Regulations of the “Professional Golfers’ Association of Belgium” a.s.b.l./v.z.w.
GENERAL 1. Preliminary 1.1.
Members of the Association and Registered Trainees shall be referred to as “Members” unless the context requires otherwise.
These Regulations must be read in conjunction with the Constitution.
The Board of Directors may make alterations to these Regulations as and when considered necessary either so as to conform to any alterations to the Constitution of the Association or in pursuance of its duties to manage and administer the affairs of the Association.
Any Regulations passed by the Board of Directors in pursuance of its duties to manage and administer the affairs of the Association shall be binding on all Members.
Throughout the following Regulations, words importing the singular number only shall include the plural number, words importing the masculine gender only shall include the feminine gender and circumstances subject to the Regulations of individual Committees, i.e. the Training Committee and the Tournament Committee, shall refer to the “appropriate” Committee.
It is the duty of all Members to read and understand the Regulations of the Association and the Constitution pursuant to which the Regulations are made. As such, Registered Trainees will be considered as Members for the purpose of abiding by these Regulations.
All Regulations shall be capable of amendment by the appropriate Committee without reference to the Members in General Meeting, but all such amendments shall be subject to the approval and the agreement of the Board of Directors.
Because of the roots of golf and the international recognition of English as the golf language, the English text will be consulted in case of doubt about the interpretation of the text.
2. Regulations - Advice Any Member who has any doubt about the interpretation or significance of any Regulation should contact the National Headquarters for advice.
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PART 1 MEMBERSHIP REGULATIONS Categories of Membership (1-6) 1. PGA Golf Professional (Category A Member) 1.1.
Members who fulfil the requirements set by the PGA of Europe for GP(A)Q Professionals and are engaged principally at a PGA Approved Establishment (as referred to in Part 2).
Eligibility To be eligible for this class of Membership a person must have qualified through a PGA of Europe Approved Training Programme and follow the necessary courses in Further/Advanced Education.
Election and re-election A candidate applying for this class of membership will do so on the official form supplied by the Association. For re-election, he will require the signatures of two GP1-Members to propose and endorse the re-election application. The completed form should then be sent to the National Headquarters where the Board of Directors will consider the application and their decision will be notified in writing to the applicant.
Benefits of Membership Golf Professionals (GP) shall be entitled to the full benefits of membership (referred to as “Benefits of Membership) of an Effective Member; they may wear the Association Jacket and Tie; in tournaments they shall only represent the PGA Approved Establishment at which they are officially engaged. Only GPAQ Professionals can engage Trainees.
Status All PGA Golf Professionals (GP) are allocated a Class-A status numbered from 10 to 1 or an equivalent to the PGA of Europe Status. A PGA Golf Professional should accumulate a minimum of credits per year in “Continued Education”. The exact content and value of credits will be revised from time to time by the appropriate committee and published yearly.
2. PGA Tournament Professionals (Category B Member) 2.1.
Professional candidates for this class of membership must be a member of the PGA European Tour or Ladies European Tour or have resided in Belgium for at least five consecutive years. (Affiliate or Challenge Tour Members of either Tour are not considered eligible for this class of membership). Amateur candidates must be Belgian citizens, preferably be recommended by the Royal Belgian Golf Federation and hold a handicap of +0,5 or better. For that purpose they shall show a last 12month period proof of handicap.
Election or re-election A candidate applying for this class of membership will do so on the official form supplied by the Association. He will require the signatures of two Members. The completed form should then be sent to the National Headquarters where the Board of Directors will consider the application and their decision will be notified in writing to the applicant.
Benefits TP-Members will not be entitled to the full Benefits of Membership as referred to in paragraph 1.4. for a PGA Golf Professional. They may attend the Association Annual General Meeting but shall have no voting rights, may not propose or endorse applications for election or re-election. They may not take employment as a PGA or Teaching Professional or employ any PGA Professionals or Trainees.
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Conditions TP Membership will be for Tournament Playing Professionals only. They shall not take the duties of a PGA Golf Professional. TP Membership is on an annual basis. With exception of their first membership year, TP Members shall be required to play a minimum of 12 international tournaments from an International Approved Tour (see Part 5 II – 23.1) if they are to retain their membership. TP Members shall attend the first available seminars in the Education Programme on General Studies, Rules of Golf and Tournament Organisation and pass its exams before being admitted into another year.
Status TP-Members are allocated a TP-Status according to the level of the Tour with which they are affiliated.
3. Corporate Member (Category C Member) 3.1.
Members who are engaged outside the Association but hold a decisive position in the corporate world.
Eligibility To be eligible for this class of Membership a person must have been proposed by a Member of the Board of Governors.
Election or re-election No official form is required for this classification.
Benefits Corporate Members shall hold a position in the Board of Governors (as defined in the Constitution Part IV Articles 16-22).
4. Honorary Member (Category A Member) 4.1.
Those who in the opinion of the Board of Directors through their past or continuing Membership justify retaining the full privileges of Membership as Honorary Members.
Eligibility Any Member who is no longer eligible for any other class of membership and/or those who in the opinion of the Board of Directors through their past Membership and contribution to the Association justify retaining full privileges as Honorary Members.
Election or re-election No official form is required for this classification.
Benefits Honorary Members shall be entitled to the full Benefits of Membership as referred to in paragraph 1.4. for a PGA Golf Professional except that they may not propose or endorse applications for election or re-election.
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5. Affiliated Member (Category B Member) 5.1.
Any person who is ineligible for any other class of membership and/or those who work principally within the golf industry and who in the opinion of the Board of Directors warrant limited privileges of Affiliated Membership.
Election or re-election No official form is required for this classification
Benefits Affiliated Members will not be entitled to the full Benefits of Membership as referred to in paragraph 1.4. for a PGA Golf Professional. They may attend the Association Annual General Meeting but shall have no voting rights and may not propose or endorse applications for election or re-election. They may not play in Association Tournaments.
6. “Overseas” Member (Category B Member) 6.1.
Members who fulfil the requirements set by the PGA of Europe for GP(A)Q Professionals and are engaged principally at a PGA Approved Establishment (as referred to in Part 2) outside Belgium and/or have their official address outside Belgium.
Eligibility To be eligible for this class of Membership a person must have qualified through a PGA of Europe Approved Training Programme and follow the necessary courses in Further/Advanced Education.
Election A candidate applying for this class of membership will do so on the official form supplied by the Association. The completed form should then be sent to the National Headquarters where the Board of Directors will consider the application and their decision will be notified in writing to the applicant.
Benefits of Membership Overseas Members will not be entitled to the full Benefits of Membership as referred to in paragraph 1.4. for a PGA Golf Professional. They may attend the Association Annual General Meeting but shall have no voting rights, may not propose or endorse applications for election or re-election. They may wear the Association Jacket and Tie.
Status All PGA Golf Professionals (GP) are allocated a Class-A status numbered from 10 to 1 or an equivalent to the PGA of Europe Status. A PGA Golf Professional should accumulate a minimum of credits per year in “Further/Advanced Education”. The exact content and value of credits will be revised from time to time by the appropriate committee and published yearly.
7. Code of Ethics Every Member is deemed to have accepted the Articles of the Association and the present Regulations and undertakes to follow the Code of Ethics that is found in Part 4 of the Regulations.
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8. Entrance & Subscription Fees 8.1. 8.2.
Newly elected Members shall pay an Entrance Fee of EUR 350,00. Annual subscriptions for Members shall fall due on December 15 of each year, unless otherwise determined by the Articles or by the Board of the Association. They shall be such, as the Annual General Meeting shall resolve on the Board of Director’s proposal.
No subscription shall fall due from Honorary, Affiliated and Corporate Members. Overseas Members shall pay 50% of the Membership Fee.
Advance notice of the annual subscriptions due together with an official form of subscription shall be sent to all Members other than Honorary, Affiliated and Corporate Members.
Members elected on or after July 1 in any year shall pay half the subscription appropriate to their class of Membership. Those elected after October 31 shall pay their first subscription in respect of the following year commencing on January 1.
All subscriptions paid later than 15 days of the expiry date will automatically and without notice be raised with € 50 administration costs. If the subscription and raise mentioned above are not paid by 28 February the Member will be deemed to resign.
The Board of Directors may in exceptional circumstances extend the period for payment of the subscription by a Member.
9. Use of Association Name 9.1.
A Member shall not, in the course of any trade, make use of any business or trading name similar or likely to be confused with the names PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS’ ASSOCIATION OF BELGIUM or PGA OF BELGIUM.
At any time after ceasing to be a Member for any reason, and during any period of suspension, a Member or former Member shall not:
in the course of any trade, make use of any business or trading name similar or likely to be confused with the names PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS’ ASSOCIATION OF BELGIUM or PGA OF BELGIUM; and
in any way hold himself out as a Member of the Association or representing or connected with the Association.
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PART 2 PGA APPROVED ESTABLISHMENTS 1. A PGA Approved Establishment refers to either: 1.1. A “PGA Approved Club” 1.2. A “PGA Approved Driving Range” 1.3. A “PGA Approved Teaching Centre”
2. PGA Approved Club A PGA Approved Club must have: 2.1.
a current PGA Member engaged principally at the establishment; and
all teaching of golf conducted by current Members of a recognised Professional Golfers’ Association.
a golf course comprising a minimum of nine holes, which must be affiliated to the Royal Belgian Golf Federation, and any subsequent Regional Federation.
