Brazil Business in Brief is a publication of the Dutch Economic Network in Brazil composed of the Embassy in Brasília, the Consulates-General in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and the Netherlands Business Support Offices in Porto Alegre and Recife. The publication provides a selection of news and developments in Dutch priority areas in the Brazilian economy. It is shared with public and private entities with special interests in Brazil. It is put together on the basis of publicly available information from various sources such as news articles, press releases and third party information. The Dutch Economic Network in Brazil, however, is not responsible for the accuracy of the published information. Volg ons ook op LinkedIn en Twitter: #iobrazilie #keesrade 1.
Brazil in Numbers Foreign Trade Chamber approves Mercosur-EU free trade proposal Moody’s lowers debt outlook for Brazil Bezoek handelsmissie aan Rio de Janeiro en Belo Horizonte 2.
Transport en Logistiek
MoU ondertekend door deelstaat Rio de Janeiro en de Dutch Cycling Embassy Urban river passenger transport project progresses in Recife Restrictions dropped on participation of airport operators in new privatizations November date set for airport privatizations PACCAR Commences Production of DAF Trucks in Brasil Government considers handing over more airports New rules for port leasing concessions 3.
Olie en Gas
Shell produces first oil from Phase 2 of Parque das Conchas Shell in winning bid at auction of Libra pre-salt deep-water oil field 4.
State of Pernambuco announces its first solar energy auction Second generation ethanol takes off Arcadis werkt aan energiecentrale Brazilië
WK 2014 & OS 2016
Braziliaanse overheid gaat prijsstijgingen WK2014 monitoren 6.
Vakbeurzen in Brazilië
1. Algemeen Brazil in Numbers The government’s public debt expanded 1.7% in August versus August 2012, totaling BRL 1.9 trillion (USD 892 billion). The Central Bank on Sept. 30 released its quarterly report on inflation in which it lowered its forecast for this year’s Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA) from 6% to 5.8%. For 2014, however, the IPCA outlook was increased from 5.4% to 5.7%. For both years, the core target for the IPCA is 4.5%. Central Bank monetary director Carlos Hamilton Araújo drew attention when he said that “there is still a lot of work to be done by monetary policy in terms of combatting inflation.” His comment was seen by many economists as a sign that the Central Bank may raise the Selic rate to 10% this year. Brazil's Central Bank raised the interest rate by 0.5% on October 9.The rate, which now stands at 9.5% per year, has been raised five times in succession. The decision was unanimous, and confirmed predictions by economists based on current levels of inflation. Brazil’s trade balance improved in September when the country posted a surplus of USD 2.147 billion on exports of USD 20.996 billion and imports of USD 18.849 billion. The International Monetary Fund IMF) on Oct. 8 released revised projections on the growth rates of leading emerging nations, putting Brazil in last place. According to the IMF, Brazil’s economy will expand by 2.5% in both 2013 and 2014. The projection for 2014 was reduced by 0.7 percentage point and the 2.5% expansion was below the outlook for China. India, Russia, South Africa and Mexico. Source: Brasilinform, October, 2 & 9 & 16, Folha de Sao Paulo, October, 10. Foreign Trade Chamber approves Mercosur-EU free trade proposal On October 3 Brazil's Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex) approved the Brazilian proposal for a free-trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union. Officials said some details still needed to be decided and the list involves around 85% of trade of goods between both blocs, from the 90% ratio requested by the Europeans. The Brazilian proposal will now be presented to the other groups of the South American trade bloc and submitted to the EU by the fourth quarter. Camex also approved the creation of a work group to devise a list of product to retaliate against the US for suspending compensation payments to Brazilian cotton farmers.
