotterdam, aan IMI, LLC, - New Orleans, Zij zal achter de sleepboot Rhea naar Amerika worden gesleept. Nieuwe naam voor de Smitbarge 1 is Carolina M (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Smit Abaco Afgelopen week is de Smit Abaco ex KST Sedna, de haven van Rotterdam binnen gelopen. De Smit Abaco was onderweg naar de Bahamas. Doordat de Taklift 1 in Venezuela gaat werken, werd zij naar Rotterdam gedirigeerd om de Taklift 1 in Rotterdam op te komen halen. Momenteel ligt zij afgemeerd in de Waalhaven voor het Smit kantoor. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Taklift 3 spotted in de Waalhaven In de Waalhaven, voor het kantoor van Smit, is de Taklift 3 omgevlagd en herdoopt. Op de kont staat aan BB te lezen.GPS Atlas – London. Ook hangt de Engelse vlag aldaar te wapperen. Terwijl aan SB kont nog de naam van de Taklift 3 – Rotterdam staat. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
E 6002 verkocht voor de sloop De al twee jaar lang in de werkhaven liggende ponton E6002, van Smit Transport Europe BV., is verkocht voor de sloop. De afgelopen twee jaar heeft zij als opslag ponton haar laatste dagen gesleten. Nu de lading is afgenomen is zij niet langer functioneel en wachten de snijbranders in ’s Gravendeel om haar als scheermesjes aan de hoogovens toe te vertrouwen. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Chouest newbuild program continues with latest 280' OSV In June on the New Orleans riverfront, Edison Chouest Offshore christened its latest 80'x69'x24' deepwater supply vessel — a vessel it describes as one of the most technologically advanced in the world. The Dionne Chouest is the seventh 280-footer delivered to the Galliano, La.-based company since launching the newbuild program in 2003, said Laney Chouest of ECO. The first, the C-Leader, was delivered in February 2003. The company has exercised options for another seven. “We have about 20 months left in the [280-foot] newbuilding program,” said Chouest. When ECO began building the 280s, the company had firm contracts for the first couple of boats. But “then we saw customer demand” and ECO decided to get more aggressive with its newbuild program, said Chouest. Built by ECO sister company North American Fabricators, Houma, La., the design of the new boat was driven by the demand for large liquid mud capacity and other dedicated below-deck tankage. The Dionne has room for 15,408 bbls. of liquid mud, 1,836 bbls. methanol, and 11,440 cu. ft. dry bulk (at 80 psi). The OSV also boasts an impressive deck cargo capacity of 2,700 LT on its 203'¥50'6" deck. But Chouest said a much more important measure of capacity is a vessel's deadweight tonnage, which is approximately 4,800 LT on the Dionne. “We call them 4,800s for their cargo capacity,” he said. “In this boat, we can pretty much load it up.” (Deadweight tonnage is the total weight of cargo, stores, bunkers, water, passengers and crew that a vessel is capable of carrying when floated at loaded draft.) The Dionne's carrying capacities aren't the only impressive feature of the boat. There's also the vessel's integrated bridge, which has a revolutionary new look.
Designed by Marine Technologies LLC, Mandeville, La., the bridge features floor-to-ceiling glass and pilot chairs surrounded by all the necessary monitors and controls. Marine Tech supplied the DP-2 system — the Bridge Mate DP 2 — on the Dionne Chouest. The Bridge Mate is based on distributed architecture that utilizes the latest technology for hardware and software, with close attention paid to redundancy and segregation. The architecture layout reduces cable installation and each interface unit can be placed close to thrusters, engines and rudders, according to Jan Mikalsen, Marine Tech's president. The system has triple redundancy, which ensures that positioning can still be performed in the event a single fault occurs in either the DP system or the connected sensors, position reference system or thruster interface system. “The DP 2 has three computers, triple redundancy. The computer will feel what is wrong, and you will still have two computers to perform DP-2,” said Mikalsen. As of July 1, Marine Tech had installed 37 Bridge Mate systems on ECO vessels. “We are taking it to the next logical step with the integrated bridge,” said Chouest. “The coordinated setup is logical. It is a trend.” Main propulsion for the Dionne is supplied by a pair of Caterpillar 3608 diesels each rated at 3,600 hp at 1,000 rpm. Service speed is 15 knots. The OSV is also outfitted with three thrusters: a 1,200hp Rolls Royce and two 1,700-hp Schottels. For service power there are two 910kw generators and one 170kw generator. For stability and ship motion, the OSV features a pair of passive antiroll tanks. The vessel has accommodations for 29. The next 280-footer, the Christian Chouest, will be delivered in October. (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Diversified Marine finishing second tug for Brusco Founded in 1984, Brusco Tug & Barge, Longview, Wash., provides log towing service on the Columbia River and wood-chip hauling along the West Coast. The company also barges juvenile salmon around dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers for the Army Corps of Engineers. In addition to the towing work, Brusco provides ship-assist services in Grays Harbor, Wash., and in the California ports of Stockton, Sacramento, Eureka and Port Hueneme. When Brusco took delivery of the Wynema Spirit, a Robert Allan-designed, 78'¥31' ship-assist tug in March 2001, the boat was dispatched to Port Hueneme where it helps dock car carriers and other ships. With activity increasing at the Southern California port, Brusco went back to Diversified Marine, Portland, Ore., which built the Wynema Spirit, for a sister tug. The 3,700-hp Lulapin will be delivered this summer. The second 78-footer is almost identical to the first. The main engines, however, are different. Where the Wynema Spirit has twin Detroit Diesel V12/4000 engines rated at 1,800 hp each, the Lulapin has a pair of Caterpillar 3512s, each rated at 1,850 hp at 1,600 rpm. Both tugs have Ulstein Z-drives with 80" wheels. And both also have a single 1,000-gpm Darley fire pump, which is driven by one of the two 99kw Northern Lights gensets. Bollard pull for the Lulapin was measured at 102,000 lbs. ahead and 99,000 lbs. astern. The other major piece of equipment on both boats is a Markey Machinery Co. hawser winch mounted forward of the pilothouse. The Wynema Spirit's winch is hydraulic, but the Lulapin's is electric. Barry Griffin, company representative for Seattle-based Markey, said more and more of its winches are electrically powered. “They're just so bulletproof,” he said. “No plumbing, no leaks, no filters. It's a proven design now. We only do hydraulic if the customer wants them for a specific reason.” Another proven design is the tug itself, which Robert Allan described as a “dedicated harbor tug” that is a direct descendent of tugs his company designed for Cates Tugs in North Vancouver, B.C., about 25 years ago. “It's a relatively lightweight, costeffective, simple platform,” said Allan. “It's not intended for multipurpose work or work in exposed water.” Over time, the design has been given more horsepower. Whereas earlier models had 2,400 hp, the Wynema Spirit and the Lulapin are about 3,600 hp, “so we've had to increase the beam and beef up the scantlings a little bit to accommodate the higher power,” said Allan. Because the 78' harbor tug is designed for “absolute maximum maneuverability and side slip” it has virtually no skeg other than what Allan called “docking skegs, which are basically inverted saw horses ahead of the drive units on the hull, so the boat can be docked sitting on those two frames plus the forefoot of the tug. The boat is essentially self supporting. It doesn't need any blocks or anything when it comes out.” (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Casco’s doorstaan storm Vorige week is de 9000 pk sterke zeesleper Sable Cape van ITC Towage uit Heemstede met de ponton Sainty 2 de Nieuwe Waterweg opgevaren. Op de ponton liggen zestien Chinese binnenvaart casco’s. Het transport was 20 februari uit Shanghai vertrokken. Om de hoge passagekosten voor het Suezkanaal te vermijden werd voor een vaarroute rond Kaap de Goede Hoop gekozen, een reis van 16.000 mijl. Tijdens een ter hoogte van Mauritius
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uitgevoerde inspectie, werd ontdekt dat door slecht weer een aantal zeevasten was afgescheurd, waardoor de onderste laag casco’s is beschadigd. In het nabij gelegen Port Louis zijn daarop reparaties uitgevoerd aan de zeevasten. Omdat de logistieke mogelijkheden in Port Louis beperkt waren duurde het repareren ruim veertig dagen. In Durban bleken de zeevasten opnieuw afgescheurd en werd een soortgelijke actie uitgevoerd, die acht dagen in beslag nam. Eind juni passeerde de sleep Kaap de Goede Hoop, tussen de depresies door. Tijdens het eerste deel van de reis was de bemanning van de Sable Cape tot de conclusie gekomen dat de Sainty 2 goed volgde en kon een snelheid van 7,5 mijl worden vastgehouden. Na Dakar liep de snelheid terug door de sterke Noordoostelijke wind. Op 4 augustus, 166 dagen na vertrek uit Shanghai, liep de sleep Rotterdam binnen. De casco’s worden door Smit met drijvende bokken gelost, waarna ze naar verschillende afbouwwerven vertrekken. (Bron:Schuttevear)
Smitwijs Singapore Reports Bijna 3 week verder na het vorige relaas, hoog tijd voor een 'verse'. Het traject door Straat Florida verliep uiteraard zeer goed regelmatig 10 mijl. Noord van de Straat de golfstroom min of meer gevolgd en dat was ook werkelijk min of meer, het ene moment 10 en het andere moment 5 mijl. Wel kwam er weer een orkaantje opzetten, Harvey, dat leek aanvankelijk wel goed te gaan, maar op de 5e augustus toch maar besloten om zuid van New Foundland even op het gevalletje te blijven wachten. Het was kantje boord of we er wel of niet voor langs konden. Een bijkomend probleem was dat we vrij regelmatig, om de twee dagen, een lekkende brandstofleiding hadden en dus regelmatig op 1 motor voeren. Het aantal reserve leidingen, was op het moment (de 7e) dat we weer de goede kant op konden gaan, eigenlijk niet meer toereikend om Bremerhaven op een verantwoorde manier te halen. Besloten toen in gezamenlijk overleg om via de Azoren te gaan om daar de nodige reserve leidingen op te gaan pikken. Vandaar dat we nu wat oostelijk aan houden en hopen komende dinsdag bij Ponta Delgada aan te komen. Een en ander heeft wel tot gevolg dat we nu niet rond de 22e, maar rond de 28e in Bremerhaven denken te zijn. Waar men aanvankelijk bang voor was, dat we gehinderd zouden worden door Sail Bremerhaven is nu niet meer van toepassing, dat is vanaf dit weekend en ook Sail Amsterdam zal al wel over zijn. Wat het weer betreft hebben we eigenlijk niet te klagen, nog wel wat hogere deining gehad door Harvey, tot een meter of 3 en ook de temperaturen zijn nu van een 35+ naar een aangename 20-25 gezakt. Buiten de machinekamer problemen zijn we ook nog steeds aan het stoeien met het 'netwerk' dat regelmatig nog weer eens schop onder de kont moet hebben om ons van dienst te kunnen zijn. Hoewel ik moet toegeven dat de laatste week zonder noemenswaardige probleempjes is verlopen. Van de 'De Da' - Appie Bakker, over de "Norway" : Ze sturen mee op die luxe caravan dus volgt prima. Wat er met de "Norway" verder gaat gebeuren in Port Klang weet niemand. Turbines liggen nog uit elkaar dus aktieve dienst kunnen ze voorlopig wel vergeten. Het woord 'Casino' is ook al eens gevallen maar blijft twijfelachtig. Men denkt zelf dat deze sleep-reis naar 3 weken overliggen in Port Klang een vervolg krijgt (Alang ?). Nieuwe eigenaar is Star Cruises. En de laatste van DeDa - Appie Bakker van 11-08: Nou, dit wordt m'n laatste praatje denk ik. We zijn van de "Norway" af. Paste niet in Port Klang volgens de haven-authoriteiten dus moesten hem in opdracht van NCL Off-Port-Limits parkeren aan de Zuid-kant. Ligt nu ten anker tussen Port Klang South-pilot en de NW-gaande traffic-lane op de One Fathom Bank. Moesten er op verzoek van Star Cruises nog een dag bij blijven. Nog een paar uur erop rond gekeken. Een groep van 14 Indiaase scrap-kopers stapte tegelijk met ons aan boord. De Zweeds/Noorse crew gelooft nog steeds dat ie gereactiveerd wordt (ha ha, ja tot Indiase fiets-frames zeker). Indrukwekkend dat theater, zwembaden, casino, galley, restaurant enzo. Ook als ramp-toerist die boiler-krater bekeken, alleen geen fotos van mogen maken. Ligt schijnbaar nogal gevoelig. Klinkt allemaal heel exotisch die cruise-wereld maar ook hoopjes bemanningsproblemen (geen of hele slechte aflossers enzovoort). Net dus losgelaten bij ze en op weg naar Singapore voor LOC-survey. Hoorde van Hans dat Smitwijs wel was benaderd voor een eventuele sleepreis met de "Norway" volgende week naar Goa (India). Helaas, geen boten beschikbaar (Bron:Kapitein Smitwijs Singapore)
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6e jaargang, nr. 25 dd. 21 Augustus 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Nieuwe naam voor Zeepaard De vorige week verkochte motorsleepboot Zeepaard, ex Phoenix 1955, van Smit Transport Europe BV aan Ecoloss is herdoopt in Zeepia (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Nicoline 4 verkocht Onlangs is gerapporteerd dat de in 1998 bij Damen gebouwde Stantug 1605 van Rederij Waterweg is verkocht aan Smit Terminals Sudan en herdoopt in Smit Angarosk (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
International Salvage News Salvors Warn that STS Restrictions Could Lead to Another Prestige 8/17/2005 11:18:00 AM Salvage operations involving the ship-to-ship (STS) transfer of cargo and bunkers from tankers and other vessels should be exempt from new controls proposed by Spain and Mexico and now under consideration by the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC). The International Salvage Union (ISU) believes that the proposed new rules could hamper salvors’ efforts to prevent a future Prestigetype spill catastrophe. At its recent meeting, ending July 22, the MEPC agreed to consider MARPOL amendments concerning oil transfer operations at sea. This process has been given “high priority” status and has a target date for completion by 2007. ISU President Hans van Rooij says: “The proposals focus on routine STS operations and would give Coastal States greater control over operations performed beyond the territorial sea when there is a potential for pollution. Our concern, however, is that new measures giving Coastal States such powers might be used to justify the refusal of legitimate requests for shelter for ship casualties and a failure to approve the subsequent removal of cargo and bunkers which could cause pollution. “It is noteworthy that Spain is a co-sponsor of this proposal. This attempt to gain more control over shipping in international waters misses the point. Spain and Mexico are arguing the case for new powers to restrict or ban STS operations in Special or Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas. Yet these are the very areas most at risk. The freedom of the salvor to perform an STS on a laden tanker at a sheltered location is essential for the protection of such vulnerable areas. “If Coastal States with a reputation for knee-jerk rejection of ship casualties are handed such powers, I have no doubt that they will use them to deny refuge for casualties. The ISU urges the IMO to keep the Prestige disaster firmly in mind. The acceptance of the proposal from Spain and Mexico could undermine the IMO’s recently adopted International Guidelines on Places of Refuge.” The ISU’s concerns include the possible use of the proposed measures to restrict the salvor’s ability to remove bunkers from ship casualties. The majority of salvage operations now commence with the removal of the pollution threat by transferring bunkers. Salvors are only too well aware that they have no responder immunity under the IMO’s Bunker Spills Convention. They are at risk of prosecution if pollution occurs despite the best endeavours of the salvage team. Hans van Rooij adds: “Applying the proposals to bunker transfers would create very serious problems for salvors. It is possible that the imposition of restrictions or inappropriate conditions could reduce the salvor’s chance of successfully avoiding pollution. The main point, of course, is that salvors must retain their freedom of action if they are to prevent major spills and catastrophic image. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Bisso Pulls 700 Tons on 200 Ton Jackets Bisso Marine was contracted to remove four structures in the Eugene Island area. The 105 ft., 200T jacket structures were designed, built and installed in 1958, each of which had a complete mud mat floor with a five foot retaining mud wall. The original installation of the jackets to the required depth below natural bottom required the use of a jetting system which was built into the jackets. Fast-forward 47 years, Bisso Marine mobilized the D/B Boaz to
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location and removed the 75T deck sections from each structure and then prepared the structures with explosives to severe the jacket from the piles. The 700T capacity D/B Cappy Bisso was then rigged to each jacket and maintained a constant strain in order to break the mud suction. The D/B Cappy Bisso held a strain on each to the four jackets for a few hours; the break out forces ranged between 580T and 700T per jacket. Once the D/B Cappy Bisso had the mud mat above the natural bottom, the rigging was transferred to the D/B Boaz, which then lifted the jackets on to the material barge. (Bron:Marinelink)
T&T Bisso Wins Salvage Contract 8/18/2005 9:01:03 AM The alliance between T&T MARINE SALVAGE of Galveston, TX, and BISSO MARINE, of New Orleans, LA, known as T&T BISSO, LLC has been awarded a contract to salvage two hopper barges which are presently sunk in the Mississippi River at mile 297 AHP LMR near Angola, LA. The alliance which recently participated in the emergency response effort to rescue the disabled BP THUNDERHORSE semi submersible rig in the Gulf of Mexico has again pooled equipment and resources to support the salvage of the hopper barges. T&T MARINE SALVAGE mobilized the D/B JOSIE T and BISSO MARINE mobilized the D/B AJAX and the C/B BIG EAGLE to the location last week, following the removal of the cargo, the barges will be raised and returned to the owner. The salvage operation is expected to take a few weeks. (Bron:Marinelink)
Osprey Line Makes Record Container Tow 8/17/2005 9:34:40 AM
M/V Bill Watson, with a 15 barge tow traveling through Baton Rouge. Osprey Line, LLC, recently completed the largest single unit tow container movement in the history of the U.S. Inland Waterway System. The 15 barge tow was loaded with 375 containers (750 TEU) of agricultural products from Memphis to New Orleans and Houston. Osprey Line worked closely with six major steamship lines to move the cargo to Gulf of Mexico ports for export on container vessels. The volume transported is the equivalent of some ocean going vessels in the container trade, and several times larger than the majority of vessels employed in the short sea shipping trade in Europe. "This voyage is an illustration of what we are accomplishing here at Osprey Line. The service is a great alternative to truck and rail on routes along the inland waterway system and the Gulf of Mexico. The U.S. Inland waterway system is an amazing resource that can readily be used to alleviate congestion along existing rail and highway corridors. When you combine Osprey Line¹s inland service with our Gulf of Mexico service, we provide an all-water system extending from the heartland of the United States to ports such as New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Houston, and Tampa. With partners like Kirby Corporation and Cooper T. Smith, we have the resources to respond to projects such as this container move and provide consistent reliable service." (Bron:Marinelink)
De liefde voor een gezonken zeesleper Vrijwilligers wekken schroothoop zonder waarde weer tot leven Vakantie zit er voor de ruim veertig vrijwilligers van sleepboot de Elbe deze zomer niet in. Zij werken met man en macht om het tot twee keer toe gezonken schip weer in de vaart te krijgen. Maassluis - Even na twaalf uur 'pronkt' de Maassluise zeesleper de Elbe (1959) in het zonnetje dat zo nu en dan door de wolken prikt. De boot lijkt niet de aandacht te trekken van de voorbijganger die de kant van het vaartuig op kijkt en de wandeling op de Govert van Wijnkade voortzet. Het lijkt alsof de eens zo prachtige sleper geen blik waardig is. De Elbe ligt er dan ook verlaten bij. Enkele ogenblikken later komt er plotseling leven in het troosteloze plaatje aan de Buitenhaven. Uit het voormalige pand van sleepdienst Smit verschijnt een groep mannen in oranje overalls met daarboven opvallend bruine hoofden. Ze begeven zich in de richting van de Elbe. Hun serieuze blikken zijn indrukwekkend. Niemand zegt iets. Verspreid over het schip zoeken zij een plek op dek of aan boord en gaan ongestoord verder met de werkzaamheden die zij in verband met de lunchpauze hadden gestaakt. Van uiterste rust naar een hels kabaal. De schuurmachine krijst en verschillende motoren loeien. Het is een bedrijvigheid van jewelste. En dat is ook maar goed
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ook. Menigeen die de sleper voor het eerst ziet, zal zich verbazen over de staat waarin het schip verkeert. 'Waar beginnen jullie aan?' is volgens Piet Pors, één van de vrijwilligers, een opmerking die hen al meerdere malen naar het hoofd is geslingerd. Het is de Elbe niet kwalijk te nemen dat zij een verwoeste indruk maakt. Tot twee keer toe zonk de sleper vorig jaar en werd zij besmeurd met modder en zand. Zonder de maandenlange aandacht en inzet van de ruim veertig vrijwilligers was de zeesleper verworden tot een schroothoop zonder waarde en zou zij bij de sloper zijn beland. Het opknappen van de Elbe is in de ogen van velen onbegonnen werk. De boot oogt als een roestbak. Maar daar denken de werkers heel anders over. Dat blijkt als de mannen aan het vertellen gaan. Hoewel ieder een andere relatie heeft met de Elbe, kennen ze allemaal de historie van de sleepboot. De één heeft er als kleine jonge ademloos naar staan kijken, andere werklui hebben als matroos of hulp op het schip gevaren. Vrijwilliger Teunis Breederveld kent de Elbe maar al te goed. ,,Ik kwam een keer met mijn vrouw aangefietst en toen zag ik 'm tot mijn verbazing liggen,'' zegt hij. ,,Kijk, daar heb ik ook op gevaren, zei ik tegen haar.'' Breederveld fietste langs en raakte aan de praat. ,,Van het één kwam het ander en nu sta ik hier op het dek te verven,'' zegt hij lachend. Hij vindt het niet alleen leuk om te helpen, het werk doet hem ook herinneren aan zijn tijd als runner op de zeesleper. Het was zijn taak om er voor te zorgen dat het aangelijnde schip de Elbe zonder obstakels kon volgen. Uit de zeemansverhalen' van Breederveld blijkt dat hij, net als de andere vrijwilligers, een speciale band heeft met de Elbe. Het raakt hem dan ook diep dat de boot zo is verwaarloosd. Breederveld wijt dat aan de tijd waarin de sleper onder Greenpeace voer. ,,Ze hebben de ziel uit de sleper gehaald.''Het doel van de werkers is dan ook de Elbe terug te brengen in de originele staat. De vrijwilligers hebben voorlopig nog wel even de tijd. Volgens planning moet de opknapbeurt van de Elbe in 2009 worden afgerond. In dat jaar zal de zeesleper haar vijftigste verjaardag vieren en als het even kan moet dat volgens de werkers in stijl. Pors: ,,De Elbe moet weer kunnen varen en stralen als eens te voren.'' (Door Fernanda de Bruijn)
FARSTAD WINS US$22.5M CONTRACTS Wednesday, 17 August 2005 A SUBSIDIARY of Norwegian-based offshore support specialist Farstad Shipping ASA has secured contracts worth at least US$22.5m. P/R International Offshore Services has been awarded a contract by Woodside Energy Limited (WEL) for the provision on two anchor-handling supply vessels, the 1982-built Lady Dawn and the 1983-built Lady Valisia to support Woodside's drilling program offshore north-west Australia for a duration of between 480 - 540 days commencing mid-August 2005. In addition, the Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company (JVPC) has exercised its contract option with IOS to extend the charter of the 1987-built AHTS vessel Lady Cynthia for 12 months from mid-September 2005 in support of JVPC's drilling programme off southern Vietnam. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Sartor Shipping company Sartor AS of Sotra in Norway joined forces with Irish Mainport Holdings Ltd, based in Cork, to combine their North Sea Operations in the multi-role/standby sector in the offshore oil industry. Both companies, who are market leaders in their respective countries. Ocean Mainport Offshore Limited will continue to seek opportunities for expansion in the ERRV, Multi role and PSV market and they expect to acquire further vessels in the near future. The new fleet comprises of Viking Fighter, Ocean Fighter, Viking Prince, Ocean Sky, Siggbas, Sartor and Ocean Mainport with the finance for the purchase being provided by Bank of Scotland (Ireland) through their Cork office. (Bron:O.S.L.)
Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd. Reported newbuild Solstad has ordered a Vik-Sandvik designed AHTS from Flekkfjord Slipp for delivery in 2007 at a cost of NOK 400 million. Bourbon Offshore has now signed a contract with Ulstein Verft for the construction of two Ulstein PX105s. These will be the first two platform supply vessels with the Ulstein X-Bow. Earlier this year the shipowner contracted the first anchor handling vessel with this type of bow. Havila Shipping ASA has entered into a new building contract with Havyard Leirvik AS for two AHTS vessels of a new Rolls Royce design called UT 786 CD. The vessels will have a bollard pull above 200 t. The vessels are designed to work in all AHTS markets around the world including the Barents Sea. Ship number one will be delivered first quarter 2007, and ship
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number second quarter 2007. The contracts have a value around NOK 300 mill each. Havila Shipping ASA has the option to cancel vessel number two within mid January 2006. Rem Maritime is to build a MPSV of the MT6016 design at Kleven Verft at a cost of NOK 235 million and with delivery is September 2006. Lewek Shipping Pte, has placed an order for two 8,000 bhp AHTS with the Cheoy Lee Shipyard in China, with delivery in early and late 2007. Viking Offshore Services has announced a contract to build at least six new field support rescue vessels. The vessels will be built at the Astilleros Zamakona shipyard in Bilbao, Spain, with the newbuild programme valued at over GBP 36 million. The contract also carries an option for a further three vessels with the first vessel is expected to deliver during the last quarter of 2006. Havila has taken a vessel of VS470 MkII design being built at the Kleven Verft yard on bareboat charter. The vessel, due for delivery in September, is to be named named Havila Eternity and has secured a term charter with Maersk Oil & Gas for a period of one year firm. Sealion Shipping Ltd has announced an order has been placed with the Wuchang Shipyard in China for the building of three very large DP Platform Supply Vessels for delivery in early 2007. The vessels will be upgraded versions of the VS483 design of PSV already in service with them. No contract price has been disclosed. OH Meling has signed a contract with Kleven Verft for the construction of a Multi-Purpose supply Vessel of the MT6000 MkII design. The contract is valued at around NOK 205 million with the vessel is scheduled to deliver in December 2006.
Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd. Reprted Second-Hand Standby vessel Grampian City (Blt.1976 – 1700BHP) has been sold to Danish Shipbreakers for guaranteed demolition on private terms and has already been delivered. Cable layer Ocean Challenger (Blt.2000 – 14400BHP) has been sold to Geco ASA for a reported price of NOK 245,000,000. Tidewater’s sale of the 6 KMAR404 AHTS to Deep Sea Supply ASA now appears to have been concluded at a total price of USD 188 million which gives and average of over USD 31 million each. A very healthy price and profit to the Sellers. DSV Merlin (Blt.1981 – 3000BHP) has been sold to Nigerian interests with delivery already effected in July. PSV Normand Vibrand (BLt.2000 – 5460BHP)has been sold to Indian Buyers with delivery year end on private terms. PSV Far Scotsman (Blt.1982 – 6760BHP) has been sold to Secunda Marine Services Canada including the balance of the current Peak contract. Farstad reported the sales price to the Norwegian stock market as USD 6,500,000. Ugelstad Norway has sold the UT755L PSV Devries Tide (Blt.2002 – 5460BHP) to Tidewater on private terms. The vessel had been on BB charter to them for sometime.
Solstad Orders Large Construction Vessel 8/19/2005 11:15:25 AM Ulstein Verft AS will build a large construction vessel for Solstad. The contract is worth around $98.8 million and the vessel will be delivered in May 2007. “We have won this demanding project in competition with several other shipyards and the contract confirms that Ulstein Verft is a leader when it comes to offshore construction vessels, and our good cooperation with Solstad,” said Tore Ulstein, the president of Ulstein Verft. The vessel is going to be used for very demanding marine operations, and during the last two years Ulstein Verft has signed contracts for two major conversions and two new builds within the offshore construction market, all ordered from Solstad. “We have a tight delivery schedule ahead with
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deliveries of new builds every second or third month, but we appreciate having a lot to do,” said Harald Møller, Ulstein Verft’s sales manager. The vessel is around the same size as build number 271, “Normand Installer”, which is currently under construction at Ulstein Verft, and is one of the largest build projects at the shipyard so far. Vik-Sandvik is responsible for the design. “This vessel will be a few meters longer, otherwise the differences have more to do with its outfitting,” said Møller. “The vessel is going to be used for offshore construction work and will, among other things, be equipped with a moonpool, a 250 metric ton heave compensated crane, and class 3 dynamic positioning (DP3). It will have diesel electric propulsion. With a length of 130 metres, beam of 28 metres and steel weighing around 5,700 metric tons the vessel will loom large in Ulstein Verft’s dock hall. The hull will be built at Maritim-Shipyard Sp. z.o.o. in Poland, while the superstructure will be built at the Ulstein Verft’s Vanylven department. Solstad Shipping is focusing strongly on the offshore and construction market. Of their current fleet of 40 vessels, 9 are platform supply vessels, while the other 31 are anchor handling vessels or offshore construction vessels. “We are concentrating on becoming one of the leading operators within the construction market. We believe that future growth in the offshore industry will take place outside the North Sea. As far as we are concerned there will be fewer supply tasks, instead the number of construction and subsea tasks will increase,” says Lars Peder Solstad, Solstad’s managing director. “We chose Ulstein Verft because they have demonstrated they are able to build advanced vessels in the agreed timeframe,” he says. (Bron:Marinelink.)
Aker Yards to build PSV for Olympic Aker Yards signed a contract worth approximately $22.8 million with Olympic Shipping to build a Platform Supply Vessel of the MT 6009 design. Delivery is scheduled for December 2006. "We are pleased to have received another newbuilding order from Olympic Shipping," said Roy Reite, in charge of Aker Yards' Offshore & Specialized Vessels business area. "This contract confirms our long and good relationship with Olympic Shipping, which currently has two vessels under construction at our yards". Vessel type MT 6009, Platform Supply Vessel. Contract value $22.8M. Delivery yard Aker Brattvaag: Aker Aukra. Delivery time December 2006 Length 74.3 m Breadth 16.4 m DWT 3300 Design Marin Teknikk AS (Bron:Marinelink.)