3. PGA Approved Driving-Range A PGA Approved Driving-Range must have: 3.1.
a current PGA Member engaged principally at the establishment; and
all teaching of golf conducted by current Members of a recognised Professional Golfers’ Association.
a minimum of ten covered bays and be affiliated to the Royal Belgian Golf Federation and any subsequent Regional Federation.
4. PGA Approved Teaching Centre A PGA Approved Teaching Centre must have: 4.1.
a current PGA Member engaged principally at the establishment; and
all teaching of golf conducted by current Members of a recognised Professional Golfers’ Association.
suitable facilities and safety provisions to allow the use of conventional golf balls.
a reception and waiting area which avoids possible danger to members of the public visiting the centre.
5. Other Golfing Establishments Any other establishment concerned to a significant extent with golf, as the Board shall from time to time, either in relation to individual establishments or to classes of establishments, designate. In relation to
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such establishments, the Board may from time to time by regulation specify the minimum standards required.
1. Education Committee: committee appointed by the PGA Board of Directors 2. Training Officer: person appointed by the PGA Education Committee 3. Education Program: The PGA of Belgium’s Education Program for Golf Professionals including its future amendments and modifications. 4. Golf Period : defined time in which a level is trained 5. Level: Subject Year I. EDUCATION PROGRAM
1. The Education Program has been set up by the PGA of Belgium in order to define and implement the standards of competence and knowledge required to enhance and improve the practise of golf and the levels of training and assistance available to the golf player. It focuses on the support and proof of competence in the profession of a Golf Professional. 2. The function of Golf Professional requires qualifications and knowledge at least in the following branches: • General Golf Knowledge • Club repair & Custom Fitting • Golf course management • Rules of Golf • Tournament organization • Business Management applied to Golf • Sports science applied to Golf • Ongoing Playing ability • Teaching skills and methods • General sports by Bloso/Adeps The contents of the Education Program and the training schedule are attached as Appendix I. to the present agreement. At any time and at its sole discretion, the PGA may modify, amend, complete or reduce the contents of the Education Program and the training schedule and will inform the trainee, the Pro and the Club. On a case by case basis and upon written request, the trainee may be exempted from certain courses or duties provided that the trainee has already successfully completed a training or education with similar contents as those encompassed within the Education Program and for the exemption of which an application has been filed. Said exemption does not extend to seminars and examinations in said branches. The exemptions are granted or refused by the Education Committee which decisions in that matter are final.
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3. The Education Program encompasses seminars which will be held over 2 years and will take place during 3 to 4 weekly Courses; the duration, dates and contents/subjects thereof will be determined by the Education Committee at the beginning of each period. Attendance at all seminars is compulsory for the trainee. Arrival of the trainee at a seminar with a delay exceeding 15 minutes will be assimilated with a no-show. Seminars may be added or withdrawn by the Education Committee upon approval by the PGA’s Board of Directors. Agenda and organization of the seminars will be communicated by the PGA to the trainee in due time. 4. Some modules of the Education Program carry a work assignment, which has to be completed and rendered by the date set by the training officer. Any assignment rendered past said date is considered as not accomplished and will not carry points. 5. Exams take place each year in March; re-sit exams take place each year in April/May. Date and location of exams and/or re-sits will be notified to the Trainee at least one calendar month in advance. The pass mark for each major subject is 70% and for each minor subject 50% (see programme). Theoretical exams are taken in writing. Practical exams are taken in practical demonstrations and/or oral exams. Exams carry 70% of the total of each subject; assignments carry the remaining 30% of each subject. Exams are divided in period exams, to be taken in order to pass to the next level and final exams at the end of the Program, after successful accomplishment of the second level. Retake exams for which the pass mark has not been reached must be re-taken at the next following exam session but remain attached to the level in the course of which they should have been passed. Level 2 subjects MUST ALL be passed before going into Level 3. Furthermore, before being admitted into Level 3, a Trainee shall have passed all exams for Trainer B/ Moniteur. Failure to pass the Trainer B/Moniteur exams within the normal time frame will be considered as a failed Level. In Level 3 any failed subject will be taken into a Retake Year where only the failed subject must be retaken. The cost will be charged pro rata to the full curriculum. The Playing Ability Test has to be successfully accomplished before entering the Program in Level 2. A tournament history over the past 12 month period before application must show 3 scores of a maximum total of +9 to the Course Ratings in FEDERAL AND/OR PGA COMPETITIONS. To be admitted to the Final Exam, the Trainee has to: • Have successfully passed all previous yearly Exams for the 3 levels, general ànd specific. • Paid all Education fees and subscription fees in full In consideration of exceptional circumstances, the Education Committee may waive all or part of the above conditions; it’s decisions on that matter being final. The Final Exam consists in a written thesis by the Trainee and the oral presentation and defending thereof before a jury appointed by PGA encompassing at least 3 jurors, members of the Royal Belgian Golf Federation and/or PGA. During the 2 first months of the second level, the Trainee submits to the Education Committee the subject and the title of the thesis which will be refused or accepted by the Committee within 15 calendar days of the submission. In case of refusal, the Trainee submits an alternate subject and title; in case of refusal thereof, subject and title will be determined by the Education Committee and
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imposed upon the Trainee. The Trainee submits the written thesis to the Education Committee before starting the Level 3 courses. Date and location of the oral defending are notified to the Trainee not less than 15 calendar days preceding the scheduled date. The pass mark is 70%; the written thesis and oral defending counting for 50% each. After successful oral defending, the written thesis may become public and accessible to all PGA-members and Trainees. A candidate will have the right to 1 Retake and 1 Final Retake. 6. The Education Program language is English. Upon request, the trainee may submit any written work in either of the national languages of personal preference; i.e. French, Dutch or German. HEADPRO 1.
The Headpro will: •
• •
• • • • •
Carry out the teaching part of the Program and take care and endeavour that the Trainee is being taught the abilities and skills necessary to the successful (without obligation of result) accomplishment the Program Organize the training accordingly to the regulations of the Education Committee under the training guidelines issued by PGA and/or the Education Committee Exempt the Trainee from duties and learning for taking external seminars and exams as well for the journey forth and back thereto, as well as to participate in the PGA Championships and all Qualifying Competitions. Hand over jobs and tasks meeting the purpose of the Program Provide the complimentary use of the driving range, course and all other training facilities of the club as well as other facilities necessary or useful available to the Headpro Inform PGA as of the leaving of his/her place of traineeship by the Trainee and also stating his/her status Attend one information seminar per year organized by PGA, usually in the course of September Make an annual report CLUB
The Club acknowledges the present agreement and its contents.
Without interference to the Club’s actual working, the Club will make available to the Headpro and the Trainee the infrastructure and assistance required for the performance of the present agreement.
The Club will subscribe insurance for its civil liability for material or personal damages caused by the Trainee to third parties within the area of the Club.
Exempt the Trainee from duties and learning for taking external seminars and exams as well for the journey forth and back thereto, as well as to participate in the PGA Championships and all Qualifying Competitions. TRAINEE
The Trainee acknowledges having received a full set of the Regulations and the Bylaws of PGA.
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PGA will inform the Trainee about any modification thereof occurring during his participation in the Program. The compulsory abidance of said Regulations and Bylaws does not automatically entail membership of the Trainee with PGA. 2.
The Trainee will endeavour to learn and acquire the required abilities necessary to terminate successfully the Program. Among others, he will: • • • • • • •
Participate at all seminars and exams at which he/she has been requested to attend Abide to all Rules &Regulations and Bylaws of PGA and the RBGF, even if the Trainee does not possess the quality of member thereof. Abide to all rules, regulations or instructions pertaining to the Program by the Headpro or other authorized persons Abide to all safety requirements, rules or regulations at the place of training and within the area and installations of the Club Abide at any time to Golf Etiquette and Fair Play Enhance and maintain the confidence of third parties in all internal workings of the Headpro, the Club and his/her colleagues. Make himself/herself available to PGA for a maximum of five days per year during the Program
The Trainee will inform the Headpro and the Education Committee if he/she is unable to attend.
In case of the Trainee losing contractual status with the Headpro, he/she will be granted unattached status until another position is found and for a duration not exceeding six month. Each contractual agreement entered into by the Trainee has to be agreed upon by the Education Committee. The Trainee will inform the Education Committee within seven days of any change in status.
The Trainee is not allowed to teach unsupervised upon successfully passed Level 2 of the Program; after successfully passing the exams of Level 2, he/she will be allowed to give a limited number, to be determined by the Education Committee, of private tuition. Private tuition may only be given if the Trainee has previously registered with VAT-Administration and obtained a personal VAT number.
During the period that the Trainee is in Level 2 or 3, he/she will participate in the yearly PGA Championships and 2 Qualifying Competitions per year according to the conditions of competition of the said tournament.
MISCELLANEOUS 1. Before October 1st of the current year and prior to the effectiveness of the present Training Agreement, the trainee will file the documents hereafter with PGA : • Copy of ID card • Copy of school diploma • Copy of the Initiator Golf diploma • 12 month history showing 3 scores totalling a maximum of +9 to the Course Ratings • For Trainees of foreign nationality: official authorisation to sojourn in Belgium for the duration of the Program
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2. With regard to PGA, the cost of the full Program is established at € 7.995,00.- + VAT and exclusive of the annual PGA Subscription, to be paid according to the following schedule: • € 4.000,00.- + VAT prior to the effectiveness of the present agreement • € 3.995,00.- + VAT before November 15th of the following year This includes all courses, exams and course literature. Re-take exams are charged € 50,00.- + VAT each, payable prior to the exam. The PGA Annual Subscription is set at € 138,00.- and payable according to the PGA Rules & Regulations. This amount is attached to the Consumers’ Index (CPI/IPC) and is annually adjustable and will be mentioned on the yearly Subscription Form. The PGA may change the amounts here above for each following Golf Period; said changes are to be notified not later than 30 calendar days before the end of the then current Golf Period. Unless stated otherwise by PGA, all payments by the Trainee to PGA are to be effected on the following account: ING 330-0650275-41. IBAN: BE88 3300 6502 7541 BIC: BBRUBEBB All payments made by the Trainee under the current clause are not refundable, even for reasons of Force Majeure, failure or no-show of the Trainee at seminars, exams or other compulsory activities, resignation or exclusion of the Trainee, or dispute with PGA regarding the Program, its modification, organisation or execution. In case of suspension for serious reasons of one Program year by the Trainee, notified to the Education Committee before October 15th of the then current Program Year, the amount paid for the year will be reported to the next following year; in case of the Trainee not resuming the Program for the next following Program year, the amount is considered as definitively acquired to PGA and not refundable. 3. The Trainee may suspend the Program for one Program year for imperious or serious reasons, upon request filed with the Education Committee which grants or rejects the suspension. The Education Committee may grant exemption for seminars, assignments and work successfully accomplished by the Trainee during the Program year for the remainder of which suspension has been granted. Suspension may only be granted once and for a period of one year, which may be increased by the remaining duration of the Program year in the course of which the suspension has been granted, provided the suspension has taken effect after October 15th of the considered year. All decisions of the Education Committee regard suspensions and their consequences are at the sole discretion of the Education Committee and are final. 4. PGA may exclude the Trainee from the Program for serious reasons. The exclusion is decided by the Education Committee. The excluded Trainee may appeal against the exclusion before the Board of Directors of PGA, or an ad hoc commission composed by three Directors designated by the Board. The appeal has to be filed with PGA within seven working days as of the day following the notification of the exclusion to the Trainee. In both cases, the Trainee right is granted to the Trainee to be heard previously to the decision about his proposed exclusion. The Trainee may take counsel. Pending the decision about the Trainee’s exclusion, the Education Committee may suspend the Trainee from the Education Program; the Committee’s provisional decision in this matter being final. Serious reasons justifying a possible exclusion are, among others: • Gross misconduct • Serious breach of PGA rules and regulations Rules & Regulations – Edition 2011
• • • • • •
Violation of Golf ethics and standards of conduct appropriated for a Golf Professional Personal conduct such as to impair the image of Golf in the public eye or impair the image of PGA or Royal Belgian Golf Federation or its members Commission of a criminal offence within the limits of a Golf Club and its area or any public place or localisation dedicated to Golf Non-compliance with written reminders and warnings of the Education Committee regarding improper behaviour or compliance with rules and/or regulations Default of payment of the cost of the Program Etc.
5. Insurance: all Trainees shall subscribe to a Professional Liability Insurance. PGA will offer such insurance without obligation. Trainees who choose to take a different insurance shall send a copy to PGA HQ. 6. After successful completion of the Program and the final exams, PGA will issue the Trainee a certificate stating that the Trainee has successfully completed the Program and is entitled to the profession of Club Professional. 7. The present agreement does not constitute and may not be construed as an employment contract between the Trainee and the Headpro and/or the Trainee and the Club. 8. Effectiveness of the present agreement is subject to its approval by the Education Committee. 9. All communications and notifications are validly made by e-mail and/or letter at the addresses set out for each party under the introductory heading of the present agreement. Any notification under Article 10 of the present agreement has to be effected by Registered Mail and Ordinary Mail. Any modification of said addresses has to be notified to all Parties without delay. 10. Any dispute with regard to the Program arising between the Headpro and the Trainee and/or the Club and the Trainee shall be submitted to the Education Committee which will endeavour to resolve the dispute through amicable settlement. PGA and the Trainee will endeavour to reach an amicable settlement for any dispute arising between them with regard to the conclusion, the construction, the execution, the cancellation or the termination of the present agreement. If such a settlement is not reached, the dispute shall be submitted to a Board of three Arbitrators wherein one arbitrator is designated by each party, the third arbitrator being nominated by the arbitrators designated by the parties. The arbitrators have to be members of a recognized Golf Federation. The decision of the Board of Arbitrators is final.
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PART 4 DISCIPLINARY MATTERS 1. Responsibility for discipline 1.1.
Disciplinary matters are the responsibility of the Board of Directors of the Association.
Conduct on the part of any Member that in the opinion of the Board is likely to injure or discredit the reputation of the Association, or any of its Members, is liable to result in disciplinary action.
Each Member of the Association has an obligation to report any violation of the Articles or the Regulations of the Association to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
2. Disciplinary procedures 2.1.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be entrusted with the disciplinary cases as a result of a written complaint.
If in the opinion of the Chairman an enquiry is required, he shall appoint a Director of the Association who shall report to the Board of Directors. When the reporting Director ceases to be a Director, the Board of Directors shall appoint a new reporting Director who will proceed with the enquiry. The subject shall be informed of the enquiry.
The reporting Director shall proceed to take any action useful to the discovery of the truth. The subject of the enquiry must be invited to explain himself and to assert his means of defence. The plaintiff and witnesses may be heard. Their testimony shall be acted in minutes and signed.
When the enquiry is completed, the Director shall report to the Chairman of the Board of Directors who shall decide on what to do:
Without prejudice to exercising its prerogatives, the Chairman of the Board of Directors may consider that the matter needs not to be pursued;
If he considers that the subject needs to be prosecuted and needs to appear before the Board of Directors that will reside as a court of law, he shall inform the subject of the facts about which he is expected to explain himself. Experts may assist the Board of Directors. The convocation shall also contain the date, time and place of the session. The Board convokes the plaintiff and the witnesses if their deposition is deemed to be useful, in spite of the enquiry that has taken place. If witnesses should be heard, their list shall be notified to the subject. The subject may request that his own witnesses be heard. The subject may be assisted by a counsel. The file shall be put at the disposal of the subject and his counsel, at least 14 days before the hearing, without movement. The Board may also authorise that a copy of the file may be delivered to the counsel on terms and costs decided by it. The proceedings before the Board are public, unless the subject requests that they not are, or unless the Board decides that they should not be for one of the reasons given in Article 6 of the Agreement on the Protection of Human Rights and of Fundamental Freedoms. Any objections the subject might have as to the presence of a Director on the Board shall be acknowledged. The Board may reject such challenges by reasoned decision, just as it has the Rules & Regulations – Edition 2011
right to refuse any abstentions requested by one of its Members. The subject may be present during the hearing and may be assisted by a counsel. In the cases for which the subject has been convoked, the Director shall read his report. Witnesses are heard and their depositions signed by them and countersigned by the Chairman of the hearing and the Chief Executive. Witnesses may be invited to depose under oath. The subject and counsel present their means of defence and file any documents that they consider useful to the case. The Board shall then discuss the case. The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the reporting Director will take part in the debates but not in the deliberation: they will retire. At that moment the eldest Director present will take the chair. If facts or arguments are used which had not been notified to the subject or counsel, the Chairman of the hearing, after having reopened the proceedings, shall disclose the new elements of the case in order to allow the subject and counsel to explain themselves. When the sentence is not pronounced immediately, the subject will be informed of the date of pronunciation. The decision will be reasoned. The verdict will be pronounced publicly, unless the subject has explicitly waived this prerogative, what will be minuted. The Board of Directors can, by reasoned decision, order that the decision shall be pronounced behind closed doors, on ground of a reason in art. 6.1 of the Agreement on the Protection of Human Rights. Within 8 days of the pronunciation the Chief Executive informs the subject and possibly his counsel of the sentence. The period in which the sentence shall be notified starts on the day on which the Board, residing as court of law, pronounces the sentence. Notification of sentences in disciplinary matters is done by registered mail, and a certified copy thereof is sent to the Chief Executive of the Association. Any sentence inflicting a disciplinary penalty shall mention that it is enforceable after a period of appeal and that that period is 15 days as of the notification of the decision. The Chairman may inform the plaintiff of the fact that a sentence has been pronounced and of all or part of its content. The Chief Executive of the Association shall file a copy of the sentence in the subject’s personal file as soon as the sentence will have become final. The appeal against a sentence pronounced by the Board of Directors, residing as court of law, shall again be assigned to the Board of Directors. The subject and his counsel shall be convoked and the file shall be presented as in the first instance. Opposition is sent by registered mail to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The right to appeal has been fixed at EUR 625,00. This amount must be transferred onto the account of the Association and will be acquired if the sentence is retained or aggravated. Upon receipt of the opposition the Chairman shall convoke the General Meeting that will decide on the appeal. The procedure for convocation shall be the same as in the first instance. The members of the Board of Directors, the Chairman and the reporting Director who have sit in the first instance cannot participate in the deliberation. They shall retire. The decision of the General Meeting will be pronounced in the same manner as the decision of the Board of Directors to which was opposed. No legal opposition to this decision shall be possible.
