[email protected] EDUCATION University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium PhD in Communication Studies Supervisors: prof. dr. Michel Walrave & prof. dr. Koen Ponnet
University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Master of Communication Sciences (MSc.) Magna cum laude
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literature: Dutch (M.A.) Greatest distinction
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature: Dutch-German Distinction
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MIOS & Didactica, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Researcher (50%) and Media Didactica (50%)
CliPS, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Student-researcher at news reception research project for VRT
RESEARCH INTERESTS Sexting, cyber dating abuse, online sexuality, online privacy, online self-disclosure, media literacy, media education, media effects research, social media REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS INCLUDED IN THE ISI WEB OF SCIENCE Van Ouytsel, J., Ponnet, K., & Walrave, M. (2014). The Associations Between Adolescents' Consumption of Pornography and Music Videos and Their Sexting Behavior. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(12), 772-778. (2013 IF - 2.410) Van Gool, E., Van Ouytsel, J., Ponnet, K., & Walrave, M. (2015). To share or not to share? Adolescents’ self-disclosure about peer relationships on Facebook: An application of the Prototype Willingness Model. Computers in Human Behavior, 44(0), 230-239. (2013 IF 2.273) Van Ouytsel, J., Van Gool, E., Ponnet, K., & Walrave, M. (2014). Brief report: The association between adolescents' characteristics and engagement in sexting. Journal of Adolescence, 37(8), 1387-1391. (2013 IF - 1.638) Van Ouytsel, J., Walrave, M., Ponnet, K., & Heirman, W. (2014). The Association Between Adolescent Sexting, Psychosocial Difficulties, and Risk Behavior: Integrative Review. The Journal of School Nursing, 31(1), 54-69. (2013 IF - 1.011)
REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Van Ouytsel, J., Walrave, M., & Ponnet, K. (2014). How Schools Can Help Their Students to Strengthen Their Online Reputations. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 87(4), 180-185. doi: 10.1080/00098655.2014.909380 Van Ouytsel, J., Walrave, M., & Van Gool, E. (2014). Sexting: Between Thrill and Fear - How Schools Can Respond. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 87(5), 204-212. doi: 10.1080/00098655.2014.909380 Van Ouytsel, J., Walrave, M., & Vandebosch, H. (2014). Correlates of Cyberbullying and How School Nurses Can Respond. NASN School Nurse. doi: 10.1177/1942602x13519477 Van Ouytsel, J., Meeus, W., Driesen, A., & T'Sas, J. (2014). Media Didactica : a media literacy reference framework for learners, teachers and teacher educators. MerzWissenschaft, 58(6), 41-49. Van Ouytsel, J., Meeus, W., Walrave, M., & Driesen, A. (2014). Kinderen en jongeren kritisch leren omgaan met reclame : het aanbod en de kwaliteit van reclameopvoedingspakketten. Pedagogiek: wetenschappelijk forum voor opvoeding, onderwijs en vorming, 34(2), 123-149. Van Ouytsel, J., Walrave, M., Ponnet, K., Heirman, W., & d'Haenens, L. (2014). Prevalentie van sexting bij Vlaamse jongeren : een verkennende studie. Tijdschrift voor orthopedagogiek, kinderpsychiatrie en klinische kinderpsychologie, 39(4), 114-126.
REFEREED BOOK PUBLICATIONS Walrave, M., & Van Ouytsel, J. (2014). Mediawijs online : jongeren en sociale media. Leuven: LannooCampus.
BOOK PUBLICATIONS Driesen, A., Meeus, W., T'Sas, J., & Van Ouytsel, J. (2014). Mediawijs met Media Didactica. Ontwikkelingsinstrument voor lerenden, leraren en lerarenopleiders. Brugge: die Keure. Van Ouytsel, J. (2012). Dialectverlies of dialectrevival? Actueel taalgedrag in Vlaanderen. Gent: Academia Press.
SCIENCE COMMUNICATION Meeus, W., Walrave, M., Van Ouytsel, J., & Driesen, A. (2014). Advertising literacy in schools : evaluating free online educational resources for advertising literacy. Journal of media education, 5(2), 5-12. Van Ouytsel, J. (2014). Hoe verloopt dialectverlies? De koerier / FVK Rodenbachfonds, 32(3), 4-6. Van Ouytsel, J., Vandebosch, H., Walrave, M., & Ponnet, K. (2014). Cyberpesten : hoeveel komt het voor en wat kunnen scholen ertegen doen? 4W : weten wat werkt en waarom : wetenschappelijk tijdschrift over opbrengsten en werking van ict in het onderwijs, 4, 6-13. Van Ouytsel, J., & Walrave M. (2014). Mediawijs online : waarom het zo goed klikt maar soms ook botst tussen jongeren en hun media. Breedbeeld : onderwijstijdschrift van het VVKSO, 7(2), 5-8.
RESEARCH STAYS ABROAD August 2014: Two-week stay at the Utrecht Summer School, the Netherlands with colleagues from the research group, taking the courses “Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling using Mplus” and “Advanced course on using Mplus”. October 2009 – January 2010: Four-month Erasmus stay at the University of Vienna, Austria. I was a student-assistant in the University of Vienna’s Department of Dutch Language and Linguistics (Abteilung für Nederlandistik). I also performed research on jargon and science communication for my Bachelor’s dissertation (Fachsprachen und Gemeinsprache; 10 ECTS) and participated in a research seminar on Medieval and Early German Literature – case: the Eneasroman.
