Atas undangan Prosidon Ropublik Indonosia, Dr.Ir.Sukarno, Prosidcn Dowan Nogara Ropublik Rakjat Rumanla.Ghoorgho Ghoor~hiu-Doj borsama-sama dongan Ion Gho~rgho Mauror, Kotua Dowan Montori-Montori dan ditomani oloh Cornoliu Manoscu, Montori Luar No~ori dan Pomboaar-Pombosar tinggi lainnja mongadakan kundjungan kono&araan ko Ropublik Indonosia dari tanggal 1 sampai 12 Oktobor 1962. Ini adalah morupakan kundjungan balasan dari pordjalanan muhlbbah jang dilakukan oloh Prosidon Sukarno ko Rumania dalam tahun 1960 dan 1961. Solama borkundjung ko Indonosia itu, Prosidon Dowan Noeara, Ghoorgho Ghoorghiu-Doj dan Kotua Dowan Montori-Montori, Ion Ghoorgho Mauror dan pombcsar-pcmbosar tinggi lainnja mongundjungi ibu kota Indonosia, Djakarta, Projok sorba guna Djatiluhur, kota Bogor dongan Kobun Rajanja jang tormasjhur, kota Bandung, Jokjakarta, ibu kota Ropublik Indonosia dalam waktu pordjuangan jang dilantjarkan torhadap kolonialismo Bolanda untuk montjapai komordokaan Indonosia, dan pulau Bali jang indah pormai itu. Di Djakarta Kotua Dowan Noeara dari Ropublik Rakjat Rumania tolah bcrpidato dihadapan D.P.R.-E.R. dan djuga mombori kuliah pada Univorsitas Indonosia. Para tamu dari Rumania itu tolah monghadiri upatjara-upatjara porajaan Harl Angkatan Borsondjata. Di Jokjakarta kodua Prosidon tolah borpidato didalam rapat raksaaa untuk diabdikan kopada pcrsahabatan antara Indonosia dan Rumania dan tolah mondapat sambutan hangat sokali dar-1 para hadirin. - Somontara -
sementa.ra mengundjungi projek-projek sosia.l-ekonomi, bnnguna.n-bnnguna.n ilminh dnn kesenian, tempnt-tempnt kebudnja.nn dnn kerndjinrin, pnrn tnmu ngung da.ri Ruma.nin telcJi berkesempatrin untu1c berkennlan lebih deka.t dengnn rrJcjnt Indonesia. rndjin bekerdjn .dnn penuh kemnmpuan menghnrgni setinggi-tingginja. usahn-usnha. da.n ha.sil-ha.sil merekn perdjunngnn jang telnh dila.kuknn . diba.wnh -. pimpinr~n Presiden suka.rno demi untuk penjempurna.r1n- ke.!"' . merdeka.a.n truirJi-nir mereka., untuk kema.djua.n dnn kesedjo.htera.a.n Indonesia.. Ketun Dewan Negara., Ketua. Dewa.n Menteri da.n para. la.innja. da.ri Ruma.nia. telnh disrunbut kedntnnga.n mereka. oleh ra.kja.t Indonesia. dengan penuh sema.nga.t; denga.n demikirin menundjukknn pera.sna.n da.n simpa.ti mereka ra.kja.t Ruma.nia.. Dnlrun kundjunga.n tersebut para. pemimpin da.ri Republik Indonesia. da.n Republik Rnkja.t Ruma.nia. tela.h menga.da.ka.n pemb 1 t ja.ra.nn-pembi t j a.ra.a.n jnng diha.dliri oleh : fihrik Indonesia : Dr. SUka.rno Presiden da.n Menteri Republik Indonesia ; . DI". J. Le imena ~ Wnkil I Menter! Pertama. ; Dr. Suban.drio Wa.kil II Menter! Pertruna, Menteri Lua.r Negeri da.n Hubunga.n Ekonomi Luar Negeri ; \ Cha.erul Saleh Wr1kil Menteri Pertnma., Ment.e ri Perindustricm Dnsa.r dnn ; 11 Suprc~jog1 Wnkil Menteri PertCtDJ.n Bidang Produksi, Menteri Pekerdja.nn Umum da.n Tenaga. ; da.n Sukrisno Du tr1 Besa.r Republik Ind.oneaia. untuk Republik Rakjat Rumanio.. D1f 1hak Jtuma.nia. : Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej Ion Gheorghe Maurer Corneliu Ma.neacu Valentin Steriopol
