MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA PRESS RELEASE NUMBER: / Public Relations DESDM/2011 Date: August 1, 2011 Contract Signing Oil and Gas Sector Cooperation Year 2011 Today is the signing Contract of 8 (eight) Cooperation Contract Oil and Gas Field which consists of: 7 (seven) Contract Work Area Coal Gas Methane (CBM WK) WK Regular Auction results GMB Year 2010-2011 and Deals Direct WK GMB and 1 ( a) WK Oil and Gas. In addition to signing the contract, also offered nine (9) Work Area through the mechanism of Auction Direct Offer which consists of 8 (eight) WK GMB and 1 (one) WK Oil and Gas. The GMB WK, WK Oil and Contractors are set to sign the GMB and WK WK Oil and Gas are as follows: CONTRACT SIGNATURE AREAS WORKING COAL Methane (CBM WK) - 2 (two) through the Auction Work Area Work Area GMB GMB according Candies No.36/2008, the auction began on January 10, 2011 s / d May 9, 2011 and was announced the winner on July 14, 2011, among others: No.
Working Area
1. 2.
Width (Km2)
GMB Melak Mendung 981,9 I
East Borneo
Ephindo Mega Methana Inc.
GMB Melak Mendung 995,7 III
East Borneo
Consortium Deep Industries Limited – Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited
- 5 (two) WK WK GMB GMB through the Offer in accordance Candy Direct No.33/2006 on the existing overlapping working areas of Oil and Gas and Coal IUP, among others: No.
Working Area
Width (Km2)
GMB Belida
South Sumatera
Consortium PT Sele Raya Resources – PT Andalas Metana Energi
GMB Lematang
South Sumatera
Consorsium PT Medco CBM Lematang – PT Methanindo Energi Resources – PT Saka Energi Indonesia
GMB Kutai II
East Borneo
Consortium Ephindo Kutai North Inc. – PT Resources Alam Energi
GMB Suban I
South Sumatera
Consortium PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Metana Suban I – PT. Suban Energi
GMB Suban II
South Sumatera
Consortium PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Metana Suban II – PT. Suban Methan Gas
Terms of cooperation for the principal-7 Work Area GMB signed include: Profit Sharing Production (after tax) between the Government and the Contractor is 55: 45, FTP 10% nonshareable (except with Pertamina shareable based on interest), Cost Recovery 100 %.
Commitment must Exploration of the seven Regional Working GMB for the 3-year exploration period, among others: G & G Study, 27 (twenty seven) corehole drilling, 21 (twenty one) drilling of exploration wells, the Pilot Project Phase I consisted of: 11 (eleven) dewatering and 11 (eleven) production test wells, bringing the total investment commitment of U.S. $ 48.93 Sure million. While the Signature Bonus (Signature Bonus) to be received directly by the Government of U.S. $ 8.26 Million. WORKING GAS CONTRACT SIGNATURE AREAS 1 (a) Contract Work Area Oil and Gas Regular Auction results of phase II in 2010. No.
Working Area
Southwest Bird’s Head
Total E&P Indonesia West Papua
Commitments must be from the working area of Oil and Gas Exploration for 3-year exploration period, among others: G & G Study worth U.S. $ 2.5 million, acquisition of 2D seismic over 70 km worth U.S. $ 2 million and 1 exploration well worth U.S. $ 15 million bringing the total investment Surely a commitment of U.S. $ 19.5 million.While the Signature Bonus (Signature Bonus) to be received directly by the Government of U.S. $ 5 Million. In addition, also offered nine (9) WK GMB and Gas Direct Offer through auction mechanisms as follows: • 8 (EIGHT) Methane COAL WORKING AREAS No.
Working Area
GMB Bangkanai I
Central Borneo and East Borneo
GMB Bangkanai II
Central Borneo
GMB Bangkanai III
Central Borneo and East Borneo
GMB Bangkanai IV
Central Borneo
GMB Kuala Kapuas I
Central Borneo
GMB Kuala Kapuas II
Central Borneo
GMB Tanah Laut
Central Borneo
GMB West Sanga-sanga I
Central Borneo
Terms and conditions apply to the GMB WK-8 offered are: FTP by 10% (nonshare); Split (Government: Contractors) = 55:45 (after tax), Cost Recovery 100%. • 1 (ONE) WORKING AREA OIL AND GAS (DIRECT OFFERING PERIOD II YEAR 2011) No.
Wilayah Kerja
Kuala Pambuang
Central Borneo
Terms and conditions that applied to oil and gas blocks being offered are: FTP by 20% (shareable); Oil Split (Government: Contractors) = 60:40, while Gas Split: 60:40. Entity / Permanent interested to participate in the Auction Offers GMB Direct WK and WK Oil can access the Bid Document started on 12 September 2011 s / d October 26, 2011. Participation Documents Entered on October 27, 2011 at 09.30 s / d 14:30 pm. Head of Legal and Public Relations Sutisna Prawira
KEMENTERIAN ENERGI DAN SUMBER DAYA MINERAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA SIARAN PERS NOMOR : /HUMAS DESDM/2011 Tanggal : 1 Agustus 2011 PENANDATANGAN KONTRAK KERJA SAMA BIDANG MIGAS TAHUN 2011 Pada hari ini dilakukan Penandatangan 8 (delapan) Kontrak Kerjasama Bidang Migas yang terdiri dari: 7 (tujuh) Kontrak Kerja Sama Wilayah Kerja Gas Metana Batubara (WK GMB) hasil Lelang Reguler WK GMB Tahun 2010-2011 dan Penawaran Langsung WK GMB dan 1(satu) WK Migas. Selain penandatanganan Kontrak, ditawarkan juga 9 (sembilan) Wilayah Kerja melalui mekanisme Lelang Penawaran Langsung yang terdiri dari 8 (delapan) WK GMB dan 1 (satu) WK Migas. Adapun WK GMB, WK Migas dan Kontraktor yang ditetapkan untuk menandatangani WK GMB dan WK Migas adalah sebagai berikut : PENANDATANGANAN KONTRAK WILAYAH KERJA GAS METANA BATUBARA (WK GMB) - 2 (dua) Wilayah Kerja GMB melalui Lelang Wilayah Kerja GMB sesuai Permen No.36/2008, pelaksanaan lelang dimulai tanggal 10 Januari 2011 s/d 9 Mei 2011 dan telah diumumkan pemenangnya pada tanggal 14 Juli 2011, antara lain : No.
