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PocÏet ortodontistuÊ v CÏeske republice: veÏkova a regionaÂlnõ struktura Number of orthodontists in the Czech Republic: age and regional distribution
MUDr. Martin Kotas, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Milan KamõÂnek, DrSc. Ortodonticke oddeÏlenõ Kliniky zubnõÂho leÂkarÏstvõ LF UP v Olomouci Department of Orthodontics, Clinic of Dental Medicine, Medical Faculty of Palacky University, Olomouc Souhrn Studie se zabyÂva aktuaÂlnõÂm stavem pocÏtu specialistuÊ v ortodoncii v CÏeske republice, jejich veÏkovyÂm rozlozÏenõÂm a relativnõ dostupnostõ ortodonticke peÂcÏe v jednotlivyÂch regionech. Je provedeno srovnaÂnõ s jinyÂmi evropskyÂmi zemeÏmi. V roce 2010 pracovalo v CÏeske republice celkem 332 ortodontickyÂch specialistuÊ. VeÏkove rozlozÏenõ je nerovnomeÏrneÂ, jejich pruÊmeÏrny veÏk byl 51,5 roku. Na jednoho ortodontistu prÏipada v CÏeske republice 32.000 obyvatel. To odpovõÂda evropskeÂmu pruÊmeÏru. Je patrna nerovnomeÏrna distribuce dostupnosti ortodonticke peÂcÏe v jednotlivyÂch regionech (Ortodoncie 2011, 20, cÏ. 1, s. 40-47). Abstract The current situation regarding the number of orthodontists in the Czech Republic, their age structure and availability of orthodontic care in individual regions of the Czech Republic are discussed. The situation is compared with that in other European countries. In 2010 there were 332 orthodontic specialists in the Czech Republic. The age distribution within the country is uneven; the mean age of orthodontists was 51.5 years. There is one orthodontist for 32 000 inhabitants. The number corresponds to the European countries average. However, the distribution of orthodontic practices in individual regions is rather uneven (Ortodoncie 2011, 20, No. 1, p. 40-47). KlõÂcÏova slova: pocÏet ortodontistuÊ, ortodonticka peÂcÏe Key words: number of orthodontists, orthodontic care UÂvod
PocÏet specialistuÊ v ortodoncii byl v historii nasÏõ specializace neÏkolikraÂt mapovaÂn. VzÏdy byl takovy pruÊzkum motivovaÂn snahou zjistit mõÂru dostupnosti ortodonticke peÂcÏe pro pacienty obecneÏ i v ruÊznyÂch regionech nasÏõ zemeÏ.
The number of orthodontic specialists has been mapped several times already. The reason has been always the same: to find out about the availability of orthodontic treatment for patients in general, and in individual regions of our country.
Prvy takovy pruÊzkum provedla ortodonticka sekce ÏCeske stomatologicke spolecÏnosti v roce 1973. Ortodonciõ se v tehdejsÏõÂch zdravotnickyÂch zarÏõÂzenõÂch zabyÂvalo 187 zubnõÂch leÂkarÏuÊ, zdaleka ne vsÏichni na plny uÂvazek. Pro ortodoncii bylo vycÏleneÏno 104,7 uÂvazku
The first survey was carried out by the Orthodontic Section of the Czech Stomatological Society in 1973. At that time 187 dentists provided orthodontic care, however, not all of them were full-time orthodontists. There was the equivalent of 104.7 full-time job positions for
