Oleh : Siti Azizah, S.Pd, M.Pd NIK : 05407-ET
KATA PENGANTAR Untuk meningkatkan mutu dosen dalam suatu pendidikan diperlukan perubahan pola pikir, sikap dan perilaku yang digunakan sebagai landasan pelaksanaan kurikulum. Pada masa lalu proses belajar terfokus pada dosen dan kurang terfokus pada mahasiswa. Akibatnya kegiatan belajar mengajar lebih menekankan pada pengajaran daripada pembelajaran. Kata pembelajaran dapat diartikan sebagai perubahan dalam kemampuan, sikap atau perilaku mahasiswa yang relative permanen sebagai akibat dari pengalaman atau pelatihan. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut diatas, laporan tugas dari Pelatihan Applied Approach ini merupakan hasil pembelajaran dosen dalam meningkatkan mutu diri maupun mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu mudah-mudahan laporan tugas ini memberikan manfaat yang besar kepada pembaca khususnya penulis didalam rangka meningkatkan pendidikan di Indonesia. Untuk itu kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para Bapak dan Ibu Pembina Pelatihan Applied Approach yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk melatih agar dapat bersama sama meningkatkan mutu diri maupun pendidikan Universitas Wijaya Kusuma khususnya dan umumnya di Indonesia Tak lupa kami mohon koreksi dan kritik yang membangun untuk laporan tugas ini agar laporan tugas kami ini semakin baik dan lengkap demi kemajuan bersama. Amin.
Surabaya , 6 Nopember 2013 Penulis,
Siti Azizah, S.Pd, M.Pd
1. Kata Pengantar 2. Daftar Isi 3. Rencana Pengembangan Mutu 4. Evaluasi Alternatif 5. Evaluasi Proses Belajar Mengajar 6. Rekonstruksi Perencanaan Silabus Dan RPP 7. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar 8. Proposal PTK 9. Lembar Konsultasi
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Materi Ajar
Bentuk Pembelaja Ran
3 Melatih Minggu kemampuan menganalisis teori pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengenai tugas sekretaris 4 Melatih Minggu kemampuan mengaplika sikan keterampilan membuat; surat, diary, rencana perjalanan, memo, rencana rapat dan notulen
The role Kuliah dan and diskusi functions of secretary
Writing correspon dence, diary, travel arrange ment, memo, meeting coordina tion, the minute
Praktik Penugasan
2 Melatih Minggu kemampuan mengaplikasi Kan keterampilan lisan menjadi guide (MC) dalam anniversary of company 3 Melatih Minggu kemampuan mengaplikasi kan keteram pilan lisan mengenai tugas sekretaris
Being as a guide
PraktikDemonstra Tion
Receiving Praktik- role telephone, plays visitors, Making appoinment
Kemampuan Akhir Yang Diharapkan / Kompetensi Pemahaman tentang teori pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang harus dimiliki dan di kuasai sekretaris. Keterampilan membuat surat, memo, diary, notulen, merancang rencana perjalanan atasan, merancang rapat atau konferensi
Kriteria Penilaian
Bobot Nilai
Kebenaran 20% pemaha man tugas, kejelasan format, isi, tertulis baik, mudah difahami, dan informasi akurat, memadai penting.
Keterampilan membuat rundown dan keberanian untuk menjadi guide (MC) dalam anniversary of company
Ketepatan content of rundown, dialogue,, gesture, languge dan pronun ciation
Keterampilan membuat dialoque dan keberanian bermain peran dalam menerima telepon,
Ketepatan content of roleplays, gesture, language, and pronun ciation
2 Melatih Minggu kemampuan analisis dan mengaplikasi kan keteram pilan lisan tentang interview antara calon sekretaris (pelamar) dan manager personalia
Praktik interview
2 Melatih Minggu mengaplikasi kan keterampilan tulis membuat paper sebagai tugas akhir semester
Paper about secretary‟s duties
Praktik Project-UAS
menerima tamu dan membuat janji. Keterampilan praktik lapangan dalam rangka interview sekretaris sesungguhnya dikantor dan mempraktikkan interview dengan bermain peran antara calon sekretaris (Pelamar) dan manager personalia. Keterampilan membuat paper mengenai tugas sekretaris dengan sumber dari interview dan references lainnya
Ketepatan content of rundown, dialogue, interview, gesture, language dan pronun citation
Ketepatan materi yang relevan, format penyusu nan paper, Cara penguti pan dan referensi/
Format Rancangan Praktikum Mata Kuliah : English for Secretary Semester
: Ganjil /2 sks
1.Tujuan Praktikum: Memberikan praktik penugasan tentang membuat macam-macam Surat, diary, memo, notulen, rancangan perjalanan, rancangan rapat, praktik menjadi guide (MC), praktik interview dan project- paper. Uraian Tugas Praktikum: 1. Objek Praktikum: Praktik penugasan membuat surat, diary , memo, notulen, rancangan perjalanan, rancangan rapat dilaksanakan di kelas & dirumah. Praktik menjadi MC dan bermain peran dilaksanakan dikelas. Praktik interview dengan sekretaris dilaksanakan dilapangan (kantor) tetapi praktik interview dalam bermain peran dilaksanakan dikelas dan project dilaksanakan dirumah.
2. Yang Harus Dikerjakan : 1. Mahasiswa harus membuat surat; condolence, invitation,
reservation, hospitality and making appointment.
2. Mahasiswa harus membuat diary, memo, notulen , merancang rencana perjalanan dan merancang rapat. Konferensi. 3.. Mahasiswa harus merancang rundown guide (MC) dan mendemonstrasikan menjadi MC 4
Mahasiswa harus menginterview sekretaris dikantor dan harus juga praktik interview dalam kelompoknya dengan peran calon sekretaris (pelamar) dan manajer personalia.
5, Mahasiswa harus membuat paper sebagai tugas project. dalam kelompok interview.
3. Metode: Praktik-demonstrasi, Praktik role plays, Praktik interview dan Project. 4. Deskripsi Laporan Praktik: Lembar Performance Assessment-Portofolio dan Project 5. Kriteri Penilaian: Kebenaran pemahaman tugas, kejelasan format, isi, tertulis Baik, mudah difahami, dan informasi akurat, memadai penting. Ketepatan content of rundown, dialogue, interview, gesture, languge dan pronunciation. Ketepatan materi yang relevan, format penyusunan paper, Cara pengutipan dan referensi.
: English For Secretary
Semester/ kredit
: VII/2 sks
No KD/Indikator
Mahasiswa dapat memahami peran dan kualifikasi sekretaris
Mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan pengetahuan
Mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan tulis
Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan tulis
Pokok bahasan/ Sub pokok bahasan The role of secretary Personal qualification of secretary The functions of secretary deal with knowledge of businessworld, a simple accounting and procedure of meeting The functions of secretary deal with oral and written skills
Tes lisantanya jawab
Soal essaylisan
Tes lisan – tanya jawab
Soal essay – lisan
Tes lisantanya jawab
Soal essaylisan
Wtiting correspondence
Non tes
Penugasan Portofolio
Making a diary Travel arrangement
Non tes
Hasil karya – Pemahaman tugas, kejelasan format, isi , tertulis baik, informasi akurat, memadai dan penting Hasil karyaPemahaman tugas, kejelasan format, isi , tertulis baik, informasi akurat, memadai dan penting
Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan tulis
Writing memo dan Taking the minute
Non tes
Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan tulis
Meeting coordination
Non tes
Mahasiswa dapat membuat run down dalam guide (MC)
Being as a guide
Non tes
Performance assessment
Mahasiswa dapat mendemokan menjadi guide (MC) 9. UTS 10. Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas=tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan 11 Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan 12. Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan 13 Mahasiswa dapat 14. mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan
Being as a guide
Tes Tulis Non tes
Performance assessment
Hasil karyaPemahaman tugas, kejelasan format, isi , tertulis baik, informasi akurat, memadai dan penting Hasil karyaPemahaman tugas, kejelasan format, isi , tertulis baik, informasi akurat, memadai dan penting Pronunciation Gesture Content - run down Language
Soal UTS Pronunciation Gesture Content-run down Language Pronunciation Language Gesture Content
Receiving telephone
Non tes
Performance assessment
Receiving visitors
Non tes
Performance assessment
Pronunciation Language Gesture Content
Making appoinment
Non –tes
Performance assessment
Pronunciation Language Gesture Content
15 16
Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat Membuat paper dari materi praktik interview dilapangan mengenai tugas sekretaris dan ditambah referensi lainnya untuk tugas UAS
18. UAS
Non tes
Performance assessment
Paper- the secretary‟s duties in a company
Non tes
Pengumpulan Paper
Non tes
Pronunciation Gesture Content of interview Language Hasil KerjaProduct Materi yang relevan, format penyusunan, cara pengutipan, dan referensi Hasil Kerja – Product-Paper
EVALUASI PBM No Informasi yang Indikator dibutuhkan 1.Penguasaan dosen 1. Persepsi mahasiswa Terhadap materi terhadap kemampuan 2. Kemammpuan dosen dosen mengajar dalam menjelaskan
Tehnik dan Instrumen Kuesioner
Akhir semester
Review dan dokumen
Sejawat dosen
Awal semester
2. Kemampuan dosen Menggunakan referensi Improvement
Review dan dokumen
Sejawat dosen
Awal semester
3. Sistimatika dalam urutan penyajian materi
Review dan Dokumen
Sejawat dosen
Awal semester
4. Mutu Soal
Review dokumen dan observasi
Sejawat dosen
Tengah dan akhir semester
5. Mutu tugas/ praktik
Analisis tugas
Sejawat dosen
Tengah semester
6. Mutu ujian
Analisis soal Sejawat dan hasil ujian dosen
Tengah dan akhir semester
3. Kemampuan dosen dalam memilih materi 4. Kemampuan dosen dalam menggunakan metode 5. Kemampuan dosen dalam mengelola kelas 6. Kemampuan dosen dalam menggunakan waktu
Kualitas materi
7. Kemampuan dosen dalam penilaian 1. Kemampuan dosen Menggunakan refernsi Up to date
Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam PBM
Kebiasaan mahasiswa belajar klasikal
Tengah & Akhir semester
Kebiasaan mahasiswa belajar group
Tengah & akhir semester
Pengumpulan Data Pertanyaan Evaluasi Program Perkuliahan Informasi yang dibutuhkan Kemampuan dosen mengajar
Indikator daftar pertanyaan 1. Penguasaan dosen terhadap materi
2. Kemampuan dosen menjelaskan materi
1.Keterampilan dosen Menjelaskan manfaat Materi pembelajaran 2.Keterampilan dosen menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran. 3. Keterampilan dosen menjelaskan materi 4. Keterampilan dosen menghubungkan materi baru dengan materi sebelumnya yang relevan. 5. Kemampuan dosen membuka dan menutup kuliah
3. Kemampuan dosen memilih materi
1. Keterampilan dosen memilih materi belajar sesuai ke butuhan. 2. Keterampilan dosen menyesuaikan materi dengan media pembelajaran
4, Keterampilan dosen mengelola kelas
1. Keterampilan dosen mengelola kelas 2. Keterampilan dosen Mengaktifkan Mahasiswa 3. Keterampilan dosen Menghidupkan kelas 4.Keterampilan dosen
1. Pengetahuan dosen tentang materi perkuliahan 2. Keterampilan dosen menggunakan refe rensi yang up to date 3.Keterampilan dosen menggunakan materi tambahan selain Diktat/ Buku ajar
Jawaban 1,2,3,4
memberikan motivasi & feedback 5.Keterampilan dosen Menggunakan metode
Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam PBM
1. Keterampilan dosen menggunakan metode yang ber variasi 2. Keterampilan dosen menggunakan metode yang tidak membosankan dan menyenangkan 3. Keterampilan dosen mengguna kan high technologi dalam menyajikan materi
6.Keterampilan dosen menggunakan waktu
1.Keterampilan dosen menggunakan waktu yang efektif 2.Keterampilan dosen mengawali dan mengakhiri waktu (Kedisiplinan dalam waktu PBM)
7, Keterampilan dosen Memberikan penilaian
1.Keterampilan dosen memberikan penilaian ujian 2.Keterampilan dosen memberikan Penilaian tugas 3.Keterampilan dosen memberikan penilaian praktik 1. Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami materi 2.Kemampuan mahasiswa aktif memperhatikan penjelasan dosen 3.Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan tugas 4.Kemampuan maha siswa mengajukan
1.Kebiasaan mahasiswa dalam belajar klasikal
pertanyaan. 5.Kemampuan maha siswa merespon pertanyaan dosen/ mahasiswa 2 Kebiasaan mahasiswa belajar kelompok
Kualitas Materi
1.Kemutahiran referensi 2. Referensi improvement
