Střední odborná škola stavební a Střední odborné učiliště stavební Rybitví Vzdělávací oblast: Vzdělávání a komunikace v cizím jazyce Název: Rozdíl v používání as/ like Autor: Mgr.Tompos Monika Datum, třída: 11. 4.2012, 4.B
Stručná anotace: Slouží k vysvětlení rozdílu mezi as/ like a k procvičení tohoto jevu.
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AS vs. LIKE (jako) AS: předložka Sue Casey is the manager of a company. As the manager, she has to make many important decisions. ( As the manager ₌ in her position as the manager)1. Předložka AS se používá tehdy, kdy nejde o podobu, ale o skutečnou funkci člověka, věci apod. V těchto případech je možné nahradit si tuto předložku pomyslným rovnítkem: As a child, I was very naughty. - když já jsem byl dítě (když JÁ = DÍTĚ) He works as a teacher. - ON = učitel You can use the knife as a screwdriver. - nůž má funkci šroubováku, tedy nůž = šroubovák 2 AS : "stejným způsobem jako, za stejných podmínek". AS použijeme před podmětem + slovesem: I didn´t move anything. I left everything as it was. You should have done it as I showed you.3 AS dále používáme při porovnávání, především ve spojení AS ... AS (tak ... jako). He's as tall as me. Read the text as quickly as possible. 4
Murphy, R. : English Grammar in Use with answers: A self – study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. 3rd edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 379 p. ISBN 0 521 53289 2
Vít, Marek. Help for English [online]. [ cit. 2012-04-10]. 3
Murphy, R. : English Grammar in Use with answers: A self – study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. 3rd edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 379 p. ISBN 0 521 53289 2
Vít, Marek. Help for English [online]. [ cit. 2012-04-10].
Zapamatujte si, že se říká: as usual ( jako obvykle) / as always (jako vždy)5 You´re late as usual. As always, Nick was the first to complain.6
LIKE: Předložka What a beautiful house! Like a palace.7 ₌ podobný paláci ( jako palác), ale palác to není. Předložku LIKE používáme zejména tehdy, mluvíme-li o podobě, když se něco něčemu podobá. He looks like his father. He eats like a pig. You act like a child. He works like a dog. 8 Jako (např.) Chceme-li k něčemu uvést příklad, můžeme použít dvě možnosti: 5
Murphy, R. : English Grammar in Use with answers: A self – study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. 3rd edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 379 p. ISBN 0 521 53289 2
Murphy, R. : English Grammar in Use with answers: A self – study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. 3rd edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 379 p. ISBN 0 521 53289 2
Murphy, R. : English Grammar in Use with answers: A self – study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. 3rd edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 379 p. ISBN 0 521 53289 2
Vít, Marek. Help for English [online]. [ cit. 2012-04-10].
I like movies like Terminator, Alien etc. I've been to many European countries, like Austria, Germany or Switzerland. I like sci-fi movies such as Terminator, Alien etc. I've been to many European countries, such as Austria, Germany or Switzerland.9
Cvičení: 1) __________ you all know, the final test is tomorrow. a) As
b) Like
2) What's the matter? You look __________ if you've seen a ghost! a) as
b) like
3) He's not very good at drawing, painting and things __________ that. a) as
b) like
4) __________ a teenager, Martin had many girls. a) As
b) Like
5) Stop that! You're acting __________ a child!
Vít, Marek. Help for English [online]. [ cit. 2012-04-10].
a) as
b) like
6) Peter works __________ a bus driver. a) as
b) like
7) Leave the room __________ it is, there's no time to tidy up. a) as
b) like
8) What's it __________ working for an international company? a) as
b) like
9) She's pretty but she's nothing __________ her sister. a) as
b) like
10) I always sleep __________ a log. Nothing wakes me up. a) as
b) like
11) "I went snowboarding last weekend!" -- "Really, it sounds __________ fun!" a) as
b) like
12) I love watching TV series, __________ Lost or Prison Break. a) as
b) like
13) She isn't as tall __________ me. I'm much taller.
a) as
b) like
14) The website makes life easier for lazy people such __________ myself. a) as
b) like
15) Look! The man over there looks __________ Sean Connery.10 a) as
b) like
řešení: 1)a, 2)a, 3)b, 4)a, 5)b, 6)a, 7)a, 8)b, 9)b, 10)b, 11)b, 12)b, 13)a, 14)a, 15)b, 11
Vít, Marek. Help for English [online]. [ cit. 2012-04-10].
Vít, Marek. Help for English [online]. [ cit. 2012-04-10]