: 0140312-066
LEMBAR PERNYATAAN Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini Nama
: Prima Arkha Khaizar
: 0140312-066
: Jurusan Teknik Elektro
: Fakultas Teknik Industri
Judul Skripsi
: Mengatasi Masalah Penyatuan Data Pelaksanaan Pelatihan di Fasilitas Computer Based Training Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta
Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa hasil penulisan Skripsi yang telah saya buat ini merupakan hasil karya sendiri dan benar keasliannya. Apabila ternyata di kemudian hari penulisan Skripsi ini merupakan hasil plagiat atau penjiplakan terhadap karya orang lain, maka saya bersedia mempertanggung jawabkan sekaligus bersedia menerima sanksi berdasarkan aturan tata tertib di Universitas Mercu Buana. Demikian, pernyataan ini saya buat dalam keadaan sadar dan tidak dipaksakan.
Penulis, 8 Februari 2009
(Prima Arkha Khaizar)
: 0140312-066
Mengetahui Koordinator TA
( Ir. Said Attamimi, MT )
( Ir.Yudhi Gunardi,MT )
ABSTRAK Perangkat lunak Computer Based Training Seagull dipilih untuk digunakan di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta karena telah mendapatkan sertifikasi STCW 95. Namun didapati kemudian bahwa CBT Seagull didesain sebagai perangkat lunak stand alone yang digunakan untuk pelatihan diatas kapal. Data pelatihan dikumpulkan dan diolah oleh Seagull Customer Support di kantor pusat perusahaan Seagull. Tanpa kerjasama dengan perusahaan Seagull maka data pelatihan di 30 komputer CBT di STIP Jakarta tidak dapat di satukan. Penulis memilih masalah ini untuk dibahas karena pentingnya masalah ini dari sudut pandang STCW 95 yang mewajibkan penyelenggara mendokumentasikan profil peserta pelatihannya. Urgensi masalah ini adalah jika tidak dicarikan solusi lain maka tidak akan ada catatan mengenai pelaksanaan pelatihan di CBT unit simulator STIP Jakarta. Tidak menyimpan data pelatihan dianggap menyalahi konvensi STCW 95 dan lulusannya dianggap belum menjalani pelatihan tersebut. Penulis mencoba 3 solusi learning management software open source yang terdapat di internet. Solusi yang penulis ujikan di fasilitas CBT unit simulator adalah learning managemet software, ATutor, Claroline dan Dokeos yang kesemuanya bisa didapat secara bebas di internet. Diharapkan proses pelatihan dan evaluasi dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak tersebut dapat menghasilkan catatan digital yang dapat di akses secara mudah dan sederhana oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Hasil tersebut akan menyimpulkan bahwa solusi lms dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan penggunaan CBT Seagull.
Daftar Isi Halaman i ii iii iv v vi viii viii
Halaman Judul Halaman Pernyataan Halaman Pengesahan Abstraksi Kata Pengantar Daftar isi Daftar Gambar Daftar Tabel Bab I
Pendahuluan 1.1. Latar Belakang 1.2. Batasan Masalah 1.3. Tujuan Penelitian 1.4. Metodologi Penelitian 1.5. Sistematika Penulisan
1 1 3 3 3 3
Bab II
Landasan Teori 2.1. Local Area Network 2.2. Server Web 2.3. Browser Web 2.4. Basisdata 2.5 Learning management Software
4 4 6 7 8 9
Masalah dan Penerapan Solusi 3.1. Sistem CBT Seagull dan kekurangannya dalam penerapan di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran 3.1.1. Masalah Ekspor-Impor Data CBT Seagull 3.1.2. Menjalankan program CBT Seagull dengan modul training library komputer instruktur 3.1.3 Menjalankan program Seagull di komputer student 1 dengan STA dan modul training library dari komputer instruktur 3.2. Rancangan Solusi 3.3 Penerapan
12 12
Pengujian dan Analisis 4.1. Registrasi User Melalui Jaringan 4.1.1. Registrasi Pada Dokeos 4.1.2. Registrasi Pada Claroline 4.1.3. Registrasi Pada ATutor 4.2. Menjalankan Course dengan Berganti-ganti Komputer
20 20 20 22 23 24
Bab IV
14 15 17 18 19
4.2.1. 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.4. Bab V
Mengikuti course SCRB di Dokeos Mengikuti course SCRB di Claroline Mengikuti course SCRB di ATutor Fasilitas Pelaporan untuk Administrator Pelatihan Reporting Dokeos untuk Administrator Reporting Claroline untuk Administrator Rangkuman Pengujian
Penutup 5.1. Kesimpulan 5.2. Saran
Daftar Pustaka Lampiran Lampiran (1) Lampiran (2) Lampiran (3) Lampiran (4)
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 33 33 34 35 35 39 49 53
Instalasi XAMPP Instalasi Dokeos Instalasi Claroline Instalasi ATutor
Daftar Gambar Gambar 1.1.
Pelatihan di atas kapal
Gambar 1.2.
Proses pengolahan data pelatihan CBT Seagull
Gambar 2.1.
Jaringn LAN topologi star
Gambar 2.2.
Server Web dan Browser web
Gambar 3.1.
Komponen sistem Seagull
Gambar 3.2.
Rancangan Solusi
Gambar 4.1.
User list LMS Dokeos
Gambar 4.2.
User list LMS Claroline
Gambar 4.3.
User list LMS ATutor
Gambar 4.4.
Progress report user Dokeos student
Gambar 4.5.
Progress report user Claroline student
Gambar 4.6
Progress report user ATutor student
Gambar 4.7.
Learner detil memperlihatkan seluruh course yang diikuti
peserta (Dokeos) Gambar 4.8.
Detil pelatihan dalam course yang diikuti peserta (Dokeos)
Gambar 4.9.
Report user di lingkungan Claroline
Table 3.1.
Ekspor-impor data komputer student – instruktur
Table 3.2.
Menggunakan modul training instruktur di komputer student
Table 3.3.
Menjalankan CBT di komputer student dengan STA instruktur
Table 4.1.
Rangkuman pengujian LMS
Daftar Tabel
Daftar Gambar
Table 3.1.
Ekspor-impor data komputer student – instruktur
Table 3.2.
Menggunakan modul training instruktur di komputer student
Table 3.3.
Menjalankan CBT di komputer student dengan STA instruktur
Table 4.1.
Rangkuman pengujian LMS
1.1. Latar Belakang Perangkat lunak Seagull CBT adalah
perangkat lunak standalone, terdiri atas
program Seagull Training Administrator (STA) sebagai engine yang diinstal di komputer CBT dan modul-modul pelajaran (training library) yang didistribusikan melalui kepingan CD.
Gambar 1.1. Pelatihan di atas kapal (Seagull presentation)
Gambar 1.1 menunjukkan peran sentral seorang training officer di atas kapal untuk mengadministrasi proses pelatihan. Hak dan kewajiban onboard training officer antara lain : menginstal modul, meregistrasi user, mendaftarkan user ke modul tertentu dan secara rutin mengirim seluruh hasil pelatihan ke kantor pusat Seagull melalui email attachment setiap bulan.
Gambar 1.2. Proses pengolahan data pelatihan CBT Seagull,(Seagull presentation)
Dari gambar 1.2 di atas terlihat bahwa komponen-komponen sistem CBT Seagull terdiri dari onboard training officer, Seagull Customer support dan perusahaan pelayaran yang dihubungkan dengan jaringan internet. Tidak adanya komponen Seagull Customer Support di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran jakarta menyebabkan data hasil CBT terpecah di 30 komputer dan tidak dapat disinkronkan. Akibat lainnya setiap peserta terpaksa hanya menggunakan satu komputer saja sepanjang pelatihan agar data perkembangannya tidak terpecah. Dibutuhkan alternative selain Seagull untuk pelaksanaan CBT di STIP dimana perangkat lunak itu dapat bekerja dalam jaringan sehingga data-data dapat disatukan.
1.2. Batasan Masalah Data pelaksanaan pelatihan CBT menggunakan perangkat lunak Segull AS terpecah di 30 komputer dan tidak dapat disatukan.
1.3. Tujuan Penelitian Mengatasi masalah terpecahnya data pelatihan CBT di 30 komputer dan menyatukannya menggunakan paket Learning Management Software berbasis open source.
1.4. Metode Penelitian Menggunakan dan membandingkan 3 produk Learning management software open source (ATutor, Dokeos dan Claroline) di fasilitas CBT unit simulator
2.1.Local Area Network
LAN adalah jaringan komputer yang jaringannya hanya mencakup wilayah kecil; seperti jaringan komputer kampus, gedung, kantor, dalam rumah, sekolah atau yang lebih kecil. Saat ini, kebanyakan LAN berbasis pada teknologi IEEE 802.3 Ethernet menggunakan perangkat switch, yang mempunyai kecepatan transfer data 10, 100, atau 1000 Mbit/s. Selain teknologi Ethernet, saat ini teknologi 802.11b (atau biasa disebut Wi-fi) juga sering digunakan untuk membentuk LAN. Tempat-tempat yang menyediakan koneksi LAN dengan teknologi Wi-fi biasa disebut hotspot.
Gambar 2.1. Jaringan LAN topologi star (digunakan di CBT STIP Jakarta)
Pada sebuah LAN, setiap node atau komputer mempunyai daya komputasi sendiri, berbeda dengan konsep dump terminal. Setiap komputer juga dapat mengakses sumber daya yang ada di LAN sesuai dengan hak akses yang telah diatur. Sumber daya tersebut dapat berupa data atau perangkat seperti printer. Pada LAN, seorang pengguna juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan pengguna yang lain dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang sesuai.
Berbeda dengan Jaringan Area Luas atau Wide Area Network (WAN), maka LAN mempunyai karakteristik sebagai berikut :
1. Mempunyai pesat data yang lebih tinggi 2. Meliputi wilayah geografi yang lebih sempit 3. Tidak membutuhkan jalur telekomunikasi yang disewa dari operator telekomunikasi
Biasanya salah satu komputer di antara jaringan komputer itu akan digunakan menjadi
2.2. Server Web
Adalah sebuah perangkat lunak server yang berfungsi menerima permintaan HTTP atau HTTPS dari klien yang dikenal dengan browser web dan mengirimkan kembali hasilnya dalam bentuk halaman-halaman web yang umumnya berbentuk dokumen HTML.
Gambar 2.2 Server web dan browser (www.computer.howstuffworks.com)
Server web yang terkenal diantaranya adalah Apache dan Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS). Apache merupakan server web antar-platform, sedangkan IIS hanya dapat beroperasi di sistem operasi Windows.
Server web juga dapat berarti komputer yang berfungsi seperti definisi di atas.
Langkah pekerjaan server web disederhanakan sebagai berikut (howstuffworks.com):
Browser memecah url menjadi 3 bagian yaitu : protocol (http), nama mesin server (localhost) dan nama file (index.htm)
Browser berkomunikasi dengan dns menerjemahkan nama server localhost menjadi nomer ip
Browser membentuk koneksi kepada server di nomer ip tersebut.
Mengikuti standar protocol http, browser mengirimkan pesan GET ke server, meminta untuk menampilkan file http://localhost/index.htm
Server mengirim teks html untuk di tampilkan oleh browser.
Browser menerjemahkan file html tersebut dan memformatnya untuk ditampilkan di layar.
2.3. Browser Web Penjelajah web (bahasa Inggris: web browser), disebut juga sebagai perambah atau peramban, adalah perangkat lunak yang berfungsi menampilkan dan melakukan interaksi dengan dokumen-dokumen yang disediakan oleh server web. Penjelajah web yang populer adalah Microsoft Internet Explorer dan Mozilla Firefox. Penjelajah web adalah jenis agen pengguna yang paling sering digunakan. Web sendiri adalah Kumpulan jaringan berisi dokumen dan tersambung satu dengan yang lain, yang dikenal sebagai World Wide Web.(http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/penjelajah_web)
2.4. Basisdata
Basis data (bahasa Inggris: database), atau sering pula dieja basisdata, adalah kumpulan informasi yang disimpan di dalam komputer secara sistematik sehingga dapat diperiksa menggunakan suatu program komputer untuk memperoleh informasi dari basis data tersebut. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengelola dan memanggil kueri (query) basis data disebut sistem manajemen basis data (database management system, DBMS). Sistem basis data dipelajari dalam ilmu informasi.