Ketua Dewan Negara dc'1'1 Republik RCtkja. t Rumrurl.a. j Ketua. Dewan Menteri ; Menteri Luar Negeri ; Wakil Menter! Perdaganga.n Lua.r Negeri ; dcin Du ta. Besa.r Republik Ra.k_jnt Ruma.nia. untuk Indonesia. - Dal Cllll
- halama.n tiga -
Dalam pombitjaraan jang borlangsung dalam suaaana porsahabatan jang tulua dan ponuh saling pongortian, kodua bolah fihak tolah bortukar f ikiran tontang boborapa masalah ponting dalam situasi intornasional - ada waktu sokarang, tontang kopontingan• kopcntingan kodua nogara dan tontang hubungan antara Ropublik Indonesia dongan Ropublik Rakjat Ru.mania. Pomorintah Rcpublik Indonosia dan Pomorintah Ropublik Rakjat ' Rum.ania monjatakan kcjakinan moroka torhadap prinaip~prinsip hidup , I bordampingan sotjara sobagai satu-satunja dasar jang topat dan njata untuk hubungan antara nogara jang mcmpun j a1 sistim social jang borlainan. Kodua pomorintah monogaskan tokad mcroka untuk momporluaa usaha-usaha moroka koarah ponjolosaian sogala maaalah intornasional dongan djalan porundingan da.mai 8obagai suatu sumbangan untuk morodakan kotogangan~kotogangan 1ntornasional dan mondjamin pordamaian dunia jang kokal. Kodua bolah fihak monjatakan dukungan morcka torhadap prinsip-prin ip jang dilotakkan dalam. Konporonsi Bandung antara Nogara-Nogara Asia-Afrika pada tahun 1955 dan monjatakan harapan moroka agar Konporonsi Asia-Afrika I I sogora diadakan.
Pomimpin-pcmimpin Nogara Indonesia dan Rumania momandang bahwa portukaran kundjungan-kundjungan dan hubungan pribadi antara nogarawan-nogarawan momainkan poranan ponting u..~tuk tcrtjapainja saling pongcrtian jang lobih balk dan momporluaa kordjasama antara nogara-nogara. Prosidon Dowan Nogara Ropublik Rakj t Rumania monjatakan ponghargaan j ang tlnggi dari pimplnan Nogara Rl.Unania kopada sumbangan jang borarti dari Prcsiden Sukarno dan Pomorintah Ropubllk Indonesia dalam pordjuangan untuk pomoliharaan pordamaian, pororatan hubungan antara bangsa-bangsa dnn porkombang n kordjasama intornasional. Politik luar nogori bobas dan aktip dRn hidup berdam.pingan sotjara damai jang dilakukan oloh Ropublik Indonosia morupakan swnbangan ponting untuk kopontingan-kcpcntingan momadjukan pordamaian di Asia Tonggara dan diaoluruh dunia. SobaliknJa -
Dulo.m hal ini, merek" menek nk~n perlunja mentjipt~kan d6er"h bebns nuklir diberb~g&i dneruh diduni~, menolak penjebar"n sendj~ta-sendj~ta nuklir, memperdju~ngkan peni::whir n penggunn. nnj d"n pen"rika.n mundur p"'ngko.l np~ngk"lan militer d~ri wilaj h-wilujG.h neg~ru sing.
