The Acceptability of In-vehicle Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) Systems
Titel presentatie Subtitel: sprekers X, Y, Z
Sven Vlassenroot, projectmanager
Speeding is generally considered to be a major cause of road traffic accidents
One of the most promising ADAS, aiming at reducing inappropriate speed, is Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA). Different types of ISA: Level of Support
Informing (open)
Type of feedback Visual
Warning (open)
Assisting (half-open)
Haptic throttle
Restricting (closed)
Dead throttle
The research on ISA in Belgium? 2000: Acceptability research on speed limiting systems 2002: A trial with ISA started in Ghent 2004: Study about implementation of ISA within cars of Ministers 2006: Study on a Flemish framework for the future construction of a speed limit database. 2008: ISA as part of the NExtgenITS Infrastructure study 2009-2011: Acceptability research on ISA 2015-2016: New trial on the use of ISA in Vans (to be decided)
ISA on political level in Belgium
DE MOL, J., Voorstel van resolutie betreffende de uitrusting van personenwagens met snelheidsbegrenzers, Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers, 48ste zittingsperiode, 1994-1995, 932/1 tot 4 (Goedkeuring plenaire vergadering 16 02 1995) MALCORPS, J., Voorstel van resolutie over experimenten met snelheidsbegren-zers voor wagens, Zitting 2001-2002, 2-852 SCHALCK, D.,Voorstel van resolutie betreffende de veralgemeende invoering van een Intelligent SnelheidsAanpassingssysteem (758/6), KAMER-2E ZITTING VAN DE 51E ZITTINGSPERIODE, goedgekeurd in de zitting van 06-05-2004. DE PADT, G., Voorstel van resolutie betreffende het gebruik van intelligente snelheidsbegrenzers door personen met een maatschappelijke voorbeeldfunctie (365/4), KAMER-2E ZITTING VAN DE 51E ZITTINGSPERIODE, goedgekeurd in de zitting van 06-05-2004. RESOLUTIE VAN HET EUROPEES PARLEMENT over een duurzame toekomst voor het vervoer (2009/2096(INI)) verzoekt de Commissie om op zo kort mogelijke termijn een studie te presenteren naar de beste praktijken van de lidstaten met betrekking tot de effecten van snelheidsbegrenzers op elk type voertuig en weg, zowel binnen als tussen steden, met het oog op het indienen van wetgevingsvoorstellen die de emissies moeten verminderen en de verkeersveiligheid moeten vergroten; Steve D’Hulster, Jan Roegiers, Dirk de Korten, Karin Brouwers, Lies Jans, Tine Eerlingen en Griet Smaers resolutie betreffende de bevordering van intelligente snelheidsassistentie voor een hogere verkeersveiligheid (Vlaamse Parlement 1616 (2011-2012) – Nr. 1 Karin TEMMERMAN, David GEERTS, Sabien LAHAYE-BATTHEU, Jef VAN DEN BERGH, Anthony DUFRANE, Christophe BASTIN, Valérie DE BUE, RESOLUTIE ter bevordering van intelligente snelheidsassistentie voor een hogere verkeers-veiligheid in het raam van de ITS-richtlijn en de aanbevelingen van de federale commissie voor de verkeersveiligheid
Effects on political level
resolutions were proposed and voted to enforce the policy about ISA. The topics of these resolutions were: about experiments and trials among ISA the use of ISA by individuals with a public role and about the implementation of ISA
ISA has been mentioned in the new governments declarations
Introduction •“If ISA is that promising, why is there no implementation?” •“Does the driver want ISA?” or •Will there be acceptability of ISA?
Survey on ISA Web-based survey was assembled using the open source program Limesurvey 36 questions, most of which consisted of different items (sub-questions) that had to be rated (besides some identification questions) on a 5-point Likert-scale. The final web-based survey was put online at the end of September 2009. The web-address of the survey was published by the Flemish (VAB) and Dutch (ANWB) motoring organisations. 6370 individuals responded to the web-survey in Belgium and 1158 persons in the Netherlands. Of these 7528 respondents 5599 responses of car drivers were considered useful for further analysis.
ITS Effectiveness
ISA choice, Usefulness & Satisfaction • • • • •
30% of the respondents were in favour of an informative system, 38% of the respondents preferred a warning system, 12% of the respondents a supportive system (active accelerator pedal) and 15% of the respondents a closed. Only 5% of the respondents indicated that they did not want any ISA
ISA Effectiveness
Equity (1)
Equity (2)
Conclusion of results • respondents considered that behavioural aspects would have a higher influence on the cause of an accident than contextual issues and stated that ITS can help • Almost 95% of the respondents stated that they are in favour of a certain ISA-system. But ‘acceptance versus effectiveness’ paradox • Support for ISA is high, but it would not be unconditional. ⇒ Acceptability of ISA by drivers is maybe not the main concern in future implementations