Together, We Are Stronger
A két szomszédos város, Debrecen és Nagyvárad között mindig szoros volt a viszony. Ez nem a véletlennek köszönhető. A Körös-parti Athén és a cívisváros mindig is közel álltak egymáshoz: a gazdaság, a kultúra, a történelem századok óta szoros kapcsolódási pontokat jelentenek a két város életében. Az Európai Unió adta lehetőségek között ma is azon dolgozunk, hogy még közelebb kerüljünk egymáshoz, még erősebb kapcsolatokat alakítsunk ki, minél több lehetséges kapcsolódási pontot találjunk, illetve hozzunk létre. Ezek sorába tartozik a Magyarország–Románia Határon Átnyúló Együttműködési Program is, melynek keretében megújul a nagyváradi piaccsarnok és vállalkozói fejlesztési központ jön létre a volt debreceni kamarai székházból. A fejlesztések eredményeként romániai kis- és középvállalkozások is bérelhetnek Debrecenben irodákat 2015-től a Petőfi téri épületben, a nagyváradi piacon kialakított agrár-élelmiszeripari üzleti központban pedig magyar vállalkozások is juthatnak korszerű üzleti infrastruktúrához. Ezzel jelen lehetünk egymás életében, egymás gazdaságában. Felmerülhet a kérdés, hogy kinek és miért fontos mindez. A válasz egyszerű: mindannyiunknak. A közös fejlesztések új lehetőségeket teremtenek arra, hogy tovább mélyítsük a gazdasági, társadalmi kapcsolatokat, mert együtt jobban boldogulunk a globális versenyben. Európában élünk, Európában dolgozunk, Európában szeretnénk minél jobban érvényesülni. Együtt kön�nyebben megy majd. Ami rajtunk múlik, megtettük, a hátteret, a feltételeket megteremtettük. Most Önökön a sor, vállalkozókon, üzletembereken. Vágjanak bele, fogjanak hozzá, vigyék sikerre vállalkozásukat a közös jövőnk megteremtése érdekében!
Cele două municipii învecinate, Debrecen şi Oradea au avut întotdeauna legături strânse. Şi acest fapt nu este întâmplător. „Atena de pe malul Crişului” şi Debrecen au fost întotdeauna apropiate: economia, cultura, istoria au constituit de secole puncte de strânsă legătură în viaţa celor două oraşe. În condiţiile asigurate de Uniunea Europeană şi azi ne străduim să ne apropiem şi mai mult unii de alţii, să dezvoltăm relaţii şi mai puternice, să identificăm, respectiv să creăm tot mai multe puncte de legătură. În acest aspect se încadrează şi Programul de Cooperare Transfrontalieră Ungaria–România, în cadrul căruia se dezvoltă un centru de afaceri cu produse agroalimentare în Oradea, iar fostul sediu al Camerei de Comerţ din Debrecen se transformă într-un centru de dezvoltare antreprenorială. În urma dezvoltărilor, începând din anul 2015 şi întreprinderile mici şi mijlocii din România pot închiria birouri în Debrecen, în clădirea din piaţa Petőfi, iar în centrul de afaceri cu produse agroalimentare ridicat în locul pieţei din Oradea şi antreprize din Ungaria pot avea acces la infrastructura modernă de afaceri. Astfel putem fi o prezenţă activă în viaţa celuilalt, în economia celuilalt. Se poate pune întrebarea: cui şi de ce sunt importante toate acestea. Răspunsul este simplu: tuturor. Dezvoltările comune asigură noi oportunităţi pentru a adânci pe mai departe relaţiile economice şi sociale, deoarece împreună avem şanse mult mai mari în competiţia globală. Trăim în Europa, muncim în Europa şi în Europa dorim să ne afirmăm. Împreună va fi mai uşor. Am făcut ceea ce a depins de noi, am realizat bazele, condiţiile. Acum e rândul dumneavoastră, al antreprenorilor, al oamenilor de afaceri. Aveţi curaj, luaţi iniţiativă, asiguraţi succesul afacerii dumneavoastră în vederea asigurării viitorului nostru comun!
