Könyvtári gyarapodási jegyzék / Accession List 2014-03-11
Atomerőművek üzemtana : Egyetemi tankönyv / Csom Gyula Bp. : Műegyetemi K. 1.köt., A reaktorfizika és -technika alapjai 2.köt., Az energetikai atomreaktorok üzemtana. 1-4.r. Lsz.: 79.734 ; 82.421 ; 82.422 ; 82.423 ; 82.424 ; 82.425 ; 82.532 ; 82.533 ; 82.534 ; 82.535 Bevezetés az elektrokémiába : Egyetemi tankönyv / Kiss László Budapest : Nemzeti Tankvk., 1997. Lsz.: 82.492 The C++ programming language / Bjarne Stroustrup. - 4.ed. Upper Saddle River [etc.] : Addison-Wesley, 2013. Lsz.: 82.473 Crystal structure refinement : A crystallographer's guide to SHELXL / Peter Müller [et al.] ; ed. by Peter Müller Oxford [etc.] : Oxford Univ.Pr., 2013. - (International Union of Crystallography texts on crystallography ; 8.) Lsz.: 82.505 Diffuse X-ray scattering and models of disorder / T.R. Welberry Oxford [etc.] : Oxford Univ.Pr., 2010. - (International Union of Crystallography monographs on crystallography ; 16.) Lsz.: 82.506 Digital image processing / Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods. - 3.ed. Upper Saddle River [etc.] : Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2010. Lsz.: 82.471 Electroanalysis at the nanoscale : Durham University, United Kingdom, 1-3 July 2013 Cambridge : Roy.Soc.Chem., 2013. - (Faraday discussions / Royal Society of Chemistry, Faraday Division, ISSN 1359-6640 ; 164.) Lsz.: 82.469 Electroanalytical methods : Guide to experiments and applications / ed. Fritz Scholz. – 2., rev.extend.ed. Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 2010. Lsz.: 82.519 Electrochemical dictionary / eds. Allen J. Bard, György Inzelt, Fritz Scholz. - 2., rev.extend.ed. Heidelberg [etc.] : Springer, 2012. Lsz.: 82.518
Könyvtári gyarapodási jegyzék / Accession List 2014-03-11
Electrochemistry in nonaqueous solutions / Kosuke Izutsu. - 2., rev.enlarg.ed. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2011. Lsz.: 82.501 Electroplating : Basic principles, processes and practice / Nasser Kanani Oxford [etc.] : Elsevier, 2008. Lsz.: 82.500 Elektrokémia / Kiss László, Láng Győző Budapest : Semmelweis K., 2011. Lsz.: 82.494 Exploring quantum mechanics : A collection of 700+ solved problems form students, lecturers, and researchers / Victor Galitski [et al.] Oxford : Oxford Univ.Pr., 2013. Lsz.: 82.499 Fémtechnológiai táblázatok : Elméleti alapismeretek, műszaki rajz, anyagismeret és anyagvizsgálat, gépelemek, gyártástechnológia, információfeldolgozás / Adolf Frischherz [et al.] [Budapest] : B+V Lap- és Kvk., 2013. Lsz.: 82.482 ; 82.483 Functional nanostructures : Processing, characterization and applications / ed. Sudipta Seal New York [etc.] : Springer, 2008. - (Nanostructure science and technology) Lsz.: 82.512 Fundamentals of electrochemistry / V.S. Bagotsky. - 2.ed. Hoboken : Wiley-Interscience, 2006. - (The Electrochemical Society series) Lsz.: 82.502 Fundamentals of photonics / Bahaa E.A. Saleh, Malvin Carl Teich. - 2.ed. Hoboken : Wiley, 2007. - (Wiley series in pure and applied optics) Lsz.: 82.503 Hegesztési zsebkönyv / szerk. Gáti József. - 2.átdolg.kiad., változatlan utánny. Miskolc : COKOM Mérnökiroda Kft., 2013. Lsz.: 82.493 Introduction to quantum mechanics / David J. Griffiths. - 2.ed., new internat.ed. Harlow : Pearson, 2014. Lsz.: 82.508
Könyvtári gyarapodási jegyzék / Accession List 2014-03-11 Lectures on quantum mechanics / Steven Weinberg Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 2013. Lsz.: 82.497 Light-matter interaction : Physics and engineering at the nanoscale / John Weiner, Frederico Nunes Oxford : Oxford Univ.Pr., 2013. Lsz.: 82.498 Low temperature plasma technology : Methods and applications / ed. by Paul K. Chu, XinPei Lu Boca Raton [etc.] : CRC Pr., 2014. Lsz.: 82.486 Mesoscopic quantum optics / by Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Atac Imamoglu New York [etc.] : Wiley-Interscience, 1999. Lsz.: 82.495 Modern trends in superconductivity and superfluidity / M.Yu. Kagan Dordrecht [etc.] : Springer, 2013. - (Lecture notes in physics, ISSN 