Leo Van Hove Professor of Economics at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels), where he teaches courses in monetary economics and the economics of information. His current research interests include payment instruments, network effects, e-publishing, and access to finance.
He has published extensively on these and other subjects in
international journals as diverse as Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking; International Journal of Electronic Commerce; Economic Modelling; The Service Industries Journal; Energy Economics; European Journal of Operational Research, and Journal of Media Economics. He is invited regularly as a guest speaker by central banks and payment providers. Home page: < http://research.vub.ac.be/apec/> (currently under revision)
PUBLICATIONS * Articles in refereed journals 1. Van Hove, L., Diversificatie van de energievoorziening in West-Europa: kwantificering en analyse met behulp van concentratiemaatstaven, Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift, Vol. 47, Nr. 1, March 1993, p. 61-77. 2. Vuchelen, J. and L. Van Hove, Het bankbiljet van tienduizend frank (The BEF 10,000 banknote), Maandschrift Economie, Vol. 57, Nr. 3, June 1993, p. 192-214.
3. Van Hove, L., Diversification of primary energy consumption in six West European countries. Quantification and analysis by means of measures of concentration, Energy Economics, Vol. 15, Nr. 4, October 1993, p. 239-244. 4. Vuchelen, J. and L. Van Hove, Oppotting in België (Hoarding of currency in Belgium), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue de la Banque, Nr. 9, November 1993, p. 490-502. 5. Vuchelen, J. and L. Van Hove, De vraag naar bankbiljetten en de introductie van het bankbiljet van tienduizend frank (The demand for banknotes and the introduction of the BEF 10,000 banknote), Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, Nr. 140, 4ème trimestre 1993, p. 489-511. 6. Van Hove, L., Diversificatie en bevoorradingszekerheid: een vergelijkende analyse van de Belgische en Nederlandse energiebevoorrading, Maandschrift Economie, Vol. 58, Nr. 3, June 1994, p. 178-201. 7. Van Hove, L. and J. Vuchelen, Oppotting en de omvang van de ondergrondse economie (Hoarding and the size of the underground economy), Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, Vol. 39, Nr. 3, September 1994, p. 233-260. 8. Van Hove, L. and J. Vuchelen, Het nieuwe bankbiljettenassortiment (The new denominational mix of Belgian banknotes), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue de la Banque, Nr. 8, October 1994, p. 55-464. 9. Van Hove, L. and J. Vuchelen, Geldautomaten en het bankbiljet van tweeduizend frank (ATMs and the BEF 2,000 banknote), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue de la Banque, Nr. 2, February 1995, p. 99-106. 10. Van Hove, L., De nieuwe generatie betaalmiddelen (Electronic purse schemes in Europe - The next generation), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue de la Banque, Nr. 3, March 1996, p. 128-139. 11. Van Hove, L. and B. Heyndels, On the optimal spacing of currency denominations, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 90, Nr. 3, 10 May 1996, p. 547-552. 12. Van Hove, L. and J. Vuchelen, Analyse de la répartition de la monnaie fiduciaire en coupures: la méthode de Hentsch reconsidérée, Revue Economique, Vol. 47, Nr. 5, September 1996, p. 1149-1178. 13. Van Hove, L. and J. Vuchelen, Who needs high-denomination euro banknotes? A note on the proposed denominational structure of the euro, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali (International Review of Economics and Business), Vol. 43, Nr. 4, October/December 1996, p. 791-803. 14. Van Hove, L., Op naar de 'cashless society'? (Towards a cashless society?), Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift, Vol. 51, Nr. 1, March 1997, p. 35-81.
