Language Variety Everyday people need to socialize and to express in their society, but it will not be perfect if in their self expression is not accepted or understood by others, and the communication is a way to do so. Moreover, with communication, people also learn how to understand the culture, custom and language differences. There are many varieties of language that people used in different occupations or backgrounds. It can have more than one language. Languages used in accordance with the circumstances of life development. So, it come language variation. Every social level has a different language. The higher level has more complex language. In addition, sex, age, status, and grade result as the variety of languages, those variations are influenced by the people itself that have creativities to improve the language. Furthermore, Language variety is usually influenced by three main factors such as the geographical, social factor, level or educational background. Geographical factors caused geographical dialect, while the social factors which associated with social class will caused a social dialect and educational background will cause a register. (Suwito 1983: 3) These differences made some linguist did a research of language variation such as register. There are many explanations about register from some experts. So, the writer takes some elaboration about register from several sources of books and linguists. A. The Concept of Register Register is another complicating factor in any study of language varieties. Registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupational or social groups. Surgeons, airline pilots, bank managers, sales clerks, jazz fans, and pimps employ different registers. Wardaugh (1986: 48). As Ferguson (1994: 20) says, ‘People participating in recurrent communication situations tend to develop similar vocabularies, similar features of intonation, and characteristic bits of syntax and phonology that they use in these situations.’ This kind of variety is a register. a. The Dimension of Register There are three dimensions of register such as field, mode, and tenor. 1. Field is concerned with the purpose and subject matters of communication. It is defined as “the total event, in which the text is functioning, together with the purposive activity of the speaker or writer; it thus includes the subject-matter as one element in it.” The field describes activities and processes that are happening at the time of speech. The analysis of this parameter focuses on the entire situation, e.g. when a mother talks to her child. 2. Mode refers to the means by which communication take a place, notably, by speech or writing. The function of the text in the event, including therefore both the channel taken by the language – spoken or written, extempore or prepared – and its [genre], or rhetorical mode, as narrative, didactic, persuasive and so on. This variable determines the role and function of language in a particular situation. When analyzing the mode of a text, the main question is ‘What is achieved by the use of language in this context?’ For example, a fairy tale (in written form) may have a narrative or entertaining function. A spoken conversation can be argumentative (in a discussion). 3. Tenor relates to relation between participants. Tenor describes the people that take part in an event as well as their relationships and statuses. “The tenor refers to the type 9
of role interaction, the set of relevant social relations, permanent and temporary, among the participants involved.” There might be a specific hierarchy between the interlocutors, e.g. when the head of a business talks to an employee, or they may have only a temporary relationship, e.g. when a person asks an unknown pedestrian for the time. All three variables (field, mode, tenor) taken together enable people to characterize the situational context specifically, and, thus, to recreate part of the language that is being used (Halliday 1994, 22) b. 1.
The Form of Register Word Word is an element of language both spoken and written. It is a part of sentence to express of feeling and thought that used in conversation. Example: a. Agus Imam Santoso posted a status on 16 May 2012 at 11:09pm Waaaa dapat tanda tangannya mas ndewo (Wow, I’ve got mas ndewo’s signature) b. Admirral Sakazuki commented a status on 30 April 2012 at 11:33 am Km kok ngajarin harakiri sih umm? o.O, kamuh ngestinoh berats yachh.” (Uum, why did you teach suicide? You’re very uncertain) 1. Ndewo is the word which often used to comment on something great when someone posting pictures or words that are inspiring. 2. Ngestinoh is an expression to show uncertain statement or something absurd. 2.
Blend Blending is the process of combining two or more words by removing certain parts of the word. Example: a. Sigied Himawan posted a status : Ingat ganteng ingat rustam. salam megakill. mari kita eratkan ukhuwah rustamiyah dgn main dotA. (When you are remember a handsome person, remember Rustam). In this case Rustam can be define as Kurus Tampan (slim and handsome)
1. 4.
