Kebijakan Nasional tentang IUPHHK Restorasi Ekosistem dalam Hutan Alam pada Hutan Produksi Listya Kusumawardhani Direktur Bina Pengembangan Hutan Alam Ditjen Bina Produksi Kehutanan
Kawasan Hutan Indonesia
Production forest, 66
Protected & conservation forest, 54
Total area of Indonesia forest is some 120 million hectares
Kawasan hutan terdiri dari 3 pokok fungsi pokok (Pasal 3)
Hutan Konservasi
Hutan Lindung
Hutan Produksi
Existing conditions Protected & conservation forest, 54%
Unlicensed, 42%
Production forest, 66
28 mil ha
Plantation f orest, 15%
10 mil ha
Natural production f orest, 42%
28 mil ha
Pemanfaatan Hutan pd Hutan Produksi PP No 6/2007 jo PP No 3/2008 pasal 31 Area utilization business (Usaha pemanfaatan kawasan):
2. 3. 4.
sustainable use of area; for medicinal plants, to use the understorey, bee, wildlife captive breeding, bird nest
Sustainable use of environmental services (Usaha Pemanfaatan jasa Lingkungan) Sustainable use of wood within natural forest (Usaha pemanfaatan HHK-HA) Sustainable use of wood within plantation forest (Usaha pemanfaatan HHK-HT)
Business licenses within production forests (cont’d) 5.
Sustainable use of NTFP within natural production forest (Usaha pemanfaatan HHBK-HA) Sustainable use of NTFP within plantation forest (Usaha pemanfaatan HHBK-HT) Sustainable use of wood within natural production forest for non commercial uses (Pemungutan HHKHA) Sustainable use of wood within plantation forest for non commercial uses (Pemungutan HHBK-HA) Sustainable use of wood within plantation forest for non commercial uses (Pemungutan HHBK-HT)
Dasar peraturan
IUPHHK diterbitkan oleh Menteri P.20/Menhut-II/2007 jo. P.12/Menhut-II/2008 Tata Cara Pemberian IUPHHK pd Hutan Produksi melalui Permohonan P.61/Menhut-II/2008 Ketentuan dan Tata Cara Pemberian IUPHHK-RE dalam HA pada HP melalui Permohonan Izin lainnya oleh Bupati/Walikota/Gub P.36/Menhut-II/2008 IUPHHBK-HA atau dalam IUPHHK-HT pada Hutan Produksi
Dasar peraturan
Peraturan Dirjen BPK No.:P.01/VI-Set/2008 Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian Proposal Teknis Permohonan IUPHHK dalam HA pada HP Peraturan Dirjen BPK No.:P.03/VI-Set/2008 Petunjuk Teknis Penilaian Proposal Teknis Permohonan IUPHHK-RE dalam HA pada HP P.15/Menhut-II/2009 ttg Pembayaran Iuran
Ecosystem Restoration 3 How to apply?
Permenhut 61/Menhut-II/2008
Who can apply?
Individuals Cooperatives State-owned enterprises (BUMN or BUMD) Private companies (PT, CV, Firma)
Ecosystem Restoration 4
Documents needed for application Copy ID (for individual) Act of company establishment, Tax Number Bank Reference saying that the company/individual has sufficient funding for ecosystem restoration Letter of agreement, that the license holder has a representative office in Province/District Technical proposal in Bahasa Indonesia (general condition of the area, company condition, business plan)
Ecosystem Restoration 5 How many applicants to date?
12 (1.003.797 hectares)
Applications still being processed
7 (670.311 hectares)
Size of concessions
14.000-200.000 hectares
Kalimantan and Sumatra
Comparison of activities between Ecosystem Restoration and natural forest logging concessions Ecosystem restoration license Protection Enrichment & maintenance Flora and fauna habitat & population rehabilitation with local species Inclusive area utilization, non-timber forest product and environmental services license Max 65 years (ext 35 years) 5 yearly evaluation IUPK, IUPJL, IUPHHBK (later IUPHHK)
Natural production forest license
Protection Replanting Harvesting Marketing Max 55 years (with extension) 5 yearly evaluation IUPK, IUPJL, IUPHHK
Linkages to forest carbon 1 Article 33 Sub (1) PP 6/2007 and PP 3/2008
Environmental services in production and protected forests include sequestration and/or carbon storage
Article 19 b
Provided as a Licence to Exploit Environmental Services Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan Jasa
Lingkungan (IUPJL)
Permenhut 36/Menhut-II/2009
Procedures for licensing of carbon sequestration and/or carbon storage
Linkages to forest carbon 2 Carbon sequestration (RAP-KARBON) related to Sustainable Production Forest Management includes: Planting and maintenance including land preparation, nursery development, harvesting and marketing in accordance with the designated silvicultural system Enrichment planting in logged-over areas
Linkages to forest carbon 3 Carbon storage (PAN-KARBON) related to Sustainable Production Forest Management includes: Lengthen cycle of cutting or delay cutting in specific areas Implementation of environmentally friendly cutting (cf. Reduced Impact Logging) Increase protection and conservation areas
Linkages to forest carbon 4 RAP-Karbon or PAN-Karbon Concession holder applies to the Minister of Forestry for permission with:
Technical proposal in Bahasa Indonesia
Ecosystem Restoration license (SK)
Challenges 1 Overlapping land claims
Mining concessions Agricultural plantations
Simplify procedures
Contoh kerjasama
Keepthe Habitat dg Inhutani I Mamuju Global Eco Rescue dengan PT Harapan Kita Utama
Thank you
Listya Kusumawardhani Director of Natural Production Forests Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia Manggala Wanabakti, Jakarta
[email protected]