The Study Of Socio-Engineering of Subak System Development with Agro-ecotourism Oriented SUMIYATI1*, LILIK SUTIARSO2, WAYAN WINDIA3 AND PUTU SUDIRA2 Agricultural Engineering Department, Agricultural Technology Faculty, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. 2 Agricultural Engineering Department, Agricultural Technology Faculty, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 3 Agribusiness Department, Agricultural Faculty, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. 1
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Subak is a traditional irrigation institution in Bali. The feature of Subak management is based on the principle to the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK). Since Bali have become one of the world's tourist destinations to date, it needs an attempt of integration between agriculture and tourism. Therefore, subak is not only as objects but take a role as a subjects. It is required a Study of Socio-engineering of the Subak System Development with Agro-ecotourism Oriented. The study was begun with the identification system. The boundary system in this study is the subak system and the agro-ecotourism system. Aspects studied include the technical and social of society aspects. Data was taken from the field through a survey method. Research was conducted in Subak Lodtunduh in Singakerta Village, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province and Subak Anggabaya, in the Penatih Village, District of East Denpasar, Denpasar, Bali Province. Agro-ecotourism facilities utilize resources owned by the subak or subak members, the principle does not interfere with existing subak operations. Line tracking, can take advantage of the irrigation dikes or barrier fields, conditioned to ensure the comfort and safety of visitors. So that irrigation facilities has also improved. With agro-ecotourism development is not expected to decrease the social conditions in the subak systems, however it is expected to increase social conditions of the Subak Anggabaya subak system and Lodtunduh subak system.
Key words: subak, agro-ecotourism, socio-engineering
Subak is a traditional irrigation institution in Bali and its function is to manage irrigation water that comes from a specific source. One special feature of subak system is its management based on Tri Hita Karana (THK) concept. This concept allows subak to manage the irrigation as well as the agriculture field in harmony, so that subak can be lasted for centuries. Until now, Bali is still one of the world tourism destinations. As the tourism has been developing, the phenomenon of the youth interest becomes a farmer has been decreasing, in addition the shrinkage of the agriculture field due to land use conversion. Rice paddy fields and farmers are the asset of tourism. The noble agrarian culture values have discovered from agriculture life which are able to be used as a tourism asset. Integrating agricultre and tourism are necessary to be done, so that subak is not only to be an object, but able to play a role as a subject. The transformation compatibility studies are required for subak and agro-eco-tourism to encourage the regional development. The regulations of local government of Bali province No. 02/PD/DPRD/1972 stated that subak is an indigenous community who has a socio-agrarian-religious characteristic and also a farmer association who manages water irrigation in the rice paddy fields. While, the government regulation No. 23 tahun 1982 on irrigation, subak is defined as an indigenous community who characterizes as a socio-agrarian-religious and also historically grown and developed as an water-use organization at the farm level. Originally, subak system was only managing irrigation water for its member benefits. Since there have been economic activities, in its developments subak system is also managing organization’s finance. Water distribution is using a particular system in each ownership lot of farmers’ subak members. Supply and drainage system are separated in one ownership lot, known as one inlet and one outlet system. Water in drainage canal can be used by others. Water allocation system and its distribution were performed regularly. Irrigation water is delivered to subak members; commonly it flows continually and proportionally. Water measurement unit has been used known as tektek. Agro-ecotourism is a trip to a special place to take an advantage of agribusiness as a tourism object for recreation or leisure, to enjoy, admire, value and study the
nature, environment and agriculture culture in a particular place/ farmland in order to preserve/conserve the environment and improve the local community prosperity. Agro-ecotourism is one of the tourism activities which its object is a farm including all activities that associated with it and in its implementation is still considering environmental preservation, in order to reduce negative impact of tourism activities, i.e. the environmental damage or pollution and local culture. In addition, it also provides financial benefits and local community empowerment by creating tourism products that promote local values. Agriculture is an activity to support the culture. Subak is one of Bali’s cultural heritage and also part of Balinese indigenous knowledge. Agriculture is becoming uninteresting, the area of subak is shrinking due to land use conversion, the different interest in using water and subak is not yet a legal institution. Compatible transformation of subak system and tourism is required to support regional development. Subak is a system; is a commensurate entity with socio-cultural community, achieving its goals based on harmony and unity according to THK concept and to maintain the environmental balance. In the study of “Study of Socio-engineering the Subak System Development with Agro-ecotourism Oriented” offered an innovation that should be beneficial economically, feasible technically, acceptable socially and culturally, also does not contradict with the socio-culture of local values and not lead to pollution.
