Volume : 5 No. 2 SEPTEMBER 2012
ISSN : 1412-7709
Jurnal RONA LINGKUNGAN HIDUP (Journal of Environment) Dalam rangka meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat di dalam pengelolaan lingkungan informasi
penyebarluasan hidup,
(BAPEDAL) Aceh menerbitkan sebuah jurnal
informasi. Jurnal
merupakan salah satu media bagi peneliti dan pemerhati lingkungan hidup untuk penyebarluasan hasil penelitian atau ulasan kebijakan
permasalahan lingkungan hidup. Jurnal
merupakan jurnal enam bulanan yang diterbitkan
Dewan Redaksi : Pengarah : Kepala BAPEDAL Aceh Penanggung jawab : Mountie Syurga, ST, MM (Kepala Bidang Program Informasi dan Tata Ruang Lingkungan) Sekretaris : Safrida Afriana, ST, MEM Ketua Redaksi : M. Daud, S.Hut, M.Si Staf Redaksi : Badriah Hasballah, S.Hut Dewi Erawati Utami, SP Cut Intan Mutia, S.Kep Muhammad Yusuf, SE Elva Rahmi, MT Afrianti, S.Si Hery Yanto, S.Hut Yuli Hartati, A.Md TM. Fahrizal, SP Rr. Chandra T. Ratih, A.Md Dedi Satria, ST, M.Si Sri Hartini,SE Saifuddin, SP Rostina, SP Jusman, SE Syarifah Maulidya, SP Abdul Munir
Bendahara Alvan Ade Reza, ST Staf Ahli Redaksi : Sekretaris/Kabid BAPEDAL ACEH Staf Ahli BAPEDAL ACEH
Jurnal Rona Lingkungan Hidup ini diterbitkan enam bulan sekali Bagi yang ingin mengirimkan naskah Jurnal Lingkungan Hidup, dapat menghubungi bidang Program, Informasi dan Tata Ruang Lingkungan Bapedal Aceh. Untuk surat menyurat harap menghubungi Sdri Yuli pada Bidang Program, Informasi dan Tata Ruang Lingkungan dengan alamat seperti tercantum di bawah ini: BAPEDAL ACEH Jl. Tgk. Malem No.2 Banda Aceh 23121 Telp. (0651) 635722 Faks.: (0651) 32456 Website:www.bapedal.acehprov.go.id
1. Screening of Nitrate Level from Well in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar Districts Cut Yulvizar Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia Email:
[email protected]
Abstrak - Masyrakat seringkali mengalami krisis air yang layak untuk diminum. Tsunami telah menghancurkan infrastruktur prasarana air termasuk sumur di masyarakat aceh.,sehingga penggunaan pupuk kimia nitrat yang berlebihan di tingkat petani dapat mencemari air di daerah pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan nitrat pada sumur air minum masyarakat di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar. Parameter yang diukur adalah kandungan nitrat dari masing-masing sumur. Sebanyak empat puluh delapan sampel air sumur diambil dan dianalisis dari bulan Agustus 2007 sampai Desember 2007. Interview dengan pemilik sumur juga dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan nitrat masih memenuhi batas yang ditetapkan (907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002. Kata Kunci: Pupuk kimia nitrat, Kualitas Air Sumur, Pertanian
2. PRAKIRAAN DAMPAK PENYEBARAN TEMPERATUR LAUT AKIBAT OUTLET PLTU DI PERAIRAN SUAK PUNTONG KABUPATEN NAGAN RAYA Ichsan Setiawan Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Koordiatorat Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Syiah Kuala Jl. Putro Phang, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111 Email:
[email protected]
Abstract - The sea water is regularly used for cooling generator engine in steam power electricity industry (PLTU). After used the waters were discharged back into the sea, this condition will affect the temperature distribution in the sea at vicinity area. The present study was examined the initial condition of water temperature distribution in Suak Puntong. Hydrodynamic modeling was utilized to evaluate the distribution of temperature in Suak Puntong the outlet of PLTU. The bathymetry, tides and velocity of wind data were used to generate the model. The results showed that the current was ranged between 0.14 to 0.42 m/s and the temperature at the outlet was 31°C and the temperatures were decreased with increasing the distance from the outlet for instance the temperature was 29.5°C at 400 m distance from outlet. Key words: forecasting, temperature distribution, current, modeling.