There have always been close contacts between the two “neighboring” cities of Debrecen and Nagyvárad [Oradea], and this has never happened by chance. The so-called cívisváros [verbatim: civic city] and its counterpart, oftentimes dubbed Körös-parti Athén [Athens on the river Körös], have cooperated with one another from time immemorial, as the spheres of their economy, culture, and history never failed to offer common points of departure in the lives of these two cities for centuries. Today, within the framework of opportunities granted by the European Union, we continue to work on getting even closer to each other, discovering or generating even more potential points of contact in order to establish even stronger relations between us. One of the best examples for these contact points would be the Hungary–Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme (HURO) under the aegis of which the old market hall in Nagyvárad is going to be renovated, whereas the building of the chamber of commerce in Debrecen is going to evolve into an enterprise incubation center. As a result of these joint development projects, small and medium size enterprises from Romania will be able to rent office space in the building on Petőfi tér in Debrecen as of 2015, while Hungarian entrepreneurs will get a chance to access state-of-the-art infrastructure in the business center located at the Nagyvárad marketplace. Thus, both partners will be virtually and physically present in the economic activities and the life of the other. The fully legitimate query that may be raised concerning this is whose interest this all happens in and for what reason. The answer is very simple: it is a win-win situation for all. These joint developments make it possible for us to create better and more profound economic and social relations, as we will definitely fare better together in the global competition. Since we both live and work in Europe, it is our joint aim to find better means for prevailing in Europe. We shall be able to do this together more efficiently. By doing our best in providing the necessary background conditions for this, we have paved the way for you, the entrepreneurs. It is your turn now to pick up the initiative, and make sure that your companies will successfully benefit from it in the interest of our shared future. Good luck,
Miklóssy Ferenc a Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara elnöke
Ferenc Miklóssy preşedintele Camerei de Comerţ şi Industrie a Judeţului Hajdú-Bihar
Ferenc Miklóssy President Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hajdú-Bihar County
Împreună suntem mai puternici Együtt erősebbek vagyunk
Vállalkozói Fejlesztési Központ 4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10. e-mail:
[email protected]
Office Space Irodák Akár 11 kiadható egység, egységenként 1-3 szobával és akár külön konyhával és mosdóval együtt is. Az irodahelyiségekben az alapterülettől függően 2-5 munkahely alakítható ki. A szobákban telefon, internet és kábeltévé csatlakozás található. Az irodák saját postaládával és egyedi, elektronikus beléptető rendszerrel (video kaputelefon és kártyás beléptetés) rendelkeznek. Minden iroda klimatizált, a fűtés egyedi mérés alapján távhőről történik, a villamos energia fogyasztás elszámolására szintén irodánkét egyedi mérés alapján van lehetőség. A betelepülő vállalkozások kényelme és biztonsága érdekében az irodák külső és belső árnyékoló rendszerrel, ill. egyedi behatolás és riasztórendszerrel vannak ellátva. Az irodák a beépített szekrények kivételével bútorozatlanok.
Tárgyalók 1 db nyolcfős tárgyaló LCD tv-vel, telefonnal és internet csatlakozással. 2 db 16 fős tárgyaló, mely egybenyitható és akár 40 fős konferenciateremként is használható, beépített projektorral, vetítővászonnal, hangosítással, LCD tv-vel, telefonnal és internet csatlakozással.
Közösségi terek A földszinti előtérben ügyfélváró és terasz áll vállalkozások és az épületbe érkezők részére. Mindhárom szinten gépekkel felszerelt konyha áll a vállalkozások rendelkezésére. Az alagsorban közösségi események, rendezvények lebonyolítására alkalmas helyiség található beépített projektorral, vetítővászonnal, hangosítással, LCD tv-vel, telefonnal és internet csatlakozással.