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Viking Offshore orders in Spain UK-based North Sea emergency response and rescue services provider Viking Offshore Services has ordered six new purpose-built standby vessels, plus options on a further three, from Spain’s Astilleros Zamakona shipyard in Bilbao. Including the options, the deal is worth £55m (US$99m). A Viking statement says: “Work will get under way later this year with the first vessel expected to be delivered in the last quarter of 2006, in a rolling programme of construction.” The company says the move added to the company’s fleet in a major modernisation programme that also paves the way for Viking Offshore to expand into other European oil and gas markets. IMT Marine Consultants of Montrose, Scotland, designed the new vessels, which incorporate features from Viking’s previous new-build programmes along with a number of new and innovative features. Commenting on what Viking believes to be the largest single investment in new tonnage in the history of the ERRV industry, Viking Offshore Services chief executive Graham Philip said: “The scale of this investment reaffirms our determination to remain a leading, long-term player in offshore standby and emergency response services. It reflects our commitment to the provision of the highest standards of operational and safety management whilst continually seeking improvement and innovation”. The Aberdeen-based company is the largest operator of dedicated standby vessels in the North Sea. It changed its name in June 2005 to Viking Offshore Services from BUE Viking, to reflect the acquisition of 100% ownership of the company in August 2004 by Viking Supply Ships A/S, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norwegian investment firm Kistefos A/S. (Bron:Shipping News)
Tug boat to tackle reef groundings The Federal Government of Australia will station a tug boat in north Queensland to respond to accidents on the Great Barrier Reef. Transport Minister Warren Truss says the emergency service will be put up for tender shortly. He says there are no tug boat services on the northern reef at present. "The most suitable vessels to undertake this kind of work would have to come from southern Australia, now that's an unsatisfactory situation, so much damage could be done
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to the reef or other pristine parts of our environment while we're waiting for such a vessel to arrive," he said. (Bron:Shipping News)
Toisa orders PSVs from China Sealion Shipping’s subsidiary, Toisa, has placed an order with the Wuchang Shipyard in China for the building of three very large DP platform supply vessels. These three new vessels are to be upgraded versions of the very successful VS483 design of PSV already in service with Sealion Shipping and others in the North Sea. They have been designated as VS483 MkII and have a length of 87.4 m, a beam of 19 m and a deadweight of 4,900 tonnes. Sealion Shipping, working alongside the designers, Vik-Sandvik, has developed and enhanced the original vessel design in order to meet the future needs of the offshore oil and gas industry worldwide. Emphasis has been placed on maximising cargo capacities and enhancing the vessels sea keeping characteristics. The Wuchang Shipyard in China are currently building three 12,000 BHP Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels for Toisa Ltd, whose design was also developed in conjunction with Vik-Sandvik, The highly favourable impression gained by the shipyards performance to date was a major factor in deciding to place the building contract for these three new PSV's with Wuchang. (Bron:Shipping News)
Island Offshore back at Aker Norway’s Aker Yards has won another platform supply ship order from domestic owner Island Offshore. The NOK 232m ($36.07m) vessel is a UT 776 E-type and comes with an option for a similar vessel. It will be built by Aker Brevik’s Romanian subsidiary and delivered in December 2006. This is the fifteenth contract between the two groups (Bron:Shipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 26 dd. 28 Augustus 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Eta De Eta ex. Clevelandman-89, ex. Anglian Man-88, ex. Motorman-83, die in 2003 naar Italië was verkocht is nu tot een yacht verbouwd en de eigenaar is Eta s.r.l, Rome. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Deben De Deben is in Adsteam Deben hernoemt, maar werkt steeds te Felixtowe. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Ultramar XII Gigilinis heeft de ULTRAMAR XII (ex. Toga-87) gekocht en in Captain Michalis hernoemt. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Materiaal voor de ELBE uit India aangekomen Door Nico Ouwehand "Hebben wij in Nederland geen goede materialen meer beschikbaar, waarmee zeeslepers uit de jaren vijftig kunnen worden opgeknapt ?", zo zult u zich wellicht afvragen. Bij scheepsantiquariaten en in verstofte hoekjes van magazijnen van toeleveranciers van werven zal best nog iets te vinden zijn, maar als blijkt dat onderdelen van een voormalige Nederlandse zeesleper in Bombay nog simpelweg voorhanden zijn, dan is het zaak zo snel mogelijk actie te ondernemen. De restanten van de sleepboot Noordzee, die al vele jaren in India op slopers lagen te wachten, bleken voor de restaurateurs van de in Maassluis liggende Elbe een uitkomst te zijn. De kleine sleper (slechts 1000 pk sterk) werd, evenals de Elbe destijds in Kinderdijk gebouwd. Na bijna twintig jaar trouwe dienst voor L. Smit & Co's Internationale Sleepdienst werd het vaartuig in 1968 aan een rederij in Joegoslavië verkocht. Daar bleek ze goed voor nog eens tien jaar uitstekende diensten, waarna een reder in India nog brood zag in de sierlijke sleper. Dat dienstverband duurde toch even niet minder dan elf jaar. Vervolgens ging het eigendom over naar een bergingsbedrijfje en tenslotte belandde het schip, dat inmiddels Nand Anita heette in 1995 bij een tussenpersoon die vergeefs trachtte het toen sterk verouderde scheepje aan de man te brengen. Van een goed in de verf zittende en technisch nog complete zeesleper veranderde de voormalige Noordzee in enkele jaren tijds in een half in de modder scheef weggezakt verroest wrak met gaten, waaraan geen eer meer viel te behalen. Via het Nationaal Sleepvaartmuseum, waar werd geïnformeerd of onderdelen die in het Verre Oosten werden aangeboden als zijnde afkomstig van de voormalige Noordzee, ook werkelijk van dat schip zouden kunnen zijn geweest, kwam de Elbe-staf op de hoogte van de mogelijkheden. Een aantal van die onderdelen zou uitstekend op de Elbe dienst kunnen doen en zijn passend voor de techniek die in 1959 bij de bouw van dat schip werd toegepast. Na moeizaam onderhandelen over de prijs (de financiële mogelijkheden van de Elbe-Stichting zijn uiterst beperkt) werd men het eens. In een met de Indiase slag in elkaar getimmerde houten krat kwam verleden week meer dan 300 kilo onderdelen in de loods aan de Govert van Wijnkade in Maassluis aan. Wat zat er in die krat? We noemen een paar opmerkelijke zaken: Twee stuurwielen, een machinekamertelegraaf, een stuurstand, diverse klokken, kompassen, een sextant, een olielampje, kortom een schat aan materiaal dat zorgvuldig en achter slot en grendel is opgeborgen, totdat de Elbe zover is om hiermee te worden uitgerust. De vrijwilligers zijn de koning te rijk. Een gebeurtenis als deze geeft extra motivatie om op de ingeslagen weg verder te gaan. (Bron: Nico Ouwehand)
Short translation: After a message to the National Towage Museum at Maassluis, the Netherlands, it turned out that some parts of the former Dutch tug Noordzee, built in 1949 were for sale. This ship (1000 hp), like ELBE, was constructed at Kinderdijk and was sold to Yougoslavia in 1968. She served there for about ten years. Subsequently she was resold to India, where she became Nand
Anita. For a.o. Essar Bulkcarriers she sailed in Asian waters for another eleven years. In 1995 she became the property of a shipbroker, who in vain tried to sell her. In a period of only several years she turned from a well equipped and good looking old tug into a leaky rusty old listing wreck. After difficult negotiations (the ELBE foundation has only very limited funds as you know) it was agreed with the present owner of the remains of Nand Anita, that several parts would be shipped to Maassluis. Last week in a wooden crate the promised shipment arrived. Two steering wheels, an engineroom telegraph, various clocks, compasses, a sextant, an oil-lamp etc., fabricated around the time that ELBE was built, are quite suitable to be used for the restauration of this ship. The group of volunteers are very happy and more than motivated to continue their work. (Bron: Nico Ouwehand)
River tug in distress on Volga A RT-456 river tug is in distress on the Volga River near Saratov, the local rescue service said. The vessel was seriously damaged after a clash with an unknown object while moving between the coastline and the Kazachy Island Saturday afternoon. The crew is currently trying to rescue the tug and pumping the water. The Emergency Situations Ministry warned against a possible leak of oil products from the tug's fuel tanks. Oil booms were delivered to the site of the accident to prevent the river pollution. (Bron: Shipping News)
Organisatie wijzigingen Smit Transport & Heavy Lift Vanaf vandaag (22 augustus 2005) zullen enkele wijzigingen plaatsvinden binnen Transport, Heavy Lift en Marine Projects in Europa. Zoals bekend is de rationalisatie Heavy Lift en daarmee het stopzetten van de aktiviteiten van de kleinere bokken van Heavy Lift in Nederland inmiddels afgerond. Alleen de “Taklift 1” blijft nog tot 1 december a.s. werkzaamheden voor ons verrichten in verband met een project in Venezuela. Ten gevolge van de rationalisatie en gezien de ontwikkelingen van Marine Projects zullen de structuur en rapportagelijnen van Transport Europe, Heavy Lift Europe en Marine Projects wijzigen. (Bron: Smit)
Aker Kvaerner Charters Offshore Construction Vessels Aker Marine Contractors, part of the Aker Kvaerner group, has entered into an agreement with Taubåtkompaniet AS securing full marketing and operational control over the specialized offshore construction vessels "Boa Deep C" and "Boa Deep C II". The agreement runs for five years with options for extensions up to four more years, and is expected to significantly enhance the company's position in the deep water subsea and floating production markets. The new agreement builds on the positive results achieved following Aker Marine Contractor's introduction of "Boa Deep C" in May 2004 on contracts for Statoil, Woodside and Modec. The vessel has since its introduction seen almost full utilization, and is currently operating in the Gulf of Mexico. Aker Marine Contractors is owned by Aker Kvaerner and Taubåtkompaniet in a 60/40 split. "We have a long track record of successful projects executed alone and in close partnership with our owners", says Torgeir Ramstad, President of Aker Marine Contractors. The "Boa Deep C II" is currently being outfitted in Spain and is expected to enter the market at the end of 2006. This second vessel will have enhanced capabilities making it an ideal tool for working with difficult assignments in particularly harsh environments. Subsea construction and installation work can be performed down to water depths of 3,000 m, lifting payloads of up to 400 metric tons. The vessels have built in state-of-the-art systems and duplication of key equipment providing for generous safety margins under most conditions. Aker Marine Contractors primarily intends to employ the vessels on projects around the Atlantic rim. (Bron: Marinelink)
8/23/2005 9:40:47 AM
K-Sea to acquire Sea Coast towing K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P. To Acquire Major West Coast Marine Transportation Operator; Sea Coast Towing Acquisition to Expand Capacity By 27.1%; K-Sea to Become Largest Coastwise Tank Barge Operator in the U.S. Publication date: 2005-08-23 K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P. (NYSE: KSP) announced today that it has agreed to acquire Sea Coast Towing, Inc. of Seattle, Washington ("Sea Coast") from Marine Resources Group, Inc., also of Seattle, for approximately $81 million. Sea Coast operates fifteen tank barges and fifteen tugboats, representing 694,000 barrels of capacity, of which 316,000 barrels are double-hulled. Of the remaining single hulled capacity, approximately 80% is eligible to operate in the Jones Act trades until January 2015, with the remaining
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capacity (one vessel) eligible until January 2008. The addition of these tank barges will represent a 27.1% increase in the barrel-carrying capacity of the K-Sea fleet to over 3.2 million barrels, which the Company believes makes it the largest coastwise tank barge operator, measured by barrel-carrying capacity, in the United States. The purchase price will consist of $77 million in cash and 125,000 of K-Sea's common units. K-Sea expects to finance the cash portion of the purchase price through additional borrowings. The transaction is expected to close in late October, subject to customary closing conditions, and should be immediately accretive to K-Sea's distributable cash flow.Timothy J. Casey, President and CEO of K-Sea, said, "We look forward to welcoming Sea Coast's employees to our Company. This transaction will expand our geographical presence to the West Coast which provides another platform for future growth. It also significantly increases our barrel-carrying capacity which, we believe, strengthens K-Sea's position as a leading provider of refined petroleum products transportation services in the U.S. and expands our ability to provide safe, reliable, and efficient service to our customers." Paul E. Stevens, President and CEO of Marine Resources Group, Inc. stated, "We are pleased that K-Sea shares our vision of quality, safety and reliable service. We welcome the opportunity to continue to provide services to Sea Coast with our other companies as we focus on our core businesses." By early 2006, after delivery of three previously announced double-hulled tank barges currently under construction, totaling an additional 160,000 barrels, K-Sea's total barrel-carrying capacity of over 3.4 million barrels will have increased by over 1.1 million barrels, or 48%, from capacity at the time of the Company's initial public offering in January 2004, despite the phase-out of almost 328,000 barrels under OPA 90 requirements. K-Sea Transportation Partners provides refined petroleum products marine transportation, distribution and logistics services in the U.S. domestic marine transportation business, and its Master Limited Partnership Units trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol KSP. For additional information about K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P., please visit K-Sea's website, including the Investor Relations section, at www.ksea.com. Marine Resources Group, Inc. of Seattle, Washington was established in 2000 by privately-held Saltchuk Resources, Inc. as a holding and support company for its investments in tug, barge and ancillary marine service companies. MRG has one of the largest and most capable harbor and coastal tug and cargo barge fleets in the United States and offers a broad range of services. MRG companies operate around the Pacific Rim and internationally. Cautionary Statements This press release contains forward looking statements, which include any statements that are not historical facts, such as the Company's expectations regarding the closing of the Sea Coast transaction and the benefits to be derived therefrom, the timing of placing the acquired vessels in service, accretion, the timing of delivery of tank barges currently under construction, and the percentage of the Company's fleet which will be double-hulled by early 2006. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, insufficient cash from operations, a decline in demand for refined petroleum products, a decline in demand for tank vessel capacity, intense competition in the domestic tank barge industry, the occurrence of marine accidents or other hazards, the loss of any of the Company's largest customers, fluctuations in charter rates, delays or cost overruns in the construction of new vessels, failure to comply with the Jones Act, modification or elimination of the Jones Act and adverse developments in the marine transportation business and other factors detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize (or the consequences of such a development change), or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual outcomes may vary materially from those forecasted or expected. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update publicly or revise such statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Netto winst Smit Internationale N.V. stijgt met 30% in eerste halfjaar 2005 Rotterdam, 25 augustus 2005
• Divisie Harbour Towage presteert uitstekend. • Resultaat Divisie Terminals is aanzienlijk gestegen. • Normaal werkaanbod voor Divisie Salvage. • Divisie Transport & Heavy Lift presteert volgens verwachting minder. HALFJAARCIJFERS 2005 • De netto winst stijgt van EUR 14,4 miljoen naar EUR 18,8 miljoen. • Het bedrijfsresultaat stijgt van EUR 18,5 miljoen in de eerste helft van 2004 naar EUR 20,1 miljoen in de eerste helft van 2005. • In het bedrijfsresultaat is in 2005 een (per saldo) bijzondere last begrepen van EUR 1,4 miljoen (eerste halfjaar 2004: EUR 1,0 miljoen bijzondere last). • Het resultaat van de niet-
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geconsolideerde deelnemingen bedroeg EUR 5,3 miljoen ten opzichte van EUR 3,6 miljoen vorig jaar. • De rentelast bedroeg EUR 2,3 miljoen (2004: EUR 1,8 miljoen). • De netto winst per aandeel, gecorrigeerd voor ingekochte aandelen, bedraagt EUR 2,46 ten opzichte van EUR 1,89 over de eerste helft van 2004. • Over geheel 2005 wordt een netto resultaat verwacht welke belangrijk hoger zal zijn dan de over 2004 verantwoorde netto winst die EUR 27,4 miljoen bedroeg. Ontwikkeling per Divisie DIVISIE HARBOUR TOWAGE Havensleepdiensten en gerelateerde maritieme diensten. Bedrijfsresultaat eerste halfjaar 2005: EUR 9,0 miljoen (eerste halfjaar 2004: EUR 4,7 miljoen). De aanzienlijke resultaatverbetering ten opzichte van vorig jaar wordt veroorzaakt door hogere omzetten in Rotterdam, Canada en Zuid-Afrika. In Rotterdam waren een groter aantal assistenties alsmede een hoger gemiddeld tarief door onder andere de aanpassing aan de inflatie, de redenen van deze stijging. Ook in Canada en Zuid-Afrika was een toename van het aantal assistenties te zien. SMIT verwacht de ontwikkeling in de Harbour Towage Divisie in het tweede halfjaar te kunnen voortzetten met inachtneming van het seizoenspatroon. Het bedrijfsresultaat over 2005 zal naar verwachting aanzienlijk hoger zijn dan over 2004. DIVISIE TERMINALS Maritiem management en ondersteuning aan offshore en onshore terminals. Bedrijfsresultaat eerste halfjaar 2005: EUR 7,7 miljoen (eerste halfjaar 2004: EUR 3,0 miljoen). De belangrijkste reden voor de verbetering van het resultaat ten opzichte van vorig jaar is de uitbreiding van de activiteiten in Gabon en Zuid-Afrika. Tevens zijn in het eerste helft van het jaar incidentele duikcontracten uitgevoerd welke aanmerkelijk tot het resultaat bijdroegen (EUR 1,0 miljoen). Ook droegen kostenreducties en het beëindigen van de verliesgevende contracten bij tot een beter resultaat. In het resultaat van het eerste halfjaar 2005 is tevens begrepen een boekwinst op verkoop schepen van EUR 0,6 miljoen (2004: nihil). In de eerste helft van 2005 zijn geen nieuwe lange termijn contracten gesloten. Naar verwachting zal het jaarresultaat voor de Divisie in lijn zijn met het eerste halfjaar waarbij rekening gehouden is met de incidentele posten. DIVISIE SALVAGE Berging, wrakopruiming, milieuzorg en advisering. Bedrijfsresultaat eerste halfjaar 2005: EUR 3,8 miljoen (eerste halfjaar 2004: EUR 8,9 miljoen). De Divisie Salvage heeft een iets hoger bedrijfsresultaat behaald ten opzichte van het zogenaamde historische gemiddelde resultaat. Het werkaanbod was beperkt in omvang. In Alaska werd de olie verwijderd uit de “Selendang Ayu”en in Brazilië werd het wrak van de “Vicuna” opgeruimd, projecten welke prima passen in de gekozen strategie. Op de valreep van het halfjaar werd een contract afgesloten voor de “Thunder Horse” in de Golf van Mexico wat inmiddels in het tweede halfjaar succesvol is beëindigd. Gezien het resultaat over het eerste halfjaar verwachten wij voor het gehele jaar 2005 een resultaat iets hoger dan het historische gemiddelde van EUR 5,0 miljoen per jaar. DIVISIE TRANSPORT & HEAVY LIFT Pontonverhuur, zwaar transport, (zee)sleepvaart, zwaar hijswerk, uitvoering en ondersteuning van civiele werken op het water. Bedrijfsresultaat eerste halfjaar 2005: EUR 2,2 miljoen (eerste halfjaar 2004: EUR 5,6 miljoen). Conform de verwachting is het resultaat over de eerste helft 2005 gedaald omdat in de eerste helft van 2004 nog grote heavy lift projecten liepen zoals Barracuda Caratinga en Tricolor. De resultaten van de transport activiteiten zowel in Europa als in het Verre Oosten waren zeer bevredigend. Zoals reeds eerder gemeld worden de activiteiten van de kleine bokken gestopt. Hiervoor is het eerste halfjaar een éénmalige last genomen van EUR 2,2 miljoen. Op basis van de orderportefeuille is de verwachting dat in het tweede halfjaar een ongeveer gelijk operationeel resultaat als over het eerste halfjaar kan worden behaald. NIET-GECONSOLIDEERDE DEELNEMINGEN Het resultaat van de niet-geconsolideerde deelnemingen in het eerste halfjaar 2005 bedraagt EUR 5,3 miljoen (eerste halfjaar 2004: EUR 3,6 miljoen). Met name de joint ventures in Harbour Towage (URS en Keppel Smit) dragen bij aan de verbetering van het resultaat. Daarnaast presteerden Asian Lift en SmitWijs Towage conform verwachting. Vooruitzichten De resultaten exclusief de bijzondere posten van de Harbour Towage en Terminals Divisies zullen zich naar verwachting consolideren in het tweede halfjaar. Het resultaat van de Divisie Salvage blijft onvoorspelbaar. Voor de tweede helft van 2005 is dit gebaseerd op het historische gemiddelde. Door het ontbreken van éénmalige
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lasten en te verwachten boekwinsten zal het resultaat over het tweede halfjaar van de Divisie Transport & Heavy Lift fors hoger zijn. Voor het gehele jaar 2005 wordt een netto winst verwacht, welke belangrijk hoger zal zijn dan de over 2004 verantwoorde netto winst die EUR 27,4 miljoen bedroeg. (Bron: Smit)
SmitWijs Singapore Reports. Ons 'uitstapje' via de Azoren goed verlopen. Het weer daarna niet, geleidelijk aan kwamen we onder de invloed van de problemen van het thuisland, slechter wordende weer condities dus. De 24e ter hoogte van Ouessant begon het flink door te waaien, 7 a 8 met een lekker oplopende deining uit het westen/noordwesten. Het hinderde de vaart niet echt, ondanks het verminderd motorvermogen bleven we dankzij de zuidwestelijke wind toch nog een dikke 6 mijl lopen. Dokje lag er wat vreemd achter, maar dat gaf verder ook geen problemen. Op een gegeven moment kwam er nog wel via via van de verzekering om maar te gaan wachten op een escort-boot(je), want ze merkten dat het niet echt mooi weer was. Onze schouders maar opgehaald en gewoon doorgegaan. De bedoeling was dat we bij Roscoff 4 duitse runners aan boord van het dokje zouden nemen, maar dat moest 5 mijl uit de wal gebeuren. Dit maar verzet naar ter hoogte van Cherbourg, daar het zelfde, kom maar 5 mijl van de pieren. Ook dit maar weer geweigerd. Uiteindelijk is dan (mede door het verhaal van de escort-boot) maar besloten de runners vanuit Cherbourg op de Fairplay 23 te zetten en deze achter ons aan te laten komen om zo de 4 man over tezetten. Aldus geschiedde en gister op ongeveer 20 mijl van Boulogne zaten de Heinzen op hun dokje. Vervolgens Straat Dover doorgeblazen en op het moment op de Noordzee, met een bries van achter. De Fairplay 23 is dwars van Rotterdam rechtsaf geslagen. Momenteel 50 mijl west van Den Helder. Komen morgenavond bij de Jade/Weser loods aan, maar hebben hier nog geen flauw benul hoe een en ander dan verder gaat verlopen. Ik zou er niet vreemd van op kijken als we nog wat langer voor de Weser moeten blijven rondhangen, vanwege weer(verwachting zuid/zuidwest 7 komende 24uur) en/of het ontbreken van plannen. Het lijkt erop of we voor komende week ook wat warmer weer mee op sleeptouw hebben genomen. (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Singapore)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 27 dd. 18 September 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Oud-opvarenden aan boord van de “Hudson” Op 20 augustus j.l. werd er door het bestuur van de stichting “Help de Hudson” een samenkomst georganiseerd van oud-opvarenden van de toenmalige zeesleepboot “Hudson”, die massaal naar Vlaardingen zijn gekomen, om elkaar na een hele lange periode, weer aan boord van ‘hun’ schip te ontmoeten. Door flink speurwerk van het bestuur, had men op een goede opkomst gerekend, maar dat er ruim 60 oudgedienden op kwamen draven, konden we alleen maar hopen, zeker wanneer men bedenkt dat het schip al meer dan veertig jaar uit de vaart is. Zij kwamen uit Terschelling – Drente – Brabant – Overijssel, ja zelfs van de ZuidHollandse eilanden kwamen ze vandaan en de meeste van hen met een begeleider. Vroeger werkten er veel Sperlingen en Sparlingen als duiker bij Tak’s Bergingsbedrijf in Maassluis, maar dat Poulus Boelaars als Ouddorper op de “Hudson” had gevaren, was mij eerlijk gezegd niet bekend. Uiteraard voeren destijds ook veel Vlaardingers bij de sleepdienst en dit kwam door dat net voor de oorlog (1938) de haringvisserij in staking was en het grootste deel van de visserijmanschappen dan ook geen cent verdiende. Veel varensgezellen stapten van de visserij over naar de sleepdienst en hadden daarin voldoende werk om hun boterham te verdienen, maar zij waren wel langer van huis. De leeftijd van de mensen die zaterdag de reünie bezochten, varieerde dan ook van +65 tot ver in de 90 jaar. We verwelkomden wel 6 kapiteins, die na de oorlog op deze sleepboot hebben gevaren, met daarnaast vele matrozen – diverse kokmaten, stuurlui en machinisten en olielui. Doordat velen van deze groep genodigden de leeftijd der zeer sterken hebben bereikt, werden wij ook geconfronteerd, twee weken voor de reünie, met het onverwachte overlijden van oud-hoofdmachinist Cees Tuijl, in de leeftijd van 83 jaren. Hij was al eerder aan boord geweest, toen we nog met de restauratie van de sleepboot bezig waren en daarvan genoot hij zichtbaar. (Bron: M.Bezuijen)
Smitwijs Rotterdam Reports Het is alweer sinds dat we de Malediven passeerden dat ik wat over de huidige reis van de Smitwijs Rotterdam heb geschreven, die reis is nu bijna gedaan en dacht ik om van de gelegenheid gebruik te maken en het slot aan het papier toe te vertrouwen. Op 18 juli passeerden we dus de Malediven nadat we op 9 juli met het zelf drijvende booreiland Atwood Southern Cross uit Singapore vertrokken waren met bestemming Alexandria. In verband met de zuidwest moesson die in juli op zijn sterkst doorstaat waren we vanuit straat Malakka de zuid in gestoomd en passeerden we de Maledieven via het "One and a half degree" channel met de bedoeling om zolang mogelijk zuid van het weer te blijven zitten. Daar de wind richting net boven de evenaar steeds meer zuid west werd en op een westelijke koers dus tegenwerking gaf voor wat de snelheid aanging, zijn we gaande weg na het passeren van de Malediven meer de noord west in gaan sturen zodat we de wind dwars in hielden en zodoende al slingerend snelheid konden blijven lopen. Een dag of vier voordat we Socotra zouden bereiken begon de moesson dan echt zijn invloed merkbaar te maken toen de wind gaande weg toenam tot een dikke kracht zeven en de zee dwars in het schip en ook het gevolg danig deed slingeren. Evengoed bleven we behoorlijk snelheid maken. We dachten dat we eenmaal noord van Socotra het ergste wel gehad zouden hebben, maar dat viel even tegen toen we ten noorden van het eiland de west in gedraaid waren en de weergoden ons niet gunstig gezind bleken. 50 tot 55 knopen wind uit de zuidwest vandaan zorgden er voor dat we hoofdzakelijk een hoop winddrift ondervonden en met een snelheid van zo rond de mijl per uur niet veel meer op de voorgenomen koers vooruit kwamen. Na anderhalve dag nam het weer wat aangenamere vormen aan en konden we onze peilen gaan richten op een bunker haven. Dit daar de brandstof voorraad sinds vertrek uit Singapore behoorlijk geslonken was. Djibouti zat in de planning, en ook Aden als het nodig mocht blijken, maar na dat het weer gunstige vormen had aangenomen toen we de Golf van Aden in voeren konden we ook aan Jeddah in de Rode zee gaan denken, hetgeen het uiteindelijk ook werd. Berichten over piraterij in de Golf van Aden waren redelijk verontrustend, en initieerden contacten met de geallieerde strijdkrachten die met
regelmaat oppervlakte schepen in de regio hadden zo vernamen we. Uiteindelijk hebben we zowel de Golf van Aden als ook het zuidelijke gedeelte van de Rode Zee met aardig wat aandacht van grijze schepen door gevaren, en hadden we zelfs gedurende enige tijd een Amerikaanse Aegis klasse kruiser op een mijl of drie aan bakboord mee varen die zowat alles wat maar dreef of voer in onze nabijheid in kaart bracht en in de gaten hield. Die mannen waren blijkbaar ook benieuwd naar wat wij aan het uitspoken waren toen er met enige regelmaat een op die kruiser gestationeerde Seahawk helikopter boven het transport rond cirkelde. Uiteindelijk hebben we zowel Amerikaanse, Franse, en Italiaanse marine schepen in de buurt gehad totdat we op veilige afstand van Bab el Mandeb de bescherming konden bedanken. Op 21 Augustus liepen we Jeddah aan alwaar we het booreiland op de rede ten anker brachten en zelf met de sleepdraad nog vast ook een anker lieten vallen zodat het bedrijf na toch een hele tijd voor het eerst weer even af kon. Nadat we in Jeddah de bunkers er in hadden zitten en de mannen op het booreiland hun proviand aangevuld hadden was het anker hieuwen en onderweg naar Suez waar de 29ste augustus aan kwamen en daar het gevolg weer ten anker brachten om voorbereidingen te treffen om het Suez kanaal door te varen. Mr. Tomorrow woont in Egypte en heeft daar blijkbaar ook een hoop familie, en zo leek het dan allemaal ook wat te vertragen nadat wij gebunkerd hadden en een aflossing hadden gehad. Gisteren op 3 september had niemand er eigenlijk meer op gerekend toen er ineens sleepboten en loodsen verschenen en we eigenlijk het idee kregen dat we al onderweg geweest hadden moeten zijn. Dat viel uiteindelijk ook wel weer mee, want hoefden we alleen maar te verkassen naar de ankerplaats aan het begin van het kanaal. Het werd uiteindelijk pas na middernacht op deze zondag morgen dat we na dat het noord gaande konvooi het kanaal in was aan onze passage konden beginnen, en kwamen we vroeg vanmorgen in het grote Bitter meer aan waar we ten anker gingen om een zuid gaand en een noord gaand konvooi af te wachten. Vanmiddag rond een uur of twee was het weer anker op en sloten we als nummer 16 in het noord gaande konvooi aan. Ten tijde van dit schrijven passeren we Ismailia en hopen we vanavond rond een uur of negen Port Said te passeren. Daarna gaan we wederom een anker plek voor ons gevolg zoeken bij Port Said voor de deur en zou dan de reis er op moeten zitten, als het weer niet "maybe tomorow" wordt tenminste, die hebben we al genoeg gehoord de laatste dagen. Tot zover dan maar, en als het toch nog "tomorow" mocht worden dan laat ik mezelf wel weer horen. De beste wensen, een goede wacht en een behouden aankomst van deze kant aan allen (Bron: Kapitein SmitWijs Rotterdam)
Katrina levert berger Smit veel werk op 5 september 2005 ROTTERDAM - Smit Internationale heeft momenteel zijn handen vol aan het bergen van op drift geraakte schepen en olieplatforms in de Golf van Mexico door de orkaan Katrina. Het Rotterdamse sleep- en bergingsbedrijf heeft al diverse contracten binnengehaald en rekent op meer, bevestigde Smit-directeur Ben Vree maandag. Over de financiële gevolgen kon de topman nog niks zeggen. Dat zou volgens hem speculatief zijn. "Maar dat het gunstig is voor onze bergingsdivisie is evident." Ongeveer eenvijfde deel van de totale winst van Smit Internationale komt van bergingswerkzaamheden. Het bedrijf trok eerder deze zomer al internationaal de aandacht door het gekantelde olieplatform Thunderhorse van oliemaatschappij BP in de Golf van Mexico recht te trekken. Dat dreigde te zinken toen orkaan Dennis halverwege juli door de regio raasde. (Bron:Navingo)
Smit-Lloyd 107 De Vergina Star Z van Zouros (ex Veesa Ruby, Seacor Odyssey, Isla Venados, Smit Jamaica, Smit-Atley J, Smit-Lloyd 107, Smit Matsas 3, Smit-Lloyd 107) is herdoopt in Ruby Delivery van Seawave Maritime, Piraeus. (Bron:Jaap Bijl)
Freya De Stratos-Z van Zouros (ex Reya, Ull, Reya, Neto, Freya) is herdoopt in Mahra II van nog niet bekende eigenaar. (Bron:Jaap Bijl)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
New Tug Features Innovative Equipment Markey Machinery Company, Inc. of Seattle, WA, specialty manufacturers of Electric Ship-Assist & Escort Winches, recently demonstrated their continued commitment to innovative design by developing a unique new Electric Bow ShipAssist & Escort Winch and a Electric Stern General Purpose Deck Winch for Foss Maritime, in response to their particular application-requirements for the new 5,000 HP ASD Tug "Morgan Foss" constructed at Foss Maritime's Rainier Shipyard. The type DEPGF-42 Electric Ship-Assist & Escort Winch installed on the bow features a 75 HP electric-motor drive, a drum sized for over 500 feet of 8" soft-line, a level-wind fairleader, and an auxiliary warping-head of 24" diameter. The high-capacity drum brake will hold well over 400,000 lbs. Markey also outfitted this winch-system with its proven Line-Tension Display System which shows the operator the tension in the line while the drum brake is set. As has become standard on all Markey Winches for this service, this winch includes Markey's proven Render-Recover Mode capability which allows the Captain to operate the Winch in a "hands-free" manner. This new tug is also outfitted with a new-design Markey type DEPC-32 20 HP Electric Deck-Winch on the stern, with a drum to hold 250 feet of 6.5" soft-line, and with a high-capacity drum brake rated to hold over 200,000 lbs. (Bron:Marinelinkl) 8/30/2005 6:37:51 AM
Moran Moves Towards DH Fleet With the introduction of three new double-hull petroleum barges in 2005, Paul Tregurtha, chairman of Moran Towing Corporation, announced that the company is on track to achieve its goal of operating an all double-hull fleet by the end of 2006. In the first seven months of 2005, Moran introduced two newly built double-hull petroleum barges, New Hampshire and Georgia, both built at Bay Shipbuilding in Wisconsin, and a newly converted double-hulled barge Massachusetts, delivered from Gulf Marine Repair in Florida. The three barges, with a combined cargo carrying capacity of 360,000 barrels, were matched with ocean-going tugs from the Moran fleet, all with articulated (ATB) coupler systems that allow the tug to remain permanently in the barge notch when underway. The barges New Hampshire and Georgia, both 427 ft. in length each with a capacity of 110,000 barrels, are matched with the newly-refurbished 5,100 hp tugs Scott Turecamo and Barney Turecamo respectively, while the 415-ft. barge Massachusetts, 140,000 barrels, is paired with the 7,200 hp tug Paul T.Moran. New Hampshire and Georgia are both working under contract to Conoco-Phillips, delivering refined petroleum products in the Northeast, while the Massachusetts is under contract to Westport Petroleum, delivering fuel oil to marine terminals along the Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard. “We are moving towards our stated goal of being completely double-hull as a matter of policy as soon as possible,” said Moran’s Chairman Tregurtha during the christening ceremony for the Massachusetts in Tampa. Introduction of the new barges in 2005 marks Moran’s first use of articulated coupler technology. The two new barges, with 78-foot beam and a 26 -foot loaded draft, are connected to their tugs with a pin system developed by Intercontinental Engineering, while the reconfigured Massachusetts has been fitted with the Bludworth coupler system. The New Hampshire and Georgia are each outfitted with six Markey Machinery mooring line winches around the deck, each storing up to 1,000 feet of braided, eight-strand Force 8 line manufactured by Samson Rope Technologies. With three deep-well cargo pumps servicing 10 compartments, crews of the new units can discharge their entire 17,000 tons of cargo in less
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
than 12 hours, typically offloading at a rate in excess of 11,000 barrels per hour. The flush-deck, unmanned barges have the latest in closed-tank gauging and high-level monitoring and alarm systems developed by Ian-Conrad Bergen Marine. Cargo tanks are constantly monitored by a radar gauging system, while ballast and fuel tanks are monitored using internal tank pressure systems. “It’s all integrated so that the tankermen can monitor the level of any tank on the barge from any location out on deck or inside the barge office,” said Dave Beardsley, Moran’s vice president of construction and repair, who played a key role in the barge design. Although the barge contains no housing for crew, there is a large office with space for the unit’s computer system and for constant cargo monitoring, plus records, paperwork, maintenance scheduling and communications. The three identical cargo pumps are powered by Detroit Diesel engines while general electrical needs of the barge are powered by John Deere diesel-generator sets. A Markey electric anchor windlass is on the bow. An eight million BTU Volcanic furnace keeps thermal heating fluid at a constant temperature as it circulates through the cargo tanks. Moran’s three tugs assigned to these barges are SOLAS and ISM certified with the latest in safety, navigation and communications equipment. All three tugs are equipped with towing winches and complete offshore towing gear, in addition to all equipment involved with their articulated couple. (Bron:Marinelinkl)
Teakglen on the move 9/7 The Puvis Marine tug Avenger IV, assisted by the Sarnia based tug Menasha, towed the Teakglen from Sarnia about 2:45 p.m. Wednesday headed for Thunder Bay. The tugs struggled with the tow fighting the swift current below the Blue Water Bridges. Once in lower Lake Huron the tug Menasha turned back for Sarnia. The Avenger IV will continue the tow across Lake Huron and will be joined by the tug Scott Purvis at DeTour to assist for the journey upward through the St. Marys River. The Teakglen is reported to be heading for Thunder Bay to be refitted and put back into service. (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Willowglen on the Move 9/9 The scrap tow of Willowglen has departed Hamilton and at 07:45 a.m. Friday morning is now at mid-Lake Ontario. The McKeil tug Tony McKay is the lead tug with Progress assisting. The tow is due at Iroquois Lock tomorrow morning. (Saturday) (Bron:Jan van der Doe)
Salvage Ops in New Orleans 9/12/2005 12:00:58 PM Donjon-SMIT, LLC, An OPA-90 Alliance, performed a salvage operation on the Hurricane Katrina ravaged Mississippi River in New Orleans, LA. The Chios Beauty, a bulk carrier, ran hard aground at Mile Marker 93.2 while in ballast. The vessel grounded on August 29 after breaking free from the Praline Dock as a result of hurricane force winds. The vessel was reported to be intact with a total of 21 crewmembers and one passenger aboard at the time according to the U.S. Coast Guard. During an initial refloating effort, a local pilot boarded the casualty and attempted to pull the Chios Beauty afloat with five tugs, but was unsuccessful. Owners then quickly contracted Donjon-SMIT to respond. Donjon-SMIT mobilized a Salvage Master and a four-man salvage team to the scene by tug from Sabine Pass given the transportation difficulties in the New Orleans area to determine the extent of the grounding and the necessary assets required to remove her. After conducting a survey, preparing and having its salvage plan approved by the U.S. Coast Guard, Donjon-SMIT discharged the remaining water ballast and utilized two tugs to effect the refloating. The Chios Beauty was refloated on September 3 by a combination of controlled bottom scouring from a tug’s propeller wash and pulling until the vessel broke free. (Bron:Marinelinkl)
Fairmount to undertake tow of derrick barge September 1, 2005 Hyundai Heavy Industries in Korea has awarded the towage of its derrick barge H-1000 to Fairmount in the Netherlands. The H-1000 will be towed by Fairmount's new
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
vessel Fairmount Sherpa from Ningbo, China to Mumbai, with a short stop scheduled at Singapore. Fairmount Sherpa is due to depart by September 3rd. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Hornbeck Offshore reports no damage from Katrina September 1, 2005 Hornbeck Offshore Services in the US has announced that it has experienced no damage to any of its vessels as a result of Hurricane Katrina, including those currently under construction or conversion in various Gulf of Mexico shipyards. In addition, the storm had no impact on the company's vessel charters. The company's fleet continues to operate at pre-storm levels of 100 per cent utilisation. Preliminary assessments indicate that no physical damage has occurred to the company's corporate headquarters in Covington, Louisana, however, the surrounding area is currently without electrical power, Internet connectivity and telecommunications service. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
German owner orders more ocean-going tugs August 31, 2005 Fairplay (www.fairplay.co.uk) reports that German yard Mutzelfeldtwerft has on a US$60M order for two more powerful ocean-going tugs from domestic offshore operator Harms Bergung Transport and Heavylift. Fairplay said the two tugs will have a bollard pull of 220 tonnes, and are due for delivery in March and June 2007. Earlier this year, Harms ordered two similar vessels from Mutzelfeldtwerft with a slightly smaller bollard pull of 200 tonnes for 2006 delivery. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Maersk Supply provides update on new AHTS August 31, 2005 Maersk Supply in Denmark has provided Offshore Shipping Online with an update on the two anchor handlers it has building at Asenav shipyard in Chile. Maersk's latest newbuilds are based on modified versions of the Moss Maritime 909 design anchor handling tug supply vessel, and the company says the first example of the 212 tonne bollard pull anchor handlers is due to be delivered "later this year," as part of Maerk’s rolling fleet renewal programme. The new 18, 278bhp (13,629kW) AHTS vessels will be Canadian flagged and hence destined to work part of the time in Canadian waters, and in the North Sea, and are 89.30m overall with a beam of 20.60m, draft of 7.50m, deadweight of in excess of 4,000 tonnes and free deck area of 710m3. The newbuilds will also be certified to work as standby vessels in the Canadian market, have accommodation for 50, space for 300 in the standby role, and will be fitted with Kongsberg DP1 and FiFi Class 1. Anchor handling gear will comprise a single 400 tonne winch and two 400 tonne drums, two 285m3 chain lockers, 2 x 700 tonne shark jaws, and a pair of 685 tonne SWL stern rollers. The newbuilds will have a deck area of some 710m3, 1,650m3 of fuel, 280m3 of dry bulk, 1,490m3 drill water (including chain lockers), 485m3 of liquid mud, 205m3 of base oil, and 455m3 of brine. The main engines will be a pair of MaK 8M32s and a pair of MaK 6M32s. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Farstad secures new contract from Woodside August 31, 2005 Through its subsidiary P/R International Offshore Services ANS, Farstad Shipping has been awarded a contract by Woodside Energy Limited for the provision of two anchor handling supply vessels, Lady Dawn (built in 1982) and Lady Valisia (built in 1983) to support Woodside's drilling programme offshore north-west Australia, for a duration of between 480 and 540 days, commencing mid August 2005. In addition, the Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company has exercised an option with IOS to extend the charter of the AHTS vessel Lady Cynthia (built 1987) for 12 months from mid September 2005 in support of JVPC's drilling campaign offshore southern Vietnam. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Ezra orders two more anchor handlers August 29, 2005 Ezra Holdings Ltd in Singapore has contracted two new 12,000bhp multipurpose anchor handling, towing and supply vessels at a price of almost US$40 million, excluding the cost of certain owner-furnished equipment. The anchor handlers will be delivered in the financial year ending 31 August 2007. This latest order from Ezra follows hard on the heels of orders for two 8,000bhp anchor handlers and a heavy lift pipelay and accommodation barge. Ezra awarded the contract to Pan-United marine through its wholly-owned subsidiary Lewek Shipping Pte Ltd. In its current (August 2005) financial year, Ezra has taken delivery of three AHTS. Another four anchor handling tugs and four AHTS will be delivered in FY2006. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Bourbon Aladin detailed by Keppel Singmarine August 24, 2005 Keppel Singmarine in Singapore has provided Offshore Shipping Online with photographs and details of one of the latest newbuilds for Groupe Bourbon, the 121 tonnes bollard AHTS Bourbon Aladin. Bourbon Aladin is 67m overall with a moulded breadth of 16.40m and moulded depth of 7.00m and draft of 5.95 (max). The 2000GRT vessel has a speed at 4.0m draft of 14 knots and accommodation for 30. With a propulsion system based on a pair of CAT 3612 DITA main engine rated at 5,500bhp at 1,000rom, Bourbon Aladin has a deadeight of 2,100 tons (2,133 tonnes) at 5.95m draft with deck area of 420m2 and deck strength of 5 tons/m2. Her towing and anchor handling gear comprise a pair of Brattvaag SL250W/BSL250W anchor handling winches, a 1 x 1,050mm diameter x 2,650mm diaemter x 2,600mm length towing drum suitable for 2,848m x 64mm diameter wire rope, 1 x 1,050mm diameter x 2,650mm diameter x 2,600mm length anchor handling drum suitable for 2,848m x 64mm diameter wire rope, providing a line pull at 1st layer 250 tons @ 0-8.5 m/min, 88 tons @ 0-14.0 m/min, and 31 tons @ 0-29.1 m/min, plus brake holding of 300 tons at 1st layer. Cargo capacities include: fuel oil approx 1,230m3; lub oil approx 10m3; potable water approx 270m3; drill water/water ballast/rig chain lockers approx 700m3; drill water/liquid mud approx 400m3; drill water/brine/rig chain lockers approx 200m3; dirty water approx 10m3; dispersant approx 15m3; foam approx 24m3; bulk cement approx 250m3; freezer -20 degree C; chiller +4 degree C; dry provision +10 degree C. Bourbon Aladin bears the class notation: 1 +Hull, +MACH, Tug, Supply Vessel, Fire Fighting Ship 1, Water Spray, Unrestricted Navigation, + AUT-UMS, +DYNAPOS AM/AT (Class 1). (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Wuchang launches Toisa Defiant August 26, 2005 Sealion Shipping in the UK, ship manager for Toisa Shipping, has confirmed that Toisa Defiant, the first of Toisa's new class of Vik-Sandvik designed VS 4612 anchor handlers, was launched on August 1st. Sealion Shipping said John Chao, of Graig Shipping, represented the owners. Significantly, this is the first foreign commercial vessel to be launched by the Wuchang Shipyard for 20 years. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Wilh. Wilhelmsen, SvitzerWijsmuller Join Forces Abeer Marine Services (AMS), a company in the Wilh. Wilhelmsen group (WW) will establish a joint operating company with the Maersk-owned SvitzerWijsmuller (SW). The joint company will be named Express Offshore Transport Pte. Ltd. (EOT). WW and SW will each own 50 percent. The company will be based in Singapore and have 80 shore based personnel. The company will be operational as of 1 November 2005 subject all relevant approvals being given. The application for approval of the new joint company is being considered by the European Commission under the EC Merger Regulation. - EOT will become a solid company which will be well-equipped to increase the quality and further improve the service vis-à-vis the customers, as well as ensuring that the increasingly high level of requirements from the authorities will be taken care of, says managing director Jesper T. Lok in SW. EOT will after the merger deploy a fleet of 55 light supply vessels, ranging from 68 to 135 feet, of which 6 are under construction. The vessels will offer the oil industry in The Arabian Gulf and Asia offshore transportation of personnel and supplies to oil installations - Together with SW, we look forward to further developing the company in a steadily growing market. EOT will be an important partner to the oil industry in the future, says senior vice president Arild B. Iversen in WW. Iversen is responsible for Wilhelmsen Offshore & Chartering AS, the WW company owning AMS. EOT will be headed by managing director Diederik de Boer, who is appointed by SW. Arild B. Iversen from WW will be chair of the board. (Bron:Marinelink)
9/16/2005 10:03:28 AM
Farstad sells supply ship NORWEGIAN offshore support specialist Farstad Supply AS, a wholly owned company of Farstad Shipping ASA, is to selling its 1983-buitlplatform supply vessel Far Spirit to Ocean Mainport Offshore for NKr50m (US$7.9m), The company says that the price agreed for the UT 706 ship is “on the level with the ship value at June 30, 2005 and that the sale will give a booked profit of about NKR35m in the fourth quarter. Delivery to the new owner is due to take place in October. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Thursday, 15 September 2005
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Skipper of anti-pollution tug on drink charge The skipper of a UK Marine & Coastguard Agency MCA) anti-pollution tug which ran aground on rocks off Shetland has been charged with being more than three times over the legal limit of alcohol. Peter Leask, skipper of Anglian Sovereign, which was on charter to the MCA from Klyne Tugs, appeared in private at Lerwick Sheriff Court on Wednesday. He is facing five charges under maritime and environmental legislation. As previously reported in Offshore Shipping Online, Anglian Sovereign ran aground on September 3rd, spilling 200 tonnes of fuel in the process. Three investigations into the accident are under way, and Anglian Sovereign is now in Rotterdam for repairs. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
September 16, 2005
Normand Aurora due for delivery Normand Aurora, Solstad’s newbuild Ulstein P105 PSV is due to be delivered by the Merwede shipyard in The Netherlands shortly, reports Seabrokers. Seabrokers said the vessel was due to be delivered in mid-September. The vessel, which is currently uncommitted, is noteworthy because it is the first of the new Ulstein Design designs to be completed by a yard outside the Ulstein group. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 28 dd. 2 Oktober 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Slepers van de werven Na de succesvolle actuele exposities over de berging van de Russische onderzeeboot Kursk en de autocarrier Tricolor hebben de samenstellers van tentoonstellingen in het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum te Maassluis met betrekking tot de nieuwe wisseltentoonstelling gekozen voor een onderwerp, waarin maritieme historie een belangrijke rol vervult. Hoewel, zo érg ver hoeven we niet in de geschiedenis terug te gaan om de basis te vinden van deze expositie, die onder de titel “Slepers van de werven” vanaf zaterdag 24 september a.s. te zien zal zijn. Het uitgangspunt van de tentoonstelling is een belangrijk onderdeel van de Nederlandse scheepsbouw, namelijk de sleepboten die in dienst of in eigendom van de werven assisteerden bij op- en afhellingen en bij tewaterlatingen. Met name dat laatste aspect: het in de vaart hebben en houden van eigen slepers is voor veel werven van groot belang geweest. Het betekende vaak weliswaar een behoorlijke investering ineens, maar op termijn een vermindering van de lasten. Immers, men behoefde niet langer voor allerlei kleine werfactiviteiten een beroep te doen op de per karwei of per uur te betalen reguliere sleepdiensten en bij tewaterlatingen wisten de bemanningen van de eigen sleepboten exact de eigenaardigheden van de wateren rondom de werf en de neigingen van de lege, hoog op het water liggende casco’s, hetgeen de procedures vaak vergemakkelijkten. Soms hadden die bemanningsleden slechts een deeltaak aan hun sleepactiviteiten, hetgeen in verband met de kosten niet onbelangrijk was. Welke werven hadden eigen sleepboten? Dat waren er eigenlijk teveel om in dit korte bestek op te noemen. Er is in de expositie niet naar volledigheid gestreefd, niettemin zijn er weinig scheepswerven in het overzicht weggelaten. In deze beschrijving halen we een paar saillante voorbeelden aan. De Rotterdamse Droogdok Maatschappij, de laatste jaren helaas nogal eens negatief in het nieuws, had vooral na de Tweede Wereldoorlog een vrij grote vloot van opvallende werfsleepboten. Met hun dikke rode schoorstenen, getooid met zwart-witte banden, geplaatst vóór en deels zelfs ìn het houten stuurhuis, waren ze een karakteristieke verschijning in het Rotterdamse havengebied. Voor die constructie werd destijds gekozen met het oog op een beter uitzicht naar achteren, Bijkomend voordeel was dat er geen verwarming in de stuurhut nodig was. De schoorsteen gaf voldoende warmte af. Alle RDM-slepers droegen de naam Dockyard met een Romeins cijfer erachter. Ze waren voor een groot deel in de periode 1940-1946 op de eigen werf gebouwd, toen er vanwege de oorlog nauwelijks schepen werden gerepareerd of van de helling kwamen. Ook de werf Wilton-Fijenoord beschikte tot ongeveer 15 jaar geleden over een vloot eigen sleepboten. Namen als Drydock, Engineering, Slipway en later bijvoorbeeld G.M. Roentgen lieten er voor de kenners weinig onduidelijkheid over bestaan van welk bedrijf de slepers met de gele schoorstenen nu wel afkomstig waren. Vanaf de jaren zestig beschikte ook de werf Verolme over eigen motorsleepboten, die zelfs zeegaand waren. De Cornelis van der Lee en de Paul Benzon werden op de eigen werf gebouwd en te water gelaten in aanwezigheid van de markante scheepsbouwer Cornelis Verolme zelf. Het museum heeft van die plechtigheid foto’s kunnen bemachtigen. Een oud gezagvoerder van een van deze Verolme-slepers was zo vriendelijk een fraai model van “zijn” reeds geruime tijd geleden naar het buitenland verkochte sleepboot tijdelijk in bruikleen af te staan. Havenbedrijf Vlaardingen Oost, Scheepswerf De Nieuwe Waterweg, Scheepswerf Van Brink en Niehuis van den Berg, al deze deels verdwenen werven hadden eigen sleepboten, waar in de expositie aandacht aan wordt besteed. De Amsterdamse scheepsbouwsector komt uiteraard eveneens aan bod. De Nederlandse Dok en Scheepsbouw Maatschappij, kortweg NDSM, ontstaan in 1946, had eigen slepers, die onder de naam Shipdock met een Romeins cijfer erachter, voeren. Ook de inmiddels helaas verdwenen Amsterdamse Droogdok Maatschappij had eigen slepers, die de naam Droogdok met een cijfer erachter droegen. De Koninklijke Maatschappij De Schelde in Vlissingen was van oudsher bekend om zijn De Nolle en Rammekens, maar prefereerde later zijn sleepboten de naam Scheldepoort mee te geven met een nummer erachter. Een heleboel werfsleepboten zijn, al dan niet mèt hun werven, inmiddels verdwenen. De vaderlandse scheepsbouw heeft een lange
periode van harde saneringen achter de rug, waardoor tewaterlatingen van conventionele vrachtschepen schaars zijn geworden en dus, financieel gezien, het beste door reguliere sleepdiensten kunnen worden begeleid. De werven die al dan niet in combinatie met andere het hoofd boven water hebben kunnen houden hebben zich gespecialiseerd in het bouwen van technisch zeer geavanceerde vaartuigen als (hoe kan het anders) high-tech sleepboten, patrouillevaartuigen, baggervaartuigen en oorlogsbodems. Nog slechts een zeer klein aantal werven, te tellen op de vingers van één hand heeft een eigen sleepboot varen. Daarbij horen Damen Shipyards in Gorinchem en Koninklijke Niestern Sander te Delfzijl. Een stevig aantal voormalige werfsleepboten heeft intussen een andere eigenaar gevonden en natuurlijk licht het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum u in haar tentoonstelling daarover in. Het verschijnsel “werfsleepboten” behoort dus bijna tot het verleden. Goed dat er een maritiem museum is dat daar aandacht aan besteedt. Videopresentaties, foto’s en scheepsmodellen brengen herinneringen terug uit een andere tijd, waarin de grote scheepsbouw in ons land floreerde, maar ook aan alle andere aspecten van de sleepvaart en heden en verleden. U bent welkom in het Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum te Maassluis, Hoogstraat 1-3, op iedere dag geopend van 14.00 tot 17.00 uur, behalve op maandag. De expositie duurt tot en met 23 april van het volgend jaar. (Bron: Nationaal Sleepvaart Museum)
Blessey Adds Two More Boats To Fleet Just as towboat captains navigate their vessels through the waterways, congressman steer legislation from committee to committee, so it was fitting that Blessey Marine Services Inc. christened a boat named for one of its captains and another named for an influential congressman in back-to-back ceremonies recently. The Harahan, La.-based barge line held a christening ceremony August 15 for the mv. Capt. Billy J. Verdin. On August 16 it christened the mv. James L. Oberstar. Both events were held at the Hilton Riverside Hotel in New Orleans. The highlight of the christenings was the appearance of Rep. Oberstar, who as the senior Democrat on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee serves as an ex officio member of the subcommittees on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation and Water Resources and Environment. He is now in his 16th term, the longest service in the U.S. House of Representatives from the state of Minnesota. "The mv. James L. Oberstar carries the name of a real friend of the waterways industry and a leader in sound transportation policy," Walter Blessey Jr., president, told the large crowd that gathered for the ceremony. "He has worked tirelessly to improve the safety and efficiency of our nation’s roads, rails, air and waterways, and is deeply committed to the safety of our industry’s crewmembers, our vessels and our operations. "Those of you who know Rep. Oberstar know that I’m not exaggerating when I say he is unique, probably unparalleled, from the standpoint of his appreciation of the value our industry provides to the nation. That kind of understanding and support from a leader in national transportation policy creates an environment that enables our industry to meet our environmental and safety goals…." (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Tot 12 jaar cel in zaak Polderman 21/09/2005 De 7 mannnen die veroordeeld zijn voor de roofmoord op de 80-jarige Leen Polderman uit Hansweert hebben in hoger beroep celstraffen tot 12 jaar gekregen. De straffen zijn lager dan was geëist. Het gerechtshof in Den Haag hield rekening met het feit dat de Roemeense mannen nog jong zijn. Het echtpaar Polderman werd vorig jaar thuis vervallen, Leen Polderman werd toen zo ernstig mishandeld dat hij overleed. De rechtbank in Middelburg veroordeelde de mannen tot straffen oplopend van 15 tot 18 jaar (Bron: Omroep Zeeland)
FOWAIRET" strand op de Westerschelde 20 september 2005. Vanmorgen is ca. 1 uur na HW, het opvarende containerschip "FOWAIRET" (lengte 276 mtr met een dpg van 12,40 mtr) aan de grond gelopen thv. boei 53a. Een groot aantal URS en Multraschip sleepboten zijn gelijk naar het gestrande schip gegaan, waaronder de Barracuda, Gent, Evergem, Zeeland, Drado, Walcheren, Union Diamond, Lieven Geveart en Union 9, maar een eerste poging om het schip terug vlot te trekken is niet gelukt. De bedoeling was om het met hoogwater weer te gaan proberen maar tegen 11.30 uur is het schip gaan plooien en scheuren !!!meer info volgt!! (Bron: Omroep Zeeland)
Gestrand containerschip lekt olie
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
van onze internetredactie PERKPOLDER - Uit een lekgeslagen brandstoftank van het bij Perkpolder gestrande containerschip Fowairet is circa zeshonderd liter stookolie in de Westerschelde terechtgekomen. Oliebestrijdingsvaartuigen van Multraship uit Terneuzen en de Unie van Reddings- en Sleepdienst (Union) uit Antwerpen proberen het gat provisorisch te dichten. Rijkswaterstaat houdt oliebestrijdingsvaartuigen beschikbaar om bij te springen als dat nodig is. Tevens wordt een oliescherm rond het schip getrokken, dat verdere verspreiding van de brandstof moet tegengaan. De olie wordt daar ook met een stof bewerkt, om de brandstof af te breken. Het containerschip uit Qatar strandde vanochtend rond kwart over vijf bij hoogwater op een zandbank bij de oude veerhaven van Perkpolder. Rond half elf plooide het vaartuig en een half uur later ontstond een meterslange scheur in het midden van het schip. Dertien schepen sleepboten van Multraship en Union zijn ter plaatse en gaan vanmiddag rond kwart over vijf, bij hoogwater, proberen het containerschip naar de Scheldepoort te slepen. Een drijvende kraan is ingezet, die indien nodig een aantal containers van het schip takelt om het te lichten. In de gemeenten Hulst en Reimerswaal zijn beleidsteams gevormd die de ontwikkelingen rond de Fowairet nauwlettend volgen. Een evacuatieplan voor de omgeving ligt klaar, voor het geval tijdens de berging iets misgaat. De Fowairet heeft 1952 containers aan boord, waarvan 200 met gevaarlijke stoffen. Tien ton daarvan is snel- of zelfontbrandend. De kapitein van het schip weigerde in eerste instantie hulp van de uitgerukte sleepboten. Hij wilde bij hoogwater eerst op eigen kracht proberen los te komen. Nadat de overheid vanochtend de veiligheidsmaatregelen had aangescherpt, is hij toch met de hulp akkoord gegaan. Het containerschip, dat op weg was van Londen naar Antwerpen, is waarschijnlijk gestrand door een verkeerde manoeuvre. Het ligt buiten de vaargeul, andere schepen kunnen erlangs. Gevaar voor kapseizen is er niet. De boot ligt stabiel op de zandplaat. (Bron:Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant)
Spannend dagje op de Westerschelde Door Sheila van Doorsselaer en Wout Bareman Woensdag 21 september 2005 PERKPOLDER – Er was gistermiddag een kleine vloot van sleepboten voor nodig om het gehavende containerschip Fowairet uit Koeweit los te trekken van de Plaat van Ossenisse en vervolgens te begeleiden richting reparatiewerf Scheldepoort in de Sloehaven. Het ruim 48.000 ton metende en 277 meter lange schip van de United Arabian Shipping Company zat precies twaalf uur vast op de zandplaat. Om kwart over vijf gisterochtend hield de Fowairet, op weg van Londen naar Antwerpen, bij het invaren van de Bocht van Walsoorden te lang stuurboord. Berger Kees Muller van Multraship uit Terneuzen: „Laten we het er maar op houden dat het kwam door de zuiging van de zandplaat.“ Een medewerker van Rijkswaterstaat, op de pier van de veerhaven: „Sinds de opheffing van de veerdienst wordt er niet meer gebaggerd. Misschien dat dat de problemen heeft veroorzaakt.“ Op het moment van de stranding was het springtij (3,06 meter plus NAP). De Arabische kapitein weigerde aanvankelijk alle sleepboothulp. Hij wilde proberen op eigen kracht weer vlot te komen. Er verzamelden zich desondanks veertien sleepboten van Multraship en de Unie van Reddings- en Sleepdienst (Union) uit Antwerpen bij het gestrande schip, dat vier graden slagzij maakte. Na druk van Rijkswaterstaat ging de kapitein omstreeks half elf alsnog overstag en tekende een bergingscontract. Woordvoerder Van der Togt van Rijkswaterstaat: „De kapitein zei niet veel vertrouwen te hebben in Westerse bergingscontracten. Zet hij eenmaal zijn handtekening, dan staat hij ook in voor de financiele gevolgen. We hebben inderdaad enige invloed op hem moeten uitoefenen.“ Directeur Jan d’Have van het Loodswezen in Antwerpen: „Maar door die aanvankelijke weigering is wel kostbare tijd verloren gegaan.“ Omstreeks half elf, bij afgaand water, plooide het schip. Een half uur later begon de romp te scheuren. Daarbij lekte uit een van de olietanks zo’n 600 liter stookolie in de Westerschelde. Rijkswaterstaat dirigeerde direct verschillende oliebestrijdingsvaartuigen naar Perkpolder. Met een oliescherm werd de olievlek gelokaliseerd en vervolgens bestreden. De scheuren in de romp werden door de bergers met hulp van de bemanning provisorisch gedicht. Er werden ook een drijvende kraan van Ovet, een aantal lichters, een tanker (overpompen van de olie) en andere hulpvaartuigen achter de hand gehouden. Crisisteam Vertegenwoordigers van de hulpdiensten, gemeente, provincie en Rijkswaterstaat formeerden een beleidsteam in het stadhuis van Hulst, onder leiding van burgemeester Jan-Frans Mulder. Ook in Reimerswaal werd een dergelijk team gevormd. Omdat uit nader onderzoek bleek dat 127 van de 1942 containers aan boord gevaarlijke stoffen bevatten, waaronder licht ontvlambaar materiaal, werd uit voorzorg ook een evacuatieplan voor omwonenden achter de hand gehouden. Over de precieze aard van de gevaarlijke stoffen wilde burgemeester Mulder niet veel kwijt. „Het heeft geen zin een waslijst van allerlei gevaarlijke
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
stoffen op te sommen. Belangrijk is dat we weten wat we moeten doen als er iets met die stoffen fout gaat. We willen de bevolking niet nodeloos ongerust maken.“ De gemeente Hulst opende een informatienummer voor verontruste bewoners. Het werd in de loop van de dag een kleine vijftig keer gebeld. Mulder noemde dat ‘weinig’. Op zijn verzoek werd in de loop van de ochtend ook de landelijke crisiswebsite van het Expertisecentrum Risico- en Crisiscommunicatie opengesteld. Het crisisteam besloot daartoe omdat de lading van het schip gevaar kon opleveren voor gezondheid en milieu. De website crisis.nl, die gisteren voor het eerst werd gebruikt, vermeldt informatie over de risico’s en de maatregelen die in voorbereiding zijn. Mulder over het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen op de Westerschelde: „Ik maak me ernstige zorgen over het aantal verkeersbewegingen. Het zou een optie zijn om verplicht een sleepboot mee te laten varen met grote schepen.“ De scheepvaart van en naar Antwerpen lag gedurende de berging stil. Het trof ruim twintig schepen. De berging trok honderden toeschouwers. (Bron: BN – De Stem)
Hornbeck to Spend $265M on New Boats 9/26/2005 4:27:03 PM Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc. announced a new vessel construction programs for each of its two business segments, making it the company's fourth OSV newbuild program and second tug and tank barge (TTB) newbuild program. Hornbeck is seeking bids from domestic shipyards for the two programs. Based on internal estimates, the incremental cost of the two expansion programs is expected to be approximately $265 million in the aggregate. The precise number of vessels to be constructed and their specifications will be finalized as certain milestones are completed, including the negotiation of shipyard contracts. Construction costs related to these two programs will be funded, in part, with the proceeds of the concurrent public common stock offering and private placement of additional 6.125% senior notes that are being announced separately. OSV Segment Hornbeck plans to build an additional 20,000 dwt of new generation OSV vessel capacity with an estimated cost of approximately $170 million. In May 2005, it announced plans to convert two coastwise sulfur tankers into 370 class multi-purpose supply vessels, or MPSVs, at a currently estimated total project cost of $65 million. When combined with the company's current MPSV conversion program, the total cost of the two OSV expansion programs is budgeted to be approximately $235 million in the aggregate. The company expects to deliver its two new 370 class MPSVs in early 2007. All of the new vessels to be constructed under the latest OSV newbuild program are expected to be delivered by mid-2008, with the first vessel expected in mid-2007. Hornbeck Offshore expects to generate incremental annual EBITDA of approximately $39 million to $47 million for the first full-year of operations of all vessels to be converted or constructed under these two programs. Hornbeck also plans to build an additional 400,000 barrels of double-hulled tank barge barrel-carrying capacity and, unlike its first TTB newbuild program, plans to construct the related offshore tugs to be used as power units for the new barges. The estimated cost of the new ocean-going tugs and barges will be approximately $95 million in the aggregate. The company's first TTB newbuild program, which included the acquisition and retrofit of four 6,000 hp ocean-going tugs, is expected to be completed during the fourth quarter of 2005. All of the new vessels to be constructed under the second TTB newbuild program are expected to be delivered during 2007. Hornbeck Offshore expects to generate incremental annual EBITDA of approximately $16 million to $17 million for the first full-year of operations of all vessels to be constructed under the latest TTB newbuild program. "As with our recently announced 370 class MPSV conversion program, the company will once again introduce the latest in technologically advanced vessels to the deepwater and ultra-deepwater regions of the offshore oil services industry,” said Todd Hornbeck, Chairman, President and CEO. “These new vessels will embody innovative design features that we believe will offer our customers superior logistical efficiencies. Customer demand for our equipment, including our new MPSVs, remains high. The substantial repairs required to be made to Gulf of Mexico infrastructure damaged by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita highlight the demand for versatile vessels to service the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. In addition, as we complete our first tank barge newbuild program, we believe additional equipment is necessary to address pent-up customer demand for double-hulled equipment in the northeastern United States. We have also experienced a significant level of increase in inquiries for our vessels relating to certain non-oilfield specialty services. Our assessment of the visible demand for deepwater tonnage indicates a need for more U.S.flagged equipment over the next several years. Because our existing equipment is fully utilized and so is that of the entire new generation OSV industry, now is the time for us to build more proprietary vessels. Our in-house team of naval architects and engineers will, yet again, design
