Economie. Aanwinsten van Anet — Periode 2010/04 Statistiek The Elgar companion to health economics / [edit.] Andrew M. Jones. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2006. — 565 p. — ISBN-10 1–84542–003–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84542–003–1 UA–CDE: HB–GEN–DAMMP UA–CST: DEV 613 G–JONE 2006 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Analytical Marxism / [edit.] John Roemer. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. — 313 p. — (Studies in marxism and social theory ; 1999: 1). — ISBN-10 0–521–30025–8 ; ISBN-10 0–521–31731–2 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
Art & economy / [edit.] Zdenek Felix ; [edit.] Beate Hentschel ; [edit.] Dirk Luckow ; [edit.] Deichtorhallen [Hamburg]. — Hamburg : 2002. — 312 p., ill. — Tentoonstelling: Deichtorhallen [Hamburg]. 2002/03/01 -2002/06/23. — ISBN-10 3775711260 KdG–ABK: 700.7 ART
Demografie The Elgar companion to health economics / [edit.] Andrew M. Jones. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2006. — 565 p. — ISBN-10 1–84542–003–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84542–003–1
Handbook of bioenergy crops: a complete reference to species, development and applications / N. el Bassam. — London : Earthscan, 2010. — 516 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–84407–854–7 UA–CDE: HB–BIO–CEULR
Economie Collaborative public management: new strategies for local governments / Robert Agranoff ; Michael McGuire. — Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2003. — 219 p. — (American governance and public policy series ; 2003: 1). — ISBN-10 1–58901–018–3 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–AGRA 2003
American economic journal: applied economics. — Pittsburg, Pa. — Titel varieert: AEJ applied. — ISSN 1945–7782 UA–CST: TEW 33 E–AEJA 1(2009)–
Lernende Metropolen: Arbeitsmarkt- und Integrationspolitik in Berlin, Budapest, Warschau und Wien im Vergleich / Jens Becker ; Angela Joost ; Barbara Hyna ; [medew.] Birgita Dusse. — Hamburg : Kovaˇc, 2007. — 479 p. — (Socialia: Studienreihe soziologische Forschungsergebnisse ; 82). — ISBN-13 978–3–8300–2628–0 UA–CST: PSW 331.6 L–EG–BECK 2007
Open varieties of capitalism: continuity, change and performance / Uwe Becker. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 222 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–20164–4 UA–CST: PSW 33 G–BECK 2009
Behavioral economics and its applications / [edit.] Peter Diamond ; [edit.] Hannu Vartiainen. — Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2007. — 312 p. — ISBN-10 0–691–12284–9 ; ISBN-13 978–0–691–12284–7 UA–CST: HB–TEW–NONNW
UHasselt: 33 1(2009)–
American economic journal: macroeconomics. — Pittsburg, Pa. — Titel varieert: AEJ macro. — ISSN 1945–7707
Behavioral law and economics / [edit.] Cass R. Sunstein. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. — 431 p. — (Cambridge series on judgment and decision making ; 2008: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–521–66743–2 UA–CST: HB–TEW–NONNW
UA–CST: TEW 33 E–AEJM 1(2009)– UHasselt: 33 1(2009)–
Beheers je verkeer: over verstandig omgaan met risico's in het verkeer / [edit.] Kirsten de Mulder ; [edit.] Marie-No¨elle Collart. — Brussel : BIVV, 2010 KdG–DLO–NP: 485
American journal of evaluation / American Evaluation Association. — Stamford, Conn. — Voortzetting van Evaluation De wereldwinkel op school: voeding, muziek en speelgoed / practice. — ISSN 1098–2140 Davina Beke. — Hasselt : 2009. — koffer met inhoud db?issn=1098-2140 UA–CST: DEV 339.96 E–AJE/10 j. 27(2006)–
XIOS–CH: 471.43 BEKE 2009
Gestion quantitative du portefeuille et nouveaux march´es financiers / Mondher Bellalah. — Paris : Nathan, 1990. — 318 p. — ISBN-10 2–09–190011–7 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–BELL 90
De bezoldigingen van bedrijfsleiders / Paul Bellen. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2008. — 148 p. — (Loon: dossier ; 2008: 2). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–1845–8 DB: DB 348 BELL
IFRS et la crise financi`ere = IFRS en de financi¨ele crisis / Th. Carlier ; B. Colmant ; Ph. Dembour ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Maklu, 2010. — 209 p. — (Publicatie ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–466–0337–6 KdG–HB: 361
Actualiteit rond het begrip loon / Jan Bertels ; Jean-Claude Heirman ; Mina Golfays. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2008. — 88 p. — (Loon: dossier ; 2008: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–1757–4
ADVO–A: LZA–COM 8 CARL 2010 UHasselt: 347.73 CARL 2010 UA–CST: TEW 657 G–CARL 2010 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 G–CARL 2010
Biodiversity economics / [edit.] Andreas Kontoleon ; [edit.] Unai Pascual ; [edit.] Timothy Swanson. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. — 664 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–86683–5 UA–CST: DEV 628 G–KONT 2007
Misadventures of the most favored nations: clashing egos, inflated ambitions, and the great shambles of the world trade system / Paul Blustein. — New York, N.Y. : PublicAffairs, 2009. — 344 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–58648–718–8 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–BLUS 2009
Business as a system of power / Robert A. Brady. — New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 2010. — 340 p. — Herdruk van uitgave 1945: New York, N.Y. — ISBN-10 1–4286–1944–5 UA–CST: TEW 330.342 G–BRAD 2010
New state spaces: urban governance and the rescaling of statehood / Neil Brenner. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 351 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–927006–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–19–927005–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–BREN 2009
De opkomst en ondergang van het communisme / Archie Brown. — Houten : Spectrum, 2009. — 975 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–274–3369–5 EHC: 736183
BTW zakboekje. — Mechelen XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2007 XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2008
The concept of the public realm / [edit.] No¨el O'Sullivan. — London : Routledge, 2010. — 214 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–44831–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–OSUL 2010
Lokaal werkgelegenheidsbeleid / Fabio Contipelli ; Linda de Cat ; Jo Discart ; e.a. — Brussel : Politeia, 2001. — 140 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2001: 2) UHasselt: 336.1 CONT 2001 DB: DB 337 CONT KdG–SAW: 352.53
Country report: Rwanda / Economist Intelligence Unit. — London. — ISSN 1465–6418 UA–CST: DEV 339.96 E–CRRW/10 j. (2008)–
Public finance and public choice: analytical perspectives / John Cullis ; Philip Jones. — 3 ed. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 531 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–923478–3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Contracting for services in state and local government agencies / William Sims Curry. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 448 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 148). — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–7832–9 ; ISBN-10 1–4200–7832–1 UA–CST: PSW 35 L–USA–CURR 2009 Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM
The public law of government contracts / A.C.L. Davies. — New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 2008. — 343 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–928739–0 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–DAVI 2008
XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2009 XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2010 KMSKA: X–B–BH
De la crise financi`ere a` la crise e´ conomique / Banque de France. — Paris : 2010. — 147 p. — (Documents et d´ebats ; 3) UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–DELA 2010
Macroeconomics: a European text / Michael Burda ; Charles Wyplosz. — 5 ed. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 543 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–923682–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Het kind van de rekening / Yvette Desmet. — Brussel : Politeia, 2009. — 61 p. — (Cahiers schuldenlast ; 1). — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00478–9 KdG–SAW: 321.3
Politicians, bureaucrats and leadership in organizations: lessons from regional planning in France / June Burnham. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 261 p. — (French politics, society and culture series ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–230–20987–9 UA–CST: PSW 911.4 L–F–BURN 2009
La din´amica demogr´afica y su impacto en el mercado laboral de los j´ovenes / [edit.] Fortino Vela Pe´on. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2008. — 289 p. — ISBN-13 978–970–31–1059–9 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10496
Din´amicas metropolitanas y estructuraci´on territorial: estudio comparativo M´exico-Francia / [edit.] Diana R. Villarreal Gonz´alez ; [edit.] Dominique Mignot ; [edit.] Daniel Hiernaux. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2003. — 310 p. — ISBN-10 970–701–325–7 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10491
UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–BREN 2003
Economics of transport for tourism / [edit.] Larry Dwyer. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 73 p. — (Research in transportation economics ; 26) UA–CST: TEW 656 F–RTE:26
The Elgar companion to health economics / [edit.] Andrew M. The disappearing state? Retrenchment realities in an age of Jones. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2006. — 565 p. — globalisation / [edit.] Francis G. Castles. — Cheltenham : Elgar, ISBN-10 1–84542–003–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84542–003–1 2007. — 286 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–84542–297–4 UA–CST: HB–PSW–CANTB UA–CST: PSW 336 G–CAST 2007
Diversidad rural: estrategias econ´omicas y procesos culturales / [edit.] Beatriz Canabal Cristiani ; [edit.] Gabriela Contreras P´erez ; [edit.] Arturo Le´on L´opez. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2006. — 435 p. — ISBN-10 970–722–395–2 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10492
Auto's / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] Claude Kailer ; [vert.] Annet Mons ; e.a. — Wageningen : Veen, 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 15). — ISBN-10 90–204–0788–0 EHC: 736024
Het creatieve geheugen: stadsinnovatieprojecten rond openbare bibliotheken en creatieve economie¨en / [edit.] Nathalie Vallet ; [edit.] Raf de Mey ; [edit.] Koenraad Marchand ; e.a. — Brussel : Politeia, 2010. — 232 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00547–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 024 CREA UA–CST: IBW 025.1 G–VALL 2010 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 59580 KdG–IWT: 02 EHC: 736401
Making sense of Marx / Jon Elster. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. — 556 p. — (Studies in marxism and social theory ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-10 0–521–29705–2 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
The European Union and the new trade politics / [edit.] John Peterson ; [edit.] Alasdair R. Young. — Abingdon : Routledge, 2007. — 172 p. — (Journal of European public policy series ; 2007: 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–39491–8 UA–CST: PSW 339 L–EU–PETE 2007
Exotic preferences: behavioral economics and human motivation / [edit.] George Loewenstein. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. — 671 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–925708–9 ; ISBN-13 978–0–19–925707–2 UA–CST: DEV 33 G–LOEW 2008 UA–CST: HB–TEW–NONNW
Makelaar en agent in de bank-, beleggings- en verzekeringssector / Manou Eyskens. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2010. — 651 p. — (Recht en onderneming ; 34). — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0158–5 KdG–HB: 380.3 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 L–B–EYSK 2010
Governing interests: business associations facing internationalization / [edit.] Wolfgang Streeck ; [edit.] J¨urgen R. Grote ; [edit.] Volker Schneider ; e.a. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 282 p. — (Routledge studies in international business and the world economy ; 34). — ISBN-10 0–415–36486–8 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–STRE 2009
Innoveren met creativiteit / Marion Debruyne ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 127 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8332–6 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 344.5 DEBR KdG–HB: 366.1
Innovating European labour markets: dynamics and perspectives / [edit.] Peter Ester ; [edit.] Ruud Muffels ; [edit.] Joop Schippers ; e.a. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2008. — 354 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84844–007–4
EHC: 729109:1 Artesis-OWAC: 34166 in seminariebibliotheek PO: raadpleging ter plaatse UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
UA–CST: PSW 331.6 L–EG–ESTE 2008
Non-state actors as standard setters / [edit.] Anne Peters ; [edit.] Lucy Koechlin ; [edit.] Till F¨orster ; e.a. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. — 587 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–11490–5 UA–CST: PSW 327 G–PETE 2009 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
State/space: a reader / [edit.] Neil Brenner ; [edit.] Bob Jessop ; [edit.] Martin Jones ; e.a. — Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2003. — 355 p. — ISBN-10 0–631–23034–3 ; ISBN-10 0–631–23033–5
Ford nieuws : personeelsblad van de Ford Werke AG Fabrieken te Genk. — Genk EHC: 736521 [C3–492 c] 3:8/9–10(1966)
Essays on modeling fiscal and monetary policy in a DSGE framework: proefschrift / Jorge Alberto Fornero. — Antwerpen : UA, 2009. — 342 p. — (Proefschriften UA–TEW ; 2009: 17) UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 226 UA–CST: TEW 33 F–UP:2009,17
Health economics and financing / Thomas E Getzen. — 4 ed. — Studies on the abuse and decline of reason: text and documents / F.A. Hayek ; [edit.] Bruce Caldwell. — Chicago, Hoboken, N.J : Wiley, 2010. — 470 p. — Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 2010. — 331 p. — (The ISBN-13 978–0–470–46901–9 collected works ; 13). — ISBN-13 978–0–226–32109–7 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM UA–CST: TEW 330.8 G–HAYE 89:13
The global cities reader / [edit.] Neil Brenner ; [edit.] Roger Keil. — London : Routledge, 2010. — 436 p., ill. — (The Routledge urban reader series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–32345–1 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–32344–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.2 G–BREN 2010
A history of entrepreneurship / Robert F. H´ebert ; Albert N. Link. — London : Routledge, 2010. — 121 p. — (Routledge studies in the history of economics ; 104). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–77738–4 UA–CST: TEW 330.8 G–HEBE 2010
Globalisation and the rule of law / [edit.] Spencer Zifcak. — London : Routledge, 2005. — 222 p. — (Routledge challenges of globalization ; 4). — ISBN-10 0–415–32655–9 ; ISBN-10 0–415–42971–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–32655–1 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–42971–9 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
The regulatory response to the financial crisis / Charles A.E. Goodhart. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2010. — 151 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84980–162–1 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84844–451–5 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–GOOD 2010
Budgetary politics in American governments / James J. Gosling. — 5 ed. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 302 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–99511–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–80015–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–88945–9
Ruling Europe: the politics of the stability and growth pact / Martin Heipertz ; Amy Verdun. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. — 314 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–19750–2 UA–CST: PSW 336 L–EU–HEIP 2010
Mercado laboral y capacitaci´on: un an´alisis regional para M´exico / Enrique Hern´andez Laos ; Ignacio Llamas Huitr´on. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2006. — 398 p. — ISBN-10 970–722–550–5 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10495
Liquidated: an ethnography of Wall Street / Karen Ho. — Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 2009. — 374 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8223–4580–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8223–4599–2 UA–CST: HB–TEW–ANNAJ
Governing the metropolis: principles and cases / [edit.] Eduardo Rojas ; [edit.] Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura ; [edit.] Jos´e Miguel Fern´andez G¨uell. — Washington, D.C. : Inter-American Development Bank, 2008. — 296 p. — ISBN-10 1–59782–070–9 UA–CST: PSW 911.4 G–ROJA 2008
Economics of monetary union / Paul de Grauwe. — 8 ed. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 290 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–956323–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Handbook of career theory / [edit.] Michael B. Arthur ; [edit.] Douglas T. Hall ; [edit.] Barbara S. Lawrence. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. — 549 p. — ISBN-10 0–521–38944–5 ; ISBN-10 0–521–33015–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.0 G–ARTH 95
Handbook of governmental accounting / [edit.] Frederic B. Bogui. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 528 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 152). — ISBN-13 978–1–57444–758–3 UA–CST: PSW 35 L–USA–BOGU 2009
Handbook of social capital: the troika of sociology, political science, and economics / [edit.] Gert Tinggaard Svendsen ; [edit.] Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2009. — 460 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84542–323–0 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–SVEN 2009
Kinderen als wegwijzers: een leidraad voor kinderparticipatie bij lokale mobiliteitsprojecten / Marjan Huybrechts ; Jan van Gils. — Meise : Onderzoekscentrum Kind & Samenleving, 2007. — 133 p. DB: DB 656.3 HUYB
Optimum / Nadine Huybrechts ; Sandy Verlinden ; Michel Janssens ; e.a. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2007 KdG–DLO–NP: 485.8 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.833 SAV–OPTI 2007 Handelseconomie: leerwerkboek 2.1, handleiding 1.2, 2.1, 2.2,3,4 handboek 2.1, 2.2,4; Kantoortechnieken BSO 3,4, handleiding BSO 4, TSO 3 XIOS–CH: 485.8 HUYB 2007 XIOS–CH: 485.8 HUYB 2008 UA–CST: OW 372.833 Y–HUYB 2007 2.1 boekhouden; 2.2 handelseconomie; BSO en TSO kantoortechnieken
In het spoor van de crisis: achtergronden bij de financi¨ele crisis / Nederlandsche Bank. — Amsterdam : 2010. — 182 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–804784–6–6 UA–CST: TEW 336.7 G–DNB 2010
Is China a risk or an opportunity for Europe? An assessment of the automobile, steel, and shipbuilding sectors / [edit.] Francesco Garibaldo ; [edit.] Philippe Morvannou ; [edit.] Jochen Tholen. — Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2008. — 123 p. — (Labour, education & society ; 11). — ISBN-13 978–3–631–57474–4 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–GARI 2008
Labor relations in the public sector / Richard C. Kearney. — 4 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 383 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 150). — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–6314–1 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.0 L–USA–KEAR 2009
Landschap als blinde vlek: een verkenning naar de relatie tussen ruimtelijke factoren en het vestigingsgedrag van buitenlandse bedrijven / J. Luttink ; B.C. Breman ; F.J.P. van den Bosch. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 70 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 99) UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
De Oost-Vlaamse buurtspoorweg: Gent-Drongen (1909–1959), met verlenging tot Nevele vanaf 1911 / Erik de Keukeleire. — Ledeberg : De Keukeleire, 2009. — 240 p., ill. — Herwerking en aanvulling van ‘De tram te Drongen’, uitgave bij het jaarboek van de heemkundige kring 'Dronghine', 1987 EHC: 736525
Personal finance / Jeff Madura. — 4 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2011. — 649 p. — (Prentice Hall series in finance ; 2011: 1). — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–705257–8 KdG–HB: 345.71 KdG–HB: CDR 10/100
Analysis of financial data / Gary Koop. — Chichester : Wiley, 2006. — 240 p. — ISBN-10 0–470–01321–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–470–01321–2 UA–CST: TEW 658.145 G–KOOP 2006 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Word een held en red de aarde: handboek voor dappere kinderen / Lena Martaz ; [ill.] Dorus Brekelmans. — Brussel : Bakermat, 2003. — 48 p., Ill. — Met Doe-boekje rond duurzame ontwikkeling. — ISBN-10 90–5461–926–0 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.84 G–WORD 2003 NATUUR
Solo slim!? Loopbaanstrategie¨en van alleenstaande ouders / Marie Kruyfhooft. — Antwerpen : Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid, 2010. — 168 p. — (Rapporten ; 18). — ISBN-13 978–90–77271–51–3
Basiswerk; Doe-boekje SL: PRNF–MART XIOS–CH: 476 MART 2003 KdG–DLO: 614.6
UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61372
Business and banking: political change and economic integration in Western Europe / Paulette Kurzer. — Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1993. — 261 p. — (Cornell studies in political economy ; 1993: 2). — ISBN-10 0–8014–2798–3 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–KURZ 93
De duurzame arbeidsorganisatie: een geloofwaardig vervolg op maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen / Willem de Lange ; Jeroen Koppens. — Amsterdam : WEKA, 2007. — 204 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5883–285–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–BOUCJ
BTW-gids 2010 / Ine Lejeune. — Brussel : BIBF, 2010. — 745 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–465–2458–9
Macroeconomics: understanding the wealth of nations / David Miles ; Andrew Scott. — 2 ed. — Chichester : Wiley, 2005. — 610 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–86892–8 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
International macroeconomics / Peter J. Montiel. — Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. — 503 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8386–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM UHasselt: 339.7 MONT 2009
Economic analysis in health care / Stephen Morris ; Nancy Devlin ; David Parkin. — Chichester : John Wiley, 2007. — 400 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–01685–5 ; ISBN-10 0–470–01685-X UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM UHasselt: 338.46 MORR 2007
KdG–HB: 346.31
OCMW-financi¨en voor niet-specialisten / Jan Leroy. — 3 ed. — Brussel : VVSG, 2006. — 140 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2006: 1) DB: DB 311 LERO
Ruimte maken voor de stad / Ilse Loots ; Erik van Hove. — Leuven : Garant, 1996. — 117 p. — ISBN-10 90–5350–486–9 AHB: LZ–M 09.01 LOOTS 1996 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.2 G–LOOT 96 UA–CST: TEW 911.4 G–LOOT 96 DB: DB 915 LOOT BSA: LZ 305/151
Lucht- en ruimtevaart / Vulgarisatiecentrum voor Lucht- en Ruimtevaart [Brussel]. — Brussel EHC: 736447 [C3–492 c] 1–5(1961–1965)
The art of public strategy: mobilizing power and knowledge for the common good / Geoff Mulgan. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 306 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–928964–6 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–MULG 2009
Agrarische architectuur in Vlaanderen / Katelijne Norga. — Brussek : Vlaams Bouwmeester. Vlaamse Overheid, 1000. — 72 p., ill. Artesis-OWAC: 34275
Opleidingswijzer: motiverend zelfhulpboek voor wie werk wil. — S.l. : s.n. — 128 p. DB: DB 372.7 OPLE
Toegepaste energietechniek / Joop Ouwehand ; Trynke Papa ; Wim Gilijamse ; e.a. — Den Haag : Sdu, 2009. — 2 v. — ISBN-13 978–90–395–2576–0 XIOS–CD: 621.1 OUWE 2009 PLANTIJN–BOO: LZ 644 TOEG
Marxism recycled / Philippe van Parijs. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. — 246 p. — (Studies in marxism and social theory ; 2009: 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–521–12214–6 ; ISBN-13 978–0–521–41802–7 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
Private security, public order: the outsourcing of public services and its limits / [edit.] Simon Chesterman ; [edit.] Angelina Fisher. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 247 p. — (A project of the Institute for International Law and Justice at New York University School of Law ; 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–19–957412–4 UA–CST: PSW 304 G–CHES 2009
Economics / Michael Parkin. — 9 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2010. — 754 p. — Met Student access code inside. — ISBN-13 978–0–321–60497–2 UA–CST: TEW 33 G–PARK 2010 Basiswerk; Student access code inside
Lokale economie / Jan Puype. — Brussel : VVSG, 2002. — 102 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2002: 1) UA–CST: HB–PSW–JANV DB: DB 331 PUYP UHasselt: 338.2 PUYP 2002
Microeconomics / Michael Parkin. — 9 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2010. — 486 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–321–61005–8 UA–CST: TEW 330.104 G–PARK 2010
Mijn virtueel Vlaanderen / R.M.v.d.M. — Sint-Niklaas : Abimo, 2009. — 96 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–5932–518–0 EHC: 736343
The politics of aid: African strategies for dealing with donors / [edit.] Lindsay Whitfield. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 401 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–956017–2 UA–CST: DEV 339.91 L–AFR–WHIT 2009
The competent public sphere: global political economy, dialogue, and the contemporary workplace / John Michael Roberts. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 204 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–00873–1 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–ROBE 2009
The politics of unemployment in Europe: policy responses and collective action / [edit.] Marco Giugni. — Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. — 209 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7546–7348–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.1 L–EUR–GIUG 2009
Crisis hoe lossen we het op? Een verifieerbaar relanceplan voor Nederland en Belgi¨e / Jean-Pierre van Rossem. — Antwerpen : Lampedaire, 2009. — 248 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–79592–24–1 EHC: 736491
Lessen uit de financi¨ele crisis / Eric Pompen. — Roeselaere : Roularta, 2010. — 79 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–8679–315–0 KdG–HB: 345.1 UA–CST: MAG–OW–AA 25995 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 347 POMP
UHasselt: 330.101 VANR 2009
Routeplan: in stroomversnelling naar 2012 / Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid van Antwerpen-Waasland. — Antwerpen : 2003. — 85 p., ill.
