Profil Perusahaan Company Profile
Pendirian Perusahaan
Didirikan pada tahun 1951, PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. memulai produksi bannya dengan ban sepeda. Sejak itu Perusahaan bertumbuh menjadi produsen ban terpadu terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
Established in 1951, PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk began its tire manufacturing by producing bicycle tires. Thereafter, the Co m pany has gro w n to beco me the largest integrated tire producer in South-East Asia.
Ekspansi dan Perkem bangan Pabrik
Plant Expansion and Development
Perusa h a a n m e n i n g k a t k a n k a p asi t as pro d u ksi d a n memperagam rangkaian produknya dengan memproduksi ban sepeda motor pada tahun 1971, dilanjutkan dengan memproduksi ban bias untuk kendaraan berpenumpang serta kendaraan niaga pada tahun 1981. Pada awal tahun 1990an, Perusahaan mulai memproduksi ban radial untuk kendaraan berpenumpang dan truk ringan.
The Company expanded its production capacity and diversified its product range by producing motorcycle tires in 1971, follo w ed by bias tires for passenger and com mercial vehicles in 1981. In the early ‘90s, the Co m pany started to produce radial tires for passenger cars and light trucks.
Saat ini Perusahaan mengoperasikan 5 pabrik pembuat ban dan ban dalam yang telah dimodernisasi untuk memproduksi berbagai tipe dan ukuran ban radial, bias, dan sepeda motor, serta 2 pabrik penghasil produk yang berhubungan dengan ban yang memproduksi kain ban dan Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR). Kelima pabrik ban serta pabrik kain ban berlokasi di Tangerang, sekitar 30 kilometer sebelah barat Jakarta, Indonesia. Pabrik SBR milik Perusahaan bertempat di komplek Industri Kimia di Merak, Banten, sekitar 90 km barat dari Jakarta. Selama 2005, Perusahaan telah memulai ekspansi kapasitas produksi ban radial dan ban sepeda motor di lokasi yang berdekatan dengan pabrik ban saat ini.
In 2005, the Com pany com menced an expansion program aimed at increasing the installed capacities of radial and motorcycle tires as w ell as motorcycle tubes at sites adjacent to the current tire plants.
Proyek ini masih berjalan, dan diperkirakan akan mengalami peningkatan produksi ban radial dari 30.000 ban/hari menjadi 45.000 ban/hari. Kapasitas ekspansi ini akan selesai tiga tahap dan akan selesai tahun 2010. Ban sepeda motor juga akan m en g ala mi p enin gka t a n ka p asit as secara b ert a h a p d ari 37.000 ban/hari di tahun 2005 menjadi 105.000 ban/hari pada awal 2011. Saat ini kapasitas ban sepeda motor 45.000 ban/hari.
Under this program, radial tire installed capacity will increase from 30,000 pcs/day to 45,000 pcs/day. This expansion will be done in three stages and is expected to be com pleted in 2010. M otorcycle tire installed capacity will increase from 37,000 pcs/day in 2005 to 105,000 pcs/day at the beginning of 2011, also in stages. Currently the motorcycle tire capacity runs at 45,000 pcs/day already.
Integrasi Vertikal
Vertical Integration
Perusahaan terus berusaha mengurangi biaya produksi serta menjamin kelancaran pasokan bahan baku untuk produksinya melalui strategi integrasi vertikal yang dilakukan dengan cara mengakuisisi aset-aset yang memproduksi bahan baku utama yang dibutuhkan Perusahaan dalam proses produksinya.
The Co m pany continued to pursue the rationalisation of its production costs and to secure the supply of ra w materials f o r i ts m a n u f a c t u ri n g o p er a t i o ns t h r o u g h a v er t ic a l in t e gra tio n stra t e gy w hich w as execu t e d t hro u g h t h e acquisition of assets that produce key ra w materials for its manufacturing process.
Pada tahun 2004 Perusahaan mengintegrasikan aset produksi kain ban dan SBR. Pada tahun 2007, sekitar setengah hasil produksi kain ban dan sepertiga dari produksi SBR Perusahaan digunakan untuk produksi ban, sedangkan setengah sisanya dijual kepada pihak ketiga.