3. Code of Ethics 3.1.
A Member shall at all times, both on and off the golf course, conduct himself in a manner which reflects favourably on the game of golf, upon fellow Members and upon the Association and failure to do so shall render the Member liable to disciplinary action.
A Member shall be liable to disciplinary action if he has been found guilty of conduct likely to injure or discredit the reputation of the Association or any of its Members or is contrary to the policy or
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objects of the Association or he wilfully violates or disregards the Constitution of the Association or any Regulations made pursuant to it.
A Member shall be liable to disciplinary action by the Association if he:
commits a serious breach or persistent breaches of any Association Tournament Conditions and Local Rules as defined by the Association in accordance with Regulation Part 5C; or
commits a serious breach of the Rules of Golf established by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and in force at the time.
Critical or derogatory statements about the Association’s affairs should be made through the appropriate channels of the appropriate Committee rather than through the media. The writer of any article is obliged to check with the Chief Executive of the Association to ensure that the information given in articles is true and correct.
4. Disciplinary penalties 4.1.
The Board of Directors may either warn, reprimand, fine or suspend for a period not exceeding one year. These penalties have no effect on those that have been explicitly provided in Part 5B Tournament Regulations and will be enforceable immediately and without appeal.
Suspensions shall be mentioned against the Member’s name in a register kept at the registered office of the Association and which Members can consult.
Sentences by the Board of Directors, residing as court of law, as well as by the General Meeting, residing as court of law, shall be notified by the Chief Executive, by registered mail, to the Board of the Club with which the Member is affiliated and also to the Royal Belgian Golf Federation.
5. Members’ responsibilities 5.1.
Members must report details of any conviction of a criminal offence to the Chief Executive immediately following their conviction.
Members must report any violation of the Constitution or Regulations of the Association, or conduct likely to injure or discredit the Association to the Chief Executive. In this context Members must make known their knowledge of any conviction by a court of law or possible criminal record of any Member or prospective applicant for membership.
Members are advised that if they wish to visit a club and/or play on a course other than their own they should adopt the following procedures:
If they are engaged in any professional activity whatsoever they must discuss the nature of their visit and any business they plan to transact with the club responsible before confirming their arrangements;
Telephone in advance to ensure the visit can be accommodated;
Make the appropriate introductions to the club responsible on arrival; and
produce a current membership card or registration document to substantiate identity. When the payment of a green fee is required, one shall pay without discussion. A Member who fails to follow the procedure above is liable to disciplinary action by the Association.
Rules & Regulations – Edition 2011
Members must at all times display good manners, etiquette and conduct and present them in a manner, which is in keeping with the traditional status of the Professional Golfers’ Association.
Jeans and training shoes are not acceptable dress for a Member of the Association. Earrings and unkempt long hair are not in keeping with the image of a male Member of the Association. Members must also comply with the etiquette and dress requirements in the Regulations Part 5AC for tournaments.
6. Fines 6.1.
All fines shall be paid within 14 days of the date of issue. Fines not paid within 30 days will automatically and without notice be raised with € 50 administration costs. If the fine and raise as mentioned above are not paid within 60 days the raise will be € 100 and a registered letter will be sent. If within a month of sending a registered letter full payment as defined above has not been received, the Member will be deemed to resign.
7. Flemish Doping Tribunal 7.1.
European Tour Card Holders who are tested positive on doping while participating an event in Flanders are subject to appearance before the Flemish Doping Tribunal. All other cases on doping will be handled by the Flemish Government.
Dit reglement is van toepassing op elke sporter die onder de verantwoordelijkheid van deze sportvereniging valt en door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap op de hoogte werd gebracht van zijn kwalificatie als elitesporter en elke begeleider die onder de verantwoordelijkheid van deze sportvereniging valt.
De in artikel 1 vermelde sporter die de in artikel 1 vermelde kwalificatie als elitesporter betwist, kan overeenkomstig artikel 34 van het decreet van 13 juli 2007 inzake medisch verantwoorde sportbeoefening, binnen de veertien dagen volgend op de kennisgeving, beroep aantekenen bij de disciplinaire commissie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap.
De disciplinaire vervolging en bestraffing van dopingpraktijken gepleegd door de in artikel 1 vermelde sporter, verloopt volgens het procedurereglement van het disciplinair orgaan van de vzw Vlaams Doping Tribunaal, die door deze sportvereniging belast werd met het organiseren van de disciplinaire procedure betreffende dopingpraktijken gepleegd door de in artikel 1 vermelde elitesporter. De disciplinaire vervolging en bestraffing van dopingpraktijken gepleegd door de in artikel 1 vermelde begeleider, verloopt volgens het procedurereglement van het disciplinair orgaan van deze sportvereniging.
§1. Het in artikel 3 vermelde disciplinair orgaan zal de in overtreding bevonden sporter of begeleider veroordelen tot het terugbetalen van het geheel of een deel van de kosten van de dopingcontroles, aan degene die de kosten van deze controles heeft gedragen en de in overtreding bevonden sporter of begeleider daarenboven een straf opleggen overeenkomstig §2 tot en met §7 van dit artikel. §2. Met uitzondering van de specifieke stoffen waarnaar verwezen wordt in paragraaf 3, en behoudens de toepassing van paragraaf 5 of 6 wordt twee jaar uitsluiting opgelegd voor een overtreding als vermeld in artikel 3, 1°, 2° en 6°, van het decreet.
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§3. De verboden lijst kan specifieke stoffen vermelden die gemakkelijk kunnen leiden tot het onbedoeld overtreden van antidopingregels doordat ze veel worden gebruikt in medicijnen of waarvan het minder waarschijnlijk is dat ze met succes worden gebruikt als doping. Als een sporter of begeleider kan aantonen hoe een specifieke stof in zijn of haar lichaam is binnengekomen of in zijn of haar bezit is gekomen, en dat die specifieke stof niet bedoeld was om de sportprestaties van de sporter te verbeteren of het gebruik van een prestatieverbeterende stof te maskeren, wordt de uitsluitingsperiode vermeld in paragraaf 2 van dit artikel vervangen door minimaal een berisping en maximaal twee jaar uitsluiting voor een eerste overtreding. Om een opheffing of een vermindering te rechtvaardigen, moet de sporter of begeleider zijn of haar verklaring staven met bewijsmateriaal waaruit tot volle tevredenheid van het disciplinair orgaan blijkt dat er geen sprake was van een intentie om de sportprestatie te verbeteren of het gebruik van een prestatieverbeterende stof te maskeren. De ernst van de fout van de sporter of begeleider geldt als criterium om te beslissen tot een eventuele vermindering van de uitsluitingsperiode. §4. Voor overtredingen als vermeld in artikel 3, 3° en 5°, van het decreet, geldt, behoudens de toepassing van paragraaf 5 of 6, twee jaar uitsluiting. Voor overtredingen als vermeld in artikel 3, 7° en 8°, van het decreet, wordt, behoudens de toepassing van paragraaf 5, een periode van uitsluiting opgelegd van minimaal vier jaar en maximaal levenslang. Een dopingpraktijk waarbij een minderjarige betrokken is, wordt als een bijzonder ernstige overtreding beschouwd en leidt, indien zij is gepleegd door een begeleider van de sporter en betrekking heeft op andere stoffen dan de op de verboden lijst vermelde specifieke stoffen, tot levenslange uitsluiting voor de begeleider. Voor overtredingen als vermeld in artikel 3, 4°, van het decreet, is de periode van uitsluiting minimaal één jaar en maximaal twee jaar, afhankelijk van de schuldgraad van de sporter. §5. In de volgende gevallen wordt de periode van uitsluiting niet toegepast of verminderd op grond van uitzonderlijke omstandigheden: 1° als de sporter of begeleider in een individueel geval kan aantonen dat hem geen schuld treft of nalatigheid te verwijten is voor de overtreding, vervalt de periode van uitsluiting die normaal van toepassing was. In geval van een overtreding van een antidopingregel als vermeld in artikel 3, 1°, van het decreet, moet de sporter aanvullend aantonen hoe de verboden stof in zijn lichaam