Istilah "basis data" berawal dari ilmu komputer. Meskipun kemudian artinya semakin luas, memasukkan hal-hal di luar bidang elektronika, artikel ini mengenai basis data komputer. Catatan yang mirip dengan basis data sebenarnya sudah ada sebelum revolusi industri yaitu dalam bentuk buku besar, kuitansi dan kumpulan data yang berhubungan dengan bisnis.
Konsep dasar dari basis data adalah kumpulan dari catatan-catatan, atau potongan dari pengetahuan. Sebuah basis data memiliki penjelasan terstruktur dari jenis fakta yang tersimpan di dalamnya: penjelasan ini disebut skema. Skema menggambarkan obyek yang diwakili suatu basis data, dan hubungan di antara obyek tersebut. Ada banyak cara untuk mengorganisasi skema, atau memodelkan struktur basis data: ini dikenal sebagai model basis data atau model data. Model yang umum digunakan sekarang adalah model relasional, yang menurut istilah layman mewakili semua informasi dalam bentuk tabel-tabel yang saling berhubungan dimana setiap tabel
terdiri dari baris dan kolom (definisi yang sebenarnya menggunakan terminologi matematika). Dalam model ini, hubungan antar tabel diwakili denga menggunakan nilai yang sama antar tabel. Model yang lain seperti model hierarkis dan model jaringan menggunakan cara yang lebih eksplisit untuk mewakili hubungan antar tabel.
Istilah basis data mengacu pada koleksi dari data-data yang saling berhubungan, dan perangkat lunaknya seharusnya mengacu sebagai sistem manajemen basis data (database management system/DBMS). Jika konteksnya sudah jelas, banyak administrator dan programer menggunakan istilah basis data untuk kedua arti tersebut.(http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basis_data)
2.5. Learning Management Software (LMS) Terdapat banyak definisi tentang learning management software antara lain : LMS – (Learning Management System) A software system, that allows the development and delivery of educational courses using the Internet as a delivery system.(http://www.ucla.cyberstuff.net/glossary_digital_media.htm) Software that automates the administration of training. The LMS registers users, tracks courses in a catalog, records data from learners; and provides reports to management. web.worldbank.org/ Learning Management System is a broad term used for a wide range of systems that organize and provide access to online learning services for students, teachers, and administrators. These services usually include access control, provision of learning content, communication tools, and organization of user groups. (from Paulsen, M. F. 2002. Online Education Systems: Discussion and Definition of Terms) Paket-paket lms yang beredar didunia dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu paket komersial dan freeware. Paket komersial antara lain SABA, Apex Learning, SAP Enterprise
Learning dan Blackboard. Sedangkan paket-paket yang bebas antara lain moodle, ATutor, Ilias, Dokeos, Claroline, dan Sakai.
Dengan semakin banyaknya vendor mengembangkan LMS beserta kontennya, timbul suatu kebutuhan untuk menyusun standard sehingga meningkatkan interoperabilitas dan kerjasama antar vendor. Perjalanan pembuatan standard dalam eLearning sebenarnya sudah dimulai sejak era tahun 1988, dan mulai terimplementasikan dengan baik di era tahun 2000 keatas. Beberapa organisasi dan konsorsium yang mengeluarkan standard dalam dunia eLearning adalah:
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) (http://adlnet.org)
Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) (http://aicc.org)
IMS Global Consortium (IMS) (http://imsproject.org)
Salah satu standard yang diterima banyak pihak adalah yang dikeluarkan ADL, yaitu Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). Spesifikasi SCORM mengkombinasikan elemen-elemen dari spesifikasi standard yang dikeluarkan oleh IEEE, AICC dan IMS. SCORM memungkinkan pengembang dan penyedia konten eLearning lebih konsisten dan mudah dalam implementasi karena sifat SCORM yang reusable. Standard SCORM berkembang dari versi SCORM 1.0, SCORM 1.1, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004.
Saat ini sudah banyak Learning Management System (LMS) yang mendukung SCORM, termasuk didalamnya adalah aTutor dan Moodle untuk yang opensource, dan intraLearn untuk produk komersial. Dengan SCORM memungkinkan kita melakukan import dan export konten (bahan ajar) yang sudah kita buat di sebuah LMS ke LMS lain dengan mudah. (Romi Satria Wahono, Memilih sistem e-learning berbasis open source)
3.1. Sistem CBT Seagull dan kekurangannya untuk penggunaan di STIP Jakarta Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas mengenai masalah penerapan CBT menggunakan perangkat lunak Seagull di STIP Jakarta penulis akan menjabarkannya secara singkat : Komponen-komponen system CBT Seagull didesain terbagi menjadi : 1. Onboard
penggunaan fasilitas CBT di atas kapal. Salah satu tugasnya adalah mengirim hasil latihan melalui email kepada Seagull support center. Perangkat yang digunakan oleh Onboard Training Officer adalah Seagull Training Administrator yang diinstal di komputer CBT kapal. 2. Seagull
menambahkannya ke database Seagull pusat dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak khusus. Update data dikirimkan kembali ke fasilitas CBT di kapal melalui email attachment. Seagull customer support juga mengirimkan laporan kepada perusahaan operator pelayaran yang bersangkutan.
Gambar dibawah ini menerangkan proses penyatuan data pelatihan diatas kapal oleh komponen Seagull Customer Support
Gambar 3.1 Komponen Sistem Seagull
Perangkat lunak Seagull yang di gunakan di STIP Jakarta adalah sama dengan yang digunakan oleh On board training officer seperti gambar 3.1 diatas. Bisa dikatakan di fasilitas CBT STIP Jakarta terdapat 30 kapal yang bisa melaksanakan pelatihan CBT sendiri-sendiri dan tidak dikoordinasikan oleh pusat pengolah data (Seagull Customer Support). Bagian yang dilingkari pada gambar 3.1 diatas adalah komponen yang hilang dalam system CBT Seagull di STIP.
3.1.1. Masalah Ekspor dan Impor data CBT Seagull Percobaan dibawah ini dilakukan dengan maksud menyatukan file *.nft yang dihasilkan oleh STA komputer student 1 ke dalam STA komputer Instruktur. Penyatuan data ini penting untuk keperluan audit pelaksanaan pelatihan.
Tabel 3.1. Ekspor-Impor data antara komputer student 1 dan Instruktur no
Student 1 PC
Open Seagull Administrator,
Explore c:\p, view a file named
Open /training administrator/users 2
Create new user : prima
199879.nft, an exported file 2
Open Seagull Administrator/training admin/import
Logout seagull administrator
Select file to import c:\p\199879.nft
Open traininglibrary.exe
Select navigation/steering gear
Import process fail : “ file you have specified ro import is not a valid
import file, only files created by
Login as prima
Main Office can be imported. Import 7
will not continue.”
Proceed training and self assessment
Exit and safe result as prima
Exit training library
Open seagull
Logout seagull admin
admin/records 11
View results user prima
Exit records, open export
Select prima to export
Export to \\inscbt\p
Export finish
Exit seagull administrator
Kesimpulan dari percobaan diatas adalah : file yang bisa di impor kedalam program seagull training administrator hanyalah file yang dihasilkan dari Seagull Customer Support di kantor pusat Seagull AS.
3.1.2. Menjalankan program CBT Seagull dengan modul training library komputer instruktur Pada percobaan ini penulis menjalankan program CBT Seagull di komputer student 1 yang telah di install program Seagull Training Administrator. Dari STA komputer student 1 penulis mengatur agar STA menggunakan modul latihan dari instruktur.
Hasil yang diharapkan adalah data latihan user di komputer student 1 akan disimpan di komputer instruktur. Tabel 3.2. Menggunakan modul training instruktur di student 1 no INS CBT PC
no Student 1 PC
Open Seagull administrator/training administrator/Users
Add new user : primarkha
Open : Seagull Administrator/training administrator/configuration
Select : /obl location, redirect steering gear to INS CBT PC
Exit seagull administrator
Exit Seagull Administrator
Open : Seagull Training Library
Select : navigation/steering gear
Login as primarkha
Proceed training and self assessment
Exit and safe as primarkha : fail to save no user primarkha on database.
Percobaan diatas membuktikan bahwa data-data pelatihan ditangani oleh program Seagull Training Administrator dan disimpan di komputer dimana STA tersebut di install, bukan di lokasi modul training library.
3.1.3 Menjalankan program Seagull di komputer student 1 dengan STA dan modul training library dari komputer instruktur. Pada percobaan terakhir penulis meng-uninstall proram STA di komputer student, lalu menjalankan program CBT Seagull dari STA Instruktur. Percobaan ini untuk membuktikan apakan program CBT Seagull dapat dijalankan dari jaringan.
Tabel 3.3. menjalankan CBT Student 1 dengan STA instruktur no
Langkah-langkah di Student I PC
Uninstall Seagull Administrator
Delete shortcut tlserver.exe di desktop student 1
Create shortcut from \\inscbt\cbt\traininglibrary.exe as
tlserver.exe 4
Run tlserver.exe
Kesimpulan percobaan diatas adalah CBT Seagull dirancang untuk bekerja secara stand-alone dengan menggunakan STA sebagai mesinnya. Mesin yang tidak di install STA tidak bisa menjalankan modul-modul latihan dari Seagull
3.2. Rancangan Solusi Rencana penulis adalah memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang telah ada berupa jaringan LAN dan menambahkan solusi dari penggunaan server web, server database, paket learning management software disisi server dan browser disisi user baik student maupun instructor.
Gambar 3.2 Rancangan solusi
Kebutuhan perangkat lunak berdasarkan gambar diatas adalah : 1. Server web 2. Server database 3. Learning management software 4. Printer server
3.3 Penerapan Langkah-langkah penerapan rancangan solusi: 1. Pemeriksaan jaringan komputer (LAN). Jaringan : / Instruktur: / Student : -30 / Printer server: / 2. Instalasi server web, server database dalam paket xampp di komputer instruktur. 3. Instalasi browser web (Opera) di 30 komputer student dan 1 komputer instruktur untuk mengakses situs CBT berbasis LMS. 4. Instalasi Paket Learning Management Software (LMS) ATutor, Claroline dan Dokeos. 5. Membuat 2 course (SCRB dan BST) baru dalam LMS. 6. Membuat contoh isi materi dan soal ujian dalam course. 7. Membuat learning path untuk sebagai panduan alur belajar peserta .
Pengujian dimaksudkan untuk membuktikan bahwa perangkat lunak LMS memiliki kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam jaringan sehingga data-data pelatihan peserta tetap sinkron di antara 30 komputer CBT. Setelah pembuktian tersebut pengujian dilanjutkan pada fasilitas pelaporan ketiga LMS tersebut. Pengujian dilakukan di fasilitas CBT unit simulator menggunakan 3 buah pc yang terhubung melalui LAN. Poin-poin yang diuji : 1. Registrasi user dari jaringan dilakukan oleh peserta sendiri bukan oleh administrator. 2. User menjalankan pelatihan dengan berganti-ganti komputer didalam jaringan untuk menyelesaikan learning path-nya. 3. Fasilitas laporan data hasil pelatihan baik dari sisi administrator maupun dari sisi student.
4.1. Registrasi User Melalui Jaringan. 4.1.1. Registrasi pada Dokeos 1. Pada komputer st1 dan st2, menjalankan browser dan diarahkan ke yaitu server web CBT.
