Ketersediaan Hara Npk Dengan Biochar Pada Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Tanaman Jagung 1)
Widowati, A.S., 2)Wani, H.U, Bambang, G., Loekito
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi 2) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Abstrak
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh biochar terhadap ketersediaan hara N,P,K pada pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman jagung. Biochar dibuat dengan pirolisis (5000C) dari pupuk kandang ayam dan sampah organik kota. Pirolisis merupakan proses thermokimia dimana biomassa dibakar dalam kondisi tanpa oksigen. Di rumah kaca, biochar diaplikasikan pada tanaman jagung varietas Bisma. Dosis biochar 50 ton/ha dan pupuk organik (pupuk kandang dan kompos) 30 ton/ha. Pupuk urea, SP36, dan KCl ditambahkan dengan dosis 135 kg N/ha, 36 kg P2O5/ha dan 110 kg K2O/ha. Perlakuan dipupuk dan tidak dipupuk N,P,K, terdiri atas kontrol (K), Pk (pupuk kandang ayam), Ks (kompos), Ba (biochar pupuk kandang), Bs (biochar sampah organik kota, Ba+Pk (biochar pupuk kandang + pupuk kandang), Bs+Pk (biochar sampah + pupuk kandang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan biochar pupuk kandang dengan dan tanpa N,P,K berpengaruh baik terhadap ketersediaan N,P,K tanah. Penurunan bahan organik tanah dari kombinasi biochar+pupuk organik < biochar < pupuk organik. Biochar-N,P,K menghasilkan biomassa mikrobia > pupuk organik-N,P,K. Produksi biomassa tanaman tidak berbeda antara biochar dan pupuk organik dengan dan tanpa N,P,K. Kata kunci: biochar pupuk kandang, biochar sampah organik kota, bahan organik tanah, biomassa mikrobia.
Availability Of N, P, K Nutrient With Biochar On Vegetative Growth Of Maize Plants Abstract Availability of n, p, k nutrient with biochar on vegetative growth of maize plants. This research aim is to study the effect of biochar on nutrient availability of N, P, K on vegetative growth of maize plants. Biochar was made by pyrolysis process (5000C) of chicken manure and urban organic waste. Pyrolysis is a thermochemical process in which the biomass was burned without oxygen. In a greenhouse, biochar was applied to Bisma varieties of corn crop. Biochar dosage was 50 tons/ha and organic fertilizer (manure and compost) was 30 tons/ha. Urea fertilizer, SP36, and KCl were added by dosage of 135 kg N/ha, 36 kg and 110 kg K2O P2O5/ha. The treatment in two sets of the same plants fertilized and not fertilized by N, P, K, consisted of control (K), Pk (chicken manure), Ks (compost), Ba (biochar manure), Bs (urban organic waste biochar, Ba + Pk (manure biochar + manure), Bs + Pk (trash biochar + manure). The results showed that biochar manure and without N, P, K did not affect to the availability of N, P, K in soil. The decrease of soil organic matter was the combination of biocar + organic fertilizer < biochar < organic fertilizer. Biochar of N, P, K resulted microbial biomass > organic fertilizer of N, P, K. The production of plant biomass was not different between biochar and organic fertilizer with and without N, P, K. Keywords: manure biochar, urban organic waste biochar, soil organic matter, microbial biomass
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