Source: Valor International, October, 4. Moody’s lowers debt outlook for Brazil Moody’s Investors Service lowered its outlook on Brazil’s sovereign debt rating to “stable” from “positive,” a reaction to the country’s low growth rates and doubts regarding the government’s fiscal policy. Moody’s maintained the country’s sovereign credit rating at “Baa2,” the second-lowest investment-grade ranking. The rater raised the outlook to “positive” in 2011 and, late last year took the unusual step of delaying its decision on a possible upgrade by an additional year. “Even though there are signs that the Brazilian economy may be starting to recover, Moody’s view is that, if and when the upturn materializes, it is unlikely that it will be strong enough to restore a positive trend in Brazil credit metrics,” Mauro Leos, Moody’s senior credit officer overseeing Brazil, said in a statement. Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings currently rate Brazil at the second-lowest investment grade rating, but Moody’s was until Thursday the only one of the three with a positive outlook on that rating. S&P cut the outlook on its equivalent “BBB” rating to negative from stable in June. Leos said last week at a Moody’s event in São Paulo that the Brazilian economy remains stuck in low gear, with a growth forecast of just 2.5% for this and next year. This is caused by “structural challenges” such as low investment and poor infrastructure, which means any action to improve the nation’s ratings will require a “long-term approach” by the government, he added. One aspect that has for months worried credit rating companies is the deterioration in government debt trends. Brazil’s public debt equals almost 60% of gross domestic product, compared with median ratios around 45% for Baa2-rated countries. Source: Brasilinform, October, 9. Bezoek handelsmissie aan Rio de Janeiro en Belo Horizonte Na aankomst in Rio de Janeiro op zondag 6 oktober vond in hotel Arena kickoff bijeenkomst met Minister en zakelijk delegatieleidster Meiny Prins plaats. Ambassadeur Kees Rade en consul-generaal Arjen Uijterlinde gaven een overzicht van actuele politieke en economische ontwikkelingen, waarna de meer dan 40 deelnemende bedrijven zich kort presenteerden. Op maandagochtend werd door Minister Ploumen en loco-burgemeester Adilson Pires het nieuwe kantoor van het Consulaat-Generaal in de wijk Leblon geopend, en werd de Facebookpagina van het Brazilië-postennet gelanceerd. In gezelschap van een aantal belangstellende bedrijven bracht de Minister met officiële delegatie een bezoek aan een door NOC-NSF ondersteund initiatief van de gemeente Rio de Janeiro in de sloppenwijk Cajú, gericht op
het ontwikkelen van sporttalent onder kansarme kinderen. Het NOC verzorgt trainingen en workshops van Nederlandse atleten in drie reeds geopende GEO-scholen (Ginásio Experimental Olýmpico). Tijdens het bezoek werd de belangstelling van een aantal Nederlandse organisaties en bedrijven gewekt om in aanloop naar de Olympische Spelen 2016 samen te werken en aan te sluiten bij dergelijke sociale inclusieprojecten. In het lunchgesprek, waar behalve autoriteiten ook een aantal Braziliaanse bedrijven aanschoof, werden concrete aanknopingspunten gevonden voor intensivering van kennisuitwisseling en onderwijs. Van Nederlandse kant werd aangegeven hoe men denkt een bijdrage te kunnen leveren aan de voorbereiding van WK2014 en Olympische Spelen in 2016. Het bedrijf Beladon presenteerde het idee van drijvende hotelaccomodatie. Van de zijde van de autoriteiten werd de groeiende Nederlandse presentie in Rio de Janeiro verwelkomd. In de middag opende de Minister twee workshops, over "smart logistics" en "sport&infrastructure". In haar speech ondersteunde zij de ambitie van Nederlandse bedrijfsleven om deel uit te kunnen maken van de privatisering en ontwikkeling van havens en luchthavens in Brazilië, waaronder de luchthaven van Rio de Janeiro Tom Jobim, beter bekend als "Galeão". De workshops boden een goed platform voor de betreffende Nederlandse actoren om te laten zien op welke wijze zij kunnen bijdragen aan de oplossing van logistieke