15 RINGKASAN SAMBUTAN KETUA PANITIA. Assalamu’alaikum ww Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kepada Allah SWT yang telak memberikan Rahmat dan RidhoNya sehingga kita dapat berkumpul di ruangan ini pada pagi hari ini Selanjutnya izinkanlah saya selaku Ketua Panitia Workshop menyampaikan laporan sebagai berikut; Workshop dengan tema “National workshop on Health Care Needs Of Older Persons in Indonesia” Adalah kerja sama antara Departemen Kesehatan RI dan Yayasan Emong Lansia dengan sponsor dari UNESCAP, dibantu oleh instansi terkait , Perguruan Tinggi maupun LSM LSM lainnya, dan akan berlangsung selama tiga hari dan diikuti peserta dari Instansi Pemerintah, Perguruan Tinggi maupun organisasi masyarakat. Bapak Menko Kesra yang terhormat, Kita semua telah mengetahui, bahwa dalam rangka menyongsong ERA transformasi demografi yang terjadi dalam lima tahun terakhir dan masih akan berlanjut dalam decade-decade mendatang, telh dicetuskan Kebijakan maupun rencana-rencana aksi, baik pada tingkat Global, Regional maupun Nasional, sebagai contoh dapat dikemukakan: Madrid International Plan of Action 2002, Shanghai Implementation Strategy 2003, Undang-Undang n0 13 th 1998, Rencana Aksi Nasional untuk Kesejahteraan Lanjut Uisa 2003, PP no 43 th 2004 dsb-nya. Pertanyaannya adalah, apakah semua ini sudah cukup disosialisasikan, dipahami, dihayati dipedomai dan dilaksanakan? Inilah yang diusahakan untuk dicari jawaban dalam workshop ini. Keluaran (output) workshop ini berupa kesimpulan dan saran bagi perubahan kebijakan, maupun pertemuan tingkat Internasional th 2006 dan th 2007. Bapak Menko Kesra yang terhormat, Demikian laporan singkat saya, untuk selanjutnya nanti kami mohon dapat membuka Workshop ini. Kepada para hadirin kami sampaikan terima kasih atas kehadirannya dan kepada peserta saya sampaikan selamat berpartsipasi. Sekian. Wassalamu’Aliakum ww. Jakarta 22 Agustus 2005 DR Susilo Wibowo - Ketua Panitia Workshop. 2
31. Bapak Soeryadi (ABIYOSO) 32. Virgiantina Ashari (PSM DKI) 34. Lucia Sutanto (PERGERI) 35. Toni Hartono (Konas Lanjut Usia) 36. Hotbonar Sinaga ( PT Asuransi Indonesia) 37. Dra Hj. Yunita Dharma (Depsos) 38. Depnaker 39. PU 40. Eva Sabdono MBA (YEL) 41. Elfi Budio Santoso (YEL) 42. Murniati Arisandi (YEL) 44. Lily Soedjono ( FK PSM DKI) 45. Triwati M. Zakaria (BKKKS) 46. Wirawan Freefianto (InResAge) 47. Aryo Suseno (InResAge) 48. Iman Yulianto (InResAge) 49. Dra M. Endang Soekartini Wardoyo (LLI) 50. Rahma (YEL) 51. Sundari (YEL)
Background The Commission for Social Development, at its fortyfirst session in 2003, endorsed a bottom-up approach to review and appraisal of the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA). By extension, this endorsement applies to regional strategies for implementing MIPAA, such as the Shanghai Implementation Strategy (SIS). The bottom-up approach is defined as an open-ended, participatory process that seeks to incorporate and link local and national activities to UN regional intergovernmental bodies and up to the global level of the review and appraisal of MIPAA. During its forty-second session in 2004, the Commission for Social Development, decided that review and appraisal of MIPAA should be conducted every five years, with each review and appraisal cycle to focus on the priority directions identified in MIPAA; the specific theme emanating from MIPAA for the first review and appraisal cycle will be identified by the SecretaryGeneral. Member states were encouraged to include both ageing-specific policies and ageing-mainstreaming efforts in their review and appraisal of MIPAA and in their national strategies. In addition, the regional commissions, review and appraisal of and dissemination of information about 14
MIPAA at the regional level, inter alia, by assisting national institutions, at their request, in implementation and monitoring of their actions on ageing Meanwhile, the regional modalities of the review and appraisal exercise have not been elaborated. The content, format and logistics of the regional review and appraisal, requirements of regional technical cooperation, and the way of linking the regional and global reviews require further clarification. The participants at the workshop are invited to work with the UNESCAP in addressing these issues. The MIPAA called for “Attitudinal Change towards Older Persons and Development”, however, most counties in the world to a certain degree have to overcome difficulties in resources, knowledge, expertise