KdG–DLO–NP: 345.1
AHB: LZ–M 02.04 RP 2003
Artesis-BLS: BLS 338.12 G–POMP 2010
UA–CST: MAG–B 54157
XIOS–CH: 347 POMP 2010
The port and maritime industries in the post-2008 world / [edit.] Adolf K.Y. NG ; [edit.] John J. Liu. — Roularta : Elsevier, 2010. — 60 p. — (Research in transportation economics ; 27)
International economics: trade and finance / Dominick Salvatore. — 10 ed. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011. — 812 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–50582–3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
UA–CST: TEW 656 F–RTE:27
Port of Antwerp / Antwerpse Lloyd. — Antwerp : Antwerpse Lloyd, 2010. — 56 p. — (Lloyd special ; 2010: 2) KdG–HB: 376.51
Post / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Sue Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1974. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 22). — ISBN-10 90–204–0798–8 EHC: 736035
De rode vlag: de wereldgeschiedenis van het communisme / David Priestland ; [vert.] Janine van der Kooij ; e.a. — Amsterdam : Bezige Bij, 2009. — 698 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–234–4179–3 EHC: 736220
Privatization and public-private partnerships / E.S. Savas. — New York, N.Y. : Chatham House, 2000. — 368 p. — ISBN-10 1–56643–073–9 UA–CST: HB–PSW–DOORW UA–CST: PSW 35 G–SAVA 2000
Automotive software engineering: principles, processes, methods and tools / J¨org Sch¨auffele ; Thomas Zurawka. — Warrendale, PA : SAE International, 2005. — 385 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–7680–1490–7 KdG–IWT: 629.33
Social regulation in the WTO: trade policy and international legal development / Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2010. — 320 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84844–959–6 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–SCHE 2010
Schepen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] John Mousdale. — Wageningen : Veen, 1972. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 4). — ISBN-10 90–204–0777–5 EHC: 736005
Advies over de kwaliteitsborging van de Monitor Agenda Vitaal Platteland / A.M. Schmidt ; L.A.E. Vullings. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 64 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 104) UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
Global bank regulation: principles and policies / Heidi Mandanis Schooner ; Michael W. Taylor. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 326 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–12–641003–7 ; ISBN-10 0–12–641003–8 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–SCHO 2010
Science, institutions and economic development: the contribution of ‘German’ economists and the reception in Italy (1860–1930) / [edit.] Vitantonio Gioia ; [edit.] Heinz D. Kurz. — Milano : Giuffr`e, 2000. — 738 p. — (Pubblicazioni della facolt`a di scienze politiche ; 9). — ISBN-10 88–14–07867-X UA–CST: TEW 330.8 G–GIOI 2000
Formula funding of public services / Peter C. Smith. — London : Routledge, 2007. — 176 p. — (Routledge studies in business organization and networks ; 2007: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–36289–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–01302–1 UA–CST: PSW 336 G–SMIT 2007
Spaces of neoliberalism: urban restructuring in North America and Western Europe / [edit.] Neil Brenner ; [edit.] Nik Theodore. — Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2010. — 294 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–0105–9 UA–CST: PSW 911.4 G–BREN 2010
Innovatie en succes / Patrick van Thiel. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 197 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76864–5 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/161 THIE KdG–HB: 366.1
Tijdschrift voor wetenschap, technologie en samenleving / Vereniging voor Wetenschap en Samenleving. — Utrecht. — Voortzetting van Zeno: over wetenschap, technologie en samenleving. — ISSN 1386–4289 UA–CST: PSW 301 E–WS 5–8(1997–2000) EHC: 736439 [C3–492 d] 6:1(1998)
Oorlog of ode aan de arbeid? / Laurenz Verledens. — Wilrijk : VKW Metena, 2010. — 8 p. — (Beleidsnota ; 39) UA–CST: MAG–T 484:39 KdG–SAW: 360
Ruimtelijke planning / Ch. Vermeersch ; A. Desmet. — 2 ed. — Brugge : Die Keure, 1989. — 210 p. — (Ruimtelijke ordening en stedebouw ; 1989: 1). — ISBN-10 90–6200–301-X UA–CST: MAG–B 46774 DB: DB 910 VERM
Vliegtuigen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 14). — ISBN-10 90–204–0791–0 EHC: 736022
Advanced mathematical economics / Rakesh V. Vohra. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 194 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–70007–8 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–70008–5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–PELSP UA–CST: TEW 330.115 G–VOHR 2009
Subsidies voor ontwikkelingsprojecten in het Zuiden. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2010. — 19 p., ill. — Dep. D/2010/0306/49 EHC: 736231
After the meltdown: the future of capitalism and globalization in the age of the twin crises. — London : Shoehorn, 2010. — 145 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–907149–14–6 UHasselt: 338.2 DEVO 2010
Subsidies voor sensibiliserende Noord-Zuidactiviteiten in Antwerpen. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2010. — 31 p., ill. — Dep. D/2010/0306/32 EHC: 736232
Heerlijke nieuwe wereld / G¨unter Wallraff ; [vert.] Ren´e van Veen. — Amsterdam : Ambo, 2010. — 318 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–263–2262–4 EHC: 736208
Te gast in Brazili¨e. — 's-Gravenwezel EHC: 735988 [C3–492 d] 1–4(1988–1992)
Jacob Mincer: a founding father of modern labor economics / Pedro N. Teixeira. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. — 209 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–921131–9 UA–CST: TEW 330.8 N–MINC–TEIX 2007
The theory and practice of local governance and economic development / [edit.] Mark Considine ; [edit.] Sylvain Gigu`ere. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. — 271 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–50060–0 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–CONS 2008
An introduction to behavioral economics / Nick Wilkinson. — New York, N.Y. : Palgrave, 2008. — 551 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–53259–5 ; ISBN-10 0–230–53259–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–NONNW UHasselt: 330.104 WILK 2008
Wort und Wirkung: Wilhelm R¨opkes Bedeutung f¨ur die Gegenwart / [edit.] Heinz Rieter ; [edit.] Joachim Zweynert. — Marburg : Metropolis, 2009. — 202 p. — (Beitr¨age zur ¨ Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Okonomie ; 34). — ISBN-13 978–3–89518–706–3 UA–CST: TEW 330.8 N–ROEP–RIET 2009
Container shipping services and their impact on container port competitiveness / Wei Yim Yap. — Antwerp : UPA University Press, 2009. — 536 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–5487–646–5 UA–CST: TEW 656.61 G–YAP 2009 UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 247
The greatest trade ever: the behind-the-scenes story of how John Paulson defied Wall Street and made financial history / Gregory Zuckerman. — New York, N.Y. : Broadway Books, 2009. — 295 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–385–52991–4 UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–ZUCK 2009
Arbeid Lernende Metropolen: Arbeitsmarkt- und Integrationspolitik in Berlin, Budapest, Warschau und Wien im Vergleich / Jens Becker ; Angela Joost ; Barbara Hyna ; [medew.] Birgita Dusse. — Hamburg : Kovaˇc, 2007. — 479 p. — (Socialia: Studienreihe soziologische Forschungsergebnisse ; 82). — ISBN-13 978–3–8300–2628–0 UA–CST: PSW 331.6 L–EG–BECK 2007
Mercado laboral y capacitaci´on: un an´alisis regional para M´exico / Enrique Hern´andez Laos ; Ignacio Llamas Huitr´on. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2006. — 398 p. — ISBN-10 970–722–550–5 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10495
Labor relations in the public sector / Richard C. Kearney. — 4 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 383 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 150). — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–6314–1 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.0 L–USA–KEAR 2009
Solo slim!? Loopbaanstrategie¨en van alleenstaande ouders / Marie Kruyfhooft. — Antwerpen : Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid, 2010. — 168 p. — (Rapporten ; 18). — ISBN-13 978–90–77271–51–3 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61372
De duurzame arbeidsorganisatie: een geloofwaardig vervolg op maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen / Willem de Lange ; Jeroen Koppens. — Amsterdam : WEKA, 2007. — 204 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5883–285–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–BOUCJ
De bezoldigingen van bedrijfsleiders / Paul Bellen. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2008. — 148 p. — (Loon: dossier ; 2008: 2). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–1845–8 DB: DB 348 BELL
Actualiteit rond het begrip loon / Jan Bertels ; Jean-Claude Heirman ; Mina Golfays. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2008. — 88 p. — (Loon: dossier ; 2008: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–1757–4
Opleidingswijzer: motiverend zelfhulpboek voor wie werk wil. — S.l. : s.n. — 128 p. DB: DB 372.7 OPLE
The politics of unemployment in Europe: policy responses and collective action / [edit.] Marco Giugni. — Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. — 209 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7546–7348–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.1 L–EUR–GIUG 2009
Lokaal werkgelegenheidsbeleid / Fabio Contipelli ; Linda de Cat ; Jo Discart ; e.a. — Brussel : Politeia, 2001. — 140 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2001: 2) UHasselt: 336.1 CONT 2001 DB: DB 337 CONT KdG–SAW: 352.53
Tijdschrift voor wetenschap, technologie en samenleving / Vereniging voor Wetenschap en Samenleving. — Utrecht. — Voortzetting van Zeno: over wetenschap, technologie en samenleving. — ISSN 1386–4289 UA–CST: PSW 301 E–WS 5–8(1997–2000) EHC: 736439 [C3–492 d] 6:1(1998)
La din´amica demogr´afica y su impacto en el mercado laboral de Oorlog of ode aan de arbeid? / Laurenz Verledens. — Wilrijk : los j´ovenes / [edit.] Fortino Vela Pe´on. — M´exico, D.F. : VKW Metena, 2010. — 8 p. — (Beleidsnota ; 39) Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2008. — 289 p. — UA–CST: MAG–T 484:39 ISBN-13 978–970–31–1059–9 KdG–SAW: 360 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10496
Innovating European labour markets: dynamics and perspectives / [edit.] Peter Ester ; [edit.] Ruud Muffels ; [edit.] Joop Schippers ; e.a. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2008. — 354 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84844–007–4
Heerlijke nieuwe wereld / G¨unter Wallraff ; [vert.] Ren´e van Veen. — Amsterdam : Ambo, 2010. — 318 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–263–2262–4 EHC: 736208
UA–CST: PSW 331.6 L–EG–ESTE 2008
Handbook of career theory / [edit.] Michael B. Arthur ; [edit.] Douglas T. Hall ; [edit.] Barbara S. Lawrence. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995. — 549 p. — ISBN-10 0–521–38944–5 ; ISBN-10 0–521–33015–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.0 G–ARTH 95
Financi¨en Gestion quantitative du portefeuille et nouveaux march´es financiers / Mondher Bellalah. — Paris : Nathan, 1990. — 318 p. — ISBN-10 2–09–190011–7 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–BELL 90
BTW zakboekje. — Mechelen
XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2007 XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2008 XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2009 XIOS–CD: 336 LEJE 2010 KMSKA: X–B–BH
Ruling Europe: the politics of the stability and growth pact / Martin Heipertz ; Amy Verdun. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. — 314 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–19750–2 UA–CST: PSW 336 L–EU–HEIP 2010
Public finance and public choice: analytical perspectives / John Cullis ; Philip Jones. — 3 ed. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 531 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–923478–3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Liquidated: an ethnography of Wall Street / Karen Ho. — Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 2009. — 374 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8223–4580–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8223–4599–2 UA–CST: HB–TEW–ANNAJ
De la crise financi`ere a` la crise e´ conomique / Banque de France. — Paris : 2010. — 147 p. — (Documents et d´ebats ; 3) UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–DELA 2010
Het kind van de rekening / Yvette Desmet. — Brussel : Politeia, 2009. — 61 p. — (Cahiers schuldenlast ; 1). — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00478–9 KdG–SAW: 321.3
In het spoor van de crisis: achtergronden bij de financi¨ele crisis / Nederlandsche Bank. — Amsterdam : 2010. — 182 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–804784–6–6 UA–CST: TEW 336.7 G–DNB 2010
BTW-gids 2010 / Ine Lejeune. — Brussel : BIBF, 2010. — 745 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–465–2458–9 KdG–HB: 346.31
The disappearing state? Retrenchment realities in an age of globalisation / [edit.] Francis G. Castles. — Cheltenham : Elgar, OCMW-financi¨en voor niet-specialisten / Jan Leroy. — 3 ed. — 2007. — 286 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–84542–297–4 Brussel : VVSG, 2006. — 140 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch UA–CST: HB–PSW–CANTB beleid ; 2006: 1) UA–CST: PSW 336 G–CAST 2007 DB: DB 311 LERO
The Elgar companion to health economics / [edit.] Andrew M. Jones. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2006. — 565 p. — ISBN-10 1–84542–003–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84542–003–1 UA–CDE: HB–GEN–DAMMP UA–CST: DEV 613 G–JONE 2006 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Personal finance / Jeff Madura. — 4 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2011. — 649 p. — (Prentice Hall series in finance ; 2011: 1). — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–705257–8 KdG–HB: 345.71 KdG–HB: CDR 10/100
Makelaar en agent in de bank-, beleggings- en verzekeringssector / Manou Eyskens. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2010. — 651 p. — (Recht en onderneming ; 34). — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0158–5 KdG–HB: 380.3 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 L–B–EYSK 2010
The regulatory response to the financial crisis / Charles A.E. Goodhart. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2010. — 151 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84980–162–1 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84844–451–5 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–GOOD 2010
International macroeconomics / Peter J. Montiel. — Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. — 503 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8386–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM UHasselt: 339.7 MONT 2009
Lokale economie / Jan Puype. — Brussel : VVSG, 2002. — 102 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2002: 1) UA–CST: HB–PSW–JANV DB: DB 331 PUYP
Budgetary politics in American governments / James J. Gosling. — 5 ed. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 302 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–99511–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–80015–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–88945–9 UA–CST: PSW 336 L–USA–GOSL 2009
Economics of monetary union / Paul de Grauwe. — 8 ed. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 290 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–956323–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Handbook of governmental accounting / [edit.] Frederic B. Bogui. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 528 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 152). — ISBN-13 978–1–57444–758–3
UHasselt: 338.2 PUYP 2002
Global bank regulation: principles and policies / Heidi Mandanis Schooner ; Michael W. Taylor. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 326 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–12–641003–7 ; ISBN-10 0–12–641003–8 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–SCHO 2010
Formula funding of public services / Peter C. Smith. — London : Routledge, 2007. — 176 p. — (Routledge studies in business organization and networks ; 2007: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–36289–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–01302–1 UA–CST: PSW 336 G–SMIT 2007
The greatest trade ever: the behind-the-scenes story of how John Paulson defied Wall Street and made financial history / Gregory Zuckerman. — New York, N.Y. : Broadway Books, 2009. — 295 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–385–52991–4 UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–ZUCK 2009
Contracting for services in state and local government agencies / William Sims Curry. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 448 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 148). — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–7832–9 ; ISBN-10 1–4200–7832–1 UA–CST: PSW 35 L–USA–CURR 2009 Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM
Economische toestand. Economische ontwikkeling The public law of government contracts / A.C.L. Davies. — Collaborative public management: new strategies for local governments / Robert Agranoff ; Michael McGuire. — Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2003. — 219 p. — (American governance and public policy series ; 2003: 1). — ISBN-10 1–58901–018–3 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–AGRA 2003
New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 2008. — 343 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–928739–0 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–DAVI 2008
De la crise financi`ere a` la crise e´ conomique / Banque de France. — Paris : 2010. — 147 p. — (Documents et d´ebats ; 3) UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–DELA 2010
American journal of evaluation / American Evaluation Association. — Stamford, Conn. — Voortzetting van Evaluation Het kind van de rekening / Yvette Desmet. — Brussel : Politeia, practice. — ISSN 1098–2140 2009. — 61 p. — (Cahiers schuldenlast ; 1). — 978–2–509–00478–9 login.aspx?direct=true&authtype=ip&db=afh&jid=3SD
KdG–SAW: 321.3 db?issn=1098-2140 UA–CST: DEV 339.96 E–AJE/10 j. 27(2006)–
Gestion quantitative du portefeuille et nouveaux march´es financiers / Mondher Bellalah. — Paris : Nathan, 1990. — 318 p. — ISBN-10 2–09–190011–7 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–BELL 90
IFRS et la crise financi`ere = IFRS en de financi¨ele crisis / Th. Carlier ; B. Colmant ; Ph. Dembour ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Maklu, 2010. — 209 p. — (Publicatie ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–466–0337–6 KdG–HB: 361
Governing interests: business associations facing internationalization / [edit.] Wolfgang Streeck ; [edit.] J¨urgen R. Grote ; [edit.] Volker Schneider ; e.a. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 282 p. — (Routledge studies in international business and the world economy ; 34). — ISBN-10 0–415–36486–8 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–STRE 2009
Economics of transport for tourism / [edit.] Larry Dwyer. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 73 p. — (Research in transportation economics ; 26) UA–CST: TEW 656 F–RTE:26
The Elgar companion to health economics / [edit.] Andrew M. Jones. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2006. — 565 p. — ISBN-10 1–84542–003–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84542–003–1
UHasselt: 347.73 CARL 2010
UA–CST: DEV 613 G–JONE 2006
UA–CST: TEW 657 G–CARL 2010
UA–CST: RECH 347.73 G–CARL 2010
The concept of the public realm / [edit.] No¨el O'Sullivan. — London : Routledge, 2010. — 214 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–44831–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–OSUL 2010
Makelaar en agent in de bank-, beleggings- en verzekeringssector / Manou Eyskens. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2010. — 651 p. — (Recht en onderneming ; 34). — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0158–5 KdG–HB: 380.3 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 L–B–EYSK 2010
Lokaal werkgelegenheidsbeleid / Fabio Contipelli ; Linda de Cat ; Jo Discart ; e.a. — Brussel : Politeia, 2001. — 140 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2001: 2) UHasselt: 336.1 CONT 2001 DB: DB 337 CONT KdG–SAW: 352.53
Innoveren met creativiteit / Marion Debruyne ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 127 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8332–6 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 344.5 DEBR KdG–HB: 366.1
Country report: Rwanda / Economist Intelligence Unit. — London. — ISSN 1465–6418 UA–CST: DEV 339.96 E–CRRW/10 j. (2008)–
EHC: 729109:1 Artesis-OWAC: 34166 in seminariebibliotheek PO: raadpleging ter plaatse UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Ford nieuws : personeelsblad van de Ford Werke AG Fabrieken te Genk. — Genk EHC: 736521 [C3–492 c] 3:8/9–10(1966)
Lessen uit de financi¨ele crisis / Eric Pompen. — Roeselaere : Roularta, 2010. — 79 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–8679–315–0 KdG–HB: 345.1 UA–CST: MAG–OW–AA 25995 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 347 POMP
Health economics and financing / Thomas E Getzen. — 4 ed. — Hoboken, N.J : Wiley, 2010. — 470 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–46901–9
KdG–DLO–NP: 345.1 Artesis-BLS: BLS 338.12 G–POMP 2010 XIOS–CH: 347 POMP 2010
The regulatory response to the financial crisis / Charles A.E. Goodhart. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2010. — 151 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84980–162–1 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84844–451–5
Port of Antwerp / Antwerpse Lloyd. — Antwerp : Antwerpse Lloyd, 2010. — 56 p. — (Lloyd special ; 2010: 2) KdG–HB: 376.51
UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–GOOD 2010
Liquidated: an ethnography of Wall Street / Karen Ho. — Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 2009. — 374 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8223–4580–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8223–4599–2 UA–CST: HB–TEW–ANNAJ
In het spoor van de crisis: achtergronden bij de financi¨ele crisis / Nederlandsche Bank. — Amsterdam : 2010. — 182 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–804784–6–6 UA–CST: TEW 336.7 G–DNB 2010
Private security, public order: the outsourcing of public services and its limits / [edit.] Simon Chesterman ; [edit.] Angelina Fisher. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 247 p. — (A project of the Institute for International Law and Justice at New York University School of Law ; 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–19–957412–4 UA–CST: PSW 304 G–CHES 2009
Lokale economie / Jan Puype. — Brussel : VVSG, 2002. — 102 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2002: 1) UA–CST: HB–PSW–JANV
Business and banking: political change and economic integration in Western Europe / Paulette Kurzer. — Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1993. — 261 p. — (Cornell studies in political economy ; 1993: 2). — ISBN-10 0–8014–2798–3 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–KURZ 93
Personal finance / Jeff Madura. — 4 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2011. — 649 p. — (Prentice Hall series in finance ; 2011: 1). — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–705257–8 KdG–HB: 345.71 KdG–HB: CDR 10/100
DB: DB 331 PUYP UHasselt: 338.2 PUYP 2002
The competent public sphere: global political economy, dialogue, and the contemporary workplace / John Michael Roberts. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 204 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–00873–1 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–ROBE 2009
Routeplan: in stroomversnelling naar 2012 / Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid van Antwerpen-Waasland. — Antwerpen : 2003. — 85 p., ill. AHB: LZ–M 02.04 RP 2003
Word een held en red de aarde: handboek voor dappere kinderen / Lena Martaz ; [ill.] Dorus Brekelmans. — Brussel : Bakermat, 2003. — 48 p., Ill. — Met Doe-boekje rond duurzame ontwikkeling. — ISBN-10 90–5461–926–0 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.84 G–WORD 2003 NATUUR Basiswerk; Doe-boekje SL: PRNF–MART XIOS–CH: 476 MART 2003 KdG–DLO: 614.6
UA–CST: MAG–B 54157 DB: DB 331 ROUT
Privatization and public-private partnerships / E.S. Savas. — New York, N.Y. : Chatham House, 2000. — 368 p. — ISBN-10 1–56643–073–9 UA–CST: HB–PSW–DOORW UA–CST: PSW 35 G–SAVA 2000
Global bank regulation: principles and policies / Economic analysis in health care / Stephen Morris ; Nancy Heidi Mandanis Schooner ; Michael W. Taylor. — Amsterdam : Devlin ; David Parkin. — Chichester : John Wiley, 2007. — 400 Elsevier, 2010. — 326 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–12–641003–7 ; p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–01685–5 ; ISBN-10 0–470–01685-X ISBN-10 0–12–641003–8 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM UHasselt: 338.46 MORR 2007
The art of public strategy: mobilizing power and knowledge for the common good / Geoff Mulgan. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 306 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–928964–6 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–MULG 2009
UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–SCHO 2010
Spaces of neoliberalism: urban restructuring in North America and Western Europe / [edit.] Neil Brenner ; [edit.] Nik Theodore. — Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2010. — 294 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–0105–9 UA–CST: PSW 911.4 G–BREN 2010
The theory and practice of local governance and economic development / [edit.] Mark Considine ; [edit.] Sylvain Gigu`ere. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. — 271 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–50060–0 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–CONS 2008
Globalisation and the rule of law / [edit.] Spencer Zifcak. — London : Routledge, 2005. — 222 p. — (Routledge challenges of globalization ; 4). — ISBN-10 0–415–32655–9 ; ISBN-10 0–415–42971–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–32655–1 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–42971–9 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
Innovatie en succes / Patrick van Thiel. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 197 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76864–5
Is China a risk or an opportunity for Europe? An assessment of the automobile, steel, and shipbuilding sectors / KdG–HB: 366.1 [edit.] Francesco Garibaldo ; [edit.] Philippe Morvannou ; [edit.] Jochen Tholen. — Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2008. — After the meltdown: the future of capitalism and globalization in 123 p. — (Labour, education & society ; 11). — ISBN-13 978–3–631–57474–4 the age of the twin crises. — London : Shoehorn, 2010. — 145 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–GARI 2008 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–907149–14–6 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/161 THIE
UHasselt: 338.2 DEVO 2010
The greatest trade ever: the behind-the-scenes story of how John Paulson defied Wall Street and made financial history / Gregory Zuckerman. — New York, N.Y. : Broadway Books, 2009. — 295 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–385–52991–4 UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–ZUCK 2009
Word een held en red de aarde: handboek voor dappere kinderen / Lena Martaz ; [ill.] Dorus Brekelmans. — Brussel : Bakermat, 2003. — 48 p., Ill. — Met Doe-boekje rond duurzame ontwikkeling. — ISBN-10 90–5461–926–0 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.84 G–WORD 2003 NATUUR Basiswerk; Doe-boekje SL: PRNF–MART XIOS–CH: 476 MART 2003
Economische betrekkingen. Handel De wereldwinkel op school: voeding, muziek en speelgoed / Davina Beke. — Hasselt : 2009. — koffer met inhoud XIOS–CH: 471.43 BEKE 2009
KdG–DLO: 614.6
International macroeconomics / Peter J. Montiel. — Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. — 503 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8386–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Misadventures of the most favored nations: clashing egos, inflated ambitions, and the great shambles of the world trade system / Paul Blustein. — New York, N.Y. : PublicAffairs, 2009. — 344 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–58648–718–8 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–BLUS 2009
UHasselt: 339.7 MONT 2009
The politics of aid: African strategies for dealing with donors / [edit.] Lindsay Whitfield. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 401 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–956017–2 UA–CST: DEV 339.91 L–AFR–WHIT 2009
De la crise financi`ere a` la crise e´ conomique / Banque de France. — Paris : 2010. — 147 p. — (Documents et d´ebats ; 3) UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–DELA 2010
Governing interests: business associations facing internationalization / [edit.] Wolfgang Streeck ; [edit.] J¨urgen R. Grote ; [edit.] Volker Schneider ; e.a. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 282 p. — (Routledge studies in international business and the world economy ; 34). — ISBN-10 0–415–36486–8 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–STRE 2009
Non-state actors as standard setters / [edit.] Anne Peters ; [edit.] Lucy Koechlin ; [edit.] Till F¨orster ; e.a. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. — 587 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–11490–5 UA–CST: PSW 327 G–PETE 2009 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
International economics: trade and finance / Dominick Salvatore. — 10 ed. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011. — 812 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–50582–3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Social regulation in the WTO: trade policy and international legal development / Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2010. — 320 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84844–959–6 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–SCHE 2010
Global bank regulation: principles and policies / Heidi Mandanis Schooner ; Michael W. Taylor. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 326 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–12–641003–7 ; ISBN-10 0–12–641003–8 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–SCHO 2010
The European Union and the new trade politics / [edit.] John Peterson ; [edit.] Alasdair R. Young. — Abingdon : Routledge, 2007. — 172 p. — (Journal of European public policy series ; 2007: 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–39491–8 UA–CST: PSW 339 L–EU–PETE 2007
Subsidies voor ontwikkelingsprojecten in het Zuiden. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2010. — 19 p., ill. — Dep. D/2010/0306/49 EHC: 736231
Subsidies voor sensibiliserende Noord-Zuidactiviteiten in Antwerpen. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2010. — 31 p., ill. — Dep. D/2010/0306/32 EHC: 736232
Te gast in Brazili¨e. — 's-Gravenwezel EHC: 735988 [C3–492 d]
Is China a risk or an opportunity for Europe? An assessment of the automobile, steel, and shipbuilding sectors / [edit.] Francesco Garibaldo ; [edit.] Philippe Morvannou ; [edit.] Jochen Tholen. — Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2008. — 123 p. — (Labour, education & society ; 11). — ISBN-13 978–3–631–57474–4 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–GARI 2008
The greatest trade ever: the behind-the-scenes story of how John Paulson defied Wall Street and made financial history / Gregory Zuckerman. — New York, N.Y. : Broadway Books, 2009. — 295 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–385–52991–4 UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–ZUCK 2009
Word een held en red de aarde: handboek voor dappere kinderen / Lena Martaz ; [ill.] Dorus Brekelmans. — Brussel : Bakermat, 2003. — 48 p., Ill. — Met Doe-boekje rond duurzame ontwikkeling. — ISBN-10 90–5461–926–0 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.84 G–WORD 2003 NATUUR Basiswerk; Doe-boekje SL: PRNF–MART XIOS–CH: 476 MART 2003 KdG–DLO: 614.6