3. Sistematika dalam urutan penyajian
4. Mutu soal
5. Mutu Tugas/ praktik
6. Mutu Ujian
1, Kemampuan maha siswa bekerja sama 2, Kemampuan maha siswa aktif berdis kusi dalam group 3.Kemampuan maha siswa dalam menyam paikan pendapat 4 .Kemampuan maha siswa berargumen tasi dalam diskusi 5, Kemampuan maha Siswa bertoleransi dalam diskusi group 1.Referensi up to date dari buku, realia dan website 1.Referensi improve ment dari real world dan relevan dengan tehnologi 2.Referensi dari buku Lain dan website Yang relevan dan Up to date 1.Menggunakan urutan dari mudah ke sulit 2.Menggunakan urutan yang komplek (tidak beraturan) 1.Soal valid 2.Soal reliable 3. Soal tingkat Kesukaran 1.Tugas relevan dengan materi 2.Tugas memberikan Tantangan 3 Tugas mudah 1.Ujian relevan Dengan materi 2.Ujian sulit 3. Ujian mudah
Keterangan: Angka 4 adalah Sangat Memuaskan Angka 3 adalah Memuaskan Angka 2 adalah Cukup Memuaskan Angka 1 adalah Kurang Memuaskan
RANCANGAN EVALUASI Variable Kualitas Materi
Indikator Kemutahiran Referensi Improvement referensi Sistimatika dalam urutan penyajian materi Mutu soal
Mutu tugas/ praktik Mutu ujian Penguasaan dosen mengajar
Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam PBM
Penguasaan materi Pemilihan materi Pemilihan metode Penggunaan Media / Pengelolaan kelas Penggunaan waktu Pemberian Penilaian Kebiasaan Mahasiswa belajar klasikal Kebiasaan mahasiswa belajar group
Metode Review dokumen Review dokumen Review dokumen
Responden Sejawat dosen
Waktu Awal semester
Sejawat dosen
Awal semester
Sejawat dosen
Awal semester
Review dokumen dan observasi Analisis tugas
Sejawat dosen dan mahasiswa
Tengah dan akhir semester
Sejawat dosen
Analisis soal dan hasil ujian Kuestioner
Sejawat dosen dan mahasiswa Mahasiswa
Tengah semester Tengah dan akhir semester Akhir semester
Kuestioner Kuestioner
Mahasiswa Mahasiswa
Akhir semester Akhir semester
Akhir semester
Akhir semester
Akhir semester
Akhir semester
Tengah dan Akhir emester
Tengah dan Akhir semester
Lembar Penilaian Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilai Pronunciation Content Gesture Language
Paraf Dosen
Paraf Dosen
Paraf Dosen
Lembar Penilaian Project Aspek yang dinilai Materi yang relevan dengan tugas dibebankan Format Penulisan Cara Pengutipan Referensi yang relevan
Keterangan: Angka 4 adalah Sangat Baik Angka 3 adalah Baik Angka 2 adalah Cukup Baik Angka 1 adalah Kurang Baik
Lembar Penilaian Portofolio No
Jenis Tugas
Aspek yang dinilai
Membuat macam Macam surat; condolence, invitation, hospitality, reservation, making appointment
Pemahaman: seberapa baik tingkat 30% pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap tugas yang dikerjakan
Kejelasan: Format surat Isi surat Tersusun dengan baik Tertulis dengan baik Mudah difahami
1. Membuat diary
Membuat memo
Membuat notulen
Merancang perjalanan keluar negeri atasan
Informasi: Akurat Memadai Penting Pemahaman: seberapa baik tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap tugas yang dikerjakan Kejelasan: Format diary Isi diary Tersusun dengan baik Tertulis dengan baik Mudah difahami
Informasi: Akurat Memadai Penting Pemahaman: seberapa baik tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap tugas yang dikerjakan Kejelasan: Format memo Isi memo Tersusun dengan baik Tertulis dengan baik Mudah difahami Pemahaman: seberapa baik tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap tugas yang dikerjakan Kejelasan: Format notulen Isi notulen Tersusun dengan baik Tertulis dengan baik Mudah difahami
Informasi: Akurat Memadai Penting
Pemahaman: seberapa baik tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap tugas yang dikerjakan
Merancang rapat/ konferensi
Kejelasan: Format rancangan perjalanan Isi rancangan perjalanan Tersusun dengan baik Tertulis dengan baik Mudah difahami
Informasi: Akurat Memadai Penting Pemahaman: seberapa baik tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap tugas yang dikerjakan Kejelasan: Format rancangan rapat/ konferensi Isi rapat/ konferensi Tersusun dengan baik Tretulis dengan baik Mudah difahami Informasi: Akurat Memadai Penting
: Bahasa dan Sains
Program Studi
: Bahasa Inggris
Mata Kuliah
: English for Secretary
Kode MK
: IKG- 708
: 2 sks
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Mata Kuliah Prasyarat Kompetensi Dasar Mahasiswa dapat Memahami peran dan kualifikasi sekretaris
Mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan pengetahuan
Mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan
Indikator Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan peran dan kualifikasi sekretaris
: Business English. Materi pokok The role of secretary
Personal qualification of secretary Mahasiswa The dapat functions of menjelaskan secretary tentang deal with pengetahua knowledge; n yang business harus world, a dimiliki simple sekretaris accounting and procedure of meeting Mahasiswa The dapat functions of menjelaskan secretary keterampila deal with n tulis dan oral and lisan yang written skills
Alokasi Penilaian Waktu 100 Non-tes menit Perfor mance Assessment
Sumber belajar Diktat – support Reference
Small group discussion
100 menit
Non.tes Perfor mance Assessment
Diktatsupport Reference
Small group discussion
100 menit
Non tes Perfor mance asessment
Diktat support reference
Small group discussion
dengan keterampilan
Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugastugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan tulis
Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan Tugas-tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugastugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugastugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan Tugas sekretaris
harus dikuasai sekretaris Writing correspon dence: Letters of appointment, reservation, invitation, condolence, hospitality
Practice individual
100 menit
Non-tes Portofolio
Mahasiswa dapat membuat dairy atasan dan rencana perjalanan atasan keluar negeri Mahasiswa dapat menulis memo dan notulen rapat
Making a diary
Practice Individual
100 menit
Non tes portofolio
Diktat – support Reference
Pcractice individual
100 menit
Non tes portofolio
DiktatSupport Reference
Mahasiswa dapat membuat perencanaa n rapat Dan konferensi
Meeting koordination
Practice individual
100 menit
Non tesportofolio
Diktatsupport reference
Mahasiswa dapat menjadi guide (MC) dalam ulang tahun
Being as a guide
Demonstra tion/ Practice individual
100 menit
Non-tes individual Performanc e assessment
Mahasiswa dapat membuat macammacam surat yang ditandatang ani sekretaris
Diktatsupport reference
Travel Arrange Gements
Writing memo
Taking the Minute
ketrampilan lisan UTS
Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugastugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahsiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasi kan
Mahasiswa dapat praktik menjadi guide (MC) dalam anniversary of company
Being as a guide
Practice individual/ demonstra tion
100 menit
Non tesindividual Perfor mance Assesment
Students themselve
Mahasiswa dapat praktik dialogue dalam menerima telepon
Receiving telephone
Practice in pairs
100 menit
Non tes individual Perfor mance Assesment
Students themselve
Mahasiswa Receiving dapat visitors bermain peran dalam menerima tamu
Practice in pairs
100 menit
Non tesindividual Perfor mance Assesment
Students themselve s
Mahasiswa Making dapat appointment mebuat dialogue tentang making appointment
Practice Role Plays
100 menit
Non tes individual Perfor mance Assesment
Students themselve s
Mahasiswa dapat praktik interview
Practice Role Plays
100 menit
Non tesPerfor mance Assessment
Students themselve
Mahasiswa dapat membuat makalah
Paper of the secretarial’s duties for UAS
Small group discussion
100 menit
Non tes project
Written test
Other reference
Tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan tulis UAS
tentang tugas-tugas sekretaris
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat memahami peran dan kualifikasi Sekretaris.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan peran dan kualifikasi Sekretaris.
Materi Pokok
: The role and personal qualification of secretary
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelaja ran Pendahu luan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Mahasiswa Membuka dengan salam Menjawab dan berkenalan sejenak . salam Menjelaskan tentang kontrak kuliah , syarat perkuliahan dan cara penilaian. Memulai dengan materi awal dengan menanyakan kepada mahasiswa apa yang diinginkan dari pembelajaran mata kuliah English for secretary. Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi hari ini. Memberikan pertanyaan
Mendengar kan sambil bertanya bila kurang jelas.
Menjawab dengan berbagai jawaban yang prinsipnya sama.
Alokasi Waktu
Small group discussi
Diktat dan buku penun jang
(brainstorming) kepada mahasiswa agar pengetahuan awal mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah berhubungan Menjawab dengan materi baru sesuai sehingga mahasiswa kemampuan mudah memahami materi baru.
Kegiatan Inti
Membagi beberapa kelompok kecil mendiskusikan Peran sekretaris Kelompok lain berdiskusi tentang kualifikasi sekretaris Dosen memberi waktu berdiskusi dengan kelompoknya sebelum mempresentasikanmasing masing kelompok
Dosen member I penilaian bila diperlukan member masukan Merangkum secara garis besar dan mengakhiri dengan salam dan meminta untuk membaca terlebih dahulu materi selanjutnya
Melaksanakan perintah
Bila Kelompok 1 presentasi Maka kelompok lainnya mendengarka n penjelasan dan bertanya jawab
Merespon perintah dosen dan menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas –tugas sekretaris Tenang pengetahuan .
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan tentang pengetahuan Harus Dimiliki sekretaris.
Materi Pokok
: Functions of secretary deal with knowledge; Business World, a Simple Accounting, Procedure of Meeting
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelaja ran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dosen Pendahuluan Membuka dengan salam.
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam.
Alokasi Waktu
Small group discussion
Diktat dan buku penunjang
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi hari Menjawab ini. pertanyaan dan terjadi Memberi interaksi pertanyaan antara brain dosen dan storming mahasiswa.
Kegiatan Inti
Membagi beberapa kelompok kecil
Melaksana kan perintah
Memberi topik –topik untuk didiskusikan an memberi waktu
Mulai berdiskusi dengan kelompok masingmsing
Member penilaian dan member masukan bila diperlukan Merangkum secara garis besar dan mengakhiri dengan salam dan meminta untuk membaca terlebih dahulu materi selanjutnya
Saling bergantian presentasi dan Tanya jawab Merespon perintah dosen dan menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan tulis dan lisan
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan tulis dan lisan.
Materi Pokok
: The functions of secretary deal with written and oral Skills.
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pendahuluan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Mahasiswa Membuka Menjawab dengan salam salam. Menjelaskan tujuan yang akan dicapai pada pembelajaran hari ini
Kegiatan Inti
Menjawab Memberikan pertanyaan pertanyaan dan terjadi brainstorming interaksi atara dosen dan mahasiswa Membagi Me beberapa laksanakan kelompok perintah kecil Member topik- Berdiskusi topik untuk bersama didiskusikan kelompoknya dan waktu
Small Diktat group dan buku discussion penun jang
Alokasi Waktu 10 MENIT
Memberi penilaian dan masukan bila di perlu kan
Merangkum secara garis besar dan mengakhiri dengan salam dan meminta untuk membaca terlebih dahulu materi selanjutnya
Presentasi masingmasing kelompok dan saling Tanya jawab Merespon perintah dosen dan menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas –tugas Sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan tulis.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat membuat macam-macam surat yang Ditandatangani sekretaris
Materi Pokok
: Writing correspondence; letters of appointment, Hospitality, reservation, invitation, condolence.