0075-8450 ; 874.) Lsz.: 82.479 Molecular quantum mechanics / Peter Atkins, Ronald Friedman. - 5.ed. Oxford [etc.] : Oxford Univ.Pr., 2011. Lsz.: 82.496 Neutron scattering in biology : Techniques and applications / J. Fitter, T. Gutberlet, J. Katsaras Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 2006. - (Biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering, ISSN 1618-7210) Lsz.: 82.511 The numerical method of lines : Integration of partial differential equations / W.E. Schiesser San Diego [etc.] : Acad.Pr., 1991. Lsz.: 82.481 Phasing in crystallography : A modern perspective / Carmello Giacovazzo Oxford : Oxford Univ.Pr., 2014. - (International Union of Crystallography texts on crystallography ; 20.) Lsz.: 82.504 Phenomenology of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions / Wojciech Florkowski New Jersey [etc.] : World Sci., 2010. Lsz.: 82.478
Könyvtári gyarapodási jegyzék / Accession List 2014-03-11 Plasma chemistry and catalysis in gases and liquids / ed. by Vasile I. Parvulescu, Monica Magureanu, Petr Lukes Weinheim : Wiley, 2012. Lsz.: 82.487 Plasma discharge in liquid : Water treatment and applications / Yong Yang, Young I. Cho, Alexander Fridman Boca Raton [etc.] : CRC Pr., 2012. Lsz.: 82.491 Plasma medicine / Alexander Fridman, Gary Friedman Chichester : Wiley, 2013. Lsz.: 82.488 Plasma physics and engineering / Alexander Fridman, Lawrence A. Kennedy. - 2.ed. Boca Raton [etc.] : CRC Pr., 2011. Lsz.: 82.489 Plasma physics via computer simulation / C.K. Birdsall, A.B. Langdon New York : Taylor and Francis, 2005. - (Series in plasma physics) Lsz.: 82.490 Programming Windows / Charles Petzold. - 6.ed. Redmond : Microsoft Pr., 2013. Lsz.: 82.472 Quantum dynamical systems / Robert Alicki, Mark Fannes Oxford : Oxford Univ.Pr., 2009. Lsz.: 82.517 The quantum enigma : Finding the hidden key / Wolfgang Smith. - 3., rev.ed. San Rafael : Angelico Pr. : Sophia Perennis, 2011. Lsz.: 82.516 Quantum theory of magnetism : Magnetic properties of materials / Robert M. White. – 3., completely rev.ed. Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 2007. - (Springer series in solid-state sciences, ISSN 0171-1873 ; 32.) Lsz.: 82.510 Quarks and leptons : An introductory course in modern particle physics / Francis Halzen, Alan D. Martin [New York] : Wiley, 1984. Lsz.: 82.475
Könyvtári gyarapodási jegyzék / Accession List 2014-03-11 The rheology handbook : For users of rotational and oscillatory rheometers / Thomas G. Mezger. - 3.rev.ed. Hanover : Vincentz Network, 2011. - (European Coatings Tech Files) Lsz.: 82.509 Soft multihadron dynamics / W. Kittel, E.A. De Wolf New Jersey [etc.] : World Sci., 2005. Lsz.: 82.474 Software engineering / Ian Sommerville. - 9., international ed. Boston [etc.] : Pearson, 2011. Lsz.: 82.484 Solid-state NMR studies of biopolymers / eds. Ann E. McDermott, Tatyana Polenova Chichester : Wiley, 2010. - (EMR handbooks) Lsz.: 82.507 Statistical data analysis / Glen Cowan Oxford [etc.] : Clarendon, 2002. - (Oxford science publications) Lsz.: 82.477 Statistics for nuclear and particle physicists / Louis Lyons Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1992. Lsz.: 82.476 Structure determination by X-ray crystallography : Analysis by X-rays and neutrons : Celebrating the centenary of X-ray crystallography / Max Ladd, Rex Palmer. - 5.ed. New York [etc.] : Springer, 2013. Lsz.: 82.520 Systems biology : Mathematical modeling and model analysis / Andreas Kremling Boca Raton [etc.] : CRC Pr., 2014. - (Mathematical and computational biology series) Lsz.: 82.480 Ultracold quantum fields / Henk T.C. Stoof, Koos B. Gubbels, Dennis B.M. Dickerscheid Dordrecht : Springer Science+Business Media, 2009. - (Theoretical and mathematical physics, ISSN 1864-5879) Lsz.: 82.470 Wet granular matter : A truly complex fluid / Stephan Herminghaus New Jersey [etc.] : World Sci., 2013. - (Series in soft condensed matter, ISSN 1793-737X ; 6.) Lsz.: 82.485
Könyvtári gyarapodási jegyzék / Accession List 2014-03-11
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