The Company currently operates 5 modernized tires and inner tubes manufacturing plants for many types and sizes of radial, bias and motorcycle tires, and 2 tire-related production facilities w hich manufacture tire cord and SBR (Styrene Butadiene Rubber). These five tire plants together with the tire cord plant are strategically located in Tangerang, about 30 kilometers west of Jakarta, Indonesia. The Company’s SBR plant is located at the Chemical Industrial park in Merak, Banten, about 90 km west of Jakarta.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
The Co m pany acquired and integrated its tire cord and synthetic rubber manufacturing assets in 2004. As of 2007, around half of the Co m pany’s tire cord and one third of its SBR production output w ere used for o w n tire production, with the remaining sold to third parties.
Visi & Misi Perusahaan
Company Vision & Mission
Pe n g e m b a n g a n o p erasi o n a l G a j a h Tu n g g a l se l a l u berpedoman pada visi dan misi yang membantu Perusahaan tetap fokus dalam meraih pencapaian keberhasilan. Visi d a n m isi i n i m e m b a n t u G aj a h Tu n g g a l u n t u k sel a l u b eru p aya m e nca p ai id e alism e d e n g a n m e n gin g a t ka n manajemen serta karyawan bahwa mereka bekerja sama d e m i t u j u a n-t u j u a n ya n g sa m a , ya n g a k a n m e n j a d i su m b a n g a n d a l a m k e b erh asil a n j a n g k a p a n j a n g Perusahaan.
Gajah Tunggal’s operational development is guided by its visio n an d missio n t ha t help t o keep t he Co m p any’s p erf o r m a n ce a n d st ra t e g y f o c use d t o w ar ds t ar g e t achievements and success as a Good Corporate Citizen. The vision and mission help Gajah Tunggal to alw ays strive for its ideals by guiding the management and em ployees as t h ey w ork t o g e t h er f or co m m o n g o als t h a t w ill contribute to the long-term success of the Com pany.
Menjadi Good Corporate Citizen dengan posisi keuangan yang kuat, pemimpin pasar di Indonesia, dan perusahaan d e n g a n re p u t asi g l o b a l se b a g a i pro d use n b a n ya n g berkualitas.
To be a G o o d Corp ora te Citizen w it h Solid Fin a ncial St a n d i n g , M a rk e t Le a d ersh i p i n In d o n esi a a n d a n established Global Reputation as a Manufacturer of Quality Tires.
Menjadi produsen yang memimpin dan terpercaya sebuah portfolio produk ban yang optimal, dengan harga yang kompetitif dan kualitas yang unggul di saat yang sama t erus m e n i n g k a t k a n e k u i t as m ere k pro d u k k a m i , m e l a ksa n a k a n t a n g g u n g j a w a b sosi a l k a m i , d a n m e m b erika n profit a bilit as/h asil invest asi ke p a d a p ara p e m e g a n g sa h a m sert a n i l a i t a m b a h u n t u k se m u a stakeholder perusahaan.
