Online request form for requesting articles, books and / or theses: Erasmus MC - employees New account : Register Medical Library website: On the right handed side, choose Quicklink 6. Online requestform articles / books / theses. On the right upper side, choose Register to make a new account.
Tick the bullet to state whether you are an employee of the Erasmus MC, Student of the Erasmus MC (or EUR) or an Individual.
Handleiding online formulier aanvragen van artikelen / boeken / proefschriften: Aanmelden
1. Employee Erasmus MC Beware: each time you fill in a field, the form jumps to the top. Fill in your microsection number. This will be your username. Fill in your Erasmus MC email address. Beware: you can only fill in an Erasmus MC email address. Give a password. Minimal length is 4 characters. Confirm your password by filling it in again.
Click on Registrer.
Handleiding online formulier aanvragen van artikelen / boeken / proefschriften: Aanmelden
In your mailbox you will receive an email containing a link. Click on the link to activate your account. It is possible the email is in your Spam box.
Click on the link.
You will return to the form.
Log in using your microsection number (your Username) and password.
Click on Log in.
Handleiding online formulier aanvragen van artikelen / boeken / proefschriften: Aanmelden
Before you can send a request you have to fill in the tabs Delivery address, Budgetnumber and Invoice address.
Tab Delivery address The tab Delivery address is automatically opened.
Fill in your Last name, Initials and seks. Choose your department from the drop down menu.
If your department is not mentioned in the drop down menu, then you can add it. Fill in your department name and click on the button Update.
Handleiding online formulier aanvragen van artikelen / boeken / proefschriften: Aanmelden
Fill in your room number (or the room where the mail is sent to). Fill in your phone number (mobile or intern number). Fill in a different mail address, if you want to receive the articles at a different mail address than the Erasmus MC email address.
Click on Save.
Tab Budget number Click on the tab Budget number to add a budget number to your account. If you do not want to use a budget number, go the tab Invoice address.
Click on Add new budget number.
Fill in your budget number (4 digits). If the number only has 3 digits, add 0 (zero’s) in front of it i.e. 123 will become 0123.
Handleiding online formulier aanvragen van artikelen / boeken / proefschriften: Aanmelden
Click on Search budget manager. Choose the right budget manager from the drop down menu
You will see the data which is known to us.
If the budget number is unknown, you can fill in the data of the budget manager.
Click on Save. An email is sent to the budget manager. This email states that you want to request using that budget number. If the budget manager approves, he / she can click on the link in the email. You will see the following text:
Handleiding online formulier aanvragen van artikelen / boeken / proefschriften: Aanmelden
You will receive an email, when the budget manager has authorized you. If after some time you still have not been authorized, click on the button Authorisation request, to resend the email to the budget manager. o o o
In the tab Budget manager, choose your added budget number. Select from the drop down menu Select a budgetnumber, the budget manager. Click on the button: Authorisation request. A new email is sent.
Only when you are authorized can you sent a request!
Tab Invoice address If you cannot use a budget number to request articles / books, you have to fill in the tab Invoice address. Beware: internal addresses, or the address of the Erasmus MC is not valid here. Fill in the following fields: o Your name (Contact persoon) o Institute (hoogstwaarschijnlijk Erasmus MC) o Male of female o Department o Address, postal code, city and country (your home address). o Telephone number (mobile, home or internal number Erasmus MC)
Click on Save. You have finished registering. You can sent requests.
Handleiding online formulier aanvragen van artikelen / boeken / proefschriften: Aanmelden