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JOSIDARA 017011033/MKn
PROGRAM PASCASARJANA UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2003 Josidara : Pemberdayaan Tugas Dan Fungsi Surveyor Kadastral Dalam Penerbitan Surat Ukur Di…, 2003 USU Repository © 2007
PEMBERDAYAAN TUGAS DAN FUNGSI SURVEYOR KADASTRAL DALAM PENERBITAN SURAT UKUR DI WILAYAH KERJA KANTOR PERTANAHAN KOTA MEDAN J o s i d a r a l Runtung Sitepu 2 M.Yamin Lubis2 Djaidir2 INTISARI Kepemilikan terhadap suatu bidang tanah memerlukan kepastian hukum, dalam hal ini kepastian letak, kepastian batas-batas bidang tanah, serta status hak atas tanah, yang merupakan langkah awal dari tugas pendaftaran tanah, yang diatur di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 T a h u n 1 9 9 7 d a n P e r a t u r a n M e n t e r i N e g ar a Ag r ari a/ K e p al a B ad a n P e r t a n a h a n N a s i o n a l N o m o r 3 T a h u n 1 9 9 7 s e b a g a i p e r a t u r a n pelaksanaannya. Kepastian data fisik bidang tanah dapat dilihat dari surat ukur yang memuat penetapan batas bidang tanah yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi prinsip Contradictionare Delimitatif. Penetapan batas bidang tanah yang merupakan bagian dari kegiatan pendaftaran tanah, merupakan kewenangan d a ri Bad an Per tan ah an N as iona l, ak an tet ap i u n t u k me mp e rc ep a t penyelengaraan pendaftaran tanah, maka berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 2 Tahun 1998, tugas pengukutan dan pemetaan dapat dilakukan oleh pihak swasta, dalam hal ini Surveyor Berlisensi yaitu Surveyor Kadastral dan Asisten Surveyor Kadastral. Tugas pengukuran dan pemetaan yang dapat dilakukan oleh Surveyor Kadastral adalah berdasarkan pelimpahan kewenangan dari Kantor Pertanahan, untuk pendaftaran tanah secara sporadik. Jadi, Surveyor Berlisens. dapat dikondisikan sebagai mitra dari Kantor Pertanahan dalam pembuatan surat ukur. P e n e l i t i a n d i l a k u k a n u n t u k m e m p e r o l e h g a m b a r a n t e n t a n g pemberdayaan tugas dan fungsi Surveyor Kadastral dan Asisten Surveyor Kadastral dalam penerbitan surat ukur di wilayah kerja Kantor Pertanahan kota Medan. Populasi adalah seluruh Surveyor Kadastral dan Asisten Surveyor Kadastral yang terdaftar di wilayah kerja Kantor Pertanahan kota Medan. Untuk menunjang data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian, dilakukan dengan penelaahan berkaitan dengan tugas dan fungsi Surveyor Kadastral.
1. 2.
Mahasiswa Magister Kenotariatan Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Sumatera Utara. Staf Pengajar Magister Kenotariatan Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Josidara : Pemberdayaan Tugas Dan Fungsi Surveyor Kadastral Dalam Penerbitan Surat Ukur Di…, 2003 USU Repository © 2007
Disamping itu juga untuk menggali informasi, dilakukan wawancara dengan Surveyor Kadastral dan Asisten Surveyor Kadastral serta dengan Kepala Seksi Pendaftaran Tanah, Kepala Seksi Hak-hak atas Tanah, dan Kepala Seksi Penatagunaan Tanah, Kantor Pertanahan kota Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tugas dan fungsi Surveyor Kadastral belum sepenuhnya diberdayakan dalam pembuatan surat ukur, di wilayah kerja Kantor Pertanahan kota Medan. Sejak diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 2 Tahun 1998 tentang Surveyor Kadastral dan selama dilakukannya pengangkatan terhadap 2 orang Surveyor Kadastral dan 5 orang Asisten Surveyor Kadastral, temyata belum pernah dilibatkan dalam tugas pengukuran dan pemetaan pada pendaftaran tanah secara sproradik di wilayah kerja Kantor Pertanahan kota Medan. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena tugas pengukuran dan pemetaan tanah dianggap cukup dapat dikerjakan sendiri oleh juru ukur Kantor Pertanahan. Disamping itu, keberadaan Surveyor Kadastral dan Asisten Surveyor Kadastral masih belum dikertahui oleh masyarakat luas. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya sosialisasi tentang tugas dan fungsi Surveyor Kadastral dan Asisten Surveyor Kadastral, yang tentunya memeriukan kerja sama antara pihak Badan Pertanahan dengan Surveyor Kadastral.
Kata Kunci : Surat ukur Surveyor Kadastral
Josidara : Pemberdayaan Tugas Dan Fungsi Surveyor Kadastral Dalam Penerbitan Surat Ukur Di…, 2003 USU Repository © 2007
TO EFFECT THE DUTIES AND FUNCTION OF SURVEYOR KADASTRAL IN ISSUING THE MAP OF PROMISES FOR SERVING TERRITORY OF CITY LAND AFFAIRS OF MEDAN J o s i d a r a l Runtung Sitepu 2 M. Yamin Lubis2 Djaidir2 ABSTRACT Right ownership upon a tract of land need legal certainty however, in this case certainty of site, certainty on borders, as well as the right status upon its land, as it is a starting point of duty for land registration as regulated on Government Regulations No. 24 of 1997 and the Decree of States Minister on Agrarian Chief of National Land Board No. 3 of 1997 provided as regulation for implementation. Reliability of physical data for a land shall be seen on measurement letter containing the establishment edge of a tract land that intends so fulfill a Contra dictionaries Delimitative. The establishment edge of a tract land is a part occupation for land registration, it is authority held by the National Land Affairs, however in an effort to accelerate completion for land registration, either bases to the decree of State Minister on Agrarian / Chief of National Lands Board No. 2 of 1998, the duty for its measure and mapping can be held by private, in this case should be done by a Qualified Surveyor namely Surveyor Kadastral and Assistant Surveyor Kadastral. The duty for measure and mapping that can be done by Surveyor Kadastral shall be refers to a means for delegating authority from land agency, namely to land registration sporadic. So, Certified Surveyor may be conditioned as partner for city land agency in establishing a measure letter. The study was conducted in order to have portrait about the effect for duties and function of Surveyor Kadastral and Assistant Surveyor Kadastral in issuing the map of promises on the serving territory of City Land Agency of Medan. In order to support the data obtained in research, it was done by interpreting related to the duty and function of Surveyor Kadastral, in addition, there also to search much information, there was executed an
1. 2.
Postgraduate Student, School of Notary URI Medan Postgraduate Lecturer, School of Notary MU Medan
Josidara : Pemberdayaan Tugas Dan Fungsi Surveyor Kadastral Dalam Penerbitan Surat Ukur Di…, 2003 USU Repository © 2007
Interview to Surveyor Kadastral and Assistant Surveyor of Kadastral as well to the registration Land Division, Chief Section Rights on Land, and Chief Section on Landscape, City Affairs of Medan. The result of research showed that duties and function of Surveyor Kadastral still not optimally be effected pertaining to he issuing its map of promises to its serving territory for City Land Affairs of Medan. Since issuing the decree of State Minister on Agrarian/Chief of National Land Agency No. 2 of 1998 about Surveyor Kadastral and as long as the appoitment of 2 Surveyor Kadastral and 5 Assistant Surveyor Kadastral, in actually seen almost never involving in working for measure and mapping on Land registration sporadically held on the serving territory for the city Land Affairs agency of Medan. This case, seen according to the duty for measure and mapping for land may be considered sufficient handled alone by surveyor of City Land Affairs of Medan. In addition, the existence of Surveyor Kadastral and Assistant Surveyor Kadastral has been not known well yet publicly. Therefore, it is urged to make effort its socialization about the duties and function of Surveyor Kadastral and Assistant Kadastral, perhaps in regarding for requirement a cooperation between the Land Agency and Surveyor Kadastral.
Key words:
Map of promises Surveyor Kadastral
Josidara : Pemberdayaan Tugas Dan Fungsi Surveyor Kadastral Dalam Penerbitan Surat Ukur Di…, 2003 USU Repository © 2007