knelpunten in Brazilië, en aan de plannen voor de herontwikkeling van het oude havengebied van Rio ("Porto Maravilha"). Input voor de workshop over logistiek werd verzorgd door de bedrijven Dynalog, Port of Rotterdam, Schiphol en TNO. In de workshop over sport hielden NOC-NSF, FME, KNVB, Amsterdam Arena en Johan Cruyff Foundation presentaties van Nederlandse kant en hield Ambassadeur Agemar Sanctos een inleiding vanuit het perspectief van de Olympische organisatie van stad Rio. Parallel aan de workshops bracht Minister – samen met een klein aantal geïnteresseerde bedrijven - een bezoek aan Transpetro, dochterbedrijf van het staatsolie- en gasbedrijf Petrobras. Het transportbedrijf, dat ook tijdens eerdere missies is bezocht, heeft eerder dit jaar een order van een miljard geplaatst bij IHC-Merwede. CEO Machado gaf inzicht in de investeringsplannen van het bedrijf en herhaalde zijn uitnodiging aan Nederlandse bedrijven om met samenwerkingsvoorstellen te komen. NFIA gaat in samenwerking met relevante Nederlandse bedrijven kijken of een bezoekprogramma aan Nederland kan worden georganiseerd. Gedurende de twee dagen dat de Nederlandse bedrijvenmissie in Rio de Janeiro verbleef, zijn meer dan honderd matchmakingsgesprekken georganiseerd; Tijdens de aangeboden receptie bestond verder gelegenheid om met in Rio de Janeiro reeds gevestigde Nederlandse bedrijven en Braziliaanse contacten te netwerken. De Oranje camping sloot een contract met Riklsat enterprises. Op dinsdagmorgen werd naast matchmaking een
seminar over zakendoen in Brazilië en business opportunities georganiseerd, waaraan meer dan 50 mensen deelnamen. Terwijl de Minister haar programma voortzette in Brasília, bezocht een deel van de bedrijfsdelegatie o.l.v. Meiny Prins Belo Horizonte. Minas Gerais is de tweede deelstaat qua bevolking en derde qua economie, met interessante mogelijkheden voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. De komst van de delegatie werd zeer gewaardeerd, wat ook tot uitdrukking kwam door deelname van Braziliaanse autoriteiten aan de workshops die georganiseerd werden in samenwerking met de gemeente Belo Horizonte. Op het gebied van logistiek en sport zijn aanknopingspunten geïdentificeerd voor verdere samenwerking. Een klein aantal bedrijven is in gesprek geraakt over concrete deals. Indien Belo Horizonte een van de speelsteden van het Nederlandse elftal wordt, zal in samenwerking met FME een follow-up activiteit kunnen worden ontwikkeld voor de sportsector. Bron: Consulaat-Generaal Rio de Janeiro, 18 oktober. 2. Transport en Logistiek MoU ondertekend door deelstaat Rio de Janeiro en de Dutch Cycling Embassy Na meerdere bezoeken en gemeenschappelijke initiatieven is de samenwerking tussen de deelstaatoverheid van Rio en de Dutch Cycling Embassy (DCE) geformaliseerd in een Memorandum of Understanding. Vanuit verschillende Braziliaanse overheidslagen is er – mede door de context van de aankomende mega-evenementen – veel aandacht voor verbetering van urban mobility in de grote steden. De fiets, traditioneel vooral gebruikt voor recreatieve doeleinden, wordt meer en meer gezien als duurzaam, file-vriendelijk alternatief voor de auto, ook in het dagelijkse woon-werkverkeer. Nederlandse expertise kan o.a. aangewend worden voor uitbreiding van de fietsinfrastructuur en verdieping van de integratie tussen de fiets en het openbaar vervoer. Bron: Consulaat-Generaal van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Rio de Janeiro. Urban river passenger transport project progresses in Recife With an eye on the 2014 World Cup, as dredging works advance steadily along an initial 6 km stretch in the urban waterways of Recife, state and municipal authorities have now informed that the contract for the construction of the first three passenger boarding terminals was signed in September. In all, according to municipal officials, 7 boarding terminals will be built, and the river passenger transport services will cover 11 km inside the city perimeter, covering two directions, west and north. Officials plan to inaugurate the services by June 2014. Source: Diario de Pernambuco, September, 14.
