MANAJEMEN PROYEK LANJUT Advance Project Management Dr. Ir. Budi Susetyo, MT Fakultas
TEKNIK Program Magister
Bagian Isi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
PM and Project financial management Money and time relationship Evaluasi proyek Analisis ketidakpastian dan resiko proyek Analisis financial proyek Perencanaan sumberdaya keuangan proyek Pengawasan dan pengendalian sumberdaya keuangan proyek UTS
8. Studi kasus project financial management 9. Studi kasus perhitungan money and time relationship 10. Studi kasus evaluasi proyek 11. Studi kasus evaluasi dan resiko proyek 12. Studi kasus cashflow proyek 13. Perencanaan cashflow proyek 14. Protap pengawasan dan pengendalian proyek UAS
Studi Kasus Evaluasi Resiko P Proyek k
Evaluasi Resiko Proyek Pada bagian ini terkait studi kasus evaluasi resiko proyek perlu diperhatikan berbagai ketentuan atau persyaratan terkait alokasi resiko pada kontrak proyek. Kontrak tersebut akan mengatur peran dan keterlibatan para pemangku kepentingan, meliputi :. 1.
Bencana alam atau force majeure. Ketentuan ini akan mengatur pihak pemilik dan pelaksana tentang biaya yang perlu dikeluarkan terkait hal ini. 2. Pengantian kerugian atau Indemnification yang terjadi akibat pihak ketiga 3. Pertanggungan atas resiko kerugian atau liens, biaya yang harus ditanggung antara pemilik dan pelaksana untuk asuransi akibat kerugian yang mungkin terjadi dari pihak ketiga seperti demo buruh, k kerusuhan, h dll dll. 4. Biaya terkait hukum perburuhan atau ketenagakerjaan 5. Biaya akibat kondisi tapak, seperti biaya tak terduga yang harus dikeluarkan akibat dari kondisi tapak. 6. Biaya atas kerusakan pada fasilitas 7. Biaya akibat keterlambatan atau penundaan pekerjaan 8. Biaya untuk keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerja 9. Biaya terkait perijinan, keamanan, ketertiban 10. Lain2 Perhatikan kasus berikut dan buat kajian pada studi kasus proyek yang sedang diamati. Perhatikan berbagai ketentuan pada kontrak konstruksi terkait resiko proyek.
Case 1. Example 1: A Contract Provision Example with High Contractor Risk "Except where the sole negligence of COMPANY is involved or alleged, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless COMPANY, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all loss, damage, and liability and from any and all claims for damages on account of or by reason of bodily injury, including death, not limited to the employees of CONTRACTOR, COMPANY, and of any subcontractor or CONTRACTOR, and from and against any and all damages to property, including property of COMPANY and third parties, direct and/or consequential, caused by or arising out of, in while or in part, or claimed to have been caused by or to have arisen out of, in whole or in part, an act of omission of CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, vendors, or subcontractors, of their employees or agents in connection with the performance of the Contract Documents, whether or not insured against; and CONTRACTOR shall, at its own cost and expense, defend any claim, suit, action or proceeding, whether groundless or not, which may be commenced against COMPANY by reason thereof or in connection therewith, and CONTRACTOR shall pay any and all judgments which may be recovered in such action, claim, proceeding or suit, and defray any and all expenses, including costs and attorney's fees which may be incurred by reason of such actions, claims, proceedings, or suits." Comment: This is a very burdensome provision for the contractor. It makes the contractor responsible for practically every conceivable occurrence and type of damage, except when a claim for loss or damages is due to the sole negligence of the owner. As a practical matter, sole negligence on a construction project is very difficult to ascertain because the work is so inter-twined. Since there is no dollar limitation to the contractor's exposure, sufficient liability coverage to cover worst scenario risks will be difficult to obtain. The best the contractor can do is to obtain as complete and broad excess liability insurance coverage as can be purchased. This insurance is costly, so the contractor should insure the contract price is sufficiently high to cover the expense.
Case 2. Example 2: An Example Contract Provision with Medium Risk Allocation to Contractor "CONTRACTOR shall protect, defend, hold harmless, and indemnify COMPANY from and against any loss, damage, claim, action, liability, or demand whatsoever (including, with limitation, costs, expenses, and attorney's fees, whether for appeals or otherwise, in connection therewith), arising out of any personal injury (including, without limitation, injury to any employee of COMPANY, CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor), arising out of any personal injury (including, without limitation, injury to any employee of COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, or any subcontractor), including death resulting therefrom or out of any damage to or loss or destruction of property, real and or personal (including property of COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, and any subcontractor, and including tools and equipment whether owned, rented, or used by CONTRACTOR, any subcontractor, or any workman) in any manner based upon, occasioned by , or attributable or related to the performance, whether by the CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor, of the Work or any part thereof, and CONTRACTOR shall at its own expense defend any and all actions based thereon, except where said personal injury or property damage is caused by the negligence of COMPANY or COMPANY'S employees. Any loss, damage, cost expense or attorney's fees incurred by COMPANY in connection with the foregoing may, in addition to other remedies, be deducted from CONTRACTOR'S compensation, then due or thereafter to become due. COMPANY shall effect for the benefit of CONTRACTOR a waiver of subrogation on the existing facilities, including consequential damages such as, but not by way of limitation, loss of profit and loss of product or plant downtime but excluding any deductibles which shall exist as at the date of this CONTRACT; provided, however, that said waiver of subrogation shall be expanded to include all said deductible amounts on the acceptance of the Work by COMPANY." Comment: This clause provides the contractor considerable relief. He still has unlimited exposure for injury to all persons and third party property but only to the extent caused by the contractor's negligence. The "sole" negligence issue does not arise. Furthermore, the contractor's liability for damages to the owner's property-a major concern for contractors working in petrochemical complexes, at times worth billions-is limited to the owner's insurance deductible, and the owner's insurance carriers have no right of recourse against the contractor. The contractor's limited exposure regarding the owner's facilities ends on completion of the work.
Case 3. Example 3: An Example Contract Provision with Low Risk Allocation to Contractor "CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to indemnify and hold COMPANY and/or any parent, subsidiary, or affiliate, or COMPANY and/or officers, agents, or employees of any of them, harmless from and against any loss or liability arising directly or indirectly out of any claim or cause of action for loss or damage to property including, but not limited to, CONTRACTOR'S property and COMPANY'S property and for injuries to or death of persons including but not limited to CONTRACTOR'S employees, caused by or resulting from the performance of the work by CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents, and subcontractors and shall, at the option of COMPANY, defend COMPANY at CONTRACTOR'S sole expense in any litigation involving the same regardless of whether such work is performed by CONTRACTOR, its employees, or by its subcontractors, their employees, or all or either of them. In all instances, CONTRACTOR'S indemnity to COMPANY shall be limited to the proceeds of CONTRACTOR'S umbrella liability insurance coverage." Comment: With respect to indemnifying the owner, the contractor in this provision has minimal out-of-pocket risk. Exposure is limited to whatever can be collected from the contractor's insurance company.
Pustaka 1. Hendricson, Project Management for Construction, Web Version, 2003 2. Zulkarnain Djamin, Perencanaan dan Analisa Proyek, Universitas Indonesia, 1984