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[1]. Specializaci v ortodoncii meÏlo 23,5 %, ostatnõ byli veÏtsÏinou ve specializacÏnõ prÏõÂpraveÏ. DalsÏõ pruÊzkum byl proveden ke konci roku 1982. K tomuto datu pracovalo v ortodoncii 231 zubnõÂch leÂkarÏuÊ. Situace se poneÏkud zlepsÏila v tom, zÏe jizÏ 60 % meÏlo pro ortodoncii plny uÂvazek a pro ortodoncii bylo vycÏleneÏno 163,5 leÂkarÏskeÂho uÂvazku. SpecialistuÊ bylo 86, ostatnõ veÏtsÏinou ve specializacÏnõ prÏõÂpraveÏ [2, 3, 4, 5]. V druhe polovineÏ roku 1991 pracovalo v ortodoncii 265 zubnõÂch leÂkarÏuÊ a bylo vycÏleneÏno 226,25 uÂvazku. SpecializacÏnõ atestaci meÏlo 169 leÂkarÏuÊ [6]. Ve vsÏech teÏchto pruÊzkumech se ukazovaly velke regionaÂlnõ rozdõÂly v pomeÏru ortodontistuÊ a deÏtske populace. V pruÊbeÏhu devadesaÂtyÂch let minuleÂho stoletõ prosÏlo cele zdravotnictvõ velkyÂmi zmeÏnami. MõÂsto rozpocÏtoveÂho financovaÂnõ prÏes Okresnõ uÂstavy naÂrodnõÂho zdravõÂ, kde vsÏichni leÂkarÏi byli zameÏstnanci, bylo zavedeno financovaÂnõ prÏes zdravotnõ pojisÏt'ovny. Nastala rychla privatizace v ambulantnõÂch oborech a kromeÏ toho naÂsledovaly zmeÏny v systeÂmu specializacÏnõ prÏõÂpravy v ortodoncii. PrÏevlaÂdajõÂcõ systeÂm samouka kryteÂho vzdaÂlenyÂm sÏkolitelem prÏestal byÂt uÂnosnyÂ, take proto, zÏe zdravotnõ pojisÏt'ovny po roce 1995 prÏestaly stomatologuÊm bez specializace v ortodoncii hradit ortodonticke vyÂkony. Trvalo rÏadu let, nezÏ se podarÏilo vybudovat na ortodontickyÂch oddeÏlenõÂch stomatologickyÂch klinik soucÏasny systeÂm sÏkolõÂcõÂch pracovisÏt', ktery odpovõÂda principuÊm tzv. Programu Erasmus podle pozÏadavkuÊ Evropske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti a EFOSA (European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations) [7, 8]. Velke regionaÂlnõ rozdõÂly v pocÏtu ortodontistuÊ na populaci prÏetrvaÂvajõÂ. Z podneÏtu vyÂboru CÏeske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti byl proveden tento pruÊzkum, jehozÏ cõÂlem je zmapovat veÏkove i regionaÂlnõ rozlozÏenõ ortodontickyÂch specialistuÊ v CÏeske republice. MateriaÂl a metodika Podkladem ke zjisÏteÏnõ veÏkoveÂho rozlozÏenõ cÏeskyÂch ortodontistuÊ byla internõ databaÂze rÏaÂdnyÂch cÏlenuÊ CÏeske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti - ortodontickyÂch specialistuÊ [9]. Podkladem ke zjisÏteÏnõ dostupnosti ortodonticke peÂcÏe v jednotlivyÂch krajõÂch a okresech CÏeske republiky byla internõ databaÂze rÏaÂdnyÂch cÏlenuÊ CÏeske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti a rocÏenka CÏeskeÂho statistickeÂho uÂrÏadu [10]. Situace v evropskyÂch zemõÂch byla prÏevzata z sÏetrÏenõ organizace EFOSA z r. 2009 [11]. VyÂsledky 1. VeÏkove rozlozÏenõ ortodontistuÊ Podle databaÂze CÏeske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti pracovalo v CÏeske republice v roce 2010 celkem 332 ortodontickyÂch specialistuÊ. VeÏkove rozlozÏenõ cÏeskyÂch e-mail:
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orthodontics [1]. The orthodontic specialists up 23.5%, the others were only in the specialized training. Another survey was held in the fall of 1982. There were 231 practitioners at the time; 60% working fulltime (equivalent of 163.5 full-time job positions for orthodontics overall); 86 orthodontic specialists, the rest were undergoing specialized postgraduate training [2, 3, 4, 5]. In the second half of the year 1991, 265 dentists worked in orthodontics (equivalent of 226.25 full-time job positions), 169 out of them were specialists in orthodontics [6]. All the surveys suggested great differences between regions in terms of the rate between the number of orthodontists and children's population. During the 90s of the last century the whole system of health care underwent profound changes. Instead of budget funding through District Health Service Institutions (OkresnõÂ uÂstav naÂrodnõÂho zdravõÂ), the employers of all physicians, a new system of health insurance funding was introduced. Outpatient's departments underwent