Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 1 (satu)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. Siswa dapat menyimak beberapa Iklan dari casset. B. Siswa dapat memilih gambar yang tepat sesuai dengan pernyataan C. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan iklan dan Pengumuman
II. Materi Ajar :(terlampir) A. Pola hidup sehat Advertisements What do you usually do before you do shopping? How do you get an information of new products? Many of us make a shopping list and the others have fixed about what they are going to buy. Since they have got information from advertisements, it makes them easy to get what they need. B. Announcements(terlampir) III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Diskusi kelompok Tanya Jawab Ceramah Pemberian tugas
IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal :
1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti:
1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Mendengarkan Casset dan memberikan tanda pada iklan yang sesuai. b. Memilih gambar sesuai denagn pernyataan c. Menjawab pertanyaan bacaan
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama
V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. Global Access book 3 VI. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis
TASK ONE In this section you will hear the dialogues talking about advertisements. Now, look at the advertisements in your book and match the dialogue with the advertisements provided.
a. BMW 520 IS, 1998, met b1k,156 km, in top condition throughout j w/new tires and original interior, I Expart owned. Call 0217431271
2. ………………………………
b. Australian Graduated Veterinarian specialized in pets. For a house Call contact: Elizabeth for appointments on 0365- 43190
c. Garage Sale! Selling Excellent furniture at good condition. Contact : 7817-222
4. ……………………………….
d. Sales TV 37" Mitsubishi ors Japan (mul-sys, stereo) , , Complete Rmt, ant~~a, F.-Jd 2 sp.. Contact Ph ( )7 -
o You will hear TWO statements corresponding to the pictures in your book and choose the best statement that goes to each.
1. A
2. A
Task three
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 2 (dua) 3 x 45 ‘ran Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami Percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli
Kompetensi Dasar I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Siswa dapat menyimak dan memperoleh informasi tentang ungkapan reservasi Siswa dapat menjodohkan ungkapan pada kolom A dengan B Siswa dapat mempraktekkan dialog di depan kelas Siswa dapat melengkapi dialog
II. Materi Ajar : A. Ungkapan Reservasi (terlampir) Special Expressions in Making a Reservation 1. would like to reserve
a single ticket
to Tokyo
Return ticket Bussiness class Night flight
2. I would like to book a double room for this weekend. Want Are going Am supposed
3. Could I reserve a table for two for lunch? Can May Should 4. Could I make a reservation for my travelling to USA? trip to Africa next week journey to Bali tomorrow 5. Can I book a train seat for this afternoon? tomorrow morning next Saturday the 8 p.m. tonight Special Expressions in Handling a Reservation SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
1. Yes, Sir/Madam. What sort of room do you need? Yes, of course. Do you prefer Stalls or Balcony? Certainly. When will you fly, sir? When will you be flying Madam? In this expressions, we can use Simple Future or Future Continou Tense. Examples When will you arrive ? When will you be arriving? 2. I'm sorry
to inform you that all seats have been reserved.
Sorry, I'm afraid
rooms tables tickets inns 3. Your reservation is only valid if you confirm at 10 a.m. tomorrow. booking arrangement order
III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Diskusi kelompok Tanya Jawab Ceramah Pemberian tugas
IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal :
1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti:
1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. b. c. d.
Siswa mempelajari ungkapan reservasi. Siswa menjodohkan kolom A dengan B Siswa secara berpasangan mempraktekkan dialog yang tersedia di buku Siswa melengkapi dialog dengan ungkapan yang tepat
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama
V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. Global Access Book 2 VI. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis Soal Task one :• Match the expressions in column A t column B. A
1. Can I book 4 seats for the next show? 2. When are you going to stay?
a. This weekend. b. For single, the Rate is US $ 120 per night
3. May I know you rate per night, please?
c. My name's Riayah Soekirno and my address is 74 Rose Street Salatiga
4. Can I help you?
d. I'd like to make a reservation for next month.
5. May I know your name and address
e Certainly, sir. When will you have it?
, please? Task Two In pairs, practice the following dialogue then perform it in front of the class. James Gordon telephones Hotel Duta from Australia to make a reservation. Kartika, the receptionist, answer the phone. What do they say one another? Study the dialogue. Kartika Mr. Gordon
: Hotel Duta. Good morning. : Good morning. My name's Gordon. I'm calling from Perth. Australia.