To be a leading and dependable producer of an optimal range of com petitively priced, superior quality tires w hile a ls o p u rs u i n g b r a n d e q u i t y a n d c o r p o r a t e s o c i a l responsibilities as well as delivering profitability and returns to shareholders and values to stakeholders.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
Struktur Organisasi | Organizational Structure
President Director
Vice President Director
Chief Financial Officer
Director CCIR
Director Finance & Accounting
Chief Operating Officer
Director Production
Director R&D
Director Non Tire Industries
Director Global Development
Struktur Perusahaan | Corporate Structure PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk Ban Radial / Radial Tires Ban Bias dan Ban Dalam Kendaraan Roda 4 / Bias Tire & Tubes Ban Luar dan Ban Dalam Sepeda M otor / Motorcycle Tires & Tubes Kain Ban / Tire Cord Karet Sintetis (SBR) / Synthetic Rubber (SBR)
PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk 28.9% (formerly known as PT GT Petrochem Industries Tbk) Etilena Glikol & Etoksilat Ethylene Glycol & Ethoxylate Benang Poliester Polyester Filament Serat Poliester Polyester Staple Fiber
PT. Filamendo Sakti Benang Kain Ban Nilon Nylon Filament
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
PT. Prima Sentra Megah
Distributor Kain & Ban Karet Sintetis (SBR) Tire Cord & Synthetic Rubber (SBR) Distributor
Anggota Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners
Dibyo Widodo Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner
Dibyo Widodo d i t u n j u k m e n j a d i Presiden Ko misaris Perusahaan p ad a tahun 2006. Pada saat ini, beliau juga menjabat sebagai Presiden Komisaris beberapa perusahaan lain, di antaranya PT. Indonesia Prima Property Tbk. dan PT. Panen Lestari Basuki. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Penasehat Senior dan Penga w as dalam Satuan Tu g as BO M Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia sejak tahun 2004. Sebelumnya beliau m e n j a b a t se b a g a i A j u d a n Presi d e n Re p u b l i k In d o n esi a d a n m e n j a b a t b erb a g a i p osisi d a l a m Ke p o lisi a n Republik Indonesia, termasuk sebagai Ke p a l a D e p art e m e n Po lisi Re p u b li k Indonesia. Beliau lulus dari Akademi Angkatan Kepolisian pada tahun 1968. Dibyo Widodo w as a p p o i n t e d as Pr e si d e n t C o m m i ssi o n e r o f t h e Company in 2006. At present, he serves as President Co m missioner of several other co m p anies, a m on g w hich, PT. Indonesia Prima Property Tbk. and PT Panen Lestari Basuki. He also serves as a Senior A dvisor and Supervisor of the BO M task force of the Indonesian Police since 2004. Prior to this he served as aide de camp of the President and held v a ri o u s a p p o i n t m e n t s w i t h i n t h e Indonesian Police, including Chief of the In d o n esi a Po lic e D e p a r t m e n t . M r. Widodo graduated from the Indonesian Police Academy in 1968.
Mulyati Gozali Wakil Presiden Komisaris Vice President Commissioner
Mulyati Gozali ditunjuk menjadi Wakil Presiden Ko misaris Perusahaan p ad a tahun 2006. Sebelum itu beliau adalah Direktur Perusahaan sejak tahun 1989 h i n g g a 2 0 0 4 , d a n k e m u d i a n W a kil Presi d e n Direk t ur seja k t a h u n 2 0 0 4 hingga 2006. Beliau pernah menjabat b erb a g ai p osisi di Perusa h a a n sejak tahun 1972, termasuk sebagai Direktur Ke u a n g a n d a n A k u n t i n g . Be l i a u m en g enya m p en didika n di A ka d e mi A ku n t a nsi Jaya b aya , Ja kart a hin g g a tahun 1972. Mulyati Gozali w as appointed as a Vice President Com missioner in 2006. Prior to that she w as the Director of the Com pany, from 1989 until 2004, and w as the Vice President Director from 2004 until 2006. She has held various p ositions w ithin the Co m p any since 1972, inclu din g as Fin a nce a n d Accounting Director. She attended the Akademi Akuntansi Jayabaya, Jakarta until 1972.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
Gautama Hartarto Komisaris Commissioner