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam.
Alokasi Waktu
Practice individual
Diktat dan buku penunjang
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi . Memberikan pertanyaan brainstorming
Kegiatan Inti
Menjelaskan macam-macam surat
Menjawab pertanyaan dan terjadi interaksi antara dosen dan mahasiswa Mendengarkan sambil melihat contoh macammacam surat yang dibuat sekretaris melalui power point Mendengarkan
Dan memberi contoh
penjelasan sambil ada yang mencatat Menugaskan Melaksanakan membuat surat- tugas surat tersebut membuat surat secara individu sehingga mahasiswa aktif berpikir dan menulis. Meminta untuk Mengumpulkan mengumpulkan tugas membuat tugas dan yang surat yang belum selesai di sudah selesai kerjakan di ditulis. rumah dikumpulkan minggu depan Menutup dengan salam
Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan
dengan keterampilan tulis.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat membuat diary untuk atasan dan rencana perjalanan atasan keluar negeri.
Materi Pokok
: Making a diary dan Travel arrangements
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Alokasi Waktu
Practice individual
Diktat dan buku penunjang
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi hari ini Memberikan pertanyaan brainstorming Kegiatan Inti
Menjelaskan dan memberi contoh diary dan rencana keluar negeri atasan Memberi tugas untuk membuat diary dan rencana perjalanan keluar negeri
Menjawab bagi yang bisa dan yang tidak bisa diam mendengarkan Mendengarkan sambil melihat power point dan mencatat bagi yang berkepentingan Mengerjakan tugas
Mengumpulkan pekerjaan bagi
Meminta mahasiswa menyelesaikan dirumah bagi yang belum selesai dan mengumpulkan minggu depan. Mengakhiri dengan salam
yang sudah Merespon perintah dosen
Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan tulis.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat membuat memo dan notulen rapat
Materi Pokok
: Writing Memo and Taking the Minute.
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Alokasi Waktu
Practice individual
Diktat dan buku penunjang
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran matei hari ini.
Kegiatan Inti
Memberi pertanyaan brain storming Meminta mengumpulkan tugas minggu yang lalu
Menjawab bagi yang bisa dan mendengarkan yang tidak bisa
Menjelaskan cara menulis memo , notulen rapat dan member contoh Memberi tugas praktik menulis memo notulen rapat
Melihat power point dan mendengarkan penjelasan Mengerjakan tugas Mengumpulkan bagi yang sudah
Meminta mahasiswa menyelesaikan dirumah bagi yang belum selesai dan dikumpulkan minggu depan Mengakhiri dengan member salam
selesai Merespon perintah dosen
Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatam dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan tulis.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat membuat perencanaan rapat dan konferensi
Materi Pokok
: Meeting Coordination
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Alokasi Waktu
Practice individual
Diktat dan buku penunjang
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi hari ini. Memberi pertanyaan brain storming
Kegiatan Inti
Menjelaskan dan member I contoh perencanaan rapat dan konferensi Memberi tugas praktikmembuat perencanaan rapat dan konferensi
Menjawab bagi bisa dan mendengarkan bagi yang tidak bisa Mendengarkan sambil melihat power point dan memcatat bila berkepentingan Mengerjakan tugas
Meminta untuk menyelesaikan dirumah bagi yang belum untuk dikumpulkan minggu depan
Mengumpulkan bagi yang sudah selesai untuk diberi nilai Merespon perintah dosen
Mengakhiri Menjawab dengan memberi salam salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan lisan.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat praktik menjadi guide (MC) dalam Ulang Tahun Perusahaan.
Materi Pokok
: Being a guide ( MC) of anniversary of company.
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembela jaran Pendahu luan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Menjelas kan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelaja ran materi Menjela kan cara dan penilaian tugas Menjadi model dalam mempraktik an menjadi guide (MC)
Mendengar kan penjelasan dan memperhati kan dosen menjadi model
Alokasi Waktu
Demonstration/ practice individual
Run down made by individual
Kegiatan Inti
Memberi waktu preparation 15 menit Meminta tampil bagi mahasiswa yang sudah siap Menilai presenter
Practice individual
Sebagian mendengarkan teman menjadi guide (MC) dalam anniversary of company. Ada yang membantu untuk menjawab bila dibutuhkan oleh presenter (MC)
Meminta untuk dilanjutkan minggu depan dan Mengakhiri dengan salam
Ada yang menghafal pelan-pelan bagi yang akan maju presentasi Merespon perintah dosen dan menjawab salam
Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat memahami mengaplikasikan tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan lisan.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat praktik menjadi guide (MC) dalam acara Anniversary of Company.
Materi Pokok
: Being a guide (MC) of anniversary of company.
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelaja ran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dosen Mahasiswa Pendahuluan Membuka Menjawab dengan salam salam Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajara n materi . Mengingat kan kembali waktu dan penilaian dalam presentasi Kegiatan Inti Meminta yang sudah siap untuk presentasi Memberi penilaian bagi yang practice
Alokasi Waktu
Demonstra tion,/ Practice individual
Run down made by individual
Mendengar kan penjelasan
Practice individual
Sebagian mendengar kan teman menjadi
guide (MC) dalam anniversary of company Ada yang membantu untuk menjawab bila dibutuhkan oleh presenter (MC)
Menutup dengan salam
Ada yang menghafal pelan-pelan bagi yang akan maju presentasi Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris,
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat praktik dialogue menerima telepon
Materi Pokok
: Receiving telephone
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Alokasi Waktu
Practice in pairs
Dialogue made by themselves
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi .
Kegiatan Inti
Meminta mahasiswa untuk mencari partner dan membuat percakapan menerima telepon
Merespon perintah dosen dan yang blm jelas bertanya berkaitan dengan tugas membuat percakapan
Memberi waktu persiapan 10 menit
Mempersiapkan sambil diskusi dengan patner
Meminta tiap-
tiap group tampil Memperhatikan dan merekam / mencatat hal yang kurang tepat
Mengakhiri dengan salam
Menjawab salam
Mengevaluasi group yang practice
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas sekretaris tentang keterampilan lisan.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa praktik dialogue menerima tamu
Materi Pokok
: Receiving visitors
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi . Meminta mahasiswa mencari patner dan membuat dialogue menerima tamu dengan berbagai macam tujuan
Merespon perintah dosen dan melaksanakan tugas
Tiap group bebas memilih judul masingmasing
Aktif persiapan dan diskusi bersama patnernya
Alokasi Waktu
Practice in pairs
Dialogue made by themselves
Kegiatan Inti
Memberi waktu persiapan 10 menit Meminta tiap group tampil Merekam /mencatat hal yang kurang tepat Mengakhiri salam
Practice tiap group Group lain Mengevaluasi
Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas sekretaris tentang tentang keterampilan lisan.
Alokasi Waktu
: 4x50 menit
: Mahasiswa praktik role plays tentang membuat janji.
Materi Pokok
: Making appointment
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Alokasi Waktu
Practice –role plays
Dialogue made by themselves
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi .
Kegiatan Inti
Meminta mahasiswa membuat role plays tentang membuat janji dengan berbagai macam tujuan
Merespon perintah dosen dan melaksanakan tugas
Memberi waktu preparation 10 menit
Aktif berdiskusi dan mempersiapkan diri
Meminta group
Satu group Practice
Yang siap practice Merekam /mencatat bila ada yang kurang tepat Penutup
Mengakhiri dengan salam
Group lain mengevaluasi.
Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas sektretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan lisan.
Alokasi Waktu
: 4x50 menit
: Mahasiswa praktik interview antara personal manager Candidate of secretary.
Materi Pokok
: Interview
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi . Memberi penjelasan dalam membuat interview Hal-hal yang dinilai dalam praktik interview
Mendengar penjelasan dan ada yang bertanya bagi yang belum jelas tugasnya,
Memberi waktu preparation 15-20 menit
Aktif berdiskusi dan mempersiapkan diri
Practice Interview role plays made by themselves
Alokasi Waktu 25 MENIT
Kegiatan Inti
Meminta group practice Memberi penilaian
Practice bergantian
Meminta group yang belum practice hari ini untuk minggu depan Mengakhiri dengan salam
Merespon perintah
Menjawab salam
Standar Kompetensi
: Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip Kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
Kompetensi Dasar
: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas sektretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan tulis.
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x50 menit
: Mahasiswa dapat membuat makalah tentang tugas sekretaris : Paper about the secretary’s duties in a company
Materi Pokok
Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dosen Membuka dengan salam
Mahasiswa Menjawab salam
Alokasi Waktu
Projectin group
WebsiteOther references
Menjelaskan tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada pembelajaran materi .
Kegiatan Inti
Memberi apersepsi
Mahasiswa merespon
Dosen membagi kelompok
Mahasiswa mencari kelompoknya
Menjelaskan syarat pembuatan paper dan kriteria penilaian
Mendengarkan penjelasan sambil ada yang mencatat
50 menit
Memberi kesempatan mahasiswa untuk bertanya bila belum jelas.
Menjelaskan tentang waktu pengumpulan paper untuk UAS Mengakhiri dengan salam
Aktif berdiskusi dan bertanya tentang tugas yang akan dibuat untuk UAS
30 menit
Menjawab salam
5 menit
Oleh Siti Azizah, S.Pd, M.Pd Fakultas Bahasa dan Sains Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya 2013
BAB I 1.1 The Role of Secretary 1.2 Personal qualification. 1.3 The function of Secretary
BAB II 2.1 Writing Correspondence 3.2 Writing Diary 3.3 Writing Memo 3.4 Writing The Minutes 3.5 Travel Arrangements 3.6 Meeting
BAB III 3.1 Secretary as a guide 3.2 Receiving Telephone 3.3 Receiving Visitors 3.4 Making Appoinment
BAB IV 4.1 Interview 4.2 Paper
Tinjauan Mata Kuliah
1. Manfaat mata kuliah: English for Secretary mata kuliah pilihan dan mata kuliah ini ditawarkan agar mahasiswa memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang kesekretariatan . 2. Deskripsi Mata Kuliah:. Mata
mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan sekretaris dengan pokok bahasan: The role of secretary, personal qualification of secretary, the functions of secretary, writing correspondence, writing diary, writing memo, taking the minute, travel arrangements, meeting, being as a guide, receiving telephone, receiving visitors, making appointments, interview and paper.
3. Standar Kompetensi: Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip kesekretariatan dalam tugas-tugas sekretaris.
4. Kompetensi Dasar: Mahasiswa dapat memahami peran dan kualifikasi sekretaris Mahasiswa dapat tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan pengetahuan Mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan keterampilan. Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan Keterampilan tulis Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas –tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan Keterampilan lisan. Mahasiswa dapat mengapilkasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan Pengetahuan dan keterampilan lisan. Mahasiswa dapat mengaplikasikan tugas-tugas sekretaris berkaitan dengan Pengetahuan dan keterampilan tulis.
5. Pedoman Pemakaian: Bahan ajar ini digunakan oleh mahasiswa semester VII yang sudah mengambil mata kuliah Business Correspondence. Bahan ajar ini digunakan sebagai buku wajib mahasiswa selain menggunakan buku- buku referensi yang lain atau buku penunjang lainnya yang relevan dengan English for Secretary. Dengan buku ajar ini mahasiswa memperoleh selain pengetahuan teori dan juga contoh –contoh dialogue tetapi juga lebih pada praktik langsung baik secara individu maupun kelompok dan tentunya mahasiswa harus dapat improvisasi dalam praktiknya bukan semata mata mengkopi saja dari buku ajar ini. Oleh karena itu mahasiswa harus juga praktik lapangan untuk memperoleh data riil guna keperluan tambahan untuk bahan UAS.
