Program Pasca Sarjana S2 Elektro
Sistem Penunjang Pengambilan Keputusan Decision Support System 2008-2009
1.1 Definisi SPPK Decision Support System (DSS) ●
Computer system designed to provide assistance in determining and evaluating alternative courses of action. A DSS (1) acquires data from the mass of routine transactions of a firm, (2) analyzes it with advanced statistical techniques to extract meaningful information, and (3) narrows down the range of choices by applying rules based on decision theory. Its objective is facilitation of 'what if' analysis and not replacement of a manager's judgment.[1]
Definisi SPPK ..... ●
Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a specific class of computerized information system that supports business and organizational decision-making activities [2].
Sistem Informasi Eksekutif Executive Information System (EIS) ●
Not a piece of hardware or software, but an infrastructure that supplies to a firm's executives the up-to-the-minute operational data, gathered and sifted from various databases. The typical information mix presented to the executive may include financial information, work in process, inventory figures, sales figures, market trends, industry statistics, and market price of the firm's shares. It may even suggest what needs to be done, but differs from a decision support system (DSS) in that it is targeted at executives and not managers.[2]
Definisi Eksekutif VS Manager ●
Executive definition [3]: –
Person or group appointed and given the responsibility to manage the affairs of an organization and the authority to make decisions within specified boundaries.
Executive definition [4]: –
The term executive function describes a set of cognitive abilities that control and regulate other abilities and behaviors. Executive functions are necessary for goal-directed behavior.
Definisi Eksekutif VS Manager ●
Manager definiton: –
An individual who is in charge of a certain group of tasks, or a certain subset of a company. A manager often has a staff of people who report to him or her. As an example, a restaurant will often have a front-ofhouse manager who helps the patrons, and supervises the hosts. In addition, a specific office project can have a manager, known simply as the project manager. Certain departments within a company designate their managers to be line managers, while others are known as staff managers, depending upon the functionality of the department.[5]
Struktur & Teori Organisasi Executive (CEO) Berkembang/bergeser menjadi
General Manager
Finance Manager
Sales Manager
Sales Manager
“Manager has especially task and job area”
Sales Manager
1.2 Definisi Keputusan ●
Definisi: –
Choice made between alternative courses of action in a situation of uncertainty. Although too much uncertainty is undesirable, manageable uncertainty provides the freedom to make creative decisions. [8]
1.3 Teori Pengambilan Keputusan making decision ●
Definisi: –
Suatu kegiatan untuk memberikan pedoman kepada orang atau organisasi dalam mengambil keputusan, sekaligus memperbaiki proses pengambilan keputusan dalam kondisi tidak pasti. [9:5]
1.4 Kondisi Pengambilan Keputusan ●
Saat pimpinan mengambil keputusan dihadapkan dalam beberapa kondisi yaitu: –
Kondisi Pasti ●
Kondisi Tidak Pasti ●
(Decision Under Certainty) (Decision Under Uncertainty)
Kondisi Beresiko ●
(Decision Under Risk)
Decision Under Certainty ..... ●
Contoh: ?
Decision Under Certainty ..... ●
Seseorang akan memutuskan untuk membeli baju dengan: corak, ukuran, kualitas dan harga yang telah diketahui. Seseorang manager keuangan akan mengambil keputusan meminjam modal, informasi pendukung berupa: tingkat bunga dan persyaratan lain yang telah ada/disediakan. FAKTOR-2 YANG MEMPENGARUHI DIKETAHUI SECARA PASTI (UKURAN/PARAMETER-NYA)
Decision Under Uncertainty ..... ●
Contoh: ?
Decision Under Certainty ..... ●
Seorang manager keuangan merencanakan membeli saham. Dimana informasi tentang saham dipengauhi berbagai faktor yang sulit diramalkan, misalnya: kondisi makro ekonomi, situasi politik (dll). Seorang manager pemasaran tidak mempunyai data pasti tentang strategi pemasaran yang akan dilakukan perusahaan-2 lawan. FAKTOR-2 YANG MEMPENGARUHI TIDAK DIKETAHUI SECARA PASTI (UKURAN/PARAMETER-NYA)
Solusi Decision Under Certainty
Biasanya Digunakan Teori Kemungkinan (Peluang dan Probabilitas)
Decision Under Risk ●
Contoh: ?
Decision Under Risk ..... ●
Seorang Rektor harus mengambil keputusan dalam melakukan re-organisasi unit Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi hal mungkin berdampak adalah Sistem TIK akan ada gangguan jika tidak dilakukan unit ini menjadi Super Body. SEMUA KEPUTUSAN MENGANDUNG RESIKO, BAIK DALAM KONDISI PASTI ATAU TIDAK SEHINGGA KALKULASI MENJADI DASAR YANG PENTING
Tugas ●
Dibagi menjadi 3 Kelompok untuk mencari kegiatan pengambilan keputusan dalam 3 katagori.
Daftar Pustaka (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Prawirosentono Drs.,MBA, Suyadi, “Strategi Pengambilan Keputusan Bisnis”, 2002 Bumi Aksara Jakarta (10)