Excursion Ieper VWO 6 November 2014
Programme Tuesday 25 November in HOORN, OSG. 10:10
V6A: History vs the Poets: WW1 in classroom 305 V6B: History vs the Poets: WW1 in classroom 301 V6C: History vs the Poets: WW1 in classroom 304
Lesson ends for all classes: BREAK!
V6A: English: perfecting your presentations in classroom 109 V6B: English: perfecting your presentations in classroom 112 V6C: English: perfecting your presentations in classroom 105
Lesson ends for all classes. Day at school ends.
Programme Wednesday 26 November 2014 09:00
Bus departs from ‘de Waterhoorn’.
Expected arrival in Ieper
V6A: Visit Flanders Field Museum (Ieper) V6B: Start Presentations in Ieper. Choose from St. George’s Memorial Church, Grote Markt & Lakenhallen, Menin Gate and Ramparts Cemetery. Max and min 3 presentations. V6C: Start Presentations in Ieper. Choose from St. George’s Memorial Church, Grote Markt & Lakenhallen, Menin Gate and Ramparts Cemetery. Max 3 and min presentations in total.
V6B: Visit Flanders Field Museum (Ieper) V6A: Start Presentations in Ieper. Choose from St. George’s Memorial Church, Grote Markt & Lakenhallen, Menin Gate and Ramparts Cemetery. V6C: Continue presentations in Ieper. Choose from St. George’s Memorial Church, Grote Markt & Lakenhallen, Menin Gate and Ramparts Cemetery. Max and min 3 presentations in total.
V6C: Visit Flanders Field Museum (Ieper) V6B: Continue presentations in Ieper. Choose from St. George’s Memorial Church, Grote Markt & Lakenhallen, Menin Gate and Ramparts Cemetery. Max and min 3 presentations in total. V6A: Continue presentations in Ieper. Choose from St. George’s Memorial Church, Grote Markt & Lakenhallen, Menin Gate and Ramparts Cemetery. Max 3 presentations in total.
V6A and ½ V6B to The Poppies 2 Hostel. Make beds and get acclimatised.
V6C and ½ V6B to The Menin Gate Hostel. Make beds and get acclimatised. 17:30
Dinner at own leisure.
Film Viewing: All Quiet on the Western Front in Stadsschouwburg Ieper.
Evening programme ends
Last call for Lights Out! Programme Thursday 27 November 2014
Breakfast in Poppies and Menin Gate School Hotels
Depart for the Battlefields of WW1. Maximum presentations today 5. Minimum presentations is 3. All classes: Visit to the Battlefield. Includes: Essex Farm Hill 62 & Sanctuary Wood Cemetery Bayernwald Hill 60 walk
All classes: visit to the cemeteries. Includes: Tyne Cot Cemetery Langemark Cemetery Polygon Wood
Back in Ieper: dinner at your own leisure
All attend Last Post Ceremony at The Menin Gate. Laying of 3 reeves by V6ABC girl and boy representatives. http://www.lastpost.be/nl
Evening repose, programme in School Hotels.
Last call for Lights Out!
Programme Friday 28 November 08:00
Breakfast at Poppies and Menin Gate School Hotels
Pack all bags and clean hostels!
All classes leave in bus for Poperinge
V6A: Visit Talbot House (Poperinge) V6B: Start Presentations in Poperinge. Choose from Talbot House Garden, Talbot House Church, Death Cells & Execution Pole. Max and min 3 presentations. V6C: Start Presentations in Poperinge. Choose from Talbot House Garden, Talbot House Church, Death Cells & Execution Pole. Max and min 3 presentations.
V6A: Start Presentations in Poperinge. Choose from Talbot House Garden, Talbot House Church, Death Cells & Execution Pole. Max and min 3 presentations. V6B: Continue presentations in Poperinge. Choose from Talbot House Garden, Talbot House Church, Death Cells & Execution Pole. Max and min 3 presentations. V6C: Visit Talbot House (Poperinge)
V6A: Start presentations in Poperinge. Choose from Talbot House Garden, Talbot House Church, Death Cells & Execution Pole. Max and min 3 presentations. V6B: Visit Talbot House (Poperinge) V6C: Continue presentations in Poperinge. Choose from Talbot House Garden, Talbot House Church, Death Cells & Execution Pole. Max and min 3 presentations.
All presentations for today finished! All depart for Hoorn.
18:00-19:00 Expected arrival in Hoorn
Itinerary for Ieper: special considerations Wellington boots/sturdy walking shoes. The Ieper mud was a legendary foe for the soldier of ’14, but can still cling with clods to the modern shoe. We will walk through battlefield sites, which can be very, very muddy. Raincoat/umbrella. The Flanders ‘Westhoek’ is notorious for its rainfall, not exactly ideal for a drawn out military conflict, neither for a field trip for Dutch students. Please make sure you have the appropriate material to protect yourself against the rain. Packed lunch for the journey to Ieper on Wednesday 26 November. On Thursday 27/11 and Friday 28/11 lunch is provided. Money for dinner on Wednesday 26/11 and Thursday 27/11. You will dine at your own leisure, there are many good and budget friendly places to go and eat, varying from €5-€15. Linnen and blankets are provided! Towels are not provided!
Menin Gate School Hotel & Poppies School Hotel Rules 2014 In België geldt de wet op het nachtlawaai die stelt dat het na 22u00 stil moet zijn, teneinde de nachtrust van de buren te respecteren. Onze 3 hotels liggen in het hartje van Ieper, wat een enorm voordeel is. Dit betekent echter ook dat we ten alle tijde rekening moeten houden met en respect hebben voor de buren en de bewoners van de omgeving. Om die reden is het absoluut noodzakelijk de hieronder beschreven huisregels na te leven. Gelieve deze goed na te lezen en ons te bevestigen dat u of uw groep hiermee instemt alvorens het verblijf bij ons vast te leggen. Huisregels betreffende geluidsoverlast: 1. Vanaf 22u00 ’s avonds moet het op de slaapkamers en in de gangen absoluut stil zijn. Heen en weer geloop in de gangen en luid gebabbel worden niet geaccepteerd. 2. Vanaf 23u00 ’s avonds mag de games room op het gelijkvloers niet meer gebruikt worden voor spelletjes en/of bijeenkomsten. 3. Op de trappen en in de gangen mag er NOOIT gerend worden. Lopen en stampen op de houten trappen en vloeren veroorzaakt een hels lawaai. 4. Het gebruik van alcohol in de kamers is verboden. Roken mag alleen buiten het gebouw, en niet na 23:00. 5. Eventuele schade aan het pand wordt verhaald op de gebruiker/gast. Het niet naleven van deze regels legt een regelrechte hypotheek op het voortbestaan van dit hotel. We zijn ten slotte een overnachtingsplaats; het gebouw kan en mag dan ook niet gebruikt worden als feestzaal of discotheek. Met dit exemplaar te ondertekenen, verklaart u akkoord te gaan met onze regels en stemt u in om deze te respecteren.
Hartelijk dank voor uw begrip.
Met vriendelijke groet, Stefaan Vanderstraete, Algemeen directeur.