The role of secretary The secretary is a professional --not only because of the knowledge and preparation necessary for the job but also because being a professional implies competence, pride in one‟s work, and a dedication to excellence. The secretary is a professional with each of these qualities. Moreover, the secretary is an important member of the management team, responsible not only for carrying out the executives‟ wishes but also for helping to maintain a well-organized and efficient office. The secretary of today is still an employee who is privy to confidential information. The word “secretary” is from Latin (secretarius) meaning “confidential employee” The job has not changed. However, the tools of the trade have changed over the years. Office automation and machine dictation have revolutionized the type of work that the secretary does, and changes are expected to continue. The changes that will take place in the future are impossible to predict, but the professional secretary-also sometimes known as the administrative assistant, administrative secretary, private secretary or several other titles-will be able to learn and adapt to each new challenging environment. Secretaries are professionals with career goals. Specialized training is a matter of professional survival in a world where the methods of handling information are changing rapidly. The secretary will be increasingly involved with office automation and needs to be familiar with the concept and the technology. The responsibilities of the secretary arc multifunctional: typing / keyboarding, transcribing; processing mail; telephoning; scheduling appointments; greeting visitors; composing and editing documents; researching; coordinating meetings, conference and teleconferences; making travel arrangements; and organizing time and work. .
Personal Qualifications of a Secretary Generally speaking, personal qualifications are qualities that become apparent during a personal interview, referees usually stress personal qualities in their letters of recommendation, usually favorable ones. One of such personal qualifications is appearance, which is especially important when coming for an interview for a new ,position. Appearance includes poise, dress, posture, smile and cleanliness. A secretary may easily pass the appearance test successfully if the impression she makes is that she is intelligent, neat, appropriately dressed, pleasant and well mannered. She must also have a good character, be honest, reliable, trustworthy. possess moral excellence and firmness. A secretary must dress suitably. The dress must be in tune with the environment. Attractive , colorful suits will reveal the charm and good taste of ,he wearer. Cosmetics should be applied lightly and should enhance the wearer's appearance. A college education plus the companion elements of self confidence, wide Intellectual experience and mastering foreign languages and computer systems / high technology are very required for all companies. For that reason the qualifications of secrctary in Millennium Era do not only have good - personality (performance and communication skills) but also skills and knowledge such as managing files (data are useful information), managing visitors (telephone for superior), managing life for superior and managing agenda for superior.
THE FUNCTIONS OF THE SECRETARY Secretary are very much needed in organizations to assist managers and executives, in carrying out their responsibilities. Unlike a shorthand typist whose main duty is to take down shorthand from dictation and then transcribe it, a secretary does more than these things. Her duties may be divided into primary and secondary functions. The primary functions of a secretary are those that almost all secretaries are expected to perform, these basic secretarial skills involve typewriting, taking dictation, answering telephones, dealing with mail, receiving visitors, keeping a desk diary, filing and duplicating. The secondary functions require knowledge rather than skill. She has to acquire the knowledge of the business world, the divisions of industry and commerce especially the branch of industry or commerce her boss is involved in. Further, a knowledge of correspondence and communication is essential in almost all secretarial work; the ability to compose letters from notes or draft replies independently is one important feature that distinguishes a secretary from a shorthand typist. Other attributes which a secretary should possess is the ability to use reference books and other sources of information, a knowledge of committee procedures and taking minutes and how to handle simple accounting. In addition to communicating with people, the secretary provides the communication link between people and machines. The rapid advancement of modern science and technology will not replace secretarial work with machines. The secretary can provide the human element in this constant flow of information in today‟s business world.
Writing Correspondence Every business person occasionally faces circumstances that vary from the usual day to day operations. Many of these situations require letters that provide an opportunity to create goodwill for the business and the individual. Secretary is as the image of company should tackle everythings coming to her company including keeping good business atmosphere either from in or out of company. Dealing with letters for business associates, secretary is also responsible for writing letters signed based on her authority among them: Letters of Congratulation, Invitation, Reservation and Condolence, Recommendation. In addition to promotions and elections such events as births, weddings and engagements call for acknowledgment. We always acknowledge the events when those involved are employees in our firm.
Letter of Congratulation: I just learned of your promotion to the post of The Vice President of Security , Inc. Please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes for every success. Replying to Congratulations Many thanks for your nice words about my promotion and for the good wishes. I look forward to continuing to work with you at the Chamber of Commerce I always enjoy it.
Letter of Invitation We are pleased invite you to be our guests at the Installation Ball of the Chamber at the Beachrider Hotel on January 8. As was recently announced, Robert Dodson, our executive Vice president will be installed then as president of the Chamber of commerce for the coming year. A cocktail receptions at seven o‟clock will be followed by dinner and dancing. Will you plese let me know by December 29 whether you will attend I will be glad to see you there
Formal Invitation
The Board of Director Massachusetts Invesments Company Request the company of
At dinner On Saturday, the twelfth of June At seven thirty o‟ clock 744 North New York Evenue Chicago, Illinois Black Tie
R.S.V.P To the Secretary
Replying of Invitation Mr and Mrs Charles Longworth accept with pleasure the invitation of the Board of directors of the MassachusettsInvesment Company for dinner on Saturday, the twelfth of june , at seven thirty o‟clock.
Letter of Reservations Please reserve a single room for me for the nights of June 15, 16 and 17 . I shall arrive about 5 p.m on June 15 and depart at noon on June 18. Will you please send a prompt confirmation.
Letter of Condolence or Sympathy I was deeply sorry to hear of your sad news, Jim was a fine man with whom I spent many enjoyable and constructive times. Be will be greatly missed by all of us who knew him and who worked with him in building a better community. Please accept my warmest sympathy and best wishes.
MEMORANDUM A memorandum is a written communication from one person to another for a group of people within the same organization.
Memoranda serve a variety of purposes:
to inform of decisions, actions, etc to request decisions, actions, etc to remind of action which is required to provide information of anv kind.
If the subject matter is confidential, a memo may be enclosed within an envelope. The message may be signed, initialed or left unsigned, depending on the procedure adopted within individual organizations.
Structure and style
Memo head Subject heading
: A brief indication of the topic
: Background information Briefly give the reason for writing Refer to previous communication, if applicable Who? What? Where? When?
: Facts and figures Ensure a logical sequence Separate into paragraphs, each dealing with a particular aspect of the main theme.
: An action statement
Action required from recipient? Action you will take? Deadline? Close
: A relevant‟ one-liner
A tone should be adopted which is appropriate to these factors: Avoid abruptness (add “please”) Avoid over-politeness (eg “I should be very grateful”) Avoid unnecessary expressions like “Thank you‟ and “Regards”
Layout : no salutation and complimentary close
To: All office staff
Subject : Redundancies
From: personnel Officer
Date: 13th September
As you know the current rise in manufacturing costs ........................... (cause) a reduction in our profit margins. Normally, we .....................(employ) fifty staff in the Personnel department, but we ...................(plan) to reduce the number of factory workers and therefore also the number of office staff. For these reasons the Managing director ...................... (ask) for names of staff who vyould like to take early retirement.
Many people .................... (complain) that we are presently understaffed, but at the moment we ……….. (try) to resolve the problems. On October 1st we will computerize the department, end I ………. (think) you all know the probable consequences.
At the moment, I .... (try) to improve working conditions in the department, and at this difficult time
Taking The Minutes At a large formal meeting, it is profitable that an elected officer of the organization or some other designated person will take the minutes of the meeting. The proceedings may also be recorded on tape for future reference. However, it is possible that you will be asked to take the minutes. Regardless of who takes notes. the final typing of the minutes is very likely to be one of your responsibilities. If you know that you are to take the minutes, prepare for this assignment carefully First, check previous minutes in the tiles, second consult another secretary who has taken minutes at similar meetings. third confer with your boss concerning the procedures and tone he would like to hate followed. The minutes serve as the official record of the proceedings of the meeting, the name of the presiding officer and a list of those present and those ahsent. Discussion should he summarized, not recorded in full. However. resolution and motion should be fully recorded in their proper order, together with the names of those who introduced the motions. The minutes are usually duplicated and copies are sent to “each person present at the meeting, to members who could not attend the meeting and to other designated individuals. They are usually kept as permanent records, sometimes in a minute book Papers presented are often attached to the final typewritten copy. The minutes are signed by the person who took them and sometimes also by the presiding officer. In addition to typing the notes and minutes of meetings. You may be asked to assist your employer in preparing announcements concerning action taken at the meeting and in typing letters of appreciation or congratulation. You may also be asked to prepare publicity releases about action taken and officers selected or appointments made at the meeting. Your careful attention to the follow up details is just as important as your care in making the arrangements for the meeting.
There are many models in taking the minutes and the following are one of examples of taking note and agenda as well as taking the minutes. Minutes are a written record of what took place at a meeting. Minutes should he written in the past tense using third person and reported speech.
Notice And Agenda Company‟s name ......................... AURORA HOLDINGS Title of meeting .............................. WELFARE COMMITTEE Notice section state ...................... The monthly Welfare committee will be held in the Venue, time and date ..................... “Taylor‟s Office at 16.30 on Tuesday 21 October 2006 AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence Opening ordinary business.... .........
2. Minutes of last meeting 3. Matters arising (Will Thomas) 4. Staff Restaurant (Jim Cage) 5. Christmas and dance (Wendy)
Final ordinary business .................. 6. Any other business 7. Date of next meeting
Minutes of meeting
AURORA HOLDING WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE WALFARE COMMITTEE FIELD IN THE CHAIRMAN”S OFFICE ON TUESDAY 21 OCTOBER 2006 AT 16:30. PRESENT : Eileen Taylor (Chairman) Jim Cage Wendy Sheppard Will Thomas Georgia Thomas 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Anthony Long who was attending a business conference. 2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING The minutes had already been circulated and the Chairman signed them as a correct record. 3. MATTERS ARISING Will Thomas reported that he and Georgia had visited Renee Simpton in hospital on 16 October to deliver the committee‟s basket of flowers and good wishes for a speedy recovery. Renee said that she hopes to return to work on Monday 4 November and will be able to attend the next committee meeting. 4. STAFF RESTAURANT Jim Cage distributed copies of the accounts for the half year ending 31 July. He pointed out that a profit of $1300 was made over the first 6 months of the year. He suggested that some of this be used to buy a new coffee machine as the present one is old and unreliable. It was agreed that he would obtain some estimates and discuss this further at the next meeting. 5. CHRISTMAS DINNER AND DANCE Miss Wendy Sheppard passed around sample menus which had been obtained from hotels. After discussion it was agreed that arrangements should be made with the Marina hotel for Saturday 21 December. Miss Sheppard agreed to make all the necessary arrangements. 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business.
7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 20 November at 19:00
............................................ (Chairman) ............................................ (Date)
ET/ST .................................. 30 June 2006
Planning Journeys / Travel Arrangements Every secretary should know about the details of travel arrangements. Planning journeys for your boss needs a lot of preparation. Firstly, you should discuss the itinerary with your boss. An itinerary is a detailed plan of journey. It contains the time, date and day of departure and arrivals. It also includes business meetings, and hotel reservation and other information. Secondly, look it that all the travel and business documents your boss needs are complete. Make sure that passport, visa and vaccination certificates are still valid. If your toss also carries some business documents such as contracts, invoices etc, be sure to make them ready a few days before your boss‟ departure. If you come across some problems during your boss‟ absence, make your own decision on matters that arc of relative importance to the company. If you are unable to decide, contact your boss‟ deputy. You can also contact your boss by cable or telephone. Experience and wisdom will help you to decide what to do.
MEETINGS Meeting is a media of coordination and communication. In further definition, meetings are an important setting for oral communication and are used for a variety of purposes: to provide information to a group of people to report on some activity or experience to co-ordinate and arrange activities to obtain assistance to put forward ideas or grievances for discussion to create involvement and interest
Types of meeting: Formal Statutory Meetings
Formal rules of procedure
Annual General Meetings
Official quorum
Extraordinary General Meetings
Full Written record
Board of Directors‟ Meetings Meetings of managers/ Section Heads Meetings of Managers with Subordinates Departmental meetings Committee Meetings
No formal rules
Working Party / project Task
Informal notes may
be taken
Formal meetings A preplanned, structured meeting A prepared agenda A quorum must be present (the minimum number of people who should be present in order to validate the meetings)
A specified amount of notice must be given to members A formal record of each meeting must be kept. Informal meetings: They are not restricted by the same rules and regulations as formal meetings. They may be short and announced only a short time before they are held and usually on company promises. Strict agendas may not be used, especially in brainstorming or discussion sessions A record of what took place may not be kept.