G autam a Hartarto d i t u nj u k m e nja d i Komisaris Perusahaan pada tahun 2004. Pa d a sa a t i n i b e li a u j u g a m e n j a b a t b erb a g a i p osisi se n i or d i b e b era p a p erusa h a a n l a i n , t erm asu k se b a g a i Presiden Direktur PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk. d an Presid en Direkt ur PT. Bando Indonesia Tbk. Beliau lulus dari Boston University pada tahun 1991 dengan gelar Master of Arts in Economic Policy, dan m e n d a p a t Cert i f ic a t e o f Pro f essi o n a l Study in Project Management dari Arthur D. Little pada tahun 1990. Gautama Hartarto w as ap pointed as a Com missioner of the Com pany in 2004. He currently holds several senior positions in other com panies, including President Director of PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk, a n d Presid e n t Direct or o f PT. Ba n d o Indonesia Tbk. He graduated from Boston University in 1991, with a M aster of Arts i n Ec o n o m ic Po licy, a n d re c e ive d a Certificate of Professional Study in Project M anagement fro m Arthur D. Little in 1990.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
Sean Gustav Standish Hughes Komisaris Commissioner
Sean Gustav Standish Hughes ditunjuk menjadi Komisaris perusahaan pada tahun 2007. Pada saat ini, Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Senior Advisor pada GITI Group. Beliau memiliki pangalaman yang sangat b aik se b a g ai m erch a n t b a nker b aik di Australia maupun di Asia. Beliau pernah m e n j a b a t se b a g a i C o u n try h e a d t h e Jardine Fleming Group baik di Indonesia maupun Singapura. Beliau juga pernah berkarir di Rothschild Australia Limited dan juga di Gresham Partners Limited. Pada tahun 1994, beliau terpilih sebagai salah satu top 100 emerging market bankers in t he w orld oleh Glo b al Fin ance. Beliau memiliki bachelor’s degree in accounting dan merupakan anggota the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia serta the Financial Services Institute of Australia. Sean Gustav Standish Hughes w as a p p oin t e d as a co m m issio n er o f t h e Company in 2007. He currently also holds a position as senior advisor of the GITI Group and has extensive experience as merchant banker in Australia and Asia. Prior to this, he served as Country head of the Jardine Flemin g Grou p in b oth Indonesia and Singapore. Furthermore, he served for Rothschild A ustralia Limited and Gresham Partners Limited.In 1994, h e w as ra nke d a m o n gst t h e t o p 100 emerging market bankers in the w orld by G l o b a l Fi n a n ce . M r. H u g h es h o l ds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and is m e m ber of t he Instit u te of Ch artered Accountants in Australia and the Financial Services Institute of Australia.
Howell Rembrandt Pickett Keezell Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioners
Howell Rembrandt Picket Keezell ditunjuk menjadi salah satu Komisaris Independen Perusahaan pada tahun 2004. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Komisaris PT. Polychem I n d o n esi a Tb k . , d a n se j a k 1 9 9 7 m e n j a b a t se b a g a i Pri n c i p a l d a n Direktur Eksekutif Windichine, Ltd., Hongkong dan Bangkok. Sebelum 1997, beliau bekerja di beberapa bank dan institusi keuangan lain, termasuk sebagai Direktur Regional di Banque W orms serta W akil Pemim pin East West Bank, San M arino, California. Beliau lulus dari University of North C aro l i n a p a d a t a h u n 1 9 6 8 d a n memperoleh gelar MBA dari Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, pada tahun 1978. Howell Rembrandt Picket Keezell w as ap pointed as an Independent Co m missio ner of t he Co m p a ny in 2 0 0 4 . H e is t h e V i c e Pr e si d e n t C o m m issi o n e r o f PT . P o l y c h e m Indonesia Tbk, and has also served since 1997 as Principal and Executive Direct or o f W in d ichin e, Lt d , H o n gko n g a n d Ba n gkok. Prior t o 1997, h e w orke d in a n u m b er o f banks and other financial institutions, inclu din g as Re gio n al Direct or o f Banque W orms and. Vice Chairman o f E ast W est Ba n k , Sa n M ari n o , California. Keezell graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1968 and received a M asters in Business A d m i n is t r a t i o n f r o m t h e F u q u a School of Business, Duke University in 1978.
Sang Nyoman Suwisma
Sunaria Tadjuddin
Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioners
Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioners
Sang Nyoman Suwisma ditunjuk m e n j a d i sa l a h sa t u Ko m isaris Independen pada tahun 2006. Saat ini, beliau juga menjabat sebagai Persiden Direktur PT. Citra TPI. Beliau p ern a h m e n d u d u k i b er b a g a i j a b a t a n d a l a m t u b u h Te n t ara N asi o n a l In d o nse i a , t erm asu k menjadi Panglima Komando Daerah M iliter Tanjung Pura dan sebagai anggota DPR Republik Indonesia. Beliau lulus dari A kademi M iliter Indonesia pada tahun 1974.