2. Register new user johndoe di komputer st1 (, dan johnsmith di komputer st2 ( 3. enroll course SCRB dan BST untuk tiap-tiap user, logout. 4. Pada komputer ins(, menjalankan browser dan diarahkan ke http://localhost/dks, komputer ins berlaku juga sebagai server dan client sekaligus. 5. Login sebagai administrator. 6. Memeriksa user list Dokeos.
Gambar 4.1. User list LMS Dokeos
Gambar diatas adalah grafik antarmuka untuk user Dokeos dengan hak administrator. Administrator dapat melihat seluruh user yang mendaftar ke layanan Dokeos. Bagian yang dilingkari adalah nama user johndoe (registrasi dari komputer st1) dan user
johnsmith (registrasi dari komputer st2) dilihat oleh administrator dari komputer ins1. Dengan mendekatkan kursor ke ikon papan tulis akan muncul pop-up window yang menginformasikan bahwa user johndoe telah terdaftar di 2 course yaitu SCRB dan BST.
4.1.2 Registrasi pada Claroline 1. Pada komputer st1 dan st2, menjalankan browser dan diarahkan ke, 2. Register new user johndoe di komputer st1, dan johnsmith di komputer st2. 3. Enroll course SCRB dan BST untuk tiap-tiap user, logout. 4. Pada
http://localhost/CBTcl. 5. Login sebagai administrator. 6. Memeriksa user list Claroline.
Gambar 4.2. User list LMS Claroline
Gambar di atas adalah grafik antarmuka untuk user Claroline dengan hak administrator, bagian yang dilingkari adalah nama user johndoe (registrasi dari komputer st1) mengikuti satu course, dan user johnsmith (registrasi dari komputer st2) mengikuti satu course dilihat oleh administrator dari komputer ins1.
4.1.3 Registrasi user di lingkungan ATutor 1. Pada komputer st1 dan st2, menjalankan browser dan diarahkan ke, 2. Register new user johndoe di komputer st1, dan johnsmith di komputer st2. 3. Enroll course SCRB dan BST untuk tiap-tiap user, logout. 4. Pada
http://localhost/dks, 5. Login sebagai administrator. 6. Memeriksa user list ATutor.
Gambar 4.3. User list LMS ATutor
Gambar diatas adalah grafik antarmuka untuk user ATutor dengan hak administrator, bagian yang dilingkari diatas adalah nama user johndoe (registrasi dari komputer st1) dan user johnsmith (registrasi dari komputer st2) dilihat oleh administrator dari komputer ins1. Namun demikian sampai sejauh ini administrator ATutor tidak bisa melihat user yang terdaftar dalam course apa saja.
4.2. Menjalankan Course dengan Berganti-ganti Komputer Pada tahap ini user johndoe dan johnsmith berganti-ganti komputer, maksud dari pergantian ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa setiap user di lingkungan LMS dapat melanjutkan pelatihannya yang tertunda dengan komputer manapun dalam jaringan.
4.2.1 Mengikuti course SCRB di Dokeos 1. Pada komputer st1 dan st2, menjalankan browser dan diarahkan ke, 2. login johndoe di komputer st2, dan johnsmith di komputer st1. 3.
menjalankan learning path course SCRB untuk tiap-tiap user, logout.
4. login johndoe di komputer st1, dan johnsmith di komputer st2. 5.
melanjutkan learning path course SCRB untuk tiap-tiap user, logout.
Gambar 4.4. Progress report user johndoe (Dokeos student view)
Gambar diatas adalah fasilitas grafik antar muka untuk user Dokeos yang berstatus student. Bagian-bagian yang dilingkari berisi informasi perkembangan pelatihan user johndoe yaitu nama user, Course yang diikuti, perkembangan johndoe, nilai yang didapat dari ujian dan berapa kali user johndoe melaksanakan ujian tersebut. Dari gambar diatas kita melihat bahwa johndoe telah 2 kali mengikuti ujian
4.2.2. Mengikuti course SCRB di Claroline 1. Pada komputer st1 dan st2, menjalankan browser dan diarahkan ke, 2. Login johndoe di komputer st2, dan johnsmith di komputer st1. 3.
Menjalankan learning path course SCRB untuk tiap-tiap user, logout.
4. Login johndoe di komputer st1, dan johnsmith di komputer st2. 5. Melanjutkan learning path course SCRB untuk tiap-tiap user, logout
Gambar 4.5. Progress report user johndoe, (Claroline student view).
Gambar diatas adalah grafik antar muka Claroline untuk user johndoe (student). Bagian yang dilingkari adalah data-data yang menunjukkan bahwa johndoe telah login ke dalam system 2 kali untuk mengerjakan soal latihan.
4.2.3. Mengikuti course di lingkungan ATutor 1. Pada komputer st1 dan st2, menjalankan browser dan diarahkan ke, 2. Login johndoe di komputer st2, dan johnsmith di komputer st1. 3.
Menjalankan learning exercise SCRB untuk tiap-tiap user, logout.
4. Login johndoe di komputer st1, dan johnsmith di komputer st2. 5. Melanjutkan exercise course SCRB untuk tiap-tiap user, logout.
Gambar 4.6. Progress report user johndoe (ATutor student view)
Gambar diatas adalah grafik antarmuka ATutor untuk user johndoe (student). Bagian yang dilingkari adalah data-data yang menunjukkan bahwa johndoe telah 1 kali mengerjakan soal latihan.
4.3. Fasilitas Pelaporan untuk Administrator Pelatihan Subbab ini menguji kemampuan LMS untuk keperluan audit pelatihan, diharapkan seorang administrator pelatihan dapat dengan mudah mencari user dan mendapatkan data-data pelatihannya secara lengkap dan terbarukan.
4.3.1. Reporting Dokeos untuk administrator. Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan data adalah seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar 4.1.userlist LMS Dokeos, yaitu dengan mencari user dan mengklik ikon reporting berbentuk cake diagram di sisi sebelah kanannya. Hasilnya terlihat dalam gambar berikut :
Gambar 4.7. learner detil memperlihatkan seluruh course yang diikuti user.
Gambar 4.8 detil pelatihan johndoe dalam course SCRB di lingkungan Dokeos
Gambar 4.7 dan 4.8 diatas menginformasikan bahwa user johndoe telah mengikuti learning path SCRB 100 % dan mendapatkan skor 69 %. User johndoe belum menjalankan course BST sehingga total progress user johndoe adalah (100% + 0) /2 =50% dan skor total adalah (69% + 0) / 2 = 45%.
4.3.2.Fitur reporting Claroline untuk administrator, LMS Claroline tidak mereview perkembangan seorang user seperti pada fitur reporting Dokeos. Pada lingkungan Claroline, administrator akan mendapatkan laporan perkembangan user didalam satu course yang diikuti secara mendetil, namun Claroline tidak menggabungkannya dengan data-data hasil pelatihan di course lainnya yang diikuti.
Gambar 4.9 Report pelatihan johndoe (Claroline administrator view) Gambar diatas menunjukkan bahwa user johndoe di lingkungan Claroline telah mengikuti learning path SCRB level 1dengan progress 86 %.
4.3.3. Fitur reporting ATutor untuk administrator Tidak didapati fasilitas untuk administrator mengakses detil pelatihan user.
4.4. Rangkuman Pengujian Rangkaian kegiatan pengujian diatas telah kami kumpulkan dalam tabel dibawah ini, tanda centang (√) mewakili ya/berhasil dan tanda silang (x) mewakili tidak/gagal.
Tabel 4.1. Rangkuman pengujian LMS no komputer 1 Student1 (
Kegiatan Registrasi user johndoe, login user johndoe Enroll course SCRB Logout
Student2 (
Instruktur ( )
Dok √ √ √
Clar √ √ √
AT √ √ √
Login user johndoe Melaksanakan learning path SCRB/mengikuti ujian SCRB, Logout
√ √
√ √
√ √
Login user johndoe, melanjutkan learning path/melanjutkan ujian Logout
√ √
√ √
√ √
Login administrator Mencari user johndoe Melihat review user johndoe Melihat course yang diikuti johndoe Melihat perkembangan user dalam course
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ x √ √
√ √ x x x
Hasil pengujian nomor 1, 2 dan 3 menunjukkan bahwa peserta pelatihan dapat login kedalam sistem dari komputer mana saja yang terhubung dalam jaringan dan
melanjutkan pelatihannya dari kondisi terakhir. Bahkan pada LMS ATutor yang tidak memiliki fasilitas learning path, user johndoe tetap dapat melanjutkan mengerjakan soal latihan/ujian melalui kedua komputer student. Pengujian nomor 4 menunjukkan bahwa LMS Dokeos memiliki fasilitas terlengkap, sebaliknya ATutor tidak menyediakan fasilitas pelaporan untuk administrator pelatihan.
4.5. Analisis Setelah melakukan pengujian-pengujian di subbab sebelumnya penulis mendapatkan LMS Dokeos sebagai prospek pengganti Seagull karena kelengkapan fitur reportingnya. Penulis membuat perbandingan kelebihan dan kekurangan LMS Dokeos dibandingkan Seagull sebagai sarana CBT.
4.5.1 Kelebihan dan kekurangan Seagull AS dalam implementasi di STIP Jakarta. Kelebihan : modul training library tersedia di pasar dan telah digunakan oleh banyak perusahaan pelayaran. Kekurangan : 1. Stand-alone 2. Data pelatihan terpecah dan tidak bisa disatukan untuk keperluan audit. 3. Registrasi user baru harus dilakukan oleh administrator. 4. Setiap peserta hanya menggunakan satu pc sepanjang pelatihan. Jika komputernya bermasalah maka pelatihan peserta tersebut tidak dapat 39
dilanjutkan sampai komputer tersebut bisa digunakan kembali dengan catatan tidak ada kerusakan data. 5. Tidak bisa membuat modul training library sendiri.
4.5.2. Kelebihan dan kekurangan LMS Dokeos dalam impelementasi sebagai CBT di STIP Kekurangan : CBT berbasis LMS Dokeos yang diujicobakan di STIP saat ini belum memiliki konten sebanyak Seagull AS, masih diperlukan pembuatan materi pelajaran /ujian lebih banyak lagi dan diusahakan pemindahan konten dari Seagull ke LMS Dokeos. Kelebihan : 1. Berbasis teknologi internet. 2. Data pelatihan dipusatkan di server database bukan di komputer student. 3. Registrasi user dapat dilakukan oleh user sendiri maupun oleh administrator. 4. Peserta pelatihan dapat menggunakan setiap komputer di dalam jaringan untuk melanjutkan pelatihannya dari kondisi terakhir. 5. Sistem pelaporan sangat baik, administrator hanya tinggal mengetik nama user yang hendak dicari datanya melalui fasilitas search user. 6. Instruktur dapat membuat konten dan soal sendiri.
5.1. Kesimpulan 1. Data pelatihan yang tidak sinkron antara 30 komputer CBT dapat diatasi dengan
(Claroline,Dokeos atau ATutor). 2. LMS Dokeos memiliki fitur reporting yang cocok untuk pelaksanaan CBT.
5.2. Saran Kemungkinan-kemungkinan pemanfaatan LMS di STIP Jakarta: 1. CBT. 2. Memonitor perkembangan taruna yang sedang melaksanakan praktek lapangan PROLA/PRODA. 3. Kerjasama STIP dengan perusahaan pelayaran dan agen tenaga kerja. 4. Kerjasama STIP dengan sekolah pelayaran lainnya.