Meeting can be divided based on: Purpose ; meeting is used to provide information, solve problem, take decision. Planning; meeting is divided into formal and informal. Periodic; meeting consists of periodical meeting and specific meeting. Participants; meeting covers vertical and horizontal Urgency; meeting includes regular and important.
The one of important function the secretary has to perform time to time is acting as a guide. In celebrating the company‟s anniversary or other similar celebrations among various functions
of the secretary, the secretary is often required to act as a guide. When visitors come to attend the celebration, the secretary should welcome and greet them warmly, make necessary introductions, give essential explanation and information about the company, and make the visitors feel at home. In receiving visitors, particularly those who come from far, the secretary help if required. Before a celebration, she has to arrange a lot of things such as sending out invitations, arrnging hotel and seating accommodation. By acting as a guide, the secretary has fulfilled one of her primary secretarial functions.
CELEBRATING THE SILVER ANNIVERSARY You will meet Carol Wagner, Personel secretary to Mr. Black, the Managing Director of intercontinental Ltd. manufactures of office furniture and general merchants. Carol is welcoming visitors for the silver anniversary of the company. Carol
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the company I would like to welcome you to london and to our head office. I‟m Carol Wagner, personal secretary to Mr. Gerry Black, our Managing Director, who will be here in a moment. We‟re very happy that you have accepted our invitation for our 25th anniversary and hope you will enjoy your visit to England and to us. I presume most of you have met Mr Black before. (voices of confirmation). Hello, Mr Postma. You‟re from Rotterdam office, suppose.
Mr. Postma
That‟s right. Good morning Carol
Ah. Here's Mr Halim from Jakarta. How do you do ?
Mr. Halim
How do you do, Carol ? nice meeting you again.
Thank you, Mr Halim. And you are Mr. Mason from Melbourne, I presume.
Mr. Mason
You‟re right, Carol. You do have a good memory.
And you are Mr. Carlos from Mexico City, right ?
Mr. Carlos
Hi, Carol. How‟re you ? Our names are almost the same.
(laughing) Yes. Carlos-Carlos. (every body laughes).
And Mrs. Singh from New Delhi .... Mr. Pike from New York ... Mr. Well, it‟s really nice to have you all here. 25 years have passed since the founder of Intercontinental Ltd. Mr. George Nelson laid the first stone. As you know the company started from scratch and developed very rapidly since the last fifteen years due to proper
management and close cooperation from all of you, I am not going give you an elaborate explanation of the company as we will soon watch a film about the history and activities of the company. Any questions ? Mr. Postma
I have a problem, Carol. I lost my traveller‟s checks on my way here.
I see. Our personnel department will get the refund for you today. Give me the numbers of the checks, please.
Mr. Postma
Here you are. Thank a lot.
It‟s pleasure.
Mr. halim
I have a small problem too, Carol. My hotel is too far from the office, and the food is not nice at all.
O.K. Halim. We‟re arrange a better place for you to stay.
Mr. Halim
Thank you. The sooner the better.
After the film, we are going to see all the department and then....
Receiving Telephone Strategical Ways in Telephoning Alexander Graham Bell in 1890‟s demonstrated the way / the telephone manner to encourage its use in business. Dooley says even though visual input of your body is lost, you are on the telephone should improve your telephone techniques, 1. Smile. Sticking a smiley face in the center of a rotary phone used to be one effective way. When you pick up that phone, leave the tiredness, the frustration, the anger, the boredom and the anguish behind. Plants a smile squarely on your face sprinkle it with enthusiasm and make the person on the end catch the feeling. 2. Slow down May be we have all come across the speedters, so we should speak at around 130 words per minute in face to face conversation, but need to slow this down to about 100 words per minute on the phone. On the phone the figure is up 30% so we must ensure that our words are heard crisply and clearly.Where accents are a difficulty, a slower speed will also help to clarify speech. Before you star, pause, take a deep breath, then speak clearly and slowly. Don‟t be a snail which is boring. But if you know you are a speedters make an effort to calm and control your speech. 3. Breath Slow breaths can do wonders for you. Breaths stimulate the oxygen flow to the brain, making you more alert and you thinking clearly. It will relax you so you can deal with the next call more calmly. 4. Don’t eat, drink or smoke Don‟t believe that because you can not be seen you can not be heard. Don‟t put sweet, cigarette while you are telephoning because the person on the other end of the line can hear the chews and the drawn in breath. It is impolite. 5. Avoid jargon For example: within industry talk about “con notes” meaning consignment or freight notes (form of the freight when sent it on its journey).
6. Stand up Towards the end of the day you tend to slip lower and lower in the chair. As your body slouches, so does your tone. Try it and hear the difference, stand up, stretch, walk about always ensure that you have a long cord on the phone that allows you to move. This will help greatly when you are feeling a bit down. 7. Be ware the monotone ( manage your voice) Add color your voice. People trust and purchase from are those who sound confident in their product-they are enthusiastic and definite in their information handling. Use variations in your tone, pitch and add color and feeling. 8. Clarity Clearness or intelligibility. Speak clearly and slowly and project your voice (spelling T,D,B) etc. 9. Use radio / tape / CD It can assist with a brightening the atmosphere in the office. It can also help you speak up. A radio playing softly in the background- a nice middle ensures you will speak up to be clearly heard
Rules for outgoing calls and incoming calls Outgoing calls
Incoming calls
Identifying yourself
Identifying yourself
This is …………. Here My name is
Azizah speaking
Asking to speak to someone
Helping the caller
Could you put me through to....
Can / may I help you?
Could I speak to ……. please?
Who would you like to speak to....
I‟d like to speak to ………
Giving further information
Asking for caller’s identification
It‟s connection with
Who's calling / speaking, please?
Which company arc you from?
Explaining the purpose of call
Connecting the caller
I‟m calling to ask about ....
Just a moment / minute, please!
I‟m calling to tell you ….
Hold / hang on, please! I‟m putting you through now
Showing understanding
You‟re through now
I see
I‟m connecting you now
I understand
Leaving a message
Explaining someone is not available
Could you give ………. Message‟?
I‟m afraid ….. is not available now
Could you tell .... (I‟ll call back later)
I‟m sorry but .... is in a meeting now
Could you ask .... to call me (when he gets back)
Alternative actions
Well, thanks for the information
Could you phone / call back later?
I‟m very grateful for you assistance
Would you like to leave a message?
Ending the call
Responding to thanks
I look forward to seeing you
You‟re welcome / not at all
Good bye
Ending the call Thanks for calling
Good bye
Receiving Visitors Receiving visitors is one of the important functions of secretarial work. You have to be gracious and tactful at all times. In receiving a caller, you have a double duty. First, to carry out your boss‟s wishes and to make friends for your oganizations. Second, to help visitors, within the limit of your department, to accomplish their purpose of visit. One of the most important things in dealing with visitors is to find out your boss' police toward visitors. In welcoming visitors, you are first impression of your organization. Try not turn away visitor if you can possibly avoid it, for it could destroy the exiling relationship of break the ones that are developing. If you have to, be very nice to them, and let them know that they can come back some other time. Remember, one of your duties is to make visitors feel at home. The result of your warm reception to a visitor will strengthen or build up a nice relationship between the visitor and your executive, and this will produce more business in the long run. . Public Relations Techniques For A Secretary A business, whether small or large, relies upon company personnel to strengthen the public image created by the public relations department In all of a secnetary‟s dealing with the public, she represents the organization. If she provides prompt and pleasant customer service, she creates goodwill for herself and her company. A secretary is responsible for maintaining a business like atmosphere. With a pleasant sruile and friendly greeting she communicates goodwill. Therefore she must practice good public relations techniques. If these techniques are used wisely and well, she will provide a good image to the company‟ clients or customers which is useful for the success and progress of the company. A customer or client who has been gr ed pleasantly by a secretary when he entered the office will surely also expect a pleasantly spoken goodbye when he lives. It tikes only a moment for the secretary to smile nod goodbye, yet the departing individual will be favorably impressed and remember the friendly gesture by saying “good bye” pleasantly. Public relations techniques are as follows; a pleasant smile, a friendly goodbye, an appropriate greeting, suitable conversation, pleasant to of voice, good listening ability, attentive attitude, efficien
June 2006
There are suggestions for being interviewer and interviewee: 1. Your name, address and telephone number 2. The title and reference number of the job 3. Your date of birth 4. Your marital status 5. The name of present/lasst employer 6. The address of present/last employer 7. Your hobbies and leisure interests 8. The sports you play 9. Details of the job you have had 10. The languages you speak, read and write 11. Details of the examinations you passed at school 12. Details of professional diplomas or degrees you have gained 13. Details of training courses you have attended 14. Details of you achievements and responsibilities in your working career 15. Your suitability for the job advertised 16. You reasons for applying for this job 17. When you are available for interview 18. Details of you present / last job 19. Your current / last salary 20. The salary you would expect to receive 21. The name - and addresses of two or three referees.
Questions on the job and the organization 1. Why do you want this job? 2. Can you work independently? 3. What qualities do you look in your boss? 4. Would you work overtime if necessary? 5. When could you start working?
Questions on the secretary’s role 1. What are the differences between a private secretary and a personal assistant? 2. What qualities should an effective secretary posses? 3. What qualities do you think are most important? 4. What arc the most important functions of the secretary‟s role? 5. Could there be a conflict between a secretary's loyalty to her boss and the firm? 6. What has been the most difficult situation you have ever had to deal with in the office? Questions on ambitions 1. Why did you take up a secretarial career? 2. What do you hope to be doing in five year‟s time? 3. Would you consider yourself suitable to enter management? 4. What do you look for in your job? Questions on interests and hobbies 1. What do you do in your free time? 2. How long have you been interested in your hobby / sport? 3. Are you attending any part time classes?
THE INTERVIEW PM : Personnel Manager MM : Marketing Manager HB : Hillary Beacham
PM : Come in, ah, good morning Miss Beacham. Thank you for coming 11B : Good morning PM : Please sit down HB : Thank you PM : Can I introduce you to Alice Everett, our Marketing Manager HB : How do you Do? MM : How do you do? PM : And lam Sheila Poison, the Personal Manager. So, miss Beacham, did you find us easily this morning? HB : Yes, it/s an easy route from where I live in Southtown PM : And do you have your own car? HB : Yes, I have PM : Good. Can we check on a few of your personal details? You were born in 1953, is that right? HB : Yes, 3 rd September 1953 to be exact PM : And you are single HB : Yes I am PM : OK Can we move on to your education now? You‟ve got four 0 levels including English Language? HB : That's right PM : Thank you very much, Miss Beacham. Alice, would you like to continue? MM : Yes, certainly, Miss Beacham, can you tell us a little bit about where you have worked before? HB : Well, my last job was with format MM : And You were a PA there? HB : yes, that‟s right
MM : And when did you start with them? HB : two years ago MM : I see, So why did you decide to leave? HB : Well, Perhaps you heard that the company went into liquidation earlier this year PM : So what did you like about that job? HB : Well, my job was PA to the Marketing Manager. What I enjoyed most was coming into contact with customers and suppliers both face to face and on the phone. MM : And where did you work before Format? HB : Ideal Systems MM : And how long did you work for ideal Systems? HB : For ten years, as a secretary
PM : And why did you leave that job? HB : Well, I felt that I needed a change, I think I had learnt all I could there. MM : going back to format. What did you work for there? HB : A man called Peter Smith. Do you know him? MM : We‟ve met. OK, that‟s enough on work experience. Do you have any word processing experience? HB : Yes, as secretary at Ideal systems I used a word processing system designed by the company. It was called “word” MM : And what about at Format‟? That was also a computer company, wasn‟t it ? HB : Yes, that‟s right MM : S how much experience do you have of working in computer companies? HB : Well, two years at Format and ten at Ideal Systems. Oh and I also had some work experience with a software company while I was at college. PM : What secretarial qualifications did you get while you were at college? HB : Well, I‟ve got two secretarial qualifications. I‟ve got RSA Stage 11 Typing PM : So your typing should be pretty good? HB : Well, in fact I didn‟t do much typing at Format. I‟ve got RSA in shorthand PM : and which qualification exactly? HB : The RSA 100 ... so 100 words per minute PM : Fine. And one final question. If we decided to offer you the job, when could you start? HB : Oh, I could start immediately, or as soon as you wanted me to PM : Fine. I think that‟s everything. Have you got any questions? HB : well, I would like to know ...................
