Konstrukční modely – příklady 1 Volley Tennis Club One can become member of the tennis club Volley by sending a letter to the club by postal mail. In the letter one has to mention one’s surname and first name, birth date, sex, telephone number, and postal mail address (street, house number, zip code, and town). Adam, the administrator of Volley, empties the mailbox daily and checks whether the information provided is complete. If not, he makes a telephone call to the sender in order to complete the data. Once a letter is complete, Adam writes an incoming mail number and the date on the letter, records the letter in the letter book, and puts it in a folder. Every Wednesday evening, Adam takes the folder to Eve, the secretary of Volley. He also takes the member register with him. If Eve decides that an applicant can become member of Volley, she stamps ‘new member’ on the letter and writes the date below it. She then hands the letter to Adam in order to add the new member to the member register. This is a book with numbered lines. Each new member is entered on a new line. The line number is the number by which the new member is referenced in the administration. Next, Eve calculates the fee that the new member has to pay for the remaining part of the calendar year. She asks Adam for the annual fee, as decided at the general assembly, which Adam has recorded on a sheet of paper in these files. Then, she asks Adam to write down the amount in the member register. If Eve does not allow an applicant to become member (e.g. because he or she is too young or because the maximum number of members has been reached), Adam will send a letter in which he explains why the applicant cannot (yet) become member of Volley. When all applications are processed, Adam takes the letters and the member register home and prepares an invoice to all new members for the payment of the first fee. He sends these invoices by postal mail. Payments have to be performed by bank transfers. As soon as a bank statement is received, Adam prints a card on which the member number, the starting date, the name, the date of birth, the sex, and the residence are mentioned. The card is sent to the new member by postal mail.
2 Pizzerie
The pizzeria Mama Mia was established in 1970 by the owner at that time, Mia, and her son Mario. In the first phase of its existence there was only a take away service. Customers could just walk in and make their whishes known at the counter or could order by telephone. In both cases they had to take away the pizzas themselves. In 1980, an important new service was introduced: one could have the pizzas delivered home. To realize this service, Mia hired students on an hourly basis, who delivered the pizzas on mopeds. That appeared to be a good decision: within a year, less than 20% of the orders were taken away by the customers themselves. Let us call the situation from 1980 on the second phase of Mama Mia. The year 1990 marks the start of the third phase, a time Mia still does not know whether to be glad or sad about. The pizzeria was bought by a global chain of pizzerias, called Domina. Mia and Mario have returned home to Italy, with the proceeds from the sale. Rumor goes that they still do not really enjoy the dolce far niente. For each of the three phases, the operational activities are described in detail below. The first phase [Customers] (announce) themselves at the counter of the pizzeria or make a telephone call. In both cases, [Mia] writes down the name of the customer, the ordered items, and the total price on an order form. On the counter lies a menu of the available pizzas and their prices. Usually, she <produces> this list every year during the holiday. In the case of an order 152 15 The Modeling Method by telephone she also notes the telephone number. Moreover, she repeats the ordered items and informs the customer about the price and the expected time that the order will be ready. If necessary, she also tells the customer about the assortment of pizzas. The order forms have a serial number and are produced in duplicate: a white and a pink copy. [Mia] (slides) the pink one through a hatch in the wall to the kitchen, where [Mario] takes care of
the pizzas. She keeps the white copy behind the counter. As soon as Mario has an order, he (slides the pizzas in boxes through the same hatch to Mia, including the pink order copy). Mia then seeks the matching white copy, (hands it together with the boxes over to the customer), and waits for <payment>. It may happen that Mario is not able to fulfill an order completely because of missing ingredients. In such a case he puts his head through the hatch and notifies Mia of the problem. He then also returns the pink copy. If the customer is present in the shop, [she] (confers) with [him or her] on what to do about it, and modifies the order. If the customer is not present, which is mostly the case for telephone orders, she (modifies the order) at her own discretion. This leads sometimes to vigorous debates in the pizzeria when the customer comes for taking away the order. Thanks to Mia’s temperament, she always comes to an (agreement) that is not disadvantageous for her. The second phase The operations in this phase are basically similar to the operations in the first phase; only the deliveries have been added. However, the big success of the new service has made it necessary that a second baker be employed. His name is Giovanni. An extra duplicate is added to the order forms; next to the white and the pink copies is a blue one. If an order has to be <delivered>, [Mia] writes down the delivery address on the order form and slides both the white and the blue copy through a hatch to the room where the students are waiting. The one whose turn it is fills in his or her name on the blue copy and puts it in a tray. He or she 2