3. Hidrolisis Pentosan dan Selulosa dari Ampas Saccharum arundinaceum untuk Pembuatan Furanaldehide dan Glukan Mirna Rahmah Lubis Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala Jl. Syech Abdurrauf No. 7, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111 Email:
[email protected]
Abstract - Material utilized is Saccharum arundinaceum, a type of sugar cane that has been crashed, and the sugar cane bagasse is taken as material in order to calculate contents of furanaldehyde and glucan contained in it. In order to obtain furanaldehyde, hydrolysis equipment is utilized, whereas for glucan enzimatic hydrolysis is carried out with NREL method. The objective of the research was to know optimum condition of hydrolysis of pentosan and cellulose from Saccharum arundinaceum so that furanaldehyde and glucan are formed. The result obtained after investigation was that the highest furanaldehyde rendemen occurs on HNO3 concentration = 13%, HNO3 volume = 290 ml, and the duration of boiling time is 2.5 hours. For Saccharum arundinaceum bagasse that is treated oxidatively with lime for 12 weeks at 65oC, and hydrolyzed enzimatically with enzyme loading of 15 FPU/g glucan in raw biomass for the period of 3 days, the the best overall yield is 63 g hydrolized glucan/100 g glucan in raw biomass. The hydrolyzed yield is proportional to 97 g hydrolyzed glucan/100 g glucan in treated biomass. Key words: nitrate acid, furanaldehide, glukan, hydrolysis, Saccharum arundinaceum.
4. PENGARUH EKSTRAK DAUN Nerium oleander TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN DAN MORTALITAS Crocidolomia pavonana F. PADA TANAMAN SAWI Alfian Rusdy, Hasnah, dan Elva Yusrida Fakultas Pertanian Unsyiah, Darussalam Banda Aceh
Abstract - A research about effect of leafe extract Nerium oleander to growth and mortality of Crocidolomia pavonana F. On mustard greens was implemented. The objective of this reasearch was to get a line on effective concetration of leaf extract N. oleander to control C.pavonana on mustard greens . This reasearch used Complete Random Design (RAL) non factorial, with 6 turns of extract concentration i.e. 0; 5; 10; 15; 20; and 25 ml L-1 solution, and every treatment was reapeted as many as 4 times so that there were 24 experiment units. The observed variabel include C. Pavonana larva mortality,formed pupa percentage, appeared imago percentage, and food inhibitor percentage. The greater extract concentration of N. Oleander, the greater the larva mortality and the smaller the percentage of formed pupa. The greater the extract concentration of N. olender, the smeller the percentage of appeared imago and the greater the antifeedant percentage. The use of leaf extract of N. oleander with 20ml L-1 concentration was able to exterminate 60% of C. Pavonana larva. Keywords : mustard greens, Nerium oleander, Crocidolomia pavonana
5. ASESMEN KONSUMSI ENERGI PADA SISTEM PENGKONDISIAN UDARA GEDUNG BERATAP BETON (STUDI KASUS KANTOR YAYASAN LEUSER INTERNASIONAL BANDA ACEH) Zuraihan, Syahiddin Dahlan Said, Muhammad Zaki Program Studi Magister Teknik Kimia Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 2012
Abstract - Global warming has been a primary issue recently. An appropriate policy to reduce its effects is by reducing energy consumption. One of the most energy consumption in cities is the use of air conditioning system in various buildings or houses. Therefore, an assessment of energy consumption in those places is required to improve energy efficiencies. The assessment of the energy consumption of a three story, air conditioned, concrete roof building with an area of 975 m2 was carried out by calculating the amount of cooling load needed to meet the thermal comfort in the temperature range of 18-26 oC. The cooling load calculation was conducted by using software ecotect v.5 2011. The result shows that the energy consumption per area varies for different rooms, because of various heat accumulation of each room. Based on the temperature measurement, only 1 room meets thermal comfort standard at the temperature of 25–26 oC. In general, the capacity of air conditioners installed is higher or lower than required. Keyword: Air Conditioning (AC), Asessment of energy, cooling load, thermal comfort, heat transfer.