and personnel when addressing issues related to older persons both in the family as well as in the community. In anticipation of the next high-level meeting on ageing to be held in Macao in 2006 and the five-year global review of MIPAA, tentatively to take place at the United Nations Headquarters into be held in 2007, Indonesia funded by UN ESCAP will hold a national workshop on Health Care Needs of Older Persons to strengthen the national capacity in implementing the recommendations of the SIS strategy and monitoring progress achieved in improving the well-being of individuals, family and community support of older persons, and future steps to be taken. Objectives The overall objective of the workshop’s pre-training session is to prepare for enabling the participants (of the workshop) to contribute to the development of a national modality for review and appraisal of MIPAA with the use of the SIS process and, offer a set of indicators for measuring the impact of national ageing policies and programmes. 4
PARTICIPANTS 1. Drs. H. Nadjmuddin MM (Dep. Agama) 2. Dr Susilo Wibowo (PERGERI) 3. Prof Tri Budi W. Rahardjo (UI) 4. DR Ratnasari Azhari (BKKBN) 5. Prof Dr Daldiri Mangundiwiryo (ABIYOSO) 6. DR H. Tjuk Kasturi Sukiadi SE (DNIKS) 7. Sri Mulyono Herlambang (LLI) 8. Dr Nugroho Abikusno (InResAge) 9. Ir Ngatiyo Ngayoko (Kemnko KESRA) 10. DR Omas Bulan Samosir (LD UI) 11. Ciptaningsih Oetaryo (BKKKS YOGYA) 12. Dr Siti Hariani (Depkes) 13. Dr Rosa Ginting (PT ASKES) 14. Dr Sonya Roesma (Pelita Usila) 15. Ponco Respati Nugroho (Kemenko Kesra) 16. Dr. Asviretty Nurgusany Yerly Asir (PP) 17. Endang Sulistyowati (BKKBN) 18. Drg Eka Susiratnawati (Depkes) 19. Drg Ratna Kirana (Depkes) 20. Dra Fainurmah R (Depkes) 21. Hetty Siagian SH, CN (Depsos) 22. Dra Hj. Endang Sri Wigati Msi (Depdagri) 23. Budi Royati Soenardjo (FKLU DKI) 24. Is Yulianto (LD UI) 25. Wahyudi Nugroho (Papansosnada) 26. Prof Charles Soeryadi (IEN) 27. Kusmadi Amin Endin LLI) 28. Dida Soerodjo (YEL) 29. Yudia Shinowitri (YDB) 30. Agus Supriyatno Depsos) 13
Specific objectives of the workshop are to 5
1. Review the national experience and existing strategies related to policy and programmes for older persons in Indonesia 2. Focus on health and long-term care in the light of the 2003 Indonesia National Plan of Action, the 2004 Government regulation n0. 43 on older persons protection, 2004 Presidential Decree no 93?m on the membership of the National Commission for Older Persons. 3. Examine the application of the proposed modalities, format and matrix of indicators to review and appraisal of MIPAA’s implementation at the national level. 4. Suggest recommendations on how to collect, analyze and consolidate (“distill”) information at the national level through the bottom-up participatory approach recommended by the SIS process. 5. Identify arrangements for cooperation between line-ministries and other national stakeholders in the review and appraisal process 6. Identify good practices of technical cooperation activities aimed at assisting Member States in undertaking the bottom-up review and appraisal of MIPAA.
Day Three, Wednesday 24 August 2004
08.00-10.00 Thematic Discussions Moderated by : InResAge. I. Older Persons Empowerment II. Health and Social Needs III. Age Friendly Environment 10.00-10.30 Coffee Break 10.30-12.00 Continue 12.00-13.30 Lunch 13.30-16.00 Plenary : Group presentations Moderated by: Dr. Nugroho Abikusno 16.99-17.00 Adoption of the proposed country indicators and recommendation Osama Rajkhan. Closing Ceremony
Methodology A selected group of stakeholders representing government namely: peoples welfare, health, social affairs, women empowerment, BKKBN, manpower, public works, transportation, national education, internal affairs, religious affairs, national commission on ageing; academia such as University of Indonesia., Indonesia Epidemiology Network, Demography Institute as well as NGOs and social organizations such as YEL, LLI, BKKKS, FKLU, Pergeri, DNIKS, Askes, Pelita Usila, YDB and Papansosnada, will be invited as participants. In the workshop participants will be trained by the UN ESCAP trainer on a methodology to assess the social and health care needs of older persons. After being trained on this methodology, the participants will apply this method in the evaluation of various inputs of the first plenary session in the workshop related to the issues addressed in the 2003 Indonesia National Plan of Action for Older Person Welfare.