tnj d~eruh-dner h perdnm. io.n dGn bertet~~ga b~ik dimana rakjo.t-rGkj&t nkan bekerdjas~m dal'1lll su~sana kepertjGj"&n d~n ke~nnnn -k~n membnwa penguruh j ng bo.ik kepndn seluruh aitu~si internasion~l. Terd~p
Dnlam hubung~n ini Pemerintri.h Republik Indonesia menghnrgui inisiatip ju~ di~bil dun aumbnngnn jnng diberik n oleh Pemerinto.h Rum.uni~ dnlo.m mentjiptaknn suatu duernh dr..m"i dun persnhabnt~n di neiara2 Bnlk~n dr.n Lnutun Adri~tic. Kedua Pemerint~ meiliutuk imperi~lisme dun kolonialisme dulnm se~nla bentuknja, term~suk neo-kolonialisme, dQn berdjundji me!liernhk~n segri.ln dnja upnjn Ci.iur resolusi Sidnng P.B.B. tertanggri.l 14 Desember tnhun 1960 bisc terlnksnna dengnn segern, ~ jung bernrti mengnchiri kolonialisme untuk kepentingun perdrtllluiGn dun kem~dju~n kemnnusitu1n. Kedu~
piho.k menjntri.knn sokongri.n merek sepenuhnjn atri.s kebennrnn perdjunngnn bo.ngso.-bnngsc- jnng didjo.djnh dGn tidnk merdek~ jnng mnsih melukukun perdju ngan untuk kebebusGn d~n kemerdekn~n nnsionc-1 merekn. Setelah perdju~ngnn pengembri.linn Irian Barnt kedo.lrun wilnjuh kekuas~nn Republik Indonesi~ sek~rung mendekati penjeles iannjr. jnng iemiln~ mnkn Presiden Republik Indonesiu menj~tnknn rusu ter1m kas1h Pemer1ntnhnjn kep~dn Pemerintnh Republik RGkj~t Rumanin ~tns segnln soko~an jung tegns jang telrill diberikcnnja kep~d tuntutnn adil Indonesin untuk membebnsknn sebngian duri dnerahnj~ jr.:ng t~k dnpat dipisnh-pisnhknn. Dnlrun menjntnkun pernsaun simpati serta solidnritet oleh bcngsa Rumnniu kepndn bangs~ Indonesia, pemimpin2 negnra
- halnman ennm -
Rumania menjamcut dengnn puns penjelesainn jung gemilcl.Ilg dnn pelnksnnnan dnri padn persetudjunn mengenni Irinn Bnrat, dnn berkejnkinnn, bri.hwn perdjuangan untuk membebasknn dnernh Indonesia ini cJcnn bernchir de~an sur\tu kemennngan jnng sempurnn dan dengnn pengembalinnnjn kepndn tnnnh nsnlnjn. Kedun Pemerintnh men:ijntaknn bnhwn kekuntan2 sosinl jang mnsih berdjuang melnwnn kolonialisme dan imperlnlisme dewnsn ini jnitu kekuntnn perdnmninn dnn kemadjunn jang dincllllnkan oleh pihnk Indonesia, •the new emerging forces" telnh memninkun pernnnn jnng penting dnlnm perhubungnn2 internnsional. Untuk perdamninn di Eropn dnn seluruh dunin hn.ruslnh diadnkrl.Il peleburnn sisn2 Dunin Kedua. Dnlrun hnl ini kedun Pemerintnh berpendapnt, buhwa socu Djermnn semestinjn diselesnikclll melnlui perundingan dengnn Kedua pihnk mengc1.0ggnp tertjnpninjn suatu perdjnndjinn perdnmnian dengnn Djermo.n perlu dnn mendesnk, dan bci.hwn berdasnrkan ini, sool Berlin Barnt hendnknjn diselesnikc~ setjnrn dc~ai dengnn mendjadikc~ Berlin Bnrc~t suatu kotn jang bebns, netrnl, dan didem111ter1sir dun dergnn didjaminnjn hak setinp orang untuk memnsukinjn. Dnlam pndn itu kedua Pemerintnh menjntnkan hnrapun agar dengnn tjara demikinn dnn dengan usnhc\-usnhn dnmai · jong serupn, rnkjnt Djernrin lnmbnt-lnun ciknn mentjapni tudjuannchir merekn jakni: untuk bersntu kembali. Pemerintnh Indonesin dnn Pemerintah Rumnnia berpendapnt, bci.hwa untuk dapat msidjalnnkan tugnsnjn de:r.gnn sebniknjn dnlc\Ill pemetjaha.n sonl2 duniu mci.ka P.B.B. selxi.rusnjn disesuniknn dengnn imbnngan kekuntl:"\n dunia pada dewasa ini.