Buying Tickets For a Group Several days before Wong ang his party return to Hong Kong Christine, reserves seats for their flight. Chris : Hello, is this Vata Travel agency ? Clerk : Yes Can I help you ? Chris : Yes. please this is the Golden Hand Co.l‟d like to make a booking for three persons on Cathay Pasific Flight to Hong Kong on the twentieth of May. Are there still seats available ? Clerk : Yes, miss. Would you like me to book them in the moning or in the afternoon ? Chris : In the moning, I guess. The names are Mr Wang, Mr Lee and Mr Hoo. Is there a flight at a quarter to eleven ? Clerk : There is. Shall I make them return tickets ? Chris : Oh no. One way, please. How much is it in rupiah ? Clerk : Just a moment. it will be one hundred and eighty five thousand rupiah each. Chris : Okay. By the way, what‟s to day‟s exchange rate for the US dollar Clerk : It‟s one thousand one hundred and ten rupiah to one US dollar Chris : Thank you Clerk : It‟s a pleasure. Shall I send the tickets to your office or would you rather collect them and settle the invoice here ? Chris : I‟ll appreciate it if you can send the tickets and the invoices to my office. Chris : How many flights a week do you have to Hong Kong ? Clerk : We have ten flights a week that 5, every moning at aquater to eleven and every afternoon at there except Saturdays and Sundays. Chris : Do you stop over in Singapura? Clerk : Yes, for just twenty minutes Chris : Thank you
Booking a Room for a Guest Situation : Linda dan Joko telah memesankan kamar bagi tamu perusahaan mereka Mr. Black, di hotel Mandarin dan menanyakannya apakah mereka langsung pergi ke hotel atau tidak. Linda
Mr. Black, we‟ve already booked a room for you at the Mandarin Hotel.
Mr. Black
Thank you very much.
Shall we go straight to the hotel?
Mr. Black Linda Mr. Black
: : :
Mr. Black Linda Mr. Black
: : :
Okay. What type of room did you book for me? A single room, looking out on Hotel Indonesia. That‟s good. I need an electric typewriter to type some letters to my clients here in Jakarta. Could you get one for me? You don‟t have to do it yourself, Mr. Black. Just draft them and I‟ll have them typed for you in the office. Will it not interfere with your work? No, not at all. Thank you, then. I will bring them to you this afternoon. Is 2.00 o‟clock OK? That‟s fine. I‟ll be waiting for you at the office.
III. Ordering Food in a Restaurant Situation : Anda berada di restoran hotel dan Anda ingin memesan makanan atau minuman. Percakapan ini adalah percakapan antara seorang tamu dan pelayan restoran, dari menyambut tamu sampai memesan minuman dan makanan. Percakapan ini menunjukkan cara bagaimana memesan makanan di restoran. Waiter : Good afternoon, Sir. Mr. White : Good afternoon. Do you have a table for me? Waiter : Did you make a reservation, Sir? Mr. White : No. Waiter : In that case, there‟s a small table for one person over there. Would you please come this way? (Mr. White and the waiter go to the table. Mr. White sits down).
Mr. White Waiter Mr. White Waiter
: : : :
Mr. White Waiter Mr. White Waiter Mr. White Waiter Mr. White Waiter Mr. White Waiter Mr. White
: : : : : : : : : : :
Can I have the menu, please? Here you are, Sir. Do you have a special today? No, we don't. We have specials only on Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Would you like to have a drink first, Sir? I‟d like to have an orange juice. For dinner, a T-Bone steak. Would you like to have wine or another drink with your food, Sir? Yes, please bring me draft beer. Yes, Sir. Anything for dessert? An ice cream. What flavor, Sir? Vanilla. Yes, Sir. I'm pretty thirsty. So, please bring nee the orange juice first. Yes, Sir. Right away. Thank you.
Booking a Hotel L : Lancaster Hotel HB : Hello. My name is Hilary Beacham from Compact System. I‟d like some information, please. L : Sorry. You „ll have to speak up: it‟s a very bad line HB : OK. Can you tell me if you have any single rooms available on the 5th, 6th and 7th may L : Soory. I didn‟t quite catch those dates. HB : The 5th, 6th and 7th May I : Yes, we still have rooms for those dates HB : And does every room have a telephone ? L : Oh yes HB : And the location is very important. Are you near Lancaster Road ? L : Well, we‟re actually in Lancaster Road. Number 16 HR : (writing) 60 Lancaster Road L : Excuse me. Not „60‟ – 16 HB : 16 - thank you. And the next question is do you have any meeting rooms ? L : Can you repeat that please ? HB : Meeting room. Do you have any ? L : We do. I‟ll just check that we have one available for any those dates…….yes, we do HB : Good L : Is there anything else ? HB : Oh yes. Is there a restaurant in the hotel ? L : Did you say „ restaurant ‟ ? HB : That‟s right L : No. I‟m afraid not; just a snack bar. But there are a number of exellent ones just round the corner HB : OK. Thanks very much. Goodbye L : Goodbye
PERSONALITY Mr. Black, the managing director of Intercontinental Ltd, asks Carol to look for a junior secretary. Mr. Black : Well, Carol, as my personal assistant, one of your duties is to appoint a junior secretary. Will you prepare the advertisement ? Carol : Yes, I will, Mr. Black…. Here you are. Would you like to see if it‟s right ? Mr. Black : (Reading) O.K. That‟s fine. Let‟s see how many applicants we‟ll get. What are the necessary qualities a secretary should possess ? What do you think ? Carol : I should say independence, responsibility, intiative and a pleasant personality. Mr. Bleck : She should also be presentable and good looking at the same time. What else. Carol : Let‟s say………..discipline and humour. Mr. Bleck : I do like a girl who is humorous and who can create a pleasant atmosphere in the company, but I don‟t like a talkative girl who might reveal secrets of the company. Carol : I think she must have the skills and knowledge required to carry out her duties. Mr. Bleck : That‟s it! She must be able to carry out both the primary and secondary functions of secretary.
A Telephone Conversation Situation : Mr. Steve Martin menelepon Sumarecon untuk menanyakan tentang sewa ruang kantor di PT. Sumarecon. Operator : Sumarecon, good morning. Can I help you? Steve Martin : Good morning. I‟d like to speak to someone about renting office space, please. Operator : I‟ll put you through to Mr. Budi. He‟s in charge of it. Steve Martin Thank you. Operator : The number is engaged. Can you hold? Steve Martin : Yes, I will. (after 1 minute) Operator : I‟ll connect you now. Steve Martin : Thank you. Mr. Budi : Budi speaking. Can I help you? Steve Martin : Yes, I‟m interested in renting office space in the Pulomas area. Mr. Budi : What is your line of business? Steve Martin : General supplies. Mr. Budi : May I have the name of the company, please? Steve Martin : Yes. PT. KENCANA INDAH. Mr. Budi : Can I have your name too, please? Steve Martin : Steve Martin. Mr. Budi : S-T-E-V-E M-A-R-T-I-N? And your telephone number? Steve Martin : That‟s right. 4393195. Mr. Budi : 4893195? Okay. I‟ll pass this information to Mr. Handoko who will help you. Can we call you back in an hour? Steve Martin : Yes, certainly. Mr. Budi : Thank you. Goodbye. Steve Martin : Goodbye.
II. Telephone Conversation Situation : Mr. Brown adalah Direktur PT. ADHI INSURANCE COMPANY. Dia ingin berbicara dengan Mr. Anton Direktur PT. JAYAKARTA, untuk menegaskan persetujuan tentang asuransi karyawan yang mereka telah diskusikan bulan yang lalu. Untuk mengatur persetujuan itu, Mr. Brown menyuruh sekretarisnya, Tuti, menghubungi Mr. Anton di kantornya melalui telepon. Inilah percakapan mereka. Mr. Brown
Tuti, I‟d like to speak to Mr. Anton of PT. Jayakarta. Get him on the phone for me, please.
Tuti (to herself)
Certainly, Sir. What is the telephone number of Mr. Anton? Oh, here it is: five, two, seven, eight, three, one, oh.
Mr. Anton‟s Secretary
PT. Jayakarta, good morning. Can I help you?
Good morning. This is PT. Adhi Insurance Company. My director. Mr. Brown, would like to speak to Mr. Anton.
Hold the line, please. I‟ll connect you to Mr. Anton.
Mr. Anton
Anton speaking.
Good morning, Mr. Anton. Mr. Brown of PT. Adhi Insurance Company would like to speak to you. (Tuti pushes Mr. Brown's line button, and says “Mr. Anton is on the line”)
Mr. Brown
Hello, Mr. Anton. Brown here. I‟d like to ask you about the labor insurance, that we discussed at PT. Jayakarta last month.
Mr. Anton
Oh, yes. The labor insurance.
Mr. Brown
That‟s right.
Mr. Anton
I‟ve planned a meeting with some of my assistants next Monday to discuss it. I‟ll give you a call after the meeting. Is that alright?
Mr. Brown
Yes, that‟ll be fine. I‟ll hear from you next week, then. Thank you very much, Mr. Anton.
At a Bank Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne Clerk Anne
: : : : : : : : : : :
Good morning, where can I change some money ? Over there, madam, at the Foreign Exchange Counter. What‟s the rate to day, please ? What currency, madam ? Dollars, please Are you buying or selling, madam ? I want to change dollars into rupiah We can give 6500 rupiah per dollar, madam That‟s a poor rate of exchange, isn‟t it. It lower than usual, madam. The dollar has dropped It that the official rate of exchange? Yes, it is. It will be the same in all the banks ? The reason lam asking, is that I want to change a large amount. I understand, madam Oh well never mind, I‟d like to cash these travellers cheque Very good, madam. Would you sign the cheque, please How much do you want to change, madam ? 1.000 US $, please Do you have your passport with you, madam ? Yes, here it is Could you sign the cheque, please. How would you like it ? What‟s your largest note ? 50.000 rupah, madam Well, I‟ll have to take those them Would you like some small change as well ? Yes, please, Just a few coins, may be There we are, madam Thank you.
ACCOUNTING Carol is explaining some accounting systems to Linda Carol : It‟s now time for you to deal with some accounting data, Linda. Linda : Sure. But I‟m afraid I don‟t know much about accounting Carol : Don‟t worry about it. All you need to know are simple and pratical accounting practices that a secretary should know. Linda : I learned some theory of accounting a college, such as balance sheet, income statement, changes in financial position and _ and _ accounting cycle. Carol : Good. That will be sufficient for you to perform your duty without difficulty. Today we are required by our Accounting Manager, Mr Allan Young, to type these financial statement: the balance sheet, income statement and retained earnings. Mr.Young has marked the accounts that belong to assets and those that belong to liabilities. We have to be careful not to place an account wrongly Linda : Certainly not. The amount on the left hand side must be equal to that on the right Carol : That‟s what we call accounting equation. We have got to finish everithing within thesetwo days. We expect the visit of the auditors next week to examine the company‟s annual accounts Linda : An auditor is a person who reviews or examines the financial statement of company. Right ? Carol : And after the examination, he will submit his report called the auditor‟s report, to the stockholders Linda : He will examine my petty cash as well Carol : Definitely. Make sure that your accounts are kept in order. Otherwise the auditor might accuse you of committing fraud. (Linda and Carol laugh) Now let‟s get to work.