is terechtgekomen opdat de periode van uitsluiting kan vervallen. Als de periode van uitsluiting vervalt, telt de overtreding van de antidopingregel niet mee voor het vaststellen van de periode van uitsluiting die geldt voor overtredingen als vermeld in paragraaf 7; 2° als de sporter of begeleider in een individueel geval voor een overtreding van een antidopingregel kan aantonen dat hem geen significante schuld treft of nalatigheid te verwijten is voor de overtreding, kan de periode van uitsluiting worden verminderd tot maximaal de helft. Als de periode van uitsluiting levenslang is, mag de verminderde periode niet korter zijn dan acht jaar. In geval van een overtreding van een antidopingregel als vermeld in artikel 3, 1°, van het decreet, moet de sporter bijkomend aantonen hoe de verboden stof in zijn lichaam is terechtgekomen voordat de periode van uitsluiting kan worden verminderd; 3° als een sporter of begeleider vrijwillig een dopingpraktijk bekent voor hem een monsterneming wordt aangekondigd die een dopingpraktijk zou kunnen aantonen (of, als het een andere dopingpraktijk betreft dan die welke vermeld in artikel 3, 1° van het decreet, voor hij de eerste kennisgeving van de toegegeven overtreding ontvangt) en die bekentenis het enige betrouwbare bewijs is van de overtreding op het ogenblik van de bekentenis, kan de uitsluitingsperiode worden verminderd, maar de uitsluitingsperiode kan nooit minder lang zijn dan de helft van de uitsluitingsperiode die normaal van toepassing is; 4° voor een vermindering of schorsing op basis van paragraaf 5, 2° of 3° wordt toegepast, moet de normaal toepasselijke uitsluitingsperiode worden bepaald in overeenstemming met paragraaf 2, 3, 4 en 6. Als de sporter of begeleider aanspraak maakt op een vermindering of opschorting van de uitsluitingsperiode op basis van twee of meer van de criteria vermeld in 2° of 3° van paragraaf 5, kan de uitsluitingsperiode worden verminderd of opgeschort, maar de uitsluitingsperiode kan nooit minder lang zijn dan een vierde van de uitsluitingsperiode die normaal van toepassing is. §6. Als in een individueel geval waar er sprake is van een andere dopingpraktijk dan de overtredingen, vermeld in artikel 3, 7°, en artikel 3, 8°, van het decreet, wordt vastgesteld dat er Rules & Regulations – Edition 2011
verzwarende omstandigheden zijn die de oplegging van een langere uitsluitingsperiode dan de standaardsanctie rechtvaardigen, moet de normaal toepasselijke uitsluitingsperiode worden verlengd tot maximaal vier jaar tenzij de sporter of begeleider tot volle tevredenheid van het disciplinaire orgaan kan bewijzen dat hij de dopingpraktijk niet opzettelijk heeft begaan. Een sporter of begeleider kan de toepassing van deze paragraaf voorkomen, als hij de beweerde dopingpraktijk onmiddellijk bekent na door de opdrachtgever met de overtreding te zijn geconfronteerd. §7. In geval van meervoudige overtredingen worden de volgende regels in acht genomen: 1° voor de eerste dopingpraktijk van een sporter of begeleider wordt de uitsluitingsperiode, vastgelegd in paragraaf 2 en 4 (vatbaar voor opheffing, vermindering of opschorting volgens paragraaf 3 en 5, of voor verlenging volgens paragraaf 6). Voor een tweede dopingpraktijk geldt een uitsluitingsperiode die in overeenstemming is met de onderstaande tabel: tweede overtreding VSS
eerste overtreding VSS AGC GSS St VS HT
1-4 2-4 2-4 4-6 8-10 10- lev 1-4 4-8 4-8 6-8 10- lev lev 1-4 4-8 4-8 6-8 10- lev lev 2-4 6-8 6-8 8- lev lev lev 4-5 10- lev 10- lev lev lev lev 8- lev lev lev lev lev lev
In de tabel voor de tweede dopingpraktijk wordt verstaan onder: a) cijfers / “lev”: aantal jaren uitsluiting; b) -: tot; c) lev: levenslange; d) VSS (Verminderde sanctie voor een Specifieke Stof conform art. 70, §3): De dopingpraktijk wordt of zou moeten worden bestraft met een verminderde sanctie conform art. 70, §3, omdat er sprake is van een Specifieke Stof en de andere voorwaarden van art. 70, §3, zijn vervuld. e) AGC (Aangifteverzuim en/of Gemiste Controles): De dopingpraktijk wordt of zou moeten worden bestraft conform art. 70, §4, derde lid . f) GSS (verminderde sanctie in geval van Geen Significante Schuld of nalatigheid): De dopingpraktijk wordt of zou moeten worden bestraft met een verminderde sanctie conform art. 70, §5, 2° omdat de sporter aantoonde dat er sprake was van Geen Significante Schuld of Nalatigheid conform art. 70, §5, 2°. g) St (Standaardsanctie conform art. 70, §2 of art. 70, §4, eerste lid): De overtreding van een antidopingregel wordt bestraft of zou moeten worden bestraft met een standaardsanctie van twee jaar conform art. 70, §2 of art. 70, §4, eerste lid. h) VS (Verzwaarde Sanctie): De dopingpraktijk wordt of zou moeten worden bestraft met een verzwaarde sanctie conform art. 70, §6, omdat aan de voorwaarden van art. 70, §6, is voldaan.
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i) HT (Handel of poging tot handel en Toediening of poging tot toediening): De dopingpraktijk wordt of zou moeten worden bestraft met een sanctie conform art. 70, §4, tweede lid.
2° als een sporter of begeleider die een tweede dopingpraktijk begaat, beweert aanspraak te maken op gedeeltelijke opschorting of verkorting van de uitsluitingsperiode conform paragraaf 5, 3° of 4°, dient het disciplinair orgaan eerst de normaal toepasselijke uitsluitingsperiode te bepalen binnen het bereik aangegeven door de tabel vermeld in paragraaf 7, 1°, en vervolgens de gepaste opschorting of verkorting van de uitsluitingsperiode toe te passen. De resterende uitsluitingsperiode, na de toepassing van eventuele opschorting of verkorting op basis van paragraaf 5, 3° of 4°, moet minstens een vierde van de normaal toepasselijke uitsluitingsperiode bedragen; 3° een derde dopingpraktijk heeft altijd levenslange uitsluiting tot gevolg, behalve als de derde dopingpraktijk de voorwaarden voor opheffing of vermindering van de uitsluitingsperiode conform paragraaf 4 vervult of als er sprake is van een overtreding van artikel 3, 4°, van het decreet. In die speciale gevallen bedraagt de uitsluitingsperiode acht jaar tot levenslang; 4° voor bepaalde potentieel meervoudige overtredingen gelden de volgende aanvullende regels: a) om te worden bestraft op basis van paragraaf 7 van dit artikel, kan een dopingpraktijk alleen als een tweede overtreding worden beschouwd, als wordt aangetoond dat de sporter of begeleider de tweede dopingpraktijk heeft begaan nadat hij op de hoogte was gebracht conform artikel 57, of nadat de opdrachtgever redelijke inspanningen heeft geleverd om hem op de hoogte te brengen van de eerste dopingpraktijk. Als de opdrachtgever dat niet kan bewijzen, worden de overtredingen samen als één enkele eerste overtreding beschouwd en zal de opgelegde sanctie gebaseerd zijn op de overtreding waarop de strengere sanctie staat. Het voorkomen van meervoudige overtredingen kan echter als een verzwarende omstandigheid worden beschouwd; b) als na de uitspraak in een eerste dopingpraktijk feiten worden ontdekt met betrekking tot een dopingpraktijk van de sporter of begeleider die zich hebben voorgedaan vóór de kennisgeving met betrekking tot de eerste overtreding, wordt een aanvullende sanctie opgelegd, op basis van de sanctie die had kunnen worden opgelegd als tegelijkertijd uitspraak was gedaan over beide overtredingen. Om te vermijden dat er verzwarende omstandigheden worden gevonden op grond van de vroeger gepleegde maar later ontdekte overtreding, moet de sporter of begeleider vrijwillig en tijdig de eerdere dopingpraktijk bekennen na de kennisgeving van de overtreding waarvan hij eerst wordt beschuldigd. Dezelfde regel geldt ook als feiten worden ontdekt met betrekking tot nog een vroegere overtreding na de uitspraak in een tweede dopingpraktijk. 5° Voor de toepassing van paragraaf 7 moeten alle dopingpraktijken plaatsvinden binnen dezelfde periode van acht jaar om als meervoudige overtredingen beschouwd te worden. §8. De uitsluitingsperiode gaat in op de dag waarop tijdens een hoorzitting een uitsluiting wordt opgelegd of, als afstand werd gedaan van een hoorzitting, op de datum waarop de uitsluiting werd aanvaard of gewijzigd. Elke periode van voorlopige schorsing moet worden afgetrokken van de totale periode van uitsluiting die wordt opgelegd. Deze regeling geldt niet in de volgende gevallen: 1° als de tuchtprocedure of andere aspecten van de dopingcontrole aanzienlijke vertraging oplopen die niet aan de sporter of begeleider te wijten is, kan het disciplinair orgaan de uitsluitingsperiode op een vroegere datum laten ingaan, op zijn vroegst op de datum van de monsterneming, of op de laatste datum waarop een andere dopingpraktijk heeft plaatsgevonden;
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2° als de sporter of begeleider onmiddellijk (d.w.z. wat de sporter betreft, in ieder geval voor de sporter opnieuw aan een wedstrijd deelneemt) de dopingpraktijk bekent nadat de opdrachtgever hem met de dopingpraktijk heeft geconfronteerd, kan de uitsluitingsperiode op zijn vroegst aanvangen op de datum van de monsterneming of op de laatste datum waarop een andere dopingpraktijk plaatsvond. In elk geval moet de sporter of begeleider, als deze bepaling wordt toegepast, minstens de helft van de uitsluitingsperiode uitzitten, beginnend vanaf de datum waarop de sporter of begeleider de opgelegde sanctie heeft aanvaard, de datum van de tuchtrechtelijke uitspraak van die sanctie of de datum waarop de sanctie wordt gewijzigd;