Egyebek A teljes épületben a WiFi lefedettség biztosított. A vállalkozások számára belső számítógépes hálózat és belső kiszolgálók (levelezés, tárhely, stb.) állnak rendelkezésre. A biztonságról elektronikus, kártyás beléptető rendszer, teljes körű tűz- és behatolásjelző rendszer, a közösségi terekben pedig kamerás megfigyelőrendszer gondoskodik. Az épület saját akadálymentesített parkolóval rendelkezik, földszintje és emelete akadálymentesen megközelíthető.
Birouri Pot fi amenajate şi închiriate până la 11 unităţi, fiecare cu 1-3 săli şi chiar cu bucătărie şi toaletă proprie. În birouri pot fi amenajate 2-5 locuri de muncă, în funcţie de suprafaţă. Sălile dispun de acces la reţeaua de telefonie, internet şi televizor prin cablu. Birourile dispun de cutie poştală proprie şi sistem electronic de acces (interfon video şi acces cu card). Fiecare birou are aer condiţionat, încălzirea centrală este dotată cu repartitoare, fiecare birou dispune de contor propriu pentru decontarea curentului electric consumat. Confortul şi siguranţa firmelor stabilite aici sunt asigurate şi cu sistemul de umbrire exterior şi interior al birourilor, respectiv sistemul de alarmă propriu în caz de efracţie. Birourile sunt mobilate numai cu dulapuri încorporate.
Săli de tratative O sală de tratative cu o capacitate de opt locuri, cu televizor LCD, telefon şi acces internet. Două săli de tratative cu o capacitate de 16 locuri, sălile pot fi întredeschise rezultând astfel o sală de conferinţe de până la 40 de locuri, cu videoproiector, ecran de proiecţie, instalaţie de sonorizare, televizor LCD, acces la reţeaua de telefonie şi internet.
Spaţii comunitare În holul de la parter, antreprizele şi cei ce sosesc în clădire au la dispoziţie un spaţiu amenajat pentru aşteptare şi o terasă. Pe fiecare din cele trei nivele, antreprizele au la dispoziţie o bucătărie dotată cu echipamentele necesare. În subsol se află o sală adecvată pentru organizare de evenimente, dotată cu videoproiector, ecran de proiecţie, instalaţie de sonorizare, televizor LCD, acces la reţeaua de telefonie şi internet.
Altele În întreaga clădire se asigură internet wireless. Antreprizele au la dispoziţie o reţea internă de calculatoare şi servicii interne (corespondenţă, stocare de date etc.). Siguranţa este asigurată prin sistemul electronic de acces cu card, sistemul de semnalizare incendiu şi efracţie, iar spaţiile comunitare sunt dotate cu sistem de supraveghere video. Clădirea dispune de o parcare proprie, accesibilă pentru persoanele cu dizabilităţi, parterul şi etajul clădirii fiind şi ele accesibile pentru persoanele cu dizabilităţi.
There are as many as 11 units available for rent, with 1 to 3 rooms and a separate kitchen and a bathroom in each. Depending on the size of the floor space, the office rooms can seat 2 to 5 people, and they have telephone, internet, and cable TV access. The offices are fitted with their own mailboxes and individual electronic access control systems (video intercom and card based access control). Every one of the offices is air conditioned, while central heating and electricity consumption can be measured individually in each venue. For the comfort and safety of the enterprises that will move in, the offices are equipped with internal and external blinds and shutters as well as separate anti-intrusion and security alarm systems. Apart from the built-in closets, the office spaces come unfurnished.
Conference/Meeting Venues 1 (one) meeting venue for eight persons, fitted with LCD TV, telephone and internet access. 2 (two) meeting venues for 16 persons each, which may be joined/combined into a meeting space for as many as 40 persons altogether, fitted with built-in projectors, screens, sound systems, LCD TV-s, as well as telephone and internet access.
Communal and Support Spaces There is a lobby and an open-air terrace on the ground floor for those who might need to wait to be served. On all three floors, there are kitchens fitted with household appliances. In the basement, there is a venue suitable for holding communal functions, fitted with a built-in projector, screen, sound system, LCD TV, and telephone and internet access.
