MULTIMEX solutions in customer service applications
Handling customer service customer flow These days all customer services are trying, to provide the possible highest level of services to their patients, with the possible most optimal expenses. Thanks to the more than 20 years of experience of MULTIMEX Ltd., and to our knowledge of the market – we are able to offer custom, tailor-made solutions for each single customer service to make them able to realize the goals defined before. Our solutions help the optimization of patient flow and the patient information process – from the arrival of the customer to the institution, to their leaving – and even after that.
Design of customer services These days it is a right expectation to provide a cultured and calm customer service atmosphere, which can be easily realized with the help of our Q-FUSION customer flow management system. The Q-FUSION system’s hardware elements offer a reliable solution for their users. With the help of our products, users can easily find the optimal configuration for their needs, during the design process our professionals will be at your service. The different ticket printers, information terminals, displays, information display, multimedia interfaces, and calling terminals - all serve the purpose of creating a high level and reliable customer care culture.
Greeting of customers, queue number printing, patient identification MULTIMEX
Patients get printed queue numbers from the different type ticket printers in all cases. On the ticket, next to the queue number, many other information can take place such as; the name of the customer service, name of customer, name of selected service, number of serving workplace, number of waiting customers, and other different data that can be set up by users. Using ticket printer totems it is possible to solve the problem of identification of customers (for example: with an interactive user interface or with a card reader), this way increasing the level of the offered service and also boosting convenience of customers.
Customer calling Staff members can access web based calling terminal, or can use the hardware terminals placed on their desktops – this way they can call, recall and transfer customers and can access numerous different, custom functions. During the customer serving process staff members with the help of intelligent calling terminals can add complementary information (successful, unsuccessful, matter, activity, etc.) to the transaction, broadening the spectrum of mineable data - this way too.
Active customer waiting, customer information, efficient advertisement With the help of Q-MONITOR multimedia system, users can inform their customers about current news, actual discounts through different sized LCD surfaces placed around the customer service, this way also increasing the efficacy of selling and information. To further increase effectiveness – on the LCD surfaces data can be displayed – even from the Q-FUSION system (e.g.: average waiting times, called queue numbers, waiting customers to a certain services, etc.) this way the attention of customers will be even more focused on the displayed content.
Central data mining, system management, configuration The Q-FUSION system’s WEB interface provides information towards the management; concerning current time, past and future. The real time information can be accessed through the Q-INSPECT module of the system, where the leaders can observe the current traffic, the work of the whole customer service and can be noticed if the waiting times have exceeded a previously set value (warning functions). Statistical information can be found in the Q-REPORT statistical module, where we can see a detailed picture of the function of the customer service in the past. By processing this information it is possible for the management to refine different working alternatives, define service goals and planning for the future – this way increasing cost-effectiveness – based on daily, weekly and yearly data. Users can intervene using the Q-ADMIN – administration, and Q-CONFIG – configuration modules – this way modifying the working of the customer service. Thanks to the centralized Q-FUSION system, it is possible to do all these on one single WEB interface, let it be a single customer service little corporation or a nation-wide customer service network – large company.
Booking in advance Creating an ideal customer flow process it is necessary to be able to optimize the load of staff members and doing this on a way to make the waiting times of patients the possible minimal. To achieve this goal we offer the Q-FUSION system’s Q-TIMER module – advance booking solution (personal, phone, WEB, SMS, and WAP based services) – thanks to this module, patients can directly book an appointment at the institution, or with the help of staff members (personally or by phone); both on WEB based interface. Thanks to the appointment booking solution, the performance of staff members become balanced and the serving of patients becomes convenient.
Q-FUSION system - an integrated solution Most of customer services are using custom software solutions, for the database management and to process different statistical data. The Q-FUSION system is able to communicate with these external software and this way certain functions can be integrated (e.g.: customer calling functions), or statistical data can be processed (e.g.: SQL, ORACLE databases) with the own software of the user.
Please contact us, to make us able to help you design your optimal customer management, customer flow process. Contact our professionals on Phone (+36 1 203 007, +36 1 481 4000), via fax (+36 1 481 4004) or e-mail (
[email protected]), who will contact you soon. Please visit our website:
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MULTIMEX MULTIMEX Kft. 1037 Budapest, Jablonka út 118/a. Tel: +36 1 203 0507 Fax: +36 1 481 4004 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: