Pengembangan Infrastruktur Secara Berkelanjutan” (Sustainable Infrastructure Development)
Oleh Prof. T Ilyas Departemen Teknik Sipil Fak .Teknik Universitas Indonesia
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Why Problem-Based Research?
“I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who” (Kipling, 1902/1988, p. 3)
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The World Resources Institute finding’s in 1992 • This planet has reached a critical stage of degradation in three areas: 1. erosion of the global soil base, reducing the world’s capacity for food production as populations rise; 2. loss of forests and wild lands leading to loss of biodiversity, threat to indigenous cultures, and degradation of slopes and watersheds; 3. accumulation of pollutants and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to local hazards to soils, vegetation and human health, and the threat of global climate change 4 Milik MPKT B dan hanya untuk dipergunakan di lingkungan akademik Universitas Indonesia
Material use in industry over a 100-year period
Construction materials
Buildings worldwide consume about 40% of the planet’s material resources and 30% of its energy. The construction of buildings is estimated to consume 3 billion tonnes of raw material per year, and generates between 10% and 40% of the solid waste stream in most countries. Milik MPKT B dan hanya untuk dipergunakan di lingkungan akademik Universitas Indonesia
Image from the presentation of Dr. Matthew Realff at NSF workshop 2006
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Why sustainable • Jumlah penduduk dunia 7 milyar jiwa di 2011 – Thomas Malthus*, 1978, 1803 said that… population when uncheck increased in a geometrical ratio and subsistence for man in an arithemetical ratio. – World population has more than doubled from 2.52 billion in 1950 to 5.29 billion in 1990 and is estimated to exceed 6 billion early this century (UNEP, 1999).
• Pollution – Pollution is essentially an anthropogenic process and can be characterized as water pollution, air pollution and waste disposal on land. Examples of pollution include sewage, smog, hazardous waste, fertilizers and garbage. Pollution becomes a problem only when the natural assimilative ability of ecosystems is reached. •
* An Essay on the principle of Population
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Why sustainable (2) • Hutan tropis yang sudah jauh berkurang…. masalah rumah kaca – In the year 900, 40% of the Earth was covered by forest. In 1900, the forested area was reduced to 30%, a reduction of 10% over one thousand years. Today only 20% of the Earth’s surface is forested, another 10% reduction for just one hundred years and the remaining forests are decreasing at an accelerating rate (Bates, 1990). – The need for timber and industry employment must be balanced against conservation through effective resource management.
• Kenaikan temperatur dunia (climate change)…… es di kutub mencair • ‘Of all the global environmental problems, climate change is the most pervasively threatening to human well-being and in many respects the most intractable’ (Schipperand Meyers, 1994, p. 21). “Earth’s ecosystems”. • Global warming is caused by the build-up of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), nitrous oxide and ozone which trap energy on the Earth’s surface.
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Why sustainable (3) Temperatures Have Warmed Over the Past Century
Source: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (1997), p. 20 Milik MPKT B dan hanya untuk dipergunakan di lingkungan akademik Universitas Indonesia
The three legs of the sustainability stool Milik MPKT B dan hanya untuk dipergunakan di lingkungan akademik Universitas Indonesia
How to achieve sustainability Peter P. Rogers, Kazi F. Jalal, et al, 1997., having said nine ways to achieve sustainability
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Leave everything in the pristine state, or return it to its pristine state. Develop so as to not overwhelm the carrying capacity of the system. Sustainability will take care of itself as economic growth proceeds (Kuznets). Polluter and victim can arrive at an efficient solution by themselves (Coase). Let the markets take care of it. Internalize the externalities. Let the national economic accounting systems reflect defensive expenditures. Reinvest rents for nonrenewable resources (weak and strong sustainability). Leave future generations the options or the capacity to be as well off as we are. “Measuring Environmental Quality in Asia” , 2007
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PlaNYC identifies sustainability goals for New York City for the six “pillars” of land, air, water, transportation, energy, and climate change. PlaNYC, the City of New York Milik MPKT B dan hanya untuk dipergunakan di lingkungan akademik Universitas Indonesia
Issues building ecolologi : reduced waste
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Multi-purpose rainwater management
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MPKT- B Modular houses for Irian Jaya. This ‘Tropical Series’ design used prefabricated timberframed wall and roof trusses. The simple connection details allowed for local assembly and easy shipment to the remote township in the west of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Simple technology allows for easy construction, maintenance and eventual disassembly. Source: John Baird, Fairweather Homes Pty Ltd, Australia. Milik MPKT B dan hanya untuk dipergunakan di lingkungan akademik Universitas Indonesia
References • Rogers PP., Jalal KJ., Boyd JA., “An introduction to sustainability Development” , Earthscan, 2008 • Langston CA., Ding GKC., “Sustainable practices in built environment”, Elsevier, 2ed, 2001 • John Becker et all., and Bill Reed., “The integrative design to green building : redefining the practice of MPKT- B sustainability design”. JhonWiley ,2009 • Sustainable infrastructure in Asia”, United Nation Publication, 2007 • Master Plan Pecepatan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI) 2011-2025 23 Milik MPKT B dan hanya untuk dipergunakan di lingkungan akademik Universitas Indonesia
Energy technologies • Unsustainable – Fossil fuels, i.e. coal, oil and gas – Large-scale hydropower – Thermal nuclear reactors
• Sustainable – – – – – – – – –
Solar Wind Wave Tidal Small-scale hydropower Biomass Geothermal Fast nuclear reactors Nuclear fusion
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