Pak Bei 6
Pak Bei Menjadi Pembicara
Langkah Awal Kalau Anda harus menyampaikan sebuah pidato pada sebuah acara resmi, pakaian serta aksesoris apa yang akan Anda pakai? Pakaian apa yang Anda pakai pada acara tidak resmi? ―When you have to deliver a formal speech, what kind of clothes and accessories would you wear? How do they differ from the clothes you wear on a daily basis?
Kosa Kata Pak Bei 6 1
sementara kau, engkau siap-siap agar telat, terlambat lho dasi to resmi kok wah
jas segala kan 4
5 6
SIM STNK helm sip hampir ingat, di-2 lupa, ke-an mémang rasa, -nya kurang
first; mandi ~ take a bath first (before doing something else) while (at the same time) you get ready in order that, in order to too late; over due exclamation to express something unexpected neck tie right? formal you know! exclamation of surprise, exasperation or admiration suit and all the shabang. derived from ‘bukan’ to show a knowledge or understanding shared by speaker and listener; don't you know?; right? Surat Izin Mengemudi ; driver’s license Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan; motor vehicle registration certificate helmet OK, great, fine almost; ~ sampai almost there give it a good long thought forgotten yes, you are right, it is indeed so it seems to me, it feels like lacking
Pak Bei 6
Kegiatan 1―Mengurutkan Order the pictures of the cartoon so that they make sense. The last picture is missing. What is the content of the last picture? Guess!
Pak Bei 6
Kegiatan 2―Menyimak Now read the cartoon carefully using the vocabulary list above.
Pak Bei 6
Latihan 1―Pemahaman Jawablah pertanyaan berikut: 1. Pak Bei mau pergi ke mana? ......................................................................................................................................... 2. 1. Busana serta aksesoris apa saja yang dipakai oleh Pak Bei? ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Mengapa dia memakai busana dan aksesoris tersebut? ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Ketika naik sepeda motor, Pak Bei mengingat-ingat apa saja yang perlu dipakai dan dibawa. Apa yang ketinggalan di rumah? ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Menurut Anda apakah hal seperti yang dialami Pak Bei ini mungkin terjadi? Mengapa ya / mengapa tidak ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Apa yang bisa Anda pelajari dari komik tersebut? .........................................................................................................................................
Tata Bahasa―The Prefixes Pe- and PeNPe- and peN- are noun-forming affixes based on verbal roots. Pe- nouns are generally based on ber- verbs where the prefix ber- indicates that the activity is done on a regular or professional basis. Root
berenang to swim
perenang swimmer
bertani to farm
petani farmer
bertinju to box
petinju boxer
Nouns based on pe- are relatively small in number when compared to peN- nouns. There are also a few peN- nouns that can indicate a professional activity, e.g. penari ‘dancer’ derived from menari ‘to dance’ (a ber- form does not exist with that base). While both pe- and peN- usually indicate the doer of the action indicated by the verbal root, a peN- nouns can also indicate the instrument by which the action is performed: Root
meN- verb
PeN- noun
pembuka opener
pemanas heater
pemotong cutter 4
Pak Bei 6 Yet, the overwhelming majority of peN- nouns indicates the doer of the action: Root
meN- verb
PeN- noun
memimpin to lead
pemimpin leader
menulis to read
penulis reader
menyiarkan to broadcast
penyiar broadcaster
meneliti to research
peneliti researcher
membantu to help
pembantu assistant
Because peN- nouns are based on meN- verbs they are prenasalised in exactly the same way as meN- verbs. 1. If the word begins with the letters l, r, w, y, m, n, ng, ny no prenasalisation occurs. Lari Renang Wawancara Yoga
→ → → →
Makan Nikmat Nyanyi
pelari perenang pewawancara peyoga
→ → →
pemakan penikmat penyanyi
2. Initial b, f, p & v becomes pemBuka Fitnah Pukul Vonis
→ → → →
pembuka pemfitnah pemukul pemvonis
(p is dropped)
3. Initial a, e, I, o, u, g, h & k becomes pengAmbil Elak Injak Olah Urut Ganggu Hibur Kirim
→ → → → → → → →
pengambil pengelak penginjak pengolah pengurut pengganggu penghibur pengirim (k is dropped)
4. Initial c, d, j, t → becomes penCetak Dorong Jahat Tarik
→ → → →
pencetak pendorong penjahat penarik
(t is dropped)
5. Initial s becomes peny-: Sita
(s is dropped)