S unaria Tadjuddin d i t u n j u k m e n j a d i sa l a h sa t u Ko m isaris I n d e p e n d e n Perusa h a a n p a d a tahun 2004. Sebelumnya beliau berkarir di kantor pajak selama 30 t a h u n d e n g a n p osisi t era k h ir sebagai Direktur PPN. Beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana Akuntansi d ari U niversitas In d onesia p a d a tahun 1965.
S ang Nyoman S uwisma w a s a p p oin t e d as a n In d e p e n d e n t Com missioner in 2006. Currently, he functions as President Director of PT Citra TPI. He has held various p ositio ns w it hin t h e In d o n esia n Armed Forces, inclu din g M ilitary Chief of Military Area Tanjung Pura a n d served as a M e m ber of t he Indonesian House of Parliament. In 1974, he gra d u a ted fro m t he Indonesian Military Academy.
S unaria Tadjuddin w as a p p o i n t e d as a n In d e p e n d e n t Com missioner of the Com pany in 2004. He served as a Government tax officer for 30 years, w here he rose to become the Value-A dded Tax Director. He graduated from the University of Indonesia in 1965 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
Anggota Dewan Direksi
Board of Directors
Christopher Chan Siew Choong
Budhi Santoso Tanasaleh
Presiden Direktur President Director
Wakil Presiden Direktur Vice President Director
Christopher Chan Siew Choong bergabung dengan Perusa h a a n p a d a t a h u n 1 9 9 1 se b a g ai G e n eral M a n a g er Fi n a n cial A cc o u n ti n g d a n sela nj u t nya sebagai Chief Financial Officer dan teakhir ditunjuk sebagai Presiden Direktur pada tahun 2004. Beliau lulus dari Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia pada tahun 1979. Beliau tercatat sebagai Fello w of the Chartered Institute of M anagement A c c o u n t a n ts o f t h e U n i t e d Ki n g d o m , a n g g o t a Chartered A ccountants of M alaysia, dan pernah menjadi anggota Board of Governors of the Malaysian Institute of Internal Auditors. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perusahaan, beliau menjabat sebagai Internal Audit Manager dan Financial Accounting Manager Nestle Malaysia Bhd., Malaysia. Christopher Chan Siew Choong j o i n e d t h e Com pany in 1991 as General M anager for Finance and Accounting, subsequently as Chief Financial O fficer and eventually w as appointed the President Director of the Company in 2004. He graduated from Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, M alaysia in 1979. He is a Fello w of the Chartered Institute of M anagement Accountants of the United Kingdo m, a member of the Chartered Accountants of M alaysia and a former mem ber of the Board of Governors of the M alaysian Institute of Internal Auditors. Prior to joining the Com pany, Chan held positions as the Internal Audit M anager and Financial Accounting M anager at Nestle M alaysia Bhd, M alaysia.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
Budhi Santoso Tanasaleh ditunjuk menjadi Wakil Presiden Direktur di Perusahaan tahun Juni 2007 dan juga sekaligus menjabat sebagai Chief O perating Office. Beliau menjadi direktur perusahaan dari tahun 2004 - 2007. Beliau meraih gelar Bachelor serta gelar Masters of Science dalam bidang teknik elektro dari University of Texas at Arlington pada tahun 1983 dan 1989, dan mengikuti beberapa kursus MBA yang diselenggarakan oleh University of Dallas dan Nova University, Florida, sejak tahun 1989 hingga 1991. Se b elu m b erg a b u n g d e n g a n Perusa h a a n , b elia u bekerja di Motorola, Inc., U.S.A. selama 8 tahun dan PT. M o t orola In d o nesia sela m a 6 tah u n, d en g an jabatan terakhir sebagai Country M anager, Pager Division. Beliau menjabat Wakil Presiden Pemasaran selama setahun di Citibank, N.A., Jakarta, pada tahun 1 9 9 8 . Belia u b erg a b u n g di Perusa h aa n se b a g ai manajer ekspor pada tahun 2001. Beliau memiliki hak paten yang terdaftar di Kantor Paten Amerika Serikat serta beberapa lagi yang belum diumumkan. Budhi Santoso Tanasaleh w as appointed as Vice President Director of the Company in June 2007 and also serves as the Chief O perating O fficer of the Company. Prior to this he was Director of the Company from 2004 to 2007. He received his Bachelor and M asters of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1983 and 1 9 8 9, a n d t o o k several M BA co urses fro m t h e University of Dallas and Nova University, Florida from 1989 to 1991. Prior to joining the Co m pany, he w orked in M otorola, Inc., U.S.A. for eight years and PT. M otorola Indonesia for six years, w here he last held the position as Country Manager, Pager Division. He spent one year as the Vice President for M arketing at Citibank, N.A., Jakarta in 1998. He joined the Company as an export manager in 2001. He holds a U.S. patent registered with the United States Patent O ffice and a num ber of pending patent disclosures.