3° als een voorlopige schorsing wordt opgelegd en door de sporter wordt gevolgd, wordt de periode van voorlopige schorsing afgetrokken van een eventuele uitsluitingsperiode die uiteindelijk aan de sporter wordt opgelegd; 4° als een sporter vrijwillig en schriftelijk een voorlopige schorsing aanvaardt van de opdrachtgever, en vervolgens afziet van wedstrijddeelname, wordt die periode van vrijwillige voorlopige schorsing afgetrokken van een eventuele uitsluitingsperiode die uiteindelijk aan de sporter wordt opgelegd. Een kopie van de vrijwillige aanvaarding van een voorlopige schorsing door de sporter moet onmiddellijk worden bezorgd aan alle partijen die recht hebben op kennisgeving van een vermoedelijke dopingpraktijk; 5° de periode voor de datum van inwerkingtreding van een voorlopige schorsing wordt nooit in mindering gebracht van een uitsluitingsperiode, ongeacht of de sporter ervoor heeft geopteerd om niet deel te nemen aan wedstrijden of door zijn team werd geschorst. §9. Wanneer een sporter of begeleider die uitgesloten is verklaard, het verbod op deelname tijdens de uitsluiting, zoals voorzien in paragraaf 10, overtreedt, worden de resultaten van die deelname gediskwalificeerd en begint de oorspronkelijk opgelegde uitsluitingsperiode opnieuw te lopen vanaf de datum van de overtreding. De nieuwe uitsluitingsperiode kan verkort worden conform paragraaf 5, 2°indien de sporter of begeleider aantoont dat hem of haar geen significante schuld of nalatigheid treft voor de overtreding van het verbod op deelname. De opdrachtgever van de dopingcontrole die tot de oplegging van de oorspronkelijke uitsluitingsperiode heeft geleid, dient te bepalen of de sporter of begeleider het verbod op deelname heeft overtreden, en of een vermindering conform paragraaf 5, 2° aangewezen is. Bij elke dopingpraktijk waarvoor geen verkorte sanctie wegens specifieke stoffen geldt zoals vermeld in paragraaf 4, wordt bovendien de sportgerelateerde financiële steun of andere sportgerelateerde voordelen die een dergelijke sporter of begeleider zou ontvangen, geheel of gedeeltelijk ingehouden door de sportvereniging. §10. De uitsluiting houdt in dat de betrokkene tijdens de periode van uitsluiting in geen enkele hoedanigheid mag deelnemen aan een sportmanifestatie (uitgezonderd geautoriseerde antidopingcursussen of rehabilitatieprogramma’s). Een persoon aan wie een periode van uitsluiting is opgelegd van langer dan vier jaar kan, als er vier jaren van de periode van uitsluiting zijn verstreken, deelnemen aan lokale sportmanifestaties in een andere sport dan de sport waarbij de betrokkene de overtreding van een antidopingregel heeft gepleegd, maar alleen als de lokale sportmanifestatie niet op een dusdanig niveau is dat het de betrokkene anders direct of indirect zou kunnen kwalificeren voor deelname aan (of punten zou kunnen opleveren die nodig zijn voor) een nationaal kampioenschap of internationale wedstrijd. §11. Als voorwaarde voor het terugkrijgen van het recht op deelname aan wedstrijden na een bepaalde periode van uitsluiting moet een sporter tijdens de periode van uitsluiting beschikbaar blijven voor dopingcontroles buiten wedstrijdverband en moet hij of zij, als daarnaar gevraagd wordt, actuele en nauwkeurige verblijfsgegevens verstrekken. Als een sporter aan wie een periode van uitsluiting is opgelegd zich terugtrekt uit de sport maar later toch weer aan de sport wil deelnemen, kan de sporter pas weer deelnamegerechtigd worden verklaard als de sporter de administratie daarvan op de hoogte heeft gebracht en zich beschikbaar heeft gesteld voor dopingcontroles buiten wedstrijdverband gedurende een periode die gelijk is aan de periode van uitsluiting die nog over was op het moment dat de sporter zich terugtrok..
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Een overtreding van een antidopingregel in verband met een dopingcontrole binnen wedstrijdverband leidt automatisch tot diskwalificatie van het individuele resultaat dat is behaald in die wedstrijd met alle daaruit voortvloeiende consequenties, zoals het verlies van eventuele medailles, punten en prijzen. Naast de automatische diskwalificatie van de resultaten in de wedstrijd waarin het posititeve monster is aangetroffen, zullen alle andere wedstrijdresultaten die zijn behaald nadat er een positief monster is afgenomen (of dat nu binnen of buiten wedstrijdverband is) of er een andere overtreding van antidopingregels heeft plaatsgevonden, door het begin van een periode van voorlopige schorsing of uitsluiting worden gediskwalificeerd, tenzij de rechtvaardigheid anders vereist, met alle consequenties vandien, zoals het verlies van eventuele medailles, punten en prijzen. Als voorwaarde voor het terugkrijgen van het recht op wedstrijddeelname na een vastgestelde dopingovertreding, moet de sporter eerst al het conform dit artikel verbeurde prijzengeld terugbetalen. Tenzij de regels van de internationale federatie bepalen dat verbeurd prijzengeld aan andere sporters moet worden toegekend, moet het in de eerste plaats dienen om de invorderingskosten te vergoeden van de sportvereniging die de nodige stappen ondernam om het prijzengeld terug te vorderen, en vervolgens om de kosten te vergoeden van de antidopingorganisatie die in dat geval instond voor het resultatenbeheer, waarna het eventuele restant wordt toegekend conform de regels van de internationale federatie.
De volgende personen of instanties hebben het recht, tegen elke disciplinaire maatregel van het in artikel 3 vermelde disciplinair orgaan, beroep aan te tekenen bij het Internationaal Sporttribunaal, volgens de voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op het Internationaal Sporttribunaal: a. De betrokken sporter of begeleider b. De andere partij in de zaak waarin de uitspraak is gedaan c. De Vlaamse regering d. De bevoegde nationale of internationale sportfederatie e. Het Wereldantidopingagentschap (WADA) f. Het Internationaal Olympisch Comité g. Het Internationaal Paralympisch Comité
Het beroep schort de tenuitvoerlegging van de in artikel 6 vermelde maatregel niet op. Om ontvankelijk te zijn moet het beroep bij aangetekende brief ter post zijn afgegeven binnen een termijn van veertien kalenderdagen die een aanvang neemt de dag na de uitspraak van de maatregel of, als de maatregel bij verstek is genomen, binnen veertien dagen na de dag van de verzending van de maatregel bij aangetekende brief door het in artikel 3 vermelde disciplinair orgaan. De uiterste datum waarbinnen het WADA echter beroep kan aantekenen of kan tussenbeide komen is gelijk aan de laatste van de volgende twee data: a) eenentwintig dagen na de laatste dag waarop eender welke partij beroep kon hebben aangetekend, of b) eenentwintig dagen na ontvangst door het WADA van het volledige dossier met betrekking tot de uitspraak. Wanneer het in artikel 3 vermelde disciplinair orgaan niet binnen een redelijke termijn die door het WADA wordt bepaald, beslist of er een dopingovertreding heeft plaatsgevonden, kan het WADA ervoor opteren om rechtstreeks beroep aan te tekenen bij het Internationaal Sporttribunaal, alsof het disciplinair orgaan had beslist dat er geen dopingovertreding was begaan.
De bevoegde administratie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap heeft het recht controle uit te oefenen op de naleving van dit intern tuchtreglement.
Rules & Regulations – Edition 2011
1. Association Tournaments The Association may organise tournaments exclusively opened or not to its Members and will be responsible for the negotiation, implementation and administration of these tournaments. There will be two categories: A: Order of Merit Tournaments B: Corporate Tournaments
2. Conflicting events/exclusivity The Professional Golfers’ Association of Belgium recognises the individual rights of all Members of the Association to operate as independent contractors. The Association therefore recognises and warrants to all Members that at no time does it commit to sponsors or individual golf clubs the guaranteed appearance or entry of any individual Member. However, the Association requires all Members to comply with the following conflicting events Regulations to ensure that the Association may remain in a position to fulfill, at all times, its obligations in respect of sponsorship to provide representative fields at Association-approved tournaments. 2.1.
With the exception of Tournament Professionals (TP) competing PGA Tour-approved tournaments, Members must not play in a non-PGA Approved tournament.
For the purpose of this paragraph, a “tournament” means any golf event where more than four Members or professional golfers participate for prize money.
For the purpose of this paragraph, “prize money” means sums paid either in fixed appearance fees or for competition on the day.
For the purpose of this paragraph, “non-PGA Approved” means any tournament not on the official PGA calendar.
A player found in breach of the above article shall be fined EUR 500 and shall be liable to suspension.