b. Pak Faisal commented on a status Saya agak sedikit beda pendapat dengan Sigied Himawan yang di tahun 2009 duta dan dumay ga ada bedanya. (I have a little bit different opinion with Sigied Himawan. There was no difference between cyber world and real word in 2009). In this content ‘Dumay’ stands for dunia maya (cyber space) and Duta stands for dunia nyata (real world) Acronym Acronym is word made up of abbreviation, but the result is pronounced as word, not a list of letter. Example: Sigied Himawan posted a status Ingat ganteng ingat rustam. salam megakill. mari kita eratkan ukhuwah rustamiyah dgn main dota. (When you are remembering a handsome person, remember rustam. Let’s tighten ukhuwah rustamiyah with playing dota) DotA refers to defense of the ancient. It is a name of online game in the internet. Abbreviation 10
Abbreviation is the process of shortened form of a word or phrase. example: a. Sigied Himawan posted a status on 24 June 10:06 am Jadilah TKI yaitu TENAGA KERJA INSPIRATIONAL, be inspire to inspired, expert not expired.” (Be TKI, Tenaga Kerja inspirational, be inspire to inspired, expert not expired) b. Doelz El Bacemy on posted a status on 13 June 2012 at 19:55 Wadhuhhh.... g bisa ikutan acara NM-NP nih..... hiks.... hiks... semoga ada yang merekamnya. (It’s a pity I cannot join the NM and NP event. May someone have record it) 1. NM stands for Ninja Muslim 2. NP stands for Ninja Preneur Clipped Clipped In linguistics, clipping is the word formation process which consists in the reduction of a word to one of its parts (Marchand: 1969). Clipping is also known as truncation or shortening. D'Zulkarnain Carnot commented status on July 16 at 11:19am gur koyo og bro...ra popo,,haa. (Just almost similar bro, never mind, it doesn’t matter) D'Zulkarnain Carnot used Javanese language to commented. In Bahasa it can be interpret “Hanya mirip Kak, nggak apa-apa” Bro stands for brother.
Code mixing Code mixing occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance (Wardhaugh, 1986: 103).Code mixing is a mixing of two codes or languages, without change the topic. Code mixing often occurs within one sentence, one element is spoken in language A and the rest in language B. In addition, code mixing is found mainly in informal interactions. In formal situation, the speaker tends to mix it because there is no exact idiom in that language, so it is necessary to use words or idioms from other language. (Nababan, 1993:32) Example: a. Janoko Wibisono posted a status used Indonesian and Javanese language mixing on 21 June 2012 01:14 pm Ninja dan preneur yg blm sukses boleh pake profil racetho...ha ha ha. (The ninja and preneur who haven’t achieve success are allowed to used the absurd profile. 1. Racetho is Javanese language. It means dismay or uncertain. 7. Code Switching Code-switching is defined as the alternation of two languages within a single discourse, sentence, or constituent. Intersentential alternations occur when the switch is made across sentence boundaries (Grosjean, 1982; Torres, 1989) Example: a. Sigied Himawan posted a status on 3 July 2012 02:45pm If you want to reach the top- find a mentor who lives up there. artinya kalo ingin berada di puncak ya harus munggah .(If you want to reach the top find a mentor who lives up there it means you should up to reach the top) In this case Sigied Himawan was used Bahasa and Javanese to define. 11
1. Artinya kalo ingin berada di puncak ya harus= Bahasa 2. Munggah (up) = Javanese PLEASE FIND THE FIELD, MODE AND TENOR AND THE FORMS OF REGISTER MAMPUS LOE BOS GW KERJAIN. LOE KIRA PEKERJA IT SUPERMAN APA? WKKWKWKWK :d Today 12:08 http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/53140e351bcb1786438b45a1/mampus-loe-bos-gw-kerjainloe-kira-pekerja-it-superman-apa-wkkwkwkwk-d/ Gini gan gw kan di kantor kerja dibagian IT, dan sudah pasti ane bakal dituntut sebagai DEWA IT kalo ada brg2 elektronik yg rusak kyk printer, ac atau remotenya gw yg dipanggil gan. Listrik matipun gw yg disuruh benerin wkwkwk ANYING Misalnya gw ga berhasil ngebenerin pasti ada yg nyeletuk gini " Masa orang IT ga bisa sih" Dalem hati gw "** SENSOR ** gw