Daftar Pustaka
1. Mansfield, Niall. Practical TCP/IP: mendesain, menggunakan dan troubleshooting jaringan TCP/IP di Linux dan Windows jilid 1, 2004, Yogyakarta, penerbit Andi. 2. Odom, Wendel. Computer Networking First-Step, 2004, Cisco System.Inc. 3. Gates, Bill. Business@ the speed of thought : using a digital nervous system,1999, Warners Books Inc. 4. Rahmat Rafiudin, Sistem komunikasi data mutakhir, 2006, Yogyakarta, Penerbit Andi. 5. Graf, Sabine, Adaptivity in learning management system focusing on learning styles,Vienna University of Technology 6. Vucic, Vedran, ATutor getting started, an overview of interface and functionality, 2002. http://selfproject.eu/ 7. Pettenati, Mariachara. And Cigognini, Elisabetta, Social networking theories and tools to support connectivitist learning activity.2007, University of Florence (IT) 8. __________,e-portfolio implementation case study, Victoria University Wellington. 9. Asep Herman Suyanto, Pengenalan E-Learning, 2005, http://www.asephs.web.ugm.ac.id/ 10. Caxton, Ian C. Employment opportunity and HRM in maritime cluster, 2007, maritime seminar series @NTU : Human Capital Development in Maritime Industry.
Lampiran (1) Instalasi paket xampp
###### ApacheFriends XAMPP (Basispaket) version 1.6.8 ###### + Apache 2.2.9 + MySQL 5.0.67 (Community Server) + PHP 5.2.6 + PHP 4.4.9 + PEAR + PHP-Switch win32 1.0 (use "php-switch.bat" in the xampp main directory) + XAMPP Control Version 2.5 from www.nat32.com + XAMPP Security 1.0 + SQLite 2.8.15 + OpenSSL 0.9.8i + phpMyAdmin + ADOdb 4.990 + Mercury Mail Transport System v4.52 + FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.27 + Webalizer 2.01-10 + Zend Optimizer 3.3.0 + eAccelerator für PHP 5.2.6 (but not activated in the php.ini) --------------------------------------------------------------* System Requirements: + 64 MB RAM (RECOMMENDED) + 200 MB free fixed disk + Windows 98, ME + Windows NT, 2000, XP (RECOMMENDED) --------------------------------------------------------------* QUICK INSTALLATION: [NOTE: Unpack the package to your USB stick or a partition of your choice. There it must be on the highest level like E:\ or W:\. It will build E:\xampp or W:\xampp or something like this. Please do not use the "setup_xampp.bat" for an USB stick installation!] Step 1: Unpack the package into a directory of your choice. Please start the "setup_xampp.bat" and beginning the installation. Note: XAMPP makes no entries in the windows registry and no settings for the system variables. Step 2: If installation ends successfully, start the Apache 2 with "apache_start".bat", MySQL with "mysql_start".bat". Stop the MySQL Server with "mysql_stop.bat". For shutdown the Apache HTTPD, only close the Apache Command (CMD). Step 3: Start your browser and type or http://localhost in the location bar. You should see our pre-made start page with certain examples and test screens.
Step 4: PHP (with mod_php, as *.php, *.php3, *.php4, *.phtml), Perl by default with *.cgi, SSI with *.shtml are all located in => C:\xampp\htdocs\. Examples: - C:\xampp\htdocs\test.php => http://localhost/test.php - C:\xampp\myhome\test.php => http://localhost/myhome/test.php Step 5: XAMPP UNINSTALL? Simply remove the "xampp" Directory. But before please shutdown the apache and mysql. --------------------------------------------------------------* PASSWORDS: 1) MySQL: User: root Password: (means no password!) 2) FileZilla FTP: User: newuser Password: wampp User: anonymous Password:
[email protected] 3) Mercury: Postmaster: postmaster (postmaster@localhost) Administrator: Admin (admin@localhost) TestUser: newuser Password: wampp 4) WEBDAV: User: wampp Password: xampp --------------------------------------------------------------* ONLY FOR NT SYSTEMS! (NT4 | Windows 2000 | Windows XP): - \xampp\apache\apache_installservice.bat ===> Install Apache 2 as service - \xampp\apache\apache_uninstallservice.bat ===> Uninstall Apache 2 as service
- \xampp\mysql\mysql_installservice.bat ===> Install MySQL as service - \xampp\mysql\mysql_uninstallservice.bat ===> Uninstall MySQL as service ==> After all un- / installations of services, better restart system! ---------------------------------------------------------------A matter of security (A MUST READ!) As mentioned before, XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for developers in a development environment. The way XAMPP is configured is to be open as possible and allowing the developer anything he/she wants. For development environments this is great but in a production environment it could be fatal. Here a list of missing security in XAMPP: - The MySQL administrator (root) has no password. - The MySQL daemon is accessible via network. - phpMyAdmin is accessible via network. - Examples are accessible via network. To fix most of the security weaknesses simply call the following URL: http://localhost/security/ The root password for MySQL and phpMyAdmin, and also a XAMPP directory protection can being established here. --------------------------------------------------------------* Apache Notes: (1) In contrast of apache 1.x, you can not stop the apache 2.x with the command "apache -k shutdown". These functions only for an installations as service by NT systems. So, simply close the Apache START command for shutdown. (2) To use the experimental version of mod_auth_mysql remove the # in the httpd.conf. Detailed information about this topic can be found on the left menu of XAMPP, once you started it. (3) To use Mod_Dav load the Modules mod_dav.so + mod_dav_fs.so in the "httpd.conf" by removing the # on the beginning of their lines. Then try (NOT for Microsoft Frontpage, but for Adobe Dreamweaver!) --------------------------------------------------------------* MYSQL NOTES:
(1) The MySQL server can be started by double-clicking (executing) mysql_start.bat. This file can be found in the same folder you installed XAMPP in, most likely this will be C:\xampp\. The exact path to this file is X:\xampp\mysql_start.bat, where "X" indicates the letter of the drive you unpacked XAMPP into. This batch file starts the MySQL server in console mode. The first intialization might take a few minutes. Do not close the DOS window or you'll crash the server! To stop the server, please use mysql_shutdown.bat, which is located in the same directory. (2) To use the MySQL Daemon with "innodb" for better performance, please edit the "my" (or "my.cnf") file in the C:\xampp\mysql\bin directory or for services the c:\my.cnf for windows NT/2000/XP. In there, activate the "innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:30M" statement. Attention, "innodb" is not recommended for 95/98/ME. To use MySQL as Service for NT / 2000 / XP, simply copy the "my" / "my.cnf" file to "C:\my", or "C:\my.cnf". Please note that this file has to be placed in C:\ (root), other locations are not permitted. Then execute the "mysql_installservice.bat" in the mysql folder. (3) MySQL starts with standard values for the user id and the password. The preset user id is "root", the password is "" (= no password). To access MySQL via PHP with the preset values, you'll have to use the following syntax: mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); If you want to set a password for MySQL access, please use of MySQL Admin. To set the passwort "secret" for the user "root", type the following: C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqladmin.exe -u root -p secret After changing the password you'll have to reconfigure phpMyAdmin to use the new password, otherwise it won't be able to access the databases. To do that, open the file config.inc.php in \xampp\phpmyadmin\ and edit the following lines: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; // MySQL User $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http'; // HTTP authentification So first the 'root' password is queried by the MySQL server, before phpMyAdmin may access. --------------------------------------------------------------Have a lot of fun! | Viel Spaß! | Bonne Chance!
Lampiran (2) Instalasi Dokeos Dokeos 1.8.5 Installation Guide Documentation > Installation Guide Thank you for downloading Dokeos, the open source learning suite. Quick preview of Dokeos features Test Dokeos on Free Campus This guide explains how to install Dokeos Learning Management. It explains how to install Dokeos Oogie PowerPoint conversion and Dokeos Videoconferencing although these packages are not required to use Dokeos LMS. Please read this fully before proceeding with the installation. If you want to save time, trouble and money, you can alternatively have your Dokeos portal deployed or installed by the Dokeos compant or one of its partners. Contents Pre-requisites Installation of Dokeos LMS Upgrade from a previous version of Dokeos Troubleshooting Administration section LDAP Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion Videoconferencing and audio recorder Mathematical formulas with LaTeX 1. Pre-requisites Dokeos can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX servers indifferently. However, we recommend the use of Linux server for optimal flexibility, remote control and scalability. Dokeos is mainly a LMS running Apache, MySQL and PHP5 (the so called AMP trilogy). It can be enriched with PowerPoint conversion (feature called Dokeos Oogie) using OpenOffice + Java. You may also want to add the Dokeos Videoconferencing plugin using the RED5 Open Source Flash server. All these software are open source and freely available. To run Dokeos LMS on your server, you need to install WAMP, LAMP or MAMP: To install WAMP (AMP on Windows), we recommend the XAMPP .exe installer To install LAMP (AMP on Linux), use the Package manager of your favourite distribution (Synaptic, RPMFinder etc.). For instance, on a Ubuntu server, use Shell or Synaptic following the Ubuntuguide on Apache and the following sections To install MAMP (AMP on Mac OS X), refer to the MAMP dedicated website MySQL database server You will need a login and password allowing to administrate and create at least one database. By default, Dokeos will create a new database for each course created. It means your host should allow you to create and administrate several databases. You can also install Dokeos using only one database, in that case you have to select this option during the
installation. To take advantage of Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion, you need : OpenOffice Java Runtime Environment To take advantage of Dokeos Videoconferencing, you need : RED5 Open Source Flash Server 2. Installation of Dokeos LMS Download Dokeos LMS Unzip it Copy the dokeos directory in your Apache web directory. This can be C:\xampp\htdocs\ on a Windows server or /var/www/html/ on a Linux server Open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox...) and type http://localhost/dokeos/ if you install locally or http://www.domain.com/dokeos/ if you install remotely Follow the web installation process. You can accept all default values. Consider changing the admin password to remember it. The following directories need to be readable, writeable and executable for everyone: dokeos/main/inc/conf/ dokeos/main/garbage/ dokeos/main/upload/ dokeos/archive/ dokeos/courses/ dokeos/home/ (where 'dokeos' is the directory in which you installed Dokeos) On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD 777 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an experienced system administrator). In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the folders (by right-clicking on them). 2.5. The following files need to be readable and writeable for the web browser: dokeos/main/inc/conf/configuration.php (if present) dokeos/home/*.html On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD 666 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an experienced system administrator). In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the files and folders (by right-clicking on them). NOTES: Do not modify the home_*.html files directly. Instead, choose "Configure the homepage" in the Dokeos administration section. Windows : with combination packages like XAMPP, out of the box, login and password for MySQL should probably remain empty. Configuration and security after installation Protect your configuration file: make sure no one can overwrite it. You can find the config file in (dokeos folder)/main/inc/conf/configuration.php. Make it read-only (windows/xwindows:
right-click the file to edit the properties. linux/bsd/macosx: use the chmod 444 command). The config file is created by Apache so you may need to be root user to change its permissions. Protect your installation folder: if the (dokeos folder)/main/install folder is still accessible, someone could install over your existing version (you could lose your data that way). Move the folder somewhere out of the web directories so it is not accessible, change its name, or edit its properties so no one can read or execute it. For better security: making the files world-writable will help you install, and solves many issues for people without much admin experience. However, it's better security to make the owner of the apache process (often called apache or www-data) also owner of all the dokeos files and folders. Ths way, these files need only be readable and writable by the Apache process owner, not by the entire world. Configure your Dokeos installation: in the administration section of Dokeos, you can use the Dokeos Config Settings to adjust the behavior of your installation. Configure Dokeos mail: most of Dokeos uses the mail settings from the php.ini file. However, the announcements tool uses phpMailer (another free software project) and the settings for this tool can be adjusted in (dokeos folder)/main/inc/conf/mail.conf.php. PHP configuration To get the best of Dokeos, you need to finetune PHP settings. Consider : Editing php.ini file (on windows can be located at C:\xampp\php\php.ini, on Ubuntu Linux : /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini search the word "max" and increase values to optimise the server you may want to end up with the following values : max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds max_input_time = 600 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data memory_limit = 256M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB) post_max_size = 64M upload_max_filesize = 100M
Some users could meet problems if their PHP settings don't fit these ones: short_open_tag = On safe_mode = Off magic_quotes_gpc = On magic_quotes_runtime = Off Past Dokeos versions required register_globals to be set to On. This is no longer necessary, this can be set to Off and Dokeos will work fine. BSD users: these php libraries have to be included during php installation: php-mysql The mysql shared extension for php php-pcre The pcre shared extension for php php-session The session shared extension for php php-zlib The zlib shared extension for php (optional) php-ldap if you want to be able to use LDAP authentication
3. Upgrade from a previous version of Dokeos
Before upgrading we heavily recommend you do a full backup of the previous Dokeos directories and databases. If you are unsure how to achieve this please ask your hosting provider for advice. 3.1 Upgrading from Dokeos 1.8.x If you upgrade from Dokeos 1.8.x : check that you haven't left any customised stylesheet or image* download the Dokeos 1.8.5 install package from the Dokeos download page unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.5 over the files of the older version point your browser on your portal URL + main/install/ choose your language and click Upgrade from 1.8.x * Styles and images are located in the main/css or main/img directories. You can still recover them from your backup if you have made it. Any modified style or image that uses the default style/image name will be overwritten by the next step. To avoid loosing your customisations, always ensure you copy the styles/images under a new name and use and modify the copy, not the original. The original will always be overwritten by newer versions. In Dokeos 1.8.5, we have changed the name of several CSS themes. Backwards compatibility is ensured by the fact that an upgrade only adds the new themes, but you should try and use these new themes rather than sticking to the old ones which will be deprecated shortly (not maintained). 3.2 Upgrading from Dokeos 1.6.x If you upgrade from a lower version of Dokeos (1.6.x), the first and most important thing to do is to *move* your current directory to another place. An easy way to do that is to create a subdirectory called "old_version" in your current Dokeos directory and move everything in there using a simple "move" command (i.e. under Linux: mkdir old_version; mv * old_verion/), then make the old_version/ directory writeable by the web server so that courses/ and upload/ directories can be moved from the old to the new installation. The complete process is as follow: move the current Dokeos directory contents to a subdirectory called old_version and make it writeable by the web server. This is important to allow the move of the courses/ and upload/ directories to the new install download the Dokeos 1.8.5 install package from the Dokeos download page unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.5 in the main Dokeos directory. The new directory main should be located directly inside your Dokeos root folder point your browser on your portal URL choose your language and click Upgrade from 1.6.x and confirm the current directory of the old version NOTE: The upgrade from 1.6.x to 1.8.x implies a revision of the customised graphics and styles. The new version uses a complete new set of icons and styles, which means the ones from version 1.6 cannot be simply reused. The good news is the version 1.8.x allows you to create your own style in a separate css folder, that you can then reuse through all the 1.8.x versions WARNING: Do not delete the previous Dokeos installation directory before installing the new one. When the update is successfully finished, you can remove the old path.