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improvements to the existing versatility of our vessels to create the type of equipment that the market is telling us it requires." Current OSV Conditions Hornbeck said, "On our last conference call on August 4, 2005, we announced that our fleetwide OSV dayrates were averaging around $13,000 and that our leading-edge spot deck was averaging about $14,000 to $15,000 for the fleet with rates for our smallest vessels to our largest vessels ranging from $13,000 to $20,000. During the third quarter of 2005, we have experienced a substantial increase in our OSV dayrate structure with our fleetwide average currently above $14,000 and a leading-edge spot deck average of over $15,000 per day. We have recently moved our fleetwide range of spot rates for new fixtures up a few thousand dollars a day across the board to roughly $17,000 to $22,000." (Bron:Jan van de Doe)
Tugboat Crews Defy Hurricane to Save Barges Many Carried Chemicals, Could Have Wrecked Source: Advocate; Baton Rouge, La. Publication date: 2005-09-27 HACKBERRY - Three stories up, they rocked violently in their unassuming white tugboats on the Intracoastal Canal and at Lake Charles, dreading that frantic moment when Hurricane Rita's howling winds might blast out the windows protecting them. Of course, they would have preferred to be on dry land, fleeing northward as the massive storm approached. And some of the tug captains and deckhands who stayed behind during the storm might choose to do so next time, but a sense of duty to secure volatile cargo kept them close to port and risking their lives. There were barges of gas, ammonia and other chemical and petroleum products that could not simply be tied down and left alone as Rita turned north and roared toward southwestern Louisiana. The cables that hold them likely would have snapped, at which point the barges would have drifted, perhaps smashing violently into a bridge leading to the small, now mostly flooded town of Hackberry. Or on the Lake Charles, they could have rammed into a casino, springing a frightful leak. To the fleet, the best option was to stack the barges close together in port, tie them down to land on one side and to dozens of tugboats lined up on the other. Then, amid crashing waves and raging wind, the tugs had to continually nudge the barges to keep them in place, preventing the lines that held them from stretching to the point of snapping. "This morning we were all laughing about it," said Mike Devall, whose company, Devall Towing and Ship Service, commands a fleet of tugs that handle barges in Cameron and Calcasieu parishes. "But it was very, very scary." Devall said his tugs spent the duration of the storm trying to hold about 100 barges in place, 17 of which ultimately broke free and ended up on dry land, but with no apparent damage. "Someone's just going to have to get them off of dry land, and that's going to take some work," he said. But the real work was keeping them together, especially when one of the tugs at the Devall docks on the Intracoastal Canal took on so much water on its port side that the starboard side began to lift out of the water, rendering the vessel so unstable it could have rolled at any moment with the crew inside. The boat was saved when two crew members bolted out onto the deck, climbed onto the barge their tug had been tethered to and untied it so the tug could right itself, Devall said. "And this was during the height of the storm, mind you," said Devall, a thin man with short gray hair and a scratchy voice. "It was scary not just because of the cargo we had to protect, but all these men on the boats. We have guys who have families just like anybody else." Devall said he stopped short of ordering any of his tug crews to stay for the storm. Fortunately, enough volunteered to get the job done without any major accidents, he said. Among them was 23-year-old deckhand Jeremy Broussard of Port Arthur, Texas, who wavered over the prospect of ever having to take part in such a mission again. "Those who volunteered to stay - for the next one it's our turn to be off," he said, smiling behind his blackframed sunglasses. "But if they needed me, I'd ride it out again." Broussard spent Rita working on a boat in Lake Charles, tending to barges near the PPG plant. He had stepped off his own tug, Mr. Barry, to help his friend on a tug nearby. Suddenly the winds intensified, prompting Broussard's captain to tell him to stay put on the other tug. "We were up in the wheelhouse just waiting for the glass to break. The boat's rocking," he recalled. Broussard routinely glanced out the windows to check on the cables that tied the tug to the barge. "If anything would have popped we would have taken off, and there was no telling what would have happened," Broussard said. "To say I never thought anything would go wrong would be a lie. I was just hoping for the best, and I'm glad nobody got hurt." (Bron:Jan van de Doe)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Operator of Tug Gets Prison for '03 Oil Spill Source: The Boston Globe Sep. 21--A tugboat operator was sentenced yesterday to five months in prison for causing a massive oil spill in Buzzards Bay two years ago that killed hundreds of migratory birds, closed shellfish beds, and contaminated 90 miles of shoreline. "This was extremely serious negligent conduct, rising to the level of recklessness," said US Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings, adding that he had to send Franklin Robert Hill to prison to send a message to others who navigate oil barges. Hill, 54, of Jacksonville, Fla., had pleaded guilty to violating the Clean Water Act and the Migratory Bird Act. He admitted that while serving as first mate aboard the Evening Tide on April 27, 2003, he left the helm unattended for 15 minutes to secure a tow line connected to a barge carrying 4.1 million gallons of fuel oil. An alert from a nearby tugboat, warning that the barge had strayed outside the channel and was headed for rocks, went unheeded because Hill left behind his hand-held radio, according to federal prosecutors. Bouchard Transportation Co., which owned the barge, pleaded guilty last year to violating environmental laws, paid a $9 million fine, and agreed to pay cleanup costs, which have already exceeded $38 million, according to federal prosecutors. During his sentencing hearing yesterday, Hill declined an offer from the magistrate to speak, but in a letter to the court he apologized for his actions and asked to be allowed to continue working. "I was remiss in my duties as Officer of the Watch in not insuring that the barge was in safe water," Hill wrote, adding, "I will be forever sorry and ashamed for this negligence." But Assistant US Attorney Jonathan Mitchell, who had recommended five months in prison and five months of home confinement for Hill, argued that the first mate had been involved in several mishaps in the weeks before the oil spill and was "an accident waiting to happen." According to Mitchell, Hill slammed another Bouchard tugboat into a Philadelphia dock the month before the oil spill; nearly steered the Evening Tide into rocks near Hell's Gate in New York two days before the spill; and caused $15,000 in damage to part of the Evening Tide's towing system the night before the spill. Bouchard was "on notice that Mr. Hill was a problem," said Mitchell, telling the court that at least three captains had reported to the corporation that they believed Hill needed more training. Hill's lawyer, Peter Ball, argued that Hill had an exemplary career as a seaman, was never involved in any major accident, and wasn't completely responsible for the oil spill. "Although the government questions his competence because Mr. Hill bumped into a dock and had a tow wire foul on his watch, these are fairly routine incidents in the rough-and-tumble world of tugboating, which is a contact sport," Ball wrote in a sentencing memorandum to the court. Ball urged the magistrate to sentence Hill to probation, noting that Hill had been fired from his job and forced to declare bankruptcy, and will undoubtedly lose his seaman's license. The captain of the Evening Tide was on board but off duty at the time of the spill. Hill says the captain plotted an errant course, which had the tugboat approach the channel in Buzzards Bay from the wrong angle, according to Ball's sentencing memorandum. (Bron:Jan van de Doe)
Crowley to Acquire Titan Maritime 9/29/2005 10:27:19 AM Crowley Maritime Corporation Chairman, President and CEO Tom Crowley Jr. announced last night at the International Salvage Union's annual dinner that Crowley has reached agreement with the owners of Titan Maritime, LLC to acquire the company. The deal is expected to close within the next 30 days. Crowley made the announcement to an audience of about 60 salvors from around the world who had gathered for dinner at the Columbia Tower Club in Seattle as part of the weeklong International Salvage Union's annual conference. He said additional details would be provided after the closing. Titan, founded in 1980 by David Parrot, is a worldwide salvage company that is headquartered in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., with offices in Newhaven, UK and Sao Paulo, Brazil and equipment depots in Batam, Indonesia and Dubai, UAE. Over the past 25 years, Titan has performed more than 200 salvage and wreck removal projects worldwide. (Bron:Jan van de Doe)
Keppel Singmarine Wins $46M in Contracts 9/29/2005 10:34:52 AM Keppel Singmarine received orders for four offshore support vessels (OSVs) and two tugboats for about $46 million. The vessels will be progressively delivered to their owners up to first half of 2007. Currently, Keppel Singmarine has 22 vessels under construction, having delivered nine since the beginning of 2005. Its strong orderbook has placed the Company as one of the world’s leading builders of offshore support vessels. Keppel Singmarine will build two Anchor Handling and Tug/ Supply (AHTS) vessels each for Saudi Arabia companies, HADI Establishment (HADI) and Zamil Operations and Maintenance Co. A
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repeat customer since 2001, HADI has ordered from Keppel Singmarine a total of nine vessels including the latest two vessels. Zamil Operations and Maintenance Co. Ltd. (Zamil) is a new customer. Keppel Smit Towage (KST) has placed an order for two Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD) tugboats, designed by the Marine Technology Development (MTD), Keppel Singmarine’s own research and development arm. A joint venture between Keppel Shipyard and Smit International Singapore, Keppel Smit Towage owns, manages and operates tugs to provide marine support services in the Asia Pacific region. (Bron:Jan van de Doe)
Nieuwe transporteur voor olieindustrie SvitzerWijsmuller richt samen met Wilh. Wilhelmsen-dochter Abeer Marine Services een bedrijf op, Express Offshore Transport (EOT), dat zich gaat richten op transporten ten behoeve van de olieindustrie in Azië en de Arabische Golf. De twee oprichters zijn beide voor 50 procent eigenaar van het nieuwe bedrijf, dat op 1 november van start gaat en gevestigd wordt in Singapore. De onderneming gaat met een vloot van 55 bevoorradingsschepen voorraden en personeel vervoeren naar offshore-installaties. Zes van de vaartuigen worden gebouwd, de rest is al beschikbaar. EOT komt onder leiding te staan van Diederik de Boer, afkomstig van SvitzerWijsmuller. De Europese Commissie moet nog wel toestemming geven voor de plannen. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Kleven Verft to build another AHTS for Rem Maritime September 29, 2005 Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik in Norway has signed a contract with Norwegian owner Rem Maritime for the construction of a UT712L anchor handler designed by Rolls-Royce working in close cooperation with the owner and the yard. The vessel is 78.30m long, with a beam of 17.20m, bollard pull of 190 tonnes and 400 tonne winch. The vessel will be delivered in January 2007. Rolls-Royce will supply the main engines, propellers, deck machinery, stabilising systems, side thrusters, dynamic positioning and automation systems. "The vessel has a number of functions and facilities making it well suited for advanced anchor handling tasks and other subsea operations”, said Åge Remøy, Managing Director of REM Maritime. The owner is currently building three offshore vessels at Kleven Verft for delivery in 2006, as well as one UT755L under construction at another yard. “Through this contract we have once again proved that cooperation between owner, designers, equipment manufacturers and yard in this region yields results”, said Jørn Heltne, managing director of Roll-Royce Ship Technology - Offshore, which is also based in Ulsteinvik. “This contract shows that Kleven is competitive and that local cooperation is a key factor”, said Ståle Rasmussen, Managing Director of Kleven Verft. The yard now has a totla of nine offshore vessels on its order book, four of which are for Rem Maritime. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Farstad sells Far Server to Secunda September 29, 2005 Farstad Shipping Ltd, the wholly owned subsidiary of Farstad Shipping based in Norway, has reached an agreement to sell the UT704 PSV Far Server to the Canadian company Secunda Marine Services Ltd. Far Server is a 6,600bhp vessel built in Norway in 1991. The price was US$16 million, which Farstad noted, is in excess of the value of the ship as of June 30th. Delivery to the new owner will take place in November 2005. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Ezra orders two more anchor handlers September 28, 2005 The Board of Directors of Ezra Holdings Limited in Singapore has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Lewek Shipping Pte Ltd, has awarded contracts to Pan-United Marine Limited for the constructions of two 65m 7,300bhp multipurpose anchor handling, towing and supply vessels at a combined contractual value of US$15.29 million, excluding the cost of certain owner furnished equipment. Both AHTS are targeted for delivery in the first half of the financial year ending 31st August 2007 Ezra also recently ordered two 12,000bhp AHTS from the same yard, and also recently ordered a construction/pipelay vessel. In a statement the company said: "Ezra is now building up its fleet base to drive earnings beyond FY07. This latest order is in line with our fleet expansion and upgrade programme. We will stay focussed on supporting the sustained firm demand in offshore E&P activities in the oil and natural gas sector." Lionel Lee, Ezra’s Managing Director, said: "The past under-investment in the sector has created an acute shortage of betterequipped and high-tonnage offshore support vessels today, particularly those suitable for long term charters. I see Ezra as a key service provider in this market, with our increasingly wide
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range of offshore support vessels that meet the stringent requirements of the oil majors worldwide.” Ezra currently manages a fleet of 13 vessels comprising six AHTS, one AHT, two tugs, two crew boats, one barge and a heavy lift accommodation work barge. By end FY07, Ezra’s fleet under management and operation will grow to 26 offshore support vessels with a strong deepwater E&P support services capability. Ezra took delivery of three AHTS in FY05 and another four AHTs and four AHTS will be delivered in FY06. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
Tug vanishes while towing ship A TUG and her 12 crew have disappeared without trace while towing a big ship to the scrappers' yards in India. In an incident equal to the most enduring maritime mysteries of all time, the big ship has been found drifting in the Indian Ocean like a ghost, her tow wire hanging down into the sea. There is no sign of the tug or her crew. The tug Jupiter 6 sailed from Walvis Bay at the end of August, towing the 16 000-ton bulk carrier Satsung to India for scrapping. The tug and her charge had spent four weeks at Walvis Bay for repairs to the tug's props and engines. The Jupiter 6 and the Satsung had originally set sail from Cuba about a month before their stop at Walvis Bay. Then, after leaving Walvis Bay, both ships disappeared. No radio contact could be made with the Jupiter 6 and no ship on the busy sea-lanes around the Cape reported seeing the two vessels. But, on Monday, the bulk carrier Poseidon spotted the Satsung drifting dead in the water about 250 miles south of Port Elizabeth. A South African tug is currently steaming to the big ship to pick up the tow and bring her under control, to prevent her from becoming a danger to shipping, and to search for clues to what really happened. The Smit Amandla is expected to reach the "dead" ship on Saturday, said David Main of Smit Marine South Africa. He explained how a bulk carrier sailing from Durban at the weekend had come across the Satsung. "The master of the bulk carrier reported that the tow wire was hanging down into the water and that there was no sign of life. He reported her position," Main said." The Smit Amandla had been sent to pick up the tow. "We will probably send an aircraft to find her again because she would have drifted away from the position supplied by the bulk carrier over the past few days. When we get to her, we hope to find some indication of what might have happened to her and the tug that was towing her." They plan to bring the Satsung closer to shore and "hold" her until a new towing arrangement is made. "We won't be towing her to India with the Amandla. That is not the Amandla's business. "The Satsung will have no power, so we will have to put people aboard to connect a tow. Indications are that there is an emergency tow connection. "The master of the Poseidon reported that the two anchor chains of the Satsung were both connected to a tow wire hanging into the sea. We obviously don't know whether there is seven metres of tow wire on it, or 700m. We will just have to wait and see," said Main. Reflecting on what had become of the tug and her crew, he said he could only theorise. She might have been sunk by bad weather, or stricken by some other technical disaster, but it was impossible to say. The southern and eastern Cape coast is notorious for shipping disasters. The most famous of ships lost along that coast is the Waratah, a mail ship that disappeared without trace off the Transkei coast early in the previous century. In spite of lengthy, expensive searches over the decades, her wreck has never been found. (Bron:Leo Kramer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 29 dd.09 Oktober 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Slepers bieden overheid samen diensten aan TERNEUZEN - De op de Westerschelde actieve sleep- en bergingsbedrijven Multraship uit Terneuzen en URS uit Antwerpen staan te trappelen om de overheid hun diensten aan te ieden. Zij willen meedoen aan afspraken voor de permanente stationering van bergingssleepboten met bluscapaciteit langs de vaarweg. Multraship en URS hebben afgelopen weekeinde gezamenlijk een persverklaring uitgegeven waarin zij dit aanbod doen. Het is uitzonderlijk dat zij samen naar buiten treden, maar de tijd is er naar hun idee meer dan rijp voor. De twee bedrijven hebben zich gestoord aan berichtgeving, onder meer via RTL Nieuws, dat er onvoldoende brandbestrijdingsapparatuur op de Westerschelde beschikbaar is. Dat is volgens hen volstrekt bezijden de waarheid. Ongeveer vijftien sleep- en bergingsvaartuigen van beide firma’s zijn met die apparatuur uitgerust. Afhankelijkheid Bij de Zeeuwse autoriteiten is dit bekend, maar, stelden zij in de eerder dit jaar verschenen eindrapportage rampenbestrijding Westerschelde, ’er is sprake van grote afhankelijkheid van bergers’. Zij gaven verder aan: ’Hulpdiensten noch Rijkswaterstaat beschikken over blus- en bergingscapaciteit om ongevallen met gevaarlijke stoffen te beheersen’. Onvermeld bleef overigens dat de brandweer bluscontainers heeft die op het betonningsvaartuig Frans Naerebout uit Vlissingen kunnen worden geplaatst. De Frans Naerebout is bij de stranding van het containerschip Fowairet bijna twee weken geleden ook ingezet. Het betonningsvaartuig is echter niet altijd actief in de Zeeuwse wateren. Op en om de Westerschelde is dus wel degelijk bluscapaciteit aanwezig, signaleren Multraship, URS en de Zeeuwse autoriteiten. Maar, erkennen de sleepbedrijven met diezelfde autoriteiten, ‘de calamiteitenorganisatie en rampenbestrijding op de Westerschelde kan nog verder worden verbeterd’. Waarop zij melden ‘daaraan een bijdrage te willen leveren door afspraken met de overheid te maken over het permanent stationeren van bergingssleepboten op de rivier’. Multraship en URS laten zich niet uit over de kosten en waar de schepen moeten komen. Multraship-directeur L. Muller: ,,Dat zijn kwesties van onderling overleg.’’ Het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, verantwoordelijk voor rampenbestrijding, zou het voortouw voor een overeenkomst met bergers moeten nemen, zo staat in de eindrapportage rampenbestrijding Westerschelde. Zulke overeenkomsten bestaan al voor het IJsselmeer, de Waddenzee en de regio Rijnmond. Ook over de financiering is nagedacht. De ‘belanghebbende havens’ in het Westerscheldegebied, waaronder zeker ook Antwerpen en Gent, zouden daaraan moeten bijdragen naar het voorbeeld van Rotterdam. De havens zijn er immers bij gebaat dat zij bereikbaar blijven door te investeren in hulpverlening. Tot nu toe is er met eindrapportage rampenbestrijding Westerschelde weinig gebeurd. J. Lonink, burgemeester van Terneuzen en voorzitter van het Zeeuwse veiligheidscollege, heeft er recentelijk tijdens een bezoek aan Georgië minister Peijs van Verkeer en Waterstaat nog attent op gemaakt. ,,We zaten samen in het vliegtuig’’, aldus Lonink, ,,een betere gelegenheid kan je niet hebben.’’ (Bron: PZC)
Singapore Firm Orders More Tugs Pan-United Shipping a member of the Pan-United Group of Singapore manages and operates a number of ocean going tugs as well as bulk carriers and time charter out container ships for trading in the waters between the Arabian Gulf and South Africa to the west and east to China and Japan. www.panunited.com.sg/shipping.php The company’s current towing fleet includes eight chartered tugs and four company owned boats. Two of these are new builds in the last year. Following the success of those two vessels and their 10,000 tonne capacity barges, the firm has signed orders for two more tug and barge sets to be built in China. In the past the ABS certified ISO 9001 firm had purchased used equipment with a variety of engines but now, explains Executive Director Jimmy Lee, “We have moved to new build with high speed engines. We prefer these over slow speed engines for supplier maintenance and lower cost. They are also easier for day to day operation.” As with the company’s previous new tugs, the two that are currently on order from a Guangdong province of China shipyards will be Cummins powered. These vessels will each have a pair of IMO-compliant Cummins KTA38-M2
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main engines rated for 1200 HP continuous duty at 1800 RPM. The engines will be coupled with Reintjes Model WAF 562 gears with 5.95:1 ratios. The ABS classed vessels are 30-meters overall with 9-meter beams and a molded depth of 4.1 meters. Accommodation is provided for a crew of 14 but they can operate with a crew of nine including a licensed engineer. Although the boats are registered in Singapore they will be crewed by Indonesians who have the local knowledge to navigate as much as 100 miles up rivers in Indonesian Borneo to load coal for shipment to the Philippines and Thailand. Tows can be as much as 1500 miles each way and the new boats have been designed with full hulls carried out to the chine to accommodate 280 cubic meters of fuel capacity for a 30-day endurance. This allows them to select their bunkering locations for both price and quality considerations. The vessels will also have 50 cubic meters of fresh water tankage. Pan-United’s recently delivered Cummins KTA 50 powered tugs with 3200 hp make 8 knots towing a loaded 330-foot coal barge. The new 2400 hp tugs are expected to make an economical seven knots at their 1600 rpm towing speed. For towboats, with the low freeboard and slow speeds towing in these waters, piracy is a real danger. To avoid them, Jimmy Lee BW explains, the crews are instructed to stay well off shore until they are directly opposite their destination. In one case when masked pirates in a speedboat approached a PanUnited tug the crew were able to foil the attack by slacking the tow and turning the tug’s bow onto the pirate’s craft. The new boats will have a 30 tonne bollard pull and be fitted with towing hooks. At the crew’s request, towline will be 720 feet of 10-inch poly-nylon rope with 200 feet of short towing chain and chain bridles on the barge. Previously the boats have been fitted with towing wires that the crews find difficult to handle. The two ropes will last about one year before being replaced. With the delivery of the new boats, the company’s fleet will consist of twelve tug and barge sets of which 50 percent will be owned and the balance chartered. Executive Director Lee explains that this is a desirable balance in the event that the market for coal transport should decline in the future. (Bron: Marinelink)
Swire Pacific Offshore Selects MAN B&W 10/7/2005 10:55:15 AM MAN B&W Diesel has been awarded the contract to supply complete twinscrew medium speed propulsion packages for six Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels (AHTS). The newbuildings, which will be built by Labroy Shipyard, Batam, Indonesia (Labroy Shipbuilding and Engineering Pte Ltd, Singapore) are to be operated by Swire Pacific Offshore Limited, Singapore. The first newbuilding is expected to be launched in the beginning of 2007, and the following vessels are planned to follow at two-month intervals. The 120-ton bollard pull AHTS vessels have been designed by the U.K.-based IMT Marine Consultants Ltd., with specific optimization for the worldwide operation of Swire Pacific Offshore activities. A total main engine output of 2 x 3,285 kW will supply the propeller thrust, for a bollard pull of more than 120 metric tons. The ship service speed is optimised for 13.5 knots. The MAN B&W Diesel twinscrew Alpha Propulsion System type 9L27/38-VBS, which has been specified for the newbuildings, include: • Main Engines Two MAN B&W 9L27/38 engines, fitted with full engine power PTO and integrated journal bearing at the front-end, driving a fire-fighting pump arrangement. • Reduction Gearboxes Two MAN B&W Alpha AMG55 gearboxes, type 57VO55EV, with a speed reduction ratio of 800:141. Additionally, each gearbox is equipped with a 1,800 r/min PTO shaft for a 1600 kVA shaft alternator. • Propellers Two MAN B&W Alpha type VBS980 four-bladed controllable pitch propellers. The 3,800 mm ducted CPP systems are complete with tail, intermediate shafts and bearings, stern tube equipment, and MAN B&W fixed propeller nozzles type AHT. • Control System In addition to the engine room control station, the Alphatronic 2000 Monitoring, Control and Safety System includes a main bridge control station and an aft bridge slave control station. The propulsion control is interfaced to a Joystick/Dyn Pos System, which manages the overall ship maneuvering via gyro compass, rudders and thrusters. (Bron: Marinelink)
Nieuwe sleepboot voor Bugsier opeleverd Shipyard K. Damen Europe BV te Hardinxveld-Giessendam heeft een “tractor type” sleepboot opgeleverd aan Bugsier Reederei & Bergungsgesellschaft te Hamburg. De sleepboot, genaamd Bugsier 1, is voorzien van twee roerpropellers en zal gaan functioneren als een havensleepboot. Het schip is ontworpen om een trekkracht van tenminste 65 ton te halen met twee stuks door Rolls Royce geleverde Ulstein Aquamaster roerpropellers van het type US 305 FP geïnstalleerd. Deze voor 2025 kW geschikte roerpropellers worden aangedreven door Deutz hoofdmotoren van het type SBV 9M628 met een toerental van 1000 per minuut. Echter, tijdens
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de proefvaart in september heeft het schip een trekkracht van 60 ton behaald. De komende maanden zullen modificaties plaatsvinden om dit probleem op te lossen. Ondertussen heeft de rederij Bugsier de sleepboot Bugsier 1 in gebruik genomen. Klasse-notatie: Germanischer Lloyd X 100A5 M E1, “Tug”, GL XMC E1 AUT. Momenteel heeft Shipyard K. Damen nog twee sleepboten in opdracht voor Bugsier Reederei. In principe hebben deze sleepboten dezelfde specificatie, echter deze sleepboten zullen van een zeegaand type zijn. Beide sleepboten zullen in 2006 worden opgeleverd. (Bron: Shipping News)
EPIRD Signals from lost tug received It was reported in Cape Town during Sunday that EPIRB signals were picked up from a position at approx 375 nm from Port Elizabeth, this signals are from the EPIRB beacon from the lost tug JUPITER 6, several ships which are at present in the area are searching for the beacon. (Bron: Shipping News)
Sleepboot ‘Ola’ overgedragen. Onder grote belangstelling van genodigden is op 29 september de Damen ASD Tug 2810 ‘Ola’ overgedragen aan Kompania di Tou Kòrsou (KTK), een dochteronderneming van Curaçao Ports Authority (CPA). Gedeputeerde Getmar Caldera (FOL), tevens presidentcommissaris van CPA en Richard Lopez Ramirez, algemeen directeur van CPA, hebben de sleepboot in ontvangst genomen van de president van de Damen Shipyards Group. De overdracht vond plaats in Rotterdam. Een tweede sleepboot, de Damen Stan Tug 2909 ‘Manta’ is in aanbouw voor KTK en zal eind oktober afgeleverd worden. Met de aankoop is volgens KTK/CPA een bedrag van 11 miljoen dollar gemoeid. Gedeputeerde Caldera zette gisteren als presidentcommissaris van KTK en CPA zijn handtekening onder het ‘Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance’. Het document werd medeondertekend door directeur Lopez Ramirez; Rene Berkvens, executive vice-president van Damen Shipyards Group; en Kommer Damen, president en chief executive officer van de Damen Shipyard Group in Gorinchem. Na een korte ceremonie werd de vlag van de Nederlandse Antillen en die van KTK aan boord van de ‘Ola’ gehesen. De nieuwe sleepboot zal door personeel van KTK volgende week worden overgevaren naar Curaçao, waar hij naar verwachting na 21 dagen de haven van Willemstad zal binnenvaren. (Bron: Shipping News)
SD Jacoba De sleepboot SD Jacoba van Kooren is in de huiskleuren van Kooren geschilderd. De hull heeft nu een prachtig rode kleur.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 30 dd. 16 Oktober 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Containerschip naar Rotterdam gesleept De Fowairet, het containerschip dat 20 september vastliep in de Westerschelde, heeft donderdagavond de haven van Vlissingen verlaten. Het schip gaat voor reparatie naar Rotterdam. Dat maakten de bergers, het Belgische URS en het Nederlandse Multiship, donderdag bekend. Het containerschip heeft nog 297 containers aan boord, maar geen gevaarlijke lading meer. Het grootste gedeelte van de lading is de afgelopen week gelost en er is een aantal noodreparaties verricht. Toen het containerschip vastliep in de Westerschelde waren er 1940 containers aan boord, waarvan 127 laadkisten met een gevaarlijke lading. Twee sleepboten begeleiden de Fowairet, die op eigen kracht vaart, naar Rotterdam. Het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam verwacht dat het schip onder deze gunstige omstandigheden, kalme zee en weinig wind, vrijdagochtend om 07.15 uur met hoog water aankomt. De Fowairet legt aan even voorbij Rozenburg in het Botlekgebied. Behalve twee sleepboten begeleiden ook twee sleepboten, twee reddingsboten en het oliebestrijdingsvaartuig Arca de Fowairet op deze reis. Aan boord van het containerschip is een bergingsteam, bestaande uit onder meer scheepsbouwkundig en bergings ingenieurs en duikers. De containers zijn aan boord omdat dat veiliger is voor het schip; een leeg schip helt achterover omdat de machinekamer achterop zit. De bergers denken dat de krachten waaraan de Fowairet op zee mee te maken krijgt, op deze manier zo gunstig mogelijk blijven verdeeld. (Bron:RTV Rijnmond)
Offshore News by OSL Newbuildings Solstad Offshore has ordered from Ulstein Verft a large construction service vessel. The contract price for the vessel is around NOK 650 million and it is scheduled to deliver in May 2007. The length will be 130 metres, width of 28 metres and will be equipped with DP 3 as well as a 250 tonne offshore crane. Olympic Shipping has signed a contract with Aker Yards for the building of a PSV of MT6009 design. The contract is worth approximately NOK 150 million and the vessel is scheduled to deliver in December 2006. Ezra Holdings has place an order with the Pan United Shipyard in Singapore to build two 12,000 BHP AHTS for delivery first and last halves of 2007. It has also, through its subsidiary Lewek Shipping Pte Ltd, signed a contract with Pan United Marine to build two 7,300 bhp AHTS. With an LOA of 65 metres, these units are due to be delivered in the first half of the financial year ending August 31, 2007. REM Maritime has signed a contract with Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik, Norway, for a vessel of the UT712L design. The contract value is approximately NOK 270 million and the vessel is scheduled to deliver in January 2007. It will be have a bollard pull of 190 tonnes. Keppel Singmarine has secured an order for four AHTS vessels. Zamil Operations and Maintenance will each be taking two of the AHTS. The vessels will be delivered within first half of 2007. Eidesvik Offshore has placed an order with West Contractors in Norway to build an LNG-fuelled PSV of VS493 design at a contract value of NOK 322 million. The vessel is scheduled to deliver in August 2007 and will be 92.2 metres long, have a beam of 21 metres and a cargo desk space of 1,010 m2. Aker Yards has signed a contract worth approximately NOK 450 million to build an Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel (AHTS) for Farstad Supply AS for delivery during the summer of
2007. The vessel will be delivered in the summer 2007 and will be of the UT732 CD design. A high emphasis has been placed on developing a future-oriented vessel, with strong focus on safe and environmentally sound working operations. The vessel will be 92.70 metres LOA and have 27,500 BHP.