: Can I help you, Mr. Gordon?
Mr. Gordon
: I'd like to make a reservation for next month. Is that possible?
: Could you mention the exact date? I'd also like to know how many rooms you need.
Mr. Gordon June. Kartika
:Of course. I'd like to two double rooms. And we'll be there from 12`h until 15`h of : Fine. Wait a moment, please. I'll check it for you (after checking) You're confirmed, Mr. Gordon. I'd reserved 2 double rooms for June 12`h through the 15`h. You'll be staying for three nights.
Mr. Gordon
:That's right.
: Mr. Gordon. May I have your full name and address?
Mr. Gordon
: Sure, The name is James Gordon. The address is... 15 Irwin Street Perth 6000 ............... West Australia. Did you get that?
:Yes. Mr. James Gordon, 15 Irwin Street, Perth 6000 West Australia, Could you give me your telephone number?
Mr. Gordon
: 09-3253811
:09-3253811. Thank you, Mr. Gordon.
Mr. Gordon Kartika `
:By the way, what's the rate for a double room. , : US $ 140, plus 21 % tax.
Mr. Gordon
: That's OK. Thank you very much.
:You're welcome. We're looking forward to seeing you, Mr. Gordon. Good bye.
Task three :• The following items are parts of dialogue that concern hotel reservation. You are hotel employee who asks for/give information. Go over each item to understand the context; and complete the dialogue. Afterwards, find a partner and practice the dialogue. 1. A B
: …………………………………. :Yes, please. I'd like to reserve two rooms
2. A B 3A B
:What sport facilities do you have? :……………………………………. :How Much is a double room? :…………………………………….
4A B C
: I d like to make a reservation for next month. Is that possible? : …………………………………………… : The 20"
: Can I book 2 rooms for weekend?
: ………………………… : Oh, that's too bad.
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 3 (tiga)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami Percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Siswa dapat melihat gambar dan menjawab pertanyaan Siswa dapat melengkapi suatu dialog dengan kata-kata yang didengar Siswa dapat mengekspresikan dialog dengan ungkapan keluhan Siswa dapat membuat dialog pendek tentang ungkapan keluhan
II. Materi Ajar : A. Ungkapan Complaining (Keluhan) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
I want to complain about these shoes. Well, this is the most unsatisfactory. I booked the room myself a week ago. I'm afraid... it's just not good enough. What can you do about these rooms? Something must be done. I'm sorry to say this, but this room is very dirty. I'm afraid I've got a complaint about.... Would you mind not talking too loudly? J I wish you wouldn't bother us. I'm not at all satisfied with your service. ./ I must object to your hotel.
III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. Diskusi kelompok B. Tanya Jawab C. Ceramah D. Pemberian tugas IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti: 1. 2.
Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru Menjelaskan Materi meliputi :
a. b. c. d.
Siswa memperhatikan gambar. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan Siswa secara berpasangan mempraktekkan dialog yang tersedia di buku Siswa melengkapi dialog dengan ungkapan yang tepat
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. Look a Head,an English course 3 VI. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertuli
I want to complain about these shoes. I bought them yesterday
Pay attention to the short dialogue above. Then, answer the following questions orally. 1. Where are they? 2. What are they? 3. What are they talking about? 4. Why did the customer come back to the shoe shop?
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 4 dan 5 (empat,lima)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami Percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. Siswa dapat menyimak dan memperoleh informasi tentang ungkapan membuat kesepakatan dan membatalkan kesepakatan B. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan dari dialog mengenai “arrangement”dan “Cancellation” C. Siswa dapat mengekspresikan dialog dengan ungkapan “arrangement” D. Siswa dapat membuat dialog pendek tentang ungkapan keluhan
II. Materi Ajar : A. Ungkapan Arrangement (terlampir) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
We will prepare the place for the party tonight. I want to visit you one hour gain. I will come here with my other. We promise to meet aga Eat 04.30 p.m.. I will do my homework soon after finishing my work.
B. Ungkapan Cancellation(terlampir) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I am sorry I can't join with you, I am sorry I must cancel my plan. I am afraid I can't come to your house. May I cancel my agreement because I have the othere opinion ? I am going to visit my grandmother, so, I cancel our planning.