NOTE: Do not modify the home_*.html files directly. Instead, choose "Configure the homepage" in the Dokeos administration section. 3.3 In both cases The following directories need to be readable, writeable and executable for the web server: dokeos/main/inc/conf/ dokeos/main/garbage/ dokeos/main/upload/ dokeos/main/default_course_document/ dokeos/archive/ dokeos/courses/ dokeos/home/ On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can quick-fix this using the CHMOD 777 command, but if you are unsure, we recommend you seek advice for your own OS on our forum. In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the folders. 3.4 Quick-upgrade from 1.6.x guide for Linux The following quick-upgrade guide assumes that: the Dokeos database username (for MySQL) is "dokeos_db_user" and your login is "dokeos_user" the Dokeos installation is currently in /var/www/dokeos/ and it has 777 permissions your portal's URL is http://www.portalurl.com/ On the command-line, type: cd /tmp mysqldump -u dokeos_db_user -p file=/home/dokeos_user/dokeos_old.sql cp -ra /var/www/dokeos /home/dokeos_user/backup_dokeos mkdir /var/www/dokeos/old_version mv /var/www/dokeos/* /var/www/dokeos/old_version/ chmod -R 0777 /var/www/dokeos/old_version/ wget http://www.dokeos.com/download/dokeos-1.8.5.tar.gz tar zxvf dokeos-1.8.5.tar.gz sudo cp -ra dokeos-1.8.5/* /var/www/dokeos/ rm dokeos-1.8.5.tar.gz sudo rm -r dokeos-1.8.5/
Then: Direct your browser to http://www.portalurl.com/main/install/ Proceed with the installation Review the directories permissions
4. Troubleshooting If you have problems, go to the Dokeos website and ask a question on the support forum. Please read the previous messages first to see if there is already an answer to your question. We also maintain a list of Frequently Asked Questions. 5. Administration section
To access the Dokeos administration section, open browser, go to your Dokeos adress and log in with the admin user. Then you will see a "Platform admin section" link in the header of the web page. There you can manage users, courses, sessions, portal look and feel, homepage content, course categories etc. 6. LDAP This part is optional, only organisations with an LDAP server will need to read this. An LDAP module is already provided in Dokeos, but it has to be configured to make it work. Compiling Linux servers: It's possible that you have to recompile php with ldap support. Newer distributions also allow downloading rpms for additional packages. Activating LDAP in Dokeos In (dokeos folder)/main/inc/conf/configuration.php, around line 90, you see //for new login module //uncomment these to activate ldap //$extAuthSource['ldap']['login'] = "./main/auth/ldap/login.php"; //$extAuthSource['ldap']['newUser'] = "./main/auth/ldap/newUser.php"; remove the // from the last two lines to activate LDAP. Settings Ask the LDAP server admin for the settings: ldap server name ldap server port (usually 389) ldap dc Since 1.8.5, you have to change the LDAP settings inside the "Portal administration" panel, under "Dokeos configuration settings", section "LDAP". As an example, you should find the following kind of values: LDAP main server's address: "myldapserver.com"; // your ldap server LDAP main server's port: 389; // your ldap server's port number LDAP domain: "dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz"; //domain Teacher/student status By default, Dokeos will check if the "employeenumber" field has a value. If it has, then Dokeos will consider this user as being a teacher. If you want to change this behaviour, you can edit main/auth/ldap/authldap.php, function ldap_put_user_info_locally(), and change the if (empty($info_array[$tutor_field])) condition to whatever suits you. You can also remove this check by removing the condition and leaving only the $status = STUDENT; line. Protected LDAP servers Some LDAP servers do not support anonymous use of the directory services. In this case, you should fill in the appropriate fields in the administration panel (e.g. "manager" and "mypassword") and Dokeos will try to authenticate using these, or fall back to anonymous mode before giving up.
LDAP import into sessions There is a new set of scripts now that allow you to insert users from LDAP directly into a Dokeos session. This, however, relies on a set of static choices in the LDAP contact attributes. The fields used intensively by the Dokeos module are: uid, which is matched to the username in Dokeos userPassword, which is matched to the user password, although this part will only work for non-encrypted passwords for now, but it shouldn't be necessary if using the LDAP server as authentication ou should end with the year of the person registration or any criteria you will use to filter users, so that they can be retrieved on that criteria sn is used as the lastname field in Dokeos givenName is used as the firstname field in Dokeos mail is used as the email field in Dokeos 7. Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion This part is optional, only organisations wanting to convert Office documents to learning paths might want to read this. Oogie converts your presentations coming from Ms-Office and OpenOffice into SCORM standardized e-courses or learning paths. This feature needs OpenOffice to convert the slides and RED5 (optional) to record your voice on top of the slides through a Flash based audio-recorder. 7.1. PowerPoint / Impress conversion Install OpenOffice Edit the OpenOffice Setup.xcu file On some Windows computers, located : C:\Program 2.2\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu On some Linux computers, /usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu
Files\OpenOffice.org located
And add the following code <prop oor:name="ooSetupConnectionURL">
socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager ... just below these lines <prop oor:name="ooSetupInstCompleted">
false Enter your Dokeos portal on the web > Admin section > Configure the Services > Oogie and type : Host : localhost Port : 2002 Username : (leave empty if OpenOffice runs on webserver machine) FTP password : (leave empty if OpenOffice runs on webserver machine) Path to LZX Files: /main/webrooms/recorder.swf Size of the slides : 800x600 (as long as your clients use most often a 1024x768 standard
definition screen) Start OpenOffice. Conversion will work only if this software is up and running. Check the MakeOOOListening wiki page to start OpenOffice as a service. Test the conversion : create a course > enter the course > Learning Path > PowerPoint conversion. If the slides are converted, then OpenOffice is listening to Dokeos. NOTE : during the conversion, you should see a progress bar with a percentage. If you only see a default animated GIF progress bar without percentage, you may want to install the PECL library for PHP. NOTE : On Linux servers, you may want to do a $ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts so as to install Microsoft fonts. This will give PowerPoint conversion a better rendering. 7.2. Audio-recorder See below : Videoconferencing 8. Videoconferencing and audio recorder This part is optional, only organisations wanting to use the videoconference feature might want to read this. We will now install and configure RED5 Open Source Flash server : the Dokeos RED5 webapplication. These will provide both Videoconferencing and Audio recorder for Oogie Oogie allows you to convert slides but also add tests, pages and activities between the slides, thanks to the Learning Path builder get SCORM reporting thanks to the Learning path tool add audio on top of the slides thanks to the online audio recorder NOTE : previous installation processes for this part were very complex. The whole setup was considerably simplified. Please ignore any previous documentation on the same topic.
You may want to take advantage of the audio recorder and of the videoconferencing. To do this : Download and install RED5 Open Source Flash server version 0.6 (you will find Linux packages and a Windows installer on the RED 5 website) Download Dokeos-recorder RED5 application Rename it to "dokeos-recorder.war" and copy it into the webapps directory of your RED5 installation. Windows : Target directory can be C:/Program Files/Red5/webapps/ . Linux with Nautilus or through a shell : cp dokeos-recorder.war /usr/lib/red5/webapps (when RED5 is installed using Debian package) Create an XML configuration file for Red5 (e.g. Linux: sudo mkdir /etc/dokeos/; sudo gedit /etc/dokeos/videoconference-config.xml) Insert the configuration as follows:
<server-keys> <server-key host="dokeos.domain.com_" key="PaSSw0rd" /> <server-key host="www.domain.com_dokeos_" key="p4ssWoRD" /> <moderator-check-on-whiteboard>false /opt/dokeos/recorded-streams
/opt/dokeos/vod-streams In this file, you will have to put at least one server-key line per portal. In this above example we authorize portals installed at the URLs: http://dokeos.domain.com/ http://www.domain.com/dokeos/ The "_" at the end of each URL really matters, don't forget it. Reloading Red5 Restart Red5 to reload the configuration file and the new application using, on Ubuntu or Debian: /etc/init.d/red5 restart More information on RED5 + Dokeos :Please take a look on this page: http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_videoconference_2.0 Configuration of your dokeos Videoconference plugin The configuration of the Videoconference plugin is done via the admin pages of Dokeos configuration in the Dokeos platform administration section, "Configure the services", "Visioconference" You will be asked for 4 things the hostname or IP address of your Red5 server (e.g. red5.myserver.com) the port (the default port is 1935 and we recommend you leave it like this) the password (which you have configured in your red5 configuration file whether you want to use rtmpt or not (useful to pass through firewalls but slower). In order to use this option, you will have to configure red5 to make it listen on the port 80. See http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_videoconference_2.0 That's it! Click "Reconfigure extension" and your courses should be equipped with two additional links to videoconference rooms... 9. Mathematical formulas with LaTeX This part is optional, only organisations wanting to use mathematical formulas inside the online editor might want to read this. You can enable mathematical equations writing inside the Dokeos online editor (FCKEditor) by applying the following steps: 1. Configure your Apache installation to add a cgi-bin directory that contains a symbolic link to the mimetex.cgi in dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/(*see below) 2. Reload your Apache configuration 3. Edit the dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.js and 3.1. Add FCKConfig.Plugins.Add("mimetex", "en", sOtherPluginPath ) ; at the end of the file 3.2. Add 'mimetex' at the end of the FCKConfig.ToolbarSets lines where you want the LaTeX icon to appear (there is one FCKConfig.ToolbarSets by tool). For example: FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Test"] = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','Subscript','Superscript','Link','ImageManager','MP3',' OrderedList','UnorderedList','Table','mimetex'] ]; You can add it to all the tools, or only to the document and tests tools, for example 4. For Windows servers only, update dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/plugins/mimetex/mimetex.html to replace mimetex.cgi by mimetex.exe
5. Clear your browser's cache to test it (very important). This can be done using your browser's settings page Adding the corresponding cgi-bin directory to your Apache configuration could be done, in Apache 2, like this: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/
AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Order allow,deny Allow from all Adding a symbolic link can be done, under Windows, by creating a shortcut to the mimetex.exe file from the cgi-bin directory, or under Linux by issuing the following command: ln -s /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/mimetex.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi This procedure should make a new icon available in your Dokeos online editor, which will make it possible to insert mathematical formulas into your documents.