Other Features Wi-Fi coverage is accessible over the entire area of the building. A local area network and local servers (mail and storage functions, etc.) are available for each of the enterprises. For the general safety of the workplace, electronic access control systems (video intercom and card based access control) as well as fire alarm and anti-intrusion systems have been installed, while surveillance for the communal spaces is provided by a CCTV security system. The building has its own fully accessible parking lot, and the floors can also be accessed by people with disabilities.
Hajdú-Bihar: A County of Potentials
Bihar County: Boundless Possibilities along the State Boundary
Bihar megye – a határ mentén, határtalanul Bihar Románia egyik legdinamikusabban fejlődő megyéje. Az ipar, a mezőgazdaság és a turizmus is számtalan befektetési lehetőséget kínál. A 7544 km2 összterületű Bihar megye Románia észak-nyugati részén található, a magyar–román határ mentén, 150 km hosszan Magyarország határolja. Románia 41 megyéjéből Bihar a 10. a gazdasági teljesítmény szempontjából és az 5. a külföldi befektetők tekintetében. A magyar-román országhatár mentén fekvő térségekben komoly gazdasági fellendülés következett be, hiszen a kedvező földrajzi fekvés, a román viszonylatban igen fejlett infrastruktúra, a rendelkezésre álló nagyszámú és több ágazat számára is jól képzett munkaerő mind amellett szól, hogy a vállalkozások itt válasszanak maguknak telephelyet. Bihar megye gazdasága a természeti adottságoknak megfelelően ipari-agrár jellegűnek minősíthető. Az ipari termékek 55%-át jelentik a gazdasági összterméknek, a mezőgazdaság pedig a 20%-át. A határ román oldalán, a Bihar megyei ipari vállalkozások által előállított különféle termékek mind ismert árucikknek számítanak a külföldi piacokon. A megye iparának hagyományosan legfontosabb ágazatai a könnyűipar különböző szektorai, különösen a textilipar, amely nyomán „Körösparti Birminghamnek” is nevezik a megye központját. Szintén jelentős a ruházati-, bőr- és cipőipar, az élelmiszeripar (üdítőital / ásványvíz gyártás és palackozás, cukoripar, szeszipar, édesipari termékek gyártása), a vegyipar, a kőolaj-feldolgozás, az építőanyag-ipar, a bútoripar, valamint a gépgyártás (szerszámgépek, mezőgazdasági gépek és eszközök, autóalkatrészek, villamossági berendezések gyártása). A jelenlegi növekedés motorjaként elsősorban a bőrés cipőipar, a nem vastartalmú bányászati termékeket kitermelő ágazatok, a gépeket és elektromos berendezéseket gyártó üzemek, a textilipar, illetőleg az alkatrészgyártás termelésbővülése szolgált. Dinamikusan fejlődő üzletág a turizmus is. Bihar megye turizmusfejlesztési stratégiájában hat prioritást jelöltek meg a legjelentősebb turisztikai lehetőségekre építve: gyógyturizmus, öko- és barlangturizmus, kulturális- és örökségturizmus, falusi turizmus, üzleti és konferenciaturizmus, sportturizmus.