- Kedun pihnk I
- h:1lrun£1.n tucl juh
Kedun pihnk mene~nskan, ba.hwn ngur P.B.B. d~pnt mendjnlnnkan tugnsnj~ dengun wadjnr d~n untuk memperku~t n~m~-b~ik sertn kewibaw~~nnjn, Republik Rnkjnt Tiongkok sewad jctrnjn mendrtpa. t kembr1li tempct t jnng srth drtlCl.Dl org"nisnsi ini. Kedua Pemerintnh berpendiria.n, bahw~ bnnis" Cubr., sebng~imnnn pul setiap ne a a.r~ jn~ berdnulnt, mempunjui hck sepenuhnjn untuk menentuk~n nrnh tudjuan hidupnja sendiri berdnsnrknn kejnkinnn merekn sendiri tanpn ikuttjnmpur ~tau mendnpnt rintcngnn atnu dinntjQm bnh~jn dnl~m bentuk da.ri pihnk a.sing. Bnik Pemerintnh Indonesia mnupun Pemerintnh Rumanin meneknnknn pentingnju perkembnngnn kerdjn srilllu ekonomi dnn penukrirnn perdngungnn internnsiona.l tnnpa mendnpnt suntu gnnggunn untuk mennmbnh mndjunjn ekonomi dun kemnkmurnn bangs~ untuk kepentingnn perdrillluinn. Kedun Pemerintnh mendukung diaduknnnjn konperensi perdugnngnn dunin untuk memperbintjnngk~n personlnn mendiriknn sua.tu orgnnisnsi perdngnngan internasional jung meliputi semu wilnjnh dun negnrn2 didunin tr.npn ndnnju diskriminnsi.
pihuk menjambut dengnn rnsn puns, bnhw" dalam tahun-tuhun bel k~ngnn ini hubungnn untnr~ Republik Indonesir. dun Republik R~kjnt Rum~ni~ berkembnng dengan baiknj"". Kedu~
I .1
Dctlum "Protokol Tentnng Penjelenggnrn::m drln Perkembnnonn L~ndJutnn dnri Kerdjn-Snma Ekonomi dnn Teknik nnt"r~ Republik Indonesin dun Repuclik Rnkjnt Rumani~" jnng ditnndntnngnni hurl ini, kedun Presiden : memperh~tiknn dengnn puas bnhw~ prinsip-prinsip dun keputusnn-keputus~n jnng tertern dnlnm Protokol jnng ditnndltnng&ni di Buknrest pad~ tnnggnl 5 Djuni 1961, sudrlh berc.dct drtlrim tr.rnf pelr.ksnnncln dcm 'CcthWc Pnni tya. Bersa.nm Tetnp Pemerintc~ Indonesi'4-Rumrlnic. tel~.h mentjrtpcd persetudjunn tentnng pengirimnn oleh Rumnnin nt~s dns~r kredit : rentjnn~2, mesin-mesin, perlengknpnn dnn djugn
- --- p_e_m_c_e_r..1..a...n~-
hulam~n -
pemberinn b ntuan teknik berhubun£ dengan pemberinn bantuan kepudu Republik Indonesia dalum pelilks~n~un usuhn - useiha projek - projek, sebag~i berikut : sebur.h penjo.ringo.n minjak dengan dajo. produksi 1 . 500 . 000 ton se - tuhun , rehnbilitasi dun bebernpo. sumberaumber minj~k di -Djnw~, pengiriman 2 . 100 erboili2 keretn Api do.n gerbong - gerbong minjnk dnn djug perleng k~po.n -perlengknpo.n . Mempertimtnnglrnn Cld'lnjrl kemungkino.n2 br\ru untuk kerdjlA srl.llla ekonomi dun teknik nntnrc keduu negaro. , menudju kepndo. penggunaan j~ng bermunfa~t drri sumber-sumber r\ Indonesi termnsuk minjo.k, barum-criha.n gr\lic\n dcm sumber - sumber o.lo.m jnng sjnrat - sjarut so.lin& men~untungknn do.n sjaro.t-sjo.rat b~gi -hasil (production- sho.ring). terdorong oleh keingin~n untuk memperluo.s dun memperi1~t perhubungo.n ekonomi o.ntnru kedua. , menuio.skan kepo.da P"nity~ Teto.p Pemerinto.h Indonesia d~n Rumo.nio. untuk merentjo.nak~n dalo.m Sidcng j~ng o.ko.n do.tang suntu persetudju~n kerdjQ - srmo. ekonomi dnn teknik kedu nego.rr berhubung dengo.n projek- projek tersebut dio.tas do.n djuaQ untuk mempelndjuri dun merentjnnako.n usul - usul untuk penjelenggnrunn tj~rn - tjnr bnru dun projek- projek kerdj - snmu dilap~ngrn ekonomi dun teknik . Den~rn
