Chair for Polymer Engineering UASc Windesheim
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Windesheim Lectoraten Research groups that are the UoASciences equivalent of the Scientific Universities Chairs About 30 Chairs (lectoraten) in the field of • Education • Entrepreneurship • Health and Welfare • Media • Security • Sport and Therapy • Technology • Theology
-ICT Innovations in Health Care -Area Development -Plastics Engineering Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Chair for Polymer Engineering Applied research team, founded 2009 by Windesheim at the request of “KvK”
Goal: To improve the knowledge of sustainable processing of plastics and composites in and through the higher educational system
Bridging the knowledge gap:
Output1: Research
Education Output2: employees of the future
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Chair for Polymer Engineering November 2014 12 lecturers, 5 junior researchers, 2 associates, 1 “lector” Multidisciplinary team Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Chair for Polymer Engineering Multidisciplinary research team: • Lecturers: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial product Design, Civil Engineering • Background in: mechanics, materials, industrial product design, CFD, physics, production / processing, civil engineering, building, sustainable energy, elastomers, biomedical engineering, aviation & aerospace, composites etc
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Chair for Polymer Engineering Knowledge partner
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Project Pipeline Sept 2012
Sustainable Processing
Jan 2013 Thermoplastic Composites
March 2015
Sept 2013 CBuiltEnv->Sept 2014 Sept 2013
->Sept 2015
Sept 2013
->Sept 2015
April 2014
Sept 2014 Recycling
->Sept 2016
->Sept 2016
Feb 2014 Biobridge->Jan 2015 April 2014
->Sept 2016
April2014 Applied Mechanics->Sept 2015 Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Sept 2014 Extrusion tools
->Dec 2016
Chair for Polymer Engineering Three layers of industry involvement: Partner companies (6) Project partners (90) Knowledge partners (15) Chair for Polymer Engineering
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Chair for Polymer Engineering Educational responsibilities: • Minor Polymer Product Engineering • Master Polymer Engineering Set up with Stenden UASc Emmen Course work by professors from RUG, TU Twente, WUR.
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Composites versus Steel
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Composites versus Steel Steel replacement projects Composites and Plastics in Applied Mechanics: Huidige constructie duur vanwege hoge onderhoudskosten
Slijtage (tribologie)
Huidige constructie langzaam vanwege hoog gewicht
Zware constructie
Huidige constructie kan niet worden uitgebreid vanwege gewicht
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Agressieve omgeving
Chemisch resistente kunststof
Licht gewicht kunststof (VVK) constructie
Composites versus Steel There is a lot to consider: Mechanical properties of composites are not a simple sum of its components • Incredible variation in material choice • Properties depend on the way the composite is made • Properties can change over time or upon use -> monitoring and repair • Properties other than mechanical/water or corrosion resistance. • Not a lot of standardisation yet. • Positive example, ACMA has succeeded in getting pultruded composites accepted in the building code.
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Composites versus Steel Steel replacement projects Civil Engineering:
Biobased bridge Zoo Emmen Rubber Bearing Pads
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Low thermal expansion bridge decks
Uitzettingsvrij composiet brugdek - Vezel → - CTE | matrix → + CTE - Meten met behulp van rekstrookjes - LCC => dure variant t.o.v. staal/beton - Beweegbare bruggen Invloed aramidevezel: verhouding uitzettingscoëfficiënten
Uitzettingsocëfficiënt x10E-6 mm/mm/°C
60 50 Atlac casting
AVK [0₄/90] AVK [0₆/90₂] AVK [0₂/90]
AVK [0₂] GVK*
Staal Extrapolatie Staal
10 0
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Cycli
Composiet gewapende oplegblokken - Staal vervangen door composiet - Lijmen en vulkaniseren - Norm: horizontale verplaatsing = 2x rubberhoogte
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Composites versus Steel Steel replacement project Thermoplastic Composites:
Wheelchair arm supports, Veldink
Bendable pipes, ICO
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Pulley block, Rondal
AC boxer, Novek
Composites versus Steel Steel replacement projects Composites and Plastics in Applied Mechanics:
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Composites ánd Steel Lessons learned: Considering design, material and process remains importance.
of key
Both have their place and in some occasions there is good potential for better structural performance when they are combined. Each case is different, but if your problem falls in the following category, you might be able solve it with composites. Huidige constructie duur vanwege hoge onderhoudskosten
Huidige constructie langzaam vanwege hoog gewicht
Windesheim zet kennis in werking
Huidige constructie kan niet worden uitgebreid vanwege
Slijtage (tribologie)
Zware constructie
Agressieve omgeving
Chemisch resistente kunststof
Licht gewicht kunststof (VVK) constructie