fast privatization, and there were also changes in the system of postgraduate specialized study program in orthodontics. The old system of an ,autodidact` in fact, which was covered by a distant preceptor, could not continue also due to the fact that since 1995 the health insurance companies stopped to pay nonspecialists for orthodontic treatment. A number of years passed before we established the current system of training centers at the orthodontic departments in university hospitals that meets the principles of the Erasmus Program based on the requirements of the European Orthodontic Society and EFOSA (European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations) [7, 8]. However, the great regional differences in the number of orthodontic specialists remain. Therefore, the Czech Orthodontic Society initiated the current survey that focused on the age as well as regional distribution of orthodontists in the Czech Republic. Material and methods The main source of relevant data was the internal database of full members of the Czech Orthodontic Society - specialists in orthodontics [9]. The availability of orthodontic treatment in individual regions and districts of the Czech Republic was assessed according to the internal database of full members of the Czech Orthodontic Society and a year-book of the Czech Statistical Bureau [10]. The source of the survey of the situation in European countries was the survey executed by EFOSA in 2009 [11]. Results 1. Age structure of orthodontists According to the Czech Orthodontic Society, in the Czech Republic in 2010 there were 332 specialists in 41
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Tab. 1. VeÏkove rozlozÏenõ cÏeskyÂch ortodontistuÊ Tab. 1. Age structure of Czech orthodontists
Počet ortodontistů/Number od orthodontists
Obr. 1. VeÏkove rozlozÏenõ cÏeskyÂch ortodontistuÊ Fig. 1. Age structure of Czech orthodontists
ortodontistuÊ v roce 2010 se nachaÂzõ v Tab. 1 a na Obr. 1. Jejich pruÊmeÏrny veÏk byl 51,5 roku, veÏkovy mediaÂn (strÏednõ hodnota) byl 55 let. NejstarsÏõÂmu ortodontistovi bylo 73 let, nejmladsÏõÂmu 29 let. VeÏkove rozlozÏenõ je nerovnomeÏrneÂ. Z grafu je mj. patrny velky propad produkce novyÂch specialistuÊ po zmeÏneÏ spolecÏenskyÂch pomeÏruÊ v 90. letech, kdy byla specializacÏnõ vyÂchova provaÂdeÏna privaÂtnõÂmi leÂkarÏi - sÏkoliteli. Je zrÏetelny naÂsledny naÂruÊst pocÏtu novyÂch specialistuÊ v mladsÏõÂch veÏkovyÂch rocÏnõÂcõÂch vychovanyÂch jizÏ na klinickyÂch sÏkolicõÂch pracovisÏtõÂch podle principuÊ evropskeÂho trÏõÂleteÂho vzdeÏlaÂvacõÂho programu Erasmus. 2. PocÏet obyvatel na ortodontistu Na jednoho ortodontistu prÏipada v CÏeske republice 32.000 obyvatel. V Tab. 2 se nachaÂzõ pocÏet obyvatel prÏipadajõÂcõÂch na jednoho ortodontistu v cele CÏeske republice a v jednotlivyÂch krajõÂch, v Tab. 3 a na Obr. 2 po42
orthodontics. The age structure is given in Table 1 and Figure 1. The mean age was 51.5 years, median = 55 years (the range between 73 and 29 years). The age distribution is not even. The figure shows a significant drop in the number of newly trained specialists in orthodontics since the political changes in the 90s when the new orthodontists were educated by private specialists - preceptors. We can see the increase in number of new specialists of younger generation - they were already trained in university training centers in accordance of the principles of Three-year Postgraduate European Program - Erasmus. 2. The proportion of orthodontists and population There are 32 000 inhabitants for one orthodontist. Table 2 shows the number of inhabitants per one orthodontic specialist in the whole Czech Republic and in individual regions; Table 3 and Figure 2 illustrate e-mail:
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Tab. 2. PocÏet obyvatel na ortodontistu v cele CÏR a v krajõÂch Tab. 2. Number of inhabitants to the orthodontist in Czech republic and in regions
Počet obyvatel Number of inhabitants
Ortodontisté Orthodontists
Obyvatel/Ortodontistu Inhabitants/Orthodontist
10 491 000
32 000
1 243 000
16 000
1 240 000
65 000
637 000
34 000
571 000
25 000
308 000
44 000
836 000
42 000
438 000
49 000
555 000
31 000
516 000
57 000
515 000
47 000
1 150 000
24 000
642 000
25 000
591 000
39 000
1 249 000
38 000
Česká republika
< 20.000,
20.000 – 30.000,
30.000 – 40.000,
40.000 – 50.000,
> 50.000 obyv./ortodontistu
Obr. 2 PocÏet obyvatel na ortodontistu v okresech Fig. 2. Number of inhabitants to the orthodontist in districts e-mail:
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cÏet obyvatel prÏipadajõÂcõÂch na jednoho ortodontistu v jednotlivyÂch okresech. Z tabulek a z grafu je patrna nerovnomeÏrna distribuce dostupnosti ortodonticke peÂcÏe. Je patrna tendence leÂkarÏuÊ setrvaÂvat v univerzitnõÂch meÏstech podmõÂneÏna zejmeÂna vybudovanyÂm rodinnyÂm a sociaÂlnõÂm zaÂzemõÂm, naopak existujõ oblasti, kde je dostupnost peÂcÏe pro obyvatelstvo neuspokojivaÂ. SÏpatna situace je zejmeÂna v okresech Chrudim, HavlõÂcÏkuÊv Brod, Cheb a Nymburk, kde prÏipada 90 -100 000 obyvatel na jednoho ortodontistu, naopak v Praze, Plzni, Olomouci a v BrneÏ je meÂneÏ nezÏ 20 000 obyvatel na jednoho ortodontistu.
the number of inhabitants per one orthodontist in individual districts of the Czech Republic. The tables and figures clearly show uneven distribution of orthodontic care. Specialists tend to stay in university towns depending on their family and social backgrounds. On the other hand there are regions where the situation is unsatisfactory for their population. Particularly unfavorable situation is in districts Chrudim, HavlõÂcÏkuÊv Brod, Cheb and Nymburk, in particular, where there are 90 000 - 100 000 inhabitants per one orthodontist, while in Prague, PlzenÏ, Olomouc and Brno, there is less than 20 000 inhabitants per one specialist.
3. Stav v EvropeÏ PocÏet obyvatel na ortodontistu se v jednotlivyÂch zemõÂch Evropy podstatneÏ lisÏõÂ. Tab. 4 ukazuje situaci v evropskyÂch zemõÂch podle sÏetrÏenõ organizace EFOSA z r. 2009 [11]. PruÊmeÏrny pocÏet obyvatel na ortodontistu v EvropeÏ je 42 000 obyvatel, mediaÂn (strÏednõ hodnota) prÏiblizÏneÏ 35 000 obyvatel, modus (hodnota s nejvysÏsÏõ cÏetnostõÂ) prÏiblizÏneÏ 32 000 obyvatel. Za optimaÂlnõ lze povazÏovat pocÏet 30 000 - 35 000 obyvatel na jednoho ortodontistu. Z tohoto hlediska se CÏeska republika nachaÂzõ na pruÊmeÏrnyÂch evropskyÂch hodnotaÂch.
3. The situation in Europe In Europe, there are great differences in a number of potential patients for one orthodontic specialist. Table 4 illustrates the situation in European countries based on the 2009 report of EFOSA [11]. The average number in Europe is 42 000, median is approx. 35 000, modus (the value appearing most frequently) is approx. 32 000. The optimum number is considered 30 00035 000 inhabitants per an orthodontist. With regard to that, the Czech Republic represents the average European values.