Contact address: Dokeos, Rue du Corbeau, 108, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium Mail:
[email protected] Tel. +32 (0)2 669 69 55
Lampiran (3) Instalasi Claroline ***************************************************** CLAROLINE 1.8 ***************************************************** Thank you for downloading Claroline 1.8. This text will guide you through the basics of installation and operation of Claroline 1.8. Please ensure you read this fully BEFORE proceeding with the installation. TABLE OF CONTENT : 1. REQUIREMENTS 2. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 2.1 New Claroline installation 2.2 Upgrade from previous Claroline version 3. TROUBLESHOOTING 4. ADMIN REQUIREMENTS ============ To install Claroline 1.8 on a computer, whether locally or remotely, you need the following on your machine : 1. One of the following Operating systems : Linux / BSD / Unix (*) Windows (9x, Me, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista) MacOs X. (*) We thoroughly test Claroline on Debian, Ubuntu and Mandrake distributions, but other Linux distributions should work too. We've received positive feedbacks from users working on Red Hat and Suse. Don't hesitate to notify us of any problem encountered on other Linux distributions. 1. A web server (We recommend Apache, but others should work too), 2. PHP scripting language (version 4.3.10 or later), configured with the following modules : mysql, zlib, preg. Most of the PHP4 compiled distributions are provided with these modules. Anyway, their presence is checked by the Claroline install script. Some users could meet problems if their PHP setting doesn't fit these ones: safe_mode
= Off
3. The MySQL databases server (version 4.0 or later) plus a login/password allowing to administrate and create at least one database.
Claroline can be installed in tow different modes : 'Single Database' and 'Multi Database'. In 'Multi Database' mode, Claroline will create a new database for each course created. This mode is sometimes more appropriate to manage a platform with a huge bulk of course sites. But it means the database account used by Claroline has to allow to create and administrate several databases. By default Claroline is set to be install on a 'single database host' If you want to use Claroline in 'Multi Database' mode, you have to select this option on purpose at install. WARNING ! If you use the 'single database' install option, it is recommended to use this database for Claroline use only. If you share this database with other applications, interferences could occurs between table names of both applications that could conducts to serious problems. 4. Web Write access to web directory where Claroline has been moved or unzipped to. On a Windows machine locally, this is not a problem. Remotely, you need to be allowed to CHMOD through FTP, telnet or any means. 5. A Mail Transport Agent (MTA). This not absolutely necessary but some Claroline features will remain silent if you don't provide MTA. Most Linux distributions provide MTA (Sendmail, Qmail, PostFix, ...). On Windows machines, no MTA are provided by default. You can either modify the php.ini file to redirect mail to an MTA available on an other machine, or install an MTA on the Claroline server. Several MTA are freely available for Windows (Mercury, Blat, Netmail95, WMailto , Hamster ...). INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ====================== NEW CLAROLINE INSTALLATION -------------------------1. Download 'claroline1811.tar.gz' Windows : download 'claroline1811.zip
2. Open a shell, go to download directory and type tar -zxvf claroline1811.tar.gz Windows : unzip 'claroline1811.zip'. 3. FTP or move by any means 'index.php' file and 'claroline' directory to your website on web server (whether web root or subdirectory). 'index.php' should remain where it is, outside 'claroline' directory.
Windows: If you use easyphp locally (http://www.easyphp.org), just drag and drop 'index.php' file and 'claroline' directory into C:\Program Files\easyphp\www\ 4. The following directory need to be readable, writeable and executable for everyone: chmod ugo+w claroline1811/ 4. Open Web Browser and go to http://www.mydomain.org/mysite/mydir/claroline/install/ Windows : with easyphp locally, open: http://localhost/claroline/install/ (don't forget the final /). 5. Follow instructions. Windows: if you use easyphp out of the box, login and password for MySQL should remain empty. UPDGRADE FROM PREVIOUS CLAROLINE VERSION ---------------------------------------The upgrade works only from Claroline 1.5.x, 1.6.x and 1.7.x. Older Claroline versions should upgrade first to Claroline 1.5.x before upgrade to Claroline 1.8.x Before upgrading we heavily recommend you do a full backup of the previous Claroline directories and databases. If you are unsure how to achieve this please ask your hosting provider for advice. 1. Download 'claroline1811.tar.gz' Windows : download 'claroline1811.zip'
2. Open a shell, go to download directory and type tar -zxvf claroline1811.tar.gz Windows : unzip 'claroline1811.zip'
3. Replace your previous Claroline directory and index.php by the new one. WARNING ! Don't delete the previous directory before installing the new one. You will loose your previous configuration files (eg 'claro_main.conf.php'). Simply replace the old directory with a new one with a 'copy'
command. That way, the new file versions will overwrite the old ones and leave the others intact. 4. Open Web Browser and go to http://www.mydomain.org/mysite/mydir/claroline/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php Windows with easyPhp locally, open: http://localhost/mydir/claroline/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php 5. Follow instructions. TROUBLESHOOTING =============== In case web install doesn't work 1. Go, if needed, to 'http://www.claroline.net' and ask a question on the Support forum. Read however the previous messages to see if there is already an answer to your question. ADMINISTRATION SECTION ====================== To access the Claroline administration section, open browser and go to http://www.mydomain.org/mysite/claroline/admin/ ====================================================================== ==== Europe, Belgium, Brussels - July 23 2008 ================================== END ===================================
Lampiran (4) Instalasi ATutor New Installation Please review the requirements section before attempting to install ATutor. The latest version of ATutor can always be found on the atutor.ca downloads page. Windows Considerations To extract the ATutor .tar.gz archive you will need an application like WinZip or WinRar. Unix Considerations To extract the ATutor .tar.gz archive, use the command tar -zxvf ATutorversion_number.tar.gz, which will create a directory called ATutor in your current working directory. Extracting the files on a Windows machine and then uploading them via FTP is not recommended, as it may not preserve the case-sensitive file names. Installing on a Unix machine requires some knowledge of file and directory permissions. You will be required to create a content directory and set permissions for that directory and for the include/config.inc.php file, so that the web server can write to them. The installation will not be successful if the permissions are not correctly set on that file and directory. Changing Unix file permissions from the shell prompt: chmod a+rw filename or chmod a+rwx directoryname. Changing Unix file permissions from an FTP client: Many FTP clients allow you to change a file's permissions. The option may be labled as "Unix Permissions", "CHMOD", or simply as "Properties" or "Attributes" and will display a window with Read, Write, and Execute checkboxes for Owner, Group, and World; checking the appropriate boxes will change that file's permissions. In our case we need the include/config.inc.php to be Readable and Writeable by World, and the content directory to be Readable, Writeable, and Executable by World. Installation Procedure Extract the downloaded archive using the method specified for your system (either Windows or Unix). Open a web browser and enter the address to your new ATutor installation, http://your_server.com/path_to_atutor/ATutor/, then follow the step-by-step instructions: Terms of Use The usage of ATutor is restricted by the GNU General Public License (GPL). Your agreement with the GPL is required if you wish to use ATutor. See the Licensing section for more details. Database Enter the required details needed to connect to your MySQL database. The optional Table Prefix (e.g. "AT_") allows ATutor to share an existing database with other applications and tables. The ATutor installation script will attempt to create the database specified, if it does not already exist. This requires that your MySQL user account has permission to create databases and permission to create tables. If this step fails, contact your system administrator to have your MySQL account upgraded to allow creation of new databases, or ask your administrator to create the database for you. Accounts & Preferences The Super Administrator account is used for managing your ATutor installation. The Super
Administrator can also create additional Administrators each with their own privileges and roles once ATutor is installed. The personal account can be used to enroll in or create courses. Content Directory Create a content directory, preferably outside your web server's document directory for added security, and set permissions as described above. On a Unix machine you will need to manually change the permissions on the listed files and directories in this step. No action is usually required on a Windows server, though in some circumstances Windows users may need to adjust the properties of the specified files and directories to make them writable. Copy the path of the created directory into the text box provided. Ensure that there are no shortcuts or symbolic links in the path. Save configuration Before reaching the final step the include/config.inc.php file needs to be writable, otherwise an error will appear. Follow the instructions on the screen if the file permissions need to be changed. If the file does not exist in the include/ directory, then you will need to create an empty text file with the filename config.inc.php. Anonymous Usage Collection To assist the development team in serving the ATutor community, you can anonymously submit basic system information to the atutor.ca server. Done! ATutor installation has been successful and you may now log-in with your personal account or the administrator account created in Step 3.