III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. Diskusi kelompok B. Tanya Jawab C. Ceramah D. Pemberian tugas IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti: 1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Siswa mempelajari ungkapan arrangement dan cancellation. b. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai dialog c. Siswa secara berpasangan mempraktekkan dialog yang tersedia di buku d. Siswa membuat dialog SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama
V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. LKS Simpati SMK VI. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis
Task one. Going to The Beach Next week will be holiday. Dian and her family have a plan to enjoy a trip. At the family discussion, they decide to go to the beach. It is Parangtritis beach. The location is at the south beach of Java Island. The exact place is at south of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. Dian dreams what she will do there. She will walk along the shore with her brother, Danu. She will take some photographs. She will see the sunset at the evening and sunrise at the morning. At the night, her family will spend the night at a hotel near the beach. At the next day, before her family leave the beach, Dian will buy a special meal from that region. It is "geplak". A meal from coconut and sugar in various colours. It is so delicious according to Dian if it is eaten with a cup of tea without sugar. And the more important of this meal, she has promised to Arni to bring her this meal. Answer these following questions ! 1. When will the holiday be ? 2. What is the planning of Dian's family ? 2. What is the beach name ? 3. Where is the beach location ? 4. With whom will Dian walk along the shore ? 5. When will she see the sunset and the sunrise ? 6. Are Dian's family still at the beach at the night ? 7. Where will they spend the night ? 8. What will Dian do before leave the beach ? 9. Is there something important of the meal which Dian will buy ? Why ?
Task Two Dialogue ! Sofi
Brenda Sofi
"Good morning. Brenda." : "Good morning, So`i. Come in and sit down, please I
"Thank you." :
By the way, is there something special that makes you coming to my house ?"
"Brenda, do you remember that we have promised to see a new product of Dagadu ?"
"Oh, my God. I am sorry, Sofi, I forget it,well, but
… my family
will visit my aunt who is sick two days more. So, may I cancel our promise ?" Sofi
"I can understand. It doesn't matter for me if you can not go to that gallery. I can go with my brother." "He has waited for me at the car."
"Once again, I am sorry Sofi."
"Never mind.I hope your aunt will be better soon
"Thanks for understanding me."
"O.K, See YOU, Brenda."
: "See you."
Questions : 1.
Why does Sofi come to Brenda's house ?
2 Does Brenda remember with their promise ?
Can Brenda fulfill their promise ? Why ?
What is the Sofi's reaction when understanding Brenda cancels her promise ?
With whom will Brenda go ?
Where has So(i's brother waited for Sofi ?
Is Dagadu a gallery ?
Does Brenda say sorry to Sofi ?
What does, Sofi's wish to Brenda's aunt ?
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 6 (enam)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami Percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli
Kompetensi Dasar
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. Siswa dapat menguasai penggunaan modals Auxiliary B. Siswa dapat melengkapi kalimat dengan Modal C. Siswa dapat melengkapi dialog dengan modal yang tepat
II. Materi Ajar : A. Modal Auxiliary( terlampir) Modal Will
- They will visit us soon. - We will do better on the next examination. - Will you go to the movie with us ?
Tindakan yang akan terjadi - Janji/tekad - Ajakan/permintaan -
~ 4
- I shall visit you tonight. - (untuk I dan We), arti : akan - You shall do as I say. - Menyatakan kehendak dari penutur - Shall I open the window ? - Pertanyaan yang menghendaki persetujuan orang lain
- Menyatakan izin - Menyatakan kemampuan
- Can I go now ? - I can swim.
- Bentuk lampau dari can - Permintaan yang halus
- I could swim when I was young. - Could you help me ?
Wone d
- Bentuk lampau dari will - Memperhalus percakapan - Sama dengan "want" (ingin)
- I knew that he would come. - Would you give this book to Mr. Tanto ! - I would like a cup of coffee.
Shoul d May
~ Might
- You should tell me the truth.
- Kewajiban/anjuran (= ought to)
- He maybe at school. - You may-use the dictionary.
- Kemungkinan - Menyatakan izin (= can) - Bentuk lampau dari may - Dapat untuk sekarang/yang akan datang
I thought that you might be late. -
He might use the dictionary now
III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Diskusi kelompok Tanya Jawab Ceramah Pemberian tugas
IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal :
1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti:
1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Siswa berdiskusi mengenai ringkasan grammar yang ada. b. Siswa melengkapi kalimat c. siswa melengkapi dialog
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama
V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. LKS BAHASA INGGRIS SIMPATI VI. Penilaian : A. Test tertulis
Task One Complete the sentences ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
You .... be careful to cross the busy street. You are too weak. You .... go to the doctor. A:".... I see you driving licence ?" B : "Sure". She has lived in Japan for ten years. She .... be able to speak Japanese fluently. We .... stop when the traffic light is red.
Task Two Complete the dialogue using the appropriate modals ! Nurse :"Dr. Gold's office ............... I help you ?" Bill "Yes, this is Bill ........I speak to Dr. Gold ?" Nurse :"Dr. Gold is out of town. He ... not be back until Tuesday." Bill "That's terrible. I really .... speak to him. It's urgent." Nurse :"Oh, you .... be the gentleman who called before. What's the problem ?" Bill "My little girls is very sick. She .... not breathe very well." Nurse :"That's serious. Let me see. I ... give you a number in Jakarta. He .... be at his hotel, I am not su re, the number is (021) 777333." Bill : "Thank you." Nurse : "You're welcome, bye." Bill "Bye".
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 7 (Tujuh)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami Percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. Siswa dapat menguasai bentuk dan penggunaan “coditional sentences dan subjuntive wish” B. Siswa dapat mellengkapi kalimat dengan conditional sentences dan subjunctive wish. C. Siswa dapat membuat kalimat dengan conditional sentences dan subjunctive wish.
II. Materi Ajar : A. Conditional sentences(Terlampir) Expressing Unreal Conditions in The Present Time
He isn't sick, so he'll come., ' If he were sick, he wouldn't,.come. I don't have time, So.I won’t drive. If I had time, l would drive.~ . .You are busy, so you won't help. If 'you weren't busy, I would help. We work, so we'll take a vacation. If we didn't work, we wouldn't take a uacation.
1. Subjunctive I don't know her address. I wish I knew her address. He can't go to the meeting. He wishes he could go to the meeting. I'm sorry my father is not rich. I wish my father were rich. Note : We use "wish" to express non-fact and unreality (something contrary to the facts)
III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. Diskusi kelompok B. Tanya Jawab C. Ceramah D. Pemberian tugas
IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti: 1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Siswa berdiskusi mengenai ringkasan grammar yang ada. b. Siswa melengkapi kalimat dengan conditional sentence dan subjunctive c. Siswa membuat kalimat sendiri tentang coditional sentences dan subjuctive wish.
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama
5. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : 6. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis
TASK ONE Complete the dialogues below as the example. 1. A : Why isn't Mr Simon a good salesman? B: He isn't agressive enough. But if he were more agressiue, he would be a good salesman. 2. A: Why doesn't Iaila get good grades. B: She doesn't study. But if she studied more, she 3. A: Why don't you enjoy life? B: You aren't relaxed enough. But if you , 4. A: Why aren't you satisfied with your job? B: We don't get paid enough. But if we 5. A: Why doesri t Anita have friends at school? B: She isn't outgoing enough. But if she ,
TASK TWO Read a situation and complete the sentences with one of the Wish sentences from the box. I wish she were here. I wish it would rain. I wish I could repair. I wish I could have seen you. I wish she would come on time. I wish she spoke more clearly. I wish there weren't so many people. I Iwish I didn't have to work tomorrow.
1. It's crowded here. I wish there weren't so many people. 2. I don't hear her speech………………………………………. 3. My garden is very dirty. ……………………………………. 4. I'd like to stay in bad. ………………………………………. 5. My car has just broken down. ……………………………… 6. I need Tina, but she isn't here. ……………………………… 7. My friend is already an hour late. …………………………… 8. I'm sorry I missed you yesterday. ………………………….
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 8 (delapan)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Menyajikan Laporan
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. Siswa dapat memahami tentang tehnik-tehnik dalam pidato B. Siswa dapat mengetahui ungkapan-ungkapan dalam “opening”,”content” dan “closing”. C. Siswa dapat membuat ungkapan “opening”,”content” dan “ closing”.