6. Monosyllabic Roots The vast majority of Indonesian words is bisyllabic meaning that root words consist of two syllables such as tu-lis, am-bil, ma-kan etc. The number of monosyllabic words is limited to mainly foreign loanwords such as bom (bomb), lap (rag), pel (mob), or rem (brake) which are all derived 5
Pak Bei 6 from Dutch. When these words are prenasalised with prefixes meN- or peN- an additional –ke- is inserted between the prefix and the root: Pel Bom
mengepel mengebom
pengepel (a mop) pengebom (a bomber – plane or person)
Latihan 2 Ubahlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kata berawalan peN-, kemudian buatlah kalimat menggunakan kata-kata tersebut. Contoh: Tonton → Penonton →
Orang yang menonton (film, acara)
Film itu sangat disukai oleh para penonton.
1. Tulis
...............................→ ................................................................................
2. Dengar
...............................→ ................................................................................
3. Mabuk
...............................→ ................................................................................
4. Tumpang ...............................→ ................................................................................ 5. Buka
...............................→ ................................................................................
6. Sayang
...............................→ ................................................................................
7. Bicara
...............................→ ................................................................................
8. Potong
...............................→ ................................................................................
9. Lapor
...............................→ ................................................................................
10. Kendara
...............................→ ................................................................................
Kegiatan 3―Pengalaman Berkendara Langkah 1: Topik Pilihlah salah satu pengalaman Anda dalam berkendara. Pilihlah sebuah topik. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Belajar mengendarai mobil Belajar mengendarai sepeda motor Belajar mengendarai sepeda Kecelakaan Kena tilang Lainnya:_________________
Langkah 2: Persiapan Buatlah garis besar cerita Anda. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut: 1. Siapa? .................................................................................................................................... 6
Pak Bei 6 2. Di mana? .................................................................................................................................... 3. Kapan? .................................................................................................................................... 4. Dengan siapa? .................................................................................................................................... 5. Apa yang terjadi? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 6. Mengapa? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 7. Bagaimana akhirnya? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Langkah 3: Latihan Ceritakan pengalaman Anda kepada teman di sebelah Anda selama dua menit. Langkah 4: Cerita Ceritakan pengalaman Anda kepada teman yang lain selama dua menit.
Latihan 3 Match the following words with their translations: 1. Helm
a. Seat belt
2. Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (STNK)
b. to adhere to
3. Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM)
c. Helmet
4. Rambu-rambu lalu lintas
d. Rules, regulations
5. Lampu lalu lintas (lampu merah)
e. to violate
6. Seorang polisi
f. to break
7. ditilang
g. Ownership papers
8. mengerem
h. Vehicle registration papers
9. sabuk pengaman
i. A police officer
10. Bukti Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor (BPKB)
j. Driver license
11. Mengebut
k. Traffic lights
12. Melanggar
l. to be fined on the spot
13. Mematuhi
m. to speed; drive too fast
14. Peraturan
n. traffic signs 7
Pak Bei 6
Pekerjaan Rumah Write a short paragraph drawing from your own experience (or that of a friend or relative) using at least five vocabulary items of Latihan 3.
Kunci Latihan 2: Latihan 3
1 penulis (writer) 2 pendengar (listener, audience); 3 pemabuk (drunkard); 4 penumpangn (passenger); 5 pembuka (opener); 6 penyayang (lover, e.g. art lover); 7 pembicara (speaker); 8 pemotong (cutter); 9 pelapor (reporter); 10 pengendara (driver) 1c; 2h; 3j; 4n; 5k; 6i; 7l; 8f; 9a; 10g; 11m; 12e; 13b; 14d