Wereldeconomie. Ontwikkelingsproblematiek De wereldwinkel op school: voeding, muziek en speelgoed / Davina Beke. — Hasselt : 2009. — koffer met inhoud XIOS–CH: 471.43 BEKE 2009
International macroeconomics / Peter J. Montiel. — Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. — 503 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8386–4 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Misadventures of the most favored nations: clashing egos, inflated ambitions, and the great shambles of the world trade system / Paul Blustein. — New York, N.Y. : PublicAffairs, 2009. — 344 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–58648–718–8 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–BLUS 2009
UHasselt: 339.7 MONT 2009
The politics of aid: African strategies for dealing with donors / [edit.] Lindsay Whitfield. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 401 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–956017–2 UA–CST: DEV 339.91 L–AFR–WHIT 2009
De la crise financi`ere a` la crise e´ conomique / Banque de France. — Paris : 2010. — 147 p. — (Documents et d´ebats ; 3) UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–DELA 2010
Informal institutions: how social norms help or hinder development / [edit.] Johannes J¨utting ; [edit.] Denis Drechsler ; [edit.] Sebastian Bartsch ; e.a. — Paris : OECD, 2007. — 174 p. — (Development Centre studies ; 2007: 1). — ISBN-13 978–92–64–03906–3 UA–CST: DEV 339.96 F–DCS:2007,1 UA–CST: DEV 301.17 G–JUTT 2007
Non-state actors as standard setters / [edit.] Anne Peters ; [edit.] Lucy Koechlin ; [edit.] Till F¨orster ; e.a. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. — 587 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–11490–5 UA–CST: PSW 327 G–PETE 2009
International economics: trade and finance / Dominick Salvatore. — 10 ed. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011. — 812 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–50582–3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Social regulation in the WTO: trade policy and international legal development / Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2010. — 320 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84844–959–6 UA–CST: PSW 339 G–SCHE 2010
Global bank regulation: principles and policies / Heidi Mandanis Schooner ; Michael W. Taylor. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 326 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–12–641003–7 ; ISBN-10 0–12–641003–8 UA–CST: TEW 336.76 G–SCHO 2010
The European Union and the new trade politics / [edit.] John Peterson ; [edit.] Alasdair R. Young. — Abingdon : Routledge, 2007. — 172 p. — (Journal of European public policy series ; 2007: 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–39491–8 UA–CST: PSW 339 L–EU–PETE 2007
Globalisation and the rule of law / [edit.] Spencer Zifcak. — London : Routledge, 2005. — 222 p. — (Routledge challenges of globalization ; 4). — ISBN-10 0–415–32655–9 ; ISBN-10 0–415–42971–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–32655–1 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–42971–9 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
Subsidies voor ontwikkelingsprojecten in het Zuiden. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2010. — 19 p., ill. — Dep. D/2010/0306/49 EHC: 736231
Subsidies voor sensibiliserende Noord-Zuidactiviteiten in Antwerpen. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2010. — 31 p., ill. — Dep. D/2010/0306/32 EHC: 736232
Te gast in Brazili¨e. — 's-Gravenwezel EHC: 735988 [C3–492 d] 1–4(1988–1992)
The greatest trade ever: the behind-the-scenes story of how John Paulson defied Wall Street and made financial history / Gregory Zuckerman. — New York, N.Y. : Broadway Books, 2009. — 295 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–385–52991–4 UA–CST: TEW 339.7 G–ZUCK 2009
Handelsrecht. Economisch recht. Financieel recht. Vennootschapsrecht Copyright law and the public interest in the nineteenth century / Isabella Alexander. — Oxford : Hart, 2010. — 320 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84113–786–5
Mededingingsrecht: bronnenboek Belgisch en Europees mededingingsrecht / Wouter Devroe ; Yves Montangie ; Anne-Marie van den Bossche. — 2 ed. — Brussel : Larcier, 2010. — 835 p. — ISBN-13 978–2–8044–3808–1 UA–CST: RECH 351.82 G–DEVR 2010
European perspectives on producers' liability: direct producers' liability for non-conformity and the sellers' right of redress / [edit.] Martin Ebers ; [edit.] Andr´e Janssen ; [edit.] Olaf Meyer. — Munich : Sellier, 2009. — 600 p. — ISBN-13 978–3–86653–055–3 ; ISBN-13 978–3–86653–862–7 UA–CST: RECH 351.82 G–EBER 2009
EHC: 736513
Alternative enforcement techniques in EC competition law: settlements, commitments and other novel instruments / [edit.] Charles Gheur ; [edit.] Nicolas Petit. — Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2009. — 263 p. — ISBN-13 978–2–8027–2688–3 UA–CST: RECH 351.82 G–GHEU 2009
Cases, materials and text on consumer law / [edit.] Hans-W. Micklitz ; [edit.] Jules Stuyck ; [edit.] Evelyne Terryn ; Jean-S´ebastien Borghetti ; Sergio C´amara Lapuente ; Veerle Colaert ; e.a. — Oxford : Hart, 2010. — 597 p. — (Ius commune casebooks for the common law of Europe ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–1–84113–749–0 UA–CST: RECH 351.82 G–MICK 2010
Makelaar en agent in de bank-, beleggings- en verzekeringssector / Manou Eyskens. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2010. — 651 p. — (Recht en onderneming ; 34). — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0158–5 KdG–HB: 380.3 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 L–B–EYSK 2010
Ladingbeveiliging / Geert Frans ; Frederik vanden Bogaerde. — Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2010. — 86 p., ill. UA–CST: RECH 347.78 L–B–FRAN 2010
Global trade and customs journal. — Alphen aan den Rijn. — ISSN 1569–755X UA–CST: RECH 34 E–GTCJ 2(2007)–
IFRS et la crise financi`ere = IFRS en de financi¨ele crisis / Th. Carlier ; B. Colmant ; Ph. Dembour ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Maklu, 2010. — 209 p. — (Publicatie ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–466–0337–6 KdG–HB: 361 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 8 CARL 2010 UHasselt: 347.73 CARL 2010 UA–CST: TEW 657 G–CARL 2010
Financiering van een verenigingsproject / Davy de Laeter. — Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer, 2009. — 2 v. — (Praktijkgids voor de VZW ; D: 2009, 1) UA–CST: TEW 347.72 L–B–LEMB 81:2009,1 1–2 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 9.3 VZW 2009 1–2
UA–CST: RECH 347.73 G–CARL 2010
De nieuwe starters-BVBA: wat moet ook u´ daarover zeker weten? / Hans Certyn. — Leuven : Indicator, 2010. — 24 p. — (Tips & Advies: themadossier ; 2010: 1) KdG–HB: 396.28
De vzw stap voor stap: oprichting en werking / Steven Mathe¨ı. — Gent : Larcier, 2010. — 577 p. — (Tips & advies boeken ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–2–8044–3605–6 KdG–HB: 397.2 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 9.3 MATH 2010 UA–CST: RECH 347.72 L–B–MATH 2010
EU intellectual property law / Trevor Cook. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. — 788 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–904501–52–7 UA–CST: RECH 347.77 G–COOK 2010
Cross-border mergers in Europe / [edit.] Dirk van Gerven. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. — 359 p. — (Law practitioner series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–521–48327–8 UA–CST: RECH 347.72 G–GERV 2010
Literaire en artistieke eigendom in het familiaal vermogensrecht / Charlotte Declerck. — Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2009. — 656 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5095–939–1 UA–CST: RECH 347.77 G–DECL 2009 ADVO–A: LZA–CIV 5 DECL 2009 EHC: 736459
De handelshuur / Fernand Moeykens ; Henk de Loose. — Gent : Story, 2010. — 148 p. — (Story dossiers ; 2010: 2). — ISBN-13 978–90–8764–053–8 ADVO–A: LZA–CIV 8.2 MOEY 2010
De burgerlijke vennootschap: de vernieuwende oplossing voor familiale vermogensplanning / Marc Moreau ; Jan Vanoverbeke. — Diegem : Ced.Samsom, 1997. — 120 p. — (Bedrijfseconomisch en juridisch dossier ; 1997: 7) UA–CST: RECH 34 F–BJD Convoluut ADVO–A: MAG–M 2379 UHasselt: 347.72 MORE 1997
Instruments de paiement et de cr´edit: ch`eque, virement, carte de cr´edit et de paiement, lettre de change, billet a` ordre, . . . / Fady Nammour. — Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2008. — 346 p. — ISBN-13 978–2–8027–2558–9 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 G–NAMM 2008
Toezicht op de financi¨ele markt en de energiemarkt . Staatsgeheimen en het strafproces . Rechtshandhaving door het privaatrecht / Arjan Scheltema ; Michiel Scheltema ; Kurt Deketelaere ; e.a. — Den Haag : Boom Juridische Uitgaven, 2009. — 369 p. — (Preadviezen ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–8974–214–8 UA–CST: RECH 34 F–PVVS:2009,1
Aftrek voor octrooi-inkomsten: geanalyseerd en vergeleken / Bengt Springael ; Kim van de Velden ; Benoit van Asbroeck. — Gent : Larcier, 2010. — 244 p. — (Bibliotheek fiscaal recht Larcier ; 10). — ISBN-13 978–2–8044–2489–3 UA–CST: RECH 351.72 L–B–SPRI 2010 ADVO–A: LZA–TAX 2.2 SPRI 2010
Towards corporate liability in international criminal law / Desislava Stoitchkova. — Antwerp : Intersentia, 2010. — 240 p. — (School of human rights research series ; 38). — ISBN-13 978–94–000–0024–7 UA–CST: RECH 343 G–STOI 2010
Transnational corporations and human rights / [edit.] Olivier de Schutter. — Oxford : Hart, 2006. — 430 p. — (Studies in international law ; 12). — ISBN-10 1–84113–653–0 UA–CST: RECH 342.7 G–SCHU 2006 UA–CST: HB–RECH–FEYTK UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
Verantwoord investeringsbeleid in de social profit / Stefaan Tuytten. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2010. — 119 p. — (Praktijkgids voor de VZW ; D: 2010, 1) UA–CST: TEW 347.72 L–B–LEMB 81:2010,1 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 9.3 TUYT 2010
Aangiftegids vennootschapsbelasting 2010 / Jill van Vaeck. — Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2010. — 415 p. — (Tax: vennootschapsbelasting ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–2925–6 UA–CST: RECH 34 F–FDV:A
Willems' wegen: opstellen aangeboden aan prof. mr. J.H.M. Willems ter gelegenheid van zijn terugtreding als voorzitter van de Ondernemingskamer van het Gerechtshof te Amsterdam / [edit.] K.M. van Hassel ; [edit.] M.P. Nieuwe Weme. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 485 p. — (Vennootschaps- en rechtspersonenrecht: serie monografie¨en vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut ; 102). — ISBN-13 978–90–13–07027–9 UA–CST: RECH 34 F–VRR:102
La loi relative a` la continuit´e des entreprises a` l'´epreuve de sa premi`ere pratique / Alain Zenner ; Jean-Philippe Lebeau ; C´edric Alter. — Bruxelles : Larcier, 2010. — 241 p. — (Les dossiers du Journal des tribunaux ; 76). — ISBN-13 978–2–8044–3995–8 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 6 ZENN 2010
Fiscaal recht Adressen inzake directe belastingen. — Mechelen. — (Tax: algemene fiscaliteit ; 2009: 1) UA–CST: RECH 34 F–FDV:A 2009–2010
International taxation of artists & sportsmen / [edit.] Xavier Oberson. — Brussels : Bruylant, 2009. — 278 p. — (Droit fiscal suisse et international ; 4). — ISBN-13 978–3–7255–5704–2 ; ISBN-13 978–2–8027–2659–3 UA–CST: RECH 351.72 G–OBER 2009
EC law and the sovereignty of the member states in direct taxation: thesis / Mathieu Isenbaert. — Amsterdam : IBFD, 2010. — 904 p. — (Doctoral series ; 19). — Thesis. Catholic University of Leuven. — ISBN-13 978–90–8722–067–9 UA–CST: RECH 34 F–DOSE:19
BTW-gids 2010 / Ine Lejeune. — Brussel : BIBF, 2010. — 745 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–465–2458–9 KdG–HB: 346.31
De burgerlijke vennootschap: de vernieuwende oplossing voor familiale vermogensplanning / Marc Moreau ; Jan Vanoverbeke. — Diegem : Ced.Samsom, 1997. — 120 p. — (Bedrijfseconomisch en juridisch dossier ; 1997: 7) UA–CST: RECH 34 F–BJD Convoluut
Basiswetteksten inzake het recht van de intellectuele eigendom / Hendrik Vanhees. — 6 ed. — Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2008. — 733 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5095–760–1 PLANTIJN–MEI: LZ 396.27 VANH UA–CDE: BMED 340.6 G–VANH 2008 EHC: 736473 UA–CST: RECH 347.77 L–B–VANH 2008
ADVO–A: MAG–M 2379 UHasselt: 347.72 MORE 1997
Aftrek voor octrooi-inkomsten: geanalyseerd en vergeleken / Bengt Springael ; Kim van de Velden ; Benoit van Asbroeck. — Gent : Larcier, 2010. — 244 p. — (Bibliotheek fiscaal recht Larcier ; 10). — ISBN-13 978–2–8044–2489–3 UA–CST: RECH 351.72 L–B–SPRI 2010
Actualit´es du droit bancaire / [edit.] Mich`ele Gr´egoire ; Marc-David Weinberger ; Werner Derijcke ; Amal Abdallah ; e.a. — Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2009. — 164 p. — (UB3 ; 20). — ISBN-13 978–2–8027–2759–0 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 L–B–GREG 2009 ADVO–A: LZA–FIN 1 GREG 2009
Aangiftegids vennootschapsbelasting 2010 / Jill van Vaeck. — Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2010. — 415 p. — (Tax: vennootschapsbelasting ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–2925–6 UA–CST: RECH 34 F–FDV:A
Handelseconomie: leerwerkboek 2.1, handleiding 1.2, 2.1, 2.2,3,4 handboek 2.1, 2.2,4; Kantoortechnieken BSO 3,4, handleiding BSO
Verzekeringswezen The Elgar companion to health economics / [edit.] Andrew M. Jones. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2006. — 565 p. — ISBN-10 1–84542–003–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84542–003–1 UA–CDE: HB–GEN–DAMMP
4, TSO 3 XIOS–CH: 485.8 HUYB 2007 XIOS–CH: 485.8 HUYB 2008 UA–CST: OW 372.833 Y–HUYB 2007 2.1 boekhouden; 2.2 handelseconomie; BSO en TSO kantoortechnieken
Makelaar en agent in de bank-, beleggings- en verzekeringssector / Manou Eyskens. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2010. — 651 p. — (Recht en onderneming ; 34). — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0158–5 KdG–HB: 380.3 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 L–B–EYSK 2010
G´eographie sp´eciale de la Belgique / G.-B.-J. Raingo. — Mons : Hoyois, 1834. — 25 p. EHC: 735951:4 Convoluut
Strand / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1972. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 8). — ISBN-10 90–204–0784–8 EHC: 736011
Didactiek Cours sup´erieur de g´eographie a` l'usage de l'enseignement moyen du degr´e sup´erieur / Alexis-M. G. — Li`ege : Dessain, 1903. — 3 v., ill. — Edition annuelle ; titel varieert: Les 5 parties du monde
Zee / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] Bermejo ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1972. — 26 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 10). — ISBN-10 90–204–0784–8 EHC: 736013
EHC: 735962 2
G´eographie a` l'usage des e´ coles primaires, des cours d'adultes et des classes inf´erieures de l'enseignement moyen / Alexis M.-G. — 34 ed. — Li`ege : Dessain, 1912. — ill. EHC: 735944 1
De wijde wereld: aardrijkskundig leerleesboek / Marcel van Bouwel ; Rik Houbrechts. — Antwerpen : Sikkel, 1956. — 40 p. EHC: 735971
Wiskunde Zwiso: reken- en wiskundemethode voor het lager onderwijs / Greet Absillis ; Ellen Strauven ; Inge van Trier ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Zwijsen, 2008. — 6 v. — Scheurblok Wisse/Matz oefent; getallendoos met getalkaartjes; handleiding; werkboek; schijfjes; rekensteeltjes; doelenkatern; correctiesleutel toetsen; verdiepingsmap; verdiepingsmap correctiesleutel Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.851 SO–ZWIS 2008 Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 372.851 SO–ZWIS 2008 XIOS–CH: 475.4 ZWIS 2008 KdG–DLO: 475.4 H
Moderne handboeken der aardrijkskunde / Frans Camerlinckx ; Victor Coremans. — Jemappes-lez-Mons : Rorive-Vannuffelle. — 3 v. EHC: 729626 2–3
Van dorp tot wereld: aardrijkskundig leer-, lees-, en documentatieboek / M. David ; A. Uyttersprot. — Antwerpen : Standaard, 1963. — ill. — (Handboeken voor de lagere school ; 1963: 1). — Met Werkboekje EHC: 735883
Wisse oefent (scheurblok)1, 2; getallendoos 1, 2, 3; plastiek zakje met schijfjes; plastiek zakje met rekensteeltjes; handleidingen 1 (blok 1, blok 2, blok 3, blok 4, blok 5, blok 6, blok 7, doelenkatern, correctiesleutel toetsen), handleidingen 3 (blok 1, blok 2, blok 3, blok 4, blok 5, blok 6, blok 7, doelenkatern, correctiesleutel toetsen); werkboek 1(blok 1, blok 2, blok 3, blok 4, blok 5, blok 6, blok 7), 2(blok 1, blok 2, blok 3, blok 4, blok 5, blok 6, blok 7), 3 (blok 1, blok 2, blok 3, blok 4, blok 5, blok 6, blok 7), plastiek zakje met individuele getalkaartjes (0–20, worm, kerstboom); gebruikswijzer 1, 2, 3; verdiepingsmap 2; verdiepingsmap correctiesleutel 2
Werkboekje [2]:4
Exercices sur les particularit´es g´eographiques et historiques de la province de Namur / Th´eodore Derive. — Namur : G´erard, 1841. — 42 p.
A gentle introduction to Stata / Alan C. Acock. — 2 ed. — College Station, Tex. : Stata, 2008. — 333 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–59718–043–6 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–ACOC 2008
EHC: 735951:3 Convoluut
Optimum / Nadine Huybrechts ; Sandy Verlinden ; Michel Janssens ; e.a. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2007 KdG–DLO–NP: 485.8 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.833 SAV–OPTI 2007
Reken- en meetkundige vraagstukken over ambachten, huishoudkunde, nijverheid, handel, landbouwbedrijven, werken van vooruitzicht, werelduitbreiding, enz., ten gebruike der hoogere klassen van lagere en adultenscholen, alsmede van den volmakingsleergang / A. Anseele ; G. van Herrewege. — 4 ed. — Gent : Van Rysselberge & Rombaut, 1928. — 2 v. —
Titel varieert: Verzameling van reken- en meetkundige vraagstukken EHC: 735865 1
Item response theory: parameter estimation techniques / Frank B. Baker ; Seock-Ho Kim. — 2 ed. — New York, N.Y. : Dekker, 2004. — 495 p. — (Statistics: textbooks and monographs ; 176). — ISBN-13 978–0–8247–5825–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–BAKE 2004
Kleuters aansporen tot (na)denken: een toepassing van het conceptonderwijs / Joost Bambust ; Wendy van Leuven ; Cathy Manalo ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen, 2010. — 167 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–807587–9–7 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.851 G–BAMB 2010 Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 372.851 G–BAMB 2010
The analysis of time series: an introduction / Chris Chatfield. — 6 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004. — 333 p. — (Chapman and Hall texts in statistical science series ; 2004: 4). — ISBN-10 1–58488–317–0 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–CHAT 2004 UA–CMI: WIS 519.2 G–CHAT 2004
Zeker en vaardig: rekenmethode / [edit.] Denys [Broeder Dr] ; Jos. de Cock ; Marcel de Vos. — 5 ed. — Lier : Van In, 1948. — ill. EHC: 735952 6
Zeker en vaardig: rekenmethode / [edit.] Denijs [Broeder Dr] ; Jos. de Cock ; Marcel de Vos. — 4 ed. — Lier : Van In, 1954. — ill. — Met Bondige toelichting EHC: 736014
Best practices for teaching statistics and research methods in the behavioral sciences / [edit.] Dana S. Dunn ; [edit.] Randolph A. Smith ; [edit.] Bernard C. Beins. — Mahwah, N.J. : Erlbaum, 2007. — 292 p. — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-10 0–8058–5746-X ; ISBN-10 0–8058–5747–8 ; ISBN-10 1–4106–1464–6 UA–CST: PSW 301.08 G–DUNN 2007 Basiswerk; CD–ROM
Rekenkunde en algebra / G. Bosteels ; J. Horwart ; R. de Marchin. — Namen : Wesmael-Charlier, 1951-1955. — 3 v. — (Verzameling De Vaere - Herbiet ; 1951: 3) EHC: 716643 2–3
Bondige toelichting [2]:6
Zeker en vaardig: rekenmethode / [edit.] Denijs [Broeder] ; Jos. de Cock ; Marcel de Vos. — 12 ed. — Lier : Van In, 1959. — ill. — Met Onderzoeken, taken en tegenonderzoeken EHC: 557683 [C3–128 e/ds 14] Werkboek voor de leerling 4; Onderzoeken, taken en tegenonderzoeken [2]:6
Basisboek wiskunde / Jan van de Craats ; Rob Bosch. — 2 ed. — Amsterdam : Pearson, 2009. — 320 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–430–1673–5 UA–CDE: HB–FAR–CEULG Artesis-G: G 51 G–CRAA 2009
Voorspellen met modellen / Peter Boswijk ; Philip Hans Franses ; Christiaan Heij. — Utrecht : Epsilon, 2008. — 56 p. — (Zebra-reeks ; 28). — ISBN-13 978–90–5041–104–2 UA–CDE: BMED 372.851 Y–BOSW 2008 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.851 SAV–ZEBR 2008
Artesis-IWT: IWT 51 G–CRAA 2009
Cours d'alg`ebre th´eorique et pratique a` l'enseignement moyen / P. Deltour. — Namur : Wesmael-Charlier, 1928 EHC: 735882 1
Z´o vergeet ik het niet / F. Breugelmans ; C. Vloebergs. — Lier : Van In, 1968. — 6 v., ill. EHC: 736323 3; 5
Wiskunde in je pocket / Erwin Broekema. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 112 p., ill. — (Noordhoff in je pocket ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–01–78026–5 KdG–DLO: 456.34
Structural equation modeling with AMOS: basic concepts, applications, and programming / Barbara M. Byrne. — 2 ed. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2001. — 396 p., ill. — (Multivariate applications book series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6373–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6372–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–BYRN 2010
´ ements de g´eom´etrie / A. Cambier ; [bew.] Oscar Lambot. — El´ 2 ed. — Bruxelles : De Boeck, 1935 EHC: 735864 1
A handbook of statistical analyses using SAS / Geoff Der ; Brian S. Everitt. — 3 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC, 2009. — 391 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–58488–784–3 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–DER 2009
Pienter / Veerle Descheemaeker ; Kerlijne Foets ; Guy Gijbels ; e.a. — Wommelgem : Van In, 2009. — ISBN-13 978–90–306–5254–0 Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.851 SAV–PIEN 2009 1 XIOS–CH: 485.3 PIEN 2009 XIOS–CH: 485.3 PIEN 2009
Design and analysis of clinical trials with time-to-event endpoints / [edit.] Karl E. Peace. — Boca Raton, Fla : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009. — 598 p. — (Chapman & Hall/CRC biostatistics series ; 31). — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–6639–5 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–PEAC 2009 UHasselt: 519.2 PEAC 2009
Cours de g´eom´etrie descriptive, a` l'usage des candidats a` l'´ecole militaire, au g´enie civil de Gand et aux e´ coles des arts et manufactures des mines / P. Draneht. — Li´ege : Adam, 1876. — 62 p., ill. EHC: 735877
Kompas / Walter d' Haveloose ; Jan Loosveld ; Kris van Maele ; [ill.] Erika Cotteleer. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2005. — Werkboek; Affiches/Posters; Scheurblok; Handleiding; CD–ROM Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.851 SO–KOMP 2005 1–6:werkboek; 1–6:handleiding; 1–6:posters; 1–6A scheurblok
Statistiek met Excel / Jacques van der Elst. — 2 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2010. — 242 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–3168–7 KdG–HB: 517
blauw; 1–6A correctiesleutel scheurblok blauw, groen; 1:cd-rom Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 372.851 SO–KOMP 2005 1–6:werkboek; 1–6:handleiding; 1–6:posters; 1–6A scheurblok blauw; 1–6A correctiesleutel scheurblok blauw, groen; 1:cd-rom Affiches in eigen doos op rek bij methode
Kunst en wiskunde: verwondering en verbeelding / Bruno Ernst ; Ton Konings. — Utrecht : Epsilon, 2008. — 64 p., ill. — (Zebra-reeks ; 27). — ISBN-13 978–90–5041–101–1
XIOS–CH: 475.4 KOMP 2005 KdG–DLO: 475.4 H Handleiding 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C; scheurblok blauw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; scheurblok groen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; scheurblok blauw
UA–CDE: BMED 372.851 Y–ERNS 2008
correctiesleutel 3, 4, 5; scheurblok groen correctiesleutel 3, 4, 5;
Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.851 SAV–ZEBR 2008
werkboek 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B,
KdG–IWT: 51
4C, 5A, 5B, 5C; affiches/posters 1: 1–13, 2: 1–15, 3: 1–18, 4: 1–18, 5: 1–18; kompasje 3, 4, 5
Event history analysis with Stata / [edit.] Hans-Peter Blossfeld ; [edit.] Katrin Golsch ; [edit.] G¨otz Rohwer. — New York, N.Y. : Psychology, 2009. — 300 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6047–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6046–7 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4106–1429–2 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–BLOS 2009
Handbook of univariate and multivariate data analysis and interpretation with SPSS / Robert Ho. — Boca Raton, Fla : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006. — 406 p. — ISBN-10 1–58488–602–1 UA–CST: TEW 519.2 G–HO 2006
A handbook of statistical analyses using R / Brian S. Everitt ; Torsten Hothorn. — 2 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2010. — 355 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–7933–3 UA–CST: HB–TL–GILLS UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–EVER 2010
Applied game theory and strategic behavior / Ilhan Kubilay Gec¸kil ; Patrick L. Anderson. — Boca Raton, Calif. : CRC Press, 2010. — 208 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–58488–843–7 ; ISBN-10 1–58488–843–1 UA–CST: TEW 518.5 G–GECK 2010
Handboek voor rekenkunde, ten gebruike van nijverheid-, beroep-, adultenscholen / H. de Guchtenaere. — 2 ed. — Gent : Hoste, 1894. — 184 p. EHC: 735867
UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–HO 2006
Data analysis: a model comparison approach / Charles M. Judd ; Gary H. McClelland ; Carey S. Ryan. — 2 ed. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 328 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–3388–1 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–JUDD 2009
Schooltafel, voor herleidingen van uitslagen en berekening van procenten / P. Kempeneers. — Lier : Van In, 1965. — 15 p. EHC: 735995
Alg`ebre financi`ere a` l'usage des ath´en´ees, des coll`eges et des instituts de commerce / Th. Klompers ; [bew.] G. Cnapelinckx. — 9 ed. — Namur : Wesmael-Charlier, 1942. — 380 p. EHC: 735886
Cours de geom´etrie descriptive / A. Guion. — 2 ed. — Bruxelles : De Boeck, 1944. — 2 v., ill. EHC: 735878 2
Cours e´ l´ementaire d'alg`ebre th´eorique et pratique a` l'usage des e´ coles moyennes et des ath´en´ees / M. Haccour ; [bew.] P. Deltour. — 10 ed. — Namur : Wesmael-Charlier, 1930. — 2 v. EHC: 735860 1
Cours e´ l´ementaire d'alg`ebre th´eorique et pratique a` l'usage des e´ coles moyennes et des ath´en´ees / M. Haccour ; [bew.] P. Deltour. — 9 ed. — Namur : Wesmael-Charlier, 1932. — 2 v. EHC: 735859 2
Rekenen is leuker dan/als je denkt / Marjolein Kool ; Ed de Moor. — Amsterdam : Bert Bakker, 2010. — 294 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–351–3433–1 Artesis-BLS: BLS 51 G–KOOL 2009
Analysis of financial data / Gary Koop. — Chichester : Wiley, 2006. — 240 p. — ISBN-10 0–470–01321–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–470–01321–2 UA–CST: TEW 658.145 G–KOOP 2006 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Categorische data analyse met SPSS: inleiding in loglineaire analysetechnieken / Jan Lammers ; Ben Pelzer ; John Hendrickx ; e.a. — [vabb] Assen : Van Gorcum, 2007. — 352 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–232–4362–5 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–LAMM 2007
Passen en meten met cirkels: de arbelos van Archimedes / Floor van Lamoen. — Utrecht : Epsilon, 2009. — 57 p. — (Zebra-reeks ; 30). — ISBN-13 978–90–5041–106–6
Wiskunde voor IT / Ivo de Pauw ; Bieke Masselis. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2010. — 416 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8495–8
UA–CDE: BMED 372.851 Y–LAMO 2009
Artesis-BLS: BLS 372.851 SAV–ZEBR 2008
XIOS–CD: 510 PAUW 2010 KdG–IWT: 51
Rekenkunde / eenige Leeraars aan het seminarie. — 3 ed. — Hoogstraten : Klein Seminarie, 1933. — 362 p. EHC: 735981
Chemical calculations / J.S. Long ; H.V. Anderson. — New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1948. — 401 p., ill. — (International chemical series ; 1948: 1)
Rekenkunde, algebra, meetkunde / A. Permentier ; L. Verlinden. — Antwerpen : Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1961. — 6 v., ill. — (De brug: een volledige reeks leerboeken van wiskunde voor het middelbaar onderwijs ; 1961: 1) EHC: 735887 2
Vraagstukken met oefeningen in het hoofdrekenen, methodisch gerangschikt met wenken voor de oplossing en voorbeelden, ten dienste van de vierde-graadscholen en de middelbare scholen / Flor [sr.] Mielants. — 3 ed. — Antwerpen : Bossaerts, 1932. — 182 p. EHC: 735982
Pr´ecis de trigonom´etrie, a` l'usage des ath´en´ees et des coll`eges / Henri Ploumen. — Bruxelles : Vanderlinden, 1929. — 168 p. EHC: 735861
Games and information: an introduction to game theory / Eric Rasmusen. — 4 ed. — Cambridge, Mass. : Blackwell, 2009. — 528 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–3666–2 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Statistiek in de praktijk / David S. Moore ; George P. McCabe. — 5 ed. — Den Haag : Sdu, 2006. — 726 p. — Met Opgavenboek. — ISBN-10 90–395–2360–6 ; ISBN-10 90–395–2361–4 ; ISBN-13 978–90–395–2360–5 ; ISBN-13 978–90–395–2361–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 517.2 MOOR
Fast iterative methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations / Mehfooz ur Rehman. — Delft : Technische Universiteit Delft, 2009. — 135 p. — (Proefschriften ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–9024925–4 UA–CMI: WIS 517.92 G–REHM 2009
UA–CDE: BMED 57.087 G–MOOR 2006 Theorieboek Artesis-G: G 312 G–MOOR 2006 UA–CST: HB–IOIW–PETE Theorieboek UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–MOOR 2006 Opgavenboek Artesis-IWT: IWT 519.2 G–MOOR 2006
The reviewer's guide to quantitative methods in the social sciences / [edit.] Gregory R. Hancock ; [edit.] Ralph O. Mueller. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2010. — 432 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–96508–8 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–96507–1 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–86155–4 UA–CST: HB–IOIW–PETEP UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–HANC 2010
Theorieboek; Opgavenboek
Foundations of factor analysis / Stanley A. Mulaik. — 2 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2010. — 524 p. — (Statistics in the social and behavioral sciences series ; 2010: 2). — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–9961–4
Rekenkunde der lagere scholen / F.-A. Robyns. — 2 ed. — Luik : Dessain, 1887-1889. — 3 v. — Met Handboek des meesters EHC: 735941 2–3
UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–MULA 2010
A first course in fuzzy logic / Hung T. Nguyen ; Elbert A. Walker. — 3 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006. — 430 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–58488–526–9 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–NGUY 2006
Het symmetrie-monster: een wiskundige op zoek naar het geheim van een van de belangrijkste natuurverschijnselen / Marcus du Sautoy. — Amsterdam : Nieuwezijds, 2009. — 360 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5712–286–6 Artesis-BLS: BLS 51 G–SAUT 2009 UA–CGB: NAT 51 G–SAUT 2009
Ongekend Leiden: het verleden in kaart / [edit.] Y.M.J. Lammers-Keijsers. — Leiden : Primavera, 2009. — 88 p., ill., DVD, 1 losse krt. — (Bodemschatten en bouwgeheimen ; 3). — ISBN-13 978–90–5997–082–3 KMSKA: MONO–BB 7097
Fundamentals of applied statistics and surveys / David B. Orr. — New York, N.Y. : Chapman & Hall, 1995. — 346 p. — ISBN-10 0–412–98821–6 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–ORR 95 UHasselt: 519.2 ORR 1995
Computational statistics: an introduction to R / G¨unther Sawitzki. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 251 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–8678–2 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–SAWI 2009 UHasselt: 519.2 SAWI 2009
Z´o kan het: voorloper moderne wiskunde / V. Schodts ; L. Vandersteegen. — Lier : Van In, 1973. — 3 v., ill. — Met Werkschrift EHC: 736325 Werkschrift [2]:3
Beknopt leerboek der algebra / N.-J. Schons ; C. de Cock. — 3 ed. — Brussel : Procure, 1960. — 158 p. EHC: 735868
Logarithmentafels in vijf decimalen en bijtafels / N.J. Schons ; C. de Cock. — 2 ed. — Brussel : De Procure, 1946. — 176 p.