Restrictions dropped on participation of airport operators in new privatizations Presidential chief of staff Gleisi Hoffmann said on Sept. 25 that the government has agreed to drop its restrictions on the participation of the operators of three privatized airports in new privatizations. The government had at first vetoed any participation by the private operators of the airports of Guarulhos (São Paulo), Viracopos (Campinas) and Brasília in the privatization auctions for the airports of Galeão (Rio de Janeiro) and Confins (Belo Horizonte). This was later changed and the operators were allowed to have a 15% stake in the winning groups. On Sept. 25, however, Hoffmann said the three operators could bid directly for the two new airport concessions without any restrictions on their stakes in the bidding groups. The government’s accountability agency (TCU) had questioned the 15% restriction, leaving the impression that this might be rejected. The original limitation on current airport operators was defended on the grounds that the government was looking to increase competition. Should Invepar, the company that operates the Guarulhos airport, win the concession for Galeão it would have control over airports that concentrate 85% of Brazil’s international flights. Hoffmann said the competition question would be left for sector regulators and the Justice Ministry’s anti-trust agency, Cade. Brasilinform, October, 2. November date set for airport privatizations The government announced on Sept. 23 that it will hold the auctions to privatize the airports of Galeão (Rio de Janeiro) and Confins (Belo Horizonte) on Nov. 22. The minimum bids were set at BRL 4.8 billion (USD2.1 billion) for Galeão and BRL 1.1 billion (USD 500 million) for Confins. It was also announced that the government is reducing the requirement that the winning group for Confins contain a foreign firm with experience in operating an airport with 35 million passengers annually. This was lowered to 20 million for Confins although the 35 million requirement was maintained for Galeão. Meanwhile, the federal accountability agency (TCU) said that the government will have to revise its model for railroad concessions which will force a delay in the auctions that were supposed to begin in October. Brasilinform, October, 2. PACCAR Commences Production of DAF Trucks in Brasil PACCAR held an opening ceremony on October 2 to launch its new DAF assembly plant in Brasil, in the city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná. The ceremony, led by Mark Pigott, PACCAR chairman and chief executive officer, and Parana
Governor, Beto Richa, was attended by state and local officials, Honorary Consul of the Netherlands for Paraná and Santa Catarina, Robert de Ruijter, DAF Brazil dealers, suppliers, transport companies and business and educational leaders. The DAF factory in Brazil is the ninth manufacturing unit of PACCAR the first DAF factory outside the Netherlands. “PACCAR is pleased to officially dedicate our new DAF Brasil factory,” said Mark Pigott. “The 300,000square-foot assembly facility on 569 acres is a high-technology, environmentally friendly plant that will assemble the premium-quality DAF XF, CF and LF vehicles. The factory will build DAF trucks for Brazil and the South American market. Our DAF dealers have invested in the newest and most modern distribution network in the country to support our growing customers.” “We are proud to be able to drive the first DAF truck made in Brazil,” said Governor Richa. “The $320 million investment by PACCAR reinforces Paraná’s commitment to attract high-quality jobs to the state. This DAF facility will stimulate economic growth and contribute to an improved quality of life in the region.” DAF’s premium-quality vehicles have achieved industry leadership in Europe. “DAF is the European leader in on-highway tractors and has achieved a market share of 15.8 percent in the above 16-tonne segment this year. Customers appreciate the robust quality leadership, low operating costs and excellent resale value of DAF trucks and PACCAR engines,” said Ron Armstrong, PACCAR president. “The above six tonnes truck market in Brazil is projected to be over 140,000 units in 2013, with further growth expected in future years,” shared Bob Christensen, PACCAR executive vice president and chief financial officer. “The largest and fastest growing segment of the Brazilian truck market is the premium segment where DAF has launched its flagship model XF-105 vehicle.” Source: Daf Press Release, October, 2. Government considers handing over more airports The cycle of airport privatizations, which the market thought to be ending with the auction of Galeão (Rio de Janeiro) and Confins (Minas Gerais), may not be over. Chief of Staff Gleisi Hoffmann confirmed, for the first time, that the government considers handing over more airports to the private sector. "We are studying the possibility of having more concessions," Ms. Hoffmann told Valor PRO, the real-time news service of Valor. Ms. Hoffmann said discussions are still preliminary, but she does not rule out the possibility of including other airports on the government’s “horizon” in 2014. The minister did not want to anticipate what terminals are in focus, but has listed a number of criteria that deserve consideration. "We have to
