This issue’s articles written by: Nagy Berta Szemán Viktória Láng Fruzsina Editor: Mónos Péter Supervising teacher: Paul Bulman 1
Events: Harvest Fest Az október 18-i, szombati tanítási napon a Halloweennel egybekötött Szüreti Mulatság a lehető legjobban sikerült. Szerintem mindenki remekül szórakozott, jókedvűen vett részt a programokon. 3 felsős osztály rendezte be a rémszobákat, amelyekből a kicsik sikoltva rohantak ki, így az elvárásoknak megfelelően sikerült teljesíteni a feladatot. A 7/a, 7/c és a 8/b díszített, de a többi osztály sem unatkozott. Számukra a tanárok más programokat szerveztek. Az udvaron népi ügyességi játékokat lehetett kipróbálni, mint például patkódobást vagy a gólyalábazást. Minden állomásnál volt egy segítő tanár, aki elmondta, hogy mi az adott helyen a feladat. Ezt követően kvízt kellett megoldanunk, amely több részből állt, volt benne angol, matek és magyar is. Minden osztálynak két csoportba kellett rendeződnie, és úgy válaszolnia a kérdésekre. Mindenki megpróbált a lehető legjobban teljesíteni, mert tudta, hogy jutalom jár érte. Ezután következett a madárijesztő- készítés. Ezt is osztályonként két csoportban kellett megvalósítani azokból az alapanyagokból, amelyeket hoztunk. Így osztályonként 2 különböző madárijesztő készült el. A fáradalmakat a táncházban vezethettük le a tornateremben, ahol tánctanár és két zenész várt minket. Először táncoltunk egy kicsit, utána a zenészek meséltek nekünk a hangszereikről. A nap vége felé következett a jelmezes felvonulás. Minden csoportból egy gyerek kihúzta, hogy minek kell beöltöznie /pl. drótostót, csősz/, és bevonult a nézők elé az elkészült madárijesztőjével. Végre elérkezett a napnak az a része, amit már mindenki nagyon várt: az eredményhirdetés. Az első három helyezett tortát kapott. Az első-második hely tortáját a 6/c vitte el, a harmadik helyezett pedig a 8/a lett. Gratulálunk nekik! Így telt a szombati Harvest Fest. Köszönjük Móni néninek, aki kitalálta ezt az egészet, és az összes segítő tanárnak.
Book Recommendation The Infernal Devices: Cassandra Clare This fantasy series take place in the Victorian times in 1878 so it isn't the best book to start with if you are learning English but it has a great story and was written in 2010 so it isn't as hard as it first seems. The first thing you should know about these books that they are not advised to read for children under 12. I think this is because of the violence in it but the characters are humorous and not in a forced way which makes the whole thing more enjoyable. Despite the fighting the books were written for girls, which means romance. (But don't worry it is not that sloppy so boys can also enjoy it.) Theresa travels to London where she discovers a secret world hidden in our own. She goes through lots of hardship: loss, love, betrayal, war. She is also a shapechanger, the only one, so her life isn't easy not knowing who she really is. She learns a lot about life during the series. The Infernal Devices start with the Clockwork Angel, in which she discovers her talent. The second is the Clockwork Prince, and the last one is the Clockwork Princess, which puts a period at the end of the story. You might know that Cassandra Clare also wrote a series called Mortal Instruments. These two stories are entwined with each other and take place in the same world so if you liked it you might want to read the other to get a more complex view on the Shadowhunters (they are a race of humans in the books) and Downworlders (vampires, werewolves, djinn, fairies...). I hope that you will like the books. I really enjoyed reading them but keep a dictionary close at hand while you are reading it.
The latest Marvel movie of the X-Men: Days of Future Past. The X-Men send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants. In the future, robots known as Sentinels are exterminating all mutants, as well as any humans who help them. A band of mutants evades the Sentinels with the help of girl, who has the ability to project a person's consciousness into the past. This girl sends Wolverine's consciousness to 1973 to prevent Mystique (the blue woman) from assassinating Bolivar Trask, the creator of the Sentinels. Following the assassination, Mystique was captured, and her DNA was used by Trask's company to create Sentinels, whose ability to adapt to any mutant power makes them almost invincible. Xavier and Magneto advise Wolverine to find both of their younger selves for help. But it isn't that easy. When I first heard the title, Days of Future Past, I thought it would be a ridiculous movie but when I watched the film it turned out to be actually good. Although there were some strange and useless scenes in it the movie was funny and enjoyable. I don't advise it for girls who don't like action and fighting, because it isn't a deep movie but it has its moments. So I think it's worth a watch.
The Art Part: Van Gogh Van Gogh is now one of the most well-known post-Impressionist painters, although he was not widely appreciated in his lifetime. Vincent Van Gogh was born on 30 March 1853 in Zundert in the southern Netherlands, the son of a pastor. In 1869, he took his first job, working in the Hague branch of an international art dealing firm. He began to write to his younger brother Theo, a correspondence which continued for the rest of Van Gogh's life. Van Gogh's job took him to London and Paris, but he was not interested in the work and was dismissed in 1876. He briefly became a teacher in England, and then, deeply interested in Christianity, a preacher in a mining community in southern Belgium. In 1880, at the age of 27, he decided to become an artist. He moved around, teaching himself to draw and paint and receiving financial support from Theo. In 1886, Van Gogh joined Theo in Paris, and met many artists including Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec, Pissarro and Gauguin, with whom he became friends. His style changed significantly under the influence of Impressionism, becoming lighter and brighter. He painted a large number of self-portraits in this period.
In 1888, Van Gogh moved to Provence in southern France, where he painted his famous series 'Sunflowers'. He invited Gauguin to join him but they soon began to quarrel and one night, Van Gogh threatened Gauguin with a razor. Deeply remorseful he then cut off part of his own ear. This was the first serious sign of the mental health problems that were to afflict Van Gogh for the rest of his life. He spent time in psychiatric hospitals and swung between periods of inertia, depression and incredibly concentrated artistic activity, his work reflecting the intense colours and strong light of the countryside around him. On 27 July 1890, again suffering from depression, Van Gogh shot himself. He died two days later.
Words that might be unknown for you:
lesújt, kínoz, szomorít
tétlenség, tunyaság
News: Competitions Competitions Our school, is really outstanding in many competitions and also in language exams. Every year there are various types of competitions. If you would like to go on them here they are: NAME OF THE COMPETITION
Simony Zsigmond helyesírási verseny
November, february
Bolyai Természettudományi
February (sign up: until this week)
English Civilization (oral + written)
December 2
If you are interested in any of these competitions, you can ask your teachers for help, or if you would like to sign up.
Editor’s note: Cleanness In this editor’s note, I want to just say a few things about the school’s toilets and also generally about keeping our school clean. We just got an “upgrade” to our toilets and also new desks and chairs for a few classrooms. If we want this to continue this way (and I’m sure we do) we must be careful, and think about this when we have a pen (not for doing the task of course) or a wet paper ball in our hand. If we manage to not wreck the new “equipment” we could expect more of these changes. Let’s keep our school clean, we don’t want it to look like this: