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actual domain 7 second degree expansion of 7 first degree expansion of 7 zero degree expansion of 7 ADBASE 174-176 AHP 68, 69, 121, 142 alternatives 7, 110-112, 133-137, 156158, 174-175, 182-186 aggregation of 112 combination of 112 AMOEBA approach 86-88 analysis 6 attribute 51 authorization 5 bargaining 5 benefit-cost ratio concentrations 194, 195 constraints 175 Cost-Benefit Analysis 73, 74 decision 4 environment 44-46 formal 46 hierarchical 46 informal 46 maker 4 non-routine 45 procedural rationality of a 6 quality of a 6 routine 45 rule 51 sequential 46 single 46 strategy 51 substantive rationality of a 6 support system 2 unique 45 decision process 4 simple impasse 27, 28
basic search 30, 31, 127, 128 basic design 32, 33, 154 political design 28, 29 blocked design 32-35 dynamic design 35, 36, 179, 180 quality of a 7 DEFINITE 107-121 development phase 5, 9, 10 support of the 9, 10 diagnosis 4 discounting 75-82 discount rate 75-82 effects 42, 43 time pattern of 42, 43, 186-188 spatial pattern of 43, 44 Electre 61, 62 emissions 183-186 environmental costs 21 environmental quality 20 Evamix 65 evaluation/choice 5 evaluation method 51 functions of MODSS 8-12, 148, 149, 176, 177, 198, 199,208, 209 Ideal Point method 60, 61, 142, 158-162 identification phase 4 information 7, 37-41 processing 11 intelligence 4 Internal rate of return interrupts 25, 26 judgement 5, 11 learning 1, 10 linear programming 171 multiobjective 179, 180 map representations 162-169, 190-196 measurement scales 53, 64, 113, 134-136 Monte Carlo approach 91-93, 145, 146 231
Multiattribute utility model 58 natural resources 19-21 prices of 21, 80-82 renewable 19 non-renewable 19, 20 Net present value 74 objective 51 optimization 170-176 participant 44, 45 Permutation method 64, 65 problem 3 continuous decision 52 definition 11 0-112 discrete decision 52 environmental 18-23 evaluation 115-117 presentation 113-115 ranking methods 69-73 recognition 4 Regime method 63, 64 search 5 scorecard 84, 85 screen 5 selection phase 5, 9 support of the 9 sensitivity analysis 91-105, 118-122, 145-148 source-receptor matrices 190 standards 137 standardization 55, 56 sustainable development 19-20 thresholds 62, 191-197 trade-off assessment 67, 68 utility functions 59, 67, 68 utility indices 157, 158 value functions 59, 137-142 Weighted Summation 55-88
Environment & Management I. O. Kuik and H. Verbruggen (eds.): In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development.1991 ISBN 0-7923-1249-X 2. R. Janssen: Multiobjective Decision Support for Environmental Management. 1992
ISBN 0-7923-1908-7