Organization 11
Steering Committee: Chair-person Dr. Susilo Wibowo, Pergeri (Indonesia Gerontology Society) Members: Dr. Nugroho Abikusno, M.D.M.S.DrPH (InResAge Trisakti University) Prof. Dr. Tri Budi Rahardjo (University of Indonesia) Dr. Sonja Roesma, SKM (Pelita Usila), Ir. Ngatiyo Ngayoko, MM (Assistant Deputy for Disabled and Older Persons, RI Coordinating Ministry for Peoples Welfare), Dr. Siti Hariani (Ministry of Health) Dr. Asviretty Nurgusany Yerly Asir, MPH (Ministry for Women Empowerment), Dr. Tony Setiabudhi (Pergeri).
Day Two: Tuesday, 23 August 2005
Macao 2004 Guidelines for the Review and Appraisal of the Shanghai Plan of Action on Ageing Facilitated by Osama Rajkhan and InresAge
GROUP WORK, using the SIS guidelines to formulate strategies, plans, programmes and activities to implement the key actions contained within the framework of SIS.
Organizing Committee: Chair-person Mrs. Eva. A.J. Sabdono MBA Yayasan Emong Lansia-HelpAge Indonesia. (YEL)
Group I:
Health promotion and well-being throughout life. Group II: Social service and community support Group III: Work and the ageing labour force
Members: Dr.g Ratna Kirana (Ministry of Health) Dra Fainurmah R, Mkes (Ministry of Health) Drg. Eka Susiratnawati (ministry of Health) Endang Sulistyowati (BKKBN) Yunita Dharma (Ministry of Social Affairs) Elfy Budio Santoso (YEL) Dida Soerodjo (YEL) Murniati ARisandi (YEL) Lily Soedjono (LLI) Azhari (BKKKS) Rahma (YEL) Sundari (YEL)
Group IV: Active participation in society and development
Group Presentation and discussion
Field visit to an elderly day care center Tegal ALur Senior Citizen Activity Center.
16.00-18.00 Integration of Ageing issues into Policy Moderated by Dr. Nugroho Abikusno (InResAge) • •
National Training Workshop on Tracking Progress to Improve Health Care for Older Persons 22-24 August 2005 Jakarta, Indonesia
Long Term Care in Indonesia ( Pelita Usila – Dr. Sonya Roesma)
Shanghai implementation strategy (UNESCAP – Osama Rajkhan, Social Affairs Officer) Ageing and Functional Health of the Rural and Urban aged: Issues and A Functional Test Protocol. Dr. Muneer Alam Associate Professor, Population Research centre. Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University Enclave, India
1. Opening of the meeting. 2. Empowerment, Health, Social needs and Enabling Environment 3. Ageing & Development: Demography, Family and Community Support 4. Integration of Ageing issues into Policy 5. Macao 2004 Guidelines for the Review and Appraisal of the Shanghai Plan of Action on Ageing. 6. Group Work 7. Thematic discussion 8. Plenary: Group presentations 9. Executive Summary and Recommendations 10. Closing ceremony
National Training Workshop on Tracking Progress to Improve Health Care for Older Persons
HE Minister of Public Works. Ir. Djoko Kirmanto Dipl. HE
22-24 August 2005 Jakarta, Indonesia
Social Affairs, Dr. Pudji Hastuti, Director General, Ministry of Social Affairs
PROGRAMME MONDAY, 22 AUGUST 2005 08.00-09.00
Ministry of Women Empowerment, DR.IR. Irma ALamsyah (Deputty for older women and disabled women protetion )
Registration 1. Opening of the Meeting
Empowerment, Heath, sSocial Needs and Enabling Environment. Moderated by Prof Tri Budhi W. Rahardjo (UI)
Statement on behalf of Ms. Thelma Kay, Director, Emerging Social Issues Division, UNESCAP Statement by Dr. Soesilo Wibowo,Chair-person Statement by Mr H. Bachtiar Chamsyah SE National Commission for Older Persons Opening statement by HE Prof. Dr. Alwi Shihab, RI Coordinating Ministerof People’s Welfare Keynote address by DR Siti Fadilah Supari RI Minister of Health. “Ageing and Development: The strategic role of older persons in Indonesia in the Global era”
13.30-15.30 Ageing & Development: Demography, Family and Community support. Moderated by : Dr. Ratnasari Azhari (BKKBN) • • • • •
Demography of older persons in Indonesia DR. Osman Bulam Samosir Community based best practices from : Jakarta ( YEL, Eva Sabdono), Surabaya (Abiyoso – Prof Daldiri Mangundiwiryo) Jogjakarta (DNIKS – Mrs. Utaryo)
Prayer. 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
Group picture. 10.15-10.30
Coffee break 8