STIPENDS AND AWARDS October 2009 – January 2010: Student-assistant stipend awarded by The Dutch Language Union during my Erasmus stay in Vienna. October 2009 – January 2010: Erasmus stipend for a stay at the University of Vienna August 2007: Stipend from the Katholieke Universiteit Brussel (KUB) (including travel, tuition and stay) for the International Summer School of German Language and Culture at the Ruprechts-Karls-Universität Heidelberg after winning the KUB 2007 German Language Competition.
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Van Ouytsel, J., Ponnet, K., Walrave, M. & d’Haenens, L. (02.02.2015-03.02.2015). Adolescent sexting from a social learning perspective. Poster presented during the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2015, Antwerp. Van Ouytsel, J., Van Gool, E., Walrave, M., & Ponnet, K. (02.02.2015-03.02.2015). A
Protection Motivation approach to adolescents’ intent to engage in privacy-protective behaviors. Paper presented during the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2015, Antwerp.
Van Ouytsel, J., Driesen, A., T’Sas, J., & Meeus, W. (27.11.2013-29.11.2013). Media Didactica: a reference framework for media literacy education for teacher educators . Refereed-workshop organized during EAPRIL, Biel/Bienne. Van Ouytsel, J., Driesen, A., T’Sas, J., & Meeus, W. (20.11.2013-22.11.2013). Media Didactica: a reference framework for media literacy education for teacher educators . Paper presented during Youth, Education & Value Change: The School as Keeper of the Social Status-quo or a Platform to Explore Values?, Antwerp. Driesen, A., Van Ouytsel, J., T’Sas, J., & Meeus, W. (19.09.2013-20.09.2013). Media Didactica: a reference framework for media literacy education for teacher educators . Poster presented at the Media Education Summit, Sheffield.
DISCUSSANT Van Royen, K. (15.10.2014). Tackling sexual harassment of adolescents on social networking sites : examining automatic monitoring as a strategy. Doctoral seminar. University of Antwerp, Antwerp.
GUEST LECTURES Dialectverandering, dialectverlies en dialectrevival (25.09.2013) guest lecture as part of the
course “Taalcontact en Taaldynamiek” of prof. dr. Reinhild Vandekerckhove at the University of Antwerp
PANEL DISCUSSIONS De rol van sociale media bij jongeren (05.11.2014) panel interview with Michel Walrave and Michael Opgenhaffen. Boekenbeurs, Antwerp.
Iedereen Mobiel? (20.05.2014) panel discussion with Stijn Spanhove, Lobke Van Damme, Stijn Eulis and Bram Van Montfoort, Apestaartjaren 5.0., Ghent.
Mediawijs Online (02.03.2014) panel interview with Pedro De Bruyckere, Michel Walrave, Debbie Esmans and Riadh Bahri, Youth Media Days Conference, Mechelen.
TALKS FOR A PROFESSIONAL AUDIENCE Mediawijs Online. Jongeren en Sociale Media (02.02.2015) presentation for teachers of the Kogeka school community, Geel.
Mediawijs met Media Didactica (31.10.2014) presentation with Aleksander Driesen. Boekenbeurs, Antwerp.
Jongeren en privacy (20.05.2014) presentation with Ellen Van Gool at Apestaartjaren 5.0., Ghent
Mediawijs Online. Jongeren en Sociale Media (05.10.2014) presentation for teachers of the J.B. David school community, Lier.
Reclamewijsheid bij kinderen en jongeren (27.03.2014 & 25.04.2014) presentation for Mediacoach course, Leuven and Ghent.
Mediawijs Online. Jongeren en Sociale Media (25.03.2014) presentation for teachers of the Sint-Ursula secondary school, Lier.
Media Didactica (25.11.2013) presentation with Aleksander Driesen for the Onderwijs Research Club at the University of Antwerp, Antwerp.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling using Mplus, Utrecht Summer School
Advanced course on using Mplus, Utrecht Summer School
Mediatraining (Alain Grootaers), ‘Zeg ’t eens, Summer school’
Schrijven voor niet vakgenoten en de pers (Ann De Ron), ‘Zeg ’t eens, Summer school’ 2014 Writing Abstracts (Josie Dixon), University of Antwerp
StatUA workshop Analysis of longitudinal and clustered data using Linear Mixed Models 2014 Tips & tricks voor een goede poster (Hans Van de Water) ‘Zeg ’t eens, Summer school’ 2013 Scoren met PowerPoint (Hans Van de Water) ‘Zeg ’t eens, Summer school’
StatUA workshop Logistic Regression in SPSS
StatUA workshop Basic Principles of Statistics
Academic Writing in English, ILT Leuven
Innovative research designs in the Communication Sciences (4ECTS), KULeuven
ACADEMIC SERVICE Reviewer Journals
The Journal of School Nursing
Reviewer Conferences
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschappen 2015, Antwerp, Belgium
RECENT PRESS COVERAGE Het Nieuwsblad Online (08.12.2014) "Jongens die pikante clips kijken, vragen vaker om sexting" Mail Online (04.12.2014) "Study finds link between people who view music videos and send explicit texts" Brabants Dagblad (18.11.2014) "Na veilige seks nu aandacht voor veilig internetgebruik" Reformatorisch Dagblad (08.11.2014; p.A13) "#blauwevinkjes" Smartlife - Het Nieuwsblad (november 2014, p.4) "Online zijn we allemaal sociaal" Gazet Van Antwerpen (20.04.2014; p.9) "Waarom Facebook jaloers maakt en sexting dom is" De Standaard/DS2 (20.11.2012; p.2) "Jongeren omarmen de Brabantse tussentaal"