MAKING APPOINTMENTS It is common for a visitor to make an appointment before paying a visit. Carol : Linda, as you see there are lot of visitors everyday, and I would like you from now on to take over the job. Linda : OK. I will do my best. Carol : Most visitors will make an appointment before visiting. In making entries in your appointment calendars, we must give priority to customers in the order of importance. Linda : But how do I know who is more important than whom ? Carol : You will soon learn it by experience ( A few minutes later, the office phone rings). Linda : Intercontinental. Can I help you ? Caller : Good morning. I‟m Jerry Kehoe. I‟d like to make an appointment with Mr. Black to discuss a new contract as soon as possible, what is a convennient time for Mr. Black to see me ? Linda : Let me see (Checking the appointment book). Would ten o‟clock tomorrow morning be o.k ? Mr.Kehoe : That‟ll be just all right for me. Linda : Mr. 10. oo o‟clock tomorrow morning. Mr.Kehoe : That‟s right. Thank you and good bye. Linda : Would you kindly spell your last name Mr.Kehoe : K-E-H-O-E, Karen - Edward - Henry - Otto - Edward. Linda : I‟ve got it. Thank you, sir. Mr.Kehoe : Bye Linda : Bye, sir.
RECEIVING VISITORS Mr Pike Miss Palmer Mr Pike
: : :
Miss Palmer
Mr Pike Miss Palmer
: :
Mr. Pike Visitor Miss Palmer Visitor Miss Palmer Mr. Hall Miss Palmer
: : : : : : :
Miss Palmer
Mr. Hall Miss Palmer
: :
Good morning, Miss Palmer Ah, good morning, Mr Pike. How are you ? Fine, fine. Thank you. I have an appointment with Mr Black at 11.00 this morning. Oh. yes. I‟ll call his secretary. Wait a minute. Sit down, please. Here‟s today‟s paper. Thanks. That‟s very nice of you. Hello... Carol. Mr Pike has just come for his 11.00 o‟clock appointment with Mr Black. OK. I‟ll come down at once... Hello, Mr.Pike, Mr. Black is expecting you now. Please come with me. It‟s very kind of you to escort me, Carol. (A new visitor arrives). Hello, good morning, miss Good morning, sir. What can 1 do for you ? My name‟s Harry Hall. I would like to see Mr. Black Do you have an appointment, Mr. Hall ? No. I don‟t. I come with the intention to introduce a new produc to him. Oh 1 see. I‟ll contact his secretary ... Hello Carol. A certain Mr. Hall is here and wants to introduce a new product to Mr. Black. I‟m afraid Mr. Black is fully engaged today. However, I can arrange a meeting with Mr. Nida. All right. I‟ll tell him. Mr. Hall, I‟m sorry Mr. Black is unable to see you today, but our purchasing manager. Mr. Nida can receive you now. I‟d like to see Mr. Nida all the same. Thank you. O.X. I‟ll take you to his office.
TAKING MINUTES Mr. Black has a meeting with five respresentatives from different countries. He has asked Linda to welcome the visitors and assist Carol in taking minutes. Dialoque Mr. Halim Linda Mr. Halim Linda
: : : :
Mr. Halim Linda
: :
Mr. Tan Mr. Halim Mr. Tan Vices Linda
: : : : :
Hm__ hm. Excuse me O__ Good morning, sir. Can I help you ? Oh, yes. My name is Robert Halim Ah, I remember, Mr. Halim from Jakarta. We met a few months ago, didn‟t we ? You‟ve come for the meeting, right ? That‟s right. You have a good memory Thank you, Mr Halim. Do sit down. Welcome to our office__ Ah, here is Mr.Tan from Singapura How are you, Linda ? Ah, Mr. Halim. Good to see you again. Nice meeting you. How‟s business Not too bad. Good morning, everybody Good morning, Miss Strauss, Mr Scholten and Mr. Maison. I believe you all know one another already.
Voice of Agreement. Linda : Now would you please come with me to the conference room ? Mr. Black is expecting you all
At The Meeting Mr. Black
Carol Mr. Black Mr. Maison
: : :
Mr. Black
Mr. Tan
Mr. Black
Mr. Wilson
Mr. Tan Mr Black Miss Strauss
: : :
Well, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for attending this meeting. I think we have all members of the branches present. Mr. Halim from Jakarta, Mr. Carlos from Mexico, Miss Sttrauss from Zurich, Mr.Tan from Singapura and Mr. Maison from Sydney. I believe that Carol has already distributed the agenda of the meeting to you. Now let's begin with the first item. Carol ! The first item of the meeting is reports from the representative. Good ! Mr. Maison, will you begin, please ? Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Sales in Australia have doubled in the last two months. One problem we are facing now is late deliveries from the head office. Oh., I‟m sorry to hear it, Mr. Maison. I‟ll see to it that you get better shipping facilities. Any more problems, Mr. Maison___O.K. Let‟s proceed. Mr. Tan, will you submit your brief report ? Thanks, Mr. Chairman. Unlike the market in Australia, in Singapura we can hardly keep up with the competition from similar products with cheaper prices from Japan, which have been flooding the market. Oh, the Japanese again! I‟ll have our marketing manager, Mr. Wilson, take care of this problem. I‟ll discuss this matter with Mr. Tan after the meeting, and believe we will be able to cope with this problem I‟d appreciate it. Thank you, Mr. Wilson Let‟s do it that way, Now, Miss Strauss, please My problem is different. As you know switzerland is a rich, and very developed country. Every body wants superior quality regardless of price. I suggest that the company produces non-stock item of superior quality.
Mr. Black
Miss Strauss Mr. Black Mr. Halim
: : :
Mr. Black Mr. Halim Mr. Black Mr. Carlos
: : : :
Mr. Black
That‟s very interesting indeed. I think we can arrange it. Let us know later the specific demand of your customers. You‟ll be informed about the details. Thank you. Miss Strauss. Mr. Halim, would you like to proceed, please ? The only problem we have is a shortage of publicity materials for sales campaign. I propose that the company send us more materials as brochures, slides and the like. We will certainly comply with your request, Mr Halim. Anything else > That‟s all, Mr. Chairman. Thank you Now last but not least, Mr. Carlos report. I don't have any problem at all. our business in Mexico has been running very smoothly. I‟m glad to hear it, well, any other business to discuss ? ___ Fine. I would like to repeat my sincere thanks to all of you who have come to attend this meeting. Ladies and Gentlemen, the meeting is now over (applause from members).
I. Making Preparations for a Meeting Situation : Tuan Brov n adalah direktur salah satu perusahaan minyak di Jakarta. Dia akan mengadakan rapat rutin. Untuk itu Tuan Brown meminta Santi (sekretarisnya) untuk mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang diperlukan untuk rapat. Karena Tuan Brown akan menjemput Tuan Thomson (seorang rekannya dari Amerika) di airport, maka Tuan Brown menginstruksikan Santi mcminta Tuan Tobing, wakilnya, untuk membuka rapat terlebih dahulu. Ini adalah percakapan antara Tuan Brown dan Santi. Mr. Brown
Santi, we are going to have our regular meeting at two o‟clock tomorrow.
Yes, Sir. I have ordered the office boys to prepare the room for the meeting.
Mr. Brown
Good. Now you have to prepare all material needed.
Yes, Sir. I have prepared the agenda, note books, and other important material.
Mr. Brown
Good. I know that you would have no problems in preparing everything.
Is there anything else that you want me to arrange, Sir?
Mr. Brown
Yes, tomorrow morning, I have to meet Mr. Thomson at the airport and take him to his hotel.
What time will you go to the airport, Sir?
Mr. Brown
The plane arrives at eleven o‟clock, and 1 must be there in good tim( because this is his first visit to Indonesia.
If Mr. Thomson goes through immigration and customs smoothly I think you still have enough time to get to the office before th meeting begins, Sir.
Mr. Brown
I am afraid we will be rather late because I will first have lunch i the hotel with Mr. Thomson,
: So, if you aren‟t here at two o‟clock, what do you want us to do? If I‟m late, please ask Mr. Tobing to start the meeting first. They can read the minutes of the last meeting, and start discussing the first item on the agenda. Ask him also to explain my absence and that I will join them as soon as possible.
Santi Mr. Brown
Yes Sir, I will inform them before the meeting.
Mr. Brown
Thank you, Santi.
You're welcome, Sir.
II. Taking Notes At a Meeting Situation : Mary adalah seorang Sekretaris di Bank of America di Jakarta. Dia orang Amerika. Di kantornya ada Anita, seorang Indonesia, yang baru saja bekerja sebagai Sekretaris Junior. Mary akan mengikuti rapat untuk mencatat notulen rapat bagi atasannya, Tuan Andrew, General Manager. Oleh karena itu Mary menyuruh Anita untuk menunggu di kantor sementara Mary mengikuti rapat. Ini adalah percakapan mereka. Anita bertanya tentang cara membuat notulen. Mr. Andrew : Mary, I have a manager‟s meeting at two o‟clock. I want you to be (In his office) there with me to take the minutes. Tell Anita to take care of the office while we are at the meeting. Mary : Yes, Sir.
Mr. Andrew
If there is a call for me, tell her to take the message.
Mary (In her office)
Yes, Sir. Anita, I‟m going to take the minutes at the manager‟s meeting this afternoon. So you will be in charge of our office. When there is a call for Mr. Andrew, take the message.
Take the minutes? What do you mean by that?
Anita, to take the minutes means to make notes of things discussed and the decisions made at a meeting. Afterwards, you type out the minutes. So that there is a record of what has happened at the meeting.
I see. But how do you make the notes?
You listen carefully to the things under discussion. You note down the topic or subject. Then you wait till they make a decision on the matter, and you write that down as completely as you can. If somebody brings up a point, you take that down too.
That sounds like a difficult thing to do.
Yes, it‟s very difficult when you do it for the first time. But the more often you do it, the easier it will be for you. As they say: “Practice makes perfect”.
This meeting that you have to take the minutes of, is it a big meeting?
Oh, yes, it is! All the branch managers will be there. It is what we call a formal meeting.
What‟s the difference between a formal and informal?
Well, a formal meeting is usually planned before, to be held at a certain place, on certain subjects. An informal meeting can be suddenly without any planning when there is a need to discuss something.
I see. Thank you for the explanation.
OK. Nowk I have to go to the meeting. Remember to take down any messages for Mr. Andrew or for me.
Yes, I will, Mary.
OK. I‟ll see you after the meeting,
See you.
REFERENCES Baty, W M,. and Himstreet, W C.1985. Business Communications . Principles and Methods. A. Kent Publishing Company.
Bieger, Nick and Antony Comia, 1989. Secretarial Contact. Communication Skills for Secretaries and Personal Assistants. Cambridge: University Press. Cohen, CPCM, Cary. 1988. The Professional Secretary’s Guide Book.USA: Maywood. Edwin A. 1992. English Conversation For Bank Cashiers, Kesaint Blanc Herpinus Simanjuntak. 1981. English For Receptionists, Kesaint Blanc, Lukito W. 1994. Dialog For Secretaries, Jakarta: Gramedia. Nick Brieger, Antony Cornia. 1989. Secretarial Contact, Cambridge University Press. ………..1990. ,English For Secretaries, Oxford University Peter Salim.1986. Secretarial Function, Jakarta: Modem English Press
Shirley Taylor. 1993. Communication for Business. A Practical Approach. Second Edition. Great Britain: Longman Group UK Limited.
Usulan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas
Judul Penelitian: Improving Speaking skill Using Contextual Teaching Learning for The Seventh Semester of th English Department Students of Wijaya Kusuma University in Surabaya. A.Introduction: 1. Background of study Speking skill is very important to college students as it is one of the four skills should be mastered except for reading, witing and listening. But in reality college students haven‟ mastered yet in speaking skills as they are lack of practicing. They are afraid or ashamed of making mistakes in structure even they don‟t have lots vocabularies. While teacher also never uses the variety of teaching learning techniques, such as challenging experience or practice interviewing in real world in learning. Students only read the dialogue texts and some times make conversation and never have task out side class. Realizing the reasons above, the writer would Like to improve the students‟ speaking skills using Contextual Teaching Learning as it can be used naturally in any conditions. It means that teacher can provide a variety of facilities and significance of learning. Mulyasa (2006:102) says that CTL is the learning concept focuses on the connection between the material and student‟s real life so that students can relate and apply their competence in their daily life. Students will feel the importance meaningful learning deeply toward what they have learned. Moreover, CTL has characteristics such as work together, support each other, exciting, learning with spirit, integrated learning, use a variety of sources, active students, un bored, sharing with friends, critical students and creative teachers. The learning will be meaningful if the learning activity is carried out from the learning of students‟ experience and teacher done together in situation of real experience either in daily life or in environment. That is why teaching speaking using CTL will improve students‟ motivation in learning languge because CTL gives a lot of advantages which make students have opportunities to practice either individual or groups in class or out class. 2.
