KAJIAN ARKETIPAL LEGENDA REYOG PONOROGO Heri Suwignyo' Soedjijono Abstract: The study of Legenda Reyog Ponorogo (LRP) focuses on 3 (three) main elements of legend; they are character, situation or event, and imagination. These three elements are taken into account in archetypal interpretation. The archetypal LRP's character is a figure of a wandering knight who has several aliases, and a princess as central role. Archetypal events are wandering, meditating, being unmarried, walking through tun¬nels, and being in the state of accepting failure. LRP's archetypal imagination covers barongan imagination, with the slow moving peacock and the golden mask. These imaginations reflect the harmony between strength and beauty, and the harmony between physical appearance and psychological traits. This LRP's tragedy offers the local genius of collective consciousness of the supporting community, suggesting that: (a) a human being is born to do what is predestined to do (sadermo nglakoni), and (b) there are no contradictory dichotomies of enemy-mate, good-ugly, sad-happy, failure-success. These two opposite aspects complete each other, and fulfill each other in the harmony of binary composition. Key words: legenda reyog ponorogo, archetype, archetypal elements.
TUTURAN LAKU AMONG DALAM WACANA KELAS Heri Suwignyo Jurusan Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
Abstract: This study aims to describe and explain the laku among utterance in the classs discourse. Laku Among speech act is a natural phenomenon of language use in social and cultural among contexts. To explain the phenomena, ethnographic research was used based on the structure of classroom communication. The result of the study shows that there are three findings of using laku among utterances in the classroom, they are ing ngarsa, ing madya, tut wuri handayani in the initial, middle and final speech acts in the classroom discourse Key words: speech act initial, medial speech acts, speech actsfinal, speech,laku among Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tuturan laku among dalam wacana kelas. Tuturan laku among merupakan fenomena alamiah penggunaan bahasa dalam konteks social dan budaya among. Untuk menjelaskan itu digunakan ancangan penelitian etnografi komunikasi ruang kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya tiga temuan perwujudan tuturan laku among ing ngarsa, ing n:adva, tut wuri handayani dalam tindak tutur depan, tindak tutur tengah, dan tindak tutur belakang dalam wacana kelas. Kata-kata kunci: tindak tutur depan, tindak tutur tengah, tindak tutur belakang, :tuturan laku among
PENANAMAN BUDI PEKERTI DALAM TINDAK TUTUR GURU SEBAGAI DASAR PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SEKOLAH DASAR Heri Suwignyo Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, FS Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang Rumah: Jl. Danau Sentarum Raya Blok E5F-17 Sawojajar. Hp: 085855375979. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: This study aims to describe and explain education of character intelligence of learner in speech acts among (governence) substance. The use of the among substance in the speech act in teaching is a natural phenomenon in the context of the classroom. In effort to explain the phenomena, the research used a naturalistic qualitative research with pragmatic design. Based on data analysis there were three groups research results, ie. ineducationg learners' character intelligence, aspects of intellectual, emotional, cona¬tional embodied in cipta (creating), rasa (sensing), karsa (initiating) speech acts. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan penanaman kecerdasan budi pekerti siswa dalam tindak tutur substansi among. Penggunaan tindak tutur substansi among dalam pembelajaran merupakan fenomena alamiah dalam konteks kelas. Untuk menjelaskan itu, digunakan penelitian kualitatif naturalistik dengan ancangan pragmatik. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh tiga kelompok temuan penelitian bahwa dalam penanaman kecerdasan budi pekerti siswa aspek intelektual, emotional, dan konasional diwujudkan dalam tindak tutur cipta, rasa, dan karsa. Kata kunci: budi pekerti, tindak tutur cipta-rasa-karsa, substansi among, SD
KOMUNIKASI AMONG DALAM TINDAK TUTUR PEMBELAJARAN Heri Suwignyo Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract This study aims to describe and explain among (caring) communication represented by learning speech acts. The among communication in learning speech acts is a natural phenomenon of language use in a socio-cultural context. This was a qualitative study employing pragmatics and ethnography. Based on the data analysis, three categories of findings are obtained. First, the front speech act leads and controls the communication. Second, the middle speech act guides and encourages the communication. Third, the back speech act lets the communication be free. These represent the children's among communication in the front, the peers' among communication in the middle, and the adults' among communication in the back; they are figurative, motivating, and delegating in nature. Keywords: front-middle-back speech acts, among communication of childrenpeers-adults
TUTURAN TINDAKAN KOMUNIKATIF SUBJEK DIRI DALAM WACANA NARASI Heri Suwignyo Jurusan Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
Abstract: Putting self-autonomy of a man as the rational subject itself is an extreme while putting a dependency of rational human subject within themselves in relation to psychological, socioeconomic is the other extreme. This study aims at explaining how the main character, Minke in the narrative discourse address these two extremes. The data in this research were in the form of text units which were analyzed using Buhler semiotic model. The results of the study showed that there are three ways used by the subjects to express themselves, namely (1) symptomic way, which was expressed through the validity claims of honesty; (2) the signalic way, shown through the regulative speech using normative validity of accuracy; and (3) the symbolic way, done through the objective validity of truth claims.The findings imply that the subject's orientations in doing communicative speech acts are the achievement of self understanding and rational agreement without violence. Key words: communicative speech acts, honesty, accuracy, truth, the subject itself Abstrak: Mendudukkan `otonomi diri' manusia selaku subjek din rasional adalah sebuah ekstrem sementara meletakkan `ketidakotonoman' subjek diri rasional manusia dalam relasi-relasi psikologis, sosial-ekonomis adalah ekstrem yang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan bagaimanakah Minke tokoh utama dalam wacana narasi mengatasi dua ekstrem tersebut. Data penelitian yang berupa unit-unit teks ditelaah secara semiotik model Buhler. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa secara `simtomik' subjek diri rasional melakukan tuturan ekpresif melalui dunia subjektif dengan klaim validitas kejujuran. Secara `sinyalik' subjek diri melakukan tuturan regulatif melalui dunia nomatif bidang sosial dengan klaim validitas ketepatan. Secara `simbolik' subjek diri melakukan tuturan konstantif melalui dunia objektif dengan klaim validitas kebenaran. Orientasi tuturan tindakan komunikatif subjek diri rasional adalah pencapaian pemahaman dan kesepakatan rasional tanpa kekerasan. Kata-k.ata kunci: tuturan tindak komunikatif, kejujuran, ketepatan, kebenaran, subjek diri
[email protected] Dosen Jurusan Sastra Indonesia UM
Abstrak: Menulis karangan berdasarkan pengalaman penting dan perlu bagi siswa dan guru. Tuntutan terhadap kompetensi itu muncul di sekolah dasar, sekolah menegah pertama, dan sekolah menengah atas. Di SD kelas 5 siswa dituntut mampu menulis karangan berdasarkan pengalaman dengan memperhatikan pilihan kata dan penggunaan ejaan. Pengembangan materi pembelajaran mengarang berdasarkan pengalaman perlu diuraikan secara selaras antara jabaran subkompetensi dalam indikator, tujuan, dan materi pembelajaran. Ancangan pembelajaran kompetensi mengarang berdasarkan pengalaman, efektif dilakukan melalui proses menulis. Siswa perlu dilibatkan secara aktif-kreatif melalui kegiatan pra penulisan, penulisan draf atau karangan, perbaikan isi karangan, penyuntingan unsur mekanis karangan, dan pempubliksian karangan final. Kata kunci: menulis, karangan pengalaman, pembelajaran, menulis karangan pengalaman.
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