15. Van Hove, L., Elektronische geldbeugels en de theorie van de netwerk-effecten: welke lessen voor de praktijk?,Maandschrift Economie, Vol. 61, Nr. 3, 1997, p. 193-213. 16. Van Hove, L., Electronic purses, interoperability, and the Internet, First Monday (The Peer-Reviewed Journal on the Internet), Vol. 4, Nr. 4, April 1999
. 17. Van Hove, L. en J. Vuchelen, Currency hoarding in Belgium: an update, Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue de la Banque, Nr. 7, September 1999, p. 336-345. 18. Van Hove, L., Electronic money and the network externalities theory: lessons for real life, Netnomics, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 1999, p. 137-171. 19. Van Hove, L., Electronic purses: (which) way to go?, First Monday (The PeerReviewed Journal on the Internet), Vol. 5, Nr. 7, July 2000 . 20. Van Hove, L., The New York City smart card trial in perspective: a research note, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 5, Nr. 2, Winter 2000-2001, p. 119-131 . 21. Van Hove, L., Optimal denominations for coins and bank notes: in defense of the principle of least effort, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 33, Nr. 4, November 2001, p. 1015-1021. 22. Vuchelen J. and L. Van Hove, An early evaluation of the introduction of euro banknotes and coins, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 29, Nr. 6, 2002, p. 370-387. 23. Van Hove, L., Cost-based pricing of payment instruments: the state of the debate, De Economist, Vol. 152, No. 1, March 2004, p. 79-100. 24. Van Hove, L., Electronic purses in Euroland: why do penetration and usage rates differ?, SUERF Studies, Nr. 2004/4, July 2004 (ISBN 3-902109-23-8). 25. Van Hove, L., Cash substitution: why and how?, Journal of Payment Systems Law, Vol. 1, Nr. 6, October 2005, p. 547-563. 26. Van Hove, L., Electronic purses, interoperability, and the Internet, in Fox, M. A. (ed.), Special Issue on Internet banking, e-money, and Internet gift economies, First Monday, Special Issue #3, December 5, 2005 Reprint of 16, with Special Issue update. 27. Van Hove, L., Electronic purses: (which) way to go?, in Fox, M. A. (ed.), Special Issue on Internet banking, e-money, and Internet gift economies, First Monday, Special Issue #3, December 5, 2005 - Reprint of 19, with Special Issue update.
28. Van Hove, L., Why electronic purses should be promoted, Banking and Information Technology (Universität Regensburg, Germany), Vol. 7, Nr. 2, June 2006, p. 20-31 <www.bitreport.com>. 29. Van Hove, L., Central banks and payment instruments: a serious case of schizophrenia, Communications & Strategies - International journal of digital economics, Nr. 66, 2nd Quarter 2007, p. 19-46. 30. Van Bossuyt, M. and L. Van Hove, Mobile payment models and their implications for NextGen MSPs, info: The journal of policy, regulation and strategy, Special Issue on "The Redesign of Mobile Business", Vol. 9, Nr. 5, August 2007, p. 31-43. 31. Bleyen, V.-A. and L. Van Hove, Western European newspapers and their online revenue models: an overview, First Monday (The Peer-Reviewed Journal on the Internet), Vol. 12, Nr. 12, December 2007 . 32. Bleyen, V.-A. and L. Van Hove, Micropayments: a survey of the payment instruments accepted by Western European newspaper sites, Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems, Vol. 2, Nr. 3, April 2008, p. 284-303. 33. Van Hove, L., On the War On Cash and its spoils, International Journal of Electronic Banking, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, 2008, p. 36-45. 34. Bleyen, V.-A. and L. Van Hove, To bundle or not to bundle? How Western European newspapers package their online content, Journal of Media Economics, Vol. 23, Nr. 3, 2010, p. 117-142. 35. Bleyen, V.-A., L. Van Hove and M. Hartmann, Classifying payment instruments: a matryoshka approach, Communications & Strategies, Nr. 79, 3rd Quarter 2010, p. 73-94. 36. Bouhdaoui Y., Bounie D. and L. Van Hove, Central banks and their banknote series: the efficiency-cost trade-off, Economic Modelling, Vol. 28, Nr. 4, June 2011, p. 1482-1488. 37. Van Hove, L., Pricing of card payment services in Scandinavian banking: a comment, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 31, Nrs. 11-12, August 2011, p. 1793-1798. 38. Karimov, F. P., Brengman, M. and L. Van Hove, The effect of website design dimensions on initial trust: a synthesis of the empirical literature, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 12, Nr. 4, November 2011, p. 272-301 p. 272-301. 39. Bleyen, V.-A. and L. Van Hove, Newspapers and their fear of channel spillover: evidence for Europe, Information Research, Vol. 16, Nr. 4, December 2011 . 40. Bouhdaoui Y., Bounie D. and L. Van Hove, The ʻprinciple of invarianceʼ in currency systems: a comment on Caianiello et al., International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 41, Nr. 3, March 2012, p. 215-223.
