Society Identity Goals
Personal development plan
Sander Schutjes
Outward reflection - Vision on society - Role as a designer
Inward reflection - Direction - Identity - Competences
Actions - Learning goals - Activities - SMART goals
Appendices - Inspirational board - Story of a warrior (dutch) - Pre-master admission document (external)
Preface The last few years of my life I was focused to become the world’s best long jumper. After winning several medals at the national championships I started to realise this was not what I wanted in life. With my special interest for design, technology and my own insights I believe that this study could provide the challenge i am looking for in life. This semester I want to develop my level to broaden my vision as a designer and get access to the master studies of Industrial Design. This document I reflect inwards and outwards. Formulate my vision on society and my role as a designer. Where I am now, what inspires me and where I want to go in the future.
I’m not desperate to succeed, but determined to try. Sander Schutjes
Outward reflection - Vision on society - Role as a designer
Vision on society I believe that relaxation is the key to a peacefull life for everyone. Beyond the ego, without any urge of proving yourself to others. Focuss on the things you genuinely like. A person is the product of their parents education and environment. I want to design authentic products for a genuine generation. Our western society seems to individualize. People are getting obsessed with their own (smart)phones and live a life to meet the expectations of others. Last year’s selfie hype is an example of what direction we should not
want to explore any further as mankind. People will get to get too focused on themselves and close down to their surroundings. Vanity and ego are becoming a standard and will cause social problems, loneliness and stress in the end. I think society should be more open and transparent. Payin less attention to the outside and more to the inside. Design can play an important role in this process to make people realise what is really important to them. Creating games and objects where people can find their real interests and pleasure by using it. Making an Industrial Design is about userfriendliness combined with functionality. In other words, the inside.
The vision and ambition of Nike
Inspirational board Some examples of designs that inspired and formed me since my childhood.
The characters and storytelling of Pixar’s Toy Story
The futuristic realism of Star Trek
Identity as a designer My father has set the base of my design interests. Thanks to his facination for the universe and apreciation of science fiction I became a boy who watched Star Trek every week and dreamed about the future and space. A lot of gadgets that are being introduced now were originally created and designed for the Star Trek series.
The atmosphere and depth of Assassins Creed
The art style of Pixar’s Incredibles
The moral of Disney movies such as Aladdin, Pocahontas and Toy Story taught me about life. In every movie there was a character you could identify with. I think that’s a very effective way to teach childeren what’s important. Sports was and will be my passion. Nike’s “Just do it” has had a big influence on my ambition. It is their vision that inspired me when i was young. I want to become a designer who is innovative and uses storytelling in his desings to make people understand a bit more about themselves. In 2012 I gratuated ICT Media Design at the Fontys Eindhoven. Therefor I am able to create and realise interactive (web)designs and marketing campagns.
The infinity and questions of the universe
Inward reflection - Direction - Identity - Competences
Direction/ compass As a ICT Media Design gratuate I am fairly inexperienced in the field of Industrial Design. Therefore I want to explore the different areas within the study to find out what direction suits me best. I am willing to get out of my comfort zone. Thanks to my HBO Study I can create a decent concepts out of original ideas. The next step from concept to final product is still quite unknown to me. I would like to gain knowledge and skills about creating physical objects and the underlying technology. It is not my ambition to become an expert in electrical engeneering or programmer, but I want to own basic knowledge to have a clear image of the possibilities within the technical part of Industrial Design. Moreover to be able to discuss future projects with experts. For that very same reason I want to broaden my personal network. To share knowledge en cooperate with students of other faculties and other themes within Industrial design. In the future I want to create products that spread my vision. Making people (childeren) find their real interests by sending a deeper message through my designs using storytelling.
Identity A 25 year old, Eindhoven based digital designer who can construct original interactive solutions out of given problems.
CV competencies -
Interface design Website design Photo editing Video editing Illustrations Branding en identity Social media Strategy HTML / CSS Jquery / Javascript / PHP (basis)
Basic competency status Self-directed and Continuous Learning (SDCL)
+ + + + +
Core competencies status Ideas and Concepts (IC)
Self-concious Vision Ambition Eager to learn Perfectionism
Integrating Technology (IT)
User Focus and Perspective (UFP)
Socio-cultural Awareness (SCA)
Designing Business Processes (DBP)
+ + + +
Creativity Objectiveness Analyzing Motivational
Perfectionism Self-concious Ambition Sensitive Time-management
My biggest strengths and weaknesses are the same. Due to my perfectionism I only strive for the very best. Therefor it is hard for me to be satisfied with any less. As a self-concious person that “quality” can get on my nerves. My ambition could get me back in shape or make me close down. Relaxation should always be best option. (Read appendix 2).
Form and Senses (FS)
Descriptive and Mathematical Modeling (DMM)
Meta competencies status Design and Research Processes (DRP)
The diagram gives an overview of my current status of the id study guide competencies.