Tan Enk Ee
Irene Chan
Direktur Director
Direktur Director
Tan Enk Ee ditunjuk menjadi Direktur Perusahaan pada tahun 2007 sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur Perusahaan dari tahun 2006-2007. Saat ini beliau juga menjabat sebagai Chairman di GITI Tire Private Ltd., posisi yang dijabatnya mulai tahun 2008. Sebelu m penunjukan, beliau menjab at seb agai Chief Executive Director di Gul Technology Ltd., Singapore, selama tiga tahun. Posisi-posisi terdahulu di antaranya ad alah Executive Director di Tuan Sin g Holdin g Lt d ., M anaging Director di TS M atrix Berhad. Beliau saat ini menjabat di dewan Conservation International, MIT China A dvisory Board dan Columbia University International A dvisory Council, sebelumnya beliau berkecimbung di perobatan darurat di Australia, Malaysia dan Hongkong. Bapak Tan meraih gelar Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery dari University of Sydney pada tahun 1992 serta MBA dari M assachusetts Institute of Technology pada tahun 2000. Beliau adalah anggota dari Singapore Institute of Directors. Tan Enk Ee w as appointed as Director of the Company in 2007. Prior to this he served as Vice President Director of the Co m pany fro m 2006-2007. He currently also serves as Chairman of GITI Tire Private Ltd., a position he has held since 2008. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Gul Technology Ltd., Singapore for three years. His previous positions include Executive Director for Tuan Sing Holding Ltd., Managing Director for TS Matrix Berhad. He currently serves on the board of Conservation International, MIT C h i n a A d v is o r y B o a r d a n d C o l u m b i a U n i v e rsi t y International A dvisory Council. He previously practiced emergency medicine in Australia, M alaysia and Hong Kong. Mr. Tan holds a Bachelor of M edicine, Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Sydney 1992 and a M aster o f Busin ess A d ministra tio n fro m t h e M assach use t ts Institute of Technology, 2000. He is a member of the Singapore Institute of Directors.