Judeţul Bihor – la frontieră, fără frontiere Bihor este unul din judeţele României cu cea mai dinamică dezvoltare. Industria, agricultura şi turismul oferă deopotrivă numeroase oportunităţi de investiţie. Judeţul Bihor, având o suprafaţă de 7544 km2, se află în nord-vestul României, la frontiera româno-ungară, având o frontieră comună de 150 km. Din cele 41 de judeţe ale României, Bihorul se situează pe locul al 10-lea în privinţa performanţelor economice şi al 5-lea în aspectul investitorilor străini. Zonele situate în regiunea frontierei româno-ungare au cunoscut un avânt economic însemnat deoarece poziţia geografică favorabilă, infrastructura dezvoltată comparativ cu condiţiile existente în România, forţa de muncă aflată la dispoziţie în număr mare şi pregătită pentru mai multe sectoare atrag întreprinderile pentru a-şi stabili aici puncte de lucru. Economia judeţului Bihor – corespunzător condiţiilor naturale – are un caracter industrial-agricol. Industria dă 55% din producţia totală a economiei, iar agricultura 20%. Diferitele produse ale întreprinderilor industriale din Bihor sunt toate bine cunoscute pe pieţele din străinătate. În mod tradiţional, cele mai importante sectoare industriale în judeţ aparţin industriei uşoare, în special industriei textile, fapt pentru care municipiul reşedinţă de judeţ este numit şi „Birmingham-ul de pe malul Crişului”. De asemenea sunt importante industria de confecţii, pielăriei şi încălţămintei, industria alimentară (producţia şi ambalarea de băuturi răcoritoare/ape minerale, industria zahărului, a băuturilor spirtoase, industria produselor de cofetărie), industria chimică, prelucrarea ţiţeiului, industria materialelor de construcţie, mobilei şi producţia de maşini (maşini-unelte, utilaje şi echipamente agricole, piese pentru mijloace de transport, echipamente electrice). Forţa motrice a creşterii actuale o constituie în primul rând industria pielăriei şi încălţămintei, sectoarele de extracţie a produselor miniere neferoase, uzinele producătoare de maşini şi echipamente electrice, industria textilă, respectiv creşterea producţiei la piese de schimb. Turismul este de asemenea un sector în dezvoltare dinamică. Strategia de dezvoltare a turismului în Bihor a stabilit şase priorităţi pe baza celor mai importante posibilităţi turistice: turismul curativ, ecoturismul şi speoturismul, turismul cultural şi al patrimoniului, turismul rural, turismul de afaceri şi evenimente, turismul sportiv.
Bihar is undoubtedly one of the most dynamically developing counties in Romania, where the industries, agriculture, and tourism represent ample possibilities for investment. The 7,544 square kilometers of Bihar County is located in the north-western part of Romania, stretching 150 km-s long next the borderline between Hungary and Romania. Among the 41 counties of Romania, Bihar is the 10th best regarding economic achievements and the 5th from the aspect of the number of foreign investments. The regions alongside the Hungarian-Romanian state border have undergone a significant economic development recently, since the favorable geographical location of the area, together with the outstanding levels of infrastructure, as well as the availability of a large pool of highly and diversely skilled labor force, all justify the choice taken by a range of various enterprises to invest and settle here. Corresponding to the given natural conditions, the economy of Bihar County displays basically industrial and agricultural features, where the industries provide 55% while the agricultural production as much as 20% of the total economic output. The various products coming from the industrial enterprises on the Romanian side of the border are all recognized as high-quality staple goods and commodities at the foreign markets. Traditionally, the most important branches of industry in Bihar are the different sectors of the light industry, specifically the textile industry, which is why the county seat has been dubbed “Birmingham-on-the-river-Körös.” Other significant industrial sectors include the clothing, leather and shoes, and food products (production and bottling of soft drinks / mineral water, the sugar industry, the production of alcoholic beverages and sweets), the chemical industry, crude oil refining, the construction and building industry, furniture production, and mechanical engineering (production of tools, agricultural machinery, automotive and electric parts and appliances). The catalysts behind the recent increase in the volume of production seem to be the leather and shoes industry, the industrial branches specializing in mining and producing non-ferrous metals, the plants producing machines and electric appliances, as well as the textile industry and the production of spare parts. Tourism has also become a dynamically evolving field of business. Based upon the most salient touristic appeals, six different priorities have been identified in the strategy for developing tourism in Bihar County, comprising health and wellness tourism, eco- and cave tourism, cultural and heritage tourism, village tourism, business and conference tourism, and sports tourism.