Teamwork (T)
Communication (C) Current
KRIJGER A story of a warrior
Daar zit hij, alleen, op een houten kruk tussen alle paarden. Hij kijkt ze stuk voor stuk aan en in gedachten denkend hoe hard hij erop zou kunnen rijden. Geen enkele is er van hem ze behoren tot de ridders. Mannen die jarenlang knecht zijn geweest, vele veldslagen te voet hebben gestreden en zo een paard hebben verdiend. Van binnen weet hij dat hij een goede ridder zou zijn, hij heeft veel in huis, ook ‘iets’ dat maar weinig anderen hebben. Maar op dit moment is hij niet eens een knecht. Hij heeft altijd gewacht, zich in alles voorbereid op het moment dat er aan de horizon een paard zou verschijnen speciaal voor hem. De discipline om al die uren te wachten zou beloond worden als hij er klaar voor zou zijn, zo dacht hij. Alle energie hield hij binnen om te sparen voor het moment dat hij mocht gaan rijden. Maar het paard verscheen nooit. Vele nachten bracht hij piekerend door en alle energie die hij vroeger kreeg bij de gedachten een ridder te zijn werden langzaam vervangen door een dof gevoel van mislukking. Hij snapt het niet, “doe ik niet genoeg mijn best?, waardoor komt het paard maar niet?, wat doe ik fout?”. Langer wachten heeft
geen zin meer. Voor het eerst in zijn leven overweegt hij knecht te worden. De gedachten hoe een paard moet worden schoongemaakt maken hem nerveus. Er zijn verschillende manieren, welke is de beste en wat wil de ridder. Er mo’et toch een andere manier zijn om aan een paard te komen, dacht hij. Wanhopig gaat hij op zoek. Doet extreem aardig tegen alles en iedereen en tegen beter weten in probeert hij anderen te copieren. “Zij zijn immers al knecht en doen blijkbaar iets beter dan ik”. Hij negeert al zijn gevoelens om de antwoorden te vinden op zijn vragen. Zo erg dat zijn spiegelbeeld hem niet meer herkent. Het drijft hem tot waanzin, zijn hoofd zit vol met touwen waarvan de uiteindes niet meer aan elkaar geknoopt zitten. Hij zal er nooit achter komen waarom dat paard niet kwam. Iedere knecht en ridder die hij ziet maakt hem ziek van binnen. Elke dag raakt hij bozer op de mensen die hem hebben wijsgemaakt te wachten op het paard. En ieder uur meer teleurgesteld in zichzelf dat hij hen altijd heeft vertrouwd. Op een dag kan hij zijn boosheid niet meer inhouden. Het is genoeg. Iedereen die hem niet snapt zal hij eens flink de waarheid vertellen. Niemand zal ontkomen aan zijn kogelregen van woorden. Voor het eerst schuwt hij de confrontatie niet meer en spreekt hij met zijn hart. Zijn woede maakt iets in hem los. Een energie die hij heel lang niet meer had gevoeld. Die hij jarenlang heeft binnengehouden, afgeremd en ontkent omdat hij het bij niemand anders zag. Hij voelt het in al zijn porien en zegt weer wat hij zelf vind. Voor het eerst ziet hij het leven zoals het is en weet hij wat hij wil. De uitdaging aangaan met dat wat hij al heeft. Niet anderen maar hijzelf is verantwoordelijk voor zijn toekomst. Als hij ooit een eigen paard wil hebben dan zal hij als knecht moeten beginnen en later ook in veldslagen strijden. Zijn energie is zijn ‘iets’. Hij strijdt oprecht. Hij is een krijger.
Actions - Learning goals - Activities - SMART goals
Learning goals It is my goal to increase my general design level to get access to the Industrial Design master. According to the admission committee I need to pay extra attention to the competencies Integrading Technology and User Focus and Perspective to increase my chances of getting through this pre-master semester. This year has been a rollercoaster for me with the best and worst of times. I want to get more balanced by creating structure in my life by improving my basic- en meta competencies. -
Improve time management Improve communication Writing reflections
Next to improving my less developed skills i want to spend time on competencies that I am allready good at and really enjoy, such as Ideas and Concepting.
The diagram on the next page gives an overview of my current status (blue) and the progress I intent to make (gray). Based on my vision and direction I have chosen six main competencies in which I intent to make the most progress. Per competency is explained what I want to improve by using keywords.
Self-directed and Continuous Learning (SDCL) Build vision. Find way on TU/e, setting realistic goals, use schedule. Keep up with lectures. Be open, honest, genuine. Broaden network.
Basic competency status
Ideas and Concepts (IC)
Self-directed and Continuous Learning (SDCL)
Obtain advanced knowledge about brainstorming methods, from idea to concept. Open mind, think out of the box. Make prototypes.
Core competencies status Ideas and Concepts (IC)
Integrating Technology (IT) Integrating Technology (IT)
Basic skills of creative programming, understanding of input/output sensors, increasing programming knowledge. Making an object interactive.
User Focus and Perspective (UFP)
Socio-cultural Awareness (SCA)
User Focus and Perspective (UFP)
Designing Business Processes (DBP)
Use feedback of users to improve the usability of a product. Knowledge of different methodes that can be used.
Form and Senses (FS)
Descriptive and Mathematical Modeling (DMM)
Communication (C) Meta competencies status
Being honest and open to others. Give and take criticism in a constructive way. Ask questions when something is inclear.
Design and Research Processes (DRP)
Teamwork (T)
Design and Research Processes (DRP)
Communication (C) Current
Use different research methodes to obtain information you need. Concept to final product.
Based on the competencies that I want to improve, I opted for the following activities.
This semester I want to achieve the following goals.
DG310 Designing for User Experience DG290 Creative Programming DG121 Exploratory Sketching Playfull interaction: Bugged RSDL Weeks
Use multiple methods in the development process of the bugged project protype, obtained during Designing for User Experience class. Apply at least one technical aspect in the bugged prototype, obtained in creative programming class. Follow all Exploratory Sketching lessons. Read and summarize ten different design related articles. Read at least one biography of a well know industrial designer. Weekly reflect on all industrial design activities you did during the week. Weekly update a dayly based schedule for the next week. React on all industrial design related messages within one day. Go to multiple study related partys to relax and get in touch with new people. Write an english paper without any flaws.
“I’m not desperate to succeed, but determined to try.“