41. Bouhdaoui Y., Bounie D. and L. Van Hove, When do plastic bills lower the bill for the central bank? A model and estimates for the U.S., forthcoming in Journal of Policy Modeling. * Articles in other journals 1. Van Hove, L., De schemerzone van de ekonomie, Socialistische Standpunten, Vol. 37, Nr. 4, 1990, p. 41-51. 2. Van Hove, L., De zwarte economie: achtergronden en implicaties, Solvay Business Review, May 1991, p. 35-46. 3. Van den Panhuyzen, W., Deloof, M. and L. Van Hove, Ondergrondse vergassing van steenkool, Energie en Milieu, Nr. 5/91, September-October 1991, p. 169-174. 4. Deloof, M. and L. Van Hove, Ondergrondse vergassing: wordt steenkool opnieuw uitgevonden?, Solvay Business Review, February-April 1992, p. 23-33. 5. Van Hove, L., Fiskale amnestie: een overzicht (Tax amnesties: a survey of the literature), Documentatieblad van het Ministerie van Financiën, Nr. 3, May-June 1992, p. 259-303. 6. Van Hove, L., De opbouw van de EMU: visies op de Belgische deelname, Solvay Business Review, Nr. 2, 1992, p. 31-36. 7. Van Hove, L., De financiële sektor in Portugal: recente ontwikkelingen en vooruitzichten, Solvay Business Review, Nr. 2, 1992, p. 55-66. 8. Van Hove, L., Waar zit al dat geld? Over bankbiljetten en zwarte gaten, Samenleving en Politiek, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, January 1996, p. 26-28. 9. Van Hove, L., Proton: wie het kleine (niet) acht, ... [Proton: who will (not) keep a penny, ...], Bank- en Effectenbedrijf, Vol. 46, Nr. 12, December 1997, p. 20-25. 10. Van Hove, L., Electronic purses and currency: a competition between networks, EMoney (The Journal of Electronic Commerce for the Financial Services Industry), Vol. 1, Nr. 2, June 1998, p. 3-9. 11. Van Hove, L., Zijn betaalmiddelen publieke goederen? Over tarifering en overheidsinterventie (Are payment services public goods?), Revue de la Banque/Bank- en Financiewezen, Nr. 1, January 2000, p. 15-23. 12. Van Hove, L., Proton, na de euforie, Trends Review, Nr. 11, June 2000, p. 37-42 .
13. Van Hove, L., Proton, après l'euphorie, Tendances Review, Nr. 11, June 2000, p. 3742 http://www.trends.be/tendances/tendancesreview/RF0022/PROTONQQ.MAD.HTM> (translation of 12). 14. Van Hove, L., De tentakels van Octopus in HongKong, (Smart)Cards in Business, Vol. 6, Nr. 4, July 2001, p. 14-16. 15. Van Hove, L., Openbaar vervoer panacee voor elektronische portemonnee? (Is public transport the magic bullet for electronic purses?), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue Bancaire et Financière, Nr. 7, 2001, p. 409-415. 16. Van Hove, L., Electronic money and cost-based pricing, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter (Economic Policy Papers; Austria), Vol. 49, Nr. 2, April 2002, p. 128-136. 17. Van Hove, L., E-purse: blessing or curse for retailers?, The European Retail Digest (Oxford Institute of Retail Management), Issue 41, Spring 2004, p. 30-33. 18. Van Hove, L., Six smart moves when playing the smart card game, Journal of Financial Transformation, Vol. 12, November 2004, p. 55-61 . 19. Van Hove, L., Concurrentie en prijszetting in de betaalmarkt (Competition and pricing in the payment industry), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue Bancaire et Financière, Vol. 68, Nr. 8, December 2004, p. 461-475. 20. Loix, E., Pepermans, R. and L. Van Hove, De Belgische consumenten over elektronisch betalen: resultaten van een opiniepeiling (The Belgian consumer and electronic payments: results of a cardholder survey), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue Bancaire et Financière, Vol. 69, Nr. 1, January 2005, p. 16-28. 21. Van Hove, L., Banksys en de internationalisering van Proton, Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde, Vol. 25, Nr. 6, June 2005, p. 37-49. 22. Fitskar, C., Loix, E. and L. Van Hove, De aanvaarding en perceptie van Proton: een onderzoek bij Vlaamse dagbladhandelaars en bakkers (Merchant adoption and perception of the Proton electronic purse: results of two surveys), Bank- en Financiewezen/Revue Bancaire et Financière, Vol. 70, Nr. 3, April 2006, p. 176-187. 23. Van Hove, L., Why fighting cash is a worthy cause, ProChip (Germany), Nr. 2, October 2006, p. 8-12 . 24. Van Hove, L., SEPA & debit-card interchange fees: one size fits none?, Settlements, Payments, E-money & E-trading Development (SPEED), Volume 2, Nr. 2, Autumn 2007, p. 27-33. 25. Bleyen, V.-A. and L. Van Hove, Free or fee: Whatʼs it gonna be? - West-Europese krantensites en de slinger van de advertentiemarkt, Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde, Vol. 29, Nr. 9, November 2009, p. 16-29.