Hajdú-Bihar – a lehetőségek megyéje A kiváló infrastruktúra, a román határ közelsége, az ökoturizmus, a mezőgazdaság és a gyógyvizes pihenőhelyekben rejlő potenciál teszi a befektetők számára vonzóvá Hajdú-Bihar megyét. A folyamatos autópálya-fejlesztéseknek köszönhetően jelentősen javult a közúthálózat állapota, így jól megközelíthetővé váltak a megye városai, falvai és a határ menti román települések is. A gazdaság és a kereskedelem élénkítése szempontjából további lehetőségeket tartogat a Debreceni Repülőtér fejlesztése is. Debrecen a megye és egyben az Észak-Alföld régió gazdasági, oktatási, kereskedelmi, egészségügyi, tudományos és kulturális szerepkörrel bíró központja. A Debreceni Egyetem sokoldalú tevékenységei révén alkalmas arra, hogy meghatározó szerepet töltsön be a megye innovációs tevékenységében. Hajdú-Bihar megye turisztikailag vonzó tényezői között első helyen a világörökség részét képező, egyedülálló növény- és állatvilággal, valamint kulturális örökséggel büszkélkedő Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park emelhető ki. Az árvíz-mentesítési munkák után vált szárazzá és szikesedett el a Hortobágy, amely Magyarország egyik legjellegzetesebb tájegysége, nemzeti parkja különös turisztikai vonzerővel bír. Fontos megemlíteni a megye számos termálvizes fürdőjét, melyek szintén sok látogatót vonzanak. Közülük magasan kiemelkedik Hajdúszoboszló, Európa legnagyobb fürdőkomplexumával, amely vendégforgalma alapján országosan a második legnépszerűbb fürdőváros. A termálvízbázis a balneológiai hasznosításon túl további lehetőségeket hordoz magában - például kifejezetten a gyógyászai szolgáltatásokban való alkalmazás, az energiatermelésbe való bevonás, illetve a mezőgazdaságban, üvegházas gazdálkodásban történő hasznosítás. Hajdú-Bihar mezőgazdasága jelentős, a gyümölcstermesztés igen nagy hagyománnyal rendelkezik, a területen főként almát, meggyet, málnát, ribizlit termelnek. Az erdőségek aránya magas és várhatóan tovább fog emelkedni a jövőben. A terület főbb ipari tevékenységei is az agráriumban rejlő lehetőségekre épülnek: mezőgazdasági gépalkatrész-gyártás, zöldség-gyümölcs feldolgozóipar, faipari termékek feldolgozása. A feldolgozóipar esetén az élelmiszer-, ital- és dohánytermékek és a vegyipar termelése jelentősen meghaladja az országos átlagot, különös tekintettel a gyógyszeriparra. A megye gazdaságában jelentős súl�lyal bír az építőipar is és az utóbbi években egyre növekszik az innovatív iparágak részaránya is.
Hajdú-Bihar – judeţul posibilităţilor Infrastructura excelentă, proximitatea frontierei române, ecoturismul, agricultura şi potenţialul oferit de staţiunile de odihnă cu apă termală fac ca Hajdú-Bihar să fie un judeţ atractiv pentru investitori. În urma dezvoltării continue a autostrăzilor, situaţia reţelei de drumuri publice s-a îmbunătăţit semnificativ, oraşele, satele judeţului şi localităţile române din zona de frontieră au devenit uşor accesibile. Dezvoltarea Aeroportului Debrecen oferă noi oportunităţi sub aspectul dinamizării economiei şi comerţului. Debrecen este centrul economic, de învăţământ, comercial, medical, ştiinţific şi cultural al judeţului şi în acelaşi timp şi al regiunii Câmpia de Nord. Universitatea Debrecen, datorită activităţii sale multilaterale poate îndeplini un rol determinant în activitatea de inovare a judeţului. În rândul atracţiilor turistice ale judeţului Hajdú-Bihar, pe primul loc se află Parcul Naţional Hortobágy, parte a patrimoniului mondial, cu o floră, faună şi un patrimoniu cultural unic. Hortobágy, una din cele mai caracteristice zone, parcuri naţionale ale Ungariei, care a devenit aridă şi cu sol sărat în urma lucrărilor de prevenire a inundaţiilor, reprezintă o forţă de atracţie deosebită. Este important să amintim numeroasele băi termale ale judeţului, care atrag de asemenea un număr mare de vizitatori. Din rândul acestora se evidenţiază în mod deosebit Hajdúszoboszló, cu cel mai mare complex de băi din Europa, pe baza numărului de oaspeţi cea de-a doua staţiune balneară ca popularitate în Ungaria. Baza de apă termală, în afara utilizării cu scop balneologic, oferă şi alte posibilităţi de utilizare - de exemplu folosirea directă în cadrul serviciilor medicale, în producţia de energie, respectiv în