tudjunn untuk memperluas dun mempergint perdngnng~n timb~l bnlik antnr" kedun negnrn, pnda hnri ini ditnndntnngnni djugn sebu~h persetudjunn perdogr.ngr,n dj ngkn pnndjang untuk tahun- tnhun 1963 - 1965. Presiden Dewan Negnr~ Republik Rnkjnt Rumania , Gheorihe Gheorih1u Dej telrui mengundnng Presiden Republik Indonesi" , Dr . Suknrno, untuk mengundjungi Republik · Rnkj~t Rumnnia . Undnngo.n ini telnh diterimn dengnn sennng ha.ti .
- Pemerint&.h -
- hulrunr.n sembilan -
I Pemerintcill Republik Indonesiu dan Pemerintah Republik Rnkjctt Rumrni'i menj"-trtka.n kejrkimm merekc\ bcthw"' kundjungnn Presiden Dewan Negnrn , Gheor he Gheorghiu Dej, dun Ketua. Dewan Menteri, Ion Gheorghe Maurer, sertr. PembesGr-Pembesnr l~innja., pemtitj"'ra.on-pembitja.raan j~ng diadukan dengan nkrub d~n Dokumen-dokumen jnng telnh dita.ndnta.n~nni merupuka.n ba.ntunn jnng penting untuk perkembnng~n jnng landjut duripudu hubung~n persuha.tntr.n dnn kerdju snma untnrn kedun negarr untuk kepentiDiun cungsu Indonesin dun bangsn Rum~nin dun kepentingun perdnmcda.n drtn kerdjasrtmc\ Internrtsionctl.
Presiden Republik Indonesic1.
Presiden Dewo.n NegctrCt Republik Rc1.kja. t Rum'lniu
·u Signed Signed
Gheorihe Gheorihiu-Dej. A
Oktober 1962
----At the invitation of Dr Suknrno, President of the Republic of Indonesia, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, President of the State Council of the Rumo.nian People's Republic, together with Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Chairrnr~n of the Council of Ministers and nccompunied by Corneliu Manescu, Minister of Foreign Ai'fairs C\lld other high officials, paid n state visit to the Republic of Indonesia from October l to 12, 1962. This is the response visit to those paid to by President Sukarno in 1960 rllld 1961.
During the visit to the Republic of Indonesia, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, President of the State Council and Ion Gheorghe Mnurer, Chnirrnrlll of the Council of Ministers and the other officials visited the beautiful capital of the country, Djakarta, the multi-purpose hydro-electric power project at Djatiluhur, the town of Bogor with its famous Botanical Gardens, the city of Bandung, Jogjakarta, the former capital of the Republic of Indonesia at the time of the struggle for Independence waged against Dutch colonialism, as well as the picturesque islc~nd of Bali. In Djakarta the President of the State Council of the Rumanian People's Republic, delivered a speech before the Indonesian Parlement, ns well as a lecture at the University of Indonesia. The Rumanian guests attended the ceremonies celebrating Indonesian Armed Forces Day. - In Jogjakarta the two Presidents addressed a big mass rally devoted to Indonesian Rumc111inn friendship having been enthusiastically cheered by those present.