3. Levy A levy shall normally be imposed on the prize money or fees in all PGA Tournaments. The size of the levy shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Rules & Regulations – Edition 2011
4. Film & Media rights The television, radio, film and all other electronic media rights of all Members participating in events approved by the Association, or any other golf event run in conjunction with or under the auspices of the Association, shall be assigned to the Association.
The following shall be the official regulations governing tournaments run under the auspices of the Association and no rule herein shall be amended or rescinded and no new rules may be included without the approval of the appropriate Committee.
Tournament conditions may be permitted to vary with the different types of tournaments staged but nevertheless the conditions that govern the said tournaments shall fall within the framework of these Tournament Regulations.
Conditions special to each tournament shall be published with the draw which shall be binding unless circumstances make a change necessary when such changes as authorised by the appropriate Committee shall amend the aforesaid conditions and become binding. Publication of the conditions on the tournament notice board shall be considered proper notice to all competitors.
2. Tournament supervision 2.1.
Supervision at tournaments shall normally be in the hands of the Tournament Director who shall be responsible to the appropriate Committee for the scoring, the decisions on the Rules of Golf and other tournament regulations, the distribution of prizes and overall smooth administration of the tournament.
In the event of doubt on any decision the Tournament Director shall consult the Chief Executive or his appointed deputy whose decision having been given shall be final.
3. Tournament rules PGA Tournaments shall be governed by the Rules of Golf as published by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews with the exception of certain alterations and additions that may be deemed necessary by the Tournament Committee. The Tournament Conditions and Local Rules will be published as Part 5C of the Association’s Regulations and issued separately from this booklet. These Rules shall be binding upon all players.
4. Course unfit for play 4.1.
In the event of a hole or holes becoming flooded or otherwise unfit for play the Tournament Director may authorise the cutting of a fresh hole or holes even if a round is in progress if it is considered that by doing so the tournament may be saved.
In the event of a round being cancelled because of unplayable conditions the tournament may be reduced to a stipulated number of rounds or holes to be played if an additional day, or days, is
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impracticable for the tournament to continue. For detailed guidance refer to paragraph 5 of this Regulation below.
5. Play foreshortened or cancelled The Tournament Director may, following consultation with the Chief Executive or his appointed Deputy, vary the following procedures in exceptional circumstances:
If in the judgement of the Tournament Director adverse weather conditions or any other occurrence beyond the control of the Association renders the commencement or continuation of the tournament impracticable play shall be postponed until such time as the Tournament Director after consultation with the sponsor considers that play can be continued.
If it becomes necessary to suspend play for a period during a tournament the Tournament Director or his deputy will cover the course informing players of the suspension. When available, short (1 second) intermittent blasts on the claxon will signify suspension of play. On receiving the message or hearing the claxon the player may complete the hole being played or discontinue play immediately and lift the ball after marking the position in which it lay.
As soon as the conditions allow play to be resumed the Tournament Director or his deputy will cover the course again or play will be resumed immediately by all competitors on the course as soon as similar short blasts on the claxon are sounded.
If after play has been temporarily suspended the Tournament Director covers the course, or sounds longer (5 seconds) blasts on the claxon it will signify that play has been abandoned for the day.
The following procedures shall apply:
The Tournament Director shall adopt the policy that offers the most likely opportunity to complete the Tournament over the number of holes stipulated in the conditions for the Tournament;
if half the field has completed a round the round must stand and the round is completed the next day;
if less than half the field finished a round that round will be disregarded;
in Tournaments scheduled for 72 holes to be played over four days paragraph 5.5.2. and 5.5.3. above will be applied with the object of completing a minimum of two rounds by the end of the third day’s play;
in Tournaments scheduled for 54 holes to be played over three days paragraph 5.5.2. and 5.5.3. above will be applied with the object of completing a minimum of one round by the end of the second day’s play;
in the event of play being foreshortened so that two rounds have to be played on the last day, then the field will be cut to the leading forty (40) players and those tying for 40th place;
in Tournaments scheduled for 36 holes over two days paragraph 5.5.2. and 5.5.3. above will be applied;
Note : If paragraph 5.5.2. is applied in a Tournament scheduled for 36 holes over two days, the Tournament Director shall decide the number of players qualifying for the final round. 5.5.8.
if it is not possible to complete play on the final day the Tournament shall be decided on the scores achieved in completed rounds;
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professional individual prize money in Category A Tournaments can only be declared on scores achieved in completed rounds. Prize money allocated for Professional team prizes may be declared on the maximum number of holes completed by all Professionals. In Category B Tournaments over eighteen holes, Professional individual prize money may be declared on the number of holes completed by all Professionals;
5.5.10. in the event of curtailment or cancellation of a Tournament prize money shall be distributed as agreed between the Sponsors and the Association and may vary from that published in the Tournament Conditions. However, if bad weather causes the abandonment of a Category B Tournament after all teams have commenced play, the result shall be declared over the aggregate scores of holes completed by all teams; and 5.5.11. The Tournament Director may authorise the reciting of a hole or holes if the course becomes waterlogged during play.
6. Eligibility of Members and Registered Trainees All Members and Registered Trainees may compete in tournaments provided they are eligible under the conditions of entry of the tournament and are not under suspension at the time.
7. Entry method - Tournaments 7.1.
All entries shall be done through the PGA Tournament Website by noon of the closing date for the tournament in question. Verbal entries will be accepted in exceptional circumstances, and must be confirmed by e-mail within 72 hours.
Entries shall be accompanied by the appropriate entry fee or, alternatively, be paid at the Tournament Registration Desk. A player is responsible for ascertaining whether or not the entry has been received.
Late entries may be accepted only if there are vacant times in the draw.
The conditions of entry on the entry forms have priority over the above.
8. Entry fees The appropriate Committee shall from time to time review the entry fee for tournaments which shall be published on the appropriate entry form and must be paid exclusively by the professional if the entry is to be accepted.
9. Tournament withdrawals 9.1. A player who withdraws his entry after the closing date for entries will be charged the appropriate entry fee. 9.2.
A player whose withdrawal is notified only within seven (7) days of his starting time shall be charged EUR 200.
A player whose withdrawal is not notified and who is absent from a tournament shall be fined EUR 300 and shall be liable to suspension.
For a second or subsequent offence, it will be mandatory for the facts to be reported to the appropriate Committee and action taken as a breach of the Code of Ethics.
Any competitor who qualifies to play in a tournament and then fails to play in the final stages and thereby prevents another competitor from playing, or who fails to complete all rounds for which he has entered, or fails to record a score for a round may forfeit any prize money won in respect of
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that tournament and may be fined up to EUR 500 by the appropriate Committee. A second or subsequent offence or one which in the opinion of the appropriate Committee constitutes a breach of the Code of Ethics must be reported to the Board of Directors for disciplinary action. 9.6.
Any competitor who fails to record a score for any round or is disqualified, shall not be eligible for prize money or Order of Merit points if applicable.
Exceptions to these rules may be made in the case of sickness (for which a certificate for inability to work must be provided within 48 hrs to the Tournament Director) and other special circumstances subject to the discretion of the appropriate Committee.
10. Entry fees - refund 10.1.
A competitor in any PGA tournament who withdraws before the closing date for entry shall be eligible for a refund of entry fee.
Any player withdrawing after the closing date shall under no circumstances be eligible for a refund of his entry fee unless the appropriate Committee is satisfied that the withdrawal enabled the Member to enter a higher ranked tournament.
11. Ladies & Senior competitors 11.1.
Ladies competitors shall play under the same tournament conditions as other competitors. Separate tees shall be used in order to balance both Course Ratings.
Senior players as of 60 years of age are allowed to play from the forward Men’s Tee. In Category A Tournaments their score shall not count for any Ranking (except Senior Ranking if appropriate) if played from this tee.
12. Prize money: allocation The appropriate Committee shall be responsible for deciding the allocation of prize money for each tournament subject to agreement with the sponsor. This allocation shall be published in the tournament conditions or on the Tournament Notice Board.
13. Prize presentations 13.1.
The appropriate Committee shall normally publish for each tournament the number of leading players required to attend the prize presentation and in the case of Pro-Am tournaments, the number of professionals in leading teams who will be required to attend. In the absence of published conditions the eight leading players and those tying in professional tournaments and Pro-Am tournaments and the professionals in the three leading teams in Pro-Am tournaments will be required to attend. All professionals in Company/Club day Pro-Ams shall attend the prize presentation. In case of absence € 50 shall be deducted from the appearance fee.
Unless otherwise specified in the conditions of any tournament or by special dispensation of the Tournament Director, all Members must observe the dress rules operating in the clubhouse at the time of any PGA tournament. All male Members involved in any prize presentation must wear a jacket, collar and tie. All women Members involved in such a presentation must dress with equivalent formality to their male counterparts. A Member who fails to comply with these Regulations may be fined up to EUR 500 by the appropriate Committee. A second or subsequent offence, or one that in the opinion of the appropriate Committee constitutes a breach of the Code of Ethics, must be reported to the Board of Directors for disciplinary action.