Antedependence models for longitudinal data / Dale L. Zimmerman ; Vicente A. N´un˜ ez-Ant´on. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2010. — 270 p. — (Monographs on statistics and applied probability ; 112). — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–6426–1 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–ZIMM 2010 UHasselt: 519.2 ZIMM 2010
EHC: 735879
Variance components / Shayle R. Searle ; George Casella ; Charles E. McCulloch. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, 2006. — 501 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–00959–8 UA–CST: HB–TEW–NYSJ
Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning: a project of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics / [edit.] Frank K. Lester [jr.]. — Charlotte, N.C. : IAP, 2007. — 2 v., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–59311–176–2 ; ISBN-10 1–59311–176–2 ; ISBN-13 978–1–59311–177–9 ; ISBN-10 1–59311–177–0 UA–CDE: BMED 372.851 G–LEST 2007
Energie-economie Handbook of bioenergy crops: a complete reference to species, development and applications / N. el Bassam. — London : Earthscan, 2010. — 516 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–84407–854–7 UA–CDE: HB–BIO–CEULR
Toegepaste energietechniek / Joop Ouwehand ; Trynke Papa ; Wim Gilijamse ; e.a. — Den Haag : Sdu, 2009. — 2 v. — ISBN-13 978–90–395–2576–0 XIOS–CD: 621.1 OUWE 2009 PLANTIJN–BOO: LZ 644 TOEG
Interactive graphics for data analysis: principles and examples / Martin Theus ; Simon Urbanek. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 280 p., ill. — (Computer science and data analysis series ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–1–58488–594–8 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–THEU 2009 UA–CGB: NAT 519.2 G–THEU 2009
An introduction to statistical inference and its applications with R / Michael W. Trosset. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 467 p. — (Chapman and Hall texts in statistical science series ; 2009: 4). — ISBN-13 978–1–58488–947–2 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–TROS 2009 UHasselt: 519.2 TROS 2009
Landbouw. Veeteelt. Jacht. Visserij Rutas enmara˜nadas: mujeres, trabajo y globalizaci´on en la senda del tomate / Deborah Barndt. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2007. — 341 p. — (Colecci´on Teor´ıa y an´alisis ; 2007: 5). — ISBN-10 970–31–0646–3 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10490
Boerderijen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Sue Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] Esme Eve ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1974. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 26). — ISBN-10 90–204–0804–6 EHC: 736039
Advanced mathematical economics / Rakesh V. Vohra. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 194 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–70007–8 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–70008–5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–PELSP UA–CST: TEW 330.115 G–VOHR 2009
Eerste beginselen der cyferkunst / C.L. de Vrieze. — 2 ed. — Gend : Drukkery Gyselinck, 1841 EHC: 735951:5 1 Convoluut
Aanvankelijke algebra in verband met de rekenkunde ten dienste van het middelbaar en normaal onderwijs / H. van Waes. — 2 ed. — Gent : Siffer, 1930. — 2 v. EHC: 735857 1
Wiskunde: technisch onderwijs: het nieuwe leerplan voor het eerste jaar / Studiedagen van het Ministerie van Nationale Opvoeding en Cultuur. — Brussel : Ministerie van Nationale Opvoeding en Cultuur. — 44 p. — (Studiedagen ; 34) EHC: 736308
Bosplantengemeenschappen in Vlaanderen: een typologie van bossen gebaseerd op de kruidlaag / Johnny Cornelis ; Martin Hermy ; Bart Roelandt ; e.a. — Brussel : Instituut voor Natuuren Bosonderzoek, 2009. — 316 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–403–0302–9 UA–CDE: BMED 634 G–CORN 2009
La biotecnolog´ıa agr´ıcola en M´exico: efectos de la propiedad intelectual y la bioseguridad / Rosa Luz Gonz´alez Aguirre. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2004. — 424 p. — (Breviarios de la investigaci´on ; 40). — ISBN-10 970–31–0223–9 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10498
Melk / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] Christine Scharr ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 19). — ISBN-10 90–204–0790–2 EHC: 736029
Oostendse visserij: het leven van Robert Ryckx / Robert Ryckx. — Bredene : 1999. — 156 p., ill. — (Cahier ; 3) EHC: 736281
Advies over de kwaliteitsborging van de Monitor Agenda Vitaal Platteland / A.M. Schmidt ; L.A.E. Vullings. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 64 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 104) UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
Entrepreneurship: successfully launching new ventures / Bruce R. Barringer ; R. Duane Ireland. — Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2010. — 608 p. — (Prentice Hall Entrepreneurship series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–13–815808–8 KdG–HB: 366
De tijd van jagers en boeren: tot begin jaartelling / Arie Wilschut. — Zwolle : Waanders, 2009. — 119 p., ill. — (Kleine geschiedenis van Nederland ; 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–400–8522–2 KdG–DLO–NP: 900.3
Beheers je verkeer: over verstandig omgaan met risico's in het verkeer / [edit.] Kirsten de Mulder ; [edit.] Marie-No¨elle Collart. — Brussel : BIVV, 2010 KdG–DLO–NP: 485
EHC: 708690:1 [C0–420 b]
Hoera, ik neem deel aan een assessment center: 49 praktische vragen en antwoorden / Lou Van Beirendonck. — Edegem : 2007. — 96 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–809984–3–8
Bedrijfsorganisatie, incl. ambachten Starten en ondernemen met kennis van zaken / [edit.] Clement Claesen ; Lief Aerts ; Casimir Decavele ; Walter Esch ; e.a. — Brugge : die Keure, 2009. — 383 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0427–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 366.3 STAR KdG–HB: 366.1 UA–CST: RECH 65 G–CLAE 2009
Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 G–BEIR 2007
De conversation manager: de kracht van de hedendaagse consument, het einde van de traditionele adverteerder / Steven van Belleghem. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2010. — 199 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–815163–0–3 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 BELL UA–CST: PSW 659 G–BELL 2010 XIOS–CH: 369 BELL 2010
Gedrag in organisaties / Gert Alblas ; Ella Wijsman. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 430 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76667–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 367.1 ALBL
Engaging public sector clients: from service-delivery to co-production / John Alford. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 261 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–22376–9 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–ALFO 2009
Family business survival: six key tasks required for a successful family business / Mario Alonso. — Allentown, Pa : Metropolitan Consultation Associates, 2007. — 106 p. — (Business psychology series ; 2007: 1). — ISBN-10 0–7414–4021–0
Effecto: op weg naar effectief ondernemerschapsonderwijs in Vlaanderen / Wouter van den Berghe ; Jan Lepoutre ; Hans Crijns ; e.a. — Leuven : Flanders DC, 2009. — 93 p. — (Onderzoeksrapport ; 2009: 5). — ISBN-13 978–90–78858–48–5 finaal.pdf PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 485.8 EFFE KdG–HB: 450.9 UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–BERG 2009
Kerncompetentie communicatie / Krijn de Best ; Derk Bothe ; Rutger van de Belt. — Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2008. — 214 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–71011–8 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/025 BEST KdG–SAW: 499.4
Art museum libraries and librarianship / [edit.] Joan M. Benedetti. — Lanham, Md : Scarecrow, 2007. — 312 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–8108–5918–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8108–5921–0 EHC: 735918 KMSKA: MONO–BC 2561
Talentmanagement en loopbaanontwikkeling: een integrale benadering / Marina Avau ; Jan de Visch. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2010. — 182 p. — (HRM-themaboek ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–2817–4
Handboek communities: de kracht van sociale netwerken / Erwin Blom. — S.l. : Bruna, 2009. — 192 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–229–5948–0 KdG–HB: 367.6
Deception in the marketplace: the psychology of deceptive persuasion and consumer self-protection / David M. Boush ; Marian Friestad ; Peter Wright. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 241 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6086–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6087–0 UA–CST: TEW 658.81 G–BOUS 2009 UA–CST: HB–TEW–PELSP
KdG–HB: 366.3 UA–CST: PSW 65 F–HRMB: 2010,1 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 367.2 AVAU Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 F 2:46 XIOS–CH: 367.2 AVAU 2010 KdG–SAW: 367.2
Ga met je sterke punten aan de slag: in zes stappen naar het optimale gebruik van je talenten / Marcus Buckingham. — Culemborg : Van Duuren Management, 2010. — 254 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–8965–049–8 KdG–SAW: 367.2
Inleiding HRM : praktische kennis wetenschappelijk onderbouwd / Ralf Caers. — Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2008. — 191 p. KdG–HB: 366.3 KdG–SAW: 367.2
De jaarrekening doorgelicht: financi¨ele analyse en interpretatie in de praktijk / Carina Coppens ; Mieke Kimpe ; Dirk Leysen. — Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2008. — 264 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5095–753–3 KdG–HB: 361.3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
IFRS et la crise financi`ere = IFRS en de financi¨ele crisis / Th. Carlier ; B. Colmant ; Ph. Dembour ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Maklu, 2010. — 209 p. — (Publicatie ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–466–0337–6 KdG–HB: 361 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 8 CARL 2010
Vrouwelijk ondernemerschap in Vlaanderen: onontgonnen creatief potentieel / Hans Cryns ; Olivier Tileuil. — Leuven : Flanders DC, 2009. — 97 p. — (Onderzoeksrapport ; 2009: 4). — ISBN-13 978–90–78858–42–3
UHasselt: 347.73 CARL 2010 ondernemerschap finaal.pdf
UA–CST: TEW 657 G–CARL 2010
UA–CST: RECH 347.73 G–CARL 2010
KdG–HB: 366.9 UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–CRIJ 2009
De nieuwe starters-BVBA: wat moet ook u´ daarover zeker weten? / Hans Certyn. — Leuven : Indicator, 2010. — 24 p. — (Tips & Advies: themadossier ; 2010: 1) KdG–HB: 396.28
De constantia: a collection of editions issued by Christopher Plantin / Eric Speeckaert [Bruxelles]. — Brussels : 1991-1999. — 2 v., ill. MPM: BM 35251
Le peintre et le livre: l'ˆage d'or du livre illustr´e en France, 1870–1970 / Franc¸ois Chapon. — Paris : Flammarion, 1987. — 319 p., ill. — ISBN-10 2–08–012082–4
1–2 MPM: BL G 13bis 1
Algemeen boekhouden nu 2: praktisch vennootschapsboekhouden / Andr´e Chiau ; Jo van den Bossche. — 11 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2009. — 279 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2925–7 KdG–HB: 365.2
50 werkvormen voor creatieve sessies: een schatkist vol idee¨en voor bijeenkomsten met resultaat / Rozemarijn Dols ; Josine Gouwens. — Culemborg : Van Duuren Management, 2009. — 213 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–8965–011–5 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 415.4 DOLS KMSKA: MONO–BB 6670
Artesis-BLS: BLS 657 G–CHIA 2009 Handleiding; handboek
The warping of government work / John D. Donahue. — Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2008. — 213 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–674–02788–6
Stop een turbo in uw zaak: een praktische handleiding voor het UA–CST: PSW 35 L–USA–DONA 2008 implementeren van deugdelijk en doelmatig beleid in een KMO / Clement Claesen. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2010. — 262 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0503–3 Dos ejes en la vinculaci´on de las universidades a la producci´on: KdG–HB: 366.1 la formaci´on de recursos humanos y las capacidades de UA–CST: RECH 65 G–CLAE 2010 investigaci´on / [edit.] Rosalba Casas ; [edit.] Giovanna Valenti. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2000. — 272 p. — ISBN-10 968–856–758–2 Handboek beleidvoerend vermogen / Dani¨el de Coen ; Luc de UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10494 Man. — Brussel : Politeia, 2009. — 1 bd, Losbladig. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00379–9 KdG–DLO–NP: 366.4 Auto's / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] Claude Artesis-BLS: BLS 371.2 B–BELE 2009 Kailer ; [vert.] Annet Mons ; e.a. — Wageningen : Veen, 1 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 15). — ISBN-10 90–204–0788–0 Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 371.2 B–BELE 2009 1
EHC: 736024
UA–CST: OW 371.2 A–COEN 2009
Concurrentie in de wereld van kunst en cultuur / [edit.] Guido de Brabander ; [edit.] Annick Schramme. — Antwerpen : Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008. — 99 p. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00153–5
Het creatieve geheugen: stadsinnovatieprojecten rond openbare bibliotheken en creatieve economie¨en / [edit.] Nathalie Vallet ; [edit.] Raf de Mey ; [edit.] Koenraad Marchand ; e.a. — Brussel : Politeia, 2010. — 232 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00547–2
UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–BRAB 2008
UA–CST: PSW 301.173 G–BRAB 2008
UA–CST: IBW 025.1 G–VALL 2010
KdG–ABK: 700.7 CONC
UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 59580
EHC: 725258
KdG–IWT: 02
EHC: 736401
Human resource management in public service: paradoxes, processes, and problems / [edit.] Evan M. Berman ; [edit.] James S. Bowman ; [edit.] Jonathan P. West ; e.a. — 3 ed. — Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage, 2010. — 434 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4129–6743–3 UA–CST: PSW 65 G–BERM 2010
Leidinggeven met creativiteit / Veronique Warmoes ; Herman van den Broeck ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 143 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8338–8 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 366.41 WARM KdG–HB: 366.3 EHC: 729109:2
Politieleiderschap: reflecties op politieleiders en hun professionaliteit / [edit.] Lieselot Bisschop ; [edit.] Kees Buijnink ; [edit.] Sofie de Kimpe ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Maklu, 2010. — 272 p. — (Cahiers politiestudies ; 14). — ISBN-13 978–90–466–0331–4 UA–CST: RECH 343 L–B–BISS 2010
Tecnolog´ıa y finanzas en un marco de pol´ıtica econ´omica sistem´atica / [compil.] Carlos A. Rozo Bernal ; e.a. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2004. — 298 p. — ISBN-10 970–31–0382–0
Ondernemen met creativiteit / Hans Crijns ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 145 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8330–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 351.3 CRIJ KdG–HB: 366.1 EHC: 729109:3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Economics of transport for tourism / [edit.] Larry Dwyer. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 73 p. — (Research in transportation economics ; 26)
Fondscatalogus De Sikkel, 1919–1949. — Antwerpen : Sikkel, 1949. — 75 p., ill. SA: BIB 30087 EHC: 736412
UA–CST: TEW 656 F–RTE:26
Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis / Edwin J. Elton ; Martin J. Gruber ; Stephen J. Brown ; e.a. — 8 ed. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011. — 727 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–50584–7 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Excellence in warehouse management: how to minimise costs and maximise value / Stuart Emmett. — Chichester : Wiley, 2005. — 298 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–01531–5
Successful habits of family business successors / Dean Fowler. — London : Fowler, 2004. — 1 compact disc(s). — ISBN-10 0–9716284–1–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Fundamentals of investing / Lawrence J. Gitman ; Michael D. Joehnk. — 6 ed. — New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, 1996. — 737 p. — Met 1 diskette. — ISBN-10 0–673–99755–3 UA–CST: TEW 658.143 G–GITM 96
Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.011 G–EMME 2005
Het handboek voor coaching: student version / Alex J. Engel. — Deventer : Entos, 2010. — 338 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–77458–07–5
Zo maak je een beleidsplan / Roel Grit ; Marco Gerritsma. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 110 p. — (Zo maak je een-serie ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–01–77507–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 366.3 GRIT
XIOS–CD: 658 ENGE 2010
Excellent public relations and effective organizations: a study of communication management in three countries / [edit.] Larissa A. Grunig ; [edit.] James E. Grunig ; [edit.] David M. Dozier. — Mahwah, New Jersey : Erlbaum, 2002. — 653 p. — (LEA's communication series ; 2002: 7). — ISBN-10 0–8058–1818–9 PLANTIJN–MEI: DOC 307/190 GRUN
Effectief handelen door reflectie: bekwamer worden als professional / Mirjam Groen. — Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2008. — 162 p. — (Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en professionaliteit ; 2008: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–01–71217–4 PLANTIJN–LN: OK 417 GROE Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 301.151 G–GROE 2008 KdG–SAW: 321.4
Te bevragen bij I. Van Looveren - PWO
Innoveren met creativiteit / Marion Debruyne ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 127 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8332–6 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 344.5 DEBR
Guide de la coop´eration entre biblioth`eques / [edit.] Pascal ´ Sanz. — Paris : Editions du Cercle de la librairie, 2008. — 315 p. — (Collection biblioth`eques ; 2008: 2). — ISBN-13 978–2–7654–0952–6 UA–CST: IBW 025.1 G–SANZ 2008
KdG–HB: 366.1 EHC: 729109:1 Artesis-OWAC: 34166 in seminariebibliotheek PO: raadpleging ter plaatse UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide) / PMI [Newtown Square, Pa]. — 4 ed. — USA : PMI, 2008. — 467 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–933890–51–7 XIOS–CD: 658 PMI 2009
Cultureel ondernemerschap: kijken met andere ogen / Irmgard Gunneweg. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 25 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; II: 730) KdG–IWT: 02
Entrepreneurial family firms / Frank Hoy ; Pramodita Sharma. — Upper Saddle River, N.J : Prentice Hall, 2010. — 267 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–157711–4 ; ISBN-10 0–13–157711–5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Handbook of governmental accounting / [edit.] Frederic B. Bogui. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 528 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 152). — ISBN-13 978–1–57444–758–3 UA–CST: PSW 35 L–USA–BOGU 2009
Handbook on third sector policy in Europe: multi-level processes and organized civil society / [edit.] Jeremy Kendall. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2009. — 402 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84542–960–7 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–KEND 2009
Social marketing: why should the Devil have all the best tunes? / Gerard Hastings. — Oxford : Elsevier, 2008. — 367 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7506–8350–0 UHasselt: 658.88 HAST 2008
De uitgever aan het woord / Theo Huibers ; Koen Voermans ; Hedde van Hoorn. — 6 ed. — Amsterdam : Thaesis, 2009. — 127 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–74864–77–0 UA–CST: IBW 655 G–HUIB 2009
Kinderen als wegwijzers: een leidraad voor kinderparticipatie bij lokale mobiliteitsprojecten / Marjan Huybrechts ; Jan van Gils. — Meise : Onderzoekscentrum Kind & Samenleving, 2007. — 133 p. DB: DB 656.3 HUYB
International journal of internet marketing and advertising. — Gen`eve. — Titel varieert: IJIMA. — ISSN 1477–5212 db?issn=1477-5212
Mercado laboral y capacitaci´on: un an´alisis regional para M´exico / Enrique Hern´andez Laos ; Ignacio Llamas Huitr´on. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2006. — 398 p. — ISBN-10 970–722–550–5 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10495
Job interviews / Tim Hindle. — Roeselare : Roularta, 1999. — 72 p., ill. — (Essential managers ; 1999: 12). — ISBN-10 90–5466–416–9 ; ISBN-10 90–261–1565–2
openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1477-5212 UA–CST: PSW 301 E–IJIM 5(2009)–
Een goed rapport: schrijven van beleidsnota's, evaluatierapporten, verklarende en beschrijvende nota's en instructierapporten / Riny Jans. — 2 ed. — Soest : Nelissen, 2005. — 103 p. — (De PM-reeks ; 2005: 13). — ISBN-13 978–90–244–1612–7
KdG–HB: 499.6
Artesis-BLS: BLS 001 G–JANS 2009
UA–CST: MAG–A 15452:12 KdG–SAW: 499.6
Time management / Tim Hindle. — Roeselare : Roularta, 1999. — 72 p., ill. — (Essential managers ; 1999: 9). — ISBN-10 90–5466–426–6 ; ISBN-10 90–261–1575-X KdG–HB: 366.9 DB: DB 333 HIND Artesis-OWAC: 34017 in Seminariebibliotheek PO: enkel raadpleging ter plaatse
Smarter consulting: how to start up and succeed as an independent consultant / Mike Johnson. — Harlow : Prentice Hall, 2008. — 227 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–273–71355–5 UA–CST: TEW 658.01 G–JOHN 2008
Starting up on your own: how to succeed as an independent consultant or freelance / Mike Johnson. — Harlow : Pearson, 2009. — 227 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–273–73117–7 UA–CST: TEW 658.01 G–JOHN 2009
UA–CST: MAG–A 15452:9 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 360.8 HIND 9,49 EUR XIOS–CH: 366.4 HIND 1999
Time-management / Katie Jones. — Velp : TFC TrainingsMedia, 2000. — 96 p. — (Essenti¨ele managementvaardigheden ; 2000: 2). — ISBN-10 90–76050–63–5 UA–CST: PSW 65 G–JONE 2000
ERP en Business Management: Toegelicht met Microsoft Dynamics NAV / J.P.M. van der Hoeven. — Groningen/Houten : Noordhoff, 2008. — 179 p. — (Beheersen van bedrijfsprocessen ; 2008: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–01–71613–4 XIOS–CD: 657 HOEV 2008
Cost accounting / Ann Jorissen ; Filip Roodhooft ; Christine van Liedekerke ; e.a. — 6 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2008. — 383 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2687–4 KdG–HB: 364.1
Facebook marketing: leverage social media to grow your business / Steven Holzner. — Indianapolis, Ind. : Que, 2009. — 273 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7897–3802–8 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 HOLZ KdG–HB: 367.6
Artesis-BLS: BLS 657.2 G–JORI 2008 Basiswerk KdG–IWT: Cursussen 657.47 Cursus KdG–IWT academische bachelor chemie-biochemie 3 + elektromechanica 3 + elektronica-ICT 3
Management accounting / Ann Jorissen ; Filip Roodhooft. — 5 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2009. — 308 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2992–9 KdG–HB: 364
Microeconomics for public managers / Barry P. Keating ; Maryann O. Keating. — Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. — 415 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–2544–4 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–2543–7
Social marketing: influencing behaviors for good / Philip Kotler ; Nancy R. Lee. — 3 ed. — Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage, 2008. — 444 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4129–5647–5 UHasselt: 658.88 KOTL 2008
Marktonderzoek / Marc de Laet ; Paul Offermans ; Pol Toye. — 8 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2007. — 599 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2173–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 LAET
UA–CST: PSW 35 G–KEAT 2009
Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.83 G–LAET 2007
Family business: key issues / Denise Kenyon-Rouvinez ; John L. Financiering van een verenigingsproject / Davy de Laeter. — Ward. — New York, N.Y. : Palgrave, 2005. — 90 p. — Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer, 2009. — 2 v. — (Praktijkgids voor ISBN-10 1–4039–4775–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4039–4775–8 de VZW ; D: 2009, 1) UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE UHasselt: 658.1 KENY 2005
UA–CST: TEW 347.72 L–B–LEMB 81:2009,1 1–2 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 9.3 VZW 2009
Foundations of finance: the logic and practice of financial management / Arthur J. Keown ; John D. Martin ; J. William Petty. — 2 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Prentice-Hall, 2011. — 552 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–512236–5 UA–CST: TEW 658.14 G–KEOW 2011
State management: an enquiry into models of public administration and management / Jan-Erik Lane. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 183 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–49235–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–49234–8 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–87988–7
De Oost-Vlaamse buurtspoorweg: Gent-Drongen (1909–1959), UA–CST: PSW 35 G–LANE 2009 met verlenging tot Nevele vanaf 1911 / Erik de Keukeleire. — Ledeberg : De Keukeleire, 2009. — 240 p., ill. — Herwerking De duurzame arbeidsorganisatie: een geloofwaardig vervolg op en aanvulling van ‘De tram te Drongen’, uitgave bij het jaarboek maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen / Willem de Lange ; van de heemkundige kring 'Dronghine', 1987 Jeroen Koppens. — Amsterdam : WEKA, 2007. — 204 p. — EHC: 736525 ISBN-13 978–90–5883–285–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–BOUCJ
The study of public management in Europe and the US: a competitive analysis of national distinctiveness / Walter Kickert. — London : Routledge, 2008. — 271 p. — (Routledge studies in public management ; 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–44386–9 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–93617–7 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–KICK 2008
Basisboekhouden: van begin- tot eindbalans / Erik de Lembre ; Renate Caen ; Carine Coppens ; e.a. — Mechelen : Plantyn, 2008. — 338 p. — (Handboek boekhouden ; 1). — Met 1 losse bijlage (rekeningenstelsel, balans en resultatenrekening, blanco journaalblad). — ISBN-13 978–90–301–9462–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 368.6 BASI
Hedendaagse boekbanden uit Belgi¨e / Marianne Delvaulx-Diercxsens ; Pierre Mouriau de Meulenacker ; [medew.] Jan Storm van Leeuwen. — 's-Gravenhage : Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 1986. — 48 p., ill. — (Tentoonstellingscatalogi en -brochures van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek ; 20). — Tentoonstelling: Koninklijke Bibliotheek ['s-Gravenhage]. 1986/03/07 - 1986/04/17. — ISBN-10 90–6529–069–1 ; ISSN 0169–3557 UA–CST: MAG–A 3111 KdG–ABK: 684.96 DELV
+losse bijlage in het boek KdG–HB: 365.1 Basiswerk; Losse Bijlage Artesis-BLS: BLS 657 G–LEMB 2008 Basiswerk; Losse bijlage
OCMW-financi¨en voor niet-specialisten / Jan Leroy. — 3 ed. — Brussel : VVSG, 2006. — 140 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2006: 1) DB: DB 311 LERO
EHC: 735940