Dokeos 1.8.5 Installation Guide Documentation > Installation Guide Thank you for downloading Dokeos, the open source learning suite. Quick preview of Dokeos features Test Dokeos on Free Campus This guide explains how to install Dokeos Learning Management. It explains how to install Dokeos Oogie PowerPoint conversion and Dokeos Videoconferencing although these packages are not required to use Dokeos LMS. Please read this fully before proceeding with the installation. If you want to save time, trouble and money, you can alternatively have your Dokeos portal deployed or installed by the Dokeos compant or one of its partners. Contents Pre-requisites Installation of Dokeos LMS Upgrade from a previous version of Dokeos Troubleshooting Administration section LDAP Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion Videoconferencing and audio recorder Mathematical formulas with LaTeX 1. Pre-requisites Dokeos can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX servers indifferently. However, we recommend the use of Linux server for optimal flexibility, remote control and scalability. Dokeos is mainly a LMS running Apache, MySQL and PHP5 (the so called AMP trilogy). It can be enriched with PowerPoint conversion (feature called Dokeos Oogie) using OpenOffice + Java. You may also want to add the Dokeos Videoconferencing plugin using the RED5 Open Source Flash server. All these software are open source and freely available. To run Dokeos LMS on your server, you need to install WAMP, LAMP or MAMP: To install WAMP (AMP on Windows), we recommend the XAMPP .exe installer To install LAMP (AMP on Linux), use the Package manager of your favourite distribution (Synaptic, RPMFinder etc.). For instance, on a Ubuntu server, use Shell or Synaptic following the Ubuntuguide on Apache and the following sections To install MAMP (AMP on Mac OS X), refer to the MAMP dedicated website MySQL database server
You will need a login and password allowing to administrate and create at least one database. By default, Dokeos will create a new database for each course created. It means your host should allow you to create and administrate several databases. You can also install Dokeos using only one database, in that case you have to select this option during the installation. To take advantage of Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion, you need : OpenOffice Java Runtime Environment To take advantage of Dokeos Videoconferencing, you need : RED5 Open Source Flash Server 2. Installation of Dokeos LMS Download Dokeos LMS Unzip it Copy the dokeos directory in your Apache web directory. This can be C:\xampp\htdocs\ on a Windows server or /var/www/html/ on a Linux server Open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox...) and type http://localhost/dokeos/ if you install locally or http://www.domain.com/dokeos/ if you install remotely Follow the web installation process. You can accept all default values. Consider changing the admin password to remember it. The following directories need to be readable, writeable and executable for everyone: dokeos/main/inc/conf/ dokeos/main/garbage/ dokeos/main/upload/ dokeos/archive/ dokeos/courses/ dokeos/home/ (where 'dokeos' is the directory in which you installed Dokeos) On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD 777 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an experienced system administrator). In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the folders (by right-clicking on them). 2.5. The following files need to be readable and writeable for the web browser: dokeos/main/inc/conf/configuration.php (if present) dokeos/home/*.html On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD 666 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an experienced system administrator). In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the files
and folders (by right-clicking on them). NOTES: Do not modify the home_*.html files directly. Instead, choose "Configure the homepage" in the Dokeos administration section. Windows : with combination packages like XAMPP, out of the box, login and password for MySQL should probably remain empty. Configuration and security after installation Protect your configuration file: make sure no one can overwrite it. You can find the config file in (dokeos folder)/main/inc/conf/configuration.php. Make it read-only (windows/xwindows: right-click the file to edit the properties. linux/bsd/macosx: use the chmod 444 command). The config file is created by Apache so you may need to be root user to change its permissions. Protect your installation folder: if the (dokeos folder)/main/install folder is still accessible, someone could install over your existing version (you could lose your data that way). Move the folder somewhere out of the web directories so it is not accessible, change its name, or edit its properties so no one can read or execute it. For better security: making the files world-writable will help you install, and solves many issues for people without much admin experience. However, it's better security to make the owner of the apache process (often called apache or www-data) also owner of all the dokeos files and folders. Ths way, these files need only be readable and writable by the Apache process owner, not by the entire world. Configure your Dokeos installation: in the administration section of Dokeos, you can use the Dokeos Config Settings to adjust the behavior of your installation. Configure Dokeos mail: most of Dokeos uses the mail settings from the php.ini file. However, the announcements tool uses phpMailer (another free software project) and the settings for this tool can be adjusted in (dokeos folder)/main/inc/conf/mail.conf.php. PHP configuration To get the best of Dokeos, you need to finetune PHP settings. Consider : Editing php.ini file (on windows can be located at C:\xampp\php\php.ini, on Ubuntu Linux : /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini search the word "max" and increase values to optimise the server you may want to end up with the following values : max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds max_input_time = 600 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data memory_limit = 256M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB) post_max_size = 64M upload_max_filesize = 100M
Some users could meet problems if their PHP settings don't fit these ones: short_open_tag = On safe_mode = Off magic_quotes_gpc = On magic_quotes_runtime = Off Past Dokeos versions required register_globals to be set to On. This is no longer necessary, this can be set to Off and Dokeos will work fine. BSD users: these php libraries have to be included during php installation: php-mysql The mysql shared extension for php php-pcre The pcre shared extension for php php-session The session shared extension for php php-zlib The zlib shared extension for php (optional) php-ldap if you want to be able to use LDAP authentication
3. Upgrade from a previous version of Dokeos Before upgrading we heavily recommend you do a full backup of the previous Dokeos directories and databases. If you are unsure how to achieve this please ask your hosting provider for advice. 3.1 Upgrading from Dokeos 1.8.x If you upgrade from Dokeos 1.8.x : check that you haven't left any customised stylesheet or image* download the Dokeos 1.8.5 install package from the Dokeos download page unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.5 over the files of the older version point your browser on your portal URL + main/install/ choose your language and click Upgrade from 1.8.x * Styles and images are located in the main/css or main/img directories. You can still recover them from your backup if you have made it. Any modified style or image that uses the default style/image name will be overwritten by the next step. To avoid loosing your customisations, always ensure you copy the styles/images under a new name and use and modify the copy, not the original. The original will always be overwritten by newer versions. In Dokeos 1.8.5, we have changed the name of several CSS themes. Backwards compatibility is ensured by the fact that an upgrade only adds the new themes, but you should try and use these new themes rather than sticking to the old ones which will be deprecated shortly (not maintained). 3.2 Upgrading from Dokeos 1.6.x If you upgrade from a lower version of Dokeos (1.6.x), the first and most important thing to do is to *move* your current directory to another place. An easy way to do that is to create a subdirectory called "old_version" in your current Dokeos directory and move everything in there using a simple "move" command (i.e.
under Linux: mkdir old_version; mv * old_verion/), then make the old_version/ directory writeable by the web server so that courses/ and upload/ directories can be moved from the old to the new installation. The complete process is as follow: move the current Dokeos directory contents to a subdirectory called old_version and make it writeable by the web server. This is important to allow the move of the courses/ and upload/ directories to the new install download the Dokeos 1.8.5 install package from the Dokeos download page unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.5 in the main Dokeos directory. The new directory main should be located directly inside your Dokeos root folder point your browser on your portal URL choose your language and click Upgrade from 1.6.x and confirm the current directory of the old version NOTE: The upgrade from 1.6.x to 1.8.x implies a revision of the customised graphics and styles. The new version uses a complete new set of icons and styles, which means the ones from version 1.6 cannot be simply reused. The good news is the version 1.8.x allows you to create your own style in a separate css folder, that you can then reuse through all the 1.8.x versions
WARNING: Do not delete the previous Dokeos installation directory before installing the new one. When the update is successfully finished, you can remove the old path. NOTE: Do not modify the home_*.html files directly. Instead, choose "Configure the homepage" in the Dokeos administration section. 3.3 In both cases The following directories need to be readable, writeable and executable for the web server: dokeos/main/inc/conf/ dokeos/main/garbage/ dokeos/main/upload/ dokeos/main/default_course_document/ dokeos/archive/ dokeos/courses/ dokeos/home/ On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can quick-fix this using the CHMOD 777 command, but if you are unsure, we recommend you seek advice for your own OS on our forum. In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the folders. 3.4 Quick-upgrade from 1.6.x guide for Linux
The following quick-upgrade guide assumes that: the Dokeos database username (for MySQL) is "dokeos_db_user" and your login is "dokeos_user" the Dokeos installation is currently in /var/www/dokeos/ and it has 777 permissions your portal's URL is http://www.portalurl.com/ On the command-line, type: cd /tmp mysqldump -u dokeos_db_user -p --all-databases --resultfile=/home/dokeos_user/dokeos_old.sql cp -ra /var/www/dokeos /home/dokeos_user/backup_dokeos mkdir /var/www/dokeos/old_version mv /var/www/dokeos/* /var/www/dokeos/old_version/ chmod -R 0777 /var/www/dokeos/old_version/ wget http://www.dokeos.com/download/dokeos-1.8.5.tar.gz tar zxvf dokeos-1.8.5.tar.gz sudo cp -ra dokeos-1.8.5/* /var/www/dokeos/ rm dokeos-1.8.5.tar.gz sudo rm -r dokeos-1.8.5/ Then: Direct your browser to http://www.portalurl.com/main/install/ Proceed with the installation Review the directories permissions
4. Troubleshooting If you have problems, go to the Dokeos website and ask a question on the support forum. Please read the previous messages first to see if there is already an answer to your question. We also maintain a list of Frequently Asked Questions. 5. Administration section To access the Dokeos administration section, open browser, go to your Dokeos adress and log in with the admin user. Then you will see a "Platform admin section" link in the header of the web page. There you can manage users, courses, sessions, portal look and feel, homepage content, course categories etc. 6. LDAP This part is optional, only organisations with an LDAP server will need to read this. An LDAP module is already provided in Dokeos, but it has to be configured to make it work. Compiling Linux servers: It's possible that you have to recompile php with ldap support. Newer
distributions also allow downloading rpms for additional packages. Activating LDAP in Dokeos In (dokeos folder)/main/inc/conf/configuration.php, around line 90, you see //for new login module //uncomment these to activate ldap //$extAuthSource['ldap']['login'] = "./main/auth/ldap/login.php"; //$extAuthSource['ldap']['newUser'] = "./main/auth/ldap/newUser.php"; remove the // from the last two lines to activate LDAP. Settings Ask the LDAP server admin for the settings: ldap server name ldap server port (usually 389) ldap dc Since 1.8.5, you have to change the LDAP settings inside the "Portal administration" panel, under "Dokeos configuration settings", section "LDAP". As an example, you should find the following kind of values: LDAP main server's address: "myldapserver.com"; // your ldap server LDAP main server's port: 389; // your ldap server's port number LDAP domain: "dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz"; //domain Teacher/student status By default, Dokeos will check if the "employeenumber" field has a value. If it has, then Dokeos will consider this user as being a teacher. If you want to change this behaviour, you can edit main/auth/ldap/authldap.php, function ldap_put_user_info_locally(), and change the if (empty($info_array[$tutor_field])) condition to whatever suits you. You can also remove this check by removing the condition and leaving only the $status = STUDENT; line. Protected LDAP servers Some LDAP servers do not support anonymous use of the directory services. In this case, you should fill in the appropriate fields in the administration panel (e.g. "manager" and "mypassword") and Dokeos will try to authenticate using these, or fall back to anonymous mode before giving up. LDAP import into sessions There is a new set of scripts now that allow you to insert users from LDAP directly into a Dokeos session. This, however, relies on a set of static choices in the LDAP contact attributes. The fields used intensively by the Dokeos module are: uid, which is matched to the username in Dokeos userPassword, which is matched to the user password, although this part will only
work for non-encrypted passwords for now, but it shouldn't be necessary if using the LDAP server as authentication ou should end with the year of the person registration or any criteria you will use to filter users, so that they can be retrieved on that criteria sn is used as the lastname field in Dokeos givenName is used as the firstname field in Dokeos mail is used as the email field in Dokeos 7. Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion This part is optional, only organisations wanting to convert Office documents to learning paths might want to read this. Oogie converts your presentations coming from Ms-Office and OpenOffice into SCORM standardized e-courses or learning paths. This feature needs OpenOffice to convert the slides and RED5 (optional) to record your voice on top of the slides through a Flash based audio-recorder. 7.1. PowerPoint / Impress conversion Install OpenOffice Edit the OpenOffice Setup.xcu file On some Windows computers, located : C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.2\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu On some Linux computers, located : /usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu And add the following code <prop oor:name="ooSetupConnectionURL">
socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager ... just below these lines <prop oor:name="ooSetupInstCompleted">
false Enter your Dokeos portal on the web > Admin section > Configure the Services > Oogie and type : Host : localhost Port : 2002 Username : (leave empty if OpenOffice runs on webserver machine) FTP password : (leave empty if OpenOffice runs on webserver machine) Path to LZX Files: /main/webrooms/recorder.swf Size of the slides : 800x600 (as long as your clients use most often a 1024x768 standard definition screen) Start OpenOffice. Conversion will work only if this software is up and running. Check the MakeOOOListening wiki page to start OpenOffice as a service.
Test the conversion : create a course > enter the course > Learning Path > PowerPoint conversion. If the slides are converted, then OpenOffice is listening to Dokeos. NOTE : during the conversion, you should see a progress bar with a percentage. If you only see a default animated GIF progress bar without percentage, you may want to install the PECL library for PHP. NOTE : On Linux servers, you may want to do a $ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts so as to install Microsoft fonts. This will give PowerPoint conversion a better rendering.
7.2. Audio-recorder See below : Videoconferencing 8. Videoconferencing and audio recorder This part is optional, only organisations wanting to use the videoconference feature might want to read this. We will now install and configure RED5 Open Source Flash server : the Dokeos RED5 webapplication. These will provide both Videoconferencing and Audio recorder for Oogie Oogie allows you to convert slides but also add tests, pages and activities between the slides, thanks to the Learning Path builder get SCORM reporting thanks to the Learning path tool add audio on top of the slides thanks to the online audio recorder NOTE : previous installation processes for this part were very complex. The whole setup was considerably simplified. Please ignore any previous documentation on the same topic.