- While -
- r~
While visiting socio-economic projects, scientific o.nd nrt es tc,blishmen ts, cul turc,l nnd CL thJ.etic sites·, the distinguished Rumnninn guests ha.d ,the opportunity of a.cqua.inting themselves better with the industrious a.nd gifted Indonesian people, to a.pprecia.te their efforts a.nd c,chievements 1n the s~ruggl·e ca.rried on under·· the leadership of President Suka.rno·, for · the consolida. tion of their country's independenc.e for the progress a.nd prosperity of Indonesic,. The President of the State Council, the Cha.irma.n of the Council of Ministers a.nd the other Ruma.nia.n guests were ac corded a. cordial welcome ..ev erywhere by the Indonesian people, . -t .h us demonstrn ting their feelings of friendship .and sympathy tow~rds the Rumnnia.n People. In the course of the visit, the Sta.te Lenders of the Indonesian Republic a.nd the Ruma.nic,n People's Re.p ublic hc,d talks attended by : On the Indonesia.n side ; President and Prime Minister of the Republic ·or Indonesia, H.E. Dr. J. Leimenn
First Deputy First Minister,
H.E. · Dr. Suba.ndrio
Second Deputy First Minister, Minis.tar of Foreign A.f'!'a.irs cind Foreign Economic Relations,
H.E. Cha.irul Sa.leh
Deputy First Minister, Minister of Ba.sic Industries ruid Mining,
H.E. Ma.jor Genera.l Supra.jogi
Deputy Firs.t Minister for Production, Minister £or Public Works a.nd Energy, a.nd
H.E. Sukrisno
Ambnssa.dor Extra.ordipa.ry and Plenipotentinry of the Republic of Indonesin to the R.P.R.
- On the ••••••
On the Rwnnninn side:
H.E. Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej
President of the Stnte Council of the Rumrinio.n People's Republic,
H.E. Ion Gheorghe Maurer
Chnirma.n of the Council of Ministers of the Rumnn itm People's Republic,
H.E. Corneliu Mo.nescu
Minister of Externa.1 Affnirs,
H.E. Vnlentin Steriopol
Deputy Minister for Foreign Trnde c,nd
H.E. Pnvel Silnrd
Ambnssndor Extrnordinnry nnd Flenipotentinty of the R.P.R. to the Republic of Indonesic,.
During these tnlks, which huve tnken plnce in a.n a.tmosphere of sincere friendship nnd full mu1u.o.l understc,nding, I the two pa.rties exchanged views on some importo.nt problems of the present interna.tionnl situation, of interest to both countries a.nd on the relations between the Republic of Indonesi l o.nd the Rumnnio.n Feople•s Republic. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Cllld the Govern1119nt of the Rwnnnicm :People's Republic reiterate their full adherence to the principles of peaceful coexistence, ns the only correct nnd renlistic bnsis for the relations between states with different social systems. Both Governments expressed their dcterminntion to step up their efforts towards the settlement of nll internntiona.l problems through penceful negotiations ns n contribution to the relaxation of internntionnl tension a.nd ensuring a. la.sting world pec,ce. The two sides huve reiterr,ted their support for the principles down in the resolutions of the Bandung Conference of Asia.n nnd Africa.n countries, held in 1955 a.nd expressed their hope thnt n second Asinn-Africnn Conference will be held soon.
