Készítette: Mező Csaba
Tel.: (30) 958-6667
[email protected]
Honlap: www.mezocsaba.atw.hu
17 Travelling abroad Questions 1.
Do people like travelling?
Where do they prefer spending their holidays?
What opportunities do Hungarian people have for travelling abroad?
Do you think going to a foreign country is only a good way of entertainment?
What decisions do you have to make before your journey?
How can you travel abroad?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual and package tours?
Are there any important things you should consider while packing for your holidays?
What travelling documents do you need when you travel abroad?
How does passport control and customs clearance take place?
What consequences may smuggling carry?
What to do if you lose your passport or it is stolen abroad?
Készítette: Mező Csaba
Tel.: (30) 958-6667
[email protected]
Honlap: www.mezocsaba.atw.hu
17 Travelling abroad (the importance of travelling abroad, the advantages and disadvantages of individual/package tours, packing, documents, customs clearance) Most people love travelling and spending their holidays far away from their residential places. I think the majority of people prefer going abroad to travelling inland, but not everybody can afford to do it because it’s rather costly. Nowadays you can get to almost all parts of the world, but I think the people’s earnings can’t keep up with the growing number of tours offered by travel agencies in Hungary. In my opinion travelling abroad is not only a good way of entertainment, but also very useful at the same time because you can get to know other peoples’ lives, culture and history. Another advantage of it is that you can practise the language in a native-speaking environment, which is an effective way of improving your knowledge of foreign languages. Before travelling abroad you have to make up your mind where you want to travel. You also have to decide how long you want to stay there and what means of transport you intend to travel by. You can travel abroad individually or go on a package tour organized by a travel agency. Both ways of travelling have got some advantages and disadvantages. If you go on an independent tour, you don’t have to depend on others, you are your own master. You can break your journey whenever and wherever you want and you can make decisions about your programmes on your own. On the other hand you should take it into consideration that it is rather tiring and difficult to work out the details of your journey if you travel abroad individually. You don’t have to bother about the preparations if you go on a package tour, everything is arranged by the travel agency including your accommodation and the official documents you need. Package tours have got some disadvantages, too. The main problem is the lack of independence. You have to adapt to the programmes organized by the travel agency no matter how boring you find them. Sometimes tourists are cheated and don’t get the promised services, so not each of the travel agencies is fair. You should be prudent about packing when you go abroad. You should consider the season when you travel, the weather and the climate of the country where you travel, the length of your stay there and the accommodation of yours as well. It’s not at all indifferent whether you travel to Africa or to a cool country of Northern Europe and it is also evident that you should take different clothes with you if you want to stay at a luxury hotel or at a camping site. You have to have a valid passport when you travel abroad. You also have to obtain the needed visa if you go to a country where there is an obligatory visa system. In some countries it is ordered that you should possess a letter of invitation as well. At the passport and customs clearance your passport is checked and you are asked by the customs
Készítette: Mező Csaba
Tel.: (30) 958-6667
[email protected]
Honlap: www.mezocsaba.atw.hu
officer if you have got something to declare. If you have, you are bound to indicate it in your customs declaration and pay duty on it. At the airport you are supposed to go through the red channel if you have something liable to duty and you may simply go through the green channel if you haven’t got any dutiable articles. You ought to know that during the customs examination a random checking may be done and you will be strictly fined if you are caught at smuggling. It is essential to know what to do if you lose your passport or it is stolen abroad. Well, in these cases you should announce the loss of it at the Hungarian Embassy, where you are given a temporary passport to be able to return home.
Készítette: Mező Csaba
Tel.: (30) 958-6667
[email protected]
Honlap: www.mezocsaba.atw.hu
17 VOCABULARY abroad importance individual package tour packing customs clearance far away from sg residential place the majority of people inland can afford to do sg costly nowadays earnings (plural) keep up with sy/ sg growing number of... tour offer travel agency in my opinion entertainment useful at the same time get to know people (plural: peoples) practise native-speaking environment effective improve knowledge foreign language make up one's mind decide intend individually organize independent tour depend on sy be one’s own master break one's journey make a decision on your own on the other hand take sg into consideration work out detail bother about sg preparation arrange including official document
külföldre, külföldön fontosság, jelentőség egyéni társasutazás (be)csomagolás, bepakolás vámvizsgálat, vámkezelés messze vmitől lakóhely az emberek többsége belföld megengedheti magának, hogy vmit megtegyen költséges, drága mostanság, manapság kereset lépést tart vkivel/ vmivel növekvő számú... túra, utazás ajánl, kínál utazási iroda véleményem szerint szórakozás hasznos ugyanakkor, egyben, egyúttal megtud, megismer nép gyakorol anyanyelvi környezet, miliő hatékony, eredményes javít, tökéletesít, (tovább)fejleszt tudás, ismeret(ek) idegen nyelv elhatározza magát eldönt, elhatároz szándékozik, tervez egyénileg (meg)szervez, (meg)rendez egyéni út/ utazás itt: függ vkitől a maga ura megszakítja az útját/ utazását döntést hoz, eldönt, elhatároz egyedül másrészt, másfelől tekintetbe/ figyelembe vesz vmit kidolgoz (tervet stb.) részlet törődik/ bajlódik vmivel előkészület, készülés (el)rendez, elintéz, (meg)szervez beleértve hivatalos okmány
Készítette: Mező Csaba
Tel.: (30) 958-6667
accommodation lack of sg independence adapt to sg no matter how boring cheat promised fair prudent consider season climate length not at all indifferent whether cool evident luxury camping site valid passport obtain visa obligatory visa system order possess letter of invitation passport and customs clearance customs officer something to declare be bound to do sg indicate customs declaration pay duty on sg be supposed to do sg liable to duty dutiable article customs examination random checking be strictly fined catch sy at sg smuggling essential case Hungarian Embassy announce loss temporary
[email protected]
Honlap: www.mezocsaba.atw.hu
szállás(hely), elszállásolás vminek a hiánya függetlenség, szabadság alkalmazkodik vmihez bármennyire, akármennyire unalmas, untató becsap, rászed (meg)ígért becsületes, tisztességes, korrekt körültekintő figyelembe/ tekintetbe vesz évszak, időszak, szezon éghajlat, klíma hosszúság, vminek a hossza egyáltalán nem közömbös vajon; -e hűvös, hideg nyilvánvaló luxus... kemping érvényes útlevél beszerez vízum vízumkényszer előír, elrendel, megparancsol van vmije, rendelkezik vmivel meghívólevél útlevél- és vámvizsgálat vámos valami elvámolnivaló köteles vmit megtenni itt: feltüntet (írásban) vámáru-nyilatkozat vámot fizet vmiért köteles vmit megtenni; elvárják tőle, hogy vmit megtegyen vámköteles vámköteles cikk, árucikk vámvizsgálat szúrópróbaszerű ellenőrzés keményen megbüntetik/ megbírságolják rajtakap vkit vmin csempészés lényeges, alapvető eset, ügy Magyar Nagykövetség bejelent, közöl elvesztés ideiglenes, átmeneti