Analysis of financial data / Gary Koop. — Chichester : Wiley, 2006. — 240 p. — ISBN-10 0–470–01321–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–470–01321–2 UA–CST: TEW 658.145 G–KOOP 2006 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Internationaal en Europees bibliotheekbeleid / Marian Koren. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 38 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; III: 760) KdG–IWT: 02
Letters magazine: het magazine voor boeken, dvd's en multimedia / Standaard Boekhandel [Antwerpen]. — Sint-Niklaas. — Supplement van: Het nieuwsblad; De Gentenaar EHC: 736241 [C1-gf] (8 september 2006)–; Onvolledig
The limits of rationality / [edit.] Karen Schweers Cook ; [edit.] Margaret Levi. — Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 2007. — 426 p. — ISBN-10 0–226–74239–3 ; ISBN-10 0–226–74238–5 UA–CST: PSW 301.186 G–COOK 2007
Fine bookbinding: a technical guide / Jen Lindsay. — London : British Library, 2009. — 215 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–7123–0991–2 ; ISBN-13 978–1–58456–268–9 KMSKA: MONO–BB 6273 EHC: 735948 Artesis-OWAC: 34179
Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 F 2:35 KdG–SAW: 367.2
Essentie van communicatie / Wil Michels. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 196 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76885–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/331 MICH
Services marketing: people, technology, strategy / Christopher Motivation in public management: the call of public service / Lovelock ; Jochen Wirtz. — 7 ed. — Boston : Pearson, 2011. — [edit.] James L. Perry ; [edit.] Annie Hondeghem. — Oxford : 648 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–611874–9 Oxford University Press, 2009. — 333 p. — UA–CST: TEW 658.88 G–LOVE 2011 ISBN-13 978–0–19–923403–5 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–PERR 2009
Lucht- en ruimtevaart / Vulgarisatiecentrum voor Lucht- en Ruimtevaart [Brussel]. — Brussel EHC: 736447 [C3–492 c] 1–5(1961–1965)
Grav´es dans ma m´emoire / Fernand Mourlot ; [edit.] Pierre Cabanne. — Paris : Laffont, 1979. — 239 p., ill. — (Collection v´ecu ; 1979: 2). — ISBN-10 2–221–00255–5 EHC: 709817 [C0–421 a]
Landschap als blinde vlek: een verkenning naar de relatie tussen ruimtelijke factoren en het vestigingsgedrag van buitenlandse bedrijven / J. Luttink ; B.C. Breman ; F.J.P. van den Bosch. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 70 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 99) UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
Financieel management / Harald de Muynck. — Gent : Academia Press, 2007. — 230 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–382–0919–7 ; ISBN-10 90–382–0919–3 KdG–HB: 366.5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Managing complex governance systems: dynamics, self-organization and coevolution in public investments / [edit.] Geert Teisman ; [edit.] Arwin van Buuren ; [edit.] Lasse Gerrits. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 278 p. — (Routledge critical studies in public management ; 3). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–45973–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–86616–0 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–TEIS 2009
Netwerking en organisatieontwikkeling: ‘samenwerken om te verbeteren’ / [edit.] Nick Thijs ; [edit.] Steven van Roosbroek ; [edit.] Theo Wijnen. — Brussel : Politeia, 2007. — 140 p. — (Professionele vaardigheden ; 2007: 4). — ISBN-13 978–90–5718–100–9 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 367.1 NETW DB: DB 333 THIJ e-communicatie in praktijk / Wim van der Mark. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 125 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–77272–7 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 MARK KdG–HB: 367.6
Marketing theory: a student text / [edit.] Michael J. Baker ; [edit.] Michael Saren. — 2 ed. — London : Sage, 2010. — 428 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84920–466–8 UA–CST: TEW 658.8 G–BAKE 2010
Measuring performance: expert solutions to everyday challenges. — Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Press, 2009. — 108 p., ill. — (Pocket mentor series ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–1–4221–2970–8 ; ISBN-10 1–4221–2970–5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
De waardebepaling van een digitale bibliotheek / Bart van de Meij. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 19 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; IV:B 660) KdG–IWT: 02
Zelfmanagement in lerende organisaties: ontwikkelingsgericht HRM is de sleutel / J.C.M. Mensink. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2008. — 190 p. — (HRM-themaboek ; 35). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–1528–0 KdG–HB: 366.3 DB: DB 335 MENS UA–CST: PSW 65 F–HRMB:35
KdG–SAW: 367.1
De nieuwe tamboer: [fondscatalogus] / Uitgeverij Familia et Patria [Kortemark]. — Kortemark. — Voortzetting van De tamboer: mededelingsblad uitgaven Familia et Patria. — ISSN 0776–815X EHC: 736269 [C3–492 d] 2:1(1989)
Healthy growth for the family business / Jennifer M. Pendergast. — Marietta, Ga : Family Enterprise Publishers, 2006. — 62 p. — (Family business in-depth series ; 2006: 1). — ISBN-10 1–891652–17–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
B¨ucher ohne Grenzen: der Verlag Seix Barral und die Vermittlung lateinamerikanischer Erz¨ahlliteratur im Spanien des Franquismus / Burkhard Pohl. — Frankfurt am Main : Vervuert, 2003. — 541 p. — (Historia y cr´ıtica de la literatura ; 29). — ISBN-10 3–89354–890–4 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61235
The port and maritime industries in the post-2008 world / [edit.] Adolf K.Y. NG ; [edit.] John J. Liu. — Roularta : Elsevier, 2010. — 60 p. — (Research in transportation economics ; 27) UA–CST: TEW 656 F–RTE:27
Port of Antwerp / Antwerpse Lloyd. — Antwerp : Antwerpse Lloyd, 2010. — 56 p. — (Lloyd special ; 2010: 2) KdG–HB: 376.51
Post / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Sue Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1974. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 22). — ISBN-10 90–204–0798–8 EHC: 736035
The competent public sphere: global political economy, dialogue, and the contemporary workplace / John Michael Roberts. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 204 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–00873–1 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–ROBE 2009
Routeplan: in stroomversnelling naar 2012 / Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid van Antwerpen-Waasland. — Antwerpen : 2003. — 85 p., ill. AHB: LZ–M 02.04 RP 2003
Family business / Ernesto J. Poza. — 3 ed. — Mason, Ohio : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010. — 391 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–324–59769–1
UA–CST: MAG–B 54157 DB: DB 331 ROUT
Automotive software engineering: principles, processes, methods and tools / J¨org Sch¨auffele ; Thomas Zurawka. — Warrendale, PA : SAE International, 2005. — 385 p., ill. — Collaborating with customers to innovate: conceiving and marketing products in the networking age / Emanuela Prandelli ; ISBN-13 978–0–7680–1490–7 KdG–IWT: 629.33 Mohanbir Sawhney ; Gianmario Verona. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2008. — 161 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84720–373–1 UA–CST: TEW 658.84 G–PRAN 2008 Schepen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; UHasselt: 658.84 PRAN 2008 [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] John Mousdale. — Wageningen : Veen, 1972. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 4). — ISBN-10 90–204–0777–5 Premio internazionale Diano Marina / Azienda autonoma di EHC: 736005 soggiorno e turismo [Diano Marina]. — Diano Marina : 1972-1976. — 3 v., ill. UA–CST: MAG–B 41201 Operations management / Nigel Slack ; Stuart Chambers ; 1–3 Robert Johnston. — 5 ed. — Harlow : Pearson, 2007. — 728 MPM: PK–A 2482 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–273–70847–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Enkel vol. 3 EHC: 528445 [S4–136 b] 3 v. in 1 bd KMSKA: ICC 397 2 KMSKA: ICC 406 1 KMSKA: ICC 3967
Brute reality: power, discourse and the mediation of war / Stuart Price. — London : Pluto, 2010. — 223 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7453–2079–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–7453–2080–9
Artesis-IWT: IWT 658.5 G–SLAC 2007
Het opzetten van een secretaressepool / Marianne H.M. Smits. — Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer, 2010. — 148 p. — (Secretaresse assistent wijzer ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–13–06653–1 KdG–HB: 368
Corporate governance and accountability / Jill Solomon. — 3 ed. — Chichester : Wiley, 2010. — 414 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–69509–8 UHasselt: 658.011 SOLO 2010
UA–CST: PSW 654 G–PRIC 2010
Public service improvement: policies, progress and prospects / [edit.] Steve Martin. — London : Routledge, 2008. — 180 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–46410–9 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–37626–6
Veertig jaar Journaal, veertig jaar taal / P.G.J. van Sterkenburg ; M.C. van den Toorn. — Den Haag : Sdu, 1997. — 136 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–12–08349–2 ; ISBN-10 90–12–08349–4 UA–CST: HB–TL–JASPJ
Mijn virtueel Vlaanderen / R.M.v.d.M. — Sint-Niklaas : Abimo, 2009. — 96 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–5932–518–0 EHC: 736343
The complete idiot's guide to a successful family business / Neil Raphel ; Janis Raye. — New York, N.Y. : Alpha, 2009. — 328 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–59257–870–2
Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world / John D. Sterman. — New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 2000. — 982 p. — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-10 0–07–231135–5 UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–STER 2000 Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM UA–CST: HB–TEW–VEREJ Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM
Typeface: classic typography for contemporary design / Tamye Riggs. — New York, NY : Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. — 256 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–56898–810–8 EHC: 734925
De tamboer: mededelingsblad uitgaven Familia et Patria / Uitgeverij Familia et Patria [Kortemark]. — Kortemark. — Voortgezet door De nieuwe tamboer: [fondscatalogus] EHC: 736269 [C3–492 d] (sept.1984); (okt/dec.1986)
Location of (FDI in) R&D and networking in innovation: analysis and policy making for the business enterprise sector: proefschrift / Peter Teirlinck. — Antwerpen : UA, 2009. — 282 p. — (Proefschriften UA–TEW ; 2009: 13) UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 219 UA–CST: TEW 33 F–UP:2009,13
Innovatie en succes / Patrick van Thiel. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 197 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76864–5 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/161 THIE KdG–HB: 366.1
Basic strategy in context: European text and cases / Neil Thomson ; Charles Baden-Fuller. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010. — 413 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–6108–4 UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–THOM 2010
Strategic investment under uncertainty: proefschrift / Magdalena Trojanowska. — Antwerpen : UA, 2009. — 119 p. — (Proefschriften UA–TEW ; 2009: 16)
EHC: 736022
Strategische keuzen bij een bibliotheekinterieur / Aat Vos. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 16 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; IV:C 100) KdG–IWT: 02
Perpetuating the family business: 50 lessons learned from long-lasting, successful families in business / John L. Ward. — Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. — 178 p. — ISBN-10 1–4039–3397–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4039–3397–3 UA–CST: TEW 658.1 G–WARD 2004 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE UHasselt: 658.1 WARD 2004
Werk schenken: de werknemer als vrijwilliger: hoe en waarom? / [edit.] Kristine de Smet ; [edit.] Serge de Backer ; [edit.] Marie d' Huart. — Leuven : Cera, 2004. — 59 p., ill. — (Horizonten ; 2004: 1). — ISBN-10 90–77183–13–2 DB: DB 335 SMET KdG–SAW: 360.8
UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 225 UA–CST: TEW 33 F–UP:2009,16
Verantwoord investeringsbeleid in de social profit / Stefaan Tuytten. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2010. — 119 p. — (Praktijkgids voor de VZW ; D: 2010, 1)
Container shipping services and their impact on container port competitiveness / Wei Yim Yap. — Antwerp : UPA University Press, 2009. — 536 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–5487–646–5 UA–CST: TEW 656.61 G–YAP 2009 UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 247
UA–CST: TEW 347.72 L–B–LEMB 81:2010,1 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 9.3 TUYT 2010
A typological tally: thirteen hundred writings in English on printing history, typography, bookbinding and papermaking / [compil.] Tony Appleton. — Brighton : Appleton, 1973. — 94 p. UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61422
Systeemanalyse en systeemontwerp: een inleiding / Joseph S. Valacich ; Joey F. George ; Jeffrey A. Hoffer. — 2 ed. — Amsterdam : Pearson Education, 2004. — 486 p. — ISBN-10 90–430–0835–4 KdG–HB: 524.1 Artesis-BLS: BLS 681.3 G–VALA 2004 UHasselt: 681.37 VALA 2004
Drukkerij. Uitgeverij Le peintre et le livre: l'ˆage d'or du livre illustr´e en France, 1870–1970 / Franc¸ois Chapon. — Paris : Flammarion, 1987. — 319 p., ill. — ISBN-10 2–08–012082–4 KMSKA: MONO–BC 5067
De constantia: a collection of editions issued by Christopher Plantin / Eric Speeckaert [Bruxelles]. — Brussels : 1991-1999. — 2 v., ill. MPM: BM 35251 1–2 MPM: BL G 13bis 1
UA–CMI: WIS 681.3 G–VALA 2004 Artesis-IWT: IWT 681.3 G–VALA 2004
Handboek ontwikkelingsgericht coachen: een hefboom voor zelfsturing / Rudy Vandamme. — Soest : Nelissen, 2007. — 304 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–244–1630–1 KdG–DLO–NP: 366.41 Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 G–VAND 2007 KdG–SAW: 366.41
Fondscatalogus De Sikkel, 1919–1949. — Antwerpen : Sikkel, 1949. — 75 p., ill. SA: BIB 30087 EHC: 736412
De uitgever aan het woord / Theo Huibers ; Koen Voermans ; Hedde van Hoorn. — 6 ed. — Amsterdam : Thaesis, 2009. — 127 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–74864–77–0 UA–CST: IBW 655 G–HUIB 2009
Oorlog of ode aan de arbeid? / Laurenz Verledens. — Wilrijk : VKW Metena, 2010. — 8 p. — (Beleidsnota ; 39) UA–CST: MAG–T 484:39 KdG–SAW: 360
Vliegtuigen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 14). — ISBN-10 90–204–0791–0
Hedendaagse boekbanden uit Belgi¨e / Marianne Delvaulx-Diercxsens ; Pierre Mouriau de Meulenacker ; [medew.] Jan Storm van Leeuwen. — 's-Gravenhage : Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 1986. — 48 p., ill. — (Tentoonstellingscatalogi en -brochures van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek ; 20). — Tentoonstelling: Koninklijke Bibliotheek ['s-Gravenhage]. 1986/03/07 - 1986/04/17. — ISBN-10 90–6529–069–1 ; ISSN 0169–3557
UA–CST: MAG–A 3111 KdG–ABK: 684.96 DELV EHC: 735940
De tamboer: mededelingsblad uitgaven Familia et Patria / Uitgeverij Familia et Patria [Kortemark]. — Kortemark. — Voortgezet door De nieuwe tamboer: [fondscatalogus] EHC: 736269 [C3–492 d]
Letters magazine: het magazine voor boeken, dvd's en multimedia / Standaard Boekhandel [Antwerpen]. — Sint-Niklaas. — Supplement van: Het nieuwsblad; De Gentenaar EHC: 736241 [C1-gf] (8 september 2006)–; Onvolledig
(sept.1984); (okt/dec.1986)
A typological tally: thirteen hundred writings in English on printing history, typography, bookbinding and papermaking / [compil.] Tony Appleton. — Brighton : Appleton, 1973. — 94 p. UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61422
Fine bookbinding: a technical guide / Jen Lindsay. — London : British Library, 2009. — 215 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–7123–0991–2 ; ISBN-13 978–1–58456–268–9 KMSKA: MONO–BB 6273 EHC: 735948 Artesis-OWAC: 34179
Grav´es dans ma m´emoire / Fernand Mourlot ; [edit.] Pierre Cabanne. — Paris : Laffont, 1979. — 239 p., ill. — (Collection v´ecu ; 1979: 2). — ISBN-10 2–221–00255–5 EHC: 709817 [C0–421 a] KMSKA: MONO–BB 7142
De nieuwe tamboer: [fondscatalogus] / Uitgeverij Familia et Patria [Kortemark]. — Kortemark. — Voortzetting van De tamboer: mededelingsblad uitgaven Familia et Patria. — ISSN 0776–815X EHC: 736269 [C3–492 d] 2:1(1989)
B¨ucher ohne Grenzen: der Verlag Seix Barral und die Vermittlung lateinamerikanischer Erz¨ahlliteratur im Spanien des Franquismus / Burkhard Pohl. — Frankfurt am Main : Vervuert, 2003. — 541 p. — (Historia y cr´ıtica de la literatura ; 29). — ISBN-10 3–89354–890–4 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61235
Premio internazionale Diano Marina / Azienda autonoma di soggiorno e turismo [Diano Marina]. — Diano Marina : 1972-1976. — 3 v., ill. UA–CST: MAG–B 41201 1–3 MPM: PK–A 2482 Enkel vol. 3 EHC: 528445 [S4–136 b]
Verkeersorganisatie. Post Beheers je verkeer: over verstandig omgaan met risico's in het verkeer / [edit.] Kirsten de Mulder ; [edit.] Marie-No¨elle Collart. — Brussel : BIVV, 2010 KdG–DLO–NP: 485
Auto's / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] Claude Kailer ; [vert.] Annet Mons ; e.a. — Wageningen : Veen, 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 15). — ISBN-10 90–204–0788–0 EHC: 736024
Economics of transport for tourism / [edit.] Larry Dwyer. — Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. — 73 p. — (Research in transportation economics ; 26) UA–CST: TEW 656 F–RTE:26
Ladingbeveiliging / Geert Frans ; Frederik vanden Bogaerde. — Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2010. — 86 p., ill. UA–CST: RECH 347.78 L–B–FRAN 2010
Kinderen als wegwijzers: een leidraad voor kinderparticipatie bij lokale mobiliteitsprojecten / Marjan Huybrechts ; Jan van Gils. — Meise : Onderzoekscentrum Kind & Samenleving, 2007. — 133 p. DB: DB 656.3 HUYB
De Oost-Vlaamse buurtspoorweg: Gent-Drongen (1909–1959), met verlenging tot Nevele vanaf 1911 / Erik de Keukeleire. — Ledeberg : De Keukeleire, 2009. — 240 p., ill. — Herwerking en aanvulling van ‘De tram te Drongen’, uitgave bij het jaarboek van de heemkundige kring 'Dronghine', 1987 EHC: 736525
3 v. in 1 bd KMSKA: ICC 397 2 KMSKA: ICC 406 1
Lucht- en ruimtevaart / Vulgarisatiecentrum voor Lucht- en Ruimtevaart [Brussel]. — Brussel EHC: 736447 [C3–492 c] 1–5(1961–1965)
Typeface: classic typography for contemporary design / Tamye Riggs. — New York, NY : Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. — 256 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–56898–810–8 EHC: 734925
The port and maritime industries in the post-2008 world / [edit.] Adolf K.Y. NG ; [edit.] John J. Liu. — Roularta : Elsevier, 2010. — 60 p. — (Research in transportation economics ; 27) UA–CST: TEW 656 F–RTE:27
Port of Antwerp / Antwerpse Lloyd. — Antwerp : Antwerpse Lloyd, 2010. — 56 p. — (Lloyd special ; 2010: 2) KdG–HB: 376.51
Post / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Sue Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1974. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 22). — ISBN-10 90–204–0798–8 EHC: 736035
Mijn virtueel Vlaanderen / R.M.v.d.M. — Sint-Niklaas : Abimo, 2009. — 96 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–5932–518–0 EHC: 736343
Algemeen boekhouden nu 2: praktisch vennootschapsboekhouden / Andr´e Chiau ; Jo van den Bossche. — 11 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2009. — 279 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2925–7 KdG–HB: 365.2 Artesis-BLS: BLS 657 G–CHIA 2009 Handleiding; handboek
De jaarrekening doorgelicht: financi¨ele analyse en interpretatie in de praktijk / Carina Coppens ; Mieke Kimpe ; Dirk Leysen. — Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2008. — 264 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5095–753–3 KdG–HB: 361.3 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Routeplan: in stroomversnelling naar 2012 / Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid van Antwerpen-Waasland. — Antwerpen : 2003. — 85 p., ill. AHB: LZ–M 02.04 RP 2003 UA–CST: MAG–B 54157 DB: DB 331 ROUT
Automotive software engineering: principles, processes, methods and tools / J¨org Sch¨auffele ; Thomas Zurawka. — Warrendale, PA : SAE International, 2005. — 385 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–7680–1490–7 KdG–IWT: 629.33
Schepen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] John Mousdale. — Wageningen : Veen, 1972. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 4). — ISBN-10 90–204–0777–5 EHC: 736005
Handbook of governmental accounting / [edit.] Frederic B. Bogui. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 528 p. — (Public administration and public policy ; 152). — ISBN-13 978–1–57444–758–3 UA–CST: PSW 35 L–USA–BOGU 2009
ERP en Business Management: Toegelicht met Microsoft Dynamics NAV / J.P.M. van der Hoeven. — Groningen/Houten : Noordhoff, 2008. — 179 p. — (Beheersen van bedrijfsprocessen ; 2008: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–01–71613–4 XIOS–CD: 657 HOEV 2008
Cost accounting / Ann Jorissen ; Filip Roodhooft ; Christine van Liedekerke ; e.a. — 6 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2008. — 383 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2687–4 KdG–HB: 364.1 Artesis-BLS: BLS 657.2 G–JORI 2008 Basiswerk KdG–IWT: Cursussen 657.47
Vliegtuigen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 14). — ISBN-10 90–204–0791–0 EHC: 736022
Container shipping services and their impact on container port competitiveness / Wei Yim Yap. — Antwerp : UPA University Press, 2009. — 536 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–5487–646–5 UA–CST: TEW 656.61 G–YAP 2009 UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 247
Boekhouding. Accountancy IFRS et la crise financi`ere = IFRS en de financi¨ele crisis / Th. Carlier ; B. Colmant ; Ph. Dembour ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Maklu, 2010. — 209 p. — (Publicatie ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–466–0337–6
Cursus KdG–IWT academische bachelor chemie-biochemie 3 + elektromechanica 3 + elektronica-ICT 3
Management accounting / Ann Jorissen ; Filip Roodhooft. — 5 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2009. — 308 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2992–9 KdG–HB: 364
Basisboekhouden: van begin- tot eindbalans / Erik de Lembre ; Renate Caen ; Carine Coppens ; e.a. — Mechelen : Plantyn, 2008. — 338 p. — (Handboek boekhouden ; 1). — Met 1 losse bijlage (rekeningenstelsel, balans en resultatenrekening, blanco journaalblad). — ISBN-13 978–90–301–9462–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 368.6 BASI +losse bijlage in het boek KdG–HB: 365.1 Basiswerk; Losse Bijlage Artesis-BLS: BLS 657 G–LEMB 2008 Basiswerk; Losse bijlage
KdG–HB: 361 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 8 CARL 2010 UHasselt: 347.73 CARL 2010 UA–CST: TEW 657 G–CARL 2010 UA–CST: RECH 347.73 G–CARL 2010
OCMW-financi¨en voor niet-specialisten / Jan Leroy. — 3 ed. — Brussel : VVSG, 2006. — 140 p. — (Financi¨en en economisch beleid ; 2006: 1) DB: DB 311 LERO
Financieel management / Harald de Muynck. — Gent : Academia Press, 2007. — 230 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–382–0919–7 ; ISBN-10 90–382–0919–3 KdG–HB: 366.5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Corporate governance and accountability / Jill Solomon. — 3 ed. — Chichester : Wiley, 2010. — 414 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–69509–8 UHasselt: 658.011 SOLO 2010
KdG–HB: 366
Hoera, ik neem deel aan een assessment center: 49 praktische vragen en antwoorden / Lou Van Beirendonck. — Edegem : 2007. — 96 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–809984–3–8 Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 G–BEIR 2007
De conversation manager: de kracht van de hedendaagse consument, het einde van de traditionele adverteerder / Steven van Belleghem. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2010. — 199 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–815163–0–3 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 BELL UA–CST: PSW 659 G–BELL 2010
Bedrijfseconomie Starten en ondernemen met kennis van zaken / [edit.] Clement Claesen ; Lief Aerts ; Casimir Decavele ; Walter Esch ; e.a. — Brugge : die Keure, 2009. — 383 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0427–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 366.3 STAR KdG–HB: 366.1 UA–CST: RECH 65 G–CLAE 2009 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
XIOS–CH: 369 BELL 2010
Effecto: op weg naar effectief ondernemerschapsonderwijs in Vlaanderen / Wouter van den Berghe ; Jan Lepoutre ; Hans Crijns ; e.a. — Leuven : Flanders DC, 2009. — 93 p. — (Onderzoeksrapport ; 2009: 5). — ISBN-13 978–90–78858–48–5 finaal.pdf PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 485.8 EFFE KdG–HB: 450.9
Gedrag in organisaties / Gert Alblas ; Ella Wijsman. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 430 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76667–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 367.1 ALBL
Engaging public sector clients: from service-delivery to co-production / John Alford. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 261 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–22376–9 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–ALFO 2009
Family business survival: six key tasks required for a successful family business / Mario Alonso. — Allentown, Pa : Metropolitan Consultation Associates, 2007. — 106 p. — (Business psychology series ; 2007: 1). — ISBN-10 0–7414–4021–0 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Art museum libraries and librarianship / [edit.] Joan M. Benedetti. — Lanham, Md : Scarecrow, 2007. — 312 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–8108–5918–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8108–5921–0
UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–BERG 2009
Kerncompetentie communicatie / Krijn de Best ; Derk Bothe ; Rutger van de Belt. — Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2008. — 214 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–71011–8 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/025 BEST KdG–SAW: 499.4
Handboek communities: de kracht van sociale netwerken / Erwin Blom. — S.l. : Bruna, 2009. — 192 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–229–5948–0 KdG–HB: 367.6
Deception in the marketplace: the psychology of deceptive persuasion and consumer self-protection / David M. Boush ; Marian Friestad ; Peter Wright. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 241 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6086–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6087–0 UA–CST: TEW 658.81 G–BOUS 2009 UA–CST: HB–TEW–PELSP
EHC: 735918 KMSKA: MONO–BC 2561
Talentmanagement en loopbaanontwikkeling: een integrale benadering / Marina Avau ; Jan de Visch. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2010. — 182 p. — (HRM-themaboek ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–2817–4 KdG–HB: 366.3 UA–CST: PSW 65 F–HRMB: 2010,1 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 367.2 AVAU
Ga met je sterke punten aan de slag: in zes stappen naar het optimale gebruik van je talenten / Marcus Buckingham. — Culemborg : Van Duuren Management, 2010. — 254 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–8965–049–8 KdG–SAW: 367.2
Inleiding HRM : praktische kennis wetenschappelijk onderbouwd / Ralf Caers. — Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2008. — 191 p.
Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 F 2:46
KdG–HB: 366.3
XIOS–CH: 367.2 AVAU 2010
KdG–SAW: 367.2
KdG–SAW: 367.2
Entrepreneurship: successfully launching new ventures / Bruce R. Barringer ; R. Duane Ireland. — Boston, Mass. : Pearson, 2010. — 608 p. — (Prentice Hall Entrepreneurship series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–13–815808–8
De nieuwe starters-BVBA: wat moet ook u´ daarover zeker weten? / Hans Certyn. — Leuven : Indicator, 2010. — 24 p. — (Tips & Advies: themadossier ; 2010: 1) KdG–HB: 396.28
Stop een turbo in uw zaak: een praktische handleiding voor het implementeren van deugdelijk en doelmatig beleid in een KMO / Clement Claesen. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2010. — 262 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0503–3
PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 024 CREA UA–CST: IBW 025.1 G–VALL 2010 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 59580 KdG–IWT: 02 EHC: 736401
KdG–HB: 366.1 UA–CST: RECH 65 G–CLAE 2010
Handboek beleidvoerend vermogen / Dani¨el de Coen ; Luc de Man. — Brussel : Politeia, 2009. — 1 bd, Losbladig. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00379–9 KdG–DLO–NP: 366.4
Human resource management in public service: paradoxes, processes, and problems / [edit.] Evan M. Berman ; [edit.] James S. Bowman ; [edit.] Jonathan P. West ; e.a. — 3 ed. — Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage, 2010. — 434 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4129–6743–3 UA–CST: PSW 65 G–BERM 2010
Artesis-BLS: BLS 371.2 B–BELE 2009 1 Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 371.2 B–BELE 2009 1 UA–CST: OW 371.2 A–COEN 2009
Concurrentie in de wereld van kunst en cultuur / [edit.] Guido de Brabander ; [edit.] Annick Schramme. — Antwerpen : Universiteit Antwerpen, 2008. — 99 p. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00153–5 UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–BRAB 2008 UA–CST: PSW 301.173 G–BRAB 2008 KdG–ABK: 700.7 CONC
Politieleiderschap: reflecties op politieleiders en hun professionaliteit / [edit.] Lieselot Bisschop ; [edit.] Kees Buijnink ; [edit.] Sofie de Kimpe ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Maklu, 2010. — 272 p. — (Cahiers politiestudies ; 14). — ISBN-13 978–90–466–0331–4 UA–CST: RECH 343 L–B–BISS 2010
Tecnolog´ıa y finanzas en un marco de pol´ıtica econ´omica sistem´atica / [compil.] Carlos A. Rozo Bernal ; e.a. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2004. — 298 p. — ISBN-10 970–31–0382–0 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10493
EHC: 725258 KMSKA: MONO–BB 4915
Vrouwelijk ondernemerschap in Vlaanderen: onontgonnen creatief potentieel / Hans Cryns ; Olivier Tileuil. — Leuven : Flanders DC, 2009. — 97 p. — (Onderzoeksrapport ; 2009: 4). — ISBN-13 978–90–78858–42–3 ondernemerschap finaal.pdf PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 316.2 CRIJ KdG–HB: 366.9
Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis / Edwin J. Elton ; Martin J. Gruber ; Stephen J. Brown ; e.a. — 8 ed. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011. — 727 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–50584–7 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Excellence in warehouse management: how to minimise costs and maximise value / Stuart Emmett. — Chichester : Wiley, 2005. — 298 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–01531–5 Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.011 G–EMME 2005
UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–CRIJ 2009
50 werkvormen voor creatieve sessies: een schatkist vol idee¨en voor bijeenkomsten met resultaat / Rozemarijn Dols ; Josine Gouwens. — Culemborg : Van Duuren Management, 2009. — 213 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–8965–011–5 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 415.4 DOLS KMSKA: MONO–BB 6670
The warping of government work / John D. Donahue. — Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2008. — 213 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–674–02788–6 UA–CST: PSW 35 L–USA–DONA 2008
Het handboek voor coaching: student version / Alex J. Engel. — Deventer : Entos, 2010. — 338 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–77458–07–5 XIOS–CD: 658 ENGE 2010
Excellent public relations and effective organizations: a study of communication management in three countries / [edit.] Larissa A. Grunig ; [edit.] James E. Grunig ; [edit.] David M. Dozier. — Mahwah, New Jersey : Erlbaum, 2002. — 653 p. — (LEA's communication series ; 2002: 7). — ISBN-10 0–8058–1818–9 PLANTIJN–MEI: DOC 307/190 GRUN Te bevragen bij I. Van Looveren - PWO
Dos ejes en la vinculaci´on de las universidades a la producci´on: la formaci´on de recursos humanos y las capacidades de investigaci´on / [edit.] Rosalba Casas ; [edit.] Giovanna Valenti. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2000. — 272 p. — ISBN-10 968–856–758–2 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10494
Innoveren met creativiteit / Marion Debruyne ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 127 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8332–6 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 344.5 DEBR KdG–HB: 366.1
Het creatieve geheugen: stadsinnovatieprojecten rond openbare bibliotheken en creatieve economie¨en / [edit.] Nathalie Vallet ; [edit.] Raf de Mey ; [edit.] Koenraad Marchand ; e.a. — Brussel : Politeia, 2010. — 232 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00547–2
EHC: 729109:1 Artesis-OWAC: 34166 in seminariebibliotheek PO: raadpleging ter plaatse UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Leidinggeven met creativiteit / Veronique Warmoes ; Herman van den Broeck ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 143 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8338–8 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 366.41 WARM
Handbook on third sector policy in Europe: multi-level processes and organized civil society / [edit.] Jeremy Kendall. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2009. — 402 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84542–960–7 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–KEND 2009
KdG–HB: 366.3 EHC: 729109:2 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Ondernemen met creativiteit / Hans Crijns ; Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ; Flanders DC. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2009. — 145 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8330–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 351.3 CRIJ KdG–HB: 366.1 EHC: 729109:3
Social marketing: why should the Devil have all the best tunes? / Gerard Hastings. — Oxford : Elsevier, 2008. — 367 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7506–8350–0 UHasselt: 658.88 HAST 2008
Mercado laboral y capacitaci´on: un an´alisis regional para M´exico / Enrique Hern´andez Laos ; Ignacio Llamas Huitr´on. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2006. — 398 p. — ISBN-10 970–722–550–5 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10495
Successful habits of family business successors / Dean Fowler. — London : Fowler, 2004. — 1 compact disc(s). — ISBN-10 0–9716284–1–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Job interviews / Tim Hindle. — Roeselare : Roularta, 1999. — 72 p., ill. — (Essential managers ; 1999: 12). — ISBN-10 90–5466–416–9 ; ISBN-10 90–261–1565–2 KdG–HB: 499.6 DB: DB 335 HIND UA–CST: MAG–A 15452:12
Fundamentals of investing / Lawrence J. Gitman ; Michael D. Joehnk. — 6 ed. — New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, 1996. — 737 p. — Met 1 diskette. — ISBN-10 0–673–99755–3 UA–CST: TEW 658.143 G–GITM 96
Zo maak je een beleidsplan / Roel Grit ; Marco Gerritsma. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 110 p. — (Zo maak je een-serie ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–01–77507–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 366.3 GRIT
KdG–SAW: 499.6
Time management / Tim Hindle. — Roeselare : Roularta, 1999. — 72 p., ill. — (Essential managers ; 1999: 9). — ISBN-10 90–5466–426–6 ; ISBN-10 90–261–1575-X KdG–HB: 366.9 DB: DB 333 HIND Artesis-OWAC: 34017 in Seminariebibliotheek PO: enkel raadpleging ter plaatse UA–CST: MAG–A 15452:9
Effectief handelen door reflectie: bekwamer worden als professional / Mirjam Groen. — Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2008. — 162 p. — (Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en professionaliteit ; 2008: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–01–71217–4 PLANTIJN–LN: OK 417 GROE Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 301.151 G–GROE 2008 KdG–SAW: 321.4
PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 360.8 HIND 9,49 EUR XIOS–CH: 366.4 HIND 1999
Facebook marketing: leverage social media to grow your business / Steven Holzner. — Indianapolis, Ind. : Que, 2009. — 273 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7897–3802–8 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 HOLZ KdG–HB: 367.6
Guide de la coop´eration entre biblioth`eques / [edit.] Pascal ´ Sanz. — Paris : Editions du Cercle de la librairie, 2008. — 315 p. — (Collection biblioth`eques ; 2008: 2). — ISBN-13 978–2–7654–0952–6 UA–CST: IBW 025.1 G–SANZ 2008
Entrepreneurial family firms / Frank Hoy ; Pramodita Sharma. — Upper Saddle River, N.J : Prentice Hall, 2010. — 267 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–157711–4 ; ISBN-10 0–13–157711–5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide) / PMI [Newtown Square, Pa]. — 4 ed. — USA : PMI, 2008. — 467 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–933890–51–7 XIOS–CD: 658 PMI 2009
Cultureel ondernemerschap: kijken met andere ogen / Irmgard Gunneweg. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 25 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; II: 730) KdG–IWT: 02
International journal of internet marketing and advertising. — Gen`eve. — Titel varieert: IJIMA. — ISSN 1477–5212 db?issn=1477-5212 UA–CST: PSW 301 E–IJIM 5(2009)–
Een goed rapport: schrijven van beleidsnota's, evaluatierapporten, verklarende en beschrijvende nota's en instructierapporten / Riny Jans. — 2 ed. — Soest : Nelissen, 2005. — 103 p. — (De PM-reeks ; 2005: 13). — ISBN-13 978–90–244–1612–7 PLANTIJN–LN: OK 307/023 JANS
The study of public management in Europe and the US: a competitive analysis of national distinctiveness / Walter Kickert. — London : Routledge, 2008. — 271 p. — (Routledge studies in public management ; 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–44386–9 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–93617–7 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–KICK 2008
Artesis-BLS: BLS 001 G–JANS 2009
Smarter consulting: how to start up and succeed as an independent consultant / Mike Johnson. — Harlow : Prentice Hall, 2008. — 227 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–273–71355–5 UA–CST: TEW 658.01 G–JOHN 2008
Starting up on your own: how to succeed as an independent consultant or freelance / Mike Johnson. — Harlow : Pearson, 2009. — 227 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–273–73117–7
Analysis of financial data / Gary Koop. — Chichester : Wiley, 2006. — 240 p. — ISBN-10 0–470–01321–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–470–01321–2 UA–CST: TEW 658.145 G–KOOP 2006 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Internationaal en Europees bibliotheekbeleid / Marian Koren. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 38 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; III: 760) KdG–IWT: 02
UA–CST: TEW 658.01 G–JOHN 2009
Social marketing: influencing behaviors for good / Philip Time-management / Katie Jones. — Velp : TFC TrainingsMedia, Kotler ; Nancy R. Lee. — 3 ed. — Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage, 2000. — 96 p. — (Essenti¨ele managementvaardigheden ; 2000: 2008. — 444 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4129–5647–5 UHasselt: 658.88 KOTL 2008 2). — ISBN-10 90–76050–63–5 UA–CST: PSW 65 G–JONE 2000
Marktonderzoek / Marc de Laet ; Paul Offermans ; Pol Toye. — 8 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2007. — 599 p. — Cost accounting / Ann Jorissen ; Filip Roodhooft ; Christine van ISBN-13 978–90–455–2173–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 LAET Liedekerke ; e.a. — 6 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2008. — UA–CST: HB–PSW–THIJP 383 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2687–4 DB: DB 333 JONE
KdG–HB: 364.1 Artesis-BLS: BLS 657.2 G–JORI 2008 Basiswerk KdG–IWT: Cursussen 657.47 Cursus KdG–IWT academische bachelor chemie-biochemie 3 + elektromechanica 3 + elektronica-ICT 3
Management accounting / Ann Jorissen ; Filip Roodhooft. — 5 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2009. — 308 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2992–9 KdG–HB: 364
Microeconomics for public managers / Barry P. Keating ; Maryann O. Keating. — Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. — 415 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–2544–4 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–2543–7 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–KEAT 2009 UA–CST: HB–TEW–SMETM
Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.83 G–LAET 2007
Financiering van een verenigingsproject / Davy de Laeter. — Mechelen : Wolters Kluwer, 2009. — 2 v. — (Praktijkgids voor de VZW ; D: 2009, 1) UA–CST: TEW 347.72 L–B–LEMB 81:2009,1 1–2 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 9.3 VZW 2009 1–2
State management: an enquiry into models of public administration and management / Jan-Erik Lane. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 183 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–49235–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–49234–8 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–87988–7 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–LANE 2009
De duurzame arbeidsorganisatie: een geloofwaardig vervolg op maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen / Willem de Lange ; Jeroen Koppens. — Amsterdam : WEKA, 2007. — 204 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5883–285–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–BOUCJ
Family business: key issues / Denise Kenyon-Rouvinez ; John L. Ward. — New York, N.Y. : Palgrave, 2005. — 90 p. — The limits of rationality / [edit.] Karen Schweers Cook ; ISBN-10 1–4039–4775–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4039–4775–8 [edit.] Margaret Levi. — Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE Press, 2007. — 426 p. — ISBN-10 0–226–74239–3 ; UHasselt: 658.1 KENY 2005 ISBN-10 0–226–74238–5 UA–CST: PSW 301.186 G–COOK 2007
Foundations of finance: the logic and practice of financial management / Arthur J. Keown ; John D. Martin ; J. William Petty. — 2 ed. — Boston, Mass. : Prentice-Hall, 2011. — 552 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–512236–5 UA–CST: TEW 658.14 G–KEOW 2011
Services marketing: people, technology, strategy / Christopher Lovelock ; Jochen Wirtz. — 7 ed. — Boston : Pearson, 2011. — 648 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–611874–9 UA–CST: TEW 658.88 G–LOVE 2011
Landschap als blinde vlek: een verkenning naar de relatie tussen ruimtelijke factoren en het vestigingsgedrag van buitenlandse bedrijven / J. Luttink ; B.C. Breman ; F.J.P. van den Bosch. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 70 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 99)
Financieel management / Harald de Muynck. — Gent : Academia Press, 2007. — 230 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–382–0919–7 ; ISBN-10 90–382–0919–3 KdG–HB: 366.5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
Managing complex governance systems: dynamics, self-organization and coevolution in public investments / [edit.] Geert Teisman ; [edit.] Arwin van Buuren ; [edit.] Lasse Gerrits. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 278 p. — (Routledge critical studies in public management ; 3). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–45973–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–86616–0 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–TEIS 2009 e-communicatie in praktijk / Wim van der Mark. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 125 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–77272–7 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 MARK KdG–HB: 367.6
Marketing theory: a student text / [edit.] Michael J. Baker ; [edit.] Michael Saren. — 2 ed. — London : Sage, 2010. — 428 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84920–466–8 UA–CST: TEW 658.8 G–BAKE 2010
Measuring performance: expert solutions to everyday challenges. — Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Press, 2009. — 108 p., ill. — (Pocket mentor series ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–1–4221–2970–8 ; ISBN-10 1–4221–2970–5 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
De waardebepaling van een digitale bibliotheek / Bart van de Meij. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 19 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; IV:B 660) KdG–IWT: 02
Zelfmanagement in lerende organisaties: ontwikkelingsgericht HRM is de sleutel / J.C.M. Mensink. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2008. — 190 p. — (HRM-themaboek ; 35). — ISBN-13 978–90–465–1528–0
Netwerking en organisatieontwikkeling: ‘samenwerken om te verbeteren’ / [edit.] Nick Thijs ; [edit.] Steven van Roosbroek ; [edit.] Theo Wijnen. — Brussel : Politeia, 2007. — 140 p. — (Professionele vaardigheden ; 2007: 4). — ISBN-13 978–90–5718–100–9 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 367.1 NETW DB: DB 333 THIJ KdG–SAW: 367.1
Healthy growth for the family business / Jennifer M. Pendergast. — Marietta, Ga : Family Enterprise Publishers, 2006. — 62 p. — (Family business in-depth series ; 2006: 1). — ISBN-10 1–891652–17–6 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Family business / Ernesto J. Poza. — 3 ed. — Mason, Ohio : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010. — 391 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–324–59769–1 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
Collaborating with customers to innovate: conceiving and marketing products in the networking age / Emanuela Prandelli ; Mohanbir Sawhney ; Gianmario Verona. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2008. — 161 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84720–373–1 UA–CST: TEW 658.84 G–PRAN 2008 UHasselt: 658.84 PRAN 2008
Public service improvement: policies, progress and prospects / [edit.] Steve Martin. — London : Routledge, 2008. — 180 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–46410–9 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–37626–6 UA–CST: PSW 35 L–GB–MART 2008
The complete idiot's guide to a successful family business / Neil Raphel ; Janis Raye. — New York, N.Y. : Alpha, 2009. — 328 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–59257–870–2 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE
KdG–HB: 366.3 DB: DB 335 MENS UA–CST: PSW 65 F–HRMB:35 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 367.2 MENS Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 F 2:35 KdG–SAW: 367.2
Essentie van communicatie / Wil Michels. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 196 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76885–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/331 MICH
The competent public sphere: global political economy, dialogue, and the contemporary workplace / John Michael Roberts. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 204 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–00873–1 UA–CST: PSW 338 G–ROBE 2009
Operations management / Nigel Slack ; Stuart Chambers ; Robert Johnston. — 5 ed. — Harlow : Pearson, 2007. — 728 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–273–70847–6 Artesis-IWT: IWT 658.5 G–SLAC 2007
Motivation in public management: the call of public service / [edit.] James L. Perry ; [edit.] Annie Hondeghem. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 333 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–923403–5 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–PERR 2009
Corporate governance and accountability / Jill Solomon. — 3 ed. — Chichester : Wiley, 2010. — 414 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–470–69509–8 UHasselt: 658.011 SOLO 2010
Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world / John D. Sterman. — New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 2000. — 982 p. — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-10 0–07–231135–5
Strategische keuzen bij een bibliotheekinterieur / Aat Vos. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2010. — 16 p. — (Handboek informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief ; IV:C 100) KdG–IWT: 02
UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–STER 2000 Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM UA–CST: HB–TEW–VEREJ Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM
Location of (FDI in) R&D and networking in innovation: analysis and policy making for the business enterprise sector: proefschrift / Peter Teirlinck. — Antwerpen : UA, 2009. — 282 p. — (Proefschriften UA–TEW ; 2009: 13) UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 219 UA–CST: TEW 33 F–UP:2009,13
Innovatie en succes / Patrick van Thiel. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 197 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76864–5 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/161 THIE
Perpetuating the family business: 50 lessons learned from long-lasting, successful families in business / John L. Ward. — Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. — 178 p. — ISBN-10 1–4039–3397–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4039–3397–3 UA–CST: TEW 658.1 G–WARD 2004 UA–CST: HB–TEW–LAVEE UHasselt: 658.1 WARD 2004
Werk schenken: de werknemer als vrijwilliger: hoe en waarom? / [edit.] Kristine de Smet ; [edit.] Serge de Backer ; [edit.] Marie d' Huart. — Leuven : Cera, 2004. — 59 p., ill. — (Horizonten ; 2004: 1). — ISBN-10 90–77183–13–2 DB: DB 335 SMET KdG–SAW: 360.8
KdG–HB: 366.1
Basic strategy in context: European text and cases / Neil Thomson ; Charles Baden-Fuller. — Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010. — 413 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–6108–4 UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–THOM 2010
Strategic investment under uncertainty: proefschrift / Magdalena Trojanowska. — Antwerpen : UA, 2009. — 119 p. — (Proefschriften UA–TEW ; 2009: 16) UA–CST: MAG–DOCT 225
Marketing De conversation manager: de kracht van de hedendaagse consument, het einde van de traditionele adverteerder / Steven van Belleghem. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2010. — 199 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–815163–0–3 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 BELL UA–CST: PSW 659 G–BELL 2010 XIOS–CH: 369 BELL 2010
UA–CST: TEW 33 F–UP:2009,16
Verantwoord investeringsbeleid in de social profit / Stefaan Tuytten. — Mechelen : Kluwer, 2010. — 119 p. — (Praktijkgids voor de VZW ; D: 2010, 1)
Handboek communities: de kracht van sociale netwerken / Erwin Blom. — S.l. : Bruna, 2009. — 192 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–229–5948–0 KdG–HB: 367.6
UA–CST: TEW 347.72 L–B–LEMB 81:2010,1 ADVO–A: LZA–COM 9.3 TUYT 2010
Systeemanalyse en systeemontwerp: een inleiding / Joseph S. Valacich ; Joey F. George ; Jeffrey A. Hoffer. — 2 ed. — Amsterdam : Pearson Education, 2004. — 486 p. — ISBN-10 90–430–0835–4 KdG–HB: 524.1 Artesis-BLS: BLS 681.3 G–VALA 2004 UHasselt: 681.37 VALA 2004 UA–CMI: WIS 681.3 G–VALA 2004 Artesis-IWT: IWT 681.3 G–VALA 2004
Deception in the marketplace: the psychology of deceptive persuasion and consumer self-protection / David M. Boush ; Marian Friestad ; Peter Wright. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 241 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6086–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6087–0 UA–CST: TEW 658.81 G–BOUS 2009 UA–CST: HB–TEW–PELSP
Social marketing: why should the Devil have all the best tunes? / Gerard Hastings. — Oxford : Elsevier, 2008. — 367 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7506–8350–0 UHasselt: 658.88 HAST 2008
Handboek ontwikkelingsgericht coachen: een hefboom voor zelfsturing / Rudy Vandamme. — Soest : Nelissen, 2007. — 304 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–244–1630–1 KdG–DLO–NP: 366.41 Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.3 G–VAND 2007 KdG–SAW: 366.41
Oorlog of ode aan de arbeid? / Laurenz Verledens. — Wilrijk : VKW Metena, 2010. — 8 p. — (Beleidsnota ; 39) UA–CST: MAG–T 484:39 KdG–SAW: 360
Facebook marketing: leverage social media to grow your business / Steven Holzner. — Indianapolis, Ind. : Que, 2009. — 273 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7897–3802–8 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 HOLZ KdG–HB: 367.6
International journal of internet marketing and advertising. — Gen`eve. — Titel varieert: IJIMA. — ISSN 1477–5212 db?issn=1477-5212
UA–CST: PSW 301 E–IJIM 5(2009)–
Social marketing: influencing behaviors for good / Philip Kotler ; Nancy R. Lee. — 3 ed. — Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage, 2008. — 444 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4129–5647–5 UHasselt: 658.88 KOTL 2008
Marktonderzoek / Marc de Laet ; Paul Offermans ; Pol Toye. — 8 ed. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2007. — 599 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2173–2 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 LAET UA–CST: HB–PSW–THIJP Artesis-BLS: BLS 658.83 G–LAET 2007
Services marketing: people, technology, strategy / Christopher Lovelock ; Jochen Wirtz. — 7 ed. — Boston : Pearson, 2011. — 648 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–611874–9 UA–CST: TEW 658.88 G–LOVE 2011 e-communicatie in praktijk / Wim van der Mark. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 125 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–77272–7 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 MARK
International journal of internet marketing and advertising. — Gen`eve. — Titel varieert: IJIMA. — ISSN 1477–5212 db?issn=1477-5212 UA–CST: PSW 301 E–IJIM 5(2009)–
Communicatie Andy Warhol / [edit.] Kasper K¨onig ; [edit.] Pontus Hult´en ; [edit.] Olle Granath. — Stockholm : Moderna museet, 1968. — ill. — Tentoonstelling: Moderna museet [Stockholm]. 1968/02/00 - 1968/03/00 KMSKA: ICC 473
In de vuurlinie: armworstelen met de pers / Peter Frans Anthonissen ; Godfried Danneels ; Pascal Paepen ; e.a. — Tielt : Lannoo, 2008. — 235 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–7886–5 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/220 ANTH UA–CST: FILO 179 G–ANTH 2008 EHC: 721866
KdG–HB: 367.6
Marketing theory: a student text / [edit.] Michael J. Baker ; [edit.] Michael Saren. — 2 ed. — London : Sage, 2010. — 428 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84920–466–8
Encyclopedia of film themes, settings and series / Richard B. Armstrong ; Mary W. Armstrong. — Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2010. — 225 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7864–4572–1 Artesis-VT: L 791.4 BB–ENG 5
UA–CST: TEW 658.8 G–BAKE 2010
Essentie van communicatie / Wil Michels. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 196 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76885–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/331 MICH
Collaborating with customers to innovate: conceiving and marketing products in the networking age / Emanuela Prandelli ; Mohanbir Sawhney ; Gianmario Verona. — Cheltenham : Elgar, 2008. — 161 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84720–373–1
Art and the moving image: a critical reader / [edit.] Tanya Leighton. — London : Tate, 2008. — 496 p., ill. — ISBN-10 1–85437–625-X ; ISBN-13 978–1–85437–625–1 UA–CST: T&L 791.4 G–LEIG 2008
Basisboek journalistiek schrijven voor krant, tijdschrift en web / Henk Asbreuk ; Addie de Moor. — Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2007. — 467 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–50098–6