gibeng juga lu!!!" Suatu saat gw disuruh benerin mouse pny bos. Bos : nanti ke ruangan saya ya tolong benerin mouse saya. Gw : Iya bos (Dalem hati busett mouse doang masa harus gw) Bos gw orgnya udah tua gan, kalo gw lihat sih orgnya agak gaptek. Karena gw dah kesel dan enek harus nyelesein hal-hal kyk gini. Insting jahat gw keluar deh. Gw kerjain ah.. Langsung deh gw pergi ke ruangan bos sambil bawa laptop gw. bener tebakan gw tu mouse emg udah mokad alias coid cz di laptop gw jg ga bisa jalan. dari sini gw mulai kerjain tu bos gw. Ane jawab aja ke bos dengan ISTILAH IT yang bos gw gk ngerti (bhs inggris tingkat dewa gt) gw keluarin deh ilmu pembohong IT tingkat DEWA Gw : [lagi ngotak-ngatik mouse] Bos : gimana bisa gak.. Gw : tar bos saya cek dulu lewat CMD (command prompt huahahaha) disini gw ketik aja perintah dos yang gw tau, Dan akhirnya muncul tulisan-tulisan yang banyak banget... Bos gw pelototin komputer (Dalam hati bos: "Anying dewa bgt karyawan gw nih") HAHAHAHAHAH Gw : waduh invalid (padahal gak ada hubungannya ) Bos : apaan tuh invalid Gw : ini bos mouse nya tiba-tiba di blok karena perintah user (pake lagi istilah user, mungkin bos gw tau kali yak tp bodo amat ) Gw : bos tadi ngapain aja ya.. Bos : nggak kok, cuma ngetik-ngetik doank Gw : bos td tekan shift gak? Bos : maksudnya? Gw : hahaha (nada ngejek) tombol ini bos Bos : iya tadi Gw : berapa kali bos : Aduh lupa Gw : Sering ga tapi? Bos : Lupa,emg apa hubungannya? (terus gw tunjukkin dah dan teken tombol shift berkali-kali sampe muncul notifikasi sticky keys) 12
Gw : ini bos akibatnya kalo mencet shift cepet-cepet, mouse nya jadi invalid (boong lagi) wkwkwk Bos : terus gimana? Gw : Begini bos klik mycomputer klik kanan properties, terus utak-atik (klik sana sini, ok sana sini, enter sana sini) Gw : udah bos beres, untuk yang tombol shift dah ane verified unblock (apaan tuh.. ) wkwkkwkwk Bos : Biar kenapa ya? Gw : Ya supaya gak masalah kalo tekan tombol shift, unlimited push button (boong terus nih gw) wkwkwkkwwk Gw : Nah sekarang kita cek mouse nya lagi, tombol tadi bisa ngerusak driver mouse bos... Gw otak-atik lagi di cmd.. terus exit Gw colokin lagi n tetep gak bisa, (Bos gw pelototin gw sambil geleng-geleng gan) Gw : bos tar saya coba di komputer lain dulu bos : Cepet ya mau saya pake soalnya. Gw : tenang bos gak sampe tiga dua perlima menit (biar nyahok ngitung berapa detik tuh Dan akhirnya gw pergi gan sambil bawa mouse nya. Ane keruangan gw dan maenan flappybird. tu mouse ga gw apa2in (Org dah rusak mau diapain lg) wkwkwkk 10 menit kemudian gw keruangan bos lg. Gw : bos dikomputer lain bisa bos, waduh mesti reinstal komputer bos Bos : reinstal apaan lagi tuh? Gw : reinstal, instal ulang bos Bos : ya udah, kerjain sono masa mouse doang harus install ulang OS gan Gw : tapi data2 bos bisa ilang kalo gak di backup (gw selalu pake istilah yang menyusahkan) bos : backup (bingung tapi pasti malu nanya terus).. Lama ga? ente : 1 jam bos Bos : ya udah kerjain ya Gw ; bos saya ambil OS windows dulu ya (istilah lagi ) bos : ya.. sana dan gw balik lagi keruangan bos Gw: ditinggal aja gpp bos Bos : Yaudah saya makan siang dulu ya Gw : Iya bos Padahal gw diruangan bos 1 jam cm internetan gan maen FB ama Kaskus akhirnya bos datang gan Bos : Gimana udah bs? Gw : Ooo gini bos, ternyata td ada virus di komputer bos yg ngerusak driver mouse nya. Emg merk mouse ini rentan kena virus .. Mousenya ga bs dipake lg. rusak nih bos Bos : Masa? Yaudah beli mouse yg baru aja brp harganya yg anti virus ... (mouse anti virus gan kata dia) wkwkkwkw Gw : Yg mahal ada juga bos harga 900ribu Bos : Yaudah besok beli aja yg itu yg mahal biar awet .. Gw : Oke bos Ane dikasih 900rb buat beli mouse gan yaudah ane beliin aja mouse buat gamer gan yg mahal + ada tombol-tombol tambahan gan .. ane aja ga ngerti guna tombol tambahan itu tp bodo amat ngakak lg gw gan HAHAHAHHAH Esok harinya gw kasih tu mouse ke bos .. 13
Gw : ini bos mousenya Bos : Bentuknya bagus jg ya .. ini tombol apa ya sambil nunjuk tombol2 aneh gan .. gw : Itu bs buat maen Game jg pak .. Bos : wuihh keren .. yaudah makasih ya Gw : iya bos sama sama.. Sekian gan cerita ngerjain Bos gw