- 4view that the mutual exchnnge of visits and personal contacts between Statesmen plny an importnnt role in attaining a better mutual understanding and expanding cooperation between sto.tos. 'Ihe President of the State Council of the Rumanian People's Republic hns expressed the high appreciation given by the state leadership of Rumclllia to the significant contribution of President Sukarno, rllld the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, to the struggle for the maintenance of pence, rnpproo.chments between peoples and the development of international cooperation. 'Ihe independent and active foreign policy and that of peaceful coexistence pursued by the Republic or Indonesia represent an important contribution to tho cause of promoting pence in South-East Asia o.nd throughout the world. 'Ihe President of Indonesia has expressed, in this turn, his Government's admiration at the numerous successes and rapid progress scored nf ter the end of tho Second World War by the Atmnninn people, under the able leadership of their Government, in trc,nsforming their underdevel.o p ed r,gricul turnl country into a modern industrialized state. Both Governments considered that tho fulfilment of general and complete disnrmrllllent is the most efficient means for the final elimination of the danger of war, for ensuring people's peace and security, and that, therefore, it constitutes the most pressing need in the world t-oday. 'Ihe lenders of both countries state their full support for the conclusion of a treaty on general and complete disarmament, including the banning of ntomic weapons, under severe and effective international control. General and complete disnrmcll!lent would relieve peoples of the heavy burden of military expenditures and would open up a wide scope for the development of peaceful cooperation between states, for utilisation of a part of the - funds -
------- _J
5 funds mc\de available, ns the result of the implementation of disnrmnment to accelerate the economic development of many countries of •sin, Africn and Latin America. Both parties consider that the cessation of nuclear weapon-t e sts in all medin is an urgent necessity. With respect to this, the two Governments stressed the particular importance of the proposals submitted by the neutral countries-members of the 18 Nations Committee on Disarmciment, concerning the banning of nuclear wenpen-tests which constitute n solid basis for reaching an agreement on this issue. The two Governments hold the view that, simultaneously with the working out of the Treaty on General nnd Complete Disarmament, which is the mcdn problem, it would be useful to adopt immediately certain measures aimed at the easening of international tension. In this regard, they emphc\size the importance of the cre ation of nuclear-free zones in various regions of the world, stand against the dissemination of nuclear weapons, advocate the renunciation of their use; and the withdrawal ~ military bases from foreign territories. The existence of zones of pence nnd good neighborhood, where peoples would cooperate in nn atmosphere of confidence nnd security, would exercise n positive influence upon the whole inteznntionnl situation. In this conne£tion, the Indonesian Government appreciates the initiatives nnd contribution of the Rumanian Government for the creation of a zone of pence and friendship in the region of Balkans nnd Adriatic Sen.
Both Governments condemn imperialism and coloninlism in all its manifestations, including neo-coloninlism, nnd pledge themselves to deploy efforts for the speedy nnd efficient implementation of U.N. General Assembly's Resolution of December 14 th, 1960 mennt to put nn end to colonialism everywhere in the interests of peace ani progress of humanity.
Both parties stnted their full support for the righteous struggle of colonial and dependent peoples who are still fi ghting for their freedom and national independence.
Both Governments apprecinte tha.t the social forces which at present are fighting against colonialism and imperialism, forces of pence and progress, called by the Indonesian I side "the new emerging forces", are playing an important role in international relations.
Now that the struggle for West Irinn is nearing a victorious end, the Pres(dent of the Republic of Indonesia bns expressed his Government's gratitude to the Government of the Rumanian People's Republic for the firm support it gave to Indonesin 1 s righteous claim to redeem this integral part of her territory. Expressing , the feelings of sympathy and solidarity nurtured by the Rumanian People towards the . Indonesian People, the Rumanian State Lenders welcome with satisfaction the successful conclusion and the implementr,tion of the agreement on West Iria.n, being convinced, c,s they have always been, thnt the struggle for the libe:rGtion of this Indonesian territory will end in a. complete victory by its reintegration into the homeland. The cause of ensuring peace in Europe and throughout the world impose the liquidation of the remnnnts of the Second World War. In this regnrd, the two Governments hold the view that the German problem must be solved through peaceful negotiations and that any succesful settlement must start with the acceptance of the fnct of the existence of two Germa.nies with their present borders. Both pnrties consider it a.s an urgent necessity thc'Lt a pence treaty with Germany be concluded~ and thnt on this basis, the West-Berlin issue be peacefully solved by transforming West-Berlin into a free, neutral, demilitari~ed city wi~h guaranteed free access to it. However both Governments expressed the hope thnt through these nnd similnr penceful erf orts the German people will gradually achieve their ultimate aim of reunion.