UA–CST: TEW 658.84 G–PRAN 2008
Artesis-VT: L 07 M–B 45582
UHasselt: 658.84 PRAN 2008
Reclame De conversation manager: de kracht van de hedendaagse consument, het einde van de traditionele adverteerder / Steven van Belleghem. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2010. — 199 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–815163–0–3 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 BELL UA–CST: PSW 659 G–BELL 2010 XIOS–CH: 369 BELL 2010
Deception in the marketplace: the psychology of deceptive persuasion and consumer self-protection / David M. Boush ; Marian Friestad ; Peter Wright. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 241 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6086–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6087–0 UA–CST: TEW 658.81 G–BOUS 2009 UA–CST: HB–TEW–PELSP
Kijk eens diep in mijn ogen: Wendy van Wanten / Fran Bambust. — Roeselare : Roularta, 2009. — 167 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–8679–217–7 EHC: 736495
Always on: language in an online and mobile world / Naomi S. Baron. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. — 289 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–531305–5 ; ISBN-10 0–19–531305–4 Artesis-VT: L 800 M–B 46164 UA–CST: T&L 800 G–BARO 2008
De conversation manager: de kracht van de hedendaagse consument, het einde van de traditionele adverteerder / Steven van Belleghem. — Leuven : LannooCampus, 2010. — 199 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–815163–0–3 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/352 BELL UA–CST: PSW 659 G–BELL 2010 XIOS–CH: 369 BELL 2010
Kerncompetentie communicatie / Krijn de Best ; Derk Bothe ; Rutger van de Belt. — Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2008. — 214 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–71011–8
Marketing the populist politician: the demotic democrat / Robert Busby. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 232 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–52227–5 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–BUSB 2009
PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/025 BEST KdG–SAW: 499.4
Bestemming Bagdad: bommen en andere indrukken / [edit.] Gerri Eickhof. — Schoorl : Conserve, 2009. — 304 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5429–289–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/263 EICK
Mediamores: over digitale cultuur, bloggende burgers en journalistieke ethiek / Henk Blanken. — Amsterdam : Atlas, 2009. — 256 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–450–1172–1 Artesis-VT: L 659.3 M–B 46025 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/232 BLAN
Television style / Jeremy G. Butler. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2009. — 233 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–96512–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–96511–8 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–87957–3 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–BUTL 2009
Functioneel schrijven: zinvolle taken op een strategische manier aanpakken, ondersteunen en evalueren / [edit.] Trees Vanhoutte ; Ides Callebaut ; Martien Geerts ; e.a. — Leuven : CEGO, 2009. — 74 p. — (EE-cahier ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–78765–75–2 PLANTIJN–LN: OK 307/023 FUNC XIOS–CH: 475.2 FUNC 2009 KdG–DLO: 475.24
EHC: 730733 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–BLAN 2009 UA–CST: FILO 179 G–BLAN 2009
Handboek communities: de kracht van sociale netwerken / Erwin Blom. — S.l. : Bruna, 2009. — 192 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–229–5948–0 KdG–HB: 367.6
Bollywood and globalization: Indian popular cinema, nation, and diaspora / [edit.] Rini Bhattacharya Mehta ; [edit.] Rajeshwari Pandharipande. — London : Anthem, 2010. — 197 p. — (Anthem South Asian studies ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–1–84331–833–0 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84331–889–7
The changing faces of journalism : tabloidization, technology and truthiness / [edit.] Barbie Zelizer. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 174 p. — (Shaping inquiry in culture, communication and media studies ; 2009: 1). — Congres: Symposium by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 30, 2007. — LC 2008047302 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–77824–4 ; ISBN-10 0–415–77824–7 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–77825–1 ; ISBN-10 0–415–77825–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–87845–3 ; ISBN-10 0–203–87845–0 Artesis-VT: L 07 M–B 46176
The cinema of David Lynch: American dreams, nightmare visions / [edit.] Erica Sheen ; [edit.] Annette Davison. — UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–BHAT 2010 London : Wallflower, 2004. — 207 p., ill. — (Director's cuts series ; 2004: 1). — ISBN-10 1–903364–86–8 ; Bookforum. — New York, N.Y. : Artforum, — ISSN 1098–3376 ISBN-10 1–903364–85-X Artesis-VT: L 82 E 11218
UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61180
14:4(2008)– KMSKA: M VS 124 15:1(2008)
Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis / Dany Boon. — S.l. : Hirsch, 2008. — 2 DVD-video('s), 102 min. KdG–HB: DVD 09/175
Contact maken: communicatieve vaardigheden voor leerkrachten / Tom Boves ; Marijke van Dijk. — Assen : Van Gorcum, 2008. — 182 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–232–4331–1
Cinemas, identities and beyond / [edit.] Ruby Cheung ; [medew.] D.H. Fleming. — Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars, 2009. — 244 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4438–0975–7 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–CHEU 2009
Debatstrategie¨en en -tactieken van politici in televisie(s)t(r)ijd / Lana Coeck ; Andrea Quanten ; Dave Gelders. — Brugge : Vanden Broele, 2009. — 131 p. — (Burger bestuur & beleid: tijdschrift voor bestuurskunde en bestuursrecht ; 2009: 4). — ISBN-13 978–90–8584–983–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–COEC 2009
KdG–HB: 454.22 Artesis-BLS: BLS 371.13 G–BOVE 2008 Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 371.13 G–BOVE 2008 Artesis-KC: UM–PED–BOVES-contact-1 KdG–DLO: 454.22
La Cit´e: 45 ann´ees de combat quotidien / Marie-Th´er`ese Coenen ; Jean-Franc¸ois Dumont ; Jean Heinen ; [medew.] Xavier Mabille ; e.a. — Bruxelles : CARHOP / CRISP, 2010. — 205 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–2–87075–110–7 EHC: 736482
The Hollywood historical film / Robert Burgoyne. — Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2008. — 173 p., ill. — (New approaches to film genre ; 3). — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–4603–6 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–4602–9 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 L–USA–BURG 2008
Continuum: journal of media & cultural studies / University of Strathclyde [Glasgow]. — Murdoch. — ISSN 1030–4312 db?issn=1030-4312 UA–CST: PSW 301 E–CONT/10 j. 19(2005)–
Daily bul and C° / [medew.] Francis de Lulle ; [edit.] Andr´e Balthazar ; [edit.] Pol Bury ; [edit.] Catherine de Cro¨es ; Belgique. Minist`ere de la culture franc¸aise. Service de la propagande artistique. — Bruxelles : Lebeer-Hossmann, 1976. — 355 p., ill., 1 losse bijl. — Tentoonstelling: Fondation Maeght [Saint Paul]. 1976/02/07 - 1976/03/07 ; tentoonstelling: Passage 44 [Bruxelles]. 1976/04/09 - 1976/05/23 EHC: 574295 [C0–066 b] KMSKA: TENT–TB 7197
Excellent public relations and effective organizations: a study of communication management in three countries / [edit.] Larissa A. Grunig ; [edit.] James E. Grunig ; [edit.] David M. Dozier. — Mahwah, New Jersey : Erlbaum, 2002. — 653 p. — (LEA's communication series ; 2002: 7). — ISBN-10 0–8058–1818–9 PLANTIJN–MEI: DOC 307/190 GRUN Te bevragen bij I. Van Looveren - PWO
Film festivals and imagined communities / [edit.] Dina Iordanova ; [medew.] Ruby Cheung. — St Andrews : St Andrews Film Studies, 2010. — 286 p. — (Film festival yearbook ; 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–9563730–1–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.173 G–IORD 2010
Gebakken lucht / Nick Davies ; [vert.] Maaike Bijnsdorp ; e.a. — Amsterdam : Lebowski, 2010. — 494 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–488–0302–6 Artesis-VT: L 07 M–B 45946
Film, theory and philosophy: the key thinkers / [edit.] Felicity Colman. — Durham : Acumen, 2009. — 404 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84465–185–6 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84465–184–9
UA–CST: FILO 18.73 G–COLM 2009
EHC: 736204
UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–COLM 2009
Stijlboek: voor wie helder wil schrijven / Ludo Permentier ; De Standaard [Brussel]. — 3 ed. — Roeselare : Roularta, 2008. — 648 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–8679–125–5 Artesis-VT: L 803.93 M–B 46135 PLANTIJN–MEI: HAND-nede 843 PERM EHC: 726071 [LZ-8 c] XIOS–CH: 843 PERM 2008 UA–CST: PSW 07 G–PERM 2008
Diverse mediawerelden: hedendaagse reflecties gebaseerd op het onderzoek van Frieda Saeys / [edit.] Sofie van Bauwel ; [edit.] Elke van Damme ; [edit.] Hans Verstraeten. — Gent : Academia Press, 2010. — 340 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–382–1534–1 Artesis-VT: L 659.3 M–B 46193 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–BAUW 2010
The virtual window: from Alberti to Microsoft / Anne Friedberg. — Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2006. — 357 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–262–51250–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–262–06252–7 UA–CST: FILO 111 G–FRIE 2006 KMSKA: MONO–BB 4279
Full disclosure: the perils and promise of transparency / Archon Fung ; Mary Graham ; David Weil. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. — 282 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–87617–9 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–FUNG 2007
La aventura de Miguel Litt´ın, clandestino en Chile / Gabriel Garc´ıa M´arquez. — M´exico, D.F. : Diana, 1986. — 152 p. — ISBN-10 968–13–1562–6 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61231
Dubbing and subtitling in a world context / [edit.] Gilbert C. Fong ; [edit.] Kenneth K. Au. — Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 2009. — 291 p. — Congres: International Conference on Dubbing and Subtitling in a World Context, Departement of Translation of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, October 2001. — ISBN-13 978–962–996–356–9 Artesis-VT: L 791.4 M–B 46172
The Hollywood war film / Robert Eberwein. — Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. — 180 p., ill. — (New approaches to film genre ; 5). — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–7390–2 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–7391–9 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 L–USA–EBER 2010
Film theory: an introduction through the senses / Thomas Elsaesser ; Malte Hagener. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2010. — 222 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–80101–0 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–80100–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–87687–9 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–ELSA 2010
A philosophy of cinematic art / Berys Gaut. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. — 324 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–52964–8 ; ISBN-13 978–0–521–82244–2 UA–CST: FILO 18.73 G–GAUT 2010
Presenteren? Alles mag! Handboek voor boeiende presentaties: van idee tot applaus / Derk-Jan de Grood ; Jan Iedema. — Den Haag : Academic Service, 2010. — 143 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–395–2606–4 KdG–HB: 499.4
La communication multilingue: traduction commerciale et institutionnelle / Mathieu Guid`ere. — Bruxelles : De Boeck, 2008. — 137 p. — (Traducto ; 2008: 2). — ISBN-13 978–2–8041–5934–4 Artesis-VT: L 800.3 M–B 46160 UA–CST: T&L 800.3 G–GUID 2008
Authoritative governance: policy-making in the age of mediatization / Maarten A. Hajer. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 208 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–928167–1
UA–CST: PSW 35 G–HAJE 2009
Writing the character-centered screenplay / Andrew Horton. — 2 ed. — Los Angeles, Calif. : University of California, 1999. — 237 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–520–22165–9
From Shane to Kill Bill: rethinking the Western / Patrick McGee. — Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2008. — 262 p. — (New approaches to film genre ; 1). — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–3965–6 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–3964–9 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 L–USA–MCGE 2008
KdG–IWT–LO: 791
In numbers: serial publications by artists since 1955 / [edit.] Philip E. Aarons ; [edit.] Andrew Roth. — S.l. : PPP, 2009. — 440 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–0–9715480–7–7 ; ISBN-13 978–3–03764–085–2 KMSKA: MONO–BC 5057
Cinema wars: Hollywood film and politics in the Bush-Cheney era / Douglas Kellner. — Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. — 279 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–9824–0 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–9823–3 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 L–USA–KELL 2010
Henry King, director: from silents to 'Scope / David Shepard ; Ted Perry ; [edit.] Frank Thompson. — Los Angeles, Calif. : Directors Guild of America, 1995. — 230 p., ill. — ISBN-10 1–882766–03–2
McQuail's Mass communication theory. — 6 ed. — London : Sage, 2010. — 621 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84920–292–3 ; ISBN-13 978–1–84920–291–6 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–MCQU 2010
On directing film / David Mamet. — New York : Penguin, 1991. — 107 p. — ISBN-10 0–14–012722–4 UA–CST: T&L 791.4 G–MAME 92 KdG–IWT–LO: 791
Marijke van Warmerdam: enkel, dubbel, dwars / [edit.] Marente Bloemheuvel. — Antwerpen : MUHKA, 1997. — 95 p., ill. — Tentoonstelling: Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen. 1997/01/31 - 1997/03/30. — ISBN-10 90–70149–61–3 EHC: 604648 [C0–142 a] C0 KMSKA: TENT–TC 9580
UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61574
Unraveling French cinema: from L'Atalante to Cach´e / T. Jefferson Kline. — Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. — 226 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8451–9 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8452–6 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 L–F–KLIN 2010
Presenteren / Karen Knispel ; Roeland Bemelmans ; [edit.] Aafke Moons. — Amsterdam : Pearson Education, 2010. — 126 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–430–1827–2 KdG–HB: 499.4
Honderd jaar Nederlandstalige pulpbladen / Anne Marinus ; Antoon Kunst. — Hasselt : Lord Listerklub Nederland, 2009. — 386 p., ill. — Met 1 DVD-video('s). — ISBN-13 978–90–78390–09–1 EHC: 736348 Basiswerk; DVD
Meaningful media: communication research on the social construction of reality / [edit.] Ruben P. Konig ; [edit.] Paul W.M. Nelissen ; [edit.] Frank J.M. Huysmans. — Nijmegen : Tandem Felix, 2009. — 325 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5750–108–1 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–KONI 2009
Listening and human communication in the 21st century / [edit.] Andrew D. Wolvin. — Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, Media events in a global age / [edit.] Nick Couldry ; 2010. — 299 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8164–8 ; [edit.] Andreas Hepp ; [edit.] Friedrich Krotz. — London : ISBN-13 978–1–4051–8165–5 Routledge, 2010. — 309 p. — (Comedia ; 2010: 1). — UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–WOLV 2010 ISBN-13 978–0–415–47711–6 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–47710–9 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–87260–4 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–COUL 2010 Cinema, philosophy, Bergman: on film as philosophy / Paisley Livingston. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 215 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–957017–1 Essentie van communicatie / Wil Michels. — Groningen : UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–LIVI 2009 Noordhoff, 2009. — 196 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76885–0 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/331 MICH
Cinema as history: Michel Brault and modern Quebec / Andr´e Loiselle. — Toronto, Ont. : Toronto International Film Festival Group, 2007. — 237 p., ill. — ISBN-10 0–9689132–6–1 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–LOIS 2007
Interviewen in de praktijk: interviewers, ge¨ınterviewden en het interview / Dick van der Lugt. — Groningen : Wolters-Noordhoff, 2009. — 441 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–76772–3 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/022 LUGT KdG–SAW: 499.4
Movies on home ground: explorations in amateur cinema / [edit.] Ian Craven. — Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. — 355 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4438–1344–0 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 L–GB–CRAV 2009
Kort en goed rapporteren / Milou Mulder ; Grada Schadee. — Deventer : Kluwer, 2002. — 66 p. — (Communicatie memo ; 25). — ISBN-10 90–14–09007–2 Artesis-VT: L 659.3 M–B 43485 DB: DB 659.8 MULD UA–CST: PSW 65 F–COME:25
UA–CST: TEW 659.3 F–COME:25 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/024 MULD Artesis-BLS: BLS 659.3 F 1:25 XIOS–CH: TS COMM UHasselt: 659.3 MULD 2002
Refractions of reality: philosophy and the moving image / John Mullarkey. — Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan, 2009. — 282 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–00247–0 UA–CST: FILO 18.73 G–MULL 2009
The universal journalist / David Randall. — 3 ed. — London : Pluto Press, 2007. — 245 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7453–2655–9 ; ISBN-10 0–7453–2655–2 ; ISBN-13 978–0–7453–2656–6 ; ISBN-10 0–7453–2656–0 Artesis-VT: L 07 M–B 46169
Reinventing public service communication: European broadcasters and beyond / [edit.] Petros Iosifidis. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. — 326 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–230–22967–9 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–IOSI 2010
News from Path´e. — S.l. : s.n. — Gebundelde verzameling filmaankondigingen en -kritieken voor cinema Path´e EHC: H 202724 [M-290 a]
Nickelodeon nation: the history, politics, and economics of America's only TV channel for kids / [edit.] Heather Hendershot. — New York, N.Y. : New York University Press, 2004. — 282 p. — ISBN-10 0–8147–3651–3 ; ISBN-10 0–8147–3652–1 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–HEND 2004
World on film: an introduction / Martha P. Nochimson. — Malden, Mass. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. — 447 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–3979–3 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–3978–6 UA–CST: PSW 791.4 G–NOCH 2010
Cultural barriers to the success of foreign media content: Western media in China, India, and Japan / Ulrike Rohn. — Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2010. — 427 p. — ISBN-13 978–3–631–59430–8 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–ROHN 2010
Screenwriting from the heart: the technique of the character-driven screenplay / James Ryan. — New York, N.Y. : Billboard, 2000. — 186 p. — ISBN-10 0–8230–8419–1 KdG–IWT–LO: 791
Requiem for a dream / [regie] Darren Aronofsky ; Hubert [jr.] Selby. — S.l. : Universal, 2008. — 1 DVD-video('s), 95 min. KdG–SAW: BALIE DVD D
Literature, testimony and cinema in contemporary Colombian culture: spectres of La violencia / Rory O'Bryen. — Woodbridge : Tamesis, 2008. — 212 p., ill. — (Colecci´on T´amesis: serie A: monograf´ıas ; 269). — ISBN-13 978–1–85566–178–3 ; ISBN-10 1–85566–178–0
Onze man is een vrouw / Serge Simonart. — Tielt : Lannoo, 2008. — 342 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–209–8086–8 EHC: 736224
UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61772
Onderzoeksjournalistiek: researchproces van idee tot verhaal / [edit.] Luuk Sengers. — Tielt : LannooCampus, 2009. — 336 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–814892–1–8
Non-verbale communicatie, dat spreekt, ook in het onderwijs / Pieter de Smet. — Brugge : Die Keure Business and Economics, 2010. — 243 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–486–0520–0 UA–CST: RECH 34 G–SMET 2010
Artesis-VT: L 07 M–B 46099 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/270 ONDE XIOS–CH: 092.2 ONDE 2009
Peter Greenaway: le bruit des nuages = Peter Greenaway: flying out of this world. — Paris : R´eunion des mus´ees nationaux, 1992. — 211 p., ill. — Tentoonstelling: Mus´ee du Louvre. Hall Napol´eon [Paris]. 1992/11/03 - 1993/02/01. — ISBN-10 2–7118–2670–8 KMSKA: ICC 15715
Brute reality: power, discourse and the mediation of war / Stuart Price. — London : Pluto, 2010. — 223 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7453–2079–3 ; ISBN-13 978–0–7453–2080–9 UA–CST: PSW 654 G–PRIC 2010
Brokeback mountain: story to screenplay / Annie Proulx ; Larry McMurtry ; Diana Ossana. — London : Scribner, 2005. — 166 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7432–9416–4 KdG–IWT–LO: 791
Check je brief: tips en checklists voor betere brieven en e-mails / Eric Tiggeler. — Den Haag : Sdu, 2009. — 117 p. — (Check je. . . ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–12–12897–1 KdG–HB: ∗844.5
Check je presentatie: stappenplan voor boeiende presentaties en speaches / Eric Tiggeler. — Den Haag : Sdu, 2009. — 87 p. — (Check je. . . ; 2009: 2) KdG–HB: 499.4
TV formats worldwide: localizing global programs / [edit.] Albert Moran. — Bristol : Intellect, 2009. — 332 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–84150–306–6 UA–CST: PSW 659.3 G–MORA 2009
Grondslagen van de communicatie / Rob Veenman. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 251 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–72066–7 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/130 VEEN
Horen, zien en journalistiek schrijven / Trees Verleyen ; Misjoe Verleyen. — Mechelen : Wolters Plantyn, 2006. — 79 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–301–8894–0 ; ISBN-10 90–301–8894–4 Artesis-VT: L 07 M–B 46147 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/233 VERL PLANTIJN–MEI: LZ 307/233 VERL
Structural equation modeling with AMOS: basic concepts, applications, and programming / Barbara M. Byrne. — 2 ed. — New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2001. — 396 p., ill. — (Multivariate applications book series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6373–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–8058–6372–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–BYRN 2010
A companion to digital humanities / [edit.] Susan Schreibman ; [edit.] Ray Siemens ; [edit.] John Unsworth. — Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub, 2004. — 611 p., ill. — (Blackwell companions Videochronic: video activism and video distribution in Indonesia = Videokronik: aktivisme video and distribusi video di to literature and culture ; 26). — LC 2004004337 ; ISBN-10 1–4051–0321–3 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–6806–9 Indonesia / KUNCI Cultural Studies Center. — Collingwood : UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61393 EngageMedia, 2009. — 68 p. — Keerdruk. — ISBN-13 978–0–646–52000–1 UA–CST: PSW 301.173 L–RI–VIDE 2009 Empowering bystanders in bullying prevention: grades k-8 / Stan Davis ; [medew.] Julia Davis. — Champaign, Ill. : Research, 2007. — 218 p. — Met DVV. — Visions of struggle in women's filmmaking in the ISBN-13 978–0–87822–539–2 Mediterranean / [edit.] Flavia Laviosa. — New York, N.Y. : UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–DAVI 2007 Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. — 224 p. — (Comparative feminist Basiswerk; DVV studies series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–230–61736–0 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61309
Computer. Informatica A gentle introduction to Stata / Alan C. Acock. — 2 ed. — College Station, Tex. : Stata, 2008. — 333 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–59718–043–6 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–ACOC 2008
Visual basic 2008: how to program / P.J. Deitel ; H.M. Deitel. — Pearson International edition. — Upper Saddel River, N.J. : Pearson, 2009. — 1452 p. — Met DVD. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–715536–1 XIOS–CD: 004.4 DEIT 2008
A handbook of statistical analyses using SAS / Geoff Der ; Brian S. Everitt. — 3 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC, 2009. — 391 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–58488–784–3
Programmeren in Java met BlueJ: een 'objecten UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–DER 2009 eerst'-benadering / David J. Barnes ; Michael K¨olling. — 4 ed. — S.l. : Pearson Education Benelux, 2009. — 574 p. — Met Actief in de digitale leeromgeving: didactische scenario's voor 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-13 978–90–430–1693–3 een innoverende praktijk / Lore Dewulf ; Anik Janssens. — Artesis-BLS: BLS 681.33 G–BARN 2009 Mechelen : Plantyn, 2010. — 176 p. — (ICT en Basiswerk; CD–ROM onderwijsvernieuwing ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–301–0386–8 De elektronische overheid is dood? Lang leve de elektronische UA–CST: OW 371.2 A–CRAE 2002 overheid?! Een balans en perspectief in het licht van web 2.0 / Artesis-G: G 681.3 G–DEWU 2010 V.J.J.M. Bekkers. — Brugge : Vanden Broele, 2008. — 31 p. — Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 371.315.9 G–DEWU 2010 (De Gentse lezingen ; 2008: 1). — Artesis-BLS: BLS 371.315.9 G–DEWU 2010 ISBN-13 978–90–8584–000–8 XIOS–CH: 451 DEWU 2010 DB: DB 357 BEKK
Cyber law: maximizing safety and minimizing risk in classrooms / Aim´ee M. Bissonette. — Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin, 2009. — 115 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4129–6615–3 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4129–6614–6 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.8 G–BISS 2009
MS Access 2007 / Eddy van den Broeck ; Erik Cuypers. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2008. — 240 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2406–1 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 527.3 BROE
KdG–SAW: 451.3
A handbook of statistical analyses using R / Brian S. Everitt ; Torsten Hothorn. — 2 ed. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2010. — 355 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4200–7933–3 UA–CST: HB–TL–GILLS UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–EVER 2010
Basiscursus Photoshop CS4 / Francisca Fouchier. — Den Haag : Sdu, 2009. — 272 p. — (Basiscursussen ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–12–58107–3 XIOS–CD: 004.932 FOUC 2009
KdG–HB: 523.3
MS PowerPoint 2007 / Eddy van den Broeck ; Erik Cuypers. — Antwerpen : De Boeck, 2009. — 166 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–455–2407–8 KdG–HB: 523.6
Microsoft Word 2003 voor dummies / Dan Gookin. — Amsterdam : Pearson, 2009. — 417 p. — (Voor dummies ; 2009: 3). — Samen met Microsoft Excel 2003 voor dummies. — ISBN-13 978–90–430–1319–2 KMSKA: MONO–BB 7158
VMware ESX server in the enterprise: planning and securing virtualization servers / Edward L. Haletky. — Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2008. — 551 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–13–230207–4 Artesis-IWT: IWT 681.35 G–HALE 2008
Bullying beyond the schoolyard: preventing and responding to cyberbullying / Sameer Hinduja ; Justin W. Patchin. — Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin, 2009. — 254 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4129–6689–4 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4129–6688–7 UA–CST: HB–PSW–HEIRW UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–HIND 2009