Secondhand Farstad have sold the Far Swan, a PSV of UT 745 L design built in 2001, to Geo ASA. The price is NOK 250 million which is NOK 50 million higher than the building price and gives a book profit of approx. NOK 83 million in the fourth quarter. In addition Farstad have also sold the Far Spirit (Blt.1983 – 6120BHP) to Sartor Shipping for a price of NOK 50,000,000 with delivery during October. This gives Farstad a book profit of NOK 35 million in the fourth quarter. Following our sale of the Far Scotsman to Secunda Marine Services we can now also report the sale of the PSV Far Server (Blt.1991 – 6600 BHP) to them. The Farstad press release states a sales price of USD 16 million. AHTS Smit Lloyd 120 and Smit Lloyd 121(Blt.1983 –10,000BHP) have been sold to Intra Oil Supplies Malaysia for a reported enbloc price of USD 11,500,000. AHTS Bremona (Blt.2005 – 7000BHP) has been purchased by Edison Chouest on private terms and has been delivered to them in West Africa. The original asking price, earlier in the year, had been USD 17/18,000,000. Havila have purchased the first newbuilding vessel (VS483) from Lomar and renamed it Havila Princess for their charter with Maersk Oile Og Gas. Price has been reported as NOK 147,000,000. PSV Havila Fortune (Blt.1992 – 6610BHP) has been sold to a KS Company for a price of USD 14,300,000. Havila retain 30% of the vessel that shows a book profit of NOK 36,000,000 since its purchase in February. AHTS Katun (Blt1983 – 12,236BHP) which is currently operating in the far East has been purchased by Waggenborg Offshore BV on private terms. Solstad have entered into a letter of intent for the sale of the platform supply vessel Normand Produce to a new company headed by the former head of TFDS Offshore (Svein Hoel). The vessel is a UT 755L design built in 2001 and will be delivered to new owners ultimo October 2005 provided all subjects lifted. Speculation has the price at around NOK 125 million. The vessel will be renamed Troms Falken thus carrying the name of the second time.
Aker Yards Signs $100M Contract Aker Yards has signed a contract worth approximately NOK 650 million to build a Well Intervention Vessel for Island Offshore. The vessel will be delivered in January 2008. Main duties for the new vessel of Rolls Royce design, will be maintenance and repair of oil-/gaswells in deeps of as far as 600 meters, and operate with a riserless wireline intervention system. The vessel will operate an ROV, (remote operated vehicle), for operations on the sea bed. The sub sea related equipment will be provided by FMC and Aker Kvaerner Wellservice. Island Offshore has been assigned a contract by Statoil for well intervention services on the Norwegian continental shelf. Under the contract Island Offshore will use its pioneering light well intervention vessel Island Frontier, built by Aker Yards, as forerunner in 2006-07. The new vessel, to be named Island Wellserver, is a new Rolls-Royce design (UT 767 CD), and will take over the service from April 2008. (Bron:Marinelink)
10/14/2005 10:09:09 AM
Smit Nieuws In Galatz (Roemenie) wordt op dit moment een schip van de Mandji klasse 3509 gebouwd en zal volgend jaar worden opgeleverd.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
De oplevering van de eerste van drie, in januari 2005 bestelde, multipurpose tugs staat in de planning voor februari/maart 2006. De schepen krijgen de volgende namen “Smit Bronco”; “Smit Bizon” en “Smit Barracuda” . Naast bovengenoemde multipurpose tugs werden in januari 2005 ook twee tugs van het 3110 type besteld. Deze haven/terminal tugs (57tbp) zullen voor de NLNG terminal bij Bonny Island in Nigeria worden ingezet. Het patrouille vaartuig ‘Smit Oloma” besteld bij Damen is inmiddels opgeleverd en ingezet bij Bonny Island. In augustus zijn twee firefighting tugs, type RAmpart, aangeschaft. Deze twee, de “Smit Damietta” en de “Smit Portsaid” zijn in aanbouw in Turkeije en worden deze maand opgeleverd. Tenslotte wordt er in Galatz ook nog een 2208 klasse, de “Smit Novik” gebouwd voor Dekastri, Rusland en opgeleverd mei 2006. De sleepboten “Smit Cristobal”; “Smit Balboa” en “Smit Panama” zijn op 20 juni 2005 gedoopt. Dit evenement vond plaats in de Flamingo jachthaven van Amador. De “Smit Balboa” en de “Smit Panama” worden ingezet in de haven van Balboa aan de Stille Oceaan zijde van Panama, terwijl de “Smit Cristobal” wordt ingezet in Cristobal aan de Atlantische Oceaan zijde van het Panamakanaal.(Bron:Smit Intern)
Menselijke fouten oorzaak ramp Julius Het zinken van de sleepboot “Julius” bij Brunsbuttel is volgens de Bundesstelle fur Seeunfalluntersuchung het gevolg van menselijke fouten. Bij het ongeluk op 14 december kwam de 64-jarige schipper om het leven. Terwijl de “Parat” trok, zou de “Julius” bij het verslepen van een ponton als stuurboot fungeren. De “Julius” drukte tegen de ponton, maar plotseling brak deze naar bakboord weg. Een van het achterschip naar de ponton lopende tros brak haakte achter het stuurhuis en trok de “Julius” om. Het bleek dat de schipper een verlopen patent had, de matroos nauwelijks ervaren was en zich tijdens het ongeluk op de ponton bevond. Ook de beide vastmakers op de ponton waren onervaren. Volgens de BfS liepen alleen trossen van het achterschip van de “Julius” naar het ponton. Ook was geen marifoonverkeer mogelijk tussen de sleepboten en de ponton. (Bron:Schuttevaer)
Vlaggeschip Faimount krijgt booreiland De supersleper “Fairmount Sherpa”, het nieuwe vlaggenschip van Fairmount Marine uit Rotterdam, gaat het grote half-afzinkbare booreiland Aleutian Key van boorcontractor Global SantaFe van Abidjan naar Trinidad verslepen. Omdat het eiland nogal diep steekt, is een sterke zeesleper nodig om de 36oo mijl lange sleepreis binnen een redelijk tijdsbestek uit te voeren. De Fairmount Sherpa, de eerste van vijf superslepers die Fairmount Marine op de Niigate werf in Japan laat bouwen, is sinds de oplevering eind mei continu aan het werk gweest. De Maiden Voyage betrof het verslepen van de met aannemingsmateriaal beladen zware lading ponton Ocean Orc van Kure in Japan naar La Union in El Salvador. Na het lossen sleepte de Fairmount Sherpa de Fukada ponton ook weer terug naar Japan. Hierna werd de sleper ingezet om de Zuid-Koreaanse kraanponton Hyundai 1000 van Ningbo in China naar Mumbai in India te slepen. Dit transport is net afgerond. Na de aflevering van de Aleutian Key in Trinidad is de sleper volgens Fairmount zeker nog tot eind dit jaar van werk voorzien. De tweede sleper uit de nieuwbouw serie, de “Fairmount Summit”, is afgelopen vrijdag, wordt 14 oktober op de Niigata- werf gedoopt door Toos Wevers, echtgenote vanb kapitein Leo Leusink, die operation manager is bij de Rotterdamse rederij. De zwaar transport divisie van Fairmount Marine gaat de pas aangekochte Noorse zware ladingponton Fairmount Fjord inzetten om de pijpenlegger Jascon 5 van Mumbai naar de Golf van Mexico te vervoeren. De sleepreis gaat ongeveer 6 weken duren. (Bron:Schuttevaer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 31 dd. 23 Oktober 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Busch Named Vice President of Titan Todd Busch has been promoted to vice president of Titan, Crowley's newly acquired salvage company which will be a part of the company's Marine Services segment. He will continue to report to John Douglass, Crowley's senior vice president and general manager of Marine Services. Busch, who had most recently served as general manager of Crowley's ship assist and escort business, will relocate from Crowley's Long Beach, Calif. office to Titan's Fort Lauderdale, Fla. headquarters. He has been with Crowley for 17 years, and has held management roles in contract towing and transportation and emergency response. In 2002, Busch was awarded the Thomas Crowley Trophy, Crowley's highest honor. Busch is widely credited with helping to secure several high-profile towing contracts, including those involving the historic battleships USS Missouri, USS New Jersey and USS Iowa, as well as the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany. He also helped secure a role for Crowley as a contractor for the U.S. Navy's 2001 Ehime Maru recovery and relocation operation in Hawaii. "Todd has consistently contributed to the company's success since joining us in 1987," said Douglass. "He is well respected in both the salvage and ship assist sectors, and we're confident he, working with the rest of the Titan management team, will help us expand our salvage operations around the world." Busch joined Crowley as an ordinary Seaman and since that time served aboard company tugs as a chief mate. He came ashore in 1994 as a dispatcher; and has held a variety of other positions with increasing responsibility. He has been responsible for the company's marine services contract business, overseeing pricing and the negotiating of contracts, as well as the commercial activities for Crowley's emergency services, and the U.S. Navy salvage contract. Busch also serves as a director, representing Crowley on the board of the Marine Response Alliance LLC. Prior to joining Crowley, Busch sailed with the Southwest Alaska Pilots Association. He attended Arizona State University and holds two licenses: Master, 100 Gross Tons Inspected Vessels, and Mate, 200 Gross Tons Inspected Vessels. (Bron: Marinelink)
10/18/2005 9:27:57 AM
Tug and Barge Collide A tug boat operator had to swim for his life after he was hit by a barge earlier near Nanaimo. Coast Guard Officer Dennis Kimodo says around five thirty this evening, the tug boat Samantha Jay was run over and it sank. The man on the tug swam for shore and was rescued by a vessel from a nearby mill The hovercraft, a BC Ferry, some commercial vessels and several other rescue boats were called out. The man rescued was not hurt. (Bron:Newsclipping)
New Elbe start trails soon The north Spanish builders of the new URAG tug "ELBE" are putting the final touch to this extraordinary vessel. The extended sea trials are scheduled to start next week. The URAG expect that the tug will be delivered in early November. The sister of the ELBE will be named EMS and is expected to be delivered one month later (early December). (Bron:Newsclipping)
Manta The second tug for (Bron:Newsclipping)
DOF orders PSV at Aker yards NORWEGIAN offshore support operator DOF has ordered a platform support vessel from Aker Yards for about NKr220m (US$33.9m) A brief Aker statement says: “The vessel of Aker design, has a scheduled delivery for April 2007 from Aker Yards at Aukra.” Aker Yards, with a turnover of NKr12.5bn last year, comprises 13 yards in Norway, Finland, Germany, Romania and Brazil, and has approximately 13.000 employees. (Bron:Newsclipping).
Deurloo Deurloo (1983) van de URS is verkocht in 2005 aan Vroon Offshore Services BV, Den Helder als VOS Shelter. (Bron:Leon de Hoop)
Sun Surrey Sun Surrey van Adsteam (UK) is in 2005 vernoemd Adsteam Surrey. (Bron:Leon de Hoop).
Smit Barbados Smit Barbados is in 2005 overgedragen aan Terminales Maracaibo als Yris. (Bron:Leon de Hoop)
Two Tugboats Sank Near Port Gamble The Coast Guard says two tugboats -- not just one -- sank early Monday near Port Gamble. An estimated 200 gallons of diesel fuel leaked from one vessel before a vent was plugged by divers. The Coast Guard, Kitsap County Sheriff's Office and state Ecology Department are investigating the sinkings. The tugs were tied together near the old Port Gamble mill. The Kitsap County Health District advises against harvesting or eating shellfish from the bay until further notice because of the fuel spill. But the state Department of Health gave the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe the O-K to resume geoduck (GOO'-ee-duck) harvesting. The big clams are found in deeper waters. (Bron:Marinelink)
10/20/2005 4:28:00 PM
Vlieland met sleep dwars door orkaan Stan Als ik dit overleef, blijf ik thuis We vertrekken 1 oktober om negen uur ’s morgens van Tuxpan in Mexico met de kraanbarge Beo. Het is een lomp ding van 22 meter breed, zwaar begroeid met pokken en met een zware fender aan de zijde. Met andere woorden: een lompe rotsleep. Op de bak staan een 300-tons kraan, een sleepboot en een massa materiaal voor kustwerk. In de sleep hebben we 140 kubieke meter extra bunkers gepompt en op de Vlieland hebben we 65 ton aan boord. Met een gemiddeld verbruik van vier ton per dag gaat er bij de huidige gasolieprijzen 2400 euro per dag doorheen. De reisbestemming is Claxonbay op Trinidad, een traject van 2350 mijl tegen wind en stroom met een bak die als een blok in het water ligt. We hebben van drie kanten goede weerberichten voor de eerste zes dagen gekregen. Zelf heb ik mijn bedenkingen bij een depressie die langs de andere kant van het schiereiland Yukatan raast. Maar alle meteorologen zeggen dat deze orkaan, Stan genaamd, in de Carib zal blijven, daar aan land zal gaan en dooft tot een tropische storm. Stan wijzigig koers. De volgende dag zijn we eindelijk onderweg met prachtig weer totdat ik de nieuwe weerberichten krijg. Die zijn niet goed. Stan is begonnen te bewegen richting Yukatan en zal via land de Mexicaanse Golf bereiken. Compleet tegen alle verwachtingen in. Teruggaan is geen optie. Dan riskeer ik hem dicht bij de kust over me heen te krijgen. En is het dan wel een Deutz, maar alles kan stuk en je zult maar liggen drijven in zo’n hurricane. Dan zie ik het eiland Vlieland niet meer, denk ik. Ik gok dat Stan in de hoek van Campeche zal blijven en draai dertig grafden meer de Noord in om daar weg te blijven. In de namiddag neemt de deining snel toe tot een meter of vier. De volgende ochtend is daar nog een meter of twee bijgekomen. Er is geen wind, wel beginnen er zware regenbuien op te duiken. Volgens de weerberichten liggen we recht in de track van Stan. We bereiden ons voor op het ergste met die kkk-sleep. Alles is super zeevast gemaakt. We hebben al krachtig moeten afslekken en maken nog maar drie mijl vaart. Tegen de avond neemt de wind toe tot kracht 9 a 10 met zware buien. Begraven in het water. Op dinsdag 4 oktober heten we Stan welkom, en hij ons. We hebben gemiddeld negentig knopen wind en gaan tekeer als een gek. Ook de kraanbak lijkt nu wel een kurk op het water. Ik kan duidelijk de pokken onder de bak zien als ze re uit springt. De motor staat op dertig procent, alleen om de neus in de wind te houden. We maken geen vaart en gaan af en toe achteruit. Maar ik wil niet meer kracht zetten. Het is beter de sleepdraad heel te houden. De zee kookt om ons heen. Gigantische golven komen van alle kanten en zo af en toe rammen ze elkaar met de Vlieland er tussenin. We worden begraven in water en schuim. Pas tegen het eind van de avond begint de wind langzaam af te nemen. Rond middernacht hebben we windkracht 9, maar nog steeds gigantische golven van een meter of tien. Bijna een etmaal later is het weer mooi weer en draaien we weer normaal toeren met de motor op tachtig procent. Alleen de sleepboot die boven op de bak staat, draagt de sporen van hurricane Stan.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
De beschermingsplaten, die wij voor de ramen van het stuurhuis hadden gezet, waren er afgespoeld. En dat ding staat twaalf meter hoog. Maar de kleine Vlieland heeft het water overleefd. Hoewel ik op een bepaald moment dacht dat dit mijn laatste dag was. Toen dacht ik: als ik dit overleef, blijf ik thuis. Maar ja, nu is het weer mooi weer, dus tja, toch maar even niet. Stan heeft volgens het nieuws 250 mensen het leven gekost nadat hij landval maakte in Mexico, precies in het gebied waar wij vertrokken zijn. Waren we teruggegaan, dan hadden we waarschijnlijk op de kust gezeten en was het adieu geweest. Ik moet zeggen dat mijn puur Deense bemanning bestaat uit prachtige zeelui. Ze hebben niet een woord gemopperd, of angst getoond. En ons Deutzje gaf geen klapje verkeerd. (Bron: Schuttevaer:Piet Ottosen – mslb. Vlieland )
Brand verwoest woning En Avant De woning van de vijftien meter lange sleepboot En Avant is zaterdagavond, 8 oktober, volledig uitgebrand. De sleper lag op dat moment achter de steigerkade in Stampersgat. Eigenaar Tuithof, die op de sleepboot woont, was bezig met het onderhoud aan de kachel toen daar brand uitbrak. De brandweer van Fijnaart moest uitrukken om het vuur te blussen. Ook de Furie 3 van BST uit Dintelsas, met aan boord de brandweer van Dinteloord, was uitgerukt, maar dat bleek niet nodig. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Ocean Dirk geborgen Bergers van Smit zagen kans om het, in het Belayin veld offshore Egypte de op 20 september gezonken bevoorrader Ocean Dirk met de bok Taklift 7 te lichten. De bevoorrader was ten onder gegaan na in aanraking te zijn gekomen met een onbekend voorwerp. (Bron: Schuttevaer-PAS)
R.Catalunya In juni 2005 tewatergelaten bij Astilleros Zamakona te Bilbao de m.slb. R.Catalunya voor Remolcadores de Barcelona, bouwnummer 614. (Bron: Jaap Bijl)
Svitzer Mallaig In augustus tewatergelaten bij Baltya Shipyard te Klaipeda de m.slb. Svitzer Mallaig voor Svitzer, bouwnummer 711. (Bron: Jaap Bijl)
Abeille Abeille (onderdeel van de Bourbongroep) heeft een 25-jarig sleepcontract in de wacht gesleept t.b.v. de nieuwe containerhaven van Tanger, die juli 2007 in vol bedrijf zal zijn. De sleepacitiviteiten beginnen echter al in april 2007. Daartoe heeft Abeille vier sleepboten bij Damen besteld, die onder Marokkanse vlag zullen gaan varen. (Bron: Jaap Bijl)
Eigenaarswisseling Smit heeft intern op 12 oktober 2005, de zware lading pontons overgedragen aan een nieuwe eigenaar. De Giant 2, Giant 3 en de Smitbarge 2 zijn vanuit Smit Heavy Lift Europe BV overgedragen aan Smit Transport Europe BV. - Rotterdam, terwijl de Giant 4 vanuit Smit Shuttle BV eveneens is overgegaan naar Smit Transport Europe BV. – Rotterdam. Het Management blijft in Rotterdam bij Smit Vessel Management Service BV te Rotterdam. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
Smit Anambas Het afzinkbare zware ladingponton, de Smit Anambas, heeft afgelopen week de in Ijmuiden gestalde topside K10-V van Wintershall opgehaald. Op dinsdagavond om 22.00. uur vertrok de Smit Anambas vanuit de Waalhaven, gesleept door de Banckert (ex. Smit Enterprise, Smit, Smit Colombo). Naar zee richting Ijmuiden. Woensdagochtend meerde het transport af in de nieuwe haven van Ijmuiden. Nadat de ponton op kade niveau was geballast werd de topside door Lastra op de ponton gereden. Hierna door Nami gezeevast. Het transport kon door weersomstandigheden niet dezelfde dag vertrekken. Op donderdagavond waren de weersomstandigheden verbeterd en ging het transport op weg naar Ridderkerk. Op vrijdagochtend liep het transport de Waterweg binnen en meerde om 11.30 af te Ridderkerk bij Nami. De Taklift 4 lichtte de topside van het ponton en plaatste het op de wal. Hier wordt de
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topside opgeknapt om volgend jaar juni weer op de Noordzee te worden teruggeplaatst. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
FAIRMOUNT SHERPA certified with 205 tons Bollard Pull Lloyds Register has certified Fairmount Sherpa for 205 Tons maximum bollard pull and 200 Tons continues. The Bollard Pull test was satisfactorily accomplished and the vessel even performed above expectation. (Bron: Fairmount)
Continue story Jupiter 6 Fears 'lost' tug was hijacked / By Henri Du Plessis – Cape Argus There is mounting speculation that the tug Jupiter 6, at first thought to have sunk with the loss of all 13 crew, is under the control of pirates or mutineers. Claims that the tug and her crew are safe are rife in India, amid rumours that her owners are negotiating with "hijackers". The Jupiter 6, which had spent six weeks in Walvis Bay in July being repaired, was towing a scrapped bulk carrier, the Satsang, from Cuba to India. Her last known position was reported by her master near Cape Town on September 6. Nothing more was heard from the tug until the Satsang was found drifting on her own about 220 miles south of Port Elizabeth three weeks ago by the bulk carrier Poseidon. The Satsang's tow line was hanging in the sea. There was no sign of the tug or her crew, and it was assumed she had sunk. Seven days later the South African-based salvage tug Smit Amandla took up the Satsang tow while waiting for another tug to be sent to tow her on to India for scrap. At the weekend, Josh Lawrence, brother of a sailor aboard the tug, said in an email to the Cape Argus that he had been led to believe the tug had been "hijacked" and that the local "shipping office" was negotiating with the hijackers. "They said the crew were safe," he said. A journalist from the Times of India also e-mailed to say he believed the tug was still afloat, because a signal that was sent automatically by the vessel's emergency position indicating radio beacon was transmitted only on October 8 - more than a month after the tug's crew last reported in. Some shipping sources in Cape Town are also suspicious. When the tug left Walvis Bay, she was low in the water because of all the fuel she had taken aboard, sources say. This could have indicated the crew were planning to stay at sea for a long time. Salvors who boarded the Satsang reported that the tow line was almost at full length, which could indicate the line had been cut at the tug's stern, rather than snapping. Emergency towing rigs on the Satsang, set up by the tug's crew, were broken. Ship lost with Indians, families not told More mysterious than the disappearance of the ship is the way it was kept secret for more than a month. Ten families across India are anxiously waiting for news of tug vessel Jupiter 6, which just vanished off the South African coast six weeks ago with an Indian crew of 10 and three Ukranian sailors. “Had there been an American sailor on board, the ship would have definitely been traced by now,” Anil Kumar Sharma couldn’t hide his anger and frustration. It was only on Tuesday that he had learnt that the ship — with his younger brother Sunil on board as second engineer — had been missing at sea since September 5. Jupiter 6 — registered in Kingstown, but believed to be owned by an Indian family — was towing bulk carrier Satsang from Namibia to the Alang ship-breaking yard in Gujarat. It had sailed from Cuba two months ago and reached the Namibian port of Walvis Bay, from where it was scheduled to reach Alang via Mauritius. The Indian crew spoke to their families from Namibia in the last week of August. On August 28, the ship left Walvis Bay but stayed in touch with its Mumbai-based manning agent, Pelican Marine. Till September 5, when it seems to have fallen off the edge of the earth. Satsang was found drifting in the ocean, about 220 nautical miles south of Port Elizabeth, and was towed ashore. The relatives of the Indian crew are furious with the shipping agent, Pelican Marine, for not alerting them or the Indian shipping authorities about the missing ship more than a month later. “Sunil had called from Namibia on August 21 to ask about our paralysed mother. He told us he was sailing out on August 28. When there was no call from him for over a month, my elder sister contacted Pelican Marine, but they didn’t tell her the ship was missing,” said 42year-old Sharma. “My sister called the families of some of the other crew members to find out if they had had any contact with the crew. It was from her that Rajkumar’s family in Kerala and Satwinder Singh in Ambala learnt that the ship is missing.” The families rushed to Mumbai last week to meet Pelican Marine officials. They visited the offices of the Indian Coastguard and the director-general of shipping and urged them to carry out search and rescue operations. “The ship may have been hijacked but it hasn’t sunk. Had it sunk, it would have led to an oil spill, which couldn’t have gone unnoticed in international waters,” Sharma said. Satwinder, whose
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father Sukhwinder was chief engineer on Jupiter 6, said: “Much time has been lost. The government must use diplomatic channels to conduct search operations.” Pelican Marine officials denied allegations of negligence. They said they had informed the Marine Rescue Coordination Centre, Cape Town, on September 8 and that aerial sorties were conducted off the Cape Town coast on September 23. The director-general of shipping has informed the ministry of shipping and the International Maritime Bureau, and issued an “enhanced group calling” message to look for the ship. Commodore S. Pradeep of coastguard (western region) said: “We can only conduct search operations in Indian waters. We have informed the South African search and rescue region and the Piracy Reporting Coordination Centre in Kuala Lumpur.” (Bron:Press Clippings)
Farstad’s US$11.5M charter deal NORWEGIAN-based Farstad Shipping's subsidiary P/R International Offshore Services ANS has been awarded a 14 month contract with extension options by Shell Sarawak for the AHTS vessel Lady Sandra worth about US$11.5m. The vessel will support the semi-submersible Atwood Falcon on Shell’s Malaysian deepwater drilling program which is scheduled to commence in December 2005. (Bron:Press Clippings)
Havila Princess delivered Havila Princess, the first in a series of four Vik-Sandvik designed VS470 PSVs, has been delivered by Kleven Verft in Norway. The vessels were originally ordered by a London-based owner, but sold to Havila Shipping shortly before delivery. The new PSV is 73.40m overall with a length between perpendiculars of 64.00m, moulded breadth of 16.60m, depth to 1st deck of 7.60m, scantling draft of 6.50m, and gross tonnage of approximately 2,440 GT (Bron:Press Clippings)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 32 dd. 30 Oktober 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Rectificatie. Abeille Les Abeilles Abeille (onderdeel van de Bourbongroep) heeft een 25-jarig sleepcontract in de wacht gesleept t.b.v. de nieuwe containerhaven van Tanger, die juli 2007 in vol bedrijf zal zijn. De sleepacitiviteiten beginnen echter al in april 2007. Daartoe heeft Abeille vier sleepboten bij Damen besteld, die onder Marokkanse vlag zullen gaan varen. (Bron: Jaap Bijl) : Jaap meldt dat De terminal in Tanger reeds volgend jaar (2006) wordt geopend. Groupe Bourbon heet sinds dit jaar Bourbon. Het embleem is inmiddels ook gewijzigd - rood vlak met een witte B. Voor de consessie voor het leveren van sleepassistenties in de in aanbouw zijnde containerhaven van Tager zal Bourbon vier Damen sleepboten inzetten. De kans is groot, dat dit vier ASD 3211 sleepboten zijn, die een aantal jaren geleden werden gebouwd voor Surf en mogelijk in 2007 van hun contracten vrijkomen in West Afrika. Ik heb dit nog niet bevestigd gekregen. LEKKO zal binnenkort hierover met Bourbon en Damen contact opnemen voor bevestiging. Bovenstaand bericht kreeg ik nog binnen van Frits v.d.Hoek
Nieuwe sleepboten voor URS De Unie van Redding- en Sleepdienst (URS) heeft twee nieuwe sleepboten in gebruik genomen. De Union Ruby en de Union Emerald behoren met een paaltrekkracht van 65 ton tot de sterkste slepers die worden ingezet in het haven- en kustsleepwerk. De twee nieuwe sleepboten werden een maand geleden al ingezet bij het vlottrekken van het containerschip Fowairet op de Westerschelde bij Perkpolder. De twee zijn gestationeerd in Antwerpen en worden vooral ingezet voor de assistentie aan containerschepen in het nieuwe Deurganckdok op de linker Scheldeoever bij Doel. De URS investeerde 12,5 miljoen euro in de slepers.De nieuwe sleepboten beschikken over een blusinstallatie. De twee achtcilinder hoofddieselmotoren (3700 KW bij 1000 toeren per minuut) zijn van Belgische makelij, net als trouwens de dekuitrusting, robuuste sleeplieren op zowel het voor- als het achterschip. Ze hebben een inhaalkracht van 44 ton bij 10 meter per minuut en een houdkracht op de remmen van 130 ton. De nieuwe slepers zijn zowel voor zeesleepwerk als voor alle mogelijke bergingsklussen geschikt. De zusterschepen zijn 33 meter lang, 11,5 meter breed en hebben een diepgang van 4,5 meter. Ze zijn in Antwerpen gedoopt door Vlaams minister K. Van Brempt van Economie en A. Peeters-De Smedt, de echtgenote van minister K. Peeters van Openbare Werken. (Bron: Clipping News)
Tanker loopt vast bij Vlissingen VLISSINGEN - Een tanker met gevaarlijke stoffen is donderdagochtend vastgelopen voor de boulevard van Vlissingen. Volgens het Schelde Coördinatie Centrum (SCC) leverde dat geen gevaar op voor de omgeving. Het schip is door twee sleepboten losgetrokken en daarna op eigen kracht verder gevaren. De Philipp Essberger, die onder de vlag van Madeira vaart, was op weg naar Dow in Terneuzen. Het schip had 4200 ton gevaarlijke stoffen aan boord. Het ging om licht ontvlambare en bijtende vloeistoffen. De tanker heeft een maximale capaciteit van 5738 ton. Toen het schip even na negen uur in de ochtend voorbij de Nolle bij Vlissingen voer, viel door een storing de hoofdmotor uit. Omdat het daardoor stuurloos werd, liep het aan de grond. Omdat er geen lekkages waren ontstaan en het schip de andere scheepvaart niet hinderde, was volgens een hoofdverkeersleider van het SCC geen sprake van een gevaarlijke situatie. Na een half uur deed de motor het weer. Omdat het opkomend tij was, bestond de kans dat de Philipp Essberger zelf los zou kunnen komen. Uiteindelijk zijn toch twee sleepboten ingezet om het schip vlot te trekken. Het SCC wilde dat de tanker ruim voor hoog water (om 11.11 uur) weg zou zijn om te voorkomen dat het bij afgaand tij nog vast zou zitten. Om kwart over tien was de Philipp Essberger los. Het schip is vervolgens op eigen kracht naar de
ankerplaats voor kleine tankers (tot honderd meter) gevaren, nabij de buitenhaven. De tanker valt met 99,99 meter precies binnen die klasse. Het schip mocht niet meteen door naar Terneuzen omdat de waterpolitie nog aan boord moest zijn voor onderzoek. Dat heeft plaatsgevonden op de ankerplaats. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Havila Princess delivered October 20, 2005 Havila Princess, the first in a series of four Vik-Sandvik designed VS470 PSVs, has been delivered by Kleven Verft in Norway. The vessels were originally ordered by a London-based owner, but sold to Havila Shipping shortly before delivery. The new PSV is 73.40m overall with a length between perpendiculars of 64.00m, moulded breadth of 16.60m, depth to 1st deck of 7.60m, scantling draft of 6.50m, and gross tonnage of approximately 2,440 GT. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
New UT-Design vessel will enhance well economics October 19, 2005 Rolls-Royce has confirmed that it has been awarded a contract for the delivery of the design and equipment for Island Offshore's new well intervention vessel Island Wellservicer.Island Offshore has entered a long-term contract with Statoil requiring a vessel capable of extracting more oil and gas from its wells on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The £70 million specialist ship is being built by Aker Yards, Langsten in Norway in a design and equipment deal worth around £8 million to Rolls-Royce. “Now it will be possible to able to extract 10 per cent more oil and gas from every single oil well in a cheaper, safer and simpler way,” said Island Offshore director Håvard Ulstein. “Previously we had to use rigs or platforms as a basis for these kind of operations.” The new UT767CD is a development of Island Offshore's Island Frontier with the 'CD' designation standing for ‘Clean Design,’ which means that the vessel has been designed to meet the strictest official requirements regarding health, environment and safety. “The entire crew of 97 all have single cabins; all maintenance work will take place indoors and the bridge will be built to meet the highest standards of nautical layout and safety,” said Rolls-Royce's design director Svein Kleven. In addition to the UT-Design, Rolls-Royce will deliver four Bergen diesel engines, other propulsion equipment, deck machinery and automation systems. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
ASL Marine wins new orders for support vessels October 25, 2005 Fairplay (www.fairplay.co.uk) reports that ASL Marine in Singapore has won contracts for four new vessels worth a total of US$18.3 million, including two emergency response and rescue vessels for an un-named European owner. Fairplay reported in its Daily Newbuilding News of October 21st that the ERRVs are due to be completed by June 2008. ASL operates yards in Singapore and Indonesia’s Batam island and is, said Fairplay, investing in expanding capacity at both facilities. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Koopvaardijdiensten Rotterdam: Op zondag 14 november 2005 om 16.00 uur in de Grote- of Sint Laurenskerk, Grotekerkplein 27. Delfzijl: Op zondag 13 november 2005 om 16.00 uur in het Zeemanshuis in de Eemshaven, Borkumerweg 2 (t.o. de Borkumlijn) Ijmuiden: Op zondag 20 november 2005 om 16.00 uur in de Nieuw Kerk te Ijmuiden nabij de sluizen. Na de dienst is er gelegenheid voor het drinken van een kopje koffie of thee. Een ieder die zich betrokken voelt bij de zeevaart, is hertelijk welkom om de oecomenische dienst bij te wonen. Tijdens de dienst wordt een collecte voor Kerstfeest op Zee gehouden. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
RT Claire RT-Claire departed with crew from Redwise 29-10 with destination Rotterdam. Expected sailing time 42 days. (Bron:Ton Has)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Russian Navy wins Tsavliris tug-of-war One of the world’s most powerful salvage tugs, Nikolay Chiker, appears to be headed out of the commercial salvage market, it has emerged. It is understood the 40,000 hp vessel is on its way to Murmansk after the Russian Navy decided not to renew its charter with joint venture partner Tsavliris salvors. The 1989-built tug has been on hire for the last five years to Tsavliris Russ (Worldwide Salvage & Towage), operating alongside two other navyowned salvage tugs that have been operated by Tsavliris for more than a decade. These are its sistership, the Fotiy Krylov,with which it shares the title of the world’s largest and most powerful salvage tug, and the 14,000 hp SB-408, both of which have about two years of their latest charters still to run. The Fotiy Krylov is currently on its third consecutive five-year charter to the operation. Both super tugs have become familiar assets in the commercial salvage world, particularly as emergency response tugs on standby near busy shipping lanes. Sources suggested that past accidents have convinced the Russian Navy’s high command that it needs to have a salvage vessel of the Nikolay Chiker’s capabilities on standby for its own use. “We have a very good relationship with the Russian Navy and we look forward to this continuing in future,” said Tsavliris group managing director Xenophon Constantinides yesterday, confirming the vessel was returning to Russia. “Our co-operation began in 1992,” he said. “Apart from the two vessels still in the Tsavliris Russ fleet, we will also be happy to talk about the particular tug [ Nikolay Chiker] again in the near future, depending on the navy’s needs. “It is unfortunate that we are parting with it at this time.” Probably the Nikolay Chiker’s most famous commercial salvage operation was its marathon effort to salvage the stricken product tanker Castorin the winter of 2001, just after starting its charter with Tsavliris. The tug was forced to tow the ship around the Mediterranean for six weeks in atrocious weather in a case that re-ignited global industry concern about places of refuge. It also performed the record towage of the aircraft carrier hull Varyag from the Bosporus Strait to China and just recently had been on salvage station in South Africa where it was involved in an operation to salve the stranded log bulk carrier Kiperousa. (Bron:Clipping News)
Intrepede De Intrepede is verleden week woensdag vertrokken uit Duinkerken en is door een Duinkerkse bemanning naar Marseille overgebracht. Zij zal nu in de Middellandse Zee worden ingezet. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Boulonnais De Boulonnais vaart nu onder de kleuren van Chambon, welke voor de sleepdiensten te Bonen verantwoordelijk is. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Duwbootrompen Verder zijn twee duwbootrompen uit Polen te Bonen aangekomen onder bouwnummers 04/206 en 04/207. De 04/205 zal tegen eind november aan Compagnie Fluviale de Transoprts als Conquerant opgeleverd worden. Zij is de eerste van vier voor de Rhône. (Bron:Lawrence Amboldt)
Westhinder verkocht De Westhinder van de U.R.S. verkocht naar Multraship,en door naar Bourgas en is herdoopt in Multratug 25 (Bron:Jaap Bijl)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 33 dd. 06 November 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Norwegian ship sinks trawler The Scottish trawler "Harvest" was sunk after a collision with the supply vessel MS "Strilmøy" in the North Sea. The collision occurred east of the Shetland Islands at about 7 a.m. Friday morning. The entire crew of the Scottish trawler was rescued aboard another ship before sinking. The "Harvest" was carrying six crew from the British zone in the North Sea, to Peterhead. No one on either the "Harvest" or the MS "Strilmøy" was injured and the Norwegian ship suffered only minor damage. "It is just a matter of minor damage to the bow," press contact Nils A. Liaaen at Simon Møkster Shipping, the MS "Strilmøy"'s operator, told Aftenposten.no. The Norwegian ship is on the way to Stavanger where it will be inspected by classification society Det Norske Veritas and the shipping company. "There will eventually be a maritime inquiry. The captain and the others on board must give evidence," Liaaen said. The MS "Strilmøy" is owned by Simon Møkster Rederi and operated by Simon Møkster Shipping in Stavanger. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Tug spill oiled 50 birds AROUND 50 seabirds are thought to have died in Shetland waters as the result of the grounding of the coastguard emergency towing vessel Anglian Sovereign early last month. Around 180 tonnes of marine diesel were spilled when the vessel ran aground on Oxna, near the entrance of Scalloway harbour, an area where a quarter of Shetland's population of eider ducks (around 1,300 birds) are moulting in early autumn. It appears that thanks to two windy days shortly after the accident many birds escaped the fate of being oiled severely, which is an inescapable death sentence. Biologists from SNH together with Martin Heubeck from SOTEAG, an environmental watchdog set up to monitor Sullom Voe oil terminal, surveyed the area of Burra, Trondra and the Scalloway islands on 4 September and again five days later. Their conclusion has now been published in the Shetland Bird Club newsletter. They observed a number of birds, mainly eiders and shags, which were swimming in a light sheen of oil and were preening hard. Mr Heubeck said: "A mix of shags, eiders, guillemots and tysties (black guillemots) probably died but the combined total was thought unlikely to much exceed 50 birds." Skipper Peter Leask (42), of Gulberwick, appeared before Lerwick Sheriff Court in private on 14 September facing five charges related to being more than three times over the legal limit for alcohol while at the helm of the vessel. The case has been adjourned without plea. The Marine Accident Investigation Branch and the Marine and Coastguard Agency are carrying out inquiries into why the accident happened. (Bron: Clipping News)
Ezra orders more anchor handlers Ezra Holdings in Singapore has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Lewek Shipping Pte Ltd, has awarded US$26 million worth of newbuilding contracts for two vessels to PanUnited Marine Ltd. The contract value excludes the cost of certain owner-furnished equipment. This latest order comprises two 78m multi-purpose anchor-handling, towing and supply vessels each of 16,000bhp, which are due to be delivered in FY2007 and FY2008. The acquisition will be funded via a combination of internal funds and bank borrowings. “Ezra is now entering an exciting growth phase and has grown into a key player in the offshore market. We also look into various opportunities to extend the value chain and strengthen our foothold in various markets,” said the company in a statement. The Group operates one of the youngest fleets of vessels serving the buoyant offshore oil and gas industry in the region. Ezra manages 14 vessels including six AHTS, two AHT, two tugs, two crew boats, one barge, and a heavy lift accommodation work barge. By the first half of FY2008, the fleet under management and operation will grow to 30 offshore support vessels with a strong deepwater E&P support services capability. The vessels will join Ezra’s current orderbook of 14 new vessels to be delivered in FY2006 and FY2007, which comprises of eight other multi-purpose AHTS, five anchor handling tugs, and a sophisticated heavy lift/accommodation/pipelay vessel. “Firm
demand in the oil and gas sector drives our newbuilding orders. We continually invest in a range of vessels for both deep and shallow water support work that broadens our abilities to meet customer demand," said Mr Lionel Lee, Ezra’s Managing Director. (Bron: Clipping News)
Seabreeze Journal – October Report Mariner More Than Able For Cable Secunda Marine PSV Mariner Sea departed the North Sea in late October. The Canadian owned 860m2 deck UT705L is now carrying out a circa two months long charter with Marseille based cable installation company LD Travocean , assisting in the power cable laying offshore Gabon. This will keep the Mariner busy until around December when we can expect to see her back in the North Sea.