- 7 The Indonesian and Rumanian Governments hold the view that , in order to be able to fully accomplish its role in world affairs , the United Nations Organisation must be adjusted to the present balance of forces in the world. Both parties reemphasized that 1 in the interest of the proper functioning of the U.N. , and to strengthen its pres tige and authority , the People's J.i.epublic of China should be granted its legitimate seat in this organisation. The two Governments hold the view that the Cuban People , like any other souvereign nation , have the fullest right to direct their own destinies, based on their own conviction 1 without any foreign interference or threats in whatever form and manifestations. Both the Indonesian and the Rumanian Governments emphasize the particular importance of an unobstructed development of the international economic cooperation and trade exchanges for the promotion of economic progress and wel-f are of the Peoples, in the interest of peace. They favour the convening of a world trade conference to discuss the problem of crea t ing an international trade orga nisation to cover all the regions and countries of the world without any discrimination. The two parties welcome with satisfaction the fact that during the last years the relations between the Republic of Indo. - nesia and the Rumanian People's Republic have been develping favourably. In the " Protocol Regarding the Implementation and Further Development of Economic and Technical Co - operation between the Republic of Indonesia and the Rumanian People's Republic " signed to-day , the two Presidents :
- note -
note with sntisfnction thut the principles and decisions lrdd down in the Protocol signed in Bucht:-irest on ·June . 5, 1961, in the course of implementa.tion nnd that the Indonesian - RJ.mnnian Permr~ent Joint Government Comission reached agreement with regard to deliveries by Rumnnia on a. credit basis of designs, machinery, equipment, a.s well a.s the granting of technical assistance with n view to assisting the Republic of Indonesia. to implement the following projects : an oil refinery with a. capacity of 1,500,000 tons per year, the rehabilitation, explora. ti on rlnd exploitation of some oil" fields in JclVtl, the delivery of 2,100 and, a.s well a.a, other equipment.
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consider that new possibilities exist for economic a.nd technical co-operation between the two countries, aimed at efficient utilization of the natural resources of Indonesia. , including oil, minerals and other natural resources, on mutually beneficial terms, and on a. production-sharing basis. a.nima.ted by the desire to further extend the economic relations between the two countries, charged the Indonesirin - Rumanian Permanent Joint Government Commission with the trlsks. of drawing up a.t its next session a.n Agreement on Economic and Technical Co-operation between the - two countries, with respect to the above mentioned projects I ns well as, studying and working out proposals for the rea.liza.tion of new fonns a.nd projects of economic rind technical co-operation. With a. view to intensifying a.nd extending the two way trade between the two countries, a. long term agreement for the 1963 - 1965 was cllso signed todrly. The President of' the Sta.te Council, ·of the Rumrlninn . Feople•s Republic, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, irivited the President . of the Republic of Indonesin, Dr. Su.k clrno, to pcly a new visit to the People's Republic. The invitation has been accepted with plea.sure. The Government
-9The Govermnent of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Rumonion People•s ·Republic expressed their conviction that the visit to the Republic of Indonesia made by the President of the State Council, Gheorghe Gheorgiu-Dej, and the Ch irmon of the Council of Mini2ters, Ion Gheorghe Mourer, os well s the other Rumanian dignitcries,the cordial tolks conducted and the documents signed represent an impertont contribution to the continuous development of the relations of friendehip and cooperation between the two countries, in the interest of the Indonesian and Rum.onion peoples ond of the cause of peace and international cooperation.
President of the Republic of Indonesia,
Signed Dr. Sukarno.
Pree ident of the State Council of the .Rumanian People•s Republic,
Signed Gheorghe Gheorgiu-Dej.
Djokcrto,llth October 1962.