Irene Chan diangkat sebagai Direktur Perusahaan sejak tahun 2007. Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur di PT Polychem Indonesia dari tahun 2004 sampai 2007. Pada tahun 1970 sampai dengan tahun 1974 menjabat sebagai Auditor Staf di Kenden, Mills, M uldon & Browne Public Accountants, New Zealand. Tahun 1975 sampai dengan tahun 1976 sebagai Internal Audit M anager di Drs Agus Hanadi Akuntan dan pada tahun 1979 sampai dengan tahun 1983 sebagai Manager Reinsurance Accounts di Central Asia Insurance. Karir beliau di Grup Gajah Tunggal dimulai pada tahun 1983 sebagai Finance Manager di PT Gajah Tunggal. Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai M anager Internal Audit, General Manager PT. Segamas, General Manager Marketing se b elu m m en d u d uki ja b a t a n se b a g ai G en eral M a n a g er Finance Accounting di PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk yang dijabat sejak tahun 1998 sampai 2004 dan kemudian sebagai CFO sampai sekarang ini. Beliau mendapatkan gelar Bachelor Degree dari Otago University untuk jurusan Accounting, New Zeala n d p a d a t a h u n 1 9 7 0 d a n m eru p aka n m e m b er o f Chartered Account, Chartered Institute of Secretaries sejak tahun 1974. Irene Chan has been a Director of the Company since 2007. Prior that she w as the Director at PT Polychem Indonesia from 2004 until 2007. From 1970 to 1974 she served as Auditor Staff at Kenden, Mills, M uldon & Bro w ne Public Accountants in Ne w Zealand. From 1975 to 1976 she w as a Internal Audit M anager at Drs. A gus Hanadi Akuntan and from 1979 to 1983 w as M anager Reinsurance Accounts at Central Asia Insurance. Her career at Gajah Tunggal group began in 1983 as a Finance M anager of PT Gajah Tunggal. She once held the position as Internal Audit M anager and General M anager of PT Segamas and as General M arketing M anager before being assigned as the General M anager of Finance and Accounting at PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk from 1998 to 2004 and from then on as CFO to the present day. She receive d a Bachelor Degree in acco u n tin g fro m O t a g o University in Ne w Zealand in 1970 and has been a mem ber o f Ch artere d Acco u n t a n t o f t he Ch artere d Instit u te o f Secretaries since 1974.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
Hendra Soerijadi
Direktur Director
Direktur Director
Direktur Director
Catharina Widjaja ditunjuk menjadi salah satu Direktur Perusahaan pada tahun 2004. Beliau adalah Executive Vice president Corporate Communications Gajah Tunggal Group sejak tahun 2000 hingga 2004; dan Gajah Tunggal G ro u p H e a d d i PT. GTF In d o n esi a A sse t Management, Jakarta sejak tahun 1998 hingga 2 0 0 0 . Se b elu m b erg a b u n g d e n g a n G aja h Tu n g g al Gro u p , b eliau b ekerja di b erb a g ai p erusa h a a n m u l t i n asi o n a l t erm asu k HSBC Indonesia, selama sembilan tahun dengan posisi t era k h ir se b a g a i C o u n try Tre asurer; d a n Deutsche Bank A G, Jakarta, sebagai Foreign Exchange Dealer selama dua tahun. Beliau memperoleh gelar Master of Science in Control Engineering dari University of Bradford pada tahun 1986, serta Graduateship in Mathematics and its Applications dari Sheffield Polytechnic, In g gris, p a d a t a h u n 1 9 8 5 , d a n H N D i n Mathematics, Statistic & Computer Studies dari Leeds Polytechnic Inggris pada tahun 1983.
Hendra S oerijadi d i t u n j u k m e n j a d i sa l a h sa t u D ire k t ur Perusahaan pada tahun 2004. Sejak 2007 menjabat sebagai d ire k t ur d i PT Po lyc h e m Indonesia Tbk. Sejak 1997 hingga sekarang beliau juga menjab a t se b a g a i W a k il Presi d e n Direktur PT. Filamendo Sakti, dan sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur di PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk. sejak tahun 1996 hingga 1999. Be li a u m era i h D i p l o m a i n Busi n ess M a n a- g e m e n t d ari National University of Singapore.
Kisyuwono d i t u n j u k m e n j a d i salah satu Direktur Perusahaan pada tahun 2004. Beliau bergabung dengan Perusahaan sebagai Asisten M anajer Akunting pada tahun 1992. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perusahaan beliau bekerja se b a g a i a u d i t or d i Ba d a n Pe n g a w asa n Ke u a n g a n d a n Pembangunan (BPKP) sejak tahun 1982 hingga 1992. Be l i a u memiliki gelar Sarjana Akuntansi d ari Se k ola h Tin g g i A k u n t a nsi Negara.
