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Unit 5 Working life and health
Unit 5 Working life and health How to avoid stress and health hazards at your workplace? Learning outcomes: - you will get an overall picture about stress management and the risk factors that make working life difficult - you will be able to understand the main function of modal verbs - you will be able to write and respond to a letter of complaint
Work-life balance
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Work-life balance Reading 1 Work-life balance Pre-reading. Discuss the questions with your partner. 1.What is work-life balance? 2. Why is it difficult to balance between your career, family and friends? Work-Life Balance Defined - What it really means! Your best individual work-life balance will vary over time, often on a daily basis. The right balance for you today will probably be different for you tomorrow. The right balance for you when you are single will be different when you marry, or if you have children; when you start a new career versus when you are nearing retirement.There is no perfect, one-size fits all, balance you should be striving for. The best work-life balance is different for each of us because we all have different priorities and different lives. However, at the core of an effective work-life balance definition are two key everyday concepts that are relevant to each of us. They are daily achievement and enjoyment.
Synonyms work-life balance devote enough time to work and personal life and free-time activities do as much work as possible and make a lot of money vary change remain the same start a new career get promoted begin to work nearing retirement being ready or old enough to retire waiting for a promotion one size fits all good for only one
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good for different people priorities the most important things to do thing happened before achievement something that you have read something you have performed enjoyment feeling very posivite and happy feeling exhausted and tired
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Work related stress Reading 2 Work-related stress Read the paragraph below and choose the correct word from the list.
What is work-related stress? There is often confusion between or challenge and stress and sometimes it is used to excuse bad management practice. Pressure at the workplace is unavoidable due to the demands of the contemporary . Pressure perceived as acceptable by an individual, may even keep workers alert,
,able to work and learn, depending on the available
and personal characteristics. However, when that pressure becomes excessive or otherwise unmanageable it leads to stress. Stress can damage an employees' health and the . stress can be caused by poor work organisation (the way we design jobs and work systems, and the way we manage them), by poor work design (for example, lack of control over work processes), poor management, unsatisfactory working , and lack of support from colleagues and supervisors. Research findings show that the most stressful type of work is that which values excessive
and pressures that are not
matched to workers’knowledge and , where there is little opportunity to exercise any choice or control, and where there is little support from others. Employees are less likely to experience work-related stress when - demands and pressures of work are matched to their knowledge and - control can be exercised over their work and the way they do it - support is received from supervisors and colleagues - participation in that concern their jobs is provided.
business performance work environment conditions
motivated abilities decisions
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demands resources
pressure business performance
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Quiz Reading 3 Work-Life Balance Quiz. Answer true or false to each statement below then count your scores and check it in the scoring section. 1. I find myself spending more and more time on work-related projects. ____ True ____ False 2. I often feel I don’t have any time for myself -- or for my family and friends. ____ True ____ False 3. No matter what I do, it seems that often every minute of every day is always scheduled for something. ____ True ____ False 4. Sometimes I feel as though I've lost sight of who I am and why I chose this job/career. ____ True ____ False 5. I can’t remember the last time I was able to find the time to take a day off to do something fun -something just for me. ____ True ____ False 6. I feel stressed out most of the time. ____ True ____ False 7. I can’t even remember the last time I used all my allotted vacation and personal days. ____ True ____ False 8. It sometimes feels as though I never even have a chance to catch my breath before I have to move on to the next project/crisis. ____ True
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____ False 9. I can’t remember the last time I read -- and finished -- a book that I was reading purely for pleasure. ____ True ____ False 10. I wish I had more time for some outside interests and hobbies, but I simply don’t. ____ True ____ False 11. I often feel exhausted -- even early in the week. ____ True ____ False 12. I can’t remember the last time I went to the movies or visited a museum or attended some other cultural event. ____ True ____ False 13. I do what I do because so many people (children, partners, parents) depend on me for support. ____ True ____ False 14. I’ve missed many of my family’s important events because of work-related time pressures and responsibilities. ____ True ____ False 15. I almost always bring work home with me. ____ True ____ False Scoring: Give yourself 1 point for each “true” response. Note that each “true” response is a sign that you probably need to make changes in your life -- and the higher the number, the more critical it is for you to make changes in your lifestyle. If you scored… 0-2 Your life is in pretty good balance; just be sure to do 2013.09.05. 11:41
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what you can to guard that balance. 3-5 Your work/life balance is teetering on the edge; now is the time to make changes before the problems overwhelm you. 5+ Your life is out of balance; you need to take immediate action to make changes in your work and your life before things start crashing around you.