calculate air traffic, checking if it can serve as a 'hub', if there is a potential for cargo." Briefly, as the minister made clear, "the concession has to be attractive." She made sure to point out, however, that preparations for airport concessions have been less turbulent than in other transport segments - roads, railways and ports. For her, this is because the commercial potential of Brazilian airports is "too large", generating alternative revenues to concessionaires, which reduces the weight of aspects such as the internal rate of return. "They are malls with parking for aircraft," she compared. Valor has learned that the experts' initial diagnosis indicates terminals with annual traffic exceeding five million passengers per year as viable, in theory, for concessions to the private sector. This list includes airports such as Salvador (8.8 million in 2012), Porto Alegre (8.2 million), Curitiba (6.8 million), Recife (6.4 million) and Fortaleza (5.9 million). Manaus had only 3.3 million passengers last year, but the third-largest cargo volume in the country. Congonhas (São Paulo) and Santos Dumont (Rio de Janeiro) also easily surpass this level, but these are profitable airports for state-owned Infraero and without major expansion possibilities, nor require multibilliondollar investments in works. Therefore, it would not make much sense privatizing them, according to industry officials. After years of back and forth, the government finally decided to break Infraero’s monopoly in the industry and start a concession program, in February 2012. It handed over airports of Guarulhos, Viracopos and Brasília. Before, the government had already granted to the private sector the construction of the new airport in São Gonçalo do Amarante, around Natal (Rio Grande do Norte). Now, Galeão and Confins are the ones being auctioned. In late 2012, when the government was about to make a decision on the second round of concessions in the industry, state leaders came to ask the federal government the inclusion of Goiânia (Goiás) and Vitória (Espírito Santo) in the list of airports to be auctioned. They had expansion works idled since 2007 and 2008 respectively, and its terminals are completely saturated. For Goiás and Espírito Santo officials, privatizing was the only way out of the doldrums. In recent months, however, Infraero and the Civil Aviation Secretariat have managed to unlock the paralysis. In an exhaustive process, Infraero got approval of the Federal Audit Court (TCU) to resume works in Goiânia, whose permits were given two weeks ago. In Vitória, the engineering executive project is expected to be completed later this month, in addition to a deal with contractors carrying out the work. The Civil Aviation Secretariat has resumed studies to develop a plan for airport grants, which would determine terminals with greater viability for the private sector. The document is also important to officially transfer to Infraero airports that will continue under its administration. Today, the state-
owned firm cannot include these assets on its balance sheet, which prevents it from going public. Source: Valor International, October, 3. New rules for port leasing concessions Once more, the government last week gave in to pressure from companies and agreed to alter part of its ambitious public concessions program. The program was announced last year and was expected to provide an important economic stimulus this year and into 2014, an election year. The program called for the sale of operating concessions for highways, railroads, seaports and airports to the private sector. Thus far, however, the program has made little progress due primarily to doubts by companies as to its viability. Complaints have centered on government intervention through controls set on investment returns and on the level of tolls and freight charges. This has forced a series of concessions by the government in order to attract bidders for the concessions. On Oct. 11, the government altered its rules for the auction of port terminal leasing contracts at the ports of Santos and Pará. The original tender rules called for contracts of 10 years but this has now been increased to 25 years. The domestic return rate (on investments) was raised from 7% to 8%. The revised rules were presented to the Federal Accountability Agency (TCU) which now must approve them. The government hopes to hold the auctions for these areas by the end of December. Source: Brasilinform, October, 16. 3. Olie en Gas Shell produces first oil from Phase 2 of Parque das Conchas Shell and its partners have begun production from the second development phase of the Parque das Conchas (BC-10) project, located off Brazil’s southeast coast. The BC-10 project (Shell share 50%, Petrobras 35%, ONGC 15%) is comprised of several subsea fields which are tied back to a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, named the Espírito Santo. In 2009 the first phase of the project began production, when the Abalone and Ostra fields were connected, along with the Argonauta B-West reservoir. The peak production of the first phase was more than 90,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in 2010, and is currently producing some 35,000 boe per day. Phase 2 connected a fourth reservoir to the vessel, the Argonauta ONorth. At its peak, Phase 2 is expected to produce approximately 35,000 boe per day. “Boosting production at BC-10 with the completion of phase two is another great example of our successful project development, delivery and execution capabilities,” said John Hollowell, Executive Vice President for Deep Water, Shell Upstream Americas. “It is a great day for Shell in Brazil.”