A player who fails to attend a prize presentation shall be fined a minimum of EUR 250 by the appropriate Committee. A second or subsequent offence, or one that in the opinion of the
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appropriate Committee constitutes a breach of the Code of Ethics, must be reported to the Board of Directors for disciplinary action. Special dispensation to be absent is only given in exceptional circumstances by the Tournament Director.
14. Conflicting advertising No Member, or his caddie, during the playing of a tournament will be permitted to wear or display any advertising matter, which in the opinion of the Tournament Director or the Chief Executive, may embarrass a Sponsor or place in jeopardy the conduct of a tournament. In all cases, approval to wear conflicting advertising matter must be obtained from the Tournament Director or Chief Executive prior to the commencement of the tournament.
15. Official recorders Members must co-operate when asked for details of their scores by the Official Recorders on the course. Note : The Scoreboard Officials and TV Recorders are regarded as Official Recorders on the course.
16. Caddies Caddies are the responsibility of the Member employing them. Any breach of the following Regulations will be deemed to be a breach by the Member and the minimum penalty of EUR 250 shall be imposed, which shall be doubled for subsequent offences: 16.1.
Caddies are not permitted to wear shorts or jeans.
Caddies are not permitted to wear spiked shoes (soft or hard).
Caddies must not behave in a socially unacceptable way.
Caddies are required to wear and display the caddie-bib or uniform issued to them for the duration of the round.
No professional golfer may caddie for another professional golfer in an Association-administered event if one of them played in the same event.
Caddies are not permitted to mark players’ scorecards.
17. Standard of dress 17.1.
The wearing of shorts/bermudas by Members at a PGA event will be subject to the discretion of the Tournament Director. Exceptions: - paragraph 18.1. does no apply to women Members; - to Pro-Am events in foreign countries.
The wearing of jeans by Members at a PGA event is not permitted.
Competitors may not wear training shoes at a PGA event.
For the purpose of this rule the PGA event is the course, clubhouse and environs. Rules & Regulations – Edition 2011
For breach of this rule a player shall be fined EUR 250.
18. Breaches of etiquette If any Member is seen, or reported for, breaking any of the rules of etiquette, whether in practice, qualifying or in the PGA event proper, he shall be fined a minimum of EUR 250. Repeated breaches may be considered by the appropriate Committee as a breach of the Code of Ethics. The following will be seen as PGA Etiquette: 18.1.
When playing a practice round behind a pre-qualifying event, not keeping two holes clear between himself and the last match.
Having more than one ball in play - other than in accordance with the Rules of Golf - in a practice round, with the following exception: - if a player misses the green with his shot to the green he may play one additional practice shot.
Commencing a practice round, other than on the official practice day, without first having obtained permission from the Club Secretary or Professional.
A minimum fine of EUR 250 shall be imposed on any Member seen, or reported for, throwing a golf club or any other item or for swearing or any other act of temper anywhere within the environs of the Club or course. The fine shall be doubled on each subsequent occasion. Repeated breaches may be dealt with by the appropriate Committee as a breach of the Code of Ethics. Note : the Tournament Director shall be empowered to impose such fines at his discretion. Members fined in this way shall have the right to appeal to the appropriate Committee. 18.4.
19. Public relations Members must give full co-operation to any function that may be organised with a sponsor or by a local civic authority. To ensure maximum goodwill it is vital that competitors make every effort to support all public relations activities and fully co-operate with press, radio and television.
20. Returning of scorecard In all PGA events the Members must return their scorecard in person to the Official Recorder within 15 minutes of finishing the round. In the case of Pro-Am events the professional is responsible for returning the team scorecard in person to the Official Recorder. For a breach of this rule a Member shall be fined a minimum of EUR 250.
21. Pro-Am Tournaments 21.1.
Starting times
21.1.1 The draw may be amended in exceptional circumstances and starting times changed after publication at the request of the sponsor. 21.1.2. Starting times are available from the Tournament Director, PGA Headquarters or Head of Tournaments. 21.1.3. When a Member and one amateur play as a team the late arrival by both players incurs a penalty of two shots on the team. The team shall be permitted to commence play at a later time where possible in accordance with 21.1.6.
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21.1.4. If there is no individual professional score and one or other partner is ready to commence play at the designated starting time he should do so and his partner should join him on the course upon arrival. 21.1.5. If there is an individual professional score then the amateur shall not commence play without the professional except as allowed for in 22.1.6. Provided that the amateur was ready to commence play at the designated starting time, no penalty will be applied to the team for late arrival by the professional. If the professional arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within 5 minutes after his starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is two strokes at the first hole applied to the professional’s individual score. If more than 5 minutes late, the professional shall be disqualified for the individual score.
21.1.6. When a team comprises of more than a Member and one amateur the team will incur a penalty of two strokes, if at the designated starting time they cannot fulfil the scoring requirements of the event: if there is no individual professional score the team should commence play at the designated starting time if they can fulfil the scoring requirements of the Pro-Am and the missing player may join his team on the course upon arrival; or if there is an individual professional score and the professional is late then no penalty is applied to the team score providing that the team could fulfil the Pro-Am scoring requirements assuming that the professional was present. If the professional arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within 5 minutes after his starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is two strokes at the first hole applied to the professional’s individual score. If more than 5 minutes late, the professional shall be disqualified for the individual score. The team shall only commence play should the professional and the minimum number of amateur partners required to fulfil the scoring requirement be present. 21.1.7. Once a Member is late for his tee-off time in a Pro-Am and his team is ready to play at their designated start time and in the opinion of the Tournament Director the Member will be unacceptably late, the Tournament Director may disqualify that Member from the event, place him on disciplinary report and replace him with a substitute professional.
22. Exemptions 22.1.
Pre-qualifying Tournament In the case of a pre-qualifying tournament, the following will be exempt: 1. 2.a. b. 3.a. b. c. d. 4. 5. 6. 7.a. b. 8. 9.
The winner of the PGA Championship The winner of the Belgian Omnium The winner of a 72-holes PGA Order of Merit Tournament The winner of the International Ranking The winner of the National Ranking The winner of the PGA Order of Merit The winner of an official international Tour Event The winner of a 54/36-holes PGA Order of Merit Tournament PGA European Tour Members (cat. 1-14) Top-15 PGA Order of Merit The winner of a PGA Order of Merit Event The winner of the PGA Trainee Order of Merit Lady Professionals 5 Senior Professionals
5 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 2 years 2 years 1 year 1 year 1 year
List of Exempted Players
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A list of all exempted players will be available at the National Headquarters each year. exemptions expire at the end of year to which they relate. 22.3.
Tournament Selections Tournament selections will be determined by using the following order will be used: 23.3.1. Exempted Players Cat. 1-2-3c-4 23.3.2. 1 Local Professional 23.3.3. 2 Board Members 23.3.4. Sponsor invitations (max. 5) 23.3.5. Exempted Players Cat. 6-7 23.3.6. PGA Order of Merit positions 16+ 23.3.7. PGA Trainee Order of Merit
PGA Alliances Selections for the PGA Alliances will be based on first come, first serve.
23. Approved Tournaments and Rankings 23.1.
International Approved Tournaments All tournaments run by the following Approved Tours : 1) 2) 3)
PGA European Tour, Challenge Tour, Alps Tour, EPD Tour, Mastercard Tour, Europro Tour & Telia Tour US Tour + affiliated Tours Australasia Tour + affiliated Tours
Prize money won in these tournaments will count towards the (Inter)national Ranking. 23.2.
International Ranking The International Ranking will reflect the positions of all PGA of Belgium Members according to the prize money won at International Approved Tournaments and PGA Order of Merit Tournaments.
National Ranking The National Ranking will reflect the positions of PGA of Belgium Members with the Belgian nationality according to the prize money won at International Approved Tournaments and PGA Order of Merit Tournaments.
PGA Order of Merit The PGA Order of Merit will reflect the positions of all male PGA of Belgium Members according to the points won at PGA of Belgium Order of Merit Tournaments (see points grid).
PGA Trainee Order of Merit The PGA Trainee Order of Merit will reflect the positions of all Registered Trainees according to the points won at PGA of Belgium Order of Merit Tournaments (see points grid). Registered Trainees will only be eligible for this Order of Merit. The top-3 places will be awarded points if less than 10 Trainees participate. If more than 10 Trainees participate, the top-5 places will be awarded.
Ladies Order of Merit
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The Ladies Order of Merit will reflect the positions of all female Members according to the points won at PGA Order of Merit Tournaments for which at least 5 ladies entered (see points grid). The top-3 places will be awarded points if less than 10 ladies participate. If more than 10 ladies participate, the top-5 places will be awarded. 23.7.
Prize money All prize money shall be mentioned in Euro. For foreign currency the following rate will be used: 1 US$ = 0,736 EUR 1 GBP = 1,177 EUR
24. Qualifying Procedures 24.1.
The International Ranking will be consulted for International Approved Tournaments in Belgium.
The National Ranking will be consulted for Tournaments where Belgium as a country will be represented.
The PGA Order of Merit will be consulted for Tournaments where the PGA of Belgium is represented.
For all Invitational Events the appropriate ranking of the past calendar year will be used.
PART 5C PGA TOURNAMENT CONDITIONS AND LOCAL RULES PGA Tournament Conditions and Local Rules cards will be available to all competitors at each event.
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