II. Materi Ajar : A. Ungkapan Opening 1. Good morning ladies and gentlement, 2. Distinguished guests, 3. My beloved teachers, 4. Your excellency Mr.Headmaster, 5. Dear friends, 6. First of all. B. Content 1. On this occasion I’d like to ...... 2. Please allow me to say that .... 3. I’d like to tell you something about .... 4. I’m happy to inform you that .... C. Closing 1. Finally.... 2. To end up my speech I’d like to say once again... 3. I’d like to conclude that .... III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. Diskusi kelompok B. Tanya Jawab C. Ceramah D. Pemberian tugas IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti: 1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Siswa berdiskusi mengenai “Speech”. b. Siswa membuat kerangka Pidato c. Siswa membuat ungkapan Opening,content dan closing berdasarkan situasi SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. Global Access book 3 VI. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis TASK ONE Make an opening of a speech based on the given situation. Write it on your workbook. Example :
It happens at about 7.00 p.m. You give a speech in front of some men and women. It is a party. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to welcome you in this party .... 1. It happens in the afternoon. You are supposed to give a speech in front of guests coming from other school. Your guests are students just like you. 2. You are asked to give a short speech in a birthday party which happens at 7.00 p.m. TASK TWO. Use expressions and make sentences for the content of your speech based on the given situation. Write it down on your workbook. Example : You want to tell your friends about the program for the weekend. You suggest to go to the beach. On this occasion, I'd like to tell you something about the program for the weekend. 1 hope you all agree to go to the beach this weekend. etc. 1. You want to tell your friends at the meeting that the headmaster has agreed the proposal of going to the mountain for recreation on the next vacation. 2. You speak in front of the students' parents at a meeting. You are going to inform them that the school will hold an English speech contest. You expect them to participate by giving donation. 3. The English speech contest has finished. You want to express your gratitude and thanks to the sponsors. You tell them that the contest was successful. 4. You are at a birthday party. You represent your classmates in saying congratulation. Your friend who celebrates her birthday is Dewi. Say that your friends and you yourself will always pray for any success in her future. 5. You speak in front of your friends. You want to tell them that in celebrating the Independence Day , your school will hold some sport competitions. Don't forget to mention the names of the games/ competitions.
o Make the closing speech for each of the situation in Activity 2 Example : To end up my speech, I'd like to say it once again that I'm really happy to have you here in our school as our guests. We have learned a lot from you about a variety of activities to be developed in our school. Thank you. 1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. ……………………………………………………………………………….
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
: : : : :
Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 9 (sembilan)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami manual penggunaan peralatan
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. Siswa dapat memahami dan mengetahui tentang”Maintaining and repairing Indexing Failures” B. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaetan dengan bacaan tersebut. C. Siswa dapat melengkapi kalimat dengan kata- kata yang tepat.
2. Materi Ajar : A. Reading “Maintaining and Repairing Indexing Failures”(terlampir) 3. Metode Pembelajaran : A. Diskusi kelompok B. Tanya Jawab C. Ceramah D. Pemberian tugas 4. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti: 1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Siswa membaca bacaan yang ada. b. Menjawab pertanyaan c. Siswa melengkapi kalimat dengan kata-kata yang tepat.
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 4. Menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan doa bersama 5. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. English for STM 6. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
Lampiran Bahan Ajar (Pertemuan ke 9)
Soal. Task One • Answer these questions correctly according to the text. 1. What will you check before telling the problem to the section of Factory Service ? 2. Is replacement of a small part in the mechanism sometimes needed to correct the indexing mechanism ? 3. Do you know how to examine those partS ? 4. Why do we have to place the head correctly ? SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
5. What must be returned to its original place ? 6. Why do we have to be careful to lift the lock lever from its pivot hole ? 7. When can we disengage the lock spring ? 8. What do you do firstly if you want to replace the parts of the indexing mechanism ? 9. What is the last job you have to do ? 10. Please mention what you think most difficult in removing and and replacing those parts ? Task Two • Complete the sentences with the suitable words in this list. 1. A... must be replaced soon because it can damage the others. 2. Always ... the container ... as there is some liquid in it. 3. Don't put it . . . , the content in it will pour out. 4. Put the shorter shield screw in its . . . hole because the others are longer. 5. The librarian will fine you if you ... the books later. 6. Before you take out the cover of the fan, you have to ... it. 7. If we touched the wire . . . , we could get an electric shock. 8. The ... of a small part does not have to be done by the Factory Ser vice. failure upside down undue face up
mechanism accidently return broken part
replacement unscrew appropriate appropriately (Adv.)