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In this section you are going to read a letter of complaint which is written by employees to employers. Match the expression. turn to somebody with a matter / talk about a problem with somebody cause personal frustration / feel annoyed occupy the photocopy machine / work with it fall behind in our work / cannot catch up transfer the problem to somebody else / do not solve the problem I would appreciate / I would be grateful respond / answer
Read the sample letter and chose the correct version. Dear Mr. Thorn, I know you do a great deal to help the members of my section/action, so I feel I can turn to you with a matter that has caused us much personal frustration and even more wasted/waisted time. For several weeks now, the Vice President's secretary has been sending/spending people to do his copying on our machine. We want to cooperate/corporate, but sometimes they occupy the machine for two or three hours, making our own people wait. At this rate we are falling behind/under in our own work, and our production figures are suffering. Would it be possible for the Company to buy another copy machine, either for our use, or for the vice president's projects? I suppose/support his secretary could send people to other offices, but it would simply mean transferring/trafficking the problem to someone else. I think another machine would be the best solution for all concerned. I know my staff would sincerely appreciate/apprehend being able to use their time more efficiently. I look forward to your response/resume so I can tell them what to expect. Yours Sincerely,
Write a letter to the head of the Marketing Department and make a complaint concerning the inappropriate use of the fax machine that you use together with the employee of the Marketing Department. Problems observed: no paper / the receiver is not hung up properly / dirty dials / being kept waited
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Words 1. Work-life balance Nouns connected to the topic work-life balance – a munka és a magánélet összehangolása un/healthy work-life balance competing roles – egymással versengı szerepek pressure – nyomás challenge – kihívás, megoldásra váró feladat personal life - magánélet responsibility – felelısség, munkaköri kötelesség priority – elsıbbség, legfontosabb teendı (professional/persona) demands – elvárások achievement – eredmény,teljesítmény performance - teljesítmény enjoyment – öröm, élvezet consequence – következmény work environment - munkakörnyezet work organization – a munka megszervezése work design – a munka megtervezése work process – munkafolyamat compressed work week – sőrített munkahét participation – részvétel staffing - munkaerı biztosítása accessibility – elérhetıség flexibility - rugalmasság emlpoyee opinion database – alkalmazottak véleményének adatbázisa participant – résztvevı stress management – stressz kezelés mental health problems – lelki bajok vulnerability – sebezhetıség, kiszolgáltatottság anxiety – nyugtalanság, aggodalom depression – lehangoltság, levertség physical problems – testi bajok tension – meg/feszülés (izom, húr) tight neck muscles – merev nyakizmok churning stomach – kavargó/émelygı gyomor increased/high blood pressure – magas vérnyomás stomach ulcer – gyomorfekély clenched fist – ökölbe szorított kéz
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Verbs connected to the topic (to) balance – egyensúly, egyensúlyozni to juggle - zsonglırködik (to) struggle – küszködik, (to) schedule – napirend, idıbeosztás, megtervezi az idıbeosztását to achieve – teljesít to devote to – idıt, figyelmet szán vminek to neglect – elhanyagol to deal with/manage stress – kezeli a stresszt to keep somebody alert – éberen, készenlétben tart valakit to match – illik, illeszkedik (to) support – támogat/ás to participate – részt vesz it (he, she) is likely to+V – valószínő+ige (to) experience – megtapasztal, tapasztalat, élmény to have an effect on – hatással van vmire to express concern – aggodalmát fejezi ki to respond to – válaszol, reagál to provide somebody with something – biztosít valaki számára valamit Adjectives connected to the topic available (resources) – elérhetı erıforrások excessive – fokozott, nagy mértékő un/avoidable – elkerülhetı/elkerülhetetlen un/rewarding – nem/kielégítı, nem/ érdemes un/realistic – valószerő/tlen, életszerő/tlen un/effective – hatékony/hatástalan, nem hatékony vulnerable – sebezhetı, kiszolgáltatott anxious – nyugtalan, aggódó depressed – lehangolt irritable – ingerlékeny erratic – szabálytalan, kiszámíthatatlan flexible – rugalmas
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