Building on what was already a successful proving ground for technology innovation, a 4-D Life of Field Seismic monitoring system was installed as part of Phase 2 subsea development. This technology, consisting of a network of seismic sensors installed throughout the field on the seabed, allows us to more effectively and efficiently monitor the reservoir. This is the deepest installation of its kind on a full-field scale in the world (approximately 1800m or 6000 feet). Expecting to maximize the production life of BC-10 even further, Shell and its partners recently announced in July the decision to move forward with the project’s third development phase, which will include the installation of subsea-infrastructure at the Massa and Argonauta O-South reservoirs. Once online, Phase 3 of the BC-10 project is expected to reach a peak production of 28,000 boe. Source: Shell press release, october, 2. Shell in winning bid at auction of Libra pre-salt deep-water oil field Brazil’s first pre-salt oil exploration round took place in Rio de Janeiro on October 21st. The Libra field is one of the largest deep water oil accumulations in the world. Shell made up the only consortium to bid and win the 35 years field exploration contract. With 20% participation, Shell’s consortium included Total (20%) and the Chinese CNPC (10%) and CNOOC (10%). As part of the consortium Petrobras took an additional 10% shares above the already pre-determined obligatory 30% under the PSAarrangement. According to specialists, the three “worldwide petro giants” (Petrobras, Shell and Total) will guarantee the high quality technology and efficiency for this deep sea operation. The participation of prospective bidders at the first pre-salt auction was below expectation. The main reason is the new sharing system regime (PSA) which leads to less competition and favors the state owned companies, making private companies wary of state intervention. The Brazilian army and National force were present in order to guard the auction site from demonstrators who were against the bid. The situation turned violent; President Dilma refuted all criticism, stating that this successful auction will bring benefits and profits for Brazil. The main issue surrounding the auction was the new regime system which was not well received neither by the private companies nor by the supporters of the anti-privatization cause. On one side, the sharing regime limits the ownership of private companies due to more State intervention in exploration and production. On the other, the opponents are against the whole process, arguing that the Brazilian government is “selling out” national grounds to multinationals’ private corporations. The presence of Shell in this consortium further raises Dutch profile in Brazilian economy, which holds promises for the upcoming auction of
concessions for Brazilian airports, such as Galeao-airport in Rio de Janeiro (Schiphol airport is one of the interested players). In the oil&gas sector itself, the exploration of pre-salt fields such as Libra, will also bring along many new opportunities for Dutch supplying companies. The ultra-deep water Libra accumulation is located in the Santos Basin, approximately 170 kilometers (105 miles) off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. The block covers approximately 1,550 square kilometers in water depths of around 2,000 meters (6,500 feet). The reservoir depth is around 3,500 meters below the sea floor (11,500 feet) and its importance to Brazil in terms of investment, technology and export is remarkable. The country will enter the list of the greatest oil explorers and exporters and the expectation among economists, is that this will eventually reduce Brazil’s excessively high tax burden (second higher of Latin America, 32.4% of the gross domestic product. The next pre-salt auction is expected to happen in 2015 and every two years after that. Source: Shell & Consulate General Rio de Janeiro, October, 23. 4. Energie State of Pernambuco announces its first solar energy auction As has happened up to now, all auctions regarding the implementation of projects related to alternative energy (wind and solar in particular) have been promoted by EPE, the state run Energy Research Company. EPE is part of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and implements the federal government’s policy for the supply of electric power. For the first time a state has taken the lead in promoting solar energy projects. The Energy Secretariat has announced an auction which will occur as soon as a number of steps have been taken. First it will start registering the interested buyers (supposedly companies). Then, in agreement to the expectations of the interested companies it will