6. PUDDLING BEHAVIOUR KUPU-KUPU DI KAWASAN WISATA SUNGAI SARAH ACEH BESAR Suwarno dan Ellena Yusti Jurusan Biologi Fakultas MIPA Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh Abstract - The study of puddling behaviour of butterflies was conducted at forest in the Sarah River area, Leupung, District of Aceh Besar from May to June 2011. The purposes of the study were to determine the species of butterflies that do puddling and their preferences for the faeces bait. Four kinds of bait (faeces of chickens, cows, goats, and tigers) were used in this study. The puddling behaviour was observed for 15 days from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. The results showed that there were 21 species of butterflies in the forest area do puddling. The butterflies which most frequently visited the bait were Appias libythea and Papilio polytes. The Kruskall-Wallis test showed that faeces affected on the number of species of butterflies which do the puddling (p<0.05). Furthermore, the number of species of butterflies puddle on the chickens faeces more and significantly different from goats and cows faeces, but no significantly different from tigers faeces (Mann-Whitney test). Key words : Puddling behaviour, butterfly, faeces, preferensi.
7. STUDI PEMBIAYAAN SISTEM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Kuta Alam Banda Aceh) Oleh: Syahrial Faujar
Abstract - Solid waste management requires a large budget, particularly in operating costs for collection, transportation and processing. Banda Aceh waste production is growing up day by day that is 150 ton per day. One of the largest waste-producing sub-district zone in Banda Aceh is Kuta Alam. The amount of solid waste in Kuta Alam sub-district must be known so that solid waste management can be implemented effectively and
efficiently. Waste management budget is shared between the government in Banda Aceh and the retribution collected from the residences. The aim of this study was to determine the ability of solid waste financing by studying the amount of infrastructure support, analyzing the optimal financing, and the participation of the community in the solid waste management. The research was conducted in Kuta Alam sub-district by using quantitative methods. Data were collected by distributing questionnaire, observation sheet and conducting interview. Population and study sample were drawn from 100 residents of Kuta Alam. Not all the wastes in Kuta Alam sub-district, which is 28.67 tons / day, served by the Departement of Hygiene and Beauty Sanitation (DKK) of Banda Aceh. The results of these analysis showed that sub-district solid waste services should be improved by increasing the facilities and infrastructures of dump trucks from 6 units to 10 units, 2 units of pickup to 5 units and 5 units of tricycles to 10 units as the means of transporting the waste. DKK proposed for operational and maintenance budget as much as Rp 1.517.645 billion DKK. Meanwhile, if the facilities and infrastructure grow, it must be accompanied by the increasing cost of waste management as high as Rp 2.537.300.000. The responds were that about 46% of the community do not pay the retribution and 54% of the community willing to pay the retribution regularly every month. It is recommended that Banda Aceh Department of Hygiene and Beauty Sanitation (DKK) should intensely promote the proper solid waste management to the residence and intensely seek the funding sources to concern the operation cast village involvement in solid waste management program as one sample for improving the residence involvement in solid management. Key words: Budget, quantitative, finance, waste management.
8. PENGARUH KERACUNAN ALUMINIUM TERHADAP JARINGAN OTAK TIKUS PUTIH (Rattus sp) M. Nur Salim1), Dahniar2) dan Dian Masyitha 1) Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 2) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh E-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract - It was noted that aluminium had been implicated in the etiology of certain neurotoxic disorders, but definitive studies relating diet to these conditions were lacking. The histological effect of aluminium administration were studied in 12 male rats (rattus sp). The rats were randomly evenly divided into 3 groups. K1 group received normal ration considered to be the control group. The K2 and, K3 groups were treated orally with aluminium sulphate in ration of 500 and 1500 ppm respectively for 30 day. In one day after treatment, all rats were sacrificed, the brain were excised for macroscopic and microscopic examinations. Microscopic slides were prepared applying the paraffin method and routine hematoxilin-eosin staining (he) was carried out. The effect of multi dosage of aluminium administration for as long as 30 days showed histological changes of the cerebrum and cerebellum. The cerebrum and cerebellum showed circulation disturbance (hyperemia and hemorrhage) and metabolism disturbance (degeneration) of pyramidal cells of the cerebrum and degeneration of purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Histological changes in the cerebrum were oedema between nerve fibers, while in the cerebellum necrosis (vacuoles) were found in the in cortex of the granularyer only in the K3 group. Key words : aluminium intoxication, neurotoxic.
9. KUALITAS LAHAN SAWAH PASCATSUNAMI DI KAWASAN PESISIR KECAMATAN PIDIE KABUPATEN PIDIE Karsani Staf Pengajar Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kehutanan Yayasan Teungku Chik Pante Kulu, Darussalam, Banda Aceh
Abstract : The objective of this research was to know level of land suitability of rice field on rice plant post tsunami at coastal area of Pidie subdistrict. The research was carried out by using descriptive method those are
through survey and observation of field and also analysis on 10 compositely sampels taken systematically at laboratory. The results of the research revealed that texture of rice field soil at both villages was silty clay loam. The quality of each of the soil chemical characteristics founded at Gampong Rawa village ; pH were medium acidic up to neutral, C-organic were very low up to low, P-available was very low, K-exchangeable was medium, Ca-exchangeable was high, Mg-exchangeable were medium up to low, Exchange Sodium Percentage (ESP) was very low up to medium, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) was high, basic saturation and electric conductivity (Ec) were high up to very high. The soil quality of rice field at Gajah Aye Village ; pH were neutral up to medium basic, C-organic was very low up to low, N-total was low, P-available was very low, Kexchangeable were medium up to high, Na-exchangeable was very low up to very high, Ca-exchangeable was high, Mg-exchangeable and Exchange Sodium Percentage were very low up to low, Cation Exchange Capacity was medium up to high, basic saturation was medium up to very high, and electric conductivity (Ec) was very low up to low. Land suitability of rice field for rice plant at Gampong Rawa Village included in to class of marginal suitability (S3-xc,nr) restricted by C-organic and salinity. While the land suitability at Gajah Aye Village was class of quite suitable (S2-nr) restricted by C-organic only. Keywords : land quality of rice field, tsunami, coastal area
10. KERACUNAN TIMBAL Suherni Abstract - Lead poisoning is one of the environmental problems around the world affecting human health. As a developing country, Indonesia has high potential to be exposed to lead, particularly for people living in rural areas, lacking education and information about lead poisoning. This report is a study literarature that provides an overview about lead poisoning in Indonesia. Several studies relating to lead poisoning were reviewed. Most of these studies focused on blood-lead levels in urban areas and no study was based in a rural area. The main sources of lead poisoning in the reference studies were petrol (gasoline), and vegetables (from the soil or dust remaining on the vegetables when eaten). There was also beach and seawater contamination by lead, and toys. No studies on lead poisoning from paint, lead acid batteries, cosmetic and jewellery were found for Indonesia. This report makes several recommendations for the Indonesian government to improve environmental awareness in Indonesian society. It also identifies several gaps that need to be filled for future research on lead poisoning in Indonesia.
11. KARAKTERISTIK FISIKA DAN KIMIA TANAH DI LAHAN REHABILITASI MANGROVE KABUPATEN ACEH JAYA Zuriana Siregar Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh
Abstract - Research on soil physical and chemical characteristics of mangrove rehabilitation in post-tsunami Aceh Jaya has been done, this study aims to investigate the characteristics of the soil in the area of mangrove rehabilitation in Aceh Jaya, Aceh. Sampling was done by random sampling at three locations mangrove rehabilitation namely Kuala village, Keude Unga village (Subang and Ujung Kareung) and natural mangrove forests. From the result it was conducted that the soil conditions at the locations of mangrove rehabilitation was still quite good to effort mangrove rehabilitation. However, low levels organic content, the location of which was always flooded and propagule sources was suspected cause of the failure of mangrove rehabilitation. Key words: post-tsunami, mangrove rehabilitation, soil characteristics, Aceh Jaya