agricultură, în producţia de seră. Hajdú-Bihar are o agricultură însemnată, cultivarea pomilor fructiferi are o tradiţie bogată, în această regiune se cultivă în special meri, vişini, zmeur, coacăz roşu. Pădurile ocupă o suprafaţă mare şi se aşteaptă ca aceasta să crească în viitor. Şi activităţile industriale principale se bazează pe posibilităţile asigurate de agricultură: producţia de piese pentru maşini şi utilaje agricole, industria de prelucrare a legumelor şi fructelor, prelucrarea produselor industriei lemnului. În cadrul industriei de prelucrare, producţia de produse alimentare, băuturi şi produse de tutun, cea a industriei chimice depăşesc semnificativ valoarea medie pe ţară, în special în industria farmaceutică. În economia judeţului, industria construcţiilor ocupă un loc important, şi în ultimii ani creşte tot mai mult şi ponderea sectoarelor industriale inovative.
Excellent infrastructure, the proximity of the Romanian border, ecotourism, the agriculture, and the potential that is inherent in the thermal water basis of resorts are but a few of the factors that make Hajdú-Bihar County genuinely appealing to investors. Due to steady and continued efforts to upgrade the highway system, the overall condition of the local public road network has undergone significant improvement, resulting in the easier accessibility of the cities and villages in this county as well as of the Romanian settlements on the other side of the border. From the aspect of stimulating the economy and trade functions, further opportunities will be available shortly, as a consequence of the international project aimed at modernizing Debrecen Airport. Debrecen, the academic and cultural center of not only Hajdú-Bihar County but also of the larger North Great Plain region, plays an important part in the fields of economy, education, commerce and health care, too. With its broad-ranging activities and achievements in research and academic life, the University of Debrecen is fully capable of taking a leading role in the innovational efforts at work in Hajdú-Bihar. Among the tourist attractions of Hajdú-Bihar County, the most popular and appealing is definitely Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park [Hortobágy National Park], with its unique flora and fauna, as well as diverse traditions of cultural heritage, which have earned it a prestigious position in the ranking of World Heritage sites. The area of Hortobágy became extremely dry and desiccated following the implementation of flood protection projects in the 19th century, so now it is one of the most salient regions in Hungary, attracting large crowds of tourists with its peculiar landscape features. For contrast, there are numerous hot-water thermal baths located in this county, which also draw visitors from far and near. The most significant amongst them is Hajdúszoboszló, boasting of the largest bath complex in the whole of Europe and the second largest volume of hotel guests frequenting resorts in Hungary. Beyond the obvious use for balneological therapy, the stock of thermal water also represents a range of other possibilities to be exploited, comprising, for example, specific applications in health care services, incorporation into energy production, as well as utilization in greenhouse production facilities in agriculture. Agriculture in Hajdú-Bihar County has always been notable, with great traditions of fruit growing, specifically those of apple, sour cherry, raspberry, and red currant production. The proportion of areas covered with woods is high, and it can be expected to grow further in the future. The chief local industries are mostly based upon the opportunities represented by agriculture, including, for example, agricultural machinery spare parts production, vegetable and fruit processing, or the processing of products of the lumber industry. Within the processing industries, the output of branches specializing in food, drinks, tobacco, and chemicals is well above the national average, especially in the case of pharmaceuticals. An important niche in the economy of Hajdú-Bihar is filled by the construction industry, while the proportion of innovative industrial branches has also been steadily growing in recent years.