This study was begun with the system identification which consists of subak system and agro-ecotourism system. Field data collection was performed using survey method and on the matters that need further information, in-depth interview was conducted based on interview guidelines which refer to the aim of the study (Mantra, 2008). System identification study consists of two aspects i.e. technical aspect and the social aspect of society. Based on the identification system study, subak system and agro-ecotourism system were arranged.
The research was conducted on Subak
Lodtunduh which is located in Singakerta Village, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, Bali and Subak Anggabaya which is located in Penatih Village, Denpasar Timur District, Denpasar, Bali.
Technical Aspects Based on the elements of the technical aspect as the results of the system identification study, subak system development with agro-ecotourism oriented were arranged as follows.
Conditions of Line tracking service of consumption accommodation Subak Irrigation Network Functions
Subak Irrigation Conditions
+ Condition and Function Subak Irrigation Network
Conditions of agroecotourism facilities
Subak Irrigation Performance
Indeks Area
+ Relative Irrigation Supply
+ +
Irrigation adequacy
Conditions of agroecotourism supporting facilities
transport accessibility
Ratio Water Supply
Conditions of agroecotourism supporting facilities
Condition and Function of Hall Subak
Subak System Physical Performance Agro-ecotourism + with Oriented
+ Condition and Function of SubakFacility
Condition and Function of Subak street
+ Condition and Function of Pura Subak
Figure 1. Causal diagram of the technical aspect
Most of irrigation water requirement (IWR) in Subak Anggabaya and Lodtunduh could be met by the available discharge (Q). There was a significant increase in water demand during the soil tillage, but it could be solved by water credit system between the subak members. Water excess in a subak system was managed by separated supply and drainage system in a particular rice paddy ownership area which is known as one inlet and one outlet system.
The procurement of agro-ecotourism facilities are utilizing subak or subak members’ resources and still considering the existing subak operation. For example tracking line; it is possible to use the dike in rice paddy field which is conditioned to ensure the visitor’s comfort and safety. For that reason, irrigation facilities are needed to improve. Agro-ecotourism facilities utilize resources owned by the subak or subak members, the principle does not interfere with existing subak operations. Line tracking, can take advantage of the irrigation dikes or barrier fields, conditioned to ensure the comfort and safety of visitors. So that irrigation facilities has also improved.
Social Aspects of Society Based on the elements of the social aspect as the results of the system identification study, subak system development with agro-ecotourism oriented were arranged as follows.
Figure 1. Causal diagram of the social aspect
Subak Anggabaya and Lodtunduh were in a “good category” in term of the routine ritual ceremonies’ value and their member’s participation in religious ceremonies. The implementations of religious ritual on both subaks are fully supported by the active participation of their members. In addition, its rituals in subak system have shown that subak system is a socio-agrarian-religious irrigation system; to manifest the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK) which is associated in maintaining the harmonic relationship between The Creator. In order to develop an agro-ecotourism oriented subak, the religious rituals can be a charming attraction. With agro-ecotourism development is not expected to decrease the social conditions in the subak systems. Expected to increase social conditions of the Subak Anggabaya subak system and Lodtunduh subak system.
The authors thank to Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) Ministry of Education and Culture for Disertasi Doktor research funding through DIPA Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) 2011.
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