Bourbon Tow Jobs Prosafe ASA has contracted two AHTS vessels from Bourbon and one from Maersk to tow two of its accommodation rigs. The UT722LX Bourbon Surf will tow the MSV Regalia from the North Sea to Angola. Its 38 day contract will commence early November. The UT722LX Bourbon Borgstein and the Maersk Achiever will tow the accommodation rig Safe Scandinavia from Norway to the Gulf of Mexico. This charter is due to begin on 1st December .
Front-Running Flower Solstad’s UT737 CSV Normand Flower, currently working for Pemex in Mexico until the end of the year, will be utilised as front-runner on DeepOcean’s IMR contract with Statoil. The duration of the contract is two years firm plus two years option with commencement in the first half of March 2006. The IMR services includes subsea inspection, maintenance and repair duties. The vessel will undergo some modifications to meet the charterer’s requirements prior to beginning its long term charter. DeepOcean, established in Haugesund, Norway in 1999 is owned by the management of Solstad Offshore ASA and Johannes Østensjø DY AS. In 2000 the company was awarded the Statoil Frame Agreement for pipeline inspection and subsea construction support, operated by Solstad’s multipurpose ROV vessel Normand Tonjer. In 2003 DeepOcean took delivery of ROV subsea vessel Edda Fonn, owned by Østensjø Rederi, which is also operated under the Statoil Frame Agreement. Through the merger with the Ocean Team Group the company has expanded its area of operations to Mexico and the Southern part of the North Sea.
Olympic Supplier fixed with Wintershall The ME303 Olympic Supplier is carrying out VSP survey and supply duties for Wintershall. The contract, which started on 9th October, is for a period of four weeks firm plus two weeks options plus fourteen daily options. The vessel has been supporting the jackup Noble Lynda Bossler on behalf of Burlington.
Kaubturm Back in Business Tidewater’s 1978 built PSV Kaubturm has been contracted by Chevron Angola for a 2-year firm plus options charter. The vessel has been laid-up in Leith since 2003.
Peterson’s Quick Fix Peterson have fixed a Vroon vessel for five years firm plus options beginning around last quarter 2007. The vessel is a diesel electric PSV that will be built in Romania for this contract. A few technical details are still to be finalised. Delivery is scheduled for October 2007. Vroon currently have three PSV’s under construction which are presently uncommitted.
Garware’s Fleet Extension Indian offshore services operator Garware Shipping has signed a memorandum of understanding with Solstad Shipping for the purchase of the UT755 Normand Vibrand at a cost of US$ 18.5 million. The vessel will be renamed Everest. In addition two other PSV’s will be ordered at a Norwegian Yard for delivery in October 2006 and April 2007, each at US$ 21.6 million.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
A Tug That Will Go Far Farstad Supply AS has signed a contract with Aker Langsten AS for the delivery of a UT 732 CD design AHTS in June 2007. The new 92,7m long vessel with 27,500 BHP will be the most advanced within the Farstad fleet and will consolidate Farstad’s position as a supplier of services to anchor handling operations in deep waters and harsh environment areas. The design is developed in close cooperation with Roll-Royce Marine and is strongly focused on safe and environmentally friendly operation. The contract value is approximately NOK 450 million (US$ 69.2 million).
Third AHTS for Norskan Norskan Offshore Ltda of Brazil (owned 50/50 by Solstad Offshore ASA and DOF ASA) has signed a contract with Aker Promar Brazil for the construction of a UT 722L design AHTS to be delivered in April 2007 at a price of around NOK 310 million (US$ 47.7 million). It is the third AHTS being built for Norskan. The first one, UT722L AHTS Norskan Copacabana was delivered in March this year and is contracted with Petrobras. The second AHTS of similar design, the Norskan Botafogo is due to be delivered in June 2006 and will commence a 4-year contract with Petrobras on delivery. On delivery of the third AHTS Norskan’s fleet will comprise three large AHTS vessels and two PSV’s, the UT755L Norskan Flamengo and the UT755L Norskan Leblon. Both PSV’s are on long term contracts with Petrobras.
Aker to build a PSV for DOF Aker Yards have signed an agreement with DOF ASA for the construction of an Aker 09DE design PSV. The vessel is scheduled to be delivered from Aker Yards at Aukra in April 2007. The contract value is approximately NOK 220 million (US$ 33.9m).
Solstad to sell the Normand Produce Solstad Offshore ASA has entered into a Letter of Intent for the sale of the UT755L PSV Normand Produce to Troms Offshore in Norway. The vessel, built in 2001, will be delivered to its new owners by the end of October. Solstad said the agreed price is around the vessel’s broker value as of the end of June. In the past, the Normand Produce (ex Troms Falken) worked extensively for Total in the UK sector on a long term charter. Solstad purchased the vessel from TFDS in December 2004. The vessel will revert to its old name.
Rectification In an earlier edition of Seabreeze it was we reported that two AX104 design PSV’s, the Bourbon Orca and the Bourbon Dolphin are being built at the Ulstein Verft. This information appeared to be incorrect. Bourbon Offshore will have the following ships/designs delivered from Ulstein Verft: Ulstein AX104 AHTS Bourbon Orca, delivery March 2006, Ulstein A102 AHTS Bourbon Dolphin, delivery July 2006, Two Ulstein PX105 PSV’s ‘TBN’, delivery October 2006 and February 2007. The AX and PX designs feature the new Ulstein X-bow. Source: Ulstein Design AS
Another UT776E PSV for Island Offshore Island Offshore has ordered a UT776E design PSV with the Aker Yards Group. This is the th second UT776E Island Offshore has ordered in a short time and the 16 contract between Island Offshore and Aker Yards. The contract value is around NOK 235 million (US$ 35.9m) and the vessel is due to be delivered in March 2007.
New MPSV for Doha Marine Services The Multi Purpose Supply Vessel DMS Challenger III, under construction at the Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding Industry group in China, is due to be delivered at the end of October. On delivery the vessel will sail to Qatar to be added to the fleet of Doha Marine Services. The vessel’s specifications vary slightly from the DMS Challenger (pictured) with a LOA of 57.5m, beam 13.8m and 4,000 BHP.
DOF’s MT6009 design newbuild DOF’s MT6009 PSV Skandi Chieftain is to be delivered from Aker Braatvaag around the end of October. On delivery the vessel will go on a term charter with Shell.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Gassy PSV for Eidesvik Offshore Eidesvik Offshore ASA has ordered a LNG-fuelled PSV, design VS493 Gass Avant at the West Contractors Yard in Norway. Delivery will be in August 2007. The vessel meets the highest environmental standards and will be marketed with prime focus on the North Sea and Barents Sea term market. Main specifications: LOA 92.2m, beam 21m, deck area 1,010m2. Accommodation and bridge are located aft.
Crew airlifted from drifting ship At 10:19 p.m. a 93 metre Dutch registered asphalt tanker 'Stella Rigel' (2,456 grt), with a cargo of 3,100 tons of bitumen, reported she had broken down within The Smalls Traffic Separation Scheme, approximately 25 nautical miles West of St Davids. The weather on scene was reported as being, south westerly force 7 to force 8. The vessel had 11 crew on board. The tug 'Anglegarth' was tasked from Milford Haven, along with St Davids Coastguard Rescue team, St Davids RNLI Lifeboat and Rescue Helicopter 169 from RAF Chivenor. Peter Mizen, Area Operations Manager, Western Region, says: "The vessel was unable to be repaired by the crew and started drifting in a Southwesterly direction towards The Smalls. As a precaution and at the request of the Master, 7 non essential crew members were evacuated by helicopter and landed at St Davids. The present situation is that the tug 'Anglegarth' is on scene and connecting a tow with the intention of towing the vessel to Swansea, where it will undergo repairs and inspection." (Bron: Clipping News)
Drifting ship brought into port A Dutch cargo ship which broke down off the coast of Pembrokeshire has been safely towed in to Swansea docks. Seven crew members of the Stella Rigel had been airlifted to shore after the vessel's engine failed 25 miles west of Milford Haven on Friday. Coastguards in Swansea said a surveyor will assess damage to the ship, which had been adrift in gale-force winds, before repairs are carried out. Four crew members had remained on board to help pilot the ship in to port. A Sea King rescue helicopter was scrambled from RAF Chivenor in north Devon and a lifeboat launched from St David's in west Wales at 0250 GMT on Friday when the ship was reported to be adrift without power. Coastguards had feared the vessel, loaded with 3,800 tons of bitumen used to surface roads, was at risk of going on to rocks off the outcrop South Bishop. At the time of the alert, Peter Mizen, area operations manager for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, said: "The vessel was unable to be repaired by the crew and started drifting. "As a precaution, seven non-essential crew members were evacuated by helicopter and landed at St David's." The Stella Rigel arrived in Swansea shortly before 1000 GMT on Saturday. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 34 dd. 13 November 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Aker Yards Wins PSV Contract Aker Yards has confirmed an optional agreement with Volstad Shipping AS, Ålesund, for the building of a Platform Supply Vessel worth approximately $38 million. Delivery is scheduled for September 2007 from Aker Yards, Brattvaag. The vessel has the designation ST 216 L-CD by Skipsteknisk AS, with focus on environmental friendly and safe operations. The hull will be built in Romania. Fast facts: Vessel type ST 216 L-CD, PSV Contract value Approx. $38 million (NOK 250 million) Yard Aker Yards, Brattvaag Delivery time September 2007 Length and width 306 ft (93.4 m) x 63 ft (19.2 m) Design Skipsteknisk AS Cargo capacity 5,000 tons (Bron: Marinelink)
Bourbon/Les Abeilles Zowel Bourbon/Les Abeilles als Damen Shipyards hebben bevestigd, dat de vier "Damen built" sleepboten, die per 2007 in Tanger zullen worden ingezet vier nieuw te bouwen sleepboten, type ASD 2810 zijn, welke begin 2007 zullen worden opgeleverd. De bouw zal in het buitenland (Roemenie) plaatsvinden. (Bron: Frits van der Hoek)
Harms Berguns Harms Berguns Germany have announced to the market that they have purchased the three VS470 design PSV’s currently being built for Lomar, which will be named Centaurus, Cerberus and Aeolus. Deliveries will be ex yard November 2005, March 2006 and June 2006. (Bron: OSL)
NorSkan Offshore NorSkan Offshore has awarded Aker Yards Promar a contract to build an AHTS of UT722L design at a cost of NOK 310 million with delivery April 2007. It will be 80 meters long and have a breadth of 18 meters. (Bron: OSL)
Seagood Cassandra Newbuilding AHTS Seagood Cassandra has been sold to Huawei Offshore China on private terms. The vessel has already been delivered and name Huaxin. (Bron: OSL)
Garware Shipping Garware Shipping India has place an order with the Havyard Norway for the construction of one plus option for a PSV of the UT755L design with delivery of the firm order scheduled for October 2006. (Bron: OSL)
Geo Geo is to build, at a cost of NOK 307 million, an ROV support vessel of the Aker Rov 06 design for delivery May 2007. Aker Yards Soviknes has been awarded the contract. (Bron: OSL)
Seabulk PSV Seabulk Massachusetts (Blt.179 - 5600BHP) together with the Seabulk Pennsylvania (Blt.1979 – 3900BHP) have been sold to a Buyer for operations in the Caspian Sea. (Bron: OSL)
Nomis Nomis has purchased, on private terms, the supply vessels Needham Tide (Blt.1983 2250BHP) and Cole Tide(Blt.1982 - 2250 BHP) for conversion to standby roles. The vessels, which are already delivered, were part of Tidewaters laid up USA fleet. They have been named Dea Ocean and Dea Siren. (Bron: OSL)
Sleper Manta naar Curaçao Damen heeft onlangs de tweede sleper voor de Kompania di Tou Korsou (KTK) op Curaçao opgeleverd. Deze Stan Tug 2909 is Manta gedoopt en zij maakt op eigen kiel de Atlantische oversteek. De oplevering van de haven- annex kustsleper volgt vier weken na de oplevering van de Ola, een Damen Stan ASD Tug 2810. Beide hebben Willemstad op Curaçao als thuishaven. De Manta is 29,16 meter lang, 8,84 meter breed en steekt 4,38 meter. De voortstuwing bestaat uit twee Caterpillar 3516B-motoren met een totaal vermogen van 4520 bhp, die elk een vaste schroef in een straalbuis aandrijven. Bij de trekproeven bleek de Manta ruim 65 ton te leveren en vrijvarend een snelheid van ruim dertien knopen te kunnen maken. De Ola trekt bijna 59 ton. De vloot van KTK bestaat nu voornamelijk uit Damen-slepers. Eerder leverde de werf in Gorinchem ook de Jaro II en Lima II in respectievelijk 1990 en 1997. Naast de KTK opdracht heeft Damen nog een soortgelijke order gekregen voor twee ASD Tugs met een trekkracht van 68 ton voor Tug Malta. De eerste wordt begin volgend jaar opgeleverd, nummer twee volgt eind 2006. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Eerste Spaanse URAG sleper De Spaanse werf Astilleros Zamakona in Santurce bij Bilbao heeft de havensleper Elbe opgeleverd aan Unterweser Reederei uit Bremen. De sleper, die over een trekkracht beschikt van 75 ton, is de eerste van een serie van twee Voith Schneider aangedreven vaartuigen die de URAG-vloot komen versterken. De rederij uit Bremen heeft de order voor de bouw van de Elbe en haar zusje Ems vorig jaar april bij de Spaanse werf geplaatst. De reden voor de nieuwbouw is tweeledig. Ten eerste heeft de URAG sterkere slepers nodig om de alsmaar groter wordende containerschepen te kunnen assisteren. Ten tweede wil de rederij beide slepers ook op de Noordzee inzetten in het verhalen van booreilanden. Dit werk wordt overigens ook al uitgevoerd met de eigen slepers Weser en Jade, die beide een trekkracht van zeventig ton hebben. De zojuist opgeleverde Elbe is 36,50 meter lang, 12,50 meter breed en heeft een maximale diepgang van 6,25 meter. De twee hoofdmotoren hebben een gezamenlijk vermogen van 5300 kW, waarmee twee Voith Schneider-units die onder het voorschip hangen worden aangedreven. De sleper kan, naast het uitvoeren van sleep- en ankerwerk ook als brandblusboot FiFi 1 worden ingezet. Het zusje van de Elbe, de Ems, wordt begin december opgeleverd. Oorspronkelijk waren de opleveringen van de twee slepers in juni en september gepland. Met de komst van de nieuwe slepers bestaat de URAG-vloot uit veertien kust- annex havenslepers. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Vier werkschepen naar de Kaspische Zee Voor een offshoreproject in de Kaspische Zee heeft Rederij Waterweg uit Den Helder vier werkschepen naar Kazachstan verscheept. Dit zijn de speciaal voor dit project gebouwde Damen Multicats CS Carmen en CS Marina en de slepers annex bevoorraders Sara Maatje Elf en Sara Maatje XII. De laatste twee zijn van Van Stee Survey & Supply, sinds kort een zusterrederij van Rederij Waterweg. Beide rederijen maken, samen met Van Laar Scheepvaart, deel uit van Acta Marine Holding. Samen beschikken zij over een vloot van ruim zestig werkschepen. Bijzonder aan de Multicats is hun geringe diepgang van een meter. Dat was een speciale eis van offshoreaannemer Saipem. Rederij Waterweg ia al zo’n drie jaar in de Kaspische Zee actief met onder andere het seismische survey-vaartuig Coastal Bigfoot en de sleper Coastal Assistant. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Smit Damietta & Smit Port Said Afgelopen dagen (week 44) hebben de nieuwe sleepboten Smit Damietta en de Smit Port Said proefgevaren De sleepboten zijn gebouwd op de werf in Tuzla Turkije, en zijn ontworpen door Robert Allan Ltd. Het is de verwachting dat beide sleepboten half november 2005 worden overgedragen aan SMIT TERMINALS. In deze 2 ASD sleepboten staan 2 Caterpillars type 3516 met een vermogen van elk 1.800 kW = 4869 bhp. Er hangen 2 variabele pitch propellers onder met een diameter van 2400 mm. Hierdoor hebben de boten een bollard pull van rond de 60 ton en een snelheid van 13 knopen vooruit en zo'n 11 knopen achteruit. Deze boten hebben het certificaat: Bureau Veritas 1 + Hull + Machinery + Tug / Fire Fighting 1 (FIFI 1) Ship + Oil recover ship + Unrestricted Navigation + AUT-UMS Navigation Area A3 Deze afmetingen zijn lengte 30.25 m breedte 11.60 m diepgang 5.28 m bunkercapaciteit: brandstof 177.4 ton water 27 ton schuim 8 ton vuile olie 3.5 ton sewage 2.6 ton. (Bron: Smit-Tugspotters)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Nieuwe voor Viegers Sleepvaartbedrijf Viegers & Zn te Andijk heeft bij Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld een nieuwe Shoalbuster 2709 besteld. Het casco wordt gebouwd bij Stocnia Kozle Serwis te Polen en zal in september 2006 te Hardinxveld arriveren om verder afgebouwd te worden. De bouw overeenkomst voor deze sleepboot is op woensdag 2 november op de Europort Maritime te Rotterdam ondertekend De voorstuwing zal bestaan uit 2 x Caterpillar 3512 B TA/A met een totaal vermogen van 2238 kW of wel 3000 bph bij 1600 rpm. De schroeven zitten in een van de Giessens optima nozzles hierdoor heeft het schip een bollard pull van 35 ton en een snelheid van 11 knopen. Tevens is het uitgerust met een boegschroef van 147 kW. Er is een accommodatie voor 6 bemanningsleden welke elk zijn voorzien van airco. De oplevering staat gepland voor maart 2007. (Bron: Tugspotters)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 35 dd.20 November 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Svitzer Maltby Bij Baltija Shipyard te Klaipeda is in september 2005 voor Svitzer t.w. gelaten de sleepboot Svitzer Maltby, bouwnummer 712, 395 brt., vlag DNK (Deens). (Bron: Jaap Bijl)
B.Enterprise Bij IHC-Holland te Sliedrecht t.w. de sleepboot B.Enterprise, bouwnr. 11015, 215 brt., voor Westminster Dredging. Vlag NGA (?).(Bron: Jaap Bijl)
Slepers Smit willen staken Door GERT ONNINK, ROTTERDAM - Onder het personeel van Smit Havensleepdiensten heerst grote onrust. De naar schatting tweehonderd werknemers van het Rotterdamse bedrijf willen het werk op dinsdag 22 november neerleggen. Reden van de staking is niet alleen het vastgelopen CAO-overleg, maar ook de 'arrogante houding' van de directie. Bij zusterbedrijf Smit Transport & Heavy Lift, het voormalige Smit Tak, dreigen eveneens acties. De tweehonderd bergingsmedewerkers, onder wie ook in het buitenland actieve collega's , zijn van plan over ruim een week in staking te gaan. ,,Het is goed mis bij Smit,'' vat bestuurder C. Bos van FNV Bondgenoten de situatie samen. ,,De mensen zijn het echt zat. Dit gaat behalve over de CAO ook over het management. Er worden mensen ingehuurd tegen de afspraken in. Dat heeft weer kwaad bloed gezet bij werknemers die eerder ontslagen zijn en niet worden herplaatst. Verder is er sprake van intimidatie.'' Volgens de vakbondsman kunnen de acties van de Smit-slepers ingrijpende gevolgen hebben voor de Rotterdamse haven. ,,Bedenk dat Smit driekwart van alle schepen in Rotterdam doet. Als de directie niet beweegt en daar ziet het niet naar uit, dan gaan de werknemers er 24 uur uit. Dan gaat er dus een dag lang geen boot de haven in of uit.'' De directie van Smit is op de hoogte van het ultimatum. , ,We gaan daar nog zeker op reageren,’’ sprak een woordvoerster, die gisteren niet op het CAO-conflict wilde ingaan. In de onvrede onder het personeel zegt zij zich niet te herkenen. De sleep- en bergingsafdelingen van Smit gelden in de ogen van de vakbond als goed renderende takken. ,,Er worden glanzende winstcijfers gepresenteerd. Het personeel wil daar ook wel eens iets van terugzien.'' Het conflict over de twee Smit-CAO's gaat onder meer over loon, pensioen, ziektekosten en overwerk. ,,Het bedrijf haalt goede resultaten. Dan kun je de mensen toch niet met 0,65 procent extra loon afschepen,'' meent Bos. De vakbond eist 1,25 procent meer salaris. Bos verwijst naar Smit-topman Vree die de afgelopen jaren loonsverhogingen van 37 en 10 procent heeft gehad. FNV Bondgenoten houdt maandag ledenvergaderingen bij de achterban van Smit. Dan wordt mogelijk ook een ultimatum gesteld aan Smit Transport & Heavy Lift. ,,De actiebereidheid is groot,'' weet Bos. ,,Een staking zal ook het werk treffen van Smit-bergers in Brazilië en de Golf van Mexico. Daar zijn mensen bezig met het herstel van de gevolgen van de orkaan Katrina.'' (Bron: AD)
Sixth Tugboat for Port Fleet JSC On November 8 2005 the tugboat "Sestroretsk" built to the order of the Port Fleet JSC by the Leningrad Shipyard Pella joined the company's fleet. According to Alexander Denisov, the company's CEO, the construction is worth 3 mn euros. The tugboat was launched on September 9, 2005. This is the sixth and the last tugboat of the series. "Sestroretsk" will start operations in the St.Petersburg Seaport since November 14. The tugboat is equipped with the 2 engines of Caterpillar Co. The speed of the vessel is 12.5 -13 knots. At present the 9 tugboats of over 2.500 horsepower are in St.Petersburg Seaport. (Bron: Clipping News)
Albatros mobilised London, Nov 14 - A SvitzerWijsmuller BV report, dated Nov 12, states: SvitzerWijsmuller Salvage BV received instructions to execute the necessary refloating operations of bulk Spirit of Alpha (14927 gt, built 1984), cargo clinker, after it ran aground off Padang, Sumatra, on Nov 7.