Working Area
Width (Km2)
GMB Melak Mendung I
East Borneo
Ephindo Mega Methana Inc.
GMB Melak Mendung III
East Borneo
Consortium Deep Industries Limited - Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited
- 5 (dua) WK GMB melalui Penawaran Langsung WK GMB sesuai Permen No.33/2006 pada tumpang tindih eksisting Wilayah Kerja Migas dan IUP Batubara, antara lain : No.
Working Area
Width (Km2)
GMB Belida
South Sumatera
Consortium PT Sele Raya Resources – PT Andalas Metana Energi
GMB Lematang
South Sumatera
Consorsium PT Medco CBM Lematang – PT Methanindo Energi Resources – PT Saka Energi Indonesia
GMB Kutai II
East Borneo
Consortium Ephindo Kutai North Inc. – PT Resources Alam Energi
GMB Suban I
South Sumatera
Consortium PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Metana Suban I – PT. Suban Energi
GMB Suban II
South Sumatera
Consortium PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Metana Suban II – PT. Suban Methan Gas
Ketentuan pokok kerja sama untuk ke-7 Wilayah Kerja GMB yang ditandatangani antara lain: Bagi Hasil Produksi (after tax) antara Pemerintah dan Kontraktor adalah 55 : 45, FTP 10% non-shareable (kecuali dengan Pertamina shareable berdasarkan interes), Cost Recovery 100%. Komitmen Pasti Eksplorasi dari ketujuh Wilayah Kerja GMB untuk 3 tahun masa eksplorasi, antara lain : G&G Study, 27 (dua puluh tujuh) corehole drilling, 21 (dua puluh satu) pemboran sumur eksplorasi, Pilot Project Phase I terdiri dari : 11 (sebelas) dewatering dan 11 (sebelas) production test wells, sehingga total investasi Komitmen Pasti sebesar US$ 48,93 juta. Sedangkan Bonus Tandatangan (Signature Bonus) yang akan diterima langsung oleh Pemerintah sebesar US$ 8,26 Juta. PENANDATANGANAN KONTRAK WILAYAH KERJA MIGAS 1 (satu) Kontrak Kerja Sama Wilayah Kerja Migas hasil Lelang Reguler tahap II Tahun 2010. No.
Working Area
Southwest Bird’s Head
Total E&P Indonesia West Papua
Komitmen Pasti Eksplorasi dari Wilayah Kerja Migas tersebut untuk 3 tahun masa eksplorasi, antara lain : G&G Study senilai US$ 2,5 juta, akusisi seismik 2D sepanjang 70 km senilai US$ 2 juta dan 1 sumur eksplorasi senilai US$ 15 juta sehingga total investasi Komitmen Pasti sebesar US$ 19,5 juta. Sedangkan Bonus Tandatangan (Signature Bonus) yang akan diterima langsung oleh Pemerintah sebesar US$ 5 Juta.
Selain itu, ditawarkan juga 9 (sembilan) WK GMB dan Migas melalui mekanisme Lelang Penawaran Langsung sebagai berikut : 8 (DELAPAN) WILAYAH KERJA GAS METANA BATUBARA
Working Area
GMB Bangkanai I
Central Borneo and East Borneo
GMB Bangkanai II
Central Borneo
GMB Bangkanai III
Central Borneo and East Borneo
GMB Bangkanai IV
Central Borneo
GMB Kuala Kapuas I
Central Borneo
GMB Kuala Kapuas II
Central Borneo
GMB Tanah Laut
Central Borneo
GMB West Sanga-sanga I
Central Borneo
Ketentuan dan syarat yang diberlakukan terhadap ke-8 WK GMB yang ditawarkan tersebut adalah: FTP sebesar 10% (nonshare); Split (Pemerintah: Kontraktor) = 55:45 (after tax), Cost Recovery 100%. 1 (SATU) WILAYAH KERJA MIGAS (PENAWARAN LANGSUNG PERIODE II TAHUN 2011)
Wilayah Kerja
Kuala Pambuang
Central Borneo
Ketentuan dan syarat yang diberlakukan terhadap Blok Migas yang ditawarkan tersebut adalah: FTP sebesar 20% (shareable); Oil Split (Pemerintah: Kontraktor) = 60:40, sedangkan Gas Split: 60:40. Badan Usaha/ Bentuk Usaha Tetap yang berminat untuk berpartisipasi pada Lelang Penawaran Langsung WK GMB dan WK Migas ini dapat mengakses Bid Dokumen mulai pada tanggal 12 September 2011 s/d 26 Oktober 2011. Pemasukan Dokumen Partisipasi pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2011 pukul 09.30 s/d 14.30 WIB.
Kepala Biro Hukum dan Humas
Sutisna Prawira