evaluate what tax incentives it would be prepared to apply to the possible investors interested in building the generation plants (be it with photovoltaic panels or Concentrated Solar Power). The result of these steps should be able to render a picture of the solar power marketing possibilities within the state of Pernambuco. What is known for sure is that the state is situated in one of the best regions in Brazil for solar energy projects. The main intention of the state authorities is to start a process which should ultimately lead to the implementation of a supply chain of products related to solar energy segment. Source: Diario de Pernambuco, September, 19. Second generation ethanol takes off After Granbio a Brazilian concern belonging to the Gradin family announced it had started building the world´s first cellulosic ethanol plant in the state of
Alagoas, other mammoths of the energy sector also announced investments in second generation ethanol plants. Because it may be a cheaper way of producing ethanol, using other plant fibers, this technology has been researched by many research centers as well as private companies throughout the world. This form of production of ethanol, using a process called Enzymatic hydrolysis has been successful in small scale experimental units, and is now being built in large scale for commercial purposes. It is expected that the end result will be a product 20% less costly to produce than the traditional first generation ethanol. If things didn’t look that promising, Raisin (a 50/50 Shell/Cosan joint venture) would not have announced its own plant, for which it has been granted green light from the Federal Development Bank – BNDES. Raízen plans to start the construction in the end of 2013 and expects to have it concluded by the end of 2014. Petrobrás, Brazil´s state controlled energy company also has a project in the pipeline and is awaiting approval by BNDES. Another large group, Odebrecht has made public it intends to produce second generation ethanol as well. Source: Valor Econômico, September, 20. Arcadis werkt aan energiecentrale Brazilië Arcadis heeft opdracht gekregen voor werkzaamheden aan een nieuw te bouwen energiecentrale in de Braziliaanse deelstaat Amazonas, bij de stad Manaus. Dat maakte het ingenieursbedrijf op 10 oktober bekend. Met de opdracht is voor Arcadis een som van 5 miljoen euro gemoeid, op een totale investering van 350 miljoen euro voor het hele project. De order levert de Braziliaanse dochter Arcadis Logos 27 maanden werk op. Arcadis ontving de order van Amazonas Distribuidora de Energia. Bron: De Telegraaf, 10 oktober. 5. WK 2014 & OS 2016 Braziliaanse overheid gaat prijsstijgingen WK2014 monitoren De Braziliaanse federale overheid heeft een commissie gecreëerd om exuberante prijsstijgingen en kwaliteit met betrekking tot o.a. hotels, vliegtickets, restaurants en andere toeristische diensten tijdens het WK in de gaten te houden. De commissie zal bestaan uit vertegenwoordigers van de ministeries die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het organiseren van het internationale toernooi, waaronder het ministerie van Sport, Justitie, Toerisme, Financiën, Gezondheid, het Secretariaat voor de Burgerluchtvaart (SAC) en de Casa Civil. Bron: Portal da Copa, 17 oktober 6. Vakbeurzen in Brazilië
RIO INFRAESTRUTURA - 3rd Infrastructure Products and Services Trade Fair Rio de Janeiro, October 28-November 02. OTC Brasil - international tradefair for the oil&gas industry Rio de Janeiro, October 29-31. NT Expo - Business on Rails - The largest rail event of Latin America São Paulo, November 5-7. Fimai (International Industrial Environment and Sustainability Fair) São Paulo, November 5-7 Brazil Automation (17th International Congress Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation) São Paulo, November 5-7
Nationaal Export Event Rotterdam, November 14 Soccerex (football business fair) Rio de Janeiro, November 23-27. Powergrid Brasil - 2nd Energy, Technology, Infrastructure, and Energy Efficiency Fair and Congress Joinville, November, 27 - 29 Transpoquip - 6th Brazilian Infrastructure Industry Fair São Paulo, December 3-5.
and Latin
American Transportation
Expo Urbano - 4th Urban Development Fair and Conference São Paulo, December 3-5 Expo Airport - 3rd Airport Infrastructure Fair
São Paulo, December 3-5 Feicon Batmat - International (infrastructure fair) São Paulo, 18-22 maart 2014 Intersecurity (urban security fair) São Paulo, 19-21 maart 2014 Intermodal South America (transport en logistiek) São Paulo, 1-3 april 2014 Laad Security (International Defence and Security Fair) Rio de Janeiro, 8-9 april 2014 Airport Infra Expo (Latin American Airport Infrastructure Seminar & Exhibition) São Paulo, 2-4 juni 2014