SvitzerWijsmuller Salvage was approached by the owners/underwriters almost immediately and instantly sent in one of its salvage teams to inspect the situation and condition of the vessel. Based on the contract confirmation that was received today, further salvage team members from SvitzerWijsmuller salvage bases in Indonesia, Singapore and The Netherlands will be mobilised in to bring the initial salvage team at full operational strength. SvitzerWijsmuller salvage tug Albatros will be mobilised in from Singapore with the necessary additional salvage equipment. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Smit richt in Zuid-Afrika Smit Armandla Marine op Uitgegeven op dinsdag 15 november 2005 om 19:07:01 (Novum/Betten) - Smit Internationale en African Maritime Investment Holding hebben in Zuid-Afrika een onderneming opgericht onder de naam Smit Amandla Marine. Dat heeft het sleep- en bergingsbedrijf dinsdag bekendgemaakt. Smit Internationale brengt al haar activiteiten in Zuid-Afrika in in de nieuwe onderneming en krijgt een belang van 70%. De in te brengen activiteiten hebben volgens een woordvoerder een omvang van 'enkele tientallen miljoenen'. Met de oprichting van de nieuwe onderneming voldoet Smit naar eigen zeggen aan het streven van de Zuid-Afrikaanse regering om de gekleurde bevolking en sociaal achtergestelden meer kansen te bieden. Bij Smit Amandla Marine is 74% van de werknemers zwart. Voor de werknemers van de nieuwe onderneming is de Smit Amandla Marine Employee Trust opgericht die een belang krijgt van 12% in Smit Amandla Marine, waarmee de werknemers ook direct betrokken zijn bij het bedrijf. De resterende 18% in Smit Amandla Marine komt in handen van African Maritime Investment Holdings. In ruil voor het belang brengt dit bedrijf haar netwerk en contacten in, waarmee Smit opdrachten verwacht binnen te halen die het bedrijf in het verleden niet gegund werden. Smit verwacht op korte termijn geen grote effecten van de oprichting van Smit Amandla Marine, maar verwacht dat de stap op langere termijn zal leiden tot een betere positionering. (Bron:Smit)
Gulfmark orders at Keppel Tuesday, 15 November 2005 US-based offshore support vessel operator Gulfmark Offshore has ordered six anchor handling tug/supply (AHTS) vessels from Singapore’s Keppel Singmarine for S$230m (US$135m). Two of the 10,700 bhp, 2,700 dwt vessels will be built in China, at the Keppel Nantong Shipyard. The first vessel is expected to be delivered in the third quarter of 2007, with progressive deliveries subsequently till the final delivery in the third quarter of 2008. This is a repeat order and follows delivery of two similar vessels to Gulfmark Offshore in the first quarter of this year. Gulfmark’s president and CEO, Bruce Streeter, said: “These new vessels are the culmination of over 18 months of planning and are designed to respond to the growing demand created by increased oil and natural gas development activities as well as the new construction of drilling rigs.” (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Comenda renamed Recently towingcompany Jens Alfastsen of Horsens purchase the most powerful tug for Danish flag. The Setubal-registered Comenda, now renamed MIRA A. Last Sunday she arrived at Horsens. Mira A has a certified bollardpull of 74 tonnes, two tonnes more than ASTERIX, which is next on the list (we don't count A.P. Moller-Maersk's supply AHTS's) Towingcompany Jens Alfastsen has four tugs now. SANNE A, built 1908, 5 bp; SUSANNE A, built 1977, 40.8 bp; LUNA A, built 1976, 39 bp; MIRA A, built 1978, 74 bp. (Bron: Clipping News)
Smit-Lloyd 109 Spotted at Piraeus, the RIG DELIVERER, built as the SMIT LLOYD 109 in 1974, renamed RED GREBE in 1998, the same year renamed again in SEABULK GREBE and in May 2005 renamed RIG DELIVERER (Bron: Clipping News)
Otto Candies sells part of their fleet Otto Candies has sold all of its fourteen tugs except the OTTO, KELLY, DEVIN, SIDNEY, and PAUL. Three of these tugs are 2000-built with 9,400 hp and the PAUL and and OTTO were built in the mid-80s and having 9,000 ihp and 6450 shp. (Two of the sold tugs also have 9,000/6,140 hp)Identity of purchaser is confidential. (Bron: Clipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 36 dd. 27 November 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Vroon besteld twee PSV ‘ers Afgelopen vrijdag, 18 november 2005, is het contract getekend voor de nieuwbouw van twee Platform Supply Vessels. De schepen worden gebouwd op de Damen werf in Galatz, Roemenie. Het eerste schip: M/V "Pool Express" (intern nummer: 334), staat gepland voor oplevering in oktober 2007. Het tweede schip: M/V "Base Express" (intern nummer 335), zal drie maanden later opgeleverd worden. De schepen worden diesel-elektrisch aangedreven en beschikken over dynamic-positioning. (Bron: Vroon)
Sleepboot Y8122 weer onder stoom den helder-Na een langdurige restauratieperiode is de bijna 70 jaar oude werfsleper Y 8122 weer onder stoom gebracht. De sleper, die in 1936 op de Oude Rijkswerf Willemsoord is gebouwd, is eigendom van de Stichting Nautische Monumenten Den Helder en maakt deel uit van de historische schepencollectie van Museumhaven Willemsoord. Luid geraas uit de stoomfluit van de Y 8122 was vorige week het teken dat de complete stoomvoortstuwing weer operationeel is en dat de bijna 20 meter lange sleper eindelijk weer op eigen kracht kan varen. Volgens woordvoerder Cees Schouten, die leiding geeft aan de groep vrijwilligers die vanaf 1992 het complete vaartuig weer in haar oude luister heeft hersteld, is het restauratieproject nu bijna afgerond en kan de Y 8122 worden ingezet voor vaartochten en promotionele doeleinden. ,,Het opstoken van de stoominstallatie heeft ruim een dag in beslag genomen. We hebben de ketel langzaam opgestookt tot 6 bar'', zegt Schouten. De oliegestookte ketel levert stoom voor de stoommachine die op haar beurt weer de schroef van de Y 8122 aandrijft. ,,Daarnaast levert de ketel stoom aan aantal werktuigen, waaronder de stoomgenerator die zorgt voor de elektriciteit.'' Vanaf de bouw tot het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog verleende de Y 8122 in Den Helder samen met twee zusterschepen allerlei hand- en spandiensten voor de Koninklijke Marine. In Duitse dienst werd de sleper onder meer ingezet als ondiepwater mijnenlegger. In 1944 liet de bemanning de sleper verdwijnen door haar te verbergen in een tochtsloot in de Wieringermeerpolder. Na de oorlog deed het vaartuig nog kort als sleper dienst om in 1948 te worden omgebouwd tot warmteafgiftevaartuig voor marineschepen die ter reparatie op de Rijkswerf lagen. In 1976 vond de ombouw plaats van kolen naar oliestook. ,,Na vele jaren van trouwe dienst raakte de Y 8122 in 1990 in ongebruik. Om het unieke vaartuig als nautisch erfgoed voor het nageslacht te bewaren, is de Y 8122 twee jaar later overgedragen aan de Stichting Nautische Monumenten Den Helder'', zegt waarnemend SNM-voorzitter Paul Schaap. ,,Vervolgens is de sleper onder de paraplu van een speciaal hiervoor opgerichte Stichting Y 8122 door een enthousiaste groep vrijwilligers compleet gerestaureerd. Een bijzondere prestatie waarin heel veel vrije tijd, energie en geld, vaak op lucratieve wijze ingezameld, zijn gaan zitten.'' (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Smit Damietta & Smit Port Said handed over The 2 newbuilding tugs Smit Damietta and Smit Port Said are handed over ovember 23rd by the Turkish builders to SMIT. (Bron: Clipping News)
Stormweer op de Noordzee op 25 november 2005. De sleepboot “Jantar” met een sleep, onderweg naar Harlingen, heeft problemen om tegen de wind in te komen. Het schip bevindt zich momenteel ten noorden van Terschelling en wacht op de mogelijkheid om de haven binnen te lopen. De harde storm heeft ook gevolgen voor de staking bij de sleepdienst van Smit in Rotterdam. Twee sleepboten waren ondanks de werkonderbreking toch uitgevaren omdat een schip in de haven van de trossen was geslagen. Op zee zijn zeven schepen in de problemen gekomen als gevolg van de harde wind. Op een van de schepen, de Maersk Flanders, zijn drie bemanningsleden gewond geraakt. Eén van hen is er slecht aan toe. Het vaartuig is de
Europahaven binnengesleept en de gewonden zijn naar ziekenhuizen afgevoerd. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
SvitzerWijsmuller opens new office in Cape Town November 23, 2005 Robert-Jan van Acker head of SvitzerWijsmuller's global salvage activities, welcomed guests at a reception last week marking the opening of the group's office in Cape Town. SvitzerWijsmuller's Cape Town office opened in July. Within the first month, the Cape Town team responded to four marine emergencies. Addressing representatives of SAMSA (the South African Maritime Safety Authority) and Cape Town's maritime community, Robert-Jan van Acker said: "SvitzerWijsmuller was established in its present form in 2001. Since then, the group's international activities have expanded steadily. South Africa and the African region as a whole are important markets for our salvage, towage, harbour services and offshore activities. Cape Town office is a springboard for rapid progress in the development of our African business. We now look forward to the establishment of further offices on the African Continent." The reception in Cape Town, held on November 17th, was attended by over 100 guests. A reception in Durban the following day was equally well attended. The photo shows, from left to right: Nick Sloane, General Manager, SvitzerWijsmuller Africa; SvitzerWijsmuller CEO Jesper Lok; Managing Director SvitzerWijsmuller Salvage Robert-Jan van Acker and SvitzerWijsmuller COO Lars Seistrup, during the November 17th reception. (Bron: Marinelink)
Siem Offshore takes delivery of first VS470 Mk II November 25, 2005 Aker Langsten shipyard in Norway has delivered the first in a series of six PSVs to Siem Offshore Inc. The vessel bears the name Sasha. The new vessels are VS470 Mk II PSvs based on a design by naval architects Vik-Sandvik and are 73.4m long with a breadth of 16.6m. Vik-Sandvik said the next vessel, Sophie, will be delivered in January 2006. (Bron: Leo Krame)
Shell kiest voor DOF-bevoorraders Voor de bevoorrading van platformen op de Noordzee heeft Shell een contract gesloten met de Noorse rederij District Offshore. Hiervoor worden vier bevoorradingsvaartuigen ingezet. Als eerste gaat de Skandi Captain ruim twee jaar voor Shell aan de slag. In januari volgt de Skandi Falcon, die voor twee jaar is gecontracteerd, terwijl in juli de Skandi Marstein de Shellgelederen versterkt. Voor deze bevoorader is een contract van vijf jaar gesloten. Verder levert District Offhore volgend jaar ook nog een vaartuig, dat nog in aanbouw is. Shell heeft opties om de contracten voor deze bevoorraders te verlengen. (Bron: Shuttevaer)
RT Stephanie komt aan in Nederland De RT Stephanie, de eerste van een serie van vier nieuwe Rotortugs, is in Nederland aangekomen. De kust-annex havensleper is voor Kooren Shipbuilding and Trading in Rotterdam gebouwd op de ASL-werf in Singapore. Het zusterschip, de RT Claire, is intussen ook door de werf opgeleved en eveneens op weg naar Nederland. De beide 28 meter lange en bjna twaalf meter brede slepers worden voortgestuwd door drie Niigata roerpropellers, die op hun beurt weer door drie Niigata 6L25HX hoofdmotoren worden aangedreven. Vrijvarend halen de boten een snelheid van twaalf knopen. Aan boord is accommodatie voor zes personen. De RT Stephanie en RT Caire worden met de twee nog op te leveren Rotortugs verhuurd aan de Societe Nouvelle de Remorquage du Havre (SNRH). Een nieuwe havensleepdienst waarmee twee voormalige medewerkers van Les Abeilles de monopoliepositie van deze rederij in Franse havens willen doorbreken. Zij hebben onlangs een vergunning gekregen om met de Kotugslepers in Le Havre aan het werk te gaan. Hunnen plannen hebben bij de overige Les Abeillesmedewerkers al wel de nodigde commotie teweeggebracht. Met name wordt gevreesd voor banenverlies. De laatste twee Rotortugs zullen nog voor de komende jaarwisseling door de ASL-werf worden opgeleverd en naar Nederland worden overgevaren. De RT Claire wordt begin december in Rotterdam verwacht. (Bron: Shuttevaer)
Damen Shipyards Takes Tug Order Croatian tug operator JPS (Jadranski Pomorski Servis) from Rijeka has ordered a new tugboat of the Damen Stan Tug 2208 type. This vessel, with a bollard pull of 40 tones, will be the second Damen vessel in the fleet of JPS, following the in 2002 delivered David Prvi of the
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Damen ASD 3211 type. The Damen Stan Tug 2208 will be completely built by Damen Shipyards Gorinchem and will be delivered to JPS at the end of 2006. (Bron: Clipping News)
Med Marine delivers first of three tugboats to Kotug The fast growing European tugboat company Kotug recently took delivery of the first of a new series of three identical, powerful and manoeuvrable tugboats from Med Marine in Istanbul, Turkey. The delivery of the first tugboat was made official by Mr Ard-Jan Kooren President of Kotug and Mr R. Hakan Sen President of Med Marine during a small ceremony at the Dutch Consulate in Istanbul last Thursday in the presence of the Mayor of Rotterdam Mr Ivo Opstelten and the Dutch Consul-General Mr Marco Hennis. Med Marine’s reputation for high quality workmanship and technology at their yard made Ard Jan Kooren decide to enter a business relationship with Med Marine without hesitation. At this moment the first tug is sailing under own power to Rotterdam with the second and third tugs scheduled to be delivered the beginning of December 2005 and the end of January 2006 respectively. Tugs details: 60 tons bollard pull 32 m ASD tug, equipped with two Wartsila 9L20C3 driving two Schottel SRP 1215 CP propellers. The vessel is fully fitted for assisting seagoing vessels in port, coastal and deep-sea towage, provision of waterborne fire fighting (Fifi I) capability for the protection of ship and dock facilities and salvage operation facilities. (Bron: Clipping News)
In Memoriam Peter (Jose) Azevedo Peter, the owner of Café Sport at Horta at the island Faial (Azores) passed away November 19th after reaching the age of 80 years. Peter and his father Henrique were known by a lot of SMIT crews which were onboard the salvage tugs whilst on salvage station “Azores” since 1920 and a few of this crews got married at the island, even the Café Sport was painted “SMIT” blue that time by the crews of the tugs, and this colour stays their until today ! The last tug taken salvage station was the Smit Rotterdam in 1978. One of the worst winter periodes with the lost of the Munich that go down with all crew. After the salvage station “Azores” was discontinued by Smit end seventies, Peter got more visits of yachts which passed by during sailing trips and became very popular as a stop over place, the slogan was : IF YOU SAIL TO HORTA AND DON’T VISIT PETER, YOU DON’T REALLY KNOW HORTA !! Peter, rest in peace. And on behalf of all the SMIT people and yacht people which visited your place, thank you for the good times you gave us at Horta. (Bron: Clipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 37 dd. 04 December 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Barge Spills Liquid Asphalt A barge carrying about 1 million gallons of liquid asphalt ran aground early this morning on the James River near the end of Willis Road in southern Chesterfield County, according to a report in the Richmond Times Dispatch. Authorities said the barge was being pushed up river by a tugboat. It ran aground between 4 and 4:30 a.m. One of eight tanks holding about 120,000 gallons of heated asphalt ruptured, spilling the material into the river, said Henrico County fire Lt. Gary Hutchison. U.S. Coast Guard officials estimated that 8,400 gallons of asphalt leaked from the barge. Firefighters and hazardous materials crews from Chesterfield and Henrico counties, as well as a private cleanup contractor, were working to contain the spill with booming material. The boom, a floating material wrapped in a plastic, extends about a foot below the water line. The asphalt, which is heated to 270 degrees Fahrenheit during transport, was to be unloaded at a company near Richmond's Deep Water Terminal. Officials with the state Department of Environmental Quality today said they had not seen any injured or dead wildlife or other environmental problems near the spill site. The 250-foot barge Piney Point is owned Vane Line Bunkering of Baltimore, Md. The tugboat pushing it is operated by Dann Marine Towing of Chesapeake City, Md. Authorities haven't yet determined what caused the accident. The U.S. Coast Guard is leading the investigation. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Operations Continue on Asphalt Barge that Leaked in James River 11/30/2005 10:09:09 AM The Coast Guard continues to monitor a barge that ran aground and spilled approximately 42,000 to 63,000 gallons of liquid asphalt, five miles south of Richmond, Va., at 4:30 a.m. Monday. The Piney Point was being pushed up river, toward Richmond, by the tug Barbary Coast when it ran aground in the vicinity of Meade Landing State Park. The barge was transporting approximately 930,000 gallons of asphalt when it ran aground. The other seven tanks on board were reportedly not damaged, and workers from the scene report the barge is not leaking. Divers assessed damage to the hull today, and a plan is being developed for patching the hole. Additional equipment will also arrive this morning to further stabilize the barge and prepare for the removal of the remaining cargo, which is scheduled to begin Wednesday. The James River is open to single-barge and recreational traffic only from mile marker 156 to 158. Single-barge traffic must contact the Coast Guard command center at Sector Hampton Roads before transiting the area. The Coast Guard Cutter Chock, homeported in Portsmouth, Va., is patrolling the two-mile safety zone around the barge. Recreational traffic must get permission from the crew of the Chock before transiting the area. The response to this incident is a unified effort, with resources on scene from federal, state and local agencies, as well as representatives from both the barge and tug owners. The barge Piney Point is owned by Vane Line Bunkering, of Baltimore; the tug Barbary Coast is owned by Dann Towing, of Chesapeake City, Md. The cause of the incident is under investigation. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Les Abeilles Les Abeilles Duinkerken heeft bij de Franse administratie van Maritieme Zaken een aanvraag ingediend om de naam van de Abeille Antifer in Robuste te veranderen. De Abeille Antifer vaart sinds 2004 in Duinkerken. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Nieuw namen voor de Kooren slepers uit Turkije Is er een naam voor de eerste Kooren sleepboot uit Turkije? (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Naam bekend. Kotug koopt slepers in Turkije Directeur Hakan Sen van het Turkse Med Marine heeft de eerste van drie kust-annex havenslepers overgedragen aan Kotug-directeur Ard Jan Kooren. De SD Seine gedoopte sleper, die bij Med Marine in Eregli aan de Zwarte Zee is gebouwd, is nu op weg naar Rotterdam. De SD Seine is een Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD) sleper met een trekkracht van ruim
zestig ton. De voortstuwing van de 32 meter lange en 10,50 meter brede sleper bestaat uit twee Wartsila 9L20C3-hoofdmotoren, die elk een 360 graden draaibare schottel SRP 1215roerpropeller aandrijven. De SD Seine kan ook blussen en bergen. De Turkse werf levert de twee zusterschepers deze en volgende maand op. Med Marine heeft behalve twee werven aan de Zwarte Zee ook eigen zeeschepen en een sleepdienst, die in diverse Turkse havens actief is. (Bron: Schuttevaer)
Corvina Is er iets bekend over de Corvina van Schramm, Brunsbüttel, die in oktober door Sanmar geleverd zou zijn? Het gaat hier om het zusterschip van de Chambon Largade (ex. Dogançay V, 2890 apk). (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Farstad confirms supply vessel Farstad Supply, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norway-based Farstad Shipping, has confirmed an order for a platform supply vessel with West Contractors of Ølensvåg, Norway. Delivery is scheduled for January 2007. The newbuilding, of VS470 MkII design, will have a cargo carrying capacity of about 3,500dwt. The newbuilding is part of Farstad's fleet renewal and is targeted for the West African market. (Bron: Clipping News)
Manitowoc Awarded Contract for Double-Hull Tug/Barge Unit The Manitowoc Company, Inc. announced that Vane Line Bunkering, Inc. has awarded Manitowoc Marine Group (MMG) a contract for the construction of a 480-ft., 145,000-barrel, double-hulled hot oil tank barge and an accompanying 6,000-horsepower tug. The ocean-going articulated tug and barge (AT/B) unit is slated for delivery in fourth quarter of 2006. This contract also provides Vane Brothers with an option for an identical AT/B unit to be delivered in the third quarter of 2007. Other contract terms were not disclosed. The Vane contract represents the eleventh double-hulled barge and fourth ocean-going tug to be built by Manitowoc Marine Group. Both tug and barge, which will serve the mid-Atlantic petroleum markets, will be classified in compliance with ABS, Coast Guard, and OPA-90 standards. (Bron:Marinelink)
Nine vessel order for Damen Shipyards German Shipping Company Oldendorff Carriers has recently ordered a total of 9 vessels from Damen Shipyards Gorinchem. The vessels will be delivered to Oldendorff within 2006. Outfitting will take place at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem. The Damen Stan Tugs 2208 will have a speed of 11 knots and a bollard pull of 38 tones. (Bron:Clipping News)
Bergers garanderen sleepboothulp op de Schelde De sleep- en bergingsbedrijven Multraship en Union hebben de Zeeuwse autoriteiten laten weten dat ze sleepboothulp kunnen garanderen bij een calamiteit op de Westerschelde. De slepers kunnen, indien nodig, ook ingezet worden als blusboten. Begin volgend jaar praten overheid en bedrijven verder over de mogelijkheid om op die manier de veiligheid op de drukst bevaren route van West-Europa te verbeteren. Directeur Veiligheidsregio Frans Captijn ziet een pact met die beide samenwerkende bedrijven wel zitten. Daarnaast moet er echter ook een veiligheidsschip van de overheid gaan varen op de Westerschelde, zo zei hij gisteren in de marge van de oefening van Zeeuwse brandweerofficieren in het Zweedse Revinge. Het maakt hem niet uit wat dat schip in rustige periodes doet, als het maar direct inzetbaar is tijdens een calamiteit. *Dan moet een aantal brandweerlieden aan boord kunnen stappen om de calamiteit samen met anderen te bestrijden." De Frans Naerebout, de boeienlegger van Rijkswaterstaat, is niet het schip dat hij voor ogen heeft. Dat schip kan nu bij een calamiteit worden ingezet. De brandweer brengt in zo’n geval een container met allerlei materiaal aan bood en zet het schip in. Captijn wijst er echter op dat de Naerebout lang niet altijd op de Westerschelde is te vinden. Daarnaast, zo benadrukt hij, is het geen veiligheidsschip. Het kan dus niet echt dicht bij een schip komen dat bijvoorbeeld in brand staat. Captijn vindt dat het Rijk zijn plicht moet doen en minimaal een veiligheidsschip voor de Westerschelde moet inzetten. Die wens zal op 21 december ook nadrukkelijk naar voren worden gebracht tijdens het gesprek van Zeeuwse bestuurders met de ministers van Binnenlandse Zaken en Verkeer en Waterstaat. Captijn is te spreken over het aanbod van Multraship en Union. Zolang die bedrijven kunnen garanderen dat ze met het nodige materiaal te hulp komen bij een calamiteit, is hij redelijk tevreden. Zoals bij de
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stranding van de Forwairet. *Toen bleek dat er voldoende sleepbootcapaciteit aanwezig was." (Bron:Clipping News)
French tug crews in new strike threat FRENCH tug crew unions have given notice of their intention to take national strike action from next Monday to protest against the threat of unfair competition which they say is looming at the port of Le Havre. Tug crews at Le Havre have already given notice of their intention to stage a 72-hour strike from today over the expected arrival of a second towage company at the port. The strike has not been called to protest over the arrival of the new company, however, but over the fact that it will not be subjected to the same operating constraints, notably in terms of crew working hours. (Bron: Clipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 38 dd. 11 December 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Antwoord Corvina Het is niet de Corvina maar de Corvin : M.slb. CORVIN (IMO?) Eigenaar: H. Schramm GmbH & Co. K.G., Brunsbuettel, Duitsland. Bouwjaar 2005, werf Turkije. Lxbxdg: 25,25 x 8,60 x 3,50 mtr. 2x ?cil. ?? uit 2005 totaal vermogen 2236 kW. Trekkracht: 42,4 ton. Snelheid: 13 Mijl. Aanvullende gegevens zijn welkom (Bron Jasiu van Haarlem)
New tugs for Camorim
On December 8th the tugboat's "C TORMENTA" and "C VENTANIA" will be baptism and delivered to their owners at Marina da Glória. The tugboat's Godmother will be: "C TORMENTA" Ms. Maria Marta dos Santos Souza and "C VENTANIA" Mss. Jéssica Peixoto Costa. (Bron Albert Snoei)
Maersk Tackler sold to private interests Broker Marcon International has confirmed that A P Moller/Maersk Supply Service in Denmark has sold the 12,240bhp, 1,475dwt anchor handler Maersk Tackler (ex-Tawaki, Federal Atlantic, Seaforth Atlantic) to private interests. Mærsk Tackler has seen work supporting the oil and gas industry in most areas of the world, from the North Sea to West Africa and from Brazil to the Far East, the latter being the region where the vessel had been working prior to recently mobilizing to Israel to support drilling operations. The vessel was delivered to her new owners in Egypt. The 68.5m x 14.5m x 6.9m anchor handling tug supply vessel was built in 1983 by Hyundai Heavy Industries of Ulsan, South Korea for Seaforth Maritime Ltd and was later owned and operated at various times by Fednav Offshore and Star Offshore Services Ltd before being purchased by Maersk in 1990 along with three 'T' Class sister vessels. She is heavily ice strengthened and classed Lloyds +100A1, +LMC UMS Offshore Tug/Supply Vessel Ice Class 1A Super and Canadian Arctic Class II. The vessel’s ice class means that she has been able to work, where many other vessels could not. The vessel has a continuous bollard pull of about 113 tonnes, provided by four Bergen/Normo KMBV-12 diesels of 3,060BHP each and two Ulstein controllable pitch propellers in Kort nozzles. The vessel is also fitted with two 800bhp tunnel bow thrusters, one 800bhp stern thruster and an Ulstein joystick. Anchor handling tasks are carried out by the use of a Brattvaag triple drum waterfall winch with a maximum pull of 260 tonnes and static brake of 400 tonnes. Deck gear also includes a pennant wire reel, Triplex 300 tonne SWL Shark jaws, Triplex towing pins, a 2.5m x 3.66mm stern roller and various hydraulic capstans and tuggers. The 36.0m x 11.0m clear deck aft can carry about 410 tonnes of deck cargo plus the vessel can provide significant tank capacities below deck for both liquid cargoes and dry bulk. Accommodation is provided for a total of 21 persons including crew in 15 cabins. Marcon International represented buyers in the purchase, while Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd of Aberdeen in the UK represented the sellers. (Bron Clipping News)
Havila unit inks anchor-handler Norwegian owner Havila Shipping’s 20%-owned affiliate Havila Saturn has ordered an anchorhandling tug at Havyard Leirvik. The vessel will cost EUR 235m ($35m) from the Norwegian yard. The Havyard 842-type vessel is due for delivery in the third quarter of 2007. There is also an option for another such ship at the yard. Havila Saturn is part of the shipping portfolio of Norwegian investment company Fearnley Finans. Havila Shipping itself has two other anchorhandlers on order at Leirvik for delivery in 2007. (Bron Clipping News)
Centaurus We are glad that we can inform you aboutt the hand-over from our newbuilding PSV "Centaurus". She has left the Kleven Yard, Alesund at 1800 hrs. (09.12.05) right now. She sails to Cuxhaven for fitting out and will then leave on Wednesday/ Thursday direction Africa for a ten month contract with options. The christening takes place on monday at the Mützelfeld-Yard Cuxhaven. The next newbuilding PSV "Cerberus" (the second one of three ordered) will join the market mid March and the third one PSV "Aeolus" during June. They are all from the same type: VS 470 MK II from the Kleven Yard, Norway. (Bron:Harms Bergung)
Oregon Tug Captain Rescued After Capsize A man is in serious condition after one of two commercial tugs towing a log barge capsized, becoming lodged beneath the giant boat and throwing its captain into the water, according to a Daily Astorian report. One of the sunken tug Tiger’s crew members jumped into the water to help the captain, while another crew member threw the two men a line until they could be pulled to safety with help from a Columbia River Bar Pilots helicopter and a pilot boat. The U.S. Coast Guard launched a 47 ft. (14.3 m) motor lifeboat and a utility boat from Station Cape Disappointment, which stood by as the second tug, the Howard Olsen, took control of the barge and the capsized boat, according to the report. Astoria police, the Astoria Fire Department and the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office also responded. The captain has been identified as David Schmelzer of Foss Maritime.(Source: The Daily Astorian via Jan van der Doe)
Ships Collide in Germany Two ships collided in a German river, sinking one of the vessels and throwing seven of its sailors into the water, according to an AP report. A third ship later ran into the wreckage. Tugboats pulled the sailors from the estuary of the Elbe River after a freighter carrying fertilizer collided with a container ship north of the port city of Hamburg. The freighter capsized and quickly sank. A tanker, which was also carrying fertilizer, plowed into the wreck in the dark about an hour later. The container ship was able to continue its journey, while the tanker was pulled free and brought into a nearby harbor. (Source: AP)
Two new powerful tugs for Global Towing Alliance The SmitWijs managed Global Towing Alliance (GTA) is to expand its fleet of powerful ocean going tugs with two more units. The COESS, Shanghai, owned 16,580 BHP “DE HONG” will enter the pool by the end of 2005. The vessel is of the AHTS type and was built in 2000. Bollard pull is certified at 185 tons and the capacity of 2,200 m3 intermediate fuel creates an autonomy of 40 days at full power. Her double drum towing winch is equipped with two 1,500 meter 75mm steel towing wires whilst a third one of similar size will be stored on a separate reel. End 2006 COESS, Shanghai, will add a brand new AHTS of 200 tons bollard pull to the GTA fleet. This unit will be 90 meters in length and 17.2 meters wide. Bunker capacity will be around 3,150 m3. This tug will also carry two 1,500 meter steel towing wires on her double drum towing winch with a spare one on a storage reel. These two additions will bring the GTA fleet to a total of seven high powered tugs. SmitWijs and its partners are dedicated to maintain the position of market leader in ocean towage and are continuously looking for opportunities to expand. (Bron Clipping News)
Maersk takes delivery of Asenav newbuild Maersk has taken delivery of the first of a pair of Moss 929 AHTS. Broker Seascope Offshore reports that Maersk took delivery of its first large anchor handler at the end of October from the Asenav shipyard in the Chile. The vessel was christened Maersk Dispatcher, is a Moss 929 design, and mobilised to Canada. The second vessel in the series is due out around February next year. In addition, Maersk is scheduled to take delivery of its first large PSV (a UT745L) later this month from the Fels Setal shipyard in Brazil. Maersk Vega will be followed by the second vessel in the series around March 2006. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Another VS486 AHTS for Tidewater Tidewater has taken delivery of the fourth large anchor handler from the Yantai Raffles shipyard in China. C E Laborde (a Vik-Sandvik VS486) is being outfitted in Singapore and will be followed by the fifth (and last) unit in the series around March next year. Tidewater has two
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medium sized anchor handlers (10,000bhp) under construction in Poland and has recently ordered two smaller units from the Pan United shipyard in the Far East. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
Aker Langsten selects PG Marine for new Farstad AHTS PG Marine in Norway has been selected to provide a wide-ranging package of equipment for the new UT 732 CD AHTS design that the yard is building for Farstad. The new vessel will be the most advanced within the Farstad-fleet, with a 27,500hp, the vessel being one of the biggest and most advanced vessels in its sector. PG deliver a complete package of liquid cargo systems, engine room pump packages and related products. Another optional vessel is covered by the agreement. (Bron: Leo Kramer)
SD Seine Afgelopen middag is de Kotug sleepboot SD SEINE de Waterweg binnengelopen. Zij kwam van de Turkse werf te Eregli en is later afgemeerd in de Wiltonhaven. Prachtige foto’s van de Hr. Kik van deze nieuwe Kooren aanwinst zijn te bewonderen op de site van Tugspotters. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 39 dd.18 December 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Adsteam Shotley Adsteam heeft voor Engeland twee nieuwe sleepboten in China besteld: voor Felixtowe een Damen 2411 ASD, die Adsteam Shotley zal gaan heten, en voor Southampton een Z-Tech sleepboot, waarvan de naam nog niet bekend is. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Adsteam Redbridge Tijdens een dokbeurt te Lowestoft is de Redbridge in Adsteam Redbridge herdoopt. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Kotug Volgens een persbericht van Kooren zullen de derde en vierde RTs voor Le Havre de RT Anthonie en RT Zoë gaan heten. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
Kooren Shipbuilding and Trading B.V. announces the start of the construction of four RT-80r class Rotor®tugs Kooren Shipbuilding and Trading B.V. has ordered four RT-80r class Rotor®tugs to be built at ASL Shipyard Pte Ltd in Singapore. The tugs will have a bollard pull capacity in excess of 80+ metric tons each. Delivery of the tugs will be during September-December 2007. Each tug will be powered by three Wartsila 8L20C main engines of at least 1600 kW each at 1000 rpm. The three azimuth thrusters will also come from Wartsila/Lips, they are of the Wartsila/Lips 225-S/WN-K 2300mm type with CP fitted in HR nozzles. The tugs will be classed by Lloyds Register and will be equipped with firefighting capabilities (FIFI1) and waterspray system. Two tugs are already sold to a third party who doesn’t want that her name is presently mentioned. The other two tugs are built on behalf of Kooren Shipbuilding and Trading B.V. on a speculative basis and are available for direct sale or long-term bareboat contract. Kooren Shipbuilding and Trading B.V. invites interesting parties to contact them. (Bron: Kotug)
Tugboat Stranded On December 8 the "Yaroslavets" tugboat was stranded 300 meters off Kotlin Island in the Gulf of Finland. At present the refloating operation is underway. There are no oil spills, no victims. (Bron: Clipping News)
Vyborg Shipyard Launches Supply Vessel Hull On December 5 2005 Vyborg Shipyard JSC launched the hull of the offshore supply vessel to the order of the Norwegian Brattvaag Shipsverft AS. The fitting out is to be carried in Norway. The 73.6 meters long, 16 meters wide, 3300 tons dwt ship is to be deployed to supply the offshore drilling platforms. (Bron: Clipping News)
Contract for New Z-Drive Harbor Tug A contract for the Hector P., a new 4,200 hp Z-Drive harbor tug to be built by Orange Shipbuilding for South Puerto Rico Towing Corporation was signed last month. Bristol Harbor Marine Design assisted in the harbor tug contract negotiations along with the acting buyer’s agent, Eric Rivera from Harbor Bunkering Corporation of San Juan, Puerto Rico. “The HECTOR P. is going to raise the bar for tugboats in Puerto Rico,” said Mr. Rivera. “This heavy, powerful boat is just what we need on our southern coast.” BHMD will also be serving as owner’s representative throughout the duration of the project and will be responsible for project inspections and approvals. Design of the new vessel is being completed at Robert Allan, Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C. The design draws inspiration from the RAmparts 3000 class tug – one of many standard series of proven tugboat designs offered by Robert Allan, Inc. And finally Westernbank of Puerto Rico, which has provided support to the marine industry for years, will be the financing
institution for this endeavor. The vessel’s design is intended as a dedicated assist tug, but it will include capabilities for tanker escort services, fire fighting, and aft towing. The 99 x 36 x 17-ft. tugboat will be classed ABS A1 Towing Vessel (Fire Fighting Capabilities) and AMS, as well as comply with MARPOL regulations as required. The 4,200 hp is provided by two remanufactured EMD 12-645-E7 engines along with two Schottel SPR 1212 FP 360-degree Z-Drives. A 55-ton minimum bollard pull will be provided and two hydraulic powered winches – a 75,000 lb stern towing winch and an 8,000 lb hawser winch – are included in the deck machinery. Preparations for the construction of the new vessel are currently under way at Orange Shipbuilding Co. The new Z-Drive tug is similar to other tugs previously built at Orange Shipbuilding, which has been in continuous operation since 1974. The vessel is scheduled for delivery in the fourth quarter of 2006. “We are eager to get started with this, the shipyard’s first major project since this region was devastated by Hurricane Rita,” said Greg Beers, P.E., a Principal Naval Architect with Bristol Harbor Marine Design, the owner’s representative.