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
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Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 10 (Sepuluh)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami manual penggunaan peralatan
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Siswa dapat memahami dan mengetahui tentang”How to install a socket”. Siswa dapat menyebutkan nama-nama benda dalam gambar. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan Siswa dapat menceritakan kembali isi bacaan.
II. Materi Ajar : A. Reading “How to Install a Socket” (terlampir) III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. Diskusi kelompok B. Tanya Jawab C. Ceramah D. Pemberian tugas IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti: 1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Siswa membaca bacaan yang ada. b. Siswa menyebut nama benda sesuai gambar. c. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan d. Siswa menceritakan kembali isi bacaan
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. English for STM VI. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis
Lampiran Bahan Ajar dan Soal
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
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Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 11 (sebelas)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Memahami dokumen-dokumen teknis
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Siswa dapat memahami dan mengetahui tentang”Filing”. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan. Siswa dapat menemukan Synonym dari kata yang ada dalam bacaan Siswa dapat menjodohkan phrase dengan gambar.
II. Materi Ajar : A. Reading “Filing” (terlampir) III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. Diskusi kelompok B. Tanya Jawab C. Ceramah D. Pemberian tugas IV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal : 1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti: 1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. Siswa membaca bacaan yang ada. b. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan. c. Siswa mencari synonym beberapa kata dalam bacaan d. Siswa menjodohkan gambar dengan phrase.
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 VI. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
Lampiran Soal We all need papers to do our work, but it accumulates quickly. Our files grow fatter, and then they grow some more. Folders and filing system make ii easier to find our documents. Records managers organize, archive, and retrieve our information.But the amount od paper keep growing files are often hard to find. Records may note in their proper folder. Or they may be "borrowed" and then lost on somebody's desk. Studies show that professionals often- lose up to 500 hours a year just looking for documents. Those days are gone. Document imaging offers a better way to'. manage tire records you rely on. Document imaging should: • enable you to manage millions of records and retrieve the one you need in seconds; • be apieasure to use, whether you're the person that needs the files or the records manager; • let you share documents with colleagues while protecting confidential information; • allow you to e-mail of fax files with the click of a mouse; • prcvide an easy way to share documents with other offices or take them on the road; • conform to the way you work, rather than forcing you to change.
Find the synonym from the words in the text, and write the meaning 1. to collect 6. precise
2. to develop 7. to consume
3. to arrange 8. to provide
4. to fetch 9. to distribute
5. difficult 10. to facilitate
Match the pictures with the phrases
~ a, a vertical suspension filing c. a filing cabinet drawer e. a desk-to sorter g. a bulky file i. a ti ol!ey with wire trays is useful
b. a filing spike . d. a box file' f. a ring binder h. a lever arch file j. files in a filing cabinet drawer without pockets
for the collection of filing
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan ke Alokasi Waktu Standart Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
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Bahasa Inggris XII / 1 12 (duabelas)
Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate. : Menulis surat bisnis dan laporan sederhana
I. Tujuan Pembelajaran : A. Siswa dapat memahami dan mengetahui tentang Surat Lamaran dan Bisnis. B. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan. C. Siswa dapat melengkapi surat lamaran dan surat bisnis dengan kata-kata yang termasuk dalam bagian surat D. Siswa dapat membuat surat lamaran.
II. Materi Ajar : A. Application letter,business letter,advertisement (terlampir) III. Metode Pembelajaran : A. B. C. D.
Diskusi kelompok Tanya Jawab Ceramah Pemberian tugas
4. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran : A. Kegiatan Awal :
1. Memberikan salam 2. Memimpin doa 3. Melakukan Absensi/Apersepsi B. Kegiatan Inti:
1. Menjelaskan sistematika pembelanjaran baru 2. Menjelaskan Materi meliputi : a. b. c. d. e.
Siswa membaca surat lamaran. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan. Siswa melengkapi surat dengan kata-kata yang tersedia Siswa melengkapi surat bisnis dengan kata yang tepat. Siswa melengkapi Iklan dengan kata yang tepat.
C. Kegiatan Akhir: 1. Mendiskusikan materi 2. Menyimpulkan / merangkum pembelajaran 3. Menyampaikan topik materi yang akan datang 5. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar : A. Step by Step 3 english for vacational school 6. Penilaian : A. Test Lisan B. Test tertulis SMK MUHAMMADIYAH MATARAM
Lampiran Soal Task One