Catharina Widjaja
Catharina Widjaja was appointed as a Director of the Company in 2004. She was the Executive Vice President, Corporate Com munications of the Gajah Tunggal Group from 2000 to 2004; and the Gajah Tunggal Group Head of PT. GTF Indonesia Asset M anagement, Jakarta fro m 1998 to 2000. Prior to joining the Gajah Tunggal Group, she w orked for various m ultinational com panies including HSBC Indonesia for nine years for w hich her final position w as Country Treasurer, and Deutsche Bank AG, Jakarta as a Foreign Exchange Dealer for t w o years. She re c e iv e d a M ast er o f Sci e n c e i n C o n t r o l Engineering from the University of Bradford 1986, and Graduateship in M athematics and its A p plications fro m Sheffield Polytechnic, U nit e d Kin g d o m in 1 9 8 5, a n d H N D in Mathematics, Statistic & Computer Studies from Leed Polytechnic, United Kingdom in 1983.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007
Hendra Soerijadi w as appointed as a Director of the Com pany in 2004. Since 2007 ap pointed as a director at PT Polychem Indonesia. From 1997 until present time he serves as Vice President Director of PT. Filamendo Sakti, and prior to that as a Vice President Director of PT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk from 1996 to 1999. He holds a Diploma in Business M anagement fro m the National University of Singapore.
Kisyuwono w as ap pointed as a Director of the Company in 2004. He joine d t he Co m p a ny as a n Assistant Accounting M anager in 1 9 9 2 . Pr i o r t o j o i n i n g t h e Co m p a ny, h e w orke d as a n Auditor with the Government’s Internal Audit Board Financial and Development Supervisory Board, Ba d a n Pe n g a w asa n Ke u a n g a n dan Pem bangunan (BPKP), fro m 1982 to 1992. He holds a Bachelor o f A cc o u n t i n g f r o m Se k o l a h Tinggi Akuntansi Negara.
Lin Jong Jeng
Veli I. Nikkari
Direktur Director
Direktur Tidak Terafiliasi Non Affiliated Director
L in Jong Jen d i t u n j u k m e n j a d i D ire k t ur Perusahaan pada tahun 2007. Memulai karirnya di Perseroan sejak tahun 1983 sebagai Manajer R&D. Karir beliau terus menanjak menjadi Plant M anager, kemudian menjadi Executive Vice President M anufacturing dan pada akhirnya menjadi Head of Production di tahun 2006. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perseroan, beliau bekerja untuk Tay Feng (Federal) Tire Co. Ltd. di Taiwan dengan posisi terakhir sebagai manajer R&D. Beliau meraih Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering dan Chung-Yuan College of Science and Technology.
Veli I. Nikkari ditunjuk menjadi salah satu Direktur Perusahaan pada tahun 2004. Beliau bergabung dengan Perusahaan pada tahun 1997 sebagai Penasehat Teknis, dan saat ini m e n j a b a t se b a g a i D ire k t ur rise t d a n pengembangan. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perusahaan, beliau adalah Director of Tyre Research dan telah bekerja selama 32 tahun di Nokian Tyres Ltd. Beliau meraih diploma dalam bidang teknik kimia dari Helsinki Technical University di Finlandia serta Bachelor of Arts in St a t ist ic a l Sc i e n c e , A DP, Ec o n o m i cs d ari University of Tampere di Finlandia.
Lin Jong Jen w as appointed as Director of Co m p a ny in 2 0 0 7. He h as b ee n w it h t h e company since 1983, starting as R&D manager. He subsequently became Plant M anager, and Executive Vice President M anufacturing and finally became Head of Production in 2006. Before joined Company, he w orked for Tay Feng (Federal) Tire Co. Ltd at Taiw an as R&D manager. He has Bachelor Degree in Chemical E n g i n e eri n g a n d C h u n g-Yu a n C o lle g e o f Science and Technology.
Veli I. Nikkari w as appointed as a Director of the Company in 2004. He joined the Company in 1997 as Technical Advisor, and currently se rv es as t h e D ir e c t o r o f r ese a rc h a n d develop ment. Prior to joining the Com pany, he w as the Director of Tyre Research at Nokian Tyres Ltd, and spent 32 years w orking for Nokian Tyre. He holds a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from Helsinki Technical University in Finland and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Statistical Science, ADP, Econo mics fro m the University of Tam pere in Finland.
PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. 2007