Handbook of univariate and multivariate data analysis and interpretation with SPSS / Robert Ho. — Boca Raton, Fla : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006. — 406 p. — ISBN-10 1–58488–602–1 UA–CST: TEW 519.2 G–HO 2006 UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–HO 2006
Goochelen met informatievaardigheden: een didactische aanpak / Peter den Hollander. — Bussum : Coutinho, 2010. — 150 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–469–0200–4 KdG–DLO–NP: 031 KdG–HB: 031
Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: kids living and learning with new media / Mizuko Ito ; Sonja Baumer ; Matteo Bittandi ; e.a. — Cambridge, Mass. : MIT, 2010. — 419 p. — (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation reports on digital media and learning ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–262–01336–9 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 L–USA–ITO 2010
Young people, ethics, and the new digital media: a synthesis from the GoodPlay project / Carrie James ; [medew.] Andrea Flores ; e.a. — Cambridge, Mass. : MIT, 2009. — 109 p. — (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation reports on digital media and learning ; 2009: 3). — ISBN-13 978–0–262–51363–0 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–JAME 2009
A casual revolution: reinventing video games and their players / Jesper Juul. — Cambridge, Mass. : MIT, 2010. — 252 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–262–01337–6 UA–CST: PSW 301.173 G–JUUL 2010
Cyber bullying: bullying in the digital age / Robin M. Kowalski ; Susan P. Limber ; Patricia W. Agatston. — Malden, Mass. : Backwell, 2008. — 218 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–5992–0 ; ISBN-13 978–1–4051–5991–3 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–KOWA 2008 UHasselt: 37.03 KOWA 2008
Facebook marketing: leverage social media to grow your business / Steven Holzner. — Indianapolis, Ind. : Que, 2009. — 273 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7897–3802–8
Handboek Visual C# 2008 / Dirk Louis. — Culemborg : Van Duuren, 2008. — 473 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–5940–369–7 Artesis-IWT: IWT 681.33 G–LOUI 2008
PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 HOLZ KdG–HB: 367.6
ICT en jongeren met extra zorg: een didactiek van stimuleren en compenseren / [edit.] Dirk Gombeir. — Mechelen : Wolters, 2007. — 198 p. — (ICT en onderwijsvernieuwing ; 2007: 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–301–9222–0 PLANTIJN–KRO: LZ 458.1 SCHO PLANTIJN–KRO: OK 458.1 SCHO UA–CST: OW 371.2 G–GOMB 2007 Artesis-G: G 681.3 G–GOMB 2007 e-communicatie in praktijk / Wim van der Mark. — Groningen : Noordhoff, 2009. — 125 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–01–77272–7 PLANTIJN–MEI: OK 307/342 MARK KdG–HB: 367.6
De egotunnel: hersenonderzoek en de mythe van het zelf / Thomas Metzinger. — Amsterdam : Arbeiderspers, 2010. — 306 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–295–7186–9 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61477
Artesis-BLSL: BLSL 371.315.9 G–GOMB 2007 XIOS–CH: 451 ICT 2007 PLANTIJN–LN: OK 458.1 SCHO Artesis-BLS: BLS 371.315.9 G–GOMB 2007 UHasselt: 371.2 GOMB 2007
Wikipedia: a new community of practice? / Dan O'Sullivan. — Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. — 191 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7546–7433–7 ; ISBN-13 978–0–7546–9193–8 UA–CST: PSW 301.173 G–SULL 2009
In ringmap 3 (ICT en onderwijsvernieuwing) UA–CMI: HB–CD–ADOND KdG–SAW: 451.3
International journal of internet marketing and advertising. — Gen`eve. — Titel varieert: IJIMA. — ISSN 1477–5212 db?issn=1477-5212 UA–CST: PSW 301 E–IJIM 5(2009)–
La soci´et´e collaborative: technologies digitales et lien social / Christian Papilloud. — Paris : Harmattan, 2007. — 219 p. — (Collection Logiques sociales ; 2007: 1). — ISBN-13 978–2–296–03487–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.173 G–PAPI 2007
Photoshop creative. — Nijmegen. — Met CD–ROM's. — ISSN 1877–6191 KdG–IWT: Tijdschriftenrekken :12(2009)– KdG–IWT: cd-rom :12(2009)–
Basiscursus InDesign CS4 / Jean-Franc¸ois Roebers. — Den Haag : Academic Service, 2009. — 214 p. — (Basiscursussen ; 2009: 2) XIOS–CD: 004.925 ROEB 2009
VIP: vakblad voor documentmanagement. — Schagen : F&G publishing. — Voortgezet door VIP: Vakblad voor Informatie Professionals SA: 639#1–10
Virtualization: a beginner's guide / Danielle Ruest ; Nelson Ruest. — New York : McGraw-Hill, 2009. — 442 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–07–161401–6 Artesis-IWT: IWT 681.35 G–RUES 2009
Confronting cyber-bullying: what schools need to know to control misconduct and avoid legal consequences / Shaheen Shariff. — Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. — 275 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–521–70079–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–521–87723–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–SHAR 2009
Cyber-bullying: issues and solutions for the school, the classroom and the home / Shaheen Shariff. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 299 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–415–42491–2 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–42490–5 ; ISBN-13 978–0–203–92883–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–SHAR 2009
Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world / John D. Sterman. — New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 2000. — 982 p. — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-10 0–07–231135–5
2006–2007 Onvolledig
Leerboek Linux / Sander van Vugt. — 4 ed. — Schoonhoven : Academic Service, 2009. — 709 p. — Met 1 DVD–ROM(s). — ISBN-13 978–90–395–2567–8 Artesis-BLS: BLS 681.35 G–VUGT 2009 1 (Basiswerk; DVD-rom) XIOS–CD: 004.451 VUGT 2009
Praktisch UML / Jos Warmer ; Anneke Kleppe. — 4 ed. — Amsterdam : Pearson Education, 2007. — 253 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–430–1265–2 KdG–HB: 524.37 Artesis-BLS: BLS 681.33 G–WARM 2007
Cyber-safe kids, cyber-savvy teens: helping young people learn to use the internet safely and responsibly / Nancy E. Willard. — San Francisco, Calif. : Wiley, 2007. — 324 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7879–9417–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–WILL 2007
UA–CST: TEW 658.011 G–STER 2000 Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM UA–CST: HB–TEW–VEREJ Basiswerk; 1 CD–ROM
Gestructureerde computerarchitectuur / Andrew S. Tanenbaum. — 5 ed. — Schoonhoven : Academic Service, 2005. — 792 p. — Met 1 CD–ROM. — ISBN-10 90–430–0987–3 ; ISBN-13 978–90–430–0987–4 KdG–HB: 521 Basiswerk KdG–HB: CDR 05/481 CD–ROM Artesis-BLS: BLS 681.35 G–TANE 2008 Basiswerk; CD–ROM KdG–IWT: 004.2
Bouwbedrijf Klimaatwerk: richtlijnen voor het museale binnenklimaat / Bart Ankersmit. — Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2009. — 160 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–8555–025–9 EHC: 736362 KMSKA: MONO–BB 6669
Geld in het water: Antwerps en Mechels kapitaal in Zuid-Beveland na de stormvloeden in de 16e eeuw / Cornelis Dekker ; Roland Baetens. — Hilversum : Verloren, 2010. — 335 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–8704–123–6 SA: 105#1145 EHC: 736357 KMSKA: MONO–BB 7207
KdG–IWT: cd-rom
Interactive graphics for data analysis: principles and examples / Martin Theus ; Simon Urbanek. — Boca Raton, Fla : CRC, 2009. — 280 p., ill. — (Computer science and data analysis series ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–1–58488–594–8
Immobilier: bien acheter & louer / [edit.] Christine Laurent ; e.a. — Bruxelles : Roularta, 2010. — 50 p., ill. — (Le vif/L'express extra ; 2010: 6). — Titel varieert: Notre guide immobilier: pour bien acheter et louer EHC: 736253
UA–CST: PSW 301.085 G–THEU 2009 UA–CGB: NAT 519.2 G–THEU 2009
Systeemanalyse en systeemontwerp: een inleiding / Joseph S. Valacich ; Joey F. George ; Jeffrey A. Hoffer. — 2 ed. — Amsterdam : Pearson Education, 2004. — 486 p. — ISBN-10 90–430–0835–4 KdG–HB: 524.1 Artesis-BLS: BLS 681.3 G–VALA 2004 UHasselt: 681.37 VALA 2004 UA–CMI: WIS 681.3 G–VALA 2004 Artesis-IWT: IWT 681.3 G–VALA 2004
Vastgoed kopen en bouwen / [edit.] Rik van Cauwelaert ; e.a. — Roeselare : Roularta, 2010. — 50 p., ill. — (Knack extra ; 2: 6). — Titel varieert: Vastgoed in Vlaanderen EHC: 736230 KdG–DLO: tijdschriftenrekken
Eilandbrug Kampen. — Utrecht : Ministerie van verkeers en waterstraat XIOS–CD: 695 EILA
Investeringskosten van gebouwen: begripsomschrijvingen en indeling: NBN B 06–003 = Frais d'investissement des batiment: definitions et classification = Investierungkosten von geba¨ude: begriffe und klassifikation = Investment costs of buildings: terminology and classification / Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie. — Brussel : BIN, 1983. — 9 p. — (Normen NBN B ; 06- 003). — 1e uitg., mei 1983 XIOS–CD: NBN B 06–003 1983 Artesis-IWT: IWT 62 B–NORM Niet uitleenbaar - ter plaatse raadplegen
Milieumanagement - levenscyclusanalyse - principes en raamwerk: NBN EN ISO 14040 / Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie. — 2 ed. — Brussel : BIN, 2006. — 20 p. Artesis-IWT: IWT 62 B–NORM Niet uitleenbaar - ter plaatse raadplegen
Uitbatingskosten van gebouwen: begripsomschrijvingen en indeling: NBN 06–004 = Frais d'exploitation des batiment: definitions et classification = Betriebskosten von geba¨ude: begriffe und klassifikation = Working costs of buildings: terminology and classification / Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie. — Brussel : BIN, 1983. — 15 p. — (Normen NBN B ; 06- 004). — 1e uitg., juni 1983 XIOS–CD: NBN B 06–004 1983 Artesis-IWT: IWT 62 B–NORM Niet uitleenbaar - ter plaatse raadplegen
Wegen / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [ill.] Tony Barrs ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1973. — 24 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 16). — ISBN-10 90–204–0787–2 EHC: 736025
Building maintenance / Brian Wood. — Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. — 311 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–7967–6 KdG–IWT: Te bevragen bij Lucien de Roy
Ruimtelijke ordening Antwerpen ontwerpen / [edit.] Jef Vanreusel. — Antwerpen : Stad aan de Stroom, 1990. — 223 p., ill. AHB: LZ–M 05.05.05 VANREU 1990 KMSKA: MONO–BC 1923 KMSKA: ICC 14188 Artesis-OWAC: 27441 in Leeszaal UA–CST: TEW 71 L–B–REUS 90 EHC: 541639 [S4–196 d] SA: BIB 8317 SA: 105#70
Avant-garde in Belgi¨e, 1917–1929. — Brussel : Gemeentekrediet, 1992. — 269 p., ill. — Tentoonstelling: Museum voor Moderne Kunst [Brussel]. 1992/09/18 1992/12/13 ; tentoonstelling: Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten [Antwerpen]. 1992/09/20- 1992/12/06. — ISBN-10 90–5066–102–5 Artesis-OWAC: 27958 KdG–ABK: 706.8 AVAN MPM: PK–A 3836 (1)
Artesis-KC: LK–KU–MUSEU-avantga-1 KMSKA: TENT–TC 8023 UA–CST: T&L 70 L–B–AVAN 95 AMVC: 177.106 EHC: 562341 [C0–263 e]
The rhetoric of modernism: Le Corbusier as a lecturer / Tim Benton. — Basel : Birkh¨auser, 2009. — 247 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–3–7643–8944–4 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
Der Briefwechsel mit Moller, Schinkel und Zwirner / Sulpiz Boisser´ee ; [medew.] Elisabeth Christern ; e.a. ; [edit.] Arnold Wolff. — K¨oln : Greven, 2008. — 647 p. — ISBN-13 978–3–7743–0405–5 KMSKA: MONO–BA 2493
Leven in de stad: Rotterdam op weg naar het jaar 2000 / Peter Bultuis. — Rotterdam : 010, 1987. — 96 p., ill. — ISBN-10 90–6450–057–6 UA–CST: MAG–B 13611 DB: DB 915 BULT
Carlo Battaglia. — Venezia : Palazzo Grassi, 1974. — 43 p., ill. — Tentoonstelling: Palazzo Grassi [Venezia]. 1974/09/23 1974/10/27 KMSKA: ICC 109
Gerrit Th. Rietveld, 1888–1964: the complete works / Marijke K¨uper ; Ida van Zijl. — Utrecht : 1992. — 393 p., ill. — Tentoonstelling: Centraal Museum [Utrecht]. 1992/11/28 1993/02/21. — ISBN-10 90–73285–15–1 ¨ DB: DB 738 KUPE Artesis-OWAC: 32560
Kind & ruimte: kindgerichte planning van publieke ruimte / [edit.] Wouter Vanderstede ; Peter Dekeyser. — Brugge : Die Keure, 2007. — 240 p., ill. — Doelpubliek: volwassenen. — ISBN-13 978–90–8661–400–4 DB: DB 910 VAND KdG–DLO: 458.2
Campus landscape: functions, forms, features / Richard P. Dober. — New York : Wiley, 2000. — 259 p., ill. — ISBN-10 0–471–35356–6 Artesis-OWAC: 34272 in lokaal onderzoekers AR
Behoud door ontwikkeling: afwegingen tussen bouwkundig erfgoed en stadsvernieuwing / [edit.] Henk de Smet ; e.a. — Oostende : Oostende Werft, 2008. — 81 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–78420–00–2 DB: DB 915 BEHO
Er beweegt wat op de Ruggeveld-Boterlaar-Silsburg! / Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Stadsplanning Antwerpen ; Antwerpen, Stad. District Deurne. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2009. — 25 p., ill. — Dep. D/2009/0306/272 EHC: 736271
Taking Wittgenstein at his word: a textual study / Robert J. Fogelin. — Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2009. — 181 p. — (Princeton monographs in philosophy ; 2009: 3). — ISBN-13 978–0–691–14253–1 UA–CST: FILO 19.8 N–WITT–FOGE 2009 UA–CST: HB–RECH–PAVLG
UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
Van burcht tot Brialmont: forten en linies in grensbreed perspectief / Karen Minsaer ; Danielle Caluw´e ; Anne Schryvers ; e.a. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2009. — ill. — Dep. D/2009/0306/114 EHC: 736255
Vlaanderen in de knoop: een uitweg uit de ruimtelijke wanorde / Burle Marx: the lyrical landscape / Marta Iris Montero. — Erik Grietens. — Brussel : ASP, 2009. — 188 p., ill. — London : Thames&Hudson, 2001. — 208 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–5487–612–0 ISBN-10 0–500–51046–6 EHC: 734781 Artesis-OWAC: 34279
Le Corbusier en de Linkeroever te Antwerpen / Ronald Commers ; Piet Lombaerde ; [medew.] Frank Commers. — Antwerpen : Hoger Architectuurinstituut van het Rijk, 1987. — 89 p., ill. — (Le Corbusier te Antwerpen ; 1). — Tentoonstelling: Handelsbeurs [Antwerpen]. 1987/10/10 1987/11/15. — ISBN-10 90–72190–01–7 SA: BIB 10062 AMVC: 154.803 DB: DB 738 COMM EHC: 527853:1 [S4–4 bis d] Artesis-OWAC: 30127: 1
Ruimte en leren: lessen in architectuur 3 / Herman Hertzberger. — Rotterdam : 010, 2008. — 255 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–6450–645–1 Artesis-OWAC: 34273
Artesis-OWAC: 34267
Naar een nieuw plein in de Cadixwijk: resultaten van het participatietraject, najaar 2009 / Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Stadsplanning Antwerpen. — Antwerpen : Stad Antwerpen, 2010. — 34 p., ill. — Dep. D/2010/0306/52 EHC: 736279
Agrarische architectuur in Vlaanderen / Katelijne Norga. — Brussek : Vlaams Bouwmeester. Vlaamse Overheid, 1000. — 72 p., ill. Artesis-OWAC: 34275
Ontwerp en politiek = Design and politics / [edit.] Henk Ovink ; [edit.] Elien Wieringa. — Rotterdam : 010, 2009. — 359 p. — (Design and politics ; 1). — ISBN-13 978–90–6450–701–4 UA–CST: GES 949.2 H 70 OVIN 2009
in lokaal onderzoekers AR
The later Wittgenstein on language / [edit.] Daniel Whiting. — Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. — 243 p. — (Philosophers in depth ; 2010: 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–230–21968–7
Les paysages urbains / Sylvie Rimbert. — Paris : Colin, 1973. — 240 p., ill. — (U prisme ; 2) UA–CST: MAG–Coll 518 X 2 DB: DB 915 RIMB EHC: A 239900:2 [M-426 f]
Ground-up city: play as a design tool / Liane Lefaivre ; Henk D¨oll. — Rotterdam : 010, 2007. — 127 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–90–6450–602–4 Artesis-OWAC: 34269
Advies over de kwaliteitsborging van de Monitor Agenda Vitaal Platteland / A.M. Schmidt ; L.A.E. Vullings. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 64 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 104) UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
in lokaal onderzoekers AR
De levende stad: over de hedendaagse betekenis van Jane Jacobs / [edit.] Simon Franke ; [edit.] Gert-Jan Hospers. — Amsterdam : SUN, 2009. — 199 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–8506–785–6
A confusion of the spheres: Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein on philosophy and religion / Genia Sch¨onbaumsfeld. — Oxford : Oxford University press, 2007. — 213 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–922982–6 UA–CST: FILO 19.8 G–SCHO 2007
UA–CST: GES 93 H 70 FRAN 2009
Hankar et l'hˆotel Ciamberlani: un palais d´eguis´e en maison de ville / Franc¸ois Loyer ; Vincent Heymans ; H´el`ene Gu´en´e ; [medew.] Franc¸oise Aubry ; [ill.] Mathias Nouel ; e.a. — Bruxelles : Apart´e, 2009. — 143 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–2–930327–24–2 EHC: 735814
Landschap als blinde vlek: een verkenning naar de relatie tussen ruimtelijke factoren en het vestigingsgedrag van buitenlandse bedrijven / J. Luttink ; B.C. Breman ; F.J.P. van den Bosch. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 70 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 99)
Die Stadt: ihre Erfindung in B¨uchern und Graphiken / [edit.] Ulrich Maximilian Schumann. — Z¨urich : gta, 2009. — 144 p., ill. — ETH Z¨urich. Graphische Sammlung. 2009/10/22 - 2009/11/20. — ISBN-13 978–3–85676–257–5 EHC: 735931
Steden / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Sue Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] John Lafhhey ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1974. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 27). — ISBN-10 90–204–0805–4 EHC: 736040
Bibliographia Serliana: catalogue des e´ ditions imprim´ees des livres du trait´e d'architecture de Sebastiano Serlio (1537–1681) / Magali V`ene. — Paris : Picard, 2007. — 192 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–2–7084–0758–9 ; ISBN-10 2–7084–0758–9
New state spaces: urban governance and the rescaling of statehood / Neil Brenner. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. — 351 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–19–927006–4 ; ISBN-13 978–0–19–927005–7 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–BREN 2009
MPM: BM 41961 EHC: 735414
Robert Smithson / Alexander Alberro ; Suzaan Boettger ; Mark Linder ; e.a. — Los Angeles : The Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004. — 280 p., ill. — Tentoonstelling: Museum of Contemporary Art [Los Angeles, Calif.]. 2004/09/12 2004/12/13 ; tentoonstelling: Dallas Museum of Art [Dallas]. 2005/01/14 - 2004/04/03 ; tentoonstelling: Whitney Museum of American Art [New York, N.Y.]. 2005/06/23 - 200510/16. — ISBN-10 0–520–24409–5 KdG–ABK: 709 SMIT Artesis-OWAC: 33350
De Willibrordkerk Almelo: het erfgoed van Dom Hans van der Laan, Jan de Jong en Th´eodore Strawinsky = The Willibrordkerk Almelo: the legacy of Dom. Hans van der Laan, Jan de Jong en Th´eodore Strawinsky / [compil.] Hans Holtmann. — Almelo : Woningstichting Sint Joseph, 2004. — 126 p., ill. — ISBN-10 90–804077–2–0 KMSKA: MONO–BB 7054
Aardrijkskunde The awkward spaces of fathering / Stuart C. Aitken. — Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. — 253 p. — ISBN-13 978–0–7546–7005–6 ; ISBN-13 978–0–7546–8821–1 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.1 G–AITK 2009
Leven in de stad: Rotterdam op weg naar het jaar 2000 / Peter Bultuis. — Rotterdam : 010, 1987. — 96 p., ill. — ISBN-10 90–6450–057–6 UA–CST: MAG–B 13611 DB: DB 915 BULT
Politicians, bureaucrats and leadership in organizations: lessons from regional planning in France / June Burnham. — Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. — 261 p. — (French politics, society and culture series ; 2009: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–230–20987–9 UA–CST: PSW 911.4 L–F–BURN 2009
Moderne handboeken der aardrijkskunde / Frans Camerlinckx ; Victor Coremans. — Jemappes-lez-Mons : Rorive-Vannuffelle. — 3 v. EHC: 729626 2–3
Geo-epistemology: Latin America and the location of knowledge / Claudio Canaparo. — Oxford : Lang, 2009. — 284 p. — (Hispanic studies: culture and ideas ; 23). — ISBN-13 978–3–03911–573–0 ; ISBN-10 3–03911–573–1 UA–CST: MAG–OW–B 61355
Het gulden tijdperk der ontdekkingsreizen ter zee in de 15e en 16e eeuw / A.E. Corn ; [ill.] R. Dozy. — Antwerpen : Opdebeek, 1943. — 183 p., ill. EHC: 735907
Cours sup´erieur de g´eographie a` l'usage de l'enseignement moyen du degr´e sup´erieur / Alexis-M. G. — Li`ege : Dessain, 1903. — 3 v., ill. — Edition annuelle ; titel varieert: Les 5 parties du monde EHC: 735962 2
Van dorp tot wereld: aardrijkskundig leer-, lees-, en documentatieboek / M. David ; A. Uyttersprot. — Antwerpen : Standaard, 1963. — ill. — (Handboeken voor de lagere school ; 1963: 1). — Met Werkboekje EHC: 735883 Werkboekje [2]:4
G´eographie a` l'usage des e´ coles primaires, des cours d'adultes et des classes inf´erieures de l'enseignement moyen / Alexis M.-G. — 34 ed. — Li`ege : Dessain, 1912. — ill. EHC: 735944 1
Exercices sur les particularit´es g´eographiques et historiques de la province de Namur / Th´eodore Derive. — Namur : G´erard, 1841. — 42 p. EHC: 735951:3 Convoluut
Belgi¨e blootgelegd / [medew.] Peter Vandermeersch. — Groot-Bijgaarden : VUM, 2003. — 16 gratis bijlagen bij de Standaard Artesis-BLS: BLS 90 G–BELG 2003 KdG–ABK: 980.2 BELG EHC: 736336
Din´amicas metropolitanas y estructuraci´on territorial: estudio comparativo M´exico-Francia / [edit.] Diana R. Villarreal Gonz´alez ; [edit.] Dominique Mignot ; [edit.] Daniel Hiernaux. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2003. — 310 p. — ISBN-10 970–701–325–7 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10491
De wijde wereld: aardrijkskundig leerleesboek / Marcel van Bouwel ; Rik Houbrechts. — Antwerpen : Sikkel, 1956. — 40 p. EHC: 735971
Diversidad rural: estrategias econ´omicas y procesos culturales / [edit.] Beatriz Canabal Cristiani ; [edit.] Gabriela Contreras P´erez ; [edit.] Arturo Le´on L´opez. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2006. — 435 p. — ISBN-10 970–722–395–2
Dwars door de Sahara / [edit.] Jennifer Lawson ; [edit.] Fred Kaufman ; [edit.] Christine Weber. — s.l. : National Geographic, 2001. — 1 DVD-video('s), 102 min. — (Best of National Geographic: ultimate collection ; 1). — Nederlands ondertiteld KdG–DLO: Afrika 995
Het creatieve geheugen: stadsinnovatieprojecten rond openbare bibliotheken en creatieve economie¨en / [edit.] Nathalie Vallet ; [edit.] Raf de Mey ; [edit.] Koenraad Marchand ; e.a. — Brussel : Politeia, 2010. — 232 p., ill. — ISBN-13 978–2–509–00547–2
Habitar y significar la ciudad / Ernesto Licona Valencia. — M´exico : Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa, 2007. — 210 p. — ISBN-13 978–970–31–0862–6 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10504
Lit mineur, lit majeur, lit voyageur. . . / [edit.] Corinne Beck ; [edit.] Fabrice Guizard-Duchamp ; [edit.] Jacques Heude ; Universit´e de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambr´esis ; Abbaye de Liessies ; Rencontres internationales de Liessies. — Villeneuve-d'Ascq : Revue du Nord, 2009. — ill. — (Revue du Nord: collection arch´eologie: hors s´erie ; 14) EHC: 736155
Ruimte maken voor de stad / Ilse Loots ; Erik van Hove. — Leuven : Garant, 1996. — 117 p. — ISBN-10 90–5350–486–9
KdG–IWT: 02
AHB: LZ–M 09.01 LOOTS 1996
EHC: 736401
UA–CST: PSW 301.185.2 G–LOOT 96 UA–CST: TEW 911.4 G–LOOT 96
State/space: a reader / [edit.] Neil Brenner ; [edit.] Bob Jessop ; [edit.] Martin Jones ; e.a. — Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2003. — 355 p. — ISBN-10 0–631–23034–3 ; ISBN-10 0–631–23033–5 UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–BREN 2003
Extreme dagen op de planeet aarde: indringers / [edit.] John Rubin. — s.l. : National Geographic, 2004. — 1 DVD-video('s), 51 min. — (Best of National Geographic: ultimate collection ; 5). — Nederlands ondertiteld KdG–DLO: 573.3
Extreme dagen op de planeet aarde: water op drift / [edit.] John Rubin. — s.l. : National Geographic, 2004. — 1 DVD-video('s), 51 min. — (Best of National Geographic: ultimate collection ; 12). — Nederlands ondertiteld KdG–DLO: 568.1
The global cities reader / [edit.] Neil Brenner ; [edit.] Roger Keil. — London : Routledge, 2010. — 436 p., ill. — (The Routledge urban reader series ; 2010: 1). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–32345–1 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–32344–4 UA–CST: PSW 301.185.2 G–BREN 2010
Governing the metropolis: principles and cases / [edit.] Eduardo Rojas ; [edit.] Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura ; [edit.] Jos´e Miguel Fern´andez G¨uell. — Washington, D.C. : Inter-American Development Bank, 2008. — 296 p. — ISBN-10 1–59782–070–9
DB: DB 915 LOOT BSA: LZ 305/151
Landschap als blinde vlek: een verkenning naar de relatie tussen ruimtelijke factoren en het vestigingsgedrag van buitenlandse bedrijven / J. Luttink ; B.C. Breman ; F.J.P. van den Bosch. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 70 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 99) UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
Mundializaci´on y diversidad cultural: territorio, identidad y poder en el medio rural mexicano / [edit.] Mar´ıa Tarr´ıo Garc´ıa ; [edit.] Sonia Comboni Salinas ; [edit.] Roberto Diego Quintana. — M´exico, D.F. : Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana, 2007. — 470 p. — (Colecci´on Teor´ıa y an´alisis ; 2007: 6). — ISBN-10 970–31–0551–3 UA–CST: MAG–MEX–B 10503
Agrarische architectuur in Vlaanderen / Katelijne Norga. — Brussek : Vlaams Bouwmeester. Vlaamse Overheid, 1000. — 72 p., ill. Artesis-OWAC: 34275
Oerwoud / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Sue Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] Isobel Beard ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1974. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 24). — ISBN-10 90–204–0801–1 EHC: 736037
UA–CST: PSW 911.4 G–ROJA 2008
Innovations in urban politics / [edit.] Jonathan S. Davies. — London : Routledge, 2009. — 146 p. — (Journal of European public policy series ; 2009: 2). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–49504–2 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–42088–4
Ongekend Leiden: het verleden in kaart / [edit.] Y.M.J. Lammers-Keijsers. — Leiden : Primavera, 2009. — 88 p., ill., DVD, 1 losse krt. — (Bodemschatten en bouwgeheimen ; 3). — ISBN-13 978–90–5997–082–3 KMSKA: MONO–BB 7097
UA–CST: PSW 301.188.2 G–DAVI 2009
De levende stad: over de hedendaagse betekenis van Jane Jacobs / [edit.] Simon Franke ; [edit.] Gert-Jan Hospers. — Amsterdam : SUN, 2009. — 199 p. — ISBN-13 978–90–8506–785–6 UA–CST: GES 93 H 70 FRAN 2009
G´eographie sp´eciale de la Belgique / G.-B.-J. Raingo. — Mons : Hoyois, 1834. — 25 p. EHC: 735951:4 Convoluut
Routeplan: in stroomversnelling naar 2012 / Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid van Antwerpen-Waasland. — Antwerpen : 2003. — 85 p., ill. AHB: LZ–M 02.04 RP 2003 UA–CST: MAG–B 54157 DB: DB 331 ROUT
Advies over de kwaliteitsborging van de Monitor Agenda Vitaal Platteland / A.M. Schmidt ; L.A.E. Vullings. — Wageningen : Alterra, 2009. — 64 p. — (WOT rapporten ; 104) UA–CDE: BC–C 9488
De wereldomvaarders: vermaarde zeereizen om den aardbol sedert Magelhans tot op onze dagen / Lodewijk van der Schoepen. — Mechelen : Dessain. — 166 p., ill. EHC: 735838
Spaces of neoliberalism: urban restructuring in North America and Western Europe / [edit.] Neil Brenner ; [edit.] Nik Theodore. — Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2010. — 294 p. — ISBN-13 978–1–4051–0105–9 UA–CST: PSW 911.4 G–BREN 2010
Strand / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] William Robertshaw ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1972. — 25 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 8). — ISBN-10 90–204–0784–8 EHC: 736011
Urban governance and democracy: leadership and community involvement / [edit.] Michael Haus ; [edit.] Hubert Heinelt ; [edit.] Murray Stewart. — London : Routledge, 2007. — 257 p. — (Routledge studies in governance and public policy ; 8). — ISBN-13 978–0–415–45979–2 ; ISBN-13 978–0–415–34361–9 UA–CST: PSW 35 G–HAUS 2007
Ruimtelijke planning / Ch. Vermeersch ; A. Desmet. — 2 ed. — Brugge : Die Keure, 1989. — 210 p. — (Ruimtelijke ordening en stedebouw ; 1989: 1). — ISBN-10 90–6200–301-X UA–CST: MAG–B 46774 DB: DB 910 VERM
Zee / [edit.] Peter Usborne ; [edit.] Su Swallow ; [edit.] Jennifer Vaughan ; [ill.] Bermejo ; [vert.] Annet Mons. — Wageningen : Veen, 1972. — 26 p., ill. — (Notedop serie ; 10). — ISBN-10 90–204–0784–8 EHC: 736013