then waits for [Mario or Giovanni] to (slide the pizzas of the order, together with the pink copy), through a hatch to the transporters’ room. Next, the student leaves with the pizzas and the pink and white copies of the order form. At the customer's address, the [student] (hands over the pizzas and the white copy), and waits for <payment>. After the customer has paid and has signed the pink copy, the student goes back to the pizzeria and hands the money and 15.3 The Coordination-Actors-Production Analysis 153 the pink copy over to Mia. The students use their own mopeds; Mia did not want the trouble of having the pizzeria own the mopeds. The third phase The takeover of Mama Mia by the Domina chain has brought a lot of changes to the pizzeria. Mia and Mario have left, and Giovanni has become branch manager. Both the inside and the outside of the building are modified so drastically that one cannot find anything that reminds to the old days of the pizzeria; it has just become one of the many Domina pizzerias. The selection as well as the prices are <determined> by the [central office]. One can choose out of 12 kinds of pizza in three sizes: 25 cm Classic Medium, 25 cm Pan Pizza Medium, and 35 cm Classic Large. The selection is printed on colorful flyers, which are given to customers and dropped at locations where one may expect gatherings of young people. Giovanni manages about ten youngsters on a part-time basis. Their function is either baker or deliverer. is not much of a job anymore; the pizzas are produced in automatic ovens. There is also no more separate kitchen and transporters’ room. The inside of the pizzeria is one open space, except for a small office for Giovanni. Everything carries the Domina logo, including the mopeds. Both the [bakers and the deliverers] (take orders) from [customers], of which over 90% are now by telephone. There is a fully automated order entry system that is integrated with other administrative functions. The address data of customers are recorded in the system, so that they can easily be retrieved if the customer’s telephone number is entered. After entering an order, stickers are automatically printed, which an employee sticks on empty boxes. These boxes are then put in a row on a rack. On the sticker are printed the ordered pizza, the order number, the total price, the name of the customer, and the delivery address. As soon as a pizza is discharged by the baking machine, one of the bakers puts it in the right box, which he or she takes from the rack. The baker then enters a record of the pizza in the automatic order system (there is a PC next to the baking machine). The boxes of the same order are kept together on a large table with infrared lamps hanging above. If an , this is (signaled) on the PC for the deliverers. One of them then takes the boxes to the customer address. On return, he or she puts the received money in the pink box, which has a slot for every deliverer. In the case of a take away order, the [deliverer] (hands the boxes over) to the waiting [customer} and collects the <payment>.
3 Hotel Sleepwell The main function of hotel Sleepwell is to rent rooms to customers. Usually, customers make a reservation in advance, either by phone or by fax, specifying the name of the (chief) guest and possibly additional guests, the date of arrival, the date of departure, and the type of the room. The main condition for responding positively to a request for reservation is the availability of a room of the specified type during the specified period. To this end the front desk maintains a so-called Room Occupation Table (ROT). It shows the number of available rooms for every room type on every date. New reservations are marked immediately on the ROT, as are cancellations of reservations made by the customers or by the hotel. Instead of reserving in advance, one can also just walk in and ask for a room, of course at the risk of no room being available. The customer and the guest need not be the same person. Regarding business reservations, it is very common that another representative of a company makes the reservation instead of the (chief) guest that is going to stay in the hotel. On the date of arrival the guest(s) check(s) in at the front desk. At that time a particular room of the requested room type is allocated (Note: you do not have to model the allocation of rooms). If a guest does not show up before 8 pm and did not notify the hotel of his or her late arrival, the reservation will be cancelled by the hotel reception. On the date of departure the guest(s) check(s) out at the front desk and pay(s) the invoice that is prepared and printed at that moment. It contains all costs that are caused by the guest(s), so the rent of the room per day as well as all other services (restaurant, bar, sauna, etc.) that have been used.
4.Knihovna Jedná se o malou autonomní veřejnou knihovnu, která má tři přepážky, a to přepážku pro půjčování knih nazývanou out-desk, přepážku pro vrácení knih nazývanou in-desk a informační přepážku. U informační přepážky je možné získat informace o otevíracích hodinách, pravidlech pro půjčování knih a členských poplatcích. Je tam také kroužkový pořadač, který obsahuje kompletní katalog knihovny tříděný podle různých hledisek (podle autorů, podle kategorií knih a podle titulů). Informační přepážka také slouží jako registrační přepážka. Kdokoli, kdo chce být registrován v knihovně, jako člen knihovny o to u registrační přepážky může požádat. Zapíše svá data potřebná pro registraci do registračního formuláře. Požadovaná data jsou: příjmení, jméno, místo pobytu, název ulice, číslo domu, směrovací číslo, pohlaví, datum narození, datum členství a roční poplatek. Standardně je roční poplatek za členství v knihovně stanoven radou knihovny. Snížený roční poplatek může být stanoven žadatelům s omezeným příjmem. V případě, že žadatel má omezený příjem, požádá radu knihovny o snížený poplatek za roční členství. V tom případě musí ještě žadatel vyplnit formulář, ve kterém specifikuje svoje příjmy a výdaje v minulém kalendářním roce. Tento formulář je připojen k žádosti o členství. Registrační formuláře týkající se standardního členství jsou denně sbírány a po zavírací hodině knihovny ukládaný do počítače a informačního systému knihovny KIS (Knihovní Informační Systém). Tento KIS automaticky tiskne členské karty a faktury pro každého člena. Faktura členského poplatku se počítá podle zbylých měsíců do konce roku plus aktuální měsíc. Např. při registraci v září, žadatel musí zaplatit 4/12 ročního poplatku. Jak členskou kartu, tak i fakturu si může žadatel o členství vyzvednout u informační přepážky následující den. Žadatel navíc dostane dopis, který ho informuje o (řádu) pravidlech knihovny. Žadatel o snížený poplatek za členství v knihovně musí vyčkat, až je písemně informován o rozhodnutí rady knihovny. Pokud rada knihovny schválí snížený poplatek za členství, je žádost o členství v knihovně postoupena dál stejným způsobem jako žádosti se standardním poplatkem. Pokud rada knihovny nevyhoví žádosti, ta se bere jako zrušená (cancel). Pokud žadatel se i přesto chce stát členem knihovny, musí napsat a předložit novou registraci se standardním členským poplatkem. Knihy, které jsou k půjčování, jsou umístěny do polic a tříděny podle kategorií. K dané knize může existovat několik kopií. (Daný knižní titul se může vyskytovat vícekrát). Každá kopie knihy je jednoznačně identifikovatelná čárovým kódem, který sestává z čísla ISBN a sériového čísla kopie knihy. Pokud si někdo chce vypůjčit knihu, vezme se ji (její kopii) z police k přepážce pro půjčování knih (desk-out). Obsluha knihovny poté oskenuje čarový kód členské karty čtenáře, stejně jako čárový kód půjčované knihy. Data automaticky vstupují do KIS. Kniha je nyní považovaná za půjčenou čtenáři knihovny. Čtenář si smí současně půjčit ne více jak pět knih. Při vracení půjčené knihy jde čtenář k přepážce pro vrácení knih (desk-in) a předá knihu obsluze přepážky. Ta oskenuje čárový kód knihy, který je automaticky dán do KIS. Na obrazovce vidí obsluha přepážky, zda byla nebo nebyla překročena výpůjční doba. Pokud byla doba výpůjčky překročena, obsluha přepážky dohlédne, aby čtenář vracející knihu zaplatil pokutu. Ta se platí hned a hotově. Teprve po zaplacení pokuty, je kniha označena v počítači jako vrácená. Pokud nebyla překročena doba výpůjčky, obsluha přepážky pouze 5
zaznamená, že kniha byla vrácena. Průběžně každou hodinu jsou pak vrácené knihy ukládány obsluhou zpět do regálů knihovny. Každý měsíc rozhodují knihovníci, které tituly budou přidány do knihovny (nakoupeny) a v kolika kopiích. Ty jsou následně objednány. Knihovníci čerpají vyčleněnou část knihovního rozpočtu na nákup knih. Objednávka knih je pak doručena dodavateli knih. Na začátku nového kalendářního roku obsluha informační přepážky zasílá všem běžným členům faktury k uhrazení poplatku za roční členství v knihovně. Poplatek může být zaplacen hotově při první návštěvě čtenáře v knihovně v novém kalendářním roce. Obsluha také rozesílá opětovné žádosti o snížený členský poplatek. K tomu je také připojeno prohlášení o příjmech a vydáních za uplynulý rok. K žádosti o snížený členský poplatek se opět jako každoročně vyjadřuje rada knihovny.