You may want to take advantage of the audio recorder and of the videoconferencing. To do this : Download and install RED5 Open Source Flash server version 0.6 (you will find Linux packages and a Windows installer on the RED 5 website) Download Dokeos-recorder RED5 application Rename it to "dokeos-recorder.war" and copy it into the webapps directory of your RED5 installation. Windows : Target directory can be C:/Program Files/Red5/webapps/ . Linux with Nautilus or through a shell : cp dokeosrecorder.war /usr/lib/red5/webapps (when RED5 is installed using Debian package) Create an XML configuration file for Red5 (e.g. Linux: sudo mkdir /etc/dokeos/; sudo gedit /etc/dokeos/videoconference-config.xml) Insert the configuration as follows:
<server-keys> <server-key host="dokeos.domain.com_" key="PaSSw0rd" /> <server-key host="www.domain.com_dokeos_" key="p4ssWoRD" /> <moderator-check-on-whiteboard>false /opt/dokeos/recorded-streams /opt/dokeos/vod-streams In this file, you will have to put at least one server-key line per portal. In this above example we authorize portals installed at the URLs: http://dokeos.domain.com/ http://www.domain.com/dokeos/ The "_" at the end of each URL really matters, don't forget it. Reloading Red5 Restart Red5 to reload the configuration file and the new application using, on Ubuntu or Debian: /etc/init.d/red5 restart More information on RED5 + Dokeos :Please take a look on this page: http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_videoconference_2.0 Configuration of your dokeos Videoconference plugin The configuration of the Videoconference plugin is done via the admin pages of Dokeos configuration in the Dokeos platform administration section, "Configure the services", "Visio-conference" You will be asked for 4 things the hostname or IP address of your Red5 server (e.g. red5.myserver.com) the port (the default port is 1935 and we recommend you leave it like this) the password (which you have configured in your red5 configuration file whether you want to use rtmpt or not (useful to pass through firewalls but slower). In order to use this option, you will have to configure red5 to make it listen on the port 80. See http://www.dokeos.com/wiki/index.php/Installing_videoconference_2.0 That's it! Click "Reconfigure extension" and your courses should be equipped with two additional links to videoconference rooms... 9. Mathematical formulas with LaTeX This part is optional, only organisations wanting to use mathematical formulas inside the online editor might want to read this. You can enable mathematical equations writing inside the Dokeos online editor (FCKEditor) by applying the following steps: 1. Configure your Apache installation to add a cgi-bin directory that contains a symbolic link to the mimetex.cgi in dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/(*see below) 2. Reload your Apache configuration 3. Edit the dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.js and 3.1. Add FCKConfig.Plugins.Add("mimetex", "en", sOtherPluginPath ) ; at the end of the file
3.2. Add 'mimetex' at the end of the FCKConfig.ToolbarSets lines where you want the LaTeX icon to appear (there is one FCKConfig.ToolbarSets by tool). For example: FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Test"] = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','Subscript','Superscript','Link','ImageManager ','MP3','OrderedList','UnorderedList','Table','mimetex'] ]; You can add it to all the tools, or only to the document and tests tools, for example 4. For Windows servers only, update dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/plugins/mimetex/mimetex.html to replace mimetex.cgi by mimetex.exe 5. Clear your browser's cache to test it (very important). This can be done using your browser's settings page Adding the corresponding cgi-bin directory to your Apache configuration could be done, in Apache 2, like this: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/
AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Order allow,deny Allow from all Adding a symbolic link can be done, under Windows, by creating a shortcut to the mimetex.exe file from the cgi-bin directory, or under Linux by issuing the following command: ln -s /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/mimetex.cgi /var/www/cgibin/mimetex.cgi This procedure should make a new icon available in your Dokeos online editor, which will make it possible to insert mathematical formulas into your documents.
Contact address: Dokeos, Rue du Corbeau, 108, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium Mail:
[email protected] Tel. +32 (0)2 669 69 55
***************************************************** CLAROLINE 1.8 ***************************************************** Thank you for downloading Claroline 1.8. This text will guide you through the basics of installation and operation of Claroline 1.8. Please ensure you read this fully BEFORE proceeding with the installation. TABLE OF CONTENT : 1. REQUIREMENTS 2. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 2.1 New Claroline installation 2.2 Upgrade from previous Claroline version 3. TROUBLESHOOTING 4. ADMIN REQUIREMENTS ============ To install Claroline 1.8 on a computer, whether locally or remotely, you need the following on your machine : 1. One of the following Operating systems : Linux / BSD / Unix (*) Windows (9x, Me, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista) MacOs X. (*) We thoroughly test Claroline on Debian, Ubuntu and Mandrake distributions, but other Linux distributions should work too. We've received positive feedbacks from users working on Red Hat and Suse. Don't hesitate to notify us of any problem encountered on other Linux distributions. 1. A web server (We recommend Apache, but others should work too), 2. PHP scripting language (version 4.3.10 or later), configured with the following modules : mysql, zlib, preg. Most of the PHP4 compiled distributions are provided with these modules. Anyway, their presence is checked by the Claroline install script. Some users could meet problems if their PHP setting doesn't fit 74
these ones: safe_mode
= Off
3. The MySQL databases server (version 4.0 or later) plus a login/password allowing to administrate and create at least one database. Claroline can be installed in tow different modes : 'Single Database' and 'Multi Database'. In 'Multi Database' mode, Claroline will create a new database for each course created. This mode is sometimes more appropriate to manage a platform with a huge bulk of course sites. But it means the database account used by Claroline has to allow to create and administrate several databases. By default Claroline is set to be install on a 'single database host' If you want to use Claroline in 'Multi Database' mode, you have to select this option on purpose at install. WARNING ! If you use the 'single database' install option, it is recommended to use this database for Claroline use only. If you share this database with other applications, interferences could occurs between table names of both applications that could conducts to serious problems. 4. Web Write access to web directory where Claroline has been moved or unzipped to. On a Windows machine locally, this is not a problem. Remotely, you need to be allowed to CHMOD through FTP, telnet or any means. 5. A Mail Transport Agent (MTA). This not absolutely necessary but some Claroline features will remain silent if you don't provide MTA. Most Linux distributions provide MTA (Sendmail, Qmail, PostFix, ...). On Windows machines, no MTA are provided by default. You can either modify the php.ini file to redirect mail to an MTA available on an other machine, or install an MTA on the Claroline server. Several MTA are freely available for Windows (Mercury, Blat, Netmail95, WMailto , Hamster ...). INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ====================== NEW CLAROLINE INSTALLATION --------------------------
1. Download 'claroline1811.tar.gz' Windows : download 'claroline1811.zip
2. Open a shell, go to download directory and type tar -zxvf claroline1811.tar.gz Windows : unzip 'claroline1811.zip'. 3. FTP or move by any means 'index.php' file and 'claroline' directory to your website on web server (whether web root or subdirectory). 'index.php' should remain where it is, outside 'claroline' directory. Windows: If you use easyphp locally (http://www.easyphp.org), just drag and drop 'index.php' file and 'claroline' directory into C:\Program Files\easyphp\www\ 4. The following directory need to be readable, writeable and executable for everyone: chmod ugo+w claroline1811/ 4. Open Web Browser and go to http://www.mydomain.org/mysite/mydir/claroline/install/ Windows : with easyphp locally, open: http://localhost/claroline/install/ (don't forget the final /). 5. Follow instructions. Windows: if you use easyphp out of the box, login and password for MySQL should remain empty. UPDGRADE FROM PREVIOUS CLAROLINE VERSION ---------------------------------------The upgrade works only from Claroline 1.5.x, 1.6.x and 1.7.x. Older Claroline versions should upgrade first to Claroline 1.5.x before upgrade to Claroline 1.8.x
Before upgrading we heavily recommend you do a full backup of the previous Claroline directories and databases. If you are unsure how to achieve this please ask your hosting provider for advice. 1. Download 'claroline1811.tar.gz' Windows : download 'claroline1811.zip'
2. Open a shell, go to download directory and type tar -zxvf claroline1811.tar.gz Windows : unzip 'claroline1811.zip'
3. Replace your previous Claroline directory and index.php by the new one. WARNING ! Don't delete the previous directory before installing the new one. You will loose your previous configuration files (eg 'claro_main.conf.php'). Simply replace the old directory with a new one with a 'copy' command. That way, the new file versions will overwrite the old ones and leave the others intact. 4. Open Web Browser and go to http://www.mydomain.org/mysite/mydir/claroline/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php Windows with easyPhp locally, open: http://localhost/mydir/claroline/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php 5. Follow instructions. TROUBLESHOOTING =============== In case web install doesn't work 1. Go, if needed, to 'http://www.claroline.net' and ask a question on the Support forum. Read however the previous messages to see if there is already an answer to your question. 77
ADMINISTRATION SECTION ====================== To access the Claroline administration section, open browser and go to http://www.mydomain.org/mysite/claroline/admin/ ============================================================= ============= Europe, Belgium, Brussels - July 23 2008 ================================== END ===================================
New Installation Please review the requirements section before attempting to install ATutor. The latest version of ATutor can always be found on the atutor.ca downloads page. Windows Considerations To extract the ATutor .tar.gz archive you will need an application like WinZip or WinRar. Unix Considerations To extract the ATutor .tar.gz archive, use the command tar -zxvf ATutorversion_number.tar.gz, which will create a directory called ATutor in your current working directory. Extracting the files on a Windows machine and then uploading them via FTP is not recommended, as it may not preserve the case-sensitive file names. Installing on a Unix machine requires some knowledge of file and directory permissions. You will be required to create a content directory and set permissions for that directory and for the include/config.inc.php file, so that the web server can write to them. The installation will not be successful if the permissions are not correctly set on that file and directory. Changing Unix file permissions from the shell prompt: chmod a+rw filename or chmod a+rwx directoryname. Changing Unix file permissions from an FTP client: Many FTP clients allow you to change a file's permissions. The option may be labled as "Unix Permissions", "CHMOD", or simply as "Properties" or "Attributes" and will display a window with Read, Write, and Execute checkboxes for Owner, Group, and World; checking the appropriate boxes will change that file's permissions. In our case we need the include/config.inc.php to be Readable and Writeable by World, and the content directory to be Readable, Writeable, and Executable by World. Installation Procedure Extract the downloaded archive using the method specified for your system (either Windows or Unix). Open a web browser and enter the address to your new ATutor installation, http://your_server.com/path_to_atutor/ATutor/, then follow the step-by-step instructions: Terms of Use The usage of ATutor is restricted by the GNU General Public License (GPL). Your agreement with the GPL is required if you wish to use ATutor. See the Licensing section for more details. Database Enter the required details needed to connect to your MySQL database. The optional Table Prefix (e.g. "AT_") allows ATutor to share an existing database with other applications and tables. The ATutor installation script will attempt to create the database specified, if it does not already exist. This requires that your MySQL user account has permission to create databases and permission to create tables. If this step fails, contact your system administrator to have your MySQL account upgraded to allow creation of new databases, or ask your administrator to create the database for you. Accounts & Preferences The Super Administrator account is used for managing your ATutor installation. The Super Administrator can also create additional Administrators each with their own privileges and roles once ATutor is installed. The personal account can be used to enroll in or create
courses. Content Directory Create a content directory, preferably outside your web server's document directory for added security, and set permissions as described above. On a Unix machine you will need to manually change the permissions on the listed files and directories in this step. No action is usually required on a Windows server, though in some circumstances Windows users may need to adjust the properties of the specified files and directories to make them writable. Copy the path of the created directory into the text box provided. Ensure that there are no shortcuts or symbolic links in the path. Save configuration Before reaching the final step the include/config.inc.php file needs to be writable, otherwise an error will appear. Follow the instructions on the screen if the file permissions need to be changed. If the file does not exist in the include/ directory, then you will need to create an empty text file with the filename config.inc.php. Anonymous Usage Collection To assist the development team in serving the ATutor community, you can anonymously submit basic system information to the atutor.ca server. Done! ATutor installation has been successful and you may now log-in with your personal account or the administrator account created in Step 3.