Diskuse V nasÏõ studii jsou zahrnuti jen leÂkarÏi - atestovanõ specialisteÂ, nejsou zahrnuti leÂkarÏi ve specializacÏnõ prÏõÂpraveÏ, kteryÂch pracovalo na 7 klinickyÂch sÏkolicõÂch pracovisÏtõÂch v CÏR ke konci roku 2010 celkem 46. VeÏkove rozlozÏenõ je nerovnomeÏrneÂ. Za prÏedpokladu, zÏe by prÏesluhujõÂcõ ortodontiste ukoncÏili cÏinnost a leÂkarÏi nizÏsÏõÂch rocÏnõÂkuÊ odchaÂzeli do duÊchodu v 65 letech a zÏaÂdny z nich neprÏesluhoval, bylo by trÏeba k proste reprodukci stavu nahradit v peÏtileteÂm vyÂhledu 76 ortodontistuÊ (27+49), tj. pruÊmeÏrneÏ cca 15 rocÏneÏ, v desetileteÂm vyÂhledu dalsÏõÂch 80 ortodontistuÊ, tj. pruÊmeÏrneÏ 16 rocÏneÏ. SoucÏasna kapacita klinik produkuje v pruÊmeÏru 12-14
Discussion In our survey only orthodontic specialists are included. Postgradual students - residents in the specialist postgraduate program (by the end of 2010 there were 46 at 7 university training centers in the Czech Republic) are not included. The age distribution is rather uneven. On condition that orthodontists serving beyond retirement age leave their work, and orthodontists of a younger generation go to retirement at the age of 65 (and no one of them would serve beyond the retirement age), to maintain the current situation we need - within 5 years - 76 new specialists in orthodontics (27+49), i.e. approx.15
Tab. 3. PocÏet obyvatel na ortodontistu v okresech Tab. 3. Number of inhabitants to the orthodontist in districts
Okres District
Počet obyvatel Ortodontisté Obyvatel/Ortodontistu Number of inhabitants Orthodontists Inhabitants/Orthodontist
Praha 1 Středočeský kraj Benešov Beroun Kladno Kolín Kutná Hora Mělník 1
1 500 900
19 700
94 100 83 800 158 700 95 200 74 900 101 300
2 2 3 2 1 2
47 100 41 900 52 900 47 600 74 900 50 700
Součet Hlavního města Prahy a okresů Praha-západ a Praha-východ
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Okres District
Počet obyvatel Ortodontisté Obyvatel/Ortodontistu Number of inhabitants Orthodontists Inhabitants/Orthodontist
Mladá Boleslav Nymburk Příbram Rakovník Jihočeský kraj České Budějovice Český Krumlov Jindřichův Hradec Písek Prachatice Strakonice Tábor Plzeňský kraj Domažlice Klatovy Plzeň 2 Rokycany Tachov Karlovarský kraj Cheb Karlovy Vary Sokolov Ústecký kraj Děčín Chomutov Litoměřice Louny Most Teplice Ústí nad Labem Liberecký kraj Česká Lípa Jablonec nad Nisou Liberec Semily Královéhradecký kraj Hradec Králové Jičín Náchod Rychnov nad Kněžnou Trutnov Pardubický kraj Chrudim 2
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123 100 91 300 112 100 55 000
2 1 2 2
61 600 91 300 56 100 27 500
186 700 61 600 93 300 70 600 51 600 70 900 103 000
7 1 3 1 1 2 4
26 700 61 600 31 100 70 600 51 600 35 500 25 800
60 600 88 700 322 000 47 400 53 200
1 1 19 1 1
60 600 88700 16 900 47 400 53 200
95 300 119 400 92 900
1 4 2
95 300 29 900 46 500
135 700 126 400 118 000 87 300 117 300 130 000 121 500
3 4 4 2 3 2 2
45 200 31 600 29 500 43 700 39 100 65 000 60 800
104 100 90 400 169 800 74 700
2 2 3 2
52 100 45 200 56 600 37 400
163 000 79 600 112 300 79 200 120 200
8 1 3 1 5
20 400 79 600 37 400 79 200 24 000
104 400
104 400
Součet okresů Plzeň-město, Plzeň-sever a Plzeň-jih e-mail:
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Okres District
Počet obyvatel Ortodontisté Obyvatel/Ortodontistu Number of inhabitants Orthodontists Inhabitants/Orthodontist
Pardubice Svitavy Ústí nad Orlicí Vysočina Havlíčkův Brod Jihlava Pelhřimov Třebíč Žďár nad Sázavou Jihomoravský kraj Blansko Brno 3 Břeclav Hodonín Vyškov Znojmo Olomoucký kraj Jeseník Olomouc Prostějov Přerov Šumperk Zlínský kraj Kroměříž Uherské Hradiště Vsetín Zlín Moravskoslezský kraj Bruntál Frýdek-Místek Karviná Nový Jičín Opava Ostrava-město 3
167 500 105 200 139 200
4 2 2
41 900 52 600 69 600
95 800 112 500 73 000 113 800 119 800
1 3 1 3 3
95 800 37 500 73 000 37 900 39 900
106 500 572 300 113 600 156 900 88 700 113 700
3 35 3 2 2 2
35 500 16 400 37 900 78 500 44 400 56 900
41 300 231 800 110 200 134 300 124 400
1 16 2 5 2
41 300 14 500 55 100 26 900 62 200
108 000 144 400 145 700 192 900
3 3 4 5
36 000 48 100 36 400 38 600
97 600 211 500 273 100 152 600 177 100 335 400
4 4 4 3 5 13
24 400 52 900 68 300 50 900 35 400 25 800
Součet okresů Brno-město a Brno-venkov
novyÂch specialistuÊ rocÏneÏ. ProtozÏe lze duÊvodneÏ ocÏekaÂvat, zÏe cÏaÂst leÂkarÏuÊ bude i po dovrsÏenõ 65. roku veÏku byt' v redukovane mõÂrÏe - daÂle leÂcÏbu provaÂdeÏt, lze konstatovat, zÏe staÂvajõÂcõ kapacita klinickyÂch pracovisÏt' je schopna v dostatecÏne mõÂrÏe nahrazovat leÂkarÏe odchaÂzejõÂcõ do duÊchodu. Vzhledem ke konkurencÏnõÂmu prostrÏedõ v nejveÏtsÏõÂch meÏstech lze daÂle ocÏekaÂvat, zÏe se budou zmensÏovat i regionaÂlnõ disproporce. Podkladem ke zjisÏteÏnõ dostupnosti ortodonticke peÂcÏe v jednotlivyÂch krajõÂch a okresech CÏeske republiky byla internõ databaÂze rÏaÂdnyÂch cÏlenuÊ CÏeske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti - ortodontickyÂch specialistuÊ a ro46
a year; in ten years another 80, i.e. 16 a year. Nowadays, the clinical training centres produce 12-14 new specialists a year. On condition that some orthodontists continue their work after the age of 65, we can say that the current capacity of clinical training centres is able to substitute retiring specialists with newly trained orthodontists. With regard to the competition in large cities we may expect that the differences between individual regions will reduce. The source of our survey aimed at the availability of orthodontic care in individual regions and districts of the Czech Republic was the internal database of full e-mail:
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cÏenka CÏeskeÂho statistickeÂho uÂrÏadu. PocÏty obyvatel i pocÏty obyvatel na jednoho ortodontistu jsou v prÏehledech za celou CÏR a za kraje zaokrouhleny na cele tisõÂce, v prÏehledech za okresy zaokrouhleny na sta. PrÏehled nezohlednÏuje satelitnõ praxe, kdy jeden leÂkarÏ pracuje ve võÂce okresech a ma cÏaÂstecÏne uÂvazky. PrÏestozÏe drtiva veÏtsÏina rÏaÂdnyÂch cÏlenuÊ CÏeske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti [12] - specialistuÊ v oboru ortodoncie - duÊsledneÏ informuje sekretariaÂt spolecÏnosti o podstatnyÂch zmeÏnaÂch provozovaÂnõ sve praxe, nachaÂzejõ se v internõ cÏlenske databaÂzi i neÏktere zastarale neaktualizovane uÂdaje. Vzhledem k teÏmto obeÏma faktuÊm jsou si autorÏi veÏdomi mozÏnyÂch neprÏesnostõ uvaÂdeÏneÂho stavu v neÏkteryÂch okresech. Je patrna tendence leÂkarÏuÊ setrvaÂvat ve velkyÂch meÏstech na uÂkor blõÂzkyÂch okresuÊ. Tento jev vsÏak je do urcÏite mõÂry prÏirozenyÂ, pacienti z venkova v raÂmci svobodne volby leÂkarÏe cÏasto do nevelke vzdaÂlenosti ke specialistuÊm dojõÂzÏdeÏjõÂ. To nic nemeÏnõ na zatõÂm maÂlo uspokojive situaci ve vzdaÂleneÏjsÏõÂch, hlavneÏ pohranicÏnõÂch okresech. ZverÏejneÏnõÂm fakticke situace chceme poslouzÏit mladyÂm koleguÊm, kterÏõ vstupujõ do specializacÏnõÂho sÏkolenõ a jesÏteÏ nejsou rozhodnuti kde budou budovat svou ortodontickou praxi. AutorÏi nemajõ komercÏnõÂ, vlastnicke nebo financÏnõ zaÂjmy na produktech nebo spolecÏnostech popsanyÂch v tomto cÏlaÂnku.