Statement of Problem: Based on the background of the problem above, the problem can be formulated: 1. How can CTL improve the students‟ speaking skill for the Seventh semester
Students of UWKS 2. How can CTL be implemented for improving students „ speaking skill of English Department of UWKS?
3. The Purpose of Study: The purpose of the study is to describe 1. CTL can improve Students‟ Speaking Skills for the seventh semester Students of UWKS 2. CTL can be implemented for improving students‟ speaking skill of English Department of UWKS 4. Hipothesis: If CTL can be implemented so it can improve students „speaking skill of English Department of UWKS.
5. Significance of Study: 1. It can be used for teachers that CTL gives advantages for teaching speaking skills 2. It can be used for students that CTL can motivate them to study without difficulties as It can provide a variety of facilities of learning naturally.
Related Literature and Action Plan 1. Related Literature Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL). CTL is the learning concept focuses on the connection between the material and students real life so that students can relate and apply their competence in their daily life . Students will feel the importance of meaningful learning deeply towards what they have learned ( Mulyasa, 2006:103). CTL has three basic concepts: 1) focusing on process of students in finding out the material. It means that the process of learning is oriented to the experience process directly.,2) focusing on materials they have learned with the student‟s real life. It means that the students are demanded catch between experience learning at campus with real world so that material will be meaningful and it can be crystallized in memory so that it is difficult to forget it., 3) insisting the students to apply it in their
daily life. \It means that students don not only understand the materials but also the they have to apply it in their daily activities either at campus, work or social life. CTL has several components for implementing in class: 1) Inquiring is learning strategic done to reach competence inquired. Cycles include observation, questioning, analysis, formulate theory either individual or group. First is observation, then it is developing to understand concept/ phenomenon. In this case it develop and use critical thingking skill. 2) Questioning is a learning tool develop the students curiosity. It insists students to know something direct students to get information. It is used to evaluate the students capability in critical thinking and critically train the students to think one self. 3) Learning community is creating learning society or in groups. In this phase students can talk and share experiences with others. Students can work together with other people to create better learning than learning by one self. 4) Modelling is showing modelas asample of learning (things, teacher, other students, motivation product). Discussing ideas which they are thinking, demonstrating how the students need to learn and carried out what they want to do. 5) reflection is carrying out the reflection in the end of meeting in order that the students fell that today they are learning something. In this phase, students learn the ways of thinking about what they have learned. Analysis and responding toward events, activities, and experiences. It is taking note what they have earned and teaching having new ideas (Nurhadi, 2004:51). Speaking Skill Speaking is a skill which deserves attention every bit as much as literacy skills, in both first and second languages. Speaking skill is the ability of students in using the language used in class or in real life with different topics and situations they have learned from the process of teaching learning activities. Baker and Westrup (2005:5) say that practice during a lesson can reinforce the learning of new vocabularies, grammar or functional language. Give much students to use much time new language they are learning, give experience with different situations and topics about language they have learned Teaching Speaking The goal of teaching speaking is communicative efficiency. Students should be able to make them selves understand their current proficiencymaximally. They should try to avoid confusing in the massage due to faulty of pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary and observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation. Thus the main point in teaching speaking is the teacher has to develop the students speaking ablity by giving them much time to practice it. Teacher should give appropriate activities to the students in order reach the goal of teaching learning process. In this case speaking is taught the students as the center of learning process and the teacher as facilitator and she provides a variety of techniques for improving the students‟ ability and motivation in speaking class. Harmer (2003: 52) states that clearly a major factor in the continuance of a students‟ motivation is the teacher.
Students usually prefer to keep silent in the classroom rather tan actively involves in the lesson. In relation with those factors above, it needs the teachers‟ creativity in making the teaching learning process runs well and enjoyable. The teacher has to motivate the students in case of communication during the lesson. Bailey (2005:37) states that in teaching speaking , teacher should provide something for learners to talk about. It can be said that students will communicate if the teacher gives something to them. How ever, students will find the lesson easy if the teacher gives interesting material to talk about. Dornyei (2001:73) states that in making the teaching learning process run well, the teacher can pursue three main types of strategies, They are: 1) breaking the monotonous of learning, 2) making the task more interesting, 3) increasing the involvement of the students. Thus a good teaching is the teacher does not dominate the class to much in the activity, but let the students practice using the target language. The measure of a good lesson is the student activity taking place, not the performance of the teacher (Harmer, 2003:56).
2. Action plan Action plan can be used to handle learning speaking to be interestingand students are motivated and they like practicing in speaking is using CTL. It is an alternative of learning process in order that learning can be meaningful and enjoyable. There are some steps for giving action class so the learning process of CTL can be done as follows: 1. Teacher explains basic competence should be obtained by students and the advantages of learning process and the importance of materials will be learned. 2. Teacher explains the procedures of CTL 3. Students are divided into groups based on the number of students in class. 4. Teacher gives pre test to measure the basic competence of students 5. Teacher divides task to students and they have to do observation. Teacher gives observation sheet and materials will be prepared by students for presentation. 6. Teacher does ask and answer of questions dealing with the task given. 7. Studets do observation based on the task given in groups and note everythings they have found. 8. Students so discussion group from the findings based on the task has given. 9. Students submit the discussion result of groups to teacher before doing presentation in front of class. 10. Students do discussion class or disuss the findings with the group presentation in turn in front of class. 11. Each group answers every question proposesd by other groups. 12. During presentation and discussion class, teacher evaluates and notes points which are confirmed. 13. Teacher closes by giving additional points which are confirmed.
14. With the help of teacher , students can conclude the result of observation. 15. Teaher and students do reflection towards the process and learning results. 16. Teacher gives post test to measure the understanding of learning process. 17. From the process teacher can know what is the process of learning. The action plan is not only given in every meeting but also can be done more than every meeting in one cycle. After students did observation in field until they finished doing the task and producing a product as well as presenting it. C. Research Method Type of Research : The research will be designed by using Action Research Class. This research uses cycles; planning, acting, observing and reflecting. This research wll use more than one cycle until it can have maximum l reflection particularly in implementing CTL for improving students‟ speaking skill. Place, Time and Subjects: : The research activity will be done in Wijaya Kusuma University in Surabaya, Jl. Dukuh Kupang XX/V/ 54 surabaya. It will take 4 months , November until February 2013. The Subjects are Seventh Semester of English Department of UWKS in the Year of 2013/2014. The characteristic of students is they like the process of leaning with various techniques not only in class. Students will be easy getting bored if it is monotonous learning and they like the process of learning by giving them chance to exixtency of themselves by seeing their friends‟presentation. However, the students who are active in discussion only certain students, some of them are still not active and creative in learning. Preparation for Research 1. Making observation sheet 2. Preparing the learning material for observation task and discussion 3. Preparing model of learning and media of learning or making RPP in order that it is easy to understand and interesting. 4. Preparing and deciding location of learning based on the learning material. 5. Preparing for pretest and post test and making attribute for evaluation. 6. Evaluation sheet of process to see the activity, independence, competence, fluenceness and accurateness. 7. Making observation sheet to see the leaning proess activity and to know the maximum of learning CTL To see the complete data and souce .it can be seen as follows:
Data and Sources of Data: Sutopo says (2002) the sources of data include : 1) data of activity, 2) data of subjects, 3) data of documents, 4) data of location and 5) things. Table 1. Data and Sources of Data Sources of Data Data of activity
Data of Subject /informan
Data of documents
Data of location
Data Taken Data of learning process of CTL Data of students activity in CTL process Data of teacher in implementing CTL process Data of speaking skill using CTL process Data of background knowledge of students Data of students perception of \ctl process Data of teacher‟s perception of CTL process Data of Lesson Plan Data of raport (score before resecrch) Data of jurnal of students‟development from teacher class Data of Pre and Post Test Data of background of location of the process of CTL implementation
Techique of Collecting Data: Sukmadinata (2005) states there are six techniques of collecting data :1) observation, 2) questioner, 3) interview, 4) documents, 5) test, and 6) scale method, Table 2. Technique of Collecting Data and Instruments in Every Data Taken/ Measured Data Taken Data of Process CTL Data of students activity in CTL process Data of teacher‟s activity in CTL process Data of Speaking skill using CTL process Data of students task Data of background knowledge of students Data of students perception of CTL Data of teacher‟s perception of CTL Data of lesson plan Raport (score before research) Jurnal of students development of teacher class
Techique of Collecting Data Observation Observation
Instrument Obervation Check List Observation Check list
Observation Check list
List of Performance
Presentation Pre and Post Test and documents Interview
Evaluation sheet Test and documents
Interview sheet
Documents Documents Documents
Document sheet Document sheet Document sheet
Interview sheet
Procedures of Cycles Classroom action research uses 3 cycles. Kemmis and Tanggart ( 2006) we can do in cycle 1 as follows: Planning: Setting silabus and making lesson plan or scenario the interesting learning Of CTL. Preparing media of learning as model in learning and location suitable with Learning material. Making observation sheet or instrument of research for observing the process Of learning using CTL Making evaluation instrument for knowing the level of students understanding About the material and assessment of learning process. Acting and observing: Pre activities: Teacher explains competence should be reached and the Advantages and the importance of learning material. Teacher explains the procedures of CTL learning. -
Students are divided into several groups based on the number of students. Each group consists of 5 students. Each group should do observation based on the material from the teacher and teacher also gives observation sheet. Trough observation students should write all the things they have found./ met.
Teacher does question –answer about the task done by every Student. .. Main activities: In Location/ Field : Students do observation based on the task given of the Groups Students note all the things they have met in the field. Suitable with observation instrument they have decided. Before. In Class
: Students discuss the result of findings suitable with their group. And collect the result of discussion
Students do the discussion in class from the result of findings in the field suitable with material given by the teacher. There are in turn- presentation in front of class By each group. Each group answers every question given by other groups. Post activities : Teacher and students do reflection toward the process and result of the learning of that day or with the help of teacher students conclude the result of observation suitable with indicator the result of leraning. Teacher gives chance to the students to express their learning experience. Reflecting : Teacher gives scores groups of students who do discussion and presentation. Teacher also concludes the result of analysis observed of the cycle 1. From the first cycle if there is weaknesses so it can be continued to the second cycle. And with the same phase; action, observation and reflection. If the result is not maximum it will be continued to the third cycle with the same phase; action, observation and reflection.
Analysis and Reflection. Analysis used in this reserc is the use of descriptive analysis from process and the result of learning. Analysis also are taken from observation and interview. Analysis based on cycles through phases. Analysis 1 of cycle 1 the result reflected into cycle of cycle 2. While reflection done must be suitable with planning done. Resercher hopes that in implementing CTL, students are motivated in the process of learning. The follow up of the research , students can be more active and learning with CTL can be done continuously by the teacher. Schedule of Reserch. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Kegiatan Penyusunan Proposal Revisi Proposal Persiapan penelitian Penyusunan instrument Tindakan siklus1 Tindakan siklus 2 Penyusunan laporan Pengiriman laporan
Nop Des 3 4 1 2 V v V V
3 4
Jan 1 2
3 4
Feb 1 2
v V
V V v V V V
References: Bailey, M.Katleen. 2005. Practical English Language Teaching Speaking. New York: Mc Graw-Hill ESL/ EFL. Dornyei, Z. 2001. Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambrige: Cambrige Press. Harmer, Jeremy.2003. The Practice of English Teaching. Malaysia: Pearson Education Kemmist, S and Mc.Taggart. 2006. The Action Research Planner. Victoria: Deikin University. Mulyasa. 2003. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Konsep, Karakteristik, Implemensi. Bandung : Remaja Rosdaya karya. Nurhadi, Yasin, Burhan, Gerrad, Agus. 2004. Pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Penerapannya dalam KBK. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.