Sir Aubrey De Sir Aubrey (ex. Margaret Barry-88, ex. Sir Aubrey-84) (600 apk Lister, 59 brt, 1960 door R. Dunston gebouwd) is eerder dit jaar door Carol Craft, Londen verkocht aan General Marine Towing Ltd., Londen. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt)
SMIT expansion into Brasil. Rotterdam, 15 December 2005 SMIT takes another step in its strategy to expand its harbour towage activities by acquiring 50% of Rebras, Rebocadores do Brasil S.A.. Rebras already owns three 55 tons BP ASD harbour tugs which are chartered out on bare boat basis. The company, to be renamed SMIT Rebocadores do Brasil S.A., aims to operate a minimum of twenty tugs in the range 45 to 65 tons bollard pull. The company has a commitment from a Brasilian Shipyard for building twelve 45 tons BP and six 65 tons BP tugs to be locally financed. Delivery of the first new tugs is planned in the course of 2007. Further tugs will be delivered in accordance with the business plan developed. Brasil is recognised by SMIT as a fast growing market for harbour towage services. The market requires modern, state of the art tugs with larger capacity than presently available. SMIT’s CEO, Ben Vree, says: “We focus mainly on strategic crossroads in shipping routes, which allows us to provide our customers with a global harbour towage network. We aim to offer identical services to our customers worldwide and therefore we seek for expansion that adds value, particularly in growth markets like Brasil. A number of our key customers have indicated that they would welcome a prominent role for SMIT in the Brasilian harbour towage market. SMIT is committed to offer its customers services on a global basis which certainly includes Brasil.” The transaction is intended to be completed by the end of January 2006. (Bron:Smit) Barge stuck at Petaluma River bridge Equipment needed today to free 55-foot barge from 54-foot opening. A large steel barge trying to pass through a narrow gap got wedged between timbers protecting a Petaluma River railroad bridge Wednesday, blocking the channel like a cork in the neck of a wine bottle. Coast Guardsmen, who are investigating the incident, said they hoped equipment needed to free the barge would be available by this morning. Crews need to unbolt and remove the timbers and supporting piles. That's not soon enough for Christian Lind, a Petaluma tugboat operator who had to cancel a trip Wednesday night and feared his company, Jerico Products, would have to cancel at least one more today. "We told them repeatedly not to try this or it would end up in catastrophe," Lind said of the East Bay-based tugboat crew pushing the barge downstream when it got stuck at about 1:10 p.m. Wednesday. The 55-foot barge was too wide for the 54-foot clearance between the wooden structures, which are part of a "fendering" system on an unused railroad bridge near the Highway 101 overpass, Lind said. The barge apparently had been moored upstream before the timbers were installed about a month ago. When the barge didn't fit, Lind said the tugboat captain backed up, revved his engines and tried to ram it through, buckling the new timbers and the steel vessel. Contacted at the scene, the captain was led away by an insurance underwriter before he could answer questions about what happened. "It sounds like this was a classic case of a square peg in a round hole," said Mitch Stogner, executive director for the North Coast Railroad Authority, which maintains the bridge. The turnstile bridge works like a gate, swiveling across the river from the northern bank to connect stretches of track to the north and south. It is kept open, creating an open channel so barges
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
and other vessels to pass unimpeded on the river, a route for aggregate, prestressed concrete and other materials manufactured in Petaluma. Because barges sometimes crash into the bridge, the NCRA spent $700,000 to reinforce the edges with timbers and piles embedded in the riverbed, Stogner said. It was unclear late Wednesday how much damage the fendering and the barge sustained. Though not used regularly since 1998, the Haystack Bridge is considered key to NCRA plans to resume freight service, and a passenger service being planned by the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit, which owns the span. (Bron: Jan van der Doe)
Vlootverschuiving Kotug Door een niet nader te noemen bron vermelding schijnt er een kleine vlootverschuiving plaatsvinden binnen Kotug: Le Havre SD SEINE SD LOIRE RT CLAIRE RT STEPHANIE RT PIONEER (ex Bremerhaven) Rotterdam SD GIRONE Bremerhaven RT ANTONIE RT ZOE
Another VS486 AHTS for Tidewater Tidewater has taken delivery of the fourth large anchor handler from the Yantai Raffles shipyard in China. C E Laborde (a Vik-Sandvik VS486) is being outfitted in Singapore and will be followed by the fifth (and last) unit in the series around March next year. Tidewater has two medium sized anchor handlers (10,000bhp) under construction in Poland and has recently ordered two smaller units from the Pan United shipyard in the Far East. (Bron: Clipping News)
Marcon completes sale of Stephaniturm Marcon International in the US has completed the sale of the 68.4m x 13.6m North Sea class dive support vessel Stephaniturm (ex-Seaway Stephaniturm, ex-DSND Stephaniturm, exOcean Stephaniturm, ex-British Stephaniturm, ex-Stephaniturm) from Horizon Vessels Inc in Delaware, to Southeast Asian buyers. The dynamically positioned vessel is powered by two Deutz SBA8M528 main engines with a total of 2,400bhp and fitted with two 600hp retractable azimuthing and one 480hp tunnel bow thruster, a 600hp retractable azimuthing stern and 480hp tunnel stern thruster interfaced with a Simrad ADP 702 DP system. Dive capabilities include a three-man dive bell launched thru a moonpool with guide wires and cursor system, 12 man Draeger saturation dive system upgraded in 1994 rated for 300m with split-level capability for up to 6 + 4 +4 divers in three living chambers, self-propelled hyperbaric rescue vessel and 400,000ft3 gas storage. Air conditioned accommodations are provided for 68 persons in 38 cabins. Stephaniturm was lying in the UK at the time of the purchase. This is the third sale Marcon has brokered for Horizon Offshore in the last twelve months. Marcon acted as sole broker in the sale. So far in 2005 Marcon International has sold or chartered a total of 60 vessels and barges. (Bron: Clipping News)
Aker Yards books PSV order Aker Yards has added another to its growing total of OSV orders. This time, its a Platform Supply Vessel of the yard's own PSV 09 DE design. The vessel will be built at the Soviknes Yard in Norway with delivery slated for September 2007. The owner has not been disclosed, but the contract value is approximately NOK 215 million (about $32.5 million). The PSV will be 88 m long by 19 m beam with a deadweight of 4,850 tons (Bron: Clipping News)
Danish tug to Swedish station SvitzerWijsmuller is about to station a Danish flagged tug at one of their Swedish stations as part of the inter-Scandinavian cooperation, which is managed from the centre at Röda Bolaget
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
in Göteborg. The Danish flagged tug “Egil” is heading for Oxelösund to serve the ports of Oxelösund, Nynäshamn and Norrköping. It is the first time a Danish tug with a Danish crew will be stationed in Oxelösund for a longer period. Earlier this year, the Swedish flagged tug“Bohus” was stationed at Svea Gruva on Svalbard for five months instead of the Danish tug “Skuld”. (By : Bent Mikkelsen – Scandinavian Shipping Gazette)
Seabreeze November/December news Team keep The Faith After some deep contemplation, Team Marine decided to keep the Havila Faith for another month and declared an option. The VS482 PSV has been on charter since April 2005 and will remain on hire until mid December. Who knows Havila might get a Christmas present and get the charter further extended!
Shell Selects Special System In a bold move Shell awarded a 5 year contract to Østensjø for their newbuild special PSV that is currently being built in Spain. What is so special about a newbuild PSV and why is Shell being so bold you say? Well, the PSV has two special features, the first one being a Voith propulsion system, but wait you say, Voith systems are for tugs. Well, not any more. Voith in conjunction with Østensjø have ran trials and have modified a standard PSV design to incorporate the twin Voith propulsion system. It is anticipated this system will bring propulsion, station keeping and fuel efficiency benefits. The second special feature is a drill cutting handling system, which is integrated into the ship in special tanks. So whilst on paper these features look good, many would wait until these systems were actually proven before committing to a 5 year charter, but Shell took the bold step of rewarding Østensjø’s market leading innovation with a contract. The benefits for Shell will mainly be the drill cutting system which will improve safety by reducing the number of deck lifts, and improve operational efficiency. Shell is eagerly looking forward to the safety, environmental and operational benefits of the vessel. Østensjø currently have the Edda Fram on contract with Shell until March 2006, and this vessel will remain on charter and act as a front runner until the “SPECIAL PSV” delivers in March 2007.
Eagle Flies High November was the month the UT755L PSV Highland Eagle landed back in Aberdeen and off hire from her ROV DP charter with Rovtech, and no sooner was the vessel alongside when she was off again on charter to Talisman for a 4 months plus option charter. This time she will be doing supply duties rather than ROV duties. When the Eagle lands in the spring again she will once again be back off to Rovtech for more ROV duties in 2006.
Asso Sedici contract extended Petrobras has taken up options and extended the the Asso Sedici (16) contract by a further two years until the end of September 2007. Augusta Offshore’s 4,020 BHP AHTS has been performing general pool support duties since July 2000.
Mighty Mjølne Makes A Move After 20 years of charter the AHTS Normand Mjølne will join the spot market this December. The Mjølne is one of two sister vessels that were specifically built to support Statoil’s Statfjord, the other sister vessel the Normand Draupne will remain on charter until mid 2006. Both these vessels when built 20 years ago were cutting edge and were probably two of the biggest AHTS vessel around, in fact they were probably ahead of their time. The vessels are equipped with FiFi 2, Oil recovery, Standby, DP2 ( prepared for DP 3), deck area of 590m2, full under decks, and triple drum winches. During the Mjølnes spell with Statoil she has performed all duties ranging from DP ROV work, supply duties, rig move duties, basically you name it, she’s done it. Whilst the Mjølne might be 20 years old, she is still considered high specification, so when she does hit the spot market we are sure there will be plenty of willing takers. Normand Mjølne photo Terje Moen
Total Has Fixed The Bourbon Charisma It may take some time before Total Libya will have the KMAR404 Bourbon Charisma around to support the semi Sea Explorer. The anchor handler has been contracted for one well plus one
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
well option starting between mid-February and mid-May 2006. She is due to be redelivered by the end of November, but further options may keep her on hire until mid-February. The Bourbon Charisma is currently supporting the semi Ocean Vanguard with Eni. KMAR404 Bourbon Charisma picture c/o Tugspotters
An 18-month contract for Bourbon Chieftain The Norwegian Coastguard has awarded the ME303 Bourbon Chieftain an 18-month firm plus options contract to commence around the end of December. The vessel will return to the North Sea in November where it will enter the yard for general maintenance prior to beginning its term contract. ME303 Bourbon Chieftain picture c/o Tugspotters
Garware Get Going Indian Shipping company Garware Shipping will take delivery of the UT 755 Normand Vibran this month. Upon delivery the vessel will be renamed Everest. It is more than likely the vessel will be sent to India to trade for the new owners. Garware have also ordered some newbuilds ex Norway and will take delivery of them in late 2006. This gives a good indication that markets that once accepted older smaller tonnage are now looking for the larger more modern North Sea tonnage.
Stril Myster remains with BP BP Norge has taken up a 6-month option with the VS490 Stril Myster. The vessel will now remain on hire until 22th May 2006. BP has two further 6-month options available.
Shell Super Seven Concluding an extensive evaluation process, Shell set a date for their biggest vessel on-line ebid to date. At 09:00 hrs on the 1st of November the system opened and the bidding started. Shell had bidding lots for multiple vessels, and after frantic action the bidding ended late in the day and several parties had big smiles and several had none. The seven vessels that won contracts were as follows. Lot 1 Large PSV 5 years firm plus options starting in July 2006 was won by DOF and the MT6000 Skandi Marstein. This vessel has been with Shell since delivery 10 years ago and is set to be there for at least another 5. This vessel was the first diesel electric PSV that Shell contracted and after years of giving Shell environmental and operational benefits was the basis of why the Shell tender was focused on this type of vessel. This lot was very fiercely contested. Lot 2 Medium PSV 3 years firm plus options starting March 2006 was again won by DOF. This time they won it with a newbuild MT6009 which will be front run by the UT755L Skandi Waveney. Again this vessel will have diesel electric, tank cleaning systems etc, giving Shell the environmental and operational benefits diesel electric PSV with full under decks tank cleaning system etc. Again DOF did not have it their own way and had to bid hard to get this contract. Lot 3 Medium PSV 26 months firm + opts starting end 2005 or early 2006. This requirement was for supporting Norske Shell drilling operations on the Ormen Lange project, and after some hard bidding action between numerous Owners, DOF took the chequered flag with the MT6009 Skandi Captain. This vessel is currently on charter to Talisman and upon completion of that charter will transfer over to Shell. The Skandi Captain is a MT6009 with all the bells and whistles you could wish for, diesel electric, tank cleaning system etc, so once again Shell get the operational and environmental benefits they desire. Lot 4 Large PSV 2 years plus options starting January 2006. Not DOF again you say, well this time it was not Shell Super Seven DOF, it was the turn of Olympic with their MT6000 Olympic Princess. Again Shell get all the operational and environmental benefits of an MT vessel. Olympic had a hard fight for this one but took the contract in the end. Shell thought MT’s only came in red, but now know they also come in blue. But it goes to show that the on-line bidding system is fully open and if you pre-qualify to bid and have the desire to win, the e-bid system works. Lot 5 Medium PSV 2 years plus options starting January 2006. The diesel electric vessels must have been running in short supply as this time the UT705 Skandi Falcon took this contract. The Skandi Falcon is currently on contract with Shell and will now remain on hire with Shell until 2007. But again DOF were given a good run for their money. But wait you say, this is not a medium sized vessel, it is a large vessel? But again it shows the beauty of the e-bid system, DOF had to compete with medium sized vessels on an equal basis, and again it shows if you
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have the will to win, then you can. I am sure all Charterers would agree if they can get a larger vessel for the same price as a smaller one then why not! Lot 6 Large PSV 6 months starting April 2006. This lot was won by Gulf Offshore with the UT705 type vessel Sentinel. This vessel is currently being used as a floating storage vessel for Apache and is likely to come off charter in the New Year. Shell will get their hands on her in April and will work for Shell in the summer months. Lot 7 Medium PSV 6 months plus options in Ireland starting in March 2006. Gulf again had success with this one, this time with the North Prince. Currently the North Prince is with BP Turkey but will return in early 2006, then after a bit of spot market action she will be off to Shell in the spring to support the Sedco 711 when it does drilling operations for Shell in the Irish sector. This was a hard fought lot but determination from Gulf Offshore took it in the end. On the whole it seems that Shell and most of the bidders went home that day happy, some having just missed out were thinking if only, but all had a fair chance and it was a fair fight. There might be a few bruises, but they will heal. With virtually all the long term contracts going to diesel-electric vessels it shows the type of vessel Shell require for the future.
Aurora Is BP’s Bright Light The P105 PSV Normand Aurora this month gained a long term charter with BP UK. Some thought Aurora were lights in the sky, but it turned out to be the deck lights during the vessel inspection. The Normand Aurora is a newbuild diesel electric PSV of the Ulstein P105 variety, 950m2 of deck area, DP2 and all the bells and whistles you could shake a stick at. The vessel will be working in the BP pool supporting their various locations in the UK sector. BP has taken her for one year firm plus options and went on hire in early November.
Statoil’s Pipers Return The market saw the arrivals of some PSV tonnage when Statoil stopped pipe laying and released vessels back to the market for the winter. The spot market arrivals were the MT6000 Olympic Princess, MT6016 Olympic Orion, MT6010 Havila Harmony and Shell also got their two DOF MT6000’s back in their fleet. The Havila Favour also returned from Statoil pipe haul back in June, she was originally acting as a front runner for the Havila Harmony which was still being built in Havila’s own Havyard when Statoil required delivery. As well as Statoil releasing tonnage back on the market, Subsea contractors like Stolt and Allseas were also at it. However even with the arrival of this additional PSV tonnage the market remains reasonable. It is certainly not as high as previous months, but with many vessels returning to pipe haul and other construction support related contracts in the spring, the market is not expected to crumble. Another factor is also whilst PSV’s are returning to the spot market the AHTS number remains fairly static, so an active rig move market will help to maintain the PSV market.
ADTI Tie The Knot With Aquarius Turnkey operators ADTI, on behalf of oil company Tullow) have chartered the Gulf Offshore UT 705 PSV Aquarius for a one well job beginning in early December. The 830 m2 deck vessel Aquarius will support the Global Santa Fe jackup GSF Labrador 1, on the Delilah field (UK Southern sector of the North Sea on block 48/30).
Newbuildings, Conversions, Sale & Purchase Newbuilds from Aker Yard Aker Yards has confirmed an optional agreement with Volstad Shipping AS for the construction of a PSV, worth approximately NOK 250 million. Delivery of the 93,4 M long ST 216L CD vessel is scheduled for September 2007. The hull will be built in Romania. Geo ASA and Aker Yards have agreed to build an ROV Support Vessel, worth around NOK 370 million with delivery in May 2007. The Aker ROV 06 design vessel is equipped for subsea operations in the North Sea and the Northern oceans. The vessels comes with an ROV hangar with doors to be able to launch the ROV on both sides as well as through a dedicated moon pool. The Clean Design vessel has a large crane, a helideck, a work moon pool and low noise accommodation quarters.
Seven new AHTS Vessels for Gulfmark Gulfmark Offshore Inc. has signed a contract with Keppel Singmarine Pte Ltd for six new AHTS vessels with a total value of S$230 million (US$135.2 million). Two of these six 10,700 BHP vessels will be built in Keppel’s newly acquired Nantong shipyard. The first vessel is expected to
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be delivered in the third quarter of 2007, with progressive deliveries subsequently until the final delivery in the third quarter of 2008. The vessels are of Keppel’s Marine Technology Development’s (MTD) own design. Earlier this year Keppel delivered two AHTS vessels to Gulfmark, the Coloso and the Titan who are now deployed in the Gulf of Mexico. The six newbuilds are being built to meet the growing demand of Gulfmark ‘s customers in Southeast Asia. Another newbuild 5,500 BHP AHTS, 70 ton BP (DP-2) , currently being built at Jaya has been added to the fleet which will bring the total of owned vessels to 57 in 2008.
Jaya Offshore’s Newbuild Jaya Valiant 2 By the end of this year Jaya Offshore will take delivery of the Jaya Valiant 2, the 8,160 BHP newbuild AHTS, built at the Jaya Shipyard in Singapore. Troms Offshore AS will manage the vessel on behalf of the Owners. The main specifications are: LOA 70m, Beam 16.8m, Deck Area 490m2, BP approx. 100t. The vessel has DP2, FiFi 1 and accommodation for 40 persons and is destined for ROV support and other specialised duties.
Troms’s newbuild fixed with Peterson Troms’ latest newbuild VS470 MkII Troms Fjord, is to be delivered in December and is already fixed with Peterson for a period of one year firm with options.
Island Offshore newbuilds Island Offshore’s newbuild UT755LN Island Trader, delivered from the Aker Brevik yard early November has commenced its charter with Tullow Oil. The vessel is front-running for the UT755LN Island Spirit, which is to be delivered in December 2005.
Eidesvik order IMR and ROV support vessel Norwegian ship operator Eidesvik have placed an order with the Flekkefjord yard for the construction of a state-of-the-art IMR and ROV vessel of VS 495SV design. The vessel will be equipped with an Active Heave Compensated Crane for handling of subsea units and modules through the vessel’s moonpool and a hangar for safe storage and handling of the highspec ROV. The 95.4m long vessel, with an estimated deadweight of 3,500 tons, can accommodate up to 60 people. On delivery, which is scheduled for June 2007, the vessel will be operated by Stolt Offshore based on an 8-year time charter plus further 12 yearly options. Contract value NOK 355 million. The demand for vessels of this size in the subsea segment is increasing. In October Eidesvik signed a contract with Shell for subsea services in Nigeria.
Stolt Sell Out Stolt Offshore S.A. announced on 2nd November the signing of an agreement for the sale of the IMR and Conventional assets, that form part of its North America and Mexico business, to Cal Dive International Inc. The first part of this sale includes the seven ships Seaway Defender, American Constitution, American Star, American Triumph, American Victory, American Diver and American Liberty at a sale price of US$ 42.5 million. The closing of the sales of the remaining assets will be at separate dates to suit the completion of the Trinidad pipelay campaign which is expected in the first quarter of 2006. The total sale price of these assets, that include the pipelay barge DLB 801 and the diving support and reel pipelay ship Seaway Kestrel, is US$ 80.4 million. Stolt Offshore’s Houston based Project Management and Engineering Team will now be reinforced to concentrate on the SURF market in the Gulf of Mexico and internationally.
Term contract for Bourbon Charmer Havila’s Havyard 842 newbuild The UT704 AHTS Bourbon Charmer completed her contract with Petrobras in Brazil and is enroute to Norway for maintenance and modifications to comply with NMD regulations for standby duties. The vessel will then commence its twelve month charter with BP Norge operating out of Sola Havn, Tananger.
SBS Select A Second Aberdeen based SBS Marine Limited have declared an option they held with the Norwegian Karmsund yard and will take delivery of a second VS470 MkII in January 2007. Market rumours suggest the first VS470 MkII, which delivers in 2006, has secured a long term fixture. So with
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the spot market risk minimised SBS will only have the SBS Cirrus in mid 2006, when she redelivers from Talisman, and this newbuild in early 2007 left to fix away.
Nomis buys Tidewater vessels Nomis has bought the 1983 built Cole Tide and the 1983 built Needham Tide from Tidewater. Both vessels have entered a US shipyard for surveys and up-grades. They will be renamed Dea Siren and Dea Ocean respectively.
Havila’s Havyard 842 newbuild Havila Shipping AS has decided to contribute with 20% in the limited partnership company Havila Saturn KS who has entered into a contract with Havyard Leirvik for the construction of a Havyard 842 design vessel with a 200 ton BP. The vessel’s purchase price is NOK 235 million. Havila Saturn KS has an option for an additional vessel.
Newbuild SBV Grampian Conquest North Star Shipping’s second newbuild standby vessel Grampian Conquest arrived in Aberdeen at the end of November from the Balenciaga shipyard in Spain. The vessel is contracted by BP to support its Clair Field in the West of Shetland area. Aberdeen based North Star Shipping manages and operates the Craig Group fleet of offshore support vessels and is engaged in standby services, emergency response, rescue and multi-role ROV support.
500th UT design vessel order for Roll-Royce Rolls-Royce has signed a contract to supply the design and equipment package for a new deep water anchor handler vessel of the type UT787 CD. Aker Yards will build the vessel for the Norwegian ship owner Island Offshore. It is the 500th order for a UT-Design; a significant event in a story extending over more than 30 years. This story began in the early 1970s when offshore oil and gas development in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea got under way and it became apparent that more seaworthy and effective support vessels were required. Ulstein Trading (UT) used knowledge gained from designing fishing vessels for extreme conditions to develop improved types of offshore support vessel. The first vessel, the UT 704 anchor handler Stad Scotsman, was ordered in 1974 by the ship owner that is today Farstad Shipping. The UT 704 set the standard for AHTS, with 13 vessels contracted in the following year and altogether 91 during life of design. Stad Scotsman, now Seabulk Condor, is currently in service off West Africa. In parallel with the UT 704 came the UT 705 platform supply vessel, which also set the standard in its class. The UT concept of outstanding vessel designs and packages of matching equipment and systems rapidly became established, providing the owner and charterer with a reliable vessel and simplifying the supply chain for the shipyard. One result has been that UTDesign offshore vessels have been built for an international spectrum of owners by yards in 22 countries around the globe, with large numbers constructed in some countries, for example 265 in Norway, 37 in India, 30 in Brazil, 28 in Korea and 23 in Singapore. There have been two main lines of development in UT-Design in the course of these 30 years and they will continue in the future. One is the design of vessels to meet the general needs of the offshore market. A good example is the UT 755 supply vessel. Originally designed in 1995 to meet what the designers in UT saw as a future need for a compact multi functional PSV, it has gone on to be the most popular design with 88 vessels in service or on order. The second line of development is in cooperating closely with a ship owner to work out a design for a vessel to meet a set of specific requirements, such as a long term charter. UT 737L Island Frontier exemplifies this in creative thinking that opened the way for well intervention from handy ships instead of rigs and platforms. UT-Design is now an important part of the Rolls-Royce marine business that also designs and manufactures the engines, propellers, thrusters, winches, bulk handling systems, automation and other equipment which go to make the UT concept the world leader in offshore service vessels.
Prettige Kerstdagen en een goed S & O Nieuw Jaar 2006 Merry christmas and a good S & O New Year 2006
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
6e jaargang, nr. 40 dd.30 December 2005 _______________________________________________________________ Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit Nigeria beschoten Hierbij delen wij u mede dat vannacht, rond 01.00 uur, een incident heeft plaatsgevonden op Bonny Island, waarbij de “Smit Nigeria” en NLNG tanker de “LNG Lagos” zijn beschoten. Aan boord van de “Smit Nigeria” bevonden zich op dat moment 6 personen. Tot onze grote opluchting is niemand gewond geraakt en zijn de belagers niet aan boord gekomen. De “Smit Nigeria” is zwaar beschadigd. Verwacht wordt dat zij 2 à 3 weken uit de roulatie zal zijn. (Bron: Smit)
Smit Internationale N.V. expects strongly higher net profit 2005 Rotterdam, 20 December 2005 On 25th August 2005 Smit Internationale N.V. announced that the projected net result for 2005 would be significant higher than the net result recognised for 2004, which totalled EUR 27.4 million. At this moment Smit Internationale N.V. expects that the net profit for 2005 will be strongly higher than the 2004 result. Despite a higher tax burden, this strongly higher result is mainly due to further improvements in the operating results of all four divisions. (Bron: Smit)
Riga Orders Tugs The news agency BNS reports that Freeport of Riga will order two 4,500 hp ice-classed tugs for EUR 12.1mn from Riga Shipyard. Construction will take 18 months. Estonian PKL currently provides towage services in Freeport of Riga. Rein Tontson, the chairman of the board of PKL, told SSG that the shipping company has 5 tugs in Riga, 2 of which have engines developing 4.500 hp. PKL has also broken ice in the port, but has not been engaged for icebreaking in Riga Bay (Bron: Clipping News)
Adsteam Corners Australian Tugboat Market Adsteam Marine has kept the expansion plans of its would-be nemesis, Australian Maritime Services, at bay after renewing its "exclusive contract" to provide towage at the Port of Fremantle for another seven years, according to a Sydney Morning Herald report. The deal effectively blocks AMS' plans to operate in all of Australia's container ports. Now the question is how long the so-called Virgin Blue of the tugboat market, which is racking up millions of dollars of losses a year, can survive. The exit of AMS from Port Botany, Melbourne and Brisbane where it controls around one-third of the tug jobs - should provide a big boost to Adsteam's share price. Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Bron: Marinelink)
Nieuwe schepen in Rotterdam Afgelopen maandag, 19 december is voor Fairmount Marine de nieuwe Fairmount Sherpa Rotterdam binnen gelopen. Afgelopen donderdag, 22 december, is de nieuwe eenheid van Smit de Smit Kamara Rotterdam binnengekomen en afgemeerd in de Waalhaven pier 2, bij Smit voor de deur. Zij is eigendom van Smit Transport Europe BV – Rotterdam en gaat in management bij de URS te Antwerpen. (Bron: Hans van der Ster)
Aanvulling op S & O Nr_39 Stephaniturm Als aanvulling; de Stephaniturm zal rond Februari dokken by S.T.Marine. Ze is verkocht aan een Maleisische club. Ze zal ingezet worden als survey en diving support als tegenhanger van de Berkon (Workships) owned DSND Surveyor. Deze laatste heeft over kerst een nooddokking alvorens in Januari haar contract voor BP in Jakarta te beginnen (5 maanden). (Bron:Erik Timmermans)
Stornoway Coastguard coordinate successful operation to refloat oil tanker
At twenty minutes past nine this morning, December 21st , the Coastguard tug ‘Anglian Prince’ successfully towed the oil tanker ‘Blackfriars’ off the group of rocks known as Eileanan Dubha. The 1,570 gross tonnage British flag, oil tanker is in ballast and was heading south to Pembroke Dock from Loch Inver with eight people on board.The tanker was towed off the rocks and has now moved to an anchorage position two miles east of the Kyle of Lochalsh in Balmacara Bay. There is some damage to the fore peak seawater ballast tank, the extent of this damage is not known at this time, as the vessel awaits divers contracted by the owners to conduct an underwater inspection of the hull. A surveyor from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency will also be going on board to conduct a Port State Control inspection. It is confirmed that there was no pollution from this incident. Ed Thompson, Duty Watch Manager, Stornoway Coastguard said: “ This incident has reached a successful conclusion with no injuries to the crew and no damage to the environment from pollution.”
Smit Anambas met baggermateriaal naar Barcelona. Afgelopen week is de Smit Anambas in de Waalhaven geladen met baggermateriaal. Maandag werden aan dek voorbereidingen gemaakt voor het laden van een cutterzuiger van BosKalis. Dinsdag gingen deze werkzaamheden door en werd de Smit Anambas gedeeltelijk afgezonken. Woensdag werd in de Waalhaven pier 1, de Smit Anambas geheel afgezonken. De cutterzuiger en de Multicat, “Rebecca S” van Stemat werden boven het dek gemanoeuvreerd. Hierna volgde nog een set drijvende persleidingen, waarna de Smit Anambas weer werd leeggeblazen en het geheel keurig op het dek van deze Smit Transport ponton stond gepositioneerd. Het zeevasten werd direct ter hand genomen. Vrijdag ochtend liep de Fighter Rotterdam binnen om het transport naar Barcelona te brengen. Dirkzwager, optredend als agent, klaarde het transport uit en om 19,30 werd de Waalhaven verlaten, richting Hoek van Holland en hierna door naar Barcelona. De verwachting is dat men daar op drie Koningen zal arriveren. (Bron:Hans van der Ster)
Aziebank De Wellington (ex Aziebank) van T.P. Towage is in december 2005 verkocht aan de firma Lutamar in Setubal. Naam is niet gewijzigd. (Bron:Leon de Hoop)
Marine News: Sales,Transfers & Renamings Hoedic, 359/79 – tug. By Les Abeilles S.A.S., France to Grupo Boluda, Spain and renamed V.B.Suplente Plym Echo, 38/83 – tug. By Cattewater Harbour Commissioners to Coleraine Harbour Commisioners, both UK and renamed Confidence Skandi Beta, 1751/82 – offshore tug/supply. By Austevoll Supply Shipping A.S. to Norsk Selskab til Skibbrudnes Redning, both Norway and renamed Beta Wandelaar, 280/70 – tug, By URS Belgie NV, Belgium to unspecified owners, Poland and renamed Jaguar
Members report Strongbow 391/77 – tug was renamed Rhino (Pan) prior to 21/3/2005 Sun Surrey 378/92 – tug was renamed Adsteam Surrey (Gbr) prior to 26/9/2005 Taganka 210/65 – tug was renamed Meckton 1 (Pan) prior to 12/9/2005 Westhinder 284/71 – tug was reported as Multratug 25 prior to 30/10/2005
Casualties Jupiter 6 (Theseus – 04; Geronimo Two – 02; Britoil 3 – 94; Redoubtable – 90; Chambon Alize – 82; Sea Husky – 80), 447/75 – Salvage tug, owned by Jupiter Shipmanagement Inc. St.Vincent & Grenadines. Reported missing 6/9/2005 in the Indian Ocean and her lastreported position was 35.52S, 23.25E. She had sailed from Walvis Bay 9/8 with the bulk carrier Satsang q.v. in tow, bound for India/Bangladesh breakers where Satsang was to be delivered. The Satsang was subsequently located drifting in the Indian Ocean about 220 miles off Port Elizabeth with the towline hanging down into the sea. The tow commenced in Cua in January 2005 and had arrived Walvis Bay 1/7 for repairs to the tug.
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie
Smit Nicobar De tweede voor Smit Transport Europe BV – Rotterdam is afgelopen week te water gelaten bij de Keppel Singapore. (Bron: Clipping News)
J. van der Ster – Marcol Archief Productie