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members of the Czech Orthodontic Society - specialists in orthodontics, and the yearbook of the Czech Statistical Bureau. The number of inhabitants as well as numbers of citizens per one orthodontist are rounded to thousands (regions and the Czech Republic), or hundreds (districts). The survey does not take into account the so-called satellite practices, i.e. the situation when one and the same orthodontist works in different districts as a part-time orthodontist. Despite the fact that vast majority of the Czech Orthodontic Society full members [12] - specialists in orthodontics - inform the office of secretary on the important changes in their practices, there are also some obsolete and non-up-to-date data. Therefore, the authors are aware of possibly incorrect information regarding some districts. Specialists in orthodontics - tend to work in larger cities at the expense of nearby districts. As patients have free choice of doctor, they often prefer to commute and visit the specialist in a nearby city. However, that does not mean that the situation in more distant, especially border districts, is satisfactory. This survey mapping the actual situation aims to serve our young colleagues who start their postgraduate training in orthodontics and have not decided yet where they establish their future orthodontic practice. Authors have no commercial, proprietary or financial interest in products or companies mentioned in the article.
Literatura/References 1. KamõÂnek, M., HoraÂkovaÂ, A., BednaÂrÏ, V.: PruÊzkum ortodonticke peÂcÏe v CÏeske socialisticke republice. Prakt. zubnõ LeÂk. 1975, 23, cÏ. 8, s.225-230. 2. KamõÂnek, M., HoraÂkovaÂ, A., KonecÏna V., BednaÂrÏ, V.: SbornõÂk vyÂsledkuÊ pruÊzkumu ortodonticke peÂcÏe v CÏSR k 31.12.1982. KUÂNZ SMK, Ostrava 1983. 3. KamõÂnek, M., HoraÂkovaÂ, A., KonecÏnaÂ, V.: Ortodonticka peÂcÏe v CÏeske socialisticke republice. I. leÂkarÏi. Prakt. zubnõ LeÂk. 1984, 32, cÏ. 3, s. 65-69. 4. KamõÂnek, M., HoraÂkovaÂ, A., KonecÏnaÂ, V.: Ortodonticka peÂcÏe v CÏeske socialisticke republice. II. ortodonticka pracovisÏteÏ. Prakt.zubnõ LeÂk. 1984, 32, cÏ. 6, s. 170-173. 5. KamõÂnek, M., HoraÂkovaÂ, A., KonecÏnaÂ, V.: Ortodonticka peÂcÏe v CÏeske socialisticke republice. III. okresy. Prakt. zubnõ LeÂk. 1984, 32, cÏ. 8, s. 247-249. 6. PruÊzkum ortodonticke peÂcÏe v CÏeske republice. Ortodoncie 1992, 1, cÏ. 1, s. 47-59.
7. Three Years Postgraduate Programme in Orthodontics. Final Report Erasmus Project. Ortodoncie 1992, 1, cÏ. 1, s. 10-27. 8. EFOSA - European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations/ Documents/ Erasmus program. 9. CÏeska ortodonticka spolecÏnost: Seznam cÏlenuÊ. 10. CÏesky statisticky uÂrÏad: Demograficka rocÏenka CÏR 2009. 11. EFOSA: Survey European Orthodontics in 2009 (¹Sydney Posterª). 7th International Orthodontic Congress, Sydney 2010. 12. CÏeska ortodonticka spolecÏnost: Stanovy CÏeske ortodonticke spolecÏnosti.
MUDr. Martin Kotas, Ph.D. Klinika zubnõÂho leÂkarÏstvõÂ LF FN PalackeÂho 12, 772 00 Olomouc e-mail:
[email protected]
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