* Articles in books 1. Van Hove, L., Waiting for a chain reaction: Proton's prospects, in Smith, J. (ed.), Worlds Cards Europe - The Card Technology Sourcebook, World Cards SourceBooks Series, AiC Worldwide, Singapore, 1998, p. 32-37 . 2. Van Hove, L., European electronic purses: a progress report, in Proceedings from the Workshop on Promoting the Use of Electronic Payments: Considering Future Requirements, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, August 2001, p. 20-31 . 3. Van den Nieuwenhof, J. and L. Van Hove, De economische wetmatigheden van de elektronische betaling: tussen droom en werkelijkheid, in Aspects juridiques du paiement électronique - Jurische aspecten van de elektronische betaling, Kluwer, Brussels, 2004, p. 1-19. 4. Van Hove, L., What future for electronic purses?, in Lammer, Th. (ed.), Handbuch EMoney, E-Payment & M-Payment, Springer Verlag, 2006, p. 379-405. (ISBN 3-7908-16515). 5. Bleyen, V.-A., Braet, O. and L. Van Hove, Innovatieve bedrijfsmodellen, in Bierhoff, J. (ed.), ePublishing Trends – Digitaal uitgeven in perspectief, FLEET, Brussels, November 2009, p. 25-42. (ISBN 978-0-557-19299-1). 6. Van Hove, L., On the War On Cash and its spoils, in Chew, W. L. III and B. Mosselmans (eds.), Vesalius College - 25 Years of Academic Excellence in Teaching and Research, VUBPRESS Brussels University Press, 2012, p. 341-352 (ISBN 978 90 5718 130 6) – reprint. * Newspapers and magazines 1. Fiskale amnestie? Lees eerst de bijsluiter, Financieel Ekonomische Tijd, 26 February 1992. 2. Aardgasbevoorrading: te veel eieren in de verkeerde mand?, Financieel Ekonomische Tijd, 25 September 1992. 3. 'Smart cards' kunnen ook fiskus wijzer maken, De Standaard, 12 August 1994. 4. Don't dismiss the Ecu's multiple denominations, Wall Street Journal Europe, 13 June 1995 (with J. Vuchelen). 5. Heeft U niet kleiner? De coupures van de ecu, Trends, Vol. 21, Nr. 38, 21 September 1995, p. 59 (with J. Vuchelen). 6. Liefst opgepot geld naar investeringen leiden, De Standaard, 7 February 1996 (with J. Vuchelen).
7. Overheid moet gebruik papiergeld ontmoedigen, De Standaard, 13 February 1998 (with J. Vuchelen). 8. Phasing out the euro, Wall Street Journal Europe, March 25, 2002. 9. Gratis betaaldiensten? De rekening volgt, De Morgen, December 8, 2003. 10. Afschaffen die bankbiljetten!, Fortis Tribune, nr. 17, September 2004, p. 5. (Translated as A bas les billets! and Let's do away with banknotes). 11. De SEPA-soep: warm opgediend, lauw gegeten, De Morgen, December 8, 2006. 12. Regulating in the dark, Wall Street Journal Europe, January 3, 2008, p. 11 . 13. West-Europese krantensites worden gratis, maar Nederland is een buitenbeentje, De Nieuwe Reporter (The Netherlands), September 8, 2008 (with V.-A. Bleyen). 14. Cash is too cheap!, Cicero Policy Briefer (UK), Issue 29, October 2008 . 15. Met zijn allen naar de bank voor een goedkope lening? Wacht eens even, De Morgen, March 12 maart 2009 (with S. Vanduffel). 16. Elektronisch betalen is niet ridicuul, De Morgen, March 17, 2009 (with S. Vanduffel). 17. Overcoming the Homer Simpson in us - How to create a 'less-cash' society, EPC Newsletter (European Payments Council), Issue 2, April 2009 (with L. Machado). 